WHOLE NUMBER 1264 VOLUME XI NUMBER 9. WILMINGTON, N. C.i SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1856. POETRY. BOSKKT TO 8PRIXO. Coma genial Spring, ether! al mlldnes. eome. Thomson. The Spring; baa comet the gay green Spring in her beauty bright and fair, , ' And U putting her buda ana! her bloaaoms forth In tha annoy and fragrant air ; ' - She baa banlahod the gloom from tha dark old boughs. where tha witherer'a acath was aeen ; ' And flung o'er their naked forfioa again her glittering robe - of green. , , . - . j ' - . She haa ami led on the atreema that long were bemad In the thraldom of wlnter'a chain ; . - ,: : And they dance along with a Joyoua aong In their play ... folneaa again. .j i ... : She haa bidden the flowera from their hidden bed. in tbe chambered earth ahoot n, . ... , ; -;j And poured in their open balmy breast tha incenae of her V eop, - , . '; v-'-! ,.. Ear roioe la heard on the mountain top, and the echoing vale resound . . I i-" Through the atarry nfght and the bland bright day with her thvnaanda varied eouada i " Hail beauteoua Spring, at thy lov"d approach the land with thy maaie rtnga ; I ,,' And the flooda rejoice, and the hilla are gtad, and the bird exultiag ainga. . ' . Tha earth' sad faceie ht with amllea, and the dim coU aky above , - - - I . ;.. . Looks down with a warm unclouded glance, apJ the aoft winda whlaper love. s MISCELLANY. EXTRACTS FBOH A MOIRN DICTIONARY. Steam Boat. machine invented for the express purpos' tf checking the too rapid growth of jOpullation, by scalding to death two or ihiee thousand people annu ally. . ...:-:'- . .1 ' - ' . . Debtor. A vile wretch, whose crime of unrelenting severity, by our best lawgiv ers. " " Thief. An unfortunate, whose means of subsistence being cone, he is kindly and i c j r i j - J laws with comfortable apartments, where bet has plenty to eat and nothing to do. State Prison. A large, airy, commodi ous building, erected at public expense for the more comfortable accommodation of the above. -Fishing. The act f a fool of one spe cies tryyig to deceive a fool of another, not always successful however. - ParasoL A light screen, carried by a fashionable belle, for the purpose of over shadowing one quarter of her bonnet. Low Creature. A beautiful. . modest girl, who is too poor to dress in the extrem ity of the fashion. ' I Taking a light Supper. Gormadizing late in trie evening tor the purpose of- hav ing the night-mare till morning. Charity. Sending to a poor, hard-work ing family, the refuse of the kitchen, which your servants, cats, amdigs, have succes sively declined tasting. j rnenas. iour aaiiy associates, woo will do any thing but assist you in distress. Old Maid. A lady who has attained the age of twenty-four or five, without having married a fool, a knave, a gambler, or a drunkard. j . Stupid Fellow. One who allows his tongue tome rest in the course of twenty four hours. I '- w v-r . . ' water. A xleaf fluid, once used to drink:. j ; Marriage. The gate through which the happy lover leaves his enchanted visions and returns to earth. 1: Death. An ill-bred fellow, who visits people at all seasons, and insists upon their immediately returning his call: Jury. 1 welve persons in a box to try one or more at a bar. . , " .; - . Young Attorney. A useless member of society, who often goes where he has no business to be, because he has no business wnere ne ought to be. .'. VVitness stand. In a court of Justice, a kind of pulory, where a person is obh ged to receive every species of verbal in sult without being able to resent it.' "... Beauty. An optical! delusion. Rural felicity.-Potaloes and turnips... Woman's Iove.: A rainbow melting in Moral rectitude. Great care not to be found out. ' Public abuse. The mud with which every traveller is spattered on his road to distinction. " --" f ' - I a - . . . . .i . ' wwuuti.--txir luvusiaie veuum spit out by toads and serpents io the human shape. Political honesty. Previous lexicogra phers h.ave not noticed this word, treating it, I presume altogether as fabulous : for Happiness. A dream. , : Hope. A traitor. " j 'The grave. An ugly hole in the ground, which -lovers and poets wish they were in, but take uncommon pains to keep out of. Modern literature. Fragments of the feasts of old writers served up in new dish- 3.' , . Constable. A species of snapping turtle. Motlestj. A beautifial flower that flour ishes only in secret places. Lawyer. A learned gentleman who rescues your estate from your 'enemy and keeps it himself. ' enemies, liorrower and Jender. Vf e A "A . - . It end wife at the commencement of -a quar rel. V'.;; ; Watihman." A man 'employed by the corporation to sleep in tbe open air. : Honesty. Aji excellent joke. Dentist. A person who finds work for bis own teeth by taking out those of other people., ' , INSULTS GIVEN AND RECEIVED. The lriih Beauty and the French Empreu a Row. The Paris correspondent of the j . , atmes ieiis the following Bto- Twyyears ago when Miss Smead first came to Paris, the Emperor paid her mark ed attention, as your readers already know. The consequence was, that when ever af terwards Miss S.'s name was seen on Lord Cowley's list for an invitation to a ball at the Tuiteries, the Empress Eugenie was careful to have the name stricken off Miss S. "received no inyitation, and oon discovering the nature of the difliculty she conceived a violent hatred for the Em press, and determined to hare her revenge. A few nights ago, the Emperor and Em- Dress were peseta at a soiree at ijord uw lev's, i Miss Smead was also there. The Emnress Dassed through a room where Miss S. and other ladies were seated, and all rose as Her Majesty passed but Miss Smead. 7 he Empress noticed tbe act and felt the insult. Her Majesty has become notoriously irritable withm the last tew months, and; every care , is taken to avoid violent emotions. I toe good - or the. coon try, of posterity, of the world at large, but especially or the uonapane dynasty, de pends ' upon it. An officer ' of the house hold of Her Majesty approached Miss Smead and and remonstrated with her for her conduct. Miss. S. replied that it was not the habit in England to rise thus for the Queen, and certainly she would not do it for the Empress of France. - What passed between the Emperor and Empress in another room may be imagined, for soon Napoleon entered the room where Miaa Smead was. and seeing her standing on the flgpr in conversation with a gentle man, he approached them, nnd bowmg coldly to the lady, stepped between tb'-m, turned his back to Miss S , and engaged the gentleman in conversation for some minutes. - It must have been a great sacrifice for as polite a man as Louis Napolean, and as great an admirer of beauty, but the inter eats of the dynasty mount above the capri ces of the individual. INCIDENT OF THE WAR OF 1812 A military officer, with whom we have been . long intimate, relates two incidents connected with Croghan's gallant defence of Fort Stevenson ; one of which affords a strong position, and the other a stronger negative proof of the often quoted adage that 'fortune favors the brave.' As the British and Indians in their oper ations had violated their pledge, and the usages of civilized warfare, by wantonly murdering their prisoner-, the member of Croghan s little band, (only one hundred strong: with a single six pounder, and sur rounded by about six hundred British troops and thrice that number of Indians,) had mutually agreed to stand .their ground to the last, and sell their lives as dearly as possible. When all was ready the British com mander sent a message, under a flag of truce, to treat for the surrender of the fort. Croghan, pointing to biin as he approach ed, exclaimed 'It will not do to let him enter here, and see our weakness: who will volunteer to meet him V It was pre ty certain whoever should leave the fort on such a mission, would be murdered by the dastard foe, there was a brief pause, when Ensign Shipp re plied j 'I will, upon one condition.' 'What is that' asked the Captain. 'Pledge me your word, as an officer and a man of honor, that you will keep the gun bearing directly upon me, and that you will fire ii off the moment you see me raise my band. The pledge was given, and Shipp went forth. , To all the arguments and persuasions of the enemy was 'I am instructed to say that we defend the t ort' Soon the Indians began to surround him. One ' clutched his epaulette, another his sword. Sbipp who was a man of hercu lean frame, released himself by a power ful effort, and turning to the envoy, coolly said ; . 'Sir, I have not put myself under the protection of your truce without knowing your mode of warfare. You see that gun, said he, pointing to their solitary six-poun der : 'it is well charged with grape, and 1 have a solemn pledge of my commander that it shall be hred the moment I give the signal Therefore restrain these men and respect the law of war, or you shall in stantly accompany me to the other world.' This was enough. Sbipp was no more molested : he returned to his comrades in safety, fought out the desperate action that ensued,,' and obtained promotion for his bravery.;' v The counter instance referred in at the head of our paragraph, was told as fol lows: i -, " . " .. After tbe British and Indians had with drawned, Croghan missed one man. ("only one,) who had belonged to his little band. and all enorts for his discovery were, for some time, unsuccessful. At length his remains were discovered in the garret of one of the block houses, were he had crept tor safety, and was cut in two by a cannon ball. ... - AH the rest considering their chances of me not worth a thought, had only sought to do their duty, and escaped alive from perhaps the most depr;fe hLt on re cord. The duly ion that was Killed, hap. pened to be the only man who proved him self a coward. :3; " '' "POPPING THE QUESTION? IN PERU. , "Proposing" in Peru is very romantic. Tbe suiter appears on the appointed even ing with a gaily dressed troubadour under the balcony of his beloved; the singer steps before her flower-bedecked window, and sings her beauties in the name of her lov er. He compares her size, to that of a palm tree, her lips to two blushing rose buds, and her womanly form to that of the dove. With assumed harshness the lady asks the lover : - What are you, and what do you want" He answers with ardent confidence : "The dove I adore; tbe stars live 'in the harmo ny of love, and why should, not we, too, loTe each other ' Then the proud beauty gives herself a- way ; she takes her flower-wreath from her hair ; and throws it down to ' her lover, promising to be bis forever. i ,, " : 1 APPALING FIRE. 1 - " Tntaltirrans nnainil t fhArlfefriri frnrrt KnnxviUt TVnn nf ntoa that the -town of Sevierville, io that State, was almost entire ly; destroyed by fire on Tuesday last It originated in the house of Mr. Duggan, sheriff of the county, and involved the de struction of the jail, court horile. store-housesin fact, the whole village, with the exception of three or four buildings. The only person in the jail was a man recently committed, and he was burned to death; every effort to rescue him having proved unavailing. ' . vr,. v FRESH FRUIT. LAYER and M. R. RaUins, new and fresb. In whole, half and quarter boxes, Figs, Citron, C arrant a and Lemon at Dec. a L. N. BARLOW'S. COFFEE! COFFEE! 1f BAGS aaaorted grade for aale from JJ wharf, in Iota t enk, xy March 20 2-3 1. T.C.& B.G. WORTH. COFFEE ! COFFEE ! ! rye BAGS Rio. Laguayra and old Java. Now J landing from N. V. Packet, and for aale by March 4. . ZENO H. GREENE. . N. O. C. Advocate copy. , 0 RECEIVED THIS DAY. 1 r BBLS. superior : Monon'gahela A'hiakey, 1 Vuniversally prono need to be tbe beat brought to this market. . 10 bbla. old Rye Whiakey. Vot aale by March 15. W. L. S. TQWNSH END. PORK. BBLS.juat received, and for aale by ZENO H. GREENE. 50 March 13. No. 7, Market atreet. RICE. 1 N bbla. For sale by March 29. RUSSELL & BRO. MACKEREL. 1 fl BBLS. roomeMarilr expected. For aale IKJU by RUSSELL & BRO. March 29. 6 MESS PORK. ff BBLS. daily expected from Baltimore. For tv'aaieny uusstLL ft bku. March 29. 6 COFFEE. BAGS Rio, daily expected. For aale by Match 29. . RUSSELL a BRO. 50 FRESH ARRIVALS, TJERechra. R. W. Brown and Ned, from New A York, at GEO. H. KELLEV fc BROS No. 11, North Water atreet. - 24 bbla. C. Yellow Sugar, ot IL L. & A. Stn rt'a mak.e low for caah. March 29. .6 RECEIVED AND RECEIVING, AT the Broadway Variety Store, No. 46, Market atreet : A large lot of Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Figa, Kaiaina and napie sugar. ALSO: 30 bbla. Irish Potatoes, In good order. For sale by W. 11. DiNEALK. March Z. o NOW LANDING. Z BAGS Rio Coffee, UJ 25 bbls. Smart's C. Yellow Sugar, EO boxeo N.Y. State Cheese, 20 bbla. freah Crackers, 50 bbla. Mesa Pork, 100 kees Nails, assorted sizes. Canal Barrows, Ploughs ana Castings, Hoop iron, Hackers, do. F or rale by . " ZENO H. GREENE, No. 7, Market at. March 29. N. C C Ad. copy, 6 WE HAVE NOW OPEN, 0UR new and elegant assortment of Walking Canes, Gold and Silver Mountings, Ivory. Pearl and Loaded Heads. Also some large and handsomely finished Hickorya. March 20. SHEPARDa MYERS. OWNER WANTED. FOR 1 eighth cask Brandy, and 1 bbl. So tar. marked' Rice A Thompson, Sumpterville ;" from Baltimore, per Schr. Lizzie Russell. Adver tised and stored for ownerj account. RUSSELL 4 BROTHER. March 27. 6 BY EXPRESS AND MAIL. yiTE received thia morning: Harper's Msga- zine or April; Baiiou'a uoiiarnootmy, oo.t Ballou'a Pictorial and Flair, for Saturdar. March 29th; Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, do; Scien tific American, Police Gazette, New York Herald, spiritual Telegraph, Young America, Baltimore Sun. London Punch, Phrenological Journal, Wa ter Cure Journal, Edinburg, Westminister, and London Quarterly Reviews, Knickerbocker Mag azine, Li nell's Living Age, Chamber's Journal, School Fellow, Merry's Mnaeum, and Harper's Story Books, latest numbers. The Attache in MadrW; or, Sketches in the Court of Isabella 2nd. A Foreat Tragedy, and other Tales, bv Grace Greenwood. The Libraty of Shandard Letters, comprizing selections from the correspondence of eminent men and women; with biographical aketchea, notes, and an Index. Edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. Vol. 1, Letters Of Madame De Sevigae. A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; by F. L. Olmstead. ' -Vol.4, Edgar A. Poe's Work. The Bnsh Boys; by Captain Mayne Reid. Woodhill f or, tha Waya of Providence. By Talva. India, Ancient and Modern. By David O.Al len. Also other new books two numerous to mention in our advertisemeai. S. W. WHITAKER. March 25. 1856. , CHRISTINE, OR, Woman's Trials and Triumphs. By Laora J. Curtis. One voL 12mo., 334 pp. , Cloth ; price tl. - : Thia work, just published, is highly commended by those who have examined it. One. in speak ing of the two principal characters of the work, aays: "A fine moral and lanructive lesson ia prMen'M in hoth theplpndidJv drawn chirac ' r. The stern old father, the beautiful but proud and heartless aunt, the roaeh. nioue and aood- hearted Elder Wiggins, are all ad mi ra ly portray ea. upon tne wnole, we tninK mia is tne moat in teresting book we have ever read, and feel aure that no one who once commencea it will ever lav it down till finished, 'or sale at March 29. : S. W. vVHITAEER'S. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON LOGIC Including: Part I, Analysis of Form alas j Part II, Method whh an Annendixfor Analyst and Critieism. and a copiooa Index of t erms and suojecia. - tjy w. u. .viison, U. v., Pror. la Hobart uouege, Geneva, New Torr L.aieiy puDiianeo. ror saie at ... w March 23. S. W. WHITAKER S. NOTICE. THOSE receiving and forwarding freight by the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, will please recollect that she terms are Cash, opoa de livery,' I have a Urge number of billa due, pre vlous o this month, unpaid. ,Thoae indebted, will please to take notice, that sal esc their bills are settled immediately, hereafter their goods will be detained tor tne ireignt. - v t . T. H, UAIXE, Agent. March 22. t v ? . 3-3u THE INCREASING DEMAND t F)R our premium Umbrellas, has Induced as to lav ia a lareer assortment than ever, and osr peculiar advantages in procuring these goods will enable nsto offer them at 'very low fignrea.- , . Mareitzu. - - tSUbViKU a Ml EXTRA FLOUR. , WE hava mat received 2$ bbla. of the Celebra ted Iloli Flour equal in every . respect to Hiram SmUk'tt at tbe Family Grocery. - PROSPECTUS OP THE PLYMOUTH BANNER. THE subscribers having purchased the Villa ger'' establishment, wlH commence publiahing weekly Newapaper of the above title, about the middle of January, 1856. I . . Our paper will be "independent in all thing, and neutral in nothing," giving all parties and creeds a respectful hearing.- It will be devoted to the intereata of Plymouth, North Carolina, and tbe South to the cause of Education, Agricul ture, Internal Improvements and the development of the resources of the State. ' We will do all In our p .wer to make our paper interesting to the general rnader, as well aa to the business man. ' Proper attention will be given the Marine List and Price Current. In short, we will try to make he " Banner a Boat paper, and a eompanioKr to allclassea, from tbe Parlor to the Counting Room, and one worthy tbe support of those fsvoring us with their patronage. TERMS. , 1 copy in advance S2 per annum 1 copy at the end ef six months, $2 50. 1 copy at the end of the year, S3. C. G. DAVENPORT, 1 Editora and J5. H. KELLY, .. $ Proprietors. : "Jan. 12. 128-3t NOTICE. THEsubscribereepectfully informs the public, thathe ia nowiranascUng the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict atientionto business, to merit a continuance ofthat patronage heretofore aoiiberslly bestowed upon him. M.CRONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commission, either at private or public aale. Jan8.18M. 1 HAY AND SALT. 1 fl BALES HA Yi lUvMOO aacka Salt. Landing per achr. Adele from iMew x ora, and lor sale by Jan. 10. t-M J. H. FLANNER. NEW JUVENILES. TlIRS. FOLLEN'S Twilieht Stores, corapria- 11 ing "The Old Garrett" 'Made Up Stories,' 'The Pedlar ot uust sticas' 'True Btorles about Cats and Dogs,' 'Little Paul,' and othei stories, by Lizzie Armory, 'The Magicians Show Box,' and other stories, by the Author of 'Rainbows for Children.' 'Kit Barn's Adventures' or The Yarns of an Old Mariner,' by Mary C. Clark. 'St. Gil daa.or the Three Pa tha' by Julia Kavanah. The blue Rlbbona, a Story of the last Century,' by An na Harriett JJrury, authoress or' nends and Kor- tuncs' dec, lately rubiisned. - Kor sale at WHITAKERS: HENRI DE LA'TOUR! rR THECOMRADES IN ARMS, by J.Fred J rick Smith, author of "Romantic Incidents in the Livea of the Queens of England." 'Temp tstions,"4 Charles Vacapeor." "Woman and her Master," "Minnie Grey," "Harry Ash'sn," "Fred Vernon,'' &c, Ac. Just published. For sale at March 4. S. W. W HITAKER'S. FOR SALE. KCiCi VERY prime selected Empty Spirit bbls JUL 160 bags Guano. 200 " Brown Salt, 60 bbls. Herring, 10 half bbls. Snuff, by March 6. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. COGNAC BRANDY. 20 BBLS., for sale by March 6. GEO. HOUSTON. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A N Eleeant Edition of BLils of Exchange, print X. ed in Germany, in Books of 10 quires and in sheets, for sale (at redced prices) at the office of int Commercial. COFFEE. A FULL supply of Java, Lvgiayra and Rio Cof fee, for sale by GEO. HOUSTON. March 6. 161 WHISKEY. JUST RECEIVED from Cincinnati, "direct." FOURTEEN BARRELS RECTIFIED WHISKEY. For sale at the lowest prices for CASH, by W. L. S. TOWNSHEND. RATES OF PILOTAGE. TUST printed and for sale at Th Commercial J Office, tbe Katea of Pilouge -lor the tsar and tuver. tfj-ii. BUTTER. CHEESE. &c. GOSHEN Butter, do. Cheese, English Dairy and Pine 1 pple Cheese. Codfish. Scotch Her- ring, oairnun, miciem, wun a variety u viuci goods juat receivec and for sale by ' L. N. BARLOW, June 16. No. 3, Granite Row. i c . i ir..l. i . l. : . r M.k. GIN. 0"i ROSE and Imperial Gin, for sale by SiMarch 6. GEO. HOUSTON. LARD. r BARRELS N' C, a prime artlslo for aale by ) L.N. BARLOW. February 16th, 1850. ' THIRD AND FOURTH TTOLUMESof Macauley's History of England, v receivec and lor sale at Jan. 17. S. W. WHITAKER'S. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. 30 BOXES, for sale by March 6. GEO. HOUSTON. . J. R. REST0N. THAWED OUT AT LAST I -Those fine Whis kies from Kentucky and Pennsylvania, which have been frozen up North, since December, have arrived. MJilorKye," Wheat, Bourbon, Rococo. Monongahela, fc. . march ia. , ' EOQNDRY 1 AND MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE. rpHE CLARENDON IRON WORKS, located A In the town of Wilmincton, North Carolina. now in successful operation, are offered for aale on accommodating terms ; or an interest will be cold to a man of experience in the business, who haa capacity to superintend the same. Th property consists of a capacious and well arranged : . - MACHINE SHOP, PATTERS ROOM. BOILER SHOP, BLACKSMITH SHOP, IROS ASD BRASS POUND R Y, DRAFTING ROOMS AND .., OFFICES, : . v:: all well supplied with tools, and capable of doing work of any kind that can be done at first class shops.- The building will accommodate 500 banda, and the D resent tools are sufHcient for 300 men. The land and Water front is of sufficient extent to admit of any enlargement oradduion that maybe desired.,-:, , The present demand for work ia sufficient to keep the establishment employed whh a force of 200 hands, and will increase. The prices obtained for work are each as to be profitable to the propri etor, and compare favorably with price at other points, to the purchaser. ,-- - In addition to the many advantagee possessed by this location for the business, the opening of the Cud Fear and Deen River work a. and the building of the Wflmingtoo, CharkHte Ruther ford ton Rail Road, will create additional demands for work, and furnish a supply ef fine quality Coal andiron. , , - ; -: If the whole, or an Interest is not sold before the I6th day of April next, tbe property will be ofiered at public sale on that day, on the premise. : Aa the Establishment will continue ia operation. orders for new work or repairs, will be attended to i heretofore. - , - ' - - ? Any information that may be desired, will be promptly furnished by application to the subscri ber at Wilmington, N. C. r -. . - :. ' A. H. vAaoOa.KKLalv, Pre, U. I. vv. Uo. ' MarcUB. ,,. '0 ., . 152-16A THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL I published every Tubsdav, Tncskoav and Satuboav at 95 per annum, payable n ail cases In advance.. ... , ' BV THOMAS LORING Edito and Paoraia Corner Front and Jlai fcet Streets, WILMIMOTOSt. BT. C. : RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 sqr. I insertion tO 60 I 1 qr. 2 months, $4 00 1 - 2 44 75 I I 3 44 . 6 00 1 3 I 00 1 1 44 6 8 00 1 44 1 month, ? 2 60 l "12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If anadver tiaement exceeds ten tinea, the piice will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the limeo their insertion. ........ Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the moat liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change in business, or an unexpected -remova necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of he contractor, for tnetime ne nas advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertiser is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons aa well as all advertisements not immediate! v con nected with their own business, and all excess o advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limit engaged, win be charged at the usual rates IMO Advertisements Is Included In the eonfrae fot the aale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the saler hire of neeroes. wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by otner persons. 1 nee are excluded by the term 'immediate business." All advertisements inserted in the trl-week lv Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion In the W eekly free of charge. . JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IN SUPERIOR STYLE. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. Niw Yobk Messrs. Dollitbb &. Pottb. ; Boston Ch Ami. Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. fn.uaatipn.xa a. K. (Johcn. UaUimoreWu. II. PiAKiand Wn. Thomson J. M. STEVENSON, AGENT for the sale of all kinds of Produce. Office on Princess st , under ADAMS, BRO & CO., Wilmington, N. C. Feb. I2.l3l-tf. J. M. STEVENSON ; GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER. AND WHOLESALE f- RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FUNDINGS, NO. 11. MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 6. 151 GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH w;ater street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. GEORGE n. KELLEY & BROTHER, DEALERS IN FAMILY GROCERIES -AND PBOflSIOXS. No. 11 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL keep constantly on hand, Sugars, Cof fees, Molasses, Cheese, Flour, Butter. Lard Soaps, Candles, Crackers, Starch, Oils, Snuffs, oxc. etc. ' BKrsacNcis : O. G. Pabslbv, President of Commercial Bank. Jo h;c McRab, " Bank of Wilmington. Wilmington. A. M. Gobmaw, ' ?ptv Rev. R. T. Hcplin, R'elh- S. W. Wbstbrooks, r...v. , Rev. W. H. Bobbit;, Greensboro . . Feb. 14. .,. W. G. MILLIGAN, -MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Watrb Stbxbt, Wikminoton, No. Ca, Monument t, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work Jurmshed to . order on reasonable terms. June t. , ' . 36-ly-c JN0. D. AS0T0N, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, SHAWNEE TOWN, Illinois. Will practice his profession in the twelve Judi cial District and Supreme Court, and UniiedStates court tor Illinois, Sept. 27. 84-ly CRANBERRIES. ANE bbl. just received and for sale bv. KJ L. N. BARLOW. Dec. B. 114-tf. NOTICE. OF virture of a deed of trust made by James M. XJ Babe, for the benefit of the subscriber, on the ISO. day or May, A. D. 1849, 1 will oner for sale, at the flag-staff in the town ol Wilmington, on Mon day of New Hanover Superior Court next, being the 21st of April, at 10 o'clock of said day, the following valuable l.ouae and lot, situated in said town of Wilmington : beginning at McUae street, running thence east one hundred and sixtyfive feet, th&nce south' sixty-six feet, thence west one hundred and sixty-five feet to McRae street.thenee north with MeKae atreet to the beginning, being western half of lot known as No. Uf in the survey, well known-a McRae aurvey, and known in the present pi a n of the town the west half. No. 3, bloek Also, will he sold at the same time and place, the following valuable house and lot, aituated, ly ing and being in the town of Wilmington : begin ning 30 feet east the centre of the old Brunswick road, leading from the Little Biidge due south to wards the southern extremity of the said town, at d in a line nearly parallel with Red Cross street in aaid town of Wilmington, and running thence north parallel with tbe said road 66 feet, hence east 330 feet to atreet. thence south 66 feet to , thence west 330 feet to the beginning. being half an acre t together with all the Houses and tenements thereto belonging, the sauce being No. 6, block 239. Terms of sale made known at sale. - DAVID THALLV. March VI. 3-ta. WINES AND LIQUORS. 1 C BBLS extra old Nectar Whiakey XUlO bbla. old Yanoissee do. 2 eaae Chateau Lateur Claret; ' 1 . Pale Brand y t t " Margaux Claret j ' - 2 St. Kmilion do.; , 2 " Nathaniel Johnson' Claret ; 21 casks Brandy. Fot sale by -July 19. .- J. H. FLANNER. . ilfTIXINE! -a-TTO'P OCPPtVm In k Ammm V . Vnrmmm 300 ox. Zimmer German Quinine. For sal .... M. c r n n n Dy .,' ... .,- v w. it. iDrar. -. . ' rvnoieaaie isreggtsi,f ataraet t. . Oct. 13. -" .-i-' i ' , ' 91- NOTICE. TUST received, a fresh supply of Ladies Black J and Colored Gaiter of various style t and also a few ease of Gentlemen' light sewed and pegg ed Boots, suitable for Spring, which he will cell at reduced price for Cash. - ' ;. - March 6. w - .. USU. Ji. iUIKCU. BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH WILKINSON, UPHOLSTER & PAPER HANGER, KEEPS ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mat tresses j Feather Beds, Window Curtains and Fixtures. . " All work in the above line done at shortest No tice., Wilmington, N.C., Market St. Jan. 19, 1856. I. : - J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT f GENERAL AGENT ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1 , 1855. 85-1 y-c. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant- Prompt personal atteutlon given to Couslgu ments for Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cask advance mad on Consignments to ms or to ray Ncie York fritmd. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1856. 135 lAMXa ANDEBSON. BDWARD SAVAOB ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal cish advances made on consignments March 27, 1855. 94, RUSSELL & BROTHER, (LATB ELLIS, BtTSSELL & CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignmentso Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. May 3, 1855. s C. & D. DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND RETAL DEALERS IN Drug. Medlciuea. Chemicals, l'aints, OH W" t, A. A- . 1 . . . n ."I I Old Liquors, fancy Articles, fcc., MARKKT STREET, -. .WILMINGTON, N. C. PrescrlptionsoarefullyiompoundeJ by expert enced persons. ; March 28. 1855. , ' T. C. & B. G. WORTn, C0HKSS1UN m FORWARDING MERCMJiTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 17, 1855. 125-c JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. May9th,1855. 8r-ly-e. JAS. n. CHADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N . U. JAS. H. Cif AOBOUBBT. Gio. Chadsocbw. Jan. 1, 1856. 123. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AMD FORWIRDIJiG 1GEKT, Will give hi personal attention to business entrust edt hi ear. Sept. 8, 1855. 75-ly-c. GEORGE MYERsT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Keep constantly on hand. Win, Tea, Liquor, provision, Wooa ana vruioie ware, t ruu, Confectionaries,(f'C. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 18, 1855. 109 GEORGE HOUSTON, PEALEB IN Groceries, Provision, and Naval Store ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, VESSEL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Aug. 2. - 60-if H. DOLLNF.R. G. f OTT t B. jr. J. CAM BROEN DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. Aprll30, 1855. 20-ly. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES. ALE. PORTER, 4. No. 3, Granite Kow, Front Street, WILailNGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P56. 140-tf. S. M. WEST, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL sell or buy Real Estate and Negroes a a small commission. . .! , also Strict attention vivento the sale of Timber. Tur nenttneLTar. or any kind of Country Produce. Office second door, South side of Market street, oa tha wharf, v. .- - June 12. 1855. 33-ly. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. - July 23. 58 JAS. P. GILLESPIE. GEO. S GILLESPIE JTAMKS P. GILLESPIE St CO PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. Pat lieu lar attention paid to the receipts and Saleol Natal "Store, Timber, Lumber', Corn, Bacon, CoU ion, are., are. ,. , March 30,1855. .. . , 6. D. CASHWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 30. . . , 84-tf COCHRAN &- RUSSELL. , (SUrCESSOaS TO TQOS. ALIBOSE k CO ) General Commission Merchants, No 22, North Wharve, ind 63 North Water St. I'tllL.AI.'EL.l'lllA. J. BTABVKV COCMBABT, w. a. aeasBt,.. . ; Liberal caah advances made on consignments July 30th, 1355. 68-t HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. SBO. HOOm. J. U DKABBOBW. WB. I. IOOI. July 28. , -.. 68-tf JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION ME R C II A N T, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Oct. 6th, 1655. , . 83. T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N. 0. Jan. 8. - I2-tf. JUllMIVTIVR riimTT!. ' . 40 Boxes No. 1. Adamantine Candles, jnst re ceived and for aale by ZENO H. GREENE. -nfA. sr T . , n. c. noa. 20 BBL.; for sale bv March 6. ' . GEO. HOUSTON. H E R RING'S Patent Champion Fire cod Burglar Proof BsAm. - The great interest manifested by the public to Crocure more perfect security from KIre for valua le papers, such aa Bondb, Mobtoaobs, None, and Books or Accodbt, than the ordinarv SAFES heretofore in use had afiorded, induced th Subscribers to devote a large portion of time and attention during the Vtourlten year in makinf improvement and discoterits for this cbjert, and they now beg leave to assure their numernuafriendx, and the public generally, that their efforts have been crowned with complete success,snd now off r the "IMPROVED HERRING'S PATENT WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM FIRE PROOF SAFES," as the CHAMPION SAFE OF THE WORLD, HAV1XO BBC AWABDXB MtDAU AT BOTH TBB World'a Falr,Londoii,'3I,cVNew Verk, a Aa auperior to all others. It now, undoubtedh , entitled to that apoeltation, nnd aecared ,wlttt HALL'S PATENT POWDER PROOF LOCKfc, (which also waa awarded Medals sa above,) forms, the most perfect Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever before offered to the Public. - .' The Subscribe s also manufactures all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vault?. Vault Doors, and Money Boxes or Chest, for Bt. kers, Jewellers, and Private Kamilfea, for Pint. , Dla -nonds, and other Valuables. A i d s re also Pa tentees, (by purchase.) and Manufacturers of JONES' P1TEST PEB5CTATI0N BAH LCCI, SILAS C. HERRING St CO. Patentees. GREEN BLOCK, Noa. 135, 137 et 138 Water tl. Agent for North Carolina, JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Feb. 12. W"min; 1856-0UR'SPRLGSTrLE,"-1856. WE WILL OPEN our Spring Style of Genf Dress liar, on Wednesday the 8th Inst., and invite the attention of gentlemen of taste to i'n inspection. We have given particular attention to the production of thia Hat for Spring ami Summer wear, having aelected the materials from one of the largest manufacturing establishment., in the States i and we hope to offer the neatett and most durable Dreaa Hat we have ever yet produced. w SHEPARD 4 MVERS. March4. Hat and Cap Emporium. HOOP IRON. OF the best American manufacture. Nov. 4. . J. R. BLOSSOM. LIME. 1 OA CASKS Thomaeton Lime, on hand, fur 'f;,eb, ADAMS BRO. 6 CO. Dec. 15. 117. C. SUGAR. Q BBLS., for sale by -Marcho. GEO. HOUSTON. PORTO RICO SUGAR. CO BBLS., for aale by WMarch 6. . GEO. HOUSTON. NOTICE. THOSE indebted tome individually, orto C. DvPRE fc CO., will please call and make pay. ment without deliy, as further indufgence cannot be eiven. C. DvPRE. May 17. 28 nAY! HAY! ; A1 BALES Prime N. C. Just received per R. J X Road, and for aale by , ZtiNO H. GREENE, March 13, No. 7, Market street. RYE WHISKEY. I p DOZ. Bottles pure old Rye Whiskey, of su 1 w perior quality. For sale by April 10. L. N. BARLOW. JUST RECEIVED. OH BBLS. Rectified Whiskey and Common ijyj Brandy, and for aale by WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. March 6. No. 20, Market street. WESTERN SIDES & SHOULDERS. 11 HHDS. Bacon, for aale to arrive, at the low 1 est cash price. GEO. MVERS. Marcli 8. 152 CHEMICALS JUST RECEIVED : IHMH OZ. German Quinine; , WUWsOO do. French do j 60 Iba. Calomel i 20 do. Syr. Iodid Ironj 25 do. Blue Mass j 50 do. Vallett'a Maaa, 60 gallons Sp'ts Nitre t 40 do. Aq.Ammon; 20 bbls. Epsom Salts i 10 do. Copperas. For ssle by C. f D. DoPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Oct. 5. . . 86, ON CONSIGNMENT. rye BBLS. Mess Pork, I J 1 000 bushels prime her.vy Pea Nuts, For aale by GEO. W. DAVIS. March 13. 154 TEA! TEA!! A ' FRESH SUPPLY of Superior Green and r. Black, received this day at L.N. BARLOW'S. Feb: 28. 185G. FLOUR! FLOUR! 1 MA BBLS. FLOL'R in store, and for. aale iu a kjkj lots to suit, by T.C.& B. G. WORTH. Feb 23. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. GIFT CIGARS, - -Fortalesa - Anti-Nervous Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, Fitr Tobacco. At the Kroadwav Variety Store. No. 40 Market atreet. March 13. . W. H. DcNEALE. RICE. - A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of clean Rice.freth beat.lneaaka and barrels, just recti led from the mill. In store and for sale by Feb. 28. THROUGH BY EXPRESS, AND jaet opened, a few eases Gent's Soft French Felt Hata. new atrlea and colors, at the Emporium. SHEPARD dt MYERS. March S. 150. irrnirivpo rnmnn ir o JU&alVliVEfeS, tiUDiUltAliO, THE subscribers have just opened, and now rea- plete stock of Medicines, Chemicals, Fsney Arti cles, Perfumery, ate., dVc, they have'ver offered; embracing all the new preparations f the day. Nov. 8". 45 Market street. ALLEN SINCLAIR OR A LOVER'S ADVENTURE. A Romance, by ne author of "The Autobiography of an Orphan Girl," eke. Juat puLlishcd. Received and for sale at S. W. WHITAKER'S. March 4. ; f. . , 150. SPERU CANDLES. BOXES, for tale bv 20 March 6. GEO. HOUSTON. ; SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! 1 C CCf Of hMad Bodfor aale bv 1 VjVJUl J T.C.A B.G.WORTH. March II, 1655 -lw. . BRICKS. CYV nnn NEW YORKhard Bricks, Jafly ei JlVUUpecteJ. For sale by J. H. FLANNER. DecU. No. 22 Nenit Water street.