yff; ' cnvvrr.: COFFEE. BAGS more of that cheap Rio Coffee, now 50 Untin snd for ' m mis iv wh, r 4. H 4.111 .... .... April 10. N. C. C. Ad. copy. 10 BICE, RICE. CASKS, just in- Foraleby 25 April 10. T. C. A B. Q. WORTH. OWNER WANTED. nnn 1 eivhrh cask Brandy, and I bbl. Snrar 1? marked Rice A Thompson, Sumpterville from H..itimore. Der Schr. tuixne Russell. Adver Used and stored fut mrnw. account. ' RUSSELL BROTH EK March 27. 5 CARDS, CARDS. PER srhr. Aoele. we received yesterday a mort beauti'.ul assortment of Visiti.'g, Engravers' and Primers' Card, White, Colored and Mourn In 'tnameL'd. F.in bossed. Plain, silver Bodered Gold and Silver illuminated, Coirred Illuminated and programme Cards, bold In nuar.tinrs tt sull April H. 2 VINEGAR, VINEGAR. 1 Ef ' BBLS. Cider Viperr. ' Just received and 1 eJ for sale hy ZENO H. GREENE. April 10. 10 PERFUMERY! TUST received from New York and Pbiladel j til, t i" ... , . Gross Labi ns's Ext reels forth Handk'f; do. do. Toilette Soaps ; do. Glenoy Mush Toilette Wster; do. do. ' Verbena do. ' do. "do. Yankee Soap; do. Camphor Soap A large assortment of Flair R rushes, and a num- , . - r . i i . s r c ucr vi lane arncie- uiumy a.cpi in irng oioicb C. db D. DoPRE, Wholesale Druggist, Oct. 5. ' Market-st., Wilmington, N. C. .. ..' .It IU WIS JL uajr. OX BAGS old government Jva CofiVe, for vale i nfc-n. HniTsiTfiiv. March 6. ; . 151 LAGUAYRA COFFEE. 1 f BAGS superior, lor sale by lUMarth6.' GEO. HOUSTON DISSOLUTION. rpilK firm of Wilkinson A Esler is thislay dis J. solved by mutual consent, the business will be settled by J. wumnson. 1 v , ; J.WILKINSON, WM. 81. ESLER. Jan. 14, 1856. : J. WILKINSON will continue the Upholster log- and Paper Hanging in all Its branches. Those having accounts against Wilkinson & Esler will please present inem.ana muse taoeotea wmeon- ier a lavor by making payment immediately to - J. WILKINSON. Jan. 19. 131 RECEIVED THIS DAY PZf Boxes Oranges, j ' JJ 'Zh " -Lemons. . 2000 Cocnanuts, just opened, and for sale at the Broadway Variet) store, Io. 4U Market Ft. March 20.1856. i W. H.DeNKALE." .JUST OPENED. THE l,i r arx st assortment of Chemicals ever offer ed in this market. coniting In pari of J00 Iba. Sugar Lead; . " 60 Sjilph-Zincj 25 Vallett's Mass; 500 ois. German Quinine ; 10 bbls. Epsom Salts ; 15 bbls. Copperas; 25 lbs. Calomel ; ! - 30 lbs. Blue Mass; 3 carboys Spirits Nitre (flT): 3 " Aena Ammonia, (HTVand a num tier of other ChemieaN, from the Laboratories of Powers aud W'eiehtoian, Chss. Mlis Sc. Co. Foi salebr C. 4 D. DoPRE. June 6. 36 CIGARS! CIGARS!! TUST RECEIVED, 50,000 choice Havana Ci- u gara.lor sale by I c u. uoi'ttf.. Wholesale Druggists, 45 Market sf. Oct. 13. 91. JUST RECEIVED Per Sckr. I. P. Smith. t r trcrse kt u .. , ... . in a--a CVt . J Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Coflee, Sugar, ;rushed sugar, Powdered s-ugar, and a variety ol r resrt untectionary,oxc.,6zc. April 21. GEO. MVERS. FLUID. BARRELS just received, and for sale by ' March 22. ADAMS, HRO. & CO. 10 JUST RECEIVED A FRESH supply of Lad v'a fine GLOVE KID J OAlTKItS; also, a tew dos. paira of Lady's tipped and fixed Congress Hoots; al for sale I lame Iron sale. I u. i&. ( tlbnun. March 20. " " ' : ' I ; LET US REASON TOGETHER. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK 1 It has been the lot of the human race to be weighed dowa br disease and ufr.-rincr. HOf.I O- WAV'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief ti ineitMi, ine IVKKVOUS, toe DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of ail climes, ages, sexes, and coiistitutiona. Pmfesor Holtowav nersonallvmi. periaterds the manufacture of his medicines in the unttea states, and oriers them to a free and en lightened people aa the best remedy the world ever aw for the removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pills-are expressly combined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the akin, and the bowels, correcting any de rangement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain f life, and thus curing disease tn all its forms. D i VSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. ,VTv,r7 !h hum"tt race have taken theae Pilla. I t has been proved in alt parts of the world that nothing has been found equal to them in ca esot disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stom ach complaint generally. They soon give a healthy tone lo tbeoa organs, however mush de ranged, and when all othr means have failed. GKNF.RAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Custom House to the introduction of these Pills, that they mar become the medicine of the masses. Learned College admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever t-nown fur per sons of delicate health, or where the system has een impaired, aa it invigorating properties never Tail to afford relief. . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No Female, young or old, should be without this celebrated medicine. It correct and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting la many ca es like charm, ft is also the beet snd safest med icine that can b given to children of ail eges, and for any complaint j consequently no family should be without it. . , . Uoltovay't Pills an &U belt remedy tiumn t' ike world for the fullimnng Dixetiset : Asthma- Diarrhoea. Indigestion StonsoYGra Bowel Com Dropsy Influenza rel plaints DebKity Inrlamina- Secondary Cuugrta , , Fever and tton Symplons Zi . r A Inwsrd . Venerial Af Cheat DIa. Female dis-Weakness lections C istiveness Headaches plaints kinds Dyspepsia Lowness of Piles " .t . Spirits. i if" m" ?",Wi"hnnt f Professor Hol- lowar, 80 Maiden Lane. New York, and 244 Strand, London and by ail respectable Drug?lu and Deal lers of Medicines throughout the United States. IS S" ' 1d Boxea 25 ce""..e2, cents, and HI .00 each. i ' tTTnere Is a considerable saving by taking 1 the larger sixes. . . . N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients 1 in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July . . , . 49-1,-c. - RICE. N bbls. For saloby - L March 29. RUSSELL & SRO. ROOt IliViM .LOTTERY. SOItTEO SCMEHO 63 ORDIXARIO: Trbe drawn in Havana (Island of Cuba,) MAY 6th, 1856. .'. , '. . CAPITAL PRIZE $60,000!!! 1 priz of t " I I .tco,oro ;. 2 '.000 . I6,(X . 8.000 15 prizes of -..$l,CO0 20 " 60. fcO - - "400 j6l ..... 200 10 i,0U0 16 Approximates l.EOO t ! ,i. m tho K0 OODrt 4fMl enrlu 4 of S tuO to $20,100 ; 4 of 200 to16,0L0 4 of i!00 :o-lt0. Whole Tickets. 10; Halves, (5; Quarters 82 bO. P.izes cashed at siyht at 5 per cent discount. '" Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon aa the re su't becomes known. nnnn' Comrnunicaiiona addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. C.) un til :he Gth May will be attended to. April I. ' 7-tf NE PLUS ULTRA" SCHEME ! 1,200 PRIZES ! 50,000 DOLLARS! ilAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER -r-: COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. iBy Authority of the Slate ot Georgia. Numbers oiily 1 1 Prize to every 8 Tickcta ! Class M. to be drawn May 15, 1856, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga.t under the worn eupeclnten dence of Col. George M. Logan and Jas. A. I la bel, Esq.' - "" The Manager having announced his determina tion to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, offers for May I Si it, a Scheme that far surpasses any Sclunie ever i ffeied in the an nals of Lotteries. Look to your Interest! Ex amine the Capitals. g3f Une Prize to 8 Tickets. CAPITAL $12000! 1 Prize of S12.QP0 1 do 6,000 2 do 3.000 . 1 do 2.0d0 6 do 1.000 10 do , 6.0 60 do 50 120 do 25 500 do 1" 5(0 do J: 8 1,200 Prizes, amounting to $50,000! Tickets, 3. Halves. $4 Quarters, 2. Prizes payable without Deduction. " Persona sending money by nail need not fear its b ing lost. Orders punctually attended to. 'omiHunications confidential. Bank Notes of all sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Address JAMES F- WINTER. Manager, Macon, Ga. LOSS OF TICKETS OF CLASS L. Ry the lot j accident on the Seaboard and Roan oke Hail Road, the Tickets or Class L., for April 15th, in their transit from Baltimore. in iharge ol Ad iin' Express Company, were destroyed by fire, consiquentlv there will not be anr Drawing of that Class. The Drawing will be Class M, May 15il), the "Ne Plus Utsra" Scheme. Very Respectfully, J. F. WINTER, M irch 22 3-lf. Manager. THE NORTH CAUOLA MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCECOMP'l, RALEIGH, N. CV THE above Company hp a been inbperationince the 1st tit April, 1 843, under the directiouof the following Officers, viz : Ur.Cliarics K.Jonnson.f resident, -Writ. D. Haywood, Vice President, John G. V illimns, Secretary, V in. H. Jones, Treasure-. Porrin Busbee, Attorney, ft'Vvr'H Medical Uomd or Dr. Wm. li.AIcK.ee, runin" ,iicn Dr. R.B.Haywood, i VonaiuUiicn. J. Heraman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad- fintn.ei to the insured over an v other ComDiinv. The Stii Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own Hie for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any clainuof the represent- '.ivesof the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life mem bers participates o the uholtof the profit which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant fot life, when the nnnual premium is over30 may paj one nan in a mute. ' Allnlaimsforinsurascea-ninEttne Cnmpanvwil oepaid within ninety days after proof of ihe death of the party is furnished. - slaves are insured torone or E?e years, at ratea which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi class of properity against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and inrerestin featurein thehistoryof North Caro!in.which will nrove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows verylargeamounl of business more lhan the Directors expected to do the first year having aireaay tssuea more man auu roncics. Dr. Wm. w. HAitisi, Medical Kxaminer, and Agent. Wilminston, N.C. AUommdnicatlonsoDbusincsrof theCompanv snouia oe aaaressei' m JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Sec'y Raleleh.June8, 18E5. i CIRCULAR. A UOOK FOR EVERY SOUTHERN METffODlST Early in 1856, probably in the month of Febru ary, I expect to publish a new work to the partlr- ulsrteatures ot wiucn i oeg leave to call your at tention. ; The Annals of Southern Methodism, for 1855, win De a it mo. voiumei not less than 360 pages, well printed, from stereotype plates, upon good paper, ii win contain an available, statistics in every department of the operations of iha METHOmST JSFI8CUPAI CHURCH, SOUTH. The" design embraces the Plan of Eniaconnl visi tation; account of the session of ail the Confer ences held in IS55, the appointments, numbers, die; a summary of all reported revivals, notices of the dedication of new Churches; reports of College Commencement, with all else connected with our educational movements; a resume of our Mission- srv operations, embracing whatever seems of eene- raf Interest in (hat department; the movement of the 'l ract and Sunday Sc hool Societies t whatever appertains to oar puousning interests, witn n nuuocements of all New Books published by our floncern, or written by Southern Methodists ; what the Church is doing for the Instruction of Slaves Historical and Biographical Essays; interesting personal reminiscences; and miscellany of im portant facts and Incidents. i Tiir" " ANNALS." It is believed, will be a fair snd full daguerreotype of the progressof Southern Methodism. It will occur to vou at once, that if I have suc ceeded in preparing thi volume with any reasona ble amount of skill it will not only be a very agree able book for present reading, but that every year will add to its value as showing the posture of Sou thern Methodism at this p-rticular juncture of its history. V THIS UlCiJSST Will be sneciallr valuable as a Book of reference. To whatever question of general Interest may arise in regard to the events of 1855, it is hoped that a satisfactorv answer will be found in ine Annals. W hile it is believed that the Ministers in our Church will desire conies as soon a they can be obtstned, I have paid regard to the what I suppos ed the tastes of general readers. The older mem bers or the Church will find suetencs mat carry them back to their earlier compeers, as in this de partment 1 have not restricted myself to the histo ry of the year, but have collected whatever has ap peared during the year, which, a h "story and biog raphy, preserves the memoirs of the olden time. and of the early men of Southern Methodism. The work will be published at One Dollar a copy. Those who subscribe in advance, shall receive the hrst copies issued from the press. A gold dollar pasted in a letter can be sent securely and is pref erable tn bills of distant Hanks. Those of the banks in North and South Carclin will be as good ssgoM. In return copy will be sent well wrapped and pre paid. ; M y address Is Goldsboro', If. V. - CHARLES F. DEEMS. Dec. 29. 122-1 m CO-PARTNERSHIP. I HAVE this day associsted my brother Oliver, with me in the General Grocery and Commis sion business. The firm will be GEO. H. KEL LEY&BRO. We hpe that oar kind pat-ona snd friends will continue their oatronaare which the have so liberally bestowed on lb senior partner of th concern heretofor. - - Our stock will consist of Sugars, Co flee, Mo lasses, Flour, Butter, Cheese. Lard, Bacon, Rice, Soap, Candles, Can die, Fish - and Potatoes, Starch, Brooms, Tobacco, and everything la the grocery line, except liquors- We also further promise not to be undersold in the priceof ourartl cles or bettered ss toquaJity. We shall still eon nnueihe cash system, or 30 day to good and yvniiiui customers. feo. 5. . -GEO. U. K EL LET 133-tf. , J. R.. REST0N, LIGH T GROCEIHES. FRESH Imperial nnd Gan Powder and Btsck Teas t Preserved Pine Apple, Strs wherries, Damrons. Cranberiies and Peaches; Guava, Crab Apple, Black nnd K.ed Currant Jrlly; Amer ican. French and Rnslish Pickles; English and American Sauces; French and English Most-' ard; Maclroni in small family boxe ; British and American -Table-Sail ; English snd American Ex tracts ; Ground Spices ; Fresh Green Peas, Corn, Tomntoes. Oyiters.- Lobster snd Salmon. Also, G.nsrer Wine s tine tonic for debilitated and weakly people, and a great comforter to disabled stomachs. ? j .,.. 1 March 4. ..150 A letter from Rcr. Charles Hibbard, Mis siuuary in Hurmah, to his father, Joseph Xobin son. Esq , ot this City, has been handed to us fur publication, from which we make tho following extracts, Providence JournoU Newton, Mjiiluialo, June 6, 1655. " Dear Father V ill you kiodly say to Mr. Da vis that Mrs. Hibbsid and myself, and indeed I ought add, ml who came out with us, feel very grateful lor the box of Pain Killer which he gave us when we left our native land lor burniah. I have used it fur Cong. is, Colds, violent Internal Pains, Summer Complaint, Burns, Bruises and for the Sting of Scorpions- and with uniform suc cess The only severe spasm of thti stomach which Mrs, Hibbard has hud in Burniah, was in stantly relieved by the I'nin Killer.. - We always keep it where we can put our hands -on it in the dark if nerd be. Although 1 took Mr. Nisbei's box In addition to my own when he returned to Anieiii a.nill it is all gone but three or four bottles, and that would have been gone long ago. had I not refused to part wiihi'. V The Karens, oteo, ore beginning to learn itsval-u.-, and call fur it, but 1 have to deny tin in, except in doses, fur we could nut think of beiog without it. With the Pain Killjr, I feel myself well arm ed against disease that is in all ordinary casts. It is indispensable, and 1 seldom middle with any other medicine Rev. CHARLES HIBBARD. M. Psbrv Davis I feel it to be my duty to bear my testimony to the fheaey of your infalli ble Pain Killer. J have used ii lor yeais, for com plainlM ot Ilia Stomach and Howell, having for merly been s..bjcc. to severe attacks of Diarrhiea and Cholera Murbu but for the last two years I have not had occasion to use it or any other medi cine for that complaint, it having peifectly restor ed my digeativ organs. 1 had a very aevcteattack, a few diys ago, of the ague, and such a pain in my buck, for threu days and nights, that I could get no rest. I demanded of my physician, after (-everu! things had been tried, to give me something to relieve my back and head of pain. He said 1 tu-t bathe. ard wait till the Ague wore off, and the pain would wear away. 1 had too much pain to feel easy, and sent and got a 25 cent bottle, of the "Vrgetat le Pain Killer.'' 1 took a little inwardly, and bathed according to di rections, and one application has removed all the pain and 1 am able to write to-day, though with a tren.bling hand. The application was made list night about nine o'clock, and I had a sweet night's rest. I have recommended it for severs! years and it has given universal satisfaction where it has been used according to din ciions, Yours, graielully, I.. PERKY CHILDS, Pastor of Baptist Church, Troy, Ohio. Thousands f Uvix Witnesses Certify to their !tighlni frttm. day to dav the iVrntdaful Effects of OAVlS' PAIS KILLER. SsNDsrsity Citv. Ohio, Noy. 24, 1&13. Mr. J.N. Harris Dear Sir i Your favor of ihe 23ih uliimo is at hand. and in reply will say We beg in sellin- Perry Davis' Pain Killer, and with very lilt le effort on our part; sales we le email at first, but us it became known in our community, the demand increased rapidly, far beyond our ex pectations, and every person that bought it would come ufier more, arid speak of it i the highest t rtns as a valuable remedy for alf thoe diseases your pamphlet spoke of rrom those recommen dations we were lnd need to use it in our own fam ilies, and the good effects ol the medicine were im mediately apparent. Wc have void mote of the Pain Killer than we ever have since or before of any other medicine in the same length of time; and we do not hesitate to say tnal it has given bet ter satisfaction to the purchaser than any other ar ticle we have ever stud. " Keep a large supply in the West, it is just such a medicine as the people want, and they havealreadv found out that they can cure the fever and ague for twenty-five cents. It will cure a cold in one hour a severe cough in one night and has pioved to be the best medicine la use lor a diseased stomach and many other purposes. Ynure,if-c, LOCKWOOD dt GRAHAM. DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. ' This unparillaled' preparation is receiving more testimonials of its wonderful efficacy in removing pain, than any other medi ine ever oflered to the public And these testimonials come not alone from the Ignorant, but fiom persons of every de gree ot Intelligence and every raoK ot lite, rny sicians of the first respectability, and perfectly conversant wiih the nature of diseases and reme dies, have recommended this as one of the most effectual In their line of preparations for the ex tinction of psin. The Pain Killer is used internal ly and externally, according to me nature ot the complaint. It has been found to be an excellent remedy for sudden colds, coughs, dec; fever snd ague, asthma snd phthyric. pain in the head, kid ney complaints, bruises and sores, severe burns, canker, boils, and ringworms, weak stomach, and eeneral debility, painter's colic, broken breast, die. bowel comcfalnt, snd dysentery, cholera, liver complain', and dyspepsia, teeth -ache, Ac, f-r. 'I he Pain Killer is sold bv Ueorge it. French, Wilmington; C. C. Green, Elizabeth City ; James W. Carmer. Newbcrn t W.H. Willard. Washinjr- ton ; and by Druggist and Grocers everywhere. OCt. ZU, lr65. l ' 94-dlT). CHANGE OF PERCENTAGE. Tow of Wilmington Seven per cent. Stock., TWO Hundred Share o 1 100 each, of the fitock A authorized to be issued by tho Town of Wil mington for the purpoM of purchasing suitable lot and erecting thereon, a Town Hall, are now for sale. -The stock is redeemable on the 1st day of January, J876, bear interest at the rate of sev en p-r cent per annum, payable semi-annually to ihe holder of the warrants or coupons attached to the several certificates, and for the payment of merest accruing and of the stock when due, the Commissioners of the town are empowered and requited to provide by taxation, on the real and per sons) property of the town; in addition thereto for the ultimate redemption of this Stock, a sink ing fund is required by law, to be created to which is to be added from year to year, not less than One Thoosaud Dollars. Any further details in reference to this most de sirable investment will be furnished by application either in person, or by letter to the Treasurer of toe town. li. AIOitKlS, Treas. . April I. 7-3w Jou-nal. Herald, Tarboro Southerner. Kaleish Standard, copy 3 weeks and send bills to this Of fee. SOAP. f?f BOXES Colgate's Pale snd No 1, for sale by JJMarch 6. ' GEO. HOUSTON. PEACn BRANDY. r A FEW bbl , yety superior article, on hand at April 10- . T. C. B. G. WORTH'S. SAMUEL A. HOLMES, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMyG70S, N, C. Will attend the Court of Duplin, Sampson and New Hsnover. Office on Princess street, next door East, of the state tianK. - April. 9-ly COFFEE. COFFEE 1 (( BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java. Nov JL VJU landing and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE, AprllS. -Ne. 7, Market atreet "COMMERCIAL" X0 A JilH. Mill , ESTABLISHMENT, S 3'JTH SHE MAFJJT ST. 15 TEE EMIT KGUSi . WILMINGTON, N. C. THE rROTOIETOR of this well known Establishment would call the attention of the business community to his lanre and beautiful assortment of Type and Tresses bavins- fust ndded to his stock one of R Hon fc Uo's PATENT 61SGLE CYUSW5B PRINTING MA C1IIXKS, lie is now enabled to do work at a much more rc-.isonaiile rate than formerly, and in the finest stylo of the work. . .. " : - - CARDS. Trinted from 83 to 10 rr thousand. . BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR ' RAILROADS, 8TEAMT50AT8. CORPORATIONS, fcc. BILL-HEADS, SHOP-BILLS. BILLS OF LADIXO, AJiT HEADINGS, , fcc. See., JSC. :-. - POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. We would call the attention of Concert AjrenU, Pliow men awl other, to our facilities for doing this kind o work. . ALL DIM Or ' TLAIX AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, Done In the neatest manner, and at short notice. Thorns in want of Printing we trust will rind it to their advantage to give u a call. COMMERCIAL ULAN ICS. The attention of Sh loners and- Whers Is called to onr extensive assortment of Coremercia Blanks. Amonr the collection is a very tine and baiidaoiae lot of liiils of -x-change, In shrt and books. .November 3, lbs. ; FRESn ARRIVALS. THE subscriber has just added largely to his stock of good things, all fresh .and In fine or der. Amons his articles are ORANGES; APPLES; LEMONS; CITRON; KAItlNS; CUR RANTS; COCOA NUTS; JELLIES; 1 PRESERVES; PICKLES; C.4NDIES, a large and varied assortment ; PINE APPLES, B tNANAS, BRANDY FRUITS. PKUNRX. PLANTING POTATOES; SEGARS and TOBACCO; GROCERIES, c die. All of th? above orticlea will be sold st the low est cash prices. F. M. AGOSTINI. Feb. 9, 1P3G. 1 10-tf. TEAS! TEAS!! WE have jnst received an assortment of the best Teas ever offered in this market. Trv our SI, 00 Imperial, it i. of an extra quality and flavor. Our St.OO Black Tea is of a rosy flavor, and ennnot fail ! suit the most fastidious We have also a beautiful Black Tea at 50 cents per lb , also, 371 cents por lb.; choise Teas in caddies at wholesale prices v arranted pood, at the Ori ginal Grocer. GEO. MYERS. Al a rch 2U. : " -i 2. L. WTpigott, C0BIA1ISSI0N MERCHANT, EEAUFORT, N. C. Any business entrusted to his attention will be attended to promptly ana to the best of his ability. REFERENCES : Cttmmingi Siyron, Com. Merchants Wilming Mr. Jns. Norcum, Attorney at Law, ) ton N th Mr. Edward Stanly, Beautort N.C. Air. Benjamin L. Merry, General Agent for Under- wrighters, Beaufort,N. C. Feb. 5th, 1853. 2l-12m-w. SUGAR. BRLS. "C" SUGAR. For sale by Sep. 20. WILLIS M. SHERWOOD. 20 NO AY OPENING, SPRING GOODS mWE would respectfully notify the 4J" '" friends nnd patrons of the HAT fc,-a and CAP EMPORIUM, that we are now opening a Largo and elegant assortment of spring end summer uoods in our line, among which may be mentioned our new btyleol GENT'S DRESS HAT, Which is presented to the pubiic os the neatest snd most durable Hat we have ever offered. We would also call attention to our SILVERY DRAB BEAVERS, Believing them to be os light and graceful a sum mer Ureas list as any ever produced, ine SOFT HAT DEPARTMENT Is completely stocked with all the novelties and beauties yet produced in the way of Felt Hats. "Tllbi PJSKU yJA.," an emlrely new color and shape, is pronoiinced to be the finest Felt Hat ever sold by us. Our assortment of GEN TS AND BOYS STRAW GOODS Consisting of Panamas, Leghorn, Cantons, Mara cabos, Senett, Swiss and other Braids, is very com plete. Also fancy styles for Young Men's Wear YOUyG AMERICA'S, JA PA N, UNCL E SAM tf to. . We would call the attention of the LADIES to the fact, that we have taken considerable care In the selection of our MISSES AND CHILDREN'S HATS. One feature in this branch of our business this season is, that nearly all our Fancy Goods of this description are made up of the various qualities of Leghorn. We were guided in our selections by the fact of their being the richest, most durable, as well as economical goods worn. Our assortment comprises great variety of shapes, trimmings, qualities and prices, which we will be pleased to exhibit to all who may favor us with call. We have also selected a handsome lot of GOLD AND SILVER MOUNTED CANES. Black Ebony, Rosewood.Orange, Malacca, Whale bone, Hickory, and all other styles which are wor thy of inspection. In the way of We would simply state that ourassort ment will be larger and still more com-, plete lhan ever betore, and our PHI CES LO WER than those of any other House in town, , Thankful to our friends for past favors, we will endeavor to merit future continuanre. SHEPARD dt MYERS, No. I, Granite Row. April 6. . 9 CIGARS AND SNUFF. OA f(f I'OW priced Cigars, . ZXJXJKjyj 15 bbls. and half bbls. Lorillard'a Snuff. Now landing and for sale by April 10. , ZENO H. GREENE- FRESH FIGS. 1 50 SVALL DRUMS, very fine, just receir I J J ed and for sale cheap by L. N. BARLOW, April 10. No. 3 Granite Row. RUM. - JURE Old Jamaica in demijohns. For sale by April 8. - GEO. HOUSTON. LIME, HAIR, PLASTER & CEMENT., CWiNSTANTLY on hand. snd for sale by - GEORGE HOUSTON". H0UP IRON. O F the best American manufacture. Nov. 4. J. R. BLOSSOM. JUST PUBLISHED BY THE HO AY ARD ASSOCIATION, PHILAD. REPORT on Spermatorrhea, or Sealaal Weak ness, Impotence, the Vic of Onanism, Mas turbation, or Self-Abuse, sod other Disease of th Sexual Organ, with aa account of th error and deceptions of Quacks, and valuable Advice to the Afflicted, br GEO. R. CALHOUN, M. D., Con sulting Surgeon of tho Howard Association; Phil adelphia, Pa., a benevolent Institution established by special endowment, for the relief of th sick and dU tressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemia Diseases.1' A codv of the above Reoort will bm sent by mail (ia a sealed envelope,)- FREE Or" cmak.uk. on th receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN. No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. , puiiz. v. iz-3m ATHISHEY AND BRANDY. (f BBLS. Rectified Whiskey a and Domestic VJV Brandies for sale br April. 10. , WM. L. 3; TOWPTSHEND. : JOB P school ooks, stasdarh; theological, historical; X.AW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, liizy . - : is. w. HENRY BURRHIMER WHOLESALE A BCTAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR S T U li tu. ' SIGN OK THE INDIAN CIIII3F" MARKET STREET, one door above Water Wilmington, N. C. N. B. All Orders filled with despatch. Oct. 26ih. 1355 93-tdtw-c. FOR SALE. Vryc' Acres Pine Land, situated immediately tj I fj upon Wilmington and Weldon R. R., four to five miles trom Depot at v limington. AND ' rf Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated J) between Force Put and Thombury ; 11 of which is fine bwamp Land, t or terms, 4c, ap ply to M. CRONLY. Uct. 3U, Ifciao. Ml it COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. REMOVED to ihe new and spacious Hall Nos. 99 and 101 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. (J. K.Charnberlin, Pilntipal and Lecturer upon Mercantile Science. E. K. Losier, in charge of Writing Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Associate in Book Keening Department. J. M. Phillips, Teacher tu Boolt Keeping. S.T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. This Institution piesents superior facilities to young men desirous of obtain. ng a practical busi ness education. - The course of stud? embraces Double Entry, Book-Keeping, as practically applied to the man- agementof Meieantile, Bank, Manufacturing and steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law upon the subject of Bills of Exchange, Prornmissory rnotes, Uontracis, Partnerships, die. The exercises are all smelly practical, being tie- ducted from actual business transactions, so com- nlctclvcomDiniiis practice with theory that students on completion of the course are In every respect competent to conduct, on scientific f rincfplcs, any set of Double Entry Books. The students have access to a Commercial Library procured expressly for their accommodation. Examinations are held at stated periods and Di plomas awarded to thase found competent to repre sent the Institution in a mercantile capacity. Usual length of time to complete Ihe wholecoursc from eight to ten weeks. For particulars, write, and receive a circular by mail. Sept. 20. , 8l-Iy TRI WEEKLY MAIL LINE FROM GE0RGET0AYN TO MARS BLUFF DEP O T. THE subscriber is running 2 Horse Vehicle from the above named places (in connection with the Mail) for the accom modation of travellers. Leave the Rail Road al 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, ar rive in Georgetown next mornine at or betore b 'clock, f eave Georgetown at 71 A. al., Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays., and arrive at the Rail Road next morning in time for the care going North and South. Distance from Georgetown to Mars Bluff 65 miles. Fare $5, Shackelford d Fraser Agents in Georgetown, J. M.Smith Agent at ihe Rail Road. Intermediate travel 7 cents per mile for which sit post masters on the line arc authorized to collect in advance. Travellers and others ire requested to report any misconduct or neglect of duty by the drivers. J. C. DY E, joiinaoavuie, a u. April 15th, 1856. 37-lt-w. SPRING GOODS RECEIVED. JOHN H I LZ1NGER, Merchsnt Tailor, Prin cess street, above Water, Wilmington, N. C, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has just received a splendid stock of Spring Goods, consistioe- of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VKSTirUS, L.1MKN DRILL! IN US. elC, etc., which he will make up promptly and in the very best style. He has bat one price, which will be found in all cases to be the lowest for which he can afford to lurnish any article required. April 15. 13-tf. JAMES T. LEWIS fc CO., AVnOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, $-c. AGENTS FOR Pennsylvania and Lchigk Zinc, Mordecai Lewis 2f Co,s Celebrated Philadelphia White Lead, F. S. Lewis if Co's. , Colors, Paints, etc., and B. C. Ilornor Sf Co's. Su perior Varnishes. No. ItS MAIDEN LANE NEW YORK. JAHE3 T. LEWIS, SAMUEL C. WEST. April 15th, 1856. : . 13-3in. NEAY VOLUMES rFthe Four GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS, W namely: Edinburgh, NorlA British, Westminster, and Lon don Quarterlies, and Blackwood's Edin burgh Magazine, (Monthly.) Commence with North British for November, 1855. and the other Review and Blatkwyod for January, loab. Terms of Subscription. Any one Review or Blackwood. S3 a year. Blackwood and any one Review or any two Reviews 5- The four Re views and Blackwood, 810. Four copies to one address, 30. , Postage (which should be paid Quarterly In ad vance) on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Office in the United States, only 60 cents s year. Namely: 14 cents a year on each Review, and 24 cents year on Blackwood. Address L. SCOTT A CO.. Publisher. 54 Gold street, corner of Fulton, N. Y. April It. I2 2t STATIONERY. BY nearly every vessel from New York, we re ceive considerable additions to our already la ree stock of Stationery. Schrs. Adele and D. C. Hols have just brought os some very nice Cap and Letter Papers; really handsome Envelope, which we will sell at 20 cents per hundred ; 100 gross Fa ber's Pencils (the best In the world;) Gilkm's do.; Perry's do. (more used now than Gillott's;) BUI Books, new pattern ; Bills f Exchsnge, etc. For sale low hi w WHJTAKER'S. April 12. 12 I.KMON SUGAR. TITULFORD'S CELEBRATED LEMON Sn- A.VX gar, prepared expressly oi r.miir, nuiei.na otup use, i rum iu. w,i -. ted form, then erystalized with sugar, for the in stant production of Lemon ode. In thi par stale it supersedes Lcm n Syrup, and Is more convenient and cheaper than Lena ns, aa it will not spoil In any climate. For Parties and travelling, U is In valuable. The Sugar 1 neatly put up In canisters of i lb. each, (2 do. Ia a box.) For sale by jtpru a. m v . v i. DRIED FRUIT. 1 LBS. Apple ani Peach, ca hand and x wu - for sale by April 10. t. O. & ti- d. WORTH. EMPIRE CADS. A L ARGK number oa'hand and for siile tow, by XX W. H. DzNEALE. April Wi- j . - No. 40, Market street. - fS' STATIONERY. - - - ?,!,v: - vmriES, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUM ENTd. The only complete stock o the above Instruments ever Went In this market. ris now offered for sale by ; C. A D. DwPRE, . iiov. o. j Market street. N EATS-F00T OIL. A SUPPLY just received and for sale by May 10. C. A D. DcPRE. DR. R. F. IIIBBARLVS WILD CHERRY BITTERS, FOR Nervous Weakness and General Debility. These Bitters are highly serviceable in all ay se peptic affections; they assistdigestion ;' restore ihg tone of the stomach, stimulate the liver, and creat an appetite. They are unsurpassed in removine angor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off the drowsiness incident to the Spring or warn season. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by March 31. GEO. MYERS. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form f Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by the Commissioners. and a number of others interested in the welfare of our colored population, is just Issued at the office ol Tlte Commercial. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS : rW 0 LBS. pure ind extra While Lead; itUjUUU 5,000 galls. Linseed Oil : 25 bbls. Red Ochre; ' SOU gulls Chrome Green; 10 bbls. Ver.etain Red; 300 galls. Clirone Yellow ; 25 bbls. Lamp Black; ' 8 bbls. Coach and Japan Varnishes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and Prussian Blue; Logwood, Annatto and Madder. For sale by C. A D. DuPRE. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 5. 66. AVIND0AV GLASS. ?rVAnHOXES French and American Win JJJJ dow Glasses from 7x9 to 24x36. For sale by C. & D. Del" RE, Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. Oct. 5. AVROUGHT NAILS. KEGS Wiought Nails jttst received. For sale by J. R. BLOSSOM. 20 Oct. 17. 93 ' CHARGE NOTHING TOSnOAY GOODS NOAH WALKER & CO. BRANCH Balttmors House, now opening a splendid lot of Spring and Summer Goods. Drop in and look. April 1. 7 CLOTH I AG ! CLOTHING I JUST opened, handsome lot of Spring Cassi mere Suits, also a lot of unrivalled soft Duck and Marseilles Coats t Alpaca and Drabde Ete do. Custom Work made to order, in best manner and at the shortest notice. April 1. NOAH WALKER & CO. PERUVIAN GUANO. Qr TONS of best quality. For sale in lots to OO stilt purchasers by RUSSELL A BRO. April 3. $100 REAVARD. Orncs WiiMtxoTOw & Weldon R. R., W Hminsrton. March 20, 1856. V A REWARD of One Huodred Dollars will be paid for the apprehension, or (or evidence that may eanse conviction of any person or per sons that have been during the lust three months, or may hereafter be engaged in putting obstruc tions npon the track of this Road, or who msy be guilty of throwing missiles at the trains on Ihe road.it being the determination of the Board of Directors to prosecte such fiends to the extent of the law. ' S. L. FREMONT. fing. dt Supt. April I. 7-3m MRS7-BR0T1IERSV HOTEL ! FAIR BLUFF, COLUMBUS, N. C. THIS well known Hotel, the Dining House lor tne passengers going North and South, and the Office of the stage linca to Kajetieville, Lorn- berton and Conwayboro', is located immediately on the Wil. & Man. Rail Road, at Fair Bluff, Co lumbus county, N. C, tixty-three miles south of Wilmington. The Houre is entirely new, and fur nished with new lurniture, in style inferior to no estsblishment of the kind in the south. The fa cilities afforded by a communication with Wilming ton and Charleston twice a day, enabless the Pro prietress to procure for her table, every delicacy, and no pains or expense shall be spared to main tain the extensile reputation of the culinary de partment of her house. - j The BAR is supplied with the most superior brands of Wine, Liquors and Cigars, and is un der the supervision of a gentleman thoroughly ac quinted with his business. The Stage for Lum ber! on and Fayetteville leaves this house Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at I o'clock, P. M., Im mediately after the arrival of the Northern and Southern Traina. The Conwayboro' Stage leaves the same days at 6 o'clock, A. M. Passengers on the Csrs have sufficient time to dine, and those stopping over will find attentive servant at the platform to take charge of their baggnge. The efforts of the subscriber to contribute to the comfort of her guests heretofore, warrant her in the assurance that a generous public will assist In sustaining her house. Comfortable and convenient arrangements are made for (amities wishing to spend the summer in the country. Persons wishing to remain over night, and thereby avoiding the nighf travelling on the cais, will find every thing in readiness for their reception. M. A- BROTHERS. Fair Bluff, April 5. 9-2m Wilmington Herald, Southern Sentinel, Wilson, N.C, Fayetteville Observer snd North Carolina Times, once a week for 2 months, and send bills to thi office. BUTTER. HAVING mide arrangement for a constant supply ot good Butter, from some of Ihe best Dairies at the North and West, I shall be able to supply dealers and consumers here, wirh the arti cle on as good terms as they can import it. The butter will be kept in the Wilmiaston lee-house, and will be delivered in good and firm condition, in packages of 50 to 100 lbs. cheap as possible, for Cosh. The first lot is hourly expe-ted t ar rive. . GEO. HOUSTON. . Aprf. 8. ..." JUST OPENED A. LARG E, well selected and raricd'sss rfment of Groceries, comprising a fresh lot oT Cheese, . . Preserved Lard, . PiCkle Coffee, dt Soaps, Fresh Mesls. Starch, Tin ad Wooden Candles. ... Ware, . . Floifr, At , All of which may be found at the comer of Mar ket and Water streets, at the "Cheap Cash SIotc" where good mast be paid for on delivery. - E. D. COWAN, Superintendent. Jan. 31. " . 136-tf. v Herald and Joarnal copy. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON LOGIC Including t Parti, Analysis of Form ula! ; Part II, Method with asj Appendix for A nal v.ia sad Critteiam. and febrdob Indax of Term and Subject,- By W. t. VilonJ D. D rrm. hi nuuin iuitjjc, ucuc, . , c w a vi a. Lately rublished. Fof sale at March ?9. S.W. WHl TAKER'S. l L . . v r t tr v s-u w r LsmiPm! ' . -. ""'f "' fft& ' . vrii- nr it , II n A. H- r iniE,v j j DESCRIPTION, , jg So. Sid Market ,t.,uj L CARDS, r")JWILHINGTO!, K. C. - J I . f j PS, fSrt. Ate., &a JfPSl- ARTIST'S 31 AtERrALS AA WILMINGTON L AVEL R. R, CO, CJi"1 ir -ix-f' r , , , . , OrVICB K'nOTSTCC AirtV S VPXRlirTtXDT, ) Wilmington, N. C. Ja-n. I, IH5S. $ THE" PASSENGER TRAINS WLL, U.VV TIL further notice, run over this road as fol lows f GOING NORTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wllmlr. jriort at 6 A. M-t arrive at Goldsboro' st 9 54 leare in 6 jnine-ana arrives sr Weldon at 1. 30 I". NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leave Wilming ton at 4 30 P. M.; arrives ar Croldi-bero' st fi.ft". to supper 20 mintrtesr arrives st Weldon ar 1.C0 fTOIVG sOTJTH. DAILT. DAY EXPRESS reaves Weldon at 17 v., . rive at Goldaboro' 3 20 P. M. leaves in 5 minute?-arrives at WMmingion at 7.30 P. M. to sup per. ' . NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 9 P. M. arrives at Goldsboro' at 1. 10 A. M leaves in 3 minutes? strives at Wilmington at 5. 30 A. M. Elr""The Night Express Train connects wiilr the NorthCarolina Railroad, both way, at Golds boro'. . Through fickets North sold1 Til Wilmingtofif to Baltimore $12; to Phi1adelMl l? to New York SIS 60: to Washington, D.C., til. ISTTrcireTS Will Hot Km solb to Jt ftccsO r rsaso. Passengers (fr't notified ' thai an ertra charge of one eent per mile v -ill be required qf thole rrho tV not pttf chase tickets at stations. Freight by passenger (rain rmSft raftr. 1.0' cal fare, with tickets, about 3' cents per mile;' if paid In-the' cars, about 4 cents per mile. FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule trains between Wilmington and Weldon, each week I' leaving alternately on Mondays snd Thursdays and arriving on Tuesday snd Fri days. Two schedule trains per week to Guldsbo-r ro'i leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fri days, and Goldsboro' on' WedrreedVy aad Satur days. . . All dues on freight, up' or down", pttya&leat Gen' eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on receipt CT delivery, Including that on the North Crolina Railroad. S. 1.. FREMONT. Jan. 29. . General Superintendent . Orrrc Wit. & Man. Rail Road, Wilmington, Dec 13th, li55. i mmmmi ia, awaav m m t fb'mf -w aaw . NOTICE is hereby given lhat nil Freight trans--ported by this Road will be at the entrre risk of the owner, lrom the moment it is unladen froirr the Cars at the point of delivery. L. J. FLEMING, General Superintrndcnf. Dec. 15. 117 iy ON CONSIGNMENT, Q Ar BUSHELS White Flint Cotrk r OlU 50 bbls. Flour, (Wilmington Inspection) r 100 bushels 31 en I. For sale In lois to s uit, by T. C. A B. G. WORTH. . Feb. 12. ; . i -- '' MEDICATED' - . GUTTAPERCHA COLLODIAf. ANEW snd Valuable Remedy for dressing1 Wounds, Cuts, Burns, ana Ulcers. It has been tried successfully by Physician, and found1 superior to any remedy of the kind now in use. It forms, when spplied, a Cuticle, soft, elastic, and impervious to water, assimilating most perfectly the natural Cuticle. It may bis advantageously used in chsp.ied lips, excoriations stiont the ee and ears of children, and lor abrasion f slmosf every kind, and as a dressing- id' stiVgica! opera tions. The proprietors feel great confidence in prestfnf ing the above article for use, believing it will prove fully adequa'e to the ends proposed, snd invslua ble aa a medicinal remedy. For sale byl the Pro prletors, , C. dt D. DuPRE. ALSO VETERrANRY GUTTA PERCHA COLLODION for Saddle and Harness 3alls Wounds and sores on horses. For sale by the Prey prictors, - C. A D. DuPRE, May 201 Di'iiggl'sts; Wilmingion, N.C. irARffiANs not EL (Hate Wa-shington and iLafaVette"? WAS THIS DAY OPENED BY THE S iibscriber', formerly proprietor of the Fay etteville Hotel, and is now ready for the ac commodation of travelers. i JNO. HARM AN. Wilmington June 7. 37-tf. CIGARS; CIGARS. J Kf Ann BEST Havana Cigars-prime af wv v.y w tide also, a lew boxes choice CBeertng Tobacco. For sale by C. & D. DVPRE. Junto; Market -tfnxt. NOTICE! NOTICE!! THE Subscriber would respectfully notify al? persons indebted to hi m--accounts and notes duoio make immediate sell lenient ss money must be had. GEO. MYERS. Oct. 4. : 87 GLUE. 1 r BBLS., a prime artleln for Distillers. Fo A J sale by ADAMS, BRO. & CO. 10 Nov. 17. NOTICE. rHE nndersigrfed having now some firstrate workmen employed, is prepared to manufac ture Boots and Shoes to' efderat short notice. All work warranted. Also,' all kind of repairing done with neatneis and dispatch. July 24. GF.a R. FRENCH NOTICE ! NOTICE ! ! NOtlCfi ! ! f THOSE who have not paid their accounts to January 1st, will please do ao Immediately, as it is absolutely necessary for us to receive last year's Bill In order to pay oar own. I trust fuf' ther notice will be unnecessary. Respectfully Jan. 26. GEO- MYERS, noop iRofl. 1 and If inch wide. For distillers. For saJe hf RUSSELL dr, BRO. Oet.S. No. 30 North Wsterst. SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. BAGS Prof. Mape's improved super Pho- f J phateof L.lme. for sale by March 6. ADAMS, BPO. & CO. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! THE subscriber hsrvlrrg adopted the "thirty dan and uCah system,'' is determined to make it to the Interest of purchasers fo patronize him, by keeping constantly on hand a supply of 6roce ries, 4c, at reduced price. Just received : 40 boxes of Goshen etid English dairy Cheese; 36 bsgs Java, Rio and Lapuayra Coffees; a large and fresh supply of nice Butter and Lard: 43 bag and boxea Buckwheat! 2000 lb. Codfish ; No. t and 2 Mackerel and Salmon In half bbls. and kits, Hiram Smith's Flour, in half bbrs.f Rice Ftonf 45 boxes of Sterein, Ada-1 mami'ne and Sperm Candles; Soda, Bu'ter, Su gar and Water Crackers, in bbls. snd boxes ; Fu ton Market Beef, drc.d-c. For sale by WM. L. S. TOWNS H END. March 6. - No. 29, Market street BUTTER. i A - FEW kegs selected Goshen BrfHef, Just rs- ceived, For sale low for cash, by J, H. FLANNER. Feb. 35th FRESH Gi!0CRIES ? WE are stow receiving our Spring stock of Fresh Giecerir-s, and invite the attention ef our friends and patrons to sn exsroinst'on of the same Consisting in part of a very extra quality of Tea, Green and Black j Liquor, Wines. Cor dials, Champane; Extra Goshen Butter; English and American Cheese; Java, Rio, Laguayra and St. Domingo Coffees? Soger o.' all grades; Fresh Prunes at 12 cents per lb.; Crackets of every va riety; Figs Notsj Applet j Of hces; Confeet ionsries; Lemon; Pickles t Catsup; Saocei; Jellies; Preserved Ginger; Corned Beef; Smoked Beef; Beef Tongaest Spiced Oysters; Raisins; Currantsr Citron ; Flavouriog Extracts; Salmon; Mackerel; Codfish J Sounds snd Tongaes ; Buck eta; Brooms; Baskets; 250.000 Sesars, some f the choicest brand. In fact we have every vari ety of the choicest Groceries, and at the lowest possible pricea for cash. At the Original Greeery . March bV GEO. MVERS. JUST RECEIVING, OH riflf i LARGE tett Orsng, VJJUJ 50 bbl. Apples, 100 boxe Raisin, wholes, halves sad (jus ti er, Citron, Currant, Shell Barks, Cranberries, Lemon and Cwafetrtiaaof fee. Cn 'he Origi nal Grocery. OLO. eiYF.r.s. Dee. IU US m