VOLUME XI NUMBER 25. WILMINGTON, N. G., TUESDAY MORNING, MAY .13,. 1856.. WHOLE NUMBER AiSO POETRY. FLT AWAY PRETTY DOVE. ; .... fly away pretty Dure, To tha bower of my love, ' And whisper, Oh ! wlinper the soft tender tale, .... , ... T1m brtexes of spring, . - Scarce shall raffle thy win;, ' "While lore speed thee onward defying the gale. Then fly ta that bower, Where the jessamine flower, ' 'Eut wines round the Uuice its pure tender stem, .v '- Where the Eglantin weaves, - With sweet baltuy lea re, ' A wreath, which the earliest dew drops begem. jf - ' " When Suminer'a first rose, ., . , ;il All its beauties disclose,. .Aud scents with iu perfsmie the bower of my love; Wliere tin honied Oees rove, To that sweet scented grove, And sip mid the roses, my own pretty Dove. Fly away pretty Dove, " ' J . J- thi bower f f ' "An& drop at her fret tbt fond tidings you bear, Oh! haste on the wing, Thou sweet trvmblitg thing And seek 'mid the rows, my Lady-love fair. MISCELLANY. From the Clintsn Independent. THE PISTOL WITHOUT A LOCK. I can't see the use of any body car rying a pistol, as tor mtr part I urvei did but oiM-e, and that had no lock.' Thesw .were the remarks of an old friend of mine one cold 'winter evening while 1 was slaying with him for th- night. He was a man of seventy, whose ; Iiair had been whitened by the enres of lite, but his tatures toid that he was still sound in both body and mind. The old gentleman had been di vetting his guest with many a tile of younger days; such as deer-hunting and the like His attention had bi'eii drawn by one of nisguests wjio py tne way was an otticei oi trouecnoti ana i was reiatma an inci dent of a few, days previous," in which. .by active use ol his pistols, he escaped with his life. "1 " Since that time, lie felt not safe with out them,' even among his fi lends, and that he never could think of going out on business, without them well loaded As these last words fell upon the old gentleman's ear he drew a-long breath and giving the fire a stir with his stick then turning to his friend who, had fin ished his remarks preparatory to hear ing what might follow. 'When I was a young mau 1 was an officer for ten ' years, and during that timet never car ried a pistol but ouce, nd that wiihout a lock. J vas carrying that one for my neighbors to have a new lock put on.' Taking a look at the old clock and cross ,sing hisJegs theold gentleman remarked that it was now past his usual bed-time, but a univesal look of lets hear that one, come from all, he proceeded. ' " I thik ft was the latter part of the year 1S33, I had an account against one of my neighbors who for several reasons 1 shall call John Smith. He was by no -Trieans a good man to deal wiih, at least others said so. jEarly one - morning I mounted my horse to ride down to see what could.be doiie with my man Smith. I bad not gone far before -1 met litil Peter Boyd who 'was always trying to oe a litile a Dead ot anybody, and wanted to Know it I would carry his pistol ovei to (iakers to get a new lock ; as it wa but a little out of my way 1 placed it ii my pocket and rode on ; , leeling some what odd wuh my prize errand. It fine time I arrived at Smith's. He wa tipon his barn with an old negro man Sambo putting on some shingles. rode up, spoke I to Mr. Smith of the weather, state of his health, &c . . I told him I had a small account wished him to close or I should be un 4ler the Necessity of serving a warrant To this he refused. I summoned him to comedown and accompany me over vto squire N- sto ttiaL I hanJly fin- lnn c rvA b titer nrhora ra rlaiv- rAa rage, and picking up his axe which was I n aw - . j fc " a awa w near, bid me be goae or he would throw his axe through me, a good for-nothing dn? as I oris floro was a fiv thoi would have bceii glad to have been rid of. Not to be backed out; I jumped down from my horse that I could the O " . " .. u ,IU. better dodge his blow should he attempt to put his threat into executiou I tried to remonstrate with him but to no purpose. tie ,suii rageu ami bja me . fie gone About this time I began to think their was do hope unless,! procured assistance. In a moment a new thought,crossed my mind. That was the pistol. ; Idrew it forthand waving it iu the air. with as much dignity as if it would ha ve shot down hundreds; I told hira I was bound to carry out the lav, . that he must not blame me, the law said kill and that if he did nor come down I would shoot birrj as soon as I would a dog ; to put own his axe and come down. This nad the desired eSeci, turning to Sambo (who by this time was as scared as' his master)he asked him what he thought be .Dad better do. I thiuks as you had better g. I believes the law does say kill trm massa. . He took . Sambo's advice and rery cooiy came down, leaving his axe as vreli as bw fury and very gentlemanly ficrompawed me to trial where business was properly disposed of. - When I was about to depart he wished to know if I was in earnest about shooting him, I told bira. that, ai sureB as the pistol would bave fired, I would have shot. I had taken good care to keep" itln motion so (bat he never knew the lock was mi: eing, News soon got out that I had a i savage looking pistol,-and ;would use ii it. required. 4 I .never afier had uso tor one nor trom (hat day to ibis ever cairied one. As lot my pari I dent le!ieve there is any use of pistols ha vii g locks to tin m, as they da-just as well and trme is much less I .nicer in using ihem. When all ha. 1 got through tlieir laugh the old. gentle niau ane fiom his- seat, give a few orders as to our quaitersfot the night and slowly started for lied lielievii gas 1 do liai he was more than half rnhi. . ; - A. Patterson, N.Y., April 1856. The Price of Two Potatoes In 1 805. 1 be follu'wmjr nwcitoi of ihe firai N.. ole.m this ne equit y ol il.iecriuiiiitfiiiir be t weeij ifce two ,HJiVuiis lit h Jntlft iiicon r-iHerii is relittett in u letter from h Cur ieip4)iileritl ho .w8 a conenler.ible , tim- in ine rreii'ih nnlitre st-rvt e, hiiii whu vouches for iia i''bticitjr- ,.VVeY might say ol 11 'cr nou e veto e ben IrOvalo." I be evening, before the battle of (Jim -her Njofeii ihe First, in company with ViHrslml tJeruiier, was ualkimr nicogrr.it. iiruun trie c.i iop itu.1 listening to the tiilk H nis soMier. De saw :u group not fur ff a grreiiHilier of the Guard who wns roast- injf bOiiie Dotntoe in the ashfs 'I should like h ronst pou. toe above nil things,' SHid the Emperior to the Mnrsli.J; sk in owner of I hern if he will sell one. In obedience lo Ihecnler, Berthier uHvanr- ed to ihe group and Hsked to whom the liotatues belonged. A grenmlier stepped iorHrl Hud sbUI. Thev nre mine Will you sell me one?' I have only five, nd that's barlly e- nougn tor my supper. I will cive you two Nanoleans if von will tell me one.' 1 don't want your gold, I shall be kill ed, perhnps, tomorrow, and 1 don't wnnt be enemy to find sue with an empty stom ach ' Bertbier reported the soldier's answer to the kmperor. who was standing a little in ibe biicfc ii round. 'Lei's see if I shall be luckier than von.' said the bitter, and ffoinir m rn m th rreninlier, he usked hitn if he would sell him a potHioe. 'Not by n long shot' answered the cren- adier, 'I haven't tuotigh for myself uui you may Pel vour own nricw Come 1 am hunsrv. and haven't eaten 0-day. , I tell you I haven't enoujrh for mvself besides all tht, do you think I don't know j-ou in rpite of your disguise?' . , 1ITL 1 . . . . O v no am i men r Bah ! The In tie corporal, as thev call bira; am I right ?' 'Hell, since you know me, will you sell me a pot, -i toe T 'No, but if you wotd.l have me. come and line with you when we gel biick to Paris, yoa may sup wnh me lo-ribrhr. Done l said Napoleon. 'On the wr.rd nf a liule corporal; on the word of an Emper or." . - i 'Well and good. Our Dotnoeii rht to be done by this timer thrre ar th m-n largest ones, the rest I'll eat mvself Tiie Emperor sat lon and ae his do- n. toes, and then returned with Benhier to his,ient. merely remarking, -the rcue is a good soldier, I'll wtiffer. 'wg mom lis af!erwr.ls Napoleon the virui was in me miit uf bn. ha.- t cun l the pilaceof the 'l uilerips. ami was inst 3iiiinr down to dine, when ih .rr.l brongh him tbot u pr-niilier was without, trying to force ihf truard at ihe door, say. ing: lhat he had b-ri invited by, the Em peror 'Lei him cotrie in.' said his majes ty. The soldier entered, presented arms, and said to the Emperor' 'Do you remember once having supped with rne off my ro,si otntoes 'Oh, is that you t Yes, yes. I remember. said the Emperor; 'and s,o you have come to due wuh me, haveyqu? Rnstan. lay ..i.u.iwt t.over on your table for lh:s bravi- leiiow. .e- Again the arms, and said : grenadier presenieil V A grena.fier of the Guards does not eat with lackeys. Your majesty lold me I should rtine wilb youibat was the bar- tram, ami . trusting to your word, Ibuve come bfiher.r K , True, true,' said the Emrjeror. Iar a eorer here near me; lay aside your arms. man ami, and draw up to the table. :Uinner orerv he grenadier went, at his usual pace, took up bis carbine, and turn- ingiothe Einperor, presented arms and said ' -i- ... -- -. A.raerevprivie niffht-not to dina at the table of his Emperor.1 . ' . ;. . Ah I I understand .you, said- Napole'ort I name you - Chevalier of v the Leiruin nf Honor, and Lieutenant in mv companv of :Thank you bearily. Vive f Emptmr P answered trie soldier, and withdraw. Fondness of Great Ma for Children. liich'er says that the man is to be.shonnel who does not love the society of children ntnrj tv: was passionately lond of them. nd delighted in tbeirgambols and little caprices. One day, when crawhnrr around his room on all fours, on his bands and xnees. with the Daubhin on his back and tne Ainer cnildren around hirn, , urging the king to gallop in imitation of horse, nn Ambassador suddenly entered and urpris eo tne rtoyat tamtlv in the midst of their fun. ilenrv. Wllhout rising i., hia foar oelr- d; v "Have yo children, Mr. Ambassador?" "Yes, rir. : 'In that case 1 nroceed with tha ennrt " a. l.. " ".. c ' ICJJUCU IUB King. , ' IMPOSING THE FINES. ' . It has been decided br Judsre Jobmnr, of Louisville, ihat liqrtor selling on ihe Sab butb, by any persons, whether under the cloak or guise .of tlub roouL, or a coffee- j Douse, is contrary to ordinance; By 8tnjpling with misfortunes we' are sore to receive some wounds 10 the conflict: Ii,... -1 S -. - rem sure way to come on victorious is not by running Goldsmith - AN -INDO.VI ITABLE Some six years smcetsays the , Buff do Advertiser, u young m.in from the town of H in burg came lo lua city iu seurch of em plojment, and hurfindiug ny thing belter, engaged himself ng a canal 'driver,' which business 'he prosecuted faithfully lor about wo years; nt-the end of which lime, uspir . Irtle higher, he procured ji situation mm leauisier at one of our brickyards, and for tbuiit a year was actively engaged in haiil uiiT brick around the city. During i his time. t IS l:ot to b supposed that he w3 l-ile. r thai his mind dwelt only iioi horses and briCix8, for shortly after we hear of hiui nleriiig one of our. high sch"ols, and in n very short tune ; after ein-riug - witbits highest hiliors Next we bear f him as Principal of a very respectable cad at Jhirksville: ir .io. lie li.ia l " akeii In rr .liiii' la w, and varus its iedtoiishe3 turing the viiiier, by attending to the-dunes ns pru f. i84r of Vocal Nhiiel wf lbe Hudsoq Hiv -t I nst i l u te a l ?la yr rac kt nJ wjt hiu ,'t h last tooi.Ub.v 'ftni -hvn at te L w Schod at Albany, and 'a.trniited a member of ibe barofihat chy. The name of the young man is Ornu L. Abbott ? A FOHTMGIIT WITH BttfQANDS.; The Spaoidi j mm iU record tha captor- f h ffetitMfin ii of orooert. bv hi-t.-.n Ij Count de Vallariezo was carried off three weeks ago from tha district of Toledo, 10 000 piastres were demanded from his f.nni y for his ransom. The family paid th money; but the local authorities succeed- eii in seizing it before it reached its desti nation. The briirands. however, airain no- lined the fa mil y that they expected this ransom, nnd the latter deemed it riirht, ni spue of the prohibition of the authorities, to forward it to them. On receipt of it, the briiramls immediately released tha Count, and he arrived home eight dajs back. He relates that the brigands on captur Ing him told him that he need entertain no fear, as they bad taken him not lo mnrd r him, but to do a trood stroke of business by getting paid for bis release, and ihey ex pressel their . v regret nt being obliged lo carry bun into Portugal He sty also ihai when the brigands, who Tvere always on the move during the day, encamed for i he n iff ht, they gave him blankets to wrap himself up in, and that when pro visions happei.cd lo be scarce, they even stinted themselves in order that he might have enough. He says, moreover, that ihey appeared lo possess a certain degree of education, and asked him if, in bis visit :o Madrid, he hail not visiied the opera and heard Honcon expressing surprise on being answered in the negutive. DEATH OF EX SENATOR DAWSON. The Hin. William (J. Dawson, for many years a distinguished Senator of ihe Uni ted St.ites from Georgia, is reported by telegraph to h'tvedied at Gree n.-tboro in that State, on Tuesday, of neuralgia of the heart. Thus, within a brief period, the State of Georjria has lost three of her most eminent statesmen and cx-senators Judge Berrien, Gov Tro'ip and Mr Dawson. The latter gentleman, it will be remember ed, presided wiih great dignity over the Southern Commercial Convention which assembled in Charleston, S. C , April 1852 FROM THE ALTAll TO niE GRAVE Kjne oi tne city papers a lew mornings since contained the notice of a marria;e on the revions evening in the city at 7 o'clock, and immediately iollowing ihe marriajre notice was the announcement of the bride's leaih at 9 o'clock on the same evening ! V'e learn that ihe lady had been unwell for some time, b'it ws not thought to be in a dangerous condition ; but soon after the marriage ceremony had ended she was ta- S a a a Ken senousiy in, ami in iwo Honrs was a corpse, btich is life, on rely irnth is strang er than fiction. A' O. Bulletin HOW THEY LIVE I.V NEW YORK. The health, warden and i'ispetor of New York city have been visiting the houses of the people to investigate the sanatory condition of the place. , Last wee 3,266 bouses were risited,"of which 764 were stores or buildings not inhabited.. In the 2.562 dwellings were found ,7,301 families, rnmiiosed of 36,503 persons, of whom 24,015 were adults. Not less thai' 1.592 houses were foini lo be oceupieilby over four fmiliesv Evt-n in -Seventeenth street, in the'artstocratic EighteeiitTi ward, over one thousand persons were found tc occupy a row jofev sateen bouses. ; A SUCCESSFUL VOYAGE. The ship Abingnll arrived at New Vork on Monday night from a whaling voyage, him nor been absent fort r-four months. She has taken during ihat lime 329 bar rels of sperm oil, and 81,500 lbs of bone. Al present prices ihr afftrregate of the voy age would amount to about $195,000. FLOUR, TL0DR. QfA BBI.S.opet. ,'?." . CU 10 " Family. Low for rash at -v..s .-i. OaiO. H. KKLI.RV A BRO S. April 12. s Na. it. North Water street. JUST 0PENFD.: AFRESH supply tti Kooso, Batley'a Sedative, Sou.'h American ttemedy, and a number ol qcw preparatioaa. C D'Dwl'KE, -, Nov. 8. ' 43 Market Ureet. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AN Eteenst Kdition nf Biilsof Exchange, print ed tn Get many, in Books of 10 quires and in stweta for sale (at red"ced prices) at the office of i Ltmsuraiu - - - t . INK!! PER Schr. Pedes, we r-c ived yesterday 24 cases of that moat ad m last Croton Ink out op in bottles of various sixes We hive atso lately pnt onriraueht a barrel ot Horrw'a Compress Ink. Price 9 r,2s per caiioo. Sold in quantities tn sail. May 8. : . . . W. W H IT A K. K&T t NEWmTI0lftRr DKJl Sehr. 1 ed. we reeei vcH vesierday 1 Bins X and AVhile laid Windsor iMill Papers a Wan lifol article t Blank Book a a large addiiiooal r nveioneai ta nac, neary arncla. at zuets. per iittnuim ;) uwunrnt envelopes paper, parrn meat and clxh t MarroraadHinaf Masihtsei Mana'a Patent Parehmrat letter Copyins; Books; Draper's Patent Inkstands 1 Ink Fraaert; Back gamnion Boxes; Chass-men, &c, de. wijo.- , W. WUITAKEU. lNOTHE. l'llKsubucribereapotiluli) informs th public, t tltaihe is now rAniiinn the ttwiioa buinerk un hiownaccoiiai. and hi c by si rid dttenUbflo nusinei-, to nivrii a cunilnuuut. Im it iatrMtage Heretofore olibcrU bvittowcd upun him. Slock, Iteal Estate and Negroes. bought and old on s oaiinivaioD, etiner si private or public sale. JsaR.ldfi4. .... FOR S1LR. rfW VEaT prti.e .leclt d Kinpty Spirit bbli JJ I VI r.ngj IJuuno. : : 200 " Brown Salt, , 5 I bills Heirins, ' - , I i half bbla. Snuff, bv March 6. ADAMS, BS.O. A, CO. THE NORTH CAROLINA iJUTIiAIil.lFKlASinAACtCOMP'i, ItALblUll. in o. UK aboveCuaiiiurt) h.-sbern inopuration-iinct Hit l i .a Auru, dii, unijer i he direcliui.ul the i . ilktjuin. UUicet t. vix : Ur.Uhario K. oulidun, Proulaent. , , V in. li. lluywooU, Vice I'rcoiucnt, j Juha Q. M llilums.-ji lt'Ij t v r. Porrln tin abets, Attorney, -l)r. .Jharlc K. Jolinaon. j .. , , , Dr. U.B. Haywuod, $ CmtuUatun. J. l-tersin in. 'General Agent. ' This Ooiuuany aaarecuivtal m charter eivine nd- iintinie none insured o er any ollit-r .'onipiny. I'he 5tl, se-tron girve ihe Huebaiul ihe privilege to tr.!urt hiviiwn iieforih solruaeot hi V ilV and Uiildren, frtr Irum any rluiinr if ihe o-prcaenta-vt-FiO the liiitfhaiid oi ny if his cr'-dilora : Iraaniiid n purely mutual principl'-f, the life iieintM'rviiarticipiii in die WioeofllieprofiirH hicli irr -leelared annually Hi-sidpa. th nppliennt .ife. when the nnnitulpremiuiu is ovcr$30 iaay p.i) ne half in N-(e. Ill lainia lor insurance against i he Compnn v wil lenaid within nineiv Uavsaficr proof of the dcalh f ihe party isfnrntelied. "lave are laanrt-il forrnie or fiva yrars. at rtea whii h will enable an iaveliIUer l" !eiin thi elaeaaf nroperiiy nsainsi the oneKriainty pf life. Slave insurance presents a new and iaferestin feaiiu.-ir. the hiotnr) f Vorth "nwllne which will prov very inipiiria-i i.i the Soulhe'H States l tie laai toiir iiionrn uperallon Ithix ompany how a vrrl nme mmnni ol ninc? more ihna the Direclora exTteH i fin the firm year having iirraov lasuen mow man 41m I'ollrlra Dr. VVi. W. H.uiid. Mudtcal Rxaminer, n nd Igent. Wiiminpten. f, 1: AM 'omaianieattonannhu8inrprof theConipany nomo nodcirofW" . JOHN GL WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Ralcith.JuneP. Ift5 . ' PROS P ECTU3 OF THE "j )urdi:i:N sextinel," A Democratic and jtfiscalanrous Journal, to be publish-d weekly, at Wilson, N. C. I'll K exfotini; condition of po'itical parties, and of p.iriizan airiie, miurally sui!;eta ih etsili-i-htnaf aucll a j.iarnal the '-soiitlH rn Sinii iiel" qrpoaj to ftecunte. - The prew-nt, (nrli-. d, ir 4 crl-l in ur political hisl rjr, nevt-r w itn d b.--tore. The Coamiiutiun hua liven invuded : tae lavis iraniiilud ani s it uj in ; rcliginuslinei iy afmil. d ; 'mil-a noxrs oruitcn nu uiiriii ; the landmarks til nar pollitciil -met stry pauiully eiM- d th wis din ileiived from a lime-honored exp.rie- cu un t'ed; atranvi, and q-ieKtionatila nivn h:ive bw-ii pusuainut high po-lti -na; and lanatici in, unchiii- iel triita its ajtt? nnd iu fugzol plh-r in the iVitrtlt. t-h-ard lo howl aiming an In hn South. There evils, todita It humble abilitUs shall werva, ,. THE SOUTHERN SRNTINEL A III en Ij.iv.ir lo arreat. It will endoivnrf InciH- eate i r vor. nee lor the l iwana ihey exist, and frr tat; t"!ntiiution, aa It liaa bt.-ea tnivtprnied by ihe wise men i tne past nd by the Faihers of the Dr'inii rnfic faith, tl ill defend nm ini iioliiioni but -ligioc7s liberty, and will do b.tttto aynin.-t ev ry po i iciil hereby ih.il may appeiir. wlierhei hutched in rates orcu vi-rls, or open convention. The Si niini'l will ulut, to r-li ve ihe monotiiir nf politics, devote sitae,.- to literary topic, oliv.in.il and oelectt d. a well aa in miscellaneoua subjects. wincn art'tiun'-iu.'ie .g icultural and tne litfeRt Com' nercialinrellisfenre. In bri.-f, no rff.ris nr ex-M-naea will he cpareti t. nink- the Se. iin-l one o-ih- moai useful and effi.-lent joarnnla In the outh Tne rirm ntimbrr of iltn Sentinel will be i-8iied about ihe firM "f the a. xt month, and nenr to sub scriheraat the rit)e of $ per annum : Si 51 at tin end of six nionihs, ami i at tn- end of the vonr. Oiacount i ide In leli;ilf al clubs, who chaH take five, ten 01 more copies. . J. F. KERNAN, Erllmr. Jan. 17. (30-3t JUST RECEIVED. OAf PA,,t blck and colored foxed and "J Vv lifted fi.li. r-. 100 pair I. adira fine clove kid Gai'erw. Alan, a fine g irlment of l.:nties fine Nlippcra, -tii'ante j.ir span;, wa:cli u I i be oil. ret nt a re- dured prlee. OKO. It KRKNCII April 0. 10 4- Then tletteetual Vigor of a People is indicated by the Character of it Literature." THE CRiTEKION ; 1 LITEKlkl 1D CRITICAL WtLKLY JOURNAL 16 pages. 4to. "iXTAS commenced on the 3d of Xoveraber, IF5S V and haa thus fur received verv general aporo a'lon Anxioas to extend its influence, and place it upon a SHbxiantial b .sis ot support, the Publish .'desires utost earmatly to direr t the att nliono he thinKinst pubic ot America to iia clam.s upon heir eon -Ideration. -.Tne main feature of the CItlTKK IOIV ia ita Re views of Curr. nt Literature . Jn this department re given inor u -n ana n e r.Hn l.-ms ot all tne most important Books us they aru issued, p'iinf njr out tnrttr ertirtt en.irictarut cs, and induMtins their mora I tendencies. ' thus Keenlnz its readers informed uf alt new publications Which deserve their attention, it als.t contains . Cnpinvs Intelligence np Affair 1 t the Literary - rr or , Gossip concerning Books and Writer.- Announcements of contemplated P 11 b Ileal ins, and l,isisof JXew Ueoks issued in A ertca end Europe. 1 lie urama, .J aic h ina Arts, an,! .cience-,al-i receive attention, and several columea of carefull e tec lea and agreeat.le mat er are civeii in each number, in a.idnion to the above there-is a rfe pnrtment of Micella nee lor reading of an enttfh. tainintt character, carfulhy selected from new books and the ablest reviews. a-fM a week? c.illectiott ol oiea and jUui lies, wtitea cantains a great -ratiet ot curious ana v.iu iD'e rnurtna umc.- 1. ! 1 . . . 1 . . ii ia con.iuenri" Dciv iea inn a journal ai'rr. as n (Jltl 1 K.tttlN eapnot fail 10 have a inod ff. -t upon opt national literature, and I some exent upon 1 ur n ttional chiracter. Il will be found es pecially valuable in directit'i: the attention of youth t- woiksuf real exrellenee; and encnurajrinsr- an ippreciation for vnlu-ible rearltng which ia.beins rapidly destroyed by the escalation of f-uperfiri.-T. md sophistical books. To the reading .man the literary int. Ilisence atone must render it . vurv dt-; kirible; and to all who wiali to promote an Improve ment in taate, tne tncouiagement r merit, and aa one mpniiilsin5 condemnation- of vieious style, mock sentiment, and evil prinet pies, such anenter- ntlsa cannot at least, should rvt be indifferent. Tn members of Historical, l.i:ars-y and Kcietitr fiis .SocietiesvLye'ttma and Debiting Chjba. the subjects discussed in this p iper will at all titoef prenf necu iar interest, -and Ir is trie de-lanol in editors to thoroughly cnv9 tram time to timeihoselinDirtinl philosophical qmvt iona whirl, agitate all inquiring minds, correct in if false theo ries, an dencoit rapine profit ible inr-siieitiun. ThaCltl I KRI'lV la pubH-hed tl prr jk nam. payable yearly, htf yea. lywqotrterl7 in ad vance. Specimen 0e rapptied va apuhealuxi to the Publisher, CHARLKH B.-KODK,, , 'Z' '' . Nj. 113; Noasaa street, Sew Vork. :Jan,12. . 123-61 "THIH undersigned b"avlns ww some first rate , m wnnmm employril,ls prepared m nianutac tars Boots and Shoes to order at short notice All work warrame-i. ' Also, all kinds of repairing done with neatness and dirpntrh. July 24. UE0.JL.FRLXCO. 4 s J -- "-i- iiifj iitl-HTrifclKLY COMaJEKCIAl U MublUlicd every TvssoAr, T a use o Air an "ATCRDAir al 5 per annuiu, payable inailcaser n iiiaiice. . - . . .IV I'aoMAS LOIUNG Eoitob andPaoraic- roH, Corner Front and Market Streets, . WILMI50T0N. w. c. RTR8 F AnVERTISIXC. 1 iosertioa SO SO j J aqr. 2 nionihs, t aqr. I t t4 CO 6 0( 8 PC i ' ' is " 3 . " , 1 00 f I " 6 t monthY 2 60 J 1 l 12 00 Ten lines or leas tnuke a aqnare. If an adver iseuioni exceeds ten lines, the pilce will be in iroporiion. . f ' ' All ;i Ivcriiscmenta are payable at the time of heir insertion. . ' Ooairacts iih yearly advertisera, will benadi n the maul liberal lerius. ; ..No tr:i!tf.-r -if eontracn for vearly advertlstnj will br n.'r.nitti'd Should circtiaistanccs render 1 hansr in buHines., or an unexpected remova rtcceaearv, a charge arcordinw lo ihe publisher ermx will bnai ihe uprion ol the eonlractur, for lie time he aa adverdtu-d. ' . , ., The rrivi!e? of Annual Advertinrr la strifilt 1 imin-d oao4r rwo mnitlate haslnesa; and all aowniaemrnifi hut rne benefit ofother persons, is wpll m alla'lvertl!ineniaiiiiminediaieiy con nrrn d wirn "their "own bnainrsa.and allexcran of I'lvnrliMCrr.rnt in length or otherwise bey. mil the limlta engaged, will he charged at the nana 1 rates. ' No Advaniiemnnia. Is Ini-ludcd In the eon-'ract 'ortha nale or rent of houaca or lands in town r nantry. or for ihe aale o hire of negroes, wheth er the prpenl owned bv ih advertiaer or by nhet nervnn. Thee are excluded by the term 'immediate buxinef " . All 1 IverHemento Inserted In the tri-werklt Co nmereial are entitled to one iesertion in the 11 ecxiy iree or charse. Hn, CARD AND FANCV. PltlWTIVG, KIGRDTED Irf SLPKRIIIR STTLE. f;i3NT POM THR CO.M.HKKCIA. N bw Vobk Merars. Dollkkb & Pottfb. ffoi-CHAi.ii-siTH. Mo.6, Central Wharf. i-nutiacipnia a. r.. ijohew. lialUmart.Viu. H. rcAxsand Wat. Thomson SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson and New Hanover t, -' Oniee in Princess atrcet, next door Eaat of the April 5. ; 9-ly J. M. STEVENSON, UhM for Ihn sale of a II kinds at Prorlnee. X Office n Piinceasst under ADAJ1JS, BUO. & t o., wnmlnjrton.N.C. Feb. t2.l3l-tf.. J. M. STKVRNSOW GEORGE Ii. FRENCH, MANUFAC rUREK. AND ' WHOLESALE 4- RETAIL DEALER IN f BOOTS, snOES, LEATIIER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11. .MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, X. C. ' Marcn i. : 1 151 rGECV W.D AVIS. C03IJJISSI 0N4 MERC RANT , I SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. GEORGE If. KELLEY & BROTHER, , - . DEALERS 1M , ! ; " ..FASIfcr GftPCEKIES A.D FBOVIMOXS. No. 1 1 NORTH WATKRSTttKET, VIIMI'GTON. N. C. VXTILL keep constantly on hand, Snsars, Cof- fees, I.iI.iss.-h, Cheese. Fl.otr, Butter, Lard Soaps. Candlea, Crackers, Starch Oils, Snufs Jtc ate. ' BirtBENCES : O). G Parsley. President of Pnmm-M R..b Jomw AlcltAe. . BanlinrWil.niUi,.n . " Wilmington. A. M. CoHMAIt, .i , )n, , , Hev. k T. lUrtts J Rlelh. S. W. Westbbook, ? Kev W. u. Bobbitt. ( ""-eenaboro. Ftb. 14. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUKACTURER, .Vorth With Stmkkt. Wikminhtom. No t!a. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and lit' I f m m . - . . ' aiiKinas oj maroie Work Jurnished to m curr am reasonable terms. June 3f-lr-c JN0. D. ASHT0N, ATTORNKr AND COCTNSELOR- AT LAW, r . SHA WNEE TO WN: Illinois. vvui practice hi Drofesainn in ihe irl, fnli t mlDisiriet and Supreme Court, and United Stale Court fr liiinois. Sept. 27, Pt-lr NIXON'S HOUSE. (FORM EULY MRS BORDEN'S) ff WEST SID ERA 1 h UOAD,! GOLDSBORO'.'N.C., ' - . THIS extensive and well known public K.tan ..n....ini - i.an ........... i was reopened bv the Subscriber for ihe reception ofirucsts en the 4ih inst : -; ' It is plivts-nuly and conveniently ailuojed in the centre of business, and is direcllr onnoiie to, wml VVKST ttf tht; Ticker Office, of the Wilming ton and W-rld-in and the Central Rail Ko'ad Com. i3nies,(wliere ihe cara.stop oa thtir arrival,, and departure, and where FAtTHrct. aaavAsrs will, bk tar wAiriKlo takebugease, and give anch oihei att-Aiion4 as the traveller may require. i. -: , , . . TUB HOl'SK haa oeen remodelled, repaired, and ihoroaghty renovated fom. cellar lo garre , nd famished thronshoHt with- New 'Furniture -elected with special care, and arranged .with, an eye single to the comforts or the casual guast ot permanent ooarcer. THK TABLE - v i Will be richlv famirhrd with the. snbstantl.il intj .iniiv nmi uciiracies trio aeaaons, loreiT .is well as domestic markets will' re renderer tributary lo the constant supply, which , will.-bi served p the best style, by orderly, obliaini- and well trained aervan s. - r:'v! ' .TH K BAR; -,.:..?. . ... Will be a Storehqase of the best Wine and Li quors, and superintended ny a (rentleman of cour tesi andinteritv, ihomuhly acquainted with hl business contprisinv the knowietUre of what i due lothe rights and comforts of. the, public, a well a to Iilmsel'aid hi employer." ' - - whtch are imon; the best in ihe Slate, have bean placed in iho keeping nf" a akiltful and careful "tanacer. wit, wilt alwa ri have under his rare he bet and rrfoar-exprriervced osilera. and 1; will He among Ihecuirf cafes nftltc prpriei.r to se that Iroraeaof bis setts be w:t fed and thor ough! v groomed -f t. ; - ...... - - l his entire establishment has Jieea pnrrhasec and fitted an at fcn-enortnons fn, tl it wil h the nieasarev aa, of course, it will he ' the inter est of thesttbeeriber. t render th Hoase ia) ever respect ennai to in vi the coonirr "He there fore truts tht a enernus public will renew iir continue the libera! parnagelieret of ore eaienrl aVj o litis House, white nnderihecars -M lt-form, proprietress. Mrs. Borden, wh rained fcrr it a cuebruy throuihoutthe entire Union. . . . - - "U. K-, IIXON. . BUSINESS CARDS. . . JOSEPH VVILKINSON, UPnOLSTEU & PAPER II ANGER, KEEPS ON HAND AND MADE TO OUDEK, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Window Curtains ' ' and Utiures. All work In the above liae done at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. Jan. 19, 1858. r - ' - t. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT 4' GENERAL AO EST, . -WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1,1655. r : 85-Iy-c. C.&D.DuPRE. WHOLE 8 A LB AND a ETA L DEALERS I N Drugs. Medtciues. Cnemirals. Paints, Oil, Dyr Stufls, Cilassw ferfumery. Cigars, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, c, MARKKT STttKKT, , , WlLjUNOTOK, S . C. rescrlptionacaxerullyoutpoundd by expert March 28. 185S. v !T. C. &?B. G. WORTH. COMMISSION AJID FlMWlRDING MERtTOTS, W r I J t K I m m m. m . : Jan 17, 1835. 125-c JAS. n. CII ADBOURN & CO., General Commission Merchants, wiwuxcTos.jr.c. Jas. H.Chadboctbn. Geo. Chadopbw. Jan. 1, 1856. 123. ' IIENRY NUTT, ..FACTOR 4XD FORWAliDlMi AC EXT. WiUgite hi perianal attention to basinet entrust - o ( hi care. Sept. 8 1S55. 75-Iy-c GEORGE MYERS. WIMLESHE AND RETAIL GROCER neep constantly on hand, ll'ine. Tea. Liouort. D - " 1 " i ...... ... ' - ravixions, nooa ana trmotr H are, f ruit, Corfectionarie,f-e. South Frontslreet. WILMINGTON, N. . ' Not. IS, 1855. 109. GEORGE nbrSTO : PKALEB IV Groceries, Provisions, ' and Naral Stores COMMISSION MERCHANT, ESSUL AND FORWARDING ' 1 WILMINGTON. N. n. AGENT, 2. - CO-tf II. OOLLNER. O. POTT I; R, Jr. J. C AM E R DEN. DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION M BR CHANTS. N 13 W YORK. April30, 1855. 20-Iy. L. N. BARLOW WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, sn ckalrr in LIQVORSH WINKS ALE PORTER 4-c . No. ii, Granite Itow, front Street. v u k WILMINGTON, 5. Feb. 17th, IP56. 140-tf. S. M. WEST, laelioneer and Commission merchant. WILMINGTON, N.C. WiL.L.aeiiorbuv Real Estate and Negrosstl small commission Strict attention elvento the sale ofTimhar T., pentine.Tar, or any kind of. Country Produce. : OiBee second door, South side of Market street on the wharf. . . f 7 June 12. 1855. 33-ly. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., V COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. , V JAS. P. GILLESPIE. CEO. S CtLtESPrfi. JA.MICS le. GIIXESPIK & Ctf.. PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Pat ticnlarnttention paid 10 ihe receipta and Saleol Nasal Store, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cot ton, f-e.. de.- ' March 30,1855. . 6. D. CASnWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WIL.MlXGTO.Vi N. C. Sept. 30. 64-tf COCHRAN Sl RUSSELL. (ScrcEssoriS to thos. alibone t coy General Commission Merchants, As 32, North Wharve. ind A3 North Water Sl. PHILADELPHIA. . S. HABVEV COCHBAN, w. s. bcthsbll. . ' Liberal cush irlvances made on tintlonm.iit. July 30ih, 1335. 6S-tf. HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMIXQT0N. Nc: OKO. HOOPEB. J. L. DEABOBl. fj, July 28. . L. HfViPEB 68-tf JOHN A. STANLY. . COMMISSION, ME R O IIA N T. Oct. 6th, 1655. 83 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. ... WlLiilSaiON, N, C. ' i Jan. 9. . ; . . , v 126 it ON CONSIGNS! ENT. Qflf POUSDS ".0. Bacon, ' - OwUU2,0l)0 ;- Dried Apples and Peaches . N. C. Lard, in- keen. 530 N. C. Butter, a very sope nor article. 'JO bales Varns and Sheetin', 2 bbls. Extra old Peach Brandy. Per sale by March 39. T. CA R O. WOttTH.' .6, JUST OPENED. "pil E fci rrtst assert men t of ChemicaleeTerofler- A. cd in this market, eomitttinar in sart of ' 60 Kuiph.Zinet. ' . ,. 25 " Valleu'a MassJ " , 500 oia. German Quinine;' ' . 10 bbls. Epsom Salu i 15 bbls. Copperast , , -25tba. Caloinl: SO Ibt. Blue Mass; 3 carboys Snirits Nitre tfiTl t " '3 Afm Immmi, ItTf t anda nam' lerot otner ;Remhral fi6m the Laboratories of . . rowers aua wclgbmian.Cbss. Kills & t'.a. r eby . w . C. A O.PcPRF Jane S. -. , - s - 36: Z ?: CIGIRS! CIGARSS! j ? i CST RECEIVED, 50,000 chaiea Havana ,C1 I gars. for sale by . C. 4.D. DbP RE, V- Wboleaala Druggiats, Market it, -net. n... , , -81, : '.FRESn-FICS.. " "'i t tXf SVALL. DRUMS, vary fias, jost reoelv Jy cdsmtfaf sUchapfcy , uw.HAinow,..:,. , BALTIMORE LOCK liOM'i i AL. DR. JOHNSTON, THK founder of this Celebrated Ina iittuon rf J. rera the most certain, Speedy and only ellictu al remedy In the world lur SECRET DISEASES. Gleets, Siricturca, Seminal Weakne, Poins in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impoteocj. VVeakncsaof the Rack and Umbi, Arleciion- ..f the Kidneys, Palpitation ol the Heart, D)"ei t.iu Nervoua irrltabl Ity, Disease of tl.e Head, Tt.i0;, t ftoae or &kin ; those serious and nirl.iucholv di-.ir-dera arising; from the dostruclivc habits oh Youth which destroy bo-.hbody and mind. Tl.ose tret and ao.itary practices more faal lo their tk-:in tnJl. J"1S- S '.he. Syrf ' ,h 'ni.rin.rs t f Ulysses, bligh'insr llieir most biil!int hopes or an ticipationa, rendering m irrin?e, c, inipotaibit YOUMjMEN. Especially, who have become Iho victimaof rota ry Vice, ihat dreadful and destructive habit wl.j.h annually awoeps to an untimely rare ihoiis.irrrfs of young incn oi the tnost esalitd talents and bri,li.,r,t Intellect who nil?h,otherwiae have entranced Jir tenins Senates with the thundcrof el..rlIitnre or c?DfidenceClMy ,heliin'y..J- call wi.h A.n . - . MARRIAGE. nic liebility , Deform., iei? t' ZiZ Kb?" ' be rcstored He who places himself underthecarcof Dr John ston may religiously confide in his honor , ', .. tleman.and confidently rely upon hisaLill as a rh v sician. Da. Johst6n is Ihe orlr rnm.Tn.f.. r-j . .,,..v.u.. ouTtriiFing 10 cute I'rjviite t:tmi,nini 01 ii ... . ' --fc"....., urcatro m irtiiirt'u irum n inn . . i vi e.urope anatne Kirni in ill. Country viz, Entlund, France, the lilocklt-v ... Philadelphia, .f-c., and a more extensive praftke than any other phyrician in the wrrld. lli , wondertul curea and most important St.r-i.,"l jj era lions is a sufficient suaranice lo the afflieierf I host uho vih lo be sner.oih, ,! ...,.., , ed ihould.hunthenumerou trying impostcrs hj only rwin their healih.and niTt.iv ,, him ,w,u' , UiVK WAKRANTEO OK NO CHAIJGF OFFICE. No. 7. SOUTH PlirnL-o,,.,. !. left hand jd pd rirfmt.. ii.i.:. - . - " doors from the corner. Fail not to ob", ,ve u name and number, lor ignorant trifling in.portets attracted by ihe reputation ol Pr. Jahnaton. iu k nil. JnilX'X'rnAr Memberofthe Roval Colleen .if r Sradoalcfromoneof the most eminent Colices tf the Lnited States and ,h. greater f Drt .!,Lle, . PhH r.nKrn' '? "o'Vtoli "I London, l';,r i, Philadelphia. nnd r u.vh. i,. .i ' ' of the niosiostonis l.lng curcstlioi werecvct know v. ..I..,., .rouoica win, ringing in the ear. and her.d when asleep, ereul nerv.mvr,.,. i,..i" sudden sounds and bushfu.ne'ss. i., ficnurnt blushing. attended som. iim, ui,b a. VL. , mind, were cured In, mediately. -"" " n A CERTAIN DISEASE. , " i'i uugiii vuiiirv r 1 1 plcaaure finds he has inibibid the seeda ..l.his 'XnJ'Vu' 1 l fieM hW" "l nnlll-iii. ed sense of shame, or dread of uiacavcry. deter him from applying to those who. ircm edtici n andrespeciabili.y.ion alone befriend i,in,, de i -difPV """I'-tlonal symptom, of ,bl'j ,,, ., disease make their appenmnce. sut h , uictr..P 1 sore tl1rr.a.dicni.ed nose, noetura puin i ,)e head and limbs, dimneea of slj-ht. deafn-ss, , on the shin bones snd arms, blotches on ih h. ,d face and I extremities, progressing with frlnhtiiil in.' pldjty, 111! at List the palate of the n.-ouili r.r tl,o bones of the noso lull In. and ihe vic tim t.i tins awfn disenpe becomes a horrid oljttt-vf eninnil kcratien.till death putsa period to itiadrcadinl sul feriiiKS, by set-dinv him 10 - thai .toi;u.e irom whence no traveller r. turns." To tuch liter, lore. .... , ,, pi. oge-s niiiisell to preserve ihe nt. invioluhlesetryi and. from hi extcn.ivc pm lice in the first liospimls of Europe end AinJii. tltot I n . iil-vbii cunnui nnv recotiiinend n .h - cure to the unfortunate victim of ll.ia hoiri.l Hi.'. case, itia a melancholy fact, that llionsmlh lull victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to tl,. un skllfulnera ol ionorant preu oders, who, by the tIt.c t. thai deadly polacn. inerc.iry, ruin the cons iliit tion. and either a. nd Hie unfortunate suIi rer 10 r.n unMmely grave, or else make the lesidsc of lift; uti.- f4KH pa n ticvla n AO Tien. Dr, J. addresses all those who havolnjnrcd them selves by private and improper indulgences These are a.tme of the sd and n.tlanr.IoJy ef fects prod uerd by early habits of y-tuh. viz H i iP.l 7 u,5h.,! L'J,S, of u'r Pow er, Pahitation of the Ilcon, Drspept-y Kervoua irritability Derangement f heJDles,ive Un, -tionfc'&c,nra Deb,)i'' Symptoms ofConsump. m5riy7'hJ!ff'ruUfitc, on ,,ie "" ' much to be dreaded, Loasof Memory. Confi.xion of Idea., Depression of Spiriis. Evil Forebo.iii.jr-. Aversion of boeiety, Self Disir,,,., Lve of Soli tude. I m.idity decare some of theevils prd,,r. ,1 Thousand of pereonaof allajje. can now jttd.-e what is ihe cause of iheir deelinintf heal.h. J LoV lna their vlijor. becoming weak, pale and en;a i;t ted, have a ainpular appearance about tic tc cough and symptoms of consumption ' ' DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RFMF n D V FOR ORGANIC WKAKiKSsV tiy this great snd important remedy wcuknet of the organs are EDeedilv r-nr.i -.r.,1 r,.n:.i. . Thousands of ihe most 'Acnnn. njtii.:.; '. ndividuals who had last ilihnn. ,, ; diately relieved. All Im f O i I Ti rniL sA a1 I I; If I j r- fs . . " ' ""-ii'' iu ii All ik I i v r, rnywcal or nlenfn ninirii;fif.i;rt.- ritabihtv Trernblincr. nrtl4 v l .- - u ' , . - - - - nra-, l lAIUUI-IMr oi the most fearlul kind, speedily eurrd 'jy Dr Johnston. ' lounff men whi have ir.iurrd ih err lam practice Indulged in when al"ne a l.tU: frrquenily- learned frum evil companions, or it! school, ihe efK cis of w hich are nightly fell, ettn when n sleep, and If not cured, rendi r' mani imposKibleEd dttroya toih n.ind snd body.l.ot''d apply immediately, . ... . . What a pity that a yoonj? man', the hone of l i . country, and the darling f his parents, ihonl.l- l, snaiehtdtrom all prosp. eta and enjo m n. of lit. by the consequences otdfviatin2 funi t! e rui'li . f nature, and indulging In a certain accr. l Patii Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. SbonldreUct that a sound mind and body are tl, most necessary mnMtem zo promote eorn.l i;,l nsppie.a. Inded. without these, tho i.M.inev thtuiigh life became a wear; pilgrimocer lU pros pect hourly dartcena to (he view, th rr.;n.t k. ... ...... shadowed with despair and filled k. .. t choiy re fleelion il.atthe happiness of another be er.nies blisnted wiih our nun OFFICB &0. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST ' . ,, .' ' . llAtTIMOSa. lp. . All Surgical Operatlot:a I'cttoimed. B-- Let no f.ilsfl at-Wnnu . . . . i ... apply immediately either personally "or bj'ittt'cr. oain I 'eaes Speedily t nied. r TO STRANGERS. The many tUut-indMcxirvlit thla instituii.m v.l h- thelatt ten rears, and th.. r... m i tant Surgical Operatiens petfomwd by Dr. J wi.I nessed by the Kenortera of .h I ' " .. . otljer person., noilee. of which hVv'e.ppea ed " " - n and again before the nublic. htt-.Vt. as s renilf mn of characierand rsrnsiLi.iiy, is a sufficient guarantee tn the arfirud. v- NOTICE, i It ia with tl:e rreatMt .l.. r. tt,- l'J'l' CMT? PP" ber,jr Uti tSi; asUnl Ar ft toaHcme, l,ut tsuW. h.- wtkiTLi tofcallawApaiort fell iv.. f t in? VZZZnSr.V? owof Enticing V,1 Ir- iv " aNmxmm, so that th ' too taslmr U. - " . oLr ?ltly?-W'V': c.Upmn.J.. caar r tna. Trinina imintfc " . T t fm iTtT . 7 ooinn. or aa long as iiiesmt - rnS "t1- An'1 ,n "T-'r. l-ve. ro.t ith nrtnua nealth. tricl, -,-!r w ... . It is this mottve that IxImm. ii. 't ... B IU)I eaa rr van T i 1.1 . v v . fTi " -rT to r that bla eredtr..- 0 LETTEKj TtFrvivrn rvr tvj w -r , .2"''niP fl-amato-U, o-l for'lh. raply. lC ana wrttlnr ahoalil :.t a ...j ... - - . k " nana . A Laa f ( ir ' . '1 i r advartiaerntnt de-ibinaT avnaptoica. ' j Jao. 9, lojS. , ., . ' 13 y ,

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