50,000 DEATHS BY CONSUMPTION, Would perhaps be a tmall estimate for the ravage A-.Hfnl dimuit in a single yean then add the fearful catalogue of those cut oj by Inflammation of the Lung; Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, influenza. Bronchitis, and otlier diseases of the And the list would present an appaling proof of, the fatality o tneso two uiseasea. ddi u is im portant to know that nearly all of tbia dread waste of human life might hate, been prevented by a timely use of I -i DR. S WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. Violent Cough, Bloody Expectoration, etc. MibHKLM, Centre Co., Pa., Oct- 9, 1850. I not only take pleasure, but deem it a duty I owe to suffering humanity, to certi'y publicly to - the great power of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. I was taken with a violent cough, and bloody expectoration, great wasting away of my Mesh, all the symptoms of fixed consumption. Af ter trylDg;Trioos remedies wi'houl any relief.an bearing of the great virtues of your Syrup. I com menced ita use, and to my great satisfaction, and astonishment of all arouud me, my cough began to abate, appetite improve, and in fact 1 have be come as healthy and fleshy as ever. Some twelve months have elapsed since the disease was first ar rested, and I have every reason to believe that it is completely eradicated from my system. Witness: 1 Very respectfully, Benj. Reighard. Jacob Haus. Extracts from opinions of the press : Dr. Swayne's Family Medicines we believe to be unpara.led and his Wild Cherry preparation is the only one that coatains the active principle of his much valued medical agent. Sat. Cour. Phil. We have used Dr. Swayne's Medicines fur a number of years in aur family, and always with he happiest effect, s FUzgerrald's City Item, Phila. I have used one bottle of Dr. Swayne's Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and b-ilieve it to be an invaluable medicine. H. Steel, Cletcland, O. Ti nes. r . The Wild Cherry of Dr. Swayne is known to have cured the most desperate cases of Consump tion, and the Verniifuee is a never-failing worm killer. Miltonian, Alilton, Pa. Not. The above invaluable medicine is pre pared under the immediate care or Dr. Swayne, a physician of many years practice in Philadelphia, who was also connected with the Hospital and old Alms House in that city, served a faithful term of practice in the Philadelphia Dispensary, etc., etc. and in those institu tions he enjoyed the most am ple opportunities of obtaining an insight into dis eases in all their various forms, and the best me thods of their treatment. Bear in mind, the original and only genuine Wild Cherry Preparation is prepared under the immediate care of Dr. Swayne, a Physician of many years practice in Philadelphia, h or sale by Drugguts and dealers everywhere, and by C & D. DoPRE, Wilmington. May 6. J v 22-ly NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form of Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners, and a number of others interested in the welfare of our olored population, is just issued at the office ol Hie Commercial., f COFFEE, COFFEE. 75 BAGS prime Kin Coffee just received. For J sale in lots to suit by May 6. T.C.4 B. 3. WORTH SELF CULTURE TN Reading, Speaking, Conversation. Designed JL tor the use of schools, Colleges, snd Home In etruction ; by William Sherwood, i vol. 12mo. Just published. For sale by May3. S. W.WH1TAKER. RICORD'S SERIES OF ROMAN TTISTORY. "The Kings of Rome " with illus XI trations; "The Republic of Rome.'' Just published. For sale by May 3. 1 S. W. WH1TAKER. 25 DOLLARS REWARD ! M RANAWA Y fiom the subscriber, his ser vant JIM SHAW, a young dark mulatto, of lisht and rather-small h 2 it re ; generally smiles when about to talk. He was neatly dress- ad in a black frock coat, and black pantaloons. The above reward will be paid to any one will de liver him to me. or secure mm tn any jail. i : JAMES F. McREE. May 6. i ! 22-tf JUST RECEIVED ; Per Schr.L. P. Smith. J KEGS New Butter; 10 Boxes Cheese; 1 J Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Collee, Sugar, Crushed Sugar, Powdered Sugar, and a variety of W resn confectionary, Sc., dec. April 24. GEO. MYERS. FLUID. 10 BARRELS just received, and forsale by March 22. t ADAMS, BRO. & CO. FRESH ARRIVALS FROM N. YORK. OK BAGS prime Rio Coffee, rdJ 10 kegs Gos-hen Butter, . 10 bbls. Soda Crackers, 6 " Sugar do. 6 " Pilot Bread, ' 10 boxes S agar and Soda Crackers, 25 bags Laguayra Coffee, Low lor cash, at GEO. H. KELLEY & BRO'S. March 6. No.tll, North Water street. LET US REASON TOGETHER. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. ! WHY ARE WE SICK 1 It has been the lot of the human race to be welshed down bv dinoasA anil nfn.rini. lint I il. WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK. iIia IMl'B ViiTTS .k.nn ic tc and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Hollo way personally su perintends the manufacture of his medicines in the United States, and a!Tir. th.m - f. --j lightened people as the best remedy the worlu ever doit iui i iic reiuuvoi ux aisCBae. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. a I v AMCOOIT VvllIVlllCU lJ operate on the stomach, the fiver, the kidneys, the lunffi. iKh kV t r, ..I uA i i , . : . r i i ...a . i4 u uvwci cuurcung nX De rangement in their functions, purifying the blood, thrvery foantain ef hie, and thus eu ring disease in all its forms, i DJ.SPEPSI A AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. ,lf .lho hum race have taken these Pills, it has been proved in all parts of the world that nothing has been found equal to them in ca sesol disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stora ? aeh complaints generally. They soon gives healthy tone to these organs, however much de-raneId- a"l "J? "H other means have failed, GENERAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of thefnost despotic Governments have opened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine f the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever frnown for per sona of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No F emale, young or old, should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects snd regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest med icine that can be given to children of all ages, and for any complaint ; consequently no family should be without it. Uolloway's Pillt are the best remedy knovn in the Korld for the following Diseases : Asthma Diarrhoea Indigestion Stone 4 Gra Bowel Com-Dropsy Influenza vel Couarh- u """I. "namma.- secondary ' ana lion rfil!. m J" Inward Cheat Dis- Femaie di,, Weaknese Costivenese Headaches plaints Dyspepsia Low new of Piles Symptona Venrial Af- . lections Worms of all " kinds Opirtts. ,r . S0n,,Lt.ihe ?u,hmenu of Professor Hol- London, mud by aU respectable DruggisU and Deal lers of Medicines throughout the Vnited Suites, 91 ,ut eacn. i l-Tnere is a considerable saving by takinc thelarger sixes. "inf N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. ROYAL UAVMA LOTTERY. The ordinary drawing of the Roys) Havana Lot tery conducted by the Spanish .Government, under the supervision of the . Captain General of Cuba, will take place at Havana on SATURDAY, MAY 24tb, 1856. SORTEO NUMERO 564 OR DIN A RIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $60,000 ! ! ! 1 prize of- I " 1 .. I 10 " S60.0P0 . 2".000 . 16,000 . 8,000 . i,000 15 prizes of $1,000 20 " 500 60 " 400 161 200 16 Approximat'ns4,800 4 approximations to the 60,0000 400 each; 4 of $400 to $20,000; 4 of $?00 io$16,0C0; 4 of S 00 to $3,1X0. Whole Tickets. $10; Halves, S5; Quarters $2 60. Prizes cashed at si;ht at 5 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the re sult becomes known. Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. C.) un til the 24th May will be attended to. May 8111 23-tf NE PLUS ULTRA" SCHEME ! 1,200 PRIZES ! 50,000 DOLLARS! HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the Slate ot Georgia. 10,000 Numbers only ! 1 Prize to evpry 8" Tickets! Class M. to be drawn May 15, 1856, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superinten dence of Col. George M.Logan and Jas. A. Kis bet, Esq. The Manager havingannounced his determina tion to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, offers for May I5th, a Scheme that far surpasses any Scheme ever offeied in the an nals of Lotteries. Look to your interest! Ex amine ihe Capitals. 3f"Une Prize to 8 Tickets. CAPITAL $12,000! - I Prize of $12,000 1 do 5.I00 5 do 3,0(i0 1 do 2.000 5 do 1.000 10 do - 5(0 60 do 50 120 do 25 500 do 10 500 do 8 1,200 Prize?, amounting to $30,000 ! Ticket, $9. Halves, S4. Quarters, $2. Prizes payable without Deduction. Persons sending money by itail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. 'Communications confidential. Bank Notes of all sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Address JAMES F WINTER. Manager, Macon, Ga. March 22 3-lf. Manager. . -QAp - pzf BOXES Colgate's Paleand No l.for sale by JVMarche. GEO. HOUSTON. . J. R. RESTON is now receiving a fresh sup ply of Light Summer WJNES, consisting of va rious grades: Clarets. in cases and Buttles: Red Wine, by the gallon or Bottle; Scuppernon? from Lake Scuppcrnong, by the gallon or liottle; Cham pagne, various brands; Ale, Cider, in barrels and Bottles, and all kinds of Liquors, Fresh Gcllalines, Extract', English Pickles, Maccaroni, lie. April 26. 18 ': ROOMS TO LET. MRS. FORD is desirous of renting a number of the rooms in her house, during the cum mer months, furnished tu Gentlemen wishing pleasant and airy apartmentj, with or without Board. A good chambermaid will be in attendance on the rooms, and every care taken to render them comfortable and clean. Rooms can be taken any lime from 1st of May. $ April 26.. 13-3m JUST" PUBLISHED BY THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILAD. REPORT on Spermatorrhea, or Seminal VVeak nesa. Impute n-, he Vice of Onaniem, Mas turbation, or Self-Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, with an account of the errors and deceptions of Quacks, and valuable Advice to the Afllicted, by GEO. R. CALHOUN, M. D , Con sulting Surgeon of the Howard Association, Phil adelphia, Pa., a benevolent Institution established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and dis tressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." A copy of the above Rtport will be sent by mail (in a scaled envelope,) FREE OK CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN, No. 2 South Ni Astrctt.l'hiladclrhia.Pa. Apiill2 12-3m WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rales. SCULPTURING , LETTERING OR CARVING. Executed as well as can be done either North or South. Thebest reference can be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. tf. WHISKEY. JUST RECEIVED from Cincinnati, "direct," FOURTEEN BARRELS RECTIFIED WHISKEY". For sale at the lowest prices for CASH, by W. L. S. TOWNSHEND. ICE, ICE, ICE. THE Wilmington Ice House will be open for de li very'of ICE from sunrise to sunset, except on Sunday, when it will be closed at 9 o'clock in the morning. Price One cent per pound for quantities of three pounds and over. Terms cash, in all cases, without exception. Tickets can be procured by such as desire them. Ice furnished to the sick poor, free of charge when by direction from physicians or visiting com mittees, April 19. 15 tf FLUID. I d BBLS. for sale by I J ADAMS, BROTHER &. CO. April 17. 14 SALT. rXfC BUSHELS 'Turk's Island, in bog JvJJ two bushels each. For sale bv of April 8. GEO. HOUSTON. EXTRA FLOUR- WE have just received 25 bbls. of the Celebra ted Holt flour coual in everv res Dec t to Hiram Smith's, at the Family Grocery. March az. Ufc.U. M VERS. FRESH ARRIVALS. AC BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffees, xV- 25 bbls. Refined Suits rs, (assorted trades 1 12 chests Teas. Gunpowder. V. Hvton and Black. For sale by WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. April 10. Nvr. 20, Market street. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, &e. THE subscribers have just opened, and now rea dy for inspection, tho largest and most com plete stock of Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Arti cles, Perfumery. Ac Ac. they have ver offered? embracing all the new preparations f the day. rior. 8. - 45 Market street. BUTTER, CREESE. &c. GOSHEN Butter, do. Cheese, English Dairy nd Pine A Dole Cheese. Codfish Lmrh H.r. ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of other goods, just received and for sale by W. BARLOW, J"P 16- No. 3. Granite Row. " sTiTinmv 71 BY nearly every vessel from New York, we re ceive considerable additions to our already large stock of Stationery. Schrs. Adele and D.C. Hulse have just brought as some very nice Cap and - - f - , ' " ' J uu.vfvyn.wpKn we will Mil t 2fi Mnta nr hundred . inn ..... et her's Pencils (the best in the world.) UillotL'a Ho.. Perry's do. (more used now than Giliott's;) Bill Books, new pattern; Bills of Exchange, tc. For sale low at S. W. WHITAKER'S. I3TA letter from Rev. ChnrTes Hibbard, Mis siuiiary in Burmah. to.hls father, Joseph Xobin son, Esq., of this City, has been handed to us for publication, from which we make the following extracts, Providence Journal. Newton, Maulniain, June 6, 1855. Dear Patiei Will you kindly say to Mr. Da vis that Mrs. Hibbaid and myself, and indeed I might add, all who came out with us, feel very grateful for the box of Puin Killer which he gave us when we left our native land tor burmah. I have used it for Cougiis, Colds, violent Internal Pains, Summer Complaints, Burns, Bruises and for the Sting of Scorpions-and with uniform suc cess The only severe spasm ef the stomach which Mrs. Hibhard has had in iitirmah, was in stantly relieved by the Pain Killer. We always keep it where we can put our hands on it in the dark if need be. Although I took Mr. Nisbet's box in addition to my own when he returned to A merits, ulllit is all gone but three or four bottles, and that would have been gone long ago, had I not refused to part withl'. The Karens, also, are beginning to learn itsval ui, and call for it, but I have to deny them, except in doses, fur we could not think of being without it. With the Pain Killer, I feel myself well arm ed aaintt disease that is in all ordinary cases. It is indispensable, and 1 seldom meddle with any other medicine Rev. CHARLES HIBBARD. Ma. Pebbv Davis I feel it to be my duty to bear my testimony to the tffieacy of your infalli ble Pain Killer. 1 have used it for years, for com plaints of the Stomach and Boelc, having for merly been subject to severe attacks of Diarrhoea and Cholera Morbus but for the last two years I have not had occasion to use it or any other medi cine for that complaint, it having perfectly restor ed niydigestive organs. I had a very severe attack, a few days aao, of the ague, and such a pain in my buck, for three days ina nigtits, tan i couiu get no rest i demanded of my physician, after several things had been tried, to give me something to relieve my back and head of pain. He said I mus-t bathe, at d wait till the Ague wore off", and the pain would wear away. I had too much pain to feel easy, and sent and got a 25 cent bottle of the "Vegetable Pain Killer." I took a little inwardly, and bathed according to di rections, and one application has removed alt the pain and 1 am able to write to-day, though with a tren.blinc hand. The application was made last night about nine o'clock, and I had a sweet night's revt. 1 have recommended it for several years and it has given universal satisfaction where it has been used according to directions, Yours, gratefully, L. PERRY CHILDS, Pastor of Baptist Church, Troy, Ohio. TlunifanHf of Lirins Witnesses Certify to their Ncigkbitrs from day to ilau, the Wundei ful Effects of DAVIS' PAIS KILLER. Sandusky City, Ohio, Noy. 24, lSt8. Mr. J. N. Harris Dear Sir : Your favor of the 2Sth ultimo is at hand, and in jeply will say We began Belling Perry Davis' Pain Killer, and with very Utile effort on our part; sales weie email at first, but as it became known in our community, the demand increased rapidly, far beyond our ex pectations, and every person that bought il would come after more, and speak of it in the highest t.rms as valuable remedy for all those diseases your pamphlet spoke of From those recommen dations we were induced to use it in our own fam ilies, and the good effects of the medicine were im mediately apparent. We have sold iiioi of the Pain Killer than we ever have since or before of any other medicine In the same length of time; and we do not hesitate to say that it has given bet ter satisfaction to the purchaser than any other ar ticle we have ever sold. Keep a large supply in the West, it is just such a medicine as the people want, and they have already found out that they can cure the fever and ague for twenty-five cents. It will cure a cold in one hgur a severe cough in one night and has proved to be the best medicine in use for a diseased stomach and many other purposes. Yours, f-c, LOCKWOOD & GRAHAM. DAVIS VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. This unpanllaled preparation is receiving more testimonials of its wonderful efficacy in removing pain, than any other medi, ine ever offered to the public And these testimonials come not alone from the ignorasu, but fiom persons of every de gree of intelligence and every rank of life. Phy sicians of the first respectability, and perfectly conversant with the nature of diseases and reme dies, have recommended this as one of the most effectual In their line of preparations for the ex tinction of pain. The Pain Killer it. used internal ly and externally, according to the nature of the complaint. It has been found to be an excellent remedy for sudden colds, coughs, &c.; fever and ague, asthma and ph thy sic. pain in tho head, kid ney complaints, bruises and sores, severe burns, canker, boils, and ringworms, weak , stomach, and general debility, painter's colic, broken breast, Ac, bowel complaint, and dysentery, cholera, liver complaint, and dyspepsia, teeth-ache, Ac, J-e. The Pain Killer is sold by George R. French, Wilmington; C. C. Green, Elizabeth City James W. Carmer, Newbcrn ; W.H. Willsrd. Washing ton; and by Druggists and Grocers every where. Oct. 20, 1655. 94 3m. PEACH RRANDY. A FEW bbls., very superior article, on hand at April 10. T. C. & B. G. WORTH'S. SUMMER RETREAT. AtT the solicitation of my friends and acquaintances, I have engaged and ffnfslj fitted up Mr. Hopkins' place on the Wil. MiillL, mingfon fe Topsail Plank Road, about three miles from the city, and just far enough to be a pleasant walk. On arrival, I shall be majst happy to wait ou you with "LAGER" and other refreshments. 1 r .1 . r . open lor me reception oi visnora iu aay. May 1 20-lm. " J. MEIER. WESTERN BACON. HHDS. Sides, just received and for sale by May 15. ZENO H. GREFNE. 15 CRANBERRIES. 0 NE bbl. just received and for eale by. L. N. BARLOW. Dec.fl, 114-tf. NEW STATIONERY PERSchr. Ned, we received yesterday: Blue and White laid Windsor Mill Papers a beau tiful article; Blank Boks a large additional stock; Envelopes, (a fine, heavy article, at 20 eta. per hundred ;) Document Envelopes paper, parch ment and cloth; Memorandums; Musilage; Mann's Patent Parchment Letter Copying Books ; Draper's Patent Inkstands; Ink Erseers; Back gammon Boxes; Chess-men, Ac, dtc. May 8. S. W. WH1TAKER. FLOUR, FLOUR. BBLS. Super. CJ 10 " Family. Low for cash st GEO. H. KELLEY & BRO S. April 12. No. II, North Water street. DRIED FRUIT. 1 Hf IBS. Apple and Peaches, on bandand for sale by April 10. T. C. B. G. WORTH. - LAGUAYRA COFFEE. BAGS superior, for sale by 10 March 6. GEO. HOUSTON. FLOUR. 1 Oft BBLS. extra superfine Floor, in store 1 W and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. May 13. No. 7, Market street. FRESH ARRIVALS. P(r schr W. H. Smith, from New York, at Geo. H. KELLEY A. BRO'S. Nv 11 North Water street : 25 bags prime Lagnira Coffee, 20 malts old Cov. Java " 80 boxes Colgate's No. 1 Soap. 20lbxs . my 0 Lowforeisb. "COMMERCIAL" :eo job mm . ESTABLISHMENT, f SOUTH EB1 MAFIET ST. 15 THI EAR IT EDU2S , WILMINGTON", N. C. THE PROPRIETOR ofthla well known ErtfttiTlphmpnt wonld call the attention of the buBine community to ht larira and beautiful assortment of Type and Presses hav)rt just addeT to his etick one of R. Hob fc Co's PATENT tlXULE CYLINDER. PRIXTIXO MA ClllN KS, he ts now enabled to do work at a much more reasonable rate than formerly, and in the finest style of bile wurk. CARDS. Printed from $3 to $10 per thousand. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, CORPORATIONS, fcc. BILLHEADS, SIIOP-BILLS, BILLS OF LADING, AXD HEADINGS, fee, &.C., tc. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. We would call the attention of Concert Agents, Show men and others, to our facilities for doing this kind o work. . ALL KINDS or TLAIX AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, Done in the neatest manner, and at abort notice. Those in want of Printing we trust will find it to their advantage to give us a call. COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Shintters and others is called to our extensive assortment of Commercial Itlunk. Anionthe collection is a very nno ana liunanume lot of iilUs of Ex change, in sheets and books. .November d, loon. FRESH ARRIVALS. THE subscriber has just added largely to his stock of good things, all frcah and in fine or der. Anions his articles are ORANGES ; APPLES; LEMONS; CITRON; RAISINS; CURRANTS ; COCOA NUTS; JELLIES; PRESERVES; PICKLES; CANDIES, a large and varied assortment ; PINE APPLES, B VNANAS, BRANDY FRUITS, PHUNRS, PLANTING POTATOES; SEGA RS and TOBACCO; GROCERIES, Ac., &c. All of the above articles will be sold at the low est cash prices. F. M. AGOSTINI. Feb. 9, 1956. 110-tf. L: W. PIGOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BEAUFORT, N. C. Any business entrusted to his attention will be attended to promptly and to the best of his ability. trtiiNcu : Cummins A Slyron, Com. Merchants ) VVilming Mr. Jas. Norcum, Attorney at Law, ) ton N C. Mr. Edward Stanly, Beaufort N- C. Mr. Benjamin I.. Kerry, General Agent for Under- wrighters, Beaufort, N; C. Feb. 5th, 1858. 2l-12in-w. NOW OPENING, SPRING GOODS. - WE would respectfully notify the Iw friends and patrons of the HAT s3 and CAP EMPORIUM, that we are now opening a large and elegant assortment of Spring and Summer Goods in our line, among whkh may be mentioned our new style of GENT'S DRESS HAT, Which is presented to the puhiic as the neatest and most durable Hat we have ever olFcrid. We would also call attention to our SILVERY DRAI3 BEAVERS, Believing them to be as light and graceful a sum mer Dress Hat as any ever produced. The SOFT HAT DEPARTMENT Is completely stocked with all the novelties and bennies ypt produced in ihe way of Pelt Hals. "THE PERUVIAS, " an en.irely new color and shape, is pronounced to be the finest Felt Hat ever sold by us. Our assortment of GENT'S AND BOYS STRAW GOODS Consisting of Panamas, Leghorn, Cantons, Mara- cabos, Sonet t, S vtiss and other IJ raids, is very com plete. Also tancy My Us lor J ounsr Mens Hear. YO US G A ME RICA' S, J A PAS, US CLE SAM 4- co. We would call the attention of the LADIES to the fact, that we have taken considerable care in ihe selection of our MISSES AND CHILDREN'S HATS. One feature in this branch of our business this season is, that nearly all our Fancy Goods of this description are made up of the various qualities of i,eghurn. we were guided in our selections by ihe fact of their being the richest, most durable, as well as economical goods worn. Our assortment comprises a great variety of shapes, trimmings, qualities atd prices, which we will be pleased to exhibit to all who may favor us with a call. We have also selected a handsome lot of GOLD ASD SILVER MOISTED CASES. Black Ebony, Rosewood. Orange, Malacca', Whale bone, Hickory, and all other styles which are wor thy of inspection. In the way of TT3VEBH KT iTiA-B, t We would simply stste that pur aasort-j" mem win oe larger ana sun more com-v ijilcle than ever before, and our PRI-f CES LO WER than those of any other House in town, Thankful to our friends for past favors, we will endeavor to merit a future continuance. SHEPARD & M VERS, No. 1 Granite How. Aprils. 9 WINES AND LIQUORS. WE invite the attention of our Friends and Patrons to the best selection of Wines and Liquors ever offered in tins martlet, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vintage Itu, I'ale and Dark, Otard, Dupuy & Co.'s Brandy, Old Cognac do. S. Brasson & Co.'s do. Castillon & Co.'s do. Pure old Port Wine, Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira and Muscat Wines, Malaga Wine, Old Scuppernong Wino, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf 's Schiedam Schnapps, Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do. Bourbon Whiskey, " Rye do Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy, Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, Every variety of bottled Wines and Liquors, Clarets of various brands atwhotjole prices. Maraschino; Curacoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Aromatic do. do. Ginsrer Wine. &e. Ac. V. low nrices for CASH. At the original ici.-J ry. April 17. GEO. MYER'S. CANDLES. BOXES ADAMANTINE received this day 25 J by L.. N. BARLOW. Feb. 23 1656, FRESH ARRIFALS Per Sckr. R. W. BROWS, from Sew York AT GEO. H. KELLEy & BROTHER'S, No. 11 North Water Street. 25 bbls. ol 11. L. A A. Stuarts C. Yellow Sugar; 29 baca of nrime green Kio Coffee, low for each. April 23. 19. Herald, Journal, Spirit Age and N. C. C. Advo cate copy. - JUST RECEIVED. WILD'S justly celebrated Candies a new ar ticle. We have in store a fine a ssortroent of the above choice and highly flavored Candies, viz: Cream Candies, Pine Apple, Banana, and other flavors. A new and eicellent article of Cocoa Nut and Almond Candy; never before brought to this market. Mixed Candies, forsale by the box. from cood manufacturer, at 14 cents per lb. Also a nice lot of Apples. For sale at the Broad way Variety Store, Mo. 40, Market Mjeet. April 2 W . ri. VcA fcALfc. SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, , HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL " AND MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKS, HENRY BURKHUIER WHOLESALE & BBTAIL TOBACCOj SNUFF AND CIGAR S T O R E. SIGN OK THE IN1IAN CIIIEI" MARKET STREET, one door above Water Wilmington, N. C. N. B. AU Orders filled with despatch. Oct. 26ih. I35 93-tdLW-c. FOR SALE. ncyc Acres Pine Land, situated immediately O I J upon Wilmington and Weldon 11. II., four to five miles from Depot at Wilmington. j' SD pCf Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated Z)J between Force Put and Thombury ; 11 of which is fine Swamp Land. For terms, &c, ap ply to M. CilONLY. Oct. 30. 1E55. 37 tt COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. REMOVED to the new and spacious Hall Nos. 99 and 101 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Aid. O. K.Chambcrlin, Piincipal and Lecturer upon Mercantile Science. E. K. Losier, in charge of Writing Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Absotiate in Book Keeping Department. J. M. Phillips, Teacher in Book Keeping. S. T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. This Institution piesents superior facilities to young men desirous of obtain. ng a practical busi ness education. The course of stud embraces Double Entry, Book-Keeping, as practically applied to the man agement of Meicuntih-, Bank, Manufacturing and Steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law upon the subject of Bills of Exchange, l'romnuesory loies, contracts, I'hrtnersnips, die. The exercises are alisttictly practical, being de ducted from actual business transactions, so com pletely combining practice with theory that students on completion of tho course ara in every respect competent to conduct, on scientific principles, any set ot Double fc-ntry Hooks. Ihe students nave access to a Commercial Library procured expressly for their accommodation. F.xaminationii are held at stated periods and Di plomas awardud to those founj competent to repre sent the Institution in a mercantile capacity. Usual length ot time to complete I lie wholccoursc from eifiht to ten weeks. For particulars, write, and rccelve-a circular by mail. Sept. 20. 81-ly TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE FROM GEORGETOWN TO MARS DLUFF DEPOT. Til E subscriber is running 2 Horse Vehicles from ihe above named places (in connection with the Mail) for the accom modation of travellers. Leave lha Kail Road at 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, ar rive in Georgetown next mornine st or before 8 o clock. 1 eavc Georgetown at 7 J A. ol ., Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive at the Kail Road next morning in time lor the cars coins North and South. Distance from Georgetown to Mars Blufi 65 miles. Fare 5, Shackelford f- Eraser Agents in Georgetown, J. M. Smith Agent at the Rail Road. Intermediate travel "I cents per mile for which all post masters on the line arc authorized to collect in advance. Travellers and others nre requested to report any misconduct or neglect of duty by the driver?. J . U. Lit K, J'jtinsonvine, e. u. April 15th, 1S56. 37-it-w. JAMES T. LEWIS fc CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, 6,-c. AGENTS FUR Pennsylvania and Lehigh Zinc, Mordecai Levis ty Co s Celebrated l'hUadtlphia White Lead, F. S. Lewis & Co's. Colors, Faints, etc., and D. C. llornor (y Co's. Su perior Varnishes. No. IIS MAIDEN LANE NEW YORK. JAMES T. LEWIS, SAMUEL C. VEST. April 15th, 1656. 13-3in. ' CO-PARTNERSHIP. Ill AVE this day associated my brother Oliver, with me in the-General Grocery and Commis sion businsss. Tha firm will be GEO. II . KEL LEY & BRO. We hope that our kind pafons and friends will continue thoir patronage which they have so liberally bestowed on the senior partner of the concern heretofore. Our stock will consist of Sugars. Co flee. Mo lasses, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Rice, Soap, Candles, Candies, Fish and Potatoes, Starch, Brooms, Tobacco, and everything in the grocery line, except liquors. We also further promise not to be undersold mine price ot ou r arti cles or bettered as to quality . We shall still con tinue the cash system, or 30 days to good and punctual customers. Feb. 5. GEO. II. Kfc.L.L.r.1 Ida-It. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LOTTERIES. Baltimore, April IS, 1855. THE undersigned, Commissioner of Lotteries ot the State of Maryland, being in receipt daily of lettera from various portion of the coun ty, rraking inquiry as to Louery ,sc hemes witn which the country is flooded, and wnicn purport tO be " DEC1DEO SV THS DftAWlNGI Or THE MABT- lasd Consolidated Lotteries, ' takes this meth od to answer all such letters ot inquiry, and in form the publie that all Sotthih fubpobtikg TO BE DECIDED BV THE MabTLAVD DbAWIBCS ABE oaoas fbacds ; that certain parties who style themselves Morris & Co., and pretend to be Man agers or Sole Agents for the Grand Charter Lotte ries at Uleveiana, unio, ire impostors, aaa saia lotterv a fraud, bavins neither legal or presumptive existence; and that another fictitious firm, styled M urrv dt Co., Cleveland, unio, are also impostors. and all lotteries which they profess to be mana gers or agents for, sre also frauds. RICHARD FRANCE, of this city. Is the Con tractor for drawing the Maryland Lotteries. The business is conducted under tha firm of R. FRANCE CO.. as Managers, and they have no solesgenisin the city of Baltimore. There are, however, some forty licensed venders for tha State of Maryland, who derive license under - him, through this omce, to sen uczeis in me Maryland Lotteries. v. n. m cl'H Al L., Commissioner of potteries for the btate of Md. May 10. 24 3m. RICE, RICE. 20(f) j D atore e in u to May 13. T. u. at B. U. WORTH. BACON! BACON! .., QO HHDS. Western Sides and Shonlc'ers for rC4t ssle, to arrive direct from CincinnrtL April 19-15-31. T. C. as. B. G. W ORTH. SUGARS, SUGARS. O X BBLS. Stuart's C. Yellow Sugar, in atore &J and for sale by- ZENO W. GREENE, May 13. No. 7, Market atreet. LIME, LIME, CASKS in extra order, for sale by OKJSJ T.C.o B. G. WORTH. AprU 25. 13 6t '' Sftp, ' STATIONERY, "riBftSf -i BLANK BOOKS, (VSl Jjib ll PAPERS 0F ALL pJo- W. WniTUEp jlH DESCRIPTION, ) So. Sid. Mark.. ML CARDS, ITfSY WILMINGTON, I. C. - if jwilii lJI ill rE;js'ixKi&c-'&c- 7 MUSIC, - ARTIST'S MATERIALS SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUM ENTS. The only complete stock o the above Instruments ever kept in this market, is now offered for sale by C. 4 O. DsPKK, Nov. 8. 45 Market street. NEATS-F00T OIL. A SUPPLY just received and for sale by May 10. C. A'D. DuPRE. DR. R. F. HIBBARD'S WILD CHERRY MTTERS, FOR Nervous Weakness and General Debility. These Bitters are highly serviceable in all d vse peptic affections ; they assistdigesiion restore i rig tone of the stomach, stimulate the liver, and creat an appetite. They are unsurpassed in rrmovine angor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move,) and effectually throw off the drowsiness incident to the Spring or warm season. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by March 31. GEO. MYERS. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS s Or. f( H LBS- Pure ind cxtr White Lead; CJJVJyj 5,000 galls. Linseed Oil: 25 bbls. Red Ochre; 500 galls Chrome Green; 10 bbls. Vei.etain Red; 300 galls. Chrone Yellow; '25 bbls. Lamp Black; 8 bbls. Coach and Japan Varnishes: Terra D'Trinna, Amber and Prussian Blue-, Logwood, Annatto and Madder. For tale by C. 4 D. DuPRE. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 5. 66. WIND0W GLASS. nOn BOXES French and American Win tjyjVJVJ dow Glasses from 7x9 to 24x36. For ale by O. & D. DoPRE, Oct. 5. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. $100 REWARD. Office Wilmington & Weldon It. R., Wilmington, March 29, 1856. J A REWARD of One Hundred Dollars will be paid for the apprehension, or for evidence that may cause conviction of any person or per sons that have been during the last three months, or may lureafter be engaged in putting obstruc tions npon the track of this Road, or who may be guilty of throwing missiles at the trains on the road.it being the determination of the Board of Directors to prosecute such fiends to the extent of the law. tf. L. FREMONT. Eng, & Supt. April 1. 7-3m MRS. BROTHERS' HOTEL ! FAIR BLUFF, COLUMBUS, N. C. THIS well known Hotel, the Dining House for the passenger eoinc North and South, and tho Office of he stage lines to t atetteville, Lum- berton and Conwoyboro', is located Immediately on the Wil. & Man. Kail Road, at Fair Blull, Co lumbus county, N. C, sixty-three miles south of Wilmington. The House is entirely new, and fur nUhed with new fhrniture, in a style inferior to ni establishment of the kind in ihe south. The fa cilities a Horded by a communication with Willing' ton and Charleston twice a day, cnablcss the Pro prietress to procure for her table, every delicacy, and no pains or expense shall be spared to main tain the e.tensWe reputation of the culinary de partment of her house. The BAR is supplied with tho most superior brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and is un der ihe supervision of a gentleman thoroughly ac quinted with his business. The Stsge fr Lum berton and Faycttcvf lie leaves this house Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fridays at l o'clock, P. M., im mediately after the arrival of the Northern and Southern Trains. The Conwayboro' Stage leaves the same days at 6 o'clock, A. M. Passengers on the Cars have sufficient time to dine, snd those stopping over will find attentive servants at the platform to take charge of their baggage. The efforts of the subscriber to contribute to the comfort of her guests heretofore, warrant her in the assurance that a generous public will assist in sustaining her house. Comfortable and convenient arrangements are made for families wishing to spend the summer in the country. Persons wishing to remain ' over night, and thereby avoiding ihe nlghl travelling on the cais, will find every thing in readiness for their reception. M. A. BROTHERS. Fair Bluff, april S. 9-2m Wilmington Herald, Southern Sentinel, Wilson, N. C, Fayetteville Observer and North Carolina Times, once a week for 2 months, and send bills to this office. BUTTER. HAVING rrnde arrangements for a constant supply oi good Butter, from some of the best Dairies at the North and West, I shall be abls to supply dealers and consumers here, with Ihe arti cle on as good terms as they can import It. The butter will be kept in the Wilmington Ice-ho,nse, and will be delivered in good and firm condition, in packages of 50 to 100 lbs. cheap as possible, for Cash. The first lot is hourlv expe ted to ar rive. GEO. HOUSTON. Aprf.8. ; JUST OPENED A LARGE, well selected and varied assi rtmcnt of Groceries, comprising a fresh lot of Cheei-e, Preserved Lard, Piclile CotTce, dt Soaps, Fresh Meats. Starch, Tin and Wooden Candles, Ware, Flour, ore , Sic. 'All of which may be found at the corner of Mar ket and Water streets, at ihe "Cheap Cash Store" where goods must be paid for on delivery. E. D. COWAN, Snpcrintenrtant. Jan. 3I. l3G-tf. Herald and Journal copy. JUST RECEIVED AFRESH supply of Lady's fine GLOVE KID GAITERS ; also, a tew dox. pairs of Lady's tipped and fixed Congress Boots; alo for sale 1 large Iron Safe. G. R. FRENCH. March 20. JAS. C. SMITH. " MILES COSTIJ. JAS. C. SMITH &, CO., C0M3IISSI0N MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. 13-1 r SUGARS, SUGARS. qrkRBLS.Staan'iC.Velluw, fJJ Crashed and ground Loal, Porto Rico, in hhds. and bbls. Just receiv ed and for aale by April 25. ZENO H.GREENE. HARMAN'S HOTEL (LATE WASHINGTON AND LAFAYETTE) WAS THIS DAY OPENED BY THE I'J Subscriber, formerly proprietor of tho ay lit etteville Hotel, and is now ready for the ac cominodation of tfavelcrs. JNO. HARMAN. Wilmington Jun 7. 37-tf. 1 WHISKEY AND BRANDY. fr BBLS. Rectified Whiskeys and Domestic )KJ Brandies for sals by AprU 10. WM. L. 3. TOWNSHEND. SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASKS. A SMALL lot of Spirits Caaks, averaging In guase 45 10 S gallons. For sale by April 8. GEO. HOUSTON. UlLJJINGTuN k WEL. R. U, CO. OrricE Enitsa aso Sppsbivtevdcnt, ) Wilmington, N. C. Jan. I, lft6. $ THE PASSENGER TRAIN WILL, UN TIL further notice, tun ov.r this road as fol lows i GOING NORTH, DAILY. i DAY EXPRESS TRAIN lesves Wltminfloh at 6 A. M arrives at Goldsboro' at 9 51learrs in 6 minutes - and arrives at Weldon at l.JO I'. . M. NIGHT F.XPRESB TRAIN lesves WHmlrg ton at 4 30 P. M arrives at Goldi-horJ at B f", to supper 20 minutes; arrives at WclJon at 1.C0 A.M. 'j GOING SOUTH, DAILY. I DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 12 ar rlves at Goldsboro' 3 20 P. M. leaves- In 6 min utes; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P. M. to sup per. - j NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 9 P. M t arrives at Goldsboro' al 1. 10 A. M. leaves In j minutest airlvrs al Wilmington at 6 30 A. M. f"The Night Express Train connects with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro'. ! Through fickeis North sold In Wilmlnrtnn; lo Baltimore 12; to Philadelphia 14 to New York 15 60; to Washington, O. C, ! 1. CcfTlCKlTS WILL HOT SB SOLD TO A MEGBO I PESSOX. Passengers are notified that an extra charge of one cent per mile v. ill be required of those trio do not purciatt tickets at stations. i h relgnt by passenger trains double rates. Lo cal fare, with tickets, about 3 cents per mllr) if paid in the cars, about 4 cents per mile. FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedW trains between Wilmington and Weldon, each week; leaving alternately on Mondays snd Thursdoysand arriving on Tuesdays snd Fri days. Two schedule trains per week to Goldsbo ro'j leaving? Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fri' days, and Goldsboro' on Wednesdays and Satur days, i All dues on freight, up ordown, payable at Gen eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on recf-ipt or delivery, including that on the North Carolina Railroad. a. J(. FREMONT. J"- 29. General Superintendent. Orrrcs Wil. & Mam. Rail Road, Wilmington, Dec. 13th, 1855. NOTICE Is hereby given that all Freight trans ported by this Road will be at (he entire risk of the owner, Irom the moment it is unladen from the Cars at the point of delivery. L. 1. FLEMING, General Superintendent. Pec IS. H7 y MEDICATED ! GUTTA-PERCHA C0LL0DIAN. ANEW and Valuable Remedy for dicabing Wounda, Cuts, Burns, snd Ulcers. It has been tried successfully by Physician , and found superior to any remedy of the kind now in use It forms, when applied, s Cuticle, soft, elastic, snd impervious to water, assimilating most perfectly the natural Cuticle. It may be advantageously used in chap ied lips, excoriations about the neck and ears of children, and lor abrasions f almost every kind, and as a dressing In Burgical opera tions. r The proprietors feel great confidence in present ing the above article for use, believing it will prove fully adequate to the ends proposed and Invalua. ble as a medicinal remedy. For sale by lho Pro Priors, C. dt, D. DuPRE. ALSO VETERIANRY GUTTA-PERCHA COLLODION for Ssddleand Harness Gall., Wounds and sores on horses. For sale by tho Pro prieiors, ' , ' nn n C. Ac, D. DuPRE, May 20. Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. CIGARS. CIGARS. tO BEST Havana Cigars UU.UUU tide-also, a few bo Chcwinj Tobacco. For sale by prime ar xes choice dt Di DuPRE. Market street. June 5. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIMB.' y fZ BAGS Prof. Mape's Improved super Phos I J phsieof Lime. Forsnle by Msrch 6. ADAMS, DUO. & CO. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! THE subscriber hsvlng adopted Uie "thirty daf " and '-Cash system,'' ie determined to make it to the interest of purchasers to patronize hint, by keeping constantly on hand a supply of Groce ries, 4c, at reduced prices. i Just received ; 40 boxes of Goshen and Englinh dairy Cheese; 36 bags Java,. Rio and Laytiuyra. Coflees; a large and fresh supply! of rilce Uinter and Lord; 4.3 bags and boxes Buckwheat; 2000 lbs. Codfish ; No. I and 2 Mackerel and Salmon in half bbls. snd kits; Hiram Smith's Flour, in hslf hhla I Rl-a li'Liiirt 4 knr..,J A J.. - .wua , . w.tcv ui I . 1 1 1 , 11:1" mantineand Snsrin ':inH!,a, ttnA,, linn., gar and Water Crackers, In bbls. and boxes ;Ful- iwu iu. j Bi-i uct-i, ui:., tf-c. r or sale oy WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. Warc'i G. No. 20, Market street. PERFUMERY ! JUST received from New York and Philadcl I hia t Gross Lubins's Extracts for the Hsndk'f ; do. do. Toilette Soaps j do. Glenny Mush Toilette Wsier ; do. do. Verbena do. do. do. Yankee Soap; j do. Camphor Soap do. Pomino do. I A large assortment of Hair Brushes, and s num ber of fane articles usually kept in Drug Stores. C. dt D. DuPRE, Wholesale Druggists, Ocf. 5. Markcl-st., Wilmington, N. C. DISSOLUTION. HMIE firm of Wilkinson t Esler is this -lay dis X solved by mutual consent, the bubincss will bo se tiled by J. Wilkinson. I J . WILKINSON, WM. M. ESLER. Jan. 14, 1856. J. WILKINSON will continue the Upholster ing and Paper Hanging in all its branches. Those having accounts against Wilkinson & Esler will please present them, snd those indebted will con fer a favor by making payment immediately to J. WILKINSON. Jan. 19. 131 JUST RECEIVED AND RECEIVING. A FINE and large lot .of French and Domestic Candles. A large supply of aU kinds of Jellies. Ilrandy Fruit, Peaches in the natural state, in cans, Ksislns, fresh snd in fine order. Fiss of various kinds. j A large lot of Apples, Oranges and Lemons. Pickhss, assorted. The above articles will be s-IJ wholesale or re tail at the Broadway Variety Store, No. 40, Mai kit atreet.by W. II. DeNEALK. April 12. j 12 RICE, RICE. CASKS, just in. For sale bv April ,0- T. C. A B. G. WORTH. MACKEREL ON C0NSIGNMENt7 I AM daily expecting per Schr. Herald, front Nova Scotia, COO bbls. new Mackerel, which I will sell la lots to suit. I GEO. W. DAVIS, South Water s!. A pail 15. ; 3-tf. FRESH ARRIVALS. PER schr. J. II . Flsnner, from Philadelphia, at GEO. H.KELLEV dr BRO'S, No. II. North Water street 20 boxes Adamantine Candler, low for cash. April 12. 12 LEMON SUgTr. MULFORD'S CELEBRATED LEMON Su gar, prepared expresly for Family, Hotel and Ship use, from the best Leiions, in a concentra ted form, then crystalized with sugar, for the in stall production of Lemonode. la this pure sta'e it supersedes Lemon Syrup, and is more convenient and cheaper than Lent ns, as II wil) not spoil la any climate. For Partis and travtlling.it is in valuable. The Sugar is neatly put up In canisters of i lb. each, (2 dos. in a boi . ) For sile b v April 3. GEO. HOUSETON. RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for sals al The Commercial Office, tha Rates of Pilotage for the Bar snd River. 3J-tf. - . BBLS. fresh burnt Rockland Lime, now I VV landing, and for sal by" GEO. HOUSTON.