K5tE0,ovEKlt urfsh aunnlv of LadVs fine GLOVE KID f nilTkUdi also, stew do, pairs of Lady' tipped and foxed Congress ' ' inl 1 "targe Iron ssfe. O.K.tREflCH. March 20. r WRAPPING PAPERY CV REAMS, Fayetieville make. Just re- ceived and for tale by Hay 13. T. C. & B. G. WORTH. STATIONERY, STATIONERY. JUST receives per achr. Myrorr, 4 cares Sta tionery t 30 rann fine Blue I. old Letter Paper a' Si 60; 25 nam blue In id Letter at S4 ; 25 d . da. wove I elter a' 4 ; 25 d . d . wnvel '. Paper I 50 anil $3 per mm ; also. 50.1 Oil Huff nv. I opnt ai Si r r M i Gil'oii'n I'rn. No. 3 3, &&I. 202 li'4. 290, 39J, and various other siuini, tal and examine lor youraelve ai May 29. S W. WHIT -KEk'-J. WESTERN SIDES & SHOULDERS 1 1 H li DS. B.-iCon, fr sule t arrtie. ar iht-low- H ti OS. B.-ieoi rm cash-price. I 1 est eash-price. GEO ..MY KK. Match 8. 152 JS. C. SMITH. t i MILES COSTIN. JAS. C.SMITH & CO., COMMISSION jMERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH ATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. i 18-1 v WHISKEY AND BRANDY. rVBBI.S. Rectified Whiskeys and Oomcatie U vJrBrandies lor saJe by April 10. WM. L. 3. TOWN SH END. 7- LEMON SUGAR. MUfeFORD'S CELEBRATED LEMON So gar, prepared expressly for Family. Hotel and Shin se, from the beat Let.one, in concentra ted form", then crystnlized with sugar, for the In- atant prodaciion of Lemonode. In thia pure state It auperaedea Lcmn syrup, and is more convenient and cheaper than Lcm. n, aa it will not apoil in any climate. For Parties and travelline.it ia in valuable. The Sugar ia neatly put op in canisters oi id. eacn, l- doz. in box.) t or aale ov April 3. GEO. HOUSETON. LIME. 'TOO BBLS- freh burnt Rockland Lime, now I kJ I landing, and for aale by April 26. GEO. HOUSTON. DR. R, F. HI BEARD'S WILD CHERRY BITTERS, DOR Nervous Weakness and General Debility. jl i nese enters are nigmy serviceable in all dyee peptic affections; they assist digestion ; restore ihg tone oi ine siomacn. stimulate the liver, and ereat an appetite. They are unsurpassed in nmovine ingor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off ihe drowsiness incident to the Sprin? or warm aeason. t-old Wholeaale and Rttuil, by March 31. GEO. iMVERS. JUST PUBLISHED BY THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHI LAD. REPORT on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal VYenk neev I-npotenre, the Vice of On.ini,m, Mas turbation. r Self-A bust-, and other Di.-'eaes of ihe Sexual Organ, with an account of the errors and deception of Quack a, and valuable Advice to the Afflicted, by GEO. R.CA LHOU.V. M. D . f'on aultins: Surgeon of the Howard Association, Phil adelphia, Pa., a benevolent Inatitution establUhed by si iai endowment, for the relief of th .11; and di-tressed, afflicted with "Viiulent and Knutemi. aTm.-.rnea&e UMRUK, on the recclt-t of TWO STAMPS fori postaee. Addrera Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN. No 2 South Nt AMrett,i'hlladelj.hIu,Pa. AP'll 12 - ;: 12-3m WINE AND I.IQUOk MERCIIANTS.-A meeting will be held in this place early in May, of the Wine and Liquor Merchants of N w Hanover County, for the purpose of adopting measures for the removal or modification of the extreme heavy tax now imposed upon them. 3rA further notice will be sivtn of the time and place of holding said Convention. April 29. 19. WINES AND LIQUORS. W F. Invite the attention of our Friend and Patrons to the be-t eieniin of Wjnt a and Liuuor tver o fie red this market, consisting of Crescent Br.indy, Vintase 1910, Pale and Dark, Otard. Dwpuy Oi Co.'s Krandy, Old Cog not do. , S. Briieson St. Co.'s do. . CatiliiQ A t'u'm : do. Pure old Port Wine, Duff Oordn, Palc,; Sherry, old Madeira and Muscat v ines, Malaga Wine, Old Sciippernong Wine, Holland Gin. ; Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf a Schiedam Schnapps, Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, Apple do. " Bourbon Whiskey, " Rye do IrUh and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy. Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Lnve Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, F.very variety of bottled Wines and Liquors. Clarets of various brands at whul-)jl prices. Maraschino; Cnracoa, Hosteller'a Stomach Biltcra, Aromatic do. do. Oinfer Wine, dec. Ac. I low pricea for CASH. At theorigirjal i '-J r y. April 17. GEO. JIVER'S. BROWNLOW'S BOOK. THE Great Iron Wheel examined, or lit false spokes extracted, 'and an exhibition of Elder Graves, Ita builder. In a seriea of chapter by W. O. Brownlow. Just published and for aale at May 31. . f S. W. WHIT.AKHt'S. ' MOLASSES! MOLASSES!! O HIIDS. Molasses, just r.-eeived and for sale ior 1 ' cash bv ZENO H. GREENE. June 7. (N. C, C A. Copy.) 36. JUST RECEIVED. WILD'S justly celebrated Candies ai new ar . ele. We have in store a fine assortment of too aoova cnoice and highly flavored Candies, vixt icui Ynaies, rint Apple, Banana, and other flavors. A new and excellent article of Cocoa fu and Almond Candy; never before brought to Mixed Candies, for sale by the bo, from good wvw.b 11 Vtixb.s pep Alao nice lot of Apples, For aale at the Broad way Variety Store, No. 40, Market auerf. April; ' W, H. DaXEALE. MACKEREL ON CONSIGNMENT. I .AM daily expecting per Schr. Herald, from Nova Scotta. 600 bbls. new Mackerel, which 1 will sell in lots to atiit. GEO. W. DAVIS, South Water at. A pall 15. , j; ;3..f. FRESn ARRIVALS. ; P5jJcnr-J H- '""Mr, from Philadelphia, at GEO. H. KELLEV BRO'S, No. II.Nonh Water atreet 20 boxes Adamanune Candles, low for cash. April 12. t 12 A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM FOR 1855. .aaett ty the lire. UAarles x. JLkcvu. X). X). THIS Nw Wob'k embraces the itatUtic and a great sariey of other inter ting in forma iom in every department of Southern Methodist opera tions, under the following general beada : 1- Tho Episcopacy. II. Plan of Violation. j in. tn uonterences. iv. Dedication of Cbnr cats. v. Revivals, vi. wlisslona. VII. Colic- in ! "'v.TT, ex- IX. Tract Soela ty. X. Publishing Hauna and Literary Notices XI. Instruction of People of Color. XII His torical Sketches. XIII. Biotrapical Skrihrs XIV. Personal Notices. XV. Bishop Andrew's . Letters on California. XVI. Mtmoria'sof Bish pp Capers. XVII. Mlscellaneoaa. XVIII. Ap- Piicet', for which copy will be sent prepaid. Bills of ths Banks of North or South Carolina, jar fold dollar, should be sent. A liberal dia count to j3ooluIler and Ministers. Address : CHARLES F. DEEMS, t ! UolJsboro'.N C. " COMMERCIAL" FOWJiMi. Jf Jtl-ESS JOMIllIIIKi ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTH SIDE MARI1T ST.IKTHS HAP. IT ECUSI". 3 WILMINGTON", InT. C. TITE PROPRIETOR of this well known Establishment would call the attention of the business community tv hi lanre ami beaut nil assortment or type ana rresjcn rmv'ne- iost added to Irs stoek e-w nf R. lion Co'i PATENT SINGLE C'YLIN ifclt I'tCITING S1A- C 11 I.N KS, he is now enante.1 10 io wors ax a tnucti more rriiaomth'e rata than formerly, and in the nnet style ol ths wurlc . CARDS. i Print! from $3 to $10 per thousand. liOOKS At) PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS. CORPORATIONS, tc. BILL-HEADS. SHOP-BILIA BILLS OF LADING, AXD HEADIXG3, te., fcc, c. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. TVe would call the attention of Concert Amenta. Show men and others, to our facilities for doing this kind o work. all Ktis or PLAIN" AND ORNAMENTAL TRINTrNO, Done In the nentct manner, and at short notice. Tho in want of Printing we trust will find it to their advantage to give u a call COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Shippers and othein Is called to our extenolve assortment of Commercial Blank. Among; the collection is a very fine and handsome lot of Bills of Ex change, in sheets and books. November 3, I860. L. W. PIGOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BEAUFORT, N. C. Anv bnsinesg entrusted 10 his attention will be attended to promptly ana to ihe best of his ability. bepcresccs : Cummins Styron.Com. .Merchants Wilmina f r. Jas. Norcum, Attorney at Law, J ton N C. Mr. Kdward StTinlv, Beiiuturt N C Mr. Benjamin L. erry. General Agent for Under- wrighters, Keaufort.N. C. Feb. 5th. 1655. 2l-12m-w. RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. I 1 BBLS Chaffin'i celebrated back country 1 V J Whiskey. Also, in emre, a eupeiior ariitry of Draught Ale and cweei Ciier, at J. R. RESTON'S, May 31. fSio. 13, Market etreet. $100 REWARD. W ILMISOTOJf dt V CLDON R. Orn Wilmington, March 20, IS56. ARKWA RD of One Hucd'cd Dollars will be paid for the apprehension or tor evidence 1 hat may enure con iction nf any p rson or per sons in it have been during ihe l .a' lhcc mnnih or in;ty h reafter be enn i0i rl in ti 1 1 inr ohMrue iiin npon the iMelt of this Konii. or who may b. kuiIiv of ihrowii'S tntstiU 1 til ihe trains on ihe roiid it hi insj the deietuiin.iti. n of ihe Bonrd o I ir. rtora Jo prosecute auch fiend to the extent nl the law. L. FREMONT. Eng. t Supt. April I. 7 3m ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER l-l".' " v. ill be fold nt verv low fi'Mres. Countrv etch mm wi-l.iiiu to asruri their slock, wih find this on excellent oportuiin. Our ass .rt mcnt consists of Panama, Lephorn, Maracabo. Curacoe, Senrtte, Canton p r.d Pulm Leal Hals with all Ihu different styles nnd q nli.ies of liili soft Fur Hat.-, which we will seli in lots to anil , at cost prices for cash. Iay3i. SHEPHERD 4- MYERS. RCCKY MOUNT MILLS FOR SAI E. I'D CAPITALISTS, OR TO ENTERPRISING X liui ts 11111, with a limiinl cupiial. the rareel oppori unity for a hue purch ise U now oliercd. This piypeiu lies on b,.Ui idt e ol Tur Kiverin the couotks oi Ni.sh and K. gcon.be, one unit ironi itocky itiuunt Hepui on Hiu IV . and . .. ic... urd em ruces the whole at 1 power uf the iivei at this point. '1 he Hjer in rna.te ov.daHe by a solid dam i f "ratmr, laid it) Hydrnulic Cement, and c'Hiiplcttd m. iii.in the Ja.-t tw lve nioiiihs at expen-e of iiear tin thousand liolljts. li U probably th bi bi d.itti in .Norm Jaro ina. The other tin provi-uu nis cun-i-t v. let. The l otion Factory ;t ftn.sr si.binntial gmnit,- bui.d int', TUx33 fe:t, two rt.un t hifch. bincis ihe ba.-c-tin nt . lieu d or 'lun.ir.g i-hup ds c. and a t oumiu dious unit-, where the r. eltiii! nnd packing ar. done '1 t.e Ma. hinety 17 to ypindlts, with nil the necessary iit.n-t inciy 10 tun thi in, besidi a iw o ex lr, fr.iiues wi'h Hi spii.dl.- 1- i fi,,e 0,dtr , tui ntug on ..ail twelve hui.ilred pounds (lUU lt yarn. For manuf.icturirg t'n.tton thialocaiion ia unur passed in ihe 1 niu J t lat s The mi'er-i owcr is aiilenCid and lit flit i. i.i 10 run ihoumrde of spin, dies help to be had 25 to 50 per cei t cheaper than in ihe Northern tat. s.and the raw mail ri.il at the Mill, where a good buyer tan lay in his atock I to cei.t per lb , below the l. V. nurket. 2d I he Giist Mill, aa excellent fiain d building -10 fe. 1 squarson walls atone (laid ia Cement) ihat will "and !orever. There are fie pairs of stone in Uu Villi two pra. Bui r's for Whut, and three prs Esopas' for Corn. For custom milling this point Chn'l he excelled in N. C. li is the lowest poiol on ihe river at which ihere 13 a mill, and here we ate pat ronize-d by persons 25 to 3' l miles in the suin inerand fill months. The Mills a re driven bv twu overshot wheels, one of which will be renewed this sum mer. 3d. The Saw Mill a Circular Saw, driven bv one overshot wheel, all nearly new and in fine or der. The neighborhood fumhing a fa r inu.ket. and timber to be had neat, or floated down the liv er Irom above. 4th, One large and excellent two storied framed dwelling, 50x4J feet ihe yard and garden walled in with brick and stone. One 01 her handsomely 1 1 w r . A l r.lll.. e . - u-iuiuS w.i,, o rooms oeiow and Z ubov. 8taira eleven fiamed cabins ler operatives ana tneir families, two store bnuat-s, two warehouer, barns, alables, bljcksmith and wood shops. The Mill bites embrace ( j5) fifty-five acres, and a tract of eighty odd acrea, one mile distant, foi fuel,4c.,-wii be sot! with the mills. I will sell the property on credits running' firm one to right years, should the purchaser deeue, knd am confident that, with enterprise and god management, a profit of ten to twenty per cent, inav be realized from it per annum. - ; Further imlormation may be had or me, or my agenta, on the premises, or bv letter to WM. S. BATTLE, Rocky Mt.. Edgeombeco . N. C. ' . o. until the property ia eold, or.lera for arns, Plowlines, 4c. directed to the undersign ed. at Rocky Mount. Edgecombe county, N. C . will be promptly attended to. , ,Q-C f ' w- S- BATTLE. June?l, 18o6. 42-aw2m. JUST RECEIVED. BBLS superfine Flour; 0 30 boxes Colgate' Pale Soup j Fiesh lot of Mess Beef and Pickled Tongues ; 4 boxes Adamantine and Sperm Candles ; 20 bbls. assorted Crackers t 23boxaa Lsu a lot or extra Butter Or ackers in tin cap j na Aoernatliy and laple tSiitcuit, aouieihing new and very extra, for sale by WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. June 19. No. 20 Market street. OFFICE W. & W. R. R. COMP'Y. Wixmikcton, N. C-, June 13. 18f6. OEALED Proposals are invited, and w;! be re -J ceived until .Monday, June 30tli, at 12 o'clock. M-, for Ihe materials for a Wocien Warehouse, to b erected on the Company's wharf, and also foi ereeiidg ihe same. Bids will be received for ths lumber, timber Ac. alone Bids will he recti ved for constructing the Warehouse, materials furnished ; and btda will bt considered for fitrnishinr ad materials and com pleting he building according to the drawings and specifications, and bills of timber, which can be seen at this office. The w hole to be completed by the 31st-day ol Augnst. - . . . L. FREMONT, Junel7.-40-tju30 Eng. 4t Supt. J. R. RESTON Is now receiving a fresh sup ply of Light Summer WINKS, consisting of va rtoua grades: Clarets. in eases and Bottles t Red v ine, by the gallon or Bottle ; Scuppernon from Lake Scuppornong,hy the gallon or Bottle: Cham pten. various branda; Ale, Cider, In barrels and BottU. and all kinds of Liquors, Fresh GeUarines. Br-. EsjUh PeUe, Msccaroni, Ac, rf tin t . .." :r. . J royal imu.a lottml The Grand Extraordinary drawing of th" Royal : rtavann tottery conduct, d by ihe J-pai t h Govern- on nt, under the suoervision of th; Cautain Gea- ! eral of tuba, will t.ikc place at Havana n FRIDAY, JULY 4th, 1856. GllANDSOaTEO.No 29 F.STlt AOILDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 ! ! 1 prize of 8100 000 4 ; 30,000 I" ' " 20 000 t ' - 10 COO I lk 5 000 8 prizes of $2,000 10 " 1,000 70 " - 400 149 " 200 20 Apr'xm's. 7,200 4 -iptT'ivi tt?tii)n t, tii 1 ' 0,CiO of -r0" em h: t-i fti i. a'iiu: lot fitlii n V : SH'O 0; 4 ..t $ ti m J .t 00. Whohr 'lick. It- fl.'ll; H.nh , s i ; QiinricrB lb-P.izi-x r.islud nl !.hr ar 5 p-T t-ent iiisi-' tint. Kills n ihi- B;mk "I Ch irl.itu- inken at pur. A rtr.-wina will b firwjided as soon aa the re rutt becomes known Omimiinira'inn addressed to DON RODRI- u r.z,. (care oi i.iiy Tost C-liarletion, . U.) un til The 4th July will he uttendi-d to. The above Piize was htld in Charleston last J..lv. June 10. - 3?-tf 3I0UE PRIZES TUAN BLANKS, 5,031 PRIZES. 10,000 NUMBEHS ONLY! GRAND SPECULATION FOR A SMALL IN VESTMENT. Improvement on thearrrovtd Havana Plan Lot- lery. JASPER COUNTY ACADKMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the Slate of Georgia Class O. to be drawn July 15, 1856, at Concert Hall, Alacon, Ga., urder the .worn euperinten- dence of Col. Gcorjje M.Logan and Jaa. A. Nis- bel, K?q. 1 his Lottery Is drawn on the Plan of the ''oyal Lonirr m iiavan 01 filiate numbers; this h.i onlv 10 100 1 11 111 he 1 8 and the Havana Lottery 31.003 number the Havana 249 Ptizes this S.0J I prizes. Look to your interest. IS ow is the time ! CAPITAL $7,500! 1 Prize of $7,500 1 do 3,' 00 1 do 2,0"O 3 do 1.01 0 5 do 5-;0 20 do Uti 5.0(0 dv 8 5.CJI Pria, amooming 10 $G0 CfO ! Ticket-. 10. Hnlvea 45. Quarters. S2 50 Prises pat aide without l ducii.m. Pera -n endlni; money by oail no, d not fear its hi ing lost. Outers piitiriually utti-nded :o omiiitiiiieaituns con hd nt lal. Kank INotes ot nn sound b.iiik takt n at pur. Utawtngs sent to .ill ordering Tickets. '1 li ee wishing particular numbers thould order irum- ilmt- Iv. Tlii 5 00t' Prize of fPt ate de ern-ined V'y the diauing of ihe Capital f vT.MHI ; it Ihe Num ber that draw ihe 1 annal is n even nun bt r h e Ticket ending ith 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are entitled i" a3 ; 11 an oriil iNnn.bPr ihosw licketa tnuing wsm 1, j, o, 7, a, are en '1 led i-SS. Addiess JAMES F H INTER, Manager, Macon. Ga June 17 40 if. TALLOW CANDLES. IT7E h ive received the agency of C. C. Hhoiles' I allow Candle the best article m-de mo uniira -t;iir. hi ne Kept con.-liinny on har.d and sold for cash only on delivery, ai No. II North Water Mreet. G. H. KELLEV & BRO. May 23, '53. 30 tf AFFLICTED READ!! PHILADKI. IMU., MEDICAL HOUSE Established luetity-iwo veurs uro b Dr ITI Wi r .1 . . . . J ... n.i.t.er.L.i.v, corner ot 1 nird and Loion street a. i-iiiiaac'ipiiia, fa. 1 W K N T V-T W O V E A R S ' Experirnee has rendered tr K. a ino-t aue cesstul prae-uiinner in the cure 01 ail dista.-cs of a on v.. to nat ure ; tunnhood's debility, as an im peJiment to marriage; n rvous an. I sexual in nrmnfef, diseases I the kkin, anil those un?in. I'uiii abuse of mercury. take Particular, notice. There is an evil habit soiuet iines in.ttil-. ed in by "". 'n aoiitiiiii), orcn uiok up wnii mein to Hanh'jod ; anl which, if not reloruied in dint lime, n-. nni) oegti serious uosiaclts to mairiiinmi- ai nappinevs, but gives rife to a series of pro. iraetid, insidiou.-, nnd devastating aHeeiions. -ew ij inufc win, jtie way 10 nils nernii l'us oranice areuwareol ihe cons, quinces, uniihhev fin. I the nervon.. ,-yoieiii shattered, f. el si ran j;e and una. countable sen.:iilons, ami vague fears in ill mind ( .-See pag. V7, -.'8, 29, of 1 r. K't book on ' Self Preaervs'ioii ") The unforr unuie thus nffected becomes fjecble, la unaote iu labor witti accusomeo vigor, or to up I'ly his mind to study s his tep is lardy and wruk; he is dull, irre-oltre, and cnaages even in his sports with less energy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice has none iiswurft, ano enicr matrimony, his marring.' uniruiuui. ana nis sense leng :ntn mat mis is caused bv his early folliia Thr.se are considera tion uhick should awaken the attention of all uho are similarly siiuuted. REMEMBER. He who places himself under Cr. Kinkelin's 1 real men t, mav religiously confide in his .honor at a gentleman, an rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. IC.'a patients will never be dis clied. Voung man let no f.tlse modesty deter you from making vour caee known to one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend von. Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for ihe last twenty years at the N. W. cottier of Third and Unlun n reels Philadelphia, Pa PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can have (by stating their ca-e explicitly, to geiher wi'h oil their s mnlom-. per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'e medicine, appropriated ucordingl . Forwarded to any part rf the United States, and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Express - HE4D YOUTH AN'D MAHOOH A Vigorous Life or a Premafnre Death , Kin.eUn on Self Preservation On y 25 C'tnfs. Letters containing that value in atampa, will euaure a cop v. ier ret' in ol nmil. GRATIS ! GRATIS 1! G'tATISiM A Free GIFT To All. MISF.RV REL1KVED. "Nature's Guide." a new and popular Work, fall of valuable advice and impressive warning, a ike calrnl iti d to prevent years of miserv. and save thousands of live?, is dlsttihutfd without charge, nnd f.irwarded by mill, pr.p.id to ant Post Office in the United Siaus on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. June 19. 41 lv-w&t STEUIEIt ASTORIA FOR PORTSMOUTH & BEU'FORT. SUMMER ARRANGEtM EN T. THE splendid low pressure steamer ASTORIA, M. M. Gray, Master, havino- been thorooff'ilv repaired and new Machinery put in hr, will com mence her regular trips for the season on Satur day, July 5th, and win run the following schedule. Leave Washington on Saturday Mornings at 6 o'clock. A BI , for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort on Monday Mornings at 6 o' clock, A. M.. for Portsmouth snd Washington. Leave Washington on Turadar Mornings at S o'clock, A. M., for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaafort on Wednesday Mornings at 6 o'clock, A. U.. for Portsmouth and Newbern. Leave Newbern on Thursday Mornings at 6 o'clock, A. M- for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Lwave Beaufort on Friday mornings st 6 o'cteek, A.M-, for Portsmouth and Washington. Fars from Washington to Portsmouth, tl 50 Do. do. do Beaufort. 4 00 Do. da. Newbern "Portsmouth,-2 60 Do. do. do Beaufort, ' 4 00 MEALS KXTPA. - . Passengers will bo landed at Portsmouth or Beau tort without extra charge. - 8. P. HANKS. WguiUflso,W.CJwip. f3rJA letter from Rev. Chirlcs Hibbntd, Mis- M..uary in Kurmah. to his lather, Jost ,h Xobin eon.Ksq , ol this City, has been handed 10 us for pttbiic-uiion, from which we make thu following ei tracts, Providence Journal. i j Thewtok, Mauluiain, June 6, '655. ' Pear Father VMll yuu kii.dlv sav to MrJ Da vis that Mrs. llibbatd and ntjteif. arid irideid I might add, a.l who came out ui.h us, f. el jrery gratetail lor the box ol Pain K ilier whi. h he truve us when we left our nulive land lor bui 111:1 li. 1 have ssed it for Cottgits, Colds, viuJent Internal Paina:. Summer Complaints, Bums, Bruises aod lor lti Sting of t'corpioiis- Bt:d with utiilorin 9;.c eess i The only severe spasm of ih; stornaeh whicnj M rs. Hibnard has h d in Burmah, was In. stantly relii ved by the l'atn Killer. VNeulwiiys keep w where we can put our hands on it in: the dark if nerd be. AltbonsaW I look Mr. Nisbet'a box in addition to inyt own when he returned to Ameiii a. mint is all gone but three or f..yr botile!, und that would have been gone long ago, had I not refused to part wiihi'. - I The Karens. a!fO, are beginning to learn it val tti5, nnd call for it, but 1 Imve to deny th m, except in dose., for we could not think of being without it. Vfith the Pain Killer, I feel myself welt arm ed ngi.intt disease that is in nil ordinary caws- It is imriisi r ntublt, and 1 t-eidotii nu ddlc with any oilier medicine Rev. CHARLES HIBCARD. 1 1 Ma. Pxsav Davis I 1'eel it to be my dutv to btar jny itsiimony to the rfficacy of your infalli ble Pain Killer 1 have used it lor years, for com plaints of the Stomai h and Ho wilt-, having: for merly been s-'bjec. to severe attacks of Diurrhraa and Cholera Morbus but for the Inst two jears I have inoi had occasion to use it or any other medi cine for that complaint, it having neilictlv restor ed my digeaiive orgtms. 1 1 hitda very seveieutt.ii k. a few diva niro. of the ague,; nnd such n pain in my back, for threw days and nights, imi 1 could get no re-t. I t. in i nded of my physician, after several things had been tried,; in give me sum.-'ning to relieve my bacl and head of pstin. llr- aio J 11 u.-t bathe-ni d wait till the Ague wort on, ami toe p.im would wear auav. 1 hud u. much p-.in to f. . ctitv, tun eeM and got a lb cent bot!lc 1 the "Vtgeta- le Pan. Killer.'' I took ia little iitwutdlv, nnd u.ilhi d uc on.ing to di- lections, and one application has reu.ov. d all the pain nnd 1 am able 10 write to-day, though viiih a irrii biing h.-m't. I he application was inade list nighi tiboui nine o'clock, and 1 had a tweet night's te-t. I h ive recouimen.led 11 lor s. veral vears and ijt h is given univtital s..tiMueljuP white il has been used according to ciri cioris, ! ours, giaieitilly, ' I.. PKRKV CHILDS, Pastor of Bapiitit Church, Troy, 0:lo. Thousands rf Livins IVtiiictsrs Certify to their Neighbors fio-m ihiij in iiav. the if'iiifleiful EJJuts . Ml'i'' PA .V ! KILLER. j 1 Sasdpeky Citv. Ohio, Noy. 24, 1318. ..,. iti.?., . it.ui li. Torut in. 2iih uliimois.it h i nd. and iii tepl v u ill tay Vi begin felling Perry l)a is' Pain Killer, aiiuiwiti Mr J. IS. tl irrt-. U.-ar Sir : Voui favor of the r h vciy liitle tfi'.rt on our purl; sales weie mhoIi at firei,bul as it became known in our Comiiiitnii y, he demand inciensed rapidly, far beyond our ex pectations, and every p rt-on that bought it would come after more, ald speak ol ii in the highest t tins as a vafu.ible r itiedv for u II tho:e ilineuses youti pamphlet spoke of Fiom those tec itiimcn- ln Hons we were Induced to ukc it in our own fam- i!iesj-aiid the good ttlris.i the nitvicine wtreim- inciliutely ttpparent. We have sold limit of the I'm lit Killer than we ever have since or before of any jot her 1111 en 11 e in the same length of time; and jive do not ties itate to say thai it has given het ter satisfaction tothe pttrthaer than any other ur tiele; we h.ive i-Vor so d. t Keep a large supply in the West, it is iust siieh n medicine ;;s 1 lie people want, nnd thev I1.1 ve already founid out tii-it t hey can cure I he fever and aguef.ir t went y-tive cents. It wi: cure a cold in one j hwur a B':vere:ottgh lti one night and ha . ptovbd to be Hie best in.dicii e in usaY.r a di,ecd Bt .iuaeh and u anv oiljer n.rpos. s. loiirs,dc.. ! bUL. K WOOD dt GRAHAM DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. This nnparilluled preparation is receiving Imorc testimonials of its womicrl til efficacy in removing p;:tm. than any ntner medi ine ever offered to th- public And these testimonials come not alone froiti ihe ignorant, but fiom persons of every de- gtee ol intelligence nnd every rank of life. Phy s. clans id" the first respectability, and perfectly eonverj.tnt with the nature of diseases and ijcme diesL have recommended this as one of the ; most 1 ffectunl in their line of preparations for the ex tinction of pain. The. Pain Killer i- used internal ly and externally, according to the natuie tif the complaint- 11 has been found to be an excellent reinietly for sudden colds, coughs, drc: fever and ague, asthma and phthy Fic. pain in the headj kid ney complaints, bruises nnd sores, severe burns. canker, boiis. and ringworms, weak s'omarh, and general dehility. painter's colic, brokeq breast, Ac.howel compl.nnr, nnd dvM ntery. cholera, liver complain', anddysiiepsiu. teeth ache. Ac, f c. I lie rain Killer is sold bv George R. French. Wilmington; C. C. Green, Elizabeth Ciiv ; James W. Carnter. Newhcrn ; W. H. W illnrd. Washing ton ; and by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Oct. 20, 1;55- 94 3m. SUGARS, SUGARS. i O A RBLS.Stuan's C. Yellow, j OV Crushed and ground Lonl. ! Porto liico. in hhd. on.l hhti Jnt rewir ed and for sale by April 26. ZENO H. GREENE. NOTICE. day associated with me in the siuess in V ilmineton. niV Son I HAVE this L Hardware Business in C F- Roats-fos. '1 he lusiness ill herent'ter be conducted under the firm ot J M Itohinson & '" J- M. POiH.NSON. J. MY ROBINSON & SON, WILMINGTON. JN. C. j Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in H4KDWAUK. CCTLKIty. IBtlN. 8TEKL,. NAILS. GRI- CL-l.tL-RAt. IMPLEMENTS, -c. C. E. KOSiNSftX 1-M J. M. R0B1KSO.V. Jan. 1, I35C. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. I Mils institution located at Copt. Potter's office ; opposite Bank of Cape h ear, will be open for tie reception ot depoi-nea ifi Wednesday of each eBi., iroiri 4 in 7 n'ciocK, i' fii ., and cn Satur lay of each week fro-u 4 to p o'clock, P M. JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May. J. jH-tf. ! STEAMBOATS FOR SALE. E will sell the Ste inters "FAIRY," "UNION" w and 4-1 it hs of Ihe steamer "KV ERGB EEN - ill ,hf which are no on the waters of the Pee Dee anq , acenmaw. -Faiiit S length, 61 feet 6 inches, " breadth, 15 " 4 " ! " d. pi h, 4 " 2 " measures 51 and 2 95 tons burthen, waa built in the vearl85l. I Steamer Uxiox or Eliza'b length, 73 feet 6 inch j " " " bread. h, 13 " ! " " " depth, 4 2 " measures 40 and 32-95 tons burthen, was built in the year 1850, machinery aJ new and in complete order. Steamer Etsbgbkkb's length, 121 feet 6 inches. : " " breadth, ?2 ! " , M depth, 6 - 5 measures 160 and 73-9 5 tons, -and was built in the yearl$48, together withthir Lighters, Jos. R. Blossom and Republican one of seVen hundred t arrets, and the other of nine hundred barrels ca pacity. Also, two Flap, now on ihe Cape Fear River--one 650, and the other 550 bbla. capacity., Terms will be made oasy j - D. D. ALLEN, ? . -! -JAS. H. PilTCHETT, J A8sBf'C , sept. 27. 64-tf I i COFFEFv COFFEE. nrtz BAGS prints K in Coffee just received For I J sle In lata insult tr jtojp, T.Ny.B.G.WQ&TJ3. SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD, TII E0 LOGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, FOR SALE. trSCi VEIly prime selected Empty Spirit bbls. -vvy lau raga uuano. 200 " Brown Salt, 50 bbls. Herrin?, 10 half bbls. Snuff, by "March 6. ADAMS, BRO. fc CO. PRESERVING CANS. . 1 .a st year, a great variety of Self-Seal ing Cans and Jars were manufactured, but aa most of them werowrongin princi- t le, failure wis in evitable. and thou sands of housekeep ers lost their fruit in consequence. "fr: Arthur's Self-Seal- Inr Cans are a verv different article from those, and warranted to seal nurmciicnliy. Never has more complete success attended the introduction of anv new article of domestic use. 1 duns who intend usinr these Jans, are re quested to leave tneir oiderttduirng ihe month of June with. - L. N. BARLOW.. June 7. 36. P. S. These Cans cannot bo obtained at any oth er place. FRESH ARRIVALS. T'lE aubscriber has just added largely to his A. stock of good things, all fresh and in fine or der. Among his articles ure ORANGES; APPLES; l.EMO.NS; . CITRON; RAISINS; C'UUItANTS: COCOA NUTS; JELLIES; PRESERVES; PICKLES; CANDIES, n large and varied assortment PINE APPLES, B t NAN As, BRANDY FRUITS, PKUNE-. PLANTING POTATOES; SEGA RS and TOBACCO; GROCEU1ES. Ac. dc . All of tho above articles will be sold at the low est cash prices. F. M. AGOSTIM. Feb. 9,1850. HO-tf. DRIED FRUIT lOOlf Apples anJ Peaches, on handand ale by T. C. & B. G. WORTH. April 10. GROCERIES, &c. I CC BAGS Coffee, 50 bbls Suarar. Candles, lUU.Siittp. Starch, Shot, Powder, Crackers, Butter, mnuii, lanay, tjic , lor sale rv June 7. ZENO H GREENE. N.C. C. A. Copy. No. 7Market-St. JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH, FHK.SH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGE rv TABLE PALN KILLER, in entire New Dress To be sure that you get the genuine Med icine, inq'iire for the New Dress with two fine en graved sieri labels on each bottle. Aptil 19. 15-tf. GRAIN CRADLES A SUPERIOR article, for by J. M- ROBINfcON & SON. June 3. 34. FISH ON CONSIGNMENT. t(Vt BBLS. No .3 Mackerel, OUKJ 60 i do. do. A few bbls. No. I do. A fc.v bbls. M ullcls, just received, nnd for sale In lots to suit, by G.W.DAVIS. June 14 39 NOTICE. LL persons are hereby forewarned not to trust anv of the crew of the barquean'ine ' W in. II vde. as no debts contracted hvlhem 111 oe paid by tile captain or consignees. June 14. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. 7 BACON !B A C ON 11 -I K HIIDS. Western Sides and Shoulders, 1 J 30f0 lbs. N. C. " " For sale in quantities to suit by JuneH. ZENO rl. GREENE. MOLASSES, MOLASSES. A GOOD sweet article in hhds. and bbis For Xx. sale by June 14. ZENO II. GREENE 33 JUST RECEIVED. Qflfl PAIR Lfdics black and colored foxed and I ttpnl Sain rj, 100 pair Ladies fine glove kid Gaiters. Also, a fine assortment of Ladies fine Slippers, sitiiante lor spring, which wi I be ohvred at a re duced price. GEO. it. FRENCH April '0. '. - 10 VV I LM isgton MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agencyol several large establishments st the North which will rnrnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domeatic 51 ARBLE of all qualities, isnrepared to fill all nn'ers for MONU9II3N TS AND TOMBSTONES, andever oiherariicle in the line of the, business al reasonable rales. SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING. Executed a swell as can he done either North ci South. . ., , Thebeat reference can be given, if required. ; JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1654. tf. JUST RECEIVED. Ofl BUSHELS beautiful White ; Beans For U si at GEO. MYERS May 20. . ' , 28 WHEEL BARROWS. t ANAL and Garden, for sale by. 'or sale by. ZE.NO H. GREENE. W June 14. 4 N. C. HAMS. A LOT of 151 pieces, just received and lor sale rV by ZBNU.H. GREENE. May 15. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE fubbcriber bavins qualified aa Admin:tta lor to the estate of Samuel A. Baker, deceased, at the June Term of ihe Court of Pleas and Q.uar-' tr Sessions for the county of New Hanover hete by gives no:ice to all persons indenied to said de ceased to make immediate pa menf, nd to all per sona hiving claims against said estate to present them within the lime prescribed by law. otherwise thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery HENRY BAKER, Administrator June 16th, 1556: , 40-1 m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TIIE subscriber having qualified, at the June a. term, laao, oi ine iuuri ei rieas and Quart er Sessions for the county of New Hanover, as Executor to the eatate of William Thomscn, de ceased, gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and those haying claims to present them within the time pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. THOS. H. IIOWEY, Executsr. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. THOSE persons who have watches left for re pair, by ths deceased, are required to call and receive ths same, within the time prescribed by law, r they will be sold at A action, on account of repairs. T. IL HOWRY. Ei center... Jj So. Side Market ,t-', ' wttMoioToy, n. c.j STATIOXEltr, BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, CARDS, PENS, INK. &c, Ac. MUSIO, ARTIST'S MATERIALS &.C , &c, &c. HENRY BURKHIMER VII0LB8ALC & BETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. SIGN OF- THE INDIAN CHIEF" MARKET STREET, one door above Water Wilmington, V C. JV. B. All Orders filled with despatch. Oct. 26th. 1355 93-tAw-e. i FOR SALE. Qryr Acres Pine Lend, situated Immediately. c . c upon rvnuiingion ana vvemon l( it... lour 10 nve nines irom Depot ai Wilmington. -AND 50 Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated between Force Put and Thombury 1 11 of wnicn is hoc swamp Land, t or terms. Ac. uo py to M. UU.OIML.lf. Oct. 30, 1855. 97 tf COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. R EMOVED to the new and spacious Hall Nos, ya und JUl Ualtunore street. Baltimore IMd O. K.Chamberlin, Piintipal and Lecturer unon 11 riuuiiiuc cciti ce. M .:i - E. K. Losier, in charge of Writing Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Associate in Book Keeping Department. J . in. r-uitiins, i eacner in cook Keeping. " S. T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. This Institution piesenta superior facilities to young men desirous of obtain. na a practical busi ness education. 1 he course or stud embraces Double Entry, Rook-Ket ping, as practically applied to the man- agementof Metcantile. Bank. Manufacturing n,l steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Commr- Inl Law upon the subject of Bills of Exchange, rrummirsury iNotes, t.ontracis, Partnerships, oic. The exercises are all stiictlv practical, being- de ducted from actual business transactions, an com. pletely combining practice witTS theory thatstudenta on completion ot ine course ure in every- respect competent to conduct, on scientific ( rinciplcs, any set of Double Entry Bonks. The students have access to a Commercial Library procured expressly lor iiieir Hccomiuoaaiion. Kxaminationsare held at stated periods and Di plomas awarded to lluse found competent to repre- . .i. : i . e eeui me iii.ui uii'in in h me.eani ii capacity. U.-ual length of time to complete the wholecoursc Irom eight to ten wei Ks. For particulars, write, and receive a circular bv man. Sept. 20. 81. ly OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LOTTERIES. Baltimore. April IS. 18SC. 'TMIE undersigned, Commissioner of Lotteries A ot the tsiaie of Maryland, betnff in receini oaity or letters irom various portions ot the coun ty, aktng Inquiry a 10 Lottery .Schemes with which the counlty is flooded, and which purport lobe DECIDED BV THE DRAWINGS OP THE M AIT LA SD Consolidate Lotteries, ' lakes this meth- j od to answer ail such letters ot inquiry, and in form the public that all Lotteries purporting TO BE DECIDED BT THE ' ARVLAMD UBAW1NG8 ABE gross fsauds; that certain parties who style tnemseivcs .ti orris ot co., ana pretend to be Man agers or sole Agents for the Grand Charter Lotte ries at Cleveland, Ohio, are impostors, and said lottery a fraud, having neither legal or presumptive existence; ana tnnt another fictitious firm, styled M urry or, IO., Cleveland. Ohio, are also 1 moos tors. ana an lotteries wnicn iney proieas to bo mana gers or agents for, are also frauds. RICHARD FRANCE, of this clty.Is the Con tractor for drawing the Maryland Lotteries. The business is conducted under the firm of R. FRANCE & CO., as Managers, and thev have no solengentsin the city of Baltimore. There are. however, some forty licensed venders for th State of Maryland, who derive license under him, through this office, to sell tickets in the Maryland Lotteries. v. II. Mc.Hitn,. Commissioner of Lotteries for the State of Md. May 10. 24-3m. RICE, RICE. C)CC CASKS in store and for sale in lots to JJ suit by May 13. T. C. ci B..G. WORTH. N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS. 1 fl BAIES N C. Sheetings arid Yarna.jual re- J. J ceived and for sale by June 12. T. C. d B. G. WORTH. NOTICE. A LL persons haying claims against Moore, a a. otaniy at. uo win piease present I hem for tel. uerneni ana aii uiose tnoeotea to tnrm are re-I quested to come forward and make immediate pay ment to the subscriber. Oct. 6 JNO. A. STANLY". SPIRIT BARRELS. -I Kf PRIME SECOND hand Spirit Turben- ! x II no pots., now landing and lor Bale by ADAMS, BRO. at CO. June 17 i SOAP, BOXES Colgate's Pale and No l.forsaleby JVMarth 6. GEO. HOUSTON. ROOMS TO LET. MRS. FOltD is desirous of renting s number of the rooms in her house, during ihe sum mer months, furnished to Gentlemen wishing pleasant and airy apartments, with or without Board. A good chambermaid will be in atlrndanr on the rooms, and every care taken to render them comfortable and clean. .. Room can be taken any time from 1st of May. April 26. j 18-3m JUST RECEIVED, OC BBLS, Maekeral ; 20 bbU. No. I large -next ' Hen-ins i 5 hhds. Bacon, low for cah. June 3. GEO. MYERS. JUST RECEIVED, PER Schr1. Emily: 9 bbls. Sweet Cider 5 baskets Chtmpaffne Wine. doi. raie Ale, (in bottles. May 15. J.ft. RKSTON.N. For sale by o. 15 Market.st. NAILS ! NAILS!! 1 fjfj KEGS assorted, from 4 to 20 penny. Just 1 v J received and for ssle by Jpne7. ZENO II. GREENE. N. C. C. A. copy. CONSTANTLY OX IJAND A ND formate. Corn. Corn Meal, Tab! Horn. XX mony. Horse and Cow Feed. No. IS, North Water street, bv J. M. STEVENSON. June 19. ! 41-tf THROUGH IN 14 HOURS TO MARS BLUFF, TRI-WEEKU MAIL ..v. ! r HACKS. : ; LEAVE Georgetown . 7 o' clock, A. M., Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Arrive at Mara Bluff Si o'efeek. P. M-. connects with the cars going North and South the same night.; Leave Railroad 1 0 o'clock, P. Mn Monday, vVed needs y and Friday. Arrive In Georgetown next day at or before 2 o'clock, P. M. distance 64 miles. Fare to. Shackelford eY. Fra. ser. Agents In Georgetown ; J. M. Smith, Agent st Railroad. Passengers sre a 'lowed 0 lbs. bag, gage to each passenger; over 60 poinds 4 cent per lb. extra will be charged. ; ' J.C. DTK. .. 9M I7th, 1839. 40-2 v.. n. k. co. Orrics Eicoijftss and Scrcai!fTB!DEST, ) Wilmington,- ti. C. Jan. I, IP56. ) THE PASSENGER TRAINS WILL, UN TIL further notice, run oyer this road aa fol lows : GOING NORTTf, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wifmlngron at 6 A. M.; arrives at GoUlsbort,' at 9 biearr in ii minutes -snd ariives at Weldon at l.'iO P. M. - NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leavrs Wl'ming ton at 4 30 P. M 4 arrives at Goldboro' at 8 ft", to supper 20 minutes arrives at WtiJoo at 1.0O A. M. GOING SOUTH, DAfLT. DAY EXPRESS leavea Wtld-n at 12 ar rives at Goldsboro' 3 20 P. M. lenves in 5 min uter; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P. M. to cup per. . , . ... NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Weldontt 9 PrM ; arrivea at Golds bo ro' at 1.10 A. M leaves in S minutes- ai rives at Wilmington at 5 30 A. M, t'The Night Express Train connects with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at GoMs boro'. j Through rickets Nirrti sold in Wilmlnrtoni to Baltimore S12; to Philadelphia 111; to New York S15 6C:to Wsshington, D.C., TI. f tdtT" TtCKCTS WILL SOT SB SOLD TO A KXSBO lit rxusox. t Passenger are rotified that an extra c'lnree of one cent per mile will be required of those vho do not purchase tickets at stations. rrelgntby passenger traina double rates. Lo cal Tare, with tickets, about 3 cents per mile; if paid in the carr, about 4 centa per mile. FREIGHT TRAINS.Two thrmtph schedule traina between Wilmington and Weldos. each weekt leaving alternately on Mondavi unit Thursdoya and arriving on Tucadaya and Fri days. Twoschedule trains per week to Goldsho- ro"; leavln? Vilmln?ton on Tuesdavs and FrU days, and Goldsboro' on Wednesdays and Satur days. All duea on freight, tin ordownr. navahlcai Cim- eral Freight Office in wil delivery, including that on the North Carolios ltanroad. a. I.. FREMONT. Jan. 29. General Superintendent. Orrrcs XViu. fe Mi. Rail Road. : Wilminjton, Dec an. . 1 I3ih,l55. NOTICE is hereby given that all Freight trans ported by this Road will be at theenttro rUlr of the owner, Irom the moment it Is unladen from me iars at me point ot delivery L. J. FLEMING. General Superintendent. HMy Dec. 15. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Pi BAGS Prof. Mane's imnroved minor Phaa. I J phateof Lime. For aale bv March 6. ADAMS, BRO. & CO. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ! THE subscriber having adopted the "thirty da n and -CoA system,'' is determined to make it to ine interest or purchasers to patronize hi in, by keeping constantly on hand a sudoIv of Groce ries. Ac, at reduced prices. Just received : 4U boxes of Goshen and FnrrKoK dairy Cheese: 36 bags Java. Rio and Lnaiumr Coffees; a large and' fresh supply of nice Butter and Lard; 43 bags and boxes Buckwheat i 200f lbs. Codfish: No. I and 2 Mackerel and Sfllmnn in half bbls. and kits: Hiram Smith's Flour, in half bbls.; Rice Flour; 45 boxes of Stereln, Ada mantine and Sperm Candles: Soda. Bu'fer. Su gar and Wafer Crackers, in bbls. and boxes ; Fui- iob market tseel, ore., T-e. tor sale by WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. March 6. No. 20, Market street. DISSOLUTION THE firm of Wilkinson & Ealer is this 'lay dis solved by mutual consent, the business will h seinea Dy j. wiiniason. J. WILKINSON, WM. M. ESLEJL. Jan. 14, 1856. J. WILKINSON will continue the UnhoTstev- ing and Paper Hanging in all its branches. Those having accounts against Wilkinson &. Esler will please present them, snd those indebted will con fer a favor by making payment immediately to . WILKINSON. Jan. 19. J3i JUST RECEIVED AND RECEIVING. A FINE and large lot of French and Domestic Candies. A large suppry of ah" kinds of Jellies. Brandy Fruit, Peaches in the natural state, in cans, i Raisins, fresh and in fine order. Figs of various kinds. i A largo lot of Apples, Oranges and Lemons. Pickles, assorted. The above articles will be sold wholes! or ro. tail at the Broadway Variety Store. No. 40. Market atreet, by VV. H. DcNEALE. April 12. . 12 RICE, RICE. QC CASKS, just In. Forsaleb e-Mpril 10. T. C. A B. G. WORTH. LET US REASON TOGETHER. li -fcj jr .b. .ii HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. - WHY ARIJWE SICK 1 It has been the lot of the hnm.in r- in ha weighed down by disease and suffering. HOLLO WAV'S PILLS are SDeclallv ndaoid in Ih rlif of Ihe WEAK, the NERVOUS, iheDELICATE. and the IN FIRM, of all climes, ages, aexes, and constitutions. Proferfor Hollo way personalty su perinterda the manufacture of his medicines in the T J l . . -j a' . i . uuiicuomin, anu oners litem ro a iree and en lightened people as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE Bl.nnn These famous Pills are exnres.lv mmhined operate on the atomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any de rangement in iheir fenetions. nnrifvtnv th .nA the yery fountain of life, and thus euiing disease in all us forms. DVSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. rvesrlv half Ihe human nro k. r.k.n Pills. I t has been proved in all parts of the world that nothing has been found equal to them In ca sesol disorders of the livr iln.Mii mA en compiamis generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however tno;h de-j-anged, and when all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Custom Housos to the Introduction of these Pills, that they mav become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever rnown for per sons of delicate health. or where the system has been impaired, as ita invigorating properties sever fail to afford relief. r ' ; FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No Female, young or old, should Be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly conrsesat all periods, acting in many ea ses like a charm. It is also the best and safest med. icine that can be given to children of all ages, s nd for any complaint ; consequently no family should be without it. lloUavny's Pills are the bfst remedy knovn in Ike teorld for the follmcmp Diease.t s Asthma Diarthcca Indigestion Stone A Gra Bowd Com- Dropsy Influenza vel ' plaints 'Debility I n fl a m m a - Secondary Coughs Fever and tion Symplons Colds Ague toward VenerUI Af- Chest Dis- Female die- Weakness lections "ases eases Liver com-Worms of all Costiveness Headaches plaints kinds Dyspepsia Lcwnes of Piles Spirits, . . Si?!(,",,nEYlishmeritsofPro'essorFoL loway, e0 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand. London, sad by ail respectable DruprUts and Dea- Medidqea throughout the United States, In Pou and Boies, st 25 cents, 62 cents, snd tl ,00 each. rThere Is a considerable savin by liking the larger sizes. - N.B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder srs sfBxsd to each Pot. ' July 6. . 43-1 -c. ' RATES OF P4L0T-AGE.V JUST printed and for sale at TY Commercial Offlon. ths Rates of Piiotere ur the Bar tad WILMINGTON & WEL.

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