i OFFR'IIL PUBLICATIOiN r: AT m spefciai meeting of; the Board of Comra XI slooers o ids i own i. uiuMgwo, -""v": JeVeiiUHon. the iujot &. GPARSLEr, - - H. P. RU&oliiLL, : -.-- ,,: .i ' V I.. A. HART. . GEO. DAVIS. Whereas, The subscription heretofore made' by the Commissioners of the Town to the stock of the Wilmington. 'Jftarkme UttUkcn rd Kail toai Company, was made under certain conditions which sre contained In the two first resolutions pass ed by the convention for organizing the said Com DiDV. held at Wadesboro' on the 3rd and 4th of Oc tober. 1855: and whereas, the said conditions have not yet been complied with and It is not probable that the subscription of oUU,UUU tequirea in toe mmiA reanlittiona can be obtained t Therefore be it Resolved, That an election be held by the Sheriff of New Hanover Cdjdty, on Wednesday tne urn aay of August next, for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the citizens relative to making an uncon dilumof subscription of $200,000 to ihe Capital Stock of the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road Company. Thai the polls be opened at 9 o' clock of that day and close at sunset. All citizens who are in favor of making an unconditional sub scription to in above amount will deposit a ballot on which shall be written or printed the word "Sub scription," and those who are opposed to an uncon ditional subscription win deposit a ballot containing the words "No Subscription." ! i Resolved. That the said two first resolutions of the convention above alladed to- be pnblished here with, in order that the citizens may folly understand what will be the effect of withdrawing the condi tions contained in themV L Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to publish for the information ot the citizens, all the facts ex planatory of the late action of the Co m mi f si oners in reference to the corporate subscription to the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ku trier lord Kail Road iUtJUAKU MOKK1S, I own Clerks - RESOLUTIONS : .-, r Of the Convention of trie Wilmington, Charlotte Rutherford Rail Road Company -referred to in tne atove proceedings e - .-. i 1st. Whereas, The Commissioners of the To n of Wilmington have subscribed the sum of $200,000 to the stock of the V ilmineton, Charlotte and Rut h erford Rail Road Ooraaanv. and whereas the said subscription was only authorized by the citizens of tne said town and made by the said Commissioners upon the faith of its ensuring a reasonable prospect oi me successful completion or tne ram ltoea, ana whereas this eonananv is desirous of offerinea rea sonable guaranty that the said subscription shall not be uselessly expended, and it appearing (bat thete it no probability that the said Road can be completed notes the sunt of at least six hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed in addition to he said subscription bv the said Commissioners now therefore, be it Resolved. That no monevi ex cept to pay surveys and other , incidental expenses, shall be expended for wofk Upon the said Road east ot una riot tc, unttt trite saiti sum of bOO,uou exclu sive of the said corporate subscript loth and of such subscriptions as have already been made West of Charlotte, shall nave been subscribed. And when ever the iaid surn of SoOO.OOO shall be subscribed that-the said part of the road shall be put nnder contract throughout tbe entire line. 2nd. ResolveJ. .Thai the Eastern terminus i of the Road be located within the corporate limits1 of the Town ot Wilmington on the East side of the 1- Dl. ' I July Bth, 1956. " 48-te. - . ' PROSPECTUS OF TIIE RAIL ROAD TIMES. AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL. Devoted to tfews, Internal Improvement, Educa-. turn, Agriculture, Manufacture f- Com- . mere. -A - . "IT? R know that the interests ot lb People of V V our State demand such a paper, and -believing that one free from political strifes and quarrels ot the da y, devoted to such topics, will be the kind they desire, we confidently enter upon this enter- prise wsth the assurance ot meriting sod meeting their approbation 'and support. Uur object is to make the Times the mirror tf the State, in which all can see their trae interests held up.and encour a fed. I INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTSTo thissub jectwe expect to devote aa much space as a full statement of the. various operations will require; for as our works of improvement advance, so do ail the other interests of the State. J . EDUCATION. It Is source of regret to all interested in the bducaiional ? interests of out state, and who Is not!) that cur papers are; so much devoted to party politics!, c., that this great cause has been too much neglected, we propose, therefore, to devote to tnie subject, portion oi our (Dace We will foster and carefully note the advancement rt Education, not only in our higher Schools, but also in our Common Schools. ' i ' AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURE AND COMMERCE, at tuis stage jof our history, are commanding the attention of all . our good State and money-loving citizens. Therefore, the Mark ets will be reported with care, and all items, calcu lated to throw ngnt on either ot those inseparable orancnes ot industry) wiudc carciuiiy gleaned and inserted every ween, It is unnecessary to say more if we had lime, but the "whistle of the locomotive" on the East and the cheering news from the West admonish us to close. Permit us, however, to assure yon that the first number of tbe Times will raase its appearance about tha time the cars reach this place irom tne tasf. . : TERMS The Times will be printed weekly in t-rreensoorongn, i. vj., on new material, and con tain aj much reading matter as any paper in tbe OMte, lof w per annum in advance. K W. OGBURN, C. J. u. COLJS. W. ALBRIGHT. Nov. 6. 100-6t JAMES T. LEVyjIS fc CO, I WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, fyc. ' AGENTS FOR . f Pennsylvania and Lehigh Zinc, Mordeeai learns 6f Uo s Uelebraled I'huaMpAia Wkttc JLead, F. , -X lewis Sr Go's. Colors, Paints, etc., and B. . C. Jlornor $- (Jo's. Su . ; perior Varnishes. , .? j- Xo. 115 MAIDEN LANE NEW VOHK. JAKES T. LKWIS,' April 15th, 1859. SAMUEL C. WEST. 13-301,, . -PROSPECTUS OF THE "SOUTHERN SENTINEL " A Democratic and Miscellaneous Journal, to be publu&rd weekly, at 'Wilson, iv. C. TIIE existing condition of political parties, and of parUzan strife,' naturally suggests the estab lishing of such a journal as the "Southern Senti nel" propose to become. The present, indeed, is a crisis in our political history, never witnessed be fore. The Constitution has been invaded i the laws trampled and spat upon; religions liberty assailed ; ballot boxes broken and burnt the landmarks of our political ancestry partially effaced ; the wis dom derived from a time-honored experience un seated; strange and questionable rtnn have been puttied into high positions; and fanatici.-m, unchai ned from its axe and its faggot pil in the North, Is heard to howl among us in the South.' jThese evils, so far as it humble abilities shall av-rve, - - THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL Will endeavorto arrest. It will endeavor to incul cate a reverence for the laws as they exist, and for the Constitution, as it has been interpreted by the wise men of the past and by the Fathers of the Democratic faith. It will defend not only political but BtLioioos llbcrtyand will do battle apainst ev ry political hcrcxy that may appear, whethet hatched in caves or culverts, or open convention. The Sentinel will also, to relieve the monotony of politics, devote space to literary topics, original ana selected, as well as to miscellaneous subjects, which shallinelude Agricultural and the latest Com mercial intelligence. In brief, no efforts nor ex penses will be spsred to make the Sentinel oe of the most useful and efficient journals in tbeonth. Tbe first number of the dentine! will be issued about the first of xbe next month, and sent to sub scribers atthe rate of 2 per annum: 2 50 at the end of six months, and 93 at the end of the year. Discount made In behalf of clubs, who-shall take five, ten or more copies. . ! ' J. P. KEENAN, Editor. J IT. I - 130-3t JUST RECEIVED. J ! BBLS.C. Sugar, (Stuarts.) 1 60 bags Ria, Laguayra and Java Coffee. 30 boxes Steam Refined Candy iT 45 bbla. Flour, Fine, Super.and Family. ' 10 tons Hoop Iron, 1, 1 and 1 inch ' 10 hhd. Western Bacon, Sides and Should For sale at No. 7, Market street, by i 25 erf 4.no n uKKKaE. May 27. ? N. C C. Ad. copy. , n SH0RTS ANlfsmPSTUFFS. A SMALL lot (about 700 bushels) of these cheap and nutritious articles of food for cows and horses .nd of which I expect, la fat are, to keep m hand a supply sufficient to meet any demand, habecnjst received. For sale by ' Msyzy. UfcO. WOU5JUN. ? 1 H00E IRON, tr r 1 f TONS 1. II and JI inch. Just received and 11 for eale by ' ZKNO H. GREENB. - -July 3. N. CL C. Ad. copy. 47. f KOwTlNDIXG . . 'tfiiriM nrw YORK PACKETS crvtBBLS. Si. Croix Granulared Sugar;. 30 t)U bbla. Porto Rico do.2 20 bbls. StuarU A. St C. Sugars; 6 bbls. do. Crushed do. For sale 1 July 3. ZENO II. GREENE CIRriJLAR SAWS. Tr"HOSEi"AWS Stamped 3. M. ItOBiN&ON Ja. ire manufaetnredf the finest Quality .Can Steal, bv the very best workmen, 1 hey are tern Derail bv SvUctct'e Patent Tempering Machine (which tempers more evenly, and renders the blade sutler, t the guage ol plate, man any otner ap paratus, and ground on Souihwell'a Paient Saw Grinding Machine; the only machine that will grind a Circular Saw periectiy not- r or sai oy J. M. UOBINSOIM & SON. Wilmington, N C , July I. 46. P. S. Saws of every kind' made to order, " Herald and Journal copy. f: No. 2 MACKEREL. TUST Received, 1 10 bbls: large aize No. 2 Ilali f lax mackerel, rornaitt ran " " j- ' GEO. W. DAVIS, North Water-st. Jiiijy 1 . - ... " -- -' - jJft EHtTY SPIRIT BARRELS. " CtfC EMPTY Spirit Barrels, just received by tCKJO Schr. Marg.ntet Y. Davis, and forale by Julyl. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO I CAPE FEAR ACADEMY) ; - t - ' RY - Messrs! RADCLIFFE & ANfiftfiWS I?MBRAC1NG A CLASSICAL, ENGLISH lit and PREPARATORY DEPAUTMKWT with Tadtics and Drill. Session to commence 1st of October, If 55, In the Temperance Hall. For particulars see card at Messrs. Brown Sl Andersons. J. D. RADCLIFFE, J. P. ANDREWS June 26. 44-w-i&w-tf I FOR SUMMER. TDLTJNGE.'Shower, and Sponge Bath,'Walcr A Coolers and Uerrtgerators. Just received and for sale by - . J. D. LOVE, Furniture Store, No. 10, Front st. June 24. , 43 WRAPPING PAPER. ?r"V"l REAMS, Fayetteville make. Justfe tJKJKJ ceivedand for aale by Mayl3. T-. C B. G. WORTH. JUST RECEIVED. . A LARGE and well assorted stock of Ladies -Black and Colored Gaitr, suitable for Spring which we offer at lower figures thon ever before sold i.i the place. Also, a- large, assortment .of Gent's liarht Calf Boots. Gaiters and fancv shoes. 1 hose wishixg to buy will do well lo call and ex amine our stock. Ufc-U. It ruKfttn. June 24. ' 43 COMMISSION MERCHANT, BEAUFORT, N. C. Anv business entrusted to hia attention n-ill h attended to prtmiptlt and totbe best of his ability arpERBNCxs: " " Cunrmiitc Siyron.Com. Merchants i Wilmine Mr Jas. iNorcum, Attorney at Law. ion i C. lr. Rtwri1 Srnlr' ftfmitart IV I ? .Vr. Benjamin L. terry, General Agent for TTnder- wrignters, tleaulort , Oi. t.. Feb. 6th. 18S6. .-. . 2l-j2m-w ROCRY MOUNT MILLS FOR SALE. no CAPITALISTS, ORTO ENTERPRISING JL Business men, with a limited capital, the rarest opportunity for a hue uUrch ise is now oflcred. 1 lus property nee on Doth sides ol Tar River In the counties of fSueh and Koeecomoe. one mile from Kocky Mount Depot on the U .and W; R, k., and embraces the whole water power of the river at ihU point. The power is made .available by a solid dam of granite, laid in Hydraulic Cement. an4 completed within the last twelve months at an expense of near ten thousand dollars.' It is probably the best dam 10 ISorih Caro ina. . The other, improvements consist of, 1st. The Cotton Factory a most substantial crranite build. Ing, 70x38 feet, two stories hiijh, besides the base ment, used for Turning rhoo. 4c:. and a coinmn. dions attic, wnere tne reeling and packing are 1 . n 1 . . . . . . . . aoie 1 ne tuecninery w lb spindles, wtth Mt the necessary mucninery-to run them, besides two u tra frames with 132 spindles is in fins order an- turning off daily twelve hundred pounds (100 lbs.) yarn. - or manatacturlng Cotton this location is unsnr passed in the United Stat- s. The water-power is spienoia and sumciL-nt to run thousands of spin dies help 10 bt had 25 to BO per cent. cheaper than in tne rvortnern Mates. and the raw material at the Mill, where a good buyer can lav in his stock I to 1 cents per lb , below the N. Y. mirket. 2d The Grist Mill, an -excellent framed buildini? 40 fet square on walls of stone (laid in Cement) that wiH stana rorever. 1 here are live pairs of stone in the mui rwo prs. uurrs lor wheat, and three prs. Ksopaa' for Corn. For custom milhnr this Doint can't be excelled m N. C. It is the lowest noint r.n the river at which there is a mill, and here we ar patronized by persons 25 10 aO miles in the sum mer and fall months. The Mills a re driven bv t wo overshot wheels, one 01 which will be renewed this summer. . 3d. The Saw Mill a Circular Saw. driven bv one overshot wheel) all nearly new and in fine or der. 1 ne neighborhood !urni?hing a fair market, and timber to be had near, or Boated down the riv er Irom above. 4th. One laree and excellent two ntorirt r mrA dwelling, 50x40 feet the yard and garden walled in with brick and stone. One other, handsomely loeated dwelling with 5 roomsbelow and 2 above stairs eleven framed cabins for operatives and their families, two store houses, two warehouses. barns, stables, blacksmith and wood shops. The Mill sites embrace (55) fifty-five acres, and a tract of eighty odd aeres. one mil distant, for fuel, Ac., will be so d with the mills. 1 will sell the propertv on credits running from one to eight years, should the purchaser desire, and am confident that, with enterprise and food management; a profit of ten to twenty per cent, may be realized from it per annum. r urtner imiormation may be had of me. or mv agents, on the premises, or by letter to - i WM. s. BATTLE, t Rocky Mt., Edgec mbe co., N. C. N. B. Until the nronertv Is rM nr.lera fnr Yarna, Plowlines, Ac. directed to the undersign ed. st Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, N. C, win dc promptly attenaeo. to. - , . t vv. a. BATTLE. June 21, 1858. 42-aw2m. : JUST RECEIVED. OC BBLS superfine Flour; CJ 30 boxes Colgate's Pale Soant Flesh lot of Mess Beef and Pickled Tonsrues: 4i boxes Adamantine and Sperm Candles 1 20 bbls. assorted Crackers 1 23 boxes " , , ' . " . ALSO a lot of extra Butter Crackers In tin cans and Abernathy and Maple 'Biscuit, something new ard very extractor sale by ' '. rt pi. L.. s. tuwwsiihwu. .. June 19. ! - No. 20 Market street. A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE ANNALS OF SOUTflERN METHODISM FOR 1855. Edited by the Rev Charles F, Deems. D. D. A 1 Ills iSaw Wobk embraces the ilalulirnnJ a grtal xariet of other interesting in lor ma' inn m every department of .-Southern Methodistopera- totis, undi;r the lolowm? general heads: I. Th EDisconacv. II Plan of Visitation. III. Th C-Jd'eti-ticei. IV. Dedlcatlon'of Chiir ches. Y. Revivals. VI. Missions. VII. ColU-; ses. - VIII. - andar Schools. IX. Tract Socle V- X. Publivhinir Houeand Literary Notice-. XI. Instruction of People' of Colo. XII His toricaf Sketches. XIII. Sioraplral Skethes. XIV. Personal Notices. XV. Bishop Andrew's Letters on California. XVI. Memorials of Bish op Capers. XVII. Miscellaneous. XVIII. An penrlx. 360 pages, large 12 mo. ' Pi ice I', for which a copy will be sent prepaid. Bills of the Banks of North or South Carolina. or gold dollars, should be sant. A liberal dis count to Booksellers and Ministers. Address i u CHARLES F. DEEMS, Goldsboro', N. C. Jan. 10. ' - 127 RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. I ( BBLS. Chaffin's celebrated back country i V7 Whiskey. Also. In atore. a superior artitrv of Draught Ale and fcweet CWer, at May 31. No. IS, Market street. 1 rXfl BAGS in store, and for sale by --J, Jnly 8- - ADAMS. BRO. t6. KOYAL. UAVAXA LOTTEM'. The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conducted by the ipai L-h Government, un der the supervisions! tha Captain Ueneral 04 tu ba, will takeplace at Havana on TUESDAY, JULY 22dj 1856. SORTEO NUNBER 56 ORDIXlRld. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 J! ! prize df SI 00 000 " 8 nriifeir of 82,000 10"" .1,000 76 400 " .o,ooo (( .1 20.000 . i 0,009 5.000 .149 200 20 A pr'xmJs "7,2100 ' 4 approximations to the !lf0.00O0 of SfiOO esch 4 of--S40O t ,50,fi00 1 4 of 400 to 20,O00 1 -4 -of -20: :o I0 l' 0; 4 of 8 !0" to t .(.00. Whole Tickets. r:w5 Halves,rf) Quarters 35 Prizes cashed at siht at 6 per tent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte raked at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the re suit becomes known.-- , 'Communications addressed to' DON-RODRIGUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. C0 un til the 22nd July will be attended to. July 22nd. 48 tf MOKE PRIZES THAN BLANKS, 5,031 PRIZES. 10,000 -NUMBERS ONLY ! ' GRAND SPECULATION FOR A SMALL IN VESTMENT. . : ' . - Iinprovethent on the approved Havana Plan'Lot- - . . - tery. . . JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Autkpriti of the Slate of Geotsia. ClafsO. to be drawn uly 15, 1856, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the iworn superinten dence of Col. George M. Logati ahd Jas-. A. Nia bet, Esq. , - .This Lottery is drawn on the Plan of the "oyal Lottery of Havana of Single Numbers; this has only- 10, 0UO IN umbers and. the Havana lottery 31,000 numbers the .Havana 249 5,031 prizes. Look to your interest Pises this Mow is the time! " CAPITAL $500! 1 1 I 3 5 Prise of do do do do do $7,500 3,000 2,000 1.000 6"0 1C0 8 20 5.000 do : ' 5,031 Prizes, amounting to $60,000! Tickets, tlO. Halves. 5. Quarters, 2 50. Prizes payable without Deduction. Persons sending money by nail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. tommunicaiiona confidential. Bank Nolea of all sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. i The 5,000 Prizes oi" P, are determined by the drawing .of the Capital of T,500 j if tbe Num ber that draws the t-'iibilal is an even number. rhose Tickets ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are entitled to S3; if an odd imiuer thofre llckels ending wsilt 1,-3,-5, 7, 9. are enliilod to S3. . - Address JAMKSF WINTER, ' Manager, Macon, Ga. June 17 40-tf. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER HATS will be ?oll at very low fiHies. Country Merchants wishing Hi assort their stock, will find this an excellent opportitr ity . Our assort ment chsit8 of Panama, Leehorn, Maracabo, Curncor, Senette-, Canton and Palm Leaf Hats, with all the different styles and q- alities of light afl Fur Hals, which we will sell in lots to- suit .at coft prices for cash; May 31. SHEPHERD tf- MYERS. Afflicted read m PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE, Established twenty. two veara an hi rir KINK KLIN, corner of Third and Union streets. rruiaaetptita. fa-. - . ..... ;, . TWENTY-TWO YEARS' . Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most ,suc cegstul practiiioner in ihe cure of all diseases of a private nature ; manhood's debility, as an im pediment -to marriage: nervous and sejuai iu firmiiios, diseases f Jhe skin, and those arising uum aouse oi mercury. . TAKE X'AKT1CUL.AII KUTIBE. There fs sn evil habik sometimes indulged in bv boys, in solitude, oficn growing up with them to manhood ;. and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begets serious, obstacle, to matrimoni al happiness, but gives rl.se to a. series of pro- iracteq, insidious, ana Devastating anectlcns.. r ew of those who give way to this pernicious practice are a ware of tne consequences, until thev find the nervons system shattered, feel stranee and nnareountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind, (see pages, 27. 0, ot lit. book on feelf Preservation."). ) 1 he unfortunate thus aDecled becomes feeble, is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to ap ply his mind to study : his step is tardy and weak; he is dull, irresolute, .and engages even in his sports with less energy than usual. - If he emancipate himself before the practice haa done its worst, and cnteMiiatrinaony, his marriage is unfruitful, -and his sense tells him .that this is caused bv his early follies Tese are ctmtidera- tumt uhith should awaken tlu attention of all uho are similarly '"situated. K It. Cli K M B K it . He who places himself under Cr. Klnkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, am'. -rely upon theassursnce, that the secrets of Dr. K,'s fatiema will, never be dis clored. Young man let no false modesty deter you from making your case known to one, who, from education and respectability, can certainly be friend you. . , Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can -have (by staling their case explicitly 'to gether with all their symptom, per letter, enctos- ng a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated according. - forwarded te any part Of the Lrrlted Stales, and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Expresa. . KKAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD I Vigorous lAfe ar o Premature Death, Kinkelin , on Seff-Preservation Only 25 Cenf. Letters containing that value-in stamps, will eusure a copy, per return ot mail. s UK.4TIS I GRATIS J! LrttATISIIl A free GIFT To AO. ' ' MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature' Guide." a new and nonular- Work. tun oi valuable advice and itnoresnlve waruibst alike calculated to prevent years of misery, and save thousands of live, is diet ibu ted without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to any Post Office in the United Stales, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. rfune ip. 4i ly-woxt t STEALER ASTORIA FOR PORTSMOUTH & BE4UF0RT. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. rSBp,Andid low Prcure steamer ASTORIA, A M. M. Gray, Master, ha rlnv-hiwii thiimmrii l repaired and new Machinery put in her, will com mence her regular trios for tha snn aTYvn a am lay, July 6th, and will run the following schedule. Leave Washingtoo en Saturday Mornings at 6 o'clock. A M for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort on Monda vkMornins at 6 o' clock, A. M .. for Porfsmotith and Washinton. Leava Washington on Tuesday Mornings at 6 'clock, A M., for Portsmouth and Beaufort. LeaVa Beaufort on WedneaJa M ArntnM at fi oclork, A.Mfor Portsmouth and Newbera. Leave NewHem on Thurada M.ni.ir. t R o'clock, A. M., fr Portsmouth and Beaufort.' Leave Beauiort oa rriday mornings at 6 o'clock, A.M., for Portsmouth sad Washington. rare irom n euingron to fortsfnout P., 91 50 Do. do. do Beaufort. 4 00 Do. do. Newbern Portsmouth, 2 50 Do. do. - do - Beaufort. 4 00 MEALS EXTBA. Passengers will be landed atPortamonth or Bean- tort without extra charge. ' B. F. HANKS. yv auiungtoo, . U.,Jne 19. - 41-tlQ- "'COMMEL'' iiiiii - ESTABLISHMENT; S0UT12IES MAMIT ST. 15 THE HAft ITIOUSI . WILMINGTON, N. C. - THE PROPRITTTOR of thl well known EstabKatiment would call tbe attention of thebasineM community to biaJ tartre anu ueautitui uaonmem oi iyp ana frrnaca hav-intr jnst added to his stock one of R. ITo fc Co'S PATENT SINOL CYLINDER PRINTIN& MA CRl SES, he is now enabled to do work at a mueh more resaonahle rate than, formerly, and in the nueat style of the work. CARDS. Printed from f3 to $10 per thoaaand. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR ' RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, CORIORAfidXS, tc. : EiLLrHEADa, BHOl'-BILLS, BILLS Off . LAiiLXU; ASI IIEADIXOi", ' ice, ie., 4tc. , ' POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES." . We wouhJ call the attention of Concert Agentu, Phottr men and othtfs, to' okr fafiilitlea for fldirig iTjiS kind o work. ,i L 111 xtsDS or TLAUT AXD ORNAaCKXTAX PRIXTIN, Pone in the neatest manner, a,nI at abort notice. , Those In want of Printing we trust will find it to their COMMERCIAL BLANKS The attention of Shipper and others Is ciillfed to our extf-tfaiva aswortment of Commercial iUaiika. Amongthe coiiwuon is a very one ana namisome lot oi unit ol Jtx change, in sheets and books. i ovtmber 3, 186S. - WINES AND LIQUORS. WE invite the attention of our Friends and Patrons to the bet selection of Wines and Liquors ever oflcreO this market, consisting of ' -Crescent Brandy, Vintage 1810, Pale and Dark, uiara, uupuy ol io. s tiranay, ... Old Cognac . do. S. Br;i6on A Co.'s ; do. . - . Castillon & Co.'s . do. Pure old Port Wine, Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira and . Muscat Wines. Malaga VYiHe, Old Sciippernohg Wine, ' '' Holland Gin. . - Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf s Schiedam Schnapps, Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, . ' Apple -do.- " "Bourbon Whiskey, " Rye do Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy, Sic. Madeira VVlnr, , ' Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials. in bottles, F.vcryvaricty of bottled Wines and Liquor; Clarets of various brands at wh.ol.ii it e prices, Maraschino; Curncoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters Aromatic do. do. Ginger Wine, &c. dec. V low nrices for CASH. At the original l;n ry. Ap;il 17. GEO. MVER'S. NOTICE. 1HAVE this day' associated with me in the Hardware Business in Wilmington, mv Son C. E. Robinsoh. The business will hereafter be conducted under the firm ot J. M.Robinson & Son. - J. M. I'OBINSOiV. J. M. ROBINSON & WILMINGTON. M SON, . C. 5 Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in H1RDWARR, CUTt.tlRY, IROM. STEKL,' KAIL8. ORI- . CL'LTL'BILTMPLE.MENTS , kC. M. BOBINSOS, C. S. ROBINSON. Jan. 1, 1856. 124 WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. rpHIS institution located arCapt. Potter's office opposite didk oi iape r ear, win ne open tor he reception of depositee on Wednesdsy of each week, from 4 to 7 o'clock, P. M.. and on Satur- dayof each week from 4 to 9 o'clotk, P M. JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May. 1. , - ai-if. STEAMBOATS FOR SALE? TrZ will sell the Steamers "FA I R V. "UNION" VV ahd 4-l3ths of the steamer "EVERGREEN," an oi wniuii jiio bow on tne. waters oi tne t ee Dec snd Waccaniaw, Faibv's length, 81 feet 6 inches, " breadth, 15 " 4 " - ' d nth. 4 2 " measures 5 1 and 2 95 tons burthen, was built in the year itsi. Steamer Uniow or Eliia's length-, .73 feet 6 inch " " breadth, 13 " " ' , " depth. 4 " 2 " measures 40 and 32-95 tons burthen, was built in the year 16o0, machinery ad new and in complete orucr. Steamer Evkghixn's length, 121 feet 6 Inches. breadlhj 22 " f denth. fi " k - measures 160 and7S-95 tons, and was built in the yearlS48i together with their Lighters, Jos. R. Blossom and Republican one of seven hundred Iwrels, and the other of nine hundred barrels ca pacity. Also, two h lata, now on the Cape Fear Kivsr--one abu, and the other 550 bbls. capacity., Terms will be made-easy D. D. ALLEN, . . . J AS. H. PRITCHETT, I Assignee eept.27. 84-if . COFFEE, COFFEE. ry BAGS prime Rio Coffee just received. For f J sale in lots losuit by May 6. T. C. 4 B. JS. WORTH. PAY UP ! PAY UP ! .' PAY UP ! ! ! ALL Accounts jnade previous to this date are due and all persons indebted will please call snd settle immediately; all accounts are ready for presentation, ana interest will be charged from this date on all Bills not paid this month . July L GEO. MYERS. NIXON'S HOUSE. (FORMERLY .MRS. BORDEN'S) WEST SIDE RAIL ROAD, GOLDSBORO', N. C.,. . THIS extensive and well known public Establishment has been purchased and was reopened by ihe Subscriber for the reception of truest s on the 4th inst. It is pleasaoily and conveniently situated in the centre of business, and is. directly opposite to, ana ntar of the Ticker Offices, ot the Wilming ton and Weldon and Ihe Cantrai Kail Road Com panies, where the cars ston on -their, arrival and departure, and where faith ret scsvavts will be is wAiTisa to take-baggage, and give such other attentions as the traveller may require. THE HOUSE has been remodelled, repaired, and thoroughly renovated from cellar to garret, and furnished throughout with New Furniture, selected with special care, arid arranged with an eye single to the comforts of the pasual guest or permanent boarder. . THE TABLE Will be richly furnished with the substantial, the danties and delicacies of the seasons, foreign as welles domestic markets will be- rendered tributary to the constant supply, w hich will be served up in the best-style, by orderly, obliging and well trained servants. ' THE BAR WiH be a Storehouse of th best Wine and Li quors, and auperinteuded by a gentleman of cour tesy and integrity, thoroughly acquainted with his bnsiness-comprising the knowledge .of what is due to the rights and comforts of the' public, as well as to himself sid hia employer. ' THE STABLES. J which are among tha best in the State, have been piacea in tne Keeping or siiuiul and careful manager, who will always have adder his care the best and moat experienced ostlers, and it will be among the chief cares of the proprietor to see that horses of his cuests be well fed and thor oughly groomed - - - . This entire eatabliahnaent has been nBrph.. and fitted ap at an enormous expense, and It will be the pleasure, aa. of course, it will be tha Inter est of tbe subscriber, to render the House in every ciieiuuia tii tn country, tie there fore t rests that a generous public will renew and continue Um liberal patronage heretofore entended to this Hooao, while tinder the care of its former proprietress, lira. Borden, who rained far 1i celebrity throughoat the entire Unioo. Aug. It, : - 7-ly. SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAv7, XlEbtCAt, BIOGRAPHICAL AND SllSCELLANEOUS BOOKS, F0R SALE. CC VERY prime selected Empty Spirit bbla, 150 bags Guano. 200 " Brown Salt, 60 bbls. Herring, 1 0 half bbls. Sn off, by March 6. ADAMS, BRO. PRESERVING CANS. & CO. Last year, s great variety of Self-Seal ing Cans and Jars were manufactured, but as most of them were wrong in princi Lie, failure wis in editable, and thou sands of housekeep 3? ers-lost their fruit in A consequence. . . Arthurs Self-Seal ing Cans are a very different article from those, ahd warranted' to seal nermeucaiiy. - Never has more complete success attended the introduction of any new article of domestic use. ; Persons who intend uslmr these Cans, are re quested te leave tneir ordcrslduirng the month nf June with L. N. BARLOW. June 7. 36. P. S. These Cans cannot be obtained at any oth er place. ;-.,.- FRESH ARRIVALS. r"TMIE subscriber has just added largely to his jl siock ot goou things, an iresn and in nne or dcr. Among his articles are ORANCfES; APPLES; LEMONS ; CITRON; -RAISINS; CURRANTS; COCOA NUTS;. JELLIES; .PRESERVES; PICKLES; CANDIES, a hirge and varied assortment ; PINE APPLES, . BANANAS, BRANDY FRUITS, . PHUNES, . PLANTING POTATOES ; -SEGA RS and TOBACCO; GROCERIES, Ac, Ac. All of the above articles will be sold at the low est cash prices. ... F. M. AGOSTINI. Feb; M85B: - 140-tf. - , , Si DRIED FRUIT. LBS. Apple and Peaches, on liandand 100 April 10. for sale by T. C. &. B. G. WORTH. JUST RECEIVED BY G.K. FRENCH, AFRESH supply" of PERRY DAVIS'. VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nw Dbess. To be sure that yon net ihe-ffeniiine Med icine, inquire for the -New Dress with two firie en graved steel labels on each bottle. Aptitiy. - 15-tf. GRAIN CRADLES. A SUPERIOR article, for alu by - J. M- ROBINSONTt SON. June 3. 31. FISH ON CONSIGNMENT. . ri VI BBLS. No. 3 Mackerel, OvA60 i do. ' do. A few bbls. No. 1 do. ' A few bbls. Mullets, just received, and for sale In lofs lo suit, by G. W. DAVIS. June 14. 39 W I L MI N O T O N MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THK Subscriber having accepted the agency ot A several larce establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unttnisnca, foreign and domestic MARBLE ofal qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MSUiESTS AttD TOM II STONES." and every other article In theline of the business SCULPTURING , LETTERING OR CARVING . Executed as well as can be done either Norther South. Thebes! reference tan be given-, if required. f r - JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan.B.lSSi.' tf. JUST RECEIVED. OA BUSHELS U sale at Msy 20. beabtifui White Beans. For GEO. MYERS'; 28 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE subscriber having qualified as Administia tor to the estate of Samuel A. Baker, deceased. at the J une Term of the Court of Pleas and Quar ter sessions tor the countyor IVcw Hanover, heie by gives no:ice to all persons indebted to said de ceased to make immediate payment, and lo all per sons having claims against said estate to nresent them within the time prescribed by law, otherwise . i.: .: , i t . . . . . . tins noiicc win oe pieaa in oitrot ineir recovery. HENRY BAKER, Administrstor. June 16th, 1356. 40-1 in. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. THE subscriber having qualified, at the June term, 1636, of the Court of Pleas and Quart er Sessions for the county of New Hanover, as Executor to the estate of William Thomscn, de ceased, gives notice toall persons Indebted to said estate to make payment whhOut delay, and thoae having claims to present then) within the time pre- scriDeo oy taw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . THOS. H. HOWEY, Executor. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. THOSE persons who have watches left for re pair, by the deceased, are required lo call and receive the same, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be sold at Auction, on account of repairs. T. H. HOWEY, Executor. , uhe 14. . . , 39-Im . - " . iki. C. SMITU. . " ' MILES COSTIN JAS. SMITH 6c CO., -. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. CT. April 26. . 18-1 r ANDREW 8. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZ ABETHTOWN, N. C. Will attend the Coflnty and Superior Courts of- Bladen, Robeson, Colanibas aud banipson. June 12. 38 ly - ON CONSIGNMENT. 7 BALES Cedar Katls Sheetings, -&O0 reams Wrapping Paper, I ULiU lbs new h eathers. A lot of Linseed Oil. For sale in left to suit by. T. ct a. . WUKTH. Jane 28. - 44 FRESn ARRIVALS. PER schr. J. H. Planner, from GEO. H.KELLEYdr BRO'S Philadelphia, at . No. 11. North Water reet--20 boxes Adaarantlae Cattdlea. low for cash. ' April 12. 13 JUST RECEIVED PER SCHR. R. W. BROWN. A large lot of Lemons and Oraneca in fine order t nrices m uif the times, at tha Broadway variety store mar ket street. W. Q.DiNEAL. 43. FLOUR AND CRACKERS. fZ( BBLS. Fin and Snper Floor, 20 bbls. and JJ 26 boxes Sugar and Soda Crackers. Now landing and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. July 3. JN.C.C, Advocate copy. . 47. STATIONERY, r BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS OF ALL DEs6niPTI0N, CAIID3, PENS, INS, &c., Ac I MUSIC, Q So. Side Market i tTxwjtoTOijr, N. c. i ARTIST'S MATERIALS A-c , tc., &c. HENRY BURKHIMER WIIOLESAjLB dt BCTAtt, ' TOBACCO SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE: . t . SIGBf'OF-TIIE INDIAN CHIEF' MARKET STREET. one door above Water Wilmington, N; C. '- JV. B: All drders filed with deifiatck. Oct. 26th, 1355 93-tdLW-e. FOR SALE. QryT Acres Pine Land, situated immediately O I J upon Wilmington and Wclrfon R. R., four to five miles from- Depot at Wilmington. AND -: 50 Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated between Force Put and Thurnburrs 11 of which is fine Swamp Land. For terms, Ac, ap pry to - - - 31, (JUONLY. Oct. 30, 1855. 97 . . tf COMMERCIAL COLLEGE T F.MQVED to the new and spacious Hall No. JLC yj ana 1UI Balthnore strt et, Baltimore. Md. O. K.Charhberlin,' Principal and Lecturer Upon mercantile iscier.ee. -. , . E. K.'Losier, in charge of Writing Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Associate in Book Keening Department. j. pi. fniiups, reocner in uooic Keeping. S. T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. 'J his institution piesents superior facilities to young men desirous of obtaining a practical busl ness education. The course of stud embraces Double Erttry, DooK-ikeepiniT, am practically appuca to the man agement of Meteantile, Bank, Aiariufa'cturin? and Steamboat Booka familiar Lectures oh Commer cial Law upon the subject of Bills of Exchange, rromnuesitry motes, contracts, rannersnips, atow The exercises are all strictly practical, being de ducted from actual business transactions, so com pletely combining practice with theory that students on completion ot tne course are in every respect competent to conduct, on scientific principles, any set of Double Entry Books. The students have access to a Commercial Library procured exDresslv for their accommodation. Examinations are held at stated periods and Di plomas awarded to those found competent to reDre- scnt the Institution in a mercantile capacity. - Uual length of lime to complete the whole course from eight to ten weeka. For particulars, write, and receive a circular bv mail. Sept 20. , . 61-ly OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LOTTERIES. Baltimobk, April 19. 1850. THE undersigned, Commissioner of Lotteries of the State of Maryland, being In receipt daily of letters from various portions of the coun ty, n aklftg Jnquiry aa lo Lottery Schemes with which the country Is flooded, ond which purport to be " oactbKD thr t biAWiKas of the Mabv- und Con6oudateO LoTTEdiss, ' takes this meth od to answer aH such letters ol inquiry, and in form the DUblic THAT Alt, LoTTEBI CS VDBPOBTIMS TO BE DKCIDEDT THl MaBVLA.NO DeAWINGS ABE oboss riAVBi ; that certin' parties who stylo menisci vc ji orris acyjo., and pretend 10 t Man ageri or Sole Agents for the Grand Charter Lotte ries at Cleveland. Ohio. -arc iffinostors. and sold I lottery a fraud, hiving neither legal or presumptive existence; and tnat anotner nctltlous firm, styled M urry ol Co., Cleveland, Oliio, are also Imsoctors, and all lotteries which, they profess to be mana gers or agents for, are also frauds. - , . RICHARD FRANCE, of this city, is tjie Con tractor for drawing the Maryland Lotteries. ..The business is conducted under the firm :6f,R. FRANCE & CO., as Managers, arid they haye no soleogenisin the cily of Baltimore. THere are, however, some forty licensed venders for tht Stale of Maryland, who derive license under him, through.this office, to sell tickets in the Maryland Lotteries. u. tt. aicl'll All., Commissioner of Lotteries for the State of Md. May 10. ..:,, . 24-3m. RICE, RICE. Onn CASKS in store and for aale in lot to &JJ auit by May 13. T. C. dt B. G. WORTH. N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS, I C BALES N.C. Sheetings and Yarns, just re J. ) ceived and for sale by June 12. T. C. d B, G. WORTH. NOTICE. . A LL persons hftvhug claims against Moore, L a. Manly dt uo win please present them for set tiement and an those indebted to them .are re quested to come forward and make immediate pay men t to the subscriber. Oct. 6 J.NO. Ai STANLY. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 A PRIME SECOND hand Spirits Turpen JL JJ t.ine bbls., now landing and for sale by June 17. ADAMS, BRO. oi CO. SOAP. cnBOi ES Colgate's Pale and No JVfMarch 6. GEO. H l.for sale bv tiuusruM. ROOMS TO LET. JITKs. FORD is desirous or renting a number lvj. of the rooms in her house, during the sum mer months, furnished to Gentlemen wishing pleasant and airy apartmenu. with or wiihnm Board. A good chambermaid will be In attendance on me rooms, ami every care lave to render them comfortable and clean. . Rooms can be taken any time from 1st of May Apr 26. - . l9-3m - ' JUST RECEIVED, On BBLS. Mickeral t 28 bbl. No. 1 Iare nrte Ilerrinr ! S hhds. Bacon, low forearh. Jane 3. GEO. MYERS. JUST RECEIVED, PER Schr. Emily, 9 bbls. Sweet Cidcf, -5 baskets Champagne Wibej . I bbl. Pale Ale, (in bottles 1 For safe by Msy 13. J.HiRKSTON.No. 15 Market-el. ' CONSTANTLY ON nAND AND for sale. ' Corn. Corn Meal, Table Hom mony, florae and Cow Feed. No. 13, North Water street bv J. M. STEVENSON. JpeJ9. 4I. v -WAST" Ptmt. IS ft Kit n v T-ntr- HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILAD. REPORT on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ne. Impotence, the Vice of Onanism. Mas turbation, or Self-Abuse, and other Diseaves ef the Sexual Organs, with ah account mt tha errors and deceptions of QustkS.and valuable Advice to the' Afflicted, by GEO. R. CALHOUN, M. D., Con sulting Surgeon of the Howard Association. Phil adelphia, Pa., a benevolent Institution established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and dietresaed, afflicted with "Virulent ahd Endemic Diseases." A copy of the above Report will be aent by mail (in a sealed envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for nosisce. Address Dr. G Ffl it nAI.Hfnirv N 2 Sotrth N tfeeL Fhiladclehia. Pa. April 12 I2-3m TALLOW CANDLES. "TI7E have received tha agency of C. C Rhodes' V V Tallow Candles the best article mad In fho United State. Will bs kept constantly on hacd and sold for cash onlv am dellvsrv.at No. 11 North Watex street. ' G. H. KELLEY A BRO. My23,65. 30-tf R. R. CO: S3 iff aa ; I. - r l n if t . , Orrtcs F.i F.ksimsc A'so ScrsaiKTSJiDaMT, ) Vllmingtow, N. C.Jan. 1. It'66. . SSKNGEtt TRAINS tvLL.,UPf- Will! THIE PA9SK.( i- TIL further hoticp; rtln over ihls rbad as fol lows . - ; t GOING rtORTHv DAILY. . v DAY EXPRESS TRAIN lsevao Wtlmlngron at 6 A. M. arrives at Goldsbarc at 9 64 tear in H iminults -and arrive at VYeldon at 1.30 P.' M. ; NIGHT. KXPRES8.TRAIN kaves Wlmlng: los at 4 30 P. M4 arrives at, GoluVboro' at 8 6i, to supper 20 minuieti arrive at VVeidbfi at 1.09 A.M. ' GOING SOOTII; DAILY. : DAY EXPRESS leave Weldon at 12 ".( ar. rives, st Goldaboro' 3 20 P. M. leaves in 6 mln-. utesi arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P. M. to sup per. .. , , NlGltT EXPRESS Ieqvs We! Jon pt 9 P. arrives at Goldsboro at 1.10 A. M leaves in S mmutei ai rives at Wllmingtoa at 5.30 A. tSt . . ty The Night, Expn-ss Trsrv eonnrets- wliH the North Carolina Railroad; both Wars, at Golda boro. . Through rickeia North sold In Wi!n)!BiUoH! to Baltimore t I2t to Philadelphia Hi; to New York S15 5C; to Washington, D. C, U. tyTlCElTS WILL MOT II SOLD TO A KBCBO lit FEBSOIT. '... , Passengers are notified that an extra cSarr qf one cent per mil uiUbs, required of thott vh do not purchase tiilets at stations. Freight by paa enger trains doiibli fails, - Lo-, cal faro, with tickets, abodt 3 cents nor nillt if. paid in Ihe carp, about 4 cents per hil'a. FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule train between Wilmington and Weldon, each, week; leaving alternately on Mondays snd Thursdoys and arriving on Tuesdays and Fri days. Twoschedule trains per week to Goldabo ro'; leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays end FflV d.iys, and Gdldsboro on Wednesdays and Satur days. ... All dues on freight, np ordowri,'payb!eat Gen eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on reetlpt ot delivery, including that on the North Carolina Railroad. S. I.. FREMONT. Jan. 29. General Superintendent. Orrrci Wit. fc Maw. Ri lAIL HOAIt. J Wilmington, Dec. 13th, 1655. f NOTICE s hereby given that all Freight trans ported bv this Road will he at llK of ihe owner, irom the moment it is unladen ffluirf the Lars at the point of delivery. J L. J. FLEMING, f . , General Supcrlntfndi nV Dec. 15. 117 ly OFFICE W.it VI. It. It. COJIP'V. WlrMivAAw !V c f..M. 11 tori; SKAltEti Proposals are invited, and will be re ceived until Monday, June 30th,, at 12 o'clock,, M., for the materials for a Wooden Warehouse, to be erected on the Comminv'a wharf. ml alftA (ft 4 erectidg ihe same. . r , Bid will be received for the lumber, timber tie. alone. Bida will be received for conatrnrtlnff thn. Warehcuse, materials furnished 1 and blda m ill ha considered for furnishing all materials and com pleting he building according to the drawings and specifications, and bills of timber, which can be aeen at this office. The whole to bo completed by td'e 3 1 at day of Augnef. b. l. Fremont, V tiv JA a i . ' . juiic 1. tu-ijuju ling, ol ttupt. , SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME: J fC BAGS Prof. Mape's improved super Phtf f sj phate of Lime. For sale bv .'.t March 6. ADAMS, BRO. &. CO. , BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! v HPHE subscriber having adopted the "Utirly day' -. anu iovi system,- isacterminca lo make 11. to tne interest of purchasers 10 patronize him, bv. keeping conslsnUv on hand supply of Groce- Ties, c, at reduced prices. , Juat received z 40 boxes of Goshen and English, dairy Cheese j 36 bags Java, Rio and Laguayra CofFuc; m large and fresh supply of nice Butter, and Lard t43 bags and boxes Buckwheat 2D0Q Its. Codfish $ No. I and 2 Mackerel and Salmon In half bbis. and kiiar Hiram Smith's Floor.- In half bbls.; Rice Flour 1 45 boxes of Slerein, Ada mantine and Sperm Candled Soda. Buuar. Kn. gar and Water Crackers, in bbls. and boxes 1 Ful ton Market Beet, ore, r-c. r or sole by . ' WM. L. H. TOWNSHKKD, 1 Marc"i 6. No. 20, Market street.' JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY. Cf BOXES Adamantiae Candles, JJ 20 and 40 lb. boxes (fne tmalitn. cheati. I bbl. extra Salmon, : Codfish for rej ail, 1 , 6 bbls. extra No. I Ma'cCerrl, New Cheese. Biuer. Beef TOnirnes' andSran. ked Beef. Low for cash. GEO. MYERS, JnnbZB. II and 13 Front st; , RICE. RICE, O CASKS, just in. For sale by ' vJApril 10. T. C. at B. G.- WORTH. A. MARVELLOUS REMEDyT FOR., A MA11VELI.OUS AGE!! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. ' JJy the aid of a microscope, we see millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried 10 any organ or inward part. Dis eases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, af feclions of ihe heart, inflammation of the Lungs, Asthma, Cougha and Colds, are by lis means el fectually cured. Every housewife knows 4hat soli passes freely .through bone or meat of aay thickness. , This healing Ointment far moie readi . Impenetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the living body, curing the most dangerous In ward complaints, that cannot be reached by other ERYSIPELAS. SALT RFTEUM AND SCOR BUTIC HUMORS. No remedy has ever done so much for the curi of diseases of the Skin, whateytr form they msy assume, ss this Ointment. No case of Salt Bheuin Scurvy, Sore Heads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas, caff long withstand its influence. T. -inventor ha travelled ever many part--of ihe Globe, viIiiij Ihe principal hospitals, dUpensfng this Ointment' giving advice aa to Its application, and has 'thus been the mean of restoring counties number to health. SORE LEGS, SORE RR EASTS. WOUNDS dt ... Ulcers. Some Of ih most scientific suroh now fly solely on ibe use of this wonderful Ointrhcnf, when having to cope with the worst Cases of Borer, wounds, ulcers, glandular welling', and tumors; Professor Holloway his, by command of ihe Al lied Governments, rfiapstehed 10 the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, ij be used under the direction of the Medical Staff, li, the worst cases of wounds. It will cere any til. Cr, glandular swelling, stiffness or eonrrariion nf th joints, even of 20 year's atsnding. v rit,hSAUHTlLA!j. These and other similar diatr Milnv nmnli In.. can be eflectnaWy cored If the Ointment be well rubbed In over the oarfiafTetd.arui bvoihsrwlan loilowing thd printed directions around each pet. Both, the Ointment and PUls tUM be uied tn tl folUnein casrtt Bunions' Lumbago . tfore Legs Swtlltd Burns Mercurial do breaaia f-1-Am Changed Hsn'Js Erantions.do. haaita i iri..ta Chilblain's Piles ' do. throats Ulcers Fistulas Rbeurak- do. of ail Vnrral ?,BI . tlun.: kln- Sore. Salt Rheurrj Sprains Shin diaa- Sealda Sold f tha UsnmU. Iowa v, 90 Mallen I.ne, New York,nd2ti Stran.i Loauo, ana Dy an raspeciabl Druggists and Dsalera of Medietas ih roBffhrul tha irn Klafa and tha civilized world, in Pole, at 25 cants, 62 cents, and I each. . CSr There is a considcrabU saving by taking tha arper aixes. N. B. Direction for thegaidance of patients Id very disorder ar affixed to each Pot. RATES OF PILOTAGE. XtJST printed and for sal at TKs Ca"mtrsizt OAee, the Rates f T Ho tags for tb tr an4 Rivr. . jj-tf; WILMINGTON & WEL.

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