MA KINK WJbVVo. PORT OP WILMINGTON.' AUGUST 2. i ARRIVED. Blcamer Magnolia, Jnlv SO. Steamer Magnolia. Siedman. from Fayetieviile. lo Lutierioh at Elliott. 31 ichr. Catherinw, Loter, fiom C!irle!rn o Di-lliw.'t Sl Brown, j Aug 1. Sl smer Spiny, Pi ice. from Suiil!iVtl o A II VauBlik;-len. j CLEARED Jul 31. Steamer Mi.o.'. Miilnun lor fai- 1 1 i 1 . I LiifrrU-l: & i.-lir. Ein.ka MiKt i'!liiii.iir L'k a F.-l v liv WiI.-irl & ''urtU !tlli ni''x ' Sviir AAr-h- H .t-eri. r V f... K h t-'l-iloier i h naval nlorf Siemfcer S..uv Piice, I'1' nii'tiK..- Y-nrt- i Aug I Jfhr C'lrr-iw '. H. t-t r 'hi v Geo. Ilarriss. w.ili naval l. Brig Lincoln WVM. Perkins, fur B.slun H. Cliadbuurn & Co. with lumber eud storetv j I 11 by J natal OFFICE W. & Wl R. R. COMPANY. WiLMiKQToa, N. C, July 29, I6f6 TVTOTICE to Consigneestf Packet at thin Port. 11 l his Company is tit - Receiving Agent for 'the North Carolina Kail Road Company, and for he Western North Carolina Rail lload Company, nd any articles coming to this port with marks forellherof these companies, fir Mr. Fisher, Pre sident, Mr. Gsrnett, Engineer and Superintend ent, or Thos. E. Robetrs, Mister Mechanic North Carolina Rail Rond. aa well a for J. C. Turner, vjhlef "Engineer .Western North Carolina Rail load, should bet delivered l this Company, by which- all proper charges will bv. paid, and the thank uf the parties interested will be tendered. In some instances goods, machinery, Ac, murkest to the tare of the Soperlntsndani of this I toed have been stored and delayed, at the expense ef the IS orth Carolina Rail Rnad which ships via this place, because it is a AortA Carolina market and tea port. j S. L. FRKMONT. I July 31. j ' S3-2t j NOTICE. ALL accounts due the late firm of Freeman & Houston, most be closed without further de lay. . ' GEO. HOUSTON. r July 17. ' j 52 NOTICE. I A I.E. PERSONS indebteJ to me for Good purchased previous to 1st July, will please call and settle. On all accounts standing over six months, we will charge interest. I July 1856, j GEO. R. FitENCH. IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON, K1 ECE1VED and lorssle at July 31. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. SUBSCRIBERS TO IRVING'S WASHINGTON, their copies at July 31. will please call and get S. VV. WHITAKER'S. i - 53 PORK BBLS. Mess, by ! PORK! ! Just received, and f-r sale ZENO H. GAEKNE. 53 40 Juiy 31. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! ! BBLS. Superfine, fresh ground.- For sale by i ZENO H. GREENE. 40 July 31. 68 - BACON ! BACONM 1 f HHDS. Western Sides and Shoulders;' 1 U 4,000 lbs. N. C. Hog Round, r or sale by July 31. ZENO H. GREENE. OFFICE W. & W. R. R. COMPANY. 'Wilmington, N. C., July 28, 1856. PROPO SALS ar invited in writing, address ed to the nndcrsisned, until August 4th, at 't o'clock, Al., for Riling a portion of ihc Company's wharf ea-l of the new warehouse wiih sand from the adjoining hill. The proposals will be for each cubic yard of excavation made, with the hauling included. S. L. KRKMONT, J Ej. 3fc Supt. July 31. 68-tAt ROYiL UAVJM LOTTERY! rlMtfe, public arc hereby sjotined that a that a chanse has taken place in the Scheme of ihe oval Lottery of Havana, in coasequenco of the de mand for Tickets having exceeded the quantity issued. To temedy this, the price of Tickets and he amount of Prizes have been increased. In future. In the ordinary drawing the Capital Pr at will be 4100,000. and the price of Tickets $20 The number of Tickets will be Irom No. 1 to No. 21,500 only. j There will be 229 full Prizes and 20 A pproxim ations. making in all 243 prizes, amounting to 9253,000 as will be seen by referring to advertise ment in another column The subscriber takes this opportunity to ihank his friends for their liberal pair-nage, and hopes by prompt attention to business to merit a con tinuance of the same. DON RODRIGUEE. July 31. R8-2t RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 BBLS Chsffin's celebrated back country V Whiskey. Also, in store, a superior artitry i uraugni Ale and Uweei Ciner. at J. R. RESTONS. May 31. No. 15, Market. tree t ELECTION. k Tw accordance with a Resolution passed by the -a. Board or Commissioners of the Town ol Wii- fmniin, paavca ine .ou insin mere will be an EL.tion held at the Court House in this Town, on vvsonesuay, ine tato nay oi August next, to ascer tain the viewa of the citizens, relative to making n unconditional subscription of $200,000 to the eipital atock of the Wilmington, Charlotte and nuineriord Railroad company. E. D.HALL, She-ifT. July 10th, 1856. 49-1. CONSTANTLY ON nAND AND for tale. Corn. Corn Meal, Table Horn ony, Horse and Cow Feed. No. 18, North Water street, by J. M. STEVENSON. June H- 41-tf VESSEL FOR SALE. A email Schooner, nrnln. 3nn Krrl draaiag (a a r fee ; launched in April last: built of excellent seauoned mate-iala smooth and well finished r sails, rigging, &c , a I. new. she ta well formed, fa every resrect, and is fast sailer. No belter built vessel can be found anywhere. Will be sold low. Apply to jB,Tl7. SEO. HOUSTON. A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE ANNALS OP SOUTHERN METHODISM FOR 1855. Edited, by the Rev Charles F. Deems. D. D. nHIg Nw Wobk (Horaces the HalUliea and a A great rmrUiy ol' other inter ling im forma' ion m retry dtparimenl of Southern Methodist opera - "ler the fol owing gener. I heads t ii!" !.? EP'"ePey. II Plan of Visitation. III. The Conierences. IV. Dedication of Chur 1 Vl- . VII. Coll.. S?" y 'i,-,.iI1T,"y.?chooU X. Tract Socie 4t iV,--.V,"f "fI Literary Notice.. "ersosl Noilces. XV. Blahnn AA,.m.. Letters on California. XVI Mirf.iT - ZZ osCpw. XVII. MYtell JxviYl An" -pencMx. 360 page large 12 T VII7 " ' . P. lee $ ' , for which a copy will fc Mnt . C Cilia of the Bank, of NorTh or ST f!Snf , or gold dollars, shoald ho jejtt. A ib"l dul cooat to Booksellers and Ministers. AddM. CHARLES F. DEFmI? ' . Uoldsboro, N.C. , - Jam. 10. iff LIME, HAIR, PLASTER & CEMENT tvwia i ahtuy on hand. and lor sale by I . : : -oeoaofi Houston. ? 'MHIS Institution located a l Capt. Power's office I s. opposite Bjnk of Cap Fear, wilt be open fur the reception of deposite on Wednesday of each week, from 4 to 7 o'c'"Ck. P M.. ana on sstur day of each week fwn 4 to 9 o'clock, P M. JOHN A. TAYLOR, President May. I. - 2 1 -if. T1LL0W CANDLES. ATK hive received the syrncy of O C. Rhodes' -I'alljw Candle- th best anicls me United ts;s. Wii; he ieni conttnity on 'ini.d jnd tr.1 fteaJ1! Onlv on delivery. at Mo. II ..rtii W titer j i . fi. II ttKl.t.KY BttO Ma23. ?'i t" i E II il 1 ft Tatput t'lia niji .il Yire et: I r.riv'iir fncf Pafe. Tii ari-i't tt r t ,if.iM-: ' "V 'bt' f folic to ; :ocur.; itioi. m: ru. ; v ' in n- tut v.:n- ' wrr F '' ' -,T ' jruiaur u. ii C I . i- .. . II.. : tl " li.i I .ii..'- t . bo.'s i-nproti out i f'vTC It I tii C'jet t, n. he now bi Itave 'uwU'e tlx .. nuiueruii friends. xnd the nni iK- lrtii'-ia Iv. tna tiitir rnorta r.ave b--en crowned with complete succtSf.and now otter the "IUPKOVKD HERRING'S PATENT WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM FIRE PltOOK SAFES," as the CHAMPION SAFE OF THE WORLD, HAVING SECT AWAIDXO MEDALS AT BOTH THE World s Fah,L.iuUon,51,&, ew Vork, 53 As sup.-rior o all others. It is now, undoubtedly, entitled Ij th:tt appellation, mil secured uritti HALL'S PATENT POW PKU PROOF LOOKS, (which also was awarded Medals as above,) forms the moet perfect Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever before ottered to the Fubljc. The Subscribe s also minulactures all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors, srd Money Boxes or Chests, Tor Kto-Ic.-rs, Jewellers, and Private ha mil fen, for Plate,! Dia onds. and other Valuables Aid are alao Pa tentees, (by purchase.) and Manufacturers of JUSES'PIFEST PERMUTATION BS LOCK, SIliAS C HURUISG Jk CO. Patentees, Git KEN BLOCK, Nos. 13S, 137 Jk 138 Water et. sold at INew ron price by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Agent f r North Carolina, Wilmington, Feb 12. 141-if co-partni:rsiiip notice. 'PHK Onderhigned have purchased the Drug Ki j. tabiisnment ot Messrs. C & U. uul're, They will continue the Druz business in its va rious branches under the firm or W. M FARES & CO. WALKER MEARES, J. L. MEaRF.S, M. D. Mar 10. 28-if NAIIS! NAILS!! I ff KEGS assorted sizes just received, and l v s v' lor sale by ih.AU H. URKEN E, July 8. 4. WILMINGTON & WELD0NR. R.C0. Wilmington. N. C- July 21 , 1856. WHILST the Contractor is taking down the old and raisins ihe nets Bridge over the North East Branch of ihe Cape Fear, the Day Train will leave this Station fifteen minnies he- fore 6, A. M , snd the Meht Train at 4:15. P, M when the trains from the South arrive in lime The Dtp-t btll will, as usual, ring 30 minutes snd minutes before the departure of the TtMns. S. L. FREMONT. Sup't. I O mm et . J uiy ail. NOW RECEIVING, DER schooners Adle and Lizzie Russell : 1 35 bbls. Refined u;ar. also. Crushed and Powdered ; 25 bags til 3, Java and t.aeuaym Coffees j 5 cheats superior Oolona and Green Teas ; is eases aiirerior brands Claret Wine ; 40 boxes Soap ; 25 do. Pearl Starch : 4J hiskets Champa no, (rerjr superior brand;) ill bbls. Uecitaed Whiskey. For sale bv W. I.. S. TOWN SH END. Jaly24. No. 20, Maiket street. PUBLIC HALL, Tile TXT OKTIO TTATiTi la OFFERED FOR PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS, LECTURES, OR EN- TERTAIN.MENT3. P. W. FANNING, Agent. Oct. fi, 1855. SPIRIT BARRELS. jAl PRIME SECOND hand Splits Turpen-- Jt tine bbls, now landina and for sale by June 17. ADAf-IS, BRO & CO. FISH ON C0.VSIGNMENT. K( U BBLS. No 3 Mackerel, 0JJ 60 do. do. A few bbls. No 1 do. A fe bbls. Mulle's, just received, snd for sale in lots to suit, by G. W. DAVIS. June 14. 39 - R5pASSEr A NEW form f Parses, coniaining sanitary pro r. visions, approved by he Commissioners. and a ntimncr oi otners interested In the welfare of our colored population. U just issued at the office ol i ne t ommercwi. PROSPECTUS OF THE RAIL ROAD TIMES. AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL. Oeroled to AetM, Internal Improvement, Educa- agrteuuure, Mtmujacture d Com merce. T7K know that the interests of the PeoDle ol our Stale demand such a naner. and h. Ilevlno that one free from nolitie.l strlte. .' - 7.T.. V. the day, devoted to sttch topic., wlH beThe kind ,hey desin-, we confidently eter upon thl. enter- prife with the assurance ol meriting and meeting their approbation and support. Our object ia to make the Times the mirror of the State, in which all can see their true interests held up and encour- id meeting ageu. I MT ERN A L I M PRO VF.M ENTS.-To thia sub ject w expect to devote aa much space as a lull statement of the various operations will require; for aa our works of improvement advance, eudo all the other interests of the State. EDUCATION. It is a source of regret to all interested In the Eduestlonsl interests of out . . 1 . T 1. . . 1 oiaie, tana wno is not i; mat our papera are so much devoted to party polities, 4c , that this great cause mi oeen too mucn negtectea ; we propose, tneretore, to oevots to tnis subject, a portion ol our space We wilt foster and carefullv note the advancement of Education, not only in our higher Schools, but also in our Common Schools. AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURE AND COMMERCE, at t .is stage or our history, are commanding the attention of all our good State and monev-lovinz citizens. Therefore, the Mark ets wiil be reported with caret, and all itema, calcu lated to throw light on ettner ot tnoee inseparable oranchesof industiy, wiuoe caretuiiy gleaned and inserted every week. It la unnecessary to say more if we had lime, bat the "whistle of the locomotive' on the East and the cheering newa from the West admonish aa to close. Pertclt us, however, to assure you that the first number of the Times will make us appears nee about th- time the cars reach this place irom the Kast. TERMS The Timea will be printed weekly in ureensboroush. IV C, on new material, and eon lain a much reading matter aa any paper in the state, lor ii per annum In advance. K. VV. OHKUK.N, . C. C. COLE. J. W. ALBRIGHT. Noy. 6. 100-j6 onTonsigament. ry BALES Cedai ""alU Sheetings f ?o!?nrr.,B,s "PP'"" Taper, ivu id, new e ea Hers. A lot of Linseed Oil For rasa ia lots to soft by Jane 28. 44 EMPTY BARRELS. r-i I -miri 1 spirits turpentine mtrret, jq feSM ' received tier ehr Sntinv Snnih C EMPTY Spirita Turpentine KarreL ual or "eoy ADAMS. BRO. 4 CO 62. July 17. s ROOMS TO LET. TXTR. FO-t D ia rfesiroaa of reattfltf a .ami.. iVJ of the rooms In her hof. durlntt ihn mer month, furnished 10 Gentlemen wlshlnc Pleasant and airy . apartment, with nt withaat Board. A B ood ehauihermalil rt!l he ia mi rent.u ) "n ' b rooms, and every ears taken to reader them wmiuriigi ana Clean. HiibV-.II ..w .1 r t. ... lxlt H,k f ,lra50B lMJjj- mat mM--imMk The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conducted by the parirh Government, un der the supervision if the Captain General of Cu ba, will taKe place al Havana on SATURDAY, AUG. 9th, 1856. SORTEO NUMEllO 88t ORDtNARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000!!! I prize of $100,000 I " 50.000 1" 20 000 I 10.008 I " 6.000 3 prizes of $2,000 2 " L000 70 '400 149 " 200 20 Apr'jtm's. 7,200 4 xporoxlmations to the 100 (Mlo 60i eaehil 4 of HD to VHI.HW: ttirt 'OO to O.Oi O: 4 . i-.:o 0i 4 -f OOi.ljO i Wh.tU lick.l-, 21-; ria!xs,jtU: Quail-rs$5t P he cashed t riht at 8 per cent ais - not Bills on the Bark of Charlotte taken at tfnr A .irwlne wii; be forwarded aa aoon as the re sult becomes known. Communications addressed lo DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. C.) un til :n sen Autruat win oe attended to. July24'h 55-tf HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. MOHE PRIZES THAN CLANKS, 7,767 PRIZES. ONLY 15,000 NUMBERS I JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. Bv Authority of the State ef Oenreia.l Class P. to be drawn August 15, 18o6, si Concert Hall, Macon, G., under the sworn superinten dence ot Col. Ueerae M. Logan and Jas. A. Nia- bet, Esq. ratronswiti niease examine tnts scheme care fully compare it with any other, and if it is not the best ever ottered, snd the cham-esto obtain capitals far better, don't purchase Ticketa. I APIT1I. 15 000! Am sa at a m mm ay a v v v v 1 I 1 4 10 Price of 415,000 is 15,000 do 3,U00 3.000 is is are are 3,0 0 2.000 4.000 6,000 do do do 1,000 600 80 do 100 are 5.000 20 appr'ximat'na of 050 to $1S,000 Prize are $1,000 50 do. 25 to 3,000 " are 1,250 50 do. 20 to 2.000 " ara 1.000 80appr'ms. of 12J to each capital of 1,000, 1,000 i buu fritts or 1st are 63,750 a I . A.AM Mam . " 4,101 rrizes, amounting ioaiu.,uuui Tickets, 10. Halves. 95. Quarters, 92 60. Prizes payable without Deduction. The 7.500 Prizes of SSi. are determined bv the Number which drawa the $15,000 Pi ize-il that numoer soouid be an odd number, then every odd number Ticket in the scheme will be entitled to 48.50: if so even number, then every even nnmher Ticket will be entitled to 88.50, in addition to any other Price which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying an enual Quantity of odd and even number Tickets Will be certain of draw ing nearly one half ihe coal of the same, with chances of obtaining other Prises. All those Tickets ending with 0, 2,4, 6, 8, are even an those ending with 1, 3, 5. 7. 9, are odd Persons sending money by nail need not fear its being ioat. Orders punctually attended to. Communicstions confidential. Bank Notes of all sound Banks tsken at par. those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Addreas JAMES F WINTER, Manager, Macon. Ga, July 15-51-if. CIRCULR SAWS. rWlHOSK i'A WS Stamped J. M. M. are manufactured of the finest ROBINSON Quality Cast Steal, by the very best workmen. They sre tem pered by Sylesiet's Patent Tempering Machine; I which tempers more evenly. and renders the blade suffer, to the guage of plale, than any other ap paratus,) and ground on bouihwell's Patent Saw Grinding Machine: Ihe only machine that will grind a Ciiculur Saw peifectly tiue. For sale by . j. .vi. itugiNSON & sor. Wilmington, N C, July 1. 46. P. S. .saws of every kind made to order, Herald and Journal copy. FOR SUMMER. D LUNGE. Shower, and Sponge Bath', Water I Coolers snd Refrigerators. Just received and lor sslc by J. O. LOVE, f urntturc a lore, io. 10, Kront st. June 24. 43 " FRESH ARRIVALS. OER schr J. H. Fianner, from Philadelphia, at - tl-.U. M . KhLLKl ft HKU'M No, 1 1, North Water atreet 20 boxes Adamantine Candles, low lurcasrt. April 12 12 WAU-BUN. THE "Early Day" in the North West; by Mn. John fi. Kenzie. of Chicseo. One Svo. vol.. Illustrated; lately published. Received and for S. W. W HI TAKER'S. July J5. 61 STEAMER ASTORIA FOR PORTSMOUTH & BElliFORT. S It M HI P D A TJ T a M (1 T M t" V m i " a . T5E P Pressure steamer ASTORIA, -Jf-?rjJ'm. 'F-eo ana new loacninery put in ner, win com- mence her regular trips for ihe season on Sat nr. day. July 5th. and will run the following schedule Lesve Washington on Saturday Mornings at 6 o-ciocsi. a ot , tor fortsmoutn ana tseautort. Leave Beaufort on Monday Mornings at 6 o' clock, A. M .. for Portsmouth and Washington. L-ave Washiaff ton on Tuesday Morn Intra at ft o-ciock, a at., tor Portsmouth and Beaufort. liave Beauiort on Wednesday Mornings at 6 o-ciock, a. at.. lor Portsmoutn ana newbern. Cesve Newbern an Thursday Morn in pa at fi o'clock, A. M- for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort on Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, a. n. tor rottifflsain iaa vvaaninston. Fare from Washington to Portsmouth, $2 60 Do. do. do Beaufort. A nn Do. do. Newbern Portsmouth, 2 50 Do. do. do Beaufort. 4 00 MEALS EXTPA. Passengers will be landed at Portsmouth or Bean- i tort without extra charge. B. F. HANKS. waurttngion, N. CJsne 19. 41-tlO NOTICE. 'pHEaubscrlberespeetfully informs the public,! m. inaine is now-raaiulln. thj liiitlina hualnaa iown acconni, ana ttopea by atnet attentlonto ! business, to merit a continuance oithst patronage e in . .. v unngunc uuuarsiiy Bestowed upon mm. a 1 :Kiirv 1. v Stock, Real Eatate and Nee-roes. bouvht and sold on luiiii mn, enner at private or public aale. JaaK.lHM. NOTICE. Loiro CacKK, May 15tb. 1856. THE copartnership of Jones, Moore d Co. ia a. Ihisday dissolved by mutual content. Aliner- sons laaeutea oy note or account are requested to mate intmeniate payment or tbev will find them In the nanus or aa Attorney for collection. JOHN JONES, I. P. MOORE. d. McMillan. THE subscriber havine nnrehaaed tho entire Interest of Jones. Moore & Co.. will continue the beslness on his own account, thankful for the fa vors confered upon the firm, and hon to have a I continuation ot the aaraa. JAMES P. MOOR ft May 20. . . 28-tf ICE, ICE. ICE. THK Wilmington Ice House win be open fordo. -a nvrryoi it& irom annrise to sunset, excest on Sandsy. when it will be closed at 9 o'clock ia the morning. Men One CMt Der nonnd Car aaaatttlea of rim. ptnaoas ana over. Terms casit, in ail eases, without exception. . Tk-keti can bo procured by such ao desire them. leo ruraiftned to the sick nonr fraa nf eharsa when by directtoa from physicians or visiting eom- nuttcra. - - ifriAnrn tttiti rvr k t J8BPRIIIII ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTH SHI MAMIT ST- fiJTHS HAR ET HOUSE . WHjMLNGTON, tt o. Tlrts Proprietor of this wu known iwMjnhment would call the attoatlon of the boinM eoDiuiiuiiiy to hi large and beautiful aaarirtment of Type and Pramwa having Jjjet adll to W !wk one of R. Uo a. Co's PATEjfT StJfOLfe CVfctNDSR PRUfflNO MA CHINES, he la now enabled to do work at s much more reasonable rate than formerly, and in the finest style of ui worm. j CARDS Printed from 1 to $10 per thousand. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, CORPORATIONS, tc. BILL-HEADS, SHOP-BILLS, BILLS OF LADING, AND HEADINGS, slo., fco., fee. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. We wouldcall the attention of Concert Agents, Show men and others, to our tacilities for doing this kind o work. : . all kiwds or PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, Done lu the neatest manner, and at short notice. l now tn want or Printing we trust will find it to their advantage to give us a ealL COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Shippers and others is called to our extensive aanortntent of (Jommercial LSlnnkn. Amanirtlie collection la a verv fine and handsome lot of Bills of Ex- change, in sheets and books. K- V ,u. . Durauiun tow, ROCKY MOUNT MILLS FOR SALE. rO CAPITALISTS, OR TO ENTERPRISING Business men, with a limited eaoilal. the rarest opportunity for a fiue purchase is now offered. This property lies on both sides of Tar River in the counties of Nosh and Edgecombe, one mile from Rocky Mount Depot on the W. and W.R. R., and embrace a the whole water power of the rivet at this point. The power is made available by ft solid dam of granite, laid in Hydraulic Cement, and completed within the last twelve months at an expense of near ten thousand dollars. It is probably the best dam in North Caro Ina. The other improvements consist of, 1st. The Cotton Factory a most substantial granite build ing, 70x33 feet, two stories high, besides the base ment, used for Turning shop, Ac, and a commo dious attic, where the reeling and packing are done The Machinery 1716 spindles, with all the necessary machinery to run them, besides two ex tra frames with 132 spindles is in fine order an turning off dally twelve hundred pounds (1200 lbs.) yarn. For manufacturing Cotton thialocation is unsur passed in the United Stau a. The water-power ia aplendid and sufficient to run thousands of spin dles help to be hsd 25 to 50 per cent. cheaper than in the Northern States, and the raw material at the Mill, where a good buyer can lay in his stock t to ? cents per lb , below the N. V. market. 2d The Grist Mill, an excellent framed building 40 fet.-t square on walls of atone (laid in Cement) that will stand forever, i There are five pairs of stone in the Mill two prs. Burr's for Wheat, and three pre. Esopas' for Corn. For custom nulling this noint can't be excelled in N. C. It is the lowest point cn the river st which there is a mill, and here we are patronized by persona 25 to aO miles in the sum mer and fall months. The Mills are driven bv two overshot wheels, one of which will be renewed this summer. 3d. The Saw Mill a Circular Saw, driven bv one overshot wheel, all nearly new and in fine or der. 1 he neighborhood furnishing a far market. and timber to be had near, or flouted down the riv er from above. 4th. One laree and excellent two storied frame dwelling, 50x40 feel the yard and garden wailed in with brick and stone. One other handsomely located dwelling with 5 rooms below and 2 above stairs eleven framed cabins lor operatives ana their families, two store houses, two warehouses. barns, stables, blacksmith and wood shons. The Mill sites embrace (55) fifty-five acres, and a tract of eiehty odd acres, one mile distant, for fuel. Ac., will be so d with the mills. I will sell the property on credits running frcm one to right years, should the purchaser desire, and am confident that, with enterprise and good management, a profit of ten to twenty per cent, may be realized from it per annum. runner information may be had of me. or niv agents, on the premises, or by letter to WM. S. BATTLE, Rocky Mt., Edgec jmbe co.. N. C. N. B. Until the nronertv la anlif nr,l for Yarns, Plowiinrs. Ac. directed to the underaicn ed. at Rocky Mount, Edeecoiube county. N. C. will be promptly attended to. W. S. BATTLE. June 21, 1856. 42-sw2m. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AT a special meeting of ihe Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Wilmington, at Office. July 2nd, 1856: Present, His Hon. the Mayor O. O. PARSLEY. H.P.RUSSELL, L.A.HART, T.M.GARDNER, WM. SUTTON, GEO. DAVIS. Whereas. The slibsctintinn heretofore made bv the Commissioners of the Town to the stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte 4 Rutherford Rail Road Company, was made under certain conditions which sre contained in the two first resolutions pass ed by the convention for organising the said Com pany, neia at rvaacsuoro' on the 3rd and 4tn 01 uc tober, 1855; and whereas, the said conditions have not yet been complied with and it is not probable that the subscription of $600 .IKN1 reaulred in the said resolutions can be obtained t Therefore be it Kfolvett. 1 hat an election be held b v the SherifTof New Hanover Cojntv. on Wednesday the 13th day of August next, for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the citizens relative to makine- an uncon- fTwEi'rh',,l, " Lvi ditional subscription of -'00,000 to the Capital Stock men ra Kan nened at 9 o' r,K.. -7 . clock of that day and close at sunset. All citizens who are In favor of makinran unconditional sub scription to the above a mo .nt will deposit a ballot on which shall be written or printed the word "Sub scription," and those who are opposed to an uncon ditional subscription will deposit a ballot containing the words "No Subscription." RetobMtd. That the said two first resolutions of ihe convention above alluded to be published here with, in order that the citizena may fully understand what will be the effect of withdrawing the condi tions contained in them. Retoued. That the Mavor be ren nested to nublish for Ihe information ot the citizet a, alt the facts ex planatory of the late action of the- Commissioners in reference to the cor do rata anbscrintion to the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. Kit;iUIlU MORRIS, Town Clerk. RESOr.nTIONS Of the Convention of the Wilmington, Charlotte 4 nuinenora Kali Road Company relerred to in the above proceedings 1 1st. Whereas. Th OommlMionsni af tha Tiwn of Wilmington have subscribed the sum of S200,000 . me biocs. 01 toe vvumington,tJnsnotteand Kutn erf ord Rail Road Company, and whereas the said subscription waa only authorized by the citizena of the said town and made by the said Commissioners Upon the faith of its ensuring a reasonable nrostwvt of the successful completion of the eaid Road, and wherea this company ia desirous of offering a rea sonable guaranty that the said subscription shall not be uselessly expended, snd it appearing that there ia no probability that the Said Road can be completed unless the sum of at least six hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed in addition to the said subscription by the said Commissioners; now therefore, be it Resolved. That no money, ex cept to pay surveys and other incidental expenses, shall be expended for work upon the said Road east of Charlotte, until the said sum of $600,000 exclu sive of the said corporate subscription, and of such subscriptions as have already been made West of Charlotte, shall have been subscribed. A nd when. ever the said sum of $600,000 shall bo subscribed that the said part of the road ahall bo nut under contract throughout the entire lino. 2nd. Resolved, That the Eastern terminus of he Road be located within the corporate limits of ine town ot Wilmington, on the East aide of the Capo Fear River. J oly 6th, 1858; ; 43-te. L W. PIGOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT. - ur w a w e-v w rw nv "m Any business entrasted to his attention will be attended to promptly and to the best of his ability. Camming1, Slyfon.Com. Merchants Wilhiin a: mt Jaa. N ore um. Attorney at Low, - ( ton N nr.nawira otaniy, neaatovx n. u. Mr. Benjamin L. Herry. General Agent for Under wrightera BeauJbtt, N.C oa ouaj MIS9. ....... ell2aw. jLPCSQPL BOOKS. STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, PRESERVING CANS. l."BI year, a great variety ot sen -dealing Cans and Jars were manufactured, but as most ot them were wrong in princi (.lo, failure was in evitable, and thou sands of housekeep era lost their fruit in consequence. Arthurs St-lf-Seal-ins Cans are a verv different article from those, and warranted to seal hermetically. Never has more complete success attended the introduction of any new article of domestic use. Persons who intend using these Cans, are re quested to leave tneir orders duirng the month of June with L.N. BARLOW. June 7. 36. P. S. These Cans cannot be obtained at any oth er place. FRESH ARRIVALS. THE subscriber has just added largely to his X atock of good things, all fresh and in fine or der. Among his articles are ORANGES; APPLES; LEMONS; CITRON; RAISINS; CURRANTS; COCOA NUTS; JELLIES PRESERVES PICKLES; CANDIES, a large and varied assortment ; riiv a Ai-fL,li, BVNANAS, BRANDY FRUITS, PBUNF.s-, PLANTING POTATOES SEGA RS and TOBACCO; GROCERIES, 4c., &e. All of the above articles will be sold at the low est cash prices. F. M. AGOSTINI. Febi9, IPSA, UO-tf. DR. R.F. niBBARD'S WILD CHERRY BITTERS, FOR Nervous Weakness and General Debility. These Bilters are highly serviceable in all dyee pepfic affections; they assist digestion t restoreihg tone of the stomach, stimulate the liver, and creat an appetite. They are unsurpassed in r. movinc angor or lassitude, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off the drowsiness Incident to the Spring or wurm season. Sold W holesale and ltstail, by March 31. GEO. MYERS. BUTTER, CHEESE, &c. GOSHEN Butter, do. Cheese, English Dairy and Pine ipple Cheese, Codlish, Scotch Her ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of othei goods, just received and for sole by C. IN. HAIIL.OW, June 16. No. 3, Granite, Row HOOP IRON. 1 A TONS I, U and inch. Just received and i for sale bv ZENO H. GREENE. July 3. N. C. C. Ad. copy. 47. SPRING AND SUMMER COATS. PANTALOONS ond VESTS, a new and beautiful Slock of French Cloth Con is, Fancy Cassimere Pants, Merino Marseilles and vilk Vests, also s handsome lot of Furnishing Goods now opening at very low prices. NOAK WALKER & CO., Market Street, 6 doora from Front. May 10. 24. JUST RECEIVED. OC BBLS superfine Flour; a 4J 30 boxes Colgate's Pale Sosp; Ftesh lot of Mess Beef and Pickled Tongues ; 40 boxes Adamantine and Sperm Candles ; 20 bbls. assorted Crackers ; 23 boxes " A LSO a lot of extra Butter Crackers in lin cans and Abernathy and Maple Biscuit, something 1 . - 1 0 new aim very e.iir;i, tor sale oy WM. L. S. TOWNSHF.ND. Jane 19. No. 20 Market street. CAPE IR ACADEMY, T BY - Messrs. RADCLIFFE & ANDREWS. t EMBRACING A CLASSICAL, ENGLISH J snd PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, with Tnciica and Drill. Session lo commence 1st of October, If 56, in ine Temperance Hall. or particulars see card at Messrs. Brown t Andersons.. J. D. RADCLIFFE. J. P. ANDREWS June 26. . 44-w-tdiw-tf AFFLICTED READ ! ! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. Established twenty-two yesrs sgo bv Dr. KINK ELI N, corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience haa rendered Dr. K. a most sue ceseful practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private nature ; manhood's debility, as an im pediment to marriage; nervous and sexual in firmilies, diseases f the skin, and those arising mvui t uubd j j niercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There ia an evil habit sometimes indulged In by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood ; and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begeta serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, but gives rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating affections. - r ew 01 tnose wno give way to thie pernicious practice are aware 01 ine consequences, until they find the nervons system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable sensations, and vague fears ia the mind. (See pages, 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K'a book on "Self Preservation."! The unfortunate tbus affected becomes feeble, ia unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to sp- piy nis mind to study 1 nis step is tardy and weak; he is dull, irresolute, snd engsges even in his sports With less enercry than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice haa done ita worst, snd enter matrimony, hia marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies Then are eonsidtra- tatnm trntcA should atcaktn the attention of all' tcho ore nmilarly situated. REMEMBER. He who places himself under Cr. Kinkelln's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, an. rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K,'s patients will, never be dis closed. Young man let no false modesty" deter yon from maklne your ease known to one. who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend yon. Dr. Kinkelln's residence has been for the Isst twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can have (by stating tbeir cas explicitly, to gether with all their armptoms. per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated according!?. Forwarded to any part of the United States, snd packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Express. READ YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous: Life ora Premalurt Death, Kinitlin on Seiy-JPrttoertationOnhf 25 Cents. , Letters containing that value in stand pa, Will ehau re a copy, per return ot maU. . . . GRATIS I GRATIS U GRATIS II! A Free GIFT T AO. MISERY BELIEVED. ., "Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, fall of valuable advice and Impressive warning, alike calculated to prevent years of misery, and save laoitBTBds of lives, ia distributed without charge, and forwarded by mall, prepaid to any Post Office la the United States, on reccivins? an nim cncMSBias two vgaiiEl MJDpa, M-So.Sido Market sr jil K WILMINGTON, "N. C kf j . , .. SfATIONEK, BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. C.RDf; PENS, INK &c. Sic MUSIC ARTIST'S MATERIA I &e , &C, Ac. HENRY BURKHIMER WHOCRSALB 4 BETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. SIG OK THE INDIAN CHIEF' MARKET STREE r, j one door above Water IVilmliiftoii, N. C JV. B. All Orders filled with despotch Oct. 26th. 1355 93-tAw-e. FOR SALE. QI7C Acres Pine L-ind, situated immediately kj -r up pos Wilmington and Weldon R. R. four to five nines irom Depot st ilmington. i.VD Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated 50 between Force Put and Thumburv : 1 1 of wmi-n ib nne swamp uina. f ur term, 4c., ap ply to M. CRONLY. Oct. 30, 1855. 97 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. REMOVED to the n. w and spacious Hall Nos. 99 and 101 Baltimore stnet, Baltimore, Md. O. K.Chamberlin, Principal and Lecturer upon Mercantile Scieiice. E. K. Losier, in charge of Writing Department. G. W. Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions and Associate In Book Keeping Department. J. M. Phillips, Teacher in Book Keeping, . S. T. Williams, Lecturer on Commercial Law. This Institution piesents superior facilities to young men desirous of obtain ng a practical busi ness education. The course of study embraces Double Entry, Book-Keeping, as practically applied to the man agement of Meieantilc, Bank, Manufacturing and Steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law upon the subject of Bills of. Exchange, Prom missory Notes, Contracts, Partnerships, t&o. The exercises are all strictly practical, being de ducted from actual business transactions, so com pletely combining practice with theory that students on completion of t lie course are in everv resneei competent to conduct, on scientific principles, any set of Double Entry Books, i The students have access to a Commercial Library procured expressly iui men fieei'iiiiiiouuiiiin. Examinations are held at stated nerioita nrl nt. plomas awarded to those found competent to repre sent uic instil uu-iii jii a mercantile capacity. . Usual length of time to complete the wholccoursc from eiicht to ten weeks. For particulars, write, and receive a circular by mail. j Sept.a. - ' 81. y RICE, RICE. Qf0 CASKS in store and for sale in lots to -CVJy suil by i May 13. , f, C. & B. Q. WORTII. N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS. "I fi BALES N.C Sheetings and Yarns, just re- 1 KJ ceived and for sale bv i June 12. T. C. 4 B. G. WORTH. JUST RECEIVED PER SCHR. R. VV. BROWN, A Urge fot of Lemons and Oran?ca In fine order price-t to suit the times, at the Broadway variety store mar ket street. W. H.DbNEAL. July 8. 43 NIXON'S nousE. (FORMERLY MRS BORDEN'S) WEST SIDE RAILROAD, GOLDSBORO, N. C, THIS extensive and well known public Establishment has been purchased and was reopened by the Subscriber for the reception of guests on ihe 4th inst. It is pleasantly and conveniently situated in the centre of business, and is directly opposite to, i, of the Wilming- Roil Road Com- heir arrival and una w r.a t 01 ine 1 icnei unices. ton and Weld.m and ihe Cantral panies, where the cars stop on th departure, and where faithpci, servants will be in waiting to take baggage, and give such other attentions as the traveller may require. THE HOUSE has been remodelled, repaired, and thoroughly renovated from cellar to garret, and furnished throughout with New Furniture, selected with special care, and arranged with an eye single to the comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. the Table Will be richly furnished with the substantiate, the dantiee and delicacies of tho seasons, foreign as well as domestic markets will be rendered tributary to the constant supply, which will be served up in the best 6tyle, by orderly, obliging and well trained servants. THE BAR Will be a Storehouse of the best Wines and Li quors, and superinteuded by a gentleman of cour tesy snd integrity, thoroughly acquainted with his business comprising the knowledge of what is due lothe rights snd comforts of the public, as well as to himsell and his employer. THE STABLES. which are among the best in the State, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful and careful manager, ho will always have under hia care the best and most experienced ostlers, snd it will oe among tne cntei cares of the proprietor to sec that horses of his cut eta be well fed and thor oughly groomed This entire establishment -has been purchased and fitted up at an enormoua expetlse, and It will be the pleasure, as, of course. It will be tha inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every respect equal to any in the country. He there fore trusts that a generous nublie will renew nJ continue the liberal patronage heretofore entended to this House, while under the care of its former proprietress, VLrm. Borden, who gained for it a celebrity thronghout the entire Union. H. U. NIXON. Aag. 18.- . 67-ly. GREEN PEAS. A MOST delicious article. A few packages, in the "Pod," yet on hsnd, and for sale at July 15. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. frX BAGS Prof. Mape'a Improved super Phos I J phateof Lime. For sale by March 6. ADAMS, BRO. A CO. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! THE subscriber having adopted the "thirty daf" end uCah system,'' is determined to make it to tho interest of purchasers to patronize him, by keeping constantly on hand a supply of Groce ries, Ac, at reduced pricea. J nst received : 4U boxes of Goshen and English dairy Cheese; 35 bsgs Java, Rio and Laguayra Coffees; a large and fresh supply of nice Better sad Lard; 43 bags and boxes Buckwheat; 2000 Iba. Codfish ; Ne. I and 2 Mackerel and Salmon in half bbls. snd kits; Hiram Smith's Flour, in half bbls4 Rice Floor; 45 boxes of Sterein, Ada mantine and Sperm Candles; Soda, Bauer, Su gar and Water Crackers, in bbla. and boxes ; Fal lon Market Beef, 4c, f-e. For sale by WM. L. 8. TOWNS HEN D, March 6. No. 20, Market street. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAT. p:i BOXES Adamantine Candles, JJ tO and 10 lb. boxes Cns tmalUv. cheev. 1 bbl. extra Salmon, Codfish for retail, . 6 bbls. extra Nd. 1 Mackerel. New Cheese. Butter. Beef Ton rues and Smo ked Beef. Low for cash. . . GEO. MYERS. Jane 23- . 1 1 and 1 3 Front at, GOLD PENS. YffE have just received by Express, a hat VV assortment of Gold Pens, with Gold and Sri Ivor Cases also, Ebony handles silver tipprds it; XiT 31. S. W. WRJ . ill1 w- wniTiig! Iffj r w x U bT RLClIILD.. ... , OA BUSHELS beautiful VV hite Keins I-..I C.Jeml - GEO MVEKs. May 20. r " 29 S01IE OF THE MOST is I ERESTIXG B'OK Ui. ly l-rJ un -- fJr.en P-a!, piekt d irom thf i-aich t..liw:yjiJ.'e Gr-a) E-q : Ad- veniu'e-'Ol Girar . the Lion Ki l rr The fSew Aae of Gold. or. the Lireanti Advemures of Rob ert Detter Rom If; Us'rhKl and the New WorW MiiKr- iravri nrpui-h t. ur n : vir and wis dom of Mdoey Smiihs Wa:i Bun. or the ' Farl l)ay"inthe Knnhw si j the fparfowgrass Pa in- rs t hjl.i.l mr ih" So iat : Firmlc'own l.eitf r j i Th Daisv Cliaip; Ac. til it hand nfcfl l.r (ale S. W. HITtk'l-.K'.v.: July 19. 53 van n.TTsT. HV' ht.r." Pe ';!- e S,r . un1' cite- - P'1 it- i v. it hit jK; t's; N r0NMG,3.;NT P.OF.-! X'yi' t.ofh fitv n.a.e Pale S yJJ prime ar-i le Far talc by. oap, a j July 3. W, DAVIS, i. 25 DOLLARS REWARD! RANAWAYioiri the subscriber. I f i,rJ ant Jl M SHAW.a'youn? dark mulatto, of1 lii'it and rather amall fijuic: rniJ. sniHe m hen nbont iot.Ik'.. was neaily dress-1 ed in a black frock coat, snd blaca paniakon- The above revvird will he paid to any one Mill de- liver him to mo, or secure Mm n spy jnil , JAMES F. McKEF; aiayg- 2-;r i VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. I V7E have just put upon rcia'il, I VI cask Port Vke, i " Madeira, the, b.-st article ever offered' in this market At the Original Grocery P .. .. GEO. .MVKIIS. O. of fA?A'f.V...4.K. . some beautiful DUTCH llEAlt WPKAPi,,.! received this day at mvkks' ! FRESH GROCERIES. o we are to start Nor:h in a few days, for the K'urnoae or nuren;f Minor a nam of Gro- ceries, I would lhank ihoae u-n Imuu n..t .;.rl their Bills to July 1st lo do so Immediate' v i -."'y 'J- lihUKUK MYERS, j rnivvpvTmvi W VH V MJLt a IU11 ... j YTrlNE AND LIQUOR. MERCHANTS -A V meetiDg will be held in this place early in May, of ihe Wine and Liquor Merchants of Nt Hanover County, for the purpose of adopting measures for the removal oi modification of the extreme heivy tax now imposed upon them. . I 0"A further notice will be given of the time and place Of holdiog said t'onvention. i April 29, 9. i SOAP. j Z.r BOXES Colgate's Pale'nnd No' f, for sale b JXfMatch 6. GEO. HOUSTON. Tt.tiVELfiU'S GtlDE. j 1" ATE3T published. Received iliis morninf -Li and for sale at ... Ju'y 15 ' S. V, WHrf AS ERS J NOTICE. 1 'HE subscriber hayinz rftiilified as special Ad- iiiiniairator upon ibesiaie of Cornelius. My ers, deceased, end having been ,aiotirieed to col lect In the debts due said csYaie. hereby notifies all persons indebted by note, or ncaotint, or other wise to make immediate pay men, as it is desira ble that ike-business be speedily closed... i. OHAS. D. MVERS is my authorized agent to collect said debls, and receipt for ihe same. f J"'y21. GEO. MYERS, j SO A P AN dTcANDL ES. , r. T( THE subscriber. leave rcspeclfnlly. to call the attention uf the trade and families' 10 the DV r" f-Y ! soap ond (randies manufactured -in Wilmington. ssrs. Cos) in Gafford. sanmlea af which can be sien at our office, No. 2, Water St., wnere we Keep constantly on hand Israe supplies- -w for cash. JAS. C. SMITH dt. CO.' .prif26. 18 DRIED FRUIT. 7 J 1 00 fL8S Are' nl Peaches", on Land snd' April Id. 3e 't. C. A B. C WORTH;!: JtlSf RECtitEfil't 67 R.TRENCfl, AFRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nbw Da cs. To be sure that Von fret the Pennine M , fl ic ine, inquire for the New Dreas with two nne en. graved tieet labels on each bottle. Ap'ii i a. 15-tfJ VV I L M I NG T O ISf MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 1'HE Subscriber having accepted the agency o evcral large estiiblinhmenu st the North which J fl.,rnl8n hlm. on nn'timfted supply of finished oi unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared 10 filial! orders for IMOSUMESI rs AND TOMBSTONES. and every other article in the line if ihe business at reasonable rates . i SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING . Executed a swell as can he done either North i r South. Thcbeal reference can be given. If reqtrireo' JAS. McCLARNAN. Jan. 6, 1854. if. PAY UP! PAY UP!! PAY UP!!! ALL Accounts made pre due and all persons inr irevious to this date are persons indebted will niease eal! and -le Wrtiedi.itely ; all accounts are n ady for presentation, and interest will be charged front this date on alt Bills not paid thii month. July I. GEO. MV6R?. FOR SALE A GOOD Milch Cow, apply to . J July 15. GEO. H. KELLEY. WINES AVD LIQUORS. mWE invite the attention of our Friends snd Patrons to ihe best. eieciion of Wines and Liquors ever offered this market, Consisting or Crescent Brandy; Vintage I8It), Pale and Dark, Otard. Dbpay A Cos Brandy, did cognac do. S. Brasson t Co.'s dO; Castillon A Col's Pure old Port Wine: Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira aaJ Muscat Wines, . ; Mslaga Wine, Old Scuppernong Wine, j Holland Gin. I Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf 'a Schiedam Schnapps; Cherry Brandy, , . i Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do. " Bourbon Whiskey, j " Rye do Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy, Sic Madeira Wine, ; Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, Every variety of bottled Wines and Liquors. Clarets of various brands atwhijule prices. Maraschino; Curacoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bittern Aromatic do. da Ginser Wine. dee. Ac. V low nrit tai CASH. At iheoriginal J:. j r y. Ap.iI17. GEO. MYER'S. GRAIN CRADLES; A SUPERIOR article, for sale by j ' J.M. ROBINSON dt SON. June 3. 34. u WHISKEY. T JUST RECEIVED from Cincinnati, "Jlrect." FOURTBEN BARRELS RECTIFIED WHISKEY: For sale at the lowest prices for CASH. by W.L.S. TOWNSHEND: RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for aale at TXs CbiUmircCal Office, tho Rates of Pilots for tho Bar and River. 3J-f. . JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE and wall s .sorted atock of Ladies Black and Colored Gsiiers, soitable for S prtee wtileaj wo offer at lower figures than ever before oio ia too place. Also, a large assortment or Gent's Urn i C.lf Boots. Gaiters and fancy ahoes. Thono nrtohlng to bar will do well toceH snd ex- Vj.eO. M - - o, I I