',-1 . . r - ,. v VOLUME XI NUMBER 60; WILMINGTON, - N. G., TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1S5G. WHOLE NUMBER 1315 A WW i MISCELLANY. A REVOLT AT SEA. T BAWSEK MARTINGALE. ,j One pleasant moonlight night, as the good ship Conch Shell, having passed thr equator, was sfowhr wending hr waj lo . ward the Cpe of Good Hope being: dost : haukd in the trade Intttudes, the watch gathered on the torecasile. and Sara (tiison. wno iovea a miory oemrr iuui iiti jnnK,ip - pealed tu bis watcltinates for the- relation ; of some interesting naratire, or striking td Yenture, to enable ihem to pass more pleas iintlj the hors of their watch. - r t Come, Jatk" GriTnsbJr,, said , he, :jrou ' were alluding the other day to an ugl crape jroa gut into once, by being enga ged in a revolt at sea. -Suppose you giv 7 us the fcicts, and . the conaequences such 4 , relation may serve a levson to us, ami teach us to sheer off from the , rocks on which you were nearly wrecked. Sueh yarn wtit lend us hand -to pass the time ; which begins W grow hea,vy.' ; 'To be sure it will,' exclaimed David . Hun toon, who also liked full Well to see a .yarn on stretched and Jack will spin it ' 1 know, with pleasure, even should it prove as long as the pennant halliards.' Jack. Cnuisby made no very strong ob Jection, and on being further urged, con semed to gratify the wishes of his ship mates, and leaning back against the hrH of the bow sprit, and assuming the liirni ed manner becoming his important pom tion as a story teller, proceeded as follows . I once shipped on board the shiy Whip poorwill, Captain Stanway, on a ivoyajre to the Mediterranean. The VVhippoorwill was not a bad vessel, and the captain and officers were not the worst of men ; and I reully believe if the. ship's company had conducted themselves properly we should tiave been a contented and happy set of fellows, and there would have been . no in aurbordination or trouble an board : for ii is a well known saying, and one which is as true as the sun dial on a ship's capstan, that good sailors make -good officers. But unfortunate ly for peace in the cabin n J in the f.recastle, there were two or three old rnan-of-war's men on board, real hard char acters, who had been kicked and cuffed bou the world, until they hated every oo dy in it, even themselves fellows case iiurdened by salt water, who delighted in a row, were uivgntteful for good treat ment, and rebelled against order and dis cipline. To keep such chaps straight re quired a strong curb, the whole time, as firm and as taut as a martingale stay to a jib boom. I 'But Captain Stanway, although in ca : ses of emergency, not deficient in spirit and resolution, wa rather an easy man, of a kind disposition, and loth to resort un necessarily to vigorous or violent measures "This was soon seen by 'the clocksetters' in the forecastle, who resolved to take advan tage of it. Instead of checking their pre sumption and impudence at the first going off, he allowed them to get such headway, that it was hard work afterward to bring them to. A very common error on the 4art of some shipmasters.' 1 'These fellows were lazy, impudent and all-natured thorough grumblers of course When on deck they were slow about their ''work, and unfntthful in the performance of it and always gave short answers and ulky looks to the officers. When below, they were always complaining of the hard usageand holding up the Captain anil jnates to the ridicule and contempt of the rest of the crew and haranguing their watchinates on the folly of submitting without resistance to ib authority of such a know-nothing set of officers. The influ ence of these woKWein fellows, operated mischievously on the minds of their ship mates, mstly young men, who, j without any will of th ir own, allowed themselves lo be led by the nose by the rascals. In--deed, the chief subject of conversation in the forecastle, was the tyrannical conduct nd the folly and weakness of those who had authority on board and it was not long before every manf: myself among tb Test, conceived himself to be most harshly and unjustly used, held the inmates iff the cabin in utter contempt- -and felt desirous to shirk his duty as fnr as possible and pro- Toke and annoy the Captain' and mates Until patience with them ceased to be a vir "tue. " - : ' "' ' ' I 'Matters continued in this pleasant and agreeabte condition during the remainder of the passage. There was open war be - tween the forecastle and the cabin and although we- showed our independence, plated the old soldier and run athwart the hawse of the officers whenever we got a chance, we gained little by the bargain. but came off second best, as must always . be the case in such a contest In a word, -shipmates, we were 'worked up' or! every tack, and led a real dog's life which per haps, was as good as we deserved . 'At length we arrived at Marseilles, and one day after we had been about a week -in port, we irot up a reeuiar row on board the Whippoorwill, which after both mates- had got their eyes bunged up, was put an end to by the interference of the gens d' krmes, a set of long-limbed soldiers,' with --big coses, heavy sabres, and cocked hats. These fellows treated us with little cere- . raony, and lugged us off to jail, where we "were kept on a short allowance of bread and water and garlic, until we bitterly re gretted our ' foolish refractory conduct, humbled ourselves to the officers whom we bad abused, and promised better manners: But this little affair did not sweeten the dispositions of either party j and on the homeward bound passage 5 matters and jtbiegs looked decidedly dark ae Dick Rumpus said when he capsized a bucket ofblack paint down the cabin skylight, when the skipper, and his friends were at dinner.' At last we trhftiaged ' to kick up c -m pretty a shindy, on board the- good ship VbJppoorwill,as any grumbling, growling eld salt would desire to see. , , , , l belonged to the statboard watcbJ Wa were washing decki one- mdrniugras -we wtre 'drawing -'ug with George's bank. - It was in the month of March the weath er was cold arid dreary. , Mr. Bufford the second; 6ate, who always had an eye to his own comfort, w,as rejoicing in a dry pair of woolen stockings and cowhide shoes afraid of wetting nis leet, stepped as gin gexlj about the decks, as a midnight rob toer in Havana. 1 bis was noticed by Lehi Jackson, one of the old man-of-war's men" who seized rhe opportunity to pay off an old -grudge by accidentally dashing two or three gallons of 'cold 'refreshing. salt water .ibout his drumsticks, which-made him ca Lper like a dancing-master, and swear like a jury man. - ' ' i :- J 'You ill-manriered scoundrel I What did you do that for V said Mr. Bufford, af- er executing a pigeon-wing, wrncn woubi have made his fortune on the stage. At this moment Mr.' Bufford'. rage was increased by' perceiving S'malicyuis grit in JncKsoa a priix, wniie Deprave a elv wink to one of his a-atchmates. This con vinced him that the accident was an inten- tionnl tnsuh ; his temper was ..iroused to 'be nighest pitch, and on the impulse of. the moment he gave the grinning Jackson dowse on the chops, that sent him stag gering. against. the bulwarks, and trans formed the grin of satisfaction into a frown of fury j 'Hal that's your play, is it 7' hissed Jackson between his teeth, as he recover ed nis footing, and clenched his fists, rush ed toward the officer, who stepped bark few puces and Seized a capstan bar, wub A-hich he would have beaten inv shipmate to the deck and extinguished his daylight, for ever, if 1 had not caught him by th- rm and prevented the blow. Upon this Vlr Buffird called loudly for assistance, tnd 'the next moment Jackson clinched him, hu?ged him -in his powerful rms and tfter a brief struggle ihrew him with vio lence down into the lee scuppers. Mr. Brooks, the ch:ef ma e, alarmed b- ihe noise on deck, and the cries of Mr Buf ford for assistance, now came tumbling up from the cabin, followed immediately by captain Stanway himself ; the watch be low also hastily left their leaky bunks w the forecast. e, and hastened to the scene of action.- The battle raged with'fury, fir Mr. Bufford had risen, and again grapplett with Jackson, while lJhil. Dawkitis, a i old messmate and covy of Jaekton's, had lack ed to the hr;l officer, who was endeavor ing to return witn interest tne lett-nanuea compliments which he received, but being a man of small stature and strength, was decidedly getting the worst of it. 'Captain Stanway on coming on dck saw at a glance that the state of things was alarming that the crew were in mutinous condition, and h;s mates wen likely to get a drubbing and he returned to bis stale room for his pistols.. Before you could say 'marlinspike be was again on deck, where he found tbat Mr . Brooks had been finished by a facer from Phil Dawkins and lay sprawling between the pumps. Poor Bufford fared but little bet ter; indeed he was handled in a very rough and unceremonious manner by Lem Jack son. Dawkins, seeing the captuin, with determination in his eye, and a pistol in each band, coming to the aid of his offi cers, armed himself with a handspide, and confronted him. As Captain Stanway pre sented the pistol and threatened to kill the first m&n who disobeyed his orders, Daw kins, a powerful fellow, branlish-d the hnd8pikeas if it had been a belaying pin, and supported by Jackson, dared him to fire. 'Captain Stanway fired Phil. Dawkins dropped the handspike, uttered a groan of asony, and fell teavily on the deck i ne report of the pistol, and the fate of their un lucky shipmate, brought the rest of th- crew to their senses; and the mates, bruis ed and bleeding as they were, rangeii themselves by the side of their captain Jackson, myself and two others were at nce clapped in irons. in which respectable an ! comfortable position we were kept, un til the Wbippoorwill arrived in Boston md hard work the remainder of the crew had to mnnagetbe shin with nearly half jibe ships company laid up in lavender. 'I he wound which Phil Dawkins re ceived was a severe one but it did not kill him outright. When we arrived in por he was sent to the hospital and whether he lived or died. I nsver knew or cared. Charges of revolt were preferred against J ickson and three others of the crew, in cluding .myself. Jackson-was found to have been the leader in the affray, and was sentenced to imprisonment for a couple of years, the second mate and the stew ard both bore evidence that I caught Mr tiiifford by the arm, at the moment be was ;oingto demolish Jackson with a capstan bar. I was ordered to quarters in jail for seven mon:hs; the two others, not having taken an active part in the row escape' more easily. In consideration - that thev had been two or three months in jail a waiting their trial, they were discharged nd I've no doubt became wiser if not bei ter men. So'you see, shipmates,' continued Grims by, '1 have had some experience in rel tion to the consequences of cutting capers on ship board It may be a silly prejudice, but I -candidly confess tbat I don't lik this lying in tail. and 1 don't care who knows it to be shut up in a cell ai close as a pump well, and cut off from all exer cise fresh air and fun with short rations, and not a dron of grog. Experience is a good teacher: and you won't catch me en gaging in a revolt, or even a row, on ship board, without sufficient reason; for a jail. I say again, is a dreary place at best an pld ship with a continual leak, miserable grub, hard usage and a drunken skipper to boot, is a palace in comparison to s prts-w on.- Ue8Kiesy this, -might prove a worse matter than tbat a hanging matter for ght " I ' know and 1 am exceedingly ticklish about the ear. No, shipmates, the only way in such cases is1 to do as the bar nacle did whenr be was boiled -gnn and bear it, and whenever you- But Jack Grimsby's moralizing Vemarks. which were gettin? rather prosy, were cut short by a gnifTorder from the chief mate to lay ail and take "a small pull at the weather fore-top-sail brace and lost for ever! ., ; . -. ' : ; ; - THE RIVER AMOOR. k 1 vThia ' magnificent river, - which rnris through the lower part of the Russian pos sessions, and empties into the bead of the 3ulf of Tartary, is navigable seventeen hundred miles from its 'mouth to the city of Aerihirik, the capital' of Southern Siberia.- The country fs 'densely populated, and great results are anticipn'ed by the ad venturers, who propose opening a comma. nicatioQ between our Pacific possessions and the Russian Asiatic - territory. -.Two successful voyage from San Francisco to this river have already been made, and the steamship ' America, the first of a . line of steamers to run between these points, clear d port on the 10) h of June Inei . .A -A lener from Fort liaramie,' dated Jfue 14th, sys: .J--.: .'t ' ' ' ;. .--Ws have met -wirh several parties 6t Saints; ret urningTir6in Salt1 Lake to tb' sia-es i Alt'-we met gave a terrible prer. ture of the state of affairs there now. The Itoorer. class "had to subsist for months 'on roots such as thistle, seco, &c., which he .Indians gather and sell to them for one lollar per bushel.. The grasshoppers, which caused the famine last year, have .'com i enced again this season, and bid fair to teslroy the present crop of wheat and veg etables M-tny of them appeared very uuch dissatisfied with the Mormon faith. tnd stated tbat they had been deceived I hut the poor had everything taken from them in the sh.ipe of tithes and taxes to upuort a few leaders in the church. B his as it may. many of those we met were real objects of pity, and give evidence in i heir utter 'destitution, that Morroanism af fords but little food fur the body at least, let it be as it will with the souL Frm. tJu'Btsto Bee. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION DKKAD FUL Lo.-S OK LIFE On Tuesday afternoon, an alaim of I fire was -sounded which proceeded from North stre t let ween Fetaud GtaikJ streets. Un proceeding fo the spot u e found that Urge urt k bt.ildt g, a K d J tne JcnersjOii. ts.ock, owned and occu pied ly Cornelius Ooherty, wholesale; and retale liquor dealer, ISo. 324 ISorth street, had become fired by the accident al explosion of enmphene or gas. Ow ing to the combustible nature of the slock and'matertals, the premises became a mass of ulames in an almost incrrdi ble shott space of time. But the most painful , part of our report is the recital ut t ie loss of human life. lu the rear of Jefferson Block wpre four new wooden baibimgs, erected in what is called Everett Place. These in.l the main building were occupied by forty-eight families. Such was the progress of the fire that it was impossi ble for all to escape through the jdacr of egress from the back tenements, which w a a very narrow arch, and a distress ing loss of life ensued. The first body rescued from the rum was evidently that of a boy some fifteen years of age, but he was so charred and and disfigured that recognition was out o thi qtu-stiou. Three other bodies were next taken from the ruins one nearly all censti med supposed to be f males. The '' oly of a small boy was also taken out. laving the head on, hut .the feet entire ly gone, and was horribly undistinguish able. Margaret Sweney, wife of John Swee ny, leaped from the 3 story of Doher ty's building to the pavement, breaking her right arm and one of her legs. She was taken t the hospital, and shortly after expi'ed. Aged about 60 years M iry Collins, wife of Daniel Collins, jumped out of a third story window of the same building, and was instantly killed. She. was aged about 64 years, ;tnd leaves a family af children. Three firemen -were at work in Bar ber's alley, upon a ladder, wheu a chim iey fell upon, them, killing one and in juring the other two., The dead man's name is Charles W. Warren, , second officer of Franklin Hook and Ladder Co. No 3. His skull, was badly frac tured, and his lefV leg was broken. 4e breathed about twenty minutes. He was unmariied, and was injured at fire in Roxhury on the 5h ot uly. fie was an ex -member of old 13. Newall Harding, Jr., and Philip Haeketr, hosemen of Bariroat No. 21. were somewhat injured from the same C use. J, VW Regan, hoseman, of No. ltf had hia foot mashed from another accident Au old woman named Margaret Donovan, and her, three children, are believed to have comprised some of the victims. - VV have counted eight dead persons up to six o' clock, and others are belie v- 1 to be beneath the ruins. One heap of charred remains is counted by som as two. and are believed to be mother and child. If this be so, the numbet must be' nine. ' The total loss of property will not be less than $90,900, while the loss to hun dreds of poor families is incalculable, Since writing the above, we are in formed that three of the bodies are those of Ellen keeler, aged 45 years, and Mary and Catherine Keeler, the . daughters of Ellen. It is supposed that they were all together at the time of the fire, and tost their lives in attempting to escape at the front of the ' house, were destruc tion was' mot certain. - - ? . RBLS. SsperSas, fresh ground. . For sale sr .' ZENO H. G&EENK. OUit JIOTTO IS TU i'LEAiSE" -v.- i 'AT THE ' VTllMlMgrett 8a4Sle, Harness, aaa Trail - MaMMt'setory. .'PHK saseeribei respseUBlijri aformstaesablir X loathe has rseentir rteeivee addition to hi tx k ot Saddle and Hsroesa aoimtiai.4..ili laical ltd otoat Imareved style, adis oastanl) tnaBaraciurins.aiaisstoreea market street .every description of srtidla. the above line. Krom his jxpencne in the piisiaesM. Be reels confident thai hr will be m tTle to glyeeoilr tisrctliaioallwho mavravorhliMwith aeaH.. U baa now un hand. and wtiiconstaatlT Keeps larac assortment of . Conch. Otz and SulJtey Hirnas, Lady'i Saddles, Bridle, mips, fc, OciUlnun's Saddles, Wkipt " Spurs. fe. -ftsllef wnich he will warrant lo baof lit he best inaierisl and workmanship. - V H has also a laree aaaortiHrni at Treuks, a Uses, Sadd le and Carpet Rag:, KatcbeU. fanrv Traiixs, Ac. and all other ar ticles esnallv kept in an eta esiabiUUmema, aU of whteh hm-ttter lc for CASH , or on sbortcredii ientwpi esetenieve. " ' ai, Harness .xrnnxs , Koaitfal "Bats, ac . Tin44i tion o the aaove the abscriber iTWs vT aeeosen head a iaraesiipaly uf Striae Leather :aaf hsavhow, and wtilkitthrnfh th season a oeM ssorum-n t et . n teitii. - . Allarelnvlted to call andftismtne m Qtods, whet her in wsntornot.ssl tskeleeareinahw I ng my assonoientto all who. may favor ms with a ran. . ,,. ... - ... . BarnesssndCoach Trlmrolnea sold at a fsii pric lo persons buying to manufacture. Also, v nir" ' wnolesale. t llkindsof Ridlns V hles bought ola on nmmU1oaa JOHN J. CONOLF.Y . Feb. 7. 18S6. ' : - - - ' 138 . JAS. C. SMITH. MILES COSTtM. . JAS. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. . 1 18-tv NOTICE. VLL persons hsving rlnlms ajratnst Moore, tiianlv dr Jo.. wllipleaeprecent them for set lement and all thae indebti-d to th-m are rp quested cime forward and make Immediate pay ' nrni to the subscriber. !. JVO . 5TNIT ANDKUW S. KfclMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZA BETHTOWN, N. C. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Columbus and Sampson. June U. 38 ly HE R RING S - - Patent Champion Tire sod Burglar rroof Safee. ' Ta- great inter st iminiiested by 'ho puoltc to procure more perteel n;ai y from I- Ire fur valua ble papeiasuch ae RoMBt. MoirtM-1, Notes, a up Book or Accdiit. thai the ordinary S KK heretofore In uvt h d sffurdf d, ioduci d tin "uhcrlbfr tod vote s Inttte portU-n time and attention during the vntleitrlccn ytart in makinp improvement! and tliacox it fur this ibject, ami hr) now bear l'Ste toast-no-thi-i. nunu ru Mendw. nd the public Bpm ra ly. that tiirir ff-'rla lui ve been crownrd with cou-plrlf ni.ro 8f, and nwfTr the "I lPKOVKD HK.UKlNO' PATKNT WORLD'S PAIR PREMIUM KIKE Pit OOF SAFK$," ss lbs CHAMPION SAFE OF Til EWORLD, BATIK SEE AWABDED MEDALS AT SOTS THE World's traJr,LBMlo, 1 ,4 fW Vork, aop rior all uflttra. liisnow, and -obtedly, entitlrd to that appellation, and secured with tiAf.U'S PATF.NT PDKH PUOOK LO K, (which also was swarded Medals as above,) form the most perfect Kite and Burglar Proof Safesever oefore offered lo the Public. The -ubucribe s aleo m.initlacturee all kinds ol Boiler and 'hillad Iron Bank Chewts nd Vuults. Vault floors, and Money Boxes or Clletv, tor Bi -ki-ra, Jewelk-rs. and Private ramilfra, fr PUti-, Oia ondf. and other Valuables At d ate also Pa tentees, (by purchase.) snd Manufnciuiersof jtim'FimT PEKXumio bim win, SIfjAS C HKRKING & CO. Patentees. GltKKN BLOCK, Nos. 135, 137 & 138 Water at Sold at ?f ew orfc prices by . JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, Agent fr North Carolina, Wilmincion. Feh 12. Ml -if NAUS! NHLM! (f KEGS assorted sises just received, sad i - lor sale by ZKNO H. GREEN V.. July 8. WILMINGTON & WELDONR. R.C0 Wilmington, N. C, July"21, 1856. WHILST the Contractor i taking down th old and ra initio- the new Brides over th North Ka Branch of the I ape Fear, the Dai Train will leave this Station Jlfleen minuirs re fore 6. A. M . sndlhe Nlshl Train si 4:15. P. M when the trains fmm theouth srrive in time. The Di-pot bell will, ssasual. ring 30 minutes snd S minutes before the depa-ture of the Trains. -S. L. FREMONT, .un't. July 21. 65-3t NOW. RECEIVING, OER schooners Adla snd Lizxis Russell : L 35 hbls " Rsfiosa sSussrs. also. Crushed snd Powdered i .25 bags Ri., Java and Laguayra Cofleest 6 cheats superior Oolons snd Green Teast IS easea superior brsnds Claret Wine t 40 boxes Sospj 25 do. Pearl Starch t 40 baskets Champsgne, (eery superior brande;) ZU DDIs. Ksctlned Whiskey, r or sam ov W. L. 8. TOWNS HEN O. July 24. . No. 20, Msrket street RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 BHLS ChsfBa's celebrated back country 1 " " Whiskey, Also, in store, a supeilor ariitry of Drsught Ale snd bweet iMer, at J. R. RRSTOtra. Msy2t. fVov 15, Mitktt treet. ELECTION. IN accordance with a Resolution passed by th Board of Commissioners of the Town of VVit- xlugti-n, par red tbs fcnd i"t there will be EI ction held ni the Court Hours in this Town, on Wednesday, the 1 3tn day ot August next, to acer lain the viewa of the citixens, relative to making a unrondiiicnal subscription of riO0S 0 to the espitat stock ot Ihs Wilmington, Charlotte and tuthrrfbrd Railroad Company. B. D. HALL, Sheriff", i July 10th, 1858. 49-u. ' CONSTANTLY ON HAND - AND for sale. ; Corn. Cera Veal, Table Horn atony. Horse and Cow Feed. iNo. IS, North Water street, by ; . . . , - . J. Jl. aTEVKNSON. -. June 19. - 41-tf - FfiSSaL FU SALE. ' A small schooner, earryins 300 barrel. iratnc foar tv r lannchee in April last : .built of sxcellent sauned, matsrials. nooih and well fiatshsd 1 sails, rigging, die-, si new. e-he is well formed, in every respect, snd is a fst sailer-- Km better built vessel esa be found anywhere. Will be sold low. Apply im -July IT. LGEO. HOUSTON. SUBSCRIBERS TO IKVIAG'S T7ASHI.VGTON,- wlU please rail sad (St Y their copies st 8. W HITAK KR'S. . JsIyM- ' - 61 i I . PORtti poniur r A f, BBLS.Mes.,JssMcTrd. and for sals J ij 31. 63 fllE fiil-il'iiiiliLY fOJl.tJEUClAL , Is euMlshtiii every I osaeAv, - i mvum ano UTViDir at S6 per anautu, pa ) able in atlcaset m advance. . BV faajJAS LOU.INO EpiToa andPaorais- . Corner Freut and Market Htreeta, . 'n witatiaaTon.n.c' R ITI OP AIVETISIXG. I sqr. 1 insertion U 50 I Lsr. utonihs, 44 01 1 2 . toll . . 5 ui 3 ' 1 00 1 1 "6 . 8 t I " 1 month, : 2 SO J I It U (ib Tun IIimi or teaa make a eouare. Ifanadver. Isement ei coeds ten lines, the pi ice will be ir. roporiion. ' All tivarilaemsnis are payable at the tlmeot heirlnsertion. . -" - - k Contracts with vesrly advertisers, will be. mad n the moei liberal tertw. No transfer of aoairaetf for vesrly adverilalnt ilj h Bermitted. ? Should cireaistanees rendet crHtBstlB BSnines, or an unexpected remove ttoccafsrv, a: ejisege aeeorcfins t he pu' Hi erme win b at he oniA9n ot ihs contractur. r he rtwre fte haa adveriist d. - " -.-- TbenrHrileteof Armnet Advertisers ta tr1cttt Ifnired lo their imme'iat- alnet and all Mvertisrrre na for the beneftf ofther persons. weH as slladverdaeNinisnAivirnnndiatety con nected with iheir own hsiness,nil allaxees at tdvertiaementnin length r otherwise beyond iH Imllff enffasea. will he cnarees ar tne isai ratra. ' No AdvnrtUcme.nts ieim-ludcd in the con 'ran orthessle or rent f houses or lands 1n town t-r wintry or for the sale o hire of negroes, wheih -r the nmpertv la owned bv th advertiser or h ther peranns.' Tliee are excluded by the lerm 'immediate burtnei " . - All 1 1erNsment inserted In the -tri-weekli Commercial are etiililed la one lessrtioa imhr H ttkly free of chars e. . ... , : IOB, CARD ATin. FAtfCV PniXTlNC,! JiXKCMIEB 13 SL'fr.KlltR STYLE. til3tr POK TIIK tOMimKCIAL. Nsw V's Alcfars. UoLtues dc, 1'ottib. Hoaloa. Ohaiiisith: . o, Central Wharl Philadelphia K. (.ones). tfaUimreti. H. Peaks nd WM. Thomsou rue north Carolina JtTUALlltLLStl.AMhCOUl"k KALtlUti. N. C. HE aboveCoiupaii tw-abeen iiiporatloninct A tueisii! April, did. under ine directioiiol in ollowint Uruvsrs, vis t . , .. Dr.UharHik K. ouhson.Presinent, Win... Uaywood, Vice PrsaiUent.- , . John Q. A iludiua, Jtccretary, Wiu. H. Jones. Treasure. Pcrrlo bubfe, Attorney, . . U . l . . 1.1. . v . t M kr!!!. ( AJedieal Doa.'d of Dr.'ll.B.Hayw.K,d, S t""" J. Kerstnn. tienerul AKent. " 1 This t'oiupany itasrec:ivd a chartei giving ad jinuita ti.ilie insured uvtrmiv iilhvr Iuiiiq inv l'he 6tl. Sei-tion give the Huabaud ihrprivilege it icsnr. htaown lielorme soli-use ot ma li;n 'hildren, free from any Halifr f the cepreaeoi ivcaor tne husband or any of his en-diiors. Oreaniztd on purely mutual principl" e. the life memberf xnrliclpai lu the iriiole of the profits hlcli ire declared annually HesMes. th ' appliirsnl lot ife. when th annual premium is over3o may pj) ne Rail in a Pf-ie VII -lamia far insurnm e againsnhe Company wil lepaid within ninei davsafier proof of the death. if the Dartv isfnrniehi d. . -ilaveifare insured forme or five yrara. st ratet whii-hwlll enable all Slaveholders to Hccun- thi elaas of uroprit v aeainst the unf rtafnt y of I in. Slave Insurance preaenti- a new and interest In featOT-ir. the history of N orth 'aroline . which will prnvi' very imoor'ai-i t tne Nnutheri. Siatea. Tnelaet rowr moBine- nneratloB Tints iwmpifif hows a vervl arseamount ol HmhIocbs more than the nirectors exnected to do the nm year -bavins Ireadt issued moretnan 4lii I'nllrlrs Dr. Wm. W. If Aaatsi-Medii-sl Examiner, and j Aen Wllminston. IN. r". AM ommtnieatnnnnhusinesof theCompsn should be sdilressee to JOHN O. WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Ralelch.June8. IffS CIGARS. 1 rr fnn cioits. at prieCs r-nm on I VW.t iJJ to Iv Oroeery. April 17- $40 per thousand, the Fam ui o. at t i-.ii w i 14 IN STOKE AND JUST RECEIVING ,41 BBLM. stewsris and N. V. Refined Sugiir ' Crush, itoar, pc; 6 bbl. I;tni-lnnali an rfailimnte Hectiht-O nt-ke I 1 n DDIS. M-- i'nrki 25 bbls. F.iyetteville Flour t 3 boxes Ad amantine and Sperm Candlew IMiarrela and V boxes Butter. Soda, and Milk deckers j t Hhdi- Uoiasaes. For sale by VVM.L S.TONHRND, Ho. 20 Market Street. May 24. 3 . PROSPECTUS OF THti "SUUTUERN SENTINEL," A Democratic and Miscellaneous Journal, to be pvblishd weekly, at Wilson, N. C. PHK existing condition of bo'itical parti,-, and 1 of partisan siriie, n uursUy suggests the eitb- i"hing of sucu s journal ss tne noutht-rn o nu net" oroposej to becuiite. Theprewnt, indeid. i s cri-is In our political history, never iin in d b. -lore. TImj Constitution hustwen invaded : the law trampled and apat uion religious linerty arsaili d ; oauoi Doxes Droken snd ournt : tne lanamark-a ot our poilitral uno-strv psitislly- efljtnd: the wi. dotn derived from s tiuie-honori-d expirie-c jin- eeited; atra'nee and aietionatls rmn have bc-i pvsludlnui high poritions; sad fanatic! m.unchal- uea trom ua axe and iu faggot piles in tne ivorth, i heard to howl among us in he South. Tbcst evils, so far as it humble abilities shall serve, THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL WiQ endeavor to srrest. It will endeavorto incul cate a reverence for the lawa as they exist, snd fur tne Constitution, ss it has been interpreted by tn wise men ot the paet snd by the Fathers of thi rtemoeralic faith. It will defend not onl political out bi'Lisiods liberty, snd will do bailie aalut ev ery po iical herexv that may appear, wheihei hatched in eates orcnlverts, or open convention. The i-ntinel will also, to n-ln-ve the monotonv if politics, devnte space to literary toidrs. ori-:irw nd selectid. ss well as to miscellaneous suhj--t which shallinelu le Agricultural and the latest i;m- uetclaiintelllsenee. in on. i, no erjorts nor ex- nensc-s will be spared t maKe tne nn tlnei one o V nos efui snd erB-ient Journsls In t he nutri. The first number of the erainel will be isura shout the first -f the n. xt month, and sent to sun- serihersatthe rate of tri per annum: 2 50 at the end of six ntontha, snd SI st tne end of the ir. Discount mads In behaii of ciuos, wno shsll lake fivs, ten oi more copies. n S sn W9 SkT a BIT SS a . j. r . sbEiiiAn, rAittAr. Jsn 17. . !30-3t CANDY. RfXES Assorted fresh Csndv, iut receiv UJ ed at " GKO. MVEKH .June 3. 34- JUST RECEIVED, BBL-S. Hack rat; 20 bLN. lo I laree net ' Jlerrinr ft hbds Bacon, low for eah Jane i. . , GEU. MYERS. NOTICE. I HA VR ibis day sssc iated witli' me in the I Hardware Bustoeas in Wilmington, jny Sot C K Ronxrox. The l-Bsineas UI hereafter b enndaeted under the timet J M KmIkmi dt oa. - . J- . FOBI.sbON- j. nr. robTxson & son. : WILMINGTON. IM. C. - Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in BABDWABE, CCTUCBT. STSEU, BTAIU, SOSA- . .CULTUBAL IMPUMKNTS, AC. . J. M. BOSUfSOIT. C C. BOBIXSOII. Jaa. I. 13.6. 124 BACON! BACON!! I f HHDS Western ldes snd Shoulders i 1 J 4.000 Ihs. N. i. Hog Round. . For aale bv July 31. ZENO H. GREENE. BUSINESS CAllDS. josEpTI7wiXKTNsf5Ni UPHOLSTER & PAPER RANGER, KEEPS ON HAND AMD MADE 10 ORDER. Mattresses, Feather Dttls, Window Curtains and fixtures. All work in theamjve line dons at shortest No tice. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. Jan. 19. I8S6. .1. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERC HA ST d GENERA L AUK x r WILMlNGrON, N. C. 'Oct. I.I85S. , j 65-1 y-c. T. C. & B. G. WORTn. ' - WILMINGTON, N. C. Jsn IT. 1854. w 125-c 1 OENRYliUTT. PACTS il POIWaRDIXK CEJrr, Will give hi personal attention to business entrust ea to nis care. Sept. 8, 185S7 7S ly-c : GEORGE MYERS, WIIUES1LE hH BLT4IL GKOfER Keep constantly on hand, H 'tn. Teas. Liouors fnmuums, M ooa ana Wdloir II are, Fruit, Confeetionarlese South Pront street, VVIL.MINCiTO.Ni, N. U. Nov. 18, 1855. - 109 ' GEORGE HOUSTON, riRALRK IN Groceries Provisions, and Navsl Stores COMMISSION MERCHANT. .VESSEL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. A off. 2. . . CO-tf II. DOLLNF.il. O. P0TT1.R jr. J. CAMEROEN D-ILLNBR, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N liW YOUK. April 30, 18B5. 20-Iy. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER AND DK4LKR IN LIQUORS HINKS ALU PORTER d-c, No ii, CSraulie How, front Street, WILMINGTON, ft. C. Feb. 17th, IP56. 140-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. July 28. .58 D. CASHWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, U II.JIINJI.TO.NJ. n. c. Sspt. 30. 84 -if - nOOPEK, DEARBORN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON N 0. EO. HOOFIH. S. L DEAESOSW. Wat. t July itt 68- a JOHN A. ST INLY, C OMMISHIO X ME ROHAN T, WILMINGTON, N c. Oct.6h, I85S. 63. VM. L. S. TOWNS! I END, W tlO L! SALE & RETALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 2 Blatket street, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 24. . 30. GEORGE II. KEL, LEY &, BROTHER, DEALERS l,V FAUIrT CRHCLKIEn and rRflnsio.xs. No.ll NORTH WATKR iTRKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tTTTLL keep constantly on hand, Sugars, Cof fees, W olaasea, Cheese. Flour, Butter, l.ard , Candles, Crackers, starch. Oils, ainurT, -uai-a tc As BCriEEIfCESI O. fl PAsstsr, PrsKioent of Commerria! Rsnk. John McKae, " Bsnk of WirminsOin. Wilmington. A. M. Coisav, I Rev. R T. HarttN J Rsleih. S. W. WEStsaoon. . Rev W. II. Bobsitt, J "t'O'oro'. Ftb. 14. ' . W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER. NOHTH WaTVU 8THEKT WlSMiNGTON. No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot S'.ones, and all kinds oj Marble Wort furnished to order on reasonable terms. June I. 36-ly-c SAMUEL A HOLMES," ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON,'. C. Will sltsnd the Courts Of Dunlin. Sam nan n and Vew Hanover Office n Princess strret. next door Esst of the isi Hank. Aprils. ' 9-ly J. M. STEVENSON, A GENT for TKs sale of a II kinds of Produce. C. Office on Pilaoess st . under A D AM 8. BRO. t CO.. Wilmlnpion.N.C. I Feb. I2.l3l-tf. J. M. STEVENSON GEORGE R. FRENCH, MAJIUFACTCKER A!CD WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11. M ARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, K. C . March 6. 151 GEO. W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON. N. C. Jsn. 22. 132. , JAMES T. LEWIS tfc (X., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, 07L-S; VARNISHES, fyc. AGENTS FOR Pennsylvania .and Lskigk Zie, Mordecai Ijewu if Co' Celebrated rkdadrtphia WkiU Lead, F. S. Levis 8r Co't. Colors", Paints, etc, and B. . C. Hnrnor d CVV .S. . ferior Varnishes. Urn I44S MAI DEBT LAHE BfEVV YORK. JAMES T. LEWIS. ! SAMCFX C. WEST. April 15th, 1856. 13-3tn. . liALIlUOKE LOCK HOtl'llAL. I)K. JOHNSTON, rHB founder of ibis Ci lebra led Inailtuiion tf. fcra tne in-tst c.-ruin, eipecdy and only tlktiu si remedy In toe world lor j SECRET DISEASES. ! Gleets, sirriclures, Seminal eaknerr, Pains in tbe Liuins, Constilutionsl Ocbility, Iniou my, Weakness of the Back and Llmhs, AH.ctiuna of the Kidneys, Parpliationol the lieu it, Uy f bja , .Nervous Jrtiubiity, Oisesae ol the iieud, 'I moat Nose or Skin t those serious and meluiicboly diaur. ders a rising iiotn the destructive habits nl Tuuih, Uich d-si roy both body snd mind. Tliote scent snd solitary practices more fatal lo their vit ims than tbe song of '.he Syreds to the murim r of Ulysaea. bligli'.ing their tuot brilliant hojeur nr.. ticiptious. rendering ni irriase, at c., iinf Obtitile. Y.WiUMKN. 1 Kspertslly.who I ave become rhe victims of Solia. ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit Hhic h annually sweeps m sa untimely trave ihcii6Nrr' . f young men of the mo-t exulted lahinla Snd brilliant tutetleet, wh. might oilier wia. havu rntranctd Ila temnu Menutes wnh the thunders Of rexiuenr. or waked toecstscy the living lyre, may cull with full confidence. i MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Voung Alerr, Contcmpliir '.terrftigt, being aw art of Ph)iii-al UeaLnes. l " sanle Oebiliiy, Oelorniiii.s, die , slioi.ld immrdi. ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to pcrftct health. He who places hlmsrtf undo r the care of Dr. Jot n ston may relicioorty eonfide in Lis honor maim. ilemsn.aod confidently rely uuou hiskili ass phy. sicisn. ' Us. Jomkstoh is the only regula'ily rdiirflird Physician sd vt rrMinr to cuie I'rrvuic t ittiplaii.ia. His remedies snd treatment sre emin ly uiikucwn 1'iall others. Prepared Irorn s lilc itni in ihr Great lioi-pilals of Kuropo and the Kirol in this Countrv, viz t Kntlimd, Krsnce, the Kloc'slrx ol Philadelphia, 4-c, and a more exti niie ptaciit e than any other physician in the wi-rld. Hia ninny wondertul cures anifmosi important Si rpiml f p. erstiuns is s sufficient (tusraiHee to ihn i.UIIck d. Those who wish lo be epeevily and tfTectvaly retite. ed. should sh un the numcroue trtfiiig importers, who only ruin their hi ulih.and apply to hin A CUHK WAttltA.'IEO Oil JVO COaHCK. No Mercziry or- Naiioeons Drugs Use-' OfPlCK, No. 7, KOCTH PKEDKHICK St., lolt hand fide (loirg from Kaliin ore sluet. a f w dcxirs from the coiner. Kail not to o' mih- l is oains end numtier, lor Ignorant ttiflirg ln.f orine, attracted by the reputation ot Dr. Jcliuitun, luik DII.JOUN&7 0N. I Member of the Royal College, f Surgeons London graduate from one of the most !o.i.nt Collejiefc of the United states, and the srea er oart ..I uhnu lite has bernspenl in the Hoitu!oj London, par- , i iiuuw i(jiiia.anu eiaewnere, tins erret-li-d son.s of the mom astonishing cures thai wereevei known, Miin) troubled with ringing in the cars and head vhen asleep, if real neitoiit-nssp, beini fcluriui d t udden sounds, snd bashfj.nees. with frcqurnt blushing. attended eoim times Willi dcrsngui.cni of mind, were cured Immediulciy. i A CERTAIN DISEASE. V hen the mifguidud arid ihipiudei.t votary of pleasure .finds he has imbibtd the steds of .bis painful disease, it too often hiiunena that anrll-tini. on sense of shame, or dread of discovery deters i m 1 1 iiu applying to tnose who. trom education and rerpectaHiily.t-sn alone befriend him, delay in- till the coiiKiiiuiionul .ympiome of thi horud disease tiiuke their appeurir.ce. sui h i-a alcemrid wore thrai.dUesed nope, noctursl psins In ths heno snd limbs. dininiKx of viulit. deuin. mm on the shin bone nd srins. blotches on the hi ud, face snd 'Ztremiiies. DrotrresaiiiL' with friuhilnl i . pidity, lili si luvt the pl.jte of the mouth or ihe bonet-of i he none tali in. and ihe victim ol this swfuldisesse becomes a horrid ubjrrt of coininic ntion. till death piitsn period to his drcadiul snf lerinss, by ei.din him to - that le.1,11.. irom wnence nu traveller r tu'ns." To ruth ihi-ret.re, l)r. Johnston p dges hiuirelf to preserve tli mot invi.iliihli'secrti) ; and. from hi extmrive prae li e In Ihe firH Hornituls i f Kurone 11 nd 4iiitii. ii. hecsn confidi ntlv reronimend a enfi-iifid nm iAv cure to flu- untorluno e Victim ol t ix hoiri.l dl-i-nse. It is a inelunrholy luct. thnt thousand fall victim 10 this drendful comti.'iiint. cwiuc to th. i n. fkilfulni rs 01 l-nomnt pr. . ndets. who. bv the urn f that de.-idl pois. n. mercury, tein rh -oi..iiiu. tion. and either a- nd the unf.irrunute tuili r r 10 i n untimely crave. or else muke the letMur .,1 nr.. mi.. erable TAtlJ PAflTJCULAf NOTJpE. Dr. J.s Jdrese nil innse ho haveinimen ihrm. selves b privutr Bnd Improper indvilences ni si-are 8me 01 tne Sdd und mt lanr'l oly if lects, produced by eily linbiti- of y. uth, viz: Went nos of ihe Hack snd Llmbn, Pains In the Head. Dimness of S10I11. Loss of Muicuir Pnw. er, Palpituiion ol the Hear', Dyapepey. ltrvoua irritability Deransement if tl e Divestlvu I i.r.c lions, Uaneral Debility. SvruDloms of Cohilut. tion.drc. t M-ntalty Tbe frsrf u! t-fTects on the mind arc much to o dreaded t Losoi Alemorv. Contusion f Ideis, Depression of Spirits. Kvil Korcbi'dins. version of .Society. Self Disii U5t. Love of Huh. tude. rimirfity.&c .are some of the evils product d. iTiousands of nersons of allaeen. enn now iudoe what is the csuse of their declinlni! heslih I . . ine their vigor, becoming wmk, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearur.ee about the ejea eough and symptoms ol consumption. UU. Jtt. ni.N-a I . V I utl It A II IV O RE3IF.- DV KO'l ORGANIC KAKMtZS. Rrttiis crest and important remedfr tmUo r.l ihe or-anxare speedily cured nnd full vfgi rt ston . Thouftindsof the most Acrvous ai d Drbilitatid individuate who hd lust all hope, have Ir, n imn e diaiely relieved. All iinpeHimenr to BM Mi I A C K 1'ti vstcal r IVlent.i I Ulrqu ilinentiona. fVrtvoua Ir. rllnbilitv Trcnihlincs snd V eaknet-a. or etlisuttion of the most fearful kind, rpecdily rund 'jv Dt Johnston. Young nirn who have Injured themstlvee bv a ccrt-'iin practice indulged In when si'-ne b l.uti t fn fluently lenrned Irom evil ton paniona, or st school, the efucts which sre niihtly felt, etin when aaleep. and if not cured, renders snani; vm imroMPif.and destroys both mind snd body.ahouid applv immediately. tbat a pity tnat a Vouns man. the hnn of hia country, and the d irUn of hia parent, rhould be snatched Irom sll protpects and erijoymt ma of ile. by the conn qiunci-a ol deviating from tl iih i.r nature, snd ii.duleing in a e'eruin secret haLil. feuch persons, before con'emplciing MAlllilAUE. Should reflect that s sound mind sad body sre the mon necesssry reqnivitea to promote connol lal hsppinees. Inded. without these, the ioiirncv through life-become a wearf pilprimneMhe pro . pect hourly darken to ihe views the mind btc mes shsdowed with despair and filled with rbe nu Lin. e holy refleetlon that the tiappinevs of another bc enmea bimnted wliti u 1 own. OFFICE ftO. 7 MUTH KttFDEniCK-6-T.. ' Ba ITtMOBB, Md. AllSargtcal Operations Peiloimed. N. B Let no falae deliuaev nrtvent vou. Lot apply immediately either personally or b) letter. Skin itseses Speedily c ored TO STRANGERS. ' Tne manv thousinds eured at this Inatit uiinn w liK. In the latl ten years, and the numernes Inipor- snt ureicsl Opersiions perfoisntd bv Dr. J.. wit. nessed by ihs Reporters of ihe raoers. and mars other persons, not ins of which h.ive arpetitd ein sna sKJin neiore tne public, bceides bla ttandtne s a renilemsn of chamcter and reaponait ilitf. Is samcieni gsarsrtee to tne smieira. TAKE NOTICE. It l wttb tbe rmlNt relnetahrr that Tn. JOTUCKTOM permits bis card to appear before the public, dem ln tt nproieaatonat lor a pnywema to soTertiar. sat udvm r.e o ao. the am'ietrd. eo-peciallv atnuieera. ronld b.a SmJ 1 10 fall Into the band of tbe nranv Imptident and unlearned mpnater. with inmnoerabVa False Names or enn I Ire4 Quackshope. warmtn these largs eltlea, eopyina- Ir. JoassroB's advertisementa or adtertiiHns tbemselvaa aa pkyaetai.llltteratashsn(TW-brslned fellrws. too lazy In work at tMl oHatnal traSs. with srares Inn Mess N wd tbs brats, who. for tbe rarpoae of Kntldi v and fvrelv ins, carry on Ove or sis omces. snderas an) aifferi.t Fslse ames, so that tbe afflicted fe'tiiii'i. ea lr. on, ts ears to rumbk beadon Into the otner. IifP nt Quarks with enormous lying certiorates of rreat and s tootahtns cures from person sot to be fixi, hn ls yon t skins; tarrs bottleaof fjcoaics Watkb si1 otl ir paekaevsof fllthy snd worthies eotnnmind. eormlne y prepared to Impoes upon lbs Bnfortaratr snd anui i-rt. inc. TrtdVns: month ster month, or as lone as I he m il eal fee can be obtained, and. In despair, travee yoa w'tb, reined health, to slab over your rsil'nf disappointment. It la tbla mottvs that induces lr. J. to sJvrrtl. res ns AMse ca cvaa voe. To tboss anseotnuntrd wlik his rentitation. hs deems It necessary to as v tast bis eredtn- tlsls or dtnlo slwsv htw in b ofnee. RO LKTTEKH RECEIVED UNI.EfH PV?T PAI sad eontsinlns s Btamp to be used for the reply. 1'rr sons wrltlnir should ststs Ar and tend tbat portion ot advertisement describing -mptotrt. 1666. 131-1 f-e.

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