hi W III II III f i y S y VOLUME XI N UMBEK 61 : WILMINGTON, C. 1HUKSDAY MOKNING, AUGUST 7, 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 131 C r xjuy iy lily- yi ' " s IN SAN - FKANCtSCO. J Major General Voi.net E. Howabd has mde a leneihy ' report to Uoveruur'JoHN son, f Ctlifoiniit,-of the procei-tlin-is hi Sun Friinci-o. 'iJie report is ijtibltsheii officially in the Sacfrirnenfo Siuif Journal Aft- r giving a minute accuunl of the arrest of Juige Tekrt, and the capture of ihe State arms, ii proceeds 10 comment as fol lows : . ' The circumstances connected with this movement are such as to leave no doubt on my wind that the insurgen's aim at nothing less than "an entire overthrow of the State government and secession from the Federal Union; if it ba I been their Diimosfr to disband in a short period, thev HIE " REYQLU l lON would not have committed. piracy orjpToliHiaost bing a vessel of a small quantity of arms upon the buy.' They would' not subse quently have, levied actual war upon the State hy surrounding the armories by a large military. force-' and seizing the State anna, and making prisoners of the men guaMing thetn especially when they knew that your orders were that: I should act on the defensive, and that 1 had no power or inerns to pursue any other l.ne of conduct! It must be obvious to all men of ordinary discernment, tlml this lawless association has proceeded from one criuit and outrage to auotiVr, until ihey have ar rived at the conclusion that' there is no safety for their leaders but in revolution and u separate govemm nt on the pacific they have committed irenson, murder, piracy and the felony of kidnapping. They have violently and with force of arms trodden down the authority of the ex ecutive and the judiciary , They have, at the point of the bayonet, resisted the exe cution of the writ ot habeas corpus for ages justly considered the bulwark of personal liber y. They have assembled urouml the jail of the county of San Francisco large numbers of armed men, and planted a cannon against the front, ami thus com pelled the surrender of two persons therein -detained in the custo y of the law, whom thej- have 5ince put to death without a le al trial or the forms of judicial proceed ings. They have, without a warrant or ti ny other process of law, forcibly searched the houses of honest and peaceable citizens at the deail hour of night, outraging fami lies and terrifying defenceless females. For nearly six weeks they have irampled (tnwn. by an ar ed military destisui m San Frmcisco, every cunstituiional nghf' secured to the citizens by Magna Ch ria and the Bdlof Uights. They have robbed us of the heritage earned fr us by the la bora and sufferings of I fie sages and patriots of 1776 Thej have rected in the bean of the commercial metropolis a fortification filled with armed oien to overuwe the ciii 2ens and the civil auu oruies By ! and ni;ht lliey paraded in the streets lit ry t" t i u c.f aruii'd men, and ban Friirisc jreKenis eoiniiHtally ihe appearance. of a lV lo 'he .osj.ssiiui t,f h tmeieii foe ami II IS i pr;i ft Hoi ij'.' It IS Wr-li kliirMII that the. V'iiIh nee Coiniiiitiee h-tve armed Hint tnretl a ix'f. ooily ot inreigu . merceiiaries to linor luwn the officers and citizens ol the State i , discharge of - the duties cast upon tliem by the laws and their oaths ol .office. . . ;:. :J Men who have committed- such crime as these against the State, are naturally hurried by fear ainl desperation. Before tberii is the abyss of revolution and : seces sion; behind the halter.- They dare not leiurh under a government of honest judges, with a prospect of fair jurors, who will administer the laws without the com mission of perjury. It is a fact worthy of notice, that dunnir this whole excitement, licentious as the press is, the District Judg es in San Francisco the highest judicial officers in this city, both as to civil and criminal jurisdiction have not even been assailed-. Their purity is not qriestitred To escape from the consequences of trial before these officers, members of the Vigi lance Committee, through their mouth piece the press have constantly clamor ed for their resignation, , " They have demanded the resignation of the Mayor, Sheriff, and all other city and count v officers, on the avowed ground that the Vigilance Commit lee could not disband with safely, until these offices were filled with creatures of -; their 'own. , Failing in this object, they see no safety but in revo lution. Knowing that the Executive de spaiched by the last steamer a requisition on the President of the United Stales for the necessary means to put down the in vurrection, and perfectly aware 'that ihe President under the constitution and the acts of Congress has no discretion, but is bound to furnish not only arms, but to em ploy all the land and naval forces of the United Slates for that purpose, fhey per ceive that their punishment is inevitable ; that it. is a mere question of time, unless they can throw off the authority of the U nton and lear California from the const el . lation of States. They see lhat u .der the laws of this State there is no limitation of the time within which they may be prose cuted for murder ; that so long as Califor nia is in the Union and they may exist and remain within its limits, they are liable to prosecution and the ignominious penalty of the gallows.. They have no safely, there fore, but in drawing all their fellow-citizens after them into anarchy and disunion. They seek to pull all down to a common infamy of crime. ' ' It is doubtless true that tip to the time of the refusal of General U ool to grant arms to ihe State; had he complied with the requisition, they wou.1,1 have disband ed within four days, and order would have j ur-ti iriiuicu wtuu hip unng 01. a gnn Ba the knowledge that the State waa eorri paratively destitute of arms, is the key to air the recent, bigh-banded measures, out rages and crimes. 'J hey use their momen tary power to gloat over, insult and tram ple upon the people of the State. ' If crime is not purnshed in. Sao FrancU-- cm it is not for the want of able ant up riglt judges. It is owing to the corrosion of the juries. It will be admixed that ttie jury system in San Fr..ncisco has nut aU ways lieen remarkble" for purity. Bi whose fault li it? That of the very ilr chants and shop-keepers' who now mainly eonsutuie-the Vmiltee Ounmiitee TU,! let hue or shiik t he ilufy of serving on j.r ies on any frivolous preiexi. It is well known lhat a distituf uished judge in llla.i city not lung xince aljoirnel his court for a day, alleging that he was sickened with hearing business men commit perjury in swearing to excuses to evade serving on juries. . As to the election irauns bribery and ballot-box stuffing there is no doubt that it has been a monstrous evil in San Fran cisco. These crimes have been resorted to a frightful exten: by all political parties; but the punishment has fallen exclusively upon the offenders ;in one. Some of he notorious perpetrators " of -eiecntt ftauds are prominent members of, und sy mpathisers with the Vihgance Committee. J'hey are honored and protected members of that treasonable association. Since thev have created a" new punishment unknown to the law that of banishment why do hey not mete out equal justice to all part es? Neither can these men escape scrutiny into thei motives, ihey are not purely those of the public good. There are in the Vigilance Committee some merchants of wealth and business integrity. There ore a host of Others on the verirof bankruptcy I'here are men unable t" make reini'ianc s before this commotion began, and who ar now ursring its piolouga ion, because it af fords ihem a plausible excuse for not send ing, per iuhiI funds which rhey are unable to remit. No one wishes to take out an at tachment or foreclose a mortgage against an influential member of the Vigilance Committee. As 10 him, ihe courts are practically closed. Capital is li i ed, and shrinks from insurrection, ci'il commotion. and the conflict of arms: but a man who rades on borrowed c pital. and in an un tried hour, is little more affected by the losses of his creditors and landlord, than the burr cade Frenchman whom he hires. to devastate the city. ' An ocean of fl une ( burns- nothing that he can call his own i what right have such men to kidnap one of ihe Judges of the Supreme Court, a gen- j ilernan who is the soul of honor and truth ? How dare these traitors thrust Dr. A he into their dungeon, erected at the expense of their creditors a gentleman who has committed no offence, and upon whose in tegrity the mildew of calumny hs never b'-fore rest ei J 7 No one wno has closely observed e proceedings ' ot the viilame Committee lor the last few da's ran iluutii that it ha. sunk into a mere i.olincal machine. The le. tiling spirits, ouisi.le and in, belong to a ertalll political COIlil'liiullon, are Well iuowrv and inarketi for iheir furuu-r pohn- cal iissoci-itiiiis and i-ffimiii-s Thev can-- ioi disguise Ihei" selfish and uuliolv ambi tion 1 heir purjMibe is various ; some wii-li lor sep.iraiion from the Union others o on'lime the associiitlou until afier the Noveiiiber election, for UieT'- pwrl V irjoses Ihey think ihey see u. it a patent lever for controlling the elections in California. I am well w:.re that "33 Seal" hav. ltibhshed an i-ffirml cleniiil of these r ji-crs. Traitors .never admit their" trefm iii ihe outset. It is qute as easy for 33' jo deny the purpo.-e until the plot is ripe, but it is Well known that many of its pro mirient members have advocated a new Government on ihe streets, and that others h ve avowed the purpose of keeping up the organization until after the election, be cause it was such a capital ihing with which to beat their opponents. When the prdper time .arrives these things will be fastened upon tlum by irrefragible proof. The honest yeomanry and miners in the counry h tve hearts, and the sentiments and the souls of honest and free men. Call them to the rescue, with their.rifles and such arms as they possess they will re spond to the call, redeem the country from this' deep disgrace, which is a stain upon every citizen, however humble. The sober people have right hearts and stout arms. They have made the country what it is in peace and war, and will never fail to re deem it in the hour of danger and public calamity. Let them deal with the traitors. VOLNEY E HOWARD. BE CA REFUL WITH THE GUANO It my not ba as generally known as it should he that great danger may be incur red by the reckless handling of guano. We understand that cases have occurred of persons having cms upon their fingers who, in handling this mnire, have receiv ed a deadly poison into the sys.em The guano con'ains an organic elem -nt which is just as certain to operate against lifelf it once reaches the blood, as the corruption of a body that gets into a wound upon the person of the dissector. Farmers should be aware of this factand be cautious. We hear of a death from this cause occurring Within a few days in a neighboring county, - '":"" PhUad Amor. . THE GERMAN PRESS. The Cincinnati Vclksblatt contains, a statement showing the political position f he German papers in ihe United States - r rom this it appears 10 dailies and 35 week Ies support Buchanan, and 15 dailes and 34 weeklies support Fremont. FIRE AT PATERSON, N J. Patebsow, N. J , Aug. 2d. A destruc tive fire occurred here this mornine. con suming five stores, as follows : The druir store of W. H. Halstead : variety store of John Sanson- china and glass more of John Haben j dry goods store of Blanvelt cb tJerry, and dry goois store of W & A S outenbursrh. Cos from-fifteen to twenty thousand dollars-- Panially insured 4 a NOTICE . ; A LLseeoaatadaetlM laie firtn of Preemaa dr il Uoaaloa. Him K rlammd wilhoei fuiiti. OKa UOUdTON. Jly 17,. -. - $j . Ol'UK, Hl pie !! sad get thrtr cOit at JnU 31. ' .' - ,. t ' - POKR! I0RIU! ' KBL. Jauss. Jbm reraivvd. nd tor mIi bv ZKNO U. GdKKNK. " 40 ly 31. 69 NOW IiECEIVING, PKtt sch-Mtners Alle ami Lisxis Kusrell: 23 hhl , Ucgnea sasanf also, Cmbrd anrf Po d. redt " ti ha;tlj. Jja ntl r.uguarra CnflVi S chM anperior OoImmk and Green Tea j IK eiiiiupertir brandaCUrct Vt'lae ; 25 in Pearl J-larch 40 haakets Chmpnf mm, (Mry mptrior hrmdi 20 bbhw Rectified Whiakay. Ke sal b W. L. H. TrtWftSHKND. July 24. . Urn. 20, Market RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. I f BKt.S Chaffin's celebrated back eauatry l Wbiakey. AJao, ( aepet Lor ariur A Mar II." Ma. IS. - Msrket street. iNlllS! MILS!! KEGs nevoru-d t jusl rceie4, ant' lor sale by ZKNO 11. GttKfCN k 4. mo July 8. PUBLIC HALL, Tlie TVT A WOJTIO TTATiTi IS OFFKBK0 POS PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS, LECTURES, OR EN TERTAINMENTS. P. W. FANNING, Agent. Oct. 6, 1865. NEI.R0 PASSES. N KW farm mf Panatnt.dtnlainins aanltary pro . vlalnna annrnVMl hv ht. litmifiififihinfirA. rt a number of ulhcrrintereaitid ia trie welfare o- uui colored population. ' juat isaued at tht office ! in ( .omnurcuu. CONSTANTLY ON II AND ND formle. Corn, Corn Vleal, Table Hon. . many. Ilvne and ow Keeil. iq. IB, North Water trvt. by J. M. aTEVENsOJV June 19. 4I-tf TiiiSiCL FJt SALE. A viaall schooner, carrying 300 barrel?, draw inz four f-- ; l.iunchfd in April laai ; huilt nf eveikllfnl atfint-d . muiaial mooih and- well firm-hed ; aaiU. lisgitig, die , al new he ia well formed, in ev ry respect, and ir a fiat i r No better huilt vessel can be found anywhere Will be sold low. Apply to . July 17. .GEO... HOUSTON. NOTICE. A L PERSON'S m.lebirl m me for Good pmehaned previous to lit July, will plea rail .ind aeiile. On all iccoun'i otanding over ix iiion'h. we will ch.irg-livtvreaf. July 18'.e. OKO, K. FRENCH. IRVIXGMJFE OF WASHINGTON, UK 'KIVKD aod loraale at July 31;,, : . W. WHITAKER'S. . OFFICE W. & W. R. R. COMPANY Wilmington, N. C, July 28. 1866. PItOPO At. are invi'td in writing, a.idre . d to ih" U'id- ri jaTi, mini iiguat 4lh, at ' ' I. ilk. M.,l'o- filling p rlnol ih.; Join pun y'r wharf r-i ol th n- w warehouse I'h and iron-h.- i1joiinK hill. T he proposal will be fr ei'cl -ibic vard ol" excavation nude, w-ih he hmj'in: Tinudtd. Si. KKKMf'KT, Eng. dr. upi. July 31 b8-tAI GRAIN CRADLES. SUPERlOtt artirlr. for ml. by V j.m KOBIiSf,ON& SON. Jane 3 34. WHISKEY. I UST RECEIVED from ;inclnnat. "direct." 1-woUttTEK'V BARIlELs HETTIK1ED WH1-KKV. For ale af the lownl price foi UASIl.by W. U.S. TOWNHKM). RATES OF PILOTAGE. J UST. primed and for al at Tie Commercial OtBi-e, the Ratea of Pilotage for the Bar and ,ier. i : . 3J-tf. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE and well ' aasorted atock of I.adie Black andColure-t Oaiier, ani'able for Spring which we offer at lower ftgarea than ever hefor Id In the piare. Al'O, a large assortment of Kent's lisht Caif Rons, Gai'era and fancy ahoea. h -ae wiahiag to buy will do well to call and ex mine our stock. GEO. R FRENCH. J June 24. 43 WINES AVD LIQUORS. m WE Invite tne attention of our I I Friends and Patrons to the bet J. L . .eei i.n of Wint a and Liquor ever offerro it 'hia market, consicting of Crescent Krmdy, Vintage 1810, Pale and Dark Oiard Dupuy dc Co.'e Brandy, Oldi-ojtnae do. S. Hrassun A Cn.'s do. Castillon ft Co 'a do. Pu'e old t'firt W ine, Duff Go-don. Pale, Sherry, obi Madeira and Mtioeai Mines, Malaga M ine. Old Scupprrnong Wine, HoiUnd Gin. Old Tom Gin extra. V ooll chiedam Schn ippa. tirwrry Brandy. Old P.ath Brandy, : Aople do. " Bourhoo W hiskey, Rya A Irlh anj cotch Whiskey, Blacklwrry Brandy, Sic. Ma.leira Win.-, Perfect Lve iorilI, Assorted Cordials, in botllea, Every varlt t of bottled Wlnea and Mquore, Clarets of varinus brands atwhoa)le prices. . Maraschino; ("urscoa. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters Aroma i c do. da Giater Wine, c Ac. i low prices for CASH. At the original i:.: t ry. Ap.II IT. GEO. MTER'S. , WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 1'HKSubaeriber having accepted the agency ot. several large establishments a I the North which will furnish him an. unlimited aopply of finished or unrinixhed, foreign and domestic MARBLE ef all qualities, is prepared to Nil all or Hers for . ' HOVUMEJI r? AND TUMQeTONEs, ad ever other article ta the line of the . basiae 4t reasonable ratea r 8C0LPTURINQ LETTERING OR CARVING -Cxecaiedas weO ae can he done either North 1 1 ootB. --..' j--,-,., ""'..:." The best, reference eaa be give : If reqelreeT. ' iAS. McCLARAAN Jan. 0.1854. ...... - - tf.. PAY UP!-PAYUPir vPATUPII! LL Accnoat mda- previoaa to this date are i doeand all petsona Indebfed will please - eat and ae 'ie immediate! t all aceowata are ready for presentation, and Interest Will be charged from this data o aJi Bills net paid tbla month . - UUtt JIOITO LV T0 PLEA&fc" I AT THE llsaluirloi.- saddle, MarMeaa. aaa Tra.. I JMaiilaetry. i'HK anbeeribei reapectiully i o fornix t.irjubli. that hi ha reeemiy r.-:ived ijiiitioa ia hit -tovkol Waddle and tlurnea AI.iuuting.&c.,iin 'a(si and moat Improved atyio, mdi onatanl) maufactrtlg.t hitor oa mrkr treet .over) leacriptiun ot articl in th-ove line. Kroiu Mir jtMerH-nc In tae baaina. he t'oHaconfideni that he will be ai7leteiecntir -4tlafactioiituallwh; mayfavohiiH with a call. Hrhaanow n hand, tnd willconataBiJy keep a lara-daortneniof Ctxuk Our StUtrw Oarmtst, lentil's SadJUs, Hridtrf Vhups Qc.. QtkM's SudslUs, Wkip - Spurs 4 i""alUf which ha will warrant la beofW litac beat Miaierialc and workmaaakip. g tie ha alao a large aaawrtment of rraMka. allaea. twaddle and Carpet Birm 'alrheU. Vaary Traaks, 4c , and all ottier ar-deb-a uaualUkipl ia such eiabliahmenta, allot Vhlch fee itJren l foi CASH.or oaahortcrade e pramp caan atera. . Sad4ira.tiaraeaa.rraMk, (lalieal Bags, 4te. te,. . maaW Uder. . ; . " In addition tut he above tha araeTibiiway ceeea hm4 a large aspptj vi rg leather . a) laaa aa.-ai wittj3UriigA ih amiOm romtaaaortRH atot Kly Kvtta. - . All are invitee to call and' xaminr my Good a, whetberln want or not, at I lakt-pUiiaarei.thatw- Ins my aaaortroetii toall who may favor me with t. eail. .? - ' HarneaFandCoach Triimnluea aold at a fall rie peraona huyinp to munufacture. Alao, Whir ai wholesale. . . tllkindanf Ridlnj VhU lea bought r. . old . ..m-.iiaion IOHN J. (JONOLF.Y Feb. 7. IPR6. 1 18 1 Kg. C. SMITH. ' MII.Ea COaTIN. J AS. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No.. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. 18-lv NOTICE. I.I. peraona huvins rblma axainat Moort-, Nianly A -o.. will please preaent them for aet int'nl and all thi8 indehtnl to tht m are r . ((ruled t ime forward and make immediate pay t- nt ihe tunacribcr. '! 6 J0 A. TiM V ANDREW S. KB .MP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i ELlZABETUTOWNj N. C. Will attend the County and SuvH-rior Coarta of Bladt-n, Robeson, Columbus aud bitniisoii. June 12 i 19 ly LABO'CE iS WANT I'D. WANTED TO HIRE, two able bodied male hands from lat October, fo lue balance "f tl e ver, or by the month. A licial price wiii be ch- CO.- ' i ' Apply at thisof&ce, or to C H. Alexand r, Top- -ail ound.N. C. imy . - 64-tm Journal and Herald, copy 1 month, weekly, and nd bill. - , . THE C0MM!StI:N IHIUSIS LOSING at lialf-ii.ni five o'clock, emnrn J ring tbi afternoon, we de-m ii a Riling tint ren.ark that the R.nk Xtor. Mioplied wiih a choice atock of ItaHing Matter,. Inrliidine- m-i l the laieai pnbltcaii'tnx, doe nol close until oi eaai iw hour later July 19. S. W. WIl'TAKER. i Orrrca Wn & Maw Rail Road Wiluiiajton, U.c. Uih, ifcSS. VOT1CE i- hert-by givi n ihat all Fr IgHt t.anr 1 ported by this Road will be at the entire risk l the owner, from the moment it is unladrn from he Cara at the point of d.-Jv. ry. I.. J. FLEMING, General Superiuti nd. nt. Oec IS 117 ly A iJUUK Ft U EVEUV METHcDlST. IHE ANnAL- OF SOUTHERN .METHODISM FOR 1855. E tided by th. Rev CharLs F. Deems. D. D. I 'HIS iYfcw Work embrareM the tlaitic nrt a great variety nf other interettinp iufbrma'Lni n every depart men I nf Southern .VI i-ihitdtai opera ions, unl.-r the lol uwins gener I tw nda : I . The Kpiaoopacy. H Plnn of Viaii.ition III, Th- n er.-nce. IV." Dedication nf Ohm ohea V. Revival. VI. diarinn-. VII Coll . .'. a. VII. anday Seh-mla IX Tract Soele tv. X. Publishing Hoa-e and l.iterarv fVot ce XI Instruction of People of Color XII Hi :rieal Sketches. XIII. B!rnieal ih XI V Personal oticts. XV Bishop AndrrwV Cetters on ('alilnruia. XVI Mmr1:i ! Bish .p Capers. XVII Miscellaneous. XVIII. Ap. peni'ls. 360 paves. large 12 mo. P Ice ', f r which a copv will be sent prepaio Bill of the Banks of North or South Carolina, r sjold dollars, should he sent. A liberal dit--ount to Bookseller and Minitrra Address CHARLES F DEEMS, Uoldaboro', N C Jan. 10 127 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rHK underrigned have pinchn-ed he llrug Ea tablishment of M- ra. C & f iPre, They will continue b" Drua bu-iness in its va iou branches under i he firm of W. Al EARE- & 'JO. W4LKEK MKAltKS, J. L MEaRES, M D May 20. ve-tf FISH ON CONSIGNMENT. Ti i HBI.S. No 3 Mackerel. J WW 60 i do. do. A fewHbla No I do. A few bMs. Mullens, just received, and for -ale in Iota to auit, by G. W. DAVIS. June 14 39 FLOUil ! FLOUR!! 4I BRI.S. Superfine, f'h (f-onnd. For sale ZENO ll GREENE. . J'y 31 68 NOTICE. HP. sabaeriber having qualified aa special Ad : miaisiramr upn the estate of Curneliua &lt ra. dweaaeS. and havine been authorized to col eet In thedebta due said estate, hereb) notifies all xirsona indebted by note, or account, or other, wise to make immediate payment, as it ia deira , ble that the business be speedily clwaed. CHAS D. M VERS is my authorized agent t. collect said debts, and receipt for the aame. July Si. GEO MYERS . SOAP AND CANDLES. TH E subscriber beg leave reprctfllr the attention tf the trade and familira to call to tile Soap and Candles manufaetoied ia Wilmington, V. C. by Me era. Coat in eV Gaflord, aamptea ol which ea be acea at oar office, Vo 2.Wserst, here we keep eonstantlv oa hand larre rupnlie -w for caah. JAS. C. SM 1TH A lt) April 26. . - ' 18 DRIED FRUIT. 1 f V ' LBS. Apple aaJ Peaches, on hand and lvn tot aaie by - AprtHO. , y , - T. C. t B. O WORTH. JUST RECEIYFDTbY 6. R. FRENCH. A -FRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN K I U.EK, ia entire N aw Daaaa . To be sure that yu get. the geaaine Ml ieiDe, iaqalre for the New-Dreaa with two fine en graved1 steej labeia on each bottio. AprU 19. , IS-tf- FRESa GROCERIES. 8 we are to star North ia a few days, for the a purpoae of parcfaasiag a aew stuck of Gro eoriea, I would taaak thoae who have not paid their Bill to July 1st to do so immediately. iuE I'.a-tVWrJriLt' COjliIEiitlA. I aolianeU vry teaaoAV, 'Ihuh.da an atvbpav at a)5 per annum, pa)ablc iujllcaaet ii o v a nee. raiklAS LOllING Epitob andPaoeaia. OB, Corner Kroi.t and MJatkct streets, wiLMisaToa. m. c. RTi:!tK tI)VKKTISIC. ' sqr. I insertion u I I slr ' ontlia, f4 Ui i 73 I I 3 " 5 W 1 3 t DO I 1 ' S " 8 I I month, 2 at I I .I2 12 W Pea lin-s or less ittaWe a qtiure ll anadvar. iaemt-nt escetda tea lines tne pi ice wii be ir rnporiion. 411 4lvertiaeinenia are payable at the timeoi ietr inaertton. ;uniraci with vetrly advertisera. will he mad w the hiomi liberal terma. . So trnfer of contract for tearlv dveftlln. viii be it'-rmitt'-d nliouhl rircu.nKUDCes rend hangr in hnine. or Mne-xpertei' remova rceMri , a charge aeerfi!. -he pn lihe crma will be al the option ot lite coniractrr, f- he time he ha advcrilw d. ' The ritlere of Annual' advert ler i' trinl k twkt-d "KaW mmni'lt'i iutnfr and all 4rts aa.etfiMMr the -Jninrto ;e. rtMer r t wrH a all a.lverti-it'nt-'nii" oot iin nedtttely -orv- tertfl with ihei' own n1neaa. and nil ext-fSt. ot nlvertiiem'nt in l-ne;th or oriterwise beyond tin imits nziized. wi'l (ie charired at the neon I r;ites N A Ivo-iintentx i InlMded in thr eon 'ran nnh "ale or ren' of honor or l-'tiH in 'own i oiintrv or for the aale hire .f n'-tfrot'e. h hetl 'r thr-nr-.p.-r'v l owned b 'h "idverti-rr or h th" mtiuiB The-e sr. excluded bv the tern mmediote hwine " III 1 1 -rr iKvimnt- nertrd 'n th' .rl-weekr V mmereial ire -ntiileit in one iesertion In thr Weekly free rt' charge. tin. CAHIl Al PAt V tRITIXC, Klfii lll bit is SLPI kink MUt tiiuVMViM riii-: LotiuvKiiAi.. iNlW YoBK .lerrs. I'oLLNCa dt I'uTTaB. imlon Cmakl. "ith .,. o, oeulral Uharl PnUuilei phui a. K t umkm ualtimure H.I'cake ind at Tnoairok rut; .uurii cakuliaa ilUTUAL lit L LSl LANCE CO Ui"k . KALblUH. S. C. . HE abuveCmiipui.) n '.ixfin inoieratloii4inci 1 tin tat.'i April, dii. unJei ihe Jirectioi.ol tit illouinj. titlicet. via : Ui. Charier K. unlison, 1 resilient V tti. .. tlaywootl, V ice I'letiuent John G. iliuiiia, j cret tiy , in. tl. Junes. I'n usui t". Pcrriu liuubee. Attorney. L)r, ,Djri. e.. Jolinaun Or. i". tl . McKee. Dr. K.H liavw.M.d, Medical Uoa -d ol Cuneutlulic n . J. lernin in. Cici.erul Agent This Soiiipuny - 'eceived a chtrtei giving ad nnUtCr liMiie insured oer an v other ompuiy I he otl se lion gives the H iiBbauu 'he privilege t insuri hiauwn ii. for ihe sol use of his a ii am Children, free from any i laiinr f the r presei.ia-ivt-sol ihe husband or ny of his creditors llreanizi d on purely mutual iirinoipli r. -the lift nemberr .articipui in ihe irlioleot the profits w hicli re declared innually I'eaidca. th xilisai lot tife. when the annuiil .tremiuiii ia ovci 3" may p.i) tne half in N- te All -lainia i'or insuraniteagiiinsithe (Tompany wil te paid wilhln ninelv data afiei proof of the dent I if the n.trl v is furnished lavc are insured for one or five years, at rater whieh will enable all Slaveholder -ecurt thi cluff.oi iroperii y jgainst the uneertainly of lift.. -Inve inxurance iiresent- a new mi intereslin fenttiri in ihehlatory of North ' aniline which will irov. very important t the Siiuihfi .States The last four months operation . I'hU Compan -hows a v-o.l trire itnoitni of Sii-lncos mnn hnr the Oirectors ri etl to do the firi vear havlnr ilread issued more than 100 Pollrli-s Dr. VV V. Habbiss Medical Examiner, n ni Ijri'nl Wi'miepti-n. C. 'omniiinieatlonsonHitainrsrof tht-7ompan 'hould be addressi"' o JOfIN G WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Halcith.JuneP. If fB CICARS. 1 ff Cfl Crjl, at p.l-es f-om S Or t v 'uv to 84U Der tn--ni. "t me r iin Iv'fiwtt. Gl O. MYKHN April 17 14 STOI E AND JUST RECEIVING KRf.s. -lew ana :.ii. . V. Kefined uxnr -fc' ' Crush. Ismf, fc j 6"i bbl Cin iiin:ii i an tillimoie ueel fii-d Atii-ke a t I bhls. Mi 'irk j 25 bbls. E.iyettcville Flour t 3 boxea Ad io aniiiu-and .Sperin Canille- ! l arrels and I" 'oxes Butler. Soda, ar.d Milk C'aekcis; a II lid tloUaaea. For sale by W.l. L S.TO VNHF.ND. N. 2J Market Street. May 24. 3 . PROSPECTUS UK THCi "S iUTIIELN SENTINEL," A Democratic and MUolIaneous Journal, to be publish- d uxekly,al Wilson, iNr. C. I'llEezUinircondilion of po ilieal pmi s, anc of puriizan sin e, n itura ly suime.-ts ih'' e-tal -;i-hinaof such a journal as to- .-uiiili rn S. ni. nel" oropoaej to become. I he pre nt, mdi -d, i i crl-is in our political hist ry, ncv r w im s d i lore. The C'onniiiution h.is i en in i.ded ; th' lawt tiuni;led and , it u i n ; reliiouslt'eity.arail d , 'mU'H DiZes broken nd nurni ; the Isndmait i.l our poUi icul tiict alrv pail. ally t ti'.ic d j the wii--doni ilei ixed Iroui a tiine-hoin-r U ejp rie e nn i-eiieri; ttrangtf and q :etion'it'l mn h-tve hoi ftushed'iriiH high io-iii nsi Hud laoalici in, unchai ned Irotn iia axe and it. faguut pil' in the .Voitii, I" h -aid to h iwl among n in 'he Fouth. Tlicn 'Vils. Solaris it humble nbiliti a slnili rvs. THE SOUTHERN SENTINEL ill endeavor to arrest. It will endeavor ! meui eatea r- ven nee for tlie I wi as they exist, and foi the i .on-titiilinn, as it h is b -en imei preted hy thi wise ni-n ot the part and by the Eatheia of lit Into i raiic laith. 1 1 will defend not oiii; poliiica. bui'a Liatocs litx rtv, and will do biMle ayuin-t rv .-ry po iicl ht rav that may Mppear. woeihei t.trhed in eaea ores' w r's.oropen convention. The ntinei will hIjo, to reli-ve the munM"iit f polhlrs. devote Sli.ice o lite'SfV topics, ori inn ind i--l-lid as wt-H as to misrr llarxoun sii'j cts arhich shall in- la le Ag' icuhursl end the liiteM .ni i.eicisMatlliaenee. In bri. f, no t-tTorts n-r iw-na a will he sparer to tnnkt the Set Unci one h- moa arful and effi -lent journals in the outh The first nil tuber of the Sentinel will be I'sue. bout the fiist ( the n zt month, an-t mm to sur crlhrrsat "he rate of tl ir annum t S2 6't at th. end of si months and I at the end of the var Discount mde In behalf t clubs, who shall Ink.' live, teh ot wore enpiea " J. F KEENAN, Edit w. Jaa 17. 130-3t CAMJY. 50 'BHXE5 Aaaned freah Candr. jot rrce'v- ril at uir.w. Oi 1 r.UJ lint 3. ' 34. JUST RECEIVED, ,)i BR1.S. Maektralt 20 bhl. St I larre new ' Berrinr ; S hhds Bacon. Iw for rarh Jane 3. GEO. MYERS. NOTICE. I HAVE this day aao.-iaed with me -in th Hardware Business in Pmincta. my So. C E Uobisboh. l he l usiee will hrreaiterh. 'tondactcd ander tlie firm ot J M Kobinsoa cV Soa. " ' i M. HOBI.80N. J. W. ROBINSON & SON, WILMINGTON. N. C. Importers, Manufacturers' Agents a DenUrs in lilDWllli, CirrUDT. taoN, STEKU. KalU, soai- cvutoumu tMPbcaiKKTa, ac. . J. at. BOBIKSO. C. S. BOBIKSAN. Jaa. 1, ' 124 BACON! BACON!! 1 n HHDS Western "Idas and Shoaldersi 1 J 4.000 Iba. N. f. Hog Monad, For rale by July 31. ZENO H. GREENE. BUJSlNEbS CARDS. J03EP1I WILKINSON, UPIIJLSTKW Si PiPEIt RANGER, KKKI3 IN HAND AND M AlJlii O UU0c.lt Mattresses, 'Feather Bids, Window Curtains and 1'ixluret. AH work in lh a kmc Hue dune at shortest No tic VVilntnuton, A. C, Market iSt an. 19 I8'G. I J.C. LAITA, COMMISSION MERC II A A 7 4" GEXEHA L A UKS T WILMINGION. N. C. Oct. I.! 835. 83-1y c T. C. V B. G. WORTn, r.3'il1lS!(;i1 lD r H.V lUUl.XG uKHl IllMS, i iu w .vo rtj. . tv. c. Jan 17, I65i. 125-e HENRY N(JTT, PICT IK WU PJIWUUIV; 1GKT. Willgirt kiiterennaJ attention to bueineii entrust 4 lm nu cars. Septl 8, 1655. -75 ly-c. GEORGE MYKRsT WilUKKlLK MI RhTtIL IJISOfFR Keep e-metantly on hand. l tits Teat, htquort t'r iriiione. l ool and WUtoir Ware, Fruit, 'ortclionarie,if'K txuth t ront street, VM,UGTt., .. J. Vov. 13. 1855 j 109. GEORGE HOUSTON, PKAI.KB It Groceries. Provisions, and Naval Stores ; COMMISSION MERCHANT. VESSKL AND FOKWARDIXO AGENT, WILMINGION. N. C. A tie. 2. cO-tf II. DOLLNEH. O. POTTl.lt jr. J. CAM E II Otfi- DIILLNKR, 1'OTTKR C0 COMMISSIOS MERCHANTS, N li V ; YOIIK. Apr! 1 30, ISB5. 20-ly. I.. N. li.VIU.OW, VII )LESALE k RET.UL GROCEIt. wt uni.m in LIQUORS IMSKS ALU POUTER 4-e So J), Gra ite How. I'io t SUett, Wll.GTuN, i.C. Feb. I7th, lh6 , HO-lf. A A)IS, BROTHER .&T6 , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGION, S. C. July 23. . E3 . CASinVELL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, tVll.tllMt.TOM, N. C. Sept. 30. 84 tf HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., TDM M I SSI ON MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON N V- QF.O. MnorCB.' J. . DIAIIOIW. WM. L UO irtB July ay 68-tf JUIIS A.. ST INLY, COMMISSION M E R C IIA N T, WILMINGION, N C. Oct. 6 h, 1655. 63. WM. I.. S. TOW.SIIEND WH0LI SAI-i: &, RETALE GROCER . AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. . fto. 211 Maiket ftteet. WILMINGTON, N. C. Uy 24. . 30. GEORGE II. KELLEY & BROTHER, DEALERS IN Flulr.Y GiUCLKIEl AND PROVISIOXS. No. II iVtlKTII WATEU hTUKKT, WII.3IINCJTN, N. C. iTTILfj keep L-nnstantly on hand, luirars, Cf VV fe-s, kiohissus, iJhecse. Flmr. Kiiner, l.srd osi a. i 'anJIes, Crackura, b larch, Oila, Jnull'.. vc die. .! trcacrtccat O P abslbv, Prem.ient of f 'ommwU! Bank oil si MciIai, " ' Bank of VVilmtni'un j Wilmington. A. M. Ooantat.' . K S. W. W BSTBUOoa-. Jj,,,..,., Ite A'. II. K0SBI1T, Ja'"""'0'. Fb 14. V. G. M 1 1. I.l G AN, MIRBLE MANUFACTURER, ViitiWI WiTm Stkk.kt WiRMlfcOToK Nil. L"S. Monuments, Ttwmbt, Head and Foot Stones, and all kiti.it s i) Marble Work furnished to order on. reasonable terms. . June C. 3ft-ly-c S A M U E I A." HOLM 1 'S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMISGTOS, .V. C. Will artnd ihe Courts of Dup In, Kampson and 'w Hanover 0fi-e on Princess strret next door East of the State Hank. Aprilfi. 9 Ir J. M. STEYENS0N, GENT for the aaie of all kinds of Prndure. tlffice on Pi inc. aa at . und. r AD 11S. KKO t -O., Wilmlne-on, N. C. ret. iz.i4t-u. J. I. srf.Yhisui GIZdltGK R. FilE.N' H, , KANCFACTHB EB A?tO WHOLESALE d HE TAIL DEALER IX BOOTS, I SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FIN0ING3, NO. 11 M A It K KT 8TK EET, WILMINGTON, K. C. March 8. . 151 . GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON. X. C. Jan. TL JAMKS'T. I.BW1S & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX PAINTS, OILS, VA RNISIIES, fyc. ' AGENTS FwR Ptnnsybania and Is high Zie, Mordrea'x Jjevu ty Go's Cel. braird I'kilaeVlphia Whit LraoU F S. Levis Sr Co'$. Colors, Paints, etc, and D. C. Honor Sf Co'. Su perior Varnishes. If e, IS MAIOCX LA.1C BfEfV YORK. JAMES T. LEWIS. , , EA.1CEI. C. WEST. DALTliiOKE LOtll II 0 I'll A L. mi. JOHNSTON, 'PHK lousier of tills C. I brsttj Ins liuilon t f. - f-r. tnii in nt c iiin, bpeutiy und uuly t lln tu ul rcoiay in the wuild lor SEUHVV DISEASES, i Gleets, .Siriciuri;, eeiiilniil W tultucr, Pair a in thu Luios, Con.niuiioiial DiMIlt), linjiou u y , tteakm rsol the Bai k anj l-liiihs, All. ciitti. ,,i llie Kiditty. I'alpiiatiouol lliu tli-nil, tiy nj slu , N.rvuus irtlubiliy, Disease ol tbe Head, '1 III c.i I IMosi' or kin tb'i k rioua unj iml.ii.i holy di..i. d. rsjririnit irom tha di structivi' h.ibiiv ol oi.il,, tiuh d nuy to:hiody and n. In. I. Theme n.,itt and soiiuiy pruclia e mute I itul lullii n vl. m than th.i sunk ol 'lie fynks to the in.iiior tf Lily. x-f. till ii'in thi'lr ino'l bi illlaui ln c to 1.1.. tii ip . tions, rtQJeui.ii tn irriMif., Ac.. nniwi.iui. 'uu mi:s. Kspet ially. who I sve tirronn- thr vlrllnir of foilw ry l'ic, nisi dreadfui and iIcnIiucI v. hnljii m, Ii .lotiinilly frt p in ao iintlini'h unvi Ui.m. ,i , . , ynunjf men ul the niu-l i xulud lull 1 ia si.il I i ,i t li.lell. i t. wt.' inlylit ot irrwla. hav rihunc. ii . triiii.B lenitf a with the ihiindi rs ul uUrnii . i r waktl to vt-eiacy the living l)rr.mu) cull viih ii. eon ful en tK. m. it it .in:. Mirrled persons, or V ng Mm, enntrnir lulli c .nanliite.-lii Inji swnriol PuVr, B ealvti... t i. Banii- Debility, I '. l t mi 1 1. , Ac , .lionl.i turn. nil. atrlv consult Dr. J., ond be rtu,rd t.. intl! 1 1 henlib. f whoplacAS liimst'lf iinduilhi-i nrro Dr. Joi n stun ui.ty reliiourlv c.nfi.lr In l.ii hotor us u i n. ikiiian.and tuoridenily rely upon hi, skill atu t hy. rlclutl, j Oa. Jons trow is the oily ii-jiilm ly rilmnnd I'liy.iciun udvi tlUlriK to i un- I'lltie t i,i,, lun.i. Ills ri'iueilka and titaiiii. nl are i n ln ly ui ki, m n toali otlf rs. I'rtfiiind Iikiii m lilr ri irii ln ilit Orrul tlorpltuls ol Ktirnpc und the i'llvl In ,B t 'ouiitri , vu i Knlntid, KruriLi, the l.l.ukliv l Philudclplim, f-c, und i more rxn nrivt- pmtilie limn any ollur liyitian In the world. Ilia runny wondt'tiul run a and most iniporiiinl si ivl'i l ,. riona is a rufli. li nt tinarutiii e lo the i lilli l. Those who vish to be sptti II tj und ifttluul'y rci, r ed should sliun Hit nunurous li flu .g imiotteis, v. I.o only minihiii In ulili. i.n.l hi.u ! I.im. A :UK v AHItA ! i:i Oil M t IIAfinn. A'o yerrury or J'umftnii l)ni I'tie'' OFFIt;K. ;o. T, MtL I II FIIKDIII H k o.t lunil ride ftU $ Inm linllin ou slut I. u f w do rs tn.in ih. i nun r. Full lot to iImih I ia niiiiiH nr.l iininl er, l..r Icmmii f Ii Ifl n tt In oi u i s, iticted by the tij utuil. n ot Dr. Ji ii,tt. u k neur. nn. joiXisTi)K. iS .Member if (ha Itoj al i -oil. gu . I hur,;eoris I.ordir ) jriiHUHli lioni our ol Ihe lilost Illlln til CnUi'i tr l U- lulled Muir.. mi, d tin- trni cr pail i.rvthi.iu i lit- baa hei bfpt ni In tlif Hi. il.ila 01 l.i.nrluli, I ik, Pliil.id' iiiIiim Htid 1 1. whtiu, tin till i d 1 to ii a ill till- morl U.liiliUlilnti t-uri r llim Men tiei klltiv. t, M ni) itoubleit with iltiflrg 1,, ihoiai. und I n.d win tiuli(i, t-reiil nctn.iiM r, leinu Info,, d it uddi ti sotimla. und b.ii-lil i nni. wiili lilii,it olu.lilnp. iiiuidrd ...iii. lino uliU di rar, i n ti.l if mind, ui re i. ur it lion.i dl.itt ly. . -A CERTAIN DISEASE. V btn ilit ritj.guiili'd und lniiuilti.t mt.ry t i ,.li-iSiire fin. If. h.- h i. lull. lb. d the sitdstil .his puinlul dim ns', il loo oft. . b if'H n. I tin I u . J i I -1 1 to sviim' ol rhuuir, ordnud ol nisi o cry tlitcis hini fii.ni ...ply Int lo ill' hIio iroln ului ml. i lid r. t ml Jut v . un slum In fil nd Mm, M) till Ihe i:oiimh Ii.ji I ryn pionis nt tfllr hoiliii iiiseast-make tlifir iippi iiriit 1 1! tu.li lis uk.ii.d -ore throat. dUt-iim d t ore, noi-turul jain. la the hi-iio uml linilis, dlinm f nl tll.i drulinni, :i,i.t;ta oil lliu thin bom s und anus. I lott hes on thi i hi ud, l.ir. and xireiniili-s priiirt'Skinv with frlf l.tlul i a pldity, till mi In I thi pnl. it- i i hf moiith .i il, boner nl i tv nose lull In und th"1 viclJiu H ihla n tin dlavMse heconii s u Inurlil ol.jn i ol t oinwiir- r if imi. lii deuth pnl. ( iiod in his'rfrtatli.n m f rrii'i;, by m il m luni to -that I obit i Irom w.u no no iriivcll. r r n.'rir " Toiu.li ih. i. i. r,-, llr. Johnrlon p dyrs hiiri.elf to (iitsitvp il. rnorl invi.'l.iMi in mi and. from 1,1- tjtim.lvi pt.e l. e in the fir.f Ilorpntils f Kurnpe und Anlf.l. n, hi'itnn cmfi.li ntlv n runin i-i d u .u.. nd ai ndy eurr to lh- iinloitiinu e rlirn ot tl Ir hoi I I.l di aaei It is a mi'lanc ln.lv IjcI . that I noon.. i1. t,.ll victims lo tliisdreadrulcoiiipiiiliil. nwln to th in. -kiiliilni s in nirtn pr. . ndi ts. who. h. tl.r i . nf that dimdlv pniw n. iiierii.ty, tuin lliu tolo In u Hon. ami t ittirr S' n1 ilia nnfortunuti- n ,'i r r i . r, iintimrlt iiraVf.ort.lse nuke the Itlliiu. ct IA n.l.. erulJ" i TAKK PARTICUI.AH SOT1CD. Dr. J. a Jdret.fr all tnobe mho hntrlniiiii d t:..rr. stlvi s by criVHie und intpropi r Indi.li tn rs I In are soma of the a.id hnd nn I.im 1 6ly f . fa. IB, piotlutid by auily Imblir of yi mh, tn:- uii.tir.tul the lliick and l.lmbs, 1'ains in i l.o Ili ad. Dimni-ti of Kiiiht. i.ora i.l M i.k u ar I'ou . r-r, I'm Ii ion ion ol tht- Heart, Dtft"V. fttin is irritability Pt rnnyniu nt i tl e ' Din silvi- i no. tlntia, t.Jncrnl UChlllty. Svihl lOIIIS oi Ci liSuinn. tlon.&c. ' M nUdly The fi arlul t fl'orls on ll.e mind nrc iiiui h to tii' dreudi-d i I...S- ol Mtmorv. I Ynl ii.ii. ii "I ldi, l)i-proa.ion of f.lii. I-vll Foreto rlna. .tv. ini.-n oi niii ii it , ecu in.tiu-'. I.ovr of bull, tudn. fimldii) ,4 c .are soiii ol ihe evils produn d. riousanus ol ,'trs inol nil ur. i ;m hum iucli.ii what Is Ih" caure ol llu lr di t-llniru! heslih I.i m. Imr their vljor. bm-ominu wi iik, null- und ctt ai ln- tt-d, hnvi- a slnpu'ar arprarit c- afoul tht- no rough n.l f ) tiii'li.ms ol ri r.run j lliu., i II li. lt " I n.'.t I V llilHt ATI.NIJ IH..MI'. DV FOiioRf-.AMi: w FA KN 1:8s.; liy ti i. irieut and iiiiiioittii.t it i. iiv hi lLi.i i,t the ri.in are rpi cdi y t un d ;ind full i?i r n inn . I houM.inrls of ih- in- st A. rvoiis si d Dr .inihi. d individuals who h .d loal all hone. I.m. bi ri inn r diaely r. Iii viH All lm t-rln i tn lr M A J l- A( K I'hv.iesl or !W. ni.i I Pi.iiii .lifi. hi ion.. irrtois Ir. ril.iliilitv Tri miilinj and V enknrrs. or k l.n i.r i. ri ot thr most feu i lu I kind, rpiedily rurtd 'if lr oiinviun. Voting men who hive Injur, d thm.lvis I, a Ci rt iln ptatilc. iiiiiu't. d in when sl'-m u i.aLif In qiitnily lei.tnid irnin yil inii fmnions. ot nt school, th e Hi cis f will tii are nUhtly f. Ii,; tun when nauf ii and if not mud. tinilrr mniilita iiniro.l'ilJinddisiroystoih mind and bod) , fl.ob.d UfipiV J II I til U IB 1 1 Ij I Vhl a Hi "f thai a yoenir man. thi hnn. i,( hi. country, and lh diriinu of his parents, rliotild sn il in a irom an prorp. its and enjoy nn ms of He, hy the fonsnjm nrt s ol dtvlntlnir fnnii liepsth if nature, aiid It dulpinff in a i-ril iln ssirtl tiablt. hut'h plaur.B, hetnrr eon'rmpli.ting I should rert' ct that a soiirui mind and body are Iba mod nri-cssary r qni.il. s .o pmiiiuii- ri nnul l .) rtat.plni rs. lodr-d. wuhoni these, th.- ..iiih r throuKi. Uf boeoin. a ri nrt pi yrliin.pt i th. pros pet: I h 'uily ilarkrnr to ihe i.- i th.- mind r. n.rs aiisdowrd wilh drspuir and fill, d nilh the MirUn ln.lv ri ft-. l..n Hal the h ipulntrs .f t.lilltt Ltr nitiir. Mi-hled wlih t-tl I own. OFFJCti.NO. S OLTH Fllr PF.lt K"K -T., rl'iTiMosa. Ala. All Htirftrat 0,ierst'l a lr t toi iu t . N H' f.et no f ile ifuliciry MiVini u. but apply Itn'iiedi.m ly elihi r 1. 1 fir Milt or I iitui. HSIn lrae i-n'Mv I Hied. ' TO STRAACERS. f The many thoustndeeurtil ii this insiiiu' Ion with in Ihe lirl lei. yar, mo.1 ih.- numeim s tiii- isnt nrt'l. al Cficis l ns irfulind ly llr J . wit. ni-.M-d hy the Hrporter i-f tin mi.i t". till Iiimi y fier t-eiK-n. rw'tin a of . I.j. h hive at pesi. r e'-in t.nd an.tin before Ihe .t.blli'. berides bin I adina; as t en ili man ol chsreirr srn n t or: si 1 1 I' ) , la siiflicli til finfoiii if. rff i. nd, I TAKE Sor K'E ! It a wttbthe rrratr rrlnetanre tt at Pr .Tl itTTrTOT wrmta hla sard u at tar beri.r ! iiiillr. tr.a li s it anprorraalonal for a .h) . rin tn MirniN1, l ilt un ... J s did ao. tKaftl etrd. entlally .transara. ru.d n. I lm I le fall Into tha hand, nf th n-any lm trrt and ueleareeit Impoatara. with InnaiuaraMa ralra Nrnnrior r.mllir Quark. hT. .w.rnilns tlva Unr eltlea, r. )lrr I r. Joassvos'a sitvcrt-aemvnts nr srr1''n Ibni-M-I.. as hy.'slana. Ilhterala .hallow -t.ralrw-4 frlli . Iimi l.rj lo wnra at ineir orirnai l ran with imrrr .i lilr. m a Ihe hrate. who. fur th parrxMMF of Knt cii i ai.4 lrr.. In, earry aw 6ve or alt ftflWa. an.ter a. an) dtrt. nl filx Nuin. ao that ll.a affllrlrd fmiiiti rwilr rw. la aara to tanihur beat'imr Inta lli tunrr. Iirin.1 n t Qaarka with sw rmou. lylns rn flralr. of rrral mt ton'.hinfr earea frnm rr.r.. wmH to I fom.d. t"t.rr ;m itinir rr. bnttirsof t.trtisirs w.t.a ai.o mnr paekasvsof fllthy and wanh'ra .ar--oi d.. ruenmr y ntwparvd tlmMie m tr-r unfort urate and nn.u.t t. Inm. Trifl'na ranr.tr. IW mnnth. or a ln as ihe.m.'l- sat fW ea.1 ha otKa'ned. und. In deans r. Iratra y. u w la, rana4 health, tnalyh nrrr yimr mlpn airar rointment. It a thi. anottve that in"iieea trr. y. aoveni : wm a iuii earn rnae tnf. T.) thiwa unaranailri anr Ma repetattnaj. ha aaem. It teee..ary to aav thai bis ered. D tiala or dTl. alwa. he In h' nt" . , NO I.KTTEKb KM l.IVt.ll I M im iwr-i iii t all am n tn ha awrS for lis rer.lT ' Ir- wrtllne .hoald etata Aa ami aeud ttat SuiUi of a4rrtlaewrit itaaaribtr.j .u-pt. a;. nry t. . ', 1 - - ' vbu- am I boo.' auy i'j. - paVBuaj ao. a e.tf. . . April 15 A, l?Sfl. . 13-3m.

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