... While the other twenty-foor Ststes have a popo lation of 9 768,488 ; tearing a balance in faTor of these seven States over the twenty-four States of &ver 16 000. This difference is increasing daily. The value of vessels shipwrecked in eight years r ss 8,852.064 ; damage sustained by vessels for 854 by St. Clair flats $660 146. r; From 1837 to 1855 thf re has been collected for revenue on the Lakes 55 611,129 Congress id the same time has appropriated for Lake harbors 2 884.125, leav ing a balance in the United States Treasury, a received from Lake commerce, over and above what haa been- tsken from the treasury to benefit the Lakes, the sum of $2, 627,004. Deduct the cost atid expenses of the Lake lighthouses for the same time, and the Treasury still has a bal ance of over 81.000,000. The coast line of our great Northern Lakes ex feeeds three thousand miles is length. The great est length of Lake Ontario Is 180 miles, that of trie 240, Huron 200, Michigan 820, and Superior 855; making a total length of 1,553 miles, and an area of. 90,000 square miles. The entire area drained by them gtest inland seas is estimated at 346,515 square miles. They empty their waters Sato the ocean through- the St. Lawrence, which s navigable from Lake Erie downwards to all Vessels not exceeding 130 feet keel, 20 feet beam, and 10 feet draught. Detroit Free Press. h COMMERCIAL PROSPERITY OF NEW OR LEANS. The city of New Orleans, commercially, appears to be growing very rapidly. The domestic : ex ports to foreign and coastwise ports, for the fiscal year just closed, amounted to $110,353,436, which is an increase over the year ending the 30th J une, 1S5, of twenty-six millions six hundred and 'eighty-five hundred and ten dollars. The increase in exports to foreign conntrjea fr the year reach es the extraordinary sum of $24,869,411, or with in a few-hundred dollars of twenty-five millions of dollars, and an increase over the great year of 1853 of $12,749,339. The domestic exports from New Orleans exceed those of New York for the same period of time. They are given as follows : New Orleans, $80,547,963; New York, $75,026, 244, r over five millions greater from New Or leans than from New York. This does not took like New Orleans losing her commercial prosperi ty io consequence of railroads over the South and West diverting trale to other Atlantic porta. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! T I If 1 TJ N S U fr T H K BEST UUAI.1TI JK.fc.17 OUUaSHE COAL, dailv expected. - Constantly on hand, all kinds of wood, Staves, Shingles, etc., etc. All sales cash, J. LFOB. August 2nd, 1956 60 tf PROSPECTUS OF TIIE RAIL ROAD TIMES. - AN IVnKPEN'DEVT .inPRNAf.. Devoted to News, Internal Improvement, Educa- merce. ' . - yiJE know that the interests of the People of V V our State demand such a paper, and believing that one free from political strifes and quarrels ot thedav, devoted to such topics, will be the kind the? desin, we confidently enter upon this enter prise with the assurance ot meriting and meeting their approbation and support. Our objeot is to make the Times the mirror of the State, in which all can see their true interests held up and eocour- INTERNAL lMPROVfT.MENTS.Tb thlssub ject we expect to devote as much space as a full statement of the varioue operations will require; for as our works of improvement advance, so do all tthe other interests ot the State. '' EDUCATION. It is a source of regret to all 'interested in the Educational interests of out State, (and who is not 7) that our papers are so much devoted to party poWrt'ca, &e that this area! therefore, to devote to this subject, a portion ot our space We will foster and carefully note the advancement of Kdticnio, hot only in our higher Schools, out a loo m our common acnoois. . y a (lopnl TITIJ tf. . M iMTTlC'inTTTRP. A1VI1 COMMERCE, at tuis stage Of our history; are commanding the attention of all War good State and money-loving citizen. Therefor?, Vhe Mark ' eta wiiThe reported with care, and all items, calcu " lau-d to throw light on either of these inseparable oranche of industry, will be carefully gleaned and inserted every we k . It is unnecessary to iiy more if we had time, but theVhistlo f the locomotive' on the EaM n,l ihi! rhwrinu news frum the West admonish u to eloe. PerM.lt us, however, to- assure yu Hint iur ursi nuitiirai nic i iih n ih nnmc i, sppejfn pre about th; time the cars reach this place from the East. . " ' 'TERMS The Times will he printed w?rkly 5a KJrecnsborough.N. C, on new ri-rial, and TOn. Inin as much Tearing iiivUt a ny paper In the fc'iate, fur 5'i per aoiiiMti ih ad v:itwe. ; k. vv . tjtii.i; urn, ' ' C. C. lOI.E- . J. W. ALBJtlGHT. Nov. 6. , lOO-il EMPTY BARRELS. I QprfVEMPTV Spirits Turpentine barrel, j"t &J) received f.er fc'chr. Snnnv South. For alebv ADAMS, BRO. & CO. July 17. ' , 52. f ; CIRCULAR, i ; A BOOK FOR EVERY SOUTHERN METHODIST Early in 1856, probably in the month of Febru ary, I expect to publish a new work to the partir . ular features of which I bee leave to call Your at- The An nals of Southern Methodism, for '1855, will be a 12 mo volume of nut less than 360 page., well printed, from stereotype plates, upon eood paper. It will contain, all available statistics in every department of the operations of the METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. The desisn embraces the Plan of Episcopal visi tation; accounts of the sessions of all the Confer ences held in 1355, the appointments, numbers, die; a summary of all reported revivals, notices, of the dedication of new Churches; reports of College Commencements, with all else connected with our educational movements; a resume of our Mission ary orjerations. embracing whatever esema of gene ral Interest in that department ; the movements of the Tract and Sunday School Societies; whatever appertains to onr publishing interests, with an nouncements of all New Books published by our Concern, or written by Southern Methodists ; what the Church is doing for the instruction of Slaves Historical and Biographical Essays interesting personal reminiscences ; and a miscellany of im portant facts and incidents.- - - THE "ANNALS." It ia believed, will be a fair and full daguerreotype of the progress or southern Methodism. It will occur to you at once, that if 1 have suc ceeded in preparing this volume wiih any reasona ble amount of skill, it will not only be a very agree able book for present reading, but that every year will add to its value as showing the posture of Sou thern Methodism at this particular juncture of its history. THIS DIGEST Will be specially valuable as a Book of reference. To whatever question of general interest may arise In regard to the events of 1855, it ia hoped that a Batitlactory answer will be found in ihe Annals. While it is believed that the Ministers in our Church will desire copies aa soon as they can be obtained, I have paid regard to the what I suppoa d theaastesof general readers. The older mem bers of the Church will find sketches that carry uiem-oacK to tneir earlier compeers, aatn true de partment 1 have not restricted myself to the histo ry of the year, but have collected whatever hasap eared durins the year, which, aeh'story and biog raphy, preserve the memoirs of the olden. : time, fend of the early men of Southern Methodism. , . The work will be published at One Dollar a copy. Those who subscribe in advance, shall receive the first copies issued from the press. A gold dollar )asted in a letter can be sent securely and is pref erable to bills of distant anks. Those of the banks In North and South Carelinn will be as good a gold. In return a copy will be aent well wrspped and pre paid. - .!(..; My-ddreas is Goldbor N. C. ; - CHARLES P. DEEMS. Dec. 29. 122-lm JUST RECEIVED. f nTif iLBS- N- c- Bacon. (Hog roond.V '.'V ! JJJJ io Kegs fresh Goshen Butter. For sale r WsTt-L. 8. TOWNSHKND. ; "'" No. 20, Market St. LIQUORS! LIQUORS !! I 2.1 BBLS. Rectified Whlskev. 25 " Ram, Gin and Brand v in) riA kodior sal by ZENO H. GREENE. August 7, 18&6. , : . J SPIRIT BARRELS. i i 1 n PRIMR SECOND handSpIriu Tnrpen 1 OIJ tine bbls now landing and for sale by Jaa 17. ADAMS, BRO.dk CO. No. 2 11.1CKEBEI,. i TTJST Received, 1 10 bble. large alxa No. 2 Hali al fax Mackerel. - For sale in lots to suit by GEO. W. DAVIS, North Water-st. , Jry, 46-tf. NAILS! NAILS!! 1 nl KEGS assorted Nails, just received and JLUU for sale by ?ENQ H. GREENE. Aug. 5. 1- 60 - : CANDY OC BOXES assorted steam refined Canrly. For Ossleby . - ZENO H. GREENE. Aug. 5. . 60 VLNEGAR. Of BBLS Cider Vimgsr, jusi received and for fcUsaleby ZENO II. GREENE. : Aug. 5. ' 60 - BAY! HAY! A PA BALES prime Hay, In store and for sale 4fcUUby T. C. d B. G. WORTH. Aug. fi 60 WILMINGTON SAYINGS BANK. THIS institution located atCapt. Potter's office Opposite Bank of Cape Fear, will be open for the reception of deposites on Wednesday of each week, from 4 to 7 o'clock, P. M., and on Satur day of each week from 4 to 9 o'clock, P M. JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May. 1. 21-tf. TALLOW CANDLES, WE have received the agency of C. C. Rhodes' Tallow Candles the best article made in the United States. Will be kept constantly on har.d and sold for cash only on delivery, at No. 11 North Water street. - - G. H. KELLEY BRO. May 23, '55.' 30-tf Orrrca Wil. & Maw. Rail Road, Wilmington, Dec. 13th, 1855. $ .VJOTICE is hereby given that-all Freight trans. x. ported oy tnis ttoaa win oe at tne enure risa of the owner, from the moment it la unladen from the Cars at the aoint of delivery. . L.J. FLEMING, General Superintendent. Dec. 16. 117. ly A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE ANNALS OF ' SOUTHERN METHODISM FOR 1855. Edited by the Rev. Charles R Deems. D. I). THIS New Wo a It embraces the ttatUtUt and a great variety of Other interesting in forma' ion in every department of Southern Methodist opera tions, under the following fteneral heads t I. The Episcopacy. II. Plan of Visitation. III. The Conferences. IV. Dedication of Uhur ehes. V. Revivals. VI. Missions. VII. Colle ges. VIII. -Sunday Schools. IX. Tract Socie ty. X. Publishing Houee and Literary Notices. XI. Instruction of People of Color. Xlt His torical Sketches. XIII. Biosrapical Skrthes. XIV. Personal Notices. XV. Bishop Andrew's Letters on California. XVI. Memorials of Bish op Capers. XVII. Miscellaneous. XV11I. Ap- penrix. ibv pages, large le mo. Price 4', for which a eopv will be sent prepaid. Bills of the Banks of North or South Carolina, or gold dollars, should he sent. A liberal dis count to Bookseller and Ministers Address CHARLES F. DEEMS, Uoldsboro', N. C. Jan. 10. 127 LABORERS WANTED. WANTED TO HIRE, two able bodied male hand from 1st October, for the balance of the year, or by the month. A liberal price will be giv en. Apply at this office, or to C. H.Alexander, Top sail soona.ni. u. July i-i. 54-lm Journal and Herald, copy I mcnlh, weekly, and send bill. . THE COMMISSION HOUSES LOSING al half-naat five o'clock, com men -J cing this afternoon, we deem it a fitting time to remark that the Book St or, supplied with a choice slock f Heading Matter, Including most of the latest publications, does not close until at east two hours later July 19. S. W, YVIirTAKRfX. CO-PARTNERSniP NOTICE. THE undersigned have purchased the DrugEs- I. UHOIIIIILII I Ul HI1 . O - VJ w r . I ' U , C. dous brattclreviideV ihe firm of VV. M RARES & C. WALKER MKAUr-'.S, - J- I. VKjtftKSv M. O Mav 2ft. ' VP,.tf FISH ON CONSIGNMENT. 5nn BBLS. No 3 Mackerel, vVJ 60 k d- A few bbls. No. 1 d.i. A febbls. Muiletsji: toctrved, and for sale in lots to suit, by O.W.DAVIS. June 14. 3!) FLOUR! FLOUR!! ACS BBLS. Superfine, fresh ground. For sale bv ZENO H GREENE. July 31. - 68 SOME OF THE MOST INTERESTING BOOKS lately issued are? Green Peas, picked from' the patch of Invisible Green, Esq : Ad ventures of Girard, the Lion Killer (The New Age of Gold, or, the Life and Adventures of Rob ert Dexter Romsln; Rachael snd the New World; Yankee Travels Through Cuba ; Wit and Wis dom of Sidney Smith; Wau-Bun, or the "Esrly Day" In the Northwest ; the Sparrowgrass Pa pers; Salad for the Social; Fangletown Letters; The Daisy Chain, Ac. All on hand and for sale at S. W. VVUITAKER'S. July 19. 53 FOR AUGUST. GODEYS Lody'a Book, Graham's Msgozine. Peterson's Lady's National received Harper, Putnam, Knickerbocker, Hunt's Eclec tic. &c, as soon as published. At i July 19. S. W. WHITAKER'S. ON CONSIGNMENT. fpi BOXES New York city made Pale Soap, a Uu prime article. For sale by July 3. . G. W, DAVIS. 25 DOLLARS REWARD ! RAN A WAV from the subscriber, his ser vant JIM SHAW, a young dark mulatto, of light and rather small figure ; generally smiles when sbout to talk. He was neatly dress ed in a black frock coat, and black pantaloons. The above rewjrd will be paid to any one will de liver him to me, or secure him in snyiaii. JAMES F. McREE. May 6. 22-tf CONVENTION! WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS. A meeting will be held in this place early in May, of the Wine and Liquor Merchants of New Hanover County, for the purpose of adopting measures for the removal or modification of the extreme heavy tax now imposed upon them. IA further notice will be'aiven of the time and place of holding said Convention. - A prii a. . . - SOAP. crv BOXES Colgate'a Pale and No t,or sale by OUMarch 6. v GEO. HOUSTON. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. LATEST published. Received this morning and for sale at July IS. S. W, WHITAKER'S FOR SALE. A GOOD Milch Cow, apply to July 15. GEO. H. KELLEYV JIST RECEIVED. OA BUSHELS beautiful White Baana. For 4J sale at GEO. MYERS. May 20. 28 THE NEW AGE OF GOLD. OR the Life and Adventures of Robert Dexter Romame, written by himself. One vol. 12mo. lately published. Received aad for sale at July 15. S. W. WHITAKER'S, AXES, AXES. 8 DOZEN S. W. Colby's Georgia UtJftg Bit. I " Boxing " " 8 n D. Simmons " " 1 'Boxing " " 2 Eagle Wing Broad Axes. Low for cash, GEO. H. KELLEY BRO. .April 12. Wo. 11, North Water street. FLOUR AND CRACKERS. pTf BBLS. Fine and Super Flour; 20bbl and JJ 25 boxes Sugar and Soda Crackers. . Now landing and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. July 2. N. C. C. Advocate copy. 47. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. The nect ordinary, drawinv of the Rovsi Havana Lottery conducted by the Spanish Government, un der the supervision ot the Captain vjencrai ot i-u-ba, will take place at Havana on - - SATURDAYr AUG, 9 th, 1856. SORTEO NUMEROS67 ORDINARIO. CAPITAL FRIZE $100,000 !!! 1 priaeof 1 10,000 1 " , 50 J300 1 " " 20.000 1 . 10,009 8 prites df 2,000 2 . J.UUO 70 " 400 149 " 200 20 Aor'xoi's. 700 1 5,000 : - r 4 approxlmatldna to the 3100,000 of 600 each a r,r fijnn m an nnn , anrainn m an nan a of a?00 :o 10,0CD; 4 of 200 toSS.OCO. Whole t icaets, ajxu; Halves, U; uuartcrs aa.uu. Prize cashed at sight at S per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded aa soon as the re sult becomes known. Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. C.) un til the 9th Abgust will be attended to. " July 24th. 55-tf HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS, 7,767 PRIZES. ONLY 15,000 NUMBERS! JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of thi' State of Georgia. I Class P. to be drawn August IS, 1856, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., tinder the sworn superinten dence of Col. George M. Logan and J as. A Nia bet, Esq. Patrons will please examine this scheme care fully compare it with any other, and if it ia not the best ever offered, and the chances to obtain capitais far better, don't purchase Tickets. CAPITAL $15,000! 1 Prize of 1 5,000 is 16,000 1 do 3,000 is 3,0u0 1 do ' 2,000 ; it 2.000 4 do - 1,000 are ' 4.000 10 do 600 are 5,000 0 do 100 are 6.000 20 appr'ximat'na of 50 to SI 5,000 Prize are $1,000 50 do. 35 to 3,000 H are 1,250 50 do. 20 to 2,000 " are L000 eOapprx'ms. of 12 to each capital of 1,000, 1,000 7 500 Prizta of 8i -are 03,750 7,7ti7 Prizes, smountipg to $102,000 !- Tickets, $10. Halves. $5. Quarters, $2.50. Prises payable without Deduction. The 7,500 Prizes of $81, are determined by the Number which draws the $15,000 Pi ize it that number should bean odd Number, then every odd number Ticket in the scheme will be entitled to $8 50; if an even number, then every even nnmber Ticket Will be entiiled to $8.60, In addition to any other. Prize which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd and even number Tickets will be certain of draw. ing nearly one half ihe cost of the same, with chances of obtaining other Prizes. All those Tickets ending with 0, 2,4,6, 8, sre evr-n - all those ending with 1, 3, 5, 7. 8, are odd. Persons sending money by nail need not fear Its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bapk Notea of all sound Banks takrn at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Address JAMES F WINTER, Manager, Matron) Oa. July 15-6l-tf. CIRCULAR SAWS. rTTIIIOSEf AWS Stamped J. M. ROBINSON JL are manufactured of the finest quslhy Cast Steal, by the very best workmen. They are tem pered bv SvWestet's Patent Tempering Machines (which tempers more evenly, snd renders the blade stiller,. it the guage or plole, than sny oiner ap paratus.) and ground on Southwell's Patent Saw Grinding Marftlne; the only machine that will grind a Circular Saw petfeetiy true. For sale by J. In. KUHIIMSUiN Ot. BUM. Wi'mingion, N. C, July t. f46. P. S. Saws of every kind made to order. Herald and Journal copy. - van summer. PLUNGE. Shower, and Sponge Bath, Water t oolers nnd Refrigerators. Just received and tor sate oy J. r. LOVE. Furniture Store, No. 10, Front st. 43 June 24. FRESH ARRIVALS. PER schr. 3. H. Flantter, from Philadelphia, at GEO. H. KELLEY BRO'S No. It, North Water street 20 bones Adamantine Candles, low torcasn. April 12. 12 WAU-BUN. THE "Early Dav in the North West; by M.rs. 1 John n. Kenzie, of Chicago. One 8vo. vol., Illustrated: lately published. Received and for sale at 8. W. WHITAKER'S. July 15. H STEAMER ASTORIA FOR PORTSMOUTH & BB4UF0RT. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. npHE splendid low pressure steamer ASTORIA, -a. m. m. uray, M aster, naving ueen tnorougniy repaired and new Machinery put in her,' will com- mence her regular trips for the season on Satur day, July 5th, and will run tne following seneduie. ' Lesve Wsshlngton on Saturday Mornings at 6 o'clock. A M.. for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort on Monday Mornings at 6 o' clock, a. M.t for Portsmootn ana wasmngton. Leave Washington on Tuesday Mornings at 6 o'clock, A. M., for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort on Wednesday Mornings at 6 o'clock, A. M., for Portsmouth and Newborn. Leave Newbern on Thursday Mornings at 6 o'clock, A. M.. for Portsmouth snd Beaufort. - Leave Beaufort on Friday morninga at 6 o'clock, A.M., ror Portsmouth and wasntngton. Fare from Washington to Portsmouth, $2 50 Do. do. do Beaufort. 4 00 Do. ; do. Newbern Portsmouth, 2 50 Do. do. , do Beaufort. 4 60 MEALS EXTRA. Paa'eng era will be landed at Portsmouth or Beau- tort without extra charge, ii. K. HANKS. Wauhingtoo, N. C, June 19. , 41-tlO NOTICE. THEsubscriberespectfully informs the public, thathe is nowtranascting the Auction business on a wn account, ana nopes oy stnet auenuonio business, to merit a eontlnuance olthat patronage Heretofore aoitoey suy bestowed upon him. M. CRONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commission, either at private or pubjjessie. Jr.lftt. : . " NOTICE. Lon Cubek, May 15th, 1856. T-HE copartnership of Jones. Moore & Co. ia L this day dissolved by in ntu I consent. All per sons indebted by note or aaaoant are requested to make immediate payment or they will Bad them in the banda or an Attorney for collection. JOHN JONES, J. P. MOORE, d. McMillan. THIS snhseriher havinr nnrrhaaed the entire interest of Jones. Moore i Co., will continue the business on his own account, thankful for the fa vors eoaierea upon ine nnn, sna nope to nave a continuation ol the asm. - "- JAMES P. MOORE. May 20. . 28-tf ICE, ICE, ICE. THE Wilmington lee House will be open for de livery of ICE- from aunriee tp sunset, except on Sanday, when it will be closed at 9 o'clock In the morning. - , ' Price One cent per pound for quantities of three panada and over. ' ' Terma easb ia aU eases, without erception. Tickets can be procured by such as desire them, -lea furnished to the sick poor, free of chart eg when by direction from physicians or visiting com mittees. -April 19. IS tf "COMMERCIAL" IflBMIIlIiG ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTISIDE MARIST ST. 0 THS EAR IT HOUSE . " WHJgLNGTON, N. O, ' THBrROFRTETORoftbAswenknowtiiCsUbUshrnent would call the attention of tba tmsinews community to his large and beautiful assortment of Type and PreM havine tast added to his stock one of R. Hos h. Co's PATSVT fitNOI.E CYLIDI.R PRINTING MA CHINES, ho U hbw enabled to dd Work at a much more reaaorjabM raw tuan lormeriy, auq m me nnum, style or the work. . CARDS. Printed frohi $3 td $10 per tbousand. '. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, ' jtECEiPTS FOR BAtLROAbS, STEAMBOATS, CORPORATIONS, fcc. BILL-HEADS, SHOP-BILLS, BILLS OF -LADINO, AND HEADINGS, ata., c, 6ut. POSTERS AND . PROGRAMMES. Ta Would call the attention of Concert Afrents, Show meu and others, to oar facilities for doing tbia kin4 o work. : . i ' m iii or . PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, Done in the neatest manner, and at short notice. Thoae in want of Printing w trust will find it to their advantage to give us a cau. COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Shippers and others Is sailed to our extensive assortment or Commercial Blanks. . Among tba collection is a very An and haudaoine lot of Bills of Ex change, in sheets and books. November 3, 1846. .s ROCKY MOUNT MILLS FOR SALE. pO CAPITALISTS, OR TO ENTERPRISING X Business men, with a limited capital, the rarest opportunity for a fiue purchase is now offered. This property ties on both sides of Tsr River in the counties of Iash and Edgecombe, one mile from Rocky Mount Depot on the W.snd W. R. K., and embraces the Whole wati-r power of the river at this point. The power is made available by a solid dam of granite, laid in Hydraulic Cement, snd completed within the last twelve months at an expense of near ten thousand dollars. It is probsbly the belt data in North Caro.ina. The other improvements consist of, 1st. The Cotton Factory- a titost substantial granite build ing, 70x39 feetrtwB stories high, besides the base ment, used for Turning shop, ic; nhd a commo dious attic, where the reeling and packing are done. The Machinery 116 spindles, with all the necessary machinery to run them, besides' two ex tra frames with 132 spindles is in fine order an-1 turning off daily twelve hundred pounds (1200 lbs.) yarn. For manufacturing Cotton thislocation is unsur passed in the United Stat' s. The water-power is splendid and sufficit nt to run thousands of spin dles help to b hsd 25 to 50 per cent.cheaper than in the Northern States. and the raw material at the Mill, where a good buyer can lay in his stock I to ? cents per lb , below the N. V. market. 2d The Grist Mill, an excellent framed building 40 feet square on walls of stone (laid in Cement) that will stsnd forever. There are five pairs of stonein the Mill two prs. Burr's for Wheat, and three prs. E so pas' for Corn. For custom milling this point can't be excelled in N. C. It is the lowest point cn the riverst which there is a mill, and here we are patronized by persons 25 to aO miles In the sum mer and fall months. The Mills sre driven bv two overshot wheels, one of wljich wjl be renewed this summer. 3d. The Saw MIil-a Circular Saw. driven by one overshot wheel, aD nearly pew and in fine or der. The neighborhood furnishing a fa r market, and timber to be had near, or flouted down the riv er Irom above. 4th. One large snd excellent two storied framed dwelling, 50x40 feet ihe yard snd gsrden walled in with brick snd stone. One other handsomely located dwelling with 5 rooms below and 2 above stairs eleven fismed cabins for operatives ana their families, two store houses, two warehouses, barns, stables, blacksmith and wood shops. The Mill sites embrace (55) fifty-five acres, snd a tract of eighty odd acres, one mile distant, for fuel, Ac, will be so d with the mills. I will sell the prope-ty on credits running from one to eight years, should the purt hiiser desire, snd am confident that, with enteiprise and good management, a profit of top to twenty per cent may be realized from it per annum. Further imformaiion insy be hsd of me, or my agents, on the premises, or by letter to WM. S. BATTLE, ' Rocky Mt., Edgeombeco., N. C. N. B. -Until the property is Sold, orders for Varns, Plowlines, 4c. directed to the undersign ed, at Rocky Mount, Edgecombe coun'y, N. C , will be promptly attended to. W. S. BATTLE. June 21, 1356, 42-sw-2m. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AT a special meeting of the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Wilmington, st Office, Julv 2nd, 1656: Present, His Hon. the Mayor O. O. PARSLEY; H. P. RUSSELL, L. A. HART, . T M: GARDNER, WM. SUTrON, GEO. DAVIS. Whereas, The sttbsoiiption heretofore made by the Commissioners of the Town to the stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte A Rutherford Rail Road Company, was made under certain conditions which are contained in the two first resolutions pass ed by the Convention for organizing the said Com pany, held at Wades bq to' on the 3rd and 4th of Oc tober, 1865) and whereas, the said conditions have not yet been complied with and it is not probable that the subscription of 9600.000 required in the said resolutions csn be obtained : Therefore be it Retained, That an election be held by the Sheriff of New Hanover County, on Wednesday the 13th day of August next, for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the citizens relative to making an uncon ditional subscription of 820U,l)Uu to the Japitil Stock of the Wilmington. Charlotte and Ruihef rd Rail Road Company. That the polls be opened at 9 o' clock of that day and close at sunset. All citizens who are in favor -of making an unconditional sub scription to the above a mo nt will deposit a ballot on which shall be written or printed the word "Sub scription," snd those who are opposed to an uncon ditional subscription will deposits ballot containing the words "No Subscription." ReMived, That the said two first resolutions of the convention above alluded to be published here with, In order that the citizens may fully anderstsnd what will be the effect of withdrawing the condi tions contained in them. Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to publish for the information oi the citizens, all the facta ex planatory of Ihe late action of the Commissioners in reference to the corporate subscription to the Wilmiagtdn, Charlotte aUd Kotherford Rail Road. RICHARD MORRIS, Town Clerk. I RESOLUTIONS : - Of the Convention of the Wilmington, Charlotte A Rutherford Rail Koad Company referred "to in "the above proceedings t 1st. Whereas, The Commissioners of the Town of Wilmington have subscribed the sum pf e00,000 to the stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth erford Rail Road Company, and whereas the said subscription waa only authorized by the citizens of the said town and made by the said Commissioners upon the faith of ita ensuring a reasonable prospect of the successful completion of the said Road, snd whereas this company is desirous of offering a rea sonable guaranty that ihe said subscription shall not be uselessly expended, and it appearing that theie is no probability that die said Koad can be completed unlesa the sum ot at least six hand red thousand dollara shall he subscribed in addition to toe said subscription by the said Cammisaioners ; now therefore, be it Resolved, That no money, ex cept to pay surveys and other Incidental expenses, shall be expended for work upon the said Road east of Charlotte, until the said sum of $60000 exclu sive of the said corporate subscription, snd of such subscriptions ss have already been made West of Charlotte, shall have been eubeeribed. And when ever the said earn af 1600,000 shall be subscribed that the said part of the road shall be put -under contract throughout -the entire line. Snd. Raaolvel. That the Eastern terminus of the Rnsd he located within the corpora re limits of tne Town ol Wilmington, a tne KAst side of the Cape Fear River. - July 8th, 1854. 43-te. L. W. PIGOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, r BEAUFORT, N. C. Any business entrusted to his attention will be attended to promptly and to the best of his ability. , , . arBas'BTCMt Camming A 8tyroa, Com. Merchants ) Wilmlng Mr. Jan. Norcum, Attorney at Law, ton N C. Mr. Edward Stanly, Beaufort N. C - " Mr. Benjamin L. Kerry, General Agent for Under, wrighters, Beaufort, N. C, Fab.itbVi, . 2I-hm-w. SCHOOL BOOKS, v - - STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, - HISTORICAL, LAW, y MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOQKS, PRESERVING CANS. . Last year, s great variety of Self-healing Cans and Jars were manufactured, but as most of them were wrong in princi ple, failure was in cviiablx, and thou sands of hounekeep-" ers lost their fruit in - V?iMl r.itjnKi consequence. Vl&m' Arthurs Self-Seal- Ing Cans sre a very different article from those, and warranted tq seal hermetically. , . . Never bas' more complete Success attended the introduction of any new article of domestic use. Persons who intend using these Cans, are re quested to leave tneir ot tiers duirng the month of June with L.N. BARLOW. June 7. . 36. , P. S. These Cans cannot be obtained at nny oth er place.- FRESH ARRIVALS. THE subscriber has just added largely' lo his stock of good th'ings. all fresh and in fine or der. Among his articles are OltANGES ; APPLES; LEMONS; CITRON; RAISINS; CURRANTS; COCOA NUTS; JELLIES; PRESERVES ; PICKLES; CtNDIF.S, a large and varied assortment ; PINE APPLES, BANANAS, BRANDY FRliTS, PBUNE-t. PLANTING POTATOES i SEGA RS snd TOB.ACCO: . GROCERIES, e , Ac. All of lhJ above articles will be sold at the low est cash prices. . F. M. AGOSTIM. Feb. 9, If 5G. 1 10-tf. DR. R. F. HIBBARD'S WILD CHERRY BI TTERS, ; FOR Nervous Weakness snd General DL-bility. These Bitters are highly servicesble in all dyse peptic affections; they sjistdigetiiion ; restore i fig tone of the stomach, stimulate the liver, and creai an appetite. Thev are unsurpassed in r movine angar or lassitude, (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off the drowsiness incident to the Spring or warm season Sold W holesale and Retail, by March 31, GEO. MVBRS. . BETTER. CHEESE, Lc, GOSHEN Butter, do. Cheese, English Dairy and Pine i pple Cheese, Codfish, Scotch Her. ring. Salmon, Mackerel, with s variety of other goods just receive" snd for sale by L. N. BARLOW, June 11. . No. 3. Granite Row. hoop iron! 1 f TONS I, and It Inch. Just received and lr for sale by j&KNU tJ.uiie.btvK. July 3. N. C. C. Ad. copy. 47. SPRING NP SUMMER COAT-. PANTALOON and VESTS, a new and beautiful stock of French Cloth Coats, Fancv (tassimere Pants, Merino Marseilles snd Silk Vests, alao a htndsom lot of Furnishing Gauds now opening st very low prices. NOAK WALKER ft CO., Market Street, 6 doors from Front. May 10. 24. JUST RECEIVED. )r BBLS superfine Flourt -L J 30 box'i Colgate's Pals Sosp; Fresh lot of Mess Beef and Pickled Tongues; 4t ho .tea Adamantine and Sperm Candles 20 bbls. sssorted Crackers ; - 23 boxes - A LSO a lot of extra Butter Crackers in tin cans and Abernatby and Maple Biscuit, something new snd very extra, for sale by WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. June 19. No. 20 Market street. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY, . BY " Messrs. RADCLIFFE & ANDREWS. EMBRACING A CLASSICAL. ENGLISH Cj and PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, witn Todies snd Drill. Session to continence 1st of October, 1E56, la the Tenpershce Hall. For particulars see card at Messrs. Brown & Andersons. J. D. RADCLIFFE, J. P. ANDREWS. June 26. 44-w-tdtw-tf AFFLICTED READ!! PHILADELPHIA M EDICAL HOUSE. EstaUished twenty-two years ago by Dr. KINK KLIN, corner of Third snd Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most sue cesslul practitioner In ihe cure of all diseases of a private nsture manhood s debility, ss an im pediment td marriage; nervous snd sexual in firmities, diseases f the skin, and those arising from sbuse of mercury. take particular notice. There is sn evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood ; and which, if not reformed in due iim., not only begets serious obstscles to matrimoni al happiness, -but gives rise to a series ofpro tracted, insidious; and devastating sflections. Few of those who give way to this perohious practice areawareof the consequences, until they find the nervons system shattered, feelstrsngesnd unaccountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind (See pages, 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K's book on Self Preservation. ) The unfortunate tbus affected becomes feeble, is ansble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to ap ply his mind to study t his step is tsrdysnd weak; he is dull, irresolute, snd engsges even in his sports with less energy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, snd enter matrimony, his marriage ia unfruitful, and his Sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies T'iMjart considera tion vhieh should atcaktn the attention of .all icko art similarly situated. 9 REMEMBER. He who places himself under Cr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a Kentlentsni an.', rely upon the assursnee, thst the secrets of Dr. K.'s patients will, never be dis closed. Young man let no false modesty deter you from making your case known to one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend yda. Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Csn have (by statins their case explicitly, to gether with all their svmptoms. per latter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.' medicine, sppropiiuted acrordiogl-. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and packed secafe from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Express. MEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Lift or a Prt matter e Death, Kinkclin on Setf PreterrttionOnJy 23 Cents. . Letters eootsinlng thst vslu .la stamps, will eusure a eopv. per return ot mail. - , GRATTSIGRATI.SI! GRATIS!!! A Fre Ol FT TW AO, . MISERY RELIEVED. "Nstnre's Gaide,". a new and popular Work, fall of saleable advice and Impressive warning, alike calculated lo prevent years of misery, snd sava thousands of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to any Poet Office in the United States, oa receiving aa order enclosing two postage stamps. Jan 19. 41 ly-w&t feM af STATiqSEKT, BLANK BOOKS, APER3 OF ALL HENRY BURRIIIMER . WHOLESALE A BBTAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. SIGN OF THE INDIAN CHIEF' MARKET STREET. one door above Water Wilmington. N. C. Ar. Ii. AU Orders filled Kith drtpnUh. Oct. 26th. 1355 f!3-tdt w-c. FOR SALE. QPVr Acres Pine Land, situated immediately J I J upon Wilmington and Weldon R. R , four to five miles from Depot st Wilmington. iXD rf Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated JVf between Force Put snd Thombnryi II of which is fine Swamp'Land. For terms, Ac., ap ply to M. CRONLY. Oct. 30. 1655. ; 97 tf COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. REMOVED to the new and spacious Hall Nos. 99 and 101 Baltimore stnet, Baltimore, Md. O. K.Chaiuberlin, Principal and Lecturer upon Mercantile Science. E. K. I. osier, Id charge of Writing Department. O. W. 'Kemp, instructor in Mercantile Calcula tions snd Associate in Book Keeping Department. J. M. Phillips, Teacher in Book Keeping. S. T. W illiams, Lecturer oh Commercial LaV This Institution piesents superior facilities to young men desirous of obtaining a practical busi ness education. The cQurse of atudf embraces Doul!e Eptry, Book-Kspln, ss prsclicully applied lo the man. agement of Mercantile, Bjnk, Manufacturing and steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law upon the subject of Bills of Exchange, Prommirsiiry Notes, Contracts, Partnerships, dice. The exercises are all strictly practical, being de ducted from actual business transactions, so com. plett'ly combining practice with theory that students on completion of the course sre in every respect competent to conduct, on scientific principles, any set of Double Entry Books. Ths students have accesa to a Commercial Library procured expressly for their accommodation. F. xaminstfonftare held at stated periods and Di plomas s wsrded to lli3e found competent to reprs sent the Institution in a mercantile capacity. Uual length of time to complete the wholecourso from el t hi to ten weeks. For particulars, write, and receive a circular by mail. Sept. 20. . . 8l-ly RICE, RICE OAH CASKS in store and for salo in lots to JJ suit by Msy 13. T. C. Sl B. G. WORTH. N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS. 1 C BALRS N.C. Sheetings and Yarns, just re- J. vy ceived snd for sale by ; June 12. T. C. d B. O, WORTH JUST RECEIVED PER SCHR. R. W. BROWN, A Urge lot of Lemons and Oranscs in fine order ; prices to uit the limes, st the Bioadwsy vsriety store mar ket street. W. H.DsNEAL. July 8. 49. NIXON'S HOUSE. (FORMERLY MRS. BORDEN'S) WEST SIDE RAIL ROAD, GOLDS BORO', N. C, THIS extensive snd well known public F.Ftabltshment has been purchased and waa reopened by the Subscriber for Ihe reception of guests on the 4th Inst. . It U pleasantly and conveniently situated In the centre of business, snd is directly opposite to, and WEST of the Ticket Offices, of the Wilming ton snd Weldon and the Central Rail Road Com panies, where the csrs stop on their srrival and departure, and where faithful sbbvamts will be in waiting to lake bagzuge, and give such other attentions as the traveller may require. THE HOUSE has been remodelled, rcpsired, snd thoroughly renovstcd from cellar to garret, and furnished throughout with New Furniture, selected with special csre, and stringed with an eye single to the comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. THE TABLE Will be richly furnished with the subttsntlsls, the dnnlies and delicacies of the sessons, foreign ss well aa domestic markets will be rendered tributary to the constant supply, which will be served up in the best style, by orderly, obliging snd well trained servants, 'i . THE BAR Will be s Storehouse of the best Wines and Li quors, snd superinteuded by a gentleman of cour tesy and integrity, thoroughly acquainted with his butanes comprising the knowledge of what is due toihe rights and comforts of the public, as well as to himself and his employer. THE STABLES, which are among the best In the Stste, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful snd careful manager, who will always hsve under hia care the best and most experienced ostlers, snd it will be smong the chief csres of the proprietor to tee that horses of his guttts te we!J fed and thor oughly groomed This entire establishment has been purchased and fitted up at an enormous expense, and it will be the pleasure, as, of course, It will be the inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every respect equal to savin the country He there fore trusts that s generous public will renew snd continue the liberal patronage heretofore entendej to this House, while under the.care of Its former proprietress, Mrs. Borden, who gsined for It s celebrity. throughout the entire Union. II. R. NIXON. Aug. 18. . 67-1 y. GREEN PEAS. A MOST delicious article. A few packages, in . the "Pod," yet on hsnd, snd for sale at July 15. S. W. WHITAKER'S. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. r BAGS Prof. Mape's improved super Phos I J fhatof Lime. Forests by March 6. ADAMS, BCO. &. CO. BARGAINS! DARGAINS ! ! THE subscriber having adopted the "UUrtydaf" and Cash system. is determined to mske it to the interest of purchasers lo pstronixe him, by keeping constantly on hand a supply of Groce ries. Ae at reduced prices. . Just received: 40 boxes of Goshen snd English dairy Cheese; 36 bsgs Java. Rio and Lsgusyrs Coffees; a Urge and fresh supply of nice Butter snd Lsrd; 43 bsgs snd boxes Buckwhestj 2000 lbs. Codfish; No. I snd 2 Mackerel snd salmon in half bbls. and kits; Hirsm Smith's Flour, in half bbls.; Rice Flourt 45 boxes of Stereln, Ada mantine and Sperm Candles; Soda, Burter, Su gar and Water Crackers, in bbls. and boxes ; Fal lon Market Beef, die., d-e. For rale by WM. L. 8. TOWNSHEND. March 6. No. 20, Market street. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAT pU BOXES Adamantine Candles, 0J 20 snd 40 lb. boxes JUt quality, tisap, . 1 bbl. extra Sslmon, Codfish for retail, 6 bbls. extra No. I Mackerel, New Cheese, Batter, Beef Tongues and Smo ked Beef. Low for cash. , GEO. MYERS. June 28. tl snd 13 From st. GOLD PENS. WE hsve just received by Express, s handsome ssaortment of Gold Pens, with Gold and Sil ver Cases ; also, Ebony handles Birvessttpped, st Msy 31 S. W. WHITAKER'S. jm. W. WHITlKEdi J I DESCRIPTION, So. Side Market st -feSfc, CARDS, F WILMINGTON, N. C. - j- T cf ' IENS' ' a J; ; - ' ' - - ARTIST'8 MATERIALS r NOTICE. THE subscriber having qusli fled ss specisl A d mlnlstrstor psn the sstste of Cornelius Hp! ere. decea.d, and bsvng been suthorixed to col.; led In the debts due safdssUtS. hereby notifies all persons Indebted by note, or, account, or other wise to insks Immediate payment, ss II is deslts ble that the bu.tness be speedily closed. t:HAS. I). MYERS Is my snthorlied sgent to collect llect said debts, snd receipt ror ise ssmn. Inly 21. OEO. MYERS. Jt SOAP AND CANDLES. J THE subscribers beg lesve respectfully lo csll ths attention cf His trad sod families to the Snap and CsndJs manufactured In Wilmington, N. C, by Mersrs. Cosiln dr OslTiinl, snmpli s ( which csn be seen st our ofTi-.. No 2, Wa cr rt , u. aa,. Ir.n simms Nil st k rk hi rt A llflta C II D 1, 1 1 i -- v lltl V V C Btt (.1 hVIISIHIIK y "'I v. - . . - . - w for rash. JAS. C, SMITH cVt: . April 26. JH Dried fkiit. 1 fVVi LBS. Apple sn J Peac'ie, on hanJ nd 1UU 'forsuleby April 10. T. C. it B. a. WORT II. , just REtainiDBY (T iTTfrencii,- A Fit ESI! supply of PEP K.Y DAVIS- VIOL. TABLE PAIN KILLER, In entire IV sw 1'n hn anrn fKm s-ffrti iFt th Pennine Med icine. Inquire for the New Dress with : wo line en graved steel labels on each bbttls. April 19. n-tf FREsiTc7R0CERIEs7 AS ws sre to start North to a fsw davs, for the purpose of pun hising a new stock of Gro ceries, I would thank those who linvu not puiJ iheir Bills to July 1st lo do so Immediately. j July 19. GEORGE MVKIl; ! NOW RECEIVING, PER schooners Ad'ie and Lizzie llus.t II : i 35 bbls. Kc tinea Sugars, also, Crushed and Powdered ; 25 bsgs RIj, Jsva and Laguayn CofT'esi j 6 chests superior Oolona srtd (Jr'en Teas; j 15 cases superior brands Claret rlne ; ' j 40 boxes Sosp ; I i 25 d.t. Pearl Siarth; i 40 b.iskets Champarnn, (rtry rxiptrior hrands;) 20 bbls. Rectified Whiskey. Kor s.iIh v W. L. S. TOWNSIII ND j July 24. No. 20, Market street, j RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. I I BBLS Cl)nflln's celebrated buck country J f Whiskey. Also, in store, a superior ortldy of Draught Ale an Cet t.;iier, at , J. R. RESTON'S. j No. 15, Mark tstieit. i May 31. NAIIS! NAILS!! I KEGS assorted sizes just rr J lU lor sals by ZENO H. G rereivc.l, nnd REEN Ki i 4a. Jniyb. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form af Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by the Commissioners, snd a numbet of others interested In the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at tlie oflice of The Commercial. j CONSTANTLY ON HAND f' AND for salo. Corn. Corn Meal, Table Hom mony, Horse and Cow Feed. i No. IB, North Water street, by I J. M. STEVENSOVJ June 19. 41 tf VESSEL FOft SALE. f A amall Schooner, carrying 300 barrets, draw ng four feet launched In April Inst t built of excellent seasoned material. smooth snd well finished ; sails, ripging, Ac , all new. She Is well formed, in every respect, Snd is a fast sailer. No betler built vessel can be found anywhere. Will be sold low. Apply to , July 17. GEO. HOUSTON. N0TJCK " . J . ALL PERSONS Indebted to me for Goods purchased previous to 1st July, will please call and settle. On sll sccounts stsnding ovr six months, wswill charg interest. July 1856, geo. it. french; IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON, RECEIVE July 31. KCEl VKD snd for sale at H. W. WHITAKER'S. OFFICE W. k W. R. R. COMPANY. Wtt-MiNotot, N. C, Jniy 2fl, 1850, PROPOSALS are Irivltrd In wrilfng, oddress ed to ths undernlgned, until August 4th, st 12 o'clock, M., for filling a portion of the Company's wharf eost of the new warehouse wi h sand from the sdjolnlng hill, The proposals will be for esch cubic yard of excavation made, with the hauling Included. S.L.FREMONT, Eng. Sl Hupu July 31. bCaUl GRAIN CRADLES. P A SUPERIOR article, for sale by J. M- ROBINfcON &. SON June 3. 31. JUST RECEIVED from Cincinnati. 'kUroeu' FOURTEEN BARRELS RECTIFIED WHISKEY. For sale at the lowest prltes for CASH, by W. L. S. TOWNSHEND. RATES OFTiLOTAGE.' P JUS.T printed and for sale st 77 Oommere-ial Office, the Ratss of Pilotage for the Bar and River. 33-tf. TLsTTfEmrED; P A LARGE and well asserted stock of LsJira Black and Colored Gaitctr, suitable for Spring which we oiler at lower figures than ever before sold In the plate. Also, s largo sssorltucnt of Gent's liifh' Calf Hoots, Gaiters snd fjticy shoes. Th ise wishing to buy will do well to cn'l snd if amlneour atock. OEO. R FRENCH, June 24. 4J WINES AND LIQUORS. I mWE Invite ths stteniion of our T' 1 Friends snd l'slrons to the be.t JL selection of Wines snd Liquors ever oilcnu in this market, consisting of 1 Crescent Brandy, Vimses 1810, Pale snd Dark, Otard. Dupuy ol Co.'s Brandy,, ' Old Cognac do. S. Braason Sl Co.'s dd. Castillon dt t'o.'s ' do. Pure old Port Wine. Duff, Gordon, Psle, Sherry, oU Madeira anrl Md scst Wines, Malaga Wine. Old Scuppernong Wine, i Holland Gin. j Old Tom Gin extra, j Woolf's Schiedam Schnspps, ; Cherry Brandy, Old Pesch Brsndy, ! " Apple dd. " Bourbon Whiskey, ! - Rye do i Irish snd Scotch Whiskey; Blackberry Brsndy, Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Aborted Cordials, in bottles, ' Every variety of bottled Wines and I-jquors, Clareta of various brands atwhljole prices, Msraschino; Curaeoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bittcra Aromstie do. da Ginger Wine, dee. dtc. V' low prices for CASH. At theoriglnil :.-j ry. Ap.lIlT. GEO. MYER'S. V I L M I N OTOil MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber hsving sccepted the agency ot several large estsbllshinents st ths North which will furnish him sh unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign snd domestic MARBLE of a II sssliiies, ) prepared to fill sll orders for MOVUM I'.JI r AND TO.MI1 HTOSF.S, snd every other srtlcle In ths line of tba business at ressonsbls rates. 8CULPTURIN0, LETTERING OR CARYING. Executed well as can be done either North rr South. Thsbsst reference can be given. If required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 8, 1854. f. PAY UP! PAY IT!! PAY IP!!! ALL Acconnta made previous lo'his date are dussnd sll pet sons Indebted will pless cs I snd settle Immedistely sll seeounts Brs rssdy for presentstloo, snd Interest will be rhsrged from irils aata oa all Bills not raid Ibi month. July L GEO. M YE CIS.!