stasiss t HOUSES TO RENT. - a s"A TWO snof teinvents Mulberry Street, I lii iris reside nee or Mr W. J. Love, sen.. r yiVff-r't "? theLtdayof Oe- A us;. 9. let o-62. . NOTICE! - A SI shall oWi'"1 t "ii ny '' notes and account, uoilhjnit dixriminalion io the hands fa collecting officer, after ihe M dv of September next. 1 would give thisp: Mihit all who wUh can ea and settle by , hat time - JNO. D. LOVE, . Furniture Store, No. LO, Front t. d Hsrsbi'ol Journal. Si a week till 1st Sept. COAL! COAI! COAL!!! rnnTONSOFTHKBRSTftUALlTTRED OUWASHE COAL, expected. - - Constantly on hand, all kind of wood. Sis ves, Shi ng lea, etc., etc. All sates cash, J. LEOB. August 2nd, 1856 - , . " COFFEE, COFFEE. tJf BAGS assorted grades, Rio Coffee, just to OU hand, per schr. Sam Bol on for safe In lots to suit T by ' P - T. C. 4 B. O. WORTHa Ang.S - ,' ------ v ON CONSIGNMENT. 7 BALES CeJai alls Sheetings -B')0 reams Wrapping Paper, 1000 lb. new Feathers, A lot of Linseed OH. For- tsle in lots to suit by T. C. &. B. G. WOftTH: June 26. - "' ' - FRESII FRUITS. JUST RECEIVED, per Shr, De Hornet, a large lot of delicious Oranses, and a lull supply of unusually fine Lemons both in excellent order. Every manner of Confectionary on hand, and for sate on moderate terms. -at- the Broadway Variety Stole, No. 40, Market St, Aug. 5. - WM. II. DsNEALK. - 7 FRESH GROCERIES" AS we are to start North in a few days, for the purpose of purchasing a new stock of Gro ceries, I would thank those who ksve not paid their Bills to July 1st to do so Immediately. July 19. GEORGE MYERS. , RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 i BBLS Chaffin's celebrated back country IV Whisker. Also, in store, a supeiior urtiiry of Draught Ale and tweet Cider, st . J. It. RESTON'S. May 3T. Ko. IS, Market street. GRAIN CRADLES. A SUPERIOR article, for ml- by . J. M ROBINSON dt SON. Jane 3. 34. RATES OF PILOTAGE. TU ST crimed and for sale st The Commercial J Ofli. e, the Rates of Pilotage for the Kivsr. Bar and 3i-if. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. nHE Subscriber having accepted the agency ot 1 -several large cstubliihiiienls st the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign snd domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is nrrpared to fill all orders for SIO.NUMGM r A!fl TM II JTO Jf ES, . ad ever) other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates ' SCULrTURINO. LETTERING OR CARVING Executed as well as can be done either North i t Sooth. - - . The best reference can-be given, if required. . JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6. 1854. V - tf. VESSEL FOR SALE. A smalt Schooner, rarryin? 300 barrels, drawins lour fe' t Iunchu4l in April last ; built of excellent aoni-d nia'e-ialM, ni'joih and well finished s;iil. risginp, & ,al. view." Jhe is weilformut in cvvry rcsrw-et, and is a fist .oi't-r. No betr built vessel can be found - anywhero.: M bv sold low." .App'y ' July 17. GEO. IHtirSTOV. , ' NOTICE. " !r f. PERSONS mJt'btel to me for Oo-hI, pu-hj!ed previa to 1st Jnlv. ill plfafi-t-a!l nai net tie. On all wcoun standing wit bi onih, chjr' iirtins.- '- July 13, GKO. K- FRENCH IRVING'S LIFE CF WASHINGTON,' F.i;KVKD and Jor gulc at - July 31. ' N." W..WHIT.Iv Kit's VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. WE have just put upon retail, I cas-k Port Vlne, I ' Madeira, the best article ever offered in this market. At the Original Grocery. GKO. MYERS. PQ 1 We make no oretensiuns in the way O.of VMBUELI.AS but we ofTer , some beautiful ItWCU HEAD CUEKSKjuat received thl day at GEO. MYERS. - Oct It. , go : - ELEC110N. r IN accordance with a Resolution passed by the Board of Coiniiiisckioner of the Town ot. VVit s mingt-n, passed the nd Inst there will be aa l-'.l etion held it ihi; Court Unui-e in this Town, oa Wednesday, the 13th Hay of Autruat next, to .cer Saia the i-w of the ei'ixms, relative tn tosking on unconditional subsctiption of 20O.CH 0 to the tiial tiucK ol the VV Umioifton, Charloiie and Rutherford liailioud Cuiui':iiiy. 1 - . ; K. D. HALL, ShiiT. " July 10th, 1S55. 19-te. JUST RECEIVED. OAVLB.S. N. C. Bacon, (Ho round,) OUUU 10 Kegs fresh Goshen Butter. For "ale fey Wm.L.S. TOWNSHEND. aug 7. . No. 20. Market st. LIQUORS! LIQUORS!!. OCT BBLS. Rectified Whi-kev. JtfJ 25 " Rum, Gin and Brandy, just received and for aa I by ZENO H. GREENE. August 7, 1856. . i ... r NOW RECEIVING, PER schooners AdIe and Lizzie Russell : 35 bbls. Refined Sogers, also, Crushed and Powdered; " r 25 bags RIj, Jsva and Lsgnayra Cofieea; . 6 chests superior Oolon and Oreea Teas; IS eases suporior brands Claret Wine ; j 40 boxes Soap; - F - 25 do. Pearl Starch; " , J 40 baskets Champarno, (ry ruptrUr brand;) 20 bbls. Rectified Whiskey. For sal bv , . VV. L. S. TOWNS II END. JaTy 24. " No. 20, Market street JIST RECEIVED BYG. R. FRENCn A FKKKH supply of PER RY DAVIS VEGE J TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Naw Oaasa To be sure that ynu get th genuine Mod icino, inquire for the New Drvss with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. April 19. , r- 18-tf. WINES AND LIQUORS. wk Invite the attention of o P tlends and Patrona to the be; seiet twn or Wlnca and Llquots eter oficrcu. in this market, consisting of . . - Crescent Brandy, Vintsee 18U, Pale and Dark. Oiard, Dupuy &. Co.a Brandy, ; Old Cognac ' do. , i S. Brasson dr. C.'' do. T CastilU.n A Co 's do. - ' 2 . " Pure old Port Wine, H , DufT, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, oM Uadcira and , .Msseat Wines, ; Blslaga Wine, J - "PPsmd; Wlno, Holland Gin. - Old Tom Gin aitra, ' ' Wooli a Schiedam Schnapps. Cherry Brandy, if . , Old Peach Brandy, ' " ' . Apple do. " " BourboA Whiakey. " 'Rye . do . Irish and Scotch Whiskey, . 1 ,U Blackberry Brandy, Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, - Every variety of bottled Wiaes and Liquors, Clarets of various brands at wbotajtl , prices, " Maraschino; Curscoa, v , ' Hosteller's Sinn-iacfa Bittera - - Aroma tie do. do- s .. . . Ginger Wine, A. &e. W-low prices for CASH. At theorieiaai.v;j ry. - 17. v GEO. MYER'S. NAILS! NAILS!! KEGS sssorted Nsihujust received and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. 100 : Aug. 6. -v.- A-i ' - t)U . CANDY. Zifi BOXES assorted ateaniTefincd Candy For ZD sale by. A ZENO H. GREENE. ( A as. 5. - - 60 i VINEGAR. . Jrv RBT.S Cider Vinrnr, jnrt reerivw and for .VJB;,!C Uy . ZENO Hj GREECE- - iAug. 6. " . -.60 HAY! RAY! . 400b? BALES prime Hay, In slore and for sale T. U. f o. y. nuiilH. , (iO ' Ag t JLST RECEIIED rtA BUSHELS beautifurvvhits .ZvJsaleat GEO. , May 20. . ... - Beans. For MYERSV - .- 28 f THE A'EW AGE OF GOLD. - OR the Life and Adventures of Robert Dexter Romaine. written by himself. One vol. 12mo. lately published. Received snd for sale at , July 15. S. W. WHITAKER'S. ; NOTICE. v ALL accounts due the late firm of Freemn & Houston. MtrsT be closed without further de la r. ' GEO. HOUSTON. July 17. - - 62 T ON CONSIGNMENT. r pr BOXES New York city made-Pale Soap, a JJ prime article. July 3. ... For ssle by G. W, DAVIS. 25 DOLLARS REWARD! RANAWA V fiom the subscriber, his ser- AJt -van nt JtM SHAVVa yoang dark mulatto, of lit and rather small figure ; tenernlly smiles u ben about to talk. He was neatly dress ed in a black frock coat, and blacr pantaloon. The above rewird will be pnid to any one will de liver him to uie, or secure hlin in sny jail. JAMES F. McllEK. . May 6. . 22-tf ; CANDY. rrrk BOXES Assorted fresh Candv, iu.t receiv OUedat GEO. MYERS. ' ed at Jnne 3. 34. JUST RECEIVED, g BBLS. Mackeral ; 20 bbU. No 1 laree ntve 4 I llcrrin ; 5 hlkdi Bavon, low for eah . June 3. GEO. .MY KllS. NOTICE. day associated with me in the I HAVE this L Har.K ware Business in Wilmington, itty Son C K Rosinsob. The Lusinevs will hereafter b conducted under the firm oi J - M Rohinson Si Son. J- M. KOBIMSON. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, WjLMINOTON. N. C. Imprrtersk Manvfactiircrs' Agents and Dealers in HBUCK, CUTLKtlY,' IHOM STKKL, KAILS, AOm- ci'unmt,, sc. J. M. HOBINSOX. ' C. C. ROBINSiN. Jan. I, 13 6. . . l-'4 BACON ! BACON ! ! 104 HMDS. v'estefn Sides snd Sh iuldcrs; .000 lbs. N. f. Hog Round, Kr ;le by July 3!. ZE.0 H.GREENE. I'ROSPECIUS OF THE . " SUUTUERN SENTINEL " A Democratic and Miscellaneous Journal, to be publish d icerkly,al Illson, JY. C. 'I'll E eaimini; condition of political panics, and I of pariizan strite, n Morally suggests thtf etslab-li-iitnof such a journal as tnu ''Ouuthern Smti uel" nrnposej to bt-come, Thi-pres nt, indetd, is a cii ts in our political history, never m iim sm d be fore. The Constitution has tin n invuded ; (heliiMS trampled anj sp it u rnt rell inusli'ierty uf-saikd ; boxes broken and tinrm ; the1 landmarks ot ir political jnmlry piutiully el.n: d ; lite vis dnn ileiivvd from a liinu-lioo'r-U exp ri' rv uu- t-ei't-d; t-lrang" and tcstion il'le In-1) h.ivc .been ' )iiib'i,d into hih jm.-itrns ; jj ud t'analici III, unchui ! ned friirn its ate and it- fiigzvi pil- y in the North, I it h aid lo Iwwl am rtig tin in ir !-oMth. Thcrt i cvi!s fv.ii .. it hiiiuli i;ii g glml: u tvr. 1 i THE SOU I HEUN SENTINEL WPl n. leaver to nrrest. It iil cttdcVorto ine1- : ca'i-i f vcri net lor iliC the--. ij.., -.-u tot lie '.'.mtittition, it !i is ' cu inli-i prelcd by the mon of tf-.e p:iri and by the Fuiht is i4 the Hem jcratic tatth. It Avill.Ietend h'ii 'nlj poHtiuHl but a Liotovs liberty, and will do b.n tli upainrt ev erf im.iiicl htroy tliu tuay nppcar. w.'iethci h itched in t-ates oreuiverts, or open ceovrntion. The Sentinel will also, to relieve the moaotony of poliilca. devote space to literary topics, original and selected-, as well as to miscellaneous subjects, which shall ini.-iuile Agricultural and the latest Con), mercialintelligence. In e Hurts nor ex penses will be spared to make the Sentinel one -ot the most useful and efficient journals in the outK The first "number of the Sentinel will be issued about the first of the next month, and sent to sub scribers at tha rute of 92 per -annum : 9'i SO at the end of six, months, and S3 at the end of the vea r. Discount made in behalf of clubs, who shall take live, ten or more eoks. - - J. F. KEEN'AN, Editor. 1 Jan IT. 1 130-31 n THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE 1NSU It ANCE COM P' , -i. KAlrElUil, N. il.- rllE above Company hrs been inopcratlonsincc the lstol April, 813, under the diroctiouof the following Officers, viz : . - Or. Charles E.Jonhson, President. Wm.:". Haywood, Vice President . f John G. Williams, Secretary, " Win. H.Jones, Treasure, - Pcrrin Busbec, Attorney, . . Ur.Charlcs E.Joboson, j .. , .. .... ; D r. S m . H . McKee , Udu:al Uoasd of Dr. R.B. Haywood, S ctfut. - J. Hersman. General Agent.- - 'This Company has received a charier giving ad vantages tuthe insured over anv otherComoinv. The 5 tli Section gives the Husband ihe privilege ic insure his own lile forth sole use of his Wife, and Children, free front any claimsof the represents, lvesof the husband or anv of his creditors. t Organized on purely mutual principles, the life memberspartlcipateifa-the tcltoleol the profitawhich are declared annually. Pesidea, iliu applicant foi life, when the anntialpreiulum is pverSiO may paj one nan in a note. All claims for insurance aeainsl the CnmDanvwll oe paid within ninety daysafierproof of the death af the party is furnished. - ' .Slaves sre insured for one or five years, at rates which will ens Die an aiavenoiders to secure thi class of properltv against ihe uncertainly of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interest in featureir, the history oi North t'arolina. which will rroe vcrv important te the Southern Stores. The last four months operation of this Company ahowsa verrl a rue a mount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more man uu foiicirs. Dr, W. W. HAsaiss.Modiral Examiner, and Arent. Wllmlnetnn. N.O. -- - All.' oniindnicatlonsonbBsincssof theCompany should be addressrrt to - " - ' JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Sec'y i Raleieh. June P. If 5. , ' CIRARSi - 1 fn nrt CIGARS, at prices from S5 00 -i UU.MUU to 4 $40 per thousand, at to Katn tly G roefry. April 17. 14 IN STORE AND JUST RECEIVING! Al BBLS. Sre wans and N. Y. Refined Sugars, tsV CriuA. Loaf, de; 63 bbls. Cincinnati and .ttolrimorc .Kectlfied Whiakera f IS bbls. Mess Pork; 25 bbls. Fsyetieville Flour; 3i bozes Ad agiaojine and Socrm Csndlea; li barrels and IS bvxeS Butter. Soda. and. Milk Crackers i S Hbds. Molasses. For sale by- .'; WM. L. 8. TOWNS H END, fio. 20 Mar kot Street. .May 24: , .t. . . . - . 3t. TOE COMMISSION" DOUSES CLOSING at half-past five o'clock, commen cing this afternoon, wo deem it a fining time to remark that the Book Siors, supplied with a choice stock of Reading Manor, lncloding most of tha latest publications, dos aot clasa atil . af esst rwo hours later Julf 19. S. TV. WnfTA XKR. i CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have purchased the Drug Es tabUshment of Messrs. C. dt D. OuPre, f . , They will continue the Drsg business In its va rious branches mw,Ar lti firm of W. Bt EIRCS A pO-r ; r-. , WALKER, MEAR ES, :-May 2i-: " h?' ' ROYAL -IIAVJiVA 1 LOTTERF. Tbo ht ordtmtry ifrawins; Of th Roysl Havana Lotlrry conduced by the pai,lrh Gorcrnrnt nt, un der -the supervision f the Captain General of Cu ba, will take place at Ha vana on SATURDAY, "AUG.'.Olli, 1850. SOTEO NUMEUOS67 ORDIXARIO. riPiTir. Pi?rp 41 aa nnn r ? vita MM.tmm m itiuu yivv)vvv ! prize of 100,000 3 prizes of 82,000 -?50,000 20.000 10,009 5 000 2 " 1.000 .70 M -400 149 200 20 Apr'xm's. 7.20Q j 1 flpiivauiisjlivnc KT- IIW IW,VVU V" tvw v mmm 4 of S400 to 950,000 1 4 of 00 to tWflOQi 4 of .'00 to lO.W0 1 4 .f 'i00 to 5 0C0. Whole Tickets, 20; Halveo.H0; Quarters ti 00. Prizes cashed at fifht at 5 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charloiie taken at par. A drawine will be furwarded as Soon ss the re sult becomes known. - ? Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. O.) ao til the 9th August-will be attended to. July24ih.;. 55-tf- HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. MOliE PRIZES THAN BLANKS, 7,767 PHIZES. ONLY 15,000 NU.MBEKS! JASPELl COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the State of Georgia Class P. to be drawn August 15, 1656, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superinten dence of Col. George M. Logan and Jaa. A.Nis bet, Esq. ' Patrons will please examine this scheme care, fully cooipare it with any other, and if it is not the best ever offered, .and the chant cs to obtain capitals far better, don't purchase Tickets. CAPITAL $15,000 ! 1 Prize or Si 5,000 is 515,000 1 do 3,u00 is 3,0 0 1 do' 2,000 la 2.0u0 4 do - 1.000 are 4.000 . 10 do 500 are 6,000' 60 do " 100 are 6.000 20 appr'xlmafus of 50 to tlS.OOO Prize aro Sl.000 60 do. 25 to 3,000 " are 1,0 50 do. - 20 to 2,000 " are 1.000 SOapprx'ms. oi 12J to each capita of l,0u0. 1.000 7 600 Prizts of 8t aro 03,750 7,7o7 Prizes, amounting to S102.0C0 ! Tickets, $10. Halvea. 3. Quarters, SI 50. Prizes payablo .without Oeduetiun. The 7,500 Prizes of SP, are deiermined by the Number which draws the SI5.000 Piize-il that number should bo an odd Number, then every odd number Ticket in the scheme will he entitled toS8 60; if sn even number, then every even number Ticket will be entitled to S9.50, in addition to anv other Prize which msy be drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd and even number Tickets will be certain of draw- Ling nearly one half the rest of the same, with chances ol obtaining other I'rizes. All those Tiekeis ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are ev- n -al those coding with 1. 3, 5, 7. 9, are odd. . Persons sending money by nail need not fear its being lost. Oiders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Eank Notes of all sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numVera rhould order immediately, Addiess 4 JAMES F WINTER, - f Manager, Macon, Ga. July 15 5l-tf. , CIRCULAR SAWS. THOSKi AWii Stamped J. M. ROBINSON aie manufactured of the finest quality Cast Steal, by the very hest workmen. They re tempi-red by Syljerfel's Patent Tempering Machine; (which tempers more evenly, and renders ihc blade rlitn-r, it ihe gtiaue of plate, than any other ap paratus.) and yroivnd on Southwell's Patent Saw Grimtin? Mavhine; the onlv' machine thai will t rind a Circular Saw peifeeilv t-on. For sale by - ' - J. SI. liOBirSSOA OL olliv. . U itm-.nctonr.N C , July I. 46. P. ft. - M' .f every kind made lo order,, Herald and Journal copy. - ' FOR SUMMER. I JLU"GK, Shower, nnd Sponse Bath', -Water L i oolers nuJ .lefriaerators, Ju.t received and fr sal- by 1. LOVK. - . Furnlturo Clare, No. JO, r rout st. June 21. - , . 43 ' FRESH ARRIVALS. PER scbr. J. H . Klmner, from Philadelphia. t GEO. H. KKI.LKV4 BRVM, No. 11. North Water street 20 boxes Adamantine Candles, low forcash. . , . . . . April 12. ' ' . 12 ' WAU-BUN. rjHR "Eariy Day" in the North West; by Mrs 1 John H. Kenzie, of Chicago. One 8vo. vol., illustrated: lately publi-hcd. - Received and for sale at - S. W. WHITAKER'S. July 16. . 61 STE1MER ASTORIA FOR PORTSMOUTH & BEUiFORT. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. rp II E splendid low pressure steamer A STORI A, x At. 51. liray. Master, having been thoroughly repaired and new Machinery put in her, will com mence her rergular trips for the season on Satur day, July 5th, and will run the following schedule. Leave Washington on Saturday Morninps at 6 o'clock. AM., for Por'sinoutn ana tsesutort. . Leave Beaufort on Monday- Mornings at 6 o. clock. A. M.. for Portsmouth and Washinston. Leave Washington on, Tuesday Mornings ato' o'clock. A. M.i for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort on Wednesday Mornings at 6 o'clock, A. M., for Portsmouth ana rvewbern. Leave Newbern on Thursday. Mornings at F o'clock, A. M.. for Portsmouth and Beaufort. Leave Beaufort oa Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, A. M , for Portsmouth snd Washington. Fare from Washington to Portsmouth, S2 50 . Do. do. . do . BeauforU 4 00 .Do. -do. Newbern . : Portsmouth, 2 60 Do. do. do ' ' Beaufort, 4 00 MEALS EXTKA. .... ' . Passengers will be Unde4 at Portsmouth or Beau tort without extra charge. , B. K, H.lNKS. Wauhingion, N. C. June 19. . . ,41-tlO .: NOTICE. I HEsubacriberj-eanertfnllv Informs the oublic L thaihe is now ranasctlng the action business on nis own account, and hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance olthat patronage ttoretoiore eeuberillv bestowed upon him. M.CRONLY. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on s comtnision, either at privaieor public sale.. .Ian . IRM. . . , J NOTICE, ' . Loko Cam, May 15th. 1856. TRK copartnership of Jones. Moore & Cs. la L this day dissolved by mutual content. All per sona indebted by note or account ate requested to make immediate payment or ther will find them in the hands of an Attorney for collection. " JOHN JOKS, J. P. MOORE, " - - d. McMillan. rilT aHKarltwir havlna- nanhiaMl lha alir interest of Jones. Moore dk Co.. will eontiane the vors confered spon the firm,. and hope to have a conttnaaiion ot iu hoi. JAMES P. MOORE, ICE. ICE. ICE. ; THE Wilmington Ice Honse will be open for de livery of ICE from ranilse to sunset, except on Sunday-; when it will be doeed at 9 o'clock in the mornlrnj. . .- -' ; - Price One cent per pound for quantities of three pea nds and over. . - l erms cssn,-ia su cases, witnout except ton. Tickets can be procured by such aa desire them. Ice furnished to the sick poor. - free -of charter when by direction from physicians of vUidog com. AprU 19. V t -X ? 15-4f- H1 wf-aijag'.iaji lirrns-' J mi OBIffllli ESTABLISHMENT,; m SIM MAMIT ST. IS THI'HAE IT HCJS3 . . WILMINGTON, O. ' THE PROPRIETOR of this well known EaUhlUnment would call the attentioo of thebusMHws eoui luuniey to bin large and beautiful asKortnient of Type ami !'--. ha vine jnt added to bis rtoek one of R. Hon as Co's PATENT 61NOUE CVXINDEK PRIXTlNa- MA CHINES, be is now enabled to do Work at- much more reasonable rate than formerly, and in the lineal style of the work. " . - . " ; ' - ' Clauds, : . FriDted from t3 to $10per thousands - ; BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS) - RECEIPTS FOR , RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, CORPORATIONS, tc. BIUIIBADS, BIIOP-BHLS. BILLS OF T .. - LADIKO, IIEADIXOS, " - .e., ice., fte. - P03TE RS AND PROG RAM M ES. Ms would call the attention of Concert Agents, 8how men and others, to our facilities for doing this kind 0 work. . . . - ALL KtXDS Of PLAIX AKD OltNAMEIJTAL PRIXTIXG1, Done In the neatest manner, sud at short notice. Those in want of Printing we trust will Hud it to their advantage to give u a call. CO VI M ERCIAI. BLAN KS. ' . The attention of Sliippers and othera 1s called to our extetiaive aiwortment of Commercial Blank. Anions the collection- is a very Sue and haodsurae lot of LUIla of Kx cliatiKe, in sheets and books. - , - Kovembcr 3, lKj J. , ROCKY MOUNT MILLS P0 It-SALE. jO CAPITALISTS, Olt TO ENTER Pit I SING . Business men, with a limited capiicl. the rarett opportunity for a fiue purchase is now ofi'eied. This property lies on butli sides oi Tur Kiyer in the counties of Nash and Eugecombe, one utile, from Kocky Mount Depot on the W. and W.R. a , and cm' rates the whole wst r power f the iiei at this point. The power is made-available by a solid dam of granite, laid in Hydraulic Cement, and completed wilhia the last twelve months at an expense of near ten thousand dollars. It is probably the best dam io North. Caro Jna. The oiher improvements ron.-ist of, 1st. The Cotton Factory a must substantial granite build ing, 70x33 feel, two stories high, besides the base- . on nt, used for Turning shop, &c, and a commo dious attic, whers the reeling and packing are done. The Machinery 1716 spindles, with all the necessary machinery to run them, besides two ex tra irames with 132 spindles is in fine order tut turning off d ail;; twelve hundred pounds (120U lbs.) yarn. . For manufacturing Cotton thislocation is unsur passed in the United Slat- a. The water-power is splendid and sufficit nt- to run thousnt.ds of spin, dies help to be had 26 lo 50 per cent. cheaper than in the Northern tatis. and the raw rnati ri.ilat the Mill, whers a good buyer can lay in his stock i to 1 cents per lb , below the N. Y. market. 2d The Giist Mill, an excellent fram d building 40 fe-1 square on waits "f stone (laid in Cement) that will stand forever. - There are five pairs of stone-in ihe Mill two pre. Burr's for Wheat, and -three pre. Esopas for Corn. For custom nulling thia point can't be excelled in N. C. ft is ihe lowest point cn the river at which ihere is a mill, and here we are patronized by persons 25 lo aO miles in the sum mer and fall months. The Mills are driven bvtwo overshot wheels, one of which will be renewed this summer. . v- 3d. The Saw Mill a Circular Saw,' driven by one overshot wheel, all nearly new and in fine or der. The neighborhood furtiirhiog a fa J market, and timber to bo had neat, or floated down the riv er Irom above. 4th. One large and excellent two storied framed dwelling, SUx40 feel ihe yard and garden welled in wiih brick and stone. One other hsiidsoinely locsttd dwelling with 5 rooms below, and 2 above stairs eleven fiamrd cabins lor operatives ana their families, two store houses, two wareluurcs, barnw, stables, bl.ickstn'lh and wood shops. , Thu Mill idles embrace (6)' fifty-five acres, and a tract of eighty odd acres, one milo dUt iut, for fuel. Ac.,, will be so d with tle mills. I will sell the prope ly on credits running fr. m oiu to right years, should the 1' r desire, nd am ConfiJent that, with cr.teipiise and good management, a profit f ten lo twi rity ptr cmi, ma v be realized Irom it per nriRum. Eurtlier i information uiay b hud of mr,'or my 'iWi, on the rreial?es,oi by letter to - - - WM.-S. BATTLE, Uouky'Ml.t'Eiigec jmbe co , N. C. N. B Unlit the property Is sold, orders for Vui ns, Plowlines, c. diiei led to the undet sign ed. at Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, N. C, will be promptly attcndid to. - " i j W. S. BATTLE. - J-unc 21, 18'j6. . .-- ' 42-ew2ro. " OFFICII L PUBLICATION. AT a special meeting of the Boaid of Comnus s loners of the Town of Wiliuin0-too, at Oi&ce, Julvind, l&56 PrcsCJii,tII Hon. the Mayor O. G. PARSLEY, : , . J H. P. RUSSELL, " : ; L.A.HART, a . T. M. GARDNER, ; v - WM. SUTTON, GEO. DAVIS. Whereas, The subscription heretofore made by the Commissioners of ihe Town to the stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte A Rutherford Rail Road Company, was made uodor certain conditions which arecontained in the I wo first resolutions pass ed by the convention for organizing the said Com pany, held at Wadesboro' on the 3rd and 4th of Oc tober, I S55; and whereas, the said conditions have not yet been complied with and it is not probable that the subscrlpiion of StiOO.tOO required in the said resolutions can be obtained : Therefore be it Resolved, That an election be held by iho sheriffof New Ha .over Oojnly, on Wednesday the 13th day of Aoguet nrxt, for the purpose oi sertaiing th views of the citizens relative to m iking an uncun. dUienal subscription of $.' ,)!! to the Jnpitil M"C of ih-3 Wilmington. Charlotte snd ttu be fud Rait Road Company. That the poiU be opew d at 9 o' clock of that day an I clo-e at sunset. All citizens who are in fa vor of making an unconditional sub scription to the above aino nt will deposit a ballot on which shall be written or printed the word "Sub scription," and those who are opposed to an uncon ditional subscription will deposits ballot containing the words "No Subscription.' Retstved, That tho said two first resolutions of the convention above alluded lo be published heie- witn, in order tnat trie cmzena may lully understand what wi'i be the ettect of withdrawing tne condi tion contained in them. . - Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to publish for the information ot the eitiiei s, all the facts ex planatory of the late action of the Comutitsioners in reference to the corporate subscription to the vvumington. unartotte and Kutheriora Kan u.oaa. ttivxtAULi fliuttftiP, sown viecK. 'RESOLUTIONS . Of the Convention of tne' Wilmington. Charlotte A RutherfOrd Rail Road Company referred to in " the above proceedings f 1st.: Whereas. Tho Cotdmicsionersof theTown of Wilmington have subscribed the sum of 200,000 to the slock of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Roth erfont Rail Road Oouiaany, and whereas the said subscription was only authorized by the citizens ot i ho said town and made by the said Commission- rs upon tne raith of its eqsunng leasonabie prospect of the successful completion of the eaid Road, and whereas this company is desirous of offering a rea sonable guaranty that the said subscription shall not be uselessly expended, snd it appearing that theie is no probability that tho said Road can be completed unless the sum i at least six hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed in addition- to he said subscription by the said Commissioners s now therefore, bed t Resolved, That no money, ex. cept to pay surveys and other incidents I expenses, shall be expended for work upon the said Road east of Charlotte, until the said sum of 600,000 exclu sire of the said corporate subscription, snd of sncb subscriptions ss have already been made West of Charlotte, shall have been sab scribed. And when. eer the said sum of6W,000 shall be subscribed that the said part of the road shall be put under contract throughout the entire line. 2nd. Resolve.!, That the "Eastern terminus of ihe Road be located within the corporate limits of tha Town of -Wilmington, on the East aide of lite Cape Kear River. , July Pth 1856. s - ,48-ie.. L. W. PIGOTT, CO Molls SI ON MERCHANT. RRAtTPrtRT. N fl - r Any basineaa entrusted to his attention wiH be attended promptly and tn the beat of his ability. Camming 41 Styron. Com.Merehsnta Wilming Mr. Jan. Noream, Attorney nt Law, 4 J ten N C Mr. Edward Stanly, Beaufort N--1L. - t '" Mr. Benjamin L. Kerry. General Agent for Under. n rn rn cttit nTi i t wngnrers, Heauipn, IM. W Feb, 5ib, 1S5S. - 2l-12w-w. ' sciIool coots; ftlsw-.V-sy' -VaJt'lr -: STAND AMD - - ; -theological, - htstorical; Law, MEDICAL, BIOQUAPniCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PltESERVIXG CANS. . I Lnst.yrar,"trt g-eai Variety of Self-Seating Can-, nndj . Jars were mamiTiictured, but as ja ht of them were Wrongin piiiicf I le, fuiluro wss in t illable, and - thou sands of tiousekot p. ers iosl their,-Iruil ia const cadence. ; Arihitr.s- S-lf-Sel- Vf. . ,1 ' ing C.-inx are a-very diilvieot art'u-In iVoin those, and warr -anted lo seu.1 h-rnn ticnlh . ' - , ' NeVer has more cmpleto success attended ihe intr i!uetiui ol anv new anicle ef domestic use. Poisons who intend nsin lhesev Cane, sre re quested to leave uit ir osdofe lii.ii nc: the roomh id Junew ith . L.JN. UvVULOW. , June 7. - -. -i -iii- ' P. S. TIiese Cans cannot Ic obtained at ajy oili er place. FRESII AltUlVALS. THE suhscribcr ltos just added Jargeiy lo his . slock of good things, all fresh aiid in fine or dcr. Among his articles are ORANGES; - APPLES;" l.KMO.S- ' (JITKOff t - RAI-1NS; n?i;RilXTS-l " fOCOa NPTS; - JRWJR ' REsERv'KSi, PICKLES , -.5 ? -- CnNOlES, n lar'C and varied a&S irtrnrrit ; ' -PINEAPPLES,- BtNANAS. '. "BRANDY KUriTS, - - PKUKKS , - t PLANTING POTATOES ; SEGARS and TOUACCO ; GROCEIUES, Ac, 4c All of tin above articles will be sold, ut the low est cash prices.: v - - K M. AGOSTINI. Feb. 9. 156. ' - IW-tf. - DU R. F. IIIBBAUD'S -- -WILD CUHItRY BI TTfclRS, FOIl Nefvoii!" Weakness snj General Debility. . .These Bitters are highly serviceable irl all dyt-s peptic affections; they assist di-resiion ; restoring tone of Ihe stomaeh. siimnlate the; and cTeat an appetite. They are unsurpassed in r movine angor or lafsitude. (or want of energy to move.) and effectually throw off the drowsiness incident to the Sprirjf or warm season -' Kold Wholesale and R;tui1, by " March 31. GEO. MYERS. BirTTER. CDEESE, &c. GOSHEN Butter, do. Cheese, Eoglitih Dairy and Pine t ople theese. Codfish, .-coich Her ring, Salmon, Mackerel, with a variety of other goods just received and for. 'Sale by L. N. BAllLOW, 'Jane IG. . No. 3, Granite Row. HOOP IROX. mTONS"l, II ond 1J inr-h. Just rrccivi lor sale by - ZENO II. GREE ra n ml KNE July 3. N. C. O. Ad. copy. 47 SPRING AND SUMMER ClOATS PANTAl.t'ONS nnd VKTS, n nesv and beaiuiful Si-k of Krervch ;io'h .floats, I'.mev t;4-.t.iHieie Pants, Miin MnrPeilIci and -lik Vests, also i hand-om- lot of I'uriutliiny Goodi now opening at very low piii es, OlK Al.KHI iV t'O., Market Sircct, 6 doors from Front. Mac IO," ; - ".- " ' - , 21. JUST RECEIVED. JfZ BBLS superfine Flour; - -itJ 30 boxes Uol-ate's Pale Soup j - -Kiesh lot of Mess Beef trtil Pickled Tonsue? ; i boxes Adamantine and sSperm t undoes ; "ill bbls. sssorted Craekeis ; " 23bxes " " -A LS a lot of extra Butter tarkcr in linrnns ;md Abernathv and Maple Hi.cml, new and very extra, for sale by ; W.M. L. . TOWN H END. June 19. v No 20 .Warkct street. ' CAPE FEAR ACADEMY, : BY ': Messrs. RADCLIFFE &. ANDREWS. IMBRACING -A. CLASSICAL, ENGLISH Vu and PREPARATORY .DEPARTMENT, with Tactics and Drill. - v r .-. .i Session lo comn encc 1st of October, 115GW in ihe Teaipcrunco liallv For particulars see card at Messrs. Erotvh dt Andersons J. I. K A DCLIFPE, - " t. P. ANDREWS. June26. - " 44-w-tA w-ljf C . AFf LICTED. ; RE i D ! ! P II 11. J It h U tl 1 l KOloAL .HOUMv. i Est ii i;li.-ti Lwet.ty-iuo years : go b Or. KIAKl'.Ll, coiner ol i hud and .Luioo bliee's. i'ijtludcipoia, i'il. - : '4 WKNTY-TWO-YEARS' . Experience has rendered lr K. a mos-t sue cesslul practitioner in ihe cure-o' ail diseases of a private nature ; manhood's ueiniity, as un im pediment to marriage; nervous and sexual in lirmiiies, diseases I the skin, and those arising ftom abuse of mercury."-. s , n. " - pake particular notice. ' There is an evil habit sometimes i intuit ed in by boya, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood i and which, if not reformed in duetim, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, 'but gives riro. to a series of proi tractraVipelJious, and devastating affections. - I- ew of those w ho give wsy to ibi. perniii ius practice areawareof the consequences, untilthey find the nervnnsystem shattered, ftelsirangesnd nnar countable sensations, and vague tears in rlie mind. (Sea pagi s, 7, t&, 29, ot ur. K's book -on " Self Preservation..") .-- v v ,4 , -. The unlortunale thus affected becomes feebte, la unable to labor with accustomed vivor, or to ap ply hii mind to study : his step is tardy and weak; he is dull,, irresolute, and engages, evecuin his, sports with less energy than usual. , . If he emancipate. him. If before -the practit-e has done its orrt, and enter matrimony, hie inarri4g5 i unfruiiful. aid his sence j-ll !iun lliat tivis is c:iu:d bv his eariy folli. s Thte art contLtera tion hick ofioidd awaken tlu attention of uit .who tire nmilariu tiltialed- ' r REMEMBER., i; - f . , i i : i r .. - r r-: i . i , . tc who places ntu9-ii uc. aianeun ueatment. may religiously contuie in tils honor as gentleomn, an' rely upu live Kssursnee, that the secrets of Dr. 'S patienxs win. never, be ks clofexk i k Yoang man let no false modesty eteter yea from making vour case known to one, who; from education and respeciabilityT'can certainly be. friend you- - .- - ' . - . Xr. Kin kelin'a residence has been for the fast twenty yeara at ihe N. W earaetuf Third and Union wreeie. PhtlsdeJphis, Pa. ' - - PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. - Csn have (by siaiinz their ca.e explieiilr. to geiher wiih all ihelssemptom. per rotrer, eaclos inga remi'tance Or. R.'s medicine, appropriated aeordingl'. ' . Forwarded to any part of the United Slates, and packed Becnte from damage or cariosity, by Mail or Express. HEAD YOUTH AND MAN'HOODI A igorut Life or a Premature XeaUi,Kinkelin e Self l'rrtcrixtlion Only 25 Cents. Letters coaiainiac that value in stamps, will euaare a'eopy." per return ol mail. ' . GRATIS ! GRATIS M UrtATIS'i: i A Free GlPT To All. MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature's Guide, a - new and popular Work, fall of valaable advice and impressive- waruioi;-. alike calcolaird to prevent years of misery, and save Mewsorttfa of lives, is .distributed w.itbout charge, a ad forwarded by maU, prepaid to any feetumce in the united states, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. June I'J. 4Wiy-w&t ' BOOKS, '" " : &c ,Jic ;&c if te ' ST.ATIOXE . IJf.xrf BOOKS, I'AI'KIUS OF ALL. TVBinKEJifl f -''"DESCCirTlON, r-.- I I CARDS, . HEXBY CURKUniER . WHOLESALE it BETA1L . TOJ3 AC CO, SX UFF A XJ) . C1(J.R S1H) II hi. ' , Slav i)KTHE 1DIAX, IlIKF" MARIIET STlfEET, . one door above Water Vilml:'igtoii N.C. ... -. -t - -V. B. Oct. 2G h. ATI Otlcr$ Jilted with, despatei.. &3-f w c. r F0I1 SALE. - - ory r- Acres Pfne Land," sifualed Iminerfiately O uiion vv ilniinirtn and Weldon R. R., lour to firo uiiles-i'roa Depot ui, V iloiingtoa. rp of Rice or Jlcid.jw i.ann, simaud i )r Vn ween Hures Put and Thomibttry ; llf ylM li )f liiMj t4v a;vnp. LauJ. Eor ittrniK, tic . ay. 31, UliU.Ll - - COUMEKCIAL COLLEGE. . r E.MOYF.D to (he n- wahTspaclous HaTl Nos. L B9.iind-401 -IJaltiinore sin et, Baltimore, ld. O. iv . t.ybiiiuberlln, Piimipal und. Lecturer upon Jlereaptilo Scigi ce. . - - - , . E. K. I.o.-ier, in charge of Writing. Drpaf imeit. GX'W. Kemp, instructorin Mercantile Caletilbr linns and Associate-in Book Keeping Oepartmeiit. J. M. Phihios, Teacher in B;)oU Kei pug. ' S. T. Wisli.iina, Lcciurcli on Commeu-Ial La' -This Ir.stitutiorl piesrnts superior fa ilitts young men risairous of olilain a praciicafbutsi nets ediieation.-. . .. The course of stud emSracea Double Enrry, -Bonk.Kei i'ing, as practically spplii dto the man ngementof Meicantilc, Bank. -Manufacturing and Steamboat Books familiar Lectures on Comrner ei:il Law ttpori the subject of Kills'of Exchange, Psoiiiiui9ory Notes, :ontracis. Partnership?, dec-. The ex rciaes uie liH snictiy praeiii-n.1, In ins de ducted fr. mi actual businiss iransaciions, so com-plereiyciinriini'-w practice with theory f liaf sunents on coiiipiLlion of the' course , are in every respect competent to conduct, on seiuniitiu rinciplcs, any pet f "Doublc'Entry Bonks.. The Undents have access to a Komrnercfal Library piocuredexprussly for their accommodation. . Examinsttonsare held at stated peiioda'and Di plomas awarded to ill jsc found competent to repre sent the tnstil utlon in a ntercnntiW capacity. . Uvoai length of time to complttu the whole course from eitht to ti n wetks. For particuta'rs write, and receive a circular by mart. ' ' " ' 1 ' " . ,S.-pt. 20. . " . . . , , .RUly ' RICE, RICE. " ?lfr CASKS in store and for sale in lots to suit by May 13. -. T, C. & B. G. WORTH. N. C -SHEETINGS AND YARNS. - f BALES N.Q. Sheetings and Yarns, jusi re- A J erlvi t ed and for t-ulc by June 12. T. C. 4- D. G. VVORTfl.' JUST R EC LIVED PER SCrriJ. K. Wr BROWN, A large lot of Lemons and Oranvcs in fine orier; price to -uit 'hv limes, Bt tilt Bioatiwav variety store mar Uci nieti. . i W. II,X)cNEAL. Juiyfr. ' " ! 4". NIXON'S HOUSE. . '(FORM I'KLY MUS. BORDEN'S) WEST SID E TJ Al L' UOAD, " " ; GOLDSBORO'. N. C.,- r4 THIS extensive and wcjl known public K.-tal)lisliini ni has been purchased and was reopened by ihe Subscriber for 'the reception of guots on the 4 1 li insi. . ' li is) plc.i v.i 'iily and conveniently situated in the contro of business, and is directly opposite to. and WKST of the Ticket OiTicc-s, tifUie Wiluiin too and VbI J--K und ihe (Janlrai Rail Road-Companies, wjiere ihe cars srop on th-ir arrival and' di p u tn re. and whera l AlTurjrL scstskts will be in waiting to take bavtse, "and give such, otlicr ' attentions' us ihe traveller may require. THE HOUSE has oecn remodelled, repaired, and i hoMUuhly renovated fiom cellar to garre , and furnished throughout with New Furniture, selected vv i i h special rare, and arranged with an eye sinjjle to ihe comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. , - . .. . THE TABLE Will be rielily furnished with the subslantials, the d miies and delicacies of the seasons, foreign as well as djsrestic markets will- he rendered tribuMiry to the constant t-upplj, which, wjll te served up in the best style, by orderly, obliging and wetltTaincd scrvahts.t .-,. ' . . THE BAR , Will be a Storehouse of the best Wines "an J Li-" qtj'irs, n nd snpci iuteuded by a gentleman of cour-i'-s auJ inlegrit'v,thornagh1y acquainted with his bii-incsi- comprising ihe knowiedgo or what is due lo t lie rt 'lti nqd conifoils of the public, as wcJl a to himself a id his employer. - -. --i - . THE STABLES, "which are among the best in iImj Stale, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful end careful intnaer, who-will always have-under, hie-care the best and most experienced ostlers, and ll wilf lie amonz the chief cares of fhe proprietor to see that horses of his cut sis be ve.'tAd and "Ihor ousblv groomed . . . ..... . 'i'hfa entire establish mint has been pnreliased and fitted trp at art r norm 004 expense' and il will be the pleasure, as, of course, it will-bo the inter est of the subscriber, to render the House in every respect equal to anvin the' country He there foretriMts ttwt a seuerous public will renew nd continue the libqrsl patronose heretofore ectendoJ -10 this House,-white under the rare of its former proprietress. Mrs. .Borden, who- eaincd for ft 9, celebrity ihruushout the entire Union. II. R. NIXON. --As.-18. e --.'..i' : - " d ir. T GREEN PEAS r. A MO T delicious article. A few packages, in he 'Pod," yet On hand, and for talent - . is. W WHITAKER'S. Jolv li. SUrail-PHOSPILlTE CF LI3IE. X B ICS Pr.Tf. Mtpe-s improved super Plios I -J pUait: of Lime - For s ile y -March 6. ; ADAMS, Bt;0. 4l CO. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! I ' THE subscriber having adopted the "Uiirty dafn .. and 'Cash system, is determined to make it to tnejoteresi of purchaser 10 patronize Hi 111, by keeping constantly on hand a supply of Groce ries, at reduced prices. Just leceived: 4(J bozes of Goshen and English 'dairy Cheese; 3Tbags Java. Rio and Lazuayra Colires ,-a large aed freea supply of 'nice Butter and Lard; 43 bags and boxes Buckwheat; 20C0 lbs. Codfish; No. land? Mackerel and Salmon in half bbls. snd kits; Hirsrn Smith's Floor, in h 1 It bble.? Rice Flour ; 41 bo-vta of ,Sterein,.Ada inanineand Sperm Candies; Soda, Bu'ter, Su par and Wafer Crackers, irr bbls and boxes; Ful ion 3Iarkct Beef, dc.,r-e. 4 Forale by wm. L. s. Towns hen D, . MarcS 6. ' No. 50, Mkrkerstrect. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY. Tf BOXES Adatnansine Candles,- -v.. v. t JJ 20 and 40 lb. boxes Jn quality, clteap, 1 bbl. eifra Sshnen, Codfish for retail, S bbls. extra No. 1 Mackerel, New Cheese, Butter. Beef Toncues and Smo ked Beef Low for-eash. GEO. MVERS. June 28. ' ' 1 1 snd 13 Front su . - GOLD PENS. "ITfE hare just received by Express- a handsome V assortment of Gold Pens, with Gold and Sil ver Cases; a!s. Fbccy liardh Silver ippd, st May 31. ; S. W. WHITAKER'S. "PfS1 " ; music "r JS&X2bZimmvm "A UTIST'S M ATElti A LS - Obt; 31, 1S55, ' 07- it PROSPEGTrs dviTilE; RAIL U0AD TI3ICS. AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL. -y , Dtro'eJ t XetrsrIUri .Jmfroitmrnt. Edh'a iioaTicullure, MmnJaZZurc ' 4- di- .. - . . - - . " , , h.trCC. . .- - - J f TE know tbr the Interests of th"Feoiiis ol f-VV'OMt Birfte detnsnd soeh p.iperarjd belie le thal one tree (roin political UifiS and qu-irels ol ihe fa v.UcVotedjW MK-h -topics, wlil be tli kind ihey lle!irr-,-we confidently rrifer opon thie eifter-pri-e w-.ih ilia a?uitit-f oi'mtoirlnx and iiieei.i: their approl aijon and m- oi I. Cur oljrct is;i' make tho Ti ttWm -thi inirsor .l iho !Slale. hi whi'ci alio tone t) thirfr true itlU-reits he.J up unJ irQCJ i avod . i -i- - l f E tt. A U I M PROY .MENT S . -To il.isn ject we V;.'Ui.! Vole - ..4 rp.jr-- as a In. I yutemeiit of th-rarisn.ep-fiioi.s i 1 ti','1'" ; for as of worxs of iiniro . mcnt 6Ca inct. su da 1 the o'lif r ir.lert sis ol liit ?-i.i.c. KlL'OAJ.l ..-rJ' is Ji 'ojirce f ri-i:rrt t I 11 terei-Jtd l':ll tttc, EJi-tfa-li nsf il !i.n;l niciesi; ,.1'ui.. Stite, r-'feii V. hfl il not 7) thij our pipers aie un. c!i i!. Voti"d to paity p t'lt-l.nt ,'hii liiis i m cause h;is !c n tju much n Ji1' eie,i ; ue pro; o,-r. , therefore to devote'io'' I't'ls nil'jeci. poriiou ot .oorpaT-e AVe will foster isn-l-eitp i":y tn.1-- lh idvnncen 1 nt tl FduCaiioD, nt only 111 on ii:t;hci Scbt'hbl slso in our CiMi'iofii S. I . v AttRlCULTURE, JLlNUF.tOl I" RE AiD CO.M.HEil.C;", at tus stage of oor histoid arc commandos 1 vt; uttentiona.f kl our )twd t'e and iiionty-ioviii; ciiixene. Therelorr. li,.- .'lri. -ers wiil be repoii.U wiih care, anil allittuir t a 'fil iated to llip'W !iht un cither of iho.c i: o. jr 1 1 iraneht'F of industry, will be ca refill' J' K-j: d ii.d inserrrt5 vi:iy wct:lr, . . '., '" it is unnecessary to rvy more if we had t'.-n-. but the '-whistle, of 'he locomotive" on the K.i -1 and ihe cheering news fmia the West adoiboib us to cioe. us, howr-ver, to assure yv" that ihe first nu'iober 'tf tne Tiinra vri'l tnaKe ' i:. appcurani-e ab'ut tiu tiuic thecals nacji il i-pTi from the Eas't. ' TERMS The Times w ill lie prHif-d wtkry in Grecnsborouf h.N."C., on new iaierial, atd eon n; much r'cacinjr nnitrr ss any pefirin "t!;e S;ate, for tl per tonuui ia nutmnce. V.. W. OGBT-a.V, -v . v -: ' c. r. coi.R. - - J. VV. ALCtflWUT.. -Nov. r. i'j5-,-t V'iSll ON lrFGN EXT,,; j TpA BBLS. No. 3 liaeLtrc-l, OkjlJ'Mi -do- do. - - A few bbls. No 1 do. - . L - ' 'A few bbls. !H iille's4 jut received. niI ftir sale fn 1Mb to suit; by . G. W, DAVM. June U. - Z'J ElXliUl EL01RJ! A VBf!l,S-Superfine, leb, iounil For Sale i'v bv - . ....... ZENO 1! GREEN K.' Jufy 31 S01IE 'OF TOE MOST INTERESTING BOK-s lat. ly-isshcd are' Grr en P( :ip,T" d irom ihe parch ol lovisib.'o Grct niKq ; Ati Vfinureaof Giiori', the Lion Ki'ler; ", Tf New Aire of Gold or, the Lifeand Adventures of Rob ert. Dexter Roma In; Kachacltnd ihe New- Wtnl.i; Vanfce? TraVt Is Throiu'h CuVia '; U it and WU-domof-fr'ljoev Sinlih : Wan- Curt, or the '' Early .Da" in vhe u.ri1it l ; the Sparrow r:rass firrs ; S. t'01 lii'? Si, i.-il ; Fanalciovi n L tti r ; Tho-laisy Chain, 4Vc. Ail on bnnd ard lor saio at S. W, WIMTAhlEU'S. - July lft.1- , - - - :f- ' ' FOR Al t 1ST. GODl.Y'S Lady's Book, Graham's Mag z'r.c. Peterson's Lsd-y'a National rer iveil ' Harper. Puinaui, Knii Le boilu r, llur.i' 1 ckc tic. &c, as soon'as published. At w. July 13. .S. W. WHITAKEH'S: 1X3 c. 8Mitii. cnsTrN. v JAS. C. SMITH tfe CO., 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS.! No.- 2, SOUTH U" ATE It STREET; .-.',, .IVILMINGTp, J.-C. . i" April CG. - , 13-lv. LABORERS WANTLD. J TrANTED TO HIRE, two aUa bodied mr.le " v hands from 1st Ocioher, fii the balance ri tl.e year, ot by tho month. .A Jiocral price wihbesiv cn. ' Apply al this oflijc, or to C. II. Alcxandir, Top sail sound. N- C. - j July 2." - - " : 54-1 ii - Journal and Herald, copy 1 nicruh, .Tvcefcly, and send bill. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. 'PHIS inii.tutiun located. al Cap!. Power's office X opposite Bank of Cape Kear, will he open f-r the reception of.depohites 'n. ednesday of each week, fiom 4 to 7 o'clock, P M., and id Satur day of eaclf week frnrf 4 10 3 o'trh-tk, P 51. .. . JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May. f. v. . . ai-tf.- TALLOW CANDLES. ... WE hive received the ajency of O C. Rhodes' -Tallow Candle the best aitii le rn ide In the United Males. -V ill be kept con; tan'ly wi har.d and sold f-r cash only on delivery , at o. 1 1 North Water street. - - !" G. II. KELLEY &. BSO. ' May 23, 'S3. AiL, .. " i Orrrcc Wit. c Wax. Rail Road. .-'r . - ' iViltiiinsioit; Dec. I3th, icC5. i . hereby g'ten that all fr'rijrlit trnne- ot the owner, Irorn the moment il is uuladt o fioiu ihe Cars at tbe point of delivery. . L. J. FLEMING, '' General SuperinUndf-rit. Dec 15: . 117 ly EMPTY BARRELS, ,"C f "1 EMPTY Spirits -Turpentine barrel,; jnt .JV r'"fL'Htd rcr tchr. Si:rnv Smuh. I'jr sale bv ADAM'S. BRO. a t;o. July. I"-- 6.'. AXLS, AXES. 8DOZO S, W. ColSy s Geor-ia LonX'ir. 1 ' Boxing - - 8 D. rimm'ti . 1 " . Hutu ft . ,V . " 2 " Eag'i-vii ? Bro I Axes. Low-focash, , GEO. 11 KELI.EY 4- BR1. April 12. No. 11, North W . FLOUR AND CRACKERS. rt BBLS. Fine or-4 Svuper Floor; 2U bbU. sa l tj.f 25 boxes SuK ir ana Soda l.'rnckis: Now landihz and for taie by ZENO H. GREEN K. Jgly 3. N C.C. Ail vocate copy. , 47. A BOOK FOR EVEIIY METHODIST. - . THE AN.VALS OF - SOUTHERN METHODISM FOR IS55. Edited ly ihe Rc Charhs F.Vtcmi. D. 1). r IMU 3 New WuBjrembraces tha etafaUies anJa I. gnat ra rid y of older interiiing ivlurm ijn io srery department of Southern Methodist opera tions, under the fol ouine gener..! In nds "- - I. Tho Fpiscopscy. II. Plan of Visitation. III. The Con fete ncca. " IV. Dedication f Chur ches, V. .Revivals. VI. Aait. VI I. Colli des. 'VIII. Sunday School. IX. Tract Socie ty. . X. -Publisliioa Hou-c ah J Liltrsry Notices. XI. Instruction of People of Color. All llis iirlcal Sketches. XIII. R:-2rapfcal SCrlhrs XIV. personal Notices. XV. Bishop Andrew's Letters on Cnltforuia. XVI. Mr morn's i Eii-li-op Capers. XVli. Miscellaneous.. 'XVII1. Ap ptnfis. 360pa;es. Iare.12 mo. Piice for which a copy will be sent prepaid. Bills of the Banks of North or South C'ar.Wins. or gold dollars, should be sent. A Uherai dis count lo Bouksctlcrs snd Ministers. Address C1JA.ULKM F. DEEMS, Goldsboro', N Jan. 10. ; - - .127 CCllvVENTION! T7INE AND I.IULOa MERCHANTS.-A .VV meeting will be hrM in ibis- place enrlv in May, of the Wine and i.iquo Meichsots of fiw Hanover County, for lite purpose of adopting measures for the removal 01 niodtfea rioa tft!,c -cxrreuie heavy lax now imiosed upon th in. further notice wilt be riven of the time and pi ire of UolJia takl Convtntion. April 19. ' '19. SOAP. CA BOXES Colgate's Pale and No 1. for ssle by JjAIsrLhfi. GEO. HOUSTON. TAYELEPs'S GLIDE. LATEST publiihed. Riceived this murnm, and for sale at July 15.- - S. W. WHITAKER'S. FOR SALE. jj1 ffu uL TOTICK i k v uorted b' A GOOI1 j fl July GOOO Mikh Cow, oi'idy to 15. UEO. II. K.ELLLY.