sy M -r.-...j. . 'fill . m -. i i v v WW I 111 III III III III III III III s III 111 - III III III III VOLUME XI NUMBER 65. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 1320 MISCELLANY. n.MIGHT HAVE BEEN BETTER; IT MIGHT V HAVE BEEN WORSE. - - Br DTOLAF. Tlie He6ire to pry inta the future Is as Universal as the longing- after immortal lifr. Addisotv-has made his Cato rest his convic tion of the soul's immortality upon ihfe reas jnings of Plato," and the universaljdesire 'that it should be so. - The Christian has the assurance of immortal life; but . hts consciousness of imperfection, and brone ness to coilratene the laws of bX benevo- lent Creatarr;dj!ike him ever anxious to gain knowledge or tnat 'undiscorerea country S from whose bourne V no traveler returns," and of the situation, the happiness, or mise ry of its inhabitants.. iThis- anxiety was the cause of the events we are about 10 re ' cord. ; i - Two American 3'eomen, (a more inquir ing race than exists among agriculturists of any other region,) had been neighbors from childhood upwards They had been partners in the thoughtless revelries of youth, had partaken of the excitements of political events, naa borne arms in ue ense of their rights and their country's honor, and finally settled down into the quiet of that evening of life when man cannot but look to the approaching change which must make him a traveler to the land above mentioned. j Peter Prince had remained unmarried, that superintendence of the1 concerns of a farm which falls to a petticoat government ,l being under the management of a sister. John Horner had taken a wife to rule over his butter and cheese, his children, and per haps himself. Notwithstanding this dis- similtude of condition, the friends contiued their ancient altachmentjSmoked their pipes together, talked of past times and specula ted on the future. :'- j Horner was of a more irritable tempera ment than Prince, and his anxiety to pry into the secrets of the world unknown was proportionably greater. One evening as the subject was under discussion, he thus ad dressed his friend:; . i J "Peter, though you mock at ghosts, sind tbe notion of the spirits of the deceased re turning to visit the friends they have left "behind, and th" scenes which were dear to ihem wben in the flesh 1 have never heard from you or any o:her person an argument which convinced meol the impossibility of such visits, or even of the improbability of the souls of the departe I being permitted to hover ubout place;aiul persons deservedly dear to them, and of appearing and giving a salutary warning,, either by sign or vyords, of approaching death, and the necessity of due preparation." ' '" i i Peter Prince laughed, and, after knock- inrv I ha aenAa mil vt f I j iiinA thus address iii i iii ueui. vis vs s ed his friend : ! "Give me the tobacco, John. I never said it was not soi, I only say, I cannot comprehend how lit can be. Give 'me a coal of fire I cannot reach the tongs" , "There my, and certainly do exist a great many things beyond our limited com prehension," said John, handing the tongs. "Tru, true," rejoined Peter, after a few whiffs. "I may believe" much that I can not comprehend, but I cannot" believe in that which contradicts, all I know. But we have talked this matter over often e nough, and we shall know no more of it until we passed from this to another slate of existence." j :' ' !, - "Until one or the bther of us has left this world," said John, very solemnly. "Then perhaps, the privilege may be granted."i H'irner paused. "What do you mean ?" asked Prince.; "I am thinking," said Horner, very de Jiberately, "that as one of us will probably be removed before the other, and have the knowledge I so thirst after given to him, be might be permitted to return and impart it to his friend." - S j "Well,"well, John Horner," said Peter, laughing,-! promise that if I go first I will come and tell you all about it, if lean and, John, you must promise tne same neighborly office in regard to me, if it is your first turn. "I do lsuid Horner, solemnly. Here we drop the colloquy, and proceed to the denouement of our story, with as much brevity as -possible, being convinced that brevity is the soul of a story as well as of wit. ' . : i-. Peter died in the presence of bis friend, if not in his arms; and, with his character istic hardihood, almost with his last breath, after recoramer ding his sister to Horner's care, reminded him of the engagement he had entered into, concluding "It is my turn to know firsthand here I solemnly renew my promise." ; j The death of his friend was . a heavy 'blow to Horn'er ; he became melancholy;; his thoughts dwelt upon the future state cnore than ever; he feared that he and his friend had teen . wrong in entering upon uch a contract : he looked to see a spirit ual visitor, it hear from the world whose secrets he had so earnestly wished ; soli tude became irksome to htm, and he dreadj--ed sleep, expecting that in the night, (when the spirits wander until the cock crowing calls them to the prison house,) the ghost of his friend would announce the fatal se ret of his condition, and summon him to participate. John fell. sick, and disclosed o his wife the compact he had entered into Srith Peter.' ' .. ( ;: . .j Now Mrs Horner was a woman little .giren to speculations of any kind ; she at. tended to her duties ; worked hard, ecold -ed sometimes harder; went to church reg ularly and had little anxiety respecting a- nother state of being. She laughed at; John, and it is said called him and his friend PetexTa couple of old blockheads for making such a dangerous agreement. We shall see whether she orhe r husband was fight - ' . i' ' j Horner's illness made it necessary to seek bis bed long before the household cares of bisrhelpmate permitted her to think of rest ' Suddenly he beard his name pro nounced solemnly, and thrice "John Hor ner was repeated 1 I ne curtains were drawn aside, and there stood Peter, in flow. log robes unlike his former guise, and much changed, even in countenance, but still it was Peter Prince! Harner gazed upon his former friend and tried to ask for the important communication, but he could only 8 ay. "Speak!" . . He then saw the vision bend toward the floor, and rising, pronounce the mysterious words : M It , might have been better it might have been worse I" Horner started up in bed, exclaiming " Stay ! tell me more !" but the vision was gone, and he saw his wife standing near him with a bowl in her hand. " As 1 live 1 saw him !" exclaimed the sick man. - t r .. , -. " Saw who!" asked Jla.-Hornir.-v - Peter Princel" i - "Nonsense . "As pliin as t see you I ...He stood just wherere you now are." "Well, what did he say?" said the dame. " He called thrice, John Horner ! John Horner! John Horner !' He bowed low, and rising, said, It might have been bet ter it might have been worse I" " Ha ! ha ! ha !" almost shouted his wife. " I called you three times before I could make you open your eyes ; and, finding that f had knocked over the tea, I stooped for the bowl, and exclaimed, on seeing that it was not broken, ' It might have been bet ter it might have Horner was cured. been worse.'" John CONQUERING BY KINDNESS. I once had a neighbor a clever man who came to me one day, and said, 'Es quire White, I want you to come and gel your geese away.' Why, says I, 'what are my geese 'do ing? They pick my pigs' ears when they are eating, and drive them away ; and I will not have it.' What can I do?' said I. You must yoke them ' That I have not time to do now,' said I. 1 1 do not see but that they must run'.- If you do not take care of them, I shall,' said the shoemaker in anger, 'What do you say; Esquire WhHe ?' j ' I cannot take eare of them now, but I will py for all damages.' ' Well,' said he, you will find that a hard Ming, t guess.' So off he went, and I heard a terrible squalling among the geese. 1 he next news was, that three of them were miss tng. My children went out and found inem ternojy mangled ami dean, and thrown into the bushes. Now, said I all keep still and let me punish him.' In a few days, the shoemaker's hogs broke i no my corn. I saw them, but let them remnin a long time. At last, I drove them all out, and picked up the corn which they had torn down, and fed them with it in the road ; by fhis tima the shoemaker came up in great haste after them ' Have you seen anything of my hogs said he. Yes, sir, you will find them yonder eat ing some corn which they tore down in my held.' In your field V ' Yes, sir, hogs lovo corn, you know, they were made to eat it.' ' How much mischief have they done V -V, not much,' said I. Well off he went t look, and estimated the damage to be e qnul to a bushel and a half or corn. 1 4 O, no,' said I, ' it can't be." ' 1 Yes, said the shoemaker, and 1 will pay you every cent ot the damage. The shoemaker blushed and went home The next winter, when we came to settle, the shoemaker determined to pay me for my corn. i No,' said I, 'I shall take nothing. After some talk, we parted J but in a few days I met him on the road, and we fell in to conversation in the most friendly man ner. But when 1 started on he seemed . j tutu iu uiutc, unu jjtiuseu. r or a moment, 1 1 both of us were silent At last he said. l.V . I J I i ' I have something laboring on my mind.' ? ' Well, what is it ' 1 Those geese. I killed three of your geese, and 1 shall never rest until you know how I feel ; I am very sorry. And the tears came into his eyes. ; 'O, well,' said I, never mind ; I suppose ujr geese wcic piuvu&iug. , I never took anything of him for it : but when my cattle broke into his field after this he seemed glad, because he could show how patient he could be. Now,' said I to my children, conquer yourselves, and you can . conquer with kindness, where you can conquer in no oth er way.' J SINGULAR PRESENTIMENT; Mr. J. C. Rogers, a young man engag ed on this paper as a compositor, came to the office yesterday morning and told the hands that he was unfit for work. Being a Red what ailed him, he said tnat ne saw his mother in her coffin, and the dream was so vivid, and bad affected him so deep ly, that he could not work. He remained about the office all day much depressed in spirits, until four o'clock in the afternoon, when he received a telegraphic dispatch, announcing to him that bis mother was dead. The lady enibved Derfect health, to within a few hours of her death, and no communication whatever had been deceiv ed warning him of her illness. We have examined into these facts carefully, and can vouch for them. ' The communication of the circumstances of tbe terrible dream was made seven or eight hours before the telegraphic dispatch was sent' ' Publicity would not be given to this singular occur rence if there existed a shado w of doubt as to the entire truth of the main facts. -The death took place on the morning of yester- terday at Niagara, C. W., 228 miles from Uetroit JDtirmt Cour. : LARGE SALARIES. Albert and Victoria receive one million of dollars annually. By strict economy, they are able to support life on this small amount It is proposed to settle three bun dred and fifty thousand dollars on the Prin cess Royal of England as her annuity af ter her marriage with the Prussian Prince. Having been trained to frugal habits, it is hoped that the young house-keepers will avoid all unnecessary expense, and thus be enabled to make the two ends of the year meet Petersburg Express. MAN KILLED WHILE COWHIDINQ AN OTHER. Jno. S. McDonald was shot and killed by Dr. Devine, Mayor of San Antonio, Tex as, on the 29th ult., McDonald was cow hiding his antagonist. Mr. C. Branch, of Sandal, near Don cas ter, England, has now growing on his farm, a large breadth of wheat, which has been irrigated with gas water with ihA xaost sat isfactory result . The fArmert in tbe oeijjh borhood say that the effect is surprisingly good. . . THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFELNSURAKCECOHP'a, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company hr a been inoperationslnce the leiof April, 1 843, under the directionof tha following Officers, viz : Ur.Uhirles K. Jonhson, K resident, Wm,3; Haywood, Vice President, John G. Williams, Secretary, Wm.H.Jonea, Treasure. Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles K. Johnson, Dr. Wm.H.McKee, Medical Voax-d of Contuitalion. Dr. R B. Haywood, 3 J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantage tothe insured over any other Compnny. The 5th Section elves the Husband the privilege to insure his own lite for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claimsof the represents. ivesof thehaMandoranyof hiscreditora. Organized on purely mutual principles, the Iffe members itarticipaiein the v hole of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the applicant foi life, when the annia!prcmiam is ovcr$30may pa one nan in a note. All claims for insurance against th Company wilt oeDald within ninety dayaafter proof of the death of ths party is furnished.- Slaves are insured forone or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi class of properity against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting featurein the history of North Carolina. which will prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation ofthis Company shows a veryl argeamount of business mors than the Directors expected to do the first yearhaving already issued more man jwj roucics. Dr. Wm. .W. Habbisb, Medical Kxarainer, and Agent. Wilmington, N. C. t Alinommun!cationaontusincror inecompany should be addresser) to ' JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Raleith, June 8, ISE5. WINES AND LIQUO US. mWR inviie the attention of our Efl Friend snd Patrons tothe best Ja, election ot v mcs snd Liquors ever ottered this market, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vin'are 1910, Pale and Dark Oiard, Dupuy ol Co. s Brandy, Old Cognac do. S. Br.isaon A Co.'s do. t'astilhrn dr. Co 's do. Pure-old Port Wine. Duff. Go-don, Pale, Sherry, old MaJcira and Muscat Wines, Malaga Wine, Old Scuppcrnonjr Wine, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf's Schiedam Schnapps, Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, k Apple do. " Bourbon Whiskey, " Rye d.i Irish and Scotch Whiskey, . Blackberry Brandy, -Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, Every variety of bottled Wines and Liquors. Clarets of various brands atwhobitle prices, Maraschino; Curacoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bittcra Aromatic do. do. Ginger Wine, dec. dtc. I low prices for CASH. At theorlginal it s:i ry. Ap;il 17. GEO. MYER'S. CANDY. Zf BOXES Assorted fresh Candv, ju.t receiv- KJJ ed at June 3. GEO. M VERS 34 JUST RECEIFED BYG.R. FRENCH, AFRESH supply of PER It T DAVIS' VEGE TABLR PAIN KILLER, In entire New Dsebs. To be aura that you get the genuine Bled lcino, inquire Tor the ISew Dress with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. ApMI 19. 15-tf. VINEGAR. OH BBLS. Cider Vinegar, iast received snd for J sale by ZENO 'sale by H. GREENE. Aug. 5. 60 TBE NEW AGE OF GOLD. QB, the Life and Adventures of Robert Dexter ftomatne, written by himself. One vol. 12mo. lately published. Received and for aale at Jiriy 15. S. W. WHITAKER'S. BACON. AT C. BACON. 3000 lbs Extra N. C. Bacon. XV hoi nog rjuna.ior saie to arrive per K . Uoad. Aug. 7. T.C.dtB.G. WOJtTH. OFFICE W. & W. B. E. COMPANF, yViLMiNOTOsr, N. C, Aug. 11, 1866. TO CONSIGNEES OF WHEAT. T IN consequence of the great quantity of Wheat now coming In from the West. w are compel- led Is reaoire consignees ta icmon their Whe.1 witnin twenty-four hours after Its arrival, other wise it will be hauled to othtr storehouses and stored at their expense. The Company's wharf is sfiered FREE OP CHARGE to all shippers of wheat to load at. Trains are daily arriving bringing from 4 to 5,000 bushels, which most be taken care of by consig nees after 24 honre. S. L. TREMONT, Eng. ASup t. Aug. 12. t 63-6L FISH ON C0XSIGNMEXT. cnA'BBLS.n.3 Mackerel, BBt 60 i do. - do. A few bbls. No. 1 do. A tern bbls. Mallets, just received, and for sale in lots to suit, by G.W.DAVIS. Jane 14. v--' 39 BACON ! BACON ! ! 1 ft HHDS. Western Sides sad Shoalders; A yj 4,000 ibs. n. t. Hog Rouod, Kor sale oy ---Jalf 3i. ZENO H. GREENE. JUST RECEIVED, OA BBLS. Mackrral ; 20 bbls. No. 1 large 4Ll f rr - S hhds- Bacon. Jow for cash. Jons 3. - GEO. Jl TERS. NOTICE. ALL persons having claim against Moore, Stanly A Co- will please n resent tbeoa for set. tlement and all those indebted to- then are re quested to come forward and make immediate pay - aneni to tne auDecriDer. Oct. 6- JNO. A. STANLY. TilE 1'1U-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL la published every Tvbsdav, Thcicbat and SATtraDAV-at $5 per annum, payable inallcaaes in advance. ' ' BV THOMAS LORING Eoitob andPaopgix roa. Corner Front aud Market Streets, WIlMIHSTOir. bt. c. RATES OF ADVERTISING, tear. 1 insertion SO SO I 1 sqr. 2 months, S4 QG 1-2 - 75 J t " 3 " 6 00 I it 3 .4 1 00 I 1 " 6 8 00 I " 1 month, 2 60 1 I "12 12 00 Ten tinea or less make c square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the pi ice will be In proportion. Ail advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. ; No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Shoald circumstances render a change In business, or anyieexpected removal accessary, a chars, aocordkiig to the posliabed .t na -win be w ttva option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business j and alt advertisements for the benefit of other persona, as well as all advertisements not immediately eon. nected with their-own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged ai the naual rates. No Advertisements Is included I" the contract for the aale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the'sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by tbe terra "immediate bunine." All advertisements Inserted in the tri-weekly Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, . EXECUTED IH SUPERIOR STYLE. AGENTS FOR TUB COMMERCIAL. Niv Vobk Messrs. Dollitsb & Potts. Motion. Chablbs Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. E. Cos Bit. Baltimore Wm . II. Pbarb and Wb . Thomson. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington saddle, Harness, and Truuk Manufactory. TII E subscriber respectfully i n form s th ep ubiie tha the has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, die, the latest and most improved style, andis constanly manufacturing, at hisstore on market street, every description of irticlein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that hewlil beable to giveentiresatisfactiontoallwho mar favor him with a call. He has now on hand, andwillconstantly keep a large assortment of Coack, Gig and Sultry Harness, toady's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, pft, Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips Spurs, ir-e. lallef.whic 1 Jthebcstm; THt has al hlch he will warrant to be o materials and workmanship also a larffe assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and. Carpet Bags, materiel s, Fancy Trunks, &c. and all other ar tides usually kept in auch establishments, all of wnicn ne otierr low for CAoti,or onshortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, HarnessTrunks. Radical Bags, dee se.. msde to order. In addition tothe above the aubacriberalway keeps on hand a laree supply of String Leather and has now, and will Icspthrough the seaaon zood assortment of Fly Nitts. All are invited to call and examine my Goods whet her in want or not, as I take pleasure In aha w ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harnes andCoach Trimmings sold at a fai price to persons buyingto manufacture. Also. Whir st wholesale. Allklndsof Riding Vehicles bought r. . old on cominlslons. JOHN J . CONOLEY . Feb. 7, 1856. 138 " JUST RECEIVED,- PER Schr. Emily: 9 bbls. Sweet Cider, 5 baskets Champagne Wine, I bbl. Palo Ale, (in bottles.) For sale by May 18. J. R. RESTON, No. 15 Market-si. SHORTS AND SHIPSTUFFS. T HAVE on hand a few hundred bushels of those L desirable articles, and which will be aold low to close consignment. July 17. GEO. HOUSTON. CO-PARTNERSniP NOTICE. THE undersigned have purchased the Drug Es tablishment of Messrs. C. &. D. DuPre, They will continue the Drug business in its va rious branches under the firm of W. M EARES dt CO. WALKER MEARES, J. L. MEaRES, M. D May 20. 28-tf 25 DOLLARS REWARD! RAN A WAY from the subscriber, his ser vant JIM SHAW, a young dark mulatto, of light and rather small figure ; generally amiles when about to talk. He was neatly areas ed in a black frock coat, and black pantaloons. The above rewjrd will be paid to any one will de liver him to me, or secure him In any jail. JAMES F. McREE. May 6. 22-tf HAY! HAY! A Hft BALES prime Hay, in store and for sale 4fcUUby T. C. d B. G. WORTH. Aug. 5 eo JUST RECEIVED. Cr BUSHELS, beautiful White Beans. For 4AJ sale at GEO. MYERS. May 20. 28 CIGARS. 1 Aft ftftft CIGARS, at prices from 5 80 1 JJ JJJ to $40 per thousand, at the Fam ily Grocery. GbU. MYERS. April u. . 14 IN STORE AND JUST RECEIVING! A( BBLS. Stewarta and N. Y. Refined Sugars, Vruth. iMf. a-c s do ttis. uiBclanati and Baltimore. Rectified Whiskeva 15 bbls. Mess Pork i 25 bbls. Favettevilie Flour t 35 boxes Ad amantine and Sperm Candles 12 barrels and 15 boxes Batter, Soda, and Milk Crackers; S Hhds. Molasses. For aale by WM.L. S.TOWNS H END, , - No. 20 Market Street. May 24. ; - - 30. - . NOTICE. HAVE this day associated with me in the Hardware Business in Wilmington, my Son I C. K. Rqbiwsow. The business will hereafter be conducted ander the firm ot J- M. Robinson dt Son. . .J- JL.POBINSON. J. M. ROBINSON & SON, WILMINGTON, N. C. Importers, Manufacturers' Agents and Dealers in HABDW4BE, t CtJTLCBT, IBOW, 8TEEU, Katu, AGBI- CCLTOBAt. IMPLEMENTS, aC. J. M. BOBttrsO!. C. K. HOBINSON. Jan. 1, 1856. J.;- ' 124 VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. WE have jest put upon retail, - . . 1 cask-Port Wine, ' " - 1 M Madeira, the best article ever offered in this market. At the Original Grocery. . GEO. MYERS. P ' O We make no pretensions In the wav O.of UMBRELLAS but offer some beautiful DUTCH HEAD CHEKSEjuwt received this day at. - I GEO. MYERS'. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS IndebtsJ to me for Goods purchased previoas to 1st Jaly, will please call and settle. Oa all accounts standi- aver six months, we will charge interest. JBjy IB50, utu. K. s-RUictX. NAILS ! NAILS!! . - ff KEGS assorted Ns its. just received and lUUfor sale by 7.ENO H. GUEENE. Aug.'fi. 60 CANDY. CC BOXES assorted steam refined Candy For J tale by ZENO II. GREENE. Aug. S. .60 NOTICE. ALL accounts due the late firm of Freeman dt Houston, must be closed witboci further do. lay. GEO. HOUSTON. July 17. 62 ON CONSIGNMENT. BOXES New Vork city made Pale Soap, a prime article, rot sale oy July 3. G. W, DAVIS. FRESH GROCERIES. AS we are to start North In a few days, for tha purpose of purchasing a new stock of Gro ceries, I would thank those who have not paid their Bills to July 1st to do so Immediately. July 19. GEORGE MYERS. RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. -I f BBLS. Chaffin's celebrated back country 1 w Whiskey. Also, in store, a superior artitry of Draught Ale and Sweet Cider, at J. R. RESTON'S, May 31. No. IS, Market street. RATES OF PILOTAGE. TUST printed and for sale at The Coram troia.1 J Office, the Rates of Pilotage for the River. Bar and 33-tf. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol 1 several large establishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, and every other article in the line of the businesa at reasonable rates . SCULPTDRINQ, LETTERING ORCARVING, Executedas well aa can be done either North ot South. Thebeat reference can be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 1854. tf. COIL! COAL!! COAL!!! rrftTONSOFTHE BEST QUALITY RED uUUASHG COAL, daily expected. Constsntly on hand, all kinds of wood. Staves, Shingles, etc., etc. All salca caah, J. LEOB. August 2nd, 1856 0 tf . GRAIN CRADLES. : A SUPERIOR article, for fale by l. ,d. M. ROBINSON dt SON. Jons 3. 34. ON CONSIGNMENT. 7 BALES Cedar Calls Sheetings, 500 reams Wrapping- Psper, 1000 lbs. new Feathers, A lot of Linseed Oil. For sale'in lots to suit by T. C. &. B. G. WORTH. June 26. 44 FRESH FRUITS. JUST RECEIVED, per Scbr. DeRoseet. large lot of delicious Orances, and a full supply of unusually fine Lemona both In excellent order. j Every manner of Confectionary on hand, snd for sale on moderate terms, at the Broadway variety store, 1M0.4U, market st, Aug. 5. WM. H. DbNEALE CONVENTION ! TTTINE AND LlttUOH MERCHANTS. A V r meeting will be held In this place early in May, of tbe Wine and Liquor Merchants of New Hanover County, for the purpose of adopting measures for The removal or modification of the extreme heavy tax now imposed upon them. IjTA further notice will be given of the time and place of holding aaid Convention. April 29. 19 SOAP. C ( BOX ES Coign te'a Pale a n d No 1 , for sa le by 'March 6. GEO. HOUSTON. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. T ATEST published. Received this morning u ana lor sale at July 15. - S. W. WHITAKER'S. FOR SALE. A GOOD Milch Cow, apply to July 15. , GEO. H. KELLEV. FLOUR AND CRACKERS. r( BBLS. Fine and Super Flour; 20 bbls. and xo Dozes sugar and soda uracKers. rv andingand for sale by ZENO H. GREENE July 3. . N.C. CAdvocatecopy. 47. A BOOK FOR EVERY METHODIST. THE ANNALS OP SOUTHERN METHODISM FOR 1855. Edited by the Rev. Charles F. Deems, D. D. THIS Nkw Wobk embraces the statistics and a great variety of other inter tslinst informa'ion in every department of Southern Methodist opera nons, unaer tne following general heads : I. The Episcopacy. II. Plan of Visitation. III. The Conferences. IV. Dedication of Chur chea. V. Revivals. VI. Missions. VII. Colle ges. VIII. Sunday Schools. IX. Tract Socie ty. X. Publishing Houxe and Literary Notices XI. Instruction of People of Color. XII His torieal Sketches. XIII. Biograpical Skrthes. XIV. Personal Notices. XV. Bishop Andrew's Letters on California. XVI. Memorials of Bish op Capera. XVII. Miscellaneous. XVIII. Ap pencil.. 360 paces. larse 1Z mo. - Price SI, for which a copy will be sent prepaid. Bills of the Banka of North or South Carolina, or gold dollars, should be sent. A liberal die count to Booksellers and Ministers. Address CHARLES F. DEEMS, Uoldaboro1 Fa f Jan. 10. 1Z7 . TALLOW CANDLES. WE have received the agency of C. C. Rhodes' Tallow Candles the best article made in the United States. Will be kept constantly on haad and aold for cash only on delivery, at No. 11 North Water street. G. H. KELLEV dt BRO. May 23, '55. 30-tf . Orrrca Wit- & Majs. Rail Road, Wilmington, Dec. 13th, 1665. ( 'Hi N OT1CE is hereby given that all Freight trana- l ported v lata Koad wm oe at tne eottre risk of the owner, irom the moment it is unladen from the Cars at the point of delivery. L. J. FLEMING, - General Superintendent. Dec. 15. , . . UMy EMPTY BARRELS. QKC F.MPTV Spirits Turpentine barrel, ja nat received per senr. dibit sob in. vox aale by ADAMS, BRO. dt CO. July IT. 62. SOME OF THt? MOST INTERESTING BOOKS lately Issued are? Green Peas, picked from the patch of Invisible Green, Esq ; Ad vent ares of Girard, the Lion Kf.ler ; Tha New Age of Gold. or. the LIfeand Adventares of Rob ert Dexter Romaln; Raehaet and the New World; Yankee Travels Throngh Cabs ; Wit. and Wis dom of Sidney Smiths. Wan-Boa. or the "Early Day" lathe Northwest t tbe Sparrowrrass Pa pers Salad for the Social ; Fangletowa Letters j Tha Daisy Chain, 4k C. All on hand and for sale at - 8. W. WHITAKER'S. Jary 19. 53 BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH WILKINSON, UPHOLSTER & PAPER HANGER, KEEPS ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, Mattresses, leather Beds, Window Curtains and fixtures. All work in the above line done at shortest No ties. Wilmington, N. C, Market St. Jan. 19, IB56. 1. J.CLATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANTS GENERAL A Cr K N I WILMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 1,1855. 85-1 y-c. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, C0BSISSI01 MD F0RW1EDING MEECnXSTS, . WILMINGTON, N. C. Jaa 17. IB55. , . . - 126-c HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AJiD F0SW1R0ING AG EST. Will give hit pertnnal attention to butinese entrust- ea if nit eare. Sept. 8, 1855. , 75-ly-c. GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROXER Keept constantly on hand, Wxnet, Teat, Liquor I, frotmont,wooa ana w alow Ware, truit, Confectionariet,4-c. South Fronlttreet, WILMINGTON, N. V. , Nov. 18, 1855. 109. GEORGE HOUSTON, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, and Naval Stores COMMISSION MERCHANT, VESSEL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Aug. 2. CO-tf H. DOLLltER. G. POTTtn.jr. J. CAMERDEN. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. April 30, 1855. 20-ly. L. N. BARLOW, WILMINGTON. N Feb, 17lh, IP56. 140-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 23. 58 D.CASnWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, vYaLiltliaiUTUai. N. u. Sept. 30. 84-tf- HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION MER CHANT, wiujwuiuii, a.v. Oct. 6th, 1855. 83. WM. L. S. TOVVNSHEND, WHOLESALE & RETALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. SO Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. May 24. 30. GEORGE II. KELLEY & BROTHER, DEALERS IN FAMIfeY GROCERIES AM) PROVISIONS. No. 11 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. T TTILL keep constantly on hand, Sugars, Cof- v V fees. Molasses, uneese, Klour. Butter. Lard Soaps, Candles, Crackers, Starch, Oils, Snuffs, ate. dtc. BBrEBCNCBS: O. G Pabslst, President of Commercial Bank. John McRab, " Bank of Wilmington. Wilmington. S. W. Wkstsbooks, ) n...v.. Rev. W. H. BossiTT, J Greensboro'. Feb. 14. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, Nohth Wateb 8tbect, Wikbunoton, No. Cs, Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all Kinds oj Marble M otic jurnuhed to order an reasonable terms. June 6. 36-ly-c SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin. Sampson and New Hanover. Office on Princess street, next door East of the state Baas. Aprils. . 9-Iy J. 81. STEVENSON, A GENT for tbe sale of all kinds of Produce. XX. Office en Princess at., under ADAMS. BRO. & CO Wilmington, N. C. Feb. I2.l31-tf. J.M.STEVENSON GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANCFACTFRER AND WHOLESALE f- RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11. MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C March 6. ' 151 GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. r Will attend tbe County snd Superior Courts of Bladen, Kobeson, Colnmbtu snd sampsoo. Juneiz. 39-ij jas. c. sarrrsT. JAS. MILES C4MTIV. C. SMITH & CO.. tf r ww t Tin m - n nm m ar At arr. ar ar-k I UllULL5dLL & IlLlilL llKUlLK, f" Y most eminent uujlegea of ' IT? I wte: snd iht greater part ol whose . C. C V M IV1 I Si5 1 U M HI ii it U ii A It I S. Hiiue, progressing wun irightlul ra- WILMINOTtTN N C Pldl,ri "t laat the palate of the mouth or the rtii,iiuru, n. . boneaof the nose fall in. and the victim ofihia ?u!tm' ' BM'U"' WM' l' "SX- awful disease become, a ho'rrid obj , of! a'r its- 6B-tr seration.till death putaa period to his dreadful auf COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ? 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON N. C. April 26. BALTIMORE LOCk HOSPITAL, DR. JOHNSTON,! THE founder Of this Celebrated Institution of. feratlie most certaiif, Speedy and only elite tu al remedy In the world lor i SE CUE T D1SEA SES. Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weaknerv, Paina in tha Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotency. Weakness of tha Back and Limbs, Affections ot the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dysrepis. Nervous Irritabi ity, Diaease of the Head, Tsroat Nose or Skin i those serious and melancholy dlsor dersariaingfrom the destructive habits of Tonth, which destroy both body and mind. That etcrtl and solitary practices more fatal to their victims man tne song or the Syrens to the mariners of uiyascr, Dllgn:infl iting their most brilliant hopes or an t-ndering marriage, dec.- impossible. YOUNG MEN. : ticipauoos, rtr Especially, who have become the victims of SatUa ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thonsanda of young men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates wiih the thunders of elofjoence, or waked to ecatacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. , MARRIAGE. Married permt, or Voting Hen, Contemplating; marrUge, being awareof Physical Weakness. Or ganic Debility. Deformities. .hM i ately con.ull Dr. J.. and ba ,77 rV. health. ' He who places himself undertheear n. i-t,. ston may religiously confide in his honor as a sen tleman.and confidently rely upon hiaskill as a oh v. sician. ' ' DB.JoHNsroiris the only regularly Educaird Physician advertising to cure Private Complaints, His remedies and treatment are entirely unknown toall others. Prepared from a life spent In the Great Hospitals of Europe and the First In this .1nyT,Z!,,.En!and ,r,nc. h Blockley ol Philadelphia, if c, and a more extensive practice than any other physician in the world. His many wonderful cures and most important Surgical Op erations is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted Those who wish to be tveediv and ed, should shun the numerous trifling imposttrt who only ruin their health, and apply to him. i n. uuiift nAtttiAn mu OR NO CHARGE., No Mercury or Nauseova Dives Vat' OFFICE. No. 7. SOUTH FRl.-ni. nw-u- - left hand side coinir from Haiti Inn r at I rni doors from the corner.- Fail, not to obrerve his name and number, for.ignorant trilling importers attracted by tbe reputation of Dr. Johnston, luik near. i DR. JOllXSTOM. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head y-ben asleep, treat nervousnsss. beinv i.rm.j .. finikn. sudden sounds, and bashfumess. with frequent a uuicii uii-a wim aerangemcnt, of iiihuj " tt c vuitu iiiiiinruiaieiy. A UJiKTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and i mnrnrli.r. ff a-a of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often harjnena ih.r snlii.iin.. ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deiera him from applying to those who, Irom education and respectability, ran alone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid" disease make their appearance, such aa ulcerated sore : throat. diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limba, dimneaa of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head. lerings, by sending him to "that hm,r. whence no traveller returns." To such thereforp. Dr. Johnston pledges himself to Di.r ih. inviolable secrery and, from his tice in the first Hospitals of Eu rone mH 4mri. he can confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid di- eaee. It ia a melancholy fact, that ihaiiunH. r.n victims to this dreadful complaint. skilfulnessof ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the conatliu. tion, ana euner sena tne unfortunate sUNet-er ro sn untimely grave, or else tnake the residue nf nr. nh. erable. . - i TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who h a ve I ttinrmA (K.r. setves by private and improper indulgences. ; These are some of the sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habits of Weakness of the Batk and Limbs, Paina In the Head, Dimness of Sicht. Loss of Mmmi., tr,- er, Palpitation of the Heart, Drspepay. Nervous irritability Derangement ef the Digestive Func. nona, uvneroi ucoiuiy, syraproma OfUoDSUmp tion, dtc. , Mentally. The fearful cflects on tbe ml-J much to be dreaded : Loss of Memory. Confuafnta of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Boll tude.Tlmidity.dcc.are some of tha evils produced. lltousands of persons of all acre cab tmv iudcrv, what is the cause of their declinitag health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and eimrio. ted, have a singular appearance about th cough and symptoms of consumption. i' DV FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. ) By this arr eat and imsortsttt remedv w-.krr. y the organs are speedily cured snd full viiror remareW. Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had lost all hone, have been Ikidik diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Ir. ritabllitv Tremblings snd Weskness, or eihaustlon of the moat fearful kind, speedily r tired by Dr Johnston. i Young men who have Inlutr-d thernscly-a by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are hlgbtly felt, even when asleep, snd if not cured, renders vnarriamt 1 m possible .and dee troy s both mind and bod.sbourd JjpiT lUIIIIVUtatll IjTa j. What s oitv that i ? oniiff min th. t kvii country, and the darling of hie parents, should b snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of Bfej by the consequences of deviating from tbe path of nature, and indulging In a certain secret habit.! Such persons, before contemplating JYUUiMAUli. I Should reflect that a sound mind and body ate tha most necessary requiaitea to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without -these, the journey through life becomes a weari pilgrimage; the proe- peot hourly darkens to the viewi the tniaA kHMnM snaoowed wim despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with oor own. i OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST., ... BsLrtsroaa, Mo. All Surgical Operstlons Iei lortoed. N. B' Let no false delicacy nrrVent von. hut apply immediately either personally or b letter. . sus ijiseasea speeany i urru. TO STRANGERS. The manv thousands cured at this Inst it'uiinti . tih- la the last ten years, and the numerous Impor tant Surgical Operations perfotnied by Dr. J.. wit nessed by the Reporters of the oanera. and man other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his rtandlng aa a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a euf&cient guarantee to the srBirted. TAKE NOTICE. It U with the rmtmpt rvHirtanre that Dr. JDTlSTON permit, hia card to appear bvfors tbe public deemins; t anproft lotial for a physician to advertise, bnt nnlwa hm did a. thaafllietFd. eapveially attana-era, eoald nut bil to fall Into Um hand, of the many impudent and aninrmri Importers, with Inrnnoerabla Falsa Kuu. or rnmbira Qoack.bopa, awarmtng tbaaalanre citiea, eopyine Ir. Joassrors alTertlanBenta or advertiatnc tbrmprHva aa phyalciaea. iilUrrats ahaUanr-braiwd frllowa, too lazy In work at their original trade, with arm ton idrmm twrona tha bntm, who. for tb pvrpeaa of Enticing and Itmrmr Ing, carry on .vor wi ot&CM. ander aa any dioamt False N.rar. so tbat th aAietd Rti.l i i. rrai one, is sare to tumble headlong tnt the otner. Ifrnorant Qnaeha with enormoaa lying eartinemtea of $rrU and aa tom.hing cares from prraon. not to ba fmtd, who fcaep TOO taicinar km kiilMrf Immici W.tbb and MWr pocaagea of Althy and worfbkoa .oomponmK canningly preparwi ta impoas apon tbo nnfortnnair and anaoaprrt Ing. Trifling month aftar month, oros long as tbaamoil. at (pa eaa na ofetainrd, and, in le.plr, Wrra yoa with, rntnod ksalth. to aarh ovwr your railing diMnpointmrnt. It la thts motive that btdaoM Dr.J. to adTartiar.. roa sa alobb eaa craa voe. To tboa nnarn.inid with hta repntatton. ha deetna It ncossaary to aaj that bia credoo. tiala or dtplronaa arwaya hans In hia ofRr. KO LETTEK3 RECEIVEI t'SLEsa TOST PAID and eontalniag a Stamp to so asrd forth reply. Per. sons writing shoald atataga and arnd that portiqaj of adrartiai mailt it ascribing, symptoms.. fsk v, icss. i ui-iy-c