; .. i 1 - . : , P' mh f: . " -IF fe ",1 -.7T 1"" : -If WILMINGTON, N. 'TUESD'aY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1856. VOLUME XIr NUMBER CC WHOLE NUMBER 1 321 lit IB iP a .4 t c v ib . r a w s at - - a a -. - aa.a -T-r MISCELLANY. CHARLESTON MARKET. ON SATURDAY NIGHT. Laugh and get fal' so I have,, so I'in- tend, it ia constitutional with me to laugh; and I am fat enough, every body admits I am neither witty not humorous, myself, s, nor have I the faculty of making others so. Yet, when anything humorous presents it elf, 1 am as ready to enjoy and laugh at it, as though I possessed the qualities I ad :. mire.' ' j'""v . . M' ;: ' It is seldom I vtsit the great city of Char leston, feeling that; I am too much of a coun try man to make myself agreeable to my ci ty acquaintances. The fact is, I am a modest .man, and can seldom get beyond a bow to the dames of jhe Ion, and per con sequence, I -suspect they vote me a stupid fellow.-'N'ifcporte, V Let lhat pass ! I have vat too.- Yei ili&ve visited Charlesloo occasonally, and .looked upon and laughed at all the funny things ! could find, from a book-auction, down to Madame Salvo, the fortune teller. ,By the bVj Madame told me my fortune. She said I had been in love seven years before that my lady-love was sorry for ha.ving rejected me, and that if I renewed my suit, 6he would have me- that I should be rich and distinguished, -and so on and so on. Well, madame, said 1,1 am a profound believer in your sublime art, but Borne how, the cards have decieved you this time, as my lady-love, instend of .rejecting actually married me, more than seven years since. 1 bolted from -her look of indignation, mny'mg the wealth and dis tinction may come bereaffet, buf, truth to say, I am getting very tired of waiting for them. ; . ; i ;: - Of all the funny fellows I met with, my ' -quizzical friendj Jack .Walthong, was the . funniest. Had I permitted him, he would hre IeI me into all manner of scrapes. As it was, he kept me laughing for the three weeks I passed in the city, seemingly never at a loss for a subject of merriment " 'Come,' said : Jack, 'this is Saturday nigbt let us take u stroll through the mar ket.' ! 'What for?' 1 asked. Vhat fun is there in that?', . . - I ' 'Oh, upon my honor,' replied he, "it is th most delicious promenade in the whole cil y. Cuffy is i h s glory, to-night. I " Mrk what way I pray'you V " Tis the negro's jubilee on Satnrday iiigjlL If ypu want to see our city negroes in n quasi slate of freedom, indulging a dis position alwajs joyous, or aping the man ners and language of the whites, come with me.-As i have-said, Caify and Dinah jre in their glory to-night.' ! ! I consented, of course, and we sfarted on our" Saturday night's stroll tKrough the market.''-' " ; t--". r : - ' 'Stop F said Jack, as he rang the bell of a large "brick house in Kingsftect. TV ser vant opened the; door, j 'Is your waster 'at home?' inquired Jack. . ; r ' i . No msa.1 !- "When will he be in?' ! . -.At jeight o'clock, massa.' 1 'Say to him that a gentleman of his ac I -rjiiaintxnce will call on him at half past tgbt.t I ; Will young massa leave his card ' No, it matters not ' " . .- ! 'Who lives there, Jack ?' I asked. Hang me if I know. Why then did you leave such a mes age r . - . ' "Oh, just to let the old codarr, whoever . lie may be, fret and fume about his profess ed visitor's want of punctuality.. ; - 'indeed ! I nen permit me to say, ; you .nitist play.no more of your pranks whilst 1 am in your company, or your fun . may get me into a scrape. - . t - . . 'Well, don t be angry, and I promise to behave myself, j Ciood evening, cousin J u Ha," he cried, catching a lady by the hand, and shaking u most warmly. " t'ermlt me . . - r- i t Tl - j T .io present my irieuu, ucuerai tt ooucusk. Sir, said the lady, drawing back, sir. you an mistaken." ; ? - : 1 'Am i inen do t beg a thousand 'par dons. I was never so deceived in my life " I thought you were my cousin Julia. Pfay forgive the rudeness 1 would not have will ingly been guilty of for the world.' lbe rascal looked the ery picture of humbleness and distress, and seemed, at most in agony, to deprecata the lady's dis pleasure. She could not but believe htm. iv an me sweetest smile trial, poets ever feigned, she slightly inclined her headland passed on. - -. i-. Now, sir, said I, 'give me your word of nonor tnat you' will be guilty of .no more . impertinence to any one, man or woman, whi st e are walking together, or 1 will not walk with you another foot.' 'I will, I do. : I am cured for this time. What a heavenly countenance that ydung irl has.' - j - - .. And what an -impudent feliow ym must lie, and graceless as impudent, in thus ad "dressing her." i. :--''- . . - ;.,; How are yoa, ; Mr. Van Boskin,' jsaid . Jack, addressing & little old fellow, just as we reached the first entrance to the iiar icet, whose dutch figure and face could not fee mistaken. ,; . -'' ri 'Pretty well, I gib yoa tanks.' - 'How have you been.? v ' , , Pretty well,-1 gib yod tanks. ; . 'How are all wtita you?' , Pretty well, I gib -you thanks, except mine wife.1 'Ah I What's theWtter with Mrs. Van Boskin?. . : j I j - j 'She pes tead, I gib yoa tanks. j 1 You don't say so. How long -has she teen dead ?' i - '111 r ' ne had lifted till next Tues Jay, she would have pin tead about three weeks. . ' : - -1 i. "Indeed I Mr. Van Boskin. Well,' I pity jou, and hope you may 6od conaola-'.- tion in your state of widowhood. Good by. . .. - u 'Goot py.', I hopes tat tif I-1 if till I tie, 1 shall meet mine old wife agin one of tese vtaya.! . ..".:';' --;VJ - ; " - 'Masla Jack, how you do? How yonr corporosity sagatiate. des times V ' i 'Why, very well most ' learned Cato.--. How is Miss Am? - - , 1 "; i 'She be gone out to de plantashun. - 'What for? '. "t " t Kv. vou know tea to-depiore tne ex- plodements among de Ieetle niggers. Old Mass taut it good for Mis? Amy's appre gotion. ..T , , We kept on, Jack amusing himself with a jest or a jibe with as many as he could possibly speak to in our slow advance. ; Brooin,iroom, who want to boy a broom, as de songsuy? Broom, broom, -Missy Clar Fisher sing dat tip top.' 'Here, "you young blackey with the brooms; 1 have come to tne marKet on purpose to buy half a dozen and I see yoa have but five. What do you ask for them. f 'Cheap as dirt, mossa, only quarter dol Iar apiece.' - I 'You cheating gongola, you knOw that's not cheap, said Jack. 'If you will take them home fot me, I'll - give you a dollar for the five, ' . - Bargain Mossa-l Where you lib J . "Number 342, right opposite the big draw. Tell my clerkr.l sent you, and he will pay Cor them. . ; Yes, Mossa,' and off marched Sambo, laughing exultingly at his friends, less fortunate, as he supposed, in disposing of their stock in trade. Poor Sambo 1 it was a wild-goose chase for him. He did not know my friend Jack Walthong. j 'Korse's, korsets. I wonder if dere is no la Jy, black nor browo, dat wants to buy dese mighty nice fine korsets. Dey fine enough for any white lady in Shar les-lo-wn, and yit dese poor niggers aint got de music to see him. Korsets, korsets. I gib de black and de brown lady de prefer, and dey don't by una purty soon afore long, I take urn up street and sell um to de old Missy Mill'ner.' i 'Confound your bawling,' said Jack. ant yoa stop and let me look at your corsets. , If they are as fine as you pretend, I'll, buy them all ' : Look at 'em.' Print, aint de mos3a.' They'll do. What do you ask for them?' 'Take um all leren for three dollar.' ' 'Well you know the sign of the Golden ball V , V "Know binv like a book, mossa. Take them there, and inquire for Miss Amy Kaon. Tell het that her cousin William has bought your corsets for her, as she req ested. She." will" pay you for them.', . . .. - . . - f "Shaw rrossa, what1 Miss Amy want so many for ?' bey !""'.. L: 'Why she lives in tle county, . and has got thirteen sislcrs, and wants to buy for them all.-' . 'Do she, dwi's sprctable. I take um moss3.' And offtnidged the corset seller. "t Our advance was slow, for the crowd was grant, and we were disposed to see anil hear altfhat was going on. . - , 'Brn4dr IlaH BruJdt r Paul I. cried out a bruk youngster, to a veneruble grey hcaded nf'gro 'Brudiler Paul, bow you do lis longtime V ' ' f 'Ah rbnxlder Peter, I no see before you holler so loud. I'nnk God, l';e pooty well. How is you brudder?' " . 'Why, l is as well as could be spected.' And how is sister Judy, brudder Paul, and all the pickininnies V i 'Tank God dey is all sponsible for dere hominy. Why you no come to last clarse meetin brudder Peter-' . ' Cntse old mossa want me to drive him to trraprance siety.', i 'Old mossa going turn tetol'Ierj brudder ' Peter ?" ; 'Ky I I gue9s you tink not, you seeTiim drink brandy when he git home He say, 'Pettr, speech ficirtion mighty dry work, make the nuddy toddy ;' and muss stick to him till canter run dry.' -:' -' : - Gjb you any Peter ?' ' ', . - 'Jess.leetle bit dat is. I takc him "on de sly.' . . , . . ; , , ' 7 'Mus'nt do dat - Peter ; bad nigger gets toxicatcd. What old mossa talk bout' 5 'He say brudder Paul, dat the arth turn ober eber tweniy four hours.' 'Pshaw, eber nigger in de city no better Jan dat Your old mossa, Peter, be no wi-1 serdan a free nigger - if he talk dat Way. Don't blieve any of dat sort. If old" Moss wanrer go to de devil, let bim " go he own gate. You come to' next clarse roeetin, Peter, and be good nigger, an dats nuff for you, Gootl by now, Brudder Peter. v Geod bf, Brudder Paul spects to'sisty Judy.' , 1 . v -- A noise afsomo little distance hhead, attracted our attention. It was quarrel be tween two gentlemen of "color. : One-was a gigantic black, in the rough-dros-of a fisherman the other, a genteel looking mulatto," handsomely "dressed, and appa rently ibe body servant of some gentleman of distinction,' for his manner was as cool and contemptuous to the big black, as if he felt himself onlled upon to sustain bis mas ter's dignity in his own person. The quar rel had evidently made some progress when we reached the scene of action. ; 'I tell you,' said big blacky,' Ttell you sur, mulatter nigger, you naU-ana-nalter, you cant kunger tontraptiona over. Ugly Sampson I'm well-known in dls same market for ditlast hundred years.' . rf 'Who cares - for that said . the Mulatto, with much dignity. , 'If rdrf is well known. that's noYeaaoa you should force your ac quaintance or a gentleman. i'lease to elear out, or - bij as you are; you nay get a thraahuj. ' ' Where'a de nisztt to do dal ting, Mr; Copper -col or pole-cat-' You tink to make Ugly Sampson slope on his own gronn. Try dat, you ' poor, man's " nigger. Try if -Ugly Sampson, is feard. -Fuss try if you make ded-rag ger peak -fuss try if, you squeeze blood out of one big turnip den try if you make Ugly4 Sampson dope.' My mossa - is a gentleman, wno your mossa, you- lasses looking nigger I. X speel you got no mossa. vI -spect you-ae poor free nigger.' ' -.-- ";,".' " ; , This latter taunt seemed too much for the Mulatto's temper and dignity. To be accused pf having no mowa, was an insult that stirred his proud "blood, and he seem ed to be disposed to peril all.in a fight with w giant, cat ea jni' aornesi, a pretty brown .girt ste" pped ; forward as a peace maker. ' '-":"' . . '-; You Mr Sampson Sawyer,' said she. 'Why yoa no 'have like a brack gentilmari ought to 'have, to the extinguished stran ger,, you has rxa- honor of -suiting in my face.-., ',., j;.. ..-., -"";'... .,. . , 'Oh brack fish and wbitln. 'Miss Dinah Brahtue, is"de gentilman a frn of ypurn? Den I axes pardon wkl all my sole.' He's datT wery tibg. ?I hab de; gceat pleasure insayin; an eidedut he's de Gub ner's man Sex, kura. to town wid him, to tend the greatrqview of de mrlcntary.' k" You don't say eo Miss Dinah ! What ! de Gubner's roau Sex I Ugly Sampson is one big fool den for one time Gubnet, I begs pardon,' an hopes you "ec'scuse me if I'd none "you had de Gubber for a rnbssa, I'd sloped widout saym-one word.' ? ; t The excuse was received as satisfactory amity was restored.. Ugly Sampson 'de GubnerrVand Miss Dine shook -bad, and parted with, mutual protestations. of respect, r We - strolled n till we Tcacbed the fish market. Such a crowded scene of bustle and confusion, shining, happy faces, obstreperous mirth, and unstrained laugh ter, I bad seldom or never before witnessed. All kinds of fish' were announced for sale, in all kinds of tones and voices. It was the noisiest part of the market a perfect Babel to the uninitiated. Brack fish, brack fish, gain for notifvand cheaper too-only seben pence a string Plenty of money, an no poor kin. Gib um away to eny body dat wants at seben pence a string! old missus rich as Jue ! Tank you massa. Brack fish mighty good for Sundal Old missus rich as Jue! Plenty - munny no poor kin! Gib a way de brack fish .for notion, cept seben pence a, string! ;You cat fish Joe, you lazy shark 1 why you no holler let de Buckras know how we gib away de brack fish!1 . Joe, a boy of fourteen, to whom this lat ter objurgation was addressed, began im mediately to spin round like a top, and in a shrill voice, took- up the' burden of the woman's song of 'Brack fish no poor kin rich as a Jue gib 'ern away.' How much a string ?' asked Jack, pick ing up one and examining it. - ' - . - 'Quarter of a dollar,'young mossa. 'Why, Mdm.-t. didn't you cry themat sevenpence. ' No massa, no quarter dollar a string.' Why, you want to cheat -me 1 wont have them.' " " ' - 'Yaw l Yaw I Yaw Massa Jack Wal thoeg, you. tink I neber eed you afore I Can't play your tncks onold Cicily, young Buckra I gib him to you dis tirno.' . A this moment, I caught a pair of burn ing eyes intently fixed upon us the gaze was but for a moment, and the owner sunk ino the gloom but Jack, who was ever on the alert, and saw -every thing-, detected the glance, and recognized the person. . .'Ahl Mr, Lieutenant of the guard,' said Jack, in a whisper, 'you wa'nt quick e nough that. tiui. I will find out your quarry, before yoa pounce upon it.' end be it petty thief or bold burglar will give him a hint :of your charitable intentions.' What mean you V I asked. . i 'Why, that our lieutenant of tne guard, the most astute police officer in the South, is on the qui vice for some poor devilbf a fellow, "who is now probably some where in the market AUont. and I shall be able if such be the fact to guess at him.'--x- We sifUntered on slowly in the direc tion of King Street - Jack, noiicinar as closely as though he had been an officer of the police himself. About half way up tne marKet we cama in sight ol a foreign looking, gentleman, with mus taches and whiskers of enormous ex- tent,wearing goggles," and aj gtnd headed cane, , Jack piuched my arm. , -.. - - Vatch close,' he said, 'I suspect gog gles iathe man.' . . Our gentleman s gait was too slow, nd his manner too self-possessed for me to join iri the suspicion. , . Passing the stall of a young and pretty brown girt, the stranger made a hasty'shmai. which she evidently.underslood and An swered, ' l Now I It how " yoti, said Jack. ; 'le is the.forger of , whom you have heard so mnch since you have been in the city. He boarded at our hotlse, and did me the honor to make my personal ac quaintance. Right or wroug,'- l'll -give htm a warning, and a chtnee for his life. Let us pass, him.' " " - M As we did so, Jack whispered ,ip his ear, "Pool idiot." Is ybur.UXe of .so lit tle value that you would throw it away.' Mark me, thejeyesC of the hawk are tip on you." Fly If it be yet possible. V, . ; t Bat itwae too late - The btmiiug eyes were in f ron t of us. Sotd iers of the guard were around us, ' . " ., -t , 4 You are my nrisoner., aid tho ; lieu-3 tenant, coolly. A pistol was half drawn, v 'Ixjok around yon said, the Ueuten ant contemptuously f ,k c . ; . The prisoner saw at a glance his fate was "scaled," and suire'ndered hioiscll passively into his eaptor handa. rlhad no inclination far continuing my stroll, and returned : to.my lodging' fordreani of the felon-forger-widowed-Dutchman Peter nnd Paul 'broom and corset sellers', and brack fish at seb en pence a tring, that somehow had no poor kin.-' - : . -..:.- - NOTICE. ' PRRSOiVS indebted Ho me or Goods I t. purchased urevioa to 1st Jalr. will Btease call and settle. On all accounts-standing over skx snonths, w wilt ekarge i Merest. - July 1856, . JEO. lUFiiBi'tCH. HAY! HAY ! 400 B AL prime Hit . In store and Tor sate by ' T.-C. eh B. WORTH.-.- Ang. JUST RECEIVED.1 ; , . -A Ofi BUSHELS beautiful White- Beans. For U sale at .; , GEOvJiVERS'. Tilt: TRl-WEERLY COMMERCIAL la Dublished every Tvcsoat, THSitDAt uoi SatodaV ai 85 per annum, payable 'n aUcaaet in advaaee. - - - " " . . . By THQtAS LOaiNG Edito andPaoFi ro,, . s ,"' CoriTerKroiitand Slaiket Streets, ' ' '- WJLSfISGTO!, W. C - RATB8 0P ADVERTISIXC. 1 insertion SO SO I 1 jr. 2 months, $4 00 2 75 1 1 " 3 " 5 00 s , , u 0O4 " 6 .. -a-ivo J ear t "l-rnnt, i!2 50l ".12 12jP0 Ten lines or- less make a square. If in adver- tisententex6eed8 ten "lines, the piice will be In proportion. - r ' - . . ,t All adverttscme.nl s are payable at the time of their Insertion, m' Contracts with yearly advertisers, wH be made on the most liberal lenns. No transfer at contracts for vrsrly advertising will be permitted. Should circu.Bstnnce render a change in uinee$, or n urvex peeled removal necessary, a, charge aecorUu to the' published terms wiU be at the option of the eon tractor, for thetisne he hasdveriised. . ; - . - -." Thn nrivilRora of .Annan I Advertisers ia strictly iSntlrf to hir ined lie" hkni neaif ' ?d afT alvertisemrnts for the heiteit of other persons, well aa al1dyertiaentcntsattimne(Hately con nected with their own bosinese.and all excess of advertUenteata in length or otherwise beyond the limitsTtgajred, will be charged at thaisaal rates. No Adverttaements is included in the con-tract for the sale or rent of houses or lands In town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property Is owned by th advertiser or by othes. persons. Thee are cxclided by the term "immediate business.'! , , All advertisements inserted In the tri-weckly Cmmercial,jire entitled to one iesertion inJhe HVeWyfree of charge. - JOB, CABI) -AHD-FAKCT PRINTING, EXECUTED IX SUPERIOR STYLE. AGRNTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. New Vobic Hetsra. Doll!ss dc Pott. Boston Cm AmKiUniTH, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. E. Cohsh. ftaltimort Wm. H. Pbakc and Wm. Thomioh. OUB UQTTO IS TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, and Trunk . Manufactory. . TH E subscriber rcspectlully i n form sthep ublie that he haft recently raceived additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Moaniinas,&C.,the latest and most improved style, andia eonslanly manufacturing, a thisstore on market street .every description of articl-in the abo-ve line. From Me experience in t he business, he feels confiden 1 1 h a t he will be able to giv-eentuesatiaiactlontoallwlio mayfavor him with a call, lie has now on hand, and willconstantly keena Urjteaasortmentof Conch, Gis and Sulkey Harness, Lad ' fs SaitiUs, Ui idkf. Wkipss f-c.t Gentlemen' t Saddles, Whips Spurs, dfC . allof Kbick he will warrant to be of Tithe best materials and workmanship. THe has alsd a laree -assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, &c.,and all Oliver ar ticles usually kept In such estabHshmcnts,"al1 of which he offer lov for CASH, or onshortcredit to prompt custoniers.; .--' .,.. . Saddles, UarnesaTrunk,"IS.eJical Dajr,.&e. &e.t rustle to order. . - ..tnaddition tothe abovc"lhu1vcribc rsl way keeps on hand a large siipplyuftrl1'!? father and has now, and will k'.ttfri'ilgli Ckc season a good sss'ortnfent of fly "Ntstts;.- AllareirTvItedto call aild'cjamlne rrty Goods, whelherin vrnntornot, asl Id 11 re I rwhw- ingmy assortment to all who tiiay favor me wii h HarnrsandCaeh Trimrniings sold a I fail price to persons haying t. nianufuc t ur. . . AI, VV'hirs at wholesale. AllJcindsof Hiding Vc-hWIea boush t r. . old n re.miniswos. JOHN J . CONOLKY . -Feb. T. 1856. : 1T8 Til B NORTH CAROLLNA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM P' V , RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company hrs been liwperatlonaioc rho 1st of April,: 848, under the direclionol the following Offteers, via t . - . Dr. Charlea K.Jonhson, President, . W in. Z): Haywood, Vice President John G. Williams, Secretary, . . a - VVm. li.JTones, Treasure-. " Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, r Vv,r?H McKee"' I TUcI Dev. ,f J. Hersman. Generaf Agent. ' Thfs Company has received aeh.irter gtvtng'ad rnnlagcs tothe insured over any otherConp:iny. The 6th Section ivea the Husbsnd the privilege tc insure his own life for the sole ues of bis Wife and Children, free from any claimVof the reproscnta- ives of the husband or any of his creditor. - - Organized on purely -mutual principles, tneiue members participate In ihe whole of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, lit-; applicant fot life; wltan the annual premium is ovei $J0 may pa) one uau in a iove. . All claims forineuraneengainstthe Company wiV oe paid withianinety daysaficrproof of the . death of the party is furnished. . Slaves are Insured for one or five years, at rates which w ill enable all Slaveholders to secure "thi . class of properity ayaisfst the nneeTlainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting featurein the history of North Carolina. which, will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company jhowaa very 1 a rge a mount of business -more than th Directors expected to do the first year having aireaoy tssned moreinsn auo Policies. . - Dr. W. W. IlABRtss, Medical Eiaralner,-nnd Airent.WIUninston, N.C. v Alinommanicatlonsonbusincsfof theCompanyJ should be addressed to . - . i - JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Secy. ttaleiehj June 8, 155; - ' . i. WINES AND LIQU0 RS. WE: Invite the attention, of pur Friends and . Patrons to the beM selection of Wines and Liquors ever o fie red ibis-market, eonsisting of . . . ' Crescent Brandy, vintage isiu, raie ana uarlt, Oiard. DupuyA Co.'s Rrand n r 4 Old Cognac , . d.- . . , ' t S, Brasson &, Co.'s do. . Castillon & flo.'i do., , . .' '," - Pure old Port Wine, , . . Puff. Gordon, Pale, sherry, old llniexji and i Muscat Wines. . . . ... " ." .JMaUgaWUie, . . . ... , "" uid beuppernon lac, . . , Holland Gin.. . . j,. . ' Old Tom Gin extra, . . .. ' Woolf s-Schiedam Schmpps, ;'. - " : 'Cherry Brandy, . , , ' 1 ' ,Oid Peach Bwrjdy, , ; ' 7 ". ; . rApple do. . ; , ' " BoMrboav Whiskey t . , : . ; Rye - Ait ' ' Irish and. Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy e . , ' . Stt: Madeira Wiiw, ,,.-' , Perfect Lv Cordial, r , Assorted Cordials. in bottles, " , Every variety of bottled Wwes uil f.faori. Clarets of various bra nil atwholjute prices, Maraschino; Curacoa, . t. v . . i - . . Hiwleller' Smmach Biltcrs. . , : Aromatic do. . , .- . Glnser Wine, Ac. tc. W- low prices for CASH. At iheorisioal .--" J w. Ap.UU., . : ? BKO. 31YER'S. " CANDY. v :; f . fZft BOXES Aasaried fresh Candy, jan rcceiv 0J ed at , GEO. AIVRRS. June 3. -,. .34. . ? FJILU1BLE TO INFALIDS. ' WEhvejB.utoar4UvZ lask Port VVin, .. , .:, - 1 . Madeira, lb tx-st article ver offered in thi a market. At the Original Grocery. " .,- t, v . GEO. MYERS. P- O WemakenopretensiowsiwLhw war Oof UMBRELLAS hut we offer some beautiful DUTCH HEAD CHEESE inn received this day ai . . GEO- MVERSV .Ocltl. 90 . NAILS! NAILS! ! KEGS assorted Nails. jnt received and for.sale by - ZKNO H. ulihKA K. . 100 Au 6. - 60 CANDY. nC BOXES assorted efnm r fined Handy. Por itJ sale by Aug. 5. ZKNy il. ORKKNR.-1 - NOTICE. ALL. accounts due the lte- firm of Fresmn & Houston, most be closed wiihou funhe de lay. GEO. HOUSTON, July 17. - ' - 62 ON CONSIGNMENT. fK BOXES New York city made Pale Soap, a,t UJ prime article. For sale by - t - July 3. G. W, DAVIS. FRESH GROCERIES. AS wa are to start North in few days, for the purpose of purchasing a He stock of Gro ceries, I would thank those. ah. ka ve nol paid their Bills to July 1st to do ojmrndinfety. RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. ' 1 ( "BBLS. Chaffin's celebrated back eonntry1 I X.J Whiskey. . Also, in store, a superior artitry of Draught Ale and weet Cider, at j. if.. Kii,aiUiV3, May 31 ; Ko. 15, Market street. . --i, , 1 -f RATES (if PILOTAGE. TUST arinted and for sale at The Commercial O Office, the itates ot i'liotage River. for the Bar and 1 33-tf. . t ' - WILMINGTON - MAR BLE AND STONE YARD.- - TUB Snbscriber having accepted the agency ol several lareeestablUliments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited suoplv of finished or unfinished, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMDSTOSES, and every other article in the line of the business at reasonable ratea. SCULPTURING , LETTERING OR CARVIXQ . Executed as well as can be done either North ci South., . . . Thebest reference can be given. If required. ' JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6,1834. - - . - tf. COIL! COAL!! COAL!!! K. nd TO N S O V T H E B R ST QJJ A LI T V R ED JVyJASH E COAL, dailv cupectrd. Constantly on hand, all kinds of wood, Staves, Shineles. etc.. etc. All sales can, J. Uf.ua. August 2nd, 195(i 0 tf GRAIN CRADLES. A SUPERIOR article, for tle by - ' A. . . v J.aMUJBl.NSON dtON. June 3. . 31. " ON CONSIGNMENT. 7 BALltCcdof ""alls Sheetings. ' - -5n0 reams Wrapping Paper, , ... .1000 lbs. ncv? Feathers, 4 lot of Linsbcrf Oil. Vor safe in lots fr stilt by - T. C. & B. G. WORTH. June 2(5. ; ; -1 : , . , 41 FRESH fruits. ; TCJiT KF.CF.IVED, perSchr. DeROMet. fi targe J .t of delicious Orantres-, atid-a full snplyf untfeually fine uernoosi bull) in escuU'utwruer. Jj-Kvicy mainer of Confectionary on hand, and fhr'sali; on -rtTti&tfm ternrF. BrThe rTroadwny Varteiy Siore,Wo. 4U, lakrt Aui.5. WM. II. PeNKALE. CONVENTION! AND LlftOO.t " MERGHANTS. A TT7INE VV meeting w4U be held in thi place, early in May, of the Wine and Liquor Merchants of Nt w Hanover County, for the purpose of adopting tneftc 6re for the removal ot modiffcarron -of tlie extreme heavy tax nowlmposed upon them. -- Jj" A further notice "will 'be given of the time and place of Tjsldmg paid Convention. -- April 29. , 19. SOAP. rrkROXES Colffitte's Pale and No l.forxnleby OVMarch6. . : GEO. HOUSTON. TiUYELEll'S GUIDE. T ATEST published. " Received' this mornins i-J and for sal at sale a - - . r July 15. , S. W, WHITAKER'S for rale; ' A GOOD MJkh Cetr. apnly to - Jily 15. GEO- H, KELLEVI - FLOUR AND CRACKERS. fcf BBLS.jyine and Spper Flour; 20 bbl. and J v. 25 boxes Sugar and Soda Crackers.' Now' landinsand for sale by ZENO H.GREEN R. - July 3. N.C. C. Advocatecopy. 47. A BOOIC FOR EVR.Y METHODIST. - - -. TUB ANXALS-OP.- ... '." SOUTHERN METHODISE FOR 1855. Edited by ike Rev. Charles F. Deems. IX D. THIS Nw Won embraces the statistics' and a great variety ototker interest intr in forma ion in every department ot Southern Methodist opera tions, under the fol'owing general heads : I. The Episcopacy. II. Plan of "Visitation. Ill, The Conferences. ' IV. Dedication of. Chur ches. V. Revivals. VI Missions. .VII. Collr. Ces. VIII. Sunday Schools. IX. Tract Socie ty. X. Publishing HdUfe and Ljtbrarv Notices." XL Instruction of People of Color. XI L His torical. Sketches. XIII. Biorapical Skethes. XIV. Personal Notices. XV. Bishop Andrew's Lel-ters-on Califeraia. XVI. Memorlu'sof Bish op Capers. XVII. Miscellaneous. XVIII. Ap penLt. 360pagea, large VI ran. P. Ice for which copy writ be sent prepaid. Bills of the Banks-of North or South Carolina, or gold dollars, should be sent. A liberal dis count 10 Booksellers and Minister. Address , CHARLES F. PEEMS, - 7 ; Uoldsboro', N.C .. Jan. 10. , - 127 TALLOW CANDLES. WE hive received thevaeney of G. C; B hodrs' -Tallow Candles the best article m-ida in the United Ststea. . "Will be kept eonMantly on hnr.d and sold for cash Only en delivery, at No. II North Water street: . - - i .-r ...... (G. H, KELLET & BRO. May 2355.; 30 if , " " ' " ' , Ofttce Wit.-, Mia. Rtt Road, , . .; ..Wilmington, Dec. 13th, lb55. ( NOTICE Is hereby gi-ven that alt Freight trans ported by this Hod will be at the eoitre. risk of -the owner, lrom the moment it. is unladen from the Cara at the point of delivery. A - , L. J. FLRJIIX!, 'V i " " ' -General Soperintrndf nt... Dec 15. .. ' 117 ly EMPTY BARRELS. " OtKf FMPTV Splrtio Turpentine ImlTet 4,J J rcci4ve0 ner icbr. bunnv South. .Fur sale by - APAMS.BltO. A CO. July 1? SOME OF THE MOST INTERESTING BOOlKS lately tssuei are Green Pea, picked .from the patch of Invisible, ttrcen, Ktq ; Ad ventures of Gfrarrf, the Lion KTler; The New Are of Gold, or. the Life'and AeWentares of Eoo. ert Dmxter Remain ; Baehsel and ih Kcv World; Vank&s Tiavels Throuah Cuba ; Wit antt. Wis dom of Sidney Smith; Wao-Bun, or tho Early Dav" inth Nonhwcst ; ihe S narrow irrau P. firsf Salad for the Social-; Faeeleton-n Letters; The Daisy CbaJn, Ac. All-op hand and for sale at - a. it. vVHITAK r.R is. JnJy 19. - : . . - BJ BUSINESS-'CARDS. . JOSEPH WILKINSON, . UPHOLSTER & PAPER HANGER, K K EJ'3 .ON ir.t H D AyD S1AUE TO OKUER, Maitressts, Feather JJeds Window Curlaias - i, "-i- and fixtures. ; ' , AH-work i n the above line done a I slortest No ties. .- Wilmington, N. C, Market St. Jan. 19, ;18jG. -, w , a - i ! . . J. C.LA1TA, COMMISSION MERCHAMV& GENERAL - - - - AGENT,', - ;" - WILMINGTON, Ti. G. - Oct. t,!835 - T. C. & B. G. WORTn, COMSlS&hiS A?ID FnaWSRDISS MERIHSSTS, WILMINGTON; N.-C.' Jon IT, 1855. , I r-i .:;. r.Ut-9 : FiCTOB 4SD FOSWARDISC AC EXT. , ' .: Ifillgice hit personal attention to tusinesi i entrust ' " ' d Is his care. ::" Sept. 8. 1855. 75 lj-c. - GEORGE MYERS; - Z WII.UESALB ASD BETAIL GEOCER - Keeps constantly on hand, II 'me. .Teas, Liquffrt, Provisions, H'ood and WUloie Xl'are, h'ruit, Confectionaries, are. South frontstreetf -- trilMINtiTON, N..U. . . Nov. 13, 1853. s 109. GEORGE-HOUSTON, m;jit,ER im -Crocerlcs, Pravisloiis, and "N'aval Stores ; COMMISSION MERCHANT. YESSKL AND FORWARDING AGENT, ' WILMINGTON, K. C. - ' Ang. " CO-tf 11. DOLLKCR. a. POTTtB.jr. J. CAMERDEN. DOLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW VORK. ' April30, 1855. r 20-ly. , "... L. N. BARL(5V WDOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AMD DRAt.KR IW LIQUORS, IVINES. ALE. PORTER, e-c. No. 3, Ciianiie How, front Street, ' WILMINGTON', N.C. Feb. 17th, 140-lf. A DAWS, BROTHER & CO., ; COM M ISSIQN MERCHANTS, - ' - , WILillXOTON, C. ,Ju!y 23.. : . , . , . , 53 1 v . D. CASH WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIL.MIXGTOX; X. C. Sept.-30. - - 64-tf . HOOPER, DKARBORN & CO., C-O AI MISS I Q N M E R C II A NT S, - , WILMINGTON, N. C. . ar , GEO. HOOPEB. J. i.. DEABIOBS. , ' Jufy 28. '"- ;.-' HfinrCR. ' 58-tf r JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSTOX MBR JHA NT, WILMINGTON, N. C. - Oct. 6ib, 1656. . . g3. WM. U S. .TOW.NSHEND, . WHOLESALE & RETALE GROtER ANIJ COMMISSION MKRCHANT. Nil. SO Wat ket -Street, ILriNGTOS, N, C. 30. GEORGE II. KELLEX& BROTHER, ' CEACEES IS-" '? ' FAIIIIT b'RnCElHES'AXD PROVISIONS. No. 11 NORTH WATER STREET, YVI MI CTTOX, N C- ' J".TrlLCkeep constantly On hand, Sugars, Cof . AV . fees. Molasses, Clteese, Flour, Butter, Lard Soaps, Candjes, Crackers, March, Oils, Snuffs, Ac. Ac. ' ' - - ' BES-SBEirCES f ;i . O. G PiasiEV, Preiint Of Commcreio: Bank. " JcwtJt Melt as, , ' Bank of Wilmington. ' . Wilmington. - A"" "' ' ;- - - ,. v A. M. Gorman, ( r? , lt,e. W, 11, Bossht, i Gr5cn,b,oro; , Feb. 14. ' - . MARBLE MANUFACTURER, NonTH WaYfr Sthkkt', Wikminoton, ' No". C. Monvmenlr, Toombs, Hra4 nnd Foot Stones, and - , -alllcindssf Marble, Work furnished te , ' order on. reasonable terms., . June 8. ' 3C-ly-c SAMUEL A. HOLiMES, , :, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON '.y.' c. -y Will attend the Courts of DupMn, Sampson and New Hanover. .' ' v -. - - .- OiTics on Princess street ncit door East of. the State Bank. . .April 5. - ' "' :? :""'"s- ' ff-ly - f J. M STEVENSON, "f '"" AGENT Tor the sale of all kinds' of Proioee. Office on Ptineesssr , under ADAMH, BRO. 4. C04 WilininRfon.N, C, Keb. I?.l3t-tf. K J. M. STEVESfiO.V 'GEGRGE R. FRENCfL. . . . , SlXSiUrACTljKERAND i WHOLESALE if- RETAIL DEALER Z BOOTS, SHOES, : iEATHPR, JND SHOE F4NJHNOS, - , N 0 It, 'MARK BT TEBV t " r. .; -wir-MiNCToar, - , r Marrh 6. . . ; 151 ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' SOUTH 4 WATER STREET, WIL1HXGT0X, S. C. Jan. ?2 J3: ANDREW S. KEMP, VAT T 0 RNEY A TLA W, Will attend ihoCuurjjr and Superior Court of D Laden, Kobt-sn,C'o!uujbus and Saropson. -June 12. ' - i ' 38 ly omitji. -.. v - : ; MlI.CS COOTIIt. No -2, "SOUTH WATER STREET: - W May 24. BALTIMORE LCCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON, THE founder of this C lebrated Ins'iiution rf fcrtlie most certain, SpeoUy and only ttlctiu al remedy iff the world lor i SRC RUT DISEASES, j Gleets, Strictures, SeminnI Weakners, Pains in the Loins, Constiiutionsl Debility, fiupuieitcy Weaknehgof Ihe Hack and Limbs, AHeciions of the Kidneys, Pslpitation of the Heart, Utt-isia Nervous lrrilabt Ity, Disease ol the Head, 'J nroul Nose or Skin s those serious and melancholy elisor, ders arising; from the destructive habits nf Vouth which destroy both body and mind. -Tliose secret and solitarypractices mors fjtsl 10 their vinims than the song of '.he Syreus to hs nuirinsis of Ulysses, blighting (heir most brilliant hopes or an ticipations, rendering mirriope, c., Impossible - -yo uno mj:n. - ( 1 EspccIaU v, who have become the victims of SoiUo. ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive hubit which annually sweeps to an untimely ?reVe thonssndu of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise havn entranced lis tening Senates wiih the thunders of eloquence, or waked toecstacy the living lyre, mar coll wiih firtl confidence, . r f , ' MARRIAGE. t I Married pe'sons, or Voung Men, conirmplut're marriage, being awan of Physical Weai.ne. tr aanic Llebility, DefonniiUs, drc.shoi.ld immertl ately consult Dr. J., and be rcatored to perfect health. . dwhoplaces himself nndertheearcof Dr.Jdl n ston may religiously confide in his honor as a r en tleraan.and confidently rely upon hitskill asa rhv. sician. . , j - Di. Johx-stok Is the orly regularly Educated Physician adveniting to cine Private Complaint. Hia remedies and treatment are entirely urikiown toall others. Prepared from a life spent in the Great Hospitala of Europe andihe Eirei in this Country, vis ; England, France, the Blocklfy ol Philadelphia, f-i:., and a more c-ctenslve practice than any other physician In the world. His many wonderlul cures and moat Important Suteirsl Op- erationa is a sufficient losrnntee to tho nnlicted. Those vho wish to be speedily and tftctually relier ett. should shun the numerous trifling imposters, who only ruin their health, and apply 10 him. ' A CURE WARRANTED OK NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nauseous Drves L'st"' OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK at., loft hand side (toiig from Faltin.ore street, a f. w doors from the rornr. Fail not to obeetve hia name and number, for ignorant trifling imporieis attracted by the reputation ol Dr. Jchmton. iluik near. - . ' - - t DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons London; graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges t'f the United States, and the grcster psrt ol wbosx life has been spent in the Hospitals ol London, Per is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has elieeieil mi,,. of the most astonishing cures thai were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head v hen asleep, great ncrvuuxnsss, beiny ejormed t sudden soundfi, and bashfuiDCFS. wiih frequent blushinj.aitcndedisoniriinjes ultii dcrangm.cni of mind, were cured i m media icli'. 1 -1 CERTAIN DISEASE. W'hcn l lie misguided and Imprudei.t votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of , hit. painful disease. It too often h.-ippcns ihai anjHttiin S& sense of sliamo, or dread of diseovcry. deicrs him from applying to'thnse who, nim eduetir n and respcctabiliiy.ean alone befriend liiru, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this lu.rrhl , disease make thetr appearance eu h as ule. ti l wre throat, diseased note, noctural pains ir the head and limbs, dimness of sicht, deufm-ys, riodes on tho shin bonesand arms, blotches on the fcelid, face and rxtremi lies, progressing with irighlial rn -pidity,.lil nl Inst the palute of ihe motuh or the bdnen of the nose fall in. nnd l?)e victim off thin awful disease becomes a horrid obir-et of rsernlian,tilljflalh puts a peiiodlt. hj.i dreadlutsnl lennt'S, by fending him 10 "thai bourre rni whence no Irareller returns'. To euch iheri'lorp. Dr.-Johnston pledges himself to preserve thf hiet-t inviolable secrefy ; and, from his exieBtjye prac tice in the first IJospiials of Europe and Arnoiirs. hecan confidrniTy rccrfmmend a safe arid rerfJ f cure to the nAnann'e victim of tl is horrl.l di-- case. It is a melaruholy fuel. J)0t thousands (uil victims to this dreadful Ciwiifiluint, cowing li nr Fkllfuloessol ignorant prcttnders, wiio, by tbr t n ot that de.-ui!y poion, nwciiry, rtiin. ihe conii! tion, and either si-nd th unfuKy.paie soij rvT i , n untimely grave, or else make flie recidur ..1 lifr.n.i.. erable. ' . t . TAh'R PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J.aJdresscf all those who have injured them selves by private end ianproiper Jndilgenccs. 1 ..These aTe some of the sao nd nielan. I o!y 1 f feels, produced by eatly habits of youih. viz: Weakness of the Itsck and Limbn, P;,ins in Iho Hesd. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mufcu ur Pow er, Palpitation of the Ilean, Drpepy. JVt-rv-i,M irritability Derangement ntle Digestive f-'rne-lions, Gancrat Debility,- Symptoms ofConstrt n. tion, ate. ' . .. j - Mentally The fearful 1 fleets on ihp mirA rc much to be dreaded; Los of Msmory. Confmj.m of Ideas, Depression of Splrjis. Kril ForebnrMnps. Aversion of Sooiey, Self Distrust, Love of t-oli-ude. Timidity, dec.. are onie of the evils proiio' d. Thousands of persons of nil ages, can now incite what is the cau.-e of their declining health, f.-r-ing their vigor, becoming weak, psie and eiraein- ' led, have a singular appearance about the cough nnd sy-mrrtrMiis of enjiMuiipi jnn. i DR. JO H N STON IN V 1 GO It AT I N O B E M E DV FOR ORGANIC W EAk Aits. By fhU great and important remedy n ;. Iprrs pf the organs are speedily cured sr.dXull v ig r rrserer". Thousands Of the most AVrvous and Debilitated individuals who hud lost all hope, have be n ininx . diaiely relieved.' All Impediments to 51 AI1K I AGK Physieal or 5Ienta'IDiquslifir-arlons. Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings and Weatnea,or exhaustion of the most tcaffyl kind, -pocdily. c-wul by: Dr Johnston; "' " '' I Young men who have injured thrrnstWcs l y a certain practice icdy'gcd in w)i0 alpne a hebit frrqu'enily A"nrncd .fniia ril tumpnr,ione, or ft school, The effects f whicit are rflslitly ftif, evi-n when asleep, and if.not cured, vender marriage isnpopjtle.ar.d destroys Loth rujnd and bodr,bould apply Immediately. , . ' ; What pity that yourtg msn,' the hope ot In country, and the darling ot nisparenis should be snatched fro all prosprx-n and en).) no ni ol life, by the cjBn8qoences ot deviating from tl-e pain f natvre, and indurring m certain sscrt 1 : tidbit. Sucj jjrrson, before conremplMiine. . i :,,. MARRIAQE. ' Should rRcet thai a sound mind .id tWy arc' the most neceesary reqm.uim to prcunote cnnnrtbinl happiness. iodrHl, wiikoul these, thr iotiini-y through Ue fceco)ta wearj pilgrimnpes the pros peel hourly darkens to the view; the mind ktc mes shadowed with despair arxl filled w ith tfie mebn choly reflection that ihe bappu-sf isnoiht-rf btr come blighted wiih on t own. j OFFICE KO.I SOUTH FRt DEHICp- T.'j , 4t.Tiiaa, Mj. . . - AllSarjlcal Operation iei 101 med. I . B Let no filse delicacy prtvrnr yno, ibi.t apply lmmedlafefy either perioaMy or b ktier. ; kln riseases speedHy C ared. j TO STRANGERS. Tlte Hjanv thousinds cured at this insilm-irtr u;!k. fin the latt ten years, and ifce iuwiiuri 5ii,t, r- lant Surgical Opeva'.ions prrfoipM d i-j- Of- J-. f it nessed by the Reporters of the t-upet. mtd tnnr j other persons, notices of whU4it)e nf (eid .sin and again befrtre the public, bcidrst.i .tandins aa a reoHesnan of chancier and rvsroeeilCir j-, ia ' a joflcicnt gnnrnntee 10 the sfFiru d. j TAKE NOTICE. 1 Tt Is'wittirfce rmu t n-lfiin- that Tr. .TOflTrTtiN THmuil dia esrrt4upfmr before Ihs j.Htiiie. i-ru.trxr it unnrofnwimml Inr a li) aician to a.ivrti, l ut nn'rM h Jit . them'H-vl. fr.pmeunj atsanrn-. eooM m l f:nl in fa.ll into the bnil .af tt. niaiiv Impudent and - nularwt rmpnatcra.-mtefi inntnnerahle ValMt 'an( or rnn lltrj Ouck.hvpK. vwamiina; lliras Inrrr eiti. mat ing Jir. .litmsnu- -K-PTt!rr-nla or a-Krrli.lnir Ui m-tm aa phTt. lti. IMhrr-hannw-Kn.lril frlJ.r,. ..ailary t wnrk at thrrr prieinal Irrnde. srt rti amn-r .w 1Vm I eyond the bnity.-yl.o. Utr the imrTttmeut tUxleiiie an.l Iva-iv. tsar, carry on re r mis, hr. sirr vrr) rtlrt. --n rlf Jiamen. ao rttas tlw a!Wd tiali't. ns-atrje ora. laarto1anilh'hutna7inirrfnrr. Ti.-ro mt LUusefca with rnoM lying errfirfratra taT grrtit and umi.iiin; curm innn irn w In rw- r.ion.J, f tnttp yoo takimr bMV lMr- ,i4 l.iriici tVarrs and otL.r pmekmurr of fl It ljr awd arorttilaa rouip.-uofla, eonnicz'y prepare I to Uuwmm f .n the onrortmwte and nn.u.pf-rt. lOZ. Trrflnis; nMicarb aflrr saoblb. or a hmm aa f ba .mall, sal fi-r ean e oof.-tio"l, ai,!, in lr-ir. loai j--ia wi?a, ruined ti-a)rh. ti sigh nv.r roar ffltfrsf 1iT-potnmrt. 1 1 i rti-a nwMiie that Irwl,-H lr. J.t& ajierf --. rra .iiMiiriircm roe. To tho nn o-.i-i,-f-d wiihhta f rTHtmt,'m- fcsdeevlt iwaary toaartlialbia en4t.il- tiaia or airHMnaa ai"-av l.aoif in t: ni!v-e. i so i-etter nKCKivEr rsr H rn?T f- TD sad eoa'aiaicr a stamp tntaj uaett f.rr isjm r (i.. t rr- aona arrit'nff i-howid ! Arr and srr.-l lliil ).rt!i.o of adrertix ih si 4ierHlng tnytotna. Jan. SaJfcoC. - , ..J5I-Iy..