-"-... MS' v. . ' - - i . . " ft -i.e.. jw - ' 4 ajiln .t'WPSH?r' Of AW I I I XV .III o : Volume; xtN umbek t. WILMINGTON, N,' C, TUESIM Y MOK.NING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 1333 4UI 1 fwit I r-!f i jT i.ri i. ' fir III - 111 III MISCELLANY. s -1. 7sS9Al AND THE GENERAL GOTERNMBST . -1UB DISTURBERS TO BE POT DOWM. The VVbioloi Star states that posi- ' tivef instructions have ". pone to Kansas j T; which frill, it is believed, lead to such X incisures bo tb part of lbs Coreramem's - 7 : officers, ftiilitary and civil, as Will prompt t It put down the c.ril war ihera It further . gddM ;. - ,i---f ; It is deepl o b regretted that pen Soailh permitted Lane to enter the Terrim ' rj at the head of an - arnojr of brigands, with arms in band, and thos 'to create tbe necessity for the counter, precipitation of an armyTrom Missouri for their dispersion and punishment ':""'r"iy:,:t,"-:- ' :: I The Government here "have a duty t do in tb premises which, -wa ara satisfied. ; -wilr be (lone at all buzirds. ; The fact thai .iOeft Ssaufe failed o take the responstoilitj 8 triring Lane and his mm out i of the - Terriforj rtm they bad ! perprtrtet 'one I 4 their hundreds of recent uiuriers robberies '-and aisonsYcan form no legitimate re ason -why tbe General Government should fail "to prevent. the Missouri ds from taking ; Hbeir revenga. We have no dor.bt that -Lane and every man of his force who can . be arrested will be duly arrrsted by the troops of the U. State, but none but troops ' called into service by the General Govern ment will be permitted to participate in ar resting them. Any others found in arms in the Territory, under whatever pretence, wilt be regarded as participants in the ex- isting civil war which it is tbe imperative duty of the President of the United States to put down at all hazards, and will be dealt with accordingly. Such,' irt few words, we believe to be the substance of he instructions said to have been forward ed to Gen. Smith and Gov. Geary, -i ; THRILLING SCENE. ! The Philadelphia correspondent of the Baltimore Sun thus, describes a scene which transpired in One of tbe churches in :' that city: : - J A thrilling scene occurred in the Greene atreet M. E. Church yesterday.- It a p pears that a man named Baker walked up o the middle aisle, and after reaching tbe altar, turned so as to face the congregation, "and then taking a five-barrelled revolver I out, presented it to his own breast and pull ' ed tna trigrrer. lne cap fortunately .ex ploded without igniting the powder within tna pistol, and before; be could attempt to re another barrel, the pistol was taken from bis hand by two of the members of the church. Much excitement prevailed Baker" was taken from the church and giv : n in charge of the police." It is sod be has for several days past been laboring u der temporary iiisamtjr- . - . . . f SETTLING A DUEL ' In these days of dualling, ihe following nay not be amiss : "Two, officers bavin ' asked King Gustavus' permission to figh '-a duel, be consented, rand, having intima ted to them his intention of witnessing the oiobat, at the appoinie I hour appeared on the ground. Then, turning to the officers who were about to engage, he said, -Now gent emen, fight fight tilt one of you fall And I have brought the provost marsba with me to behead tbe survivor. It is re snarkable how suddenly the gentlemen discovered they could reconcile their dicer -ences without fighting," AN ADVENTURE. On Tuesday morning, as the cars were n the way to fexeter fro:n Portsmouth t one of the passengers, a short, fleshy jman -of two hundred pounds, droppe I his bt No sooner was it gone than be sprung from the side ot platform car on which he was riding, to secure it. As be struck the ground, tbe velocity of the train rolled him over like a pumpkin down the embank ment, 'jntil be was resting face upiini pond by the way side. ! By oae of his ban . peculiar broad laughs be soon signified to ' the anxious spectators, fast passing from him, that no damage -was dooa. In an hour after, Mr. Willey with his hat reach a juxetrr, ana a.i.iea one to the . procer- sion. Jixttor (XV. .) Aries MJattr. ' A debtor says: "My creditors are sio- "'gularly unfortunate - They invariably a p. ' ply tna day after I Have spent all my mon ey. i always say to in-ra, new, this is very provoking f - Why didn't you come yesterday, and I could have paid you m full V But no I they never wilL They seem sake a perversa pleasure in arriving al- ; ways too lata. It's my belie! the rascals do tton purpose." : , ' Woman is like ivy tbe more you are " ruined, the closer she clii gs to you.f A ''''wifs's love don't begin! to sbowi itself till 'the Sheriff is after you with a sharp stick - Who can ill-treat a wife? j 4 .The Newbury port: Herald reports that -:.& blue fish the enemy; of all other fishes, bave filled tbe waters thereabouts, driving , way cod, mackerel, and all others usual , 1 found in that vicinity., It is blue fishing or pouting now. . . i . HIGH WAY . ROBBERY. The New'TVeu says that a man named Charles Dixon was arrested on Saturday, ' charged with being one of a gang who, on Sun-lay night of last week, attacked and robbed Richard O'Brien of a watch and tm' money. A pawn ticket forth waicb an. was found on his person, and O'Brien iden t ied him as being one of the gang i He was locked up, in default of $2,000. for ) it Between 2 and 3 o'clock eo Sunday moroirg Mr Franklin Braust was passing i through Twenty-first street, when a man pamed William Fribed jprang suddenly upon him from an alley. knocked bun down ' by blows upon the head with a club, and i f was engaged in robbing him when Officer Drew came up, and after a desperata tus i , ale succeeded in arresting tb robber. 4 He taken before Jnstica Wood and locked "w fnr trial - - ' EXPLORATION OF I HE NILE. The new expedition to the head-waters of the IS ile. under tbe command of the -ommand of the French Count d' Escay- rac de Lauiure, and under the protection and. auspices of . Said, Pasita, promises to exceed all similar projects hitherto set ot fo t. ' At Vienna twelve officers of tbe Aes. Irian general suff expressed their willing: nass to.' join the expeditioti. from which number three were selected, who, together with the meneralogist, Mayer, recently in the service of the Dutch Government in Berneo, make tip the complement of Ger- mans in the expedition. .The. whole force will comprise twelve Europeans, besides the leader, and three hundred soldiets fur. nished by the. Egyptian .oovernmenL'. A mong these latter, who are principally na il ves of the interior of Africa, there are sup posed to be a sufficiency of interpreters For tbe navigation of the .Nile the expedi tion pas thirty barques and twe snM learners ami n Crew of one hundred tne. (eaides tbe necessary men . and means t continue tbe journey by land beyond the he if of navigation. iNever before was scietii fic expediiion fitted out in like man- tier - ' n . . The expedition will lenve Europe on the I Oth uf September, Uount d Escay rac with the Germans embarking at Treiste and the r rench expeditionists at Marseilles Ihe entire party will meet at Alexandria, and expect to reach. Cbartoum by ' Uecemter. where they will remain some time to com plete tbe organization. A. - Y. Ev. Fast. MASSACHUSETTS DEMOCRATIC CONVEN- " -- " - TION: ----- - " Springfield, Mass . Sept 11th. Tbe Democratic State Convention, which as sembled here yesterday, nominated E. D. Beach as a candidate for Governor, and Albert Currier for Lieuteant Governor, Ca leb Stetson having declined Jonathan E. Field, for Secretary of State; Ezra Wilkin son, for Attorney Ueneral: Uiies H Whit ney, for Auditor, and Sieduian Butwick, for Treasurer. N. J. Lord and Whiiing (J ha wold were nominated tor Electors at Large. i be resolutions are brief. I hey accept and endorse the Cincinnati Platform and candidates, re-affirm the principle of squat ter sovereignty, compliment the Demo crats and denoum e the Republicans in Congress.. SHAKSPEARE'S SKELETON. in Aiempnis, l ennessee, the other day. a man stood gazing 'in a window where two skeletons hung suspended one being that ot a m m the other a bov. A stran ger coming up. 'Whose skeleton n that?" asked tie mn, pointing to the Ur-rer ! bat is abakapeitre sa'd the si ran ger." "And wbise.is that?" continued the man pointing to th smaller "That is Shukspare's too " answsred ihe wag. "How can it be?" "Why, that's him when he was a boy," was tbe rejoinder "Oh I 1 never thought of that. And our frend walked away, wondering how those queer creatures, the doctors, got the bones out of dhakspeare s body when be was alive. THE FIRS7 QUAKER PUN. Not long since a "Friem! " who rejoiced in the name of Comfort, paid bis devoirs to i tounr and attractive Quaker widow. named Rachel H Either. Her griefs were too new, or ber lo er too old, or from other causes, nis oner was declined, w Hereup on a Quaker Iriend remarked that it was the first modern instance he had known here Rachel either objected or refused to be Comforted." 1 he anecdote as remar kable as being the first Quaker pun on re cord.:-." Rev. Joshua Upsrn, of D vton, (Ohio ) became infected with tbe "epiritual" disease some lime aero, and, under the -inv ression that be was directed so to do by "s pi nts," abstains'l fr ni eattng. and actually died on lsl sundajr week of starvation. Tbe losa of property by fires in the U- nited Stales last month was quite small, - tT'OU itiiig to only 9617,000. . In tbe eight months of 1856 the losses bave amounted to 9l2.0o4.000, reckoning only those of 910,000 and over. An Irishman, fresh from the sod, end an xious to secure a hummmr bird, caushr a arga bee instead ; it stun birrt.Ntfhen Pat cried out: M Houiy Moses, how hot his lit. tie ful is!" ; r ! , NOTICE. 5 AI L PERSONS mdebteJ to me for Goods narehased urevlou to let July, will please eall and settle. On all aceoaata ataadiag over six months, we will cnargo interest. - July 1858, - oKO. tv. FRENCH. JUST RECEIVED PER SCHR. R. W. BROWN. 20 Barrels Pork. : ' 10 do ; Beef. 2 Tea. Hsroa sugar cared. 6 Barrels Lard I Smo Beef. SO Firkins Gorheo Batter. , 20 Boxes Cheee. ' 30 w Adamantine Caadles. ,31 - Eng. Starch. ; 30 Barrele Kagar. : , . 20 BagaCoSce ' . - For aaia at tbe OrUrlnal Famili- GEO. MVERS. I ' No. 114 13. Fr ai atrrrt. Aug. 23. ISM. CANDY. . J . assorted sr. n lennta caray eui sale by ZENO H urkkkk. Aug. i. : 6t CANDY. Cf BOXES Asaorted fresh Candv 9t reeeiv JJadw r -'.--- ? ,j. GEO. MVERS - " ' 34. 'Jane 3. -4 V notice, -zsf r. 1 " H K su bacribe i respectful I informs the ttublic. tbaiha ia b.iw riaueilii tne i uoo onainess oa hisowaaecooauajid hp c by strict tentlrtite business, te meri a eenttnuano nut. patronage eerstofare soUbersny fceseo p Stock.Raal Estate and Nesroea. bought sad said oa a eommiMion, eilber at private or p sous sale. T7H1TK ' v liKKV far B.jndyinf Peache V V la ntaeh het. Kraadr ibrtvela while wnn kev nlamps ilu. iHtacH.aad U eheae. Ala on Hand blic Peiicti Hraadv and aiia. for m jiho purnooe. JR. KK-lTH.N. r A or. 21. is No. I Market, St. N. C SHWSTINGS AND VARXS. -f f BALK N.C riheeiinxa and Vro,;u r X J cefved aad fur rata bi Jaaa 12. T. C. 4- 8. O. WORTH. rOFKKK! O-iKKKK!! (00 bHe best RIO O OOKPKK lor -ale to arrle. - Call a ear ef- lleaaad mnmpK T. C 4 B.Q.WORTH. v Asc.21.M5e. , . ; 61.lw- FALUABlE STORES ox market .TRKKTK' Ka from Isi October neu, the Store oa a-Mltb ldt of Market Street, at pres. m occ anted bt tr W. f & Tonroahend. Aho the iore oa nwrih aide Market afreet, at preeent e-rasied h J K.. Raaton. Ka. AD 'v ! f D- H. B.tKKR, or . Aac- 23.-IOI. M. LONDON. I VAT RKCE1 vED. per Schooner Myrorer, a .1 . bnaaiifal aaaortment of JStaiionerr White vi litrr. VV hlteliid l.eiter. Blue Laid Cap, K ueVor i.eiter,ltieioTeUap,Mioe l.aid Letter, iiM Wove :ap. White Laid Cap WUlte La If ionim-rrial .Note, Vhi'e Woe Commercial Note, and Klanfc Booka. Vemorandanis. Pax Koka ar Books, iwernla. Ca-h r?....k -. Parker ttonkx. Ink, 8anl, ."sand Paper. Peoa, Pen Hodr. Paper weignu, Kill Hiea.ac, a.- .e. f ur aieai WMI l AKKK'S 36 Market atr. Aac.28,l8M. ,70 "the commission douses f 'Liwmu at nau-paat ne o'clock, eommen- V cio ihU a Tier noon, we deem It a fiitine time o rani ark mat ine uoos ft lor. auDDUed with : cnoicesiocs ot tfeatiins Matter. Including moai of ihe latest publications, does noi ctoae until at easi two hours later Jsrl9. S, W. WH 'TAKER. FISH ON CONSIGNMENT. Kt l BBLS.No 3 Mackerel, 0)J 60 1 do do. A few hbla No I do. ' A fe bbla. Malle's. ioit received, and for ale ia lorsto suit, by G. W. DAVIS. June 14. 39 " AUGUST 8T5T Wm ECE1VED THIS MOimiNO;- m.mi reiersoD'a L.ad'a National Magazine: Sapirnirr Hunt's Merchants' Magazine: Merry's Museum : Little's Living Age No 638; The Motrin 'a Magazine: August. Latest N amoerj of tbe s- ientific Americas i Billon's Piniwrial Klag of Our Union; Saturday Eveaina Post; Spiritual Tilegiaph t New York Herald; Baltimore Hun i Yankee Notions; Yan kee Doodle t Tht School-fellow ; Harpers Pat- asm; ., auitckernocker jo y; tiraham ; Har- prs'a Mor Book ; Bailou'a Monthlv. 4c, Ac: nana i a. -nr. nnii AkHKM. Aug R, 1866. 62. NOTICE. t HA I Ha AVE thia day asaoriated with me ia the Mware Businese in Wilmington, my Son C K Reaixsoar. The business will hereafter br conducted under the firm ot J M. Robinaon dc 3oa. . M. POBINSON. II. ROBINSON & SON. WILMINGTON. N. C. Importers, Mavjacturtrs' Agents and Dealers in RilDailll, COTLKhT. IHIIN. aTCKL. NilLa, 4CUI- CULTl'BAI. I.CMCMTM, C. . M. BOBINSON. c. c. ROBINSON. Jan. I, 1S.'i6. 124 DISSOLUTION. 'pHE Oopartnrrsl.lp ol Bryan dt Oldham, w lerrainated on the itil Aug. last, by tbe de a t if the senior partner. sept. . i THE nadersigned have thi day entered Into Copertnerahio lor the transaction f a General lyonamisslon, urain and r lour business, under tbe name of stokley dt Oldham. 'Ate. TUM.I'.r, ALEX. OLDHAM. 74 NORTHERN APPLES. TUST received, and open for Inspection, an ex- J callent variety of Pippin Apples In fine order. r or sale at ma eroaaway ariety oiore, No 40 Market street. Sept. 6 . W. H. DaNEALK. (Journal A Herald copy.) B1RGAINS! BARGAINS! ! I H K subacriber having adopted the "thirty da" a ana uaen eveiem." isaetermtnea to make it lo the interest of purchasera to paironise hitn, by teepiag constantly on hand a aupply of Groce ries, ate- at reduced prices. Just received : 40 boxes ot uoanea and Kngllsh tairy t'heeaei 36 hags Java. Rio and Lasruayra 'ufffci: a lareeand fresh supply of nice Bolter and Lards 43 baga and boxes Buckwheat; 2000 ts tJodfiKht No. I and z Mackerel and -"almnn in half hbis. and kits: Hiram Smith's Flour, in hlf bbls.i Kice Flour j 4 boxes of Sterein. Ada- msn'ineand Sperm Candles Mods, Bu'ter. Su- sar and Water Crackers, iu bbla and toxes ; Ful ion Market Berf, dc.,d-e. For sale hy WM. Li. a TtlwmSSHKNU, March 6. No. '0, Market street. B!C0N. BACOV. 3000 ls Extra N. C. Bacon,' it ho r-jund. for asle to arrive pe t it.. Koad. Aug. 7 T.Cdt B. O. WORTH. orricst n; dt m. r. r. company IfiLMiNarOM. N C , Sept. 1. 1866. " ORAI.ED Propnsala, addressed to iheanderslam- C3ed will bo received until tie ih inm tor Ihe eoaatrsctt.n of a Paaencer Shed. 300x72, with ticket and other Office, i : ; - , .. -; : Plans. sprciAratiuns. drc. may be aeen at the office of the Company after Tuesday. The right to receive or reject any proposal is reeerve!. - , 1 J.. r'LKflinti, Sept.2.78-i8ih. , . Gen. Sup't SUGAR AND BACON. JUST RECEIVED, per Schooners Exchange dt no tibia. KcBned Kasars: ; . 3 Hhds. P. R. Sugars; ' : 2 Boxes Loaf do ' I Rhi. Syrup; " " T Hhd. Bacon (Sides and ShoaUfers;) 20 Hbla. Floor; ' - 20 Do Reeitfiod Whisky i ' 20 Cases Claret V ine ; v Cask extra Pot r 1m; ... . . . 10 fasr Lenm vruD For sale at the saweat prkv-a for cash, hy : w,U.S.TO VN.SHKND, No. 20. Market street. tag ?fi, 8 ' ..... .... .. ti 69. FRESH ARRIYALS. I PER aehr. J. H i Flairner, from Philadelphia. at GEO H KF.LLEV oV BRO! No. II. North Water street 20 boxes Adamanrina Candles, low ioreaan. - April It - ' 12 WAU-BUN. HE '1-aHy Pay- inthe North eets V Wrs." JOOn rf . JLenxie. ol I'titrmma ra.M (ton. ! . Ulaatratsdt mtelv peril hed. Rmtira ar.d f-r sale at .. . S. v.- S HITAEFK'Si Jaly 15. . , . , 51 BLANK NOTE AND DRAFT ROOKS. Jast received at, . , tL W. WHITAKER'S. 1- ..uuliatied ever ' i easDAr, 1'nvimr aad ATaAV at S9 pr aaaant, pat able tn all cases njiivanci:. , ,. - 1V r;l il is t0 tINO Kditi.b and Paoreia- ; CarMer Kre.td Mai kel Mtreets, wjtattaeTov. a. c. i f MM OK .OVKRTISI G. t aqr. 1 insertion ' Su SO r 1 aqr 't n.ontlta, S4 ut I ,.- '2 ..--'., -"764 1 3 ..". it 1 3 " 1 00 1 1 "6 ' 8 0 1 " 1 month, 201 12 1200 Tea liaee or lese make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten lines, i be uiice wilt be ia pruportloa. All adveriisemeais are payable st trie timeoi heir insertion. ioatracta with vearjtjr advertiaera. will be madt a the miMl liberal terms. ' No trasafcr f contracts for vearlv advertUlnt- will.be .Tinltti-d "Should cireauietancea readit 1 1 hanga in butnes., or an unexpected remva. neceaaarv, s cnarfe aecordms t 'he pe liahe trmi will he at the option of the contrast t, f- IV trrtvueare of Anaaal Jrdvmtaer ia trictll 'imlted to thejt wa Immediati huslneaa; and all advertisemeais for tbe benefit ol -ther persona, a well all advertiaem nts noi itn-udntly con nected with their own Knalnrsa, and all exet-e dveniaemeaia in Icaeih or ihcrwlae h.y..nt th limits encaged, will tu charged at the tieoai rates No 1vriiMmenta ia included in the con ract or the eate or rent f hou- .r Innda in town t" nantry or for tbe note o hire .f rfgrocs. wheth r the property i owned b 'h advertiser or hv jthe' peraona Thee sr excluded bjr the term "immediate bvri eat " Ml i Werletnent Inserted in ihe trl-weeklx Co-nmsrdol are entitled to . one iesertion In the laeWyfree of eharre. t()B, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, JIIErDTED II Sl'PKRIliB STTLB. r;Eir ptK thk cohmeiicial. Naw Yobbt Mersra. Ouiuiti dt Pottbb. Boston CHABLe.-aUTH. Ho. 6, Central Wharf Philadelphia. K. l.'OHSir. HaUimare Wat. H.PsAKsand Wm. Thomsoji OUR MOTTO IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE VllmIua;oi Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Mauutaetory. I'HK subscribe rsspecllully in furmst republic thai hi hits recently received addition to hia stork ol Saddle and Harness Mouutince, ore, the latestafid most improved style, and is . onstanly nanulucturirtfi .ulhisstore on iarket street. every description ol atticli in the above line. From his experif-no in the business, fie feels confiden 1 1 hat hi'Wiil be able to giveentir. Atisfactlontoaliwho mayravot him witb a call, lie tins now n nind, and willconatautly keep a laracassortmen i.if Coach, Gtj? ami Sultry Harness, bad y s Saddlrs, Bridles. Whip arc.. GcnUcmen's Sulrtlts, Whip Spurs. dc Bf"-all 1 llhel - V He all of which he will warrant to be of Sfetr e best material and workmitnahip. f haa alao a large assortment of Trunks, allaes. Saddle and Carpet Bag. !atcnel. Ham Trunks, die . and all other ar ticies asually kept in such establishments, all of which he ofler ! for CASH,or onhoricred to prompt ettatoniera. Middles, Harness. Trunks, tedica I Hags, Ac. Ac. itiatlt-to order. fnaddition tothe above the anbecrlbei ilway keeps on hand a large aitpply o String leather and haa now, and will kr? through the eeaaon a good assort m ntor iriy mitts. Allareinvlter'to call and xamtne my (foods, whether in want or not, as I iakrp!eaeartluibw- ngtny aaaortment to all who may ravormewlth a ran Harnessartd Coach Trimininga sold at a fair rirtc u persons buying to manufacture. 'Also, w hips ar wnoiesaie. Allkindsof Rfdinr Vrhit lea boagh t r.. old -.n.nilon JOHN J. CONOLEY . Feb. 7. 1856. 138 1UST RECD. PKR SCHR. L. P.SMlTHs J 1500 lb.. Extra N. C. Hama 10 half bbla Fulton Maiket Beef, 6 bb.s Roe Hnring, 6 Cut " .; 1 Rwl Tongues. 1 ' Pickled Beef Tongues, ' '. 1 Dried Beef, 1 ' fiialinon. Just ree'd and for ale by WM L. S. T .WiVSHEND No. tK Market St. As;. 14, IF56. 64 flllS NORTH CAROLINA'.' MUTLAL LlKLlASLRANCLCO.tlP'i, - KAL.1U 11 , N. C. i'HE above Company hrsbeen inuperatiomincc the lstol April, 843. under ihedirectionof the followio Officers, vix t UT. Charles fc. tonhsoa, President Wm. ."). Haywood, Vice President , John G. v illiania, Secretary, Wm. H.Jones. Treasure. Pcrrin Uusbee, Attorney, Or. -Jharla K.Johnson. . n . ir.Wm.H.McKee. i Mfdicat Doard o, Dr. R.B. Haywood, J ,nuuaini. J. Hersman. General Agent. This Company haa received a chartei xivinff ad vantages tothe insured over any other oiiid.iov. The 6th Section eives the Husband the orivilece it. insure his own life for the sole uee oj hi Vifeand Children, free from any claimif the vpreaenta- ivesol the husband or any of hia crrditora Orcanixed on purely mutual orinciph-s. the life member articJpatt in ihe irholeof the profits which areicctarcd annually Hesides. th applicsnt foi life, when the annual premium is over30 may pay one nan in a ivtne : All :laimsior inaorancessainatthe Company wil oenaid within ninety days after proof of the death of rhe party is furnished. - Slaves are Insured tor one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders u seeur- thl class of oroperity araiast the uncertainty of life. Slave insuranea- present, s new and interestinw featurrin the history ot 'North 'aroiina. which will prove very Important to the Southern Statfa. The last four month operation 'ft hi 7ompany ahowaa verylargeamonntof business more than the Directors expected to do the first year, having already tasued more tnan w) Kotieies Dr. W, W. Haeaias. Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilnrlnston. N. C. - ? AllommiinifraUonsonhusineof theCompany ahouldbeaddreasfro . ' . JOHN Q. WILLIAMS. Sec'v. Riieith. June B. 1 FEB . COFFEE! COFFEE! ff' BAG" best Rio Coffee this dsy landing hH, from Schr. N. C. Mwhon. For sale on wharf b v T. C. At B. G. WORTHS Asr. 30, IS"tf. 71 lw. VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. t 7E bave just pat upon retail. V.V I cask Port Wine. 1 " Madeira, the beat article ever snered In this market. At the Original Grocery. ? OK". M VERS. P. We make no ore tensions In the way mmmm. 0t UMBRELLAS we offer aomeeaBiifal DUTCH HEAD CHKKSRjur received this day St UfcU,alVKRS'. Oct II. .. 99 AT COST. WE have yet on hand a email stork of jfena Bavsand Child reoa MirwOond.. which we offer st Cost, for cash, to rinse ih-ro out . . ' Aagiz. . snr.rAsuasiKKS MACKERELS. O Cbarrela Ne aiackerela JlObalf , Do - Do a aaperier arncle alao , 10 half Barrets Ne 1 Mackerels ' . for sale, ia arrive by , ....... UbUKUK at YERS 4a;-2t.:85 " " 68- FLOUR! FLOUR!! RRf.S. fresh groeBdFaaily,8nper. end Fins. Received to day and for sale hy - ZENO H. G SEEN If. - 30 C0-P AitliiRSiilP A011CE. 'pHE oaderigned have purcbaaed the Drug Es X tabliafaaaent of Meaars. C dc D. OaPrs. They will continue the Drug business in its va rious brancnes onaer ine orm ot tv. m kakks at t;0. WALKER MEARKS, . J. L. MEaUK3, U. D. ftfav 20. 5-tf JUST RECEIVED BYG. R. FRENCH. AFUKKH supply i'f "Bn Hr DAVIS" VJtit . TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nsw Daaaa To be sure that yu gel the genuine Md ioine.lna Hire tor the New Dresa with two fine en graved sinel labels on each bo l lie. f Aptli IS. la-H. FINE"rOSIN STRAINERS, COR sale by J. M. ROBINSON & SON, a. 11 Iminston, N. C, Jane 3. 34. NEW HERRING. c . BOXES New Herring, just received st June3. GEO. MVERS. . .W.IL, Mil Nj T O W SIARBLE A.ND STONE YARD. rt e a tt m i a . j nr. ouoacnDer naving aceeptea ine agency oi 1 seve'ra: larceeaublishments at the North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or uofinihi-d, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared is nil all orders for IHNUMRN rs AND TOMB STONES. and evert other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates SCULPTURING . L ETTERING OR C ARVING Executed as well as csn be- done either North or "outh. Thebesi reference csn be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6. 1854. . if. CIGARS. 1 rW"l nflfl CIGARS, at prices front 5 00 I Wtt JJ to S40 per thousand, at the Fam ily Crroeery. GEO. MYERS April 17. H ON CONSIGNMENT. GCZ BOXES New Vork city made Pale Soap, a J prime article. For sale by July 3. G. W, DAVIS. PROSPECTUS OF TIIE RAIL ROAD TIMES. AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL. Devoted to News, Internal Improvement, Educa tion, Agriculture, Manufacture d Com merce. WK know that the Interests of the People of our Slate demand such a paper, and believing 'hat one free from political strih a and quarrel of the doy, devoted to such topics, will be the kind thev deir, we confidently enter upon this enter prise with the assurance ol meriting snd meeting their approbation snd support. Our object is to make the Timet, the mirror of the State, in which allctnace their true interests held up and encour aged. I ETERNAL I MPROVEMENTS.-To this sub ject we expect to devote aa much space ass lull statement of the various operations will require; or as our worxe oi improvement advance, so do all the other interests of the State. EOUCATI IN.-It is a source of regret to all interrftfd in the Educational interests of oa . . . . . . oiiiTP,(jnn wno is not i) mat our papers sre so much devoted to party polities, Ac , that this grest i-uuse tins rxtea too much neglected; we propose. therelore, to devote to this subject, s portion ot our kpnee Ve will foster and carefully note the nvanceoient of kducation, not only in our highei Schools, but also in our Common Sehools. AGRICULTURE, M ANUFACTIIREAND uniJir ni i., at t ia stags of our history, ars comma ndtna the attention of all our rood State and nioney-lovinj citizena. Therefore, the Mark e'.s wiil he reported with care, and all items, ealcu lated to throw light on either of those inseparable -uancnes oi inauiry, win be carcluliy gleaned and tofenro every wca. It ia unnecessary to ay more If we had lime. but the "whistle of the locomo'ive" on the East and the cheering news from the West sdmonish us to close. Permit us, however, to qssure you that the firat number of the Timea will make Its appearance about thi time the cars resch this place irora ne r.a fl r. TERMS The Times will be printed weekly In Grecnsboroash.N. C. on new material, and con. "sin aa much reading matter as soy paper In the iBie. Kir per annum in advance. K. W. OGBURN, C. C. COl.E. J. W. ALBRIGHT. Nov. 6. 100-16 GREEN PEAS. MO-T delicious article. A few pscksses, In i-a. me -roo," yet on hand, and for sale at July 15. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. FLOUR! FLOUR! .,e BRI.S. Family and Extra Floor. Wilmine . J ton and Favettevilie insnection. For sale bv T CAB. O. WORTH. An 30. lflSo. 71 lw. HAY ! HAY ! ( A BALES prime Hay, In store and for sale " I . C. p B. U. WORTH. Aug 5 60 FRESH GROCERIES. S we are to start North in a few days, for the purpose of purchasing; s new stock of Gro ceries, I would thank those who have not paid -netr hiiis to July 1st to do so immediately. July 19. GEORGE MVERS. RICE, Or CASKS, just in. April 10. T. RICE. For sals hy C. St B. G. WORTH. LIME, HAIR. PLASTER & CEMENT. CONSTANTLY on hand, and for sale by . GEORGE HOUSTON. SUBSCRIBERS TO IRYING'S T1TASH1.NGTON, will please call and get v taoircopies st - S. W. v HITAKaK a. July 31. ' 53 IN STORE AND JUST RECEIVING! A( BBI.S. stewarta and N. Y. Refined Sugars. 4sV CruaA. Loo. f-c: 65 bbla. Cincinnati and Baltimore Rectified WhUkevs ; 15 bbls. Mess Pork; 25 bbls. Fsyetieville Flour t 33 boies Ad smsntine snd Sperm Usndlea 1Z barrels and 1 boxes Baiter. Soda, snd Milk Crackerat 5 Hhd Molaases. For sals by WM. L STOWNSHEND, No. 20 Market Street. May 24. 30. IRVINGN LIFE (IF WASHINGTON, KliiJKI vt.Ll and tor saie at -Jaly 31. . W. WHITAKER'S JUST RECEIVED DER SCHR. R. W BROWN, A large lot of I Lemons and frraases in fine order; prices to uit the times, at the Broadway variety store mar ket street. W. H.DaNEAL. Jsly K 43. Office of the W. At VT. R R. Co, WilminEton. N. C. Set. 4. 186C. COR RENT FOR NE YEAK.frora 1st Oeto- or n X'. ine nan n.ou r-muna; saiOOSJ and other boisi and Fixtures connected iherewitbv Kpplf to nas.s. AHK, Sept. 3. 72. tf. - 1 r President. NOW RECEIVING, . PER sehoanera Adile aad Ltesla R as sail : 35 bbls Refined Sagars, also. Crashed aad Powdered -" 25 hags Rla. Java and Lagaayra Cofleest S cheats superior Ooloej aad Green Teas I S eaaes aaperiar braada Claret Wiate j , 40 boxes Soap j . s . . -r , - , r 25 do. Pearl Starch I C 40 baskets Champagne, (sery superior Smnafa;) ' 20 bbls. Rectified Whiskey. For sale tow .5 L. 8. TOWNS H END. July 2t Ne. 20, Market street. BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT d GENERA L AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. OcLl,18SS. 85-ly-c. T.C. LB. G. WORTH, C0J1ISS101 IBID PORVf tBOINQ SE8COSTS, -: irlL.Minuiu.-y, v. c. Jan 17.185S. 125-c HENRY NUTT, factor asd forwiedi.mi agest, Will give his perianal attention to kuainett entrust- em fate car. 4 Sept. 8, 1655. , , , ... 75-ly-e. GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL GROCER Keeps conetanUy on hand, V'mw.. 7Vm, liquor. rTovitms, vreo mia wruiow ware, rrvu. Corfetionari,f-e. South Front rtrtct, WILMINGTON. N. C. Nov. 18, 1865. 109. ' GEORGE HOUSTON, - DCiLEB IK Groceries, Provisions, and Naval Stores ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, VESS1SL AND FORWARDING AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Asg. 2. ' 60-tf u. oollneb. g. pottlb. jr. camesden. D0LLNER, POrfER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, n isu i una. April 30, 1855. 20-Iy. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DSALCB IN LIQUORS, WINES ALE PORTER, d. xi o. i ran lie mow, troiii street. WILMINGTON. N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P56. 140-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 28. 53 D. CASH WELL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, uiuMiniaiua, m. c Sept. 30. 84-1 HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., COMMISSION M ER CHANTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. sco. Koorn J, L. PSABBOBBT. WM. . HOOPER. July 28. 68-tf JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION MER Q II A NT, Oct. 6ih, 1855. 83. WM. L. S. TOWNSHBND, WHOLESALE k RETALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 20 Maiket Street, WILMINOTON, N. C. May 24. 30. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, Nobth VVTea BTaerr. Wisminoton. No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds oj Marble Work furnished to order on reasonable terms. June 5. 36-ly-c SAMUEL A.VHOLMES, ATTORNEY; AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson sad New Hanover Offiee on Princess street, next doof East of the State Hani. Aprils. 9-ly J. M. STEVENSON, . A GENT for the sale of all kinds of Produce. xl Office on Ptincess at , ander ADAMS, BRO. at ( -., vv iimingion, ix. is. Feb. 12.l31-tf. J.M.STEVENSON GEORGE R. FRENCH, MAXUFACTPREa ASD WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER ' IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11. M ARK ET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C March 6. 151 GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET, rTILMINOTON, N. C. Jaa.22. 132. ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABET0T0WN, N. C. Will attend tbe County and Superior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Colnmbns and campson. Jane IZ. JB-iv JAS. C. SMITH. MILES COST!. JAS. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. 13-ly BRYAN &. OI. DHABI, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C Liberal Cash advances mads on Floor. Cotton. I ana naval stores consigned to tnetn. ABg. !. as If. THE NEW AGE OF GOLD. OR the Life aad Adventaresof Robert Dester Roma ine, written by himself. One vol. IZmo. lately published. . Received snd for sale at jaly la. g. vv. wun A&EH'a. No. 2 MACEEKEL. v JUST Received, 110 bbla. large else No. 2 Hali fax Mackerel. For asle in lots to salt by - GEO. W. DAVIS, North Water-st. Jaly t. 46-tL , WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. THIS iastJtattea located atCapt- Potter's ofBee pooalto Bank of Caan Fear.wlll bo ooea fer the recaption of depositee on Wednesday of eaeh week, from 4 tot lek. P H. and on 8atnr. day ad each week fren 4 to 0 o'eloek, P M. . JOHN A.TAtLOO,Irslent. Msy. U - Z!-f. BALTIMORE LOCK liUiPMAL. DK. JOHNSTON, 'PIIE founder of this Ct lebraied Insriiution ef- a icr.trte most certain, Speedy aad utily tCtctu al remedy in the world lor SECRET DISEASES. Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Wtakners, Palna in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, luipotency Weaknesaof tha Back and Limna, Afiuction. u the Kidneys, Palpitation ol the Heurt, D)i-r U Nervous IrrilaW ity, Disease of the ileud, 1 u,uitl Noae or Skin j those itrious and mrluucijoiy di.ot darsarising from the destructive hubils of Vouih which destroy both body and mind, 'tfuue tierA and solitary practices more futal 10 their vi.iuia than the song of the Syrei.a to the murintr ct Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope, or i.n ticipatior.s, rendeting marriage, Ac., imo4i,ib'e YOUNGMKX. Especially, who l.ave become the victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and deal annually sweeps to an untinitly grave iliout.anr.a of i young men of the most exah-ed tsii'm. nnh.in, .. . intellect, who might otherwise have entranced , --'' wjih ine wuaderao eiuauencv. cr ' wared to ecatacv the II vl rial tr- m... ..li .i,i.V. ,. confidence. i ,ui, MARRIAGE. Married persons, ar Voum, m . marriage being .H .reof PhlcaT 1 V , ganie Deblliiv. Deformiii... An . steiynsult-Dr. J., snd bciceto He who places himself nndortho t.rn. ston may religiously confide in his honor a a lcb- ueman.Boa connocniiy rely upon tiissUll aso phy. IWIAU. , " " Phy.ici. advertising ,o cure P.TZ.S.. His rrniediea and treatment ari .mir.i. toallothera. Prepared (rem a iir .7. ' Great Hospitals of Europe and tho' Firi In th". Dh,'!Dy?'KUs,E"gl"n.dF'ance' lhe Hockley It Philadelphia, and a more extensive practic than anv other Dhvdcl.n in h. n, . f . .. ... . .. nuiiy, X 1 1 . Ill Uli V wonderful curca and moat imnr.n.ni .. i....i rations is a sufficient guarantee to the nfllic ted i nose wno unsh lo be auacciu u-nA .w,..u.. cd,ehouldshuntheurnrous trifling impctcri, wiij only ruin their health, and apply to hirn . P1TUI.. ur . n r. . ......... .rr'K ill'll. n. nauiiAn risu IJIf rvo rilionr No Mercury or Nauseous JJrutrs Use''" OFFICE. No. T. SOIITI-I mrr,Li,. ... left hand side colna rrum n.it;. .. ' , b - vji; pi rt ri a It w doora from the corner. Fail not to ob.rr.. t i. name and number, for ignorant irinir, attracicd by the reputation ot Dr. JchDitun. lu' k uut. I DR. JOIIKSTnur Member of the Royal Collect of .SnrJ.vn. r j fr.r!drr'!f rLmoneof " eminent Ciiliegea of the United t tales and th. ,.... . . . r. l l.ife,Mbf;nfPen,Inthe pilaleol London. I'ar- -.ruiiaueipnia.anaeisewaere. has etlecieA -,.n,- ol the most astonishing cure, that uru..u.i, - Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head vbenasleep. ereatncrvounnuia .i.. sudden sounds, snd bashfuinese. niih freouect Diusninf, attended aometlniM wiibt...n.. ' . , mind, were cured Immediately. , a UJili.lA.lN DISEASE. When the rnlifrtiidflil and in,., ...a. . . ... . pleasure finds he haa Imbibed the seeds oi; .hia painful disease. It too often happens thai snilT-tii.i-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, dutci him from applvinc to those u li . ir..m . a. and respectability, can alone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this hotiid disease make their appearance such as ulcerate d sore throat, diseased noae, noctural pains i ,h0 head and limbs, dimness of aiilu, deafness, node, on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with fiifhtlul ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the noee (all in. ami ih- ..r.i . awfoldtaease becomes a horrid object of commi seration, Mil death puts a peiiod to hiadreadlulsu; ferings, by sending him to "that bourne irom whence no traveller returns." To f uch th r. ior.. Dr. Johnston plrdees himself to inviolable secrecy, and, from his extcn.ive Drac- tice in tne first Hospitals cfKumn- a ,z.i... he can confidently recommends i.r,...,i r-..H cure to the unfortunate victim of thia horrid di. ease. It Is s melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to the uu skilfulnesaol Ignorant pretenders, who, ty lhe uao of thai deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitu tion, ana euner Sena tne unfortunate suhWr lo an untimely crave. or else make the temiA... ..rur erftbJe. i TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses a II those who h v. i ..j .., selves by private and improper Induigencea. .uc.i.kuioui taa sad and melanekoly ef fects, produced by early habita of vouth. vL . Weaknesaof the Back and Limbs, Puin. ln ,ho Hesd. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow. fTuT W,. r?n f lbe H"r, DJPfPr. Nervoua Irritability Derangement f the Diteaiive l,.. tlona, oaoeral Uebilltv. Svmntnma Aff lion. die. i " -'--- y Mentally. Tha fearful (Tn.t. nn iK , - - - . ........ VH ..... nun. lie mu.cn to be dreaded t Lessor U.mnru r...t. .. of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Fore bod i nts. ""rstonoi society-, Keif UintruM, Love of Soli tU' ,tfItJ,'c",re on,e o the evils produced. iwwimigi persons or aiiages, enn nowjudoe rbat is the cause of their dcclinina haiii. r A. inff their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a aingular appearance about the eyas cough and symptoms of consumption. ' Uft.onnoiuma H V 1 tit J It ATI IV f. BFMf. DV FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important rniv4 .! ... i the orcani are speed 11. cnrcdimi r.wi U. a Thousands of the moat Aervoua andDebiliiatcd individuals who hnd loat all hono h.v.h. , n (nn... diately relieved. AW impediments to iMIi HUGk f by steal or Mental Oiaqualificationa, Nervous It riubiiitv Tremblincsand Weakneaa. or h...ii.... of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Vt 'vnn.iua. . i Young men who have Injured thcmatlvra fc certain practice indulged in wlieoaione a habit trrouently lenrned front evil rmtrini.... ... school, the rifecis of which are nlkhilv f. it. even when asleep, and if not cured. rnir,. ..,.. Impossibleriddcstroyaboih mind and body, stould spply immediately, i w hat a pity that a younc man. tha hnn. of hi- country and the darling o? hia parent, Ihouid b. snatched from all proapecta a nd enjoyments of life. 7 uKtmuenw aeviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a ceruin scare! tatit. Bach persons, before eovuernnlmin MARRIAGK Should reflect that a sound mind aad body are th moat necessary requi-itea :o pronwte coai.uilul Itapptnese. fnded. wlihnm . h ... : ... through life baconi.sa wear, pilgrimages the proa pect hoarly darkens to the view; the mind Wtccn.es shadowed with despair and eiLi i.k .k. .... i choly reflection that ihe happineas of aaolUr be comes blighted with oiir own OFFICE NO. 1 SOUTH FREDERICE-ST., . Haitimoii, Mo. All surrira! Annti... i-r. Vi.Bm Let no falaa tltAi m r... Y apply Immediately either personally or l ku'tr. wisesaea Kpeerflly Cured. TO STRANGERS. The man tKatmi-nM. In the last ten yearai and ihn numtAua tmnn.. tant Sartrical Ooeraiiona nFiroimrt k nr r it. nessed by rhe Renorte rs of lh r.an.ra nt vnM other peraona. notices of which haves p'peared set iu ana again before the nubrif. l.M.a iii .i.mi,.. " r.en',cm,D of character and respoosIUUiy, ia vi.u fjnaramee to m arrlirted. : ' TAKE NOTICE. ' It ia wttta tbe rraateat nliwfuv. thai Ttr Ji ill TcTr.u parmits bia can) to appaar brfora !) fvaLlir. dwmiaa; it naprofaaataoaj flr pb vateian lo adrarttae, lot anla. ha aid au. the affile tad. eaneeialv anu. . fall Into tha hand of tb rmny hupudRnt arid anlramc: "PJt. witai ipaamraliw Kaiaa Ktuw or eon UrrJ, Qiaaekahopa, rnhnin; UMwUnrt eitiea. eotitirir l)t. u.wwTt, MwtlMimntj or adTrrt;n thrtuw'n.u pby.tdw.. HUteraiaahaJlfrw.bnUoedfclU.wa. Vx lur t work a tbwt-Orlirinal trade, with mnrt lor, id. Uia brat, vbo. foe tbe parpoae of EnUenf iM Vtxi v ""'y OB flva or l rfflr arxler aa Ji.fi oilf.rciil aea. ao that th afflicted Runiiu Mmr sore to tumble headkma; into tha otner. IiOMtt I Qaacks with enonnoas lylna eertiflcat uf yreat and a. tonishlna; euras from panxma not to 1 ft.uod, vhok.cp TOO taking lam bolt lea ut LicoaiCB With and .tbr paekaa-eaa SiUiy and worthl eonipiMl., euuu'.vdly Prepared te Impoae apon tha oDortHnale and nnowi. as;. Tridina; raootb altar aaooth. or aa tons a the .inai! aat fee eaa baohtalimd. and. In deTir. lrai- too ritl, I uiaad haaith. te aiab over yoar ralUna; di.a vjo ni men c It la thia motiva that Uidueca I'r J. to alertiar. .oa vt itatt on craa roe. , To tbow oca-i.irml with hia remrtatioa). ba daema it prcrwaary to "v that kla cradco. tlal. or d'plorraa alwsva hanv la b omo. KO I.ETTEKH RECEIVED t'M.EiW POST PAID aad eontaininr a Bl ara p to ha oaad fur lha ntpiy. l ex anna wrtUna; aboatd Mala Af and aai (aat pwlla advartlanaaBt daacrlttlce sraptoms Jan. 9, J3S5. , t:i Svr