: : fiy...ny, lA'-' - EUjuyi jii jiC .( h, jil... . i ii . . ' r ? . VOLUME ;XI--NUMBER 92. x i , . . S.( !. .t St.h i -" .- i v ' - ' - WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY, MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 1337 POETRY. - . : i . -. who is rr - -. The lorely girl I see at cbT-ch " - 5 Tns f lrl I see s often j ' " Gsxing, my startler thoughts will Belt, v ' And nil m reeling aofla : ? I ateal a gtmnca wbsn prayers sro done, - ?And all tbe read are staging," ,. And then a look from. tier bright eye To ma its way Is winging. ; ; : .. - What Utongh her hair is at the ; Wbaa sinking to bis feet, . I it not perfumed like a gala- ' From "Araby the bleett" They aay that when there's flame above, "Z There most b"jflre belewr- fj. Uejbalr U red theo nnt ber heart , i i With warmest ardor glow. - t- ? v " . ' . - . Her eyes are socb a pair of rojues ,Two wells of beaTeoly blue! ; , - That, when tbey burn me, they thrill ' My borolog bAsom through. They never beam fall on my face Bat then, a look by stealth, To my opsprinf;log, answering sonl. Is worth a world f wealth. - The little dimple on ber cbeek Is prised far more by me, ; Than all the dimples in (be church On other cberks that be I -Her bosom 's gentle. beaTing swell. Wakes socb a in in mine, Aa qoite distracU my thoughts from all That's said by ithe divine. That bsir of sunset bne is worn I In the Madonna style, - - -Combed from bef blne-erioed forehead op Beneath her bonnet's pile. " r' 'Then there's the hnrobWt little bow i Placed jnst enbve the ear ""Tis like resting boUerflr, So tasty and so qneer. " "r" ' ' ' 1 "Sweet one, if yol'hjnld recognise Yoor'elf in.whsi l'e sidv 7 Jot frown npoo roe and the next Toa'll bear of me I'nS dead 1 But tuile. and When it rains again ; To church, my! fair one, etna With no naabrella, and I'll vow To sea yon safely home! MISCELLANY. THE HERO WOMAN.. A ltgend from a Lecture on the u Sxencs of . - ike Revolution. : --r-- 1 . .' , BT EORGK LIFFARD, ESQ. - In a thick - wood, not more than ha! a snira from the Schuykill, there atood in the time of the Revolution, a quaint old fabric, built of mingled logs and stone, and encir cled by a palisaded wall. It had been erec ted in the earlier days of William Penn, perhaps some years before the great a. postle of peace first tried oor shores, as a block-house, intended for defence against h. Indians. . . , . - . - And cow it stood with its many roofs, numerous chimneys, its . massive square windows, its varied front of logs and stone, its encircling wall, through which admit tance was gained; by a large and stoutly built gate : it stood - in ; the midst of the "wood, with age-worn trees enclosing its veteran outline ori every side. From its easteru window you might ob tain a glimpse of -the Schuykill wares while a large casement in the southern front commanded a view of the winding road, and it sunk out of view, under the shade of thickly-clustered boughs, into a deep hollow, not more than one hundred yards from the mansion. ' Here, from the southern casement, on one of those balmy summer days which look in, upon the dreary autumn, toward the close of November, a farmer's daughter was gazing, with dilating eyes and half clasped hands. s.i?2J..; I ' - IT Well might she gaze earnestly to the southland gaze with painful intensity for the slightest sound ! ' Her brothers were a way with the arrdy of Washington and her father a grim old Veteran be stood six feet and three inchea in .his tockings who bad manifested his love for the redcoat in vaders, in many' a desperate contest, bad. that morning left her alone in the old roans ion, alone in this smalt chamber, in charge of-some amunition intended flor a band of brave farmers, about to join the boats of frreedoav. Evert its she stood there gazing out of the southern window, a faint glimpse of sun-light,' from the faded leaves above, pouring over her toild face, shaded by clus tering brown .hair, thece, not ten paces frSm her side, were seven loaded rifles and A-keg of jpwder.j C: ' - ' ' ' '"1. T " 1 - Leaning from the easement, she listened with, every nerve quivering with suspense, to the shouts of combatants, the hurried tread of armed men echoing from the south There was something, very beautiful in tbat picture ! The form of the young girl, framed by the square massive window, the contrast between the "rough timbers, that enclosed her, and that rounded face, the lips parting, the hazel eye dilating, and the cbeek warming arid flushing, with hope and fear ; there was something very beau; tiful in that picture, a young girl leaning from the windowjof an old mansion, with her brown hair,! waving in glossy masses around ber.face f. -V i Suddenly : the shouts to the south grew nearer, and, then emerging from the deep bollow there came an old man, running at full speed, yet, every few 'paces, turning to fire the rifle,, which he loaded as be ran. He wa pursued by a party, of ten or more British soldiers, who came rushing on,' their bayonets fixed, as if to stnke their victim ydewn, ere he advanced ten paces nearer the houseJ. . " ' . . On arid on the old man came, while hie daughter, quivering "with suspense, hang leaning from the window ; he reaches the block-hotJke'gale-t-ook He Js surround ed, thetr muskets are levelled at his head, he is downj down at their feet, srrappling for bis life t But look again I He dashes bis foes aside, with one bold movement he sprnsra thouffb the gate: an instant: and it is locked ; the British soldiers, mad with rage, geze upon the nigD watt ot togs and stone, and rent 1Ttieir anger Jin drunken curses. " .. r Now look to yonder window!- Where the young girl stood a moment ago,' qui v- ennr wan suspense, as sne Deneid ber fa. ther struggling for his life, qdw stands that old man his brow bared, bra arm grasping the rifle, while bis grey hairs wave back from his wrinkled and blood-dabbled face f That was a fine picture of an .old veteran, nerved for ! his last fight ; a. stout warrior, prepannf for hia death Btrturgle, Deathstrugg1e t. Yes 1 for the old man. Isaac Wampole, had dealt too many hard blows among the British soldiers, 'trickled, foiled, cheated ' them loo .often to escape- now f A JewssgwDenta longer, and nhey would be "reinforced by a. strong party ' of refugees ; tne powder, tne arms, to the old block-bouse, prheps that- -daughter, her self, was to be their reward. There was scarcely a hope . for the old man, and yet he bad determined to make a desperate right - ; "We must bluff off these rascals 1" he said with a grim smile, turning to bis child u Now, Bess, my girl, when I fire ibis rifle, do you band me another, and so on until the whole eight shots are fired f That will keep them on the other side of the wall, for a few moments, at least, and then we will have to trust to God for the rest I" Look down here and see a hand steal ing over the edge of the wall I The old man levels bis piece that Brit iah trooper falls back with a crushed hand upon his comrade's heads ( No longer quivering with suspense, but grown suddenly firm, that young giri pass es a loaded rifle to the- veteran s grasp, and silently waits the result For a moment all is silent below, the British bra voes are somewhat loathe to try that wall, when a stout old u Rebel rifle in hand, is looking from vonder window! Were is a pause low, deep, murmurs they are noiuing a council I a moment is gone, and nine neane are a a . thrust above the wall at once hark I One two three I . The old veteran has fired MH,W ouutO ' Kf3 IUICC UJTI' g 111 VI I grovelling in the yard, beneath the shadow of the wall I "Quick, Bess, the rifles, 1" And the brave girl passes the rifles to her father's grasp: there are four shots, one after the other; three more soldiers fell back, like weights of lead, upon the ground, and a single red-coat is seen, slowly moun ting to the top of the wall, his eye fixed up on the hall door, which be will .force ere a moment is gone 1 ixow tne last ban is nred, the old man stands there, in that second story window nis nanus vainiy grasping lor another ri fle I At this moment, the wounded band, below, are joined by a party of refugees, who, clad in their half robber uniform, came rushing from the woods, and with one bound leaping over the summit of the wall I "Quick, Bess, my rifle I" And look there even wb le the eteran stood looking out upon his foes, the brave for, slender in form, wil lly beautiful in face, she is a brave girl, a Hero-Woman had managed, as if by instinctive impulse, to loose a nne. m e banded it to h r ta ther, and then loaded another T Wasn't that a beautiful sight 7 A fair young girl, grasping powder and ball, with the ram rod, rising and falling in her slender fin gers I - ' Now look down to the wall again ! The refugees are clambering over its sum mit -ngam thitt tatal aim again a horrid cry, and another wounded man toppling down upon bis dead and dying comrades Hut now look I A smoke rises there, a fire blazes up around the wail : they have fired the gate. A moment, and the - bolt and the lock will be burnt from its sockets the passage will be free ! Now is the fiery moment of the old man's trial ! While his brave daughter loads, he con tinues to fire, with that deadly aim, but now oh horror! He falls, he falls, with musket ball driven into bis breast the daughter's out-stretched arms receive the father, as, with the blood spouting from his wound, be topples back from the win dow. Ah, it is a sad and terrible picture t That old man, writhing there on the oaken floor, the young .daughter bending over mm, the light from tbe window stream mg over ner lace, over her fathers grey oairs, wnue the ancient furniture of 'the small chamber affords a dim background to tbe scene! Now hark f the sound of axes at the halt door shouts hurras curses 1 ""' "We have the old rebel, at last 1" .. , The old man raises his - head at that sound, makes an effort to rise; clutches for a rifle, and then falls back again, his eyes glaring, as the fierce pain of that wound quivers through bis heart Now watch the movements of that daughter.' Silently she loads a rifle, she rests it barrel against the head of that pow. der-keg, and then, placing' her finger on the trigger, stands over her father's form while tbe shouts of tbe enraged soldiers come thundering from the stairs; Yes, they have broken tbe hall door to' frag ments, they are in possession of the old block-house, tbey are .rushing toward that chamber, with murder in their hearts, and in their glaring eyes f Had the old man a thousand lives, they were not worth a far things purchase now, '. .-I, , - ? .-- '" Still that girl grown suddenly white as-the kerchief round ber' oecketands there, trembling from bead to foot, the rifle in her hand, its dark tube laid against tbe powder-keg ' r-'- v - y- " f -The door is burst opei look thare ! stoat forms are in the doorway, with mus kets in their : bands, grim . faces, stained with: blood, glare into tbe room. : -I Now, as if her very soul was coined in to the words, that young girL 'with her face pale as ashes, her hazel eye, glaring with deathly Iiht. utters' thi short -ret I tnMn. ; i- - meaning speech- will fire this rifle into the powder there V Now oath quivers from the lips of that girl to confirm her resolution, but there she stands, alone, with her wounded father, and yet not a voldier dare cross tbe thresh! hold i Embruted as tbey are in deeds ol blood, there is something terrible to these men in tbe simple words ol that young girl, who stands there, with the rifle laid against tbe powder-keg. 1 bey stood, as if spell bond, on the thres hold of that chamber! At last one bolder than the rest, a bra vo, whose face is half-concealed in a thick red beard, grasps his musket, and levels it at the young girls a breast ? Stand back, or by ., 1 will nre r Still the girl is firm ; the bravo advances a step, and then starts back. ' J The fharp "eiKtr or that rifle falls with an unpleas ant emphasis -u non his ear. Bess I am dying, grasps the old man, famtly. extending his arms. 'Ha, ha, we hare foiled tbe Britishers 7 Come daugh ter kneel here;, kneel and say a prayer j for me, and let me feel your warm breath on my face, for I am getting cold O, dark and cold? Look ! As those trembling accents fall from the old man's tongue, those fingers unloose their hold of the rifle already the troopers are secure of one victim, at least a young and , beautiful girl ; for affection for ber father, is mastering tbe heroism of tbe moment look I She is about to spring into bis arms 1 But now she sees ber dan ger I -again she clutches the rifle; again although ber father's dying accents are in her ears stands there, prepared to scat ter that bouse in ruins, if a single rough hand assails that veteran form. I here are a few brief terrible moments of suspense.. Then a hurried sound, far down :be mansion : then a contest on the stairs : then the echo ol rifle shot aud the light of rifle blaze ; then those ruffians in the doorway fall crushed before the strong arms of continental soldiers. 1 hen a wild shriek quivers through the room, and that young girl that Hero Woman, with one bound springs forward into her brothers s ms, and nestless there, while her dead father bis form yet warm- la rs, with fix ed eye-ballsiipon the floor. - SERIOUS LOSS. Buffalo, Oct. 13. By the collision on the Great Western (Canada) Railroad, on Thursday last, the conductor and express asrent, Wheaton, and 'McDonald. arent of the Canadian mails, were badly injured- 1 he English and American mails, twen ty-six bags, subsequently took fire, and were entirely consumed, witn all. tne pas senger enr and the mail and bngguge cars. 1 he loss is estimated at 820,000 KANSAS ELECTION. St. Locis, Oct. 14. In addition to the election of Whitfield, the pro-slavery men have elected all their candidates to the Legislature by large majorities. The Frew- State men made no serious opposition. Tht fnttiltetual Vizor of a People i indicated by tht Characttr of if IMertUuro.9 . 1 LITKAUI A.D CE1TIC1L WEtlLf JOUBNIL, : . 16 pages, 4 to. AAS commenced on the 3d of November, 1 855, V and has thus far received verv xeneral aporo- balion. Anxious to extend its influence, and place it upon a substantial basis or support, the Publ ti er desires most earnestly to direct the attention ol the thinking: public -wf America to its claims upon their consideration. The main feature of the CRITERION is its Re views of Current Literature. lathis department sre given tnorouuh and able criticisms ot all the most important books ss they are issued, pointing out their chief characteristics, and indicating their moral tendencies, thus keeping lis readers Informed of all new pobticatiuns which deserve their attention. ' It slso contains Cnpiovs Intelligence of Affatrs m Ike Literary, norta. Gossip concerning Books and Writers, Announcements of contemplated Publications, and ZasIs of rieto Books issued m A ner tea and Europe. The Drama, Mubic, Fine Aru, and Science. also receive attention, and severalcolamns of carefully selected and agreeable merer are giveii io each number, in addition to the above there is a de partment of Miscellanea for reading of an enter taining cnaraeter,camuiiy selected from newbooka and the ablest reviews, and a weekly collection ot .Motes and Uuerles. wtticn contains a great varietv or curious and vainanie tniormation. it is connoentiv oeneveo tnai a journal sttcn as the CKITKKION cannot fait to have a good effect upon our national literature, -and t some extent upon our natfonatcharscter. It will be found pecially valuable in directing the attention of youth to worcsot real excellence, ana encouraging an appreciation for valuable reading, which iabeins rapidly destroyed bv the cuculauon ot uperhciai and sophistical books. . . Tt the reading man the literary intellieence alone must render it verv de- binble; and to all who wish to promote an improve ment in taste, the encourage ment or merit, and an uncompromising condemnation of vicious style. moca sentiment, and evil pnocipies.socnen enter- pnee cannot at leaf t. should not be lndinerent. lo members ol Historical, Liieraty and eienU- ae .-socteuca, L.vcrums and Debating (Jluba. the subjects diacUKeed in this paper will st alt times prove of peculiar interest, and it is The design f tn editors to thoroughly canvass fretq time to time thoseimportaat philosophicalauestions which agitate all inquiriag minds, correcting false iheo- ris, aadeneouracing profitable investigation. . The CRITKRIOM is published at S3 per i nam. payable yearly, half yeaify or qnarterlv in ad vance, specimen copies supplied on application to the Publisher, CHARLKS R. RODK, no. us, XNassau street. New VorK. Jan. 12. ; - .... ...... . 123-6t AUGUST 8TH- n KCE1YED THIS MORNING i Peterson's Ladv'a .National , Mags sine t ospiesBoer. Hnnt'a Merchants' Magazine: Merry's Museum . . , LitUe's Living Age No 638; Tho Mother's Maesaine i . August. Latest nussoers ot the .S. lmi- ImMiciai Hailou's ricionai nagoTUar Union ; Ssturday Evening Posti Spiritual Tciemanhi Nw Vork Herald i Baltimore Saai ankec Noiiami Vas- Keeuooomt a cnool-fellow ; Harper; rut nam; Knickerbocker; Godcy; Graham ; Har- ners's Story Uovks j Ballou's Mowihlv. 4e.. Ae.i nnanoai S. W. WHITAKKRS. Aug. 8, 1356. ... , . GROCERIES. GROCERIES. 200 BAGS RIO 'COFFEE, assorted grades. anas. r.s.BuuiK. , 25 bble. Clarified and P. R. SUGARS, 25hhda. CaTba MOLASSES, 25 bbls. No. S MACKERRLL p , fn store and for sale by T. C. 4 B. D. WORTH. Sept. 18, 1858. - 79 lw. QPADESsnu SHOVELS. lOdos Ames make, J ".f - y 6SO. HuOsTun, "Advance one step into the room. I Sept, u, ins. THE ViU-WtftiitLY COlLUEiaiAL 4 Is uublwheJ Vorv 'TesaDAT. Thussdat and atvbday at S5 per annam, payable tnaiicases in advance. ' - SY THOMAS COOING Editos and Paorais- roa, . .tt; K .C" , f f -r. Corner Front aad Market Streets, - ,. WlLMiaSTOMJf .c. . KITES OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion SO SO 1 sot. 2 months, t aar S4 toU & 00 I 2 . 75 I 1 . " 3 t " 3 " . 1 00 1 I ' - 6 3 . . I 00 8 CO - 12 00 If ao stiver- 1 - I month, 0 1 12 Ten lines or less wake a square tisement exceeds tea lines, tbe pilce will be In proportion. All advertisements are paysble at the lime of their insertion. , Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberat terms. . i No traosfer of contracts lar vearly sdvertlsine will be Derm it ted. Should circa ouwances. render a change la business, or sn unexpected removal atMiirV-lurn eoHm Am the pahUahe terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strietly limited to their own immediate business t and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, s wsll as all advertisements notimmediately con nected with their own business, snd sll excess of sdvertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the ososl rates. No Advertisements is Included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term f' immediate burin ti." All advertisements Inserted In the tri-weeklv Commercial sre entitled to one iesertlon in the Weekly free of chsrge. JOB, CARD Alt D FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED IS SUPERIOR STYLE. A Ci 13 NTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL.. Naw Vosa Messrs. Dullneb dt Pottbb. Boston Chables Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia 8. E. Cohsw. Baltimore Wm. H. Peaks and Wat. Thomson OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE Wllmlueeoii saddle. Harness, and Trunk rtiauiiiaetory. HHE suhscriberrespectlullylnformsthepublie X that he hus recently received additions to his sto.-k of Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac, the latestand most improved style, andia conslanly manafacturinc. at his store on market street .every description of artlclt in the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that hewill be a trie to giveeniircsatisractiontoallwho may favorhim with a call. He has now on hand. and wiliconstaiMly kcess laraeassortmen tof Coach, at and Sultry Harness, Lady t Saddles, Bridles Whips, f'c. Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips . Spurs, r-. tjpallef which he will warrant to bi beoftbrir hip- E! it of I Ithe best materials and workmanship. He has slso a larire assortmeni Trunks. Valisea.'Saddle and Carpet Hags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &c, and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offers low for CASH,oronshortcredit to prompt customers. saddles, HarnessTrunks, Radical Bags, ate. sc, made lo order. Insddltion tothe above the subscribe ralwavt keepson hand a Isreesiipply of String leather and has now, and will kr-ip through the aeaaon a goodsssortmrntof Fly Nttts. All are invited to call andexsmiae my uoods, whethcrin wantornot, asl takepieasureinshew- Ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with -rati. - t - Harnessand Coach Trimming oM at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, tv nirs ai wuoiessie. Allkindsof Riding Vehtilce bought a. old on eemmisMions. JOHN J. CONOLEY . Feb. 7. 1856. 138 Tliii MOUTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LlFLLNSUKANCECOJJP'.t RALEIGH, Ni C. iHE above Company hrsbeen inoperationsincc . thelstof April, i 848. under the directionef the following Officers, viz : j Ur.Cbarlcs b. Jonhson, President Wm.D. Haywood, Vice Presidenr ' John G. Williams, Secretary, ' Wrn. H. Jones, Treasure'. Perrin Busbee, Attorney , ij Dr. Charles K. Johnson, 1 I .rj- ,n t .r Dr.Woi.H.McKee, f OAfedicalBo dof Dr.R.B. Haywood, $1 Consultaltcn. J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages tothe insured over any other Company. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege tc insure hisown lite for the sole use of his Wife snd Children, free from any claimsuf the representa tives of the husband or any of his creditors.' Orea nixed on purely mutual Drincioles. the life msmbera participate in the whole ot the profits which areaeciarea:unnuaiiy Kesidea. tn applicant toi life, when the annual premium is over30 may pa one nan n a inoie. .i - All claims for insurance srainstthe Company wil' bepaid withtn ninety days afterproof of the death ottne party isturnisned. - i : Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure t hi -class of pro peri ty against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and Interestin featarein the history of North Carolina. which will prove very important to tbe Southern states.- - The last four months operation if this Company shows a very! arge a mount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already iasued more than 300 Policies. Dr. W. W. Habbiss. Medical Kxamlner, and Agent. Wilmington, N.C. I . ' Alinomrnunlca'lonsonbnsincssol tneuompany should be addressed to -JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Sec'y. Raleich.JaneS. 1655. : ). IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON, RECEIVED and for sale at July3f. , S. W. WHITAICRR'S. LONDON PUNCH, latest number. Received and for sale S. W. WH1TAKE R'S. Oct. 4, , .... iL, SS. ... - COFFEE! COFFEE! I (C RAGS best Rio Coilee thUday landing ,i..w from JSchr. w . c; Msrshon. For sale on wharf by T.CS. B, G. WORTH. . - ,;: .. .. ... ?I-lw. Aug. 30, 1856. JELLIES JELLIES ! ! JELLIES ! ! II TE have iust received a new and choice article VV of Hoarhound and Iceland Moss Jelly- justly celebrated lor coins ana oongns. Also a nice article ot rig Jelly, e-orsaie ai tne Broadway Variety Btore. vf.o-tvewn.ii.it. Kept. 4. H)S6. ' - " ; ; - t . TO MERCHANTS. "WBTK HAVE JUST OPENED OUR LARGE WW and extensive stock of Hata, (Japs, Umbrel las. Ae aaul ran sell them at the lowest New York nrieea. mm we have them direct from the manufactory, and as Mr. Hswes resides in New York, ws have every facility of getting every new style and at the lowest rate. Merchants will do well to call and see, under me Carolina Hotel. uiuBs et hawks. Sept.30,18- i . 84 tf. ESIPTY SPIRIT "BARRELS. ... OfiTV PRIM R SELECTED B B LS., for sale JJ by - v . ADAMS, BRO. sV XRO. Oct. 14. : 90. STUART'S SUGARS. 25 Bbls. C. Yellow j 10 A. White; S Giewod Loaf. In star and for sal b .. . . . .Z NO GREENE. Oet. 14.1858. ROPE. fU COfLS" PACKING ROPE, of prime qual- itr.iotsntsfcy AUAma, bbu.co. Oet. 14. SO. I DRIED FKUIT. 1 f t l' LBS. Apple an J Peaches, on handand IVJ 'for sale by April 10. T. C. & B. Q. WORTH. BACON. TVJ C. BACON. 3000 Ihs Kxtra N. C. Bacon, 11 hoe ro and, tor sale to arrive per U. Uosd. , A dm. 7. , , . , T. (X at B. O. WOXTH. . J. LOEB'S COAL YARD. PFNED to day with the best quality Of Red W Ash Broken .oat. . Sept. 13, 1856. 77. SUPPORT YOUR OWN PIPERS ! JTNEW S0UTHEI1J LITERARY JOURNAL. THE EXAMINER, PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA, S. C. This Journal baa entered npoo its sec ond vol mo. snd with 1U next usuo win commence tne oublication of an ORIGINAL PRIZE TALE. of great literary merii and thrilling Interest- This will he followed by A KEKIES OF OUIQINAL STORIES. written expressly for tbe col urns ol Tbe Examin er. These Stories are all from tbe pens of south ern wiitebs, and will initiate a new era in south ern periodical literature. We think from arrange ments now Id progrewi, that Id all futnre issues of tne examiner. iU colums win te rurnisnea wun original tiles and kocvelettes, equal to any published in literary journals, either North or Sou h. We have printed a large edition, and will be enabled to supply new subtcriberw from the com oieucetneDt of these stories, if orders are sent in earlv. Tbe Examiner is printed on a large double hect of eight paces, containing roRTT columns of reading matter, with very few advert uemuuts. As s liteh ar y journal, it has already taken a high stand, and with proper encouragement will miod rank atnoDg the best in tbe country. As political journal, it will ever advocate the Rights, Interests, and Institutions of tbe South. Besides these features, it will weekly furnitth a full summary of news. It will be tbe aim of the editor to make The Examiner Jnt such a paper as will cause it to be a welcome visitor in every southern family. The tfrro of the Exan iner, are THHEE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, pa) able in all cases in advance. With FIVE THOUSAND oubKcriUers at this price, we will in sured to the Southern reading public. THE BEST PAPER OF ITa CLASS ever issued at the South. Forward your subscrip tions for the new volume. . Clubs of ten will be furnished with tbe paper or twenty-five dollars. Andrens W. B. JOHNSTON. . Columbia. S. C, Aug. 30, 1866. . r 71 2w. NOTICE PARTICULAR. TTAV1NG MORE ACCOUNTS on my bools 171 than I ran collect, and ss no cash ea n be I for sales.! shall wind up the present business Im mediately. Those, indebted will please call and settle, f shall charge nothing more. Balnnce of stock at reduced prices J. K. RKSTON, Sept. 5. 74. , XV o. la Market st. WILSIINGTON & WEL. R. R. CO. Orricc Enoinssb and SersaiNTKNOBMT, . Wilminatoo. N. C. Jan. 1. 1856. S " THrPS8KNOf!H TRAINS WILL,Uff A TIL. further notice, run over ibis read as foU lows : ... GOING NORTH, DAILY". DA V EXPRESS TRAIN teavea Wilmington at 6 A. M : arrives at Goldsboro st 9 54 leaves in 6 minutes --and arrives al Weldon at 1.30 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leavca Wilming ton 114 jUf.n.s arrives at uoldeboro' at ts.bi). to supper 20 minutes j arrives st Weldon at 1.00 A, ol. ' GOING SOUTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 12 nr- rivea at Goldsboro' 3.20 P. M. leaves in 5 min utes; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P- M. to sup per. in tun r hAi'iihss leaves weidonat 9 r. M.; arrives at Goldsboro' at 1.10 A. M. leaves in S minutes, strives at Wilmineton at 5.30 A. M. ifThe Night Express Train connects with the NorlhCarolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro'. ... Through Tickets North aoid In Wilmington! to Baltimore 112; to Philadelphia 14; to York 15 60: to Washington, D.C., ll. LT I ICKETS WILL NOT SB SOLO TO A NESBO II psasON. - r '...' Passengers are notified that an extra charge af one cent per mile v ill be required of those who do not purchase tickets at stations. Freignt by passenger trains double rates. Lo cal fare, wiih tickets, about 3 cents per mile; If paid in the csrr, about 4 cents per mile FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule trains between Wilmington and. Weldon, each week; leaving alternstely on Mondays snd Tbursdoys snd arriving on Tuesdsys and Fri days. Twoschedole trains per week to Goldsbo ro'; leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays and. Fri days, and Goldsboro' on Wednesdays and Sstur- dsvs - . ' . All dues on freight, up ordown, payable al Gen eral f reight tirhce in Wilmington. on receipt or delivery, including that on the North Carolina Railroad. ; fs. I.. FREMONT. . Jan, 29. . - General Superintendent. FOR SALE. 375 Acres Pine Land, sitaated immediately upon Wilmington snd Weldon R. K. four to nve miles irom Depot at Wiloilngton. . AKD . tZf Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, sltbsted UJ between Korce Pnt and Thombaryt 11 of which la fine Swamp Land. - For terms, Ac, sp py to m. ciiuuy. Oct. 30, 1865. 97 tf TUST RECEIVED PER SCHR; R. W. U BROWN. . - g 20 Barrels Pork. 10 do Beef. ' 2 Tcs. Hams sugar cured. 6 Barrels Lard, t Smo Beef.. : 20 Firkins Gorhen Butter. , . 20 Boxes Cheese. : - 30 Adamantine Candles. - 30 " Eng. Starch. .. . 30 Barrels Sugar. 20 Bags Coffee. " " " " ' ! For sals at the Original Family Grocery. GEO. MYERS. - ' No. 11 & 13. Front street, ug. 23, 1856. ' " 6 WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. THIS institution located atCapt. Potter's offi A. opposite Bank of Caps FeartwiH be open for the reception of depositee on Wednesday of each week, from 4 to 7 o'clock, P, M-, and on Satur day of each week from 4 to o'clock, p M.- JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May. 1. ' 21-tf. ; . . NOTICE. . . A T a called meeting of the Commissioners of J Navigstionand Pilotage, on Wednesday the 7th loot., it was resolved-, thsi on and after the lath inst. the Quarantine on all vessels from ports, (ex cept Charleston, S. C Key West and Havana.) be removed -. W. J. IM v fc, Bee. at. C. XV. Oct 9. . 88-t TEAS! TEAS!! WE have just received an bast Teas ever offered in aonortssent of the I this market. Trv ar Sl.OO Imperial, it is of an extra quality and flavor. Our 1,00 Black Ten Is of a rosy flavor, j andaaaot failtoauit the moat fastidioas.. Ws have slso a beautiful Black Tea at 60 cents m lw also. 371 eenta per Iba ehoise Teas la caddies I st wholessle prices warrs nted rood, st tho Ori- BUSINESS CARDS. J.CIaATTA, COMMISSIONS MERC HA X T 4 GENERA L AOK T WILMINGTON, fi. 'C. Oct. 1, 1856. i 65-1 y-c. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, COIIISSIOS A5D FORWmiM MERCH5ST?, WIL.MIXV i VX, PI. Jan IT, 1S55. j . r. 125- - HENRY NUTT, FACTOR ASD FOSWAUISB AGEST, V Will give his personal attention to business entrust- a Ate cars. Sept. 8. 1850. - - 75-1 y-c. GEORGE BIYERSw WnOLESALE AHD I ETA I L CROCtl ;st Keeps constantly on hand, Wines, TVas, Liquors frovvsions, n ooa ana wutov Ware, trutt, ConfeetianarU, fe. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N C. Nov. 18, 1855. 109. H. OOLLNEB. O. POTTKB. Jfv . CAMBBDEN D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. W E W YORK. April30, V855. - 20-ly. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE k RETAIL GJIOCER, ! J AND DSALES IN LIQUORS, WINES. ALE. PORTER, 4-e. no. if, t; ran ne now, front street. WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 17th, IP56. j 140-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 28. ! 58 D. CASHWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON. N. C Sept. 30. 84-tf HOOPER, DEARBORN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, wiLJursuTU, m. u. OEO. HOOPBB. , S, h. PBABBOBN. WM. L. If OOFBB. July 23. - I 68-If JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION ME R C HA N T, i WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 6ih, 1855. ! 83. - W. O. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North With Stikt. Wikmikotom, No. t'a. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Pool Stones, and all kinds oj Marble nork furnished to i order on reasonable terms. " ' June 5. 1 f 3Tlr-e SAMUEL A. HOLMES, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, n WILMINGTON, N. C. . Will at lead that Courts of Dunlin. Samneon anTl tnew nanover. s Office oa Princess street, next door East of the State Bank. , . April 5.. . 1 . 9-Iy J. SI. STEVENSON, AGENT for tho sale of a 11 kinds of Produce. Office on Ptinccss st . under ADAMS. BRO. dt CO., Wilmington, Ii. C. r CD. 12.L131-U. j J. M. oTKVENSON GEORGE R. FRENCH, 1 MANUFACTPRER ASD WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND ; SHOE FINDINGS, ; NO. 11, MARKET STREET, . J 1VIL.9IINGTON, M. C March 6. ; I 151 GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, south Water street, WILMINGTON', N. C. .Jan. 22. 132. - ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. Will attend the County snd Superior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Col u tubas and Sampson. ' June iz. aa iy - iAS. c. SMITH. MtI.ES COST1M, JAS. C. SMITH k CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, i WILMINGTON, N.C. April 28. , . , .-.. I8-ly stokltey&6ldham, I GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, !' WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cash advances made on Flour. Cotton. ana wsvsi stores consignee to inem. Aug. to. . . i . .- . : - - 05 If. ! NOTICE. THE subscriber haviae aaslified aa special Ad 1 miaistrator imb the euate of Cornelius My era, deceased, and hsving been authorised to col- a - . ml , . P m A . - A B IB lectin tneaebte due isld estate, nereoy noiinessu persons indebted by note, or aceoant, or other wise to make immediate payment, as it is desira ble that the business be speedily closed. CHAS. D.MYERS Is my authorised agent to ; collect said debts, and receipt for ike same. Jsiyzi. ,1 uhu.Hir.BL9. SOAP AND CANDLES. THE subscribers beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the trade snd families to the Soan snd Candlsa manufactured In Wilmington, X. C by Meaars. Coat la fc Gaffbrd. asm pies of which csn he seen at our offica. No. Z. water si., where we keen constantly on hand large sspptles ow for cash. i JAS. USMITH dt CO; April 28. 18 - ': ' . . ' " JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH", AFRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS'VEOK TABLE PAIN KILLER. In nUr Nsw Danes. To bo sure that you gel the genuine Md- fclno, inquire for the New Dress with two fine en- graved ateet labels oa each bottle. . 1 1 n 15-lf. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY. t?t BOXES Adamantine Candles, eJKJ 20 and 40 In. boxaa Hue anal it f, champ. 1 hbl. extra Salmon, ' CodRsh for retail, C bbls. extra No. 1 Mackerel, NcwChceoa. Bauer. Beef Tongues and Smo. kad Beef- Low for cash. , GEO. MYER8. Juno 28- U and IS Froor st. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON, THE founder of this Celebrated Insiltuiion of fer, tit most csrtain, Speedy snd only ellettu al remedy In the world lor i SECRET DISEASES. Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pains In the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impouncy, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyarepsla. Nervous Irriiabi ity, Disease of the Hesd.Toroai Nose or Skin those serious and mrlunt hely disor derss rising from the destructive habits of Youth, which destroy: both body and mind. Thats stent arid solitary practices more falsi to their victims than the song of the ttyrens to the marinrrs f Ulysses, blighting tfvlr most briWaol hopes or sn. ticipaUons, rendering msrrlsee.dte.. impossible. YOUNG MEN. i Especially, who have become the victims of FbIii. ry Vice, thai dreadful and destructive habit blth annually sweeps to an uotlmHy graw thousand of young men of the roost exsliedtsients and trllJint Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senstes with the thunders of eloquence, or ronndenceC,tC'r heMr,n,'r'ln,T U fl ' MARMAGE. Married persons, or Young Mn, eontcmplatinr niarrlsge, being awareof Physical Weakness, Os ?iTi,,i'IJ,,r.Def?rmi,ir'. 4c.shoi.ia immsdl hesrth. ' ' " re,,ored Perfect J who places himself undsrthecareof Dr. John ston msy religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hlssklll ass chy. nl.D".'0",'0". ,n 0B,r r'ulMy Educstrd Physician advertising to cure Private Complaints. His remedies snd treatment are entirely unknown toall others. Prepared from a life spent in the Great Hospitals of Europe and the First In t Sia ""I'T-u''. England, France, the Llockley ot Philadelphia, 4-e., and s more exirnaive practice than anv other physician in the world. His many wonderful cures and most Imporisnt Sureiral On. rations is a sufficient guarantee lo the afflicted Those yho wish lo be speeeWy and effectually relief, td. should shun the numerous trifling imjHtsters wht nly ruin their health, and st.piy to him. ed. onl A CUKE WARRANTED Oft NO CHARRf U UR ivo juercury or rvausrov Drves Uv. OFFICE. No. 7. SOUTH pnrnmift . ar left hand side eoinir from K.hi.... ... . - ' ' doors from the corner. Fsil not to observe 1.1s ns me and number, for Ignorsnt trifling Importers, sttrscied by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, luih1 DR. JOHNSTON. ! Member of the Royal Colleea of 8 graduate from one of the most eminent Colli-ges of the United States, and tha .micr r..., t i.. ley. bfe"Pnt In the Hospiuls of London. Par- ... . .......r.u.,.u inwiicre, nas etiected soma of the most sstonishlng cures that wereever known. juanyirouoieo wun ringing in iheears snd head when asleep, great nervou.nsva. hina i..,n., sudden sounds, and baahfuiness. with frequent blushlns.attended sometimes with Jcranctment of mind, werecured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and I ptessure finds he has Imbibed the seeds of .his painful disease, It too often happens that snlll-tlni. ed sense of shams, ordresd of discovery, deters nirnuom sppiytng to those who, from educstlon and respectsbililv.rsn alone befri.-ml kin, w.i. ing till the constitutional symptoms of this' horrid disesse make their appearance, aurh ss ulccrxu d sore inroBi.oisesscd nose, noctursl psins in the head and limbs, dimness of slvht. Hnufn.. on the shin bones and arms, blotches on fhs head, fsce and extremities, progressing with frightful ra- "-7. in paiaie ot tne mouth or the bonesof the nose fall in. ant k. .., .t.- swful disease becomes s horrid object ofcommls sera tlon, till death puts a period lo his drsadlul suf feringa, by. sending him to thst boorne from n ?f no traveller returns." To sacb therofcrra, ur. Johnston biedses himself to nin.ni n. . . In viols blc secre.yj and, from his extensive prsc ticsin the first Hospitals of Europe snd America, he can confidently recommend a ef mmA .n cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid di esse. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands full victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to lbs ug. .Wilfulness of ienorant Dret, niira. k k- of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the con.titu- uon, ina euner sina ins union anale suffcrrr lo as untimely grave. or else make the residue .f nr. mi.. erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those -ho h. .. aelvea by private and improper indulgences. men aim some 01 tne aad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habita of v.,uih. I jyD;ofihs Back and Limbs, Pains lathe Hesd, Dimness of Siirht. Lou of M . i,. er, Pslpitation of the Hesrt. D fr"aVfBts v rVorvnit SS Irritability Dersngement sf the Digestive h nne. tions, Usnoral Debility, Symptoms fConsump. lion, ore. Mentally. The fearful effecla on ih nliiJ ... much to be dreaded i Loss of Alemnr. rnnri..in of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil Korebodint-s. j TAT , i. . oc" Aiairu.i, i.nvc of oil. tude.Timidlty,dte..sre some of thssvtls produced. Thousands of persons of alisges, csn now judge what le the cause of their declining he.hh i .... ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular aopearsnce about the eyes cough and symptoms of consumption. un.. junnia i urn a iix VIUORATINO RP!SIP. DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. , By this great and Important tm,Aw i the organa are speedily cured and full vigor restored. hu''oofe most Nervoos and Debilitated Individuals who had lest all hope, have been frame diately relieved. Alt Impediments to MARRIAGE rnyaieaior mentaiDisauallficatlons, Nervous lr rllabllitvTremblinesand W eakneaa. ar riha.itU. of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Vi Johnston. Young men who have Injured themselves bv a certain practice indulged in when alone a hsbit irrqucntiy lenrned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are 'nightly felt, even whn aalan mrui it nnt r-..A . .. ,. , - ,. nutn.r. impOTBoiera iinuvji oom mind snd body.stiould spplv Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hop of hl country, sod the darling of bis parents, tho ski be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of lile, by the eonseq oencea of devisting from the feih of nsture, and indulging In a certain secret habits Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind aad body sre the most necessary requisite to promote connubial hspplnees. Indeed, without these, the jurney through life beconuas wesrt pflgrlntagei the pros, pec t hourly derkens to the view i the mind htcomea shadowed with despair and rllLwi with ih. choly refioeiion that the ha ppinesa of another bar eomes blighted with on r own OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH Fit E D F. R ICK-S T. , .... 1. . BAtTISIOBS, Mo. Allfturrlcal Operations lerlormcd. N . B" Let no fatae dvltarv nr.vua ah kn. apply immediately either personally or b letter. oam iiseaes npeediiy i nred. TO STRANGERS. Ths nan thoumulM trurA nt llililaalll.il.. . hk. In the la tt lea years, and the numerous Impor tant Hurries I Operations iterfoim.d h l)r J.ait. aessed by the Reoortera of the Miwrl. anal man other persons, notices of which havs appeaisd seal and again before the public, be.ides his nanclnr as n rentlsmanof c-hsrseter snd responsilility, is uicicni gnsrsniee io tae anileitd, TAKE NOTICE. It Is Wtth the matnt ralnptanatkal rr Jolt TrTfla Samtlta hit niA .am.. k.r..ik. ,..ut. . aitpruf..Mlinl for a pbrlta to adreri kal anW. Wa did so, tbe sffliHAd. eapactall atrarrers sosia nvt fall la imi inio ine airnaa or In. many Impart. t snlr.rnrt! Impnalon, with Innawarmhle Vmlmm Hem con wiv4 yuarscnopa, .w.rtnlite larr etllaa, eopytn Ir. iimnn aiTtniMMvi ar aaveniataa: taaiarla aa phyxelana. Illlteral. .raJUw-Kma4 foiknwa, to lary to work at thatr ortsimU tiwle, witb mrmre im IoV Iyn4 brats, win. foe th parpoae at Knlletus and I r r. mmrry mm uwm or aim ommmm. ander sa ml y Ulitarral Pslas ttmmmm, mm thai th. aMIeted Hi, i nmIm . is .or t tamble hradlon IMo I ha mturr. lnmi OsH-t.vhkamrnn.hrlM arillli i J mm. UMlmbini c.raa fm araoa. mvl U fee fu-i.4, whofe.rp jam iuin( larre buttl. mT l ieosics Wn srul ota.r filthy Aed vortblra. aamp.nind, eannlnrly r"r" wt laaya.r mftm Ihm umtunmummr arni n.n.j-rt . THStna nnatlk mfwrr SflMk. or a. Ivw aa tb. .mail. at freann bitolaa4. and. Idapr, Wmrm Jem witb, I .'Mil hanltb. to aleh urar nmr nlilnm diaanBointmenA, It Is this BMrtlrs that ladoera lr. J. ta B4lrrtlM. ma S lo eawevas Tv. To thn. anaaqaalnteit wttk hla rr-pa Latino, be amrtme It nrr..ry U aa I bat Ilia KM. tie!, ne oM plomM arwTa hane In M. nfn. KOLCTTIuitfl RlXIVtI t'M.IXM FOST PilTrj and eoMaiainar a Kimp to ha naHl Ut th rfr 1 ar. S"OS WTW1M abawld ataAS Aa and aaud thai portion af HinaiiuiiMS 4aertMag "jajptoma. Jan. 9. lfitf. 13M v. SS area zo. . :- - z.

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