A4 in in in in iir 1,111 III III III III III III till II III M I 1 1 1 I I 111 V I 1 M VOLUME XI--N UMBER 110. WILMINGTON, N," C TUESDAY; ulORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 135.' ' ? - - : " t; .yj-s rr-. .---.-'., '-": . MfcgM ' SSWaaw'T -OETIRY. AP ETICAL DUN. - " Some friend has sent jus, unler a bUnk tover, a copy of the subjoined very clever ttaS rerye practical ViMf esprit, addressed by editor f,the 'SV.ethodist Protestant" to bis deliiiq!in' subscribers. We cojiy the urtirle aim y'y r rhe UinHsement of our readers; for. Mr Kiwulolph used to say of his consiiT'irriia. we have the best and hoblesi o( subscribers tha? ever honored tui .TtK-d k public journal Thej berefori m bui jr neejd ho such ingeni aiTs hinaut should there be found- here tnd there an exceptional case, be is at liV trtjr to consider the Hiawathen appeal ad dressed him. Nat InJt Shoald you sik us why his dnnnins bad complaints ltd mormnra Marmara load atmot dcQaqitnts Wbo baVJd the apf Tejkly. Bnd what tbey bae r paid fur. Read with pleasure and jwiih profit, Read of church sSaira sed pnxpec s. Read f aeirs both howe-and foreifa Read lb aaoaya and the oem,; " Foil of abdnna and inatijactioo; Read the table of tbe markets. Carefully corrected weekly 8beuld yon ask Dii why ttiia dunning. We should answer, we ihould tell yoa. From tb priafc-r, from the mailer, From tba kind eld paper maker. From the landlord, from the carrier From tbe man wbo :axea leXien With a stamp from Uucle Samuel Uncle Sam. tbe rowdies ex II bim ; FVota tbem all there eomra a raca.-age, Measage kind, but firmly . spoken, "Please to pay us what you owe us" Sad it is to hear snch tui wage Wben our funds are all e xhausted. When tbe last bank note has l f i ns, Wben the gold coin sll hi s auihed, Gone to pay tbe paper m tker Quae to (ay tbe toiling printer. Gone to pay tbe landlord tribute, Gone to pay the weekly carrier, Gone to pay tbe faithful trailer. Gone to pay old Uncle Samuel Uncle Sara the romdies""cII bim 3one to -ay the WesiterH paper Three and twenty hnndrdd dollars! Sad it is to tin n our ledger, Turn tbe leaves of this old hg'r, Turn snd see what tmn jire doe us, Dee for tolnmm lng sinpe ended. lae for years of pleasant! -reading. Due for years of tuilsroe labor, Due deite our patii-ut waiting Due despite oar constant puiuting Doe in ism; from two to iwvnty . Would yoa lift a burdi i from us 3 Wonld eu drive a aptxtrt fr" you 1 - W..uld too Iat4 a pieaatit eluuiber 1 W,aaid you have a quiet oiiKcience 1 TVi.uld yoa raad a apvr paid for 1 :end na money aesd us isooaty, - iVaJ u Money sen- u iainy ; tED THE MOM ST TMtT TOO OWE OS ! MLSCELifANY A ROMANCE OF LIFE IX NEW YORK THAT IS NO FICTION. Cad men men of and Iose prtsiCitdVs. Ii violent passions kve been known in all ages, and have all ceiitur'u s. But ne tion can jMiaiUrl m m been the curse of ther truth or fic- ani)css the act of the hero whose achievements are related below We copy frond the New York Post of the 22.1 inst : A wealthy gernlenia i, whom we shall call Mr. A had a young and lovely daughter, an only child, just turned six teen, upon whom his tbudest hopes and warmesl affections wee centered, as the companion and solace! of his widowed lifo. Circumstances Heuttirini? his fre- qu;nt absence from the city, he had per mitted his daughter tojjpass her weekly vacations froru school jwhh friends here, -whom we shall call Jlr. and Mrs. B., who resided op-towr in one of our fashionable neighborhoods. The young lady became acquainted accidentally, with a young man, whom we shall call M. C, Who also resided in this city. ... I The beauty and fascination of Miss A. captivated him, aujd Mr. O. became a frequuent visitor at he house where she passed her vacations so frequent hat Mr. B. fell it his duty to apprise Mr. A.of the circumiftances, lest any resjjousibility of the coy frequences might rest upon him or hisfaknlly, ' " Mr. A. immediately j hastened ta the city, aud seeking an ttfterview wkh the young man, forbade ajjiy 'further atten tions to hix daughter, fvhich, after some hesiration, Mr. C. protnised to observe upon the receipt of orie thousand dol lars. The sum was promptly paid him. and for a few weeks the matter was ap parently disposed of. ed at the house of he all appearances, had Miss A. remain friends, and, lo jforeotteu Mr. C- as well as the little episode which had occurred in her youthful history. Judge ot the surprise of her friends on her in forming them, one fine morning, that she had been martiedj three days pre viously, and that Mr. C. vas hr hus fca nil ! . . f : i . . -t. The ceremony had len perforriieii at the residence of a fashionable rlnrgyr man, and she had returned directly to the. house of her lriepls, nw having in"e seen her husbaAd. Mr. A, who was absent at the South, was ittimedi iitely telegraphed to rfepair to this -ity, and his .anguish ou being informed of what hail occurred may be imagined , An interview wtththe young -tiian satisfied him that it was useless to ap peal to his heart or his bead, and he, therefore, -ppafed tO;this pocket, de tnandiwg how much money would iu- duce him to sien a release ot his mar tial I rights and relinquish for ever al claims to the voune ladv. The hus band was disinclined 10 name a sum, and very coolly asked the agonized father how much it would be worth to him to have his daughter back again. Pnn r thousand dollars," exclaimed Mr.lA- ' I wiil cheerfully give you which, with one thousand already paid. makes five thousand dollars, to which you are welcome, if you will now re store me mv child n The husband as. sented. The three drove at once to a lawyer's office, where it tyas found that it would reauire some hours jo prepare the-pa pers, and it was agreed hat the three should meet at f oetocK me next morning, at the safv, office,. to .-lign the documents, the moneymcan while, be ing paid to Mr. C, and his word ot tion or given to execute the release. At nine o clock the next , morning, Mr. C. drove to the door fif Mr. in- auired for Mr A. and demanded his wife ! She. hearing ot his being there entered the room : and in the face of the violated agreement, the payment of the heavy forfeit, the agony ot her des olate father, and the warning of her friends, went away with her husband. THE WAY OF THE WORLD. We are indebted to the Home Jour nal for the following free translation of a suggestive passage from " JLes Fem- mes,n a recently published work of Al phonse Karr. It contains a world of wisdom, if the reader's philosophy can but find it out : " I called the other day upon a prct ty woman, whom I found in a stale ot melancholy. ' 1 tcl quite sad,' she saia; I had been reading some fairy tales yesterday, and I dreamt, all last night, of those delightful eodmothers who overwhelm you with precious gilts such as Prince Lutin's cap of roses, which made him invisible Prino Loulotrs rmg, which made him so charming that no woman could resist him : and 1 a- woke quite discouraged lo find myself ionce more fallen into the prose of actu al hie" 1 see, was my reply, you have not your eyes 'sufficiently about you. The prodigies you speak of are constantly heing reproduced in our own time. You have only to tell the people whicorne lo see you ihat you are niece, 'cousin-, or ' god-daughter to a man in high office, and yon will soou see how much beauty and wit the discovery will add to the slock of those gifts you al ready possess ; you vcill see how much admiration and flattery will be lavished upon you.. sAud, like the girls in the fairy tales, you will have no occasion to be really the god-daughter ; to say that you are, will be sufficient. 1 know a man who is a brute and a clown by birth and education clumsily made, and as great a fool as it is possible to be. Well, when this lei low puts on his fin ger a certain ring, decorated with a large pcnhle, of the species they call Jiamond, he becomes witty, well-bred, handsome, and an amusing companion ; at least people regard him as such Whenever I wish to make myself invisible, I have a certain old hat, rusty and napless, which I put on as Prun e Latin jKit on his cap of roses. To this 1 add a cer tain seedy paletot. ' Lo! and behold! I become immediately invisible. Not a being in the town sees, recognizes or sjieaks to me,' A PLAIN FUN EK AL OF A WEALTHT MAN The funentl of Roswell L. Colt, Esq , a on in-law of the late Robert Oliver, of Bal timore, took place al Patterson, N. J., bis place of residence, on the 25th November, and is said to have been unusually impos ing from its simplicity and solemnity. Tbe Newark Advertiser says: He had directed by an endorsement on xhe outside of bis will in his own bund writing that bis funeral should take place early in the morning, and in the plainest manner. It took place at half-past 8 o' clock in the morning, and without any in vitations, except to the immediate relatives. Nothing was known except the time u would take place. He further directed that nothing should be said by way of eu. ogy of his character or history, but sira ply advice girea as coming from him to ail present to secure an interest in Jesus, the Saviour of the world, aad to prepare for tbe solemn event of death and a - future state. This was referred to by Rev. Mr Hornblower, and an exhortation made of the most eloquent and affecting character. After this a prayer was mail, and the bene diction pronounced. The attendance was very large ; the number at the bouse, on the grounds, and in wailing to see the pro cession at the entrance of the place, tnny be fairly estimated at 2,000 persons. His body was placed in a hearse drawn by hia own horses and drive by his own coach man There were eih carriers, who w-re dressed in bUrk, but no pall-bearers; nor was there nv other v-hicle present but the h-trse Tti lonsr. jodenm proc-s-eioii moving unostentatiously ntonr in the tilli,ss 'd the morning, wthuot a wor' Kpoken up.! -free from the clatter ff-ih hordes hoos,'nr th roll ufcnrriHire. gv in lmpre in Uie scene tbni wi4 b remember-. N man was ever Carried tiisrrave in imiTf rotnie manner It Wonld wJi if otb"f would .T'hi by the f-Xiiinpie atbtabed by the dirrctHMi. f this disitngitiahed man. Tbe testimony given by the vol nntry attend mce nt tut large and so respectable a body o people, composed of his immediate neighbors, could not be ratstakeuC Tbe mills of lbs . town were stepped, said many f tbe stores and lares of business closed. The people lov ed and honored him. and manv a sincera tear fell at bis crave froio t eyes of tbe poor and the humlel THE MlTRATiljAMlLY. The name Pti-iUrat has been so frexuently mentioned recently in conec lion with possible events in Naples that a hri f gl.ince at the history of his fam ily will he found highly interesting. It is alleged in some quarters that the Muratists const ituti a considerable parly in the Neajolitan dominions; while in others the existence of any such party is unreservedly denied. It is also al teged that Louis Napoleon clandestine ly lavors the pretensions of his cousin uuf whatever may be the value ot al the statements put forth iu the, public journals, we have not yet learned that the Prince who is surrounded by . some distinguished enemies of the Bourbons of Naples, is truly indifferent to, the pro gress of events in ,the Italian peninsula, although his claims totrrecroAi of the Two Sicilies are certainly anything but legitimate. The life of his father, Joachim Murat of Naples, is one of the most extraordi nary in modern limes, presenting a sue cession of those signal vicissitudes which occur only to the experience of few men, conspiciously illustrating the. danger which ever attends unscrupulous ambi tion, as well as the instability of the grandeur and greatness which some times invest the path of the successful adventurer. The son of a publican of La Batiside, Joachim Murat in early life assisted his father's business, which he was destined to follow, having evinced no desire for intellectual study, or for mechanical pursuits. As he grew ol der, he became so careless as to be ut terly incapable of attending to the busi ness, or even of grooming his father's horses. His dissipations did great in jury to the establishment, and ultimate ly he parted with his father. A roving disposition impelled him di rectly towards Fans, where he earued a livelihood tor some time as a valet du place, and as a waiter to a rest aura teur. The employment was irksome to one with a passion for romantic ad venture; and, entering the army, he commenced a career in which he tiltt mately won a crown and the fame of being one of the greatest cavalry, gene rals who ever lived. JJis fortunes were intimately associated with those of Na? poleorffrom the opening of the campaign in Italy in 179G, until the battle of Leip- sic, while thn relationship was materia.! ly strengthened by a marriage with the sister of the Emterior. In command of the cava ry he pet formed bold and glo rious lea Is at Marengo; in pursuit of the Austriaiis from Ulin: at Austerhtz. Jena. Eyiatiand Fiiedlaud. He accompanied Napoleon in the disastrous expedition to Moscow, conducting the retreat from duiorgoui. Joachim, like his master, did not enjoy li-iigiheneii tenure ot sovereign au- thoiity. He was proclaimed King of the Two Sicilies in 1808. on Napoleon tiaiisierring" nis orotner Joseph to Mad t id. Joachim was not endowed with many noble qualities, but by great display and apparent frankness of man tiers, he for some time enjoyed the good feeling of the people. He, however. subsequently betrayed the weakness of his character: while the fortunes ol Napoleon were on the wane, Joachim, looking to the safety of his throne, vol unteered to join the alliance against him; negotiations were opened with Austria and Lngiand, and conducted with treachery on all sides; and it is needless to say ihat they did not result the advantage of the wavering mon arch. The news of Waterloo reduced him to temporary despair; but, in an en I moment, he resolved upon one more attempt to recover his kingdom. The fate ot the ill-starred expedition from Corsica is memorable. A gale of wind scattered the vessels, containing only two hundred men, and Murat found himself at rizzo with only thirty followers. He was captured, and shot on fhe 13th of October, 1815, exclaim ing to his executioners, as he threw away the white handkerchief offered to bandage his eyes: "Avoid the face aim at the heart." ICE. ICE, ICE. HR Wilmington lee Hease will be open for de livery at ICK from aunride to annaet. except on Sunday, wheo it will be closed at 9 o'clock la tbe morning - "rice unc cent per pound for quantities ol three puada and over. Terms cash, in all eases, without exception. Tickets can be procured by rucb as desire tbem. Ice furnished to the' sick Door, free of chsrse wben by directiua from physicians or visiting com mittees. April IS. 15 tf MISSES FLATS ' : ND Bloomers Black and Drab Beaver Pearl Brown and Drab Kelt bodis. A handsome asrttnent jtiai reer4ved by Kx press at w JW. a H KPA KD f Ml KKS". WANTED. f il )l I BUSHELS DKIKD PEACHES, " " ' the hiehest cash eric will biraislor habov-iH te. Gt-'.O. HVRK3. Ort. 16. 91 i a). THK NEW YORK LEDGER. A v E TAlNHi Trom S. W. Whltaker. - rtm ingion, N. CT, - A hrrt ea be ala oHiained all other Papers, raria. A-c . M h arKt aanaaeat Thr RW VO t I.KiGKK is ib vsea. Family r. 1,1 . i for which ""ylvaeas Cabb, jt , Faat- Fein" a T P i uner son eneti. write exclusive Iv. M. I mre-' Aliee t'irrv and works of "h'-r p pn ar riters rontriuate raaralartv to It ri'liimss ; -nxl ret It is aotd at the same vriee as mm-a weeklt naperst Ii baa now a larxev cir- ca'roton bv o' hundred thousand copies lb a a aaj similar weesty i ta eaasavry, . , "ct- ta. , - , k VILAllAliT(hS & WEM R. R. CO. " T Or rice KneiMsca aid o thteheh Wilmington, N. U la. 1. 1856 rpHE PASSENGER TiU iMS WILL , Un as fol- ' X TIL further notice, ran o r this read as Iowa : '-"-i ' GOING NORTHS DAILY. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leavea Wilmiegton at 6 A. M; arrives at Goldsbo ' at 9 54 nM 6m.inUe -and arrives at jfldoa at U0 P Al. t NIGHT EXPRESS TRAI"v leaves Wllmlng toa at 4 30 P. M arrives at C Jldsbor at 8.60. to supper 20 minutes; srrveai Wjeldon at 1.00 GOtNG SOUTl AiLY. DAY EXPRESS leaved v v-Tdon at 12 ar rives at Gotdaboro' 3. 20 PI M. leaves in 5 ruin ates; arrives at Wllmingirflf at T.30 P. M to sap per. , NIGHT EXPRESS leave Vldon al 9 P. M.; arrives at GoMsbero' at 1 .10 IM. leaves In 5 minutes' strives st Wilmiw lit 6.30 A.- M. - The Nibl Express 4 Ji connects with the North Carolina Raiiroac; ways, at Golds boro'. . i TTj usb ftcketa North 1 Id la Wtiminf too; ioBahimofe12 to Phlla4 phia tU; to New York S15 SGsto Washington, p.C, Sll. -- ry ficasTa wtu. oi aaoij A xsaao isi as. M . trnen.tpcrmiliUbc required (f ChoCi cMl mot yureh ttckett tu Motion: Freia-nt bv oasseneer trains afsaKc raise. Lo cal fare, with tickets, about 3 cents per mile; if naid in the eare. about 4 cents per mile EREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule trains between Wilmington snd Wskion, each week: ieavine alternately on Mondays snd Thursdovs and arriving on Tuesdays, sod Pri days. Two schedule trains per week to Goldsbo. ro'; leaving Wilmington on Tuesdaya and Fri davs. and Goldaboro" on Wednesdays and Satur- dava. Altdueaon freight, on nrdown, payable a I Gen eral Ereiht Office in Wilmington, on receipt or delivery, including that on the North Carolina Railroad. S. L. FREMONT. Jan. 29. General Superintendent TO THE PUBLIC. REMOVAL AND NEW STOCK OF FINK GOODS. The subscribers res Dec if u II inform their friends and the public th.it they intend RE MOVING their principal establishment from their prefer i stand, No. Ztf North Wsier street, to tneir new stand, No. 13 MARKET STREET, where, in sddition to their pteaent lorfe and Carefollyseleet ed stock of Goods, they will open on or about the 15th of September an entire new andfiesh suck, purrhased bvone of themselves in the Northern cities, with csDccist reterence to the wanta of this communltr. Their stuck will consUt f DRV GOODS. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS. HATS, SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, Ac, Ac, in tact a general assortment suited to tne town and com trv trade, which thev will sell wholesale and mail, at aa low prices as can be afforded by arty other house in the business. Thev would call especial attention to their Rea- ity-inade Clothing, which is all manufactured tor themselves, am! under thsir own supervision, and which they cm warrant as faithfully gotten upland calculitcd to give full satisfaction to purctiatrs. One of the partners wilt leave for the North a bout the 20th inst.. to purchase poods. It is very desirable to obtaJ as inuch money as possible by that lixu. trad they trust that those indebted to -ttletn will make it eon venient to settle their ac counts by tnac tia.e, in wnoie or in part. Thankful ftr past favors, tbey solicit a coming anee and increase of the ssme.being de crmlned by in jderareclmrges and a strict attention to business, to merit a share ol public patronage WEILL &. ANATHAN. Auk. '6. 1656. 3.tf JLST RECEIVED. Cii BUSHELS beautiful White Beana For -CV.7sai.at GEO MYERS. MsyC. 29 IRVING'S LIFE OF WASIIINGTtN, KECEI VRD and ier sale at July 31. S. W. WHITAKER'S. JUST RECEIVED. PER wl a freh supply of Raisins. hole, half and quarter boxes- Forsaleal v . - - - ' the Bioadway Variety Store, No. 40. Market St. VV. H DaNEALE. Oct. 16. (Journal and Herald, copy.) CANDY. Cf BtJXES Assorted fresh Candv,jttt recelv UJ cd at GEO MYERS June 3. 34. BACON. AT C. C A CO X. 3000 IHs Extra N. C. Bacon, li hoe round, for sale to arrive pe- R. Rond. Aug.T T C. & B G. WOJtTH FOR SALE. O'YC Acres Pine Land, situated immediately O I J upon Wilminsrtn and Weldon R. R., four to five -muea Irom Depot at W ilmington. asd 50 Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated between Force Put and Thombiiry ; II ot which ia fine Swamp Land. For terms, Ac. ap ply to M. CliOWLV. Oct. JJ, 1E55. 9T y U OHEPARD d MYERS ARE OFFERING O the handsomest and ereatest variety of Hata tut Caps, Uanes. timorellas, ate., ever opened ki this market. Uali and examine the assortment at tht-ir new store, 34 Market St.. two doors below Seott dfc Baldwin's City Clothing Store. N( ero Wool and Plantation Hats, 100 dozen as sorted qualities, for sale by the ease or dozen at very low figures. SHEPAKD dt MV EUS. 4 Jiarset si. Oct. 23. i 94. JUST RECEIVED. BRI.S. Stuart's O. Susar,. ;v 10" do A. White and Cruaued. 40 5 Hhds. Porto Rico-Sugar, 50 Bags Rio, Laguayra and Javs Coffee, 20 Bbls. Cider Vinegar, 100 Kega Nails, Tons Hood Iron. Candles, Soap, Starch, Crackera, Saleratas, Soap, &hui, rowder, Ac : r or saie oy hU ri UKKAAfi. Nov. 25. (N. C C. A. copy.) ALUM SALT! A FLOAT. f BusheU a spttfdid article jaw rr CUl lJ ceived oer Schr. JSolua, from Turks' Island, and for sale by G. W. DAVIS. rtov. 13. HJ3 tr. C0-PARTNERSI.IP NOTICE. - THE underrigned have purchased the Drug Es tablishment of Messrs. C & D. OjiPre, They will continue the Drug bu-iness in Its va rious branchee under 'he firm ol W. M KARKS dr CO. WAL.KK1C NKAKKS, J. L.. MEAUES, M. D. May 2S. 28 tf CHEESE. BUTTER & CRACKERS. VTOW landing and for sale in lota to enif, by i v Oct. 30. ZEN" H GREENE. RECEIVED AND RECEIVING. I.KLIT Aepiea, Orances, wmom and fears. NUTS Coras Braxil.Paradiac, and a vari etv of other kind PICKLES fa tr sad jans a nice an'ele. PRUNES A superior article. la jars, and an extra artirl lor cook tag, purpose. PRESERVES A IrcA -pply H all kinds. CANDIES A great variety, from the best manufactnrefa CAKE TRISfSrtrVGS A ns-st aarper selec tion of arrlciea in that hne. EMPIRE CABS A constant supply ofthe best article. , - ..fr-f a.? - ,- ' .; TOYS A large lot embracing a number of new styles CaQ aad select lor yoarserves Far sale at the Broadway Variety Store , WM. H. DaNEALE, - . N. 40 Market St. . ott.ii,i85C. , sa ,. ..... -.... . "5s ss.-ir' jqMesWirs lils(Wrv. 4duiMMeHtt4 UJ toerxd Mtke aaaal raise. fdE ritl-vVrJliLY C03L1IEUCIAL Is oablished everv Tcaav, Tmvbsdav and Sarvaaav at S6 per annum, payable in all cases in advance. BY THOMAS LORING Editob andPaorsic roa, - Ceruerfreat and Market Streets, , wtLMiaeTO. c. itp nP ADVERTISING. 1 sqr. 1 insertion SO 60 I 1 sir. 2 months, 4 00 I 2 " 75 1 1 ' 3 6 00 3 I 00 J 1 " ' ' 8 00 I I month, 2 SOl 1 " 12 " 12 00 Tea lines or less make a aqaare. Ifanldver- lisement exceeds ten liaes, the ptice will be in nrnnnrtin All advertisements are payable st the lime of 'heir fnaertian. Cooirscts with yearly advertisers, will be made n the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will he nrm iud Should clrcu.natances render a chanvs in busineas. or an unexpected removal neeeassrv.a chane accordine to the published terma will be at the option ol the contractor, for the time he haa advertised. The nrivilereof Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to theTrown immediate business j and all advertisements tor the benefit of other persons as well aa all advertisements notlmmediately con nected with their own buaineaa. and all excesa ol advertisements In leaf th or Otherwise beyond the No Advewlsewerrts felnclsded 4a the eoatrsct for the ssle or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the sal or hire of negroes, wheth er the property Is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "immediate buatnets." All advertisements Inserted in the tri-weekly Commercial sre entitled to one iesertlon in the Weekly tret of charge. JOB, CARI1 AND FAJffCY PRI!fTI?rC, EXECUTED IX SUPERIOR STILE. AGBXTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. Naw Yossr Messrs. Dotutsa dt Potts a. 0o&m Chasiss Smith, No. 6, Central Wbsrf. Philadelphia s. E. Coasif. Baltimore Wat. H. Peaks and Wm. Tiiomsoh OUR MOTTO IS l T0 PLEASE" AT THE WilnalncVoii saddle. Harness, and Truub Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully in format hep ublie that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, Jfcc, the Istest and most improved style, and is constanly manufactures, at hisstore on market street, every description of articlein the above line. From his experience' In the business, hefeels confident thst hewill beatfteto give cnlircaatisfaction to s 1 1 who mavfavor him with a call, tiahaanowon hand and willconatatuly keen a larjieassortmen tof Coach. G?s and SuCtry Harness, Lady's SaddUs Bndkf Whips. de., Gentlemen's SaddUs, Whips , . Spvrs, 4. all of which he will warrant to be offv J the best materials and workmanship. Tt He has also a large assortment of Truuksv Valises, Saddle and Cai et Ragsr Satchels, l'aiiry Trunks, etc., and aJI other ar tides usually kept in such establishments, all of which he otlert low for OAsn, or on short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness,Trunks,Red1csI Bags, dec. Ac., made to order. In addition tothe above the subscribers! way keepson hand a large supply r tetrmg l ..earner and has now, and will ke-jp through the season a goodasaortnieptof tfiy ttts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods whethcrin want ornot, aal take pleasure inshww Ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with m call. HarnesrandCoach Trimmings sold at s fair prier to persons buying te manufacture. Also. Whirs at wholesale. Allklndaof Ridinv VehUVee bough t r. . old commissions JOHN J . CONOLF.Y . Feb. 7, 1856. - 138 GUNNY BAGS. 1 f fI f Best 2 Bushel Bags ia store, snd 1 for sole low by Oct. 30. T. C. & B. WORTH. FLOUR AND CRACKERS. ' ei BRI.S. Fine and Super Flour; 20 bbls. and Jy 25 boxes Sugar and Soda Crackera. Now landing and for sale by ZENO H.GREENE. July 3. NCC. Advocate copy. 47. BACON AND PORK. I ( HHDS. Western Bacon, I V50 bbls. Mess Pork, Just received, snd for sale by Oct 28. ZENO H. GREENE. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. OK PRIME selected T. . B.r-els iust re JJJ ceived per Schr M. Y. Davis, for sale by ADAMS, BRO. dt CO. Srpt.?7, 83. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. A GRAND DISPLAY. Extraordinary Inducements. WE are constantly receiv ing by Teasel, large addi tions to our already larga and attractive selection of toys m Fixer articles. Together with an unusually large and choice lot of Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Candies of superi or make and elrgpntly flavored, Raisins, Cut rants, Figs, Prunes, Preserves, Jellies, Pickles, Lobster, Sar dines, SfC, Sfc., SfC. Bosidts many articles in the Confectionary line ton numerous to mention in an advertisement. For the better accommodation of our customers and the public eenerslly, we bave temporarily taken in connexion with our concern, the store lately occupied aa the American Head Quarters. he second door above our old establishment. The Ladies are earnestly solicited to GXVirJ TJS -a O rVTiT., And cia.uine our stock, W. H. DaNEALE, No. 4o, Market street. Nov 13. lu5 DENTISTRY. DR. J H. FREEMAN offers his services lo the citizens of Wilmlnrion and the public gen erally, as practical deaiist all work performed bv me i warreated ta eivs entire atialaction and charrea moderate. Give me a call before gniae elsewhere. Office formerly occupied by Dt. Ken nedy, Front St., opposite the BookvBindery. ivov. ia. iu.) l w GROCERIES. GROCERIES. ll BAGS RIO COFFEE, assorted grades, CVAJ t hhds-P. R. SUGAR, 25 bbls. Clarified and P. R. SUGARS, 25 hhds. Cnba MOLASSES, 2 bbla. No. 3 MACKEREL. la store and for sala by T. C. B. O. WORTH. Sept. 18, ISU. ; 79-1 w. CHOICE OLDSCUPPERNONG VVINEi WE hive inst received rbree bsrrels of rhissle (stOtiWlM Together with Csimniiu f the best and moat celebrated Brands I pipe Old Tom Gist half pipe of that Cresaent Brandy, Uld Boar'sit v bifcry. Jtd Jaonong encla and Rye Whiskev. Peach and Apple Brandy. S her nr. Port. Mederia. Clsreit Maleagaand Mederia Wins for cooking aarp ca. Cliroa Ksisins, Currants. In fact every article hetoagiaf lo the Grocery Basiaeas can be foand here upon the lowest cash Urmu. At GEO. MYERS.' JMer. Z7. ... , JV . 108. . BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCIIA V 4- GESERAL AG EST, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct.l,!856. 65-ly-c. T. C. L B. G. WORTH, cosmsiox m fuevyirdimg ueriiisms, WtLMINVTOM, C. Jan 17, 1855. 125-e IIENRY NUTT, FACTOR AND P9RWAEDI1(i AC EM, Will git t hit pertnndl attention lo biuinest entrust ed to his care. Sept. 8, 1656. , 75-ly-c. GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AD RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, H'ins, Teas, Liquors Provisions, Wood and Willow II ore, Fruit, Confectionaries,if-c. South Proultlrtet, WILMINGTON, N. V. Nov. 18, 1855. i ( 109. II. OOLLNER. O. POTTtR. Jr. J. CAMErtDEFf. DQLLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION "MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. April301855. 20-ly. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WISES ALE. PORTER, de. Mo. 3, Grsulte Haw, front Street. WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, IP56. 140-tf. "ADAMS, BROTIIERXCO., COMMISSION MERCHAN t S, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 28. 58 D. CASIIWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, IVILMIXGTOM, N. C. Sept. 30. i F4 tf JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION ME R C HA N T. WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.6ih, 1855. ' 83, ' W. G. MILL1GAN, MARBLE ! MANUFACTURER, North Water Street. Wikmivoton, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished lo order on reasonable terms. June E. 3G-lr-e SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMISG 1 0S, S. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson and New Hanover. Office on Princess street. State Bank. April 6. next door Fast of the 9-ly J. M. STEVENSON, , GENT for the sale of all kind's of Produce. r. Offiee on Piinoess st , under ADAMS. BRO Offiee on Piinoess st de CO.. VVilmincion.N. C Feb. 12.l3l-tf. J M. STEVENSON GEORGE R. FRENCH," MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. II, M ARRET 8 THEE T, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jhfarch 6. 151 GEO. W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZ.YBETI1T0WN, N. C. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Columbus and Bamison. June 12. 30 if JAS. C. SMITH. Mll.ce bOBTIH. JAS. C. SMITH & UO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINOTON, T. C. April 26. : I81v, STOKLEY & OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cash advances made on Flour. Cotton. and niavai stores consigned to them. Aug. lo. , , Bj ly. B LANK NOTE AND DRAFT ROOKS. Jusl received at , S. W. VVH1TAKER R. Auf- tl, ;8?6. ' . ST ON CONSIGNMENT. FEW BARRELS HEttiI'0, put up ex presely for family use. Just received snd for sale by OKO. W. DAVIS Sept. 9, 1856. 75. NEW B1C0N. VLOT of new a. Baron, ktg round. Re ceived per R. R'd. to-dav, and fur sae by Nov. Zi. ZENO H. GREENE. SPIRIT BARRELS. 7 I HQ Empty Spirit Bsrrels, just received per 1UJ Bria; Ada fiei Boston, for sale by Oct.25. - ADAMS, BRO. d CO. . DHIED rnuiT. 1 (( Y l-PS. Apple ani Peaches, on tiandand LKnl 'for sale by April 10. T. C. & B. G. WORTH. RICE, RICE. CASKS, jusl In. For sals be -CeJ April V. ( T. C. B. G. WORTH. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY. Ci BOXES Adamantine Candles. JVJ 20 snd 40 lb. boxes fine qvality, cheap, 1 bbt. extra Malmon, Cod ftsb for retail. 6 bbls. eiira No. 1 Mackerel, New Cheese, Butler, Beef Tip sues and Smo. kerfBeef Low tor cash. GEO. M VERS. , June 28. II and 13 Front at. FRESH GROCERIES. AS w are te start Nertsi in s few days, for the purpose of amrrbsaiac s new stock of Gro ceries, I would tfesak those wbe kave not paid their Bills to Jait 1st so Immediately, islia. - ' r OKOROE M VERS. BALTIMORE LOIR HOSPITAL. .BlU JOHNSTON, rT,II E fomiilcr of this Ci Icbrsted Insiltuiion rf. -L f-i. the most ci.itdin, siptcdy and only c Hi i u al remedy in t lie woild lur HE V HE T D ISEA SES. Clevis, strictures, Seminal Weakne.s, Paira in the Loins, Constitutional Dcbiliiy, Impottnry. Weaknei-aof ihe Ua;k and Llmha, AH.iiior.. f the Kidneys, I'slpitation ol the llosri, Dyrrirf'Sia, Nirvous Irritabiity, Diaeas of the Head, '1 iiiumi Nuse or Skin those serious and melancholy disoi. ders a riling frlum the destructive habits o Vouili, nliicli di siroyl both body and mind. Those sant and solitary p act ices mors f-lal lo their vlciims than ihe sont of '.he Syret.s to the marlmrs rf Ulysses, bligltiltif their most brlHIant hopes or on. ticipalions, r:nderine nisrriaffe, die., iuiporsibls. YU US U MEN. Especlslly, wbe lisve become ihe victims of Soli's ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit v. bit It annually sweeps to an untimely grave lliuiisanr'a . f young men of jthe most esaliud talenta and brillint intellec t, who might otherwise havo entranced lis. lening Senates wlih ihe thunders of i luqumrr, or waked to ecataey the living lyre, mar call with fi.M confidence. MAR Rl AGE. Married persons, or Young Men, tonfcmtjliitlr marriage, , being swateof Physicsl Weakness, Oi eanic Debllit , Deformities, dxc, should imdiedf. ately consult Dr. J., and be restored toperfvt health. ' He who plates himself undsrihtcsrc of Dr Jol n ston may religjiously confide in his honor ns a ii . tleman, and confidently rely upon hisakiil Ssa t In . sictan. 11 Da. Johkstow Is Ihe only regularly Edur-Kd Physician advertising to cure PtTvnie t'omrluints. Hia reniediea ind treatment are eniircly ui, known tosH others. Prepared trom a lilu n ni in tlir Great Hoppitt Is of Europe and the Klrci In i'd Country, vis England, Frar.rr, the l.lt.tkUy t t Philadelphia, if-c, and a more exo nive piat-t.ra than any oihvi physician ih the wurld. His many wonderful cures and most important Si rlri.l erationa ia a sufficient oiiaronice to t ho i f!!lnt) - . 'IJiose vho vish to be epeeilily und tf erlually reli'r. ed. should thunthe numerous trjjlim iwrustei u ho only niln their hrnlih.und aniiiy'to hirn ' A CURE WARRANTED OK NO CHARGi:. A'o Mercury or Natural Dives I'tf' OFFICE, ,o. t, SOUTH FREDEPK K at., left hand side going from Haltintore strtft. a I. w doors from thir tornt r.. Fail roi to cl f t rti I. is name and nther, for ignotatit it jfling in.poiu is, attracted by tliiorfiputution of Dr. Jchnatcn. luik near. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Roval Collcca of ati rirffina T inilnr l graduatcfrotnoneof the meat t mlneni Collctes tt Ihe United b tales, and the sreater rn u life has bee n spent in the Hospitals ol London. Pur- i, riiiiai,L'i;:.iq.ana cisewnere, nas niccnd s r e of the inostBStonlshlnr cures that wer eji tnfit, r Many troubled with ringing in thorara and hei d v-hen asleep, efeat nervouvnsss, beinjr tlunm d i t sudden sounds, snd bsshfu.nct. wiih frcqiiitt blushing, attended aometimt s with Jtrangc n cm mind, were cured Ininu dlsii ly. A CERTAIN DISEASE. VMien the nilweulJ. d and I plenaure finds he has imbibtd the seeds ol .his painlul disease, it loo often liRiinena ihm nnill-iiin. ed sense of shuime, or dread of discovery, dtters him from applying lo those V. ho, Itofn ec'titaiioii und respectaliJMy.ran alone bt-Jrimd him, dtla v ng till the conaiitutionsl ivnmiomi of ihU l,,r,i,l dikeaso make tbcir aipcarunte. sui h e ulcen.K d sore throst. diseased notie, nocturul (iains in ihe head and limbs dimness of sichi. din, in. m mut.. on the ahln bones and srnis, Lloichrs on tin- Ik ml, face and estreniitles, preffrclnjr willi fili litful io fildity, till at Jn tit the piiLte of ihe n.ouih i i the bwnesof the ndse tall in. stid the vii Hm anfiildiscHSo bfofrics a horri.l object of n.nil r -scratlon.tilldeaith puts a pciiud to his drcKdiu! fcringa, by rending him to "ihul hi tn i- iroiu wucnee no traveller rrturns." To iuiIj then lore. Dr. Johnston edge himself lo fireserve iht inort irivii lable secreln i and. from hi it.- tice In the first IIosjiltsIs of Europe snd Aniuii. a, hecan confiden(ll v iiMiiiimrnd i safw nnd s;.r(riy cure lo the unfonuna'e victim of tMs horrt.l di ense. It la a melancholy fuel, that ilioustntla full victims lo this drtadful roinnlalM, owing to l In t-n. skilfukscss ol ignnrnnt pr ii ndi rs, v. ho. ty Ihe t e of tliat deadly poison, mercury, tnlu the con.tini. tion, snd elthers nd the unfurtunutc ul! rer lo bn untimely grave, or else tnt-ke the rrtlduc ol KA. ii.Ij. erable. i TAKE PAflTCL'LAl NOTICE. Dr. J.sJdrcssicf all those who hsvelnjurrd them, solves by prlvinsnd Improper Indulgences. These are sontio of the sad snd nulanrl.oly tf. facts, produced by esily habits of y uih. vis i W'eaknesaof the Bk and Limbs, Paina In the Head. Dimness of Hight, Loss of Muscu'nr Pov. . er, Pal.ltailon bf the Heart, Dysprpy. Nervcua Irritability Der-ngemr nl tf tl s Digestive Func tloni, General Debility, Symnioms ofCvmumr. tion, Ac. j ' MchtJly TlisfiarfuUflt-tis on ihe mind are much lo be dreaded j Los. of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits. Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society cii If Dlsttust, Love of Koli tude. Timidity, Ac.. are some of the evils produced. 'ITiousands of persons of silages, can now Judy a what ia tbe cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and enaclu- tea, nave s singular appearance about tt.u t)s, cough ami symptoms of consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S INV1GOKATING 15 ESI f' D V FOR ORGANIC V EAKN K&S. By this great and Important remedy vtebkr.cit ol ih organs are speedily cured and full Ipi r r aion d. Thousands of the moat Nervoua srd Lvl.llitd individuala who hnd lust all hope. kae be. n Inrn.V. diaicly rclicved.j All Jnif frijm nt. o IV A l it 1 K Physical or MentalDiqiinllfl otlons. NrtoL.s Ir ritabilitv Tremblingaand Vcakneps, or el,sn.iln of the moat fearful kind, speedily rurtd Kv lt Johnston. I Youqg men Khth.nve Injured llnmnlvts l y a certain ptfcclke induced in m hen alitx s habit frrquemly b-nrned from vil eon t . or st school, the eifecls f which sre r.lh'ly felt,-ein m hen ssleep. snd if not nu.tl, rerwh r nmriii i impossihlenddtstroysLoil jir.d ai.e UIj ..l.ouid apply immediately. t What a pity that a younf man, the hope of hi country, and th darling of his parens, rhouUl I . snatched Ironi all prospecta and i -njn) tnenis ol lid', by the consequences ol deJsilnp from tl e sih . 1 nature, and ii.dciltinjt In acert.iin P"er I luilit Such persona, before ean'efnplniir g MAILR1A (JE. Should reflecl lhl a mnnd mind and iiM'y nre li e most necesssry I requirir, s :o protnoie i r i ul i., I hsppiness. lnded, without lluse. lh joinney thuiigli life becomes a wear pilgrimage i the ins pect hourly dnrkenr lo the view the jnmd Wn nra shadowed wiih despnir snd rill, a wlin the 4i,l:.n. choly rrfle. lion that rtis happiness of DrjtJil..r be comes blighted Wlih inimm, OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDF.RICK-ST., ' I rlLTiMHie, ftlo. AIIHurgtral 0ertlens lc i lot mtil. N. H' Let no filse delicsev tin m ia imi lit apply immediately either prm.ni.lly or I) letitt. Ba,in iiseara fpeertlty t uied. TO STRANGERS. The man thausnul cu.rtd.nl ihi.ln.ilimnlh. in thst ten years, and the nuncrone ln j.i r lant Morcical Opera tit na perform d by Dr J., wi nessed by iKe Keperlersof he rsners. ard mm other persons, noricf a of which have ti near. d i.c-sm and ag.iln bef,rclbe OLbllc. titL.'ri Mi mr.t'in ss s ..nilrmin 6f charseterard resrons.'t Hit i , ir utUL-icnt gn)r""- t" the f!'fnd. TAA'i: NOTICE Tt ia wllh tl.e rrvate.t rr!m-(nr. thai tr .Il !! t ;Tit parmlla h eH to .ni.r t f..r tlia i ul.l'e .:.. nli.u it unnrofKMiortKl f..r il.v!r in l. m.W I-. Mm. tbes!tt-L fU tiHn ths lisiNlaKif tl nis'nv Irii!. i , ui.l' nrtw t Impmim, wlia iftiMUfurrai'lr r'iM m.M , . ..nl n , I wuassnnps, swanntna; Itvas Isriw rt , , t' I Joss fSTOB's mAi en tarrtvi I. nr 1 1., ntM-tra .a tacHin,. umt'Tme mT'm r.'lr.'f,. Ipry work atlhairajrlHtrail tistts. with aearra i.u. i.'.. .,. A tk. U-uH. wto. (.oil., i.nnaf of l:i,l:,-ri .1 4 ,',,. esrry nn Sva or six .m. e. nurlrr.. ,ui ii.fi,i Falaa Ksskm. so that ths affl-fa.t Mi.nn, nniu. n. Is mi nr to tninlihi haa'unr tnto tl.e ti r Iji-h Wes wita nvrm(, lylnf rartifl.-alea ut trttix i 1 . . tonlabtns; cures frto paraotx not u I f.nm.l ilk'rn you I skins larvs larttlea t l.iroaica Witri r .1 . ik r parkas-) of Blthy mmd worthlea. rowpMe ruim nr'y nrafairwl Itnpoaa npna Itia anrurt ot a'r and nr .iimyn . C- Tlifllna mmth aeier mnnth. nr aa Iv a. f ha ma'l. at fes eaa I ol4aJn. siut. In laffur, k-aa yi-m wns. rxiv ivwi, IS) ah irvrr your gail'nf 1ir '"""'nirnl 11 is imj motlvs that livlnaea lr J l a1tii vt S ALOIS tiltm fo. 1 ihnaa nnarinnliifmt .th his reputation, ha d-mm It pra irv to.avthat b.s crvtku. iurla nr if tlnaa atwav. liana- In si. r.ff.r... NO LK fTKIU UkcKlVKU I XI lf rfiT PA it aitd eontslnlna a PXamploha Sjart for ths raplr r. anna writ Ins hrl alata Ar snt svcm that tvafUna if a4mmvt SaseriatBg awptuana. Jan. 9, Ib66. ui-iy.

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