WHOLESALE PRICES CU UK EN! BACON, pr lb-, Himi, ri-c..- Sides....... v Shoulders, Hog Round, Lrd.J.C.,bbl - kegs,-.-. Rimi, Western,- - -Sides, Western, 16 15 14 16 14 15 00 111 II 11 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 a 10 a 24 00 a 00 00 a 00 Pork. Northern per bbl.. Mess. Prime, r A- ..00 00 Corn, per bushel, - 4..... 67 Meal, ....... 70 00 80 42J 31 CO 25 25 75 25 00 Peas, black t eye per bushel,. .---- I 12 90 Cow. -... Pea Nuts- . . , Bice.perib.. Clean, Rough, per bushel, Flutter- iwr In ....... 1 00 4 O Oti 28 T 60 7 00 6 50 00 00 f-0 W 121 13 00 00 17 0 II 12 IS 00 00 42 Flour per bbl Fa yrtteville super , r 1 lie." - Cross, - -- i Balumore,-........... . f-annl.-... 0 Oil 00 Coffee, per lb , aft. D.imi-.gd, Rio,......i I-aguvra,---.-t"iih .......... 11 a 00 00 00 16 0 I0 lit 00 00 00 3a 00 90 80 60 63 40 50 00 00 40 12 ! 00 7 61 9 40 17 16 23 40 10 Mocho,"- ..........j.... .. Java, .... Sugar, per lb . We Orleans, Porio 11 ico,- . .. . . . . .. St Croix,. . ................... Loaf,. .................... ..... Molasses, oer sallon. N. Orleans.. 10 no nics, Cuba, Ha. per 100 lbs., Kasiern, N S . i.i 1 oc 90 65 00 45 55 00 00 00 15 09 17 8 71 TO 45 00 00 30 45 20 ... " -, . Liquors, per gal.. Pearh Brandy, jyyyir ......... Rye U Mskey, necnneu... .............. j N. R. Rum,. Wines, per gal., Madeira, - . Port, - ., Malaga,;. - ............... Glue, per- lb., American,. Cotton per lb., Yarn, per Jb.,. ........... 4-8 S heeijng. per yard,--.- 3-4 Ornabargs, ...,.. Feathers, per lb.. Candles, per lb., N. C. Ta Mow, rvorinern... Adamantine. Sperm. ..... Limfl ner bbl Turpentine, per bbl. of 280 lbs. virgin vip, Velio w Dip,-.-- Hard,--. - Tar,.. Pitch, . Rosin by Tale No. 1.-. No. 2. Ttfn 3 00 55 55 50 46 65 00 06 00 3 125 1 25 25 67 05 40 00 00 00 00 CO 00 5 0 0 0 61 I2 16 16 Spirits Turpentine, per g Ion. aruisn,- .... ...... ...... Pine Oil, Rosin Oil, Sperm Oil, LinseedOil Neat Fool Oil, ..V... Iron per lb., American bes Kngiiatasorted, 00 00 00 1 25 95 50 4 41 6 0 I 1 refined weed, h Shear, ... . American., 1 Cut Nails, Wrought Nails, Steel, per lb., German,- Blistered, Best Cast. :::: . 10 6 . 20 . 5 00 Best quality Mill Saws. 6leet, Hnll,.wi rr- J. 6 50 A 15 00 0 00 Lumber per M. feet, Stearfi SawedlS 00 Kiver tsomber. Flooring, Wide Boards, Scantlm. - Timher. Shipping, Prime-jWill, Common, tnfurfAr ................. 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 n co 0 00 00 00 60 60 a 0 a 9 a 7 a 3 Slaves, per 1,000. W.O.bb .Ruttgh Dressed... R. O. find., rough,- Dressed, -..... ........ Xhinefes. per I OGO. Common. - none -25 none 35 1 00 I 25 00 50 921 0 i II 00 12 0 00 0 00 00 CO 4 7J 0 12 12 00 13 rsci, ...... Salt per bushel, Turk's I lend,-... Liverpool .-acsr,...-Soap per lb., Pale,.. Brown, ........... Tallow Per lb.. Bbl. Heading per M , Ashi Cheese. - FREIGHTS : TO NEW YORK. ON DKCK. 00 35 00 " 37. 00 L'NIIKB 50 40 .65 40 15 1 50 6 60 6 7 00 CNPKS 00 Torpenline and Tar, perjbbl. Rosin Iter bbl.. i Spirits Tnrnentine, per bbl, Ionr, Der nbl.. Kice. per 100 lbs. gross, "ottoBi per bate. 37 00 00 ijottoh goods and yarns, per foot, Flaxseed. kt rasa;. Pea Nals, per bushel, Lumber per M.. 00 fl 00 ON DKCK. 35 , 60 00 00 8 00 . ON DKCK. 60 TO PHILADELPHIA. J - Navaltorea, fwr bbl., Stiriii"Tnrpentine, 65, Yarn nl Sheeting, per fjot, B 8 ' 7 00' UXDP.rt 65 65 80 9 00 00 . 12 2 00 Pea Nots, per bnshel, Lumber, per M., TO BOSTON. Rosin."per bbl., ..-Turpentine, per bbl.. Spirits Turpentine, per lib!., Lnmlirr, per al.. Pea Nuts, tier bushel. 00 10 10 Koneh Rico. tier busfcelj Ctrl ton per bare COMMERCIAL. REMARKS ON MARKET. TiaENTiNB. Sales iHtAay of 1,278 bbis. at 2.55 par bbl. for Virgin and Yellow Dip, and 81.55 for Hard, per 280 lbs. Ou Saturday JToO bbls. and yesterday 345 do. sold at tram figures. Spirits. On Friday Vteing 200 bbls. Spirits Turpentine sold at 40ij ceiAs p.T gallon. , On Saturday 216 bbls. sold jat 40 cents, and. yester day 206 bbls, changed bonds at same pries. Rosin. No sales j Ta. On Friday 49 bla. Tat" sold at 1.55 p'er bbl. and yesterday morning 160 bbU. do. aold at Sams' price. " ' j CoTTost. On Friday evsntng 9S bales Cotton sold at 11, 11 a 12 cents per lb. for ordinary to ood middling. On Saturday tbera was some an imation in tb market and the sales jeaCbed 1,003 balas at prerious Igvras. Saut. 700 sacks Salt, receired coastwise a few days siaca, changec lianAx Friday ereoing on prirate terms app08d at 90 cents per sack, 90 days. j tOO sacks Liverpool groaud, receired coaitwiaa. butreaaaia aosaki. 9 i , . Far 9 days jrtcet&ng. - Not. 29. Tb &bipfag at,d Cotrcial LI t reportsj'i j ' Cotton i lie oWatidjjas heem principally for zport, and the mId reach about 8000 bales for b 4brec days, ttti sakt closing firm at oorn niard qautatioe. Ttjuote: I2i a IS Flour The sales are90U bbls. at tA5 a $7t 20 for mixed to straiht brandx, 7 Mi a 68 tut low to good fancy and extra, and $8,25 a 59 fur favorite and choice do. f Corn Sales 94 000 bu.-bl. Wring off at 73 ents for sound Western mixed, and 73 a 76 for Southern Whit sad Yellow. " Naal Storts-CrudejTurpantioe is held a bore 48,25. and receiters generally., I refer to shi(, rather tbaa accept Ibis price stock very light, and receipts nothing Spirits Turpentine has ar rived very 8ringly, but lb demand being light, arice have dectiued, th market cloving dull at 44 sent a cash, for lotsjin merchantable or-ler slock 5000 bbls Cnutmnm Ktnin is inactive at our notation; Whit nt tones scarce and waii ted at full rates. There has been nitire activity in Tar. but at low rate slock 00o bbl Sal. s 1 250 bbls. Wilurw-gtoo and Georgetow n Crude Tur leutioe at 18 35 per 230 lb ; 30" f firiis Tur(i . tine, 44 cents cash, in tetrcnMabU order, aixl 43,. 80 day I or a lot f 140 bbls.. t. b taken it runs, ithretail iMsat 45. caahj 1800Cmro- a; Rosin. 1 60a tl.2 tr 810 lb ; 850 No. 2,1. 75 a 2 (r 810 lb ; 800 low No, 1, 2 75 a t -87 ; l:i82 No 1 and White. 4 25 S6,&0 H9r 2S0 lb.; 650 WiHi.nu.ion Tar, aa it runs. 1 87. al lo nance to fill ; 800 Norfolk do , to arrive. 1 -7; and S0O Wanliinarion do . al toarrive, 42 12 per bbl. Pitch, ft'i a 2,25 per bbi. . - aUoa-fiaJe 900 lca-t 3fili 4,50, cash. BALTIMORE MARKET. Not. 29. Flour is droopiue; sues of Howard st at 6 75, City Mi.ls 6 C2. - Wheat is unchanged. Cora slightly lower CHARLESTON MARKET. Nov. 28- CMtfft. There was a moderate fair inqnirv for this article to-dsy the sales footint op 16 00 bales, at prices ranging from 10 to 12a. ? NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Not 25 Cotton in declined 8 16 and - Mid dling i belt! 1 1 i to 11 cts. Pales 15.000 bate. Rice baa declined and scarcely commands 5c , HOGS. YoBKTtLLS. S. C Hov. 29. The time is near at band, when oar people will have to replenish their smoke hou ses and it Is a matter of serious importance, what is to be the price. Droves have been very backward this year, (n these parts. But we lesrn from ths Ashville News of last week, that their streets have been thronged with fat hoes en their weary pilgrimage to market. There were no sales in that section lance enough to sett) bills. The Spartanburg Express says thst a lot of forty was s!d in that place last week, at 4 cents gross the first of the season. , In Montgomery. V. Pork was quoted at $7, and the vicinity is said to le full of speculators buying- up hovs. 8everal droves had arrived at Lynehbnrjr from Tennessee, per railroad, and pork ws quoted at fS per 100 lbs. In Kentucky the market wsa dull, and no buyers of hogs at over 4 eenls gross. In Cincinnati hogs are selling at 61 cants nett. .... We suppose we will bavs to pay from 5 to 84, by the above showine ; but we must do the bet we can, A fine drove of 680 pasted through Yorkville yesterday ; 6J gross was asked, bu no sales were sought or ett'ected. Chronicle. ON CONSIGNMENT. t: FIFTEEN THOUSAND GUNNY BAGS 1,000 pounds Ashe county BUTTER, perfectly tweet and.rrsA; 1,500 pounds OHIKD APPLES; 60 bbls FLOUR, (assorted grades,) Wilmington inspection Tor sale by T. C. sf- B. G WORTH. Nov. 29. ..- 109 6t. JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE lot of Apples, Oranges, Lemons, and Raisins. Also a line article of Cranberries -. For sale at the Broadway Variety Store. Mar. ket street. W. H.DaN EALK. Nov. 29. NOTICE. Ornci Wilmington At Weldom R. R. Co., ) Wilmk.gton, 24th Nov., 1856. 5 THE Board of Direciorsof the Wilmington dc Weldon Rail Road Company, have set apart Friday, the Sth December next, for the election of nil Officers. Acents, and other persons usually em ploy d by the year. Applications n.ay be handed in, on or before thai time, to tbe subscriber. JAS.S. GREEN, TreaVr Nov. 27. 10a NOTICE. ALL persons having accounts against the Wil mington St Manchester Rail Road, not ren dered, witl be pleased to present them forthwith at the office of the Cotnpan v. ? Nov 27. ' 109 2m. CHRISTMAS COMING. FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORKS .'! TH E largest snd best assortment of Fire Works ..ever offered in this market consisting of eVory variety al very low price. Al GEO. M VERS. " Nor. S7. 108. LIQUORS. RECTIFIED W biskey, old Rye do.. Pose Gin, N. E. Rum, Brandy, oVc Now landing and for sals by ZENO H. GREENE. Oct. 23. . 93 SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL persons having accounts and notes past due sre particularly requested to come for ward and pay up. The Grocer- business cannot be conducted unless punctuality is adhered to. We therefore call upon those indtbtrd tc us. who have not paid their July account, to make immediate payment. GEO. MYERS. Oct 7. NEGRO PASSES. A NEW form f Passes, conisining unitary pro visions, approved by he Commissioners. at 4 a number of others interested in (be welfare of our colored population, la juetiseucdat the office ol ThtiommertitU. Orrrcs Wit. &. Maw. Wilmington, Dec. Rail Road, 13th, less. NOTICE is hereby given that all Freight trans ported by this Road will be an the enttre risk of the owner, irom the moment it is unladen from the Cars at the point of delivery. L. J. FLEMING, j General Superintendent. ; Pec IB 117 ly ) 5,000 LBS. TALLOW WANTED. FOR which the highest cash prices will be paid by J AS. C. SMITH or CO. . Nov. 6. 100 2m. AUGUST 8TB. RECEIVED THIS MORNING ; Peterson's Lady's National Magazine : September. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine: August. Merry's Museum : " Little's LWing Age No 638; " - The Mothei's Magazine: " Latest Numbers of me Scientific American; Ration's Pictorial Flag of Our Union; Saturday Evening Post; Spiritual T(lrgraiA; New York Herald; tiaitiHiore Sun; Yankee Notions; Yan kee Doodle; Th School-Fellow ; Harper; Iul nam; Knickerbocker; Godcy; Graham Har-ax-rs's Story Uovkt; Ballou's Monthly. Ac. 4c; on hand at S. W. WH1TAKEBS. -. Aug B, lgB6."' 62. CAROLINA SADDLE AND HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. Corner Market f" Second Sit., under the Cara- Una Haiti, Wilmington, N. C 1THK UNDERSIGNED RES . pcctfally takes rkis method to inform the ciliceaa of Wilmington and su'rron ting country, lhat be has taken the store on the cornrr of Msrket and Second streets, under the Carolina IloteV, where he would be pleased to exhibit hia stork, consisrtngr f Saddles. Bridles, Martingales, Harness, Tronic s. Whips .Spurs, a-nd ail enicles usually kept in such an es tablishment, all of "wirh he will sell low for cash, or on accommo laling terms. Call and examine aa he solicits a share of public patronage. s- 3T Repairing done at anon nonce. WM. L. JACOBS. 95-tf. Oct. 25. GENTLEMEN WHO HAVE LOSTOR WON ha's on the election, sre rr quested to ex amine our Winter si vies of Dress hsts, of I eary's, Reebe'a, Genin's and other Manufactures. At he Hat and Cap Emporium. Nor. $. . SHKPARD MYERS. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. THIS institution located aiCapt. Potter's office opposite Bank of Cape Fear, will be open f.ir the reeepTronof vJenositea-on Wednesday of eh week, from 4 te 7 o'clock, P M., and on Satur day of each week from 4 te 9 o'clock, P M. JOHN A. TAYLOR, President. May, 1. 21-tT. SltLLtTTS ! MULLETS ! ! 1 C( BBLS. now l.inHing snd for slae r-y I UU ZENO 11. GREENE. ' " Nv- ' ' ' 99. - GIFT B00ES. RICH LOT OF NEW BOOKS, bound in "A Turkey Monnrco, Papier Machie. die., em bracing Floral DSerlns; Free-nrason'a Annual: Passion Flower; Memory's Gift? Phikfcpena; Atlantic Souvenir; American Scenery; Book of Beaa'r; Winter Wreafh; Gem of tbe .-Season ; The Moss Rose; Token,c Also, juvenile Annuals iesl nublished. Now opening and for sale at : sept. 30, 'S6 S. W. WHITAKER'S. Coffee, coffee. -r BAGS assorted grades, Rio Coffee, just to V hand, per schr. Ssm Bolton for sale in lots to suit by T. C 4 B. G . WORTH ' ADK-a - - ' 6 BALLOU'S ' PlfTTORfAf. and THE FLAG OF Union, for Saturday, October th. Bectlved and for sale at . " S. W. WfllTAKER'S. , ejK.JtVi88a. 81. U0V1L MUM LOTTERY. The neil ordbsary drawing of the Royal Havana f Mtrw Mndnetrd br the Snai ixh Government, un der the supervision of th Captain General of Ca bs, will take place at Havana n WEDNESDAY DEC. 10, 1856. SORTEO NUMEROS73 ORD1NARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 ! ! ! 1 prize of f 1 00,000 3 prize of $2,000 1 50,000 1 " 20 000 I . 10.OQ9 I " 5.000 2 1.000 70 " 400 149 s 200 20 Apr'xm's. 7,200 . in. ii,. Ainnminnr fiO each 4of 1I)0 to $50,000 ; 4 of IO i0,IK.0; 4 of o;i:ol'.lHO; 4f i00t..5.0.'0. Wh-"e 1 IcRets, iu ; Halves, iu; nur i.J w. P.izes cashed al sinhl at 5 per tent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte laken at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon ss the re suit becomes known. . Communications sddressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charleston, S. C.) un til the IOi'i December will be attended to. Nov. 25. SWTfMw-C0.S LOTTERIES! SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY I CLASS K, To be drawn io the City of Mobile, Alabama, in public, on Wednesday Dee. IO, 1856 on the Plan of SINGLE NUMBERS. John HvaTtL and W. W. McGcirr, Esqi., Com missioners. CAPITAL $40,000 3,230 PRIZES. MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! BRILLIANT SCHEME! 1 Prize of 10,000 1 Prize of li,m 1 Priie of o.OOO I Prize of 2.W0 1 Prize of 1,000 I Prize of 1,000 10 Prizes or ttU 100 Prizes of 100 100 Prizes vf 70 APPROXIMATION PRIZES- 4 prizes of I50approx' to 40,000prize a rG0fl 4 125 12.001) 5- 0 4 4 8 40 3000 100 75 - 60 45 41 6,000 2,000 1,000 200 1 400 :oo 1 4i0 1.SO0 120,000 J.280 Piises, amounting to S2U4.000 Whole Tickets, 10-Halve;; 13- Quarters, ZJ 3,000 Prises of $40 will be determined by the last figure of the Number lhal draws the S40.C00 Prize. For example, If the Number drawing the 940,000 Prise et-ds with No. 1, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in 1 will be entitled to S40. If the Number ends with No. 2. then sll the Tickets where the Number ind in 2 will be entitled to $40, snd so on to 0. Certificate if Package will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tb.kets, $60 10 Half 30 " 10 Quarter " 15 AddrcssOtders for Tickets or Certificates either to S. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, C!a. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. TORT 'GAMS ACADEMY LOTTERY, CLASS 22. To be drawn in tbe City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, ou Saturday, Dee. 20, 186, on the Plan ef SINGLE NUMBERS ! CAPITAL $40,000. 3,280 PRIZES. MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN T1CKETS1 MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! 1 prize of ... $40,000 1 " . - , . - 12,000 1 . . . 6,000 1 " .... S 000 I - -' - 1. 000 I .- - - - 1,000 10 prizes of - - 200 100 " - . 100 100 " - . - - - 70 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prises of I BO appro to $40,000 prise are $600 4 " 16 ' 12,000 ' 600 4 100 " 6,000 " 400 4 75 " - 2,000 300 8 50 " 1,000 prizes are 400 40 " 45 " 200 1,300 3000 40 "are - - 120,000 3.280 arises amounting to $'il'4 000 Whole Tickets, $10; Halves $5 j Quarters $2. 3,0 0 Pnz'S of $40 will, be determined by the last ligure of the Number lhat drawa the $40 0 10 Prize. For example, if the Number drawing the $49,003 Prize ends with No. I, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in 1 will be entitled to $40. If the Number ends with No. 2. then all the Tickcta where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $40, snd so on to 0 Certificates of Package will be sold at the fol lowing rale , v. hich is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tiekets, . $J0 " " 10 UJf " 30 10 Quarter " 15 Address orders fer Tickets or Certificates either io !. SVVA-N dt CO, Atlanta. Ua, or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Not. 48. SOUTHERN LOTTERY. ON THE HAVANA PLAN. PRIZES GUARANTIED ! ONLY 15,000 NUMBERS f FRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of ike State of Georgia Class T. to be drawn December 15, 1856, at Con cert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn super iniendence of Col. George M.Logan and W. C. A nderson, Eeq.I - - ; XjeT" Remember this Lottery ha only Fifteen Thousand Number less lhan any Lottery in the World therefore it is the best for investment. Examine the Scheme) SCIIGMk 1 Prize of - 1 do 1 do 4 do LOCO are 5 do 500 are 80 do- -10$ are 1,500 do 40 are $15,000 5,000 '2.000 4.000 2,500 8,000 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20 appr'ximat'ns of $100 are $2,000 50 do. 50 are 2,500 50 do. 20 are 1,000 1,712 Prises, amounting to $102,0001 Tickets. $10. Halves. $5. Quarters, 2 50. The 1,500 Prises of $40, sre determined by tbe last fie ore of the Number tr.at draws the Capital Prize of $15,000. The Capital Prize wiU, of coarse, end with one of the figures L, C 3, 4, 66, 7, 8, 9, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with the same with the same figure as io the last in i Capital will be entitled le $$. Halves sad Quarters in I proportion. , Persons sending money fcjr mail need not rear its being lest. Orders panciuaily attended to. ommuntcationa confiaentiaL Batak Nolea of all sound Banks taken at oar. Those wtsiung particular numbers scoute order immedtaiety. Address JAKES P. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ga. Not. 18, 1856. . . 105. SUILLETS! MULLETS!! .) f BBLS. new and large size, just received CKJJ end for sale by - ! BBLS. new an and for sals by ZENO n: GREEN K.' N C C Advocate epy. 80 t aej.JO, MARYLAND LOTTERIES FOR DECIIBER 1856, R. FRANCE CV Managers. AQRAND MARiLANlTToTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN. GRA5D COSSOLIIATIB LOTTIRT, OF MD. EXTBACljAgS T, To be drawn in Baltimore, Md., Satardar, Dec. 20th, 1866. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $132,600! Will be distributed according to the folloinng Splendid Scheme : 20,000 NUM8ERS--1,000 PRIZES! Prize Payable t Pull without Deduction SCHEME 1 prize of -I $10,000 !4 40 10,iM) 6.0UO 3,00u 2,000 1,500 1. 000 200 $40,000 14,940 lO.oOti 6.000 3,0i0 2,000 1,500 1,000 -00 I 1 I 2 3 3 167 APPBOXIMATIOM patzaa. 4 of $150 Appro' to 4 of 100 4 of 4 of 4 of 8 of 12 of 12 of 743 of 90 60 70 60 40 30 10 l.OCO prizss, $132,600 Whole Tickets $10; lvts$5; Quarters $ J. BR1LLIAI SCHEME. GMSD C0H20LICA1 ID LOTTIRY Of MS. CLASS T, To be drawa in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, Dee. 27th 1655. SCHEME. $65,000 3,00u 16,820 10,000 5,1)00 2 600 i;to 700 300 20U 100 40 20 30.31 prizes, am'g to $1,141,140 Whole $20 ; Halves $1 ; Quar. $5 ; Eighths $2. fjT All orders for tickets or packages in any of the Maryland Lottcrb a. will receive prompt atten tion, and the drawing mailed to all purchasers im mediately after it is over. Address T. H. HUBBARD & CO. No. 39 Fsyaits-st , or Box, tio. 40, Baltimore, Maryland. Nor. 24. 1858. MACKERELS. 25 barrels No i Mackerels 10 half Do Do a superior article also 10 half Barrela No I Mackerels for sale, to arrive by GEORGE MVKRS. Aag.22. 1686 08- THE ST. NICHOLAS OAT. WE HAVE RKCK1VED BY EXPRESS the genuine Hat and can warrant I hem ths fit.est quality of that grade of good. Gentlemen can suit themsrlves, aa we have all heights, sizes, aVc please call and see, under the Carolina Hotel. GILES fc HA WES. Sept 30, 185$. 84 if- NOTICE. T'lIE subscriber having qualified as special Ad I minisiralor open ths estate of Cornelius My. ers, deceased, and having been authorized to col lect in the debts due said estate, hereby noli lies a II persons indebted by note, or account, or other wise to make immediate payment, ae it is desira ble that the business be speedily closed. ('HAS. D. M VERS is my authorised agent Io collect said debts, and receipt for the same. July 21. . L GEO. MVERS WALKER'S EXPEDiTION TO NICA RAGUA. A History of Central American War, and the Sonora and Kinney Expedition, including all the recent diplomatics! correspondence, together with a new and accurate Map of Central America and a Memoir ant Portrait of General William Walker. By William V. Well, Consul Genera o the Republic of Honduras. Just published, re ceived and lor sale at S. W. WHITAKER'J. Oct. 25. 95. - LOST. ON SUNDAY" MORNING, on Second Street near the residence of Mr. Wm. C. Bettencourt, a small GOLD WATCH and CHAIN. The finder will be liberally rewarded bv letting it at the Journal Office. Oct 21. 93 tf. CHEESE AND BUTTER. rfi BOXES prime Cheese, C'VT 16 kegs prime Orange Co. N. Y. Bulter, New landing from packet, for sale bv ZENO H. G..EENE. Oct. 29, 1856. 70. FISH f FISHfJ FISH!!! i an b,i- Muiicts, J VA 10 " Blue Fish, 6 " Mixed do. Just reeM svid sale by -Nov. 11. . ZENO a. GREENE, BOOKS! BOOKS!! ALL NEW BOOKS and a very large stock or Standard Works on Theology, Histories, Bio graphy, IPoetry, Science and Art, School Books. Stationery, Music, die, Ac. On hand and for sale low at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Nov 13. TO MERCHANTS. WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUR LARGE and extensive stock of Hats, Caps, Umbrel fas, Ac, snd csa sell them at the lowest New York prices, ss we have them direct from the manufactory, and as Mr. Hawcs resides in Ne York, we have every facility ofeettinz every new style snd at the loweat rale. Merchants will do well to call and see, under ihe Carolina Hotel. GILES A HAWKS. Sepl 30, 186. 84 if. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership ol Bryan & Oldham, was terminated un rfee 26th Aug. last, by the death of the senior partner. sept. 6. . . - t THE undersigned h 'e this day entered into Copartnership tor i& jransaction ef a General Commission. Grain andlour business, under the name of Stokley dc Oldham. JAMES STOKLEY. ALEX. OLDHAM. " . , - -74 VALUABLE TO INVALIDS. E have just put upon retail. I cask Port Wine, 1 Madeira, the best article ever altered in this market. At the Original Grocery. GEO. MYERS. PCJ We make no pretensions in the wsy O"""""or UMBRELLAS but we Her some beaetifnl DUTCH HEAD CHEESEjutt received ibis day at GEO. MYERS'. Oct 11. 90 - . m- H. -I !,. i sa SITUATION WANTED. V A lad of strictly moral habits respectably connee td - afrna t Urrn vears ! with some knowl edge ef figures, wants a place ae errand boy, or te tend an omce, or any situation wm wstcn ne can te useful Apply at ths ofice of The Comwcmal. Oct. 2, 1836 85-tf. - w F. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Y 1 25 Bbls. of those No. Z Mackerel. ; . 10 half Bbls. " 10 half Bbls. No.l " NT.t7. . f At GEO, MYRRS. ALUM SALT AFLOAT,' Orifin BTJSHELSILUM SALT; CK.HiJ It bhes. prime eweet WINDWARD ISLAND MOLASSKci. Jirsc received per Br. Schr. Orbit, and fer sale by Mt.27. G. W. DAVIS. I prize of - 1 1 4 Er20 10 M - 10 - 173 66 66 " G6 " 4,t " 25,740 " i HOLIDAY PRESENTS. a grXnd'display. Extraordinary Inducements. WE are constantly receiv ing by vessel, largo sddi tions to our slreaHy iarga and attractive alectiun of TOYS AXD FAXCY ARTICLES. Together with an unusually large snd choice lot "f Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Can diss of superi or make and eUgantln flavored, Raisins, Currants, Pig, Prunes, Preserves, Jellies, Pickle Lobster, Sar dines, Sft., SfC SfC Rssidts many articles in 'he Confectionery line too numerous to mention in jd advt itiscnunt. For the belter act-oinmodaiion f our customers and the public rrnerally, we Lave iemyrril laken in connexion with our concern, the store lately occupied aa the American Head Quarters, the second door above our old establishment. The Ladies are earnestly solicited to G1V1J TTB jL. OATiTi, And examine our stock. W. H. DrNEALE, No. 4o, Market street. Nov. 18. loS CD-PARTNERSniP NOTICE. THE undercigned have purchased the Drug Es tablishment of Messrs. C. dt D. On Pre, They will continue the Drug business in lis va rious branches under the firm of W. M EARES dc CO. WALKER M EARES, J. L. MEaRF.S, M. D. May 20. 8-if CHEESE. BUTTER & CRACKERS. N' OW landinz snd for sale In lots lo anil, by GREENE. Oct. 30. ZEN H, RECEIVED AND RECEIVING. FRUIT Apples, Oranres, Lemons snd Pears. NUTS Cocoa, Brazil, Paradise, snd a vari ety of other kinds. PICKLES In kegs and jars a nice article. PRUNES A superior article, in jars, and an extra article for cooking, purposes. PRESERVES A Ire.h supply of sll kinds. CANDIES A great variety, from the beat manufacturers CAKE TRIMMINGS A most superb selec lion of art Idea in lhat line. EMPIRE CABS A constant supply of the best article. TOYS - A large lot embracing a number of new styles Csll and select lor yourselves. For sale at the Broadway Variety Store. WM. H. DaNEALE, No. 40 Market St. Oett. 11, 15S B9 FOR SALE. Qryr Acres Pine Land, situsted immediately 5 4 J upon Wilmington and Weldon R. R., four to five miles from Depot st VMlmingion. IND tZf Acres of Rice or Meadow Land, situated 0J between force Put and Thombtiry ; II of which fa fine Swamp Land. For terms, Ac, ap ply to M. CRONLY. Oct. JO, 1E55. 97 tf SHEPARD f- MYERS ARE OFFERING Ihe hanJaomest and greatest variety of H sis and Caps, Canes. Umbrellas, dtc. ever opened in this market. Cull and examine the assortment at their new store, 34 Market St.. two doors below Scott dt Baldwin's City Clothing Store. Nrgro Wool and Plantation Hats, 100 dozen as sorted qualities, for sale by ihe case or dozen at very low figures. SHEPARD dt MYERS. 34 Market Si. Oct. 23. 94. JUST RECEIVED. A n BBLS. Stuart's C. Suear, 10" do A. While and Crushed, 5 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugsr, 90 Bsgs Rio, Lsguayra and Javs Coffee, 2!) Bbls. Cider Vinegar, 100 Kegs Nails, 5 Tons Hoop Iron, Candles, Soap, Starch, Crackers, Saleratus, Srap, Shot, Powder, &c. For sale by ZENO H. GREENE. Nov. 25. (N. C. C. A. copy.) ALUM SALT AFLOAT. OH HO Bushels a splendid article jiut re ivUVJ eelv.d per Schr. -Aiolu, from Turks' Island, and for sale by G. W. DAVIS. IOV. 13 103tf. JUST RECEIVED. Or BUSHELS beautiful White Renos For 6Wiali!i . GEO. MYERS'. May 20. 23 IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON, RECEIVED and lor sale at July 31. M. W. WHITAKER'S. JUST RECEIVED" " TER Schr. REN. a fresh supply of Rsisins, JL whole, half and quarter boxes- For sale at the Broadway Variety Store, No. 40. Market St. W. H.DsNEALE. Oct. 16. (Journal and Hers M, copy.) CANDY." : C BOXES Assorted fresh Candy, just rceeiv JVedat GEO. MYERS. . June 3. 34. BACON. NC. BACON. 3000 lbs Extrs N. C. Bacon, hoc round, for sale to arrive per it . Rond. Aug. 7. T.C. dt B. G.i WOXTH. TO THE PUBLIC REMOVAL AND NEW STOCK OF FINE GOODS. The subscribers respectfully Inform their friends snd the public that they intend ItE MOV1NG their principal establishment from their prefect stand. No. 2d North Wsler street, to their new stand, No. 13 MARKET STREET, where.io addition to their present large snd carefully select ed stock of Goods, ihey will open on or about the 15th of September an entire new and liesh stwck, parchssed by one of themselves in the Northern Cities, with cspeeisl reference to the wsnts of this community. Their stuck wiil consist of DRV GOODS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS. HATS, SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, Ac., Ac , in fact a general assortment aulted lo Ihe town and coo r.try trade, which they will sell wholesale and retail, al as low prices ss can bs affurded by any other house in ihe bssiaevs. . They would call especial attention lo their Ready-made Clothing, which la all manufactured lor themselves, and under their own supervision, snd Vhirh they can warrant s faithfully gotten up. and caleJated to give full satisfaction le purchasere. One of the partners wiil leave for the North s bont the 20ia inst., o perehaee goods. It is very desirable to obtain as much money a possible by lhat lime, and They trust lhal lhaae indebted to them will make it convenient to settle their se counts by that time, in whole or in pari. Thankful fr past favors, rhey solicit s comino snce and Increase of the same, beihg determined by mderatechargesand a at riet attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage WEILL dt AN ATI! AN. . Aug. '6. 1856. 5.tf ICE.ICEICE. THE Wllmmeion Ice House will be ope Ur 6e'. livery of ICE from sunrise to sunset, except on Sunday, when it will be closed at 9 o'clock la the morning. Price One cent per poaod for quantities of three pounds and over. -. Terms cash, in all caeca, wit hen t exception. Tickets csn be procured by sMch ss desire them. lee furnifched to the sick voor, free of rhssfe when by direction from physician or vUiiing com mittees, April 19. IS If AND Bloomers Black and Drab Beaver Pearl Brown and Drab Felt bodies. A handsome assortment jost received by Express at Oct. 30. SHKPARD - MYERS'.. WANTED. 1 rf( BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, I UUU the bigbeoteashawiee will be paid lor Ihe above article. GEO. MYERS. Oct. 16. - 91 tn. JUST RECEIVED BY G.R. FRENCH, AFRESH aupply of PER RY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire New Da ass: To be sere that ya get the genuine Md scinakiaqsArefbrke New Dreao with tr fine eav graved si eel labels ea-oh beule. .- t April IS. UL SCHOOL BOOKS, us- STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, .rye'sf-. 5 , .--.ir misXr THE NEW YORK LEDGER. CAN BE OBTAINED from 8. W. Whitskcr, Wilmington, N. C, Where can be also obtained all otSter Papers, VTngazines, die. nl in earliest moment. Ths NEW YOltK LEeGKR is lbs great Family weekly psper for which Kylvanus Cobb, jr., Fan ny Fein, and P.iumerion Kenet', write exclusive ly, Mrs. Maourney, Alice I'srey and works of other popular writers contribute regnlsrly lo Its columns; snd vet it is aold st the same price ss common week I v papers. It has now s larger cir culation by one hundred thousand copies lhan any similar weekly la the country. Oct. 14. 22 GUNNY BIGS. "I f CCf Best 2 Bushel Bogs in store, snd 1 U.UUU for sale low by Oct. 30. T. C. dt. B. O. WORTH. FLOUR AND CRACKERS. rn BBLS. Fine and Super Flourt 20 bbls. and Ji 25 boxes Sugar and So.l.i Crarkers. Now landing and for sale by ZF.iVO H. GREENE. July 3. N. C. C. Advocate copy. 47. BACON AND PORK. mHHDS. Wetlern Bacon, 60 bbls. Meas Pork, Just received, snd for sale by Ocl.29. ZENO H. GREENE. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. Q;Tf PRIME selected T, . Har-els just re 00J ceived per Schr M. V. Iavi, f.trsale by ADAM!, BftO. dt CO. Scpt. 27, '56- 8JL GROCERIES. GROCERIES OHM BAGS RIO COFFEE, assorted grades, 4.JJ 6 hhds. P. R. SUGAR, 25 bbls. Clarified snd P. R. SUGARS, 25 hhds. Cuba MOUSSES, 3' bbls. No. 3 MACKEREL, in store and for sale by T. C. d B. G. WORTH. Sept. 18, 1658. 79-lw. CHOICE 0LDSCUPPERN0NG WINE. WE hive just received three barrels of this ele gant Old Wine. Together with Champsijns of the beat and most celebrated Brands 1 pipe Old Tom Gin half pipe of trwt Cresient Brandy. Old Bourl one W hbkry, Old Monongrhela and Rye Whiskey, Peach snd Apple Brandy, Sherry, Port, Moderia, (J la red Maleagaand Msderia Wine for cooking purposes, Citron Kaisins, Currants. In fuel every article kelonging lo the Grocery Business can be found here upon the lowest caeh lermt. . . Al GEO. MYERS. Nov. 27. IC8. WINES AND LIQUORS. WE Invite the atteniion of our PlL.1 Friends snd Patrons to the he.i J I. selection of Wines and Liquors ever oflercU Id this msrket, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vinmee 1010, Pale snd Dark, Oiard, Dupuy ot Co. 'a Brandy, Old Cognac , do, S, Brasson dt Co.'s do. Castillon dc Co.'s do. Pure old Port Wine, Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, oIJ Madeira snd Muscat Wines, MslagaWine, 1 Old Scuppernong Wine, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf's Schiedam Schnapps, Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do. " Bourbon Whiskey, Rye do - Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy, Sic. Madeira Wine, , Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in brttdes, Every vsrii ty of bottled Winrs and l iquors. Clarets of various brands st wlul ii i prices, Maraschino; Curacoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bit trk Aromatic do. da Ginger Wine, dVc. Ac. v' low prices for CASH. At ilieoriginsl l; . j r y. Ap.il 17. GEO. MYER'S. CONSOLATION. Jn Discourses of Select Topics. addressed to the Buffering people of (i d. sly James W. Alex ander, i). l. New edition jut published. Itec'd and for sale by S. W. W HI TA K KR. Nov. 13. SOAP AND CANDLES. THE subscribers beg leave respectfully to call the attention cf the trade and fami!i'a to the Soap and Candles manufactured In Wilmington, N. C-, by Messrs. Cusiin dr. GafTord, sjiniilca of which can be sten at our olfir-j, . 2, Water St., where we keep constantly on hand laree supplies Hwforeath. JAS. C.SMITH dt CO. April 26. 18 JUST RECEIVED, BRLR. Mackersli 20 bbU. 'o 1 larre nrtr ' Herring 5 hhds Bacon, low for csh , June 3. GEO. MVKRS. SALT. SALT. crf Sacks Ground Alum Salt In lols lo DfKJ suit. For sale bv ZENu II. GREENE. Srpi, 13. 18-.6. 77. UERCHANTS AND PLANTERS WILL find our stock of Hats snd Cap, the most complete ever offered in Wilmington, comprising sll vsrietieaof Mole-skin, Besver BrusSand Soft fur hats, with a very extensive assortment of plan tation and. fine wool hats. Also, Cloth, Plush, snd Glared Caps of every style. Call al the Kmnoriam and examine the Goods sad J rices before making purchases else where. SHEPARD dt MVKRS. 84 Msrkei St. Oct. 9. M. HISTORY OF TtlE UNITED STATES. From i heir colonization lo the end of iheTwen ty-Sixih Conrress, in 1341. By George Tuc ker. In "4 volumes. Vol. 1, now Iss'ied Rec'd and for sale at S: W. WHITAKKR. Nov. 13 WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. TMi E Subscriber having sccopied the sgeney ol A several largerstabllshments st Ihe Nerih which will furnish him am onMmiied supply of finished or unfinished, for-ign and domeede MARBLE of stl qaalities, is prepared te fill all orers for aiONUMUN TH AND TOJinTIJIE, and every other article In the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING . LETTERING OR CAR VINO Executed ss well aa can be done either North ol South. The best reference csn be given. If reonlred. JAS. MeCLARANAN. Jan. 6. 1864- if AN UNRIVALLED sssortmeni ef Gntte and Boys Drees Hats snd Csr-s.row open at ihe Hat and Can Eswporium. 34 Market st Nov. IS. SHKPARD MYERS. MRS. SOnrilWORTH'S WORKS. -"The Deserted if . ,hm fst Heir-ss," Mthe Missing Bride," "ihe Wife's Vleiorv," 44 ths Carse of CHfton, -the Discarded Dsaghier," " Retribution." -the Mother la-law," Shannon, dale," Virrlniaaad Magdeliae." India, the Pearl of Peart River Peterson's uniform edition. For sale at WHIt ACER'S OVC 4. M & -W-S I I I I LL So. ide Market et.Ui STATION KKV, BLANK BOOKS. PAPERS OF ML DESCniPTIOV, CARD, J1.J2 I' EN S. INK if Ac MUfIC, II IV J ' "J ARTL'T'8 M.VTE1U Ac , Ac., -If. at-aTy-'jt srra DR. K. F. IIIURARDS WILD ciikkrv m rniii.s, IOrt Nervous Weakness anJ Genersl Ihblllty. . These Hitlers sre highly serviceable In sll dvt peptic arlet lion. ihey s.kl.idigesiiun i restore tl. tone of ihe stnia h. siitnnlute (lie ll r r, and rrent in appetite. Ihey are unsurpuased In nmovins angor or last it tide, (or want of energy to iti'ivr.) end rfli'Ctuall) throw oil the drowsiness Incident to the Spring or warm mn Sold Vhoitialc and R.i iil, by M-rch 31. 1 GEO. MVERM. AFFLICTED READ!! PIIILAnKLPIIlA MEDICAL HOUSE. Established twenty-two years sgo bv lr. KINKKLINj corner o Third snd Union strcsis, Philadelphia Ps. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has renders Dr. K. a ino.i sue cesslul praelltlnner In the curs of sll dtsi s.rs .f a privalo nature manhood's dcbi."ty, ss on im pediment to inarrago nervous ami sexual in firmiiies, diseases I the skin, and ihoss aruing from abuse ik mercury, TAKE PARTICULAR, NOTICE. Tlisre Is a n evil habit sometimes indulged in ly boys, in sulltlurle, often eroM Ing up w lib I tit m to manhood t arid which, if not reliirmed In due iim-, nol only bcgk-ls serious o bum lis lo mat rl inoni al happiness but gives rirs to a serii s of pro. irsrted, insKlious, snd devasiallng slliu t Ion s, Few of ih jse who give wsy to this ptrnii practice ure uwareof ids consnurnci s, until they find the nervons ryutcin shot let cd, fi ( I stranye snd nnsrcounlablu sensations, and vague lmr In tl s mind. (See'pngi s. V7, 23, Cf Dr. K' book n ' Self Prese valion.") The unfortunate Ibus sffrctrd becomes fecbls, is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or tu i- Kly his mind lo study t his strp Is tardy snd v ml.; e Is dull, I resolute, and rnguges even In his sports with ess energy than usual. If he emopcipdie himself before the practice Ins done lt worrt, snd enter matrimony, his murrlnce Is unfruitful! snd his senss I el le linti lhal this Is caused by h aenrly follies 'llitee art conel dera tion vhkh Mould awaken ihe alltnliun uf ull vita are timilarty tiluated. f REMEMBER. Hs who places hlms. lf under Cr, Kinkrlln's Irraimenl, may religiously confide in his tumor as a gentleman, an ' rely np ia the assurance, thst ihe secrets i( Dr. K,'s patients will, never be ills doted. Young njian lec no false niodesty dsirr you from msLIng your case known to one, wh'i, firm education end respectability, can certainly be friend you. Dr. Klnkblln's residence has been for the (sst twenty )rrs at l ho N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS A T A DISTANCE, Csn hav (by stating their esse explicitly, to gether with sll their avmpioms. per letter, cnclos. ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated accordlngl'. Forward, d to any pari of ths Unite! Htitcs. and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mil oi Exprrash HEAD VOUTH AND MANHOOD I A Vigorou Life or a Premature Dmlh, Klnkelin on tk-(f Preeerralionttnly 25 Cent. Letters containing tha. value in aiamps, will etiSurs a ciiny, prr return r mnii. GRATJSIGRATI.su GRATIS'!! A f'ree GIFT To Alt. MISERY RELIEVED, "Nature s Guide," s new snd populnr Work, full of val nuble advice and Impressive wnm'.nv. alike rnlciil.ited lo prevent years of misery, snd sive thtviinnai of nws, is msttitiuieii iiti.ut charge, and forwarded by moll, prrpnld to any foal ornc In the united btaies, on rccilvins sn order enclosing iwo postage Stumps. June 19 41 ly-wdV EMPTY BARRELS. I rf 8PIRIT TURPENTINE B IRRELS, by ADAMS , BRO. dt CO. Nov. I. S,3. HOOP IRON. c TONS 1 Inch Hoop Iron i 6 do. II and II do. J do. Now landing- and for awls by Oci.30. ZENO II, GREENE, TIMS! TEAS!! I7Ehave just received an assortment of the it nest ri cas ever oncrcd in inis msrket. Trv our 11,00 Imperial, ll is of sn ritrs inualiiv snd flavor. Our al.GO Black Tea Is of s rosy flavor, snd cannot fall lo suit llie most fastidious. Us have slso n beautiful Black Tea at DO t eiil per lb , also, 37 1 cents per lo.t cliolse Teas In caddies si liolusale prices v arrsnled good, at ihe 'iii ginat Grocer. GEO. MbERn. z srch ?f. 2 . HOOP IRON. one inch. I i snd 1 1 Inch. For sale hv zi:.o ii. oki: km: r TONS 7 6" Nov. 4. nf.w AnmvAT? OF FRESH GRCtXRIES. THE Siubscrlbcr has ju.t returrx.d fmm the Nurtll with s full snd well selected stork tf chiiee Gtocerles, sotuprising at cry variety lhal lends In rouiplris nn bki iiuent, consist Ing in part of I CK1 bat. 'oflee, Moclis, Govrtntarr t Jh v , Lsguyra. Kro and St Doitiinco 104. U Is. MujMr. of sllgrsdt'il t 'lioJ'- Wines, Liquors i t;tiamistn of the mit eeU-braled brsnda. Teas, Gofbrn Hut tr. F. M Beef, JStnoked Beef, Beel Tonues, mon. Maekerel, I'ork, Herrings, Codfi.h, Frh Lobster and fehifd, Sardines, Hucta, (,'iii( Hodu, Susr, Butter. Lemon, Cream, I'ilol and Warer Clickers, Culgales Fsmlly Soniis, Kariy Toil. Sosps, tickles of every variety, Eaglih I'inespple anJ Goheo Cheese, t'andlis l nil erades, Bottled Liquor of every varii ty. I'ure l,d Tom Gin, ScTri'dam Shnspps, t'nrrar.ts and Cit ron, (New Raisons f:sp'ied ) I'mler snd Alt, Olive OH. Sptrm Oik, Prunes, t'onfecitonsr y In nil it varlt lies, Prsoervcs, Jell vs. Brums, Corn Mlait h, Flour, Chjicol.ile, I.ttdira Fancy Baskets Cigars, Tebscco, sVc., aVc, dre .all low f.,r en.h at I GKOHliK MYKitH' Country Merchants are particuisily invited to csll aad examine, before rureltosicg ilush(tr. tcl. 7. NOTICE. THEtfiUacrlberespecifuily Informs ib pukll.-, thsifu Is nowi ranasctiog the Aueiien busUie.a onhit ow'nacceunt, and lnpesby strict sttenttoi to busiaess, loaierit a coatitruaf.es idthat patronss heretofore, solibertUt bcstoncd upon klm. J M.CltONLV. Stock, Rest Est sic snd Negroes. bought and sold en s comrnissUn, either at private or pablie sake. Jaaq.fA4. I CIGARS. 1 fT (r( C1G4RS, al prl.es from it 00 I JJ,JJJ to t0 per tboii.snd, at rhs Km Uy Grocery. GEO. MY kit N April 17. 14 R KM OVAL. OTOKI.EY dt Of.DHAM hsc rsrreved freoi O the Corner of Front dt 1'iinreae sirees, lo Ihe StO'O ni door soath of Ml. J. R fcl..soors office, South Water street, where tbey sre www prepared te aervs ihrir It lends snd customers. they have on hand a superior article of fresh groaad N. C. Floor, also 25 Si.iis Asnnn's r um oslt, sad! 2(0 Sscks Llveroul ground i lu Ui.ls. Siusrt's rrfUsd Cofleebsgsr, iuw fur Cs. Oct. 8. 1859. M 'f. SOFT FELT HATS. THE Improvements In the Msrnisrrurr of Cof I Fell liars, sre among the wonders ol disss a. Our new Styles combining Cosnlorl, I ram snd Durability, are scknewiedfed lobe lite trading ha I now In it. Further suprli.s jHt opened, hi lh list and Cse Ksnportuin , it Msikei si. Nov. 1.1 tjiilirARD U MYERS. ' i T