-?' w VOLUME XI NUMBER 120. . WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY MORNING, -DECEMBER 27, 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 1365 - . f 1 1 - : 'h. MISCELLANY. A few daje since a certain Minister of O certain Episcopal 'church, in a certain ; , Tillage, not tar from! Buffalo, started in his bugy to fulfil an appointment in a town torn twenty miles distant Ha had drireo -. , buFaTfew miles when ha discorersd that .- . tmaisprie was quits j lama, and as the ere- ning" began to draw nigh, ha deemed it leLio stoD for the bur hL In a short time mf he yme to a (arm bouse, in front of which a e jeoman, considerably advanced in years was standing, whsnt the following copVer-,-saiion look place: " f -C Minister--"Cah you tell me. my friend,- -v. tx fm9 ft ta In riHlai fttf nltl.iiimatt 1 - uv j ivv p... .... - II p TfomitijiJ' Well, if you mean a tavern. Mister, about twenty miles; but if you mean a houaa of entertainment, we have one our . serves." " .Minister MAh, very good, my horse is quite lame, as you see, and I am some what fatigued myself Can you accom modate us for the night?" Yeoman "Waal, yes, we can accom modate you, but if you are a clergyman, I must tell you that the fare you wilt get de pends on your religion." ' ' Minister -How so, good air?" Yeoman hy, you see, if minister is good Presbyterian, we give him the best . ws have got; if he is a Baptist or a Metho V dist ha gets pretty; good living; but if he is s an Episcopalian he can't expect much. We don't think much of Episcopalians oat this way. ' - -Minister (smiling) "Well, friend, 1 am sorry to know; that your prejudices are so deeply imbedded; I am an Episcopal clergyman, and I j suppose I must content myself with a picked up meal ; but let me assure you of one thing; sty horse is the bluest Presbyterian you, ever sate." The yeoman was not so obtuse that he did not discover and appreciate the Minis ter's joke a jokej which, by toe way, pro cured both for man and beast the best that the farmer's larder and barn afforded. Yankee Notions. COL. BENTON ON DISSIPATION A few evenings ago CoL Benton deliv ered a lecture in Boston, before the Appren tices Library Association. A letter to the New York Tribune says: - He' opened it by giving, in a kindly, characteristic style, some very good advice to young men in general and apprentices in particular. They saw before them, he remarked, a person who had attained an age past the limit which the Psalmist as signs to the line of life, and now upon those years which the same Psalmist associates with sorrows and weakness. Thus far he was exempt from those infirmities. How came it that at this advanced see he was blessed with the absence of those infirmi ties which are supposed to belong to it? He owed it to the course of his early life. Franklin (whom, he warmly eulogized) .was once nicknamed the American Aquat ic, because be drank nothing but water- In that respect: be had imitated Franklin Jle totally abstained for the first half ot his life and was temperate the other half. He had not only totally abstained from spiritu ous ueuors, vinous liquors, fermented It -quors, and everything of the kind, but he had kept himself free from ererv kind of dissipation. fApplause.1 He knew no game whatever and to thu moment could not tell, when looking at a party playing cards, which was the loser and which the. . winner. He had often set up all night watching the sick, on military duty, and a -book -a book hud often kept him awake; out be had never spent one night of dissi Ration. - ; ; " . "I ' v A GOOD STORY. We are kindly permitted to copy the fol lowing good anecdote from a private letter -just received by a gentleman of this city, from a brother j now, in Nebraska. The - Yankee re fared (o is the richt kind of a man .to deal with the "border ruffians" in Kan sas. Ws do not remember to have seen this story in print Here it is : , ' You know the test to which the Mtssour- ians subject all travellers who make their appearance at any of their ferries, and ask .to be crossed into Kansas. Some days "since a slab-sided Yankee arrived at one of the Northern Missouri landings, with along tram of plunder of various sorts. By way " of testing 'him,f the" ferryman asked him iwhnt stock be bad. Waaleays the Yankee, I've got two ' horses, a yoke of oxen, and two keow$ That's enough,' replied the ferryman you "Osm't cross here. Why -not 'inquired the Yankee. The ferryman told btm his instructions were not to cross an v body who couldn't pronounce the word s0. , But I said keou2 persisted the Yankee Well, you can't cross hsre, rather gruffly replied the Charon. ,--,..;." But I have got tickets entitling me to otosi, urged trie Yankee. The ferryman replied .that he did not know of anybodjr who had a right to sell - bun tickets. j; . v - But I've got them, any way.' - The ferryman demanded a sight of the tickets, whereupon Mr. Yankee stepped back a little and hauled out a revolver in oaeh hand, crying them's the tickets, and i am bound to cross the ferry, keovo or no iitott !leranp Journal. ; - J0VEX5MINT ORDERS AGAINST A NICARA G OV AN EXPEDITION. . t NEw-YoBX, iPee. ,2l, P. M. Orders faave been received here directing the gov ernment officials to keep a sharp aye on the steamer Tennessee, advertised to sail benca for Nicaragua on Wednesday next, and sea that no violation of the neutrality laws is attsmptsd. . It is reported that the President baa also issued orders for the ar- cast of Geo.' Walker, C. K. Garrison and 1 Charles Morgan, "charged with: breaking up the business of the TranstMCoropany. The total danages are laid at two millions or dollars. r v . - ..r- MUCH LIKE A PHABtSEE. An exchange paper says : Rev. Henry Ward Beechejrtpn Sunday evening, remarked to his hearers in church that he could say what probably few men could viz., that he is not able' (designate one card from another by its nanie; that he had never - witnessed a play, -or yet an opera, and that he bad. never been to a cir cus; that he was unable to nam 8 different liquors by their color or teste? and that in. to certain im proper pUces ha had neveren01 l"e are in a mosi . , - V (condition. One man died last night from tered And "he thanked OoJ b'vas notas other men are.", This is perhapawhat the wttty author of Hudibraa. eh&Vacterized ! "Compound for sins they are lneTini to By damnise tbos tbej bare no m!ad to." ' Mr. Beecher informs the public of what be has not been guilty of, but says nothing about what he has done. There are com mands, "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor," "Thou shah not steal" (thy neighbor's Jman servant" or his umaid servant" included,) "Thou shall not kill," watch in a Christain minister might be supposed to include buying rifles to kill with, and stimulating other people to use them for that purpose. To say noth ing of the negative commands of the New Testament, to imitate One who knew not guile, and taught peace, charity, and good for evil. A USEFUL ITEM. Now (hat winter is with us, and the usuauy dangerous attendant oi ice on the steps, we clip the following impor tant piece of information to housekeepers from one of our exclianees, hoping it will be remembered. If profited by, it will save many a peeled shin and bro ken nose, and fewer stars will be seen in daylight: We wren our readers to know that this ice at the threshold, so disastrous to limbs and so Tin pleasant in every way, can be removed effectually without the chopping process usually tesorted to, bv which the doorsteps and the bricks on the sidewalks are disfig ured and injured, and more than that the formation of ice can be prevented wherever desirable. If ice is formed sprinkle salt upon it, and it will soon begin to melt, wheu it can be removed a a . . ny merely sweeping u away witn a broom. If a frost commences sprinkle salt wherever it is desirable that mo ice shall be formed. The Philosophy of this process is, that salt and water will not congeal unless the thermometer be helow zero, consequently when salt is sprinkled, either no freezing takes place, or only such congelation as is liquified soon after suuri$e, for it is seldom, the thermometer continues alt day below zero in this latitude. Petersburg Int. TBRRIBLF DEATH Of A CfTILD The Richmond Dispatch of fate date, publishes the following account of an in teresting little girl's death by burning: On the 5lh of this month, a little girl named Rosa Ann, in the 10th year of her age, daughter of Mr. Thomas Howard, of row hat an county, met with an accident which cost her her life. In company with a number of black children, Rosa was standing near a large boiler in the yard. when suddenly her etc toes took hre, and instantly she was enveloped in dames. A- larmed at her perilous condition, the little creature rushed into a quarter near at hand, but finding no one there to aid her, started lor another quarter about twentjr yard dis tant, the flames then encircling over her head. Jost at this instant, hr father (who, butamoirent before bad reached home and was enquiring as to the feelinzs of his sick wife,) heard shrieks and the word fire," and looking out tle window beheld his child wrapped in flumes anif running for aid. He intmenate4y hastened to the rescue, and seizing her in his arms, plung ed her in a pool of dirty water, and rolled her in it, thus entinguisbed the fire : but when he took her out, her clothes had been burned from her person, and the parched skin was peeling from her body and irmbs. Foor lulls creature, her suf- lenngs were extremely agonizing, till a physician arrived, and she was placed un der the influence of anodynes, whan she became more tranquil for a time, but the inhalation of the flames had done its work, and on the evening of the 6tb, death came to her relief. Mr. Howard had one of his hands dreadfully burned, but his suf tcrings from that bear no comparison to the agonies of the mind produced by wit nessing the countenance of bis child, and hearing tha shrieks and groans whilst wrapped In flames. ' To use his own lan guage, -"tha picture of his child, as she ap peared in that dreadful moment, - is indeli bly impressed upon his mind and heart never to be erased." - f i a -i. - a vnoinr case simitar 10 me aoove, is published in the same paper, as follows': On Saturday morning last, Dr. J. - W. T" m w-rn - 1 - - noysier, ot tiermco county, iosi nis nine daughter,. Virginia D., aged three years, in a most heart rending manner. At an early hour in the morning the child repair ed to the kitchen to play, and being very sprightly, was amusing herself about the fire, when the cook woman .left for the spring. - in a short Unas thereafter, screams were beard, and on going to tha kitchen. it was found that little Virginia's cloth were in a blaze of fire, Mr. John EL Jones, who was engaged at lr ; U.' in building, hastened to tha relief of tha child." and as speedily as possible, with tha aid of Or. R oyster, tore her burning clothes from her, but not until she was badly - burned. Dr. Garnett was then sent for, and did all that medical skill could do to relieve her suffer ings, but her injuries were so great inat they eaused hex death that night RESCUE OF PASSENGERS. New Vort, Dec. 25. The passengers of the New York, 300 in number, have all been saved, and landed at Barnegat. The ship lies with her head on the beach, full of water, and the sea breaking over her. -No further particulars concerning the oth er wreck. The vessel ashore at South Barnegat, is the bark Tasso, of St. Johns, Newfound land, with a cargo of coffee and logwood. She is a total loss. Four ot the crew and two of the shoremen who went to her as sistance, were drowned. ' The passengers landed from the wreck hunger and exposure, beven cabin pas sengers who arrived at Squam Beach last night, report that after - the Captain set them ashore he returned to the ship and found the cabin in possession of the crew, who fell up -n and beat him so badly, that his recovery is considered doubtful. THE STORM. New Yohx, Dec. 21. There was a heavy southeast gale last night. This morning it was very cold. All the South ern bound steamers were detained Dy toe storm. The George Law remained at Quarantine until this morning, and then took her departure. Halifax, Dec. 20. We have a snow storm here to-night. Boston. Dec. 20. It is raining here, and the weather very boislesou. Washington, Dec. 21. I here was rain, hail and snow here during last night. To day it has been cooler, but overcast. Ther mometer 28 degrees at 9 o'clock A. M. A man met a daughter of Edmund Dorr in one of the streets of Albanj', on Satur day evening, and attempted to place his hand over her mouth, but she turned uci bead and screamed, and the villain fled, leaving a plaster on her cheek of such sttength that its removal brought th skin w th it. SOUiND LAND FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for nale a traci of Und lying oa Mlrtle Grove 3 sound, 9 miles from VVilminjitan, i containing 70 acres ; about 40 cleared; 25 of thai is very go4 hamock land; thera is on tlii premises a good dwelling- house with 6 rooms, piazzas on i suies, wun an necessary out nouses, mere is also a very fine grove of trees in iheyard. It is one of the handsomest summer places that can be found within 10 miles of its location; all open to the great Ocean. Auoiher tract adjoining, containing 83 acres. ail pinev land, wiih a dwelling house and out houses on the premises. Anotherpiece, all hamock land; V acres, in this tract- Awvonean purchase eiiner iraci. separate ly, r-T tha whole together, nn reasonable terms. Also lor sale, a very Una building loi in uou hnrnV Wavna cn-nnt v. Forfurfher inlornmiioncaii on jimn wram.or J. (J. M1II.1S. Nov. 29, 185C. ,109-tf. " the st7KTcholas IL1T. VTTK HAVK RKCKIVRD BY EXPRESS VV tha eeauisie Hat and can warrant, them tha finest analitv of that cratla of eoad. Genilrmeu con suit themselves, as wa have all heights, sizes, ate please callsad see, undertha Carolina Hotel. Ullir.a at iiiir.o. Sest. 30, 1851. 84 it REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TWELVE TOWN LOTS, an la one body, on Sixth atreet. Lncstion hieh and pleasant; water exellent; a plank and saw-dust road leading from the premises to Market atreet, making one of the finest drives a- botit town. The lots are all under one fence, but will be sold seosrsMlv. if desired. Any one wish ing to purchase the whole property, by offerinz an inducement can alaopurchate I he improved corner lot, on which Is 1 tested my present dwelling a two story honse, wirn wing, eigni rooms, inree piazzas, Ac. Also, Kitchen, Stsbles, Carriage House. Ac., altogether one of the most pleasant suburban residences lotefumd in this vicinity. Terms accommodating. Avplvt mi;, u. i.ur., Da. 1. No. 10 Front street. WINGS AND LIQUORS. Mi WE invite the attention of our Friends and Patrons to the best seievtiun or Wines ana liquors ever ouerou .10 this market, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vintage isiu, rale ana Dark, Oiard. Dupuy fc Co.'s Brandy, Old Cognac do. S. Brasson A Co.'s do. CastiUon A. Co.'s do. Pure old Port Wine, Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira and Ma scat Wines, Malaga Wine, Old Scuppernong Wine, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin extra, Woolf s Schiedam Schnapps, Cherry Brandy, , i,. Old Peach Brandy, ' Afpl do. " Bourbon Whiskey, " Rye do Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brsndy, S4c Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, Every variety of bottled Wines and f. iquors. Clarets of various brands atwboidJ.il a prices, Maraschino; Curacoa, Hoatellera Stomach Bitters. Aromatic do. do Ginger Wine, die. Ac. i - low prices for CASH. At iheorigiaai Ic t:s ry. April 17. . GEO. M ITER'S. TO MERCHANTS. WE HAVE JCST OPf.NED OTJR LARGE and extensive stock of Hats, Caps, Umbrel las. Ac. and can sell them at the lowest New York prices, aa we have them direct from tha manufactory , and aa Mr. Hawea resides in New York, wa have every facility of gettiar every new style and at the lowest rata. Merchants will do well to call and see, ander the Carolina Hotel- r GILES A HAWKS. Sept. 30, 18'. fit t. CHF.PARD MYERS- ARE OFFERING O tha handsomest and area taat variety 4f Ha ta and Caps, Canes. Umbrella?, die., ever opened in this market. Call and examine the assortment at their new store, 34 Market St.. two daora below Scott & Baldwin's City Clothing Store. Negro Wool and Plantation Hats. 100 dozen as sorted qaalities. for sale bv the easa or dozen at very Ww figorea. - SHEPARD A MTEUS. 34 Market si. Oct. 23. i SL NEGRO PASSES. ' ; A NEW form of Patees.eantainin? sanitary pro vision e,aoproed bv he CammLssioBers.ati a n amber of others IiMrMuH l ik aroMWra f an colored population. i. ja ieaaed at ac office at PRATER BOOKS Bibles; Ryraa Books ; Psalmodies t Psahns and Bvaansi Charch Service i Home Serriea.aVc.. In various htndiners. for ease at . , , WHITAKKR'S. Dec. 2i. : -i ' " iSUEtilFF'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD ATTHK COURT HOUSE at Trader's Hill, Charlton County, Georgia, on the 3d day of February next, 20 a30 thousand acres prime Turpentine lands, on and near the Satillo River, and a tew miles from the new Rail Roads now building. Dec, 13. 115 until Jan. 29. (Daily Journal, copy.) NOTICE. BV VIRTUE OF A DEED OF MORTGAGE, to mo made by George Hooper, to secure the payment of certain debts in said deed specified, 1 shall proeeed ta sell publicly it the Turpentine Still on Wetash Swamp on Saturday the 27th inat., the following named property: About 8000 acres oi turpentineandfaraainglandeon aaid Wetash Swamp, and lying Vetwixt it and Wac carnaw River, also a Turpentine Distillery, with all tha fixtures belonging thereto, and the tools Becesaary ior carryings tbcturpentlno business, with 8 Mules', Wagons, Gear, c Aliaggyand Harness, Saddle and Bridles, Oxen, and Cows. Also said Hooper's interest, in one hslf of a Steam Circular Saw Milt, with all machinery and tools thereunto belonging and the lota and buildings and wharf thereon, also a Warehouae and Wharf joining A Pile Driver snd all the lumber at said Mill wndispneed of. also I Garden lots joining the Town ofSmithville. A rare opportunity is hare offered tor carrying on the turpentine and timber business, and for making some as fine Corn, and Cotton farms as enn be faund In this seetlun of North Carolina. Also for carrying on the Milling business where a ptrnty of timber can be had and veasels drawing 10 feet water can come and tako away the lumber at any season of the year. Tha Mill bring tituat rd within twelve miles of the ocean. Terms made known at the lime of sale. For further partlcu lara aptly to George Hooper oa the premises or to the subscriber. JOHN DAWSON. Dec. 10. j MISSES FLATS ND Bloomers Black and Drab Beaver Pearl fY. IS row n and Drab Felt bodies. A handsome assortment just received by Express at Oct. 30. i SHEPARD f- MYERS'. AFFLICTED READ ! ! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. ! Established twenty-two years ago by Dr. KINK KLIN, corner P Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. " TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most suc cessful practitioner In the cure of all diseases of a private nature manhood's debL"ty, as an im pediment to marriage; nervous and sexual in firmities, diseases f the skin, and those arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, bt gives rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating anocirons. Few of those who give way to ibis pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, on til they find the nervons svatein shattered, feel strange and nnaf countable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. (See pages. 27, VS, 29, of Uf. K. s boo It on "Self Preservation.") Thu unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to ap. ply his mind to study : his step is tardy and weak; ha is dull, Irresolute, and enenges even in his sports with less energy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, snd enter matrimony, hi marring is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his early fohies Theta are cotuidera tiont which thould awaken the attention of all uho art timUarly ttluatat. REMEMBER. He who places himself under Cr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, nn.'. rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K.'s patients will, never be dis closed. Young man let no false modesty deter you from making your case known to one, who. from education; and respectability, can certainty oe friend you. Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third and Union atreet, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can have (by stating their case explicitly, to gether with all their symptoms, per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated according!?. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and packed secure from damage r curiosity, by Mail or Kxpress. HEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD 1 A Vigorou Ltife or a Premature Death, Kinkelin on. Se(f-Preservation Only 25 Cents. Letters containing that value in stamps, will eusure n copy, per return ot mail. GRATIS I GRATIS I! GRATIS ! 1 1 j A free GIFT To All. MISERY RELIEVED. 'Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, lull or valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculated to prevent years of misery, and save, thousand of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to any Post Office in the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. June 19. 4l-lV-w&t AUGUST 8TH. W9 ECE1VED THIS MORNING: MM Peterson's Lady's National Magazine: Hunt's Merchants' Magazine? August. Merry's Museum i " Little's Living Age No 638; - " The Mother's Maeazine: " Latest Numbers of tne Scientific American; Ballou's Pictorial Flag of Our Union ; Saturday Evening : Post ; Spiritual Telegraph ; New York Herald; Baltimore San ; ankee Notions; Yan kee Doodle : The School-Fellow; Harper; Put nam; Knickerbocker; Oodcy; Graham; Har- pers's Story books ; Kallou's jHomniv. etc., act an hand at S. W. WH1TAKERS. Aug. 8. 1856- 62. NEW ARRIVALS OF FttESH GROCERIES, THE Subscriber has. just returned from aha North with a full and well selected stock ol choice Groceries, comprising every variety thai tends to complete an assortment, consisting In part of 100 bags Coffee, Mocha, Government Java, l.aguyra. Rio and St Domingo; 10C blls. Sugars of all grades; Choice Wines, Liquors ; Champaign of the most celebrated brands. Teas, Goshen But ter. F. M Beef, Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Sal mon. Mackerel. Pork, Herrings, Codfish, Fresh Lobster and 'Shad, Sardines, Sauces, Catsups; Snda, Sugar,. Batter. Lemon, ream, Pilot and Water Crackers. Colgatea Family So.ips, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety, English Pineapple and Goshea Cheese, Candies of all eradea. Bottled Liqaors of every variety. Pure Old Tom Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron, (New liaisons Expected,) Porter and Ale, Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary ia all its varieties. Preserves, Jell vs. broma, Cora sstarcn, Flour, Chocolate, Ladie Fancy Baskets 200,000 Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, Jfcc, eke , all low for cash at . GEORGE MYERS' Country Merchants are particularly invited to call and examine, before parchosing etsewheee. Oct. 7. 4-; ..-.- 1 . - - CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TH E anderrigned have pnrehased th Drag Es tablishment of Messrs. C. ct D.- DuPra, They will continue the Drug business la its va rious brancheceavder the firm of W. MEARES6V CO. , WALKER MRARES, 3. L. HEaRES, M. D., May 2V 28 tf 7 NOTICE. r"p H E sabacrfbereapectfully informs the poblic, - iin ii nvmriBiKuof iqcabcusb sbhucii on h is own aeeonnt, and hopes by strict attentionto oiKn,niaicnr m cvnuansn uitaai patronage 1 heretofore aoliberally bestowed apoa him. - t " - . M. CRONLT. . iuu,nHi biitwiiw ncKTOH.svDrni isa ssia on a eommW.M, either at private ar pablia sal. I loci r TUE TRI-WEEKLY C0M3IEUC1AL Is published every Tossdat, Thcssoav and Satobdav at 5 per annum, payable in at I cases in advance. BY THOMAS LORING Editob andPaopsia. ros, Corner Front and Market fttrects, WILMISSTOH, St. C. RATES OF ADVERTISIXG. I sqr. 1 insertion & 50 I 1 sqr. 2 months, 4 00 1-2- 75 I I 3 5 00 1 ' 3 , 1 00 1 I " 6 8 00 1 "1 month, 2 SO I 1 -12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a sausre. If sn adver tisement exceeds ten lines, the pilce will be in proportion. All advertisements are payable at the lime of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advsrtisers, will be made n the most liberal terma. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will ba permitted. Should circumstances render a changs in business, or an anexpectcd removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will ba at too option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly limited to theirown immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, aa wefl as all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No Advertisements is included in the contract for the sale or raat of houses or lends in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the sdvertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "immediate business." All advertisements Inserted In the tri-weckly Commercial. re entitled to one iesertion In the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IN SUPERIOR STYLE. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL.. New Yoac Messrs. Dollwsb & Potteb. Boston ChablssSmith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cosh. Baltimore W . H. Pcake and Wx. Thomson OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, aud Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully I nformsil'.cpublie that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mddntings,Jtc, t he latest and most improved style, and is conslanly manufacturing, at his store on market street .every description of articlein the above line. From his experience in the business, hefeelsconfidcni that he will beab'le to give entire satisfaction to a I Iwho may favor him with a call. He has now on hand and witlconstaittly keen a larite assort men tof Coach, Gig and Sultry Harness, Lady's Saddles Bridles. Whips, frc, Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips ' Spurs, pe. ealof which he will warrant to be of- 1 the best materials and workmanship, it He has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet flags. satchels, fancy Trunks, etc., and all other ar tides usually kept in such establishments. alio which he offers low for CASH, or onsbortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, Haraess,Trunks,Redical Bags, tc Ac, made loorder. In addition tothe above the subscriberal way Kecpson hand a large supply or string ieatrter and has now, and will keep through the season a good assortment oi fly Hfctls. All aretnvited to call and examine my Goods whethcrin wantornot.asl takepleasareinshaw ingmy assortment toall who may favor me with a rail. HarnessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buyingto manufacture. Also, Whir at wholesale. lllkindsof Riding Vehicles bought r.. old or e.ommisKtons. JOHN J . CONOLEY . Feb. 7, 1856. 138 PROSPECTUS op STTi C6MMEM2M,. WILMINGTON, N. C. Weekly 92 1 Trl-Weekly $S a Vear. IN ALL CASES IN ADVANCE. In issuing a Prospectus to ssk subscriptions to the CoMMtBcr!., the subscriber feels it a duty to define his position, so as to leave do doubt upon tbe minds of bis patrons as to the principles his paper will sustain. In the mntations of past rcsrs the Editor has hail.orM! paramount principle before hiiD.r-UUTil-ERN RIGHTS, under the Constitution, have been the aim and object of all his efforts. Several years ago. we inserted in our Prospectns the fol lowing words-: The Commercial -a model of political independence; nevertheless. Southbun Rir.HT" will always supersede the claims of every party every name. From this avowal it was not difficult to j'ldge what would lie oar coarse when the hour arrived that should place those rights within a tangible issue. The Message of onr great snd good President Pierce, in which he asserted tbe rights or the South under the Constitntkra, contained the pre cise doctrine that Ike Commercial had advocated for manr years, and the Cincinnati Convention having sustained that doctrine, we found in the GREAT NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY, those with whom we could conscientiously act tinder the influence of our judgment snd the Im pulse of our heart. The principles avowed in the Cincinnati Platform, will be sustained now and so long as we remain in public life. We believe Buchanan snd B sect: ems idor will ba the honest and faithful exponents of the prin ciples to which we adhere, and oa which tbe safety and happiness of the South depend. Pure in private character, honest 1a public life and of unimpeachable patriotism, tueir election cad alone preserve this Union from ruin snd disas ter. ' ' Those who hare heretofore read onr paper. know that wa have long desired to meat the pres ent hour, when the South will demand her rights without stint or compromise, snd seo how many of the National Democrats of the Free States will sustain her just pretensions. Enough will be found we hope snd balievo, to bear oar Bshner through tbe "battle and tbe braere," and assist us to transfix it on tbe ramparts of tbe Constitu tion. - "Strict attention paid te reports of Markets, domestic and foreign. . ,. -Res peel fully, T. LORING. . ON CONSIGNMENT. I FEW BARRELS HERRING, pat up ex V nressly for family uae. Just received and for sale by GEO. VV. DAVIS. Sept. 9, IBSo. 78. NOTICE. THE subscriber havingauaiiied as special Ad ministrator open the estate oi Cornelius My ers, deceased, and having been authorised to col lect In the debts daa aaid estate. hereby aoiiflessll peraons indebted by bom, or aeeosmi, or other wise to make immediate payment. aa It la desira ble that the bnaiaeaabe speedily closed. CHAS. D. MY fcRS la my aathonzed agent tr collect said debts, and receipt for the same. Jalyzl. 5 - BfeU. MYERg. SALT. SALT. eZC Sacks Ground Alusa Sah in lots te OUU suit. For sale by . ZKNO n GREENE. ;v Sent. 13. 185. , - 4 77. FRESH GROCERIES. AS we ara te start North in a tear days, for tbe arnose of nurcaasin a new stock of Gro ceries, I would thank those who have not paid their Bills to July 1st to do so Immediately. jaiy is. ,4 . JifcUttUK HKbilS. BUSINESS CARDS. J.C. LATTA, COMMJSSIOM MERC 11 AK T f GENERA L . AG EST, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1,1 856. SS-ly-c. T. C. & B O. WORTH,. COSHSSIOX AXD FORWARDING 3IERLIISMS, WILAflXOTOX, N. C. Jan 17, 1855. 125-c T nENRY NUffi FACTOR AND FflSWIRDING AGENT, Will girt his personal attentionto business entrust ed t his care. Sept. ft, 185C. 75-ly-c. GEORGE MYERS, -WHOLESALE ASS RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hjsnd H't locators Provisions, Hod and Willow Waref Fruit j Confeetionarves,c. South Front sir tet. WILMINGTON, N. V. Nov. 19, 1855. - 109. U. OOLLNER. O.POTTL'R. jr. J. CAMERDEN. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. April30, 1855. 20-ly. L. N. BARLCVVV, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WISES. ALE. PORTER, de. No. 3, Granite How, Kront Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 17th, IP56. 140-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHA NTS, I WILMINGTON. N. C. July 23; 53 ! D. CASH WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIL.MINGTOX. N. C. Sept. 30. 84-tf JOHN A. STANLY, COMMISSION ME R C II A N T, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 6ih, 1855. 63. G. MILLIOAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, Nonm Water Strkkt, Wikmington. No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Pool Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished to order on reasonable terms. JuneS. 3C-ly-c SAMUEL A.. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson and New Hanover. Office on Princess street, next door East Slate Bank. April 5. of the 9-Iy J. M. STEVENSON, AGENT for the sale of all kinds of Produce. Office on Princess st , under ADAMS, BRO. & CO., Wilmington, N. C. Feb. I2.l3l-tf. I. M. STEVENSON GEORGE R. FRENCH, I MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER .lir-l.. ' BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND 1 SHOE FINDINGS, NO. II, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 6. 151 GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Columbus -and Sampson. June 12. 38 ly JAS. C. SMITH. MII.ES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH tfc CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, i WILMINGTON, N. C. April26. , - 18-ly STOKLEY & OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Libera! Cash advances made on Klour. Cotton. ina niT.i oiurci consijntato mem. - Ane. 13. 85 1 v. . HI I C . I . . ' B LANK NOTE AND DRAFT BOOKS. Jset received at S. VV. WHITAKKR'S. Aug. 21, :BS6. 67 WANTED. 1 llOn BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, lUvW the highest cash pries will be paid lor the sbove article. UliO.ilVEKS. Oct. 16. SI 2m. JUST RECEIFED BY ti.R. FRENCH, AFKKSH supply of PER lu DAVIS' VF.GE TABLE PAIN KILLER, ia entire New Dbess. To be sore that yu get the genuine Med cine. inquire for tbe New Drees with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. April is. , 15-tf. L, W. PIGOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BEAUFORT, N. C. - Any Easiness entrusted to his attention will be attended to promptly and to the best of his ability. , tr-v.'.;" asraasjicas: : CamnrlnrA Stvron. Com. Merchants ) Wilminsr Mr. Jas. noreum, Attorney at Law. i ton N C. nr.hdwiM Stanly. Beaulort N. U Mr. Benjamin L. Kerry, Qenersl Agent for Under writers, Beaufort, N. C. . Feb. 5th. 1 956. 21-1 2m-w. AN UNRIVALLED assortment of Gents and Bora Dress Hats and Cans, naw onen at the Hal and Cap Emporium. 34 Msrket et no, is. - SHEPARD NVKK. MRS, SOUTH WORTH'S WORKS. "The Desertad ife. "the Lost Hir. M,h. Miaaina- Bride." " tha Wife's Viior w ,k. Curse of Clifton." "the Discarded Dau2hter," "RetrlStioo," "ihe Mother in-law,- "Shannon . f"" Vir'eand Magdeliae. "India, the Peart of Pearl Riser Peterson's a niform edition. W v saJeatf WHliiEL'B.a on. L BALTIMORE LOCR II0&P1TAL. 1)11. JOHNSTON, THE fonndcr ef thi C lebrafed Ir.f iii.non rf fersthe ninii ccrtais, yecdy anU otilj i lUi th ai remedy in the world ur SEC RUT DISEASES. Gleets, Strictures, Seminal VYvskaei-r, Pairs ! a the Loins, Constitutional tefeily, lmjioliJiy, Weakness of the Back and Linihs, A a. t in. . the Kidneys, Palpitation ol tbe Ilcuit, l) ki ej si;., Nervous irritabi ity, Disease ol ll.e If end, 1 luui, t Nose or Skin ; those serious and melancholy tliui derssrising from the destructive hu bits ol Youili, hich destroy both body and mind, 'l'hust seen! and solitary practices mors fatal to their vltiiiis than the song of the Syrens to the m.irimrs rf Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or no -iicipations, rendering marriage, die, mipot t.Lin. YOUNG MEN. Especially, who have become the victims of Sollfr. ry Vice, (hat dreadful and destructive habit whiili annually sweeps to an untimely f rave thnsnRCs i I young men of the most exalted talents and brillinr t intellect, who might otherwise havo rntranctd Uk. tening5enates with the tbnndersof eloquence, r avaked to ecataey the living lyte, mar a'1 ih fi.J confidence. I MARRIAGE. 'Married persons, or Young Men, contrmptaflr.p marriage, being awarrof Physical Weakne ss. ( eanic Debiliiy, Deforniilite, &c, should inimrdi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to ieriV-r health; He who places himself nnderthecarr of Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor ns a it. tlcman, and confidently rely ur.on hisskill as a r hy -sicianJ Da. Johnston is the only regularly FducMrrt Physician advertising lo cure Piivuic t t n-j laints. His remedies and treatment are cntirt-Iv ur.Lr nn toall others. Prepared from a I i Ic sunt in iljt Great Hospitals of Kurope and the l irrfin iS Country, viz t England, Franer, I lie l'l klf y el Philadelphia, cf-c, ond a more t xtrnfivc pm t,e than any other physician in the world. Ii is ninny wonderlul cures and most important Si.ri'irsl ( i,. crations is a sufficient suarnniee lo the i ii,i t. a . - Thosci uho irish to be sveeaiu and tr'rctui.lif rri;, . ed. should shun the numerous trijlwc imjwsltrr uho only ruin their health, and Djjnly in lijm. A CURB WARRANTKD Oli NO CHARGK. No Mercury or Nauseous Dives I te-' OFFICE. No. 7. SOUTH FUFnKl.Mi T: -i left hand side geirg from Baltimore stirri, tf, w doi.rs from the corner. Fail not to olnvr I in name and nurnber, for ipnoran liiflirg irnnoiir it attracted by the reputation oi Dr. JihriMi-r, link DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Londor ; graduate from one of the rnnstl imini nl ( !,lifes. . f iii vnneo. oiaies.and the greater part "I wh; life has been spent in the Hospitals ol London, I'm -is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, lias tllntt d k. ii c of the most astonishing cures thai u t re tier know r. Many troubled with ringing in iherars and licud whtiosleep, treut nervout-nsss, being bKmurri rt : slidden sounds, ond bashf j.ncFs. viih ficquei t bltichinsr. attended soni limes n iih d( iang n enl mind, were cured iminediiitt ly. 11 A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mieguidtd and iinpiiidiut v. t rv ( plensure finds he has Imbibed the seeds ol '.!,;. painful disease, it too oflcn h.tppens dial unill-tim-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, diter him from applying to those who. Irom xfciaii'ii and respectability, can nlonc befriend him, dt liij -ipg till the consiin.t ional sympioms of thj li on 1 il dihfase make their appearance, such i f uldrnt. d sore throat, diseased nose, nor'tnral ains in ilie head and limbs, dimness of sight, dcufm-ss, rrC,, on the shin bones and onus, blo'.clies on the h rd, face and rxtremiiies, progressing with frightful i n pidity, till nt Inst the plute of the n.oni-h or the bonesof the nose fall in. and the victim of ilu awfuldiseasc becomes a horrid objict of cn.ini. seration, till death putsa peiiod to hfsdreadiul sul ferings, by sending him lo "that home Irom whence no traveller returns." To fucIi ihcrrlnri-. Dr. Johnston pledges hlm.-elf to preserve tht mon invtolahle recrrty; and, from hlt ixitnivp pruc tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and Anieiir;i he cam eanfidf'ntly recommend a safe and speidy cure to the unfortunate victim of 1 1 is lioi rid di? casc. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful complaint, owing lo tin nn. skilfulness ol ignorant preli ndi rs, who! ly flu nt-c of that deadly poison, mercury, min the ronniin tinn, and rither si nii Ihe iinAirtunair tutlrri r io i n untimely grave, or else make the refiduc ol Jifc mi. erabie. . i. , TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr: J. addresses all those ho ha v injured Uicin selves by private and improper indulgences. These are sonus of tho a. id and nielam-1 oly rf fee ta. produced by esrjy habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the fiak and Limbs, Paine In lie Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of MriFru'nr P. -er, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Dj spep.v. Nt rv. i.s irritability Dernngement f tie Dites'iive ftmc lions, General Debility, Symptoms" of Ciusiin:p. tion.&e. Mentally. The fearful i flirts on the mind arr much to be dreaded; Loss of Memory. Cinfrsjun uf ldeas, Depression of Spiriis. Evil Forelx dings. Aversion of Society, Self Di.lui'i, I.ovi- of Soli, tude, Timidity, tc. are some of the evils product a. Thousands of persons of nllnges, can nowjtd what is the cause of their declining lieahh. l.t't. ing their vigor, becoming wrak, i a!c and rrratia. led, have a singular sppcarar.ee nl. in ihe -j t cough nnl symptoms of crnsimiptiin. ' DR., JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RKSIF f IV FOR ORGANIC WKaKKJSS. By this great and important remedy wrl rci 4., the organs are speedily currdand fuljvigi rr- f-iou '. Thousands of the most Arrvous ard CeliJiinnd individuals who hd lost all hops. kae b. n iuiiiit -disiely relieved. All fmpc(iini nis lo MUUUAGI. Physical or MenialI)iquslincniIons. Nrrxoi s lr ritabilitv Tremblings and Weakness, or ri reunion of the most fearful kind, nccdily cimd by Lr Johnston. Young men who have Injured tlnmsdves l v n certain praclice indulge d in k hen alonr-a iinUt frtquently learned from rvil e oir i.nit,r s. oi ot school, the effecistif which are rightly f,ii, t.,n wlen asleep, and if not cursd, rrnltrs mr.niiie ssirpossiblend dtslroysLolL .iind and boeii , t-l.omd ajMty iramtidiaiely. Wharf a pity that s young mar, the he re or l f country, and the darling of his parents, r hoi-id br iianiiruiiuiii un piuvpi cis anil tnyi iienis ol lik, by tbeconseqaenecs of deviatins irim tiraih i f nature, and indulcing in a certain secrtl l.atii. Such pt-rsons, before contemplating I MAR HI A (IE. Should reflect thai a sorrndmind a.-.d boi'y nrc t! e mob,! necessary reqninitrs :o promote etrnnllit happiness. Inded, without tl.esc. ihc jcuim y IhrougU life becomta v ear5 pi'irimag, : ili r m.. pect hourly darkens to the i-w ; th.- ni.n.l l.rt trrn nhmdftk:tA with H.r.t i r w. A G.H. A .1 i tholy re flee I ion that the bnppiritfs of t.noil.tr U comes blishted wiih on rown. OFFICE KO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-.ST.. I ... . . I5AtTI!OBE, 31s. I All Surjlcal Operatli i 8 I'eitoinier!. N.B- Let no fjlse eJelicary pnvrui iv, kuj apply immediately either ptr--.i i.llj er I . m-i kln I)isee eedllv oi td. J TO STRANGERS. 'Utemanv tliouswilt euredmt liiriit,ttLn k ; V. in tbe List ten years, and the n;mi :nt s iir r tant Surgical Opera:ins peifoi n:i i ly ft J.. u ir nessed by the Reporter of the paper, ard mar other persons, noticrs of u hich have ,u me ! i(Iln and again before the public, besides Lis tr.!irt as s ?entlrmsn of cliaraclrr and resre'Ct;! ili!, ir s sufficient guarantee tn the sfTif it d. TAKE NOTICE. It is witb tbe (rratet rrlnctsrvcf il t Ir. .ttill ttTfi? permit hi er.) to nar hfUtrr it e fnl.ii- lUm 'fif ! nnprufwional for it physician to aUvrrlimimt nn'r., aid so, the sfflirte-l. e.ciiy Hnnrfn. rouid n t fm! o fall Into the hand of ih mart Impsi i ) , ui lmn r' Importers, wiib inni:ii.ornl,le FsIm .a , , r.ntlre-l Qu-rk.hi.ps. rmintf theaalaree ellirs, e-T irL- Iir Joasvt's jdvrt.,nls t Hvi,i tl , n.r. r.. peir. lltitfrt.al!,.tr.brii-.lf, I. -,. to., larv work at thrtrartertruil trade, with nmc ti i.I.aa t J tlM brat, who. f,r th purpotw et Ki.ticH r arwl In-rHv. nif earry on five or ix office, nmier . a.) d;i)-ei or. la sore to tumble hemne.ne iotn the t en. r. U r,, ,,, with m rmeifia ryinc ertifira!w uf Kmt si sr. tonlshlng com frniiiiwninn not to hr fnantl. vhnkrrn ran Iskliv IkM hiiiw r 1 ir..,r. w .... 1 .... ' parkaeesef Althr anri r.rfl,ix ,.a- f.rpard tnimpus upon th nrfVnui ate in vniit-n-t -n- Triflina mnnth after monili. nrti kns n, ll.eniirll J cn obtained. and. to tlrtmir. Invn yrm with ""7" io min nrr rnnr inn uz ata;ioN inmnit It ia this moU that uv'vrMi Dr. .1. t.i n Hi-rw,? s sloss c eras Tr. T" lhw :ti.i-,.n.i:,1j, , a jj, j,., rvifuiMifivi. HiWffllll Plii iMrr Tn . . ... ,i. rrrt.t n- mtis or aipioom. ;nre rune in his fCrr KO LETTKR8 HKCKIVEJt lXI.KSi POtT-rAII ana aoniati al; ara Pt-mp to 1 f. the rc-plr. Vev. tins; shnnl,) tat gt and on.i that r"rt'lr, ,i i-aieat sawrlUm ynrfnr!s. ' advavMaewii J3I ly- Si . Jan. 9, I65fi,

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