H IT n$ JV W J- VOLUME XI NUMBER 125. WILMINGTON, N. .C, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1857. WHOLE NUMBER 1370 MISCELLANY. THE KENTUCKY TRAGEDY ! The sineularly tragic attendant circum stances, and the terrible climax of the act of venreance known as "THE KEN TUCKY TRAGEDY," excited through out tbv country, at the period of its cora- miswon, a degree of earnest attention which ren the excitement that marked the dis coverrof the murder of Dr. Parkman, by Prof. Webster, fails to parallel. The im pelling motite of the, deed, tinctured as it was with chivalric heroism, which seldom if evrfai!s in awakening the admiration of our noblest sympathies the distinguished prominence of the principal parties, altach- to the trajredy which constitutes our caption a mournful interest which will lonz be remembered : thu- fully- realizing the enibusiesiic boast of binf whose gener ous young heart prompted bun to champion the wrong of one he loved that he would make her story "a memorial of virtue to be remembered when they were both in the dust.",-,' . Orville Beaucharope wm the second son ' of a sturdy Kentucky former, who had li.nnitv AtmA arimm ummrm hafira lha nnrttr. ri j j fence' which has lent to his nnrne such un- enviable celebrity- leaving bis widow and three children, two of them girls, in com Portable ciieumstances. Orville, when a "bout eighteen years of age, was placed as student in the law office of Col. Solomon P. Sharps, an eminent lawyer and politician, between whom an intimacy cemented ap parently by the warmest impulses if mut ual regard sprang up and ripened into friendship : but, alas I for the blind slnsti ness of human passion, their intimacywis broken and their existences terminated by a deed which startled the entire country. At twenty-one, young Beauchampe wn admitted to the Brotherhood of the Bar. and at once assumed a position among the most nromlsinir and brilliantly talented , o jroung lawyers of the State. A short tune subsequent to his release from legal tutil age, young Beauchampe became acquaint ed with a Miss An.it Cooke, who, with , her widowed mother, resided nenr the home of the former. The studied seclusion from -society and unbroken reiiracy in which Miss Cooke lived, "'.furnished - agreeable stimulus to the habitual curiosiiy of a coun try town, and she became the theme of jreneral conversation. ' The ardent and im pulsive nature of young Beauchampe pro mpted him to break through the restraints of so unneighborly ' an isolation, and to form the acquaintance of a Recluse report ed to be as beautiful as she was reserved.; and he succeeded. A colder heart than that of Beauchampe might vainly have striven to resist the fascination or Miss Cookers manner and appearance uniting in her person all the elements of physical beauty and grace ; her face is described as having been lovely to a degree which could suggest additional charms to the most ex quisittv ideas of painter or of poet. Her mellow tone, and smiles fraught with the most powerful magnetism of love, soon won not alone the love, but the worship, the idolatry, of Beauchampe. Existence without Anna Cooke would have been to his soul life without light being without a, directing thought or emotion to warm it into .: ore thun passive consciousness of ex istence. He revealed his love to her poured- out the homage of his hMri with the unreserved and gushing fullness char acteristic of the South: sweet l;id of im pulse anu ot lervid leeling nsceriaiiie't that it-was responded to with ll the ardor of bis own affection ; and he tusked that his bliss iiiignt-receive- tne culminating blessing of marringef She hd too high n npprecjaiion of the. ttuble mid loftly ft lin age "stie ha'd gm-d. to practice upon it leceii; aiid BeanchnnijH Jesirnl with p.r alyziir hoiVrur and surprise ih-ii ili- limiii he C I Hinted t.i b-en f'milly !i.-hnriird hat the love lt askmi,' in .ffer lli piir- .adoration up- n the siuin of 1. 14 liert h-d been deceived, T"triy-i on-' tr(iipW u;- : But .all ctiiiquf 1 injsi i" inniu. Si! ('e the- collier COiivenlii;il.ili;ies of society, fin! over th promptings of tnanhiMMiV pruie renewed his onrt iAftrnMrs unci wa .u--ceptl wldd u;hh the terrible, Uin-.' sacredly sworn ciiiatriOh, that t-hoi.l I - ever meet ihe e.irly betrayer of her tr whose hud he hd: received the ve-tj.i, ( f venjjennce, Hint t wimbl sacrifice his life would iiririndttie turn upim (he It r ol in-r -wrongs Brief period of h.tppinesK w t routed him, an excising political Contest w then in progress, and Cd Shrp. hi fneii't anil tutor, a candid. ite for the Assembly of Kentucky, re ,uird the asm-l-mc of ht. yoothdll aud eloquent upil to ohiain that he, for the first time t-itict; his mar riage, visited Beauchampe, ami thi and thpre, -after a st"aratiuT t five years, xn-.-t as the wife of his fii:id, Or ville Beauchampe, her, whom fivn years- previously, it is alleged, he had tmder' an assumed name, sedtned ; the recognition was tmitual, and Anna Cooke, Mrs . Beauchampe, in whose heart the- morhid desire for vengeance had cooled te6Hre the more ardent fires of love and connubial happiness, reveal ing to her mreneiitaut wronger thc ter uble oath at veugt-ance . by which she had bound her husbauu to slay htm, expressing her eamesi wishes for peace commanded, implored the absence of Sharpe but in vain, and 'tis asseru-d by the friends of Beauchampe, the priv ileges, and the sacred rites of hospitali ty and of imsusjiecting friendship were piostituted and violated to subserve the meaner prompting of passion. I Mrs. Beauchampe rev ei'ed to re; husband the identity of Col. Sharpe hi friend, with - Alfred Stevens her se ducer, and exacted from him the fulfil ment of that obligation whivh he had so solomnly assuni-d. Beauchampe arm ing himself, met Sharpn by appointment m a hank of the Kentucky river, and demanded, with. proffired weajion, the sole reparation which the nature of the wxonj permitted. Sharpe, though pro-1 fesedly willing : to arbitrate upon the field of honor any difficulties, though hi" rnnrP hnrl Wn rerelv testrt in --.-D- j ... several duels, on mis occasion seems to hTf Inst nil cfiniA of manhood in h more powerful suggestions of personal safetv . or nerhans in the enfeeh n repruacfies 01 couscieiice, auu aciuauy groveled at tne ieet 01 tJeaucnampe, as u : ?. : :.-.. u .1 , uij'iuicu iiiiui.. u..y i.vu nu-uic nigll-spirited youth, disgusted With a foeman SO little WOrtllV of his Steel. spurned the prostrate figure with his foot aud left him. Shortly afterwards he learned from undoubted authonty that Sharpe' had uttered imputations upon the previous character of his wife, which in a South ern community marks the lowest depth of female shame and degradation : wrought to madness by the provocation, with all the enthusiasm ot his natuie excited for the accomplishment of ven geance, he sped to Frankfort, where the legislature was then in session, and where Sharpe, then Attorney General of Kentucky, the associate, if not the intimate friend of Henry Clay, J. J. C111- tendou, and of Kentucky's most gifted sons basked in the meridian light of political and personal distinction. Pas sing over each ruse which Beauchampe employed to meet Sharpe, suffice it to say that the latter, while seated in his study one night, heard ahout 9 o clock a knock at his outer door, the name given in reply to his query was that of an acquaintance, and he opened the door, when the glare of his hall light ten mil upon me lace and determined features of Beauchampe the hour for r' II M r- . hitn had come, and with a single blow, the wrongs of Anna Cooke were aveng ed. Col. Solomon P. Sharpe lay dead upon the threshold of his own door. Suspicion poiuted at once to Beau champe he was arrested tried con victed and condemned, and on the morn ing ot June 5th, 1826, he was doomed to pens.li on the gallows. At the ap pointed hour, Ihe Sheriff and his assist ants repaired to the cell of Beauchampe hut shrank with honor,, as upon ihe floor, clasped in each others embrace, weltendg 111 their commingled blood. y me iorms ot the dead Anna fcStrau- champe, a willing prisoner with her husband, and theexpiriugCeauchampe. A rude knifr had furnished them the means of death. She had effectually avaued nerseit 01 them. Me was rap ... "I .1 if r 1 ww idly journeying to the portal of death. 1 hey however staunched his wounds. dressed them, and with vindictive ea gerness impelled by party spiiit. placed mm in the lelon's cart, and ignomini ous! y paraded the expiring youth thro' he streets ot Frankfort. But the sym pathy of the ladies of that city, and ol many of her less prejudiced sons, con verted into a melancholy ovation what was designed tor insulr. From the win- lows of nearly every house upon his rouie, ladies clad 111 mourning, waved him, amid audibie sighs and earnest sohs, their last adieus. The dying youth was revived into momentary conscious ness by the touching testimonial. He summoned the remaining energies of his noble heart, and f.-el.lv. thnmdi gracefully lifting bis hands, nuu mun d ' I).ii2lit'T! of K.'iniii br von at leant Will ll'-! tli ll III.- .f . i)l:cll.ilK. . .. j t n . i tuu sasiK. rj'iiin aim iiy woes were no tnon: to hint If- had passed h.-hind too ctntaiii. SOLTHEMK Ki'lTERV. on jh;; H.W'A. A im.a.v phiz i,v u ;.vi :ti 1 iC.LY 1.1 000 Mi.MijKliS t rr.iZKs FAAiu.v without dbi-vctioj. JASIKtv AC.lDi M LiTTKKV. Hi, A..,iii.r :cy 0 the "t a 1. . .1 ..-n Gi.. U . ' 1 if-' CM ftdll. trf ...'!i-.l. r,t '). ii -j r ' l ! .1 ..-oil i .q 1 ki?" "-ieiibif thi .., It .iud -m-nt ih AtHti! th're"re u :hi l.xnnitr.t the t hrief 'A 'tils nn ii any F.f:. , -M. l v 1 inv-i 1 I 4 5 Hi 1 ,5i 0 r-t.-f,i it', ifu do d s.t 0 2.i, 1 4.i'- S.fl" ..:, -,i re io 4t API'itOXI v ATI ON I'RIZI-.S. 20 ppT,iiat.s ot lf'0 are tl MK J 50 4. St' are ZfiKfH: 60 do. Ware v 1 110 1,?I2 friee?, aiuv.ur.iins? r..U)2,t0! t KRTIKi;ATKs t.K i'AUKAKKS I FTK.N TICKKl'S, Rk tt he nun'tf if rrd in 1,2 'i, I, o, 6, 7. 8. S. 0. art oid .it ti e to' In iog rtra : 10 Whout J kkti. 60 00 10 Moll no 3 t'O 10 Quarter ' 15 f 0 ll Witt hr neit eiid. t p Ir. -1 u . .hat ff r Sij' te fiur-hdfnr liaii . ! rr tfii t.lt ot t n tie. -when, if he buys tt lets, he wutd etifv eel ti t ihai vtttn !U what . TliuK, hyliuyi-nBrVrs-.fi ities he ha for tii(rechanc 'f iartr prix Halves and qui. net p.-ekas'-in pr, .i.riiir. TicUett. ia Halves S. Quarter 2 60. Th 1.600 Prize of .S4r. are deer mined by the list lisur.' of ihe Number t at drae iie tpit:i Prize of SIS.OOO VbUapital ixeill o.us-. r-nd with one o the figii-e 1, t 3, 4, ,, 7 f-, 9, 0. Thoee Nhol-- Tick, ts endius wih Ihe ar fivnre as the last in he Capital will be entilicd te $40. Halves and Quart, r in proportion. Persons sendlns money by nail need not fear its rnlnj lost. Orders penceally MtienJed :o 'ommunlcattnna confidential. Bank ioies ol alt nud Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular num Vera shnaldorder immediately. ' Address JAMES F W1NTFR. Manager, Macon, Ga. D c l. 1556. . 116 r hLl SALT AFLOAT. y f HIJHEI.s Al VM MI T; - 51 U Mhhti.i Brimr 1VPW ,rl I1.ND Mi)l.fSJSS. -Just reeiived pr r Schr OiH-t. and fr sals by Xn.V.1 O. W. DAYiS. AFFLICTED READ ! ! Philadelphia medicad "house. i-.?,."b!.n! twenJr-.,.wo. " b Dr- Kiix a KLi in , corner 01 xrura bm tiaion streets. 1 Philadelphia, Pa. TWKSTT-TWO YEARS I ces'alui praclisioner in ihe cure of all diseases of a private nature ; manhood's debirty, a an iro- I pcdlaient to marnazo: nervuua and sexual ia nrmi,e,, diaeaaes f The akin, and those arising 1 from abuse or mercury. I TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE There lee. evil habit sometimes ladulcedjnbf toya, in solitude, often growing up with them 10 I manhood; and which, if not reformed in due lime nor onlw beget serious obstacles 10 matrimoni al happiness, but gives rioe 10 a scries of pro traeted, insidious, and devastating affections. Kew of those who give wav to this pernicious practice are aware of ihe consequences, until they find the nerronseyslem shattered, fVelstrangeand nnar countable seni-ations, and vague tea rain the mind, t See pair s. 27, 28,29, of Or. K'i book on " Self Preservation.") Th-unfortunate laos affected becomes feeble, is unabl 10 labor with accustomed vicror. r tuap. ply hi mind toetiidy i ats step is lardy and waak; he is dell, irreo!aie, and engage even ta his sports with less energy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worn, and enter intitrimony, his irutrri.-ige i- unfruitful ni.d his tiense tells him that thi. is cuu'etl by hie earl follies TT!e are confedera tion irhich should awaken the attention of all vlio are ttmilarly situated KKMEMBRR. He who pieces hi ms-if under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment. mv religiously confide in his honor an a gentleman, nn ' rely upon the assurance, tha the secrets of Dr K.'s patienta will never be dis- cl'ed. ViMine man let no false modesty deter you 'rm making our case known 10 one, who. ft cm education and respectability, can certainly be friend i nn. Dr Kinkelin's residence has been for the las twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third and t;niin streeti". Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can have tby statin? their case explicitly, to gether wi'h all their armptom. per letter, enclos- a remittance) Dr. k medicine, appropriated ld!o,n, nan of the United Sores, and I . ' ' packed Mecute from damage or curiosity, by Mail or p.xpress i;eap YOUTH AlVD MANHOOD! A Vigorou Life or a Premature Death. Kinkelin on e frrterration Unly id Cent. Letters containing that value in siamps, will ei.sure cepv. per ret- rn ol mail. GK1T1S! GRATIS I! GUATIS!!! A free Gl KT To All. MISER V UKLlkVKD. Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, mil t vaiunbie advice and impressive wartiinir. :'ike calul ited 10 prevent years of misery, and 3ve thousand of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail,-prepaid to any fost tlmcc in tne united states, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. June 19. 41 iy-w&t SOUND LAND FOR SALE. THE Mndersisned olT'rs for sale a tract of land King on M irtle Grtive S sound, 9 miles from V ilniinlen, containing 70 acre ; about 40 cleared ; 25 of ilint is very good huniork land; there i on the premises a eoort itwcllins.' liouoe with 6 room. Di.izzm n 2 ide. with all n csary out h'usrg There is also ver. fine erove of trees in the vard. It is me of the hand.-totneM ftimmitr places that can he found within IU miles of iu location ; all open to Hie great Ocean. Another tract aiijoininsr, containing 80 acres. all piney land, with a dwelling house and out houses on the premises. Another piece, all ha mock Hnd; 9 acres. In thi t:a'-t. Any on t an pnnn-it." uiiher tract, separate ly, 't the whole together, on reasonable leruix. Also for sale, a very fine buildinz lot in Golds- bo'o', Wnyne roun'y. r or lurther inlorniation csll on Jontrs urant, or i.C. AJILt-IS. Nov. 29, I65S. 1C9 tf. MARYLAND LOTTERIES FOR JANUARY 1857, li. FRANCE fc CO., iManagers. O-atcings conducted under the superintendence oj of tie Slate Lattery Commissioner. Prizes paid as soort as drawn. (il.AVD MAKVLAND LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN. GRAM! CGHSCLIDATf D LOTTERY OF MB, EXTRA CLASS I. he im vrn in Baltimore, Mt., Saturdny, Jan lt, 1857. 0,060 TICKLTS!-1,C00 PKIZt S! . tiivue Lotterii'H -very Prize must lx- drawn b Fiutii- !&.-, am all the Pi izrx are drawn outoflln. I :!. v & f H. Hcebaro Sl Co. at! KUthttrizi'd br War npi-f to fiit al ortirrs. '' :2 5 I- ------ I'.in. - 10 "( 5,ro ' - ... 2,001! ------ 1,500 - ; - - - - - I.IM.0 . - i0l ArrHl)IIKATlo FftlZES. i.(i5u Af u'x 4.,5D0 "i I " " lii0- ' v : lO.t'Oi It M ' 6,000 ' "i 7 ' 2.0' e Str 5ii , i(ioo T-i of 10 " 00 IfiOpri, ' tl.i2.R0 vh..l Tiekfc.0; ll.lv S; Quurlrrs '.' BR ILL! A NT SCHEME. ili-Ml CWLHini LOTTiRT Of MD. (. I.AS C , To be drawn i-i H i ti.ti .ri. '.Jd Saturday, .i an. -4th J-57. SCI IK VIE S Nambers I Drawn Bal'.ota 1 r. rjx- ot" - - -. teoooc 29.S-.i-K'.M'.i s.OOtV 2 nit-' 1, 0.' 31-0 00 B0 60 40 2- I 4 53r io 63 v."6 fi,3fii 9,-95 viile fJl; II Ire- SI ; Q,lar $. ; Kigli h.- 2. ! ' rt:fica e of Pac-Kjsre o' V boh s, e..w S265 0..t lo io. is Ha ves 13;5t Do. do. V6Qnarttra " f-6 2 De. do. 22 Kihths, " 3i VI r- AH order for tickets or package in any ol th Murvland t.ott ri . will receive prmn t sitit-n- tiin. and the drawing miicct to all inrehaer ini- mediatrly aftn it is over. iddrra T. R. HUf:BARP CO. Tio. '8 rayetr-!t . -t tux, o 40, . - BatUitrore, Mryl;.p!. De. 1M56. rr;-y L(.yp ; - t kN sr-OAV'ttRNINB ..n SeeT t-e . 'fi the r-ia itr-nf .y. Wi. . Kk'H-c-Mrt, mah n'I.O WATCI an.1 OHA1 . Tb firder wilt.be tihmlly rewarded b- lnin T the Journal Offica. 4OyL21. W-if. j TUE fitl-lYEEKLY 0I11ERC1AL Is published every Tdbsoat, Thvssoav and Satosdat at SS per annum, payable taancase in advance. BY THOd. LORINO Editob and PsoraiBToa BENJ. V. SANDERS Associate Editob. Corner Frontand Market Streets, J : WlLallJIOTOK. h. c. RiTPJ tiff ADVERTISING. I sqr. 1 insertion SO 50 1 1 aqr. 2 nionlha, S4 00 i .4 2 . .. 75 I 1 " 3 " 6 00 1 3 ! 1 00 1 " 6 " 8 00 1 1 month. 2 SO I I 12 12 00 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adyer tiaement exceeds ten lines, the pttce will be in .iroporlion. Ail advertisements are payable at the lime of heir insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made m the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circu.uatances render j chansre In business, or an unexpected remove necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for 'he time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly limited to llictrown immediate business; and ai itdverttsemt nis (or the benefit of other persons is well as aU advertisements not immediately con' neered with iheir own business, and all excess of .tdvertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits ensrised, will he charged al tne usual rates No Advertisemnnts is included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or eountry. or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These sre excluded by the term "immediate bunne " All lHver'isements inserted in the trl-weekly Commercial are entitled to one lesertion in the Weekly free of charge OIJ. CARD ASH FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED 1 M SUPERIOR STILE. f;RlTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. New Yobbt Messrs. Dollnbb & Pottbb. fioxlon Chals -Smith, .No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia- . K. Cohbm. Haltimor VVm. H.PsAKsand Wat. Thomson . ,.:) or The Commercial. WILMINGTON, N. C. j j , Weekly ; Trl-Weekly $C a Vear. j- .1 IN ALL CASES IN ADVANCS. I In ihin; a Prospect its to ask subscriptions to t ltV- roMM;sc L, the subHcrilters feel it a duty to define their Ksiiion, so as lo leave nodottbt upon the minds of tlit-fr patrons as to the principles their paper will Mistatn. In the mutations of ast years the Senior Edi tor has hail one pars mount principle before him. OUTHEKN RIGHTS, under the Constitution, have been the aim and oljct of sll bis etTorts, these alone are maintained by the Platform of th Di-moeratic tmrty Several years ago, we in serted in our Prospectus Ihe following words: Trnc Commkbcial it a model of political indepen dence; nevertheless Sol'thcun Kicht vdl always ufrru tU tie claims of t.verj party if etery name." From avowal it was Dot diflicult to jodse what would te our course when the hour arrived 'hat should place those l ights within a tangible isxue. I ,! The Message of our great and good President PiKitcK. ni which he aserte(I the rights or the South tittiler the Constitution. contained the jre- ci-ie doctrine that The Commercial had advocated for many, vears. ami the Cincinnati Convention having suetained that doctrine, wo found in the GREAT .NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTV, those with w hom ne could con-cietilioiily act nnder I lie influence of our judgment and the in put -e of our heart. . The principled avowed in the Ciiieinn-tll Platform, wiil le -nstaiucd now ami so leng as wo remain in public life. We rw-lieve HocmKAN and Brkckenridsr will he tl.e honest and fdilhUil exponents of the prin- citrles to which we adhere and o.t which Ihe km let v ad happiness r the; South depend. 1'nre in private character honest in pit blic lif and of iiriiinpcachable nalriotiHm, their election liss alone preserved this Uuion from ruin and disas ter. . . Tho-t' who nave heretofore read onr paper, know that we have long deired to meet tbe pres ent hour, when the South will demand her rights without Ktmt o.-eomiiromise. and see how many of the National Democrats of the Free States will xtistain her ju-t pretension Enongh will be 'oiitid we hope and believe to bear onr Banner thronabj the tattle and the breeze " and a-it mi lo transfix it on ihe ramparts of tbe Constito inti. ' !5"Sti ict attention paid to reports of Markets, 'otn'sttc and torcign ; Rewctfully , T. LORINO B W SANDERS J. M STEVENSON, v OKVTfor or the sale of all kinds of Produce. n Ptincessst .under ADAMS, BUO. A O., ilminirton.N. C. Feb. i2.!31-tf. J. M. STEVENSON "COMMERCIAL" 3FOT7I7U Ft PRESS HiU'iimiV: ESTABLISHMENT, 3GUTH Sill MAPI1T ST. II THE HARMT HCUSI ; waxmij-tgton; n. THE PROPRrETOU of this well known EfltabllslinMnt would call tbe Attention of tbe business cotnmunfty ts his lanre and beaut ifnl aortment of Type and Presses liavine Inst added to hid stock one of R. Hob Sr. Co's IVATKXT SIXGI: CTLINDKR PUINT1NO MA CHIN K8, he is now enabled to do work at a much move reusoeab rata than formerly, and In tbe finest atyle f tha wsrk.' CARDS. Printed from $1 to $10 per thoasand. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR RAIT.ROAIXS, STEAMBOATS, COKPORATIOXfi.fcS. BILL-HEADS, SHOP-BILLS, BILLS OF ! LADING, JLTSTy HEADINGS, ! tc, o.. ate. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. Wi would en th attention of Concwt Atrents. Phow. men and others, to oar facilities for doing this kind of work. t all kisds or PLAIJT Ain ORXAMENTAL YKTSTIS9, I 'one in the neatest manner, and at ahart notice. Thw io want of Printing we irusi win naa 10 ujstr ilvantage to giro ats a ealV. COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Shioners and others is called to ear x tensive assortnient of Commeretal Blanks. Anionic the eolsectirtn is a very Sne ami handsome lot of Bills of z- :tnre. tnsneets sna Oootts. Kuvuiober 2, 1856. . Cnoil E 0LDSCUPPERN0NG WINE. tf K ity ve init received three barrels of this ele V V o,i,t Old Wine Tesether with Chamnaizna f the beat jnd most c' legated Brandiv 1 nioe " i Ton Qiu-half pine of th it Cresaeat Brandy. J ill Rwr eco v nit-Key. jia ataaonfeocia ns V- Vhtler. Peaeh sad Apsle Bnndy. Sherry. P i t, l4drri. Tlire't Maleagaand Mederia Wine :" ro.ikins purrtoea, Citron Raisins, Currants. In fic every j article Helonging M the Grocery Bitxtn'res can be found here apon the lowest cash term- , i At GEO. U7K11S. w BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT 4- GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 1,1856. 86-ly-. T. C. & B. G. W0RT1T, COflllSSlON iSD FU&WABOIKG aEECIISSTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan IT, 1855. US-e FACTOB ASD FORWARDING AGENT, Will give hi perianal attention to busints entrust ed tm kit car: Sept. 8, 185C. 75-ly-c. GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Keep constantly on hand, 11 tn, Teas, Liquor Provision, Wood and Willou Ware, Fruit, Confectionaries, f-e. South Prontttreet, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 18, 1855. 109. H. OOLLNER. G. POTT t R. Jr. J. CAHIRDEN. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. Aprl130, 18S5. 20-ly. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES ALE. PORTER, f-c No. 3, Granite Kow, t-'roitt Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P56. UO-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER k CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 23. 58 D. CASRWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N C. Sept. 30. 84-tf JOHN A. STANLY, C OMMISSION MERC 11 A N T, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 6th, 1855. 83. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Water Stbkkt,. Wikminqton, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Pool Stones, and all kinds of Marblt H ork furnished to order on reasonable terms. Junes. 36-ly-e SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson and New Hanover. Office on Prlncesa street. next door Eaat of the 9-Iy State Bank. April 5. GEOltGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER. AND WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER IN J BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER. AND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. N. C. March 6. 151 GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETUTOWN, N. C. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of BUden, Robeson, Columbus auu campion. June 12. 38-ly SAB. C. SMITH. -IMS COSTISf JAS. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 2. SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 28. 18-ly STOKLEY fc Ol.DHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cash advanees made on Klenr, Cottoa, and Naval stores consigned to them. Ab. 16. 51r- OUR MOTTO IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE vTHmiufton Ssddle, Harness, a a 4 Trnak Manufactory. TH E subscriber reapectlully i n form s t h ep nbllt that he has recently received additions to his stock wf Saddle and Harneaa Mountings, dtc, the i a teat and moat improved atyle, andia conslanly manufacturlns.athisstoraonraariretstreet,eTery descrintion of articlein thesbove lino. From his experienced the business, he fee Is confident that be will beaUleto aiveentireaatisiactiontosllwbo aVS.a s mayravorhim witn a can. nanaenowoa nand andwiliconsuntlr keen a lariteaasortmen tof Coach, Gig a.d Sultry Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bridles. Whips, f-c, uenuemtn's noddles, Whips Spurs, arc nsllr which he will warrant to be ieff II the best materials sad workmanship Vh hi. also a larce assortment o Truuks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Truuks, &c. and all other ar ticles usually kept in such establishments, all of whicb be oners low tor Uaan,or onshortcredit to Dromcl eostomers. - Saddlea, HarnessTrunks, Redlcal Bags, die. atc.maee to order. I a addition totbs above the siibeerlberalways kssDson hand a larresnppiy ot strtnc Lreatuer sad has bow. and will keepthrooeh the season a rood assortment of lly Ntrtte. Allarelavtredto eau ana examine my uoodi, wbetherin wantoraot, asi takepleasnrelnshew- ligmr assortment to all wno may favor me with a call. HarnessandCoach Trimminra sold at a fair price to persons buying to manuUcturs. Also, Whirs st wholesale. tllkindsof Aiding VeMeles boatrht a. old on rommisMons. j JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7. 1656. 138 7: TO MERCHANTS. WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUR LARGE and extensive stock of Hsts. Cans. Umbrel las,' ate.-; and caa aell them at the lowest New York prices, ss we: have them direct from the manufactory, and ss Mr. 11 awes resides la New York, we have every facility of getting every new style aad at the lowest rate. Merchants will do well te call and see,' under the Csrolina Hotel. , UlLCS a HA WES, 5-spt.gr, 185-t. j f-iA BALTIMORE LOCK UOM'ITAL. T)R. JOHNSTON. THE founder of this Ctlebraled lna:itution cf fcrathe most certain, ."ipcciJy and only eflectu si reinaay in tne worm lur SUV RET DISEASES. Gleets, Strictures, Seminal eakneee, Pains 1 the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Jiopoitucy Weaknese of the Back and Limns, AnVciluna o the Kidneys, Palpitation ol the Heart, Oyanepsia Nervous Irritabiity, Disease of the Head, 'i iuoa Nose or Skin ( those serious sad melancholy disor dersa rising from the destructive habits of Vouih ahich destroy both body and mind. Those tec-ret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariners ct uiysses, blighting iheir most brilliant hopes or an ticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossible. U UI li if I r.JS. Especially, who have become the victtrna of Suilt ry Vic; that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ol Voung men of the most ezalied talents and brliJiao intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence-, br waaeu io ccsiacy lue llvinc I vre. ma v call wan ful eonnaence. MARRIAGE. Married person, or Younir Men. eontcmnlatlris niarriuge, being awarrof Physical Weakness, Or- eanic ueoiuiy, Lreiorinltles. flee. allonld Immerl . ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfo-l IICUIIIl. If who places himself underthecarcofDr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor aa a pen-' iieiiisii,Buu connuenuy reiy upon nisskiii ass phy sician. Da. Johnston is the only regularly Educated ;, J j loture rrivate ruompialnts. His remedies snd treatment are entirely unknown toaiioiners. rrepsreo irom a lile spent in tin ureal Hospitals of Kurope and ihe Kirstin itit oountry, vis t England, Krasce, ihe U lock ley o rniiaoeipnia, f-e., ana a more extensive practice man any oiner pnysicisn in I tie world, ills many wonderful cures and most Important Surgirat Op. craiiona Is s sufficient guarnntee lo the aAlicted.. - Those vho vixh to be tpttaily and effectually relic ed, should thun th numerous trifling impoter; who only ruin their health, and apply lo him. A CURE WAUKANTKD Oil NO CHARGE. A'o Mercury or Kuunriw Drupe t'te4 OFFICE, Xo. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK St., loft hand side gelng from lialtimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail noi lo obi-erve his name and number, for icneraru triflinff importers attracted by the rtiiuloticn ol Dr. Jcluisltm. Jurk near. DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Kunrenna T.nnrlnr t graduate from one of the meat eminent Colleges ot the United Slates, and tha forester nirl if uhm. life haa been spent in the Hospitals ol London, Par- rniiaueipiiia.ana eisewnere, has ellected some i tne mosiastonisning cures that wercever known. Many troubled with ringing in ihe ears and head vhen asleep, ereat nervousnsss. beinir Llnrmed si sudden Bounds, and bashfumesa. with frequent blushing, attended sonic times uitii Jcrangemcnt mind, were cured immediately. A UEKTAljy DISEASE. When 1 lie mlsiruided end ImnrnH.r.l ti tirv el ploasure finds he hat imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often hnunens lli.-it nlll.lini. ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, dsteis nini itom applying lo thoae who. from education and respectobilisy,ean slonc b friend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid diseaae make their appearance, kin h ss ulcerated eore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of siL'ht. drnln.. rmli on the slilh bones and arms. Iilmrlu n the K, n.t face and extreniiiies, progressing with frightul ra pidity, till at last the pulule, of ihe mouth or the bones of the nose fall in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object ofcomniis seratinn, till death puts a period to his dreadful stif feringa, by sending him to "that bourne ironi whence no traveller returns." To ruch therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself lo preserve fho mos'l inviolable secrctys and. from his extensive prac tice in ihe firat Hospitola of Europe and America, hecan confidently recommends safnand speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid dis ease. It ia a melancholy fact, that thousands full victims to this dreadful comprint, owing to the an skilfulncssof Ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin Ihe constitu tion, snd either send the unfortunate sufterer lo so untimely grave, or else make the residue of life mis erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who haveinjured them selves by private and improper indulgences. These are somo of the sad and meloncholy ef fects, produced by early habits of youth, viii Weaknersof the Bask and Llmbe, Pains la Ihe Head, Dimnesa of Sight, Loss of Muscu'sr pow er, Palpitation of Ihe Heart Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability Derangement sf ti e Digestive Fune Hons, Gjncral Debility, Symptoms ofUonsump. tion.otc. Mentally . ThefearfniiiTccta on the mind sre much to be dreaded j Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli- luoe. iuiiaiiy,or.c..are some of the evils produced Thousand of persons of slisges, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, tale and emnri.. led, have a singular appearance about the eyes, ..'ugu .jiiiiniiiiai;i t-UYIBUIIIUIJOn. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGOHATINO REME D V FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS By this great and important remedy weakness o i ne organs are aneeany cured s nd lull vigor restored. Thoussndsof the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had leal all hope, bavebeen imme. diately relieved. All impediments (o MARRIAGE rnysiesloraientnlDNquslifuaiiona. Nervous Ir riubilitv Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion oi inc. uroai rcanui una, speedily rured by Dr Johnston. Young men who have Injured themselves by s certain practice indulged In when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companiona, or sl acnooi, me ciiccis in wnicn are nightly felt, even atfcen asleep, and if not cured, renders marrlsge lawpossiblend destroys boll .jlnd sndbody.should atfly Immediately. V'hat a pity that a young man, the hone of his country, and the darling of hia parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, oy tne coosc4ucnccs ui aevisung Ironi the path ol nature, snd Indulging in s certain secret habit. Such persons, before coatemplnting MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a Bound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial hsppiness. Indrid, withont these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimages tne pros pect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shsdowed with despair snd filled with ths melan choly reflection that ihe happiness of snother be comes blighted with ou town. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTn FREDERICK-ST., . ,. RxLTIMOBft, MO. All Surgical Operstloi s I'eifonmrd. N. B- Let no falsa delicacy prevent you, but apply Immediately either personally or tj letter, ttkln Diseases t-ipeedllT C ured. TO STRANGERS. TJie many thousands cured si this Institution with in the last ten yeara, and the numerous impor tant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J., wit nessed by ihe Reporters of the pspers, and many other persons notices of which hsve srpearedag sin and again before the public, besides his rtandinc ss a gentleman of cbaracterand responsibility, 1 a safScient guarantee to the sffiirted. TAKE NOTICE. It Is with the ereatsst relaetaiMtlist fr .ToH56Tfj !l psrtntt hi eard to appear Kef. ire te pnlilie. ilimlnir It nprolesaionaJ fur a physlelsa tondrrriiM. bat anbyn. be did so, tii afflicted. nictally strantrers eoaid not fail tn fall into ths hands of tbs msnr lm uils lint oulramot Impostors, with lnnotnerahls ' Nas n. ennbitwd yrueksbops, uwsrmin thee lsrirs eitie enpyine Ir. oassTOS's sdvertifwrosnt. or slrsrtl.lnv IbraiKlmti phfeiaos. illiterate shallow-brained fellow., too Uzy te work st their etrlirlnal trails with sesrrs tnn Idas. A tbs brute, who, fur tbs purpose ot Kntieit.r n4 Jrir. la, carry on n'v or six nnV. anderas . j diffs-ent False Names, so thst ths alTlietsd ftr si esrs in on, ia snro to tumble headUme into th olner. Ismx n (J omrks with vnorniaus Ivins- rrtiflrst of vrest snd . tooishlnc cares feotn persons not to be found, vhusscp voa takine Isrva bottlss of I.ieasiea With and ,iL, paekaee of filthy and worthless compoands, eannlnsly pniMmu i'. inipiN apon ins anTorionsi? anj un.usperl t- Trifltne month after month, or as Ions as ths.mall l fes can hs obtainrd. and. ia desfslr, Wea yoa witb, insd health, to m th oxer voarssllins di.r rintn,nt est ra It la this motive that I rut noes Dr. J. to advsrtise. res as slosb e. s eras vor. To thoa anaeqnsJntsd with bis repatatlota. hs drsre. It paesssary to say that bis ersdrm. Us. or diplomas arwav hanv la h's oflieo. KO I-ETTERa RECEIVED CNI.HfH ParTPaTTl aad aomalarur a Stamp ts hs aasd for tha rvpiy. Pee. sons wrttlag ahoeld state J ye srd seed that potttea of Frtm the flatnn (tin l!ianr, MARY WOOD, OR THC CIENKHOCS CHILD. PAS , rnnrnmn, tnny I have fx l.ttle pftriy to jnorrow V nskcil little Mry Wi ol of hr iildufgctit parent, w,0 iock j lem iro in seeing ht-r nlvi njl Lappy. Yes, dear, you may, for you Lavs Leeti ".good girl, end learned all your ' lessons properly ; so you thnll have a goo l time wiih yoir liit!e friends. Whom will you invite, my darling;?' And the proud moth er put Luck her colden curls, and kitinl hsr tenderly, while sl.s bent her Llue e)s to the floor, snd seemed rsvolvinjj in her li lie hent, the names of the children whom she wished to have there. 'There's Eflie Uresn, mainnin, I shouM like to huve hsr for one, because she has such beautiful black hair, and her tl.erks are ns red as roues, and she has such a tall walk' 'You nrnn she it 80 JijnifieJ, tlear.1 Well, those biir words 1 don't know. but she ik kind raid pood, and seems older than I rin, yet we ore of the sama asr And there's Mary Psge, I want to have her, because the hus such sweet blue eyes. and smiles so sweetly, and always leis me have my way, when she sets I care much And there's Klla RsLirion, who pretty, quiet wuya,nnd is to good about it. has such lo all th gins. iut, rnsyue, miliums, tued of all ihsir nanus, etui uo I any more but one.' i that dear V mamrr.il, if voti are willinr. I l fl I s you'll cc won't tell Who Well, would hke to invite Sallv St rat'ua: but she hasnjt any dues fit to ro out wi:li; and she ooks so sad and the Icars stand in her brpwn eyrs so, when the looks nt my new tlotlies, thnt 1 could cry sometimes, because licr mamma is so poor, nnd hrr pa pa is deijd Oh. ehe is bo nrtliv t nd clo.I. wish ihe could come I' And then tho ittlecn eyes filled with tears, and she said, in a choking voice: 'Mamtna. plcr.se et hsr dome in her old clothes.1 iP.llt f w ilmr u.m.I.I r..i 1. 11.. n ner o d faded frock. Cannot you think f any way in which she could be mado appy?'i 'Wou dn't it be a nice thing if somebod y would give her a dress already mudeV said Ma ry Hut M ho should 'thai ir melody le?' ir. a t I . . . plitd her mother. 'Don't you know of any tt.e girl who has five or six very nreiiy rssies, wlio miclit tpnre otic 7' 'V'cs nSamma, In tie Mnry Wood niihf; but there's my blue diets aptt suy 1 Ionic 60 well in that nnd my green tins, tlmt juetiuitt grandmn rtnd my scnrlei merino, ihiM is Mint Hetty's fuvorite;' end so she rnn on, naming every dress in her wnrd robp, and not seeing how he could i-pnrs any one in pHrlicuLr. And hM.les, suggeste I thnt 'the other irirls would know her drtsaes sll but j one thut tui tty nl mon colored de laine' which the ilrtss iimk er finishrd yeste rdsy. 'They wouldn't know that love.' 'liut that is such h Lcnuty.' 'So it is, and how He lighted poor IimIh falherless Sally Sprngue would he with such a rich gift. Wl.nt suy you, denr V I sny, if you are wilhri, she m.iy'ivn i', and 1 Will never tell a single gill whtr it enme lom, and I'll tell Sally not to tell, either,' replied the little heiomr, conqier ing the lilt thr b of selfithnets in her lo. om,ard clasping her while arms about hsr mother'! neck. My own brave child, am very proud of 'you, said the well-plemed mother ; 'but now thai you are so generous, deny your If one other pleasure. Let in rnt thedresJto Sally's m ther, and let h.r keep the secret from her, so that she m.iy come to your party without a single U chn of obligsj Hon to sny jne here unly ( t . i . U -her Heavenly Futher ruunl ir id in some kind lun ilv : nn.l tun. ing that up a frier my child, will enjoy steing hers.) fiee nnil happy in ner mnnner, and will e enri f e for the fijre! time that 'it is more bltstcd io give thah to receive.' On the morrow the liule compiiny nuiv ed, all in high spirits; nnd th? j r e-1 1 1 r t loveliest of all the children, next lo Muiy Wood, was Sally Sprngue. 'May ihe God of the fntheiless fotever bless yo n and yours, dear Mrs. Wool, ex claimed the widow, when she met 1 1 n. day. 'I'oor little Sully wept and h.nghed alternatdy foran hour after ou it over and she has been so Imppy ever since, ishe added a supplement in l,r prayer last night: 'Plco-e, go, d (iod, nleis the lady that ent me that i!ies, bv exprers, (I had told her it came by rxi res.) and bless her little girls and hule 1.03 everybody, for I love (he whole world now, nd everything in "it, is like sunh:ne fid flowers. I Amen.' 1 Youthful reader, you ere surrounded bv the virtuous poor; try to be unselfish ; and when you pity ihern for iheir moinficoiioi ik sm trials, think if il.ere ts r o'hn rn.tl.l spre. m make ihem hapiier. V on wUAlK OK TiiK IIAMJsOHl ST f.ll'IIST- MAS HOOKS AUK 1 1 h Court ol IV ,!. s t Ihe Republican Ccurti i. utal liter. . ir.l Kamblssj American Kteneryj p, y i lH.r,,,,, Kloral ICjeepsakei Roi k of Kr.f'nt inf. t i'.-u r nd Ilsuiits of the V 1st and fJoml i Mr ,a Works in Poetry, H Istc ry. fciurs t hy , tic. rule Kor sl st " ly bound lee -t . VVUITKr:ilS OytHSlL.iUA.N'JlI). AVOITiNO Mit.V, In it g'tg u od ti nix rn. o chsracler. esn find n loyntrnt, r t fiti vn (; s in ihe above cjini pv. by r r' v "'.1 the i.bcn r on his plantation. in Biuncwie. o.uMy. I JlUl.N II llll I.. R. fJns acqinln'ed wjti, the rtiliure ot ii. and TurpeniiDn wuuld ba ptrferted. fee U-Ss 1 10 ft ClFFLT. tOI'FLi:. ir I! IO 10 ld JAVA. Just ree'd for l.r ; ZK.NO II. IJill.KM:. rpHKsaacriber,respectrni:y Inforn . , utu, JL thaths is nowtrausetlng the i.-t;o. f nn.i , enhisownaccounl. ai.J hnfi by strict aiu r n. i .., baaiaets.lo merit a cob tin us e e ttii 1 1 tairnns heretofore eollber.ll) bestowed upon hint. J Al, t.UOM.V. Stock, tlsalRsfatssnd tgroes t...t. i ,,.,t.,, a a seommis'in, either sl privste et puUie s-U, i. t An -J 10 tmn. 3. sn o.sms. i4