o - m - ' . - I 1 ' 1 A I i , Ml A.AAA ML r; rJ VOLUME XI-NUMI3EK 136. Wilmington, n. c Tuesday morning, februaky 3, i857 WHOLE NUMBER 1331 I III 1 II I I BB a?t - T.1E Til-WEKLY COMMERCIAL Is .lualiJhed every TotioiT. Thosdav and 6ATUaDAY.it 95 per annum, payable n all Case la advance. " '? f " ' ; Hv ftf s. I.ORING Eoitob and Pbosbibtob. eVJ. W. SANDERS-Amocuti Lditob. Corne rontaH-l Market tttreet. 7-"iLBnwsTow w. c. "L. RTU4M ADVUHTISISU. 0i'- 1 insertion $u?SO I I au.r. 2 Mtuaiha, $4 01 71 .. 2 " month, 73 It "!i 5 Ut I 00 I I ' ? 6 60 I I " 12 8 13 00 If an adyer l ea Itaei or iesa make a square. iemeOi exceeds ten linea, the piice wilt be ia rtroponioa. I All 4lvertiaementa are payable at the time oil "Ooniracts with yearly ailvertiaera. will br madr n the meet liberal lerma. M tranofor .if contracts for yearly advertising will be ui-rmltt.-d Should circn distances render L-hanze in businssK. or an unexpected removal neeeaarv,a charsre accerriins to :he palished terms will be at the option ot the contractor, for the time he has adverilst-d. - Th privileze of Annual AdveriUcrs is stricth limited to their jwn inrmediate business; and all advert isentf-nrs tor the benefit of other persona. as welt 4 a all advertisements net immediately con nected with their own hneinrss.and all excess of advertisements in if ngih nr otherwise beyond the limit enlaced, win he charged at the nsnal rates No Advertrsementa is included in the eoarari for the sale or rent of houses or In rids in town or ennntry. or for the sale or hire of negroea, wheth er the proper' is owned by h advertiser or by other persons The are excluded by the term "immediate ewstness" I AH-i lver'iement inserted in the tri-weeklr Ce-nmercial are entitled to one iesertlon in the Weekly free of ehstfre. ( " IOB. CAt A?in FAfttY IRtNTIWO. EXErOTED IH SUPERMH STYLE. (JR1TS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. Niw Tosa Messrs. Dollxcb A Pottsb. Boton--Cn Amu Smith . No. 6. Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Cohir. HallimoreWx. H. PtAKtuOd Wm. Thomsom MISCErXANY. VoAAr. V Etmi-g Post of Wednesday. ARRU1ST OF FILL1MUSTERS AT NEW YORK. ! Yesterday afternoon the following affidavits were made before United States Commissioner Rich. E. Still well : ''.' Southern District of ) New York, ss Robert Fuller, of No. 439 Grand stret t, in said city, being dijly .sworn, says: I hat on the 5i7ih day of January in stant, at the city of iS'ew York, in the Southern District df New York aforsaid, Aiexanker j. iiawrence and Joseph VV. r ebens did hire afid retain deponent to enter himself to go beyond ! the limits and ju isdiction of tliej United State, to wit. to Greytown, with, intent to. be en- j listed or.entered m then service of Wm. Walker, in a foreign i country, to wit, Nicaragua, as a soldier. Robert Fuller . Sworn lefore me, January 27, 1857. R, E.Stillwell, Uniuii States Commis sioner. . j Joe Brown, Nof 92 Ohristrpt?er street, also mude a similar affidavit. Southern District ofNete York, ss. Joe Brown and Robert Fuller, being ' severally duly sworn say each torhim- self'that Wiiliam Schmidt, Thoma- Dauovan, Thoma Q'Rorke, John Mur phy, Jacob Pleiffer, AntonioTiberini, Jose Brignoli, Ginseppi Amodio, Haus Micjiel, John Willijimv P ler Bu ke, David Thompson, John Hume, 'J horn as Callahan, Pa ricl Culligaii, Joliann Fraun4 (all fictitions names,)did seve- rally, arjout inn ZbUi dav of Jaturv. I 1857, at lh city 0f New Yo.k, hiie I 6 ilift tbemsel' es rJ go to Greviown. eyo. d ths juried. ction of theUniied rS tales, with ititedt to be enlisted orjiitered in theservicrf of one William Walker, in a foreign country, to wit, .'Nicaragua. Joe Brown, Robert Fullfr. Sworn to lefore me, January 2?th. IR. E. Still well U. Si. Commissioner. Sundry other affidavits jwere also amade, which have hot yet transpired ; -and thereupon a number of warrants were placed in the; hands of the . .Uni ted States Deputy Marshals. This morning peputy . j Marshal J. "Thompson proceeded lathe Mansion House in.Chamberd street, at md arrested ex-Consul J. W. Fabens while be was eating his breakfasf, and took him im mediately before .'Commissioner Siill well, who required Shim" to give bail in $3,000 for violation of the" neutrality laws. Col, Febeus states that he is "Di rector of the Colonization Society for tbe Republic of Nicaragna,B-apnoiiited in 1855 by Don Patricia Riyas, and de clined to give bail. ! He is spending the day in the custody of Marshal Hillyer. He also says that he is largely interest ed with Major Heiss in mines in Chan--'. tale?. ' v i - . - Marshals Thompson, De Augefts, Horton, and 'Mangles then (ten o'clock A. M.) paid a visit to th steamer Teti- nessee, at the foot of Nmth street, East river, which had been expected to sail this forenoon with a large nnmler of "emigrants," alias recruits, for Walker, They found the steamer not quite ready to sail, her repairs not being completed. There were about two hundred "emi grants" on board,' some dressed in par tial uniform, others in seedy civil garb, a few can ying rusty sabres and other weapons of wariiti their hands, and nearly all eugaged in smoking vileci- i . I v About the time the officers arrived men, were at wrk getting on board large boxes, trucks, &c. Among the "boxes pnr reporter noticel several mark ed '-caitr dge boxfs"' and U. S. army at Springfield.", Tliese were being hurried below as rapidly; as possible. In the first and second cabins were promiscu ous cro wds of men, women, children, boxes, bedding, l&c huddled together among the berths and bunks, while on deck many tendier scenes of parting wete being enacted, although the fifW men bad not yet got the steam ujx. , l be omcers took tip a position jiear the gangway and closely - scrutinized the faces of those who came on hoard. now and then .picking out mWaud siaiiaius mem in a row a Jtme ia tne background. The victims slcted all displayed th utmost nonchaFanrel ndi culing the idea that peaceable men like- tliernsetves could be sispected of in th lation of the iieutrality laws, and calling- attention to the large number of ladies on board famonST whom, bv the Wav. U the wife ol Major Heiiniugsen) as proof of the peaceble character of Hie emigra tion. The names of the parties arrested, as near as we could learn, are as follows CapL Henry Bolton, clerk in the "colo nization office" at the corner of Broad way and Leonard streets ; Col: George Hall, fcilexandar. 13. Hall; fc.Inxandfi C. Lawrence, keeper ol the St. Charles hylel: Andrew Finnican, workman on the Harlem reilroad. who was about to leave a wife and three children. The prisoners were all taken before ths marshall and held for examination. CONGRESS. Washington, Jan. 29. No busineea wm transacted in either House of Conrresr yecterdajr beyond the reading of the jour nals ot tbe preceding day and the nroeen tation in the Se ate of a lew rnemoriHis and resolutions. Both Hous a. s on ufier assembl ne, adjourned in respect to the memory of the Hon. Preston S. Brooks. under circumstances plainly denoting: the deep impression which his sudden death has made upon his fellow-members. The solemn erent will be form II y announced at 12 o'clock to-day in the House of Re presentatives, and immediately thereafter in tbe Senate, when it is expected that his many personal mends will speak in appro priate eulogy of his character. The fun eral ill theu take place from the Capitol, in the following order ; ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. Tbe Committee of Arrangements, Pall Bearers, and Mourners will attend at Brown's Hotel, the late residence of the deceased, at I o'clock P. M. on Thursday, the 29ih instant, at which time the corpse will be removed, in charge of the Commit tee of Arrangements, atended by the Ser- geants-et-Arms of the House, to the Hall of the House of Repress Ulives, where divine service will be performed. At 2 o'clock P.M. the funeral will move from the ball of the House of Representa lives t the Congressional Cemetery in the following order: I he Chaplain of both Houses of Congres Physicians who attended the deceased. Committee of Arrangements. Mr Jno McQueen, Mr. T. S. Bocock, Mr Alex. DeWm, Mr. W. H. Sneed. Mr John Wheeler, Mr J. F. Dowdell Mr. Daniel Mace, Mr. J. W. Denver, Mr J. C. Allen. Pall Bearers. Mr.H A.Edmumison, Mr. J. Glancy Jones, Mr. Alex H Siepens, Mr. W.W.Valfc," Mr. A. Iv Marshall, Mr. A Rust. Mr. B. B. Th irston, Mr.J. Scott Harrison. The family and friends of the decased. The Senators' and Representatives from the Stale of Sou h Carolina as mourners. The Sergeant-at-Anns of the House of Re prescntatives. The House of Representatives of the Un ,leJ fcla Mi preceded by their Speaker and Clerk The other officers of the House of Repre- I . sentatives. Tbe"Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. lhe Senate, preceded by their President and Secretary. The President of the United States. The Heads of Departments. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of ihe United States a d its officers. The Judiciary of the District of Columbia. The Diplomatic Corps. The Com pi oilers, Auditors, and other i Heads of Bureaus of the several De- paitments of the Government, . with their officers. Officers of the Army and Navy at the seat of Government Tbe Mayor of Washington and Common Council. Citizens and strangers. iVitf Intelligencer. HORSE-RADISH. ; Inquiries are often made as to the most successful mode of growing horse-radish, and having had some experience in the bu siness, I will communicate the process which I have found to be the most general ly successful. The soil moat congenial to th- horse-radish is a moist, deep soil, replete with humus, but not wet The land should be throughly ploughed and reduced to a 6ne tilth, and hare sufficiency of old well decomposed manure, well worked in. U should then be ridged in ridges three feet apart one way, and the roots about half an tneb in diameter cut into pieces one inch in length, and planted in the rMges, two feet aptrt, and but one piece in a place. The co eritig should not be deep, say one inch, and the after culture be-the same in every respect as that of potatoes. The crop may be pulled alter the severe autum nal frosts, stripped carefully of their fibres, and either marketed or deposited in the cel lar for winter or spring use - Germanto TeUgrajh, ASSASSINATED. . News has been received by the Atlantic, from Liverpool, that tbe Archbishop of Par is has been assssioated. The circum stances of tbe bloody deed were as fol lows: ' VV hiie Archbishop White was officiating in the Church of St. Stephens, in Paris, he was stabbed to the heart by a discharged jriest net me d Verge. Tbe Archbishop in sianiiy expired. This affair caused much axeitemenu ; A bUCCtSiiFUL HUNTER. M t Jul. a 13. Similrj, n imellijretn and weititriy t mnter. resiiiinc n nr rwncts- tdleT East Florida, is probably, the most successful l.unter in the Sute. tJetsidca I ttfa fcliaost daily presence on his plantation 'luring in Imoi iweniy-five jeara, he killed at least leu thousand ifeer. one hundred wolves, cixi y pnntl.ers ami twelve bear4 GKOKGE R. FRE.Nt H, MANDFACTORE& AND WHOLESALE f- RETAIL DEALER IN - f BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AM) SHOE FUNDINGS, . NO. 11 M AP.KBT STKEET, iVILNINGTON, K. C. March 6. 151 L. N. BAltl.OW, WHOLESALE & K 1ST AIL R0CER, ! DKALKR. IN LIQUORS UNES ALE PORTER 4 No J, Gra'iite kow, feoi.i street, WILMINGTON, IN.C. Keb. 17th. l56. NO-tf. A JAMS, BaOTflER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. N. C. July 29. 58 JAS. C. SMITH. MILES COS TIM. JAS. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION SJERCHANTN, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. . April 2. I8-lv STOKLEY &. OI.DHAM, GROCERS AM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N C. Liberal Cash advances made on Flour. Cotton. and ixavai Stores consigned to them Aug. lt. fit ly. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Watkb Stkkkt. Wikminqton. No. Ca. Monuments, Tomaibs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds oj Marble W ort jurnxsked to order on reasonable terms. June S. i 36-ly-e SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMlXaiON, N. C. Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson and IX ew Hanover Office n Princess street, next door Eaat of the xate Rank. Aprils. 9-Iy NOTICE. ES-1GNS AND ESTIMATES for a Monu ment to be erected ia common oration of the Battle of taoore'a Creek, are soliciti d to be sub mit led bv r before the 22nd Kebruar. CoBt not to exceed 85,000. Address DONALD MacIIAK. P K DICKINSON, ; E. A. A.NDERSON, Committee. 1). MagIIAE. S Wiltninsfton, N. C.Jan. 10, 1857. 126 Im. GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOUTH WATER STREET WILMINOTON. N. C. Jan. 22. 152. ANDREW S. KEMP, AaTORNEY AT LAW, BLIZABETHTOWN, N. C Will attend the Conntv and Snperior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Colurubns and SnmimoD. June 11. 33 ly GEORGE MYERS, WHOLES ILK aKD BLTUL URtll'ER Keep constantly on hand, l'ne, Teat, Liquors rrovutumm, n ooa ana wruiotr nare, r ruu, Conftctionariee,i!f-c South Pronlilrtet, WILMINGTON. N. 'J. Nov. 16, 1855. 109 OOLLNF.R. O. POTT I. R Jr. J. CAMEItDEN D9LLNKR, POTTER & CO. C OMMISSION MER CHAN TS. N 12 W YORK. April 30, 1855. 20-ly. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT a- GENERAL AGENT. WILMINGTON. N. C. 85-ly-c. Oct. 1,1836. HENRY NUTT, FlCTflK Atl FUKWIBDIK AC EXT. WUlgioe hie perennai attention to hueineoe entrust ed-te Mi care. Sept. 8, 1856. 75-ly-c. GROCERIES, PLOUGHS.. &c. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING LOCATED HIMSELF AT . No. 15 MARKET STREET. WOULD be pleased to receive the patronage ol all CASH paying customers, and those who will pay at SHORT NOTICE. Such customers will find it to their advantage to give htm a call before purchasing elsewhere. 200 Ploughs; 2C00 lbs. Plough Castings; 4 doxea Canal Barrows i -I " Corn Snellen; 25 boxes Kaisens; Citron, Note, 4c t Family, Eine and Super Flour : Fulton Market Beef ; Shot and Powder; Teas; Loaf. Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugar; Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffee; ALSO, All kinds of Voooen Ware; Butter, ' heea and Lard; Tobacco and not) ; Wines and Liquors ; Axes. -Spades and hoveta; Pol and S:raw Ware ; Just, Bottle and Flasks; Perrassion Caps, and many articles too te dious to mention. A. A. HARTS FT ELD, No. 15, Market street. Jan. 8. 125-tl (ANDY! CANDY!! CLt Boxes superior Candy, jut in store. For ' sale by the lot by Dee; 18- W. H. DbNEALJC HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, TO reduce stock, fur our spring purchases, we will close out our arsoitmcnt of Boys and In fanta Kancv Caps and Hats at cost. Other a nicies at the very lowest fig on a for rash. Jan.iS. CHAS.D. MYERS. R HAVE JUST RECEIVED 25 Bole of those No. t Mackerel. M half Kbls. ! hair Bbls. No 1 Nov. 27. At GEO. MYERS JOHN A. BAKER, AT10RXEY AT LAW. Practice in the countiea of Bladen, Columbut Brunswick, Jsaropaun and At-w Hanover. i H ilmiugton, A'. C. Jan. 24. KOTICE. THE subscriber respec tfully cJ a the attention X of his customers and patrons to thtir Accoun's, due January 1st. 1857 It is honed they will be paid immediately, aa the billa ere now ready Jan. 3. UKU. MYkKS. TO MERCHANTS. WE HAVKJCST OPENED OCR LARGE w V and extensive stock of Hats, Caps, Umbtel las, Ac., sod can sell them at the lowest New i orb prises,' aa we i have them direct from the manufactory, and os Mr. Howes resides in New i ors, we have every taeiiity of getting every new otyle and at the lowest rate. Merchants will do well to call and see, under the Carolina Hotel. i ! UIL.KS A HAWKS. Sept 30, 186. ' 84 if. HE, ICE, ICE. rpHE Wilmington Ice House will be open ferde 1 livery of ICE from sunrise to sunset, except on nunoay, wnen it win be closed at o'clock la tbe morning ptice One cent per pound for quantities of three pounds and over. I emu cash, in all eases, without exception. Tiebeis can be procured by such as desire them Ice furnifiht-d to the sick poor, free of chare e" when by direction from physicians or vuiting com- miners. April 19 , 15-tf SOUTHERN LOTT ERYT ON THE HAVANA PLAN. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the Slate of Georgia. Class V. to be drawn February 10, 1857, in public at concert Hail, Macon, Ut., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and W. C. Anderson, Esq. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TIC KETS. 15.000 TICKETS, 1,7 12 PRIZES !! This Lottery has only FIFTEEN THOUSAND NUMBERS le?s than than any Lottery in the j World! PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 Prixe ol $16,000 1 do 5,000 1 do 2.000 4 do; 1,000 are 4.000 5 do 500 are 2,500 80 do 100 are 8.000 1,500 do 40 are 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20appr'ximat'na of $100 arc $2,500 su u. 50 are 2,500 60 do. 20 are 1,000 1,712 Prises, amounting tot 102.000! CERTIFICATED OF PACKAGES OF TEN 1 1CK k TS. where the numbers end in 1 . 2. 3. 5, o, , a, y, u, are sold at tbe following rates, lucn Is the risk : 10 Whole Tickets, 60 00 10 Half Vdo 3ii 00 10 Quarter do 16 00 It will be perceived, bp this plan, that for $60 tne purchaser has a ( eriifirate of ten tickets, when, If. he buys single li kets, he would only get for that sum six whol a. Thus, by buyine '.'trtificaies he has four mora chances for larger priz- s Halvi s snd quarter p.tcksgein proportion. Iinkrlf. S10. Halves. 5. Quarters, SZ.50. Bank Notes of all sound Bunks taken at .par Orders for Tickets or ( 'ertificales ofTickets. Addiesbto JAMES F WINTER, Manager, Macon. Ga. Jan. 17. 1S57. 19. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form ef Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he Cominiasionera.au a number of other interested in the welfare of our colored population. U j tret issued at the office ol Tht Commercial . i i t I or The Commercial. WILMINGTON, N. C. Weekly 2; Trl-Weekly S a Year. IN ALL CASES IN ADVANCE. In issning a Prospectus to ask subscription to the 'un m. ac-At., the Kubcriliers feel it a duty to defin-- their Miiioii, so as to leave no doubt upon the ruinila ot tbeir patrons as to the principles their trtiper will Mtwisin. In the mutations ,f past years the Senior Edi tor has hail one pai-amosnt principle before him. -OUTHERN BIGHTS, under the Con-tit ntion, have Itevti the aim and object of all bis efforts, thee,alone are mitinlained by tbe I'ialform ot the Di-mocratic party Several years ago, we in seried in our Prn,eci ns the following word: "Thp. C'ommkhcial is a model of political indepen dence; nevcrlhele Soutuehn Rigbt witialicays supersede the claims of ever y parly .if every name." From this vwl it was nt difhcull to j 'dpe what would be onr course when the hour arrived that stioald place those rights within, a tangible istie.' i ; Tbe Message of onr great and good President Pierce, in which fie amterted the rights or tbe South under the Constitution. contained tbe pre cise doctrine that The Commercial had advocated for many years, and the Cincinnati Convention having auHiained that doctrine, we found in the GREAT NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY those with whom wa could conscientiously act under the influence ol our judgment and the Im pulse of oar heart. . The principles avowed in the Cincinnati Prat form, will be sustained now aud so long ss we remain in pnblic lite. We believe Buchanan and Bbkcxknbidcs will be the honest sad faithful exponents of the prin ciples to which we adhere, snd oa whicb tbe safety and happiness of tbe Sooth depend. . Pure in private character, honest in public life and of unimpeachable patriotism, tbeir election has alone preserved this Union from rain and disas ter. " Those who have heretofore read onr paper, know that we have long desired to meet tbe pres ent hour, when tbe South will demand her rights without attnt or compromise, ana see now many f the National Democrats of tbe Free States will sustain her just pretensions. Enough will be found we bope and believe, to bear onr Banner through the "battle and the breexe.' and asist ns to transfix it on the ramparts of the Constitu tion. : district attention paid to reports of Markets, domestic and foreign . Resueciroiiy, T. LORINO. B. W. SANDERS. JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH, Ai FRESH supply ofrKR KT DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, ia entire New Bbbss To be sure thst you get the genuine Mcd cina.lnonire for the New Dree with two Sua en graved ateel labels on each bottle. April 19. I&-U. RAIMNS! RAISINS!! rXC Boxes new crop In whole, half and quarte Jy botes. Just received sad for sale y Dee 18. .ZENO H. GREENE. FOR RENT. VHOtfSFi oer tbe Rail Road. near (he Depot and new plank road corner e3d and Bruna Iek streots. Possession gitra immediate! v.in- qnireof G. 4 C. BRADLEY. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES CAPITAL PRIZE SSOO00 The following Scheme Will be 4-twn by S. Swam dr. Co. Managers of the Fobt Gairbs Acadbmt Lottebv. of Georaia. and the Suitthebh Milit- a bv Acabbmv Lottebv, of Alabama, in each of tbeir Lotteries for February. 1857. CL.ASS O, ' To be drawn in the City of Mobile, Alabama, in pnblic, on SATURDAY", FEBRUARY 7th, 1857. CLASS 24. . To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on -THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19tb, 1857. CIA8 2. To be drawn in tbe City of Atlanta, Georgia, In pnblic, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1857, ON THE PI,AH OFS1NGLE NTJMBliltS. THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY PRIZES ! MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERT TEN TICKETS I , 30,000 TICKETS MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 1 Prixe of $50,000 is $50,00i 20.C 0 10,000 9, 00 . 8,000 7,000 6,000 I - ZU.UObis I t I 1 " 1 a -M tl if 1 II 1 II 1 M 100 Prizes of 10.000 is 9,000 ia 8,000 U 7.000 is 6,000 IS 6,000 ia 4,t 00 is 3.000 is ' 2,(O0 is 1,000 ia 100 are 6,00(1 4,iC0 3,000 2,000 1,000 10,000 5000 100 ' 50 are APPROXIMATION PRIZES 4 prizes of $250 appro'to $50.000piixeare $1,000 4 4 200 20,1111 eoo 400 100 80 65 60 65 50 45 40 30 25 20 10,000 9,000 8.000 7.000 6.000 5,000 4,100 3,000 2,000 1,000 3:0 26' 240 22 1 200 180 160 120 l'O 60,000 it 3000 are 3.260 prize amounting to $204,000 Whole Tickets. $10 Halves; $5- Quarters. PLAN OF THE LOTTERIES. The Numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbera on the Tickets prine1 on separate slips of paper, are encircled with email lin li bea and placed in one Whrel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number Is drawn from the wheel of Nnmbers, and at the nine time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and regiatered by the 'Commissioners ; the Prize being placed against ihe Nnmber drawn. The operation ia repeated until all the Prizes sre drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES- The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to thoe drawing the firt-t 12 Prizes will be entitled to the43 ApproximatlenPriees, accord ing to ihe scheme. The 3,0u0 Prisea of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $50. ('00 Prize. For example, if the Number drawing the $50,000 Ptixe etds with No. I, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in I, will be entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2. then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and ao on to 0. Certificates qf Packages will be sold at the fol lowing raies, which ia the risk: Certificate of Package ol 10 W hole Tickets, $80 " " 10 Half " 40 " 10 Quarter ' 20 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFIC ATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tic kets ordered, on rece.pt ol which they will be lor warded by first mail.- Purchasers can hve tickets epding in any figure they may designate. The List of Drawn Numbersand Prizes will be sent to purchasersimiuediately after the drawing. - Purchaser wiH please write theit aignatures plaints nd give their Poat Office, County and State. 3T' Kemember that every Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. Cr ' II Prizea ol $1000, and underpaid immedi ately after the drawing other prizea at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed In ether tickets at either nice. AddressOrders for Tickets er Certificate either to S. SWAN 4 CO Atlanta, Ga. or S SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Jsn 29. 134. CAROLINA SADDLE AND HARNESS . ESTABLISHMENT.. C ner Market d Second Sis., under the Caro lina Hotel, Wilmington, N. C. rllE UNDERSIGNED RES. pccifully lakea this method to inform the citizens of Wilmington and aurroan ting country, that he has taken Ihe store on the eornr or Market and second atrerta. under the Carolina Hole' where he would be pleased toexhibit his stock, consisting i f Saddlea Bridles, Martingales, Harness, Trunks, w nips- spurs, and an articles usually Kept in such an ea-i tablishment, all of which he will sell low lot csh. or on accommodating terms. Call and examine aa he solicits a share of pnbiie patronage. Repairing done at short notiee. WM. L.JACOBS. ' Oct. 23. , 85 tf.- NEVV ARRIVALS OF F.iESIl GROCERIES. THE Subscriber has just returned from the Nuxth with a full and well selected stock oi choice Groceries, comprising every variety Ihnt teada to complete an sssor intent constating in fart. of 100 bags Coffee, Mocha, Government Java, .nguyrS. Rio and St Domingo i IOC bbls. Sugars of ail grades; Choice Wines, Liquors; Champaign of the most celebrated brands, Tess, Goshen But- trr, K..N Beer, smoked Beef, Beef Tongaea, Sal mon, Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, Codfish, Fresh Lobster and Shad, Sardines, Saoecs. Catsups: Soda, Sugar, Butter.-Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Water Ciackers, Colgate Family Soana. Fancy Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety. English Pineaoole and Goshen Cheese. Candles of all grades, Bottled Lienors of every variety. Pure Old Tom Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron, (New Kaisons Kxpected ) Porter and Ale. Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary in all f- Itt vsrletles,f reserves, Jellvs.Broms,t;orn Siarrh Flour. Chocolate, Ladies Fsney Bsskets 2f 0.000 Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, dbe-dce , all low for cash at OEOBGE MYERS' Country Merchants are particularly invited to call and examine, before pnrchoaing elsewheee. .ct. i. SUNDRIES. AlLr. Baga ground Alum Salt, In bright bew JJt Gunny Bags. 2 bushels each: 150 Bag Guano ; 60 do. Superphosphate of limel 6 bbls Snuff. Empty soirhs barrels eonausntly en hand. For ale by ADAMS, BRO. dr. :0. wee, 1H- 113 if. SUGARS. SUGARS. BBLS. C, Yellow ; 1 do. crdfhed and A. TV bite t 35 S do. Ground Lsi ; - New Undine from Schr. W.fl. Smith." and for sale by ZENO H. GREENE. UOViL MWU L0TTEV.,''JI,vt;',ON&EL- 1:iP- The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conduct! d by the J-pai i-h Oovef.n inrftt, un der the supervision f the Captain General of Cu ba, will take place si Ilav&na i a SATURDAY, FEB. 14, 1857. SORTEO NUMEtt0 577 ORDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 M! 1 prize of 9100.000 I 50,000 1 20 000 3 prizes of $2,0C0 2 " 1.000 70 " 400 149 - 200 20 Apr'xtn's. 7,200 10.009 5.000 il 4 approximations to the 100,000 of $600 each 4 of $400 to S50,000 t 4 of $i00 to $ 0,0C0; 4 ol 200 :o $10,010; 4 f i00 to $5.0(0. Whole Ticket, $20 ; Halves, 10; Qusrters $5 00, Prizes enshrd at ithl at 5 per cent discount. Billa on the Bank of Ch irlotte taken at pur. A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the re suit becomes known Communiestions sddressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post. Charleston. S. C.) un til the 14th Ftbruary will be attended to. Jan o y lid tr. COMMERCIAL" rowuri JOB PIMTIIG ESTABLIS fMENT, SOUTH mi MARIET ST. IK THS HARSH ECUS? WILMINGTON, N". C. TTTE PttOTfcrETORof this well known E.tat.llnhment would call the attention f tits bnsineaa community to his large and beaiitinil smorltnc-ni or 1 ype nml rre- having hint added to utoek one of R. Ifns t'o's PATEJiT 6INGLE -CYLINDER PRIXTIXO MA CHINES, he is now enabled to work at s much more reasonable rats than formerly, ttia tineat atyla of ths work. CAR S Printed from $S to $10 per ousai BOOKS AND AM i JH LETS, RECEIPTS FOR RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, COIU'ORATIOXS.fcc. BILL-HEADS, SIIOr-BILLS. E1LI-S OF LADIXO, jtND IJEADIXaa, lie., sc., ke. POSTEJIS AND PROGRAMMES. We would call thetittoutlon of Concert Airenta. 81inw men snd others, te our facilities for doing this kind ef 1 work. .all kisds or FLA IN AND ORXAMEXTAL TRIXTIXa, Done in the neateat manner, and at short notice. Those In want of Printing we trust will Ami It to their , advantage to give ua a calL COMMERCIAL BLANKS. Tbe attention of Shippers and others la called our extertafve assortment of Commercial Blank. Aiu.uthe collection la a very tine and handsome lot of Billa of Kx ehange. In sheet and books. Xt owuber 8, 1815. - WINTER -. nATS AND CAPS. mA FULL AND VtltlKD AS- !55 sortmenlof all the different stles fe--s-?3 ofDrcasand Huxiness Huts nndaCe Cap now open, computing SILK, FUR AND WOOL HATS, CLOTH, PLCSU AND SILK GLAZED CAPS, INFANTS HATS AND CAPS, MUSES BEAVER. AND FELT FLATS, BOYS AND YOL'THS SOFT - HATS AND CAPS, UMBREL LAS, CANES, BELTS, fcC, fcC. SiC. Which we offer at wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices, C. l. MVEItS, 34 Market street, two doors below Scott dr. Bald win's. 9i SUNDRIES. 1 i ( R domestic Liquor; LJJ 75 Keg NSil.: 5 Bbls Mess Pork i . 10 Ton Hoop Iron ; 10 Kegs Best Goshen Butter; 50 tfoxe Cheese; Soap. Craekeis. Matches. Spices, Candles, Knd.i, SuieratucPotftfch, Ac, drc. On h.-intl and for sale yb ian. 2i 1 ZENO II. GREE.NK. MKSS PORK.. 25? BP.LS. on hand and for aale bv an. 23. ZENO H GREFNE. CONSUMPTION CURED. BE NOT DECEIVED tiy base iniiutions. HEGEMAN, CLAltK &, CO. '8 GENUINE COD LIVER OIL., never disappoints, aud ten years' experience has proved it superior vn ll others, and the only reliable enro lor CONSUMPTION. Aa there is a great deal of ptrrin:i oil in the maikrt adulterated with seal oil, whale oil, dec, &c , too ranch care cauuot betaken to procure the Genuine. . . ' Our Oil is made at our own factory In New fonndlaud and each bottle. has onr siguatnre over the cork, be careful lo get IIkokm.m ('Lank A Co.'s as thousands who ha'd u.ed ilu-r oil of inf. riorqoalily, and were about gi lig np'n d,-i.Bir, have iH'en restored to health tilting the Genuine Oil of onr manufacture. Sold 1) all Dntgri-ts D.-C. 4. Ill-3m. PROVISIONS ! BUTTER ; CHEESE; CRACKERS, drc, bv the package, for aale Jaa. 1?. ZENO II. GREENE. L. W. PIGOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BEAUFORT, N. C. Any basioess entrasted to Ms attention will lr attended to promptly and toibe bestofhis ability. ESSBirCES t CummingA Styron. Com. Merchants ) Wilming. Mr. Jaa. Norcum, Attorney at Law, J ion N C Mr. Edward Stanly, Beauloft N U. Mr. Benjamin L. "erry. General Agent for Under wrighters, Beaufort, N. C. Feb. 6th. 1856. 21-12in-w. HAT ATND CAP F.MPOniUM. CHAS. D. MYERS. a J T&ccccssns to Sbcbd & Mtcsa.) TANUFACTl'RFR,W hlesa!eandfte . IIDral ivX er n Hiu. Cp, Knrs, snd Hum G.mds Also Umbrellas, Canes, Belts. e., together with every article use!! found in a first Class Fashion a We Hat Store. 34 Market at., two door below Scott dr. Bald win's. N. 8. Military Goodsof every description furn ished to order. -n. Jan. 15. SALT. CfVi Baga 2 bushel each. In s'ore, for sale by tJUV' Jan. 13. ADAMS, BUO. 4 CO TUE STs NICHOLAS HAT. WE HAVfi RECEIVED BY EXPRESS the genuine Hat and eaa warrant, them the finest quality of that grade ef good. Rentlenww can it them si -Ires, a we hsve all heights, sizes, die please call aad see, ander theCaroliaa llmel. . . UtLU tt HAWKS. Urrica Knoixcn aso ncrciiHTSNDcsr, ' W llniinvton. N. C Jan. I, lr-67. PHK PAJtsKNGEtl TRAINS iVILL. L'N 1 Tl L further notice, run over this rosd aa tows i ... GOING NORTH, DAILY DAY EXl'RKSS TKAIN lesves Vvilmington ) SAM; arrives si G.ildsboro'ai lOh 09n cM9t in 8 minutes - and arrives at Wcldon at 2.00 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN lenvca Wilming ton at 4 16 P. AI.; arrives st Gotd-boro' at 8 36, to supper 21 minutes; arrives at Weldon at 1.00 A.M.I r GOING SOUTH. DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leavesW t-ldon at 11.30 A. v., rtlves at Goldsboro' 3 10 P.M. leaves in 8 min utes; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P. M. to aup- 'NriGflT EXPRESS leaves Wcldon at 8.31 P.M.; irrivi-sal G.ldioro'-at 1 2 60 A. M. leaves in li minute- airlvea ut Wilmington at 5.40 A. M. y The Night Expmse Train connects with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro'. i'l.lcrfgh rickets North sold in Wilmington! o iSiiltimore $12; to Philadelphia $M; to New Vork H", 6r;to Wai'hingtnn. D C, $1 1. tf I'lCKETS WILL HOT SB SOLD TO A ItXCBO 1ST rsssoM . Paxeengere are notified that an extra charge. of onecent )cr nlile vill Oe required of thots v no 4o not pur-hat ticlcett at Italians. Freigni by p.ta-enger trains double rale. I.o- ' cul lure, u i tickets, about 3 cents per mile; if iiid in tbe ear, sbout 4 cents per mile FREIGHT Tit AINS. Two through schedule . trains between Wilmington and Wldon, eaih -eh ; leaving altrrnutely on Mondays snd I'hiirsdn, s and arriving on Tuesdays and Fri- ' das Four schedule trains per.weei lo Goldsbo ro'; le.ivin-f Wilmington un Tuesdays, Wcdncs. dnys Fridnys nnd Santrdu' nnl Goldsboro' on ' VI ondays,W'edni'sdar,Thiir days and Ssturdnys, unking with toe "through" trains a daile trt Ight train boih woj a bt l v. een W iIminton and Go'di-hori'. All dues on freight, up or down, payable at Gen- rnl Freight Offu-e in Wilmington, on rectlpt or delivery, excluding freight lor N. C. it. K. which may be pre-paid or not at the opiim v( the consigner. , S. L. FREMONT. I.in. 15. Chief Eng. dr. Superintendent. CHOICE 0LDSCUPPERN0NG WINE- WE htveioat received three barrels of this ele gant Old Wine Together with Champaign T ihe best and most celebrated Brands 1 pip lid Totn Gin half pipe of th it Cressent llrandy. Old Kotirt one W hick y. Old M "nongthebi and 'tve WliisiUey, Penrli and Applo Hr.nndr, Sherry, P.i t. Vl.vlerl i. ;i irett Va.'iia anl Viederin Wino -'or cooking purporj, Cilron Raisins, Currants, 'n fict every article belonging the Grocery Hii'inrss can be found here upon Ihe lowest cath terms. At GEO. MYERS, v. v. 27. 109. BASKETS. Wan; rive n l ire;- hit ol lfokcls of various nizss I styles. For sale by Dec. 19. V. 11. UBIM I-. a l k. i CiiACKKKS. CI.ACKKRS. ,) L it'll. Crncker and 1 boxes do.f "J now lunding and lor nle by Jan. :t. ZENO II. G'tF.RNE. TICKNdr.'S LATE PUBLICATIONS. VjKMOULVLS n'1 "'h,f Papers, by Thomas VI Detinioi-ey, snihor ol Confrsrion of an Eng lrh 0iUimi Entt r. te..etc . 2 vols Poenii by Ch tries Kini;s!esy, auihr of (lypotie, Annyns Leiith. etc., etc. . Monuldl. a tile by VViishlngton A lUton. Ills n. y r too l.i'e ro iiiml s inadt-r of fuel Komnni e, by Clinilu- Iteade. author of Peg Wottlngton .Christie Johm-an, Ac. Ac. Th lictoes, by He v. Charles Kings'cy , 4c, dtt. On hand and lor sale at J n. I. WHIT AlCFR'S. AFFLICTED READ ! ! PII I L A D E L P II I h MEDICAL HOUSE. Established twenty-two years ago by Dr. KINK KLIN, eorner of Third and Union street Philadelphia. Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience ha rendercr Dr. Ki a most uc cesslul pructltinner In the cure of sll diseases of a private nature ; manhooil'a debiVly, a an im pediment to marriage; nervous ami sexual in -Armiiies, disease I the skin, and those ariclng from abuse nf mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There I an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them lo manhood i und which, if not reformed in due time, not on I begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, bul itives ri-e lo a series of pro-trsi-iid, insidious, and devastating sflerrlons. Few of those who give-way to this perniilous prselice sreswareof ihe consequences, until ihey find the ncrvnn system ha4itrcd, fi elstrange and iinai rotintal lu en-nlions, nnd vogue fears in ths mind (See pug . v7, 28, 29, of Dr. K's book on " Self Preservsiion ") The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is ii n hi.- to labor with accustomed vigor, or lo op ply hi- mind Kt study t his step is lardy snd weak; tie is cull, irresolute, and engage even In Ills sports with less energy than usttul. If he erflanrtpHte himat If bef.irc the practice ha done iiwr, snd enter matrimony, his niarrlaps ia unfriiitfiil. snd lii sense Ils iiitii llial iliis ia fniied hv his early follirs These are considera tions vhirh Should avaien Vie attention of all who are similarij Silualtd. KEMEMBER. , ' . He who places lilmsir under t r. Klnkelin' trraim.nt. may ieligiouly confide in Ms honor as a gcttiUmnn, an.' rely upon the atsaranre, ihat tbe secret of Dr. K.' patients will, never be di-i-bned. " Voting' mn let no false modesty 'deter you from making tour case known to one, who. ficm education and respectability, can certainly be friend t on l)r K inkelin's re.lletece has been for the last twenty, years si iht N. W. eorner of Third ai.d Union street. Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENT AT A DISTANCE. Csn hare thy stating tlielr esse espli. iilv, to gsiher wi h all their st mpfutn. pi'r letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, spprupiiaitd aceordingl . Forwarded to any pari of the United Stale, and packed secure from damage or curio.ity, by Mail or Exp'ess LEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD I A Vigorous Life era t'rtmalitrs Utah, Kijilielin on Stif I'rt strtalionUnhf 25 Lints. Letters remaining that value In si amps, will ei.sure s eepy. eer rt . rn id mail. GRA'11-NI GRATIS I! GitATiS'll A Free GIFT 7e All. MlhF.ltV REl.lkVED. "Nstnre'a Geids. a new and popular Work, full of valuable advice and i-iipttaWe warning, alike cali ul tied lo prrvent year, of misery, and eve thousands of live, Is distributed iihoat rhargc. and forwarded by uuil, prepaid to Jtny Pot OiBce in the United Siatcs. n receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. June 19. 41 lr-wdtt NEW CROP MOLASSES. 150 HIIDS. dsily svpccied to arrive fiom Cuba. Fcr auie by 3. C. SMITH A CO. Pee. 13. 1 15-tf. VALENTINES!!! FEBRUARY 14, 1857. WE II AVE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. THE LARGEST SELECTION OF COMIC.PLAINAND FANCIFUL . "y T, sTTIsTTX JJ XIO Ever before broughi 10 this market. Y can 'suit all last, a or fsney. Thoas deairing a bice arrl-le would do well lo rail soon. For sate st lh Broadway Variety S'ore, No. 40 JJsrket strtcL w. u VtMLKM',. sA A

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