VOLUME XI -N (JMBEK 138. WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7 1857. WHOLE . N UMBER .1333 Tiii; r.ii-v.;ukLY cojiiie..cal t m-lined sery TobsdAv, .TtiVBtb V and atUhdav at Mi per annuni, payable Inalicases in idvanee. rt V M . 1,0 INIi-Editob and I'm'Kliroi HE vJ. W. "S ANDERS (mocutk biToa. Corner Krwnt.. i I t ah It el Utr-trets, wihcfo&. IL b. I aqr. I titscriiun o ati l l .r. i months, 4 Oi 1 2 " 73 I 1 3 5 bl I 3 " I UU t 1 "6 8 U- 1 " I trtottttl, i 6U I U IX Ut Ten lilies or lesa make a square, li ar, adver 'ieentcnt exceeds ten tines, liie price win be in viroportioa x All i Ivertiscments are payable at the llmcul Heir insertion. . (iddiraeu with yeuty advertisers, will be mad a the trtdst liberal terms. . No transfer of contracts for early advertising i II b permitted Should eircn.nslanccs render i chnt in hailne, or an unexpected rcmova 'neeewtrr, eKArge according .ho bii' liflwi iermn will be itoe option ol the contractor, for the time Tie has advertised. The nrivilegeof Annual Advcribters i stricih limited to their iwn immediate business and all adveriiaemenia lor the benefit of other person, well ua alta.Wertiscnv nls not immediately con heeled with their own business, and all excess of advertisement in length or iwherw ise bey.ind tin limits engaged, will hs charged at the nana I rates. No Advertisements in included in the contract for ins sale of rent of hnca or land in town ..t ronntrv or for the mbe tr hire f negroes, wheth er tha property! onPil bv the advert lr or bv other persons. Tlmf are excluded by ihe term immediate buinee All i lr'itnenl Inserted I h the trt-weckli Commercial are entitled to one icsertion in the Weekly free of Charge. ion. CAM ANI FANCY lntXTlNC. EIEPCTED IS SCPEBltlB STYLE. FOR THE CO MM Hit CI A I.. Niw Yobb; Messrs. Doilmcb & Pottbb. ftoH'tn Ch a a is Smith. No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. K. Comb. . HaUimore Wm . H. PaAXBand Wat. Tiiomsom MISCELLANY. THE TEN DOLLAR PIANO. "a story that was told me." IT ai.m &:ateb. 1 ski w ail fU woman lettering along one cold day. 'I'luv sight of my eyes atfect(l my heart, and, as is usually the case, my leelings ran out at the jen's joint, thus : j 0 ! winter wind, Mow not too bleak On yonder irrmhlingdiiiie ; Her limbs are old, and eitill, and weak, ' Soft greet her, winter sun. For she has seen no sniil" to-day, No fire is in her cot ; So. winter wind, go seek the gay, Pass by and harm her not. 0 ! winter wind, toss not away Tlios locks of" faded hair, They shone once o'er a nrrrt blue eye When she was young and lair. They glittered the-e like goldeli wings, Gems held their bauds apart ; Now front lies on the failed rings, And (rout within' her heart. . As I laid" my pen down a beautiful child of sevtm summers', with the gol- 1 1 1 1 light of youth siramiig all over her bright curls; childhood's fresh lus tre in her dark eyes, and June's reddest roses on her dimpled cheeks 'O !" she cried, tossing the stray curl from her brow, "we've fcot the splemlid est new piano over home, and mother wants you to come and try it. She s:ty. you shall play on it first." Now 1 am a child with children; my heart bounds, my pulses ' leap iu unison wlli their rpoitive .natures, when they are by. And when the locks are silvered on my temples and my step grows slow upon the staircase, when the voices of my lov ed ones are only like" remembered music, when my hand's grasp becomes tremu lous like the loosening tendrils of the dying vine, still may the dear Lord grant to me4he trusting tenderness of child hood ; still may the fet of infancy pat ter, around my knee, and its' red 'lips breathe perfume ou my withered che k. Awajwcnt ink and pen. and tip boun ded I to catch the hand of little Nellie, and oflf we ran. In at tha beautiful mansion, inio a room aofiljr lighted, whrre Nel ie mother, who was an invalid, laid upon her , ccustotn -d couch; and up to the new piano to soothe the weary tick; oi.e with strains of music. The intrimnt was one after my own heart, rich-toned, fill and melodi ous, and the soft 8'rains answered liquidly o mjp; touch. Now the sweet verae of Burns1 Highland Mary" and now the sweeter music of Top pun's There is nn hour of peaceful rest " occurred to my me mory, and thus I played and sang nil Nel lie's father came Hej was t handsome cmn, in the full vigor of manhood, and fr-nn him his little danghter inherited her golden limed hair and hazel eyes. H took a scat near his wife end drew ber thin hand jjrttn his, as he spoke to her. Then when d praised the new piano, he turned M rue, daujhinjrly, savin?, Yes, and the best part of it is it's only cost me fen dollars. I expressed my astonishment, and my took of wonder drew another laugh from iiitn. "Let me tell you the story," he snid, drawing little Nellie towards him, and en circling her little form with bis aim, while he looked with as much astonishment as jnyself, and he began. ; j A few years ago I went to Chicasro. I had been there hut a few days, when, in of my morning walks, i encoun'ered girl some twelve years bid, a very intelli gent bright eyed child, whose fare wore uOh it sorrowful expression ttint I almost stopped to apeak with hr as she parsed.- The norninr air was raw and chilly the ground wet from a ligh fall l early snow, and 1 noticed that, asthr. wind blew her thin garments about her form, she shivered with the cold. As she went by, she half turned, and I had gone but a little way be fore 1 beard quick foutitep behind me, and topptitf . the girl hf her hand, us if t. place n on ray arm,idrawing back, she : said. , , I I . . s "Please, sir, if j-ou could give me a little money to buy bread." t uAre you tiUti-rry." I wskel. "Yes. sir real hungry;" and her lit s rluivereu. . -. ."Doesn't your faiber work, anl bring home bread V I" Father is sick," she said, "and mother 'sprained her arm, and tnj biother, win uipii to Deip us. wms urowneu not iun; . a a . m iaro." Something in my heart, and in her face told methiit her story was true. I look her into a baker' shop, lade her hold oui her tattered apron, and filled it with lo.ive Then pulling fire dollars in the shopman's band. 1 stipulated that the poor family was to have bread every morning till the mnnej whs used up. Then 1 s ipped another fm dolL.rs into the girl's hatMl,nnd turned ha lily from Iwr tear filled eves. 1 Well, ten dollars were gone, nnd I was jhy no means rich enough to spare it ; bnt I felt as if, no duubuthe Lord would make III up, and at any rate, ten dollars wascheap HiOugh for l he rare pleasure of giving to jfjod s poof chifdr n I went bark to my hott-l just as the gong sounded for break fxst, and took u y seat with a hundred strangers. No sooner hatl I commenced eating ihan I fell a hand laid on my elbow, and looking up, irn-re sat an old friend I had not met for fourteen years. When I last saw him, he was a young man jut starting in the world, -with little means .nd few friends. ''I have not grown rich.h he said, after the first surprise of recognition was over; "but I am able to pay my debts. Do von te ineinber one day, fourteen years ago, you I nt me ten dollars in my extremity, mid iold me never to pay unless I was able ? H'iw I have tried to find 3-our address many limes s nee. but could not. Here is a ten dollar gold piece, and I am only sorry thai I cannot double ii, for your kindness to m when I was in trouble. But come and see me on your way through Iowa, and my wife and children will , thank you with line" j "I was very much astonished and affc ied, for I ha I totally forironen his obliga tion, but I could not refuse the just return. Truly, I ihoiiiht, giving 10 the Lord does not impoverish even in worldly means, and said to myself, I will see. what this I 11 dollars will bring me. So, looking ubo il. I made a lit'le investment in the new land, sjnd went on my way fully satisfied with myself and the world in general. Three weeks ago, 1 had an 'tier of five hundred ollars for my wee bit of land ; I accepted i, and as my little wife and little Nellie Btve long been teasing me for a p-ano, I tfoucht this for tlinn.'1 I ult seems like n dream,"' said I, gazing with a sort of reverence on the beautiful instrument; "You ought to comn emfrale tlhe inc dent in some manner," 1 added. I H hare thought of inscribing on a small silver plate the words, 'Cast thy bread up- n ihe waters and ihou shalt find it ufter many days ;' but it does not seem exactly Appropriate to the rase." I "Did you ever see the girl again, papa ?'' aiki-il Nellie. J "No. my dc r, but I have heard from her through n German missionary. She is a good scholar, and teaches a little scl.oi 1 tHerselt, now, in Chicago. She has become r ; handsome and refined young woman, and is educating her only brother younger lian herself, t learned fr.rn him, that my little gift put new life into the sinking Lean of the poor, sick father, and the nourish ment procured with some of the money gate strength to l.i weak frame. The f.t tjher obtained employment, the little broth er found work to do in an office; and the Ctrl obtained ihe favorable notice of a cele. armed pianist, who saw that she possessed musical gift of a high order, so that by liis rtilliv.it ion she became enabled to sup loit herself So, you see, ten dollars made 1 wh de family happy, gratefuland useful. 4nd bought me this beautifn instrument.' Verily, iruth is stranger than fiction. TOM SHERIDAN OUT SHOOTING 1 Tom Sheridan was staying at Lord Cra ven's Beiih.un (or rather Hamsle 1 f,) and one day proceeded on u shooting excursion, Ike Hawthorn, with only "nis dor ami his gun," on fool and unattended, by compan ion or keeper, the sport was bad the birds few and shy and he walked and walked in sear, h of game, until unconsciously he entered ihe tlomain of some neighboiin-r squire. A very short lime after, he per cetved advancing toward him at the top of his speed, a jUy, comfortable gentleman, followed by a servant, r. as it appear ed, lor conflict. Tom took up u position, and wa ted the approach of the en my. Hallo! you sir," said Ihe squire, when within half ear shot ; "what are you doing lerejSir, eh f l m shooting, sir, said lorn. Do yoi know where you are sir," said he squire. -'I'm here, sir," said Tom Here sir, said the squire, growing angry ; and. do you know where heie is, sir? these, sir, ar- my manors; what dy'e ibmk of that, sir, eh " -Why, sir, as to j-onr ui 1 nners," said Tom,'! can't say they s-f in bver-aureeable." -'I don't w'ant any joke.-," Ssaid the squire; "l hate jokes. Wiioare you, sir what nre you if" "VVhy, sir," faid Tom, uiy name is Sheridan I am laying at Lord Craven's I have come but for some sport I hav not had any. knd lam not aware lht 1 am trespassing " rShendan I"sid the squire, cooling w little, jpoh from Lord Craven's, eh ? Well, sir, I Could not know that fir I " "No. sir," said Tom, "but you need not have been in ! passion.' Nut in n. passion. Mr. Shen llanl" s id the squire ; "you don't know, lisir, what thess preserves have cost me. nd the (wins and trouble i have been at with them; it's oil very well for you to alk ; but if yon were in my piace, I should like 10 know what yon would say on such an occasion? fa Why, sir, said Tom, "if 1 were in ymir place, under jir the circuit stance. I should say, I mm convinced Mr. Sheridan, you did not mean to uur.ov me ; nd tt$ you, look a good deal tir-., ierhni you'll come up t my house and take soin -refreshment.' ,. The squire was hit har I by this M-'ae, nnt (m th ne wspars say.) it is needless to add acted upon Sher rdau's sujgstija "So far, said Tom th ory teiis fur e, now you shal. lie.ir ihe quel A'ler having regaled himself at tin Squire' lnri-, and lutiur said 6ve hui -Uei! more ood things 'llau he swailowe . iMViug delih'rd his l.o.st, and ilrtn half won ihe !.. r: of his wift- and ughteri", the bj.onfiii.il! j rnciC'Ic.l on hi return noniewards In ihe course of his Walk, he p is-se.i thruh a farm yard ; in trout d ihe iiirtn-h.mse via-! a rfrn, in 'hf centre d whi' h vk as'a pond ; in the pond were du ks innumerable sauouhuj mnl diving; on 11 vrrtlant banks a inoiley group of gallant ocks and pert pulhtsweie feeding; the farmer was leaning over the latch of the oarn, which stool near two cottages on he side of the green, 'i om hated to jro back uilll an empty bag; and having fail ed at his attempts a' hi her frame, it struck him as a good j ke to ;idtcul the exploits ft the hty hiUiS' lt. in order to prevent niy one else from "doing it for h in; and he thought thai 10 carry home n certain num ber of the tlomestic inhahiiants of ihe pond and us vicinity, would serve the purp be Hilmir bly. Acconinnjly up he gops to the firmer, and accosts him very civilly : My good friend," says Tom. ' I'll make you an offer.'' -Of what sir" says the fanner." "Why," replies Tom, "I've been om all day fagging afler birds, and I h.-vn'l had a shot. Now. both rnv barrels are lo oted I should like 'o lake home something ; what shall I give you to let me have a shot with each bar rel ft those ducks and fowl I standing here and to have whatever I kill?" What sort of a shot are you?' said the farmer. '-Fairish!" said, lorn, "fairishi" And to have all you kill?" said the farm er, "eh?" -Exactly so," -aid Tom. "Hall guinea,'' said the firmer. "I hat s too inu h," said Tom "i ll tell you what I'll to, I'll give, yen a "veu-hillinir pieee, which happens to be ail the money I have in my pockt." "Well," said the man, 'hand it over. 1 he payment was made I'o'n. true to his rarjrain, look his post hy the btro door, and let fire with one barrel and 'hen with the other, and such a quack tn r and spl.ishitiiT, and st reaming and flut tering, had never been seen in that place before. Away ran Tom, and, delighted at his sucress, picked up first a hen, then a chick en then fished ou a dying duck cr two, and so on, until he numbered eight head of domestic game, with which his bag whs nobly distended "Those were right good hots, sir," said the tanner. "Yes," said l oin, "eijrht ducks and fowls were more than you bargained for, old fellow worth more, I suspect, than seven shillings eh?" Why. ves," said the man, scratching his head. ' I ihink they he; but what do I caie fur that? thry are none of Hum minr!'' ulere," said loin, was for once in my life yi'vj, and made off as fast as I could, for fear ihe right owner of my game inijxht make nis appearance, not oui tnai 1 couni ve ivet, the fellow thai took ine in seven tunes as much as I did, for his cunning and coolness.' GEOilGE R. FK E.N 1 II, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE f- RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LKATIIEK, A Mi SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11 M Alt K ET STB KET, WILMINGTON, .C. March 6. 13 L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. ASH DKAI.KH IN LIQUORS WISES ALE PORTER f-c No 3, Granite How. front Street, WILMINGTON, fs.C. Keb. 17ih, IPhG. UO-lf. AUAMS, BROTHER & CO., COM MISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 29. 58 js. c. smith. mii.es costin. JAS. C. SMITH fc CO., COMMISSION MERCHAiNTS, No. 2, SOUl'H WATER STREET, WILMINGTON,-N.C. April 26. lB-lv STOKLEY fc OLDHAM, GROCERS AND CO 'MISSION MERCHAiNTS, WILMINGTON, N C. I.ilteral Cash advances madd on Klour, Cotton, 4td Naval Store cunrigne.l to them Aug. to. bo ly. W. G. MII.LIGANi MARBLE MANUFACTURER' NOHTH WaT-H STnKKT WlKMIMGTON. No. C. Wnnumenls, Toombs, Head and Fool Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished to order reasonable terms. June E. - 3fi-ly-c SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMISGIOS, N. C. Witt aitcn i the Courts of Duptin, Sampson and vew Hanover Office n Princeas urcet. nest door East of the -aie Bank. Aprils. 9-1 y NOTICE. rvESlGNS AND BSTI MATES for a Mann 1 meat 10 be eieeb-d in conunrn oration 0 the Kattle of lUoore's Creek, are Kolh-itrd to be sub- mit'td bv or beiote ili T2n& Ecbiuav. Cost not to exceed 85,0l 0 Addrera UO.NAI.O .! ACtlA K. P K DI KINSt.'N, 1 k K. A ANUKRSOJi, VComodltee. U UacIIAK ) Wiliniri ton, N. t;., Jjn. :0, 1857. 126 Im IsEOKUE MYERN, , TD ILEMLb AM) 8tT.HL lia'tlCER Ktep constantly on hand, II nu Teat. LUpuro friBi."tonm, l ood and WUtuir II an, r ruil Conjcetionarie. f-e South Fron t it rett, vit. ij ;rti, j. Mv. t . 1884., 10$ I OOLl-NKB. O. POTTt Jr. J. CAME R DEW. I) )LUNER, PUTTER &. CO. COMMISSION M ER CHA N TS, v mv y o it K. AfrllJO,lk SfKty. SUUTBEHN LUTTEIIY. UN TME HAVANA lLAN. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. Bi Authority of Ike State of Georgia. Cta-- V. to he I awn Kehr ay 10, I&57, in public Concri Hat, ilacun, G., tindt-r the Ivurn u,.erini, n l-ie:.rCol. Ocoljje M. Logan and vv. Ai'd-inn. Kltj NfiARLY ONE! PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TIC : j KEIS. I5.0C0 TICuElS,-l,712 PRIZES !' This Lutery has oily FIFTEEN" THOUSAND NUMBERS less than than any Lottery iu the V01 Id ! TEIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. BRILLIANT SCHEME. I Prize ul I do I do 4 do 5 do 00 do 1,500 do $15,000 V t.rji f. 1,000 are ' 4.0i 5i h) are 2,500 1 00 are 8,001 40 uie 60.00C APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20 apir'xiiiui'ii of SlOOaro S2 MXI 50 do. 50 a re 2,0" 50 do. 20lre 1,000 1.712 PrlXe., am.. tmiin? to $102,000! OEUTIKIt.'ATK OK I'ttKAGKS t F TEN TIOKKI'S, tth.reihu miintieia end in 1,2.3.' I. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. are old at the follow in rates wldt h in 1 he ti-k I 10 Whole Ticket, GO 00 10 Half do 3 00 10 Quoner do 16 fO fl will be pereeivt-d, bp th 19 plan, ihnf for $60 ih! purehas-er has a Orufirnte f ten licketn when, If he buys iinle U Ids, he would only ei'I fof ih;ii riiui fIx whul s. Thu, by buyins ' 'eriifii at- he ha lour uore chances for Uirsrer prist s ll f and quart. p ick"fiein proponion. Ticket';'. Sit),' Halves t-5. Quarit-r. 42.50. Rank oie of all soiml R.uki lakn al par 1rleia for Tickets or ;titfiratea ot Tiekets. Additsf 10 JAIKS r' INTKlt, Jlanpr, Maeon, Ga. Jan 17, 1357 19 S Y A X & To.'sf L 0 T" TlTiES CAPITAL PRIZE The iollnwine Scheme will e d awn by S. Swan & Co. Manncets of the Eotr Gaines Academy Lottbbv, of Georgia, and Hie SouTHttx .MitiT akt Acadcmv Livttebt, of Alabama, in each 1.1 ilitir Loiutics for Feb. nary 165 1 . CLASS To Le drawn in the City of Mobile, Alabama, in ' ( public,, or, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 7th, 1857. CLASS 2. To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, it THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1857. CI.A 23. To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1857, OS Till". 1M.AS IFS'lSiCt.E NUMBHItX. THREE THOUSAND TWO i.UNDRED AND SIXTY PRIZES! MORE Til AN OE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN J TICKETS! 30,000 TICKETS MAGNIFICENT SCI1EM E ! I Ptiseof 1 $0,OUfl 20,iKir. is 10 000 is 9,00i) is 8.000 i r,0,00 20.0' 0 10.030 9,' 00 8,000 7.100 is 6,0tK is 0 is 4,' 00 is 7,000 6,000 5,n0ti 4,t 'CO '.000 3.000 it I " 2,1 fiO i 2 000 1 'M 1,000 is 1,000 IPO Prizes of lOJaie IP.OtiO 100 " 5s: are 51 CO APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prize of S'appro'io S'lO.OIM'piize are St,f 00 4 ioo 20,000 eoo 4 " ! 1) " 10.000 ' 400 4 " 80 " 9,000 " 3:0 4 " 65 " " H.fjOO ' 26 4 60 " 7.0i " 210 4 55 " O.IOO " 22o 4 " B) " 6,000. " 2i!0 4 " 41 " 4.00 " 1 4 ' 40 " 3,000 " 160 4 3 " 2,000 ' 10 4 23 " 1.0J3 16 3000 " 2) arc - - 60,0t0 3 J60 prize)- amosntrna to -'04 000 Whole Tickets, 10-Halves 1 5- Quaitcrs, PLAN OF THE LOTTERIES. The ! urn froii 1 10 30,000, corrcpondina wilh those Numbers on ihe Tiekei s prin'el on wparaie flips ol papcr.are encircled with f-niall .in t b-a and placed in une W hi el. The wheeUare then r-voived. and a number i drawn irom tlie wheel of .Nnmbers, and at ih. anie time a Prize is drawn from the other whet-l. The Number and Prizj drawn out are opened and eshibtcd lo ihs nudience. and regisiered by th "(Miimis-'ionerx ; the- Prize b-in! placed againvl he .Vnmher drawn. The oueraiion is repeated until all (he Prizes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The iw. prec--din and ihe two succeed inc umcrs to tbo e drawing the fin-i 12 Prizes will e emided to ihe4S ApproximatienPrizes, accord in? 10 ihe seheme. The 3 0tiO Prizes of S20 will be determined by the Inist figure ol Ihe Number ili draw 'he 5O.C00 Prize. Ftr exair.ple. il "he Number drawing the 5O,000 Ptize et.ds with No. I, then ait the Tic ket where ie number end in I, will he entitled t.20. If the Number ends with No. 2. then all he 'I iekets where the Niiiuber ends in 2 will be . niiited 10 S JO, and no nn 10 0. Certificate of Package will be aold al ihe fol lowinu rates, whieh i ne risk : Ceriilicaieof Package ol ,t W hole Tickets, S80 10 Hall 40 10 Quarter ' 20 IN ORDERING TICKETS OUCERTIFIC ! ATK". Enclose Ihe money 10 oar address for the Tic keisord. red.on rece.pt ol which they will be lor warded by first marl. Pllretlaers ean huve tickets nHing in ativ figure, they may det-isfnate. The Li.-t of Drawn N umbersand l'mas will be si-ni to piirehaeersimuiediaiely after the drawing. J3r Purcham rs will pleafe write ihti'. signature plain, and givt their PostOffi.-e, County and State. (3T Remember that every Prize is draw n, and pavxbiein full wilhool dedtte'lon. II Prizes ol 81000. and unter paid immedi aiely after the draw :ng-oiher prizes at ihe uual lime of thirty days. All rommunieaiions strictly confidential. Prize Ticket cashed or renewed inoiher ticket" at either rhce f' IddrtssOider for Ticktfsor Cenifieaiea either to 8. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, Ua. , or S SWAN, " V Montgomery. Ala. Jan 29. 134 . T HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. CHAS. D.8I YERS. (SCCCESSna TO SHfaD & MtEBS.) - f ANrjFACTCRER,Wlea!eandlle illVal vl. er n Hats Cap, f ars, and Stra Gkiods .Also. Umbrella. "afiear febs-.together wiib ew article usually fouedla a first Clasa Fa hioa able Hat Store. J 34 Market St.. two dors below Scott 4 Bald win'. L . :: " N. B. Military Goods df every description furn ished to order. , . IB. WE HAVE JUST KKCKIVEO 25 Bbl. of ihoe No. Mackerel, ill half Kbls. " 10 hali Bbl. No I Nov. 27. Al GEO. MYERS. ULNTKR H AND CAJS. A f UI.Li V OUI'.U S'trtioent ol ulltliedith re.nl atylea of llrexs and Business Hat and 1 Caps now open, comprising - SILK, FUR AND WOOL BATS, CLOTH, PLUSH AND SILK GLAZED CAPS, INFANTS HATS AND CAPS,' MISSES BEAVEU AND FELT FLA T3, BOYS AND YOUTHS SOFT HATS AND CAPS, I'M BB EL LAS, CANES, BELTS, fcC-ifcC. AiC W.hleh we offer at wholesale m retail.at the very lowest prices,- C.I. MYERS, 34 Market street, two doors bilovr Scott 3l Ua'd- win'i. . " ,,. ;. ,92 , CAU0UNA SADDLE AND II 1R NESS ESTABLISHMENT. CV tcr Market f- Srcqpid Sis.; under He Caro lina Hotel, WUitiing-ton, Jv. C. ' It HE UNDERnIGNED RES. pec: fully takes ihi method lo inform the citizens of V ilmincton -nd stirroun ting country, that he hataken the store on the eornr of Market ania eeond strerls. undt-r the Carolina Hole' wh-re he would be ileacd lo exhibit his f toek, confiding. I Saddles Kridlea, Manineales, Harness, Trunks. Whips -piirs, and all ar'ictes usually kept in nit h nn es tablishment, all of whith be will sell low to, cavh. or on accummo latingr lerms. Call and esaniine 8 he ilti:ita a -hare of pub.tc pnlronage. J, Repairing done al shorl notice. ; WM. L. JACOBS. Oet 25. 95 tL NEUR0 PASSEN. A NEW form f Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he Cominissioners.au number of others interested in the welfare of our. C 'lor.-d population, is just issued at the office ul llttiammercxal. VALENTINES ! ! ! FEBRUARY 14, 1857.' WE HAVE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION, THE LARGEST SELECTION OF COMIO.PLAINAND FA NCIFUL XT T.Tr-ivrTTJvrTrJ!8-i Kver before broueht 10 this market. We can suit all last, a or fam-y. Those desiring a nice article would do well 10 call soon. For sale at the Uroadwav variety S'ore, No. 40 Vlarket sir. el. W. H. DcNEALK. Jan. 29. 131 SUNDRIES. 1 f f R Is domestic Liquors; 1 KjKJ 75 K.fia Nail; 5 Rbla Mesa Pork; 10 Tons Hoop Iron ; 10 Kgs Best Goshen Butter; 50 Koxs Cheese; Soap. Crarkeis, Matches. Spices, Candles, Soda, SalerutusPotash, &c, &c. On hand and for sale yb , LJan.22 ZENO H. GREENE. NEW ARRIVALS OF F; EN II GROCERIES. T'HE Subccribcr has jtirt returned from the North with a lull and well selected stock ol hoiee Groceries, comprising every variety that ends 10 complete an assortment, consisiine in part of 100 basis 'ofTee, Moclia, Government Java, l.s.guyra. lvio and t Doiuino; 1UL ll Is. tousart of all grades; "hoiee Wines. Liquors ; Champaign of tliH in st celebrated brands. Teas, Goshen Rut I r. F. M Beef, Smoked Beef, Berf T.n?ues, Sal mon. "Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, Codfish, Fresh Lobster and Shad, Sardine, Saucta, Catsups; Si.dii, Sugar, Butt. r. Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Water Cta.-ker, 'olgiiles Family Soaps, Fancy Toil, t Soaps, Picklea of every variety, English Pineapple and Goshen Cheese, Candles of all grades, Bottled Liquors of every variety. Pure Old Tom Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron, (New Unisons Expected ) Porter and Ale, Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, P.unes, l 'onfectionary in nil it - varieties, Preserves, Jell vs. Brolna, Corn Stareh Flour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Batketa 2' 0,000 Cigars, Tobacco, &c, Ac., Ac , all low for cash GEORGE MYERS' Country Merchants are particularly invited to tall and examine, before purchotiny clsewheee. Oct. 7. . TO RENT UNTIL Ociober, my late residence on 4th St. neat the Rail Road, il has a will 0 eooi water, yard, jj?rrtn, Stables. Ar- plv to GEO.McDUFFIE. Feb. 1st. I8S7. 13G-2W. COPES' BAKERY. Wilmington, N. C. r take this method of informing luy friends and I the public generally that I have commenced ih bakiii business in the lown ol Wilmingien. scd ask that they will give mt the patroonge that was once bi fore so liberally botow ed, and I pledge my self thai I will spare no pains, to keep constantly on hand a fresii supyly of all kinds of Bread and Pies,; Also by w holesale or retail all sons of Ciaekers, store one door west of Dr. Mears Drug Store on Mark, t st, G. W. COPES. Jan. 24 132, JOHN A. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Prartices in the enunliee of Bladen, Columbus. Brunswick, Sampson and INcw Hanover. II timing ton, K. C. Jan. 24. PRAYER BOOKSBibles; Hymn Books; Psalmodies; Palms and It) inns ; Church Servic; Home IServiee, Jkc, In variou bindings, for sa le at W II ITA K ER'S. Dec 21. SITING POTATOES. CA BARRELS PRIME EATING POTATO- tJ.J E ''.S. For sale by Jan. 8 ADAMS. BRO. & CO. SUNDRIES. Molases, Flour. r HEESE. Mullets, Pork, j Lard, Bacon &c lor sale by ZENO II. GREEN. 137. Feb. IMPORTANT SALE OF DEEP RIVER LANDS. OIK E is hereby given that there will be void LN at Piitsboronh, at auction, on Tuessday the I0ih of Febuaiy next oh a liberal credit, the large and excellent farm oa Deep River, belonging 10 the Estate of Samuel S Jaccson deceased. This tract embraces about 1S44 acre, a large portion of which is unsurpassed in ft-rilllity by any lands on Deep ttiver. It ties on the South Side of ihe River, and lor several miles on the River, about fhrfj miles above l.orl vi:le, and about lour mile irom lb-- point at whl. h the Halt Road from Fay etievitte lo Ihe Coal FMds will pars the Kiver. Any Kail Itoad here titer built from Ma'eisb to the "oil Fields by way of Ha wood must pass over this land. A portion of this land ex ends Into the coal formation. For ihe eon venienee of purchasers the property wifl be ?od in diflt-ient tract. Thora will also bo sold at the same lime and place ihe property on Deep River, formerly oecn pi.d by Ooct. Isaac Jackson, eMopri-ir.g an im proved' lot of six r , and adj iii (nf it an inter -et equal in ihrt e fifths of tha whole in a tract Of 300 aens lying on ihe River and direc-ly npposite the Egvpi haft. From the location "ft hi prop erty, directly above Kamersvifie nn ihe River, nnd opposite Fgepi, ibere ean be no onbt of its eing endvrUid with ihe coal, and the Iron ore. J. J.iACKON. The. Commercial, U ILAII NG I'DN, N. C. Weekly S'i t Ti l vVt ckly 5 a Tear. IN ALL CASES IN ADVANCE. lo iMiin; a Prospectus to ask Mihsrilptiont to Ihe (. oM.Nunc l.. Il.e nttcrilier fevl It a duly to lefini- tlo-ir H.sition, so as to leave nodonbi upon 1 li-minds ol I lit Ir tmltuiis as lo lliu t.riociulis la- . . T M loir 111 .er win Moiiin. It In lite luiitalioiis ui past years the senior ivli 'or has had one paramount t iticiple before bitn. OUTHERN RIG-UTS, under tho Oontitntion. hav;lic-n the aim and olj.-ct of all bis efforts, these alone are maintained lv tlio I'l iifi.nn ol 'he D.-mocralic l-arty tb-versl tears ago, "e in MTtfd 'in our Prospectus the tnllouing wnvds "Tue. CommkbciaL is a vwdet of political imteKi ,eneti .' itevertlietes-'. Soutukhn RiuiiT inill always supersede Ike claim of ever y party .J every uiime." From thl avowal it wawiiot tlilliciilt to j idse what would be our course wheittlie hour artivi-d that should place those rights uithiu a tangible isne.: TI10 Mcsxago of onr great and good President Pikrck. in which he asserted the rli(hts'if the South under itio Cott.tiiitition. coritaintHl tho pre cise doctrine lluit The Comwcrci(dU advocated for many years, a lot the Cincinnati Convention having sustained that docfritiu. weTfotind In the GREAT NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1 hose with whom we could cont'iertiioiily ac under the influence ol our judgment atld tho im pulse ofour heart. The riuciple avowed in the CWtciiiixili Platform, wi.l l Mtslaincd now and soloiii: as we'rem tin in public, life. We believe Uuch.ivam and Rhkckkniiidgk will ho the honest and faiih'til exponents ol Ihe piin- ciples to uhich we adhere, and 0.1 which the a fety and liuipines of Ihe Sonlh defend. - Pure in private character, hottest in public life and of iiiiitiiK'sclialih pttiio'ini, their election has i lone preserved this Union Irom 1 lliu and disas ter. Those who h.ve lier tnf..re read onr paper, know that "e have long desiied lo inert the pres ent hour, when the Smuli will demand her rights t il hour stint o; compromise, anil see hmv msnv ol lite Nati'.nal Democrat of the Free Slate will sustain her just pretension.- Enoitli vill be found, we 1ipe and believe, to bear otiK" Banner hrongh thrt battle and the breeze, and assist 1 to transfix it on lliu ramparts ol'llie Consiilu- non. tStrict attention paid to reports of Markats, irkuts, domestic ati'l toreiKit - Ruspcctfully, T. LORINO D.W.SANDERS.. : N0TICE. pi!E subscriber reppet tfully rol the attention BK l llin i,III,ll'lllel"tiU I ru 1 if 1 1 0 s till II nLtlltlll r , due January 1st, 1837. It is hoped tl ey wi.l be paia immeuiaiciy, as 111s uins urr n'. reiioy I t ..i.,T.-l..f. jail. a. ur,o. ni 1 I'.n-p. TO MERCHANTS. WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUR LARGE and e.vtens-ive stock of Hats, Caps, I'mbrel lai, Ac., and can sell litem at t ties lowest lew York prices, as vvc have iht tii dir. i t from the imnufactory , and ns Mr. Ilawes resides in New V'ork, we haveevery facility ofsjetirnu every new 'lyle and at the lowest rate. Merchants will do well lo call and See, under the Carolina Hotel. GILES & tlAWi s. Sept. 30, 166. 84 if. WILMINGTON & IV EL. R. R. CO j 3 fjjiAir3 t-S 43 Ju Orricc Engiseer a.vo Scpebintendf.st, ) Wilmington, N. C'JUn. I, lf-57. rHE PASSKMiEU TRAINS WILL, LN- Tl L further notice, run over this roa.i .-.s al lows : GOING NORTH, DAILY DAY EXPRESS TR A-l N leaves V.ilmington al6 A.M ; arrives at Oohlsboro' at 1 Oh 09 in u-uvts in 8 minutes --and arrives at Weldon ut 2.U0 P VI. NIGHT EXPRESS TlCAIN' leaves Wllming lon at 4 ISP. Al 4 arrives ut Gold.-btiro' til ft 3G, to supper 21 minutes; arrive.-, at Wcldon at 1.00 A. M. GOIVG SOUTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leavceW . Id..n at 1 i .30 A. v ;. arrives al Gnldaboro 3 l'J P.M.. leaves inSmin tties; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P- M. to sup per. . N IGITT EXPRESS leaves Wcldon at 8 3" P.M.; arrives at GoltNlioro' at 12 50 A. M leave in 15 minutes- strives til W. jltuin;ton al 5 40 A. M. - 3The Night Express Train connect -with tho North Carolina Railroad, both ways: 01 Golds boro. Thlv-gh I'iekeis North sold in Wilmington; o Baltimore & 12; to Philadelphia $11; to New York I5 5f; lo Washington, DC, Sll. llf riCBlTB WILL MOT BB SOLO TO A NEMO IS PtBhJS. Passenger are wot! fied that an extra c large of one cen t per mite v ill be required of those u10 do not pun-haie tickets at station. Freigol by passenger trains double rate .o cal lure, u iih tickeld. abour 3 cent per mile; il puid in the car', about 4 cent per mile FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through t-chcdule trains between W ilmington and W eidn, eat h wr-ek ; leaving alternately on Mondays and I'hursdat s and arriving on Tuesday and Fri day. Four schedule trains per week lo Goldebo ro'; leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays, Wednes days Fridays and Satttrd.r a antl Goldslx.ro' on Mondays, W'ednesdai s.Thnr days and Saturdays, making with lite "through" trains a duili freight train both waj s btiw een W iliningtott and Goldsboru'. All dues on freight, up ord.iwn, payable at Gen eral Freight Office in Wilmington, nn rec ipt or delivery, excluding freight for N. C. R. It: which may be pre-paid or not at the optim of the consigner. S. I.. FREMONT. Ian. 15. Chief Eng. St Superintendent. D ills. &c; 1 THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING LOCATED l- HIMSELF AT No. 15 MARKET STREET, WOULD be pleased to receive the ratronageof all CASH pavtng enslomers, and those who will pay at SHORT NOTICE. Sui h customers will find it to ih.-ir advantage to give him a call before purchasing elsew here. 200 Ploughs; 2C00 lbs. Plough Castings; 4 dozen Canal Barrows ; I " Corn Shelter j 25 boxes Raisenst ( 'iiron. Nuts, drc ; Family, Fine and Super Floor J Falton Market Beef ; Shot and Powder; Teas; Loaf. Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugar; Java, l.aguayra and Rio Coffee . A LS, , All kinds of Vooocn Warei Butler,' hcese and. Lard 1 Tobacco and nuA ; Wines and Liquors t Axes Spates and hovels; Pot and ?i:rawr Warei Jugs, Kotttia and Flasts; Persuasion Caps, and many articles too te. dious 10 mention. , A. A. H ItTSt'I Ef.D. Si. 15, Markets' reel. Jsn. 8. . 'i . . 12's-n - CHEESE, CHEESE. BOXES N T. State Dairies.. For sale by Jan. it. W- iSE.VO H. GREENE. ' 50 COFFEE! COFFEE!! 0 BAGS RIO. JJ It Java. 10 f .agnsvra. Now Landing & for sale by. . ZK.VOIL C&EEV. FflWft . zsr. DALTLU0UC LOCK HOSPITAL. 111? K )HS'I ( N rpiiE (oun.ktr ot ibis U lehralvd Institution cf A. Lr.iue in ucii.nn, Specuy and orny ctiLitu' al remedy in tbe wot id lor . SECRET DISEASES. Glens, Strictures, Seminal W eaknee, Pains in tho Luins. Constitutional Debility,- I mputency, Weaknusa ol'h ttack and Limns, AHieiion f the iidut-ys. Palpitation vl the Heart, L).ej siu, iNervutrs lrritabi ity, Diseasu ot the Head, 'J nioat Aoae or Skin ; those icrious and mel.iitcholy disoM dcrsafiring iruni tha destructive habits of Youths Inch d.-siroy bu:btody ai.d nnno. 'It out e rd and so.iiaiy practices more fatal lo their vieiiu.s than thu song of 'he Syret.s to th marluers c-f Ulysses, blighting their moat brilliant hopes or an' licipulions, rendering nrirriage, &c, tmpoasibls. , yousu mi:n. Especially, who l ave become ihe victims of Soil' ry Vict, that dreadful and destructive habit w hiih annually sweep!., an untimely crave thousands of1 young men of tue most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, wh might otherwise havu entranced tcning iteaatcs wlih the thunders of eloquence, tr waked toecstaC) the livinglyre, mf call wilh fujr confidence. ' MARRIAGE. Married peron, or Young Men, contcmplotir narriai-e, being awareof Phtaical Weaknesa. Of ganie Debiliry, Oelomiili. s. o.. should iminrdi. ately consult Dr. 3., and be restored to perftc llCiUiO , who places himself tthdsrthecarcof Dr. JoF.n stort "may rcliifioiirly confide in hia honor as a en tleman.and confidently rely upon hisskill asa phy ician. , Da. Johnstox is the oi.lv recularlv V.A Physician ud vt riislng locoie Private Complaints, flis remedies and treatment afe entlrel unknown toall others. Prepared 'irom a life sneni in the Great Hospitals of I'.u rope and the Firei in iSia L'ountrv, viz s England, Fraace, the hlocklcy of Philadelphia, cf-e., and a more ext nsive urneiice than any other physician in ihe world. His many ""uwr-iiui cnri s a to most important oi.rciciii t'ri. . P .. . ! ... . I . . .,,, . ' 'iiH'iiB.1. n ruiucimi t.araioue 10 Hie ftllJlclCd.. - wait w vb ftiHuuir uiitt cf; eciuatrif reii?.. cd.tliould shun the numeioui triling impostert, who only rnin iheir health, and apply to him. a vuhh. vvAUitAAl y.V Oil RO CHARGE. An Mercury or Naitaeav Diups Ce' OFFICE. No. 7. SOUTH FREDERICK at.. Jeft hand side geing from lialtiniore street, a f w a.n.rs irom the coiner. Fall not to obirrte Ms" name and number, lor ignorant trifling impoiteis, (iir.ivica oy inercpuiain.noi ut. Jbhusron. luik nn. joiiNSTOft. Mcmberof the Royal College of Surgeons. Londorr graduate from one ol the litest eminent Colleges of the United States, nnd the greater pari of whose tile has been spent in the Hospitals ol London, Pat is, Philadelphia. nnd elsewhere, has effected son of the most astonishing cures thai were ever know ry Man) troubled wilh ringing in ihe ears and head when asleep, great netvuusnsBS, being t.laro.cd t sudden sonnds, and bashfu.ness. wilh frequent" blushing, attended sometimes with dciacgcn.iril mind, werecurcd imiiiediaiely. A CERTAIN DISEASE. Wrhcn ihe misguided and Smpiudcnt votary of pleasure find he has Imbibed the seeds of .hie puitilul disease, it too often happens that anill-iim-ed senso of shame, or dread of discovery, deters liiinfiomapplyi.ngtothi.se who. Irom education; and respectability. can nine befriend him, delay ing till the eorisiitutionnl symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance em li as ujcerattd sore throat. diseased nose, noelural pain In ihe, he.-Kl and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nndes on the shin bones and arms. Notches on ihe bead 4 face and rxtremilies, progrcrsinp with frihliul ra pidity, till nt last the pnlute of the mouth or the bonesol' th nose tall in. ami Ihe victim of ibis awTii i disease becomes a horrid object of commit aeration, rill death ptitsa period lo his dreadiul suf ferings, by ser.dlng him to "thai lei. ue from whence no traveller r- turns. To i-ueh llierrlori. Or. Jo!tnsi.n pi dges Li iir eif to pieserve the niosl i nvi.Tl.ihl. st it ri ; and, from hU t.t:tncive pr:.c tice in th first Hoepiiuls of Eoropt; and Anieiiea - hecan confidently rceoiiunend a safe and speedy cure to ihe unfortuna e victim of J. i horrid dis ease. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims 10 this dreadful complaint, owing to the sn skiifnlm ss 01 ignorant pr l. nders, w ho, by the use of that deadly poisin. mercury, ruin the eonsliiu tion, and either 8-n the unfortunate sullercr to an untimely grave, or else mafce the lesidsc of lift iiii cral'le. , t. TA KE PA II TICUEA It A O T1CE. Dr. J. addresses, ill t lose w ho haveiniurcd them. selves by private and improper indulgences. 1 liese nre some ol Ihe sad nrfd melanetoly ti foc-18, produced by eaily habits of ynuih , viz weakness 01 Ihe Haas; and Limbs. Pains in ihe Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mnsco'nr Pcvr er. Pain Ration of the Hear' DvsrcDsv. Neivota irritability Heranepmcnt ei'tl e" bjgesiive Knbr ' tions, t.ancrai Debility, Syfxpionis ef Coutnnip. tion. jr c. - - - .IT. yitttltlt .Th 1. rl 11 1 .fTtfl a nn Attn J . much to t dreaded- Losrol Memory. Confusion ol Ideas, llepressiun ol Spirits, l-.vil Foreboding. aversion ui noeicty, ocu uisitust, i.ove ot Poll tude. I'iieiilii ) , A e .are some of the tyils produced.. I iioutand ot person of alli.gc, can nowjndg what I ihe cau.-e of Hit lr declining heuhh. Los ing their vigor, bcc.ming weak, pale nr:d cmiuia' led, have a singular appearar.ee iiheut the CjCs, eongh arnl symptoms of consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RF.3J1'. DY FOit ORGANIC WEAKNESS- By tiii great and important remedy weakness ut. the organs a re speedily cured and full vig r rtsrort d. Thousands of the moat Nervous nui Debiiitai.d individuals who had lost all hope, have be n imne liaiely relieved. All impedir.itnis to MARRIAGE iMtysical u-Mt nlal Disqualifications. Nervous Jr ri lability Tremblings and Weakness, or cxhaufctisn of tho most ft a 1 In I kind, speedily rtirid by,lr . Johnston. ,. . ' Young men who have injured tbcmstlves ty a certain practice indu'gul in u ben al'ne a habit i'riqiienily e:rn d from evil toil 1 iiicrs. or a I school, the elTecis of which are nighfly felt, even n'hen asleep, and it not cutd, render mariiaga iniiiossihle.ard dtsiroys bo:L. Jir.d find body. should aptlv immediali ly. What a pftv that a young man, ihe hope of hi country, nnd the dtriing of his parents, rhould be sn itched from all prosp. crs and riijoymenis of life, by the cons.-qihnccs ol deviating from tlepaih or mture, and indulging in a cert . in stent t.bii. Such persons, before contniplring . MARRIAGE. Should rerlect thai a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites :o promote contiuLial happiness. Indeed, without these, tho journey through life beconica weary pUgrltuitget the pros peel hourly darkens W ihe view'; the mind seccmes shadowed .with despairrrf nlled" wilh the htelrtn -holy reflection that the happineiB of another be cotue blighted with out own; OFFICE AO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICKS ST., Baltimobe, M s. AH Surgical Operations 1'ci tot med. N. Bv f.ct no false delicacy prtyent-yon, but apply immediately either personally or b letter. Skin meaelpeerfH-Cured. TO STRANGERS. TTi many lhoand eureH.nl this insiit uilon with -in the last ten years, and ihe numeres impor- neaacd by the Reporter of the fakirs, and mnny other persons nticiof which have sppeatf t! again ' ana again nctore the public, besides 1. 1 (tanking as a eenilentan of churacirrand respor.sitiUtj', ir a aufficienl puaranie,. the f"icrrd. TAKE NOTICE. It f with the greatest irluctaDee that Tr. -ItIf5fT05 permits his eard lo appear before the pul.Iie, dn Ins; it unnroressinnai tr a pbyiian to advertise, ltit oa'rs un did so. the Btl"irrd. esrcil!v stniiHrer could not fail to fall int.) the bands at the many tnij.u.' 1 1 1 oii!arTiel im posiprs. with innniuershl KaiM Sate, it -cntire4 i Jnuekuhn. mrarmin? lht-c imrirm ettie. .nnvfmr tf.. .TemsToa s d-rti!menrs or a.lv.rtj.'ne themseiTC as . p lyirin.illtn-rte sbalsmv-brslBMl fcHows, too )nty la. w rk at their 0num.1l trad, with araraa too (.Wa. W 'or4 the hrnte. vhn. for the pnrfaH of Kntiefi-g aod FiecelT. ins. carry on rive or six office, under a. J liri nl F1s? Samri, so Ihst xhr afTiicrtd Pti s 1 11 eci rx one. 1 sure to tumble headlonir into thaotiwr. lnm in Quck wlfb enormous lytng cerulSenie of rrest and as-, tonishing care from rieraon. not to be found, w hok.cp yon takins Hirire rottk- of Ijccc W'jtbb and e'L.r pfl'.'e -f filthy and worthk- eorriind, cnnritne'y p repaired to tmpow upon the unfortunate and nnujsrrl. Irar. Teilline mnth after month, or lonir a tb u il. e-t fee can cbtaJnrd. and. In depir, leavea ynu tt, ra'tMst health, to sieh nr ynar rnllins; diafrinimef.t. It i this motive that indnce Lr. J. lo advertise, ra at ilmi ess eras roe. Tuthn anaeq ami tried wits bta rntalinn. it deem it necessary to say that hia er'-a. tial or flT.ena alw'. he. In hi eftiee. - NO LETTERS RECEIVED I XU rOFTTATI and conis'n ea Ptmptolj ned for tha reply. Jfs nns writing should1 .lata r an4 ec4 tU portia t-t ari-iie'ni)i ifi wibmy syaiyruaj. - J'Sl-lT.

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