11 FOR SALE. A Hons and Lot, on Sixth street, north of, and nearly adjoining the rail road a Bvery desirable location, at a very moderate price. ' .- The Hoim la large and well planned, bnt unfin ished ha been put into my hands 10 meet aujemcr gency a hasty purchaser is wanted. March 3. P. W. FANNING. R KCEIVINO this dsy per Schr. Helene, 30 boxes of fine flavored Oranges. March 3. WM. H. DiXEALE. our motto is "to pleTase" AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully Informs thepublie thai he has recently received additions to' Ins stork of Saddle and Harneas Mountings, &c. ,the latest and most improved style, and is constanly manufacturing, at hisstore on market street, every description of articlein theabovcJine. From his experience in the business, hefoeisconfident that he will beab'le to give entire satisfaction to a I lwho may favor him with a call. He has now on hand and wiilconstauily keen a larjieaasortmen tof Coach, Gig and Sulkeij Hamas, Lady's Saddles, Bridles. Whips, (frc, Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips v Spurs, &c. - fe""alIof which he will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. f VHo has also a large assortment of t Trunks, Valises, Saddle arid Carpet Rags Satchels, Kaucy Trunks, Ac, and all other ar tides usually kept in such establishments, all o which heoflerilowfor CASH, or onshortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, HarnessTrunks, Redlcal Bags, die sc., rnaae looraer. In addition! tothe above the subscribe ralwav keeps on hand a largesupply of String leather and has now, and will ke?p through the season a good assortment oi if ly Mfciis. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods whetherin want ornot.asl takeoleasureinsh-tw Ijigmy assortmenttoallwho may favor me with a call. HarnessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fai price to persons buying to manufacture.. Also. Whirs st wholesale. Allkindsof Riding Vehicles bought v.. old on commisMons. . JOHN J. CONOLEY . Feb7. 1856. 138 ROYAL. The next ordinary, drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conducted by the Spanish Government, on der the supervision of the Captain General of Cu ba, wflr lake place at Havana on SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1857. SORTEO NUMKROS77 ORDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 ! ! ! 1 prize of $100,000 t " 50,000 30.000 10,009 5.000 .i : 4 prizes of 82,00 -5 " 1.000 52 " 500 143 41 400 r 20 Apr'xm's. 8,800 FOR RENT. A HOUSE over the Rail Rood, near the Depot, A and new plank road corner o 3d and Bruns wick streets. Possession given mmediately, ia quireof u. a U. clUULKV. Dec. 23. 119 tf. NOTICE rpHEsubscriber, respectfully informs the public 1. thathe Is nowtranascting the Auction business on his own account, and hopes by strict attentionto business, to merit a continuance ofthat patronage heretofore sou Der uy Desto wed upon mm. M. CRONLY Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a commission, ettner at private or public sale Jan 8.1854. 100 MULLETS! MULLETS!! Bbls. in good order and for sale bv Jan. 22. ZENO H. GREENE. II. 0OLLNF.R. O. POTTER. Jr. J. CAMERDEN D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N E W YORK. April30, 18B5. 20-ly. Wilmington & vfel: 1l r7 co OrriCB ExSLIKI AND SorcilKTEKSIMT, ) Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 1, 1857. $ rpHE PA.SSKNQK.lt. TRAINS WILL. UN JL TI L further notice, run over this road as fal lows : GOING NORTH, DAILY DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaven Wilmington at 6 A.M.; arrives at Goldsboro'at lOh 09m- leaves in 8 minutes and arrives at Weldon at 2.00 P M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilming ton at 4 15 P. M.; arrives at Goldsboro' at 8.36, to supper 29 minutes arrives at Weldon at 1.00 A. 31. GOIVG SOUTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leaves V . Idon at li.30 A. v. arrives at Goldsboro' 3 10 P.M. leaves in 8 mln utes; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P- M. to sup Der. NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Wi-tdon at 8.31 P.M.; arrives at Goldsboro' at 12.50 A. M. leaves in 13 minutest strives ot Wilmington at 5.40 A. M. JsThe Night Express Train connects with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro. Tin. jgh Tickets North sold in Wilmington; to Baltimore $12; to Philadelphia $14; to New York S13 5C:to Washington, D.C., til. t5f Tickits will mot as sold to a negbo in rcasoir. Passengers are notified that an extra charge of one cent per mile will oe required oj those who do not purchase ticket at elation. Freigut by passenger trsins double rale: Lo cal fare, with tickets, about 3 cents per mile; If paid in the carr, about 4 cents per mile FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule trains between Wilmington and V elilon, each week; leaving alternately on Mondays and Thursdays and arriving on Tuesdays and Fri day. Four schedule trains per week to Goldsbe ro"; leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays, Wednes days. Fridays and Sa'urd.v s and Goldsboro' on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thur days and Saturdays, making with the "through" trains a dailw freight train both ways between V ilmington and Golddboro'. All dues on freight, up ordown, payable at Gen. eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on reoipt or delivery, excluding freis-ht for N. C. R. It. which may be pre-paid or not at the opiim of the consigner. S. L. FREMONT. Jan. 15. Chief Eng. dr. Superintendent. NEW ARRIVALS OF FKESII GROCERIES. THE Subscriber has just returned from the JL North with a full and well aelected stock oi choice Groceries, comprising every vuriety that tends to complete an assortment, consisting in fart of 100 bags Coffee, Mocha, Government Java, .sguyra. Rio and St Domingo ; IOC bids. Sugars of all grades; Choice Wines, Liquors; Champaign of the most celebrated brands, Teasv Goshen But ter, F.M Beef, Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Sal mon, Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, Codfish, Fresh Lobster and Shad, Sardines, Saucte, Catsups; Soda, Sugar, Butter. Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Water Crackers, Colgates Family Soaps, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety, English Pineapple and Goshen Cheese, Candles of all Vrrades, Bottled Liquors of every variety. Pure Old Tom Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron, (New liaisons Expected,) Porter and Ale, Olive Oil, Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary In an Fs varieties, Preserves, Jelly a, Broma, Corn Starch, Clour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Baskets. 2C0.O0O atigars, Tobacco, c., cVc-dke , all low for cash it GEORGE MYERS Country Merchants sre particularly invited to call and examine, before purcbosing elsewheee. ' Oct. 7. 4 approximations to the SlOO.OOOof 4600 each; 4 of $400 to $50,000; 4 of $100 to $30,000; 4 of $409 to $10,0C 0 ; 4 of 400 to $5,0C0. Whole Tickets, $20; Halve, HO; Quarters $5.00. Prizes cashed at sight at 6 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the re sult becomes known. Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post. Charleston, S. C.) un til the 7th March will be attended to. Feb. 17. 125 tf. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER Sample Numbers Famished Gratis. EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. Apply to the publishers, DEACOJi & PETERSON, 66 South Third tit., Philada. Jan. 31. 135 2m. w. KIMBALL, WHITTEMORE CO., 342 Broadway, New-York, Manufacturers of every kind of LOOKING- GLASSES, And Dealers in Looking-Glass Plate, French Plate, and French and German Window Glass. Jan. 3L 135 3m. t. w. RAISINS, RAISING T?1ESH arrivals, in whole and half bbls. For r sale by ZENO II. Ul Jsn. 2 7 iREENF. 133 EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS M f"PRIME SECOND HAND BARRELS. jt J vy just received per Brig A. Adams, from Boston. ADAMS, BROTHER dc CO. Feb. 3. 13C. MARYLAND LOTTERIES FOR MARCH 1857, R. FRANCE & CO., Managers. Drawings conducted under the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner. Prizes paid, as soon as drawn. A GRAND MARYLAND LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN. . GRAND COUSOLIIATED LOTTERY Of MD. EXTRA CLASS 3, To be drawn in Baltimore, Md , Saturday, March 28, 1657. 30,OOOiMMBERS!--l,000 PRIZES! In these Lotteries every Prize. must be drawn bj some one, as all the Prizes are drawn out of the wheel.' tjf T. H. Hlbbard Sl Co. are authorized by ine Managers to nil all orders. SPLENDID SCHEME. I prize of I 2 10 20 144 AFraOXIMATION FBIZES. 4 of $400 Appro' to 4 of 300 " 8 of 200 ' 8 of IB ) " Ifiof 100 " 16 of 98 " 16 of GO " 16 of 70 " 16 of 60 " 40 of 55 fcOof 50 " 586 of 30 " $32,000 10,000 4,960 3,000 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 700 600 300 $32,000 12,000 4.960 3,000 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 700 600 300 1,000 prizes, amt'g to $183,600 Whole Tickets, $10 j Halves $5; Quarters $2 50 BRILLIANT SCHEME. GRAB. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY Of MD. CL.ASS E, To be drnWD in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, March Z 21st, 1857. : .SCHEME. 1 prize of . - - 2 " - 2 10 10 10 100 E5 132 -- 132 132 3,960 5,740 Vr 863,710 12,500 8,000 6,0.0 3,800 2,000 1,250 600 300 210 100 40 20 SUNDRIES. CHEESE, Molasses, Flour, Mullets, Pork, Lard, Bacon Ac for sale by ZENO H. GREF.N. Feb. 137. ADVICE TO HUSBANDS AND WIVES. Also, those contemplating Marriage. 4 Col'd Steel plates 35 cts. plain plates 2T cts.free pj postage. " This work contains a dissertation on the necessity of Marriage, instructions in Courting, with a Ci.re for Love, effects of Celibacy, Cohabitation, cause of Sterility explained, increase of family, with many other useful instructions, from the French of Jean Dubois. Address. HENRY S.G. SMITH dt CO. i Box 4U0 Poet XJrBe, N. Y. Agent Wanted. Jsn. 31. 135 6m. ' NEGRO PASSES. ANEWform of Passes, contsiniagssnltary pro visions, approved by the Commissioners. ai a number of otherslnterested la the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the office of TheCommcrcial. - i HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM,- COAS. D. MYERS. (SOCCESSOR TO 8uCPAB UTEM. - TfANUFACTURER,WhoesBteanda silDeal- Hata, Cape, Fira,rd Srrs Goods. Also Umbrellas. Cane a, Belts. c, together with every artiels usually found in a first Class Fashion able Hst Store. 34 Market st two doors below Scott A Bald win's. . .. - N. 8. Military Goodsof every.de seripiion'furn : ashed to order. ..- . -ir- - 30J16 prizes, sm'g to 1.141.110 Whole Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quarters $5: - Eighths $2.50. Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, eost $316 00 lo. ao.. Z6 Halves. " 158 00 Do. - - do. 26 Quarters " 79 00 Do. ; do. . 26 Eighths,'" 39 50 li" All orders for tickets or packaees In anv of the Maryland Lotteries, will receive prompt atten tion, and the drawing mailed to all purchasers isn- mediately after it Is over. Address T. H.HDBHAKDfllCO. No. 39 Fayette-st., or Box, No. 40, , Baltimore, Maryland. Feb. 29, 1857. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIIIE-PROOF SAFES. ' WITH HALL'S PATENT Powoa-Paoor Locks the same that were awarded sepa rate Medals at the World's Fair, London, 1851, and the World's Fsir, New York, 1653 j and are the only Amertcan Safes that were awarded med als at the London World's F.ir. ; - , - These Safes are now admitted to be superior to any ever offered to the public; and the subscribers challenge the world to produce an instance of these Safes falling to preserve their contents through the hottest fires, or a burglar picking the lock. The subscribers snd their agents arc the only persons authorized to make and sell Herring's Patent Champion Safe, with Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks. . S. C. HERKINGA CO.. Green Block, 135, 137 snd 139 Wster St , - " snd 6 Murray St. New York. . Agents in North Carolina : J. R. Rlossom Wilmington, N. C, W. H. f. R. S. Tucker, Ral eigh, N C. Feb. 3. I36-3m. 1 v TRUSSES. THE SUBSCRIBER hss on hand and for sale, a large sssortmentotTrusses, Abdominal sup porters; etc.srranged and recommended bry Dr. SchonwaM. They win be found to be the easiest and roost efflclea articles- ever gotten up. He in vites attention to their construction and price, which will be found better and mare favorable than they can be obtained a( any other point in the U. nlon. They are fitted up with silver springs and silver or glsM pads. HIRAM W. JOYNKR, -Feb. 5-, 1857 . - " .- 13S-3m. AFFLICTED REID.'P PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE.. Established twenty-two years ago bv Dr. KIN KEL1N, corner of Third and Union streets. Philadelphia, Pa. . - '1WKNTY-TWO YEARS it Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most suc cessful practitioner in the cure or ail diseases ot a private nature ; manhood's debL'-'ly, as an im pediment to marnage; nervous and sexual in. furmitiesr diseases i the skin, and those arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often crowing up with them to manhood : and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, but gives rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating affections. . Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervons system shattered, feel strange and nnac countable sensations, and vague fearsin the mind. (See paces. 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K's book on "Self Preservation.") The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or tu sp- Kly bis mind to study : his step is tardy and weak; e is dull. Irresolute, and engages even in his sports wiih less energy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, snd enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies Uiese are considera tions which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated. REMEMBER. He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, an.; rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K.'s patients will never be dis closed. Young man let no false modesty ' deter you from making vour case known to one, who, from education and respectability, can certainly be friend vou. . Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at tho N. W. corner of Third and Union street;-, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS ATA DISTANCE. Caohavetby stating their case explicitly, to gether with all their symptoms, per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated according)-. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mall or Expresft. HEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death, KinJcelin on Se(f Preservation Only 25 Cents. Letters containing tha: value in stamps, will eiisure a copv, per return ot mail. GRATIS ! GRATIS I! GRATIS!!! A Free GIFT To A 11. MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, full of valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculated to prevent years of misery, snd save thousands of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to any Post Office in the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage Stamps. June 19. 4l-ly-w&t CONSUMPTION CURED. BE NOT DECEIVED by base imitations. HEGEMAN, CLARK & CO.'S GENUINE COD LIVER OIL., never disappoints, and ten years' experience has proved it superior to all others, and the only reliable cure lor CONSUMPTION. As there is a great deal of spurious oil in the market adulterated with seal oil, whale oil, &c., Ac, too much care canuot betaken to procure the Genttine. Our Oil is made at oar own factory in New foundland sod each bottle has our signature over the cork, be careful toget Hkgkman 'Clark & Co.'s as thousanilsnlio had used other oil of infe rior quality, and were about giving up in despair, have been resloredlo health by using the Genuine Oil of our manufacture. Sold by all Druggists. Dec. 4. Ill 3m. NAILS & HOOP IRON. 1 Cif stfcOS NaUefriaa3dlo20df. i uu ro Feb: If. Too Hoop Iron all widths for safe by Abno a.uKhENb. Zx : ! BASKETS, WE have a large lot orBaskes of various sixes and styles. For sale by . Dealer - VV. H, DsNEALE. THE ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM ca For 1-3 j"An admirable snnoal." N. O. Advocate. Texas Advocate. "A very complete and fistful repository of in formation." Quarterly Review. "Every Methodist in the South should pro . 1 cure it." A'. C. Advocate. "There can be no sort of doubt about the suc cess of this book." Home Circle. "Will get more out of It thau the worth of one dollar." .V. O. Adrocatt. ''Cheap at fire times the oot. Home Virclc. "We bad not expected to rind it so deeply In teresting." Texas Adrucate. "It iuat have COftt gret htlor." Southern Jlfrthoftist Quarterly. "How can we, after this, do without it i" Home Circle. "The plan and execution of It we highly com mend." S. M. Quarterly. TEf'It will have au enormous circulation." I Home Circle. 551855-J s '4 gaud k 180G-I Large 12 i TOO. tieatly bound and lettered. ' Single copies, bu mai'-, prepaid, $1. To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 dozen or more, 80 per cent, discount. May be ordered from Stevenson & Owen, Nashville; W. P. Grif fith, Norfolk, Va. ; S. W. YYhitaker, Wilmington, N. C. ; E. H Myers, Charleston, S. C, or II. D. McGiunis, New Orleans. For single copies and special agencies, address the editor, CHARLES F. DEEMS, Feb. 19, 1857. (lmc.) Wilmington, N. C. WINES" AND LIQUORS. T WE invile the attention of our Friends and Patrons to the best selection of Wines and Liquors ever offered this market, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vintage 1910, Pale and Dark Otard, Dupuy dt Co.'s Brandy, Old Cognac do. S. Brasson Co.'s do. Castillon ok Co.'s do. Pure old Port Wine, DurT. Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira and - Muscat Wines, Malaga Wine, - Old Scuppernong Wine, : Holland Gin. . Old Tom Gin extr Woolf's Schiedam oenmpps, Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do. " Bourbon Whiskey, . . " Rye do - Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brsndy, Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, - Assorted Cordials. in bottles, ; Every variety of bottled Wines and Liquors, Clarets of various brands atwholjuVe prices, Maraschino; Curacoa, ' Hosteller's Stomach Bitters ' Aromatic do. do Ginger Wine, Ac. Ac. U low prices for DASH. At theoriginal J.j;j ry. Ap.il 17. GEO. MYER'S. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR km F0RW1RDLKG AGENT, WUlglre his personal attention to business entrust ta 19 nis cars. " . Sept. 8, 185C. , 75-ly-c. AS. C. SMITB. JAS. MILES COSTIN. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER. STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 -April 26. 18-1 WINTER DATS AND CAPS. f-M A t Vl.L, Ann VAKIKU AS- j JH sortmentof all the different styles "' of Dress and Business Hats and. Caps now open, comprising SILK, ITa AND WOOL HATS, CLOTH, PLUSH ASE SILK GLAZED CAPS, INFANTS HATS AND CAPS, HISSES BEAVER AND FELT FLATS, BOYS AND YOUTHS SOFT HATS AND CAPS, TTMBREL ; LAS, CANES, BELTS, .fcC, fcC. tiC. Which we ofW at wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices, U. U. MYERS. 34 Market street, two doors below Scott & Bald win's. .-.-,.-r- . .-; 92 -1 STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. THK EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OP 1. THE Medical Society of the Stale of North f Carolina, will be held In the town of F.denton. at 6 o'clock. P. M.. Wcdnesdav the 15ih af AnriL 1857. ' Dale. Permanent Members, and tkm Pro. fession generally are requested to attend. WIUC.. GEO. THOMAS, M. D. r Secretary N, C. Med. Soc. ' Feb. 28th. 1S57- r47-tni. I SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, 'LAW, MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, M. W. WAIT IRESd 111 So. Side Market su.pjt 8TATI0NETr BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, CARDS, pens, ink. &c, Ac- music, ARTIST'S MATERIALS dtc , Stc, Stc. SWANN &C0.'S CAPITAL LOTTERIES PRIZE Owing to the great favor with which our Sin gle Number Lotteries have been received by the public, and the larire demand for Tickets, the Managers, 8, Swank & Co., will have a draw ins ejeh Saturday throughout the year. The fol lowing Scheme will be drawn in each of their Lot teries Tor March, 1857. CL.ASS 26, To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 7th, 1857. CLASS 2T. To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 14th, 1857. CLASS 28. To be drawn in tho City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on. SATURDAY, MARCH 21st, 1857. CLASS 29, To be drawn' in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1857. ON THE PLAN OF SI NGLE NUMBERS. THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY PRIZES! MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! 30,000 TICKETS MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ii 1 Prize of 1 " 1 " 1 I " 100 Prizes of 100 " S50.000 is 20,000 is 10,000 is 9,000 is 8,000 is 7,000 is 6,000 is 5,0t)0 is 4,000 is 3.000 is 2, (.00 is 1,000 is 100 are 50 arc 50,000 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 10,000 5000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of 8250 appro'to S50,000prize are 81,000 4 4 4 3000 ii" 100 100 80 65 60 55 50 45 40 30 25 20 ore 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6X00 6,000 4,000 3,000 2 nnn 1,000 800 400 320 260 240 220 200 180 160 120 j f 60,000 HEALTH OR SICKNESS 3.260 "prizes amounting to $204,000 Whole Tickets, 10 Halves; S3- Quarters, S-'J. TLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers fron 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets prin'ed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tt bes and placed in one Wheel. The first 212 Prizes, simi'arly printed and en circled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, .and at the same lime a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize biing placed against the Nnmber drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES- The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to tho?e drawing the first 12 Prizes will be entitled to the49 ApproximatienPrizes, accord ing to the scheme. The 3,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $50X00 Prize. For example, if the Number drawfng the 5U,00U Prize ends with No. I, then all ihe Tie kots where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2. then ail the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to 20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 W hole Tickets, SSO " " 10 Half " 40 " 10 Quarter 20 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the. money to our address for the Tic kets ordered, on rece.pt ol which they will be for warded by first mail. Purchasers can h&ve tickets ending in any figure they may 'designate. The List of Drawn Numbersand Prizes will be sent to purchasersimruediutely after the drawing. JjT Purchasers will please write their signatures pla inland give their Post Office, County and State. 3f" Remember that every Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. A II Prizes of $ 1000, and under paid immedi ately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential! Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in ether tickets at either Office. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates either to S. SWAN & CO., . Atlanta, Ga. or S. SWAN, - " Montgomery, Ala. Feb. 24. IT IS NOT A DYE ! PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, Li JL, fX, Union University, MurJ'reesboro, Tennessee. Says: "Notwithstanding the irregular use of sirs o. a. Alien s wona't tlatr Uestorer, arc, the falling off of hair ceased, and my grey locks were resurrea 10 inetr original color. REV. M.THACHER (60 years of age), Pitcher. Chenango Co., N. Y. -My hair is now restored to its natural color, and ceases to fall off.'' ' REV. WM. CUTTER. Kd. Mother's Magazine, in. . My nair iscnanged to Its natural eolor,ft.c. REV. B. P.STONE, D. D., . Concord, N. H. My hair which was grey, is now restored to its natural color, Ac." REV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago, 111. "I caw add my testimony, and recommend it to my friends.'' REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, N. Y. "My own hair has greatly thickened, also that of one of my family who was becoming bald.'' REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charleston, S. C. "The white hair Is becoming obviated,- and new hair forming, dc.'' J3rWe might swell this list, but if not convinced TRY IT. MRS.S. A. ALLEN'S Z-YLOBALSAMt7M. Or World's Hair Dressing, is essential to use with the Restorer, and is the best Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in casea of hair falling, esc., without the Restorer. Grey haired, Bald, or persons afflicted with dis eases of the hair or scal, .read the above, and judge of MRS. Si A; ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR BE- T - v STORER. , It does not soil or stain. Sold by all the orincTDal wholesale, and retail merchants in the United States, Cuba and Canada. i ...... ,; DEPOT, 15 BROOME-STftEETP, JT. V. ' I3T Some dealers try to s U articles instead of this, or which they make mors ptofit- Writt6 Depot for circular and information. Sealer sending 59 or more will receive th ajnoent as per terms. tan.3j " 435-3ss.-t.-w,. CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. S PILLS. HOLLO WAY' is M. STEVENSON, A CENT for the sale of all1 kinds of Produce. Offiee on Piioeess st . under ADAMS.. BRO. & CO- Wilmington, ti. C. v.....jf ATOW landinr and lor sale bv Feb. 12.(l3l-tFv J. M. STEVENSON I IM Feb. i. XKNO H WHISKEY ! WHISKEY!! GEEEJfE. rHE I 00 1 furnishes the material of every bone, mut cle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ; when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLOVVAY'S PILLS operate directlyupon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stom ach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. UED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD! HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, snd in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source of Infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield t these curatives, in all a.es, however aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic; they relieve the bowels, purifying the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution art the same time. GENERAL WEAKNESS NERVOUS COM PLAINTS. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and en fee bred muscles Of tha victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES. All irregularities and ailnTenta incident to tha delicate and sensitive organs of the sex are remov ed OB-prevented by a few doses of thesr mild, but infallible alteratives. No mojher who regar.df her own or her children's health fail to have them within her reach. SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. , The London "Lancet," the London "Medical Rev'ew," and the most eminent of the faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, baveeulogiz ed the Pills and their inventor. IJolloicay's Pills are the best remedy known m trie world Jor the Jollowing diseases Asthma Bowel Com plaints Coughs Colds Chest Diseases Costlveness Dyspepsia Diarrhoea Dropsy Debility Fever and Ague Lownessof Spirits Piles Stone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Venefal Aflec- tions Worms, of oil kinds Female Com plaints. Headaches Indigestion Influenza Inflammation Inward Weak ness Liver Complaints lowat, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 214 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggist. and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and tl each. tfT There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients iu every disorder are affixed to each box. December 6, 1856. - 112 ly. SOUTHERN SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ON THE HAVANA PLAN OF SIN GLE NUMBERS. LOWES I'RIE FORTY DOLLARS. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the Slate of Georgia. CLASS W, DRAWS MARCH 16, 1857, AT SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Under the sworn superintendence of Maf. W. P. BOWEN and W. R. SYMONS, Eq. Saturday Schemes will be drawn every Saturday at Macon, Ga. Monthly l arge Schemes will be drawn at Savannah, about the 15th of every month. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TIC KETS ! 15,000 TICKETS, 1,712 PRIZES ! ! TRfZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. This Lottery has only FIFTEEN THOUSAND NUMBERS less than than : any Lottery in the World! BRILLIANT SCHEME. ' I Prize of 1 do 1 do 4 do I, GOO are 5 do 500 are 80 do 109 aTe 1,500 do 40 are APPROXIMATION 20 apprVrrnat'ns of 1100 are 50 do. 50 are 50 do. 20 are 1,712 Prizes, amounting to Ticketa, S10. Halves. $5. Purchase Ten Tickets erfding with the conseeti live Numbers, J, 3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.0, and you will draw back four-tenths of the amonnt paid for the Tickets, besides tbe chances of obtaining Capitals. Patrons will find it to their interest to buy Certificates of Ten Tickets, ending consecu tively with 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. By this plan they forfeit the Prize ending with the same Num ber as the Capital. and get lour more chances in every ten to gain the Capitals. CERTIFICATES OF PACKAGES OF TEN TICKETS, are sold at the following rates, which is the risk : 10 Whole Tickets, 60 00 10 Half do ." 30 00 10 Quarter dnr 15; 00 Bank Notes of all sotrnd Banks taken at par. Checks on New York remitted for Prizes. , Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates of Tickets to JAMES F. WINTER Manager, " Macon, or Savannah. Ga. Feb. 17, IS57. - . , l&vooo 5,000 2.000 4.000 2,500 : 8,000 60,000 PRIZES. 2,000 2,000 1,000 102,000 Quarters, $2.50. - W. O. MILLIGAN, : MARBLE MANUFACTURER, Nohth Watb Street, Wiimisigtoiv. Ho. CA. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Fool Slones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished to order on reasonable terms. June E. V; 36-ly-c ANDREW 3. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELEZABETHTOWN, N. C. ; - ; tvni attend the County nod Superior Courts" of Blades, Robeson, Columbus stai'Snmpsoa.' June 12. - , 38-fjr ; MEN'S AND BOYS Caps and Covers, just re ceived at iv.JL D.-MYERS, t-1 March z. ,. QfFBES.PUnt!flg and Eating Potatoes; ' JyJ 300 bunches Gsrlkrin 6 as order. For sale y . , WM.H.DsNEALR. March . - - it , The following is a list of unpaid Taxes which if nrit rtnir? lmmr1!jifiV thf. nrAnprlv tvtll hp. flftCOTrl - v f "m. -j ,-r" ihg tqLaw: " J . E D. HALL; Sheriff Names. No. of Acres Location in , Land. Country. Location of Tow Lots, Poll Tax, &cv Due". Allen, J) D Artis, E ag't, Tolly Lock, Arey, E. A " . " fOT Elizai Willi.inw, y. Aul'.ewjiv, W Ahe, Thts H I f " adm'r. y Allen, Margaret Datson, James Barton, Mrs Ellen, Bremier, Lewis Bishop, John for H. Mason, Bishop, H M Blaney, Joha Bonham, Chas M RJ .it . Bowcn, Moses W Burcb.nlames A. Buford, John F Baruett, Mary do do C. Capps, John W Cashwell, David ag't for J. McDaniel, Clark, 'Neilli do WilliaM" . Cowan, Thomas do Guardian' do John do do Conoley, John J dp do do do do do do do do do do do Conoley 3 3 trustee for Sholar Cronly, Michael Cutlar & Pierce Cntlar, FJ - do do If. Davfs, Sarfinel do do do Mrt Marthrf " Distract, WfHianr Dnvall, George Dunham, S W do T W Dickse, Jesse W DnPre, C & D do do do do C do do D do do Danl, sr' E. Eason, Susan, adm'r Erp, Jonathan Everett, SB Erambert, A J F. Farrow, EnocA1 do John A Fenncy, William Floyd, T B Foy, II W for H ft Pope, " for Leah Bloodworth, Freshwater, T J Freeman, WE do do do do Guard'n; Freeman, CD. Finney, Robert Gardner, TM do do Gadaby, George do do Gillespie, Geo S Gilbert, D J do . ag't Mrs Wright, do do do Gibbs, Rob't W do do do do agent, do do Mrs Gibbs, do for 8 J Campbell Gornto, Benjamin Grant, E II Green, Nathan do do ' do do do do Green, J.im6s G" GuthiieyAJ do do Guthrie, C D do do - II. ; narriss, Petef Harborotrgh, ti Harrison, B F ' do do Hawkins, Tho W Huett, a A . Huett, John t Hill, A J do do .- Hill, F J ag't VT Hill, Ei'r Holmes, L Hodges, Djivid ' - HosUer, J O Honeycnt, Vf It Holden, William Houston, Maxwell - do do Henry, Charles Hines, John I. Ivey, S P I do do f 3. Jacobs, Wm L adm'r Jones, J W -Jones, W B Jones, James E V Kennedy, B A King, W H King, Nixon King, Mrs Mary Kyle, John Keter, E L. Langdorr; Sam'l Ex'r, do ; do Adm'r : Larrington, Rich'dt - ! Love, E T Lucas, BT ,. LoDgess, B Tt M. Martin, William Martin, Alfred ag't for . 3 Ellis, ) Mabson, G W Mathews, Alex Malpsss, John V Marsh, W H McDowell, JC McDnffie, GeoTje Mclnnis, M -McLaurin, JoLn McRee, James F McCarter, James Mcintosh, Mrs Meeks, J Metric, J 8 Merrick, Joseph Miller, C B do c?o do do S do do do do Moore Thomas H Mott, Thomas Morriss, John W Morriss, Mrs Mary Morriss, Jas T trustee, Mott, Lillingtoo Murray, J R ;' 129 1 lot W E No block 2C4 , 86 1 " part 2 and 3 block 185 5 12 for white poll &c ' 7 62 1 lot part 5 and 6 block 101 6 53 2 lots parts 3 and 5 U'k 49 l0 52 for white and black poll Lax IT 02 do do do do 22 75 i lot part 1 end 2 block 58 14 88 i lot t Mnr-V rffti ' " It 1 do part 1 2 and 3 Wk 247 2i 93 1 do do W half do 2C3 ,T 1 do S E part 3 do 72 for white poll tax &e , 3 loU 1 2 and 3 block 51 - for white poll tax ioO Downey place. 50 Masonboro' Sound, 640 Turkey Creek 300 Burgaw, 1 lot W half 2 block 2Go for white poll tax etc -1 lot Nol 2 3 and 4 Wk 117 1 lot 8 block 102 t 42 6 93 6 42 6 78 4 46 11 76 8 60 ! 4 17 25 68 23 00 t 821 20 10 8000 Island Creek, 19 14 146 00 27 10 60 Wrightville Sound, i 800 Mott's Creek, -i i 850 Mott's Creek, i lot W half! bloch C2 for black poll Ux 1 lot W half 2 block .208 1 lot E E 1 block 235 1 lot ir. block Ui for black poll tax &c 1 lot in Wilmington 67 05 1 lot No ; 1 block 155 20 30 1 do : 3 do 165 1 do 3 do 60 1 d'o part 1 and 2 block 169 1 do 1 2 S 4 5 and 6 bl'k 92 , ldoEEl block 335 1 lot W E 2 block 104 4 65 for white and black poll tax 2' 1 lot W part 5 block- 219 67 8 60 99' 50 2000 11111 nw"lS McCaleb met 1 lot W half 3 block 20C 1 101 0 OlOCK 1 6 1 lot E E 1 do 208 Irhite poll tax &c- white and black poll tax white poll tax &c 1 lot part No 6 block 76 white and black poll tax poll lax &c, . . v ,s biack poll tax,- ,92 C2 S 30 $ 98 5 42 26 64 9 17 11 07 16 85 11 67 13 t lots No 1 and 2 block 62 11 1 lot No 5 block 196 14 1 lot E El 2 3 &4 bl'k 99 111 2 lots No 3 and 4 block 109 31 16 33 3 93 17 1 lot E half 2 block 90 4 white poll tax -3 1 lot part 1 2 and 3 bl'k 2G2 6 51 1 lot 1 2 and 3 block S3 12 92 fbr two black polls 4 1 lot part 1 2 and 3 block 185 4 1 lot E half 5 block 76 24 100 Horse Branch. 1 lot Princess Bt. bet'n 5 & 6 55 3d 00 65 64 60 Wrightsville SoUhd, for black poll tax . 18 60 do i do . 9 75 1 lot part 3 block 179 f , 9 30 21oU4 4.block lol 52 07 1 lot W E 12 a 4 & 5 bfk 173 45 74 1 lot part 1 2 and 3 bl'k 173 i white and black poll tax &c 14 42 white poll tax 3 17 1 lot W E 1 2 3 4 Sl 5 b'k 185 24 17' 1 lot W E 5 block 186 1 lot 1 2 and part 3 bl'k 315 57 00 1 lot 4 and 5 block 305 1 ltft 3 and 4 block 16 for black poll tax : .:r ,81 8o -16 25 8 52 8 42 55 83 67 66 i 500 part Holmes tract, 680 Rocky Point, . 500 New Little Bridge; white poll tax - ; 1 lot W E No 6 block 117 1 lot W part 4 block 115. 1 lot 8 part 3 block lid y; 1 lot 8 patt 5 block 115 1 lot W half 4 block 103. white and black poll Ux T- 10 67" 1 lot part 3 block 127 10 67 1 lot part 1 block 23o 1 lot do 3 do , 127 13 86 llotE do I ., do 23 j 1 lot tjo J do 165 ' 23 40 for white poll, tax r-r - 4 17 1 lot S part 6 block 127 33 85 1 lot part 5 and 6 block 127 1 lot 3 do 212 4 81 1 lok W half 5 do Jl2 33 61 05 12157 2783 Colley Mifl. SO Near Green's Mill: 67 Near Horse Branch, S7 Masonboro' Strnd, 640 North East River, I20O Near Lone Creek. 400 Tooey Creek 1 lot W E 1 and 2 block 109 55 SO white and black poll Ux 13 92 white poll tax 3 17 1 lot ; 2 do 264 17 20 white poll tax 8 17 1 lot W half No i block 88 14 881 1 lot part 1 and 2 do 92 13 47 1 lot W l ,;do 169 . .- - ' 44 87 : : -. 2 45 i lot W half No 2 biock'aii 38 47 1 lot 4 and 5. . . da 6L Z i lot part 1 block 169 t 15 33 white poll tax Ac ; . 417 1 lot E half 2 block 142 - 1 lot W E 4-s do 194 10 69 i lot No 4 Ltock 206 56 37 white poll Ux & n r r22 07 1 lot W E 5 and 6 block 76 tj2?) 9 1 lot part 5 block 181 -? . 17 27 1 lot E E 4 do 182 11 05 1 lot S E haarter 2 bl'k 223 2 32 1 lot E E 1 2 3 ami 4 Vt 97.93 00 1 lot part 1 and 2 block 191 23 25 i free black poll Ux 8 25 1 lot E E 1 2 and 3 do 191 42 36 1 lot E part-; 6 do 90 28 80 for white and brack poll Ux 10 67 1 lot E E 2Hiock 200 4 3 24 1 lot W half 2 block 89 15 74 tor white ancf Viaci poll tax 23 84 1 lot W E No 4 block 278- 86 41 K :s - . 2 19 fbr white poll Ux etc , 4 17 for whita poll Ux r V . 7 17 1 lot E part 3' and 4 bit 229 12 47 I lot No 2 3 and 4 Mock 221 31 75 for three black polls 9 75 1 lot E E 1 bleck 177 238 15 - r . - 7 C5 1 lot ' 33 93 1 lot 8 W anarter 4 bl k 186 2 7 white poll tax . : : 9 17 white poll tax Ac 4 17 one lot W El 234 5bk 170 74 63 oae lot W hah block 27 wdite poll Ux & ene lot W half 2 one lot pari one lot W hair One lot E half -ooe lot E E , one lot L half .:;. M 31 block 10a 9 16 do 194 8 8-i rfo 67 2 do 811 16 & do 237. 6'J 2 do 104 13 IS 6

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