. ; 4: - ' 4 if pi Y " WHOLE 1 N V MBERM 3 9 6 VOLUME XI -NUMBER" 151. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1857. .. . . - . , t - itf : M ''tf'tf W 0 S THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL la nubliahed everv Tcesdav. Thuiidat and Satbidat at 5 per annum, payable tnallcaaes In advance. BY" THOS. LORING EmToaand PaoraiBToa, BENJ. W. SANDERS AaaociATS Lbitob. Corner Krout and Market Street, WILMINGTON. It. C. R1TP.S OP ADVERTISING. t qr. I inacriioa SO 60 I I aqr. 2 montha, 4 00 1-2 75 1 3 " , 6 00 1 3 1 00 1 -- 8 00 1 ' 1 month. 2 60 I "12 12 00 Ten lines or leaa make a aquare. Ifaa adver tisement exceed ten linea, the pi ice will be in proportion. 4 ,. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. ('omraCts with yearly advertisers, will be made to the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearlv advertising will be oermilted. Should circumstances render a change in business, or an unexpected removal . . . . i ,1;. i i nacessary.a cnarge accoruins iu me puuusnca terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privileze of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persons, aa well aa all advertisements not immediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the naual ratea. No Advertisements is Included in the contract Tor the sale or rent of houses or isnds in town or country, or for the sale or hire of negroea, wheth er the property is owned by the advertiser or by Other persons. These are excluded by the term ''immediate burineii." All advertisements Inserted in the tri-wecklv Commercial, are entitled to one lcsertion in the Weekly free of charee. ion, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED 1M SUPERIOR STILE. ;bnts for tug commercial. New Yobs: Messrs. Dollhsb A Porrta. ftafo Chablss Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia 8. K. Cohen. Baltimore Wat. H. Pcxxiand Wm. Thomson MISCELLANY. From the Portsmouth- Herald. THIS WIDOW'S ONLY SON. He was the youngest of seven chil dren and an only son. Ob what bliss, what transport in the bosom of his fam ily upon the announcement of a boy o cheer their path ! The palernal heart throbbed with emotions of ineffa ble delight; the mother's countenance -bespoke inward raptnre ; the sisters' hap piness was consumriiated ; whilst the aged grandmother clapped her hands, as tears of joy rolled down her furrowed checks. The life, the hope of his home, and as Tapper beautifully describes "A well spiing of pleasure." Friends who lov ed tired not of fondling and caressing the little innocent, whose snnny laugh, dimpled face and dancing eyes threw a golden light over the favored - house hold, daily brightening as new beauties unfolded and developed. At the age of twelve years, the lather blessed his idolized son ; died exulting in Jesus, and was laid in the quiet grave. The widowed mother oppressed by sor row, clasped her darling boy to her breast, and a smile passed over her troubled visage, as a whisper too low to be heard, save in the deep recess of the heart, said ; "The son may one day supply your belovel husband's place." As the ivy creeps up, embraces and adheres with singular tenacity to "the sturdy old oak, so this lovely youth gained stronger hold upon the mother's affection until around each delicate fi bre, his image was closely intwined. The scourge of '55 plucked a choice flower from the mother's bosom. With lears she besought her son to leave the city, for fear he too might fall a victim, with the rose of youth fresh upon his cheek. Hut oh, the magnanimity of his soul ! He preferred to remain with the plague-stricken inhabitants,. and as an angel of mercy ministered to the neces sities' of the sick and dying, till the dreadful fever burned in his own veins. The fond mother with anxious solic itude watched over "her baby, her dear baby," as she still called him God stayed the hand that afflicted the young man was restored to. health and his mother prized him more highly than ever. His twenty first year found him, tall and commanding in figure, features handsome, brow intellectual, talents of a superior order, and the qualities of his heart affectionate, generous and noble. The mother gazed with pride and ad miration, whilst visions of happiness lightened her cares, as the promise of a brilliant career illumed her soul. Oh the strength, and the purity of a moth er's love! The priceless value of a mother's prayers! Her invocations at a throne of grace, were thrown up as a bulwark around the path of the loved one. to shield from evil and vice. The Great God who never errs, for some wise purpose, saw fit to prostrate this manly youth with a slow, lingering disease. The hectic bloomed upon the wan face athletic frame wasted-the mothers love magnified whilst ' her heart grew sadder and prayer went more fervejAtly to heaven. Amidst bleeding hearts and weeping eyes, Death came ; but so placidly and peacefully that those who gathered around his bed to witness the last strug gle, said, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!' His head pillowed upon bis Sa viour's breast, and angels hovering over; life gradually but sweetly waned, until the quiet pulse ' and still features, told, that the joys of an invisible world had commenced. His triumphant soul es corted by the happy spirits of father and sister, ascending shouting, "Glory ! Glory !w The portals of heaven flew open saints and angels on i ted in the song and all the courts therein, rever berated with the sound of, "Glory ! Glo ry ! Glory ln - Mother I Does not the cheering ex pression that fell" from thy dying son's hps, still soothingly linger upon thy ear7 How softly , and feelingly, he said, "Mother, when I am dead, we shall not be separated : as a taimsieriug spi rit I will always Le with, you !" O 1 what a beautiful thought t Thy dear boy, as a guardian angel ever near thee ! Mother, had you not rather have your child with you clothed in glory, with his destiny of heaven fixed ; than in the flesh subject to temptation, pain and sorrow f Alethinks i hear your heart respond, 'Live on, my boy, in glo ry." "The shorter life, the lonfrer Immorality ; - The less of this cold world, the more of heaven I" . EVA.' A ROMANTIC STORY. - The following story, from the Paris correspondent of the New York. Times, will serve to show the rapid manner m which the Russian government does an act of justice : "Some eighteen months ago, a Miss Ward, of one of our Southern States, was married to a Polish Count, with a very unpronounceable name. After residing with her three weeks he took French leave one morning, takiug wilh him his wife's jewels. He left a letter behind him stating that the marriage was in valid, from the fact that no Russian sub ject could be legally married except by Greek service. Ofcomseth lady was in great consternation! aud at the time of the coronation of the Czar she with her mother went to St. Petersburg. Mr. Sala, the principal writer for Dickens' House hold Words, drew up a petition for her to the Russian government, and it was presented by Mr. Seymour, our Minister. The case was laid before the Emperor, and an order was issued to the Russian minister at Naples, where the Count was living, for his arrest. 1 He was seized by the Neapolitan police at the expense ol Russia, carried to Warsaw, where the lady and her friends were waiting, marched into the church by a body of iKlicemen, and was there compelled to stand before the altar and be married Uj due form. His wife, then the Countess, turned to him with a formal bov and bade him adieu forever. The Count was sent to Siberia, his property confiscated, his wife retaining a third by law." DEATH BY STARVATION. A New York paper of Wednesday Inst has the following, concerning a case of death by starvation in that city : V hue V.te parvenus of Fifth 'avennf and Union square were rolling in wealth yesterday,,htlle diJ they imagine that a fellow being, residing in their immedi ate neighborhood, had died from sheer starvation. The crumbs that tell troni their heavily laden tables would have kept the soul and body of William Keen together : but it was otherwise, and the poor man died. Coroner Perry was called upon yesterday to hold an inquest at No. 114 East Twenty-second street, upon the body of William Keene, who died from starvation. Ellen Keene, the wife of the deceased, testified that her husband had neither food or nour ishment for several days that he was deprived of the common necessaries of life, and died in consequenoe of having nothing to eat.' The- jury in this case had not much difficulty in coming to a unanimous conclusion as to the cause of death, and without leaving their seats rendered a verdict of "death by starva tion." RAVAGES OF CHOLERA. ' A letter from Palmas, Grand Canary Island, under date of December 22d, states that at Porto Grande the cholera had made dreadful havoc, nearly depop ulating the place. Curious to say, it was almost entirely the men who were attacked by it, and none but women and children were to be seen at manual la bor. RATHER SHARP. A railroad conductor having insulted a lady passenger, she said, indignantly, that the company which owned that road should not see another cent of her money. "How so 7" said the conduct or j "how can you manage it?" "Here after," replied the lady, "instead of buy iug a ticket at the office, 1 shall pay my fare to you 1" MODESTY. A simple and modest man lives un known, until a moment, when he could not have foreseen, reveals his estimable qualities and generous actions. I com pare him to the concealed flower spring ing from an humble stem, which escapes the view, and is discovered "only by its perfume. Pride quickly fixes the eye, and he who is always his own eulogist dispenses every other pe'rson ; from the only obligation to praise him. The difficulty of refuting very silh and weak arguments reminds one of the well-known difficult feat of cutting thro' a cushion with a sword. .; - Why is a butcher's cart like his boots? Because he carries his calves there. KISSING AT A CERTAIN AGE. I A celebrated dandy , was one erring-in company with a vonng lady, and observing ber kiss ber favorite poodle, be advanced, and begged tbe favor, remarking that sbe cught to hav a much- charity for him as she bad shown to tbe dog. "Sir," said tbe belle. "I never kissed my dog when be was a puppy." -sThe fellow took tbe bint, and was ott insUDter, the Horse-shoe nail. A farmer once went to market, and meeting I with , good luck, be sold all hia corn and lined bis purse with silver and gold. Tjheir be thought it time to return, in order to reach pome before nightfall ; so he packed bis money-bags upon his horse's back, and set out on his journey. At noon be stopped in a village to rest; and when he was starting: again the ostler, as he led out the horse, said,' "Please you, sir, the left shoe ber. ind has lost a nail." "Jjet it go," answered the farmer," "the shoe will hold fast enough for tbe twenty miles that 1 have still to travef. I'm in haste." " So saying he journeyed on. In the afternoon, the farmer stopped a- gain to buil hi horse, an I as be was sitting in the inri, the stable-boy' carn'e and said, Sir, your, horse has lost a nail in his left shoe behind; shall I take him to 'he stniih- y 7" "Let btm alone," answered the farm er ; "I've o ly six miles lurther to go, and the horse will travel well enough that dis tance. I've no lime to loose." i Away ro!e the farmer but he bad not pone far before the horse began to limp; it had not limped far, ere it began to st ;rrible : and it nad not stumbled long, oeiore u leu down and broke a leg. Then the farmer was obliged to leave the horse lying in the road, to unstrap his bags, throw them ovef bis shoulder, and" make hia way home on foot as well as be could, where he did not arrive till late at night. "All my ill luck," said the farmer to bimself, "comes from neglect of a horse-shoe nail." Reader, look out for your horse shoe nails. f . TO CLEAN CARPETS. Your carpet being first well bealen and freed from dust, tack it down to the door ; tben mix half a pint of bullock's gull with two gallons of soft water; scruo it well with soap and this gull mixture; let it re main till quite dry when it will be per fectly cleaned and look as well as new, as the colors will be restored to their original brightness. t x ' , COW-CATCHERS. An ente prising but ignorant South A erican has sent to an Albany locomotive shop for one hundred "cow-catchers." He expects to use them in taking wild cattle on the plains of Poraguay, in lace of the l.tsso. A crooked gentleman, on his arrival at Biih. was asked bv another, what place ue had travelled from 1 41I came straight from London," replied he. "Did you so ?" said the other, ':i hen you have been terri bly warped by the way. - GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE f RETAIL DEALER IN B0QTS,- SII0ES, LEATHER, AiND SHOE FINDINGS, NO. 11. MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, K. Cv March 6. 5 151 . L N BAlll ONy WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DKALF-R IN LIQUORS. WINES ALE PORTER f-c. No. 3, Granite Row, Front Street, WILMINGTON, W.C. Feb. 17th, IP56. J4-lf- GEO. W. DAVIS, C 0 M MISSION M E R C II A NT, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. 132. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. APRIMK LOT OF 50 EMPTV SPIRIT Barrels, iust received per Schr M. Y. D avis, and for sale by ADAMS, RttO. 4 OO. Jan. a. STOKLEY & OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTOIJsf. C. Libera' Cash advances made on Flour, Cotton, and Naval Storea consigned to them Aug. 18. 65 ly. SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C." Will attend the Courts of Duplin, Sampson and New Hanover. - Office on Princes street, next door East of the State Bank. f April 5. 9-ly GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Keeps conttantly on hand, Wmet, Tea, Liquor Provision, H ood and Willow Ware, Fruit, Confectionarie,f-c. South Fronttlreet, WILMINGTON, N. V. Nov. IS, 1855. 109. -NEW ARRIVALS OF F.iESII GROCERIES. IHR Subscriber has jutt returned frora the North with a full and well selected aioch ol choice Groceries, comprising every variety ihnt tends to complete an assortment, consisting in part of 100 bags : 'offee, Mocha, Government Java, I. guyra. Rio and St Domingo j IOC bbla. Sugar of all grades; Choice Wines. Lkjfuora; Champaign of the in"st celebrated brands. Teas, Goshen But- t r. F. M Beef.Smuked Beef, Beef Tongues, eiai rrun. Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, Codfish. Fresh Lobster and Sh6, Sardines, Sauces. CaUups; Soda, Sugar, Butter. Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Water Craekenv ' Colgate Family Soaps, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety, Kaglish Pineapple and Goshen Cheese, Candles of all grades,. Bottled Liquors f every variety. Pure Old Tom Gin, Schfc dum Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron, (New Raisona Ki pec ted ) Porter and Ale, Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary in all Ft- varieties. Preserves, Jell vs. Brotna, Corn Starch Clour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Baskets 2 0,000 atigara. Tobacco, ac.t Ac, Ac , all low for cab it GEORGE MYERS' Country Merchant are particularly invited to call and examine,- belerre puTchcving elsewheee. Oct.?. s TRUSSES. THE SUBSCRIBER hag on" hand and for sale, a larga assortment ot Trusses. Abdominal sap portara. etc., arranged and recommended by Dr. Schobwald. They wiH be touo4 to be tire easiest and most efficient atTiele ever gotten aps He in vite attentior to- their construction and price, which wfll be found better and m re favorable than they can be obtained at any othet point in tSeU nion. They are fitted up with silver springs and silver or glass pads. liiliAM W. JOYNtll. Feb 6,1357 138 3n. WILlHhNGTOiV & WEL. R. II. C; Office Kngihieb and Sdpbbintekdknt, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 1, 1857. $ THE PASSENGER TRAINS WILL, UN TIL further notice, run over thia road aa fal- OW"" GOING NORTH, DAILY DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 6 A.M.; arrives at Goldsboro'at lOh C9m Leave in 8 minute - and arrives at Weldon at 2.00 P M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leavea Wilming ton at. 4 15 P. M.; arrives at Goldsboro' at 8.36, to supper 21 minutes; arrives at Weldon at 1.00 A. M. GOING SOUTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leavesWeldon at lt.30 A. v.. itrrives at Goldaboro 3 10 P.M. leaves in 8 min- nt.a- arrivA n W i Iminctinn ft t 7.30 P. M to Mlln- " " r I NIGHT RXPRRSS leave Weldon at 8.31 P.M.; arrives at Goldi.ttoro' al 12 50 A. M. leavea in 15 minutes- strives at Wilmington at 5.40 A. ftl. "3The Night Express Train connects with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro'. Thi. -gh rickeis North sold in Wilmington to Baltimore 12; to Philadelphia SI4; to New York $15 50: to Washington, D C, ill. tXT TlCKlTS WILL KOT SC SOLS TO JL HI6IO IN FIRSOS. - ' '; - Paetertger are notified that an extra eiarfe of oneeent per mile will bt required of thote vclio do not purchase lickelt at station. Freigut by pasvengsr trdlna double rate. Lo cal fare, wih tickets, about 3 cents per mile; if naid in the carp, aftbut 4 cents per mile FREIGHT TRAINS. Two through schedule trains between Wilmington and Weldon, each week; leaving alternately on Mondays and Thursdays arid, arriving, jn Tasdays and Fri days. Knur schedule trairi'a per wcefe d Goldjebo ro'; leayiag Wilmington on Tuesdays, Wednes day Friday an Saturda- and Goldsboro' on Mondays, Wednesday, Thur days and Saturdays, making with the "through" Strains a, da'Un freight train both ways between. W ilmington and Goldsboro'.. . .-"... All dues on freight, up ordown, payable at Gen eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on -receipt or delivery, excluding freight for N. C.-U. ,lt which may be pre-paid or not at the optlm of the consigner. . - S. L. FREMONT. Ian. 15. Chief Eng. & S u fieri nl en dent. THE NORTH CAROLIA " "T" MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, RALEIGH, N. C. OHE aboveUothpSn hrebeen inopera'tionsin'ce J. the i stoi April, 848, under the directionof the following Omcers, viz : Or.Uharlce b. J on neon, f resident. Wm. J. Haywood, Vice President John G. Williams, Secretary, tv in. H. Jonea. Treasure-. Pcrrin tHisbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, j . , n , , Dr! V in; H, McKee, i Board of Dr.R-B. Haywuod, $ Consultat.on. J. Hersman, General Agent. This Company has received a charter givlogad- mooes to l lie insured over an v other ( )omn;in v. The 5tl Section gives the Husband the privilege to jnsur. hie own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children free Iron any claimsol trie represent- ivesoT trie husnano or any ol nis creditor. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life mcmbersnnriicipafein the wltoleoi the profits which r declared annually besides, lh" applicant lot ife. wnen the annual premium Is ovet$30 may pa) unc tialf in a Note. . A II claims tor insurance against the Company will epald within ninety daysaftcrproof of the death clthe party isfurnished. Slaves are insured forone or five years, at rates hit'h will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi clasp ol properily against tbe unecrtainty of life. Slave insurance present a naat-and intereslln feature ir. the history of NorthCarolinff .which wili prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation -fthis Company ahowsa vert! argeimouni of business more than the Directors expected to do the fir? t year having itlreaav isstien tnore innn juii roiieies Dr. Wm W. IIabbiss. Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmineton, N. C -AII'omm.inieaMons onhusincsfof theCompany rhould headdress''' o H ICHARD H. B.iTTLK, Sec'y. Raleish.June 8. 1P56. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE"- AT THE WiltuiiigtroiSsddle, Harness, aud rru.;k Manufactory. ''PHE subscriber respecttully in forms t Republic J-thai he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, dec. .the lateaiand moat improved style, and is tonslanl) manufacturing, a thisstore on market street, evory description of articlein theabovc line. From hie experience in the business, he feels confident that hewill beable to gtveentm satisfaction to allwho mavfavor him with a call. He has now on hand and willconstantly keen a lare assortmen tof Coach, (it a an.il gnlkey Harness, Ijady's Saddles, BrtdlctiWkiips.&c., Gentlemen's StuLllr.s, Whips Spurs. fc. s laliof which he will warrant to be ofJT lthe beat materials and workmanship. Ho has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Hags, Satchel. Fancy Trunks, dec., end all other ar ticles usuall) kept in auch establishments, all of which he otiert low for Cash, or on short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness. I runUs.iledical Bags, sc. Ac. . made to order. Inaddition tothe above the subscribe ralways keeps on hand a largesupply of String leather and ha now, and will ke?p through the season a goodassortmentof Kly Nfctts. All are invnea 10 can ana examine iy uuuua whetherin want or no, as I take pleasure in shw- Ing my assortment to all who may favor me wilh a call. HarnessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fair price to person buying to manufacture. Also, Whir at wholesale. Allkindsof Riding Vehicles bought v.. old on eomtnls" iona. . JOHN J. CONOLEY . Feb. 7. 1856. 138 FOR RENT. HOUSE over the Rail Road, near the Depot, 7 and new plank road corner o 3d and Bruns wick streets. Possession given mmediately, in quire of G. C. BRADLEY. Dec. 23. 119 tf. "notice " 1,HEsubscriber1respeetfully iaforma the public, thathe ia nowiranascting tbe Auction business on hisownaccount. and hopes by strict attentionto business, to merit a continuance olthat patronage heretofore solibersllj bestowed upon him. hi o ronly Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold onacommifs'.on.either at private or public sale. Jan n. IBM. - ' ' M I! L LETS ! MULLETS ! 100 Bbls. in good order and for sale by Jan. 22. jZENO H. GREENE. H . OOLLltB. O. POTTfca. IXi i. CAMEBDEW. D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. APril30, 1855. - - Z0-ly. FOR SALE. A House and Lot. on Sixth street, north of, and nearly adjoining the rail road a very desirable location, at a very moderate price. - - The Honsa is large and well planned, bnt nnfin ished has been put into my handa to meet anjenaer geney a hasty purchaser is wanted. March 3. . . F W. FANNING. RECEIYING thU d'af per Sc&r. Heiene, 30 boxes of fine flavored Oranges March 3. WM. H. DNEALE. NAILS & nOOP IRON. I (f KEGS Nails frm 3d io ?0d. , 1 IJ 10 Tens Hoop Iron, all width lor sale by Feb 19. v ZENO H. GRKENK. FOREIGN GOLD AND SILVER COIN THEIR VALCK AT THE MINT. GOLD COINS. Austria Q,ualrtiyte ducat .... $9 12 0 Ducat -- 2 27 5 - SovertrigH (lor LoAibardy). . i . , . . .6 85 0 Baileti-Five Gulden .............. 2 40 Bavaria Ducat.. 2 27 0 Belgium Twenty-franc piece.; 3 83 2 Twenty-five franc pieced 4 72 0 Boi:via--Dofrbf6-ori 15 58 0 Brazil Pieceol'6400 re 8 72 0 Britain Sovereign 4 84 6 Bruuewick Teu-Thaler 7 89 0 Central A merrcan ,.;.., . 14 96 0 Ecsudo 1 67 0 Gold Dollar 83 5 Chili Doubloon (before 1835) 15 57 0 Doubloon (1835 and since ) 15 66 0 Denmark Double Fred, or 10 Thaler 7 83 0 Ecuador Hall doubloon , j ....... ... 7 0 0 Esrypl Hundred piastre. .. .. 4 97 0 France Twenty francs....'. 3 85 0 Greece Twenty drachm. ;. ..'j 3 45 0 Har.over Ten Thaler, George lV. . 7 84 0 Ten-Thaler, William IV and Ernest 7 89 0 Hindoetan Mohur. East India Co.. 7 10 0 MeckTehborg Ten Thaler 7 89 0 Mexico-- Doubloon, average..... 15 53 0 NetherlandsDucat 2 20 Ten guilders 4 00 7 New Granada Doubloon, 21 carat. standard... .15 51 0 Douhlnoti. 21 carat standard. inclu ding the silver 15 71 0 Doubloon. 9 lOthe standard 15 310 Doubloon. 9-lOihs standard, inclu ding the silver 15 38 0 Persia Tomaun. 2 23 0 Peru Doubloon, Liroa. to 1833. 15 55 0 Doubloon, Cuzco, to 1833... 15 62 0 Doubloon. Cuzco, to 1837 ....15 536 PortugalHall joe (lull weight).... 8 65 0 Crown 5 81 0 Prussia--Double Fiedericfe.. ....... 8 00 0 Rome Ten scudi 10 37 0 Russia -Five roubles 3 96 7 Sardinia Twenty lire 3 84 5 Saxony Tentualeie 7 94 0 r Ducat.. ., 1 26 0 Spain Pistole (qr. doubloon) 3 90 0 Turkey Hundred piastre?. . 4 37 4 Tuscany Sequin 3 30 0 United States--Eagle (before lune, 1834)5 10 62 0 Five dollar piece ol C. Bechter, av erage .-..'.,...'.....'. 4 85 0 Dollar of the same, average. .. ... 96 0 .Five dollar p'c of A. Becbtler $4 92 a 5 000 Dollar of the same.. 98 0 Oregon Exchange Co-Five dollars. 4 82 0 N. G. & N. San Francisco Five dols. . ; . . . . :s . .$4 83 a i 5 6 Miners' Bank, Sao Francisco Ten dollars 9 06 a 9 92 0 Moffatt& Co., i S 78 a 9 98 8 " Sixteen dollar ingots, about. .15 75 0 RATES OF POSTAGE. Lettehs composed of one r more piece l pup.-r, but not exceeding lialfnti ounce in weight, sent any distance not exceeding 300C miL s, 3 cents ; over 3000 miles, 10 ceiMti. Double rate if exceeding hall an ounce treble, if exceeding an ounce ; utid so on ehwrgiug an nddiiional rate for every addi lioual half ounce, or fraction of lialfan ounce. Absolute pre-pti3 raetn being required on all letters t places within the United Stales, from and alter April 1st, 1855. From and after January 1st. 1856, all let era between places in t!ie United States must be pre-paid, eilher by postage stampa, or stamped envelopes. Letters dropped in the post office, for de livery in the same place, I cent each. Letters adve.riised are charged 1 cent each, besides regular postage. Drop letters are not advertised. Circulars, 1 rent for 3 ounces or less to my part of the United Stales, to consist of but one piece of paper pre payment option al. - Daylv newspapers weighing three ounces or less, 45 1-2 cents per quarter, when sent from the office of publication to actual and bonafide subscribers any where in the Uni ted Slates. Transient newspapers sent any where within the United Slates, I cent for three ounces or less. When the article to be mailed is a circu lar, pnmphlet. or newspaper, it should be so enveloped as to be open at one end other wise, it will be Charged as a letter. BRITISH POSTAGE ARRANGEMENTS. Letters posted or charged in the United States will he rated at a half ounce' to the single letter over n half and not exceeding an ounce, as a double letter ; over an ounce and riot exceeding an ounce and a half, as a treble letter; and so on, each half ounce or fractional excess coaesliiutingf a-raie. The single rates to be charged on each letter posted in the United Slates addressed o any place in ' Great Britain or Ireland is 24 cents; the double rate 48 ; and so on. Said postage on letters going to any place in Great Britain or Ireland may be pre-paid, if the whole amount is tendered at the office in the U. S3, where mailed, at the option o the sender. ; Newspapers may be mailed at any office in the United States to any place in the United Kingdom on the pre-payment of 2 cents, and may on receipt from any place in Great Britain or Ireland, be delivered at any office in the United States, on payment of 2 cents. TJote. Each Government is to charge 2 cents on each newspaper. These are to be sent in bands or rovers, open at the sides or ends, and to contain no manuscript what ever. ' :,t .:..::'- Persons mailing fetlers to foreign coun tries, wiih which the United States have not entered into postal arrangements, are remin ded that it is necessary for them to pre-pay the pioper postage, or the letter? cannot be forwarded. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! SECOND DIVISION. 310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, In the Gold Region of Culpepper County, Vir ginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on be 13ih of April, 1S57. Subscription only ten dollar each. ; one half down, the real on the deliver of tbe Disc. Every subscriber will gel a Building Lot or Farm, ranging ia value from 10 to f5,000.: These Farms and Lots re sold so cheap toinduce settlement, a sufficient n am ber being reserved, the increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. A company of settlers, tailed "The Rappaoan nuck Pioneer Association," i flow forming and will commence a settlement in the spring. Am ple security will be gives for the faithful perform ance of contracts and premise Mete Agent are wanted to obiaTin sabscrl ber. to whom the 'most liberal inducement will be given. Some Agents write that they are mak ing t00 per month. Advertising wfll be done for every Agent svhere nosslblew For fall psxticalars, Subscription; Agencies, Ve. Apply to ' .-. E- BAUDER-, Feb. t& . Port Royal, Carotin Co , Ka. -' " - . , : : ) - : t -: - SILVER COINS. Aut-txki Rix Dollar. J.$0 97 5 48 0 16 0 10 0 C7 39 5 06 5 39 5 3 0 930 46 0 37 0 15 5 006 37 5 187 09 2 660 33 0 35 54 0 at 7 7 1 68 0 97 0 010 22 4 US 52 3 04 7 17 0 19 7 96 0 93 2 18 5 39 5 16 5 26 2 69 2 63 0 25 7 67 5 11 0 39 5 44 7 00 0 4 0 20 0 40 0 95 98 2 02 0 j5 0 21 5 00 6 00 8 36 0 495 11 2 55 2 120 56 0 63 0 11 39 0 00 8 30 0 75 0 135 Florin ........... Twenty kreutSeiS. . Lira for Lomhardy Baden Crown .... 1 Gulden or florin Bavaria Crown 1 Florin.. Six kreutzers..... Belgium Five trance. Two and a half francs Two francs Franc. . . i4 Bolivia Dollar 1 Half dollar, debased, 1830 Quarter dollar, debased. 1830 Brazil Twelve hundred rein Eight hundred reis Four hundred Bremen Thirty six gtote Britain -Half crown Shilling Fourpence.. Brunswick Thaler Central Amcfica Dollar; uncer. say Chili Dollar 1 Quarter dollars ...... . ., BJght-doffftror real.:...- Denmark Rigsbank thaler Specie thaler 1 Thirty-two shillings Ecuador Quarter tfollar. Egypt-Twenty plasties. . France Five francs Franc. Frankfort Florin Greece Drachm i .. Guiana, British -Guilder.....'. ... . Hanover Thaler, fine silver Thaler, 750 fine Hayti -Dollar, or 100 centimes. .. .. Hesse Cassel Thaler One-sixth thaler.. Hesse Damstadt Florin or GulJen. . Hindostan Rupee. Mexico Dollar, average 1 Naples Scudo Netherlands Three guilders 1 Guilder i Twenty five cents Two and a half guilder New Granada Dollar, usual weight 1 Dollar, lighter and debased. 1839. . Norwaj Rigadaler 1 Persia Sahib koran. . . reru uoiiar, Lima mint l Dollar, Cuzco...,. 1 Half dollar, Arequipa debased.... Hall dollar, Pasco Poland Zioty Portugal Cruzado Crown of 1000 reis.. ........ ..... 1 Half Crown." Prussia Thaler, average. One-sixlh, average. .............. Double thaler, or 3 1-2 gulden.'. . . 1 Rome Scudo .'......'..... 1 Teslon..three scudo. ... . .' Russia Rouble .................. ' Ten Zloiy...- 1 OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. The following rotes of postage on letters have been agreed upon between this govern ment and the German States, Prussia. &.C. Bremen. 10 cents ; Oldenburg J3; Allona, Austrian Empire, (including Hungary, Ga licia, Lombard and Venice) Bavaria, Bruns wick, Hamburg. Hanover. Mecklenbourg Schwerine and Straelitz, Kingdom ol Prus sia. Kingdom of Saxony, and Saxe Alten burg, 15; all other Germnn States, cities and towns. 22; Swiizerland and the Nether lands 25 ; Denmark and Schleswig. 27 ; Po land and Russia, 29; Constantinople, Greece and Sweden 33; Norwny. 37 pre-payment optional. Alexandria, Corfu. Island ol Malta,-Wal-lachia, 30 cents ; Italy, (except upper part) 33; pre-payment required. Newspapers and Circulars. 2 cents each to be prepaid. Mails to tue Pacific. For a single let ter, not exceeding lialfan ounce iu weight, from New York to Cfiagres, 20 cents ; to Panama. 20 postage to be prepaid. Pos tage to California and Oregon (they being U. S. possessions) need nol be pre-paid. Havana MaiAs. A line is established be tween Charleston and Havana, die steam ers touching at Savannah and Key West, the postage of which is from the port of de parture to Havana l'l renls oh a single let ter, not exceeding half an ouuee in weight, wiih an additional 10 cefils for each addi, Clonal half ounce, or fractional excess ofhalf an ounce to be pre-paid. Postage on each newspaper lo Havana. Scents, also to be prepaid as on letters. On letters to British North America. 10 cents, il.nbt over 3000 miles ; if over that distance, 15 cents a single rate pre paid or not, al the option of the or the sendee. RATES OF POSTAGE Tothe Eul Indies, Java. Borneo, fabnan Sumatra, the Moluccas, and the Philio pine Islands, We are authorized to state that, arrange ments having been made by Great Britain for. collecting in India the British and oihe foreign postage on letters between the Uni ted Kingdom and the East Indies, whether transmitted via SoaihafDrHon or via Mar seilles, in the British mail, hereafter the Uni ted States postage only should be p epaid tn this country on letters for the East Indies lo be transmitted by either of the above route b, viz t Jive cents tne single rate when the At lantic conveyance is by British pr cket. and tieenty one cents when by United Slates packet. Owing to a reduction of twelve cent in the British postage beyond England, which took place on the 1st of February instant, the sin gle rales of letter polcge be ween the Ut i ted Slates and Java, Borneo, Labnam, Su matra, the Moluccas, and the Philippine Is lands, will hereaher be as follows : To Java, via Southampton, 33 instead 1 45 cents the hall ounce; and via Marseille' 53 instead of 75 cents the half ounce ; pre payment required. To Borneo. Labnan, Sumatra, the Moluc cas, and the Philippine Islands the rate wil be 41 instead of53 cents when sent via South amplon, and 61 instead of 73 cents the quar ter ounce, or 71 instead of 83 cents the hal.' ounce, when sent by closed mail via Mar seil es ; prepayment also required. The ate above mentioned as chargeable on letters for the Island ol Java will provide for their conveyance by British packet as lar as Singapore, hat they wfll afterwards be subject to a Netherland rate of postage on accootit of the conveyance from Singapore to Java. .. By the Prussian Closed Mail the ales t these Countries remain uneha'nge.d. JUST RECEIVED BY 6. R. FRENCH, AFRESH trpplt of PER RT DAVIS' VKGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nzw Bssss. Toss sure that you get the genuine Hcd cine.inqai.re for the New D re with two fine en graved steel label on each bottle. BALTIMORE LOCK IIOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON . THE founder of this Ctlebra ted Ins ilution cf !.! tlie moat certain, bpeedy and only elltclu- ai remedy ia tlic world lor ' ' HE CRET D1SEA SES Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain In the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotcncy, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kidneys, Palpitation ct the Heart, Dvt ef,sia, Nervous irritabiity, Disease of the Head, Tnroat . Nose or Skin ; those serious and melancholy disor ders anting Iroin the destructive habit of Youth, which destroy both tody and mind. Tfiose secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victim a . than the song of the Syrei.s to the nurim t t f Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant bor es or an ticipations, rendering marriage, dec., impossible. YOUXUMJN. Especially , who have become tbe victims of Soli: ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit w hich annually sweeps to an untimely rave thousand o f young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wie have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with tutf confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Young Men, contcmplullr. marriage, being awarcof Physical Weakness, Or ganic. Debility, Deformans, ic., should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfe-i . health. " . lie who places himself nndertiiccareof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in bis honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill asafhy. sician. . , - Da. Johnston is the only regularly EdurMrd - 1 Physician advertising to cure Puvate t implaints. . His remedies and treatment arc entirely unknown to all others. Prepared from a liie ni in the Great Hospitals of Europe and the Eiret in tVla a Country, via : England, France, the block Icy i Philadelphia, dc, and a more extensive practice, than any other physician in the world. His many wonderful cures and most important Surgical Op erations is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.- 1 Tliose who icisk lo be tpeeoily and effectually reliev ed, thould shun the numerous trijlirg impolcrt,ho only ruin their health, and apply to him. A CURE WARRANTED OR .NO CHARGE. No Mercury or Nausrovs IJrves Use OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK L left hand side going from fialtiaiore street, aft w doors from the corner. . Fail not to ol.tnve Ms name and number, for Ignorant trifling importerr, attracied by the reputation of Dr. Jthnaton, iutk DR. JOHNSTON. "1 Member of the Royal College of Sorgeons. London ; graduatcfromone of the meat eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater psrt of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Pat- is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has e flee fed none of the o4i astonishing cures thai wereever known Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head -v-henasleep, great nervouensas, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfuiness. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement mind, werecured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprpdetif votary of pleasure .finds ha .has imbibed the seeds of .his painful disease, it too often happens that ai.ill-iin)- -ed sense of ebame, or dread of discovery, detere' him from applying to those who, irom education and respeetability.can clone befriend him, tfela -ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid . . disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated "Jl sore throat. diseased nose,-noetural ;alns in the-'' : head and limbs, dimness of eight, -deafness, nodes on the feTtin bofies:and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful ra- pidity, till at last the palate ofihe niouth or the" bones of the nose fall in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object sof coiiimif seration.till death puts a period lo his dread.'ul snf f ferincs, by pending him to "that Lonrr.e Iron--whence no traveller r turns." To euch therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the moti inviolable teerefyi and, from hi 'extensive prxt tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and' Ameiica hcean confidently recommend a safe and spet dr cure to the unfortuna'e vietini of this horrid dfs- " case. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall"., victimsto thie dreadful complaint, owing to the tin skilftilness of ignorant pretmdeis, wlio. by the us of thai deadly poison. mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send the unfortunate u litre r to aai , untimely grave, or else mr the tes.due of Hit ir.i erable. , . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who haTein.iared them, selves by private and Improper indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy cf' fecia, produced by early habits of youth, via Weakness of the Bak and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of BHscu'ar Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspept-y, IS'ervou irritability Derangement ef tie Digestive Func tions, Ganeral Debility, Syreptoms" of Cvnsump tion, &c. i 5 Mentally. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of .Memory, Conlusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodirgs. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli- tude.Timidity,&c..are some of the evils produced; -Thousand of persons of allagea, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Lo ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emocfa ted, have a singular appears nee a boot the eye ' ' cough and symptoms cf consumption. . , Dit. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RE3IE DV FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness the organs are speedily cured a Dd full vigef rt stored , , Thousands of the moat Nervous and Debilitated " individuals who hud lest all hope, have bee) iTr.me- ' diately relieved. All impediments to 31 AliRl AGE. Physical or Mental Disqualifications. Nervous Ir ritabilitv Tremblings and Weakness, or eihausueft of the most fearful kind, speedily cured byDr . Johnston. 2! Young men who hate injured thetnsctves tv T certain practice indolged fa when alone a habSI frequently teamed from .evil coirpanioo. r at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even w.hen asleep, and if not cured, renders 'warriaee " tmpossiblejind destroy slotL ,jind and body.should apply iinmediatelyj- -. ;. , . -.it- What a pity that a yoafig rhan, the hoie 'of hi country, arid the darling of his parents, should be v snatchedTrom all prospects and enjoyments 0 hf, by the consequencea of deviating from e path i nature, and indulging In a certain secret liallu Sueh persons, before contemplating ' " - MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind aid oSf are the. most necessary requisites Ui promote ccmnubial happiness. Indeed, withoat f.'iese. the journey through life become a weary pilgf imager the pros pect hoarly dart ens id tb view; the snind ktccme . v shadowed with despair andiSlh-d with the melan- f choly reflection that the -happioes of another be' come bltahted with ourown." OFFICE SO. 7 SOUTH KflEDERIClt-ST.. Baltijioie, 3Jb. All Surgical Operations Pertoiroed. N. B- Let do false delicacy prevent yea, b( apply immediately either perrorsailv or bv leust. Skin Disease Speedily fcarei. TO ' STRANGERS. Temanythounhd3eurtHatthng!HtoT-mAki -in the last tea years, and the nttrinm iupor tant Surgical Operatiocs pcrfoi tnrd by Dr. J.,mit nessed by the Reporter of the papers and many 4 other person, notices of which have appeared a rain and agals before the public, beside bis ftasdics - ! a a gentleman of character and resrocsilili v. if a ufSclent guarantee to the affilctcd. ; TAKE XOTICE.' It Is wtth the erealsst nlwtiM ti, tw n currt p ermUs hia card t appear beftwe U pabiier, oVe i porofrMWl for , pbyrfetaa ta adveAiM, hit vnl7i hs-- t J. th d th mar v Irapntle , i , u,.kmed Im post ers, 1th Irmatnerable Ke. i con trlwS . QuacsjiboTw, ra-armtna; these tares cities, topyiwr Irr. JowasToa s Mvertisenients or sdvwrl.iiitr thcni . p Aietarw. fitttmte sbartowTaftwd ft-l)oi . to Hzy , T.OT their oritrinnl trade, with ,-srre too iOe lyi.rd , taebrate, who, for tti purpose of Kntwii e SBd IVrnv. trrg cam m tvsoraUoaiee. under as mi itr.nt False &iune, so tbst fbe afRieted Stinii eei tna; one. t tare to tanit) hinA'rmz into t"h otsrr, Ijmrran- v yaarki with enormous lying- oertifieate of KTt and as-: LI? cnrt fr persorw in to be fomnd. who kr-p Ton tsktnsr htrre bottles cf I.icosies Wini urf Mkar paekaeca of fihhy aod wortbiem oDrpoands, lOitntoeTy , , firepared to iinpow tr)xn) tbe onfortuiistsaad BniJeet rta. Trifling montb tfUr mwtk, or m lent ttbttmsH est feeaa be obtained. ,Dd, In despsir, -kssves yo wtfc, rnroed health, to sigh over yonrraiXRg dwrpoii)tHt. . It ia this motive tbst Ind nees Ir. i. to iverfif. I turn en ri'f Tor. Totho nnacqnaiotrd wtth bis reputation, he deems tt necessary to say ibat bis crrdm tints or diploma slwsvn hsne tn bt cfnoe. . NO LETTERS RECEIVE T-TTISi? TOTTAlI . asa eontaiallr eiup to nt asxa forts rrpiv. rer. soma mttiiw .honld stale in and send lbX rortion ef portion it 6t ly-s. atrvaruasroect esMr.MBg syiBpioBMi. -Jan. .9, i657. , - -