TRUSSES. THE SUBSCRIBERhason nand and for sate, a larira aasorimantotTrusses, Abdominal sup' nnrtf-ra etc arranged and recommended .by Dr. Schoowald. They will be lound lo be the easiest and most efficient articiee ever gotten up. He In Vites ar.ention to their construction and orlre which will bo found beiltr and m re favorable than thev can be obtained at ny othei point in i"ieU nion. They are filled up with silver sprmgsand silv.ror glass pads. HlitAM W. Feb. 5, 1857 138 3m. J. M. STEVENSON, A GENT for the sale of all kinds of Produce. XI Office on Piincessst , under ADAMS, BRO. dc, t;0., Wilmington, ft. C. Feb. I2.t3l-it. J. M. STEVENSON FOR SALE. A House and Lot, on Sixth street, north of. and nearly adjoining the rail road a very detirabie location, ai a very moderate price. The Hons U large and well planned, but nnfln I shed has been put into my hands to meet an'emer gency a nasty purcnaser ta wanted. March 3. P. W. FANNING. R ECEIVING this day per Schr. Hetene. 30 boxes ot fine flavored uranses. March 3. Wftl. ft. DsNEALE f;"Phalon CHEMICAL HAIR INVIGORATOR. The ni o it r complete - article of the kind ever before ofllreil to the public. i It has stood the lest oft wen- ty ; ears In this country, end not one ol the many hundred of initia tions hve been able to compete with U . for preserving: dressing, and beautifying the Hnir, and kepinc the head clear from dandruff J-c. It is in-Mi rouble; inshoit, it is every thingihe Hair require. Price 5Ucs andl pr bottle Pbalou'a PAPHIAN LOTION, Ui, Flobal BiAVTirm. A great , Cosmetic for beautify- ' in the Skin and Complexion, and for curing Chapped Hands, also for the Teeth A Breath, Fa , f .ij at. Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, Pimples, Sco'ds Hums, die. A sure nd s;ife cure for th Piles, one washing will give instant relief. After shaving it is verp soothing to the skin. It keep I he hands soil and while, and for inflammation ol the skin, it will be found to be a gteai rented y;- Pnce 60 cents and 1 per bottle. Phalon'e MAGIC HAIR DYE. One of the i very best Natural Dyes In the world. Its long use has proved it to be beyond comparison i and, being a vegetable produc tion,no injury ran possibly be done lo the skin. It is ensily appiii d, and vou c;.n obtain a black or brown which will defv the best judzes lo tell it ir m nature itself Price l and $1 50 per box. Made and si Id by K. PHALON.atl97 Broad wav. conr of l)ey street und 517 Bruadwav. St. Nicho'as Hotel, N. V.. and all Druggists and fane stores throughout the Uni ted fc tales. March 3. 143;5m PHAIKIB FLOH'EB SUPEKSEDED t A Acta Novel by Enter son Ihnnett. THE ARTIST'S BRIDE, OR THE PAWNBROKER'S HEIR, By Emerson Bennett, Esq. Author of -The Prairie Flower," Leni Leoti,' "Cl.ARA MOREI.AND," etC. 12mo. Cloth 'PRICEONK DOLLAR, I H Pages If 'Emerson Bennett had never written bis many drliuhtfnl and thrilling sioties of border lite, of prairie scenes, and Indian warfare ; title new story t f "1 he Artist's Bride," would have hiced his name. n the record asone of the best of Ameiican uovelists. - - ' - "The Artist's Bride'' is one of the most thrilling native productions we have ever read, and yet the ncidenisare so true lo nature, so life-like, that the reader can scarcely realize the fact that he is read ing fiction. The sketches of the "mutant Heir ess," nnd of the interview between the Lawyer and hu Student, poesess the most absorbing in terest. The persons introduced in this narrative are striking, and never-to-be forgotten types of Individuals we meet with daily. 1 he amnsemeni to be gathered from these pages is as great as is the moral information bestowed. Altogether, Kmerson Bennett has done himself infinite merit by this production. GARRETT, DICKdt FITZGFRALD.Pu- Ushers No. IS, Ann afreet, New York. Also, for sale by all Booksellers in this place. copies oi tne above book sent oy mall to any maaresf, t ree or roaiage, upr. n receipt of si. Send your Cish Orders lo the Publishers. Editors of Country Newspapers giving the above advertisement three prominent insertions, ceiling attention to tne same in me editorial col umn, and sending a marked copy of ihe paper lo the Publishers, will receive "The Artist's Biide" per return of mail, free of postage. AiarchU. 152-ltwtw HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIIiE-PROOF SAFES. WITH HALL'S PATENT Powder-Proof Locks the same thai were awarded sepa rate Medals at the World's Fair, London, 1S51, and the World's Fair, New Vork. 1653 and arc the only American afes thru were awarded med als at the London World's Fir. . These Safes are now admitted lo be superior to any ever offered to the public; and the subscriber challenge the world to produce an insianco of these Safes tailing to preserve their contents through the hottest fires, or a burglar picking the lock. The subscriber and their a?rnte arc the only persona authorized to make and sell Herring's Patent Champion Safe, with Hull's Patent Pow-der-Proof Locks. . . S. O. HF.RltING CO.. Green Block, 133, 137 snd 1 S Water St , ami 5 Murray St. New Vork. Agents in North Carolina i Jv R. Blossom Wilmington, N. C. W. H. d R. S. Tncker.Ral igh.N C. Feb. 3. 136-3m. WILMINGTON & UEL. R. It. CO. Orrice K.ioimit and Sopbbiwtbmdbkt, Wilmington, N.C Jan. I, li67 THE TRAINS WILL, UN TIL further notice, run over this road aa LJ- GOING NORTH, DAILY DAY EXPRESS Tit AIN leaves Wilmington at6A.M f arrives at Goldsboro'at lOh 09m tea in 8 minute -and arrives at Weldon at 2 00 P M. - NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilming ton at 4 IS P. arrives at. Goldrboro' at Jt.36, to supper 21 minutes arrives at Weldon at LUC A. M. . - v ,iv GOING SOUTH. DAILY. :" DAV EXPRESS leave. Weldon at 11.30 A. . arrives at Goldbor' 3 It) P.M. leaves InBniin Hies; arrives at Wilmington at 7.30 P- M to sap per. - . NIGHT EXPRESS leave Wcldonst 8 3P M.t arrives at Goidsboro' at 12.60 A. M. leaves in li mtnntew strives at V ilmington at G.40 A. -At. T2fThe Night Express Train connects with the North Carolina Railroad, both wars, at Golds boro'. ' .. ficksta North old ia WJIrainttonj to Baltimore $12; to Philadelphia tW; to New Vork I5 60; to Washington, O.C.,911. ' L" rtCBBTS Will HOT SB BOLD TO A MB6RO IS) rcasoji.. , PdMngert are nptijicd that an.' estra charge of on cent per mil will be required of thee who do not purchase ticket at elation. .. : Freigifl by passenger trains doubt rate. Lo cal fare, with tickets, about 3 cents per milej If paid in the care, about 4 cents er mile FREIGHT TRAINS. Two throne h schediriu trains between Wilmington and Weldon, each week? leaving alternately on Mondays and Thursdays and arriving on Tuesdays and Fri days. Four schedule trains per Week to GoMsbo ro; leaving Wilminpton on .Tuesdays, Wednes days Fridays and Samrdara ami Goldsboro' on Monday,Wednesdsys,Thur day and Saturdays, making with the "through" train dailm freight train both war bttweeo WilmingtoD tad Goldsboro'. . . , . .;. ; All does on frelghf, tip or down, payable at Gen eral Freight Office in Wilmington, en receipt or delivery, excluding freight for N, C- tt. R. which may be pre-paid or not at the optim of the consigner.' . - " s f. mtPMnMi ' . ... . . . .7 , - - - - . Chlof Eng. db SnjwiateBuD(;?-j ANTIPHtOGISTIG -SALT, A PERFECT SVtSTiTU't'E FOR THE LANCET, LKJECHES AND BLISTERS. OF the intrinsic value, theenlightened commu nity, and not the, .Discoverer, must be the Judge, v, ... ;.' Many MedicinaaotTered for sale are accompan ied by doubttul certificates, (their e hid virtue,) and claim to be universal remedies, caring all maladies a burletqucon common Sent-e. Aa the discoverer of this Suit solemnly pretexts against having ir placed in the category ol frauds and im position?, he has reaohed that itahall go forth to the world like the pure gold dollsir, with no other pattport than its own .J rue value. If the public find It genuine ther will receive it if spurious, they will reject and condemn It. Insttada pan acea lor all ills, it has c ntrol over out one ill has but one aim anl acromplishea but one thing to wit :" BcBDOBa inrLAktsiAToaT disbasb whatever belts form or locality whether in the head, throat chest, abdomen, extremities, or skin. hen the discoverer, sftera long series of labo rious ad costly experiments, becsme fully confir med in his conviction that the AntiphtogistioSalt, which he now has the happiness to present to the American public, was a - ' PERFECT SUBSTITUTE For Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his min-i waa ao agitated that he could sot sleep for many nights The cause of his agitation waa the stri king fact that the manner ofita operation, like that of the virus in v. ccination, could no be satisfacto rily explained upon any known principle. How, in what way, it ao effectually subdues inflammatory diseases, and no other; was at first wholly inexpli cable but, on further expel intent,' it waa ptoved that by its power over th veins, arteries and it lands, it equalize thejluid of the body, Ihe want of an eouliiorium in wnivn.iB the-sole caute oi in flammation. Ii exeits, like ihe vai-cine mniter.nn extraordinary influence over ihe circulation re- i-uhin? in a eradual decline of Inflammation as in dicated by the pulse, which soon resume lis nat ural state, as the Heat aud -pain disappear. fucli is its potency, that like tne vn us lust mentioned it requires what merely tidherea to the point of a quill dipped into a solution of it, to affect the en tire system but mutt bt instantly used to prevent decomposition and secure its full virtue. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic disease, every 44 hours, till the heat and fever have aubsided and a perfect cure effected. When it takes the place of Leeches. Stimulating Ointments and Blisters In Local I nil immation,sa Brain Fever, Croup, Tooth ache, Pleurisy, Ac, lis mode of administration ia two-fold . ( See direction for dituiving, etc. ) ESfThe peculiar excellence of this Slt is that without the useless loss of blood rind strencth, it effectually curca Infljtnmat-i y Diseases (no oi ti ers; by producing an.cqulilbilum oi all the fluids in Ihe body and a connequent uninterrupted circula tion. Tho lollowingditferentbrms which the un balanced tlutas lefume, and many not here men tioned, that have more or less fever or pnin, are as oertectly subdued by the Antiphlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by water. 1 Cafes where the unbalanced fluid affects the Head and Throat to wit: Brain Fever, Headache, Fits, Inflamed Kyes, KTfti and Nose. Canker, Neu rail-la, Catarrh, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, 4c. 2. Csscs where the unbalanced fluids affect the Chosiand Abdomen to wit: Pleurisy, Asthma, Inflamed Lungs and Llvr. Uolic, Heartburn Coughs, Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gonorrohasa, Venere al, ate. .. 3 Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect ihe Extremities and Skin to wii: Rheumatiawi, Gout, Scrolula, Ulcere. Chicken and Sm.b Fox, Salt Rheum, and all Itching and other utanous Erup tions, 1 his Salt greatly alleviates Ihe Inflammatory Pains peculiar to married ladies, (before and at the time oi eonnnement,) and many Female Com plaint"; and is Very efficacious in Fevers, Ague, vVottnds, Nervoos and Spinal Affections, and any other forms of (mark this) Inflammatory Discate, attended with heal or febiile symptoms. IjrPcrson who have a tendency of blood to the Head ana Heart, or lead vtr-iives. or breathe the impure air of manufactories and the prisonous In un sot tnutals and minerals, or live In unhealthy climates, are expoed to a peculiar zitialion of the fluid of the body, which one done, without interfer ing wltn diet or buiiness, once in three month, would invariably prevent. I is believed to anoid protection from infectious Diseasea : and. there fore, it is recommended to Travellers, bailor and Soldier. CrTo- protect the community from imposition oy cmnzrreir, tne proprietor will empioy no AoiST.aml Iih made such arrangements that he can send the Medicine in any quantity, by Mail or t.xpress, to any part oi the united Mates or For eign Countries. Its prime cost fo the Discoverer tsi..iu per orachm price aiper drachm and is put tip in drachm packag.-a lor Acute Pirease. (with direction?, c. ) at t'i 3 drachma do. for hronic Cases, o; and 5 drachms do. for Families 9 a net profit ot 60c On each package. 13" nile many nostrum makers victimize the good naturcd and pill ridden public by ordering trom six lo a dozen boxes or bottles to euro any malsdy, no matter what, the undersigned is happy ia being able to slate, that the severest forma of recent Infta.nmatory Disease are overcome by one Acute facxage, and tne moat oostinate and lone standing by one Ohronic Package Although 30 days have not elapsed sinee this New Medical Agent oecame partially Known to III" citizens or Boston sno a fsw neighboring towns, yet such have been the results of its trial that during the past week, nearly 4UU pacKfiges were sold in this elty and or ders received by mail and express for 16a Family. 347 Cnronic, and 386 Acute Packages. In one in stances persons clubbed together and wrote for 6 Packases. (of the "Little Glint." as thev called it,) to be forwarded to onenddret-a thereby saving expense to themselves and the Proprietor. tir Letters from clubs or individuals with mon ey (it over $10) should be mistered at Ihe ooal office where mailed, aa it costs but 6c, and will se cure their safe arrival. .The Di coverer now humblv submits his Per fect Substitute fo the Lancet, Leeches snd Blis ters, to the tribunal of an In'elllf ent public, reiter ating that it does jnst what It claima to do no more, no less: Subdues Inflammatory Diseases. (no others,) whatever be i's form or locality, by restoring the lost balance between the fluid and sol ids. Family Packages 68, Chronic and Acute j to be had (iree of expense) only by addressing him throtifh Box 32 Boston, Mass., or at his of fice. No. 3 Winter Street. T3"UHt out this advertisement for the Dermal of your neighbors and your own future use. i. UOUGSWELL, M. D. , Discoverer and Proprietor. Boston, Feb. 1857. - 151-61 EXTR AOItnifr A R V VOLlMEll QUINTESSENCE OF KNOWLEDGE. The title of this wonderful bookie INQUIRE WITHIN, rot hi tiiio rot win to tiov Or, Orer 3, TOO Facts' for the People. Cloth Gilt, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. . 436 Paeea. 'IitQCiaa Ajtuis" is one of Ihe moat valuable and extraordinary volumes ever presented to ihe American public, and embodies nearly Fooa Tndmasd t-'ACTS, In the most of which any per son living will find instruction, aid and entertain ment. ' Ihquisb Withih" is sold at lha low price of one dollar, and yet it containa 436 pagea of closely printed matter, an Is handsomely and strongly bound. It ia A Doctor, A Gardener, A Schoolmaster, A Dancing ; Master, An Artist, A (Naturalist, A Modeller, A Cook, A Law yrr, A Surgeon, A Cliess-Player, A Chemist. A Cosme tician, A Brewer, An Accountant, Aa Architect, "Lcttcr-vv liter," -A-"Hovle" and a Universal Guide to alt kinds of Useful and Fancy I- mploy ment. Amusement, aod Mooey-makf nr. Besides all tliia information and we have not room to give an Idea of a bundredth d"rt of It It cost tAikb so HAir valuablb amd csbfol Kbcbipts, that an enumeration of them ft autre sEVKiVI'V- TWOCOLUMtf UF FINETVPE FOR THE "JkcjOibb Vituw is no collect Ion of ancient sayings and reecir is, but the whole ia fresh and new. andsuiud to the present tiroes. : Aa a book to keep in the family for reference, it is naeqiialled. comprising aa it does all Kinds of Booksoi Infor rflatlon lu a single volume;,. 3.- . - Pob Ihedby . -r f i j-' OARUETT, DICK de FITZGERALD, - ia 18 Ann-sueet, Mew-Verk. Also, for sale by all Book sol lera in this lace. Copies of i he above book vent by mail, on receipt to any address ree t rostage. Reliable Agenta wanted Us cauvssa for -'I sac as W iTHtit." Send Cai.Ii Orders to the Psrbltahers. hove advertise men1 three prominent inner' Ions. calling attention' to ittt same in ihe editorial col umn, and sendieg a marked copy of the ' paper to be Publishers. win receive 'j.cia tvitkibt," peir return of mail, free o: postage. . . J . - Also iust D'lbHshed. THE ARTIST'S BRIDE, By. Kataaeoax B- sibtt. Price , . -.. March. 3, . 48'lw-t.w. UKT MID CA? EMPORIUM. , TO reduce stock, for oar spring purchases, we wiil close out-our assortment of Boys and In fants Fancy Caps and Hataateoe. Other articles attbe very loweat figures for sh. ROOL UlViNA LOTTERY!" The neytt ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conducted by the. Spanish Government, un der the supervision of the Captain General of Cu ba, win take place at Havana on ..... - SATURDAY, M'CH, 28, 1857. SORTED NDM EltO E73 ORDI.NARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000!!! 1 prize of $100,000 1 " 50,000 1' " 30 000 4 prizes of $2,00 5 " 1.000 52 i. 500 10,009 5.000 143 " 400 20 Apr'xm's. 8,800 4 aporoxirnations to the SlOO.OOOof S600 each j 4 of-S 100 to &50.U00: 4 of l00 to 30,0C0: 4 of S403 :o SI0.W 0. 4 of 400 loSS.OCO. Whole Tickets, 20j Halves, S10; Quarters $5 00. Prizes cashed at sight at 5 percent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawine will be forwarded aa soon as the re- ault becomes known. Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post, Charleston, S. C.) un- il tthe 28th March will be attendca to. Feb. 17. ' . 125 tf. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER Sample Numbers Famished Gratis. EXsMINS FOR YOURSELVES. Apply to the publishers, DEAtOS A PETERSON, . GO. South Third St., Phllada. Jan. 31. ,135 2m. w. MARYLAND LOTTERIES ON THE HAVANA PLAN. To be drawn In Baltimore, Md ,on THURSDAY, April SOih, -1857. R. FRANCE fc CO.: Managers. Drawing conducted under the superintendence of the fl;ite Lottery Commission! r. GRAND CAPITAL. PRIZE. 100 prizes of $1,000 each! Lowest Prize in the Lottpry $100! Whole Tickets $20. This it the most Magnificent Scheme ever drawn in the United Slates. Only 30,000 Tickets, ' All vf which are prinlrd as follows : 5,000 in Whole Tickets. ' 5,000 in Half Tickets. 10,0 10 in Quarter Tit kets. 1 10,000 in Kighth Tickets. As all of these Tickets wiil, no doti'u, be sold by the day ol drawing, persons at a distance will toward their or. ers as as posMble. GRAND C0SS0UDAT1D L0TT1RY Of MD. EXTRA CLASS 4, To be drawn in Baltimore. Md., Thursday, Aptil SO, 1B57. SPLENDID SCHEME. Apurx'n Prizes. A of 3UI) ' 4 of 600 6 of 450 8 of 350 8 of 300 8 of 25J 8 of 200 8 of 150 400 of ICO Capital Prizes. 1 prize of sioo.noo 50,000 20,000 20,100 1 prize of 1 '-prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize ot 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of 100 prizes of 10.000 ) 10.001 J 6, 00 6.000 6,00 5,00 J 3,000 3,8f0 S 2.B50 i 2,0 0 J 1,100 670 prizes, arnl'i; to Whole Tickets, 9Z0; Halves 102,900 S10; Quarters 5. JJ-Please address all ordeia for Tickets in the above Magnificent ssrheme, to T. H. HUBBARD & CO. No. 39 Faystte-st , or Box, No. 40, Baltimore, Maryland X3T T. H. Hubbard & Co. are onr authorized Agents to fill all orders for Tickets in the Mary land Lotteries. B. FRANCE & CO. March 17, 1667. From S. TYSON A CO , Manufacturers and Mechanics' Kxchnnee. Baltimore, who are author ized to act aa AGENTS for 't he Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. "' THE - SOUTHERN AND WESTERN' JOURNAL 'OF PROGRESS, DEVOTED TO THIC PROMOTION OP SCIENCE, AUT, MANUFACTURES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, L AND DESIGNED FOR THE DESK OP Merchauts, Plantera & the Homes of Busi ueas Men, W. H. V-EREDITH . RICIJ ARD EDWARDS Editoks. Assisted by a large number of Distinguished Contri butors in various Slates. The Journal of Progress is allied to no party. Tt maii.taioa a politbol principles, iheltNTKGltlTV 4.ND PROSI'KKITV OPTHK UNION, and he SOVKRKIGNTV Op THE STATKs, according to theeondliionsand limitations of the FEDKUAL CONSTI IUTION. It weka to energize these principles bt increasing intercourse between all sections of the Country, and developing there soorces of the fOUTIl and WEST. The booth produces the great Staplra of the Country and consume vast amoants of the pto- dticts and ro innfsctutes ut our own and tort ign lands; hence, the importance of Commrrcial Cen tres and Internal Improvement., in k ep pace with the North, which is making such rapid strides to commercial and political si-ven tgnfy. The Journal ot f regress will ! tne CUM ai tn- CIAI. AND INDUSTRIAL OKGA.N of u e SOUTH AND WKST; devot.-d lo Education, COMMBBCK, FlITANOB, TbADK, InTBBN At ImPBOVK MBNTB, hi ASOPACTCBBS, ACB 1CCLTCB B faOil MlRIKe. lnall there depart mentaitacujuinna will be woithv of patronatte. To our family readers. .We will furnish a page agreeable and iterejg tolhroldand young; con sistina of original sntveiect KioirrainhiRiil aketehea of di-ninmiislied men; the later! ad most reliable news of ihe day from time to time we n ill furnish a sltailsiical and Hisioticat account of the t 'om- mprcial cities and Towns throushout theCountrr. togetharwith Illowtkatioks pbepabkd bipbessi.' roa this joubjiai. .. t & Agents wanted for this Journal, on which a lib ml commission la allowed. Those applying for asenciea, mast forward a -recommendation from one or more Merchant and the Host Master of the tows. No other application noticed. Specimen n amber a sent to any -pan of the country on appli es tion. A II cemmuni.-ationa to be forwarded to the Journal of Progrf aa, Baltimore or .-t. Louis. PtrausMBD MonTRLt, at the Manufacturers and I .uecnsnics' t-xenanee, son iron Hiiutnng, rtait; m ore, and at ibeN.'E. Cor-of Chest nut and Four th Streets, SL. Louis, M o., and supplied by appoint ed Agents throegheut the United States). TERMS f Only i per annum, 15 copies will be seat to onb addreasv if in the con. try, for $15. ;I3r Post Mastersare authorised to act aa Agents, and retain for their commission 25 percent. . Keb 19. : - : - JUST RECEIVED BYG.R. FCENCII. A FRRSH supply of PER RVD AVIS' VF.GE TABLE PAIN KILLER, In entire, ffxw 0BEaa. To be euro that foe gel the geaaine Md c in. inquire for the New Dres with two fine ens-raved ax eel labels on each bottle. - AprlllSt . ' r' I5-tf. " J s ID A US, BK0THEJ1 k CO., COM M lS ION MERCHANTS, mflJeUU 'l AFFLICTED READ 11 , PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL ''BOUSE. Established twenty-two years igo by Dr. KINK KLIN, corner ef Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. - 1 . TWENTY-TWO YEARS' , . Experience hat rendered Dr. K. a most aae ceasiul practitioner in the cure of all disease ot a private ntre ; ninhood's debi"iy, as ap im pediment tp .msmtge; nervous and sexual in , firniiiie, diseases I thekio, and those ariaiog from abuse of ftiercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood : and which, if not reformed in due lime, not only begeta serious obstaelea o matrimoni al happiness, but gives rise to a eeries of pro. traeied, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of ihose who pive way to this pernirious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find lite nervonseystem shaMeredjfeelstraogeaot. nnarcountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. (See pages, 27, 23, 29, of Dr. K'a book on ' Self Preservation.") The unfortntiate thua affected becomes feeble, la unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or tu ap ply bis mind to study : his step is lardy and weak; he is dull. Irresolute, and engages even In hjs sports with less energy than nsual. . If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and hie sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies- These are considera tions which, tliould awaken the attention of all vho are similarly situated. . REMEMBER. He who places himself nnder Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his lienor a a gentleman, an.i rely upon the assurance, that ihe secrets of Dr. K.'s patients wiil never be dis- dored. : . Young man let no false modesty deter you from making vour case known to one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend von. ' Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. I PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE.. Can have (by elating their case explicitly, to gether with all their evmptoms. per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated according!--. Forwarded to any part ot tne unnect states, ana packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Express. . IIKAII 1 Ul'IU nPt U MAIinuvui A Wgorou Life or a Premature Death, Kinkelin on Seff Preeervalion Only 25 Cent. Letters containing that Value in stamps, will ei.sure cc;pv. per reti rn ol. mail. GRATIS I GRATIS I! GRATIS!!! A free GIFT To All. i MISERY RELIEVED. Jw "Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, full of valuable advice and Impressive warning, alike cnlculned lo prevent years of misery, and nve thousand of lives, is distributed without hargc, sind forwarded by mail, prepare! to any Post OlBce in the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. J&ne 19. . i-iy-woxi CONSUMPTION CURED. BE NOT DECEIVED by base imitations. HEGEMAN, CLARK & CO.'S GENUINE COD LIVER OIL., never disappoints, and ten yetup' experience has proved it superior to ell oiheTs, and the only reliable care lor fJUBSOJiriiw. As there is it great deal of etmrloas on ia me market adulterated with seal oil, wbalo oil, &c., &e , too much care cannot be taken ta procure tbv Genuine. Onr Oil is made at onr own factory Tn New fomirlland and each Ix.ltle ha onr Kignaliire orer the ork. Iw careful toget IIkgkhan Clark at Cn.'s as thotisands who had ned other oil of infe rior cfnslit.v. and were alHit giving up in despair, have been restored lo hralth by tiding the Genuine Oil of onr manufacture. Sold by all Druggists. Dec. 4. - ' ; 111 3ro. '" THE ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM. ''lAn admirable annual." .V. O. Advocate. "A vast amount of valuable Information." crrlr M Tex a Advocate. fr "A very complete and useful repository oi in- 1855f "Every Methodist in the St-uth should pro . cure it." A'. C. Advocate. "There can be no sort of doubt about the suc cess of this book " Home Circle. "Will get more out of It than the -worth of one dollar." If . O. Advocate. ' Cheap at fir time the eost." Home Circle. "We had not expected to find It so deeply In terest! fB.n Texas Advocate. Zi Sandi It must have cost great labor." Southern , Methodist Quarterly. a "How can we, alter tpls, ao witnoui it i" Home Circle. mo. 1 1 "The plan and executlofTof it we highly cora V I - mwnd." S. M. Quarterly. bound and; 3""It will bars an enormous cirenlatton." lettered i t nam circle. Single copies, bu mai', prepaid, SI. tF To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 dozen or more, 30 per cent, discount. May be ordered from Stevenson & Owen, Nashville;' W. P.. Grif fith, Norfolk, V.;- S. W. WhiUiker, Wilmington, N. C. : E. H Myers, Charleston, 8. C, or 11. D. McGiunis, New Orleans, For single copies and special agencies, address the editor, UHAKL&S jr. UJiJ!,iJIS, Feb. 19, 1857V (lmc.) Wilmington, N. C. WINES AND LIQUORS. WE invite the attention of our Friend and Patrons to the best selection of Wines and Liquors ever otlereu id his market, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vintage 1810, Pale and Dark Otard. Dupuy dt Co.'a Brandy, Old Cognac do. S. Unisson & Co.'s do. Castillor. & Co.'s do. Pure old Port Wine, Duff. Gordon, Pale, Sherry. old Madeira and Muscat Wines, Malaga Wine, .. Old Mcnppernong Wine, Holland Ginv, Old Tom Gin extr Wooll !Schiedam oennapps. Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do, ' " Bourbon Whiskey, " Rye . do - Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy," Sic. Madeira Winn, Perfect Lose Cordial, Assorted) Cordials, in bottles, Every variety of botiicd Wines and Liquors, Clarets of various brands atwIioUnle prices, Maraschino ; Coracoa, - Hosteller's) Stomach Bittcra Aromatic do. , -do . ' Ginger Win A, dtc ate. U low prices for DASH. At the original :; try. Ap.iU7. - GEO. MYER'S. fjEIJRO PASSES. ANEW form ef Passes, containing sanitary pro visions, approved by he a number of otherslnterested In the welfareof oor eolored population. l just issued at the office oi 7 Oonwnercioi. WINTER HATS AND GAPS. t-i, A. FULL. AND YARIED AS- -"eM) II aortmeniol all the different aiylea 1 i fot Drees and Business Hals and Caps now open, compri.ftff SILK, FOB AND WOJ B&TB, CLOTH, PLCSH ANE SI1K . GLAZED CAPS, 1WTANXS HATS AND - CAPS, mSSEB BEAVEB AND FELT ' FLAT3, BOYS AND TOUTHS SOFT HATS iiD CAPS, CMBEEL i "" LAS,' CANES, BELTS, : i. acC, tC. tC. Which we offer at wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices, O.W.MYERS, 34 Market street, two doors below Scott 6t Bald win's'. . 92 SU4R! SUGAR! ! fCf BBLS Stnarta Sngars-j-all grades. OU 23 Coffee Sngata Now Landing at for sale. by. ' , ZENO H. GREEN. Feb. 3. , - ' " - " 137. NOTICE. IN the last Wilmington Jouinal a notice appears from Mr. T. H. Lane forewarning all persona from trading for a Note and Draft made payable lease. Tba note was given by T. H. Lane as principal aeo P. M. Walker and E. D. Hall as se curities, dated 13th March If 56 and payable nine ty daya after date... Af'er It had been doe some time. Bar. LaM gave me an order on Messrs. D:ck Inson. Hill Co jpf Richmond, Ya for One Thousand Dollars and oa the came day I wrote them that if Mr. Lane had funds in their hand's, to charge the draft tows, which they did, aa can be proven by their account, current with me, now ia. the handa of feo'. Davis, E0-, as are also the note ajaddrafu - t, ' ' ' " - -CRONLV. March - 3s SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD, THEOLOGICAL, 'HISTORICAL, law; MEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SWANN&CO.'S LOTTERIES I CAPITAL PRIZE 0.0OO Owing to the great favor with which oor Sin gle Number Lotteries have been reeeived by the public, and the large demand for Tickets,- the Managers, S. Swakn & Co., will have a draw ing each Saturday throughout the year. The fol lowing Scheme will be drawn in each of their Lot teriea for March, 1957. : " class so, , ; To he drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on ; SATURDAY", MARCH 7th, 1857. CLASS 2T. To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 14th, 1857. CLASS 28. To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MARCH 21st, 1837. A CLASS 2, To be 'drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on ' SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1857. ON THE PLAN OPSINGLG NUMBERS THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY PRIZES I MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETSl 30,000 TICKETS MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! M 1 Piize of 50,OUOit S50,000 1 20,000 is 20,0( 0 1 ' 10,000 is 10,000 1 " 9,000 is 9,( 00 1 " 8,000 is 8,000 1 7,000 is 7,000 1 6,000 is 6,000 1 " 6,000 is 5,000 1 4,1 00 is 4,000 I ' 3,000is 3,fl00 1 ... ' 2,W)0 is 2,000 1 ' . 1,000 is 1,000 100 Prizes of lOtfare 10,000 100 50 are 600 " APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of S250 oppro'to S30.00Pprize afe 51,000 4 4 200 20,000 600 400 100 80 65 60 55 60 45 40 30 25 20 are 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6.(00 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 3.20 260 240 22.1 200 180 160 120 1 3000 60,000 3.260 prizes amounting to tlvi 000 Whole Tickets. 10 Halves; S5- Quarters, S.'i. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Number froi 1 so 30,000, corresponding with those Ixumbers on the I lcKets pnn'ed on separate slips of paper, are encircled wiih small tin t. bes and placed in one wneei. The first 212 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are nlaced in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from ihe wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhib'ted to the aodiencc, and registered by the Commissioners ; the Prize bting placed against the Nnmber drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES- The two preceding; and the two succeed ins: Numbers to tho?e drawin; the first 12 Prizes will be entitled to the 43 Approximation Prizes, accord ing to the scheme. The 3,000 Prizes of 120 will be determined by the last figure of ihe Number that draws the $50,000 Prize. Kor example, if ihe Nnmber dravHns the 50,000 Prize eds with No. 1, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to 20. If the Number ends with No. 2. then all ihe Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to S20, and so on lo 0. Certificate qf Packages will be sold at the fol lowinx rates, which is the risk: Ccriificateof Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 " 10 Half " 40 " 10 Quarter " 20 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFIC ATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tic kets ordered, on receipt of which they will be tor warded by first mail. Purchasers can hkve tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be 1 sent to purchasersim mediately after the drawing. fr Purchasers will please write their aignaiurea plainand give their Post Office, County and Slate. Remember that every Prize ia drawn, and payable in full withoat deduction. Ij- .. II Prizes of $1000, and under paid immedi ately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. . All communicaiions strictly confidential. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets at either flfice. , AddreeeOrders for Tioketaor Cenlficatea either to . . 8. SWAN a CO, Atlanta, Go. . or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala.. Feb. 24. .r " IT IS NOT A DVE ! PRESIDENT J. H. RATON, L. L.D X Union University, Murfreetboro, Tennesfc. Says: 'Notwithstanding "the irregular use of Mrs St. A. Allen's World r Hair Keetorer, ate the Jailing off of hair ceased, and my grey lock tcere restored to. their original color." '. ' RKV. M.THACHER (tiO years of age), Pitcher, Chenango Co, N. Y. 'My hair ia now restored tolts natoral colorr and -enws lo fall off.' RKV. WH. CUTTKR, Kd. Mother's Magazine, N.- Y "My hair ischanged to its natural eolor,&e. REY; a P. STONK, D. Ds, Coecerd, N H. My hair which was grey, is now restored to ita natural color, c." . ; , ' RKV. D. CLENDKNIN, Chicago, lit 1 can, add my tcstimony,snd recommend it to my friend s.1 RKV. D. T. WOOD, Middieiowd, N. Y, "My own hair has greatly thickened, also that of one of mv family who waa becoming bald.' - 'REV J. P. TDSTIN, Charleston, S. C "The white hair ia becoming obviated, and new hair forming, f-c.- ' 0"We might swell this list, but if not convinced TRY IT. - MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOCALSAMUM. Or World's Hair Dressing, is essential to use with the Restorer; and is the best Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in eases of hair falling, ste., without the Restorer. Grey hatred, Bald, orperaons afflicted with die eases of the hair or scalp, .read the above, and judge of ' - MRS. S. A. ALLK1X a WOKXU'S HAJB KJv- ,.. 'v - -' STORER. , . v Jl doe not soil or tain. Sold by all the principal wholesale, and retail merchants in the United States, Caba and Ca'rrada. ,. - DEPOT, ZSS BROOIfE-STREET, TT. Y. l3r Seaiedealera' try to ieSf sirtielea Instead of this, on which tney make asore profit. Write to Depot lor circular and rnonnation Dealer sending 9 or more will receive fhe amoanf aa pef terms. , . ;'( Jan. 31. s-13S-3m.-l.-w. ' ' -"r .. f LEARYdk. CUS. Spring style Hate are aiew ready at the Hat and Cap F.mporiam. - f, STATIONERY; 4SS SKfrti BLASK. BOOKS, f ' - '"l " PAPOP AIL f I IS. W. WfllTlKE j j DESCRIPTION, " j', jfct-fc So. Side Market Wf.'.Srj iJARDS, j" 36S .Wn.MIA'GTON, N. C "stL i 1 I j PENS, INK. &c, Ac ARTIST'S MATERIALS HEALTH OR SICKNESS CHOOSE BETWEElX THEM, r It TV D0LL0 WAY'S PILLS rHE bljcd furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ ; when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS operate directly upon the elements of the stream sf life, neutralizing the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located is the nerves, the stom ach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. UPED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD! HOLLOWAY'S PILLSare equally efficacious in complaints common to the Whole tinman race, and in disorders peculiar to certain Climates and localities. . . ALARMIXG DlfORDERS. Dyspepsia, and dernfizetneni of toe liver, ihe source ol infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, however aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and ionic they relieve the bowels, purifying the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution at the same time. GENERAL WEAKNESS NERVOUS COM .. PLAINTS. When ail stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of ilia victim of general debility. I DKL1CATK FEMALES. All irregularities and ailments incident to the delicate and sensitive organs of the sex are remov ed or prevented by a few doses of thesr mild, bul infallible alteratives. No mother who regauls her own or her children's health! fail lo have them within her reach. I SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London "Lancet." the London ''Medical Rev'ew," and the most ervtneit of ihe faculty in Great Britain, France and Gerniany, have eulogiz ed the Pills and their inventor.! Hollowby's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases : Asfhma Bowel Com plaints Coughs Colds Chest Diseases Costiveness . Dyspepsia Diarrhoea -Dropsy Debility Fever and Agae Lownessof Female Co nv Spirits plaints. Headaches Indigestion Influenza Inflammation Piles Stone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms 'Vcncral Affec tions Worms, 6f all Inward Weakf . ness Liver Com plaints kinds Sold st theiVlanufactures of Professor Hol iowav, 8li Maiden Lane, New-York, and 214 Strand, London, by nil respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine hroughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 23 cents, 62J cents, and 91 each. ! There Is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. . N. B. Directions for the' guidance of patients iu every disorder are affixed la each box. --, &C.VU l lO I None are genuine tfnless the words "Hollotcay. rcw York and London," aredis cernable as a tcater mari in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot: or box; Ihe same nay be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as may lead to the detec tion of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the samcj knowing them to be spurious. Dec. 11. 114. CHORE 0LDSCUPPERS0NG WINE. WE hive just received three barrels of thisele ganl Old Wine. Together with Champaigns of the best and most celebrated Brands 1 pipe Old Tom Gin half pipe of that Cressent Brandy. Old Bourhone Whit-Key, Old Mononsehela and Rye Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandv, Sherrv. Port, McderU, Clareit Mffleagaand Mederia Wine (it cooking purposes, Citron Raisins, Currants. In fact every article belonging to-the Grocery Business can be found here upon the lowest cah term. .At GEO. UVEKS.- Nov. 27. ' : L 109.. W. G. MILLTGAN, J MARBLE MANUFACTURER,' North. Water Strekt. Wixmington, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head uni Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble H'ori furnished to I order on reasonable tern s. 1 June S. A - ' : j " - ' 3S-ly-c - f BR LS. Planting and Ealing Potatoes. tJ 300 bunches Garlic, in fine order. For sale by , Wil. H. ONEAlJ4. Mar-n J. - : i in ADVICE TO HUSBANDS ASD WIVES. Also, those contemplating Marriage. 4. CoVd Steel plates 85 els. plain plates Z' cis. free of postage. - - j This work contains a dissertation on the nceeesitT of Marriage, instructions in Courting, with a for Love, effects of Celibacy, Cohabitation, cause of Sterility explained,-increase of family, with manyother usciu! instructions, from the French of Jean Dubois. Address. r HENRY S. G. SMITH 6V CO. ' ; Rax 4210 PmstOffin. N Vr Agent Wonted. . Jan. 31 135 6m. HAT AND CAP. EMPORIUM. CBAS. D.-BIfERS. ; (successor to Shepibd 6b Myers.) i If A N U F ACTL R rTR,VlioIeSale and Re ti I Deal ilA, een Hats. Cap, Knrs, and Stra Goods. Also Umbrellas. Canes, Belts, Ac, together with every article usually found la a first Class Kasb. ion- able Hat Store. 34 Market st. two doors below Scott 3k Bald- win's. ; .. - N. B. Military Goods of every description furn ished to order. . i . ". Jan. 15..:' '"-'- ' i ... ' f''- COFFEE! COFFEE!! t BAGS RIO. - I 12 Java. ' 50 16 . Lagnavra. ! 4 . Now Landing A for sale by. ' - - i- ZKNO II. GREEN. Fab. 3. ; I. ., 137. . i ' " : . ; NOTICE. L THE subscriber respectfnlry eal's ihe attention of his customers and patrons to ihcir Accounts, Sue January lstT 1857- It Is hoped they will be paid immediately, a the bills are now ready. Jan. 3. , .?!- ;V; I GEO. MYERS. KIMBAX1W WnlTTEMOBE CO., ' 3 Broadway, New-York, " ' Mianofaerarers ef every kind of -v . ::i . : LOOKING GLASSES, And Dealers. in Looking-Glsss Plate,' French Plate, arid French and Germs a "Window Glut. , is. 31. - , t 135 3nr.-. w. V. . c R1I55LVS. RIISIXS. FPESH arrivals Jn whole and Half b Ma. For sale br W ' - :Z EN O Ut K KN Ki Jaa 24. - - ';v-i -3S. I n 3 mm OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE V ; . WilmlBgvon saddle. Harness, an Trans; i Manufactory. THK s ubscribe r respectl u liy i n for tn s t h ep nbli e that he has recently received additionsio his atock of Saddle and Harness Motfntlffgs,ctj.,the JateBtand most improved style, and is copstanly manufacturing, a thisstore on market street. every description of article in the above line Front hie experience in the business, he feels co n 15 d"eni that he will beatfie to gi ve en tire satisfaction to a I lw ho ma favor him with a call. He has now on hand and willconstanily 1teep a laraeassortmentof Coacl, Gin and Suite? Harness, Imdy" SadJUs , UndL-S. Wkvs,$-c.; Genllcmen s Sifidlrs Whips Spurs, f-s. ch he will warrant to be ofrw -allof llthe bt THt h best materials and workmanship. has also a large assortment or. z . Trunks. VilUn. Saddle aiid Carret Eazs, Satchels, l- ancy Trunks, &.., ;and all other ar ticles usually kept in -ch establishmcnts'all of which heoilert lowfei " ASH, or onshortcredit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Redica I Bags, 4c. 4e.. made to order. , - . - r ,1 In addition tothe above the sb8enaeralws:f i keeps on hand a large supply of 'String Leather . and haa new, and will ke?p through the season a good assortment of KJy Nt-tts. " '-'' All are invited to call and examine my G"eeds whetherin wantornot, asl takepleasnreirvsh-w-ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a call: - - HarnessandCoach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture.' Also, Whir at wholesale : ; Allkindsof Riding Vehitles bough t . old on eomniis-ions. JOHN J. COItOLKV . F b. 7. 1FS6. -33 .,. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. QrvfY prime second hand Barrels, just receivi d OUU per Schr. Wake, far sale by Jan. 15. ADAMS, BRO. A CO. SNUFF AND CIGARS. 1 f BBIs Lorrillard's SnKiF. I J 53.000 Cigars fo- sale by; . "... ZEN'6fI. GREENE. Feb. 10. . - DENRY NUTT, . FACTOR AND FSRWIRDlMi AGENT, Will give hi personal attention to business entrust ed t hi care. - , , .Sept. 8. I8S6. 75-lv-c. SUNDftlES. CHEESE, dBntasses, Flour, Mullets, Pork, Lard, Bacon &c for sale by . ZENO II . GREEN. Feb. 137. NEW ARRIVALS " ' OF FHESn GROCERIES. v THE Subscriber has just returned from the ; North with a full and well selected stock of choice Groceries, comprising every vsriett that tends to complete an assortment, consisting in part of 100 bags Coffte, Mocha, Government Java, Lnguyra.Rio and Si Dominpo; 10C bids. Sugars of all grades; Choice Wines, Liquors ; Champaign of the most celebrated brands. Teas, Goshen But ter. F. M B"cef,Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues, Sal mon, Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, CodfUh, Frctlv Lobsur and Shad, Sardines, Sauces, Catsups; Soda, Sugar, Butter. Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Wi'cr Ciackers, Colgates Family Soapa, Fancy Toil- t Soaps, Pickles of every varietyEnglifh Pineapple and Goshvn Cheese, Csfidies ol nil erades. Bottled Liquors ofevery variety. Pure CMd Tom Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Curranta and Cit ron, (New Raisons Expected J' Porter and !, Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary in n!l Ff varieties, Preserves, Jellvs.Droma.Corn Starch, Clour, Chocoiite, Ladies Fancy Baskets. 2C0.000 ati"ars, Tobacco, Ac, &c, ore , all Tbw for cash it" GEORGE MYERS' Country Merchants are particularly invited to call and examine, before purcboiiing tlsewhcce . Oct. 7. HniSREY ! WHISKEY ! ! VOW landing and lor sale by - i Feb 26. ZENO H. GREENE. . NOW LANDING. , BBI.S. Stuart's Sugars all graces. 30 t bis. and boxes Crac kers. 50 boxes Adamantine CandlesNos. 1 d 2. GO 25 do Assorted Cer.dy. -" 12 kegs best Orange county N- Y. Butter. 50 bb!s."Irish Potatoes. 50 do Liquors, for sale by 3larch5. ZENO H-GREENE. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! SECOND DIVISION. S3 10,000 worth of Farms and Building iiota; ; ' ' In the Gold Region of Culpepper County, Vir ginia, to fie divided anmngsl 1050 substriber", on ihe I3th of April, 1557. SubsOriptions only ten'-dollar each ; one half down, the res on ih deliver of the Died, r.very sebsciiber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from 10 fo $25,000. These Farma and Lota are sold so cheap loinjuce settlements, a sufficient huui- ber bting reserved, the increase in the value of , which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. A company of settlers, called "The Rappsean nock Pioneer Association," is now forming nnd will commence a settlement in ih spring. m ple St curlty will be given for the faithlul perforn -ance of contracts and premises Mote Agenta are wasted to ob'aln setter! bcrs. to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Some-Agents write that they are snak ing tiOO per month. Advertising wltl be done for every Agent where possible.' For full particulars, " Subscriptions', Agencies, Ac. Apply to E. RAUOEIt., Feb. 10. Port Royal, Caroline Co ,' Va. THE NORTH CAR0L1A MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C03JP'V, RALEIGH, N. C. TnE above Company h?s been inoperatlocsincc the lttof April, 1843, under the directior.of the following Officers, via : Dr. Charles is.. Jonneon, rresioent, ( Wm.D. Hay wood. Vice President, ' John G. Williams, Secretary, . Wm. II-Jones, Treasure. .. r r , Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney , ' Dr. Charles E. Johnson,. Dr. Wm.H.McKee, I Dr. R.Bi Haywood, ' Medical IJoa.-d bf Cunruiialicn. . , j. Hersman, General Agent - This Company has reeeived a charter giving ad iintiKti tothe imrured over anv other ComDun v. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children free from any elaimrof the representa tives ol tne husband or any of hii creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the" life members parlieipateln the vkatexti the profits hie h aredecurrea annuany. reswes, tne applicant lot Ife.wnen thennnwalpremiumis over330 may pay one naif in a Note. All claim s for t n strrance t ga ins I the Cnmna nywil! " tpaid withinninety daysaftcrproof of the death cHhe party isfurnidhrd. Slaves sre insured forone or five yrara, at rat s which will enable all Slaveholders to secere thi class ofproperityagainstthe uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting featureir. the history of North Gafolinw.hich wiiJ prove very important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a vcrjl argeamoont of businese more than the Directors expected to do tbe first year' hating already issued more than 206 Policies. - Dr. W. W. HAsarss, Medical Examiner, and Agent. Wilmineton, N.C. - Allonfm.inlcaMonsonbBelaesf of th CoiDfany should be addrescf to . ' RICHARD H. a.tTTLj:, See, RaIeigb.Jone8.I65C. , FORRENT. : - A DOCS E ever the Rail Road, near the Drprt, ' and new plank toad corner o 3dand Brurs-wlrk- streets. Possession given , nsmediatelv. in- joirf G. dr C. BRADLEY. UetZJ. - . - 113 tr. K0TICE THEsubseriberrespectfally informs thepnWie thatheianowrranasetitrg the Auction b Heine- oahisownaeeo-nnt.aad hopes by strict attendosuo busioers, to merit a continuance nthat patronage heretofore soil bers Hi bestowed open him. .. - M.CROKLy.. Stock, Real Estate and Negroes. bought and sold on a com missien, tether at private or public sale. Jan"I.I654. " , ... .. MULLETS ! . MULLETS ! I 1 fi Bbls. fa KoodTOrder Snd for ca b 1UU Jan.2i I ZEUO H.GREEVE. B.XtdttKCli. S. POTTta. jr. JCABD D0LLNER, POTTER &T0: - COMMISSION MER OJIATTTSi n as v v a una . A pel Itff, IRAS. saajr-- rir. ' 0 a, --'; ' TSfc X fm