At I I yV yV N yS. A W Af Jk. W ! a Ms, VOLUME XII NUMBER 4. WILMINGTON; N? C .V TUESDAY MORNINGrMAKCH 24, 1857. WHOLE NUMBER 1 402 i aV I, III WW rUC ItiMVtih'HLY COJIMEltCIAL I published every Tcssdav, Thvssdav and Satosoat si 15 per annum, payable Inallcaaea In advance. KV PHOjJ. LOaiNO Editob and PsoFauros, B B N7. VV. SANDERS Associate Editob. Corner Front and Market Street, W1LMIBOTOV. . e. KITES OP ADVERTISING. 1 qr. 1 insertion $0 60 I 1 aqr. 2 niontha, 4 00 I 2 " 76 1 3 6 00 i 3 " I 00 I 1 " 6 8 00 1 " 1 month, 2 601 "12 1200 Ten lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement eiceeds ten tinea, the pilce will be in troDortion. All advertisements are payable at the lime of heir Insertion, idniracts with yearly advertisefa, will bt made In tho moat liberal tenna. No tranafor of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Shoald clrcu.iistances render changs in business, or an unexpected removal heceasary.a charge according to the pnblished terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. . . The nrivilece of Annual Advertisers la strictly limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisements for the benefit of other persona as wall as all advertisements not Immediately con nccted with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charred at the usual rates No Advertisementa la Included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or country, or for the aale or hire of negroes, whetb er the property Is owned by the advertiser or by other persons These are excluded by the term ''immediate V AH I'lver'Hement Inserted In the trl-wecklv Commercial are entitled to one ieaertion In the Weekly free of charge. JOBi CARD AND FANCY PRINTING KXtfrlJTED II SUPERIOR STYLE. r vcuirs van this commercial,. New Ynftk Mcrars. Dollnbb & Pottsb. flttton ChaslsSmith, No. 6, Central Wharf Phtfitderphta o. K. Consm. Hutlimore Wm. II. Peak and Wai. Tmomsom ORIGINAL MATTER. N. V. Correiojtideiice ot the Commercial. New Yon, March 19, 1857, "Hoptt deferred maketh the heart sick," and strny sun-glimpses, warm wandering galea from happier climes, only tantalize Us with rich promises, as we toil alon triTougn aarK ana gioomy weainer. I ne bilious season is upon us, which, in despite of Bryant, we must affirm to be "the sad dest of the year." In such weather noib ing goes right: the Ten Commandments ure broken lb bits in sheer desperat.on ; we are all Ishmaelites, every man's hand is a gainst his neig bor. Business moves slow ly ahd intcrmiltenily ; out of town trade is fat from being active and our imporrer-f grofr disheartened with their great stocks lying almost idle on their hands The lines of transportation are crowded with freight and buyers are hind red in their (Iterations by the great difficulty and ex pefise which it incurred in gelling goods fairly shipped and on their .vay out of the city. The great spring auction sales of dry goods have fairly commenced, and offer the only very noticeable feature of the week in a business point of view. The goods sold in this way ore, for the cnosi part, of those trashy descriptions which af ter fceffig Sprinkled wilh a little bad rain water dfaw crowds of excited lady buyers, tempted by prospects of rafe bargiins in "wet goods."- It is stfangfe what a partial ity very intelligent people evince for these wet goods. The demand for them is so expensive that the "welting" has now be come quite a branch of btfsifieCs' fn small establishments near the Bowery. Some of Yhe old heads think it a very acute kind of a trick to taste the wet goods before pur chasing in order to ascertain whether they have really absorbed the saline water of the great deep, or have been merely sprinkled with tasteless croton. But the "welters" are too sharp for these gentle men ; they salt the Croton I As the dailies cannot discover any out side subjects to "pitch into," they are obliged to resort to the expedient and let out their effervescent Venom upon each other. The war between the Tittles and Herald is carried on wilh great vigor, arid, thus far thn Times hat decidedly the best of it. The Herald charges that the pro prietors of the Times are stock jobbers and established the paper for the purpose of forwarding their interests in that line, while the Times retaliates by republishing from the old files o' its adversary, who.'e columns of puffs of the "Porker vein" and other swindling exterprises. The fact is, that our commercial writers, like our Con gressmen, are, as a class, constitutionally low in the pocket, and are, therefore, are ly insensible to the claims of a few hundred dollars worth of temporarily valuable stocks, earned by a dozen careless strokes of the pen. Every men who buys fancy stocks without a thorough personal ac quaintance with the market does it at his own peril. The literary world here is remarkably quiet, and very few of the new productions hav met with decided success. The po ems of R H. Stoddard have beeji very fa vorably received in literur, circles, and this youngest of our American poeta, w,ith the exception of G. B. Aldricb, has a prospect of brilliant success. The new edition of the Wnverly novels, published by Sheldon and Lamport is having a great tale. TO KEEP MOTHS OUT OF WOOLENS. Dip a small piece of cloth in spirits of turpentine, and lay in the chest wilh your clothing. Camphor, and red cedar shav ings, are also good. miscellany:. ZEPR HOPKINS' EXPERIENCE if THE OLD 'ui. " ' When I was down to New ' Orleans, a makin' itiy eiaihal fortln', who should turn rjponedayt of all creation, btit Deacon Lsnitles's darter Sal. a cr tier I used lo be kind o' sweet on in tarmount but good gracious, along side o them are Ureole gals wall, it's no use taking caparisons are odorous as Mrs Majapfojj says in the play. Of course I wasn't over and above delighted to see her diln't jump clean outer my "butes or tare my dickey, or do anyibin'o' that sort but seein's how I'd written the creeter son e pooty strong let ters. when 1 was to hum and as Verdant as - ..... -1 i I I . . I C n yrnr uiu uuiiacr, pin n puuiy guuu iace An th mntivf n. tbA k'i. i .o Ar.f. fleglad to see bfer. "Th' bW deacea pooty well to do ahd in case nothin' breaksX thirrks I whv. Sal li a "fjoatv nie. o-iil. and, all things considered, I ctiight go fur- ther and fare wuss. Ef I didn't go further and fara wuss, may I be kicked fo death by grasshoppers. But I'm gettin ahead of my story, l sninned up aein to Sal. and t ok her out to ride a few times treated her to ice creams akseltery, once in a while. But what on airth put it into my head to take the critter to a ball 'cept it waa my ill luck- 1 never could discover. To make a long story short, I took Sal to a ram pin' tearing two dollnr ball. Fix m's eleirant Atnrrikin flajrs bokuys the blackest kind 'er nicger fiddlers --chalk ed floors ak setiery. But five minnits af ter I'd been thar 1 didn't see no gas-lights, no flowers, no cbulk, no niggers, no Sal, no nothin' except one of the most sulendirTer- ous, angeliferous, on ccountable, bewitch- in ', fncmoraiin', fern ile craters 1 ever sot rny two gooseberry eyes onto. 1 k itched holt of a floor manager, and make him introduce me to her. Gee-wbit- eaker what a kurchy she made, and 1 bowed so low that i nearly fell outer my dickey onto the floor. We danced a good reel, and I was so delighte I with the crit ter I engaged her for the hull evening. "Do you waltz, Mr. Hopkins?" said sne. "I don't do noihin' tdst;" said I, as bold as brass; and with that I ketched boll of her, like I seen the other fellers duin' to their gals, an' if I didn't sling her, then ther's no snow on Killingly Peak. A few complimentary remarks, sech as "go it boots I" from the bystanders, encourmred me to do my pootiest, and the way 1 slung them cowhides round was p ifficly orful 1 say it with a realizing sens of the moral responsibility of the assershun. 'Oncet in a while 1 ketched sight of Sl seiiin' upa- ginst tne wall, n solitary glory, o it ii on ly made me cut np the harder Bitne-by I got kinder dizzv, and next thing 1 knowe'd 1 whs seiiin' on a sofy. and thai 'ere anjf I a holiin soils lo mv nose, and hendin' over me like a hen over a spavined chicken. I didn't see no more nor think no more of Sal arter that. How she got hum, or when she goi hum, I didn't inquire. 1 waited on my angel to her door. and when she telled me at partin' I might call on her, 1 we t hum chuck full of glo ry and napprness, and dreamed all nighi the strangest kind of dreams about ray be in' in the Garden of Eden and ulavin' "High IjOW Jack" with General Wa.hing- ton and Mary U.ueen of Scots. Next day prehaps 1 didn't call 'On mv charmer wall, I reckon I did, though. I bust right out, and called her all the an gels in creation, and told her I loved her better than maple sugar ahd new cider. "Will you do me a favor?" Says she. "Anything in reason or agin reason." said I. "Well," says she, look in' gbod enough to eat, "1 Want you to buy me a cowhide here's a bit to pay f r it." "Darn the expense I" says I, "I'll make you a present of it." Off I went, proud of the commission, and bought her a real stinger cost rife a shil- i hn' wonderin' who on airth she Wanted to give a lie kin to. "I hev it," thought I, "some other feller she don't like has been a persecutin' her, and now she's goin' to gin nun tne eacK and a licking' into the bar gain." So says Ii as I handed her the Cowhide ; "Miss Evelina (that was her name),l should like to know the name of the individual that 'ere cowhide is destined to astonish." "He's about y ;ur size," says she, with a peculiar smile that 1 didri't somehow ex actly like. Then she telled me h w Sal had been there, and told her bow shame ful I'd treated her and then and then my stars 1 if she didn't use that cowhide powerful. . ."Hold on I" says I, "it harts." "Ulad or it," says fihfc; "plenty more licks whar them cums from I" and she pelted away on my head, and ears, and limbs, and arms, till the air seemed full of licks and cowhides. I hollered "enuff," but twarn't no kind of use. Enuff to me was only just beginning to her. I hedn t hed sech a lick- in' sence l blowed up the old skule house stove with father's powder-horn, and got Ketcnea jesi as i was techin' off the train. I rid hum in a kerridge that cost me a I itnr and I kept my bed for a fortnite pi was a sight to be seen I My hed swel led up bigger rf a yaller pumpkin. When I got well 1 went to see Sal. to explain mat ters and make it op with her. Bui she didn't keer to make my akwaintance. Tho ingratitude of wimmen is unaccounta ble. And thai was a feUer with black whiskers setiin along side of her, who said someihin' about spilin for a fie, which made me make tracks in double quick time. The story gol into the new -papers, and darned if it didn't ake New Orleans too hot to hold toe. Sal. too. soon married the dark of a steamboat. 80 I cum north, but I hain't called oo no orals sence. and hain't been to no balls, for cowhides erow in Bos ton just about as vigorous as ihey do in New Orleane, an I a feller -hat's bed one aucb a lickin as 1 hed, don't care about another at no price whatsumbever. Flag ef Our Vnxom. J-yom tie FageUeviUe Argus, 21 stinst. MEETING OF THE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. "- The annual meeting of the .Western Rai Road Company was held in the Town Hall on Monday last CoL John McRae Chairman and John M. Rose Secretary. A large Majority of the stock was Repre sented. 1 he Report of the President was read, an J unanimously adopted. We have not room to insert the Report -this week, but will lay it before ouf readers in our next is sue. The following preamble and resolu tion were also unanimously adopted Whereas, it is understood tliat several of toe owners of . Mineral Units on Deep Riv er have intimated to the .President and Df rectors a desire to dispose, of portions of I . . , . "VI r ' nocir mineral inuresrta thiJomnanv : b"l - !leM,rd:''Tllat '-ove u giintis&i 1 lo ,earD that - some WVWb owdms tf Jrtlese MaDj haveT at length been arousedfo the advantages of a connection witfeoUr road; a"d .that lhe President and Directors be au i&orized and requested to make such ar 'angements of the kind as may be mutual 'J "'i'i!uu.s- 1'he following officers were elected for the ensuing year, after which the meeting adjourned : President Charles B. Mallett. Secretary and Treasurer John M. Rose. Directors George McNeill. A. A. Mc- Kelhan, T. S. Lutierloh, H. L Myrover, W'm. T. Home, Wm. McLnufin, Jol,n H. Cook, Hon. James C. Dobbin, iirid Jas. Kyle. JUDGE LOR1NG The following remonstrance has been presented by Judge Edward G. Loriiig a gainst the prayer f ihe petitioners that he may he removed from the office of Judge of Probate, for the reason that he continues to act also as a Commissioner of the U. S. Supreme Court, conirary to the laws of Massachusetts: To the" Honorable the Joint Committee of! the Senate and House of Represenimivcs j on Federal Relations. I, Edward G. Loring, Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk, respectfully sub mir, in answer to the petition of Francis Jackson ttnd others, asking for my remova from said office of Judge of Probate .That I h tve held the office of Commis sioner of the Circuit Court of the United states, and also the said office of Judge of Probate, since the enactment of the siaiui of Massachusetts, A. D. 1855, chapter 469 as me peunotiers allege. 1 hat 1 considered the Said Statute to be unconstitutional, i . the. provisions to which me petitioners refer; lhat it had teen held It be unconstitutional by His Excellency ino Crovernor of the Commonwealth, upon tne opinion oi tne Attorney Uetieral of the U Jiiiinon weahh. 'I'k.i ,K. I.. f II . . wm me prujue in 'Viussucnuseiis nave ;nade the Constitution the rule nnd mens ure oi every .man s righis and duties under it; and that every man, by claiming its ngms oi cinzensnip, and, more especially a iviagisirate, by taking his oaih of office pledges bis faith "to support the Constitu lion," nnd thus duty, a solemn moral obli gation, lo the people of Massachusetts. That, if Citizens are bound and magistra tes are sworn -it support the Constitution" against anything, u is against unconslhu tional laws; and tl,e Masistrate who fur ihers by obedience or onherwise, directly oi niuireciiyj anu in any degree, an uncon stitutional law violates his duly and is guil ty of perjury. And l respectfully claim, that in with holding-all furtherance from the statute, on wnicn me petitioners lounff heir prayer, i airecuy miniied my duty, as a cmen and a magistrate, to the constitution and people vi wiassacnuseus. rnsuomitting this answer to the commit tee I respectfully Drotest. ihrtt it in th m i w meaning and purpose of the constitu ion, that the official action of Judicial Officers shall be inquired iqto, only on impeach ment, oeiore tne appointed tribunal and ac cording to the due forms of law; that there is oo other protection for the Judiciary a- gatnsi popular excitements, the dominance of party ahd the legislation it fashions; and that I have appeared before the committee only because I would not avoid any tribu nal formed within the letter of the constitu lion, and because of my conviction that the committee, in the performance of its own duties, would assure exact justice to all persons, according to the constitution and constitutional laws. All of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed ) EDWARD G. LORING, , Judge of Probate. Boston. March 9, 1857, THE BLONDE RINGLET AT THE FALE. At a charity fair lately gol up by the benevolent fashionables of Paris, ihe Prin cess P- had ajsounter, covered with ele gant trifles. One of her gay acquaintances,- Cbunt de R- Approached the stall, asd,. after looking at all the articles', was walking quietly awaj The lovely shop woman, upon this, called out to know whether he was going 10 be so unoourte 0118 as to pass without 'buying something. "I would," said he, with a significant look, "if you would sell me what I want!" "Well, what is it?" . "That lock of golden hair yrhfch falls so gracefully to your shoulders 1" "Ycu shall have it," replied the Prin cess, very promptly, and seizing a pair of scissors, she clipped It close to .her temples. It was ,1 hen duly wrapped in a piece of pa per, and handed across" the counter. "Five hundred frafics," said the Prin cess. . TfrA Count as promptly rt w a check front his wallet, and filled it up for the a mount, secretly thinking it was rather dear, but pocketing it with a very cbivalric grace.. The next day the Count, telling the sto ry, witrflsome triumph,, to bis sister-in-law. (who faaprened u bras intimate friend of the Princess,) was surprised to find it receiv ed with a burst of hearty laughter. "The princess made a good bargain out of you," said his sister, ;for, as I chance to know, the five hundred francs which she eharged you for that single curl, is three or four times as much as she paid the hair dresser for ihe whole wig HOW TO "GO IT." Go it strong in you praise of the absent Some of it will be sure to gel around. Go it strong when you make love to a pretf - widow. More people have erred by loo little than too much in this particular. - Go it strong when taking up contribu tions br a charitable purpose. It will pay. Go it strong when you make a public sperch. Nine people out of ten never take any allusion unless It cuts like a short handled whip or a rhinoceros cowhide. DROPPAKES. One quart of milk, a larire tea-spoonful of saleratus, dissolved in a cup of cream ; to wnicn stir in nour very smoothly until a thick batter is formed. Then dip your spoon in milk, and with It place your bat ter at short distances in a buttered pan. V ery delicate made ejitlrely of cream, eith er witn or without eggs CURE FOR SORE-THROAT. Take one teaspobhful each of red pepper ani common salt, mix wjtn viner-ar. and gargle tne tnroal repeatedly. ' 0 TO DIE RED. 1 ou can die red with either cochineal. madder, Brazil wood, or archil ; the latter s generally preferred for common dyes. A um is all that is required lo fix a color. A LITTLE SWEDISH GRL. A " . - 4 "... . . in interesting anecdote is told ot a Swedish girl who had given evidence that a saving change mid been wrought upon her. She was walking with her father one night, under the starry sky, intently medi tating upon the glories of heaven. At last. ooking up to the sky she said, "Father. I have been thinkiner if the wrono- side of heaven is so beautiful, what will the inside be!" NEW ROUTE TO THE MISSISSIPPI. The Milwaukie and Mississippi Railroad is completed to within ten miles of Prairie du Chien, on the Mississippi, and will be open through the entire route in April. - I his line runs through the first poriion of Wisconsin, and ts a "short cut to North- i 1 & t - . . - em luwa hiih viirinesoiii. n is wen con structed and thoroughly managed. Cleveland Herald. a country editor received trie lollowinsr stop my paper: "Dear sir, I have looked carefully over your papr for six months for ihe death of an individual I was ac- or tne aeain 01 an individual 1 was ac- juainted with; but as yet not a single sou! I cafe about has dropped off, Yoi will .lease have my name erased." , I please have my Which is the most trying to a wonVfcn a greenhorn of a servar.t girl or a itove that on t draw," the day she experts com pany 7 Mrs. Jones hired, the. other day, a ivnss fvicuermolt, just Irom Cork. Miss McDermott. was ordered to "boil the tea kettle." "The wha' ?" "The tea kattle ." "An do you mane that?" "Certainly, 11 1 did not 1 would not order you to do it and te quick about it.' "Yes, marm." i.t: A-ti .... . . ivnss iwcLermou ooeyed orders, in a- bout half an hour afterwards, Mrs. Jones resumed the conversation. "Where's the lea kettle, Briget V "In the dinner poi. You told me to boil it, and l ve had a scald on it for nigh an hour I" Mrs. Jones coul i hear no more. She had a rusn ot blood to the head, and went off in a swoon. A sailoh looking serious in a chapel in Boston, was asked by arminister if he felt any cnange? iot a cent,"aid Jack. GEORGE R. FRENCH; MANUFACTt7RE& AND WHOLESALE f- RETAIL DEALER IN H BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND , ., oxiUJ r IINDUNUS, , :'- N 0. 11. M A R K E T 8 T R E E Tr WILMINGTON, Hi. C. March 6. 151 I J BARLO VV, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS. WINES ALE PORTER, (f-c. No. 3, Granite How, front Street. WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P56. ' " 140-tf. GEO. Wi 15 A VlS, DOiUMlSSION SlEltCriANT, 5UU1H WA1EK SIHEET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 23. r . 132. AS.C. SMJTB , MltES COSTIN. JAS: C- SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26 . 181 r STOK LEY Ol DH A M, GROCERS -AND CO EMISSION MRCDANTS, WILMINGTON N. C. Liberal Cash advaoces made orf Vfoait Cotton, nd Naval Stores Ctmsiffnid to (hem Ang. l i. 65 ly- SAMUE'L A. HO'LMES . ATTORNEY AT LA itlLMlNGlOX, N. C. Will attend the CobmS of Daptia, Sampson sod New Hanover Office oa Princess street, next door East of the State Bank. April R ' r , j:. a.,y T EY i. Cirs? Spring style Hats are now March 2, FOREIGN GOLD AND SILVER COIN . TH EI a VALUE AT THE MINT. GOLD COINS. Austria Quadruple ducat $9 12 0 Ducat 2 27 Sovereign (lor Lombard) J 6 85 0 Baden Five Gulden 2 4 Bavaria Docat . . 2 27 Belgium Twenly-lranc piece 3 S3 2 Twenty -five Iranc piece - 4 72 0 Bol.'via Doubloon - j . 15 58 0 Brazil Fieceol b4UU reis 8 72 0 Britain Sovereign 4 84 Brunswick Ten-Thaler Central American.... Ec-udo ... 7 89 0 ...14 96 0 67 0 83 5 Gold Dolar Chili Doubloon before. 1835). 19 Doubloon (183o and 15 Denmark Double Fred, or 10 Thaler 7 Ecuador Hall doubloon: .......... 7 57 0 6& 0 S3 0 '50 0 97,0 idfit-al TreBlv drafarna 45 0 Hanover ren rhaler, George ITfr. 7 Ten-Thaler tf imarn Iand Ernest 7 Hindosiao Mohur. East India Co.". 7 MecklenburgTen Thaler 7 84 0 890 10 0 89 0 Mexico-- uouoioon, average 15 53 0 Netherlands Dticfit.t: 2 20 5 Ten guilders 4 00 7 New Granada Dotibloon. 21 carat. standard 15 51 0 Doubloon, 21 enrat standard. inclu ding the silver J 15 71 0 Doubloon. 9 lOths standard .15 310 Doubloon. 9 lOths standard, inclu ding the silver ....15 38 0 Persia Tornaun 2 81P Peru Doubloon, Lima, lo 1S33....15 55 0 Doubloon, Cuzco, lo 1833 15 C2 0 Doubloon. Cuzco, to 1S37. 15 5.1 e Portugal Hall joe (lull weighi).... 8 65 0 Crown 5 81 0 Prussia--Double Ftederick: 8 OO n Rome Ten ecudi .10 37 o Russia -Five roubles 3 OS 7 Sardinia 1 wenly Ine: ....... 3 Saxony Ten Ihald s. ; f, 7 84 5 94 Ducat ; 1 26 0 90 0 Spain Pistole (qr. doubloon)..;... 3 1 urkey Hundred piastres 4 37 TuscanySequin. . . .. . . 2 United States- -Eairle f before June. 30 0 1S31) ; ...........10 Fire dollar piece ol C.-Bcchler, av 62 0 erage..:. 4 85 Uollnr ot ihe same, average. : . 96 0 Five dollar p'c of A. Been tier $4 92 a 5 00 0. Uoiiar 01 tiio same. PS Oregon Exchange Co---Five dollars. 4 S2 IV G. x ft. San Francisco, Five dols. :.. $4 S3, a 4 S5 e Miners' IJanlr San Francisco-Ten dollars ..9 C6 a 9 92 0 .MofTatl& Co., 9 78 a 9 93 0 " Sixteen dollar ingots, about...... 15 750 RATES OF POSTAGE. T ... j.brTEK8 composed ol one or more tnecet ol paper, but not exceeding half an ounce in weighi. ent any disliince not exceeding S00C miles, 3 cenls : over 3000 miles. 10 Double rale ilexcivdinff I. all' an mi 1 ir p ireoie. it exccedmir ounce ; and so on hargmg an additional rale for everv addi tional hall' ounce, or fraction ol halfan om.r.p "su'u pre-jiii ynir tn neuig required on a" 'en' i places within the United Stales, er April let, 1S55 a"(l H,t,er 1856, all let A ..... ... t . its between places in the United Slates must bt? pre-naid, either by poslage slamns. or eianea envelopes. Lietttrs dropped 111 the post office, for de livery in the same place. 1 cent earh inciters advertised areeharsred 1 cent each. besides regular postage. Drop letters are not advertised. CiRCCLAfls, 1 rent for 3 ounces or less to ny part oi the United Biales. to consist ol but one piece ofnaner ure hnvment oniinn -. 1 ai. D.ij Iv newsp'apers weighing three ounces r less, 1-4 eenis per nnarter. u'lin scm Irom the office of publication to actual and . T 7 ....... - . ... oonahde subscribers any where in the Uni ted blates. Transient newspapers sent anv- where within Ihe United Slates. Iceht for - -i s . J three ounces or less. uen ine article to De ma ei is a circu lar, pamphlet, or newspaper, it should be so eiivelopud as to be open atone end other wise. 11 win oe cnaraed as a letter. BRITISH POSTAGE RftlSGEMEXTS. Letters posted or charged In the fjnited btates will be rated at a half ounce to the single letter j over n hnlfand not exceeding ii ounce, as a nouoie letter ; over fin ounce nnd not exceeding an ounce and a half. a a treble letter; and so on. each half ounce or iractional excess roaesutuling a rate. 1 he single rates lo be charged on each letler,po6ted in the United Stales addressed to any place in Great Britain or Ireland is di cents? the double rate 48 i and so ch. ssaid postage on letters come to anv dace in Great Britain or IrelanH m:iu ho rre.nn A if the whole amount is tendered at the office' in the U. S. where mailed, at the oniion o the sender. v nti-APH8 may oe roauen at anv omce HT - in the United Stales to any place in tbe United Kingdom son the pre-pavment of 2 cents, and may on receipt from any place in Oreat Britain or Ireland, be delivered at anv office in the United States, on payment of 2 cents. Iote. kach Lrovernmeni is fo charge 4 cenls on each newspaper. I hese are to be sent in bands of covers, open at the sides or encs, and to contain no manuscript what ever. . " Persons rfiftilinir letters to fbrefffh cbun- tries, with which ihe United States bave not entered into postal arrangements, are remin- ! ded that it is necessary for them to pre-pay the rnfper postage, or the letter cannot be (brwaded . NEW BOORS. IN A I afld PlestUfe in connection with tbeir 1 History. By Arthur Penrhvn Stanley. . li. Canton of Canterbury, with Maps and Plan. The Private-Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by FletcbeWebster. The History of the Ilrlanof the KrnnerorCharle the Fifth by William Rotx rjron, D D. With so account of the Emperor's Life sfier his Abdication. By William Hfrescott. The New Life of Summerfield Rv Wtlttam M WilltU The Green Meunfain Bove AHisiarinl Tale of the early settlement of Vermont. Rilla froni the Fountain of Lffe; or, SertrYon to Bv Rev. Rirftatd .rten. D ri, of St. Pauls' Church, Philadelphia. Selections far Sabbath Readinf. and Brief Mis cellaneoba Essays, Moral and delicious. By J.W Tucker. M D. Also farther supplies of John Hali fax, Gentlemjn History of lite Elephant rilob. rrincipies ena rrscuces ni Baptists. For sale by Feb. 19. THE BOOK STORE. t .ak 4aAj t?9 - ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABBTHTOWN. N. C. Will attend tbe Coonty and Soperior Courts of Bladen, Robeson, Col ambus and Sampson. Junel. . 38 If CX)LS, A -rSO 97 5 ..... . 430 Tvveuly kreuizcrs. 16 0 Lira I lor Lorn hardy J .. iy q uaucn down Gulden or florin Bavaria Crown. Florin Six kreuirsers. . ; .. . V. . . . . . Belgium Five francs Two and a hall" franc Two francs i.. Franc ; J... Bolivia Dollar . , . ;.-. ,f 07 29 5 06 5 39 5 30 93 0 46 0 37 0 13 5 1 00 6 ; Hall dollar, debased, 1S30 ! Quarter doldf. debased, 1830 Brazil Twelve fiun'Jrid rew.. Eighi hundred rcis; Four hundred Bremen Thirty mix giote BritiTiu Hall ctovvn Shilling j, .". Pourneuce. . . 37 5 . IS 99 2 60 33 0 35 54 0 21 7 BfoiMwielTli alert'. 1 . 7 680 97 0 Cen:ral America Dollar, urfter. say Chili Dollar.. . .......... . ' Quarter dollar; Firbl dollar or rif I 1 010 224 -112 Denmark Riffsbank -thaler - " .. 52 S Specie lhaler Thirtv-two shillh IP'S 1 04 7 - 17 0 18 7 96 0 93 2 15 5 39 5 16 5 26 2 C9 2 68 0 25 7 67 5 1 1 0 39 5 44 7 I 00 0 4 0 I 20 0 40 0 95 98 2 L 02 0 Ecuador Quarter dollar Egypt Twentv nineties France Five francs Franc Frankfort Florin .v . ; .. Greece Drachm ----- Guiana, -British -Guilder Hanover Thaler, fine silver . . Thaler. 750 fine..... ...... Hayti -Dollar, or 100 centi'mrs Hesse Cussel Thaler. : j "One-sixth lhaler Jesse DaniRladl -Floiin or Gulden. . Hindostan Rupees .. Mexico Dollar, avdact Naples Scudo Ntherlanda--Three uuildeis. ' . Guilder ............ Twenty five cenls Two and a half jiuilder. . ; New Granada Dollar, usual Weijrhi Dollar, ligh-er and debased. 1S39.. IVorwaj liigsdn ler .. : ; Persia Sahib koran. ; Peru Dollar. Dima mint Dollar. Cuzco H ill dollar. Ar qu ia debused Hall dollar, Tasco.... Poland Z.'oiy: Portugal Cruzado .5 0 215 00 6 00 8 36 0 49 5 11 2 55 2 12 0 56 0 03 0 11 35 0 CO C 30 0 75 0 135 Crown of lOOOrtis. , .. 1 Half Crown. Prussia Thaler, average ... . One-sixth, arerairc.. ., Double lhaler, or 3 1-2 gulden. Rome Scudo Teston. three scudo Russia Rouble Ten Zloiy.... 1 OCEAN STEAM fiAVIGATION." The followitifr rates olt postage on letters have been agreed, upon tn t ween this govern ment and the German Slates, Prussia. tc. Bremen. 10 cents ; Oldenburg 13; Aliontt; Austrian Empire, (including- Hungarv. G.t liria, Lombanly am.' Venice) Bavaria. Bruns wick, Iiaihburr. Hanover. Meckleiibnurg Schweriue. and S'raeliiz, Kingdom ol Viua sia. Kingdom of Saxony, and Saxc Alifn burjr. 15; all oilier Girmnn States, cities and towns. 22; Switzerland and lhe elher lands 25 ; Denmark nnd Sehleswfg. 27; Po land and Russia, 29; Constantinople, Greece and Sweden 33; Norway. 37 pre-nnyment optional. Alexandria, Corfu. Island ol Malta. Wal lachia, 30 cents ; Italy, (except upper part) 33; prepayment required. Newppapers and Circulars. 2 cents each to be prepaid. Mails fo the Pacific For at einrle let ter, not exceeding halfan ounce in weight, from New York to Cfingres. 20 cents; ts Panama. 20 postage to be prepaid. Pos tage to Cailifprniii and Oregon (tin y being U. iS. possessions) need nol be pre-paid. Havana MiiSs. A line is established be tween Charleston and Havana, lhe el earn ers touching at Savannah and Key West, the postage of which is from the port of de parture to Havana 10 cents orra sinsle let ter, not exceeding half announce in wciffht. with aii additional 10 cenls for each ulIi. tional half ounce, or fractional excess of half an ounce to be pre-paid. Postage on. each newspaper to Havana. 2 cents, also lo be prepaid as on letters. On letters to British jjorth America, 10 cents, il not over 3000 miles ; if over that distance, 15 cents a single rate pre naid or nol, at the option ol the of the sendee. RATES OF POSTAGE To the East Indies, Java. Borneo. Eabnan Sumatra the Moluccas, and the Philio pine Islands, We are authorized to state that, arrange ments having bero made bv Great Briiin for collecting io India the Briu'el. and enhe IbreTjrfi postage on letters between the Uni ted Kingdom and the Eai Indies, whether transmitted via Southampton or via Mar seilles, in the British mail, hereafter the Uni ted Stales postage only should he p epaid m ibis country on letters Jor the Jast Indies lo be transmitted by either ot the above rouiea. z: fice cenls the single- rate when the At lantic conveyance is by Bntuh p-cket, and twenty ctie cttils tvhen by United Stales packet. Owing to a reduction of twelve cent in the British postage beyond England, which looft place on the 1st of February instant, the sin gle rales of letter po-lEge be'tveen th& U i ted Stales and. Java. Borneo. Labnam, Su matra, the Moluccas, and the Philippine Is lands, will hereafter be as follows: To Java, via Southamr tori, 33 instead ol 45 crnls the kali ounce; and iia Marseilles 53 instead of 75 cents ; the half ounce ; vre payment required. " lo Jiorneo, l.abrian, .Sumatra, the Molue . eas. and the fntiinpine inlands the rate wil be 41 instead of53cetits ffkensent via South amptnn, and 61 instead of 73 cents the qnar ter ounce, or 71 instead of 83 cents the lial.' ounce, when sent Ciy closed mail via Mar aeil es : prepayment also required. 1 he -ates above mentioned as chargeable on letters for the Inland of Java wi 1 1 rovide for their conveyance by British packet at tar as Sinfeapore.-bat they will alterwards be abject " to a Nelherland rute of postage on account of the conveyance from Singapore to Java. - - . ' Bv the Prassian C!ocd Mail rales to these countries rv-rIn onclaxied. MEN'S AND BOTS Caps and Cover, issl re ceived at c. D. M TICKS. jnircil 2. ' - 6000 LBS. N- C. BACON JUST received la siore for rale In Ints by - . E?iQ II. 611EFN. ' Fsb. 7. m. SILVER Auttrkt Rix Dollar. Florin BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. im. JOHNSTON, THE founder of this Ctlebrated Iriibiion f frrsthe most certain, Speedy nnd .eIj tCctiw ul rented) in the wot Id Ivr , SECRET DISEASES. G.'eeta, Strictures, Seminal, Taina in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Inipotttcy , VVeaknessof the Back and Lioibs, Affection. u the Kidneys. Palpitation ol the liuail, Djtreisia , Nervous lrritabiity, Disease ol tl.e lleod ' a."3 1 IVose or Skin ; those serious and iii-iaiichbiy dioi dersarising from the dcstrui live h-bits t.f i'ouih,, which destroy both tody and mir.d. Tloe terrtt ': aa litary practices more f.tal 10 their vitillin! than the song of she Syrcts to the oiurintrs cf j eJiysscs.Dlightmg their most brilliant fcoet. ort l; ticipations, rendering m irriage,4c., inirct;t.-. YUbGMi:X. Kepecially, who have become lhe victtuis of Sot.! ri l ure, that dreadful and destiuctive hafeii whieh annually sweeps to an untimely grave thor.Fi.r.r'e of young men of the most cxal.ed tslcuts and brii;i:l t intellect, who might otherwise have entranced Ijw tening Senates with the thunders of, cr waked to ecstacy the living lyre, mat ti.ll v.hh fi,ji confidence. . . f : mjlhiiia ge. . - , . - Alameit perttritt, or oung Mcitjtronictnpiafir ? . marriage, being aw an of Pl Flea! Wrakneis Ci gamc Debility , Deftrrniitirs, tcshoi.ldinin.ecJi. heslthCW1 1 " J' bC rt8,ortd to pers I He who places himself under the care of Dr. John ston may religiously confide lh-aJs honor as a "t tleman.and confidcnUi- rtly uron hiabkill at a ihv -sician. - Dr. Johnston Is the oi ly reeiilarly Educet.d Physician ad vertifing to cure Piivalt i.-t.n:clainte His reiucdus and trealtnent air .ji.i.. !,- n..i toall others. Prepared liern a lifi. n .1 .. Great Hospitals of ord tie Hi si in this Oouctry.Vi-: England,, the l;lokhv ot Plulaaelihin, J-c and -,i.r.,. ....... than any other physician fr. the world. liis mai. v - erations is a sutrjcient t liarnntee 10 lhe tffiicud-- IJiose vho tmsh to be spceviiy and .feclucUy rcli'e . cd. mould shun the humeroue trijlii p imj otters In only ruin their health, nnrt aimly 10 him ' a Pirn i. iT.. n... 1 ' A t j u It K WAHKAM-KD f)' n (iiicftp A'o Mercury or Nuvsewtt JJivcs'l'sf'' OFFICE, Xo. 7, SOUTH FKEDKfcltK s.. It hand side piir fV,..,. l;i,r . oors frmn ihe Fail r.ot to tUti lis name and number, for irnorai:t t.ini. o in attrt.cied by the reputation ol Dr. Jehnster, la k nn. JonsTfiT Memberof the Roval Collere afn sraduatefroni one of the nsst emineni Collecct .I Ihe Lnited States, and the greater f art ol whoc Hie lias been spent in the Hoxniiala r.f i.,nrfnn 1.,. . . is, Piiiladelphia, nnd elsewhere, has tilected tii v ot the most astonishing purest hat wcieevertnow n. Many troubled with ringing in the eajs and hes-d v l.en asleep, reatneivou.-r.eEs, tein? t sudden sounds, and . bashlu.nets. M.Uh fuqt en blushing, attended sonu times witU deian en .t mind, were cunui imniediiitely. " A CERTAIN DISEASE. , y lien the niissruided and 1 tn n 1 1 1 ii i . f j -. . f iiicasute hiTdshc has intbiUd the sicdsof .his painful di.scas.-, tt too often happens that ar.ill-tim. ed sense of shame, or dread of ciscovcry. deters hniiftoni applying to who, I rem education andrespectal.iiity,can alone befiienri him. deia -tng nil ihe constitutional t-yn'ptoms of thi horrid disease make their ppeara r.ce sw h is ulcere, d sore throat. diseased note, r.octural pains in the head and limb-, dimness of f jtht. deafness, r.edts on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the htcd face and f xtremiiies, progressing wiih frithl!lil t. -pidny, till at last lae paLte of the n.outh or ti.e bonesof the nose (all in. and the victim ol tLis atuldisease becomes a horrid object of con, n.isi! death puts a petiod to his dreadiui sul ferir.fis, by sei.ding him to -ihat U.iu.e lroti. waence no traveler r. turn." To s Uih thcrcfe-re Ur. Johnston pledges himcelf to preserve the ii,ot inviolable pcrioy; and, Irom hi extensive ; c tire in the first Hospitals of Europe and .Ameiica hecan confidentl v reconimenda safosnd sreidv cure torhe tmfortuna-e victim of tS.ib horrid dis ease. It 13 a melancholy fact, that thousand fa 1 1 victims to fhis dreadful complain!, owirp toihi tn skilfulness oi ignorant pretenders, vho. b of that deadly poison, mercury, iiiti the conrtiib tion, and either send the unfortunate tbflcrt r to an untimelj grave, or else m. t the retiduc oi life u.u erable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J-addressee all those who haveinjured them selves by private and improper indulgences. These are some of the sad and nickinctcly cf fecis, pioduced by early lialit!. of jihih. viz: e;.knessof the Uaek and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Los? of Wuseu ar I.w er, Palj-itatton of the Heart, Dj sr-epv."lVei tut. irritability. Derangement of tl e Lirce'tivc Ibric tioni, General Debility, SyiKptoms" cl Conbi.n.p. tion.&c. - , MinLtltg. The fearful t fferts oh. the mind ate much to oe dreaded ; Loss ol Aiemory . Conitisio t of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Kvil . Aversion of Society, Self Dis-tiusr, I.Ve of toli tude.Timidily,fec..are sorue of ItiecviJs produced. Tliousands of persons of alleges, can now judte what is the cau?e of their declinint health. 1. ing their vigor, beeomin? weak, pale ard tn.cciu ted, have a singular appeararce atciit the eyes cough and symptoms of consumption. ' DR. JOlLV-sTOX'S I.WlGOUATING I5F3:E DY KOR ORGAMO WEAKNKkH. By this great arid important remedy weakness o the organs are speedily Cured and full vigor rt nc-r a . Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitau d individuals who bud lost all diately relieved. AU mpedin.t nti. to SUHKIAGK Physical or Mental Disqunlifirations, A trvcKS Ir ritability Tremblingsand V eatnef t, ot ehar.eili n of the most fearful kind, Fpecdily rund jv Vw Johnston. . . ' : Young men who hate injured thfrnselvcs bv a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently ler. rned from evil coir parlors, or a t school, the effects 'f hich sre cithilv felt. en when asleep, and if not cured r nrirr.,,.. tmpossiblcand destroys boiL jiad and bcdv.ehcuid apply immediately. What a pity that a vounff man. ihe hf,rnf hi. country, and the darling of his parents, rhobld be snatched from aii prospects and enjoyment tf Hie,'. uy me- uunccj vi aev;ating irom tl e path r nature, and indulging in a certain secrefhaliu Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. V Should reflect that a sound mind body arc the most necessary requisites :o prornoir- eornutisl happiness. Indeed, without these, the jwutnt y through life becorat a vearj piicriniojjf ; thr pros pect hourly darkens to the view; the niind ktc mes shadowed with despair and filled with the rue lan -e-hoiy rtrlee-iion that the happiness of another be comes biiihted with ou t own. OFFICE SO. 1 SOUTH FRF.CERICK-ST,. Baltimore, 31 d. AU Surgical Operations Iei luimti!. N. li- Lef no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately either pert-ornllr or by letter. Skin Diseases S peed 1 1 v luted. TO STRANGERS. T!te many thousands cured at this institution w th in tbe last ten years, and the numerous irnr-r tant Surgical Operations perfottnid by Dr. J. .wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, srtil rr?ar. other persons. notices of which have rr fa-f i ttn and again before the public, besides hin Mcriirjr as a rentleman of characterand resronitilii) ir sufficient guarantee-to the sffiintd. .TAKE NOTICE. It t wTf ti.e n-eatevt rt !nctr.--tl:at Ir- JOliypTO pcnit bi card to appear U-fore the'i bl.rr.d-o :r. it wiprofe!oria!ftrapl.ymcianto3Tert;rt,I.ot nnlrr bs did o, tbeaffl?ctd. evpreiaPy ctrartrrr n.eld B.t f'l t. fall into th harKl of tbe mart impo de . 1 j trnkimf.: Importers, trlth innuw.erar.le Fa!e : , r-n Ar4 Quaekanop. wrsirw the4H nre eitUm, corTire lr. JousTot s arv-rt! en-rt or sdvarrtiofcfr tl;ecirZTa p hynclan.!llit-rmir rhBHonr-bninrd fHiov tro Hxt to w ork t Ihcir oriritm! traritt. with H-irrr ton idxx tynrd the tnite. who, for the purpune f Knticit r rj ae UIr.' on 6ve "!! office, -urnier am din FklM tnm. so that the ffiined ftnifi'i rKtiltr one. ! sure te turtible bead'unz into tfes otcer. t't jjb Qak wilh erK.rtr.rma lying certLflci' pr? ar.d tonhuj; cares irr--vmn oot to be found, v ho Irr w rrur iarvrr bottle of I.icoaica With ard tl paekaze of filthy and vrortb eonrpovrd. rnrt.lrr'y p reparrr) to irarx aprm th nSt-rtnrte ar.d otiurr-t . Ina. Trifling month afVr tiwwth. er a ,m tbe B II at f ran 1-c obta!r.rd. rd. in drTir, k-arra j-c itfta nrined health, to ats-h- orr ynnr rl!inr dinarro''f'-eiit- It la tkU anotlve that trMtie- Ir Jt adrertHe-. a c eoi cam eras tob. To thoar ncona-rd wltt- h'm rerot'0"- he dt-ema it Decenary to mv that his credf u tiala or dtplnmsa arraT bttnc In h'a nftirr. ' NO LKTTRS KECEIVKD- IPXI-EPS rOPT-PJklI andeentala: a-a ftanp to h oxd for thm .reply, fa-- " anna wrttina; abnald atate ee ad end tfcat rvjrtim -r f adveniarniettt ecrib:rz var.rtciBS. lil-lv-e. Jan. .9.12:7. ' f 1 i