WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, APRIL 4f 1857. T. LORING, Editor and Proprietor BENJAMIN W. SANDERS, Associate Editor - . . COTTOM. - v - - . We learn that the recelpta of Colton in tbto market bave fallen off very mach. Very Hale coihcs to market at present. - " ' , THE FIRES.' Tne fires Itt Brtmswlek and Bladen haye done much damage. ' Individual bare" auflfered .' se verely iu the loss of turpentine trees, fences, Ac. We presume tie. rain' of Wednesday night has .put a stop to the Area - ' ,8 , HAIL ROAD COMPANIES. , ' . There are still complaints, made concerning the transportation of goods from Ihto place to the west and other parts -of the State. There are ex planations 'and' reports published in the papers, bat we see no good that can "be' ."derived .from charging blame to this or lhat quarter. .We be Have the parties having the matter in charge will attend to H, and that the evil will Ire removed, ' .r. "I TWp3.jALa 'nox;'-uui We did . not iiticud tw aUndo la public, to the noai, or'April t'eor1 the Journal pp-.'-pelrated a relation -to the -news said- -to-h ve been' received from Oi-O'town, Ay a -Tessi which', pnt Into, the Cape Fear in distress mt "as the Journal of yes ierJay mentions the subject, and appears to feci , "emtsot ai the success o the '"joke" in regard to Us "cotemporarios," we -are bound to not ice if. We ; copied the; statement without thinking' for tho tcotaeot that a sailln? Tessel could :. not bare brdugbt b'eWs so "late 'as the steamer,' If we are an "April fool'' in ihis matter, a man is such who takes tho statements of the Journal, as fcts,sup. posing them "'. to be . such from, ibe'eharafiter vef that paper,- If. tho Journal ia - ambitious of at UiuiDg a,- different- position, ori All Fools day or any other day, we will tie compelled td watch him more clo-ely hereafter that's" all. j? ; i;"'- THE WEATHER. ; H After some days of taild weather we have had a remarkable 'change for the season,. Snow and eleet on Thursday and ground , froaen at night, the rooming presenting quite a wintry aspect. Yesterday was cold, and from the 'feeling of the ntmosjbero-onoar going Co "press; this morning presents ns with ice again.' , '." " " . .. J "Sv , It was a'complaint.made by politicians' against their opponents, that there had been-' tinkering with tho currency." If such a thing were 'possi ble, we should suppose that those who set up sci-' entitle pretensions about getting up storms,' rain,,1 had bt en tinkering with the weather for the past month or so. The past season illustrates the fact,, lhat all this talk of philosophy, about Jtbe operations qf nature, . ia humbug andv-feolery. We" wish this, tindof philosophy would confine itself to its legitimate sphere' of action,'1 such is the dissecting of a triUsJUil6'S toe and bfiigs of -thai port, and hot be'ever pretending to foreshod tw tho doingsVf.that FoTxr-(-, .;;' ! P !' That, rides. upon the stormy skies - ' ' And manages the. seas." j':'i:i;,;L . ' And there is-" the end of tho Mrdrld" .too: A very learned ' niari.'a" profound, and ripe scholar, has predicted thtay Comet will destroy the world in a very short time, by coming in contact wth it - Another gentleman, .equally profound, dtc , declares that the Contet can do nd more harm to the earth than could a awaDw in resisting a pow erful locomotive. Now our opinion is that these men, so learned - and so wise, know just as much about what they wrote, as we do about the lead ing Journal published in the moon, with which publication we do not exebango. Oh, the folly f the so called wise. Oh the Bickly, silly pre- J tensions of learning and science to a knowledge of the operations and designs of Infinite Wisdom. INCREASE OF CRIME. . ' ."Wo noticed a few days ago, t the subject of the caption to this article, in connexion , with some remarks of a Boston paper. Our exchanges are still replete with cases of " stabbing," " horrible murders," dec, so that we might entirely occupy our columns with the details of human deprav ity. We have more than once expressed the opin ion that moral diseases in. communities partake of the nature of physical diseases, by raging, at. times, .with excessive violence. We have observ ed that crime partakes of the nature of an epi demic, and ' particular -classes of them seem to have their hour of mischief throughout tho whole country, at certain periods.' Sometimes it is forg ery and breach of trust, public and private do- . fault ; at others duelling, murder and all kinds of personal violence. ' At others seduction and j the violation of the ties and ordors that promote 1 connubial happiness. The present seems to be era of blood. Almost everywhere there artTound cases of de plorable atrocity, -'-.'... CAPT. RTNDERS THE NEW MARSHAL. A letter from -New York to the Baltimore Sun speaks fhrorably of the resolution of Capt. Ryn- dcrs relative 16 the discharge of the duties" of his office. -The writer says; " Capt, Ryuders is pro ceeding vigorously, ia. his new, office of IT, S Marshal. JIo says he is determined to do his duties at all hazards ; that he means to set an cx amplo of efficient service, and compel all under him to do the same or be discharged. . " If," says he, " a fugitive slave is to bo caught, 111 catch, him ; if a slarer ia to be prevented from sailing, I'll stop her, and do the latter duty a little mort relily than tho former; and if fiilibusters at tempt to break the laws of the United Stales, jlhey shall receive no favor. at my hands. I ap-,-proro of fiUihustcriiig ; but, as I said at the Tab-1 ernaclo, ' my feelings as a maw are one thing, my uty as an officer another.' We dare say Capt Rtkdem will do all that lie promises, and satisfy the public that his appoint ment was a good one. . SEAMAN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. We fiat the following in the Jjurnal of Con mtrct .f Valines lay last, under the head of ''Sea men hi Wilmington, North Carolina:" ' Rev. Mr. Ih-flin, now ia this city, is duly ae-crrdiu-d . ngfiit of the Seamen's Fiicnds' Socie ty, of Wilmington, N C. From him we h-arn that about ten thousaud seamen, mot of whom-are from Northern ports, enter .the port of Wilming ton annui'ly : that a Home has been erected, and a Bethel prj'ctpd, for thiir protection an-1 im provnxnt. mi au estimated cost of S25 000; tha 8180;m of thin sum has bon collected, principal ly in Wilmington, that tho Hi.me is in sac$sful operaii 'n ; and that the object of Mr. Iltflin ia to aolicil aid inonr city, to realiao (he 7,000 which n-riuur la comolete the Home and Bethel. The limevolenl object in view, tho commercial relations exUting between this city and Wilming ton, and tho fact that so largo a proportion otthe mm for whose benefit this enterprise i un- iler akn are from this port, will we hope, se cure a liberal response to the appeal of the agent, in- i.jimnniiii mtitla him to confidence, aid the object f his viMt is endorsed by the Seers of the American Seamen's Frlenda 8nctejr of this citr. at whose suecestlon this nonce is iubviw. The Editors are mistaken in regard to the a mnnnt .oil. cted in this place. It was five Of six thousand dollars ool eighteen thousand. KANSAS A CALL. Mr.-WL. Yacf, a distinguished eltlzea of Alabama, writes to the Editors of -the Charleston Mercury, ia letter Introducing Mr. Alpbcus Baker, jr., his "gallant and eloquent young friend who will "soon visit South Carolina. and raise the Southern Cross, add attempt to enlist the' friends of Kansas in that State in behalf of one more ef fort to colonize the territory previous to the Fall elections." , The Mercwnf thinks Mrv Baker, who Is the ac creditsd -Agent of the Kansas Executive Com mittee,-will be received with satisfaction, and have a full hearing and a fair chance at the minds r not the pockets of the people. We hope he may meet with abundant success, but we must confess thai we doubt if the South cn counter act the. lDflueDce"bf free State immigration into the territory at this late period, unless it be true mat pro-siavery nas me mastery In , Kansas, as the ktcury apposes. , From what we can gath er from other quarters, we are compelled to doubt this.' At ; all events, however, tt la the duty of southern citigena to come to the rescue, and save Kansas from the grasp t,f abolitionism, If pos-t hl. ' . v . ' " 1 Whatever may he the result, it isbow the doc trine of the country, that is the duty of every: y nru i-j, Djaeiuo,iU or majority of. the in- uaotia-.a ur a territory yi the question of slavery oranti-slavery.t ' On this' principle, lh .present uimii,raiion.wa, tiaera in pwer, end is on thl fa evirtontnt with the constitutional Hkhts of aiiiho BnxttF'-rr "T 'r - j&&- COvIAlKER-KAJaA lKh expectations aire entertained orthr hiIi- ty and integrity -With wliich Gov. Walkeb will administer, the. -(Sl&lra'nsMTJiere wjlj bu no complication fas be matter. The path Is made plain before him. : A correspondent of. the Baltimore, Sunt ia .a letter, da ted. Washington, March 31, says : . ,"Iho- instructions to Governor Walker are foil, clear and explicit,' and in them are .quoted . hit exact words of Mr. Buchanan's ioaugoral, namely "It is the indipensableluty of government to secure to every resident inhab itant the free, and independent expression of hi opinion' by Lis vote." Id this the ' cabinet cordi ally concur. They and ..those who, will shortly administer the affairs of Kansas, believe that there is nothing to prevent' such a. result io the adoption, of a State constitution, as the legislative assembly a ( lht-ir last session repealed a portion of the election law' which required a challenged slavo law. Gentlemen who bave .made personal inquiry relative to this subject have been assured that' tho , administration, throngh Gov. Walker, mill endeavor to carry out their promise in good faith, being fully impressed with the importance of tho result. - ! 1 ,"...'' .'. Notice has becirglv-cn by the British Postoffice of. the recent establfthmentr a packet commu nication with Vhlns, in connection with-, a over land India mail. , .Mails. for China will according ly be made op at the Lbpdon iffrlce-o n. the 20th ancr6fb a$.well as 4tli an4J0:br of each (noolh." " :4v. i.: SWA-i ':w ' j W9,see it , aft d thadhe Cabinet el Washirfg ton has ht-en engaged In t be affairs of :China. Probably1 the only matter of Imporlaic was the propofcitiwo to uuite , with France anl England in an alliance to bring the celestial Empire to a ter restrial comity in its intercourse with the nations of the earth, especially those of a maralime char acter. ' It is "rpported that'the 'p ro; '.. i I un was rejected,: ..Wo hope this i-so, for we iee bo res sod for trout ile actioft -agaibvt China,' on our parti' afthis time. ' The in5Ult offered to our flag some time ago, by the commanding officer of n Chinese Fort was settled, in .partbytho destruction of tho Forts by our. Navy.i aid" subsequently in full by an ample apology In writing. ' ' fi ' And even if there were, cccaMori fir hostCiiy against China, t is contrary to the tie policy of our country to engage in alliances With European powers. Washington cautioned his countrymen against tucb a course; and the motto of Jr.rpea son a-as, r'Peace, -Commerce and honest friend ship with all nations ; entangling alliances with non ."' .'r -v; ;J '. ,"v'h !. ' ' vi '.. THE RIGHT OF SECESSION. ; ; Cur friends 'f 'he CkarlcsUm Courier accuse i us of "misapprelieDsion and curious inconsinlencv" J in regard to tho "Right of Secession" anil the un derstanding of the South Carolina Ordinance of 1852. If that Ordinance asserts the right lo re cede Kilfuiul cauee snd Sq the mere assertion of the' sovereign will, we coness we have misapprehended it. . The iosbnment asserts the right and says J For the sufficiency of the cacsks which may impel her to such separation she is responsiblo alone to God, to the tribunal of public opinion among the nations of the earth." ; J :'t' We do not see-in this the assertion of the right to secede without a ' cause if so, Why, Is there anything said about' Vausci ? The State, claims the right to judge of the sufficiency of the causes. If this judgment were left to others, of coarse Ibe Slate has no sovereignty, but must form her judg ment at the will of the wrong-doer. ' '. - ' , We have no disposition ! to play, npon word.- The sttl ject matter of the thing we wish to come at. We readily confess, that if the Ordinance 1s understood in South Carolina, according o tho interpretation of the Conner, we repudiate it.' We do this oh tho principle that no bsrgafa or con tract, either political or social, public or private, can bo repudiated without "a caue. ' In '-ETirv esse io which this Is dono the parties o&endjng are criminal, and guilty of a breach of public faith or private integrity. 1 , THE SUPREME COURT OPINIONS. , : , Jduch interest has been manifested throughout the country to see, in an authentic ; form, the O pinions of the Justices of Uie Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case, in which the question of the constiluLionality of the Mis souri Compromise was considered. The subjoin ed letter to New York Journal of Commerce will explain the cansc of the delay-in publishing the Opinions : '. - ' . , ' : t , s WssniNGTON, March 28, 1857. I called at the Clerk's office of Suireme Court just now, and ascertained that there is no mode of procuring official copies or any copies of the Opinions of the Court in the B;red Scott case, un- til tho Reporter of the Court (Mr. Howard shall have tfaerti printed in his series of Reports, The? volume which is to contain them is nearly ready, and is only delayed till he can obtain tho revised copies of the Opinions. ; ; The Opinion of the Court, as read by the Chief Justice, is not yet on file; but he expected to be ready to file it to-day. There w ill be no delay, or very little, about the others. '..-.- The Opinions of Justices McLean and Curtis were filed on the 9lb, having be-n delivered oti theth. These have been.published at the North. . ' ; The abstracts published of Chief Justice Ta ney's and Justice Nelson's Opinions were taken in abort hand, and of course are Imperfect The order of the Court for the dismissal of the case in the court below was concurred in by sev en Justices, on the ground that Dred Scott had not a right to sue and was not a citizen, &c . Justice Nefsoo'a Opinion, following that of Chief J ustice Taney, touches points nol embraced In "the 1 latter, and the two together form the t'piulon of the Court. THE TRAGEDY AT MORAVIA-" We havw'only a few "particulars to add con cerning the Moravia'.tragedy. The yonnt wo man, Miss Shaw, who was shot, was alive s slate a last evening, and some hopes are now ' enter tained of her recovery, .r ' The letters left by young Wood, who shot Miss Shaw aDd Immediately afterwards shot himself, were directed, one to his uncle Hamilton Wood, and the other to Mr. Clark, the man with whom be was living. The first gave directions concern ing bia burial &c The second to Mr. dark, informed him that had it not been for the regaid he, (Wood) had for Mrs Clark, he would bave killed MK Clark Instead of Miss Shaw. , . All the circumstances go to show that Wood was In love with Miss Shaw, but becoming jealous orMr. Clark, determined upon the tragedy. It Is now supoosed that Miss Shaw knew nothing of bis Intention to murder her. ' 8he persistently refuses to converse upon the subject. ? In the absence of any statemtnt from ber, the public will not be likely to gain any additional infor mation concerning this most deplorable afT-ilr. J i 1 I JLulmrn Js.4ifrliser, 28th tilt. THE RAT- POISON DEATH; OF ANOTHER Wvt --.'. VICTIM. . ( ,: i The community , was shocked this morning by the intelligence of the sudden death of Eskridge Lane, nephew of the late John N. Lane, and one of the firm of Lane Brothers, extensive dry goods dealers of thiacrty, abont nine o'clock this morn- ibg. The immediate caus of .Mr,,' Lane's ;death was trojfriiif, or innamauon of the stomach, tend in? to gangrene, hut he has been indisposed ever since the inauguration of President' Buchanan; hayfng been one of the guesU ht the National Ho-' mji. Aiiougu ue was not connnca in (lis room, ne had been suffering slightly .with, the symptoms which have marked all the cases of disease con traxted at the .National, From alt the symptoms of the case, in connection with other facts, we have no doubt that the disease which led to Mr, Lane's death had' Its origin In the, National epi demic." and that it was-the effect of the poison.! ii; . , i. , Lancaster Ev.-Express. " "'"'.r FROM vTEXAS 1 -f ; .Dates are to the 22d from Galveston. ' The planters ia the interior are in despair about their crops. The ; recent "frosrsTiave done great damage. Some planters fn ' Washington county estimate the damage at not less than sflOOtOO0. r- ELECTIONS IN IRELAND. ' ' : 1 The Downsb ire Protest ant, published at Down- pat rick, Ireland, of the'6th ult.; contains the foU lowing item : .", " V - ., .... s.., : Doumpalrick ' Electlon.-U ;will be seen by oar adyertUing columns that, Monday next will be the day .for. 'electiog .a bqrgesse" to- serve in Parliament for. tho .borough f Downnatrick ,;- We UBdt-rstand tbat a troop of tfragooni. itto torn ponies of infantry' and lbO ef the conslahvlary are to arrive on Saturday, and remain, until after the election."" " ' ' . . , . -Attached to the 'ATabatna . Methodist fJonk-r- , there are fifty thousand six1 tMufred aqd Rixf-sven embers, an jncroase ot,bro,i thou sand seven h.updrnd. aftd.iglfry-niaB Aver Jastr year-r white, fprty:wQ . thousand, jana. hundred and twentyetgbti ceiorrd twerrty-on ' ihons hd filres hundred and tlw'rty-iime. ..... 5- '1SUCCES3,..IN BU.-'IXES.?. Twenty-five years agoJUilt GreeviWbjd went to Cincinnati at poor young. Vman and started a blacksmiihery ori fh oukii tof lhatown. ;, He now employs 4oU men, pays 3 500 for Wages, af f.iriis support to 1,200 persons, and turns out S SCO 000 worth of work- annually. : Last week lie' gave a grand feast to his people to celebrate the quarter-century; ;' : ; -' -W ; - - Oood natcrb, .like- a bee, colk-cts its hnrws from every herb.'- Ill Mature, like a spider, seek? poison from the sweetest floWer. ' ' '-i ;' ! Joseph Horner who was emig'ratingo the West with bis familyj' was robbed in the cars between Harrisburg and.Greensburg, Pennsylvania, on the 27tb tttt, of 8800. jrhls constituted aU the mo 3tbe man had ln,the world, and it was only tbroegh the kindness of the director.that be was enabled to return home from- whence lie" came. His pocket was picked while he wa dozing, ahd the thief was unknown, and of couse escaped. rr ------- - -. ---V - ff-- A ramrod was shot through a boy's head at Kockland (Maine , lately, a gun having gone off while another boy was loading it The rod en-s tered near the right angle of the right eye of John L. Craig", came bnt at right Tof 'tbe'greattwt prominence in the back part of the head, the point protruding about four inchest and it struck so closely to th"eboiies tbat a hammer Was used to drive it back. Notwithstanding the severity aud. deheacy of thotvound, the boy may recover. " I' TUE ALLEqVaNY TUNNEL. The Lewisburg(VaEra says that in a few weeks light will sht .e through the Allegliaoy Tunuel, OD.lhe Covington and Ohio Railroad. - I RAILROAD JUBILEE AT MEMPHIS. The board of aldermen of Memphis have vo ted Ihrte thousand dollars toward: defrsving tlif expenses incident to the celebration of the com pletion of ijie Memphis and Charleston railroad; -''"I ' ' iK SEVEN "WIDOWS. ' ' ' " Jedediah Grant, the Mortnoa Saint, lately de cesised; left seven widows;' 6 '' -; ; '. ' ' , ' A LARGE EGG" ' ; A correspondent saya there was found on R. J. Nickel's - plantation-, in Cobb ,.vui)ty4 Ga., a pom mon hen egg, measuring: X inches in circuuifer- enco and 4i inches in4uitb.- -i - . ;; .," , ' A HARDY SEAMEN, . " ! A Hardly Seaman, who had escaped one of the recent shipwrecks upou our coast, ws asked by a good lady bow he felt when the waves rolled oxer him 1 He replied,, ''tcetw tax'nmvery wet." t. - - A, Faithful Dogt The Placer '"Press" ays that while the fire was raging af Iowa -"II HI." a large dog, belonging lo the Agent of Wells, Far go &. Co., refused to leave his nsnal slation' ih front of the safe. The onroar and confuKiru Convinced the poor brute tbat soowithing wrong was going on, .and neither coaxing nor-vb com mand of his master would induce him to abandon im post. Faithful unto deal b Ins rewahiod and Was buried in the Himlug- mrns. , niit bones were found nest "momlog'ljing-'by the sfdef of the safe. . . EFFECTS OF THE HOTEL DISEASE. 1 Wasbinoton April 1; A post morU-m.exanri- hatlofi of the remains of ai gei)ttemn who died in T'enns'yivania from disease contracted at the Na tional Hotel in this city, shows a deposit of arsen ic in the. stomach. - A patient now here -sliders enlargement of the abdomen from some csuse and" with marked symptoms Of being poisoned.' :rABH0pL ISLAND ELECTION. -; : raoyroENCsr,t April l.-Tbe. State election n this State to-day resulted in the complete triumph of the opponents of the administration. " Dyer, re publican, has been elected Governor,.and very few democrats have been returned to the Legis . lalnre. The republicans have . elected both Con gressmen.. 1 . - ' . - :- - V, ; ANOTHER, MARRIAGE. - ' A case, nearly parallel to that of John 0in, occurred ont West, recently. A "timid" young man, employed by- rich citizen ofjndiannnpolis, ran off with his laughter, and the coaple were married fn Chicago. The !'beavy father" follow ed, Just in time to-be too late," and after n row be tween father and daughter (for the young man did not dare to face his la to 'employer) the affair was arnica Diy seuiea, ana iney an went uome ia Indiana together. '. '. -v,i . : . .... ' ' , AN EX-MORMON. ,; ' " ':-' John Hide, as ex-Momou elder, was lecturing against tbat sect to a Urge congregations, in vari ous parts of California. His expositions exhibit the practical iniquities Of that vile and . debasing system."".. t -.' " ' ; - ' SERIOUS. CHARGES. Sir A. Baunerman, Governor of the Bahamas, iu his recent message, to. the legislature made some most serious charges against American ship- roasters trading to the islands. He asserts that some of them there are honorable exceptions- are so utterly Unworthy of the confidence placed in them that they secretly agree with the wreck erf fof a share of the salvage and then run the vessel and cargo to wreck. The Governor recom mend some effectual check for this crime. ANOTHER EXPEDITION'.. " -New Oauiaxe, March 81. It Is rumored that an expedition is about sUrtlng hfence for Central America, probably Kew Grenadier, Province of VeTaana. near Panama. ' ; ;J - "; It is said tbat a Provialdnal Government has been-formed, and considerable funds have been raised. " y Sbakspeare makes one of his characters say -HpW sweet ihe isoonahlaa alespa apoo tta tat" -Bat In this "red-dog fnd wild-cat? era the reading aboant banks and moonshine should be modernised thus s "l-l- - '" ". "How sweet tbM banks do sleep upon this Biaonsfalne." . La SaP Pra. ; ;.. f , whooping FARGRArii. , , ''How is your darter's whooping tough t", ask ed one of the, sable -melodists. "The,ough is much. better I thank ,your was the rejoi-nder, Lt the whoops are still tremendous.-" : .., .. . j" PABAFFlNE CANDLES. ' : ' - '! ' A factory for pxannfactwina paraffine candles has been teommencep at Los Angelos, California The material from which they are made is obtain ed from the natural springs in that place. -' . , I , ' ' ' j Won't 'yrtn'take- "my word, ir, when I tell Von I Will call and liquidate your demand on Sattir-- day morning nextT' said a delinquent dJbtnr to a 'rlnnfnp creditor;1 with whom he "had'shaVp words. '''No Mr," replied iheTitheV; 'I harf riith-" eKyob would keepynnr word,' ' .. ' ' , aiocs TyaMPT at Cocrtship. fhere has been quite ait excitement peoently iii -tlie quiet villase of Oakdale, Shelby cpiiity, MissdUri, in consequence, of the attempt of vr Ahrjje voung lelloxvs'from Georgia, hastening there to win ih affections Of ai yonng lady,' who suddenly was'dlk covered td possess mariy tlio08.-tirthurfrf9l It ap' pears that he had sent five dtkllais- tOtSwana& Co., of Atlanta, Qa, for a half ticket, .in eue of their . Lotteries . which rliaws every Saturday )hr'obshoat the yearl 'A 'prize ' of "coneiderable J mag..nuae was cne consequence oi ner r.itieRpec ulatiuiiand hr ndiu4iers . having discovered. that She had diwn. sp much aioriey, hastened to tUo little village to pay their addresses, supposing t he young lady would not be aware of her gooI for tuue. She had as many adorers tho l.-idy '1h the farce, of the ''Lottery Ticket," bat, he did hot Ioe her heart so suddenly as' she won a for tune. --A telegraphic despatch from Swan &. Co. arrived in!! time to foil the wily! aspu-ants for her hand and- heart. ..' i y, - i , - - ;, 6 Sy ;: CnARLES' LONDOiN CORDIAL GIN. Is shown by the' Records ef the C ustom House to be the tly,Loiidoii CordiHl Gin IMPORTED aud sold in b Htles,. all others aru noxious mixtures made here in imitation of it. , , It is a delicious tonic beverage, .and by its pe- enli.Vr flavor so different from other gins) Is nni- vernamr esteemed ny all wno ase It.' lt w arlotit- ed with. Rreat success In cases of Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Gravel, Vy'ic, Cholera Fe ver and Ague-, Stricture, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Epilepsy, &c. " . J Dr. Valentine flott ot Rew i otk, in a tetter to the proprietor says - ; ' Charier Lonitrm Cardial' inn xs IKe purest, vnntf rrli r.LlA ICtI rarl af Jimiotr -I hnrn TPs CHARLES' LONDON CORDrAL GIN Is sold by all Dmirgisfs' and Grbcers in the United States: nd se also are numerous poisons caueii "isnnaon Cordial Gin"-rrto avoid them buy only ''.CiiABLRa.:1 Reject smy other offered U you as j ouvaJue your henlth, '.JpJjice oue dollar for quarts, fifty, cents for pinU. EDMUND (J. CHAKLJS?, - aoio importer, sw uronnway, rn. x . March 12; , ' 152-8pi taw. ...... - .1-. - A Srald or Hum can bit easily cn red by the use of ferry Davis' Vegetable- Pain Killer. It is equally etiectua i ia curing beadacue, pain intne stomach or 'bowels, dysentery, . diarrbesa, and cholera. . . . . . . 1 '" ... ' WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF COUNTRY DEALERS TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC BEING LARGE BUYERS AT THE AUCTION SALES " In this Cis o-nd New Yk,-We can offer GUEAT-LNDUCEME.STS To the Trad to select frvm our Stock. PHILLIPS, STRIKER & JENNINGS, Nos. l & 3 Bank St., below Market. B RT V K Rri S V. CO V 1) AND THIRD STS," 3ETTT X a A TiTVT iFJhl I 3E A. Jan, 15. :,.; , " x 128 3mp BEAUTIEULIIEJDOP HAIR-RICII AND sl(v-B ihe cei tain re.-n tf the aim of LYON'S KATHAIRON. The ininie-.se sale .f this urn quailed pr-paVation nearly 1 000 OOO'botth-s K-r year priichtiunt-ft emphatically the "Public F vohitej"; ,TU ladivs uuiversally prunuance'rl t be the finest and most gret-atle article thy ever ed ' It retur myij;orates and leaiiiifie lh Hutr. 7 iid ;jhnnV'ta a di-light till Jili8. Sold every iM?r,-fr 23c-nia Jht inutle. Th ullic h.iv eautioned aguiiist inni.-iiri-ti by cmit.-rt'tvii-artifh-s 1 HEA TH WTNKOop & !,'..' Pn.j.n.X lrr and rerruuiir. N. V& Libkktv Strket. Nkw York. DIED - . In this ciunty,-oB the 29th nit.; Mr. Wis.- WbeD Cocx, aged 80 years..;',,, . ; i Ilottnieay's Omlment and ' iti" These notent remedies cohsiilute a mkleria medtcd in themsel-' ves, tor there is no internal or external . disorder controllable by medicine, for which the one or the other or them ia not a positive remedy. Erup tions, tumors, CrtfHia. senrvt. 'cancer, mercurial diseases, astbn.a. i heumatistn, aore throat, aout. dropsical aweJliugs, etc., subside and . disappear under the action of the Ointment, and in cases of ayepsra, dysentery, sick' heartache, diarrhea, liver complaint, piles, : cobtivenesg, debility, "and Other complainUi originating in; 'the jnt -lnal or ans, the Pills produce the most, astonishing results.,-.; i..- :)hn . r-. -iff-. . t a-- T. Sehr Elriteh.'tlf.'P.rtfy. (roti Charleston J& .D. ,MKan &. CV.- .-. A . -? .uuf Sehr..D Warner Ilaflion ,fi-oui C'larlexton. to' A . D. CuZuiix." ' ' ' '";. - ' Sehr. Kate1, Way;fion Tar' Landkig to:R4nkl & Martin. ,-r.ii'r;-- d'. -rl-, . - Sclir. Caiharine A. Jane, Heady, from Bear In let. trt Ranfa -&1 Iariirr ?il x;tt -' Svjir. Fx AyilIiamsj from wr-ck of S-hr, Bril liant fo Rii.sel &.l5rol . Schr. Marv C. Cranmcr, Davis. ' fro ni Xfreck of fcirt.- BrilKaut; t-Russell & Bro. '" ' 2. Sti-anier Magnolia, Stedman, frpra Fayette vT.le.toEiJ. Liit.terloh. ... . S. Sieamer'Flora ' McDonald ITort", fromFay- t-lierilie, to T: C. A B.'G:!Yorth. '- , -CLEARED- a 3 : 2 Schr. R. W. Brown. D rricknn. for N-w Yoil--. by i. l. Uuan.v; witb-'nava-i. torts, &c. ehr. Brothers, Willels. for Bliiinoi;, by Ofo'i ee llarrije ; i!h navhl sron's and tiunber. Schr. J J. SfK iwer. tingstarf for Pltiladetpbla, by T. C, Woiih; wilh naval lor.n4 InniWr. , Sehr. 0 F- 'V. Cole J.n, for Nrfo!(, ttf Rn iiell Sl 1510. v ii It lumber. Barvjwe Sarnnac 'Bijtley. fi Cardenas, by J ' & J L Ilathauay & Co.; iriih lunilr. Schr. illy, Frnci f r Nt-w York, Ur Tt C. Worih; with n.vI si'r-s &c .f Schr. MatT'Pwe1l Chnrrh: for Wilminit'-'n. ton.- D-l , by J. & D. Mellae- & Co j with lumber. ' Sli omi-r Miignolia Ste'lmau , for Fajelt-vil!.-, by E J. Ln'eiU h ' a MARINE DISASTER, r? . Providkimck April I . .Tlii' . :boonfr Stepheji Tali-r of .ol.ii1 f"r. Provhli-nee, i Hhor ar pijit Jtidilh, hi n l-fTrt sititarfon, tint n.tv' prot lly tie saved." Her Ca'ga rm!-I't 700 bales tf Cotton. ,. . . i-,: .;-iii-v;t -vskI f,r,3- l-- New Qsuns Ai iiJ 1. The, j-tc-nmhout F WHOLESALE P1UCES tli(ULii 13 II 10 12i la .. 13, .. 00 .. 13 14 . 6 t 'O ..On 60 . - 76 Ci) a I 00 a 85 a I 10 a 00 a Hi a 23 a 7 25 a r. 7-5 a 6 5 -. b l-l n BACON.perlb., - s -. Hams, N. C...- SMdea, . ... f Shoulders, . ..Ii... ..... .i- Hog Round,.- . Lard, J . O., bbla., .-. - - '"" - Sees,--....-.. ' .. H ims, Western Sides. Western, Shoulders. Western,. Pork. Northern pernbL. Mess, Prime.-. ....... -. Corn, per bushel,- ..... weal I'eas.hlaek eye per bushel, Cow Pf a Nui,."- -.- :: ' r.". .. Kice, per lb.. Clean. Rough, per bushel,. Itiitler, eer I o .--- .. ...... 'lour pt-r hhl . Kayetieii.t uj-ei Kine.-. ..... - ... S'lors, ... -. : ... . . HulllMMH .- .... ... 1 'anal,. - , . l-JofTee.perlb ,!t. Domi'o,. . ". . . Rio,. ...... -f I.aguyra, ... ....... .. Cuba. Mocho,-.-- . Java, - Sugar, ptsrlb . IMew Orleans,--.. Porto Rico,- st Croix, I.oat. Molasses, per goiion, N. Orleans Porto Hico, Cuba, , Ha.per 100 lbs., Eastern, N. C,.-........ Liquor, per cal.. Peach Brandy.. A pple.. - Rye W hi., key,-.. . : . Reclined. .. i. ................. . N. R. Ruro,- Wines, per gal., Madeira,...:.... Port,: ...... Malngo,-. -; -............. Glue. per lb., American,-. " .. Cotton per lb , i .. Vnrn. per lb., . 4-8 Sheeting. per var.l,. .7-........ 3-4 ' - Oznnhuv?p. . s. .i 7.. . i ...... . Feathers, per lb Candles-ju r lb.,N. C. Tallowy Adamantine.. ...... o perm ..f... Lime per bbl. ...... Turpentine, per bbl. of 280 lbs. virgin Dip.. 4 . . . Vellow Dip,.. Hard -.....,. v, Tar, :.V ..V. Pilch, Rosin by Tale. ' ; - - : No. 1. ...i...... .......... No. 2.. No. 3. Spiiils Tqrpeniine.per gallon...-. Varnish ....................... Piw Oil,......:. ...... ... R erln Oil, . . i ;w. ... Sperm Oil, . '. . Linseed Oil eats Koo-t )i t,.'.. - '. '. .". .'. .. .Iron per lb.,, fnerii-an heal refined Knglisii aetsorted, Swved,.... ...... Shear, - ' -. ... . i .. i iV. . A mtricao.. .. ....... T v . . Cotaila,- Wrought NbiIb,- -.......... Steel, per lb.. German,-........... BHsrered.-.-,-.r...- --;.. Best Cast,- ? -' Best quality Mill Saws, 6 feet, noitoware,. ........ . a- Lumber pet M. feet. Steam Sawed 1 3 00 a- River Lumber. Flooring, 0 00 a Wide Boards, 0-00-.. a Sesnthn?.i.--... -o 00 J a Timher. shipping,-;.-.... ...'. . , Q. 00 - a Prime.; JHilUv" II a I3 a 00 a 00 a 16 a 0 a II Hi no 00 00 45 1 40 90 80 60 65 . 38 . 60 1 00 i 00 40 a 12 a It i 00 a -' 7a . 6, a 9 a 40 a ,- 17 - a r. 161 a - 28 - a 40 a 1 10 a !,: i 45 e; 1 45 a 1 40 a T 40 a 3 OO.Ta 1 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -0 112 00 1 25 n ti 3U 7 50 I- M li(l i't l.0 If- t 't 12 14 ho 0i 17 0 1 I m 15 00 00 51 1 0C 90 65 1 00 - 55 4 00' 4 00 00, "15 12, 17 8 I? 00 00 ' " t)0 ' " 00 1 25 95 I 50 i 4-! 4, l 6 . fi 0 4 . C j i : io ! "! 6- i 20 i 5 IrO-i tJommon,-...--' inferior, Slaves, pet 1,000, W.O.bbl.'Rough liressea..-- ................. ... .. R.O. bhd,, rough, ... Oretsed, - "----------.--"- Shinelo!, per 1C00, Common, Cont rael, Blnrk's rarse,-....V. Snlt per beshel. Turk's Island, . --f .iverpool,t-k,. - .i.-... . Soap per lh.4 Pale,-; Rrown. '"-'- Tiillow per lb, Bbl. Heading per M , Ash, Cheese. . . . ; FREIGHTS TO NEW YORK. Turjierrtiric unitTur. pef bl Itosin p-r bid.. Stirits TitrptMin.. er hl, '''ItMir -r hid.. Kjee ier I'M) Hm. grojw 'oil on er halt;. a a - 2 50 a 5(T . 45 1 20 7 45 0 00 oeo 3 25 1 871 I 40 , 41 T 00 ' (rtf w o no J t o -O 00 - s 5 i 0 o o -; 6i .2J 16 Iti 5 F0 ' 1 15 00 0O0 n CO 0 0t ,0 AO 9t)0 7 50 3 50 none 3 00 4 ?5 6 00 fiO 921; 0 61 I 9 00 12 S25 ne 35 0 00 0;00 00 , 4.0 ,n ' 0 12 12 00 13 , nHtrr.cn. eudf.r. t Ro.e' I n-i'or'e f ti trove 'i low ri no near Nn- N panrc- ulari ha'Thftoi ri-feiv-d. . . i it i , i i . . .i i.... hi- WILLOW AND W00DKN WARE Bl'.O 'MS XfiU CAGES. ' ANOTHER HEM ARKABLB CURE DK.S WAYNE'S J COMrOOND SVRUP OF - WILJ) 0IIERbY. t K Ii V. 4AM EH H.ilUKlIOROW. t Pastor of Berlin Circuit, Ballitnore Coufereiice And all the. principal Mar chants at Point of Rocks, ) Md.,hnve testified lo the following L EXTRAORDINARY CUKE. ' Point or Rocks, Frederiek County, 1VI J.. : Da. SfATRi. Dear Sir BelieYing it a du'i y I owe to the public, and in justice to you, I have thought ptoper to make known one of the most estrnordlnary cuies, in mj owri ease.lhat hasVrer boea truly recorded. In the month of October last I was ofQicled with a severe eatht-Hpg .in my brenst, - which formed a large ab-ceta- and nlto. communicated P myl.ene and very much afflict ed them, and discharged large quantities of corrup tion, external and internal. My breolh couW nisu pasa through my Lbngs and uiit through ihe cav ity of my breaet wilh oppafent ease, attended tiih a violent con ah. dar and nichl. Iota of appetite, and extreme debility, so thai my . physicians- thought my cae enlirelv hopt less and beyond the power of medldnes I remained In fhis-wretched condition for a lone riir;?, until I was wasted io a mere skeleton, and there se.enieti 'o be no hope for met but having read in the public papers of the many wonderful jMiree perfoimed bv roar CUM POUNO SYRUP OP WILD UHWist, i " mediately sept to Baltimore for five bottles and commenced it nee. and lo my sreai eatislaction and my anxious lamilv, ihe abec-s orpeninff m my lunea bean to heal, and the cough subsided and on using ten bottles I was restored to perfect health. I believe, that to your ialaable medicine, under the blessing of Divine Providence. I am Indebted for this great change, and I am happy o aay that 1 am now enjoying as good health, aal ever have.. I Over five yearsfcave elapsed, and I still remain a perfectly hearty man at this date, June 2d, 1656. I have . not had a day's-aivkness for the last I months. Please accept my grateful acknowledg ments. j Yours, very respectfully, ; 1 H - THOMAS DIXON. The Subscriber is well acquainted with Thomas Dixon, and can testify lhat the be has been afflct ed aa above represented. I regard his recoveryal most aa a rairaclo. He is a worthy member ot So ciety,., , JAMES R. DURBOROW, Pastor of Berlin Circoit, Baltimore Conference. THKR&.is out one reliable preparatif n of "Wild Cherry?' and he only one compounded by a tegular Physician that is -DR. SWAVNE'S CO JtPOUN D SYRUP OF WILD CH KP It Y," and the universal satisfaction this preparation baa given, Is fully acknowledged in every section ol our country. - ' - 'l ' rf5 For the cure of Coughs, Colds. Consumption.' For Broncbiiifc, sere Throat, Hooping Cough. ForTrcsIinsorlrrltaiionir. the Faeces, " - For Palpitation orDiseaseoflrfe Heart,Debili:y. For Pains in the Side or Breast, Liver Complaint, For Short Breath, or Hoarseness. Asthma, For ihe support of old ogev declining heahb.and restless nights, this remedy has no equal. - . Prepared only bv Dr-vWAYiNK .SON.al their L.aorator 4 N. SEVENTH StPhiladeli phia. Sold by WAl-KKR MTJA ttEi CO .-. - Vtmingftav K.C-i K. J. ASTON, Jan.. Vhcrllle, fi. C. WE Altl-1 now receiving per Sc-hr, "L. u denriod, direct fronrihe SI anutactorv, 5 doien CIj4DELS, Nos Jr2. .1 and'4; -5 - CA Kit 1 AG K, four-u life, led, Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4: 1 5 dozen CARRI AGKS, two-u heeled, Nos. 1, 2, i and 4 ; , ,.,( 1G nests o.cn AI ILL" BASKKTs ; 12 gross Cmd plir HAUKKT BASKKTS ; 6 ' ' " MILL KAsKKTs ; 5 dozen, exia CA. K.tfCH AIRS, sorfd size.-1, for Knninn r'use'; "' d.in evi?,i tArSK'CHV-IitJ. larevrixis 20 ne-ts TUBS 12 doaen BUt'KE1T -4 gross ilnUSK UUOOilS j 2 gross H:irth ' BnmnU. ' " " 1 ' ' 8 nesis BIRI CAGF.S nsord ; -v WUolesaJe and retail ,-t ho Broadway., Variety Siore. I"o. 40 Market Street. '. . . April 2 WM. H. DaNEAt.E' ' TUHPENTINE TOOLS &c. OA DOZ. Rouadshavea A Hackersr DUG - Tnrpeniine Dippers, Hoop Iron.,,. Rivets, Trurs Hoops A'ailsdlc. Ac - 4pri! 4. - for sale by ZESO. H GREENE. N. .Ce, DAC0N. t - C. Bacon now rece-tvipjr per It- R. for ale by. ZKKO. H. GREEN E .u. w-N0yy LANDING FROM SCI1U, L'HESTKP. 4 WE6TO.N yt HA lllfELS of Planifiia Polatoe ; -OV. 20 " of Potatoes for lantily use Apples in fine or.lerj 20 50 40 3D CO Boxes of Sweet Oranm; ' Lemons; ' . " Malae raisoos. wholes Boten ; 10 Sacks of b ird d Soft Shell Alinonds; 10 of -Fitbeitsr 10 aacko Peean . Nuis;.-. ..:. .' 10 Sacks of Brazil nuts, 10 Sacks Shell barks. i0 Sacks of Coeonui . 10 "Cases of Figs A Prunes. At wholesale dt mail ai Broadway arley Store No. 40 VM, H. Di-VEL. April2 ... --r-v ----- . ---v.". 8. CANDIES It; CANDIES 1 1 CANDIES I ! I APtt EH Sapply Direct from the Manufactory, 40 Boies fine frenca and Ph-innaceaiic Con fectionary. V ' 40 Boxes New York Steam refined Can J y, 25ib 8aos . .. - ..,.. . 30 Boxes Knickerbocker Steam K&r.edCac dy. 251b Ooxea . J K ' Wholesale and Retail at Broadway Variety Store No 40. . WM. H- DaNEALR. April Z . 8. EMDRE CABS GIGS & CARRIAGES. I DST REGKIVKD Some new Styles of the a-H . bove named articles. Those Jhat arel" want will do well to call early and makeiber Selections at the Broadway variety Stoie No 40. April? -1 WI. H. DaNRALE. w: LIQUORS! LtQUORS !f : OABBfi Kect tried Whiskey f - . . ,- . rOvi '5 " Old slooongahela Whiskey - 12 " N. K. Kan. - ' t-v .13 Gist . Brapyi. ,'.:.. Now LandiniE Tor sa'e, by April 2nd. ZENO H. GlEEIjE. flaxe-d 'reak - -' Pea Nuts per bushel. Lumber ix-r M. TO PI1ILAUELPIITA. Navsl ltorfs, per bbl.; S.iii'H T'trpentine, -'- ' Yarn and t-'Lertine..prr foot,-, Piift.uis, )H'J lnsbcl, . . Ltiriiber, i-r . TO EOSTOV. " ' : "- Rosin, per bbl:, 5 Tnr petttitnx. per bW " . -Spiiils Turpentine, wr bbl.r Lnitilwr. ht M., . Pea Nntx, pr bushel ' Uottgh Ricf. er bushel. ' " CiM lem per hale ; ; ; ? 00 50 85 " 1 40 m 65 87 I 40 00 15 !.3T" 1 5" Wl 00 i 6 . . O0 60 op . . . . ., 6 00 7 .'0 j on itKca. uKnr.a , 35 "00 v" :i m r,5 oo l -8 0 , 8 5 t'O 7 00 'o!4DKCK . UMOKa' I 50 65 . J 65 : - t$0 -.8 OO 9 00 ' 10- 00 10 1Z 2 00 ( OlUIEKt'm,. ! REMARKS ON MARKET. " Tcbpewtine. No sales-to report, since our last issue. Last sales, were at S2 45 per bbl. for Yirgin aifid Yellow Dip, and $1.45 for Hard. y. . . . i. , Spiaixs Sales on Tboraday of 100 bhls. Spir its Tiiri'ci.tine nt 41 cents per gallon, aud yester day morning 80 do.sld at same price. y ; Eoajw. Sales on yesterday of 850 bhls. No. 2 Rosin ai $1.50 a 81.75 per bbl. as in quality. - Tar. Sales on Wednesday afternoon of 100 bbls. Tar at SI. 30 per bbl. On Thursday 239 bbls. do., and yesterday 50 do; sold at same price! " ;'";.:..; c. x:-. Bacon. Sales on Thursday of 2,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon at 1 4 Cents per lb. for bos round, and 14 cents for hams. : ' f Cob. Sales on ' Wednesday afternoon of 800 bushels Corn at 74 Cf ts per bushel. On Thurs day 3,750 bushels do. sold t 72 cents ' per bu.-ih-ebr.; ' - ' - ' -.- i" COMPARATIVfi TABLE OF EXPORTS From, the Port f Wilmington, N C, compiled ' from the reports of the Daily ' Journal, for the ' first quarter of 1857 'compared wit h the fi'St quarter of 1856, ending 31st Marc of each year: ARTICLES. 1S5. 1857.,, - Ctw'e, KoixiRM Co'itw'M Foreign 8pta. Tnrp. bbla. 1K grl ean Crude Tury bbls Rosin ....do Tar do Pitch . 1 do Timber, P. P. ft. Lumber, do. do. Phlrtsttos.-i-i Stave . ... O round Peas, or 1 ea Dots, b. Floor, bbla. Gotton bale Do. Sheeting; do rx Yrn do Io We..do: Da Warp do Paper newa.bdU Rica, rouph, ba. oo- eiean, cukl, WooL bales Wheat, bubals. 23.483 -340i 1S.S14 Ti.ers - 20 4r 4S4 1,20,464 700 S7i K issi ec.oeoi 1,055,300! vis.ooet 43008 200 14,685 ISO S7.CTS 1.287 ' S.S44I ' 961 H "... 412; . IS 67 813 40.PV2 UO! SO - - ! J 1 Hi 12 -i- 3.6SS!...I 10.782! - 60 snsosLLAJiaeeaT-coASTwiss. Flaxseed, 453 bfwhala 1 Dried Fruit, 340 bmr, 28 l eu, 200 bushels-. f . boxM, 167 bbl 23 bhds, C&lBBfaioCL 36- bbta. . Jonioer Woo ii cord . Empty bbhv 3D; do. Kegs, : Bremx, 11 ban, 12 boxaa, 21,207 148 11687 ! ' 63.211 9,272 350 19.000 42,9301 "Viioo; 812 ; 8,890 - 36 ' 531 121,000 4.&39.88S 1. 1470 lo,ia 466 7,533 2 23 101 54JOS Tobacco, ae bows , Oopper Ore, 14a bbt... . Far, 14 boxeO bbka bbU Vmahar, IS taiim Md. l3 boxes, 11 ken, 7S PottoiiUVbbllII- - Boma. 1 hxm; Skim. 2 bdta C!oflea,10ban; Raga.43 bates LiqoorS7kki' Clovs7 bbia Arrow-root, 1 box ..... BowH l Hidea, IM i ; Varaiab, bbls. Ppr, ' , 30 bbls-. 18 hbda. Old Copper. 1 bdlav. 4 hbda. FcaSbera, 9 bags; VaraUh, 16 bW... . Iron, 11 tons; Reed. 22 bdla. Molnses. 23 tea., 282hhla 8unr, 37 hbda, Bacoa, hbda i f-j,, .1. i , . Jumper bolts, 2JOO--., W1n- 9 baasjets ( Lite, 37 opta. Pipes, 33 bbls.. r.. : f I Corn. 126 boabrls- .... I Paaa, 100 busbcia. NhWOitK M.'iitKtl. .. For t days proccding. April 1. The 8b lupin aUJ eotfrmertfal List reports. .Vj. ji,.:, . i y . Cotton The stock here Is' moderato. and eon sists chiefly of qualities below- middling, lor which there is . not much demand. We quote :121a Floor 8a les 7000 bbls. Sonthern. clofline a i6 10 a $6,40 for tnixed to straight btatido, 6 45 a 7 80 ft r low Jo good fancy am: -xtra and 8 S8 75 Tor choice do r? Cmb The aie are 131 000 I tish.-ls at 68 a 70 oenia for inferior t prime Wi-itrrnni'il. and no io ior - winirrH in i'.iin;i Aaral istorea In wiiiiirifn. lth coiwid-ra- bl shipment- hit tier. rd'iciiii lh-ir Mcll rie-, advanrfd to 42centa llli cnldf ralilt- mIck lock bOOO t.tiU. Cmiim , K in Ciw ' Jir qnrrt at f 1 '0 x-r 310 i ! ii ' . T : t Iv . f White RoMo i-A.r - I' i-n l-'i t V c , aitit-ti ..r tt-.- Ii! : . M . ii- u! at i.ar !..'. iM',' - - - ci'.r.'fpatl to art ire at iu . . int: loif in -sl.ij'iii p iid.-r,J ai i0 - i7 c..l c iii and 46) a 47, 60 a 90 tlarx ddi tn't-rrl ; 30-HI Common Rotio, afl.t, jfl 7l pr ;il'l li ; 5o i Washington do. l 65 er llt . d -ii-r.-dj I40t No. 2 2 I2 a S2 50 p-r Jin lb :v2hi Wi.,,iux lon Tar. 42 25; and 130 bl ight Stifr.ife. 2M iv order, in yard. - ; . ... , Rice Sales 5;30 tea. at H'lo a $5 ch. NEW ORLEANS MARKET March 81. Cottoiu iiif l ; !,- 2U0 I --a '.- Mid'U'rig 13 a 13 lr in tln-e d 'Stio'V. Keceipls 35 OOil. D- cr.-ast? 19 000. MHleiale Sites of Sugar and Molasvt-sat -rerious rites. CHARLESTON WAKKKT. - April 1 Col ton The lranHOiii,na to-day may be put.dnwn at about 10U0 bales, at prices raug" in- irom 12 to 14c. : 'i hr.- s, BALTfMOItE.AI ABKET. ' " ., April 1, Flout is drooling mi i5.6i Wl,t ia very scarce anil unchanged. - Com hite 60 a 62cj.yelU.w51 a53c. . . ' ', ,M . 9; NAILS! NAILS!! 1 flf Kuils ateorted from Z to20d,for LJJ tuUtby . - ZKNO H.GKKF.XK. . April 2. ... 8. ITRRRI(.. : RBLS, prfnie lpa Scotia Herring, reeeiw 'ed per Schr. John Tyler. For sale ty". '- f J ed ner April 1st NOTICE TO OUR PATKONS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is call ad to our .Spring Stria of DRESS HATS, believing them to be the lightest tnii hand twn est Moleskin HjI et ofTcred, made wiihlbe greatest care, rm lt i illy lor our own suh'x, and by i be must ceW. b ruled manvUM-.tnrrrs. W e- .fl r thrm to out pa tron, feeling "r- nfi-trnt oi th ir sup rior quality and finish. By li e aid wf on, Fr-r U conjorma tuer, (ii l.ein' ihe first r.r in rd in he tatr,) we rim rpiiindil ihein In fil tlh'inofl difficult rhuptd heads, ( all and examine -tHir sl Irp I elt re nak ing your purchases, y- - , . , . ,.- , CHAS, D. ITKRS. : . Hal 4 Can I iiiporinm " April 2. ' 34 Mutkct sticci. SINGER'S SEWING aTHIIINES. f Ths great reputation-of Singer's Si win Ma- enmes is lounded on the fitcl, ih.it th- y . re perfect ly adapted to ertry ari iy--of wvrk, r,d that, each one of them, kept employed will earn not less than- . '. I . ) ; mi v--vilJ ONE THOUSAND DQLLAR8 A VEAY. All persons desiringfnil and reliable infotmaiinn ahouir hese inaehhli s sizt s, priceo, modes puff' chasinr. c con obrain j by tpph ins, l letter or other re, for a copy t I. U. slNGKR&CO'S OAZKTTK. a ra.itiA.I Pictorial Taper, entirely devoted lo-.SewiBfe Alschin fnteitsis It will b sent gratis- j ' - . . ; -' ... ; .'-..LOCAL AOETS.V.:'" n .-r- " Wanted, in every Town in ihe Hnitiid States, to whom liberal inducements ar oflVrcd. ' N. B 4-We have made arraaeentents with minr editors and publishers of newspapers biz hly pro. fiiable add. sntisficiory io them, .n-l wish to make similar towracts wilh every newspaper and maps'-' zine in tlj country, h or lull poiticuiars . addrara KM. SIXGER&C0., i 323 Broadway; Nj Verk. BlarehZlsr, 1357 " 3-lro. " GEORGE MYERS, ' WfldLESUE AND REfdIL fiKOCEI Keep constantly on hand, Wine. Teat, Liquor Provision; ood and Wiltotr ll'are, Fruit. ,: Caiifeetionarie. f-c South Front ttrtct, vii.uiM;TtN. x. Nov.- IS, 1855. 109 DAILY ARRIVALS. OF FRUITS & CONFKC TIO.NARYS.' pTHE f.ARnF.ST' and most, n r'nl innl I roent ever belore hrtHtjjbt his market, C-n-sistin of Choice ta! le apph aid .-w et oianees, Krrsh Mnlns:i misons, fWW Figs' oti erd -hard -hell Almond, Filix-ns, B-azil tit a. Pecan Nate, Kxtra Cmdirs of French and Ame ie in Manular -Ittre Christ-ilized, K'gs. PruB Dales. locelheT wilh many oihtrr ur licit s , nnii.tly feunri at th Bro:i.lwav variety Store VVhotes:ile nr retail. !Vo. iO. ' ' WM. H DaNEALE. - March 31st. - 1. Journal and Hsnddeopy.v-.' BEES I BEES!! Ei:S!! f 1TE LT.ARN lhat Mr.Ivey ash snd Blind V M.mufartnrer) is prepared ro- fnralh" 'Wr. Calvert's A-iasin improvement. jriA Bee rotbo of our Citizens whore ta:tearid wishes lend them to the culture ol this wondeifull Utile insect. Every Patttrre in oar City mijrht have one of tbeso Common sense improvements in. them, rwbero all the operations of the. Bee may bo observed, and front which a large supply of virpm Honey may be taken at pleasure. Immediate application should be made ro ensuro getting bets, as about one half are already en go red, -. - ' .. Marth 31at , -u '.i . ITSEFDL AND REMUNERATIVE EMPLOYMENT! Tbn London Printing and Publishing Company are desirous of making arranzements with infln enttal and r-sponsible parlb in ertry city and I ' L . m . . . ,1 J c J L - t laio-their elegant and p"palar publieat ions. AU their works are issued in a serial form, enabling every class of the community to procure on easy terms iVally - ",-.r - VALCAULE AJH) ATTRACTITK BOf'KS A n entrrprif inj mn can soon rstaUish a per manent usiness yieltilnsf a handsome profit. Ooootry merchants will find this especially worthy their attention.. . . Terms are Ty liberal! ' ' - Catalojrues and further information may be ob taintd I y applying to . RAMI.. D. BRA IS. 55 Dey .Street, iVew York. 5Iarh3lst " v ' 1-m. MY LAST CRUISE. OR WHERE we wem and what we Paw: be ln an account of Visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Islands, the Coasts of China Formers, Japan, Kamtschatfcs, Siberia-, and Ihe month of the Amoor Hirer. By A. v. ttatx-mura, II s Kmww and late of ths North Pacific server Inr and Eardorin Expedition, i . I handsome uetavo vonrme. -pbsi rmvnrmm. For sale at The Book Stores -March 28. - . - - - -, . POEMS. ' :l,fl -:u. NATIONAL and Patriotic. By G. W. CnMer 1 vol. l2mo. Jat Published. For sal at March 23 i . The Book store GEO: d A VJ s . COMMISSI ON MERCHANT, , SOUTH WATER STREET, ! s WILMINGTON. N.C, - . ' Jan. 22. - . - - . ; SAMUEL A. HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j WILMJSG7 ON, N. C. j yity Will attend tbe Conns of Dnplln, Ssmpeon and Nr Httierer - - :-,4r2 ' . nm im Priaraaa atreot aril door East of the $stBnk. .i ? AtrU S. T IGHT SPRING AMP SUMMER HATJ,f 1 j every description, now epniif al the llat and-Cap Emporium, 34 Market Mr -- Msreh 24. ; CHA8. D. MTKB5.

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