kv'. 41 ilk' JWJiWk VOLTJME XII NUMBER 12. WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14; 1857. WHOLE-NUMBERS TIO tug nuyEEKLY commercial Is published every Tbmat, Tbomdai and Satvioat at 15 per annum, payable In all cases In advance. H V fiit). I.OttirMfJ EoiToa and Paopsiaros BS.VJ. W. SANDERS Associatb F.pitob. Corner Front and. Market Street a, WILMiaTO. n. c. . RATRH OP AnVERTIIISG. I sar. 1 insenioa eO I 1 eqr. months, MOO 1-2 7S 1 3 " 5 00 I j t 00 1 I " 6 8 00 1 " I month. J SOU "It 12 00 Tea lines or less make a square. ifansdvcr lisemcnt eicecds tea lines, the pilce will be In nrooortioa. All advertisements are payable al the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. No transferor contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should cireu.nstsnces render a rhufi ia huainaa. or sn unexnected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for that! iaa ha baa advertised. The orivileeeof Annnal Advertiser Is strict! limited to their own immediate business; and all advertisements for the . benefit of other persons aa well as all advertisements nolltnmedialely con nccted with their own business, sod all excess of advertisements ia length or otherwise beyond the limits enraxed. will be charred st tne usuairates No Advertisements is included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or lands In town r rnnntrr. or for the sale or hire of nneroes, wheth r the orooerivis owned by the advertiser or bv other persons. These are excluded by the "grin All -t Jveriisemsnts Inserted in the tri-weeklv Commtrcial. are entitled to one iesertion in the Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FAlfCY Pit! WTIJfG, KXErCTED IX SUPERIOR STYLE. V;ntTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL.. Nsw Yon Messrs. DoitHaadc. Pottsb. notion ChablbsSmith, No.fi, Central Wharf. Philadelphia 3. E. Costs. UaUimertVim. H. Peaks and W. Thomson MISCELLANY THK MASQUERADE BALL. A THRILLING FRBNCH STORY. The grand carnival in Paris was draw ing to a close, it was the Inst ball of the season, and the salle de I 'Opera was crow ded to its utmost limits. All distinctions of" rank were forgotten. Under a gallery-at the farther enJ of the ball room, and screened from observation b j a row of pillars, two persons in close conversation occupied a sofa! The taller, who had thrown his mask aside, was dres sed as a student. He was a young man of from eighteen to twenty years of age, and of remarkable prepossessing appear, nnce. His dark brown hair fi ll in curls on his shdulder ; his complexion was of n cledr brown ; and his large hazel eyes sparkled with animation as he converse! with the person at his side. This was " figure carefully masked ; but the slight graceful form, and thesmull foot thut peep ed from beneath the sable domino, left no doubt os to her sex.. The conference seemed at an end. for the lady made ah attempt to rise. ''Pb not leave me" said her companion "or, at least, ere you iro let ma craze' (or one moment on your features." j "l dare not star," she replied, we are observed. Yonder person costumed as Diana has. been watching you for the last half hour." ' And she said this she disengaged her hand, and, mixing with the crowd, was out of sight in a., moment. Lre the student cbiild follow ber, the mask in the dress of Diana stood before him. 1 he buskincd g..Mess was ft curious specimen of the Grecian costume. Out (he student immediately said, "I know you, busette, although you have taken the trouble io change your dress. Did you think nil that frippery would diigu se you ttoin me. V ' The gbddtsa snatched off her musk, ami her black eje3 iparkkd fiercely as she re plied, uYou nre right, Etienne, there sh'Uild be no disguise between us Tell ine, there fore, who was the mask that has just quit ted yd i V 4You know as much about the subject as I," ho answered artlessly. ''She is Itrangei to me." 'Did she leave this as a token by which to find her again 1" she said i she snatch ed a rmall glove from his hand. Her color Changed as she looked at it. It was the sxeHted leather sough) after, called peau "U'tlspagne, arid embroidered with very lltiall pearls." "is it so ?" she exclaimed. "Are griset tes no longer good enough for you, that you seek acquaintance among the. fine . i j: it. court lauiri ''Be silent, you do not know what you nre talking about," he returned, by a sud den' movement ag in possessins; himself of the glove, And thrust it into his bosom. ''Doyod think I am to be foiled 1" she fcHfcJ. "Be she who she may, she shall hot seduce my lover with impunity," Her jealousy Increasing", she raised bet voice so high ns to attract the attention ol several persbni near, arid a . crdwd began to collect nroiind the party,- . , Etienne: half triad with Vexation, broke throush the throng, with the intention of leaving the ball room. As he arrived, at the doer, his inbdgnifa, gliding up f hii:.. said softly , t;Gentle knight, ybd will nrjt refuse to return a lady her glove, since it was noi thrown down in definnce of ydti." Before he could answef", he saw Susetfe approiiching. Her eyes eertibd to flash fire, and striding up to her rival she, brush ed the mask on her face and tried to tear it off . Elienne, calchin- her arth, prevented a repetii ion or the bio w i but his own- pas -sion rousedj be threw her from him with force that sent hetatatgehng backwards "Woman frt he exclaimed, 'dare to croes my path again, and yotl shall bitterly rue the day !" saying which, ahd taking the blutk dnminio under his arm, be left the ballroom. - V- uBon Dieu I" Said a female who had forced her way through the ttowd is Sossette Ln garde and the student Elieon Granilier, her lover." ' - . .,' . '-: i " A few weeks after the hall, in the bouse oi n i.tujuy wi ingti renit in farts, m laiy, ; reclined in her boudoir, htr small ool tea- trd on the lap of a young man, .who half kneeled, Half sat, on a cushion at ber feet it is not necessary to describe his appear ance, for it was Etienne Grandier. The lady smiled oo her lover, as, look ing anxiously at ber; he said, "You say this io torment me. if the danger were ten fold I, would brave it, were but the peril mine alone." But since ft is not," he replied "since to receive you any longer in this house would be fraught with "danger to , me as well as to you, toe only course that . re mains is " " - i"- - , "To part," he answered. "Be it so, but remember it is try life you ask. I w ill not live without you." Ungrateful r she exclaimed.; "Had you not interrupted me, t would have told you, that , though we cannot meet here, we may do so elsewhere and this I waa about to do or one who loads me with re proaches." - "Forgive me," he answered, pressing her band to his lips : the fear of losing you mode me unjust. Call me net ungrateful. Would it were given to me to prove how lightly I hold my life in comparison with jour safety and fair fame' Etienne Grandier was (he only son of a merchant of Toulouse, who having amas sed a moderate fortune, was anxious to raise his son to a higher rank of life than his own. There was no other means of doing this than by eduating him for the church, a course to which he was more in clined from the docility of the boy's tem per, and the superiority of his tab nts. Etienne had been carefully educated: and so secure were hit parents, on the strength of his principles, that they, sent mm to finish his studies in a licentious cap ital, without casting a thought on the temptations to which he might be exposed there. For some time afier bis arrival in Paris, the hours most devoted ;o study were pas sed with a pristH. ao old friend of his fami ly ; but intense application proved soiniu- rious to his health, that even the father ad vised him to seek occasional amusement. His advice was followed, and it was with sincere pleasure that in a few months the old man noticed the improvement in his appearance. Etienne blushed on receiving his congratulations but did not think it necessary to explain that a total change had taken place in his habits, and that in stead of study his whole time was now passed in the society of the grisettes of the neighborhood-; The smiles of the handsome student had alrendy proved a fruitful source of discord among this amiib'e sisterhood, when Sus- ette Legitrde becoming the favorite sultana, succeeded in keeping every rival at a dis ar.ee, as in'tch by her strength of arm and Volubility of tongue, as by the superiority of her beauty Her empire had remained undisturbed until the night of the mnsked bull ; but her conduct of. that occasion had deeply offended Elienne, and though she employed pray rs, tears, and even threats to bring about a reconciliation, he was res olute in refusing it. It must be owned that this determination found its strongest support in his passion for her rival, bince th .1 evening they had met repeatedly, and the refinement of her manners was so new to hiro. and he was so dazzled by her charms, that he seemed to tri ad a new -world, and Suselte, who had for some time ceased to pursue him, was lorgotten. But he was not forgotteo by her. If she could not haVe love, she was at f least re solved on vengeance, and judging that his acquaintance with the black domino'would not end w.tn 4he bail, she determined to watch all his rrovements. Etinne, how- ever, was lorced to tiko so tnatiy precau a t tions in visiting-his inaitloratta, that she she was completely battled, until the lady's fears that her family should discover the intrigue, induced her to visit ber lover in bis own apartment.- It was an old and gloomy Quarter in Bur is where Grandier resided. He bad selected it as being quiet add retired, and because adjoining bis room waa a pavillion wiih a garden, which, though surrounded on Ibree sides by bouses, served him as a place of recreation after boors of study. It was here he proposed to rrieet his mis tress. v Their meetings, however, did not escape the sharp eyes of Susette. The sight of S S.tB T ner laitniess lover leaving b:s .own bouse one evening with a female put her orrihe alert; she recognized the. .figure of her ri val, and only waited her next appearance to overwhelm her with reproaches. . Fortune favored her projects. . The lady arriving alone, pnssed through the bouse to the garden, and Susette, who knew that bttennc was from hom- entered the Dnvil- lion after her. The dismay of the stranger at the sight of a female of the lower class. whose disordered appearance travo indica tions of the Violent passion which agitated ner, may be imagined. Scarcely bad their eyes met than She remembered her as a cirl who had worked in her father's fami ly, nnl th astonishment expressed in the grisette's countenance shdweil that the re cognition waa mutual. fcSo, madam, it is ydU who blay these pranks?" she exclaimed. Shame dn you court Indies, rho Call its bad names and despise us; while you envy and rob us of our lovers - But the whole neighborhood shall know what a grand dame is the mis tress of m poor student. We will see whi ihe griseiteg will sujr, to it, . ' , , ; 1 he lad 1 agonised with the danger to which het life as welT as her reputation would b exposed attempted" to appease her -fury by supplications. ?. "Good Susettf) !" tha cried imploringly, "do not rain tne. --'I 'will give you money -make you rich only ,et me go, and 1 wtu never come near your lover again. Her prayers wete disregarded: ahd Susette. throwing no- the ' windodra: KnhtinattA cnlliflg . it her companions . The alarm was given, easement were thrown ooen. and the neighbor from their windows en deavored to ascertain tbs c ause df lha ?ries. Jt was already dusk, and nothing could be seen ; but the screams eumtmied, nml once the cry of murder was beard. Old and young now hastened to the spot As they entered the house they met Etienne com ing irom tne, garden "For God's sake I". said - the foremost, 'what is the meaning of these cries?" L "Cries?" be answered "I have heard none. . I have this moment returned, and came in by the back ttray." "There were dreadful shrieks heard from your house," was t.e answer. "You are wrong, neighbor," interrupted an old woman: "they went not from the house. I opened my window at the first alarm, and 1 am sure -the screams came from the pavillion. Let us go there." "The pavillion !" saif Etienne, starttn?. uThere can be no one there. It is locked, and I have got the key with me. "Nevertheless," said the old Woman, per tinaciously, "I am positive it was from there hey came, and a is my advice that wc search it." .Etienne in vain remonstrated. "My friemlsj" said he,ns they pushed past him," let me enter first, there is a person there "Why, just now you said it was empty and locked,".said one of the men. "Perhaps Monsier 1'Etudiant has one of his masters there 1" observed another with a laugh. "Or mistresses,'' put in a third. "Come, Monsieur Elienne, allow that there is a la dy, in the case, and we will war outside." " There is a lady," said the student, evi lently Confused. "I must speak to her be fore you enter." - - He sprang to the door of the pavillion, without perceiving that the old woman was 8tealthilg peeping in. A shrielt from her brought the rest of the people. Etienne. his face as white as deal. i, his whole coun tenance the picture of horror, was leaning over the body of Susette Legarde, which lay weltering in blood al his feet. The murderer was seized. He made little de fence, but seemed confused and overwhelm ed by his situation. Indeed taken almost in the act as he had been, it was generally expected that he would confess to .save himself from torture, and though he did LrtQi directly, avov. his gusit, his silence when -interrogated on the subject was look-, ed on as a tacit confession. It was only on the day of the trial, and with the horror of his impending fate before him, that he seemed desirous to avert it ; but he con ho-1 .l hirrw-lf in ...,! ....,;. r i,;- cence and begged his judges to have mer - w BW a.ai BBSS MBat-lllUlie J B Ml 1 1 1 " 1 J cy on his youth; and finding this appea unsuccessful, he exchumed, almost wild thnt he was not guilty. He was condemn ed, however, to be broken on ihe wheel It was some time afier the execution of the student that it was known that the . oung and beautiful Countess of St. Giles was dying from the commencement of her illness she had continued to sink rapid rhe Countess was aware that her situa lion was hopeless, and her confessor was constantly with her. On the day thai the last sacraments were to be administered to her she acknowledged to him that ihe stu dent Etienne Grandier, who was condemn ed to death fur the ' murder of his mi tress wns innocent, and that she was the mur derer of Susette Legnrde. She said that Grandier was her lover, and that they met sn the pavillion in which the body of the murdered woman was found. Jealousy had led ber to follow me there. She threat ened to expose me: more than my life was in her power, and finding her inexorable to my prayers, I snatched a knife that lay on a table and stubbed her to the heart. The knife was marked with the name of the un fortunate Grandier, and added to his beuig found on the spot, went far on his trial to condemn him. He was innocent, and ws not present ni me time, nor ttid ne-1 even know by whom the deed was donethough he must have guessed, she added with a shudder. The Countess' here paused, and. casting an anxious look at her confessor, stretched forth ber arms towards heaven as if in sop- pucanon, ana oreatned aer last prayer. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, . .. AflO DEALER IN LIQUORS. WItfES ALB PORTE It 4-c. Mo. 3, Granite Row, Front tltreet, WIUMtNQTOfl, N.C. Feb. I7th, 1P58. , . UO-tf. AS. C. SMITH. MILES COSTIN. , JA3. j: SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 2, SOUTH WATER STltEET, WILMINGTON, N.C. April 28. I8:lv STOKLEY & OLDHAM, GROCEflS " AND CO EMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON, V. Q. Liberal Cash advaneea made oi Klonr. Caitnn aai Maval Stores consigned to them , " . , . . 6 Iy. ; COOK'S MAP ( F NORTH CAROLINA. v LlMITfc.Ii supply expected soon. Thorewan iV lio2 early copies will olease leave their nmm at tne Book Store of s W. HUITACirii March 10. : 151 . OKORGB R. FRENt.IJ, MANUFACTDRER AND i WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALER tit . BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, ' NO. 11. .M A RK ET 8TRBBT. 1 AtlL.NIffGTONi'K. tj. March 6. PHE ATT5 KftTiON or the ladirs is resbeeifsi L lv called to aar rick- ahd elensii aasoninnit f MISJ-KSV CHILoRKA'S and INFANTS' KLAT4 AftD HATS. inctudW the diffi-reat qualiiiSa tit Lenovn, trimRx d nna aii t Hmmed : eayai Hratd. a new stria erkaods: Fhglisli Dtra suhle, Peeal Braid. Ae. J Mm hpried, Sitae Hat and Cap Emporlam, 34 Market st ... . . . . CUAS. D. MYEaS. i--- . , . . . ' ?TT: 1 fflt barrels Trent River Cora' new landiag l'yJlM iafrontvf oor Store..aadfor sale by - , CORN AND FLOUR. OHTa BtJSriKLS prime white Corn now Ian v VAS log in froh't of.oor Office and 'for sale. . .... Also: . 1 Ci BBLS. Family and a'uDetfine Flour. freah 1 JJ ground, Wilmington Inspection, for sale , Feb. 2T, 1857. THROUGH BY EXPRESS. OOMR cleraat styles of Gents SUMMER O HXTS, different styles, at the Hat and t ap r.mporuim. u. JHIfc.S. feb. 24. 146. SOAP AND CANDLES; THK subscribers beg leave respectfully to eal! the attention of the trade and families to the Soap snd Candles manufactured in Wilmington, M. C, by Messrs. Costin & Gaflbrd, samples ol which can be seen st onr offica, No. 2, Water at., wncre we seep constantly on Hand large supplies- "w tor casn. JA&. U. SMITH CO. 4priV26. , 18 MNDR.ES. pt HEKSE, Molasses, Flour, Mallets, Pork W L.ard, Bacon &c for sale by ZE0 n. GREEN. eh. . 137. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. (TV ftar Sra Vtfl bv-. aa SfcV mmn i nr.LTr, iuvpi L.ui sra i in -one body, on Sixth street. Location high and pleasant; waier exellent s a nlank ana saw-dnst road leading from the premises to Market street, making one of the finest drives a- bou'l town. The lota are all under one fence, but wili be aold acparately, if desired. Any one wish ing to purchaae the whole property, by offering an inducement can alsopurchat-e the improved corner m, on wnten la I tcated my present dwelling a wo-story house, wiih winz. eizht rooms, three piwzzas, Stc. Also, Kitchen, - Stables, Carriage nouse, c , aitogeint-r one oi tne most pleasant suburbsn residences to be f nnd in this vicinitv. i erms accommodating . Appiyio i . ... - JNO. V. LOVE. Dec. 10. ' No. TO Front street. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! SECOND DIVISION. 3 lO.OOO worth of Farms and Building L.ots, In the Gold Region of Culpepper County. Vir ginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers. on ins I Jin oi April, too, subscriptions only ten dollar each i one nan down, tne real on the deliver of the Used. K very subscriber will get Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from SIO tt 25,000. These Fa ms snd Lois are sold so cheap toinduce settlements, a sufficient num ber being reserved, the increose in the value of I which will -compensate lor tne apparent low price now asked. A company of settlers, callrd "The Rappaoan- nock Pioneer Association," is now forming snd will commence a setucment in the spring. Am- s curiiy will be givtn for the faithful perform ance of contracts snd premises , f j- Moie Agents are wanted to obtain subscri 1 bers. to whom the most I ibersl Inducements will 1 be siven. Some Agents write that they are mak- inz SiUO per month. Advertising will be done lot every Agent where possible. For full particulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, sc. Apply to K. RAUORR., ""eb. 10. Port Roynl, Caroline Co , Vq- NEW arrivals!. OF Fi.ESM GROCERIES. 'PHR Sabseriber has jnst retarned from the L North with a full and well selected stock oi rhoice Groceries, comprising every variety that lends to complete sn assortment, consisting in pari of 100 bags ' 'ofTee, Mocha, Government Java, l.ngnyra. Rio and St Domineo; IOC bbls. Sugars of all grades; Choice Wines, Liquors ; Champaign or the inst celebrated brands, l eas, ixosben But- t r. K. M Bcer,Smaked Beef, Keef Tonjues, ai mon. Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, Codfish, Krcsh Lobster and Shnd, Sardines, Sauces, Ca'saps; Sods. Niiear, Mutter, Lemon, cream, ruot and Water Crackers, t-ofgates Psmily Soaps, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety, English Pineapple, and Goshen Cheese, Candles of all grades, Bottled Liquors of every variety. Pure Old Tom Gin, Schi'-dam Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron, (New Kuisons F.xpeoted ) Porter and Ale, Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary in all F varieties. Preserves, Jell vs. Broina, Corn Sinrch. Clour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Baskets 208,000 aiinars, Ttibacco, Vfcc. die., arc , all low for cash it GEORGE MYERS' Country Merchnnts are particularly invited to call and examine, before purcbosing elsewheee. K'Cl. I. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR A.D FSRWiBDlNG AG EST, H'Ulgioe kit perianal attention to butinee entrust ed. to Ats core. Sept. 8. I860. TS-ly-c OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manulaetorv. ' P H E sabseriber respectlully i a forms t h ep nblie A that he has reeently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, dec. ,thc latest and most improved style, andia constanly manufacturing. at hisstore on market street. everv description of article in the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will beatneto giveentiresatiafactiontoallwho mayiavor mm witn a call. Hehaenowen hand and wiiiconstaiitly keens large assortmen tof Coach, Gig and Sultry Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bndlcs. t,Tups,f-c., Gentlemen's Saddles, Whi-p' Spurs, d. -nallef which he will warrant to he oftba lithe best materials and workmanship, if YH haa si so a lare-e. assortment of Trnuks, Valises. Saddle and Camet Ban. Satchels. Kancy Tranka, dec., and all other ar ticles asualiykcpt In ch establishments, all of whicn nconertlowfet "ASH, or onshorieredH to prompt customers. saddles, HarnessTrunks, Radical Bags, dee I a addition totha above the snbscriberal wa vi 1. I . : . r a. . . . . KWDiaa rud KtirKinDDir si SLrinc s r n . and haa bow, and will keop through iheaeaaon a (ooKinonmrsioi riy nmt. All are invited to sail and examine ray Goods whether in want or not, aal take pleasure in shew. ngray assortment to all w no may favor me with 1 call. . . Harnesssnd Coach Trimmings aold at a fair prle to persons oaying to manufacture. Aiao, rvniri wnoiesaie. -t - Mlkindsof Ridjng Vehltles bought r. . old on RentnisioRS. JOHN J . CONOLF.V . Feb. 7. 1856. 138 NOTICE . TH Ksubscriber.respectfully informs the public, that he is nowirariascting the Auction business on hi ownaccounl. and hopes by strict attentionta business, to mer . T t siUVri it a continuance olihat patronage I lersUy bestowed upon him. -1 M In,TT XT I heretofore soli bers M . CRONI.Y. Stock. Real Batata and rfegrbes.boueht and sold on a coiiMuiss-.on,etiner at private or pubUe sale. jxn .itis. ; NOW LANDING. BBLSi Staart'a Sogars st! grades. UV 30 bbls. and boxes Crackers. - SO boxes Adamantine CaadlesNos. 1 p 2. Ao Assorted Candy. 12 kegS bejt OVaris. county N-Y. Batter. ' , SO b'ola. Irish Potatoes. , r- SO .do - Liqaors, . v for sale by March 1 - ... ZkNQ H. GRKEJIE. ftKSlOVlLi OTOKLF.T A OLDHAM havb rembveU from O tit . CorMer of Front A Priaeesi streets, ta the Store next door south of Sir. J. st rUm. otace, ooain water, street, w nets they are now prepared t serve their (riaads and eaatiaeraU , Taey Have on hand a saperior articia of fresh gronad N. C. Floar, aTso 25 Sacks Ashtin's line ut, mma sua. &sc l.lvsrpool grotrad f f 0 Bbhx viuarta renneqj VOues SOgXT, JOW lor CAs. - . -,. . Asaa... 3 U. V2 FOREIGN GOLD AND SILVER COIN THEIR TALCS It THE MINT. GOLD COINS. i Austria Q,oadniple ducat $9 12 0 Ducat . . 2 27 5 Sovereign (lor Lombardy )..,.... 6 85 0 Baden Five Gulden ..240 Bavaria Ducat 2 27 9 Belgium Twenty-franc piece 3 83! Twenty-nve iranc piece 4 78. 0 Bolivia Doubloon. 15 58.0 Brazil Pieceol 6400 reis... ......... 8 720 Britain Sovereign........... 4 84.5 Brunswick Ten-Tbaler.. 7 89 D Central American ............14 96 0 Kcsudo 1 67 0 Gold Dollar 83 Chili Doubloon (before 1835). .....15 57 0 Doubloon (1SJO and since) .15 66 0 Denmark Double Fred, or 10 Thaler 7 88 0 bcuatlor Hall doubloon. 7 1 10 0 Egypt Hundred piastres. ......... 4 97 0 b ranee 1 vventy irancs. ; ; 35 0 Greece Twenty drachms 3 45 0 Hanover len 1 haleraGeorge IV. . 7 84 0 Ten-Thaler, William IV and Ernest 7 89 0 Hindostan Mohur. East Iudia Co. . 7 10 0 MecklenburgTen -Thaler . 7 89 0 Mexico Doubloon, average... .....15 53 0 Netherlands Ducat. 2 205 Ten guilders..... t 4 00 7 New Granada Doubloon, 21 carat. standard 15 51 0 -Doubloon, 21 carat standard. inclu ding the silver ........15 710 Doubloon, 9 lOths standard. .... .15 310 Doubloon. 9-10ths standard, inclu ding the silver...... 15 33 0 Persia Tomauo..... 2 23 0 Peru Doubloon, Lima. Io 1833 15 55 0 Doubloon, Cuzco, to 1833 15 62 0 Doubloon. Cuzco, lo 1837. 15 53 fl Portugal Hall joe (lull weight).... 8 65 0 Crown , 5 810 Prussia- -Double r lederick 8 00 0 Rome Ten scudi 1 0 37 0 Russia -Five roubles.............. 3 96 7 Sardinia Twenty lire 3 Saxony Ten Ihale: s 7 84 5 94 0 Ducuf 1 26 0 Spain Pistole (qr. donbloon) 3 900 1 urkey Hundred piastres......... 4 37 4 Tuscany Sequin 2 United States Eagle (before June, 30 0 .....10 62 0 ivc dollar psece of C. Bechter, av erage .; 4 85 0 Dollar ol the same, average. ..... 96 0 Five dollar p'c of A.Bcchller $4 92 a 5 00 fl IJolIar ol the same...... 98 0 Oregon Exchange Co---Five dollars. 4 82 0 N. G. & N. San Francisco Five dols. .$4 83 a 4 95 0 Miners' Batik, San Francisco-Ten dollars 9 06 a 0 92 n Moffatt & Co., 9 78 a 9 93 0 " " Sixteen dollar ingots, about......... 15 75 0 RATES OF POSTAtfE. Letters composed of one or more nirr.et of paper, but not exceeding lialTnn ounce in weight, sent any distance not exceeding SOOC nines, o cents : over juimj miles, in nentu. Double rate if execedinr? lialf nn ounce iicuic. 11 wcccuinjr nn ounce: and so on sr 1: charging nn additional rate for evrrv addi tional halt ounce, or frnclion ol Itali an o.inr.p. Absolute pre-pnymetit beinp required on all letters tt places within HieUniiH.I .Sim ir,,m mm auer April 1st, I8D0. From and after January 1st. 1856, all let ters between places in the United States murt be pre-paid, either by ooslaire stamne. or stamped envelopes. Letters dropped in the poet office, for de livery in the same place, 1 cent each. Letters advertised are charged 1 cent each, besides regular postage. Drop I r tiers are not advertised. Circulars,.! cent for 3 ounces or less lo any part of the United Si alee, to consist ol but onef lece ofpaper pre payment option al. Daylv newspapers wnirhini? three ounces or less, 4o 1-2 cents per quarter, when sent Jrom the office of publication to actual and oontihde subscribers any where in the Uni ted States. Transient neuvnnners spntanv- wtiere wnbin the United Slates. I cent for three ounces or less. v new iiiu urucie 10 De mailed ta a circn- ,lar. pnmplilet, or newsjmper, it should be so enveiopeu as to be open at one end other wise, it will tie charged as a letter. BRITISH POSTAGE ARRANnr.MPNTS Letters posted or charged in the ITnitoi) States will be rated at a half ounce tn th. ain.t- I.M .t IT . ioiici , liTer n nan ana not exceeding nn uuueu. as a fiouoie letter ; over an ounce nno noi exceeding an ounce and a half, as a treble letter; and ao on, each half ounce or fractional excess coaesiitntinp; a rate. xne single rates lo be charged on each J letter posted in the United Stales addressed to any place in Great Britain or Ireland is vicenlr, the double rate 4S; and so on. Said TJOSlnffe on letters frnino" In nnv ntn . - . u - O 'to - "J f " " n tjreattJnlaia or Ireland may be pre-paid, . wuoie araoont is tendered at the office in tne U. S. where mailed, at the oniittn a the sender. NEwspApfcHs rHay Be tnailetl at nv outre b the United Stales 10 any place in the United Kingdom 00 the pre-payment of 2 eetiU, and may on receipt from, any place in Great Britain or Ireland, be delivered at aav office in the United Stales, on payment of 2 cents. xote. isacM government is to charge 2 cents on .each newspaper. These are to be sent in Bands or rovers, open at ihe' sides or ends, and to contain no manuscript what ever. ..... -.r- ; Persons mailinir letters to Idreitrn cdnn- tries, wiin wnicn tne united states have nm . . ... . . su. . entered into postal arrangements, are remin ded that it is necessary lor them to pre-pay tne nioner postage, or toe letter cannot be !orwarded. : NOTICE. - - J - m --J - aaaSk Baaaw "1 f 1 fvV " 1 f-"-- j , l JI Mir " 1 "i r m . TPHK Wilmington aad Weldon Railroad Com JSL p pany have made arrangements forforwardit an rowii cunsignco is tne care 01 toe company, a aaaiioea nn mnv. point oa tae Una of the ti ortn Uarollna Koad, free of com.mUeion. It landed on the Comoan v wharf thrrr wilt k. : no charge for wharfage or drayage j bat these ex panses .win d incurred t! uaded oa atiy ether wnari, and win oa added to tba freight on the J delivery. By the North I . , I ay-bill, to be collected on Carolina Railroad Com Dan v. S. B.-10 avoid detention st wiintiagton. It Is esseatiat skat ths amount of freight by vessels shall, tn. all eases, be distinctly stated, fa dollars aad cents, oa each bill of lading, and if gooda far mora than ana tiersoa are fnetaded In the hum bill of iadirig, the aaaottat of freight for each con signee must be separately stated.,' . oj srgcr 01 mi owrgn uireciors. 8.L.MEMONT. E A.W Oflleedf Engineer cl Sbperinrendeat J w iimmgton, ity a a a. r Z8itBS7. j im-u PR0FISI0NS ! I TJ UTTER CHEESE 1 CRACKERS, e by jum iaa pcxage, lor sale .... .w-- Jaav. 17. , ZtiXU U. wKcVErXE. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHN SI ON. THE founder of thbxbrated Institution of fers the niost eertS JlecittinH unU ir.,nl al rein edy ih the veoridwwr - j!EUIkET DISEASES. -i Gleers, Strictures. Seminal Wkns.Palsa in the Loins. Constitutional Uebilitv. lmixjirnrv - Weakness-of the Baqk atd LInih; ATeciions o the KftsttWe. Pslpilatioffof this Heart 'D Nervous lrritabiity. Disease of the Head Tarn Nttfdfear Skin ; those serious and mrlatichoiy disor derSaxislne; from the destturtivf hahita ni rn.ih wbieh destroy botibbbdv and mind. TSW sod solit-)raUiS. more tutal 10 their victims inn lae-onjf -ne syreks to the mariners of tic .ions ciidetfng mnrriae-e. &c 1 1 uirviugNi unr won onuiani noDea or ar 4k2s TTO UM3 AIKJV. . - .-f . T 'ally, who have become ihe victims of SolUm J e. that dreadful and destructive hahit hirh kuily sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of joung men of the most exaiied talents and brilliant intellect, who jriight oskeaAiae have entranced lia teningjMtea wMTthe thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living I y re, may call with ful' confidence. e-r . MARRIAGE. " Married pertone, or Vounw M marriage, being awareof Physical Weakness, Or ganic Debility, Deformities. &e..ahnM i.i ately consult Dr.' J., and be restored to nerfwi health. He who p'acra himself undsrthecarrnr ston may religiously confide in hi. hnnnr ... tleman,and confidently rely upon hisskill as a Dhv sician. . . 7 Da. Johnston is the onlv Physician advertising 10 cure Private Complaints. His remedies snd treatment are eniiri .. 1, toall others. Prepared from a life spent in the Great Hospuals of Europe and the First In this DKMnirT'u,Ir,E"g,"nJd' lb" Block ley ol Phdaoelphia, f-c, and a more extensive practice than any other nhvsician in tfie nr! M:. wonderliil.coresahd niofl important Surgical Od enMions is a sufficient guarantee to tne afflicted Tnoee who vith to be tvecail-u nnrt ,-i..n.. -ed,houldthuntftenumereue trifling importers who only ruin their health, and apply to him V A-URK WARRANTED OR NO CHARGE. jurrrury or pauseous Urues Use OFFICE. ?fo. 7. SOUTH Plirncmpr left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe his name and number, for ignorant trifling importers attracted by the reputation ol Dr. Johnatn i,.,ir' near. - . nn. jorKsiTnTir Member of the Roval College erodoatefromone of the meat eminent CoJWe ol f . . . . S " I'bii VI WIIUSC s Ph'nSf"' 1a "8',l,'e f London, Par- is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that wereeverknown! in uoiieq Oil ei.lBd the rrrt .! nas Af"i irouoica wiir ringing in the ears and head vnen asleep, ereat nervouf nun. hoin i j " sadden sounds and bashfu.ness. iih freouen blushing, attended somidmcs with dcrantcmcni ssauv, v 1. u 1 irfUICUlfl If (J, . A UJiltTJLljy DISEASE. hen ihe mUrr.ji.iff anj :mn1(iil.il pleasure finds he has imbibed the steds of h& painful disease, h loo often happens that anill-iim-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters nim from apDlvi nif to those hn irnm Za ..- and respectability, ran alone befriend him. dpla v- tng till trie consuintional Fyniptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance such as ulcerstrd sore throat. diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sif.hr o.rn... on the shin bones and arms. Mntrh.. nn .1,1 1 j face and ! rxtremiiiea, progressintr with frightlul ra- niif it v till ai f n a . . A K . . 1 "-- me pijw or tne mouth or the bonesof the nose fall in. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commi seration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suf fenngs, by sending him to - that bourne from wnencc no traveller returns." To such therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself in nro.... .u ... - . : V , . 1 ,c I nts uiUBl .u.Y-uic rec.rry; na, irom nu extensive nrae victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to the un skilfulnrssol Iznorant Dretendors k k.. .k- of that deadly poison, merenryj- ruin the constitu- uon, anq eitner send me unfortnnniB ,.r.... . untimely zrave.or else mn.p rh rrcit... ..tt-.r i. erable- c TAKE PARTICULAR pbTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those hn h... ., elvca by private and improper indulgences. .uo..cniiiieui me sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habits of youth, vi,:- W asbnass nl IKa L7 i ar. a - . - ! uacK ana Linitu, fains in ihe Hesd, Dimness of Sisht. Iu r iu,.c...i.. d er',Pl'?.Uin'on of ,he Heart, Dyspept-y. Nervous irritability Dersngemcnt f the Digestive Func tions, Ganeral Debility, Sympioma af Consump. tion.otc. , 1 MentaUw The fearful. fTpr i nn iL:- much to le dreaded : Loss of of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings" Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli tade;Timidity,atc..are some of the evils produced. 7Wom of persons of aliages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia- nee in tne first pospltais of Europe snd America he can confidently recommend a safe and speed? cure to the unfortunate Vieiim of this horrid dis ease. It la a melancholy fact, that ihn...j.r.n cough aSdsv8mDgtomr.rPrarance thc ,he P0f,aSe which ftcto li e port cT de cougn ana symptoms of consumntinn. i I .. t?.:.: a.--:. -. i 1.1 VB" J,NVIGOltATIKG RESiK. D-t FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and hnnnrtant rn,t .. 1- the organs are speedily cured and full vigor restored. iT . "" nervous and Debilitated inaiviuuais wno nad lost all hope, have been Imme- uiaieiy relieved. All Impediments to MARRIAGE Physical or MentalDiwjiialificalions, Nervous Ir-j ritabilitv Trembling and Weakness, or exhaustien I vi .ucivvh icanui una, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. Young men who have inittred 1 certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which sra nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cur.d, renders marriage impossiblcand destroys botL jind snd body.shoald apply immediately. Y What a pity that a voniig man, the hope 'of his ""V'A "r"YL "".'!! vl ms parents, mould be snatched from all prospects and enjoytnenta of life. oy me consequences of deviating from the path of i.i .mi inuuwg ;b a certaia secret n a bit. -Such persons, before contemplating" . MARRIAGE. lolVirV? h.ppine... Inds-4, Wrlhoat hese. Yh. ioVrnev tbroagh hfe becomes a wear) pilgrimage: the pros peeMioarly darkens tb thbview; the mind becomes ahadowed with despair and fit led with the melan choly redeclion that the happiness of another be comes blighted wiih our own. OFFICE KO. 7 SOUTH FRED ER ICIC-ST., i -i . r. - BAiTtstoae, Mo. All Sargteal Operation a Pet tbrmed. . T . B" . fet no falae ttttlinarv nnvn tw apply immediately either personally or bj Jett'er. ono iisea.es speeaiiy cared. - i TO Sl'RANGERS. -" Tkewuinv thotieaiirlMemraimt thia inttiilii,iAa arltK. in the lac t ten rears, and the anmerona Innnr. tant Surgical Opera tiohs perroiined by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Reoorters of the nanfra. mil imn. other peraons. notices of which have appearedagain and again before the public, besides his Handing as a rentleman of characterand responsibility, ir a sumcicnt guarantee to ihe sfCirted. It IS with the sreateat niwtiw n. t m mrrtv permits hi bard io aooear befnra that nnl.ttr A irw. It t f' stnieted, epclaUy atraaara could amleaabe Uto Inpoatera. with InmnMnM. Vilu kk.. . nlmnnil. -m , T r unacaanopa, swarming these la nre cities, eopyinfc Dr. OBjnnrasfTerUaementaor advsrtiafeg thenwelreaaa P hrieimn.illitrathaJIorw.brined fellow, teaatzy to w tbJ original tr)e, with mm too ideas beyocd tb bnrte. rhn. Tor thai jmrpoan) of KntWns; n4 TVTrr- ing, carry on firo on ix ojfie t ih ffllct1 Rtfui hi Mnt liw 1 to tombl. belong into th. ner. Qnaeka with enormon. lylDgeertjBcstaa of rreat and t- tooJahleurMfrotnperaoMBot to be. fonnd, wliokv ao tnat ob, nmru an; aistmu iav mm! Tea taJaaaT ixrra hnttW rf tjomir, Ti m. auul aatha package of 41t,hy and worthies eoanpooBda, eannina-ry ?w nywra u uipw pon in BBionaiiaisMai irostwpee. ng. Trifling- nonth after month, or aa kmf aa thema)l- st fp can he obtained, and, ia deipafr, Vm-vet ftm wlAa rained health, to eiai ever yoor lHng Sisappointarat. . It is tlu motive Utst isdurrs Tr. J ta advprtiaw. m m lorn c era too. To those aaaeqnalntea with bis ttaUwbsdaerosltaPrfaiiry toaarthat hi eredca 20 ISTtKRa RKCKIVED 40TpAn and contain!: a Btarhn to he ined for h. tt.!v T, as wrttia shaaM stats Af -and mn& tb- portiosi of Ifta. Jl'-- , lit If-. SILVER gfOKS, Austria Rix Dollar... .,,.....$0 f 5 1 wenty kreufzers....... Lira I lor Lombard) J . . I....... Baden Crown .4i.r-... Gulden or florin ...... ........... Bavaria Crdwn i i .... ..... . Florin: :.'...'..;...;....-..'.:.. Six kreutzers.....i;...'ti;'.i Belgiam Five Irancs.O.. wp.... , Two and a half francs. Jf. .... Two lianesr;.. Frahc;...;.......:.i.; 10 0 1 07 3t 1 16 5 39 5 3d , 3 0 46 0 37 0 .18 5 1.C0 6 37 5 "sb37 - &y 2 aax0O Bolivia Dollar ; . .... .". . '. . .. Half. dollar, debased, 1830. 'tkuarter dollar. debased "l 830:. BrazilTwelve hundred rew: i jaw ; Eight hundred feisi '. .. ! Fourhundredi..:. 330 Bremen Thirty six grote;...... 35 Britain-wHalf crown; . . , 54 0 Shilling: ri 7 Fourpence; . ......... Brunswick Thalerf. 71 . . : . Central America Dollar, ui.cer. sy Ch ill Dollar.. . . . . Quarter dollar. .' Eight dollar or real. . .;. Denmat k Rigsbahb thaler; ;..;.;. Specie thaler;. ..;...;;..;....., ThirtV-4wo shillinas 7 1 97 0 010 22 4 112 62 3 04 7 17 0 187 6 O 93 2 18 5 39 5 16 5 26 2 C9 2 68 0 25 7 67 5 11 O 39 5 44 7 00 O 4 0 20 0 40 0 9 fl 8 2 2 0 rS "1 j5 0 21 5 00 6 00 8 20 0 49u 11 2 55 2 12 0 56 0 6S 0 11 39 0 CO 6 30 0 75 0 135 Ecuador Quarter dollar. . ..... ... Egypt Twenty piasti es .;....... : '." France Five fiancs; . . .; . . . . : . Franc: . .; .......;. Frankfort Florin; .i. i. ;;..;;. Greece Drachni... ........ ...ii, Guiana, British -Guilder.........; Hanover .TJialer, fine silver.... .V Thalrr. 750 fine;...;...;...;...; Hayti Dollar, or 100 centimes.....; Heeee Caseel Thaler. . . . ....;... One-sixth thaler;.".............. Hesse Darnstndl Florin or Gulden; . Hindostan Rupee;.;......... ;... Mexico Dollar, average. ...;..:;. Naples Scudo ;,..;. Notherlandfr Three guilder. ...... Guilder ..... . . . ; ; . . ; Twenty five cents: :...;...:;. Two and a halfguilder. . ;. . .1 ;. New Granada Dollar, "usual weight avwiitti, ii"iH Norwaj r-Rigsi Persia il.ih k S!'?. - f fuiiar, iignier ana oeoasea. JBjy.. sdnier;. ..;...:... ... 1 .V." 1 ... 1 korpn.. ;. Peru Dollnr, Diraa mint Dollar. Cuzco....,- Half dollar. Areqmpa debated; Hall doJtflr, Pasco..:..;.;.;.; Poland ZIoty. .......; ; . . Porlupnl Cruzado . . .' - Crown of l0C0rei . ; Half Crown................. Prussia Thaler, average. One-sixth, average.. Double thaler, or 3 1-2 gulden. Rome Srudo Trelon, three ecudo...... Russia Rouble :...;...;...;.. Ten Zlotr ;...- ..;.. . i OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. The follqjving rates or postage on letters have been agreed upon belween this govern ment and the German States, Prussia, &C. Bremen. 10 cents ; Oldeiibiirg 13; Altonn, Austrian Empire, (including Hungarv, Ga licia., Lpmbardy ant! Venice) Bavaria. Bruns- wick, Hamburg. Hanover. Merklenhourg Schwerine bnd Straelitz, Kingdom ol Prus sia, Kingdom pf Saxony,' hntl Saxe . Allen burg. 15; all other German Slntea. cities and towns. 22 ; Switzerland and the Nether lands 25 ; Denmark and Schleswig. 27; Po4 land and RusFi'a, 20; Coi:ei3iitiiiople, Greec and Sweden 33; Norway. 37 pre-payment optional. - iif Alexandria, Corfu. Island ol Malta. Wat-' lochia, 30 cents; Italy, (except upper part) 33; prc-paj-ment required. - , - T. Newspapers and Circulars. 2 cents each to be prepaid. y MaiL9 to T he bi Ft c For i single let ter, not exceeding half an ounce in weight, from New York to Cfiagrcs.20 cents; to Panama. 20 postage to be prepaid. Pos tage to California and Oregon thy being U. S. possesions) need not be pre-paid. Havana Mait.s. A line is established be tween Charleston and Havana, ihe stearn ers touching at Savsnnnh and Key West, parture to Havana Hi rents oh a single Icl ter. not exceeding ha If en ounce in weight, with an additional 10 cents lor. each. addi. tional half ounce, or fractional excess of half an ounce to be pre-paid. Postage on enrh newspaper to Havana. 2 rents, also to be prepaid as on letters. ' .- . - - On letters to. British North America:. If) cents, if not over 3000 miles j if over 1 1, at distance, 15 cents a single rate pre paid of not, at the option of the oT the sender; RATES OF-POSTAGE To the East Jmfies, Java. Borneo. : Ialjtinh - Sumatra the Molucca, and tie 'Philitt pine Istantti, , , . v f We are atitlioriJed lb slate thai, arrange menta having been rnade by Great Britain for collecting In India Ihe British and b'he forerirn postage bn letters between ihe TJni Icd Kingdom hnd Ihe East Indies, whether trat srotited via Souihamnlon or tiaMar- British raaiL herranrr the tW- Vt 'atef l inould p fp,W , this country on letters for the East Indira tn be Iransmiited by either of ihe ubeve routes, viz r Jibe Trent fr,e flngle rare whrn Ihe At lantic cohveypnee is by Biiii.h pi ckel. ahd twenty-one tents 4 when hy United States packet. " ; - . i, 1 Owing lo a redaction of twelve cent lolhr: British postage beyond England, which look place on the 1st of February instant, the sin gle rates oflelier poMcse be'ireen jhe Uni ted States and Java, Borneo. fHbi.am. Sn- maira. the Molorcas, and the Philippine la lands.' will herealier be ns follotvs: - To Java, via SoothamptoTi. 33 Instead of 45 cents the kail, onnre; nh'd via Marseilles 53 instead of 75 cents ihe half ounce; pre payment requited. . - '-sm . . - 1 -. To Borneo, Labnan, Somatra, the Alolur- eaa, and the Philippine Ulands ilse rare wit; fee 4 1 instead of53 cei,ia wheh sent via Sou! It amp ton. and fel instead of 73 rents the qnar ter ounce, mr 71 instead of 83 cents the fcal' ounce, when sent hy closed matt via Mat. seil ea; preptiumtnt 4ho Jtlftu'reil. i The 'ak; above mentioned as chargeaHe on letters tor ihe Island e Jata wi'l " rovide for their Con vera nee bv' Britisly. narUi . fa, it KtriHfwIi. Ikl ll. :t f I . .... . "XJ', fcfca warua na UDJeM to 1herland tt of postage i nn JaCCObht bf the ConvrraDCe from Sin"aTOr to Javni" ' Br the lrnsslan' Closed Mai? the hates to tnese coontnes reroasrr a ncl a njred. ;;;;. MEN'S AND BOYS CspsatiJ Cvts. hi,t7i. - eeivod at . . i k ti. O. UYKRS Match . ri .'-.r,. i-if tr?s5. ? NJ.TIOf t. and Pa trforfe. By WChvter Ivol:i2mo. iost rablili3. porialeat -iUsiKikZfr'jrf& v c TheEsolrsws. 16 0