gtlEKAWtf. C. MARKET. ; -Aptil22. Uicun, Shoulders, per 12 14; Hems, per lb. 14el; 8ides, ir lb 18) a 14; Butter, Country, per lb 20 e 26; Govben, lb. S7; Cetton, 11 a 18, ; Corn, per bin-hel, SI 1 12; Beef. p.-rlb.67; Poriu per lo. bi lUj Egg pr dcs. 810 Chicken 10 ft 12J. SALISBURY If. C. MARKET. April 22 Flour,- 618; Apple, dried, 75: Apples. green. 80 100; Peaches twahH 2,0O; Frachea unhealed 100; Bacon, 10 12,; -e wax. 221: llerf 67: Bmt.-r 15 a 18: Cotton ! s 12: Cotton Yarn. 1.K1.10: Corn. 86 90; Clover rr biiabel. 12 00; Flax Seed, 100 J25; Tallow. 87; Turpentine, 80s 8o; From J. TYSON A CO , Slanufaciurrra and Mechanics' Exclmnae, Baltimore, who are author Ued lo act as A GEN 1'S for The Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. THE HOUTIICRN AND W ESTER X JOURNAL OF PROGRESS, DBVOTCO TO TH C PBOMOTIOM Of SCIENCE, ART, MANUFACTURES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, AND DESIGNER PO THE DKSK OP ' , , Merchants, Plautera dt the Homes of Busl neai Men, "W. II. MEREDITH RICHARD EDWARDS Editob. Assisted by a large number of Distinguished Contri . buiors tn various States. r The Journalof Progress Isallled to no party. It mali.talna us potitii al principles, he INTKGKITY AM) PROSPEKITV OF TH K UNION, and ib SOVEREIGNTY OP THE STATES, according to the condhlonssnd limlialiona 61' the FEOKRAL CONSTITUTION. It seeks to energize Jhese principles by increasing intercouree beiwien all sections f the Country, and developing ihe re sources of the SOUTH and WEsT. . The South produces the greet Staples of the Country and consumes vast amounts of the pro-' tiucta and tn inufiictures of our own and lorrlgn ; lands; hence, the importance of Commercial Cen tres and Intermit Improvements, to kep pace with the North, which is making such rapid strides to commercial and political soven Ignty. The Journal of Progress will be the OOM MF.R- , CIAl. ANI INDUSTRIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH AND WEST; devoted lo Education, Commcbck, riHAMoa, Tbadk, Intsbk At lsirsovx mshts, Makvpactdbss, Aobicultvb b and MiKiita. Inali these departments its columns will be worthy of patronage. To our f.iiiiily readers. V e will furnUh a page agreeable and Interesting to theoldand young; Con sisting of original end select Biographical aketchea of diMinguislied men; the latest and moat reliable news of the day from time to time we wilt furnish a statistical ana Historical account oi tne t orn- mercial Cities and Towns throughout thr Country, together wilh Illoktbatiokb risriits bxfbbsslv roa this JODIKAL X3r Agents wanted for this Journal, on which a liberal commission Is allowed. Those apphing for agencies, must forwsrd a recommendation from one or more Merchant and the Post Master of ihe town. No other application noticed. Specimen numbers sent to any part of the country on appli cation. All communieationa to be forwarded u the Journal of Proeri ss, Baltimore or t. Louis. Publish cd . Monthly, at the Manufacturers and Mechanics' Exchange Son Iron Building, Bald more, snd st the S. E. Cor. of Chestnut and Four th Streets, St. Louis, Mo, and supplied by appoint- td Agents throughout the united a tales. - - TERMS: Only l per annum, 15 copies will be sent to onb address, if In the cum try, for S15. XlT Post Maaterssre authorised to act as Agents. and retain lor their commission to per cent. . Feb 19. JUST RECEIVED BYC.R. FRENCH. AFRESH supply of PRRRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Niw Dazssf To be sure that you gel the genuine Med- cine.inqitlre Tor the Iew ureas wltnlwohne en graver! srel labels on each bottle. April 19. IR-tf. WILMINGTON & WEL. R. R. CO. OrPICC OFTHB KnOINBCB dt MCPCBIMTBMOBRT, Wilminrtun. N. C. March I. IB57. i rnHE PASSENGER TRAINS WILL. U.N L Tl L further notice, run over this rood aa fal lows r GOING NORTH, DAILY DAY" EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilmington atSA.M ; arrives at Coldshort;' at JI.65- tares in S minute - and arrives at Weldon at 1.30 P M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilming ion at 4 10 P. arrives at Goldnboro at 8.60, to supper 20 minutest arrives at Weldon at 1.00 a. m. ;-' GOING SOUTH, DAlLV. DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 12 v.i arrives at Goldsboro' 3 20 P.M. leaves In S min utes; arrives st Wilmington at 730 P-M to sup per. NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 9 P.M.j arrives at Goldsboro at t.iO A. M. leaves in IU minute atrivra at Wilmington al 6 40 A. M. rThe Night Express Train eonnrcJS with the North t'arolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro. Through Tickers Nrh sold In W!minrton; to Baltimore 812; to Philadelphia 814; to New York 915 6Ctto Waohlngron, D.C., ll. df Ticaats will mot ta sold To a Unao tf aa03. Paitcngtrt are notified that an exlta tiatg of twenty-JtTi rente will bm required of thoee leno do not llchete at etalione. t Kreigm of- passenger trains douHe rater. 'Lo cal fare, wih tickets, about 3 cents per mile; If psld In the cirr KRKIGli I' TRAIN. Two through schedule train between Wilmington and Weldon, esch week; leaving altrrnately on Mondays and Thursday t snd arriving en Tbesdsys and Krl dsys.. EoUr schedule trains per Week to Goldsbo ro'; lesvln? WHmilleton on Tiiesdava, Wednes days. Fridays and Samrda' s and Goldabnro on i Mondays, Wednesdays, Thiir days snd Saturdays, , making with tiia "through" traina a ttailn freight train both we?s between Wilmington and Goldaborv tana irregular trsib for-way freight AH dues on ireight, up nrdown, payables! Gen eral Freight Office In Wilmington. on reolpt or I delivery, exclusive of that ton the Nor h Caro lina Railroad, which may be pre-paid or not at the option of the consigner. S. T.. FREMONT. April 21. Chief Eng. dt Superintendent. NEGRO PASSES. A NEW form ef Paeees, containing ssnltary pre visions, approved by he number of others interested In the welfare of our colored population. just issued at the office ol Uncommercial. WINES AND LIQUORS. r ) WE Invite the attention of our I Friends and Patrona lo the best J L eviei-iion of Wince end Llqnora ever oficrcil in this market, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vintage IBli), Pale and Dark Otard. Dupuy dt Co.'s Brandy, OldCognae do. , ... ' m 8. Brnso A Co.'s do. Castillon dt Co. 'a do. . Pure old Port Wine, DufT, Gordon. Pale, Sherry, bid Madeira and Muscat Wines, Mslsga Wine, ' " L Old Scuppcrnonf Wine, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin extr -Woolf a Schiedam aennsppa, Cherry Brandy, t. ,', " Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do. " " Bourbon Whiskey, Rye do Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy, . Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, la bottles, . . Every variety of bottled Wines and Ljqaors, Clsrets of various brands aiwboUJl prices. Maraschino; Curacoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bit tors. . Aromatle do. do Ginger Wine, eVe. die. U low prices for CASH. At tbeertginalifJry. r j Ap.HI. GEO. MYER'ie 1JARIS AND SILVER MADEsOPTHtTn I new styles. Also, cxtrs fine Freerh felt blsek sett Hstscp.ned this mornlnc,at the Hat and Cap Kmporiam, 34 Market st. April 23. CHAS.D. MYERS. " PINE, APPLE. CHEESE. V, JUST received a No. 1 article of the above, Ne. 40. W. H. DaNKALE. APPLES. APPLES. fZ( BBLS. Applea In good order wholesale snd iJKj retsiL ' Aprtl 18. . W. H. DeNEALB. , T-"::''r savannah 'Tf 1 ipgaiiv. ON THE HAVANA PLAN OF SIN GLE NUMBERS. ANDERSON & SON " MANA GER'S, SUCCESSORS TO J. F. WINTER, MANAGER frizes Payable Without Drdnctioa. C.pitalPrize $60,000 - JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By Authority of the tit ate 6f Oeorgta.y CLASS X. "irawa Mav 15th. 1957. at St. Andrews Hall. Ss, Ga., under the sworn .superintendence of W. .. Symons, tap and J. M. frentiss, fc"q BIAGNIFICENT SCHEME t 1 Prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do . t do 1 do 8 do.' 81000 are 8 do 800 . are L v100 do , 100 .. are 6tOO0 20,0( lO.Ot.d 6.00 4. 00 2,f00 3.0t0 2,600 I0,00 100 do 60 are 6,000 3.760 SO.t'trt 11 Approximation Piizes, JOOO do S30n ar .3286 Prles, amodhtinglo 8216,260 vWboIerTickets 810; Halves 6; Qaarters 260. Bank Notes of sound Bnks taken at par, Checks on New York remitted for PnS . ... Addiesa Orders for Tickets or OertiflcaU of Packsges of Tickets to ,: ... . AV11ERSON & SOS, Manafers ' . i . Maeon-or SavaiiDah' G rJPorsona holding Ptiao Tiekete of J F. Wimsr, Manjgsr, will send them to us for, pay ment. . ' 13. 4 THROUGH BY EXPRESS. 1 COMK elegant styles of GmiS SUMMER HATS, diBcrcnl styles, 4 the Hat and tap Emporium. .. . CD. MYE H. feb.24: 146. NEW BOOKS. OINAI and Palestine in connection with their O History. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, pL. ft, Canton of Csnierburj, with Maps and Plan. - Tne Privste Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited bv Fletcher Webster. The II lstory of the Rel n of the EmnerorCharles the Fifth bv William Rob. rtroo, DO With an account of the Emporor'a Life after bia Abdication, by WiJIJnm H Pn scoif. - The New Life of Suinmerfield By William M. Will r. The Oreen Mountain Boya A Historical Tale of the early settlement of Vermont. , Ritla from tlie Fountain of l.i'e s or, Sermon to Child jo ByKev. Rithard Newton, D. D., Rector of St. Paula' Church. Philadelpeia. Selections for Ssbbaib Reading, and Brief M ls eellaneona Essays, Moral and Relicious. Bv J.W Tacker.M. D. Also further supplies of John Hali fax, Gentlem in. . History of the Elephant 'lub. Principles end Practices of Baptists Forssle by rtD. IV. ; itlb UtJt'K SlUtlK, '-HE ATTENTION of the ladiea is rcpectr.ij- X ly called to oar rich and elegant assortment or.MISnKS'.-CHILifREN'i and INFANTS FLATS AND HATS, including the different qualities of Leghorn, trimmed and nnfrimmed; rays I Braid, a new style f goods; Fnglish Dun staUle, Pedal Braid. Ac. Jum opened, at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market .t. CHAS. D. MYERS. NOTICE-TO OUR PATRONS. IJA M. I IVJ u I . A tv Al UUiX Is caded to our I Spring style of DRESS H ATS, belicvinc them to be the lightcet and handeomeet Moleskin Hit yet ottered, made wtin tne greatest care, ea pcci'ilry for our own aales, and by the moat celc- oraieo manuiaeturers. ne oner litem to our pa trona. feeling confident of their superior niality ano nnian. By tne aid ot our r rerw-n eon forma twtr, ( beine the first ever' aied In th Male,) we can remooci tnem 10 or ine mart difficult stuped heads. Call and examine our styles before mak ing your purchase. CHAS. D. MYERS, -Hal A Can Emporium, April 2, 34 Market atreet. UMBRELLAS I UM BREI.I.AS 11-50 doxen American and Scotch Gingham and Silk Umbrella a of every size and variety. Just opened at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market April 14. CHAS. DVMYERS. HERRING. ryr bhls prime INova Scotia Herring, recelv 4 f e l per Sthr. John I yler. For sals ty April 1st ADAMS, BKO dr CO. "SPRING ANNOUNCEMENTS 1T7E ARENOW OPENING our Spring and VV summer stock of Hate, Caps. Umbrellas anes Misrrs, Fla s, Childrens fancy ha'a cVc.and Invite the attention ol Country Merchanta end other, loan examination afoar assortment Our Ootids are all new and come direct from Manufac turers and being ourself a practical ttalter re pos aces an advantage In the selection ol all goods per taining to our. business. A csli is solicited from sll purchasing articles in our line a CHAS. D. MYERS. - Hat A Cap Emphofium March 21st." . - 34 Market St. CORN AND FLOUR. QOTI RUSH ELS prime white Com now land JJ Ing in front of our Office and for sa e. ALSO, 1 rXf BBLS. Family and Superfine Flour, fresh -1- eJJ ground. Wilmington Inspection, for sale bir . . STOKLEY dk OLDHAM. Feb. 27. 1857. WINTER HATS AND CAPS. ilb A FULL AND VARIED AS- sortmentol all Ihe diflferent atylea Dress and BosineaaHata and Caps now opert, conipriaing BILK, fUR AND WOOL. BATS, CLOTH, PLUSH AMI SILK GLAZED CAPS, INFANTS HATS AMD CAPS, MISSES BEAVER AND FELT - F1.AT3, BOT8 AND YOUTHS SOFT HATS AND CAPS, CMBSEfa- ' Z. I.AS, CARE8,' BELTS, '..; eeC., acC. AC. - . Which we ofier al wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices, C. 1). M VERS. 34 Market atreet. two doora bilow Soott & Bald win's. . THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM P'V, .RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company he e been in operational nee the tstol April, 843, under the directionof the following Unicera, via i Dr. Charles E. J onhson, President, Win. D. Haywood, VJce.Presldent, John G. Williams, Secretary, . Wm.H. Jones, Treaaure'. Perrin Buabee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E.Johnson, 1 .... . . , Dr. Wm.H.McKee, i Medical Doarta-f Dr. R.B. Haywood, Cotuuttatian. J. Hereoaaa. General Agent. -Thla Company has received a charter sivinir.. vantacee tolhe insured overany otherComn:iB The 6ih Section gives the Husband the privilege tc ir.surehlsown Hie forth sole use inf his Wife and Children free from any clalmrof the represents- ivesof thehushandorsny of his creditors. Onraniaed on perely mutual Driocteten. th nr. members partlcipau in the irAWsof the profits which areicclared annually Besides, th- applicant foi Ife.wnen the snnualprsmiuni is 9ver$30may pay one nan id nvw. AMelaimaterinauranceagainsttne Company will cpald within ninety dayaafierproof of the death ithe party lafarnlshed. . Slavea are insured for one or five rears, at rstes which will enable all Slaveholders to secure tht less of properlty sgalnat ihe aneertalnty of life. . Slave insurance prseentsa new and iniereatin. lea tare in the hiatory of North CaroUna.whicb will prove very important to the Souther Slates. The last foar months operation of thla Company sbowaa veryt argeamount ef business -mere than Ihe Directors expected le do the first year having already leaned more than 200 Policiea. - Dr. Wn. W. Haaataa, Medical Rxamincr.snd Agent. Wilminaton N. C; . - AlirTomm.inlcaMonaonbuslnestof theConjpeny theuIdbaAadreasdto . . 1 RICHARD H. BATTLE, Secy. RslslgJaawS, 8p5 Ui rJ i; k 7, r ' . SWA NN atCO'S.L 0TTER1ES CAPITAL 2?RIZJa ticKets-OnlV slot Owing lo the it rear favor wiib which our Sin gle Nunber Lmteriea have been received by ihe public, aild the large demand for Tickets, the Managers. S. wahx Co.-. will have a diaw Ing ejeh Satnrday throoehont the year The fol Utm ing Scheme wilt be drawn in each of their Lot Icriea for May, 1857. CLASS 3,' To be drawn in the City, of Atlanta, Georgia, in . .public, n - ". ' ' ,.' SATURDAY, MAV 2J, 1857. "' CI.ASS3: To be drHWn in the Citr of Atlanta Georgia, , - in 4nblic, on ...fT -' SATURDAY, MAY 9th, 1857. clash se: To be drawn In the City of Atlanta, Georgia, 1 , pnblic, on , ,, , . ; SATURDAY, MAY. 16th, 1857. " CLASS 3T. To be drawn in tbe City o Atlanta, Georgia, in v . . public, on , .-..i.-.s- SATURDAY, MAY 23d, 1857. ' CLASS 3 0, ' Tabs drawn in t ho City of Atlanta, , , . publlr on , SATURDAYMAY 30th, 1857, ON THEPUS OPSlNOLBJIUMBERa THREE THOU&AJJD'TWO JiUKDRED AND - ; NINETY PRIZES I 8 MORE THAN OaE-PRIZR TO EVERY TEN : t v, TICKETS! ' MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! - i TO BE DRAWN - .. EACH SATURDAY -IN MAY I ; V 50J)0 -:; o,ot o 410,000 10,100 6,000 6,000 6,000 2,500 2,5t0 1,60 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 l,(Kt 1,000 1,000 10,000 6000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of $226 appro'io S50.000 prize are 900 640 640 600 4 160 20,000 8 12 24 20 eo 60 " 30 " 25 " 20 are 10,000 6,000 X.600 1,000 72i 600 60,000 3000 3 290 prizes amounting to . I .'04, 000 wnole Tickets. SIU Halves; S5- Quarters. S.'i ' PLAN OK THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding tin tnoee numbers on the I lexets nrin'ed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin lubea and placed in one Wheel. The first 218 Prises, siml'arly printed and en circled, are placed in another wheel. I he wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at thr fame time a Prize la drawnfrom the other wheel. The Number and Price drawn out are opened and exnttrted to tne audience, and registered by the 'Commissioners t the Prize being placed against the .Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prices are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to tho-e drawing- the first 13 Prizes will he entitled to the 72 ApproximatienPrices, accord ng to the scheme. The S.OoO Prizes of $20 will be determined bv the Isst figure of the Number thai drawa the S50,0O0 frtzc. i-orvrsarrmie. II tne Number drawinir the 50,000 Pilze e.da with No. I, then all the Tic kets where me number enda In 1, will be entitled to $20. If the Number enda with No. 2. then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled lo S20, and so on toO. Certificate of Package will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which ia Hie risk : Certificate of Pack age of 10 W hole Tickets, $90 10 Hall " 40 " 10 Quarter " 20 " "10 Kighih " lb IN ORDERING TICKETS OUCERTIFIC ATEf. "Enclose the money to our address for the Tic. kets ordered, on rece.Dt ol which thev will be tor. warded by first mail. Purchasers can tuv tickets ending In ant figure they may designate. me L.irr oi urawn IN umbers and Frizes Will be sent to purchasersim media K ly after the drawing. rurcnasers win piease write melt signatures plain, and givcltieir Post Office, County and Slate. UT Keriienrbcr that every Prize la drawn, and pavable in full Without deduction. rjr 'I I rlzea or S1000, and uner paid immedi ately after the drawing other prizes at the usual lime or thirty days. Alt communication strictly confidential. Addreaa Ordete for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN CO., . Atlanta, Ga. lCSr A list of tne numbers that sre drawn fron the wheel, with the amount of the prize tr at each one is entitled tn, will be published sfter every drawing, lb the following papers : New Orli ana DeUa.- Mobile Aeu'er .Charleston Standard, Nash ville Oefmoerat. Atlanta Iniclliirenccr, Vew Vork Weekly Day Book and Savannah Morning Neve. April zisi-, IB5T. J1 FOR SALE. A Ilooseshd Lot, en Sixth street, north of, and nearly adjoining the rail road a .very desirable location, at a very moderate priee. ." TheTi one la large and well planned, but nnha- ished has been put into my hands to meet a emer gency 'a nusty purchaser la wanted. otarcn 3. - r. vy. KAnniiNti. NEW ARRIVALS OF Fu'ESII GROCERIES. THE Subscriber has just returned from the North with a fall and well Selected atock ol choice Groceries, comprising every variety that tenda to -complete an assortment, consisting In ran of 100 bagt'',offe, Mocha, Government Java, .aauvrS.Rio arid St Dontlneoi IOC bblh. Susan of oil graces; Choice Wines. Liquors; Champaign of the innat celebrated brands, Teas, Goshen But- r.P. M Bef,Srtked Beef, Beef Tongues, Sal mon. Mackerel, fork, Herrings, Codfish, Krcsh Lobster snd Shad, Sardines, Saucts, Catsups; Soda, Sugar, Butter. Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Water Cta-kera, ;ofgates Family Soaps, Fancy Toil, i Soaps, Pickles of every Variety, English Pineapple and uosnrn tjneese, Uandhra ol all grades, Bpttred Liquors if every Variety. Pare Old Tom Gin, Schf darn Schnappa, Currants and Cit ron, (New Kalsons Expected ) Pottttonnd Ale, Olive Oil, Sperm Oil, Prunes-Confectionary in all K varieties. Preserves, Jellys. Broma, Corn Starch Clour. Chocolate, Ladiea Fancy Basketa 200.000 atigare, Tobacco, Ac, dtc, Ar. , alt low for cash Country Merchants are particularly invited to earl and examine, before purchoaing elsewbeee. Oct. 7. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE WILMINGTON ICR H USK will be J. -opened for the delivery of Ice every morning at funrl-e, closing at Sunset; except on Sundays when it will potxlvoely close et V A. M. TERMS CASH il fa earnestly desired that no person will ask any deviation from thia rule aa it will certainly be adhered to. - ICKETScanbe precuretf and DEPOSITS made in advance by those who desire to avoid he annoyance of making change.' ICE for ibe country packed anJTorwarc aa di rected. ' ICR famished to ihe sick poor free of charge when directed by s Physician er member of tbe Viaitins Committee. a. ci. YAnisu&a.bLAft, Agent. AprU 7, 1857. v , 10 6aaa. SOAP AND CANDLES. 5 THE eabsertbera Weg leave" respectfully to call the atteniion of the trade snd famtln-a . lo tbe Soap and Candies msnufaetured In Wilmington, N. C-. by Messrs. Costtn dt Gaflbrd, samp4es oi which can be seen at oar office, No. 2, Warer at4 where we keep constantly on hand large eoppnes Iqw for cash. . . , t JAS. C SMITH. dt CO. 1 Prize of 5O,0U01e I 20.UOO la 1 10,000 is I 10,0001a 1 't 6,0001a 1 " 6,000 ia I 6,000 ia i a.3t o is I ' 2,500 ia 1 2.600 ia 1 " 2.600 Is I - 2 00 Is "L"l " v 2.600 1s t " - 1. 1-00 Is r 1,000 is 1 M I, COO is 1 " 1,000 is I " 1,000 Is 100 Prizes of 100 are 100 50 are NEVf lORHADfERTISEMENTS. 11 ER BERT'S GREAT 'NATION A f WORK AA - ON FHK HOKSK OF AMERICA Published csclsetvely for Sbascribera. Ia preparation and nearly ready, VHANK FORERTETt'S Q R E A T W O R K F O R A a HORSE AND HORSEMANSHIP " ' OF TB '- UNITED STATES; AND BRITISH PROV- - INCES OF NORTH AMERICA. - '- BV - HENRY WILLIAM HERBERT, Author or "f rang forester's Field Aborts "Fish and FUhing ,'"l he Complete Mannkl or Tiun -sportsmen" etc., etc. In two superb imperial octavo -Volumes sf r.lfW pages, illuatraied iih Steel engraved original Portraita, from paintings and draw- ingir by the moat ditingoihrd artiata.of the I : J - T rouijwina tctruiatcu jui nea.curci uti v nrinr,rt SIR ARCH T, AM KRIOAIv KCLiPSEj GLdvNCObr, BLACK MARIA HriNTtiM fiMitinN' N T S s LKXINGTHN. WHALEboNE PR TOR, L4UT SUKMILK. , POCAHt'NTAS, FLORA TEMPLE. LANTERN, STELLA I - ALICE G RAT' Ac. - EmbelHfttied wkb Vignette Title Pages, fronr ori'inal desixns, - -. . , - i Ity J. 0. C. DARLEY, , '- Finely etigraved on ateel by the most tmintat en gravers, Including nomerotia - . - Fiwo Wood Engravlnes. : Elegantly bound in emhosted cloth, gilt eitra. Sold o. ly by sooscription. , i'rict 10. - N. B Subscribers in remitting direct lo ibe- Puelishera th. subscription price, will receive an early copy of the work promptly delivered, free of expense strict attention snouia be given aa to correct Coumy and Stale. - STRINGER 4LTOWNSEND, Publlshera. No. 222 Broadway, New York. .WANTED Competent and responsible A' GENTS, who can thoroughly canvass lor auhscri t ers In every State In the Union, and British Prov inces. The Prospectus, containing specimens of the work, snd general Circulars, will be furnished without charge. 10 t-w-Iw. April 7 GREAT AND UNUSUAL INDUCE- ; ' MENTSf -rtWENTT FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT 1. 1n -fltst clasa eng. Bvings will be made until . - - further notice on . - ALL CASH PUBCHASSa OF Lobkinr-Classea, Picture Frames, r ' " Bngravluga, Artiste Materiala, &e., c. WHICH. WILL II BOLD IHDEr CNDBHTLT OF TbB DC ! - DUCTIOK at tli LOWEST MARKET PRIOKS, and the privilege of select ng said deduction from an im mense Steck and great variety ol riNB esbaVikss, GIVEN TO EACH In edr LOOKINO-GLASS DEPARTMENT may be nad every variety ot fia. wall ano Mamtls Miaaoaa.PoaTRAiT and PictubbFbahcs, Coaaicas, BAsaa, &c, ot our own exclustve man ulacture, from choice and origtnal "desgina, not elsewhere to be obtained, and of superior qui lily In our FiDK ART DEPARTMENT will be found first ei.iss Impressiohil of all the finest Euro pean Engravings,' wlih a general assortment of all dettrabie publications. In our ARTISTS MATBRIAL DEPART MENT will be found (f superior Quality only) every requisite for the ArtiMt. AmateOr, or Pupil; The usual discoun' to the Trsde and Schools Orders by letter carefully filled and packed with tne utmost care. To tbe economist, and all desirous of obtaining superior quality articles, at modcuu prices, the bove presents unusual advantages. WILLIAMS. 8TP.VP.NK. WILLIAMS 4c CO.. 353 Broadway, New York. April 14. 12 -3m. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. The trtst reputation of Slnger'a Sewlog Ma- chinea Is founded on Ihe fact, that they are perfect ly adapted to every variety of work, and that eaeh he of them, kept employed will earn not less than! ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A TEAT. A II: persons desiring full snd reliable information about these machines sizes, prices, modes oi pur chasing. Ac can obtain it by applying, by letter or otherwise, for a copy of I. M. SINGER dc CO'S GAZETTE, a beautiful Pictorial Paper, entirely voted to Sewing Machine interests. It will be sent gratis. LOCAL AGENTS Wanted. In every Town in the TTnited States, to whom liberal inducements are offered. N. B We have made arrangements with many editors and publishers of newspapers highly pro ntable and sailMtictory to tnem, an I wish to make similar contracts wlih every newspaper and maga zine in the country. Forfuil paiticulara addreaa I. M. SINGER & CO., , 323 Broadway, N. Vork. . March 2ist,j;67 3-lm. USEFUL AND REMUNERATIVE EMPLOYMENT ! Tbe London Printing and Publishing; Company are desirous of making arrangementa with influ ential and responsible parltea in every city and county throughout the Weet and South to circu late meir riegani and popular puoucationa. All their works are issued in a aerial form, enabling every class of the community to procure en easy terms really VALUABLE AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS. An enteruruing man can soon establish a per manent t usinrea yielding a handsome profit. Country merchanta Wilt find this especially wortny tneir attention. Terms are very liberal. Catalogues and further information may be ob tained I y applying to SAML.. U. BK.lf. I - 65 Dey Street, New York. March 31 at 7-1 m. I 25 WITNESSES; THE FORGER POiWICTED. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHUR, Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank er snd Publisher, snd Author of s3 b3 A serin of Lectures at the st roadway Tabernacle. nn wben. for to successive nights, over M cyacsoocj reopiej Greeted him wilh roundsof applause-, while ? he exhibited the insnnsr in which Counterfeit ? ers extcate their Frauda, and the surest and Shortest means of detecting them. The Bank Note Engravers U saw that he is the greatest Judge of Paper JMoneu living, r REATEST niSCOVER Y or'THE PRE ?: VT.SRNT tJRNTURY FOJt i S DKTECTIS8 C'lCStEKFtlT BAM SOTES- pji Describing every genuine Bill in existence and ! in circulation 1 1 Arranged so admirably that reference Is easy, i anu UK t l iuim insuntaneous. No index to examine 1 No pages to bunt up! J But ao simplified and arranged) that the ler m chant, Bankerand osinrss Man can eceaHat a Glance, aj v . . . Erurlish. French and German.. ,l ,. . . & Thus each mtysresd the same ia bia own ' ' Native Tongue. -- 3S Moat Perfect Hank Note Ltat PnbiiflhedL .Also List of , All the jPiiVate Bankers In America. Complete Summary of the' KiSarcb sr EcaoFa at Ambbica will be published in each edition, Together, ""with all the Imnortaot a NEWS OF THE DAY. "Also A SERIES OF TALES. From an Old Manuscript .found fa the East, It famishes the MosvComplete History of ORIENTAL LIFE . . describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and : Gentlemen of that Country have been so- often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the Moat Entertaining ever offered to the Public. Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at tl a year. AH letters mnet be addreesed lo JOHN DYE, Broker. Pahliaher and Proprietor, 70 WaU St., N. Y AprU 14. -3 -J ii mm n Maat "i SUmk WIL. CHARLOTTE &RDTHERFORD R.R.CO. ACALLnpon ihe Stock hotdera of thia &hTrpa ny for theaecond inatalmewt of tan per cent upon their respective enhacrtptioos, has been Or dered by ihe Board of Directors, payable am the 1st dsy of May next. - " A teceiver has been annointed in each eountv tor the convenience of tb Stock holders. ? s ft. W: GOION. Frfr W. C. R. Rail Road Co aafch 29 1-V-tlSOf S NEW yORH ADVERTISEMENTS. II EALTH DEPENDS UPON PURR BLCOD. A X Thin and acri t blood cannot secrete healthy bile, and therefore the first thing for those who are dyspeptic should be to eommenee '. the porifi- Msation of their blood. . ' BRAISDRBTirS TILLS. Not only ptlrify, but they make the blood richer, and add those principtea Upon Which its potter to resist disease, depends. Amd operation aith tuUttefki effect err thepe fuliariip of Brand telh't Pt!Uf: Now that we may soen expect genial Spring, U la of rreat Im portance that a few mioses be need by the wise. Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile a i tbls season, and it Is as dangerous as it is prevalent; but Brandrelb's Pill afford an inval uable a nd efliclent pfolecilon. By their occasion al uae, we prevent the collection ef those imparl- ilea, which, when in sufficient quantiitce, cause omurn danger m ine nne organs of ibe stom ach and bowels: They soen cure liver comp alnt. dyspepsia, loss-of appetite, palnle in the head, heart-burn, pall in the breast bone, sudden taint, neeeandcdstlyeness: In brief, Brandretli's Pills work their wey to the- very roots of the disease. cleansing in their passage, removing every nn- neaiihy accumulation, till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated, and the functions and duties of life become a pleasure, where be fore they bad been aad and weary burdens. we nave thousands of similar testimonials to ihe following, and such evidence can be bad from living witnesses all around us on every aide. Ij is irom a gentleman of high respectability, whose letter can oe seen at the Principal office, he writes: "I am now fifty-two yeara of age. For twenty yeara 1 have used your Pilla as my family medicine, snd I wish no other! and I have never had occarion to call a physician in my -family, (save fn the sickness of my wi'e with children) during the twenty years. TRUE MEDtClSAL PRlSCtPLpS. Never extract blood. Blood ia the life. By abstracting it tn painful diseases yob may occa sion the patient ease, but remember thie eaet is bnty the reduction or lessening the power to Jlet. And by thua taking away nature's tools, yon may prevemher from fully renairing the ravarrra ofln. rlammalion, and convert what might only have been the sickness of a few days or weeks into a chronic affection of months orjrears, rUEGING BY MEANS OP BRADRKTHS PILLS. This is tbe means which accords with nature nature's remedy in lact. When sudden, acute or continued psin occurs, then to insure security you must take a medicine that will surely purge. There must be no shllly ahallying, because every minute lost ma yrbe fatal. Principal office, 43 Brandreth Building. 415 and 417 Broadway. AH Pilla with 241 Broadway on the box, Sre couieffeit . The gertblne are sold by respectable dealers everywhere. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, Agent Wilmington, N. C. April f 135?. . 10-t-w-lm. fgTPhalon'a tUbSliUAi, HAIrlinTIOOKATOK. The .moat Complete articlejf the kind ever before . offered to the public. 1 1 baa atood the teat of twefl - ly years In this country, and not one oi the many hundredsof imita tions have been able to compete with it for preserving, dressing, and beautifying the Hair, and ketning ihe head clear from dandruff dc It is inestimable; in short, it is cvery- hincthe Hair requires. Price 60 ca. and 41 pr bottle Phalon'a PAPHIAN LOTION, Oa, Fiobai BsAPTirixB. A great Cosmetic for beau tiff in the Skin and Complexion, and for curing Chapped Hands, slso for the Teeth A Breath, Fare, Lips, Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, Pimples, Scalds Burns, Ac. A sure and safe cure for thn Piles, one washing will give instant relief. After shaving it is verp aoo thing to tbe skin. It keepa he hands soft snd white, and for inflammation of he skin, it will be found to be e -great remedy. Price 50-cenvs and St per bottle. Pbalen'a MAGIC HAIR DYE. One i of the very best Natural Dyes IntheWUrld. Its long use has provd it to be beyond comparison t and, being a vegetable produc tion injury can possibly be done lo the skin. It is ensily applied, and you can obtain a black or brown which will defy the best judges to tell it tr im nature itself Price SI and SI 60 per box. Made and w Id by R. PHALON,ati97 Broad way, corner of Dey Street, and 617 Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y- and aM Druggists and fane - atores throughout the Uni ted Mates. March 3. . 14S;5m KIMBALL, WHITTEMORE & CO., 342 Broadway, New-York-, Manufacturers of every kind of . LOOKING GLASSES, And Dealera in Looking-Giass Plate, French Plate, and French and German Window Glass. Jan. 31. 135 3m. t. w. corn and Flour Q3frrBUSHELS prime white Corh now OOuU landing id front of our office; also 200 Bbls. ol fresh ground Family dt Superfine Flour. STOKLEY & OLDHAM. OUR M0TT0 IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington Saddle Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. TH E subscriber respeetlelly i n form st h ep ub lie that he has recently received additions to bia atock of Saddle and Harness Mounlinga,dz.e., the lateat and moat improved style, andia-conslanly manufacturing, alhisatore on market street, every description tff article in the above line. From bis experience in tbe business, he fee le confident that bewlll be able to giveenUresatiafactiontoallwho mayfavor him wilh a Call. He has now on hand and willconatamiy keen a large aaaort men lof Coach, at and Sqltey Harness, Lady's Saddles, tsruiics, fspj, dc, aennernxn oMn, n eips ' ' Spurs, d. a?allef which he will warrant to beoffes jthe beat materials and workmanship, tr ' TH Ini itu a large aseortment of Trunks, Yallsee, Saddle end Carpet Bags, Satchels. Kancv Trunks, dec and all other ar ticles usually kept in ch establishments, all of whicb heotiernowtat L ash, or onshoricredit to prompt enatotoere. . Saddiea, Harness JrHnks, Radical Baga, dtc 4c J. made to order.;. f In addition tothe above the snbsctiberalways keeps on hnnd a targe anpply of String Leather and haa bow, and will kep through tbe eeaeon a good assortment oT "Kly Nbtts. A Hare Invited to call and examine my Good a whetherin want or not, aal take plea sure in shew ing my assortment to ail who may favor me with a call. -'-' 'l--- Ha rnea sand Coach Trimminga sold st a fair price to persona buying to manufacture. , Also, "Whirs at whotesale. AHkindaof Riding Yehitlee bought k old on eaoimis-ions. JOHN J. CONOLEY . . Feb. 7. 1856. 138 - .. NOTICE THEsabseribereepectfully Informs the public, thalhe is nowiraaascting the Auction business on hisewnacovtnt. and hopes by strict attention! basiness.tomerir a continuance ofthat patronage heretofore sollbersllj bestowed upon him. , . M. CRONLY. - v Stock.Real Bststeand Negroe.bonghi and sold one eommH's'.on, either at private or pabtic sale. DO YOU W4NT J BBL. OF SUGAR; JF SO, go to Geo. bit a as. he bason hand ICS bb'sof asoorted gtadet. Crashed Powdered Clarifield da Brown Cheap -tor Cash. " - -April 18 , . - SCHOOL BOOKS, STAND A I-D THEOLOGICAL, HISTORIOAL, LAW, MJEDICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ROYAL HIFiSi LOTTERY. The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Ha van Lottery conducted by tbe Spanish Government-run ner me supervision of the Captain General of Ca ba, will take place at Havana en THURSDAY, MAV 7, 1857. SORTEO WUMERO580 ORDlNARlO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000!!! 1 prize of $100,000 4 prizes of 82,00 50,000 5 1.000 .1 a 30.000 10,009 5.000 52 " 143 " 20 Apr'jun's. 500 400 8,800 4 approximations to the SIOO.00O of 600 each. 4 ot S4U0 to S50.000; 4 of t00 to 930,000 ; 4 of $403:o10,0t0; 4 of 400 to5,oC0. Whole Tickets, 20; Halves, 10; QuartersSS.OO frizes cashed st Sight at 6 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par.' A drawing will be forwarded aa soon ss there- suit becomes known. Communications addressed lo DON RODRL GUEZ. (care of City Post. Charleston,? C.) uo- ui ine i in oi juay win De attended ta April 'il. , . CANDIES, CANDIES, CANDIES. A IMOTHER fresh supply of Extra Candies per xa. ocnr J. A. ataniy. wnoitsaie and retail at Broadway Variety Store. No. 40. tpril lo. ;V. H. DeNEALE. FOR RENT. HOUSE over ih-s RaH Road, near the Depot, i. and new nlank road corner - 3d ami Bruns wick atreeta. Possession civen -mmedlatlv. In. quire of - G. dt C. BRADLEY. Vee.13. 119 t A NOTICE. fPHR Wilmington snd Weldon Kail road t'om--SL pany have made arraneements for forwarding all goods consigned to tho care of the Company, and destined for any noint on the line ol the North Carolina Road, free of commissions. . It landed on the Company's wharf, there will be no charge for wharfage or drayage: but these ex penses will be incurred if landed on any other wharf, and will be added to the freight on the way-bill, tobe collected on delivery, bv the North Carolina Railroad Company- N. B. To avoid detention at Wilmington, it ia essential that the amount of freight by vessels shall, in all cases, be distinctly stated, in dollars and cents, on each bill of laHine.jpnd if goods foi more than one person are ineluded in the same bill of lading, the amount of freight for each con. siguee must be separately stated. tsy order ol the Hoard or Directors. S. L. FREMONT, Eng d Sup't. Office of Engineer & Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 28, 1857. $ 134-tf BASKETS. 1T7E have a arge lot ot Basketa ef various sizes VV and styles r or rale by Dec. 18. V. H. DeNEALE. NOTICE-TAXES! r HAVE received the Tax List for the Town of J- Wilmington, for the year 1856. All persons are requested to call and settle their" taxes now due, All demands against the town having the Mayor's approval thereon, will be received in payment of taxes I will bo in attendance t Commissioners' Hall from 9 until llo'clock, A.M. for the next 30 dava. - JOHN COWAN, T. C. April 9. I l!-lm sfmWlSSRS LEGHORN FLATS." Just re 1T. ceived by Express, a new assortment of elegantly trimmed Misses LEGHORN FLATS They are decidedly the handsomest styles yet of feted. Also, a new lot - of uMrimmed Flats Call and examine at tbe Hat and Cap Emporium, 31 Market st. CHAS. D. M V ERS. April 9. It. PIANO FORTES. I UST Received and opened, one door South of .1 my l-urniture Stoie, a lot of very superior Pi anos, from several Manufactories; the mm I hove ever offered in this place, vizte r. I 4, C and 7 Oc tave, rorewood cases, full round and square finish, full iron frames, 4c, Ac. A small advance on Manufacturers' vholesatt pricter, will be asked, and the usual guarantees given. JNO. D. LOVE. WilmingtooTN.C,, March 12th IS57. 152-tf IT IS NOT A DYE! PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, I.. L. D., Union University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Says: JVotwlthstanding the irregular use of Mrs i. A. Allen's World'r Hair K e tore r, die, the Jailing off of hair ceased, and my grey locks vere restored to their original color." REV. M. THACHER (60 years of age), Pirehyr, Chenango Co., N. Y. My hair is now restored loits natural color, snd "eases to fait off'. REV. WM. CUTTER. Ed. Moiber's Magaiine, TV. Y. "'My hair IB changed to its natural color, dtc. REV. B. P. STONE, D. D., Concord, N, H. My hair which was grey, is now restored to its natural color, c." REV. D.CLENDENIN, Chicago, 111 "lean add my testimony ,and recommend it Jo my friends.' REV. D. T. WOOD, Middle. on. N. Y. "My own hair haa greatly thickened, also that of one of my lamiiy who was becoming bald." R E V. Jk P. TUSTIN, Charleaton, S. C. "The white hair ia becoming obviated, and new hair forming f-c." "' IT5"We niightswellthialist, but if not convinced TRY IT. - - MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBAI.SAMUM. Or" World's Hair Dressing, is essential lo use with the Restorer, and la the beat Dre?ine for old or younir extern, being often efficacious in cases of hair tailing, die., without the Restorer. Grey haired, BaW, drpersons afflictt d With dis eases of the hair r scalp, .read the above, and judge of MRS. S. AALLEN WORLD'S HAIR RE ' ' STORER. does not soil or stain. Sold by all t he principal wholesale, and retail merchants in the-United States, Cuba and Canada. , DEPOT, 354 BROOME-STRJEET. N.Y. r Some dealera try to sell articles instead of this, on which they make more profit. Write to uepot for circular and Information. . Dealers sending S3 or more will receive the amount aa per terms. . Jan.31. V 133-3or.-t.-w. C0C0ANUTS. C0C0ANUTS. ? 5 000 Kf"h Cocoa nolsia, Store, whole VV V aale and retail at Broadway Variety Store, No. 40. ApriflS " DeNEALE, LEMONS, LESIONS. Al Boxes Frest femacs In fine order. i . -Now in aw store, im. 40. V April 18. VY.n. DeNEALR. -. RE1I0YAL. j.-. 1 J STOKLEY A OLDHAM : have removed from the Corner of; Front 4k Princes streets, to the Stare next door south of Mr. J. R Blossom's office, 8oih Water atreet. where they are now prepared taerre their rrteadaand cnsKMwers. They have oa hand a superior aniens f fresh groand N. C. Floor, also 26 Sacks Astttin'sfine -Salt, and 209 Sacks Liverwoni mms lit Rkla Stunrf refined Coffee Sugar, low lor Cash, : uet-e.isas. , 83 tf. HOLLAND HERRINGS. A 'FEW kega left of Holland Herrings, pat In small kegs, a goodartk-le. No. 40. r April Si. W. H.psNEALE.: 1 tV W- vm ill r I S-Sid Market Vajfiil wix.mikgtobi. it. c lrfir STAT10NERX,. BLASK BOOKS, PAPE2 CP ALL 'DESCRIPTION, CARDS, rENS,lSK, ere.,df. MUSIC, ARTIST'S MATERIALS! Ac , &.C., Ac. HEALTH OR SICKNESS t CHOOSE EBTWEES THEM. pHE bl xd furnishes the material of every bone, ivi. fnD',e eJlibd and fibre in the human frame. ' iTen pnre' il secures health to every organ ; . V1fn.4X,rrup, lt necessarily -produces discaae. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS operate directly upon" Hie elements of ths stream of life, neutralizing the principle of dUease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stora sch, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. - UED THROUGHOUT THE WORL1! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are rno.ll. fl-t. in complaints common in the vlinl. hnm.. "4 and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and iwmiuci. i ALARMING DIf ORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derSftgettient of rh li, ih.' source ofinfirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield- to these curatives, in all cases, however sggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and ionic j they relieve the bowels, purifying Ihe fluids, and inlr0r.i. th. system and the constitution at the same time. GENERAL- WEAKNESS NERVOUS COM. PLAINTi., . When all stimulants fail. ih nnx.iU. bracing properties of these PHIs s-ive firmnosa t ibe.sbukiag nerves and enfeebled muscles of tbe victim of general debility. All irregularities and ailments inritnn m id. delicate and sensitive organa of the sex are remov ed at prevented by a lew doses of thesr mild, but infallible alteratives. No moiher who regaLdsher own or her children'a health fail to have them within her reach. SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London "Lancet." the l.nnHnn -u.t..i Review," and the most eminenr of iha rarh. i. Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogiz ed iheilla and their Inventor. . B.oiloway's Pills' ate the best remedy known tn the world for tlu following diseases: Asthma Fever and Ague Lownessof Female Com- Spirits . . Bowel Com plaints plaints. Headachee Indigesiion ' Influenza Inflammation Inward Weak ness Liver Com- Piles Coughs Colds Chest Disedses Costlveneas fctonf and Gravel Secundary . Symptoms Ventral Affec tiona Worms, of all Dyspepsia Diarrhcea Dropsy Debility plainti kinda Sold at the Manufactures of Professor if ol- lowat, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 2J4 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine hrouzhoat the.fJniird and the civilized world, in bo.cs at 25 cents, 62 tCIK"' VIH1.I C.tll, t There is a considerable saving by taking the larger size. N. 8. Directions for the guidince of patients iu every disorder are affixed to each box. OrC.tU UON l None are eenuine unless ti e word s "HoUowqy. Xcw York and London," re dia cernableas a water mark in everv leaf ot the book of directions aroirnd each pot or bnx thv same may be.plainl v eeen beholding the leaf to Ihtlight. Ahmdsome reward will be given to any nne ren dering such Inftrmation aa maylead lothedetrc lion of any party or partiea eounterf, iting iLe medie-iner or vending the aabie, knowing them beepurioue. . - 1H, AFFLICTED READ!! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. Established twenty-two yeara ago by. Dr. KINKF.LIN, corner of Third and Union streets. Philadelphia, Pa. r TWENTY-TWO YEARS' a Expcrrence has renderer Dr. K.amot snc cesslul practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private nature ; manhood's debf'ty, aa an im pediment to mamaget Aervoua end sex aal in firmities, diseases f iheakia, and those arising from abuse of mercury. - ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by -boys, in solitude, often growing bp with tttvm to manhood s .and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begcta aetioaa obstacles to mstrimoni alhappiness hat givea rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of" I hose who give way to thia pernieinaa practice are d"ware-of the, ontilibcy find the nervons syalem chattered, frelstrangeand unae cotlntal'le sensations, and vague fears in the mind. ( See page s. 27, 28, 29, of Dr.K's book oa "Self Preservation.") The unfonunale tbna affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor with accustomed , vigor, or to ap ply his mind to study : his step ia tardy snd weak; he is dull, irresolute, and engages, even in hia sports with less energy than osaal. : If be emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, snd enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that thia is caused by hia early follies -These are eonsidsrm tiona mhich should awaken, ths attention of all tcho are similarly situated, . r REM EMBER. He who placea himself under Cr? Kinketiaa, treatment, may religiously confide in hia honor as a gentleman, an.! rely upon the assurance, that the accrete of Dr.K,'a patients will never be dis closed. . t Young man let no false modratjr deter yen from making your caae known to one, who. fre n education and respectability., can cgrtaia'y be friend vou. - - - Dr. Kiukelin'sresideaee haa been fr the laat twenty yeara at th N. W. corner of Third and Union streets. PbUadvlphla, Pa. - PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. -Can have (by staling their ease explicitly, to-, geiher wik U fkelr avmptem. per; fetter, eneloe Ing a reauriaacc) Dr. K.'a medicine, appropriated according!-'. . - Frtrwardedto any part of the United Se.nd paekedsecare from, damage- et curiosity by Mail ot Express. - ' READ YOUTH AND MANHOOD A Vigorous Life era Premature Iiemth, KimicUn an Self Preservation Only US Cents. " Letters containing thst valne In stamps, will ekaare "vropv. per reti-rn ol mail. GRATIS!, GRATIS I! GRATIS 11! l A Fro GI FT Te AIL MISERY RELIEVED. "NstnraS Gnide," a new and popular Work, fall of valuable Mtvlee and impressive waning,' alike caU-ul-nod to prevent y ear .cf naisery. asd save thousands of lives, -la efts rfoa ted withoirt charge, and forwarded by ma it, prepaid to By Post Offiee in the United S lares. on receiving aa l.w 19. " 41 1r-w4 rt CRANBERRIES., f-JUK first Crop has arrived per J. A. Stash. r.Ca II early at No 40. April 18. TV. H, DeNEALE. HOLLO WA Y S PILLS. --. i RESI0V.1L. I HAVE REMOVED MY HKS1DENCK AND OFFICE o Front Street, next North ef P. K. Dickinson Ksqrto the house formerly occupied by Mr A. A. V a net, where I ean be found when nut professionally rzgaged. - - - WM.K, FREEMAN, M. D. . Fob. 25. j,-' :-::r- , 44 4t