VOLUME XII NUMBER 26. WILMINGTON, N. C.,' SATURDAY MORNING, ,MAY 16, 1857. WHOLE NUMBER 1424 f!f? Pi TlIE TRMTEEKLY COMMERCIAL I published everr TviiBAt, TnttaedAV and Satosday si 5 per iiinom, payable tnatlcases in advance. bV T1IOS. LORINQ EoiToaandPaoraiKroa, Corner Frout and Market Streets, ; witmirxox. at. c RATES OP ADVERTISING. aqr. 1 lasartloa 90 60 1 1 sqr. 2 months. t4 CO 1-2 75 I I " 3 5 00 I " I 1 00 I 1 " 8 00 I " 1 month, 2 60 1 1 "12 12 00 Tea lines or lets make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds ten tines, the piiee will be in proportion, i All aJvertisoraenta are payable at the lime of llislr Insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made ton the most liberal terms. No transfer of contracts for yearly advertlsine Vill bo permitted. Should circa .nstances render chanzt In business, or an unexpected removal htcessarv.a charge according to the pnblished kerms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he has advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly limited to their own immediate business; and ail advertisements for the benefit of other persons as well as all advertisements notlmmediately con nected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the ususl rates. No Advertisements Is Included in the contract for the sale or rent of houses or Isnds in town r country, or for the sale or hire of negroes, wheth er the properly is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term "immediate business." All advertisements Inserted In the tri-weekly Commercial, are entitled to one iesertion. in the - Weekly free of charge. JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED 111 SUPERIOR STTLE. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL.. Ti sw Vot Messrs. Dollweb &, Potts. Totton Cm a blcs Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. Philadelphia S. E. Corns. BaltimsreVfu. H. Peaks and VVm. Thomson ORIGINAL MATTER. t N. Y. Correspondence of the Commercial. New Yoek, Mny 12, 1857. In tbia almost midsummer weather, we repose in unwonted inactivity. There ia hardly any movement in political, social or business circles. People read the re ports of the Cunningham trial, because they bare been in the habit of reading ev ery thing they could pick up about Dr. Burdell. The prosecution opened with a most snrags and needless phillipic by Mr. Hall, impressing upon the jury the duty incumbent upon them of paying no regard to the prisononer at the bar. The examin ation of witnesses on the port of tht prose cution has been conducted with great inef ficiency. Her able counsel, an 1 carefully sififtd jury, will probably succeed in clear ing Mrs. Cunningham Coroner Conway has been on the stand, but does not show to great advantage as a witness. "Clolh; cd in a little brief authority," he is a sight well worthy of beholding. Trade has been Very quiet, with the ex ception of a little excitement about tea, which has gone up a peg through the ma neuvering! of speculators. The' market for China goods is controlled almost entire ly by a few large houses, whd hold im mense stocks which their large Capital en ables then! to retain until they can fix their own pricei The red and yellow China silks which we used for sleeve linings have also risen; as well as the white Pongees which are printed irilo Gandntfiia handker chiefs in this countrjr. Prices have, how ever, reacbed a higher point than the;' can longsnssain. The drj goods trade has been very quiet, though some merchants are here from New York State and New England. We hate passed through the dangerous season, the first to fourth of May. at which dates many notes become due without any heavy failures. 'Boston has oeen less fortunate. A great deal of tearing down and Upbuil ding is going on now. Columbia College, one of the old landmarks,, is only wailing long enough to have its daguerreotype ta ken, and then, down it must come. The buildings have been standing at the foot of Park Place for over 80 years. The origi rial institution was called King's College. Alexander Hamilton and Dewitt Clinton received their education at Columbia. The whole concern is ! to be moved into some of the unexplored regions on the up per part of Manhattan Island where a mag nificent building will be erected,' at a cost of not less than $500,000. The place -of the old college is to be suppl ed by a row of magnificent marble fronts, erected for drj goods jobbing houses. V MISCELLANY. HORRIBLE DISCLOSURES-DEAD BODIES EXHUMED AND BURNED. We learn that great excitement has prevailed in the, neighboring village of Concord during the past week, caused by the discovery that several children, who died recently, had been disinterred and their bodies removed. There are a hundred rumors in circu lation about the affair. After compar ing the j conflicting stories together, we make out. the following statement of the case. i , . . . - .-. A quack doctor known by the name of Nugent, applied to a man. to assist him in taking up a child that had been buried a few days before. The man made the request known, ,and intima ted that two little girls . daughters of a very respectable gentleman -residing in the vicinity, had been removed from their graves by this man Nugent for the purpose of extracting, medicinal properties from their flesh and bones. Ttt ascertain the truth of the ronton the .father had the graves re-opened, and found the comns and bodies missing. ui course tnis created a great sensa tion, aod we are informed that it was determined to inflict summary plinish ment upon Nugent ; but on Visiting his house he was found very- sick and in a dying condition. One report says that he took poison after learning that his operations were known to the public and another, that he diet! Irom a dis ease contracted from frequent handling of decomposed oodles. , , . Nugent died on Wednesday last. He made a statement before death, to the enect that he had exhumed about sixteen dead bodies in Concord and elsewhere, and after using them (for makinsr medicine 1 he burned the flesh. comns and everything, to prevent detec tion. . His ash pile was examined, and teeth and bones found therein. His theory appears to have been that a medicincould be made by boiling the liver of a human being, that would cure liver complaint and so with regard to other diseases. We learn that Nugent was from Forsythe county, and had been living in Concord about two years He once lived in this town, we are in formed, engaged in selling peppermint aud cinnamon drops. Beiore he died he gave the names of three or four of his accomplices, one of whom, a white man named Bogus, was arrested in this place last week and commuted to jail. What the lellow did with the medi cine he has been making, no one knows. We heard some one say he had agen cies lu Salisbury and Goldsboro , where one or nioreofhis accomplices reside. Those persons who are iu the habit of buying and swallotfing every kind of nostrum offered to tHem for the cure of diseases internally afhd externally, will take a hint from theabove. Charlotte Democrat. REMARKABLE ACCIDENT. The Bloominsrton (III.) Flae says that ateiy.a very remarkable accident oc- occurred on the farm of. Mr. William C. Warlow, of that county. While Mr. John Baker was harrowing in a field, his two horses took fright and ran off, the harrow soon got thrown" npon its back, with the teeth up, and horses became en tangled in the harness in such a manner as to cause them both to fall on top of tne harrow, the teeth ol which pene trated m their vitals and killed them almost instantly. We doubt very much whether there is another similar circum stance on record. WINES ! WINES! ! WINES ! ! ! TT IS TRULY SAID that Georea Mvers hai X the best Champagne wines ever before offered n this city. They need but a trial from those who hate not used them--to tt-perctde all other brands. IMPERIAL BRAND, u case, the "ne plus ultra" of all wines from ( vineyard of Bouche, rnseturouet . Sillery supcrieur, HeidsicR brand qtscY. ptS Bonche brand ' Crown brand Star brand " -Also, Brandies f the very finest grades. Pare Holland Gin, dmictJ paid St Cusiorh Hotise, Wil mington, N.O. Sherry, Port arid Madeira Wines, pure, and every possible variety or Wines, Li quors. Coidials. &c. fcc. in wood and class. Tuscaloosa, Mononpahela and Bonrbon Whiskey, with alert df choice Old Baker Whiskey, the choi cest article ever ottered Del ore in tnis market. Call and examine, at the Original Family Gro cery, rvos.aiana is, f ront street. Apfil 7. GEO. MYERS. NEW BOORS. CJINAI and Palestine in connection with their O History. Br Arthur Penrhvn Stanley. M. R. Canton of Cafttertnirrv with Maps and Plan. The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by Fletcher Webster. The History of the RfUnof the EmnerorCharles tne Klftn tv William ttotwrtfon. I) n. with an acconnt of ike Emperor's Life after his Abdication. by William n. Irrescotf. The New Life of Summerfleld By William M. W 11 It i. TheOreen Mountain Boys A Historical Tale of the earlv settlement of Vermont. Rills from the Fotrntaln of Life t or. Sermon to Child.en. By Rev. Richard Nemon. D. V.. Rector of St. Pauls' Church, Philadelpeia. Selections for Sabbath Reading, and Brief Mis cellaneous fessays. Moral and Religious. By J.W Tucker. M. I. Also further-supplies of John Hali fax, Gentlemin. History of the Elephant club, inni;iiiriiiuuriatiicei or napusrs.. F or Sale Or Feb. 1 J. THE- BOOK STORE. notice to our Patrons. "PARTICULAR ATTENTION Is called to our A.. Spring Stvle of DRESS HATS, believing inemia Dotoi ugntcst ana , aanasomest Aloleskia nai yci onerea, made wim tne greatest care, es pecially i or our own saies, ana by tne most cele brated manufacturers. . we offer them to our pi iron, feeling confident of their superior quality and finish. By the sid of our French eanforma.. tuer, (it being the first ever nsed in the Stale,) we can remouei mem to ni tne moei dimcait shaped heads. Call and examine our styles before mak ing your purchases. , CHAS. D. MYERS, HatACap Emporium, ... April 2, " 34 Market street. 1 PORTE M0NNAIES & CABAS. WE are now receiving-an invoice of Ladies and Gentlemen's fine Pearl Ponmonnaies and Oabosj also. Satchels t , Bags; Bill books and oegar leases, at nroaaway Variety Stor, No. 40. April 21. W. H. Db.NEALE. PINE, APPLE, CHEESE. JUST received a No. 1 article of the above. No. 40. w. H. DsNEALE. SOAP AND CANDLES, THE subscribers beg leave respectfully to eaP. the attention of the trade and families to the soap ana candles manufactured in Wilmington, N. C, by Messrs. Coslin A Gaflbrd, samples o( wn.-ii can 9e seen si oor omca. ta- ' War., mi wnerr we seep constantly on nand large sunplic mtorcash. : J AS. C. SMITH dr. CO. April 26. ' is FOR ONLY $1. ON the receipt of 91 wJll he mailed to any per son, any one of the following receipts, vlx : A reeelpt for making a wasbiag fluid with which he washinr of a dav can be-done fn sm hnnr ne for maklntr sofl-Snao ; Om ' for mablna starch. Poluh. One for making- tho oast furniture . ,i ? m"a 1 aaea reeet at a nave been 'i smachaa SZU each .Thf mufml "hen' mmrftx " times the tits charged for ; w. TtTRLifyro'jf. ' ' Barelaytwrllte,- . H"nit C, N. C. Msy6t NEW LINE OF STEAMERS -- i ' B E T W E K N ' NEW YOUK,: LONDON & BREMEN THE MAGNIFICENT BRITISH STEAMSHIPS QTjJtSlt Of thS SOUTH, Captain Bd, 2221 tons burthen. litJJiAA,, ... capk tlaJter, - aa. AEOO . . Caott Benson. 2316 do. J A BON . Cpf, Britten, 26B7 do. Owned by the EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY or LONDON akd SOUTHAMPTON, are anoointed to sail from NEW 1r ORK on every alternate WEDNESDAY, for LONDON and BREMEN, touching Sodth- amftoit to land passentrors and mails for hngland and France. They will remain one day at Lon don, and ihitn nnwMd to Bremen. Returning, they will leave BREMEN for NEW YORK on every alternate SATURDAY, stopping only at Southampton. These s'eamshlDS are of the nrst class, and have superior accommodations lor passengers. '1 hey will take a limited nuraoer of third-class or steeruE passeneeis. A Surgeo-n attached to each shin. . The nres of I relent to London win be but little higher than those of sailing ships. HATES OP PASSaBK. First Cabin. 30t Second Cabin. S50 ; Steerare. in ' . - The steamsh'n QUEEN of the SOUTH win sail from NEW YORK, on WEDNESDAY, 27th MAY. and be eucceeeded by the Indiana, 10th June. For freight or passage apply to C. H. SAND, 11 South Williams H. May 6. . 22 Ir From J. TYSON A CO.. Manufacturers and Mechanics' Exchange, Baltimore, who are author ized to act as AGENTS for Jne Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. tub. HouTitEKii And -ivissTERx JOURNAL OF PROGRESS, DEVOTED TO THE PROMOTION Of SCIENCE, ART, MANUFACTURES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, AMD DESIGNED FOR THE DESK Merchluts, Plantera & the Homes of Kusi- lieSs Men, W. tL MEREDITIT &. RICHARD EDWARDS Eoivobs. Assisted by a large number of Distinguished Contri butors in various ctiaies. The Jonrna I of Progress is nllied to no party. It maii.taiDS as political principles, the INTEGRITV AINU r lvU S I K It IT T UKTHK UIN1U, and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES, according to the conditionsand limitations of the FED EKAL CONSTITUTION. It sreks to energise these principles by tnertiMinf intercourse between all sections of the Country, and developing the re sources of the SOUTH and WEST. The South produces the great Staples of the Country and consumes vast amounts of the pro- ucta and tnjnutactures oi onr own ana loreicn lands; hence, the importance of Commercial Cen tres and internal improvements) to Keep pace with the North, which is making such rapid strides to commercial and political sovereignty. The Journal ol Progress will be the UUM.H Kll- CIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH AND WEST; devoted to Education, Commerce, Finahoe, Tbadk, Inteks al Improve- MESTS, WAJOrACTCIH, AOBICULTUSESnd Mi NINO. In all these departments its columns will be worthy of patronage. To our family readers. e win turnisrt a pace agreeable and interesting to the old and voune; con sisting otoninai sna select niograpnicni SKetcnes of difiingnished men; the latest and most reliable news of the" day from time to time we will furnish a Statistical and Historical account of the Com mercial Cities and Towns throughout the Country, together with Illl-htbatioxs pbepabko ezpbesslt FOB THIS JOCBSAL. fCV Agents wanted for this Journal, on which a liberal commission la allowed. Those applying for asrencles. must forward s recommendation from one or more Merchants and the Post Master of ihe town. No other application noticed. Specimen numbers sent to any part of the country on appli cation. All communications to bclorwarded to the Journal of Progress. Baltimore or r-1. Louis. Published Morthlt. at the Manufacturers and Mechanics' Exchange, Sun Iron Building, Balti more, and at the i. l'- uor. nt uuestnutand Four th Streets, St. Louis, Mo., nnd supplied by appoint ed Agentsthrougnoui tne united states. TERMS: Only 91 per annum, IS copies will be tent to onb address, if in the conr.try, tor S15. Tir Post Masters are suthorisett to act as Agents. and retain lor tneir commission zo per cent. Feb. 19. OURMOTTO IS l4T0 PLEASE'7 AT THE lYlIialuetoii saddle Harness, and Trunk Af aiinlaetorr THE subscriber respectlullyi if fofrnsthepublic thathehas recently received additions to hiB stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings. dze. .the isiesi sna most improved styie, andis constanly manuiacturine.athlsstcre on irtarKet street. e very description of artltlein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that hewlil be able to givecntlrcsatisfactiontoallwho may tavor him with a call, tie has now on hand and wllJcoftfiantly keen a laueassortmen tof Coach, Gig and Sultry Harness, Z.ady's Sadrllra, unaus, nmtps, pe., ircnuevien s autldies, W hips spurs, a-e. nallef which he will warrant to be offe" ythe beat materials and workmanship. f He has also a lars-e assortment of V Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Pa ik-v Trnnks. Oct.. and all other ar. tides ntuatly kept in sch establishments, all of which neotlertlowfct ASH,or onsliortcredii to prompt customers. ' saddles, HarnessTrunks. Radical Hairs. Ac die., made to order. Inadditidn tothe tttiaie the snbtvfiberalw. v kecpson hand a lafcesunnlv of Sfrlnr reather and has now, and will kpsp through the season a good assortment of fly Nfctts. - Aliareinvlted to call and examine m v Good whetherin want or not. as I takeuiensureinshitw. Ingmy assortment (o all wfto may favor me with Harnessand Coach Trlmminas sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, wmrs at wholesale. , UiKT o I Hiding Vehic les bough t e. old oneoma ions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7. 138 HALiIj & PI'JPTS, TTt yin -rvr-vr;-vr-s-r sqtf STOCK, REAL ESTATE AND PRO DUCE BROKERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Punctual attention given to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Stocks, and other Securities oovffu ana sola on Uommission. WHI attend to sales by Auction of Real Estste or Msnofacturing property in any psrt of the County or State or to the sale of Stocks, of Mer chandise in Storta or Furniture in Houses in this town. . . .r- March 6. 5-tf CORN AND FLOUR. QOCBUJiHELS prime white Corn now JwOJ landing in front of ovr office; also 200 Bbla. oi fresh ground Family dt Superfine Flour. S1VK.UKV OLDHAM. vTH ATS another case, small site, just received this moraine bv Exoress. at the Hat and (n Em. porium. UHAS. D.MTEB3. April Z3. . v . RE SI 0TAL I HATE REMOVED MY RESIDENCE AND OFFICB to Front Sfeef, neat North- of P. K. Ulcttinson Est)rnto the honse formerly occupied by Mr. A. A. Wanet, where i caa-be found when aot professionally eXgaged. - . . rVM. S.'. KKEKB4W, M. U.-. Feb. 25 ' ' - lie .' W. G. MILLtGAN, MARBLE MAiNUFACTURER, jSdhth Wateb Street, wikminqton. No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all Kinds of Marble n org furnished to m order en reasonable terms. - Jane E. . i-- ,v-; ... -. 3S-ly-c AS. C. SMITH." ' Mlt.ES COST1N JAS. C. SMITH fc CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. lg-Ir COOK'S MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA. LIMITED coddI v expected Sootf. ThofSe wafa zV ting early copies will please lea Vs their namss at the Book store oi s w.wiiiTAK.KK. March 10. - - ' - 151 GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE 4 itETAtti DEALER IN BOOTS, SIIQES, LEATHER,' AND SHUE FlXNUlINliS, NO. 11. MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, W. C. March 6. HENRY NUTT, FACTOR AND F8SWARDISG AG EST, Willgive hi pertonal attention to business entrust ea 10 am ear. Sept. 8. 1856. 75-1 y-c. GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N.C. -Jan. 22. 132. II. DOLLKRR. Q. POTT KB. IT. J. CAM BR DEN D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YOKK. April 30, 1855. 20-Iy. HENRY BURRHIMER WHOLESALK A BCTAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR S r O H K. ' SIGV OF THE ISiDlAjf CIIIEF' MARKET STREET ne door above Water Wilmington Jf. C. N. B. All Orders filled with despatch. Oct. 26ih, 1333- 93-tt W.c. - ANDREW S. KEMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. Will Ultend the County and Superior Courts of Bladen"; Rob'cstmColiimblis and Sifalpson. June 12. J ty GEORGE JlfEttS, WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL GR0CE& Keeps constantly on hand, Tl'ttte. Teas, Liquor Provisions, W ood ana Willow wart, fruu, Confcclionarit,4-c. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N.C Nov. IS, 1855. 109. CnAS. D. MYERV" HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market St. Wilmington, N.C. Panama, f.Ennonv, AND palm lbaf hats, WQCL PCB. Sfl.K. AN MOt.RSRII HATS. Cloth, Plush, awb Silbt Glabb CArt, by tne caa' or dozt n. jtuxew y ors , notcsa le rtu ri. mirch 12. bi. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., COM MISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 2S. 58 STOKLEY & Ol.DHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, S. d. Liberal Cash advances made on Eloitf, Cotton, and Naval Stores consigned to them. Aug. 1. oa ty. .. L. N. fiARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, . iHO fcEALKR.lN ... . LIQUORS, WINES. ALE PORTER, f-c. Mo. 3, Graniie How, Kront tstreei, . WILMINGTON, N-C. Feb. 17th, 1P56. , 140-tL rpnE ECLECTIC Sl AGAZlNE for April. Re- a ceiTcu ana iursu:eac - April 14. THE-BOOK STnRE. BOyS CASHMERJETTK HATS. A new article, recommended for durability. "Jnst re ceived at the Hat and Cap Emporium 34 Market St. Iapril23.I , . ..... CH AS. D. M VERS. HERRING; - B3tS. prime Nova Scotja Herring,' receiv 75 ed per hchr. John Tyler. For sale by April 1st AvAAS, BRO.&.CO. rem Estate ton sale. ON Tuesday, 9th June, lP57,at 9 o'ctoek at Ex change- Corner, will be sold, if not sold at private eale before. . One Hoirie and Lni on Sixth street between Princess A Chesnuts Sts.. tVow occupied by Thos. Loring, Est)., for tertlns apply to . , . . , S. M. WEST. Journal and HerAfd copy one week and send bill to Commercial office.'- . ' t Aprij I8.m..- j.-jC'- i.y.v ? , . TORREl'S INTEREST TABLES. SHOWING, at sight or by ne addition, the in terest of any number of dollars from lto 10 000 from 1 day to 136 days and from 1 month to 12 months. Just Published. For sale at M arch 28 - The Book stor ORANGES ORANGES. Boxes of Sweet Mesina Oranses in perfect I J order. Now landing per Schr. John A, o hiiij, wnuicHieina rcxau at ins HroadWatr Vir. lety Store, No. 40 April 18. WU.H.D.NEALE. " i ws uuvovitiojQn.3 ; 'AN be furnished Immediately with volume L 'Hawk's Histary, by early application to tprll2. p- S. W. ryaiTAKKftt HOLLAND HERRINGS. A FEW kegs left of Holland Herrings, put nolo email kegs, a f od article. Wo. 40. ' JUST RECEIVED BTG.R. FRENCH. Ar nns asppiy 01 r& ttr.DA VIS VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, ia. entire Nw Bass. To be swre that yoa get the geaefne Mod' elne.Inmifre for rte New Dtesa with i.n . graved steel labels ea each bottle. April i. .. . , , , . , - . IKf. C0C0ANUTS. . C0C0ANUTS. v 5 000 Fr.h CoeosBtlts ia Store, whole yVV. W sals and retail at Broadway Tariety AprU IS ' : W. H. Del EA LE." OER SCHOONER NED, Orsper's Patent Ink -L Stands t Kidder's (an excellent article,) Pay- son's and uond's Indelible inks; ferry's spear Point Pens i Planished Metal Holers t India Rubber Bands; Envelope Paper; English Tissue faper; Pocket KBisrs; Vonger and field's Black Ink Carmine and Bluelnks; ClotH lined Enve lopes; Porte Morinaies; WriUt Cases i DeRul's Enameled and Ivory Sflrface Playing Cards, Ac April 14. fHE BOOKSTORE, FOREIGN GOLD AND SILVER COIN THEIR VALUE-AT THE MINT. GOLD COINS. Austria daadrople ducat . . . : . $9 f2 0 Dacat . . . .11... .'it. ...... .. .... 2 "27 5 Solrereisrn (for Lonibardy )...... 6 85 0 Baden Five Gulden 2 40 Bavaria-r-Dacat . . .. 2 27 0 Belgium Twenty-lranc piece...... 3 b3 2 Twenty-five franc jiiecel 4 72 0 Bolivia Doubloon .... .. .... .... 15 58 0 Brnzil Pieeeoff5400rei8...r:... . 8 72 0 Britain Sovereign 4 84 BrunswtkTe;.harei.ir... ... . 7 89 0 Central AmerKsan,... .........14 96 0 Ecsudo - . ...lii. 1 67 0 Gold Dollar ...... 83 5 Chili Doubloon (before 1835).. 15 57 0 Doubloon nS3o and sfnceli . ..15 66 0 Denmark Double Fred or 10 Thaler 7 88 0 Ecuador Hall doubloon 1 7 V) 0 Esrypt Hundred piastres 4 97 0 b ranee 1 wenty Irancs. .......... 3 85 0 Greece Twenty drachms 3 45 0 Hanover Ten Thaler. Georce IV. . 7 84 0 Ten-Thaler, William IV nnd Ernest 7 89 0 Hindoelan Mohur. East India Co.. 7 10 0 Mecklenburg Ten Thaler 7 89 0 Mexico Doubloon, ayerage.. 15 530 Netherlands Ducat 2 20 5 Ten guilJera 4 00 7 New Granada Doubloon, 21 carat. standard 15 51 0 Doubloon. 21 carat standard. inclu- J ding the silver.. .........15 71 0 Doubloon, 9 lOths standard...... 15 310 Doubloon. 9-1 Ol ha standard, inclu- . ding the silver 15 38 0 ersla Tomaun.. . 2 23 C Peru Doubloon, Lima, lo 1833 15 55 0 Doubloon. Cuzco, to 1833 .15 62 0 15 530 . 8 65 0 .5 81 0 . 8 000 .10 37 0 . 3 96 7 Doubloon. Cuzco, to 1837...., Portugal Hall joe (lull Weight). Crown ; .1 Prussia Double Ftederick Rome Ten scudt.. Russia Five roubles Sardinia Twenty lire...... ...... Saxony Ten thalets.. 3 84 5 94 0 7 Ducat. . i t. n... ...i t i..t 1 t .. . 1 3 26 0 900 Spain Pistole (qr. doubloon)..;... Turkey Hundred piastres......... Tuscany Sequin 4 2 37 4 30 0 United Stares Eagle fhelore June. lJi; s...... Five dollar piece o'l C.Bechler, ar 10 62 0 85 0 erage . . ..-. Dollar of the same, average...... 4 96 0 Five dollar p'c of A. Bechtler $4 92 a 5 00 0 IJoilar ol the same... . os 0 Oregon Exchange Co Five dollars.- 4 82 0 N. G. Sc N. San Francisco Five dbla. 83 a 4 95 0 Miners' Bank, San Francisco-Ten dollars '.9 OG a 9 92 0 93 0 Moflatt &, Co., '0 78 'a 9' " Sixteen dollar ingots, about ........15 75 0 RATES PF POSTAGE. Letters composed of one or ' tnom tiiocpfc of paper, but not exceeding hair an ounce in weight, sent any distance not exceeding 300C miles, 3 cenls ; over 3000 miles, 10 cent. . Double rate if exceeding hall" an on nr. reble, if exceeding an ounce: and aa on charging an additional rate for every addi tional hall ounce, or Iraction of halfan ounce. Ahsolute pre-pnyrnein being required on all letters to places within the United Slates. I 1 .. . , . luui nuu auer April 1st, ibdO. From and after January 1st. 1S56. all let ters belween places in the United Slates must be pre-paid, eilher by postage siamps, or stampea envelopes. - belters dropped in the post office, for de- ivery tit tnc same place, l cent each. Letter! advertised areeharired 1 centenr.h. besides reirnlar postage. Dron letters are not advertised. Circulars, 1 cent for 3 ounces or Iess lo any part of the United Slates, to consist ol but one piece ofpafperpre payment option- iil Dayly .newspapers weisrhlnsr three ounces or leas, 45 t-S cents per quarter, when sent Irom the office of publication to actual and bonnfide subscribers any where in the Uni ted Slates. Transient newspapers sent any where wiihin the United Slate. 1 ceni for three ounces or less. When the article to be mailed is a circu lar, pamphlet, or newspaper, i! shonld be so enveloptrd as lo be open at one end-olher-wise: it will be charged as a letter. B RITISH POSTAGE ARRANGEMENTS. Letters posted or charged in the United & talcs will be rated at a half ounce to the single lei ter j over a half ant) not exceeding u ounce, as a doable letter; Over rtn ounce nu not ex-ceedfng an ounce and a- half, as a treble letter; and soon, each - half ounce or ifaclwnal excess coasgtituting a rate. t 1 ne single rates to be charged on each letter posted in the United Stales addressed to any place fn Great Britain or Ireland is i cents the double rate 43 1 and so on. " 4 Said fMntnge On letters going to tfny place mi oreat tsrtiHtn or Ireland may be pre-paid, 11 Ihe whole amount is tendered at the office in the U. S. where jfrailed, at the option e the sender. , ; ..'.-,. ; Newspaper! rftay oe rn-aifeif at any oEre in the United States lo any pfacft in the United Kingdom on the pre-payment of 2 cents, and may on receipt from any place in Great Britain or Ireland, be delivered at any office in the United States, on . payment of 2 cents. jote. Kach Lroverotoent u to ebarge 2 cents on each newspaper. These are to be sent in bands or covers, open at the sides or ends,' and to contain no manuscript what ever. -t Persons mailing letters fo foreign coun tries, with which tjie United Slates have not entered into postal arrangements, are remin ded that it is necessary for them to pre-pay the proper postage, or the lelterr cannot be ibrwa"ded. .." ' . - HARPER'S NEW BOORS. READING rVKhoBl Tears; About Ri(-ht and Wrong, by Abbott. Chi Id1 a Book of Nature Isabel, TheYeBnjt 'Vffeand the eld Love, by Jno. Confy JeflersM. Letters to Young Ladies, by Mrs. L. H. Sigettrney. Ths History of Richard 1st Coeur DsLion, by Abbott. Oaya of My Lrfe, by the Author of " Mararette llafiland " For sis at - WIJITAKER'S. April 30. . , ;.- , .. . R. - DORA Sf'ar New Wr. anarch's Re tired fr Busi t mi. F - or sale at AprU30 " . VYHITACEH'5. BOW EN'S" , sale at A'pril 39, WOKr.Oor Central Africa. For WHITAKER'S. BALTIMORE LOCK U08PITAL. DR. JOHIN l UW, ' I 'nn teunaer 01 tnis "Jctlrfati institution ef- -- ier tne nisi certain, tecdy ana nl elleetu al remedy in the world tot SECRET DISEASES. f Gleets, Strictures, Seminal tteakoec, Pains ir the Loins, Constitution! Debility, Inipotency Weaknessof the Back ahd l.liriu A tr. . i.., , the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Oysnepsia Nervous Jrritabi ity, Disease of tLe Head " h.-oai Nose or Skin ; those serious and melanchoiy disor dersarisingrrom the destructive habits of i'outh which destroy both body and mind. TJitse secret u yp more I"tB-1 '? ,neir 'Im " . , K. 01 '-no oyreus fo the mariners of ,'t" "Hung loeiruiost Druuanl hopes or an- uiiHauw, rtnaennc marriage, Sc, impossible. YOUNG MEN. Especially, who have become the victims of SolUm- . xx.uiai areaatMaBd destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ol young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hate entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or W- Ia oeC8Ucre'wn lyre, may call with f uli " v ; MARRIAGF.. . Married persons, or i'oung Wen, contemplating ruysicai weakness, Or- gsnic Uebility, Beformittes, ftfc.,8ho.ld immcdi ately consult Dr. J., ahd be restored top!Trf-t He who places himself underthe ca reof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a ecn tleman,, and confidently rely upon hisskill asaphv sician. v - Da. Jomnstow is the only regularly Educstod Physicwn advcriisin 10 cure Privale Complaints His remedies and trfeatri.etit are entirely nnknown toall otHers. Prepared from a life spent in thr Great Hospitals of Europe and the Fire, in tsL pM'T' J1 ' rEnSlanJd. ""ce, tL Blofcklcy 01 Phtradelphiii,r c., and a more extensive practice than any other physician in the world. His manv wonderlul cures and most itahnn.nt . , 1 erations is a sufficient ffuaraniee to the afflicted - - equally relies ed.should shun the numerous trifio,v in-n.t. -1 Z only ruin their health, and anm. tA hin ' . A CUJfK WARRANTED OK NO CHARGE OFFICE. aVo. 7. SOUTH PDPnr?Dir J left hand side goir.g from Baltimore street, a f w doors from the corner. Fail not to observe hia name and number, for Ignorant trifling importers attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, Trk DR. JOTIKSlTmv Memberof the Royal College of Surseohs f i,n,. the Unitea Sutes and the greater pah of whoac briDfPen -n Hospitals of London P.7 is Philadeiphia.and elsewhere, has eflected some of the most 1 astonishing cures that wereeverknow! many trouoiea with ringing in the ears and head vhen asleep. rreatnervonana.. kt " "cua sudden sounds snd bashfu.ness. with frequen blushing, attended sometimes with derangement j mind, were cured fm mediately. - A UE11TAIN DISEASE. - t m , , ' ; - t,i" ""i'iuuciii villa it 01 pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of h is painful disease, it too often happens that anili-tim-ed sense of shame, or dread of discororv. dete HroT.PM5Il.nC'0,,,0fe' who' ,rort education and respectabiiitv.rnn ntnn Krr;. k.- ing till the consiitutional symptoms of thi t,r,Tn disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat. diseased nose, noctural pains in the he''-d'imbs, dimness of eight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and nrm Ktri... .ui . llCi?,tn5,nXl.rfmi,ieJ' prof Ine.wjfH frightlSl rs pidity, till at last the paLte of the mouTh or the r ,J- "J "SBO au ,n- nntl tn8 victim of this awfiild.sedse.becomeB a horrid object of con, m " seration, nil death puts a period 16 hia dreauYu! suf ieriMK, oy sending mm to "that bo., frm n :,::,?0?' therefore i u I LLr ? '"Bicactrs uic most ...u,au,tw-,ftfj ana, irom tits extensive nmc. tice in tne hrst Hospitals of Europe snd America necan connarntlv recommend a nf j CUrC (S th nnfnrlniial.i.li - r . l . . 1. vt " his norriii dis ease. Itisa melancholy, fact, that thousands fall L.ii y ... iareaaiu complaint, owing totheun Vk ii -""'.' '"tuucis, woo, or tne use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send the unfortunate sufferer to sn uiiuuc7Si.K,oreue ma ethe residue of life mis erable : i TAKE PARTJCUI.An Ktrprmr- Dr. J. addresses all thnao h hi:.-j K .! :j " . ""j"iu ,uein- mvZ t auu improper indulgences. - r '.rZ.rZ"l"rafaifa pielancboly ef ..r'"t " '"'"f" c"iJ naoiis 01 youth, vizt vveatcnessot the Bsck and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart. nmnnrX tv ......iM.,., Cra..Kr lent ai tne uigestive Func- t ona General Uebillty, Symptoms of Consump. mnch to bo dreaded J Loss tff Afemory, Cbhfosion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings Aversion pf.bociety, Self Distrust, Love of Soli tude. J Imiditv.&c .are somn th. ;t ij, . if w . 1 uc icniioi ri prrs nn ins vfft . M y'b,Z?'U of Pei"L Pflik-es, can ow judge what is the cause of tHefr dVi nf, T A ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacir tsuiar appears nee about the eves couch and s?niniomso.o.fcm,; ' DR. JOHNSTON'S INVlGOHitTJJMrj vrvr ' r . UHUA.M1U WEAKN CSS. Hfffhti rrrt.nl mwiA in.. . L . ineoreanaresnfpdi ftiAmr,n r.. 1 1 .. ; . jT "j 'b xo8i jervous and debilitated '"u" ""f wno nad lost all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE Physical or MentalDiuinaiififxtnn. iv.-. 1. ritabilitV-Tremblings and Weakness, or ezhanstien of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. ' . .. ' . Young men who have iniurcd thernsloa Th certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects f which are nightly felt; even rr tlr .rt,, a,u ,1 udi curia, renders marriage impessiblend destroys boiL jiad and body.should apply immediately. ,.- , , . . . wnat a pity mat a yonng man, the hope of bis country, and the darling of his parents, shonld be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of deviating from tlieyaih ol nature, and indulging in aeertem secret habit. Such person, before contemplating MARRIAGE. ' Should reflect that a sound mind aad body are the tnost necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. - Iodetd, without these, the journey through rife become a wear) pilgrimage; the pros pect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be come blighted with on rown. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICI-ST., - ; -'-t BALTfMOSS, Hd. AH STarglcal Operations Peitormed. N . B- tfet 10 false derleacy prevent yoa, bnt apply immediately either personally or bj letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cared. . j , TO STRANGERS. ' The many Ihousinds cured u l this institution with in trie 1st t fen years, and the numerous impor tant SsYgfca I Operations performed by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other peYso s. notices of which have appearedagain and again before the pnblfe, besides his stsndibg as a ?entieman of Character snd responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to fhe afflicted. 1 TAKE NOTICE. It is witb fbe rtratest relnctjujee that Ttr. -ttlHiTBTO permiu ln emrd to appear before the pnhtir. deenrintr it anprofeaaioBMl for a jbyicin to adirertiar, bat orurM be did sm, the afflicti-d, especially atranevra eoakl not fail to faU mid the hands of tho aaaav tnpode 11. anlramrd Im posters, with Innumerable liaise KsJt, eorablned Qoaekshops. swarmtaa- thoa km rtHmm .m.in. n. saTOasadvertisenentsr adnrtiatrqi tbemee)Ta aa p hyathmiia.UtrTtahanov4rained fellows, too lazy to w oik at their original trade, with searea too ideas beyoed the brnte, who. for the nnrnoaa at tZntirinm and T wv- tnjr, carry on In or mix otBeea. Brni-f aa atarry 0iSumt JPalse JSamea. so that the afflicted fitiat t ir.rMiiiw oe. Is aare to trnnble headlona; isto the otaer. lencian y oaeka with esonuoua tyina- eertificaMa ol (treat and a tooiahips: cares from peraops not to ha found, whofcra yoa taking larae bottles of Lrcoaica With and oths paekaea of filthy aod worthless eonpnsnd. eaiuriag'.y p repared to impajee opon the nnfortanate and wiwnppwt- . inx. Triflinr month after mrmb m Innr ma the araalU e st fee caa he obtained, and. tn despair, leaves yo with raiaexl health, to eie-h over yoar Ha- dtaap poi atiUTBa. itisutia aaoUvathatiBdoeea lr. J. to adTeatiee. m Mm LOt cas Craa Tea. To Ihiaa anaeanainted with hia repatatins. he deems it aeeeaaary to.aay that his cradea liam or h'tmottim ajwav namr In Ms ottiee. .NO LETTERS RKCKIVKT) TJKXESS TOPT-PATD aad oonlaiaiia a Ptamp to be sard for the reply. Tvr- aaiia nuia aiwmw araxe .lea aoa aana that pqruoa of ad eutlai mmu! deacaihina; (ympTona. , f3t-lr-e. Jan. 9, 1857. SILVER COINS, AoMrki Rlz Dollar.. ......... r.i : ...S0 97 5 r lorin ...... ............ t . . Twenty kreotzcrs. ............. . LifH J lor L. nir;iruj J Dadt-ii Crown Guhleh or florin ..... i B r.:H Crown . . ... k ....:. . . . Ploritt. . , .. . ............ .....i. Six kreulrtrs..... Belgiatn Five Irnnes;. ..... .;...; Two and a hall' francs... Two Ttanes. Franc; Bolivia Dollar li. Hairdollar. debased. IS 30; . Quarter dollar. dchBSfd. 1830;... Brazil Twelve hundred reit. Eight hundred reis; ..... . ; Four hunil red. . ........ . .T. ; . ... Bremen Thirty six srot-....l... BritainHall fcrbwn; . ... n XJ 93 0 46 0 37 0 IS 5 006 37 5 187 99 2 66 39 35 04 U 21 7 71 ohiJhng Fourpence:... Erun8wirkJTbiilr eso CentralArnefica DaUhratieeV.fairI97) Chili Dollar..-. . ; i.V : .; f 51 0 Q-oarter dollari.. 22 4 112 62 3 1 04 7 17 0 18 7 96 0 93 2 18 5 39 9 16 5 26 3 69 2 680 25 7 67 3 110 Eight dollar or real.. ...: . i. Denmark Rigsbank thaler. ; Specie thaler... .4.... ; Thiriy-t wo shillings j .4 .i . Ecuador Clunrtcr dollar:...;...;. Egypt Twehiy plash es . i ...;;..; . France Five i'rancs Franc. ; . . Frankfort Florin Greece Drachm. 1 .. Guiana, British -Goilder;... Hanover Thaler, fine silver;.. Thaler, 750 fine. ,;.;...;;....... Hayli Dollar, or 100 centime.,..? Hesse Cassel Thaler; ...;...;... One-sixth thaler:.....:......... Hesse Damstadi Floiiu or Gulden;. Hindostan Rupee: .n..i ..:..:.. . 44 7 1 000 4 0 1 20 0 40 0 21 1 02 0' m y 1 05 0 21 & Mexico Dollar, averatrei. ...:. Naples Seudo a..t Netherlands Three guildstsj.. tjuuaer ....i.......a ..t .i.:.;. Twenty five cents:. i. i. Two and a halfeuilders.-i.... New Granada--Doltar. tistinl wpiulu Dollar, ligh'er and debased. 1839:, Norway Riffsdaler: : ..: Persia Sahib koran. : Peru Dollar, Dima mint :..... . 1 00 fj . 1 00 8 . 30 0 :. - 495 .t 11 2 . 55 2 - 1 120 . 56 O . . 68 0 , H ; i 39 0 . 1 00 6 . 30 0 . . 75 0 . 1 135 Uotlar, Cuzco; ...;:..:.:.; . '. . . Half dollar, Arrquipa debased;...' Hall dollar. Pasco..:...: .:.:. Poland Zfoty. ...... ........; ; Porluoal Cruzndo ..... . ... Crown of 1000 rei. -. Half Crown :..":......;."..: PrassiaThaler, average; . .;...: Une-eixlh, average Double thaler, or 3 1-2 truldeni. Rome- Scudo .; : -. . j Tcston. three scudo..; ..:;. Russia Rouble .'...: i:..t - Ten ZIbty :....' , . . . . i . . OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. have been agreed upon between thi govern ment ana ihe German Slaies, Prussia. &c. w viiv n ni" itllCO) yi I'UPItlL'C 1)11 irilt'IB Bremen. 10 cents ; Oldrnburg 13; Allonn, Austrian Empire, (including- Hungiirv, Grt licia, Lorabttrdy aht,' Tenice) Bararja. Brurs wick, Hamburg. Hahove.r. Mccilenhourg Schwerine hnd-Sfraeliiz. Kingdom bl Prus sia, Kingdom of Saxony and Snxe Alten burg. 15; all blher , Grrfnan .Shilcs. cilies and towns, 22; Swiizerl.-tnd nnd ihe.Xetlier lands. 25 ; Denmark and Schleswig. 27 ; Pa land and Russia, 29; Consianiitiople, Greece and I Sweden 33; Nrwaj. 37 pre-puyfneni optional. . . .- . v Aleiondnn, Corfu, fsland 6f Malta. "vTaf lachia, 30 rents; Itajy. (except upper pari) 33 f pre-pnyment teqtiired. Newsnanera Snd Circnlara 3 nla isrh Lto be prepaid. MaiLs to The pAttrtc For a single Ief- ter, not exceeding half ah ounce in weight, from New York to Cfiagres.20 cents; to Panahia. 20--poltage to be prepjiid. Pos lagetb Calliiprhla and Oregon (ihey being U. S. possessions) nted not be pre-paid. Havana Miics. A line is established be tween Charleston and Havana, the steam aim ...... k. 3 . cv . . . . luuLiiiug ci i. on vuiiiinu titi iv ry t eel. . .uv (.uoiagc m 11 11 ib 1 1 u in ijic ppri 01 tie pnrture to Havana 10 rents oh a afnoU tet ter, notexceedmg haffan ounce In weight, with an additional 10 cenls lor each addi. lional half ounce, or fractional excess 6f haff an ounceto be pre-paid. Postage oh eaeh newspaper to Havana. 2 cents, also 16 b prepaid as ofj letters. Oft letters to British North America. 10 rents, if nof otef 3000 miles ; if over ilmi distance. 15 cents a single rate pre paid tr not, at the option of the or the sende-; : RATES OF POSTAGE To lite East Indies, Java. Borneo. Lalriah - Sumatra, the Moluccas, and the Philiv pine Islands, k We are authorized lo sfafe inai, arraogfl ments having been made by Great Briiaio for collecting in India the Britieh and 6he foreign postage on letters between the Uni ted Kingdom and the East IndieaV whefher transmitted via Southampton or via Mar seilles, in the British mail, herraficr the tsV ted Stales postage only should be p-epafd In this country on letters for the East Indies t be transmuted by either dfthe above rotie. riz:ifire cents the single rate when the At- Untie conveyance is by British pt eket, and tventy ont cents uhrft bf United State packeu Owing to a reduction of twelve cents in the British jiosiage beyond England, which took place ou the 1st of February instant, the sin-- gle rates of letter postage beween the Urt1 ted States ahd Java, Borheo. LabnamSo matra. the Moluccas, and the Philippine Is lands, will Tiereafier be as follows: To Java, via SoutbamrtorL 33 instead of 45 cents the kali ounce faiyJ ra Marsefll-aT 53 instead of 75 cents ffid hatf ounce : rrre- paymefit tequired. t . . ; : - To Borneo. Lab nan. Sufnafra, the Moluc cas, and the Philippine Islands the rale wif. be 41 instead oIoj ceuis wfcrnsent via South amptoh. and 61 instead of 73 rents the quar ter ounce, or 1 irrsieaa 01 ca cents fhe hai ounce, wr.cn sent by closed mail Tta Mar seil esj prepayment also required. ? -1 The tales above mmtioned as charges fe on letters for fhe Ifand ol Java wif rovide for their "eon veja nee by Brit is ft packet aa laras Singapore. I at ther will lierr,la h subject lo a Netherland rate of postage on account of tlt Conveyance from Singapore ' to java. ..-. By the Prnssran Closed Mail the rates tet these eoonfries remain onrJ anged.- - . . - MEN'S AND BOYS eeived at Caps and CT-r. fast re ' V. D. M VKRS. March 3. POEMS. NATIONAL and Pstriotie. By I vol. izmo. Jasr Pablishcd. 6. W. Ctxtef ' UarcliZS Th Book ssotsv 48 0 16 0 JO 0 07 39 i 39 5 9 fa

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