- -- -a-; 1 '. 1. , , n I t yAAA y Ill Tl III . I I '111 " WILMINGTON, N. C," TUESDAY. MORNING, MAY 19, 1857. WHOLE NUMBER 1425 VOLUME XII NUMBER 27. v fell vf.if m MA; :, I '"i-'i . mm mm s l a at. II VJ II VI 1 TDK TRMYEEKLY C02IJJERC1AL li published every Tcsdav, Thcbsdav and Satubdat ai 95 per annum, paable inallcaaes In advance. . . B V TIIOS. LOaiNQ Editob and Paoraiaroa, Corner Front aud Market Streets, witslisOTo. w. o. RATES OF ADVERTtSltfti. I sqr. I Insertion $0 50 1 1 sqr. 2 month, 14 GO 1 2 tS I 1 " 3 '? f 00 1 3 " I 00 I 1 ,8 ff . 00 1 I month, 2 60 I " 12 ,, 12 00 Ten linea or lesi.thaka a square.. If n sdver tlienient exceed tea lines, the juice will be in proportion. , . All advertisement are payable at the time of their Insertion. ,. ' Contracts with yearly advertlsera, will be made on th most Ubersf terms. ' No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will bo permitted, Should circa Jiatancea render a change in business, or an unexpected removal necessarr.a ctidrge acofdins; to tb.e published term will be at the option of the contractor, for the time he ha advertiaed. .... . The privilege of Anniial Advertiser I strictly limited to theirown immediate business and all dvertleemeni for the benefit of other persons, a wall a all advertleemont notimraediateljr eon nected with their ownl bnalnea, nd all excess of advitrttsement in If ngtK.Qt jotherwlai beyond the Unlit engaged, will be charged at the .usual rate. No Advertisement is Included In tne contract for the aale or rent of house. or land la town or country, or for the aalis or hire pf negroes, wheth er the property I owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are excluded by the term ''immediate butinttt." , , All advertisements, Inserted .In the. trt-weekly Commercial, are entitled to one lesertlon in the Weekly free of charge, ,, JO!, CAItD AND FANCY PRINTING, EXECUTED IU l!fEitlOR STYLE. . - " 111 AumTS Fpa TiiE,cp?iMjritii;Ui' Naw Vobk Messrs. DotLAss, P.otTa. notion Cxablsi Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf. l'kUadetphiaS. K. Cohen.. ., . DaltimoreYiu. H.Paiaasnd Wm. Thomson MISCELLANY. THE BACHELOR AND BABY. "What shall I dp 1' dnd the old bathelor stamped about the sMting room in a perfect rage of doubt; looking first at the napping bab In the Utile willow cradle, and then at the busy French clock on the matiile shelf; "As sure a-my name is Joseph Phelps that little, two-fisted, largelunged nephew of mine, is about waking, and i wants one whole hour of the tithe in which its mother appointed for her return. Whew ! I actually sweat thinking abou it. What can I dd with itjhow can I treat it to sugar, whai d'ye call'ems, or hold it, or trot it or do anything with it. At this juncture a faint Tfr all 1 from the baby receptacle brought bachelor Jos eph to his tabs. With riii energy and alacrity that would lint illy become a husband or a baby tender, he commen ced rocking the cradle ; sending the baby into tremor of efcicks and squalls, Backwards and forwards, frb'm one side of the pillow to the oilier; the foUnd red face rolled ; the infant's fists were clenched with a force that pbrpled them ; while from the white plump throat, come rt cry that set, the bachelor wild with fear. - ., . t A pain Joe Phelps looked at the clock. What in the deuce can I do 7" he exclaimed, viewing woefully the little inflamed face before him. He sat down in a big chair before the baby ; spread a double cradle quilt over his knees, and with a look of terror on his face, proceeded to take the baby from its resting place. He drew the young hopeful into his lap, as neat as an bid lady would a pocket handkershief, with his thumbs and fingers. A fresh yell from the rosy mouth of the baby was the only expression of thanks as he fcommnccd ; the never out-of-ashion baby trot. ' , 'It must Ikj that something is prick ing him. Shoo ! Shoo 1" said Joe, com mencing a search for the aggravating pin, tht vdi driving the child into such a ra'g'e'. But no pin was to be found, and he made an attempt to turn baby 6verf but oh the Clumsiness of his fingers: fjhe little ell-like form fell out of his lap to the floor sending forth a rty that was louder, clearer, deadlier than be fore." , 'Lord save me I I've broke its neck?" was the exclamation as he picked the baby up, and hi the agony or his des pair, tried to qilict him. A thought 8tmek Joe. He saw a basque hanging against the wall of the adjoining bed room, and with a smile of delight upon his countenace, he went for it. Sure enough, there it was. stuffin, boddice, and all a real monument of feminine ingenuity. He was wild with jov. He pinned it over his coat, and fastened the sleeves behind him. lie took baby Aixd laid its head against the false breast work. I - "Shades of Southern plantations and cotton factories !" exclaimed Joe, as baby rooted his nose into it about a mile, then cuddled for a snooze. Then the bachelor .commenced singing : "Women are all a flevtlng show For man's dcloaton riven ; ' , Whan ailed with brand and stuffsd with tow Tb-y look quila well A tap upon the door stopped Joe in (he midst of his song ; and before he had time to disarray himself, the door was opeued, and a roguish, laughing pair of eyes peeped in upon him. Your sister is not at home, is she chir rupted the visitor.' "No ma'cia," stammered Joe, growing very red in the face ; "and I have turned nurse." Miss Hays lauzhed ; offered to relieve him of his charge, which he willingly consented to; sitting near by, the while, contentedly watching her. one man aged baby to a charm, without the basque, and Joe was captivated. Joseph Phelps married Fanny Hays ; toy my wora ne aid. RICH SCDE31ES. FOR MAY, 1857. R. FRANCE & CO., Managers: GRAND CONSOLIDATED , LbTtisnY Of Aiaryland; r i LVCU88.0, 1 ? i -f- To "be drawn Saturday, May 23d, in Baltimore, Maryland, Drawing conducted nnder the superintendence of the State Lottery Commissioner. SCHEME. 866,000 24,978 15,000 ' lo;oo5 865,000 24,978 30,000 20,000 16,000 12.000 20,000 18,000 170,000 100,000 13,200 6,600 7,920 164680 514,800 2 2 D 100 100 66 4;092 25,710 30,316 prize, amounting to . 81,19,178 Wholea 820 i Halve 810 Quar. 83 1 Eighth 821. Certtflca te bf Peckaee of 26 Whole, coat 8316XK) Do. do. 26 Halvea, " 158,00 DoJ d. 26 Quarters, 79,00 Do. do. 26 Eighth, " 39,50 HAVANA PLAN. GMBD C0HS0L1DATID LOTTI.RI 0? MD, .. EXTRA ClASS , To be dravvn in Baltimore. Md., Saturday, May 30th, 1857. SPL ENDID SCHEME. Aporic'n Prize. 4 of 8400 4 of 300 Oapi Hal Prizes. . 833,ro6 10,000 4,000? 4,000 1 frise of 1 prte of ' 1 prize of 1 piize of 1 prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of I prize of 1 prize ot I prize of 1 prize of I prize of 20 prizes of 20 prizes of 40 prize of 105 prize of 4 of 250 t of 200 2,000 2,000 1,800 1.800 1.5C0 1,500 1,400 1,400 1,240 1,240 800 600 400' 300 8 of 150 8 of 300 8 of 90 8 of 80 8 of 70 80. of 80 of 160 of 42U of 1,000 prfzee, amfx o , , . .. 8183,600 Whole Tickets, 810i Halves 8Sj Quarters 821. C3-Pk?ae address al order for Ticket In the above Magnificent Scheme, to . T. Hi HUBBARD & CO. No. 39 Fayeito-at , or Box, No. 40, ' Baltimore, JUarylar.i'. April 25. WINTER HATS. AND CAPS. m A FULL AND VAHIKD As sortment ot all the diiferenl siylrs of Drea and Business Hula and Cap now open, comprising . SILK, FUR AND WOOL HATS, CLOTH, TLCPH ANE SILK GLAZED CAPS, -INFANTS HATS AND CAPS, MISSES BEAVER AND FELT " FLAT3, BOY? AND YOVTI1S SOFT HATS AND CAPS, UMBREL LAS, CANES, BELTS, fcC., fcC. A;C. Whli h we oiler at wholesale or retail, nt the Terr lowest nrlces. C. D. MVEUS. 34 Market street, two doors btlow Scott & Bald win. 92 miiio passes. ANEW form mt Passea, containing sanitary pro vision, approved by the Commiasionera.au a number of others interested in the welfare of our colored population. jtift issued at the office ot 7 hi lommeretal. AFFLICTED READ!! 1 1 PHI L A, D K L P II I A MEDICAL HOUSE. Established . twent v-lwo Tears b-o bv Dr. KINK.KLIN, corner of Third and Union afreets, Philadelphia Pa.' t Experience has rendered Dr. K. a mot su ceaaful . practitioner in the care of all diseases ot a prtvste nature,! manhood's deblVtv, aa an im pediment to marriage nervooa and seiual in firmities,', diseases f the akin, and those arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR, NOTICE. Thare la an evil habit sometimes Indulged in by bora, in aollui.de, often growing up with them to manhood t and which, f not reformed in due time. not only Degeta aerioua oosiaciea inairjmoni al hapDinea. .but arivea rise to a serie. of pro- tracted, insidious, and devastating aflectloria. : Few of those who gjve way to jnts perniriona practice are aware of fte consequences, until they And the nervons system shattered, leel strange and lareuuntable .afensationa, anr) vsgue (ears In the Ind. (See psgr. 27, 28, 23, 6f Dr. K'a book on SelfPrearvation.") . .. ' Theanfortoftate thua affected becomes feeble, ia unable to labor With accustomed vifor, or to ap ply hi mind to study j hia step ia tardy and weak; he la dull. Irresolute, and eneaces even in hi port with leu energy than usual. H II ne emancipate rumseji neiore.tneractica baa dona it worst, and enter matrimony, hi marriage i unfruitful, and hia sense tells him that this is caused by hia early folliee. Thett art eontidera- txoni which mould awaken tAa aJlentum oj all who arm timilarly tiluated. REMEMBER. He who nlacea himself under Dr. Kiokelln's treatment: may rellgioualy con6de In his honor a a gentleman, am! rely upon the assurance, that the aecreta of Dr. at.' patlenta will, nerer be dis closed. '"- Yountr man let no falae modesty deter you from making your case known t,o one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend you. , . , ...... Dr. KInkelin' residence has been rer the Ita: twenty year at the N, W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PAT1KNTS AT A DISTAN.CK. Can have (by stating their coie. einlleiilT,. to gether with all their avmptoraa. per leltftr., enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'a medicine, 'appropriated acrordingl?. ,.; - ,r Forwarded to any pan oi tne United States, in) packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Eipresa. " HEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD f . -A rirorou Lift era Premature Demih, Kinielln Letters containing that Talae in stamp, will euaar a copy, per return ol mail. GRATIS I UKATIS II UilATISIlI A Frt Gl FT Ti AH. MISERV RELlKVRD . . "Nunre'i Guide." a new and rioDula'r Work. full at valuable advice and Impressive waitlne. alike Calculated to nevent years -of misery, and save thousand of live, Is distributed without rharge, and forwarded by niall, prepaid to any Poal umce la in uniiea ouira. un inxniQi an ordeT enclosing two poatage stampa. Jan 19. ft tj.wai SOAP AND CANDLES rp HE subscribers Ues leave respectfully to call X the attention of the trade and fsmiliea to the Soap and Candles manufactured In ' WilminaTton. N. C, bf Meaara. Cost In ft. Gaflbrd, samples ot wnicn csn e seen at oar offiea, No, Z, Water atn where we keep constantly on hand larr e suppHe ewior eearr. , VAS. C SHlTU ox CO. ; April 20.i 2- 4,:cW NEW LINE OF STEAMERS BET E 15 W NEW TOltfi; LONDON & BREMEN THE MAGNIFICENT BRITISH STEAMSHIPS QUEEN of the SOUTH, Captain Baal,' 2221 tons burthen. INDIANA,. . . . . (Cap. Bakart 23 do. AROO - Capt fienaon, 231S do. JASON::. Capt. Britton, 2667 ." da Owned by the EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN STEAM SHIPPING soil rH A M PTON. are anoointed to sail from NEW ORK on every alternate, WEDNESDAY, for LONQPN. and BREMEN, touching afSoOTn amptom to land paaaeheera and. malls for England, and France. They , will remain one day at Lon don, and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, they will leave BREMEN for NEW YORK on every alternate SATURDAY, stopping only at Southampton, ..These a'eamshlpa are of the first class, and have superior aceommoda lions for paaaengera. They will take a limited number of third-clas or steerage paesengeis. A Surgeon attached to each ship. , The rires of freight to London will be but little higher than those of sailing ships. RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin, 30 Second Cabin, 50j Steerage, $30. - " ' - Tbe 'steamship QUEEN of the SOUTH will sail rrom NEW YORK, on WEDNESDAY, 27th MAY, and be succeeedod by the-Indiana, 10th June, , ' - ---- For freizh t or paa sage apply to 1 jC.H. SAND, 11 South Williams t. i May j, . 22-'.m. - From J. TYSON CO.; Manafacturera and Mechanica Exchange, Baltimore, who are author ized to act as AGENTS for The Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. TBR, KOtJTITCRN AND WI2STERX JOURNAL 0 F PROGRESS, " DEVOTED TO THB PBOMOTION OF . SCIENCE, ART, MANUFACTURES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, 4ND DESIGNED TOR THE DESK Or Merchants, Planters & the Homes of Busi ness Men; W. it MEREDITII t RICH AED EDWARDS Eoiroaa. Assisted Hi a large number of Distinguished Contri butors in various Slates. The Journal of Progress ia allied 10 no party. It mail. tains as political principles, thelNTEGRJTV 4ND PROSPERITY OF TH K UNION, and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES, according to the conditionsand limitations of the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. It areka to energise these principles by increasing intercourse between ail sections nf the Country, and derelopiitg the re sources of the SOUTH avt WEST. ... The South produces the great Staples of the Country snd consume vast amounts of the pro duct and minufactuies of our own and foreign lands; hence, the importance of Commercial Cen tres and Internal Improvements to keep pace with the North, which is making such, rapid strides to commercial and political sTerlgnty. . The Journal of Progress will be the COMMER CIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. ORGAN of the SOUTH AND WEST; devot-d to Education, COMMEBCB, FlXANOC, TbADK, IsTESS At lMFBOVB- mcntS, MrrACTfaas, AoalcoLTCaaand Mining. Inall these dvpaitiuents its columns wilbe worthy of patronage. To our family reader. We will furnish a page a4reeable and interesting to theoldand young; con sisting of original and select Biographical sketches of dii-iiriirnished men; the Ij test and most reliable news of the day from tiure to time we will furnish Statistical and Historical account of the Com mercial filies and Towns throughout thf Country, togetherwiih Illobtbatios fiimso Kxtbesclt ft,. THUJOUSSAU J . jj- Agents wanted for thu Joprtial, on which a liberal commisaion is allowed, j Those applying for agencies, must forward a recommendation from one or more Merchant and the Post Master of the town. No other application noticed. Specimen numbers sent to sny pari of th eountry on appli cation. All communications to be forwarded loth Journal of Protreas, Baltimore or t. LonU. Published Mokthlt, at the Manufacturers and Mechanics' Exchange, Sun Iron Building, Balti more, and at the N. K. Cor. of Chestnut and Four th Streets, St. Louis, Mo:, and supplied by appoint ed Agents throughout the United States. TERMS : Only 92 per annum, 16 copies will be aent to onb address, if In the com try, lor SIS. 13r Poal Masteraare authorised toact aa Agents, and retain for their commisaion 25 per cent. Feb. 19. OUR MOTTO JS "TO PLEASE" AT THE. Wllmlugtoii Saddle. Harness, and Trunk Mauufactor. . , ... TH E a ubclb e r reape c tl uJIy i n fo r m a t h e p u b 1 i e that he has recently received additions to hia stock of Saddle and Harness MouD-tings,dtc. ,the laieatand moat improved style, andia constanly manufacturing, at hisstore on market street .every description of srticlein the above line. From hia aaperiencr in the business, hefoelscon6dentthat he will beabMe to give en tire satisfaction to a I lwho mayfavor him with a call. Hehaenowon hand and willconetantlv keeca laraeaasortmentof Coach, Gist and SulRey Harness, Lady's Saddlrs, Brullcs , Whips td-e.. Gentlemen's StMilles, Whips spuTs,.qrc. fe-Sallof which he -will warra'nt to be o I jihe beat materials and workmanship TUe haa alao a Jar re aasortment of Trunks, Yalles,.fcaddie and Carpet Bags, Satchels. Kane Trunks. &c. and all other ar ticlea uaualfy kept in ch establishments, all of which heoUert lowfer "AaH,oi onshortcredit to prompt customers. , Saddies,Harness,Trunks,Redical bags, dec Ac., made to order. In addition to the above the anbscriberalways keeps on hand a large atipply of Sjtrliij weather and has aflw, and will ke-p through the aeason a good assoj: t men tpf Fly Nttf. .. Aiiare tnviied to call and examine, my tvoons whethcrin want qr not, ssl takeplensufelnsh-w- Ingmy aasortment to all who may favor tne with a can.,, :, -.r. Harneasand Coach Trimmings sold at a fait price to persons buyirj,g.t manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale . MUlr of Hiding VehUlee bougnt v.. old on eomn. tons. JQHN . UUnUthi . Feb. 7. 138 A FEW MORE SUBSCRIBERS CAN be furnished immediately with volume 1, Hawk's H istory, by early application to April 25. S. W. WH1TAKER. ON tbe receipt of tl will be mailed to an per son, any one of the following recsipts. via : A reeelnt for making a washing fluid with which the-wsshins of a day can be done in one hour. One for making soft-Soap. .One for making Starch Poliah. One for making the beat lurmiure polish ever made yet. Those receipts have been sold for as much aa $20 , each They are of real utility and worth many times the sum charged for i hem. ' ; ''' .. The four reeeipta will be mailed te any person fori', Addirss : W. D. TURLINGTON. . BarclaysTilie, MayS. ;, ,. Harnett Co., N.C. HAUL & IPITTS, .TroTioNUBns, -STOCK, REAL ESTATE AND PRO DUCE BROKERS, - , wiLMrNGTOir, fc. Puoctnalatteftfltfn given to the purchase and safe of Real JEtlalet , S(ocksy, ttci other Securities , bought dud. sola On Commission. Will attend to sales by Auction of Real Estate or Manufacturing property in any, part of the County or State ort the aale pf Stocks of Mer chandise In S tort a or Furniture in' Houses in this town.' March ?6. -tf W. 6. BllLLlfcTAN, -- t MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Wates Stbbet, Wikmingtom, No. L'. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished to i .1 order on reasonable terms. i June 5. ' . 36-ly-e 18. C. SMITH. ' ' "I'" COSTIN. I JAS. C. SMITH &, CO., ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, I , WILMINGTON; N. C. April 26. : - , ; . - 18-1 COOK'S MAP CF NORTH CAROLINA. x LIMITED supply expected soon. Those wan j tin? early copies will please leave their names at the Book' Store of S W; WH1TAKER, March IU. 151 GEORGE R. FRENCH, - MANUFACTtTHER AND. . , , WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER,' -' - EtiVti r miJiixKji, , NO. 11. MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, W. C. March 8. - HENRY NUTT, FACTOR 4SD F8RWARD1P WEST, . . Willglbe hi personal attention to business entrust ed lo his care. '2.'' Sept. 8. 185C. 75-ly-e.. GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTil WATER. gTREETj WILMINGTON, NJ C. Jan. 22. 132. H. OOH-Rfttt. d. POTT L it. Jr. j. CAMERbEN D0LLNER; POTTEK & vU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S ET YORK. April 30, 1855. 20-ly. HENRY BURIiUIMER WHOLES A LS 4 BBTAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. SIGN OF" THE INDIAN CHIEF' MARKET STREET ne door above Water Wilmington, n. V. JV. B. All Orders filed with despatch. Oct. 26ih. 135S 93-i4w-c. ANDREW S. KEMP, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. Will attend the Countv and SuDcrior Courts of Bladen. Eobeaon, Colunibna and Sampson. June 12. JO r , GEORGE lHYERS,.,t. wrfmirsu.R nn KF.TAIL HE.0CER . Keeps constantly on hand, Hiait, Teas, Liquors provisions, n ooa ana n uiuu ,iurc, . ConfectionaHea.ftc. South Front street, WIIMISiGTON, N. C. Nov. 18, 1855. , . l09- CHAS. D. MYERS; HAT AND CAP .EMPORIUM 34 Market St. WiiaissTOjt, N. C. PAV1MA, rEOHOBM, AND PALM tEAP HATB, ' WOOL FOR. RILBI. AND MOLESKIN 11 ATS. Cloth, Plpsh, and Silk Giaicd CArs, by tne cas or dozen. At New York Wholesale Prif.es. march 12. ADAMS, BH0TIIER L CO.;. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - July 28. , ,-. : B8 STOI & Ol.DHAM, ; GROCERS , and commission Merchants, WILMiNGlTON. N. C. Liberal Cash advances made on Flour, Cotton, and Naval Stores consigned lo thcra. Aug. H. 65 ly. L. N. riARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, ' ' AND DEALER IN " LIQUORS, WINES ALE. PORTER, cf-c. No. 3, Granite, rirtr,"ront Street, - WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Feb. 17th, 1P58. 140-tf. THE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE for April. Re ceived and for aale at April 14. THE BOOKSTORE. NOTICE TO OUR PATR0NsT PARTICULAR ATTENTION la called to our Spring Style of PRESS H ATii, believing them to bqthe lightest nd handsomest Moleskin Hat yet offered," made wijh the greatest care, ea-i pccially for our own sale, and by the moat cele brated manufacturers. We offer them to onr pa tron", fcelinz confident of their eupertor quality and finish. By the aid of our French confbrma tuer, (It being the first ever used in the State,) we can remodel them to fit the moat difficult shaped heada. Call and examine our styles before mak ing your purchases. j If ' 7 chas. o. m Iters, Hat A Cap Emporium, April 2, - . 34 Market etreet. LAND FOR SALE. TH K eubacriber o(Ters,for sale his Plantation on Nes Creek, adjoining the Plantation at Wm. A. Wright. Erq and the hclra of Kishaid Quince, Esq., about 4 miles north of Wilmington, contain ing of about 00 acres, eood farming- land, with a Mill site It .will be Spld or accommodating: terms, and persons dairoua f making a good targain would do well to examine the nrrmtses,- Call on JOHN THORNTON. , , April 14. Iglin-wp. CANDIES, CANDIES, CANDIES. ANOTHER fresh supply of Extra Candies per Schr. J. A. Stany, wholesale-end retail at Broadway Variety Store. No. 40. tpril IS. ' .W. H. DeNEALE. rnn ret. A HOUSE oer the Rail Road, near the Depot, ,,v and new plank road corner , 3d and Bruns- quire of . O. BRAD LET. ; Dee. 21. ' ? - r lf-tf. THE Latest- style of GenL-'s Summer Hats ia I the CONGRESS H AT, just introduced by Genin. Sample case received this morning bX Kxpreas, ,a( the Hst and Cap Emporium. 34 Mar ket street. . , 5 CHAS D- MYERS. , May 12. . ..r; CORN 4ND FLOUiT. QCfrrABDSHELS. prime white Corn now uOiU. landing Ior front of onr officef also 200 Bbls. ollresh ground Family eV Superfine Floor. STOKLEV & OLDHAM? :,: C0C0ANUTS. C0C0ANUTS. 5rfr Fresrt Cocoannts In' Store, Jwhole- J V KJ sale and retail at Broadway Variety c. . IMA ia ... ... vn... ...... .......... Store, No. 40. April 13 W. H. DeNEALE PER SCHOONER NED, Draber'i Patent Ink Stands j KidJer,s(an excellent article,) Pay son's arid Dorld's Indelible Inks; Perry's Spear Point Pens; Planished Metal Rulers; India Rubber Bandaj Envelope Paper j English Tissue Paper ; Pocket Rulera Conger and Field'a Black Ink Carmine and Blue Inks; Cloth lined Enve lopes; Porte Monaaiesf WhUt Cases; DeRnl's Enameled and Irory Surface Playing Carda, dec., 4c. at April 14. THE BOOKSTORE. FORisidN GOLD AND SILVER COIN THEIR ,VALDE AT THE MINT. r gold' coins. Austria Quadruple ducat ........ 12 0 Ducat 2 275 Sovereign (for Lombardy) ...... . 6 85 0 Baden Fiye Guldeo 2 4 0 Bavaria Ducat : i 2 27 0 Belgium Twenty-franc piece. . . 3 3 2 Twenty-five franc piece!. 4 72 0 Bolivia Doubloon : ; ; 15 68 0 Brazil Pieceof6400 reis. . 8 72 0 Britain Sovereign . . . t ........ . 4 84 5 Brunswick Ten-Thaler........... 7 89 0 Central American.... ...14 96 0 Ecsudb 1 67 0 Gold Dollar ......... 83 5 Chili Daubjooof before 1835).'. 15 57 O Doubloon (1835 and slnccS. . . ... 15 6S 0 Denmark Double Fred, or 10 Thaler 7 S3 0 Ecuador Half doubloon : ....... 7 t0 0 Ewypt Hundred piastres. . 4 97 0 France Twenty francs': :.::;:';. .: 3 85 0 Greece - Twenty, dfachrna. 3 45 0 Hanover Ten Thaler. George IV:: 1 84 0 Ten-Thaler, WUliam IV and Ernest 7 89 0 Hiudostan Mohur. East India Co. . 7 10 0 Mecklenburg Ten Thaler 7 89 0 Mexico-- Doubtoon, average.. ; :.lq 5,3 o NetlierlandjDdciit.;:il. 2 20 5 Ten guilders; 4 00 7 New Granada Doubloon, 21 carat. standard .................... 15 51 0 Doubloon, 21 carat standard. inclo- ding the silver 15 710 Doubloon, 9 lOthe elandard .... . .15 31 0 Doubloon, 9-1 Oths standard, inclu ding the silver .i A3 38 0 Persia Tomaun; i 2 23 0 Peru Doubloon, Lima, fo 1S33....15 55 0 Doubloon, Cozco, to I833......i.l5 62 0 Doubloon. Cuzco, to 1837. ....... 15 53 C Portugal Hall joe (lull weight).... 8 65 0 Crown 5 81 0 Prusaia--Double Frederick 8 00 0 Rome Ten ecudi;... ......10 37 0 Russia -Five roubles. 3 96 7 Sardinia Twenty lire. 3 84 5 Saxony Tenlhaleis.. 7 94 0 Ducat...r,.::;.........:: ; i 26 o Spain Pistole (qr. doubloon): 3 90 0 Turkey Hundred piastres.... 4 37 4 Tuscany Sequin.. 2 30 0 United States--Eagle (before June, 1834) 10 62 0 Five dollar piece ol C. Bechter, av erage....... 4 85 0 Dollar of the pa me. average 96 0 , Five dollar p'c of A. Bechller $4 92 a 5 00 (V Dollar ol the same............... 98 0 Oregon Exchange Co Five dollars. 4 82 0 N. G. ft N. San Francisco Fivedols. . ........ .. $'4 83a4 95C Miners' I3ank, San Francisfco-Ten dollars .ll.lill. I'.'.:.. 9 06 a 9 92 0 Moffatl & Co., 9 78 a 9 98 0 , " Sixteen dollar ingots, aboun,... ....... ...15 750 RATES OF POSTAGE. Lettehs composed of one or more piece of paper, but not rxceeding hall' an ounce in weight, sent any distance not exceeding 300C miles, 3 cents ; over 3000 miles, 10 cents. Double rate if exceeding half un ounce treble, irexceediog.au ounces and ,ao pn charging nn.addiiiona! rate for every addi tional half ounce, or fraction oi halfan ounce. Abeolate prft-pnymetn being rfefitlired on all letters to places within the United States, trom and alter April let, 1850. From and after January 1st. 1S56, all let lers between places in the United States must be pre-pa.id. either by postage stamps, or stamped envelopes: : Letters dropped in the post office, for de livery in the same place, 1 cent each. Leiter8.adyertiae4 are charged 1 cent each, besides regular postage. Drop letters are not advertised. , Circdlars, 1 rent for 3 ounces or less to any part of the United States, to consist ol but one piece ofpaper pre payment option al. . . .. . Dayly .newspapers weighing three opnees or less, 45 1-2 rents per quarter, when sent from the office of publication to actual and bona fide subscribers any where in the Uni ted States. . t Transient newspapers sent any where within the Uuited States, I cent for tnree ounces or iesa. . ; tl , , When the article 16 be malted i! a eircii !ar, pamphlet, or newspaper,' it should be so enveloped as lo be open at one end other wise, it will be charged as a letter. BRITISH fOSTAQE ARSGEMESTS. Letters posted or charged in, the United States will be rated at a half ou'nce , to" .the single letter ; Over a half anT not exceeding an ounce, as a double letter ; over an ounce and not exceeding an ounce end a halfras a treble letter; and to on, each half ounce or fractional eicess coasdiituting a rate. The single rates - to be charged on each letter posted in the United Slates addressed to any place in Great Britain or Ireland is 24 cents; the double rale 43 ; and so on. " Said postage On fetter going to tiny place in Great Britain or Ireland rosy fee pre-paid, if the whole amount is tendered at the office in the U. S3, where mailed, at the option o the sender. .,. . r Newspapers mav be mailed n any olEce ifl the United., Stales to any. place in the United kingdom on the pre-paymeht of 2 cents, and may. on receipt from nny place in Great Britaif? or Ireland, be delivered at any office in the United Statea, on payment of 2 cents. Note. Each Government is to charge 2 cents, on each newspaper.- These are to be sent in bands or covert, open at the sides or ends, and to contain no manuaenpi what ever. .... , . . ...... ...... Persons mailing letters to foreign coun tries, with which the United States have not entered into postal arrangements, are remind ded that it ie necessary for them , to, pre-pay. the piopef postage, or the letter" cannot be lorwarded. . t .:.'- - '-, - . -. DiRFER NEW B00H& READING Without Tearti A boot Ripht and Wrong, bf Aobott. Child's Boole of Nature ; Isabel, The Yotinsf A f fa and the old Lore, bjr Jno. Cordr Jeffendn. Letters to Yonnr Ladiea. by iHra. L. H. Si journey . .The History of Richard lat Cgeur veuion, of AOOQtL, uuym at m jr. L.rie, bv the Author of "Marffafene Maitiand." For steal WHlTAKEtt'S. April 30. - ... , . D R. DORAM'S New Worlr, "Monarch Re tired fr Bust i it. K or sal at April 30 , . WHITAKER'S; B OWEN'S- WORK, Osi Central Afrim. For ala at :,i -. WUITAKER'S. AprH 30, . . , - BALTIMORE LOCK nc&PITAL. DR. JOHNS! UN. THE founder of this Celebrated Institution cf fcra the moat certain. Sooeav amtl ulv rtl.(-tu. at remedy in the world lor Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, linpotency. s r i . ra . . m, ,t " weakness oi me oaca ana l.ioids, Aiiovtions oi the Kidneys, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Dysnepsis, Nervous lrritabl ity, Disease of the Head Throat nose or sum ; tnoae aerioua and nvelanchoiy diaor. dersarislnerom the destructive habits of Voath. which destroy both body snd mind. Twe secret and solitary practicea more fatal to their vietimr than the song of the Syrens to the mariners ot Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or an ticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impossible. YOUNG MEN. . Especially , -who have become the rictima of Salila l Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thonsanda of young men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecauey the living lyre, may call with ful confidence."' w ..... ' MARRIAGE.. Married persons, or Young Men, contemplating marriage, being awareof Physical Weakness, Or ganic Debility, Deformities, &e.tshonld immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored io perfe-t health. lie who places himself nnderthecafeof Dr. John ston may retigioosly conffdein his honor ss a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hiasiull asa phy sician. Dr. Johwstow la the only regularly Educated Physician advertising to cure Private Complaints. His remedies and treatment are entirely unknown toall others. Prepared from a life apent in the Great Hospitals of Europe and the First in thi Country, vix: England, France, the Block ley ot Philadelphia, if-c, and a more extensive practice than any other physician In the world. Hia many wonderful cures and moat important Sir.i fW. erations i a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Those who wish to be speedily and effectually reliev ed, sh&uld, shun the numerous trifling imposters who only ruin their health, and apply to him. ' A CURB WARRANTED OR NO CHARGE. Nq Mercury or Najwovg Drugs Use OFFICE, No. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK t left hand fide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the cprner: . Fail not to observe hia name and number, for ignorant trifling Importers, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, luik near. . , DR. JOHNSTON: Member of the Royal College of Sanennk i.njnr. graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United Statea, and. the greater part pf whose life haa been spent in th? Hospitals of London. Par is, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that wereeverknowm Many troubled with ringing ia the ears and head v-henasleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfuiness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement mind, were eared Immediately. . A CERTAIN DISEASE, , When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he, has imbibed the seed of ibis painful disease, it too often happens that anill-tlm-ed sense of shame, .or dread of disco very., deter him from applying to thoae who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulccrstrd sore throat. diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of eight, deafness, nodes on the ship bones and arms blotches on the head, face snd extremities, progressing with frightful ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bone of the nose fall In. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commi seration, till death putaa period to his dreadful auf ferings, by tending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns.'' ..To ,Ench therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable cecrerr; and,' from his extensive prac tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America hcean confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid -disease. Itiaa melancholy fact,- that thousands fall victims to-this-dreadful complaint, owing totheun skilfulness ol ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercery, ruin the constitu tion, and either arnd the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely graf e, or else ma. e the residue of life mis erable. TAKE P4R TJCULA R NO tlCE. DrJ-aidresses all those who haveinjnred them selves by private and Improper indulgences. These are some of ihe sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous irritability Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, Gancral Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, dec, ; .,, .... ,. : Mentally. The fearful cfieets on Ihe mind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory. Confosinn of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodines. aieiiiun oi oucieiy, oeii viBtrust, l.ove or Soli tude. Timidity, &c. .are some of tho evils DToAnrr-A lliousande of persons of aliases, can nnw what is ithe cause of their declining health. Los ing ineir vigor, Becoming weaa, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes cough and symptoms of consumption. , DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DY' FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS., By this great and important remedy weakness o, the organs are speedily.cnredand full vigor restored. Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had lost all hope, have been imme diately relieved. Ail impedimenta to MA BR AGE rnysicatnr iuentalUisqnalificationa, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings and Weakness, or exhsnstien of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston.. "J" ; Young men who ha've injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit "frequently learned from evil eompanicRS, or at , school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not pured, renders, marriage I mpos8lble.snd destroys bolt jind and body, should sppty. immediately. ., .... ... What a pity that a young man, tbe -hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, .sJionid be snntchedfrom all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of deviating from tbe path of nature, and indulging in a certain, secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. V Should reflect that a sound rnnd and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness, .Indeed, without these, the journey through life become a wear) pilgrimage; the pros pect hourly darken s to the view; tbe mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with on rown. . . OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST., , fJaiTiaroBE, Jno. All Surgical .Operations Performed: N. B- . Let no false delicacy prtent yen. but apply immediately either personally or b letter. sua vtseiMs peeaity tarea. TO STRANGERS. The many thouitnds cured at this institution with in the lat. ten years, and Ihe numerone impor tant Surgical Operations perfoimed by Dr. J., wit nessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of avhich have appearedasain. and again before the public,, beaidea bia standing aa a rentleman of character and responsibility, if a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. ' . TAKE NOTICE. It Is wit n the BTMtest reloetaneetbat Tr. iUHSfXTO'S permit, bis card to appear before tbe public, deeaoinf; U smnnfTesstofiaJ for m physician to advertise, but unhera be did so, the afflicted, specially strangers could not foil to Call into! the hands of, the igany impnde . II unlearned Importers, with iDnrnnerabte False Naat eontbinrd Quactshopa, swarmina- tbeaeIara ritiea, eopyins; Ir. Joassvos's advenianneots or advsrtisimr tbemselTesaa p hyicimjllit-rt pbal!ow-braized frUoTi. toe buy t w oik at their ortghial trade, wltb searee toe Idea, beyond tbe brute, who. tor tbe perrpoee ot KfitiH,i and TbwAt inar. carry en five or stx office a. vnder aa auany ftiffe.--nt False Vaniea, so that tbe afflicted Bti l eaea frte one. Is sore to tumble headlomr into tbe otoer. Ic-novaa l uaeks with enormous tying certificate of great and -toniebina eores from persons not to be found, wbe ken yon takios; tare bottles of Lteoaics Wim and otbe pactEaevs of filthy and wort hire, com pounds, eumrf n?ly ?i reparrd toiaipoM apoa tb. unfortunate and uneospect d. Triffiog month after month, or aa long as tbe small e at tee can be obtained, and. fa despair, leaves yon with, rained health, to ctarh over year sainna; disappointment. It la this motive teat rodneea 3r. J. to adTerOee. roe mm abera cm can too. To thee anaeqoainted with bis repataUoa.be deems HBOneesary toaavtbathis credca tials or diplomas itnn bans' tn bis office. NO LETTS R3 RECEIVED TJXLE83 r8T-PAH and eontainlie a Etamo to be nsed for tbe reply. Fer- aona writias; eaoaid state Ssjm aad antd that aortioa of ad eaiuetaaeiu aeaeriaioaj eraiptoasa. -. .- : ; Iji-iy-e-Jaa. 9,1857. SILVER COINS, AuMr'w Rix Dolfaf. 97 5 48 0 16 0 1(1 0 07 39 5 06 5 395 30 93 0 460 37 0 185 006 37 3 187 992 66 -33 35 54 0 21 7 7 1 .68 0 97 0 010 224 US f J 3 04 7 17 0 18 7 96 0 93 2 18 5 39 5 16 5 26 2 69 2 68 0 25 7 67 5 11 O 39 5 44 7 00 0 4 0 20 O 40 0 9 5 8 2 t2 0 j jS 0 21 5 00 6 00 8 36 0 495 11 2 55 2 12 0 56 0 68 0 11 39 0 CO 6 30 0 75 0 135 Florin. t . Twenty kietitzers. ........ Lira Jlbr Lauartly -.. .1. Baden Crown ......' : ; Golden or florid . Dh vsi ria L'ro wn '. . .... 1 l Florin . Six kreutzers...... ......... v- Belgium Five Irgnes.... .......... Two and a kail" franc.... .... Two (ianes::..: . f Franc:...!;';.;;.. Bolivia Dollar ;;..;. ........i ii 1 Half dollar, tlebafcd, 1830:;..;;U f Quarter dollar debased, 1830..... .,- Brazil Twelve hnhdred rei.. Eight hundred reie. .... .. ; , s Fourhundred... .......... Bremen Thirty six grotr.. ....... Britain Half crown; .....; ; ? Shiili.ngr ; ..;...;. . ; i Foornence :;..;:.. . ;. -Brunswick -Thaler.' ; . . .v. ; . . - ' Central America Dollar, uucer. say , Chilr-DoIIar.;...;-......-. J Quarter dollar; Eight dollar or real.....;...;..;. Denmark Rigsbabk tiinler. f Specie thaler,;..'."..... , ; 1 Thirty-two shillings. ...... Ecuador-Quarter dollar; i..;....;; Egypt Twenty piasti es. 1 1'., a i . France Five ffancs:. ..;:.. - Franc;r. ,.;;..irf.;; Frankfort Florin .....:..;;..;;;.. Greece Drachm...... ;;.;...;....; Guiana, British -Guilder;. ..;...;. t ' m t t ' f. ' ' -1 nanover j. njjier, noe silver. ..... . f Thaler, 1;5&, fine:,:.;..,;:..:;..; Hayli -Pbllaf, or 100 centimea-;...: Hesse Cassel Thaler: One-sixth thaler;......" ..;. Hesse Damstadt Florin or Gulden; . Hindoslan Rupee,. .:...... .. ,i . : ; Mexico Dollar, averagei... ;.;.;. 1 Naples Sc udo "ii..;;. ...... Netherlands Three guilders: :..;.. 1 Guilder ;.. Twefiiy five cenlsl.. Two and a half guilder., i Li.. New Granada Dollar, hinal weight 1 ' JJollar, lighter and debased. IB39.'. Norway Risdaler. :..;...;.:.... J Persia Sahib koran. ...... Peru Dollar, Diroa mint ';;..;;;.. 1 I Dollar," Cuzco;... ;..:.:.:...., 1 ! Half dollar, Arcouipa debased;... 5 Hall dollar, Pasco:.;..;.;.;..... Poland zjoty ::..:.......:.....;: Portugal Cruzado ;...;...:;..;;. Crowu ofjoooreie;. 1 f Half Crown;.:;......:.......;. Prussia Thaler, average.......... : One-aixth, average... ' Double thaler, or 3 1-2 gulden.... 1 Rome Scudo.. .::..:. 1 Tesfon, three scudo;. ;..,;. Russia Rouble ;...:. Ten ziotyi. ..::...::... 1 i OfcEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. r The following rates of postage on letters have been agreed upon between this govern ment and the Get man Slates, Prussia, &ci "Bremen 10 cents; Oldenburg 13; Alfona, Austrian Empire,, (including Hungary, Ga licia, Lombardy and Venice Bavaria, Bruns wick, Hamburg. Hanover. KTerklenbourg Schwerine and Straelilz, Kingdom bf Prus sia, Kingdom of Saxony, and Saxe Allen burg. 15; all other German" States. Chics and towns. 22; Switzerland and the Nether lands 25 ; Denmark arid Schleswig, 27 ; Po land and Russia, 29; Constantinople, Greece and Sweden 33; Norw6v. 37 pre-Dayfnen option?!.-.. f ........ .. " . .." , " Alexandria, Corfu. Island ol Malta. Wal lachia, 30 cents ; Italy, (except upper part) 33; pre-payment required. t Newspapers and Circulars. 2 cents each to be prepaid. . . , .., v J. " ... ; t; - ! Mails to the PiciH;. For a single let ter, not exceeding- half an ouake m tvelgbt, from New ... York, Jo,, Ciagres. 20 . cents ; to Panama. 20 postage to be prepaid. Poi tage to Callifornia and Oregon (ihey being U. possessions) need not be pre-paid. Havana JkAir.B. A linc is established be tween Charleston and Havana, the tfam ers touching at Savannah and Key West, the posiage.of which is from Ihe , port ftf de parture to Havana 10 rents on o sngle t ' ter. not exceeding half an ounce in weight, with an addiiirihai 10 cents lor each nddi. i tonal half oatice. or fractional excess of half an ounce to be pre-paid, Postage cn each newspaper fo Havana. 2 cents, also to be prepaid aa Oft letters; " , Oh letters to British North Afoettca. ' iO cents, il not over 3000 mileS ; 1! over -.ll.ee distance. i5 cent a single rate pre paid or not. art the option of the of ihe sender. . -RATES OF POSTAGE To the East Indies, Jata. lloriieb. fahnan ; Sumatra,, the Moluccas, and tit Philio- pive Islands, . . , , ; We are authorized to state that, arrange roents having been made by Great Britain for collecting in India the Brit 11. and otlie foreisrh postage on letters between the Uni ted Kingdom end the East Indict, nheflier transmitted . via Southampton -- or Via Mar seilles, in the British mail, hrrrafier the Uni led Stales postage only should he p epaid in this country 011 letters for the East Indie to be transmitfed by either of the above route., viz.- five cents Ice single ratf nnrn Ihe At lantic conveyance is by Brituh prcket, and twentgohe cents" whto by Unifrd Stales aekeu ' ' ' ' ' Owing to a rcdoctfon of twelve Centa in the British poeta&e beyond England, which took place on the lslif February instant, the sin gle ratesof letter, positge be ween the Ui i led Statea and Java, Borneo. Lnbnam, Su matra, the Moluccas, and the Philippine Is lands, will herealter be as follows: '' To Java, via Southamf ton, 33 instead of 45 cents the kail ounce; and via Marseilles 53 instead of 75 cents the half ounce; pre l&ymehl required. To Borneo. Labnan. Sumatra, th Moluc ca, and tbe Philippine Island a ihe rale wil . be 41 instead of 53 t-cits wleosent via South ampton. and 61 instead eT73 rents theqnar ter ounce, or 71 instead of 83 cents the half ounce, when r 11 1 by closed mail via. Mar seil es; prepoginrnl also required. The iate above mentioned as chargeable ' on letters for ihe Island ol Java wi'l j rovide for their conveyance by British packet as far aa Singapore. rn they will afterwards be subject to a Netherland rate of post age oft account of the conveyance from. Singapore to Java. a r : 1 By the Prussian Closed Mail tne rates io these countries remain aor.f ansred. M KN'S-AND BOY& Caps and Cevrs. josi re eeived at . C. Dit VfcKS. March 2. ' - ' POEMS. NATION!, snd ratrlotie. By O. W. Call I vol. 12naev Jt Pablished. Vor sale A ; If afch 23 The Book atortx