WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BACON, per lb., . ,., KM II . is tshoulders, 10 00 Hog Uound, 14 a 00 Lsrd,W.C.,bbls., ...... II '00 kegs, 131 a 00' llama, Western, 00 I 00 Sides, Western,. .13 ' fShouldcra. Western, 1 a 00 Pork, Northern per bbl. .Mess,... 26 00 a Crime, 00 00 00 00 Corn, per bushel. 62 Meal, 80 a 0t Peas.black eye perbushcl... ...... I' 00 a I l Cow. 85 a 00 Pea Nuts,...- 1 10 a 1 25 Kice, per lb.. Clean,.-. 00 a 4t Rough, per bushel, M a 0 00 Butter, per lo. 28 a 30 Flour ptrbbl- Fayettevllle super , 7 25 a 7 60 Fine... ....I 6 75 a 7 00 L'roes, 6 25 a 6 50 Baltimore, --00 Of a 00 00 Canal, 00 00 a 00 00 Coffee, per lb , St. Domingo,... i a I0J Rio, It a 12 I.nguyrs, I3 a 14 Cubn... 00 a 00 Mocho, .' 00 a 00 Java, 16 a 17 Sugar, per lb., New Orleans,... ... 0 a 0 Pono Klco, II all St. Croix, Ilia I2i Loaf 00 a 11 Molasses, per gallon, N. Orleans.. 00 a 00 Porto Ulco, 00 a 00 Cuba, 45 a 61 Hajr, iter tOOIbs., F.sslern,. ....... 1 00 a M. C.,. 00 a 1 0C Liquors, per gal., Peach Brandy,.. 80 a 90 Apple...... 60 a 65 Rye Whl.key, 65 a I 00 Rectified., 38 a N. E. Rum, 46 i (0 Winea, per gal., Madeira, 100 a 4 00 Port, t 00 a 4 P0 Malaga, 40 a . 00 Glue, per lb., American, ' 12 a 15 Cotion per lb., .a 131 Yarn, ner Ih ' ... fWl - II 4-8 Sheetlne.nerrsisl..-. ......... 71 a . 8 3-4 6 a : , Oznaburcs. ......... 0 a Feathers, per lb., 40 a . 43 Candles, per lb., N.C.Tsllow,.... IT a 00 Northern. IS a 00 Adamantine... 28 'a' 30 Sperm 40 a 45 Lime per bbl.,. 1 10 a 1 20 Turpentine, per bbl. of 280 Iba. Virgin Dip,.... a 4,00 Yellow Dip, a 2 65 Hard, ... 1 65 a 0 00 Tar, 1 40 a 0 00 Pitch, 1 40 a Rosin by Tale. No. I 6 00 a No. 2. 1 3TJ a No. 3. 1 20 a I Ti Spirits Turpentine, per gallon.. ... a 43) Varnish, 00 a 00 Pine Oil,.. 00 a 00 Kosin Oil,... 00 a 00 Sperm Oil, 1 25 a 0 00 Linseed Oil 93 a 1 00 "Seats Foot Oil,.. 160 a 0 00 Iron per lb., American beat refined 4 a 6 English assorted, 4J a 0 Swced, 6 a 0 Shear. 6 a 0 American, 0 a 61 CutNolls, Ba Wrought Nails, a I2 Steel, per lb., German, 10 a 16 Blistered, " 6 a 16 Rest Cast. 20 a Real nuollty Mill Saws, 6 f-t, 6 00 a 6 60 Holloworc,.. a i Lnmbcr per M. feet, Steam Sawedl3 90 a 15 00 River Lumber, Flooring," 0 00 a 0 00 Wide Boards, 0 00 a O CO Rcanihrig 0 00 a 0 00 Timber. Shipping,..... t) 00 a 0 00 Prime Mill, a 9 00 Common, 6 50 a 7 60 Inferior, 2 50 a 3 60 Staves, pcrl.000, W.O.bbl. Rattyli none Dressed,... $25 H. O. Mid., rough, none Dressed, $35 SVirnirlea, pet 1C00, Common,. SVO I 0 00 Contract, ............ ............ 4 25 a 0 00 Block1 s lore,- fi 00 a Salt yr-T hirsliel.Turk'e Ielend,.... 60 a 00 Liverpool Saclc,....i... tS7t a (0 Soap per fb,, Pale,- 0 a 7 Brown, 6i a 0 Tnllnw per lb.,- II a 12 Bbl. Heading per M , Ah,.... 9 "00 a 12 00 Cheese. 12 a 13 TO RIGHTS? TO NEW YORK. Turin-Mine avid Tar, vrlol. ItoKin per 1jj1.. 8ii il TiiTiunrtlfle, per A, Vlotir, per bM., Rice, per 100 fb. grows, Cotton, per bale. ON Tr. vxnr.. TTO 60 S5 0 00 65 37 40 00 15 I 874 1 00 0 00 6 00 7 00 ON DRCK. VXORR 35 . 00 CO 65 "00 ,.' 8 00 8 5 00 7 00 "OH KCK. U1KB 60 . 66 Cotton foods ami yarn, tw ot FlaxM-d. per cask. Tea Nuta. per bushel, Lumber, per M., TO rillLAOELPniA. Naval 8forea, per bbl., fliriia Turpentine, Yarn and Sheeting, per foe. Pea Nuta, per bushel, Lumber; per M., TO BOSTON. hofl. per bW.. Turpentine, per bM., Spiiil Turpentine, ier bbl., Lumber, per M., 8 00 Pea Nets, ir bushel, 10 Rongh Rico, per bushel. 10 Cotton per bete 05 80. 00 00 121 00 COMMERCIAL. REMARKS ON MARKET. Tea pcntink. With light receipt a ud a fair de mand 40 bbla. Turpentine changed hands on Fri day at 4.for new Virgla, 2J".5 for Yellow Dip, and 81.66 for Hard, per 280 lbs. Yesterday it advanced, Pud 680 bbla. cent offal S4.15 for new Virgin, S2.70 for Yellow Dip, and St 70 for Hard per 280 Iba. Spirits. Nothing done In Ibis article since oar last repot I. Rositf. Fatnrday 250 bbla. No. 2 Rosin old at 81-60 per bbl. i Tau.h-oo Friday 40 bbla. Tar aold at 81 85 per per bbl., and Satur lay 800 do. at $1.40 per bbl. Yesterday 150 bbla. at latter price. Molasses. Cuba Molasses is silling from wbsrf at 61 a 65 cents per gallon, aa in qoality. Cos k. 3. 785 baahela received since our las', and 8 000 bushels have been disposed of at 90 cents per bushel being an ad ranee of 8 cents. Fish. 00 bbla. Cot Herring, just received, but do aalea have been made. Lists. 1400 Casks Lime received, and ia sel ling at 81.85 a 81 40 per cisk, in 1 ts as wanted. GatcM Pais Selling yesterday at SI per peck. , KEVf YORK MARKET. For 8 dtiyi prtceding. May 18. Tbe Shipping and Commercial Lil reports. Cotton-Probably 4000 bales will cover lb en tire transact iooa for the three days. We quote: 111 a 15. Flonar The transactions Inclnde 6500 bbls., Bouthera, clo.lnp at 7 a 87.60 for mixed to atralght brands, 87.65 a 89 for common to good fancy and exira, and 89 25 a 89.7 for favorite ana choice. Co.B-Wedoesday and Thnraday. 42.000 bush els changed banda at 85 eenta for sound Westers mixed, and 85 a 88 for 8outhern. Naval 8lores-Tho sales are 1700 bbls 8pirits Tarpeatioe, (focludinr resales ) part to arrive, at 48J cents, cash, and 49 a GO. 80 a HO days, adding Interest, for whole parcels, and 49 a 60, caab, for retail lots; 300 selected Wilmington Roan 7 Tar. foreiBort ft'2 621. In order, in rarrf &n Ln M 1 Roain, 82 87 per2Wlb; 200 Strained Common, 1 per atu id j ana iu,tuu uonmo, loar.i and afloat, 81,85 a 81.00 per 810 lb., delivered by vessels ; and 81,96 a 82 for small Iota as wanted, delivered. ,..,. There is a fair demand, and th market is firmer, with and improvement of 121 eU oe fair to good graded. . Bales 600 tcs. at 84,25 a 85, - NEWBKRv MAKKKT. Msv 14 Bacon. Der lb. Host roend. 18, to 13a Hams, 14etS Balk, per cord, 88,00 5 Br per D,Olot)e by the side 5 Beeswax, per b. 2oc; Com. Der bbl 8 60: Cot'n per. lb. Hie; rota lo-a. per l.oshel Irish 81,60; sweef, 90c Slips 120; Flonr per bbl.; ti. York ra Dices from 7 to 10. Baltimore 8 to 10; -Tallow, per In ; I2ic : Tar, per bl.L, 81. 81 '2& for ZZ. gall'n; Turpen tine per bbl. dip 83..cVrape 82j Wblhkvy. r gallon ; 85 to 40c ; 8pts-- Turpentine J 87 to 88 cekta. ; - FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. Mar 16.-Bacon 14 ; Be. iu 25 a . 25 J ; Cot ton 18 a 14T : Floor r6 6ia 7, ", Co o. ! 10. a 115; Oats, 76; Spirit 1 oi j entl m-88cts ; Yell Dip ao. 2,16; Virgin Vf do. 8."0 Scrape 115; T . FOREIGN., MARKETS. - ' jftAe Am..-. - , LiverprxdMajr l-i 0itnn ljn'ct witul clininc feiMtrm: prices lxltnlnjt ' "! . t of (he week 45 f)00 lali- Stic-' .p inN- 'f 4 600 bale sales t exM.rt. ts f 6 1 10 la -Orleans fair 8J ; middline. 7 ; UIdus In r " ; middling 7.?" bales 00 Friday estimated ai ti.OOti bales. ' jr ... ' Trade of Manchester was dull. " Breads! nff ar buorant. and all qualities have slightly advanced. Wheat eeoerally closed ac tive at an advance of 8d. Flour is steady at an advance of fid. Corn ia buoyant at an advance of 2s. Wheat, red, 6s od a os a Bd ; white, oe 9a a 9s fid ; Weyiern Canal Flour, 29 a 29 6d 5 Balti more and Philadelphia, 29 a 30s; Ohio 28 fid a a 81s 6d ; Mixed Cora 31s ; Yellow, 85s; White, 86s. - Tbe weather is Improvise, and therefore all descriptions of breadatoHs e'osed less firmly. Provisions. Beef is steady ; pork ia quiet ; ba con is qnjet at a decline of Gd.; lard is heavy at 65s; tallow ia steady at 60s. Produce. Pot and pearl asbes closed quiet at 40k a 40s 6d. Rosin is firm at 4s lOd a 6s. Tur pentine is dot at 80s a 40s. Rico is steady. Baring's London circular reports: sugar gen erally closed buoyant at an advance of 2. Cof fee ia stead v. White Wheat 62 a 081 and Red 68 a 63a per quarter. Flour ranees from ::8 to 82s.. Lard ia heavy. Irun U steady ; Welsh bars closed quiet at 7 10s and- raihrat SI a X12 5U. Money Market. -1 be money market la strto- f;eot, bnt rsles sre generally unchanged. Bul ion In the bank ha decreased X50 OuO. - The Latest by Telegraph. Saturday, 8 P. M. Consols 92 1 for money and aceoant. BRITISH LEGHORN DATS, F.W stylo, wide brims, for Gent's wesr, at the Emporium. CHAS. D. MYERS. N May 19. 27 STRAW AND LIGHT SUMMER HATS O May 19. DISSOLUTION. TH K firm or 11 A l-L ot PITTS, is this day dis solved ty mutual consent. The Auction and Brokerage business will be continued by Wnt. L. Pitta. JOHN HA 1. 1., W. L. PITTS. May 19. 27 3t "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR. AN infallible destroyer of Rats. Mice, Ants, Ground Mice. Moles. Ac ,dVc, oT-c. (Not danger ous 10 the human famiU .) Ritts do not die lit their holes, but come out snd d e. Put up in 20- 35e..65c , 81.82. 83 and 86 Boxes. COSTARS" BED BUG KXTERMINATOR. ISever known to fail and used every day b-' thousands In IS'ew York snd elsewhere. Put up In 25c, 50c, 75c, 8 1, $1. 5", 82.60snd84 60 none. COSTAR'S-' KLECT 1C POWDKIt. For the destruction of Moths. Mnsqiiiioes. File. Floas.'Plant Insects. Vermin on Fowls and Animala, eVc &c. Put up In 2jc. and 6Ue Boxea. Sold Whelesale and Ketall at "t'oar'a" Prin cipal Depot, 338 Broadway, New York, and by the principal Drugrisis and Dealers throughout the United -Mutes, the Uansda. West Indies, Uslilor ai 1 end South America. "Orders must always be acconr-panied by the cn-h. fprVo grod ' sent on commission. l7Smsll Sample Packages put up at the low est wholesale prices for first orders In new places, jri'h Cards, Show Bills, Posiers.de. Prepackages expressly put p for Ships, Steam 1oaik. Hotels, Publio Iutilullons. &e. 0"Full particulars to Wholesale Deolers scales of prices, Ac, Ac, will be promptly mailed on spallcation. Add ess - "COSTAR," No. 383 Broadway, N.Yi Msyl9. 27-2m "COMMERCIAL" JOBPRIIIIG " ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTH SIDE MARIIT 8T.IHTES HARH1TH0U3I WILMINGTON, N. O TTIK PROPRIKTOR of this wetl known Establishment would call the attention of the bastneas community to his large and beantlfol aaaortment of Type and Preaaoa liavln lnt addmt to lila stock one of R. Hni ac Co'i VATKNT SINGLE CYLINDER PRINTING HA flHINKH. he la now enabled to do work at a much more reasonable rate than formerly, and In the finest style ef the work. - CARDS Printed from $3 to $10 per theaeand BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOK RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, COKPORATIOXB.fco BILL-nEADS, 8nOP-BILL8, BILLS OF LADING, AND HEADINGS, ' fee, tut. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. We would call the attention of Concert Aventa. rhnn men and others, to oar facilities tot doing this kind Of wora. . . ca0s a PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRISTlNa, Dona In the neatest manner, and at abort notice. Those in want of Printing we trust will find It to their advantage to give ns a eaiL COMMERCIAL BLANKS The attention ef Shippers and others Is called to oar extennj re aaaortment of Commercial Blanks. Amo.u the aolleetion Is a very nna and handeome lot of Bills of Ex enans;e, in sneets ana Doocs. . sr . November a, 1856. THE ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM. For H( "Aa admirublt anneal." S. O. Advocate. DO Ten Advocate. A very complete and useful repository of io formatlcm' . Quarterly Jtnfcur. 1856s, r i 'Every atethodlst in tbe South should pro- "There ean be no sort of doubt about tha auo- S 1 Sandal eesa of this boost " Home Orel. 'Win get more oat of It than the worth of one dollar." A'. (). AdrocaltL ' Cheap at Are timet the coat." Borne Circle. "'Wa bad not expected to find it ao deeply in- S GO . tereetina;.' Ternae Advocate. -n mull nave ooat great TatxMr." BeutMern Afetkodioi Ouarterlu. "How ean we, after thfa, do wMhoot it r ' . , Home Circle. TTha plaa and sxeeutlon of It we highly om- LargeU mo. . neatly bound and lettered. I nienu. es. jn. wuarrerty. It will have an enormous circulation. Home Circle. SingU tovitt, mmil, prepaid, SI. f" To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 dosen or more, 80 per cent. discoonU May be ordered from 8teTenson & Owen, Nashville ; W. p. Grif fith, Norfolk, Virginia. ; J. W. Piatt, WilminRton, N. C; E.'H. Myers,. Charleston,. 8. C, or H. U. MeQianla, New Orleans, tf" tat aingle copies and special aceocies, address the editor, CUARLES. DEEMS, May 14. (25tw ) , Wilmiogtoo, N. C HERRING. U i y AC BBLS. erf me fVovs Scotia Herring, reeeiv f Ved per Schr. John Tyler. For sole ey April )st ADAMS, BRO. CO. P every description for Men and Boy's wesr; a larce variety of new atile nuiy be lound amng our stock at the Hat and Cap F.mporluni, 34 Market alieet CH1S. D. MYERS. Ull 1 UU Dl II UU Ul' ilillLiUlbila Dutria of North Carolina for the District art a -F-rr riAoHEREAS, libel baa been Bled ia the Dtstriet Court XAJ of the United gtataa, in the Uiatriet of Worth Car olina, for the District of Cape Fear, on tbe th day of May. A. D . 1857, by Jonaa Smith, Oliver M. Pettit and at. Cooper, owners of tbe 6chr. ll P. Smith 5 and Perry U. Iladson, David A. Atkina, K. C. Godfrey, mate and seamen of said schooner, against the Light Boat or vessel. Wind Mill Point, her tackle, apparret and farnltnre; al lcfring In anbstanee that on tbe 24th day of January, A. D. 1957, aaid K. Cooper being oa a passage from New York to- Wilmington, N. C , discovered the said Litcbt Boat, Wind at ill Point with a eignal of diatreaa hoi ted where upoo the aaid schooner bore to and spoke the aaid T.ijrht Boat, that on oearint the ea:d Li.'ht Bont. the Contain of said Lhbt Boat asked for aid. and r,ueifeJ a navtirntor on board. , That the Captain of ;d fchlmner deemed it onsafe In navikale ead Lliihl B.:-.t r' e aa ' ?nt s-nffi CM;nt aaila, no conipaea, witiaHii ai:ch.xa, ami .u a helpleea eoodition. That tbe Captain of the aaid Light Boat stated to the said It Cooper, that he would be com pelled to abandon said Llht Boat and offered tbe aaid Cooper salvage If be would tow said Light Boat into port. The said Cooper offered to tow said boat Into Cape Henry, bnt that tbe Captain ef tbe said Light Boat objected, and deolared there waa no ebaoee of getting said Light Boat into the Cape, on account of the ice and northwest winds. That said Captain Cooper, then endeavored to tow aaid Light Boat Into Ooraeoke Inlet, bnt night coming on, wind being northeast, could not enter. That on that night said schooner broke loose from the said Light Boat, bat that by extraordinary effort on the part of tbe master and crew of said schooner, tbey succeeded la again get ting a haoser to said Light Boat, That at daylight the said schooner dropped beckanother haoser to the Light Boat, aod-ontinned fastened to ber for about four hours. and by the action of the aea said banserscbafed and part. ed, which rendered them entirely useless. That on the 25th the Captain of said sobooner pat a man on board said Light Boat to take charge of her, the Captain of said Light Boat having surrendered her to Capt. Cooper. That the said schooner hauled to under the land and ob tained a pilot, and returned to said light Boat, and towed her Into Hew Inlet bar. .. Having towed aaid Light Boat about 300 miles, and that they are entitled to a reasonable share of aaid Light Boat, her apparel and farnltnre for the salvage thereof. And praying process againat.aaid Light Boat, and appar el, and furniture and reasonable and proper aalvage, and that the aaid Light Boat, her tackle, apparel and furni ture, may be condemned and aold to pay aach aalvage with coats, charges and expenses. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition ariUer the seal of raid Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said Light Boat, her tackle apparel and furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the said District Court, the first Monday after the fourth Uonday ia October, next to be held at Wilmington, for tbe District of Caps Fear ; then and there to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations In that behalf. Dated May 13th, 1857. U. LONDON'" i proeto for Llbellants. WE8LET JONES, U. S. M. By JOHN J. CONOLET, Ass't. U. B. If. Wilmington, N. C-, May 14. a-tf ROYAL IlilAM LOTTERY. The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conducted by the t-poi-ri Government, un der the supervision of the Captain General of Cu ba, will lake place at Havana on WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1857. SOOTEO NUMERO8l ORDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000!!! 1 prize of 9100,000 I 4 prizes of $2,00 50,000 5 " 1.000 30.000 10,000 5.000 52 " 500 143 " 400 20 Apr'xm's. 8,800 4 approximations to the 9100,000 of 4600 each ; 4 of 100 to 60,000 1 4or$ 100 to 30,0UO 4 ol 409 :o 1 0,0(0 1 4 of 400 lo5.0C0. Whole Tickets, Wi Halves, 10; Quartered 00. Prizes cashed st sight st 5 per cent discount. Bills on the Bonk of Ch.irlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded it soon as ibe re- suit becomes known Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post. Chorlfston.f C.) un til the 27ih of May will be attended to May 12. ORANGES ORANGES. rv " Boxes of Sweet Meclna Oranges in perfect I order. Now Undine per s-'chr. John A. Stanly, wholesale and retail at the Broadway Var iety s tore, No. 40. April 18. - WW. H. P IN KALE. WINES ! WINES Yl WINES!!! IT 13 TRULY. SAID that George Myers baa the best Champagne Wines ever before offered n this cily. They need bat a trial from thott vho hate not tued them to upercde all other brands IMPERIAL BRAND, . case-., the "no plus ultra" of all wloes from t vineyard of Bouche, Filset Drouet . Slllert soperleur. HeidsicK brand qts& pis. Booche brand Crown brand ' Star brand Also, Brandies of the Very flntst grniies. Pure Holland Gin, do lies paid at Custom House, Wil mington, N. C. Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines pure, and every possible variety of Wines, Li quors. Coidisls, &c, dtc. In wood snd glass. Tuscaloosa, Monongahels and Bonrbon W hisfcey with a lot of choice "Id Baker w niskt v, the chui cest article ever offered before ih this ma.-ket Call and examine, at the Original Family Gro cery, IN os. ii and is, r ront street. April 7. GF.O. M VERS. rvRESS HATS of the latest styles, combining I J elegance with durability, just opened at tbe Hat and uap Kmporium. April 29. CllAS. t. MYERS. NEW ARRIVALS OF FHE8II GROCRl ES TtlE Subscriber has jllst returned fro in the North with a full and well selected Slock ol choice Groceries, comprising every Variety ihnt tenda Id complete ah assortment, consisting in rart of 100 bags Coffee, Mocha, Government Java, aguyra. Rio and St Domingo: IOC bbla. Sugars of all grades; Choice Wines. Liquors t Champaign ol tne moet ceieoraied brands. Teas, Goshen K ut ter. F. M Beef.Simeked Rdttf. Hm-f Tonouoa s,i. mon. Mackerel, Iofk. llerririBs. Codrish. l-'rrsh Lobster snd Shad, Sardines, Maucea, Catsups; soda, augar, nutter. Lemon, Ureahli -Pilot and water Urackere, ;olgatea Family Soaps, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety) Eaglish Pineapple and Goeheh Cheese, Candles of all erades. Bottled Liquors of eVery variety. Pure Old J om in, scni-oam .rhnapps, CbtrahiS and Cit ron. (New Kaiaone Eknected ) Porter and Ak. Olive Oil. Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary in all Fverlerlee, Preserve. Jell vs. Brotnn.t Torn Stareh Clour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Baskeia 20,000 atlgara, locaeeo, sc, ate, n , all low for cash it GEORGE MY KliS Country Merchants are particularly invited to callaajl examine, oelore purchoning eisewbeee, Oct.?. - OARIS AND SILVER M. DE -SOFT H ATS- I new styles, r Also, extra fine Frenrh felt blark eelt Hatecptned this morning, at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market at. ' , April 23. - CHAS. D. MYERS. GENT'S BLACK CASSlMERE DRESS H AT -another rai-e, email fiae. insi rec ivid this meriting try tvxpress, at the Hat and ( ?ar Km porlnm CHAS. D.MVElls. April Z3. k , RENO v a. PHAVK REMOVED MV BEIDKNCK ANI A OFFICE Front Street, next North tt P. K i)irkInsot.,Ea jr., t. the house formly ocroied v Mr. A. A. Vanel, where I can be i jund when not professionally enraged. - '; W.W. K. KKKKMAN, M. U. Feb. ta. n, 146. '. JUST R EC EI? ED BY G. R. FRENCD. AFRESH supply of PERKT DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire New Da sea To be sure rhet ye et the gerioine Md eine.tnqafre for the New Dress with ir fine en graved ateetlabele on each bottle. - April lis. . S-tf Tiers' CAS IIME RETT K HATS. A new iiiuks, revvmrnenaea lor aorabiury j eat re ceived at the Hat and Cap Ensporiem 34 Market at. : fapril3.1 - ' cuas. n. as vers. - -1 SAVANNAH . v- --1 ON. THE HAVANA PLANJ $P SIN . . -vJGJLE NUMBERS, f . . V - A N D E RtSO N . & S 6 N, - MANAGERS, SUCCESSORS TO J.1 F. WINTER. MANAQEB PriEes Parable Withoot Dedoctioo. Capital Prize $60,000 ! 4 JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. By AulAerilif ef the Slate of Gcorgug. or. ASS X. '::: il r t'n,-t-S?, at "-". tncrews' Hill S v ,n iii. d i.. -ier the w. n a-t;riirieadenc-. of W. it. Syiiions, Esp and J. M. Prentiss, MAGNIFICENT SCUEME: 1 Prize of do lo 1 do 1 do . 1 do . 3 do : $60,00(. 20,00 10.00H 6,000 4, 00 2,00C 3.000 t 2,500 10,000 6,000 3.760 rso,ooo $1000 are 600 are 100 are do 100 do; 100 do 50 are 72 Approximation Prizes, 3000 do S30 are ,3286 prises, amounting to 215,260 r. , Whole Tkkeia 19; Halves 5 ; Quarters 2 50. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Checks on New York remitted for Prizes. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates of Packages of Tickets to - ANDERSON & SOU. Managers, 4 Msi-ob oe Savannah. Ga. I3r Persona holding Prise Tickets of J, F. Winter, Mamger, will send thera to He for pay ment. ' J 13. SWANN &C0.'S LOTTERIES CAPITAL PEIZE $S0,0O0 TICKETS ONLY 810! Owing to the great favor with which our Sin gle Number Lotteries have been received by the public, and the large demand for Tickets, the Managers. S. Swank & Co., will have a draw ing each Saturday throughout tbe year. - The fol lowing scrirme will be drawn In each 01 tneir Lot lerlea tor May, 1857. CLASS 34, To be drawn In (lie City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MAY 2d, 1857. CL.ASS3S. To bo drawn In tbe City of Atlanta, Georgia, In public, on SATURDAY, MAY 9th, 1857. CLASS ae. To be drawn ia tbe City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on . SATURDAYMAY 16th, 1857. CLASS 3T, To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, MAY 23d, 1857. CLASS 38, To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in . public, on -. SATURDAY, MAY 30th, 1857, ON THE PLAN OPSINGLE NUMUEKS THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY PRIZES I MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN ' ' TICKETS! , MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TO BE DRWVJT . EACH SATURDAY IN MAY! 1 Piizcof a.SO.OOOie 50,000 I 20,000 is 20,000 1 10,000 is 10,000 I " 10,000 is 10,000 1 M 6,0001s 5,000 1 " 6,000 is 6,000 I - 6,000 Is 6,000 1 " S,500 Is ' 2,600 1 - 2300 is -2,500 1 2,500 is :,500 I " 1.500 is " 2,500 1 " 2,500 is 2,500 1 " 2,500 ia 2,500 I . 1,1-00 IS 1,000 1 1,0001a 1,000 1 " 1,000 is 1,000 I " 1,000 is - 1,000 1 " 1,000 Is 1,000 100 Prizes or IW are 10,000 100 , - 50 are 5000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of 225 appro'to S50.000 prize are 600 4 " 160 ' 20,000 " 640 8 60 " 10,000 " 640 It u 60 " . 6,000 - 600 24 30 2,500 720 20 25 " 1,000 600 3000 " tO. &to i . - - 60,000 3 290 prizes aniouhtihb to tf4.000 Whole Tickets. 10-Halves; $5-Quarters, t2l PLAN OF THE LOTTERV. The Numbers fro si 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small iln tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 218 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled. Sre placed ih another wheel. The wheela are then revolved, ahd a number is ! drawn from the wheel of Numbers and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn otit are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by ihe Tommiesioners the Prize being placed against me inmrer orawn. Thu operation is repeated until all me irises are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES The two preceding and the two succeeding rv umbers to move drawing ihe first IB Prizes will oe en tit tea to men Approximatienl'nzes, secord ing to the scheme. The 3,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number thai draws the 50.000 Prize. For example, if the Nbmbef draVlne the aaU.UUU Prize eida with No. I, then all the Tic keta where the number ends in. 1, will be entitled toSTD. ti the NUmber ends with No. 2. then all ihe Titkeis where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to tiO. and ao on lo 0. x . CertificaUe of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, wnicn is tne rrik : Certificate of Package ol 10 Whole Ti. kets, S80 " " . 10 Half - 40 M , 10 Quarter , 20 " . "" 10 Kighrh 10 im utiubninu TiUKbTS Oil CERTIFIC ATES. Enclose the money to our address for tha Ti kets ordered, on rece.pt ol which ihey will be lor- wiraeu oy nrsi man. rarcnasers can hhve tickets ending in any figure they may designate. ' The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purehasersimmediately after the drawing. - 0"Pnrchascrs will plesse write iheir signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and Slate. f3T Kemember that every Prize ia drawn, and payable in full without deduction. - ------ - C Prizes of 1000, and underpaid immedi- aieiy aner ine oraw:ng oiner prizes at the usual I lino wi mirirsafSf All communications strictly confidential ' .'. Address Order for TIcketa or Certificates to i ..:.;.Avr: S. S WAN COl t . Altania, Go. ' dW A Kat of the numbers that an. trn r . the wheel, with the arnouat of tha nriu tr mt aeh one is entitled to. will be nabUaheal m(t-r ...r. uiowiar, in ,njr iui,Ming papers ew Urtcan a uuia. mo "lie rt-er,unariesion SlamrlnrrL M.h. vllle Democrat. AlUnta nteUireneer. mw York " hi7 t-raj oook ana oavaqnau JSaarnmg AeaM. nylt .1, IUJI, , . rJr : PI 1 Vi, PADTno - , a miiv av VUlEuJ, " i- 1 UST Received and ooene1 j.V en,i. -r my r urniiure oiote. a tat of vers- aatuviar- Pi. . - ' V. anos, ffora several Maaotactoriea; the best I have ever offered in this place, sizta 6. 6, 6 aawi 7 Oc tave, roteweod cases, full ronnd anrf tna.r. Kni.K full iron fn-mea, dre e, A small advance on ManufactartrV-vftocMiJ prictet will be asked, ass he esual guaranteea aivea. . -" JWO. D. LOVK- yvUmingtoo.N.C,, Much 18th 1857. 152-tf NEW-YORK. ADTERTISEUENIS. HEALTH DEPENDS UPON PURR BLOOD. Thin and acrl I blood cannot secrete healthy bile, and therefore the first thing for, those who are dyspeptic.should be to commence the purifi cation of their blood. T" ",; BRANDRETJTS PILLS. Noi only purify, but they make the Mood richer, and add those principles upon which its power to resist disease, depends. . RlUd operation. teUk ouecteefvl effect are the pe culiarity of Braiidretk'e PUU. Tiow that we may soon expect genial Spring, It Is of great Im portance that a few doses be used by the wise. Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and it ia aa dangerous as it is prevalent ;. but Brandreth's Pilla afibrd an Inval uable and eflicient protection. By their occasion al use, we nrevent the collection of those impuri iles, which, when in xufficient ' quantities, canse so much danser to the fine organa of the stom ach and bowels. They soon cure liver comp aint, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, pain in lathe head, heart-burn, pair in the breast bone, sudden faint ness snd costiveness. In brief, Brandreth's Pilla work their way to the very roots of the disease, cleansing In their passage,! removing every un healthy accumulation, till Ihe blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and the functions and duties of life become a pleasure, where be fore they bsd been sad and weary burdens, r We have thousands ofsimilsr testimonials to the following, and auch evidence can be had from living witneases all around us on every side.- Ii Is from a gentleman of high respectability, whose letter can be seen at the Principal office, he writes: "I am now fifty-two years of age. . For twenty years 1 have used your Pilla as my family medicine, and I wish no other 1 and have never had occasion to call a physician in my family, (save in the sickness of my wi'e with children) during the twenty years.". , TRUE MEDICINAL PRINCIPLES. Never extract blood. Blood is the life. By abstracting it in painful diseases you may oeca sion the patient ea&e, but remember this ease ie only the reduction or leeeening the power to Jed. And by'thua taking away nature's tools, you may prevent her from fully repairing the ravages of in (lammatlon, and convert what might only have been the sickness of a few days or weeks into a chronic affection of months or years. PURGING BY MEAN'S OF BRADRKTTT8 FILLS. This is the means which accords with nature nature's remedy in lact.- When audden, acute or continued pain occurs, then to Insure security you must take a medicine that Will surely purge. There must be no shilly shailying, because every minute lost may be fatal. Principal office, 43 Brandreth Building, 415 and 417 Broadway. All Pills with 241 Broadway on tbe box, are eouterfeit: The genuine are aold by respectable dealers everywhere. WILLIAM H. LIPPITT, Agent Wilmington April 7 1857. - 10-t-w-lm. tjPhalou's CHEMICAL HAIR IN VIGORATOR. The most complete article of the kind ever before offered to the public. . It has atood tbe test of twen ty years in this country, snd not one of ihe many hundredsof imita ; tions have been able to compete with it ' - for preserving, dressing, and beautifying the Hair, and kerping the head clear from dandruff if-c. It Is Inestimable! in short, it is every thing the Hair requires. Price 50 cs.andJl pr bottle melon's PAPHIAN LOTION, Oa, Flobal BcAUTinza. A great Cosmetic - for beautify- in the Skin and Complexion, and for v curing Chapped Hands, also for the Teeth & Breath, Fare, Lips, Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, Pimples, Scalds Burns, Slc. A sure and safe cure for thn Piles, one washing will give instant relief. After shavineii ie verp soothing to the skin. It keeps the hands soft and while, and for inflammation of the skin, it will be found to be a great remedy. Price 5U centa ana i per bottle. Phalou'a MAGIC HAIR DYE. One of the : very best Natural Dyes In ihe World. Its long nee has proved It ; to be beyond comparison and, being a vegetable produc tion injury ean possibly be done t"' to the skin. It ia easily applied, and. - you can obtain a black or brown which will defy the best judges to tell itfrjm nature itself Price tt and 91 SOjier box. Made and ar id by E PHALON. at 197 Broadway, coinvr of Dey Street and 517 Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y-. and all Druggists and tancv stores throughout the Uni- reu ctatee. March 3. 14.5m genlVs bazaar. SlA Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. THE Only establishment of the kind in the Un JL ion, consisting of twelve distinct department, viz: . . Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets snd Head Dresses. Ladles', Misses', Children'sand Infant's Hosiery Mantillas, Mantles and 1 almas. . Ladies' and Children's Underwear. .. . Laces and Embroideries. Parasols. Infants' Wardrobes. Ladies' Morning Robes; Busses' and Infants' Fancy HiU . Ladies and Children's Shoes. Boys' Hsis, Cap and Clothing. Gentlemen'e and Boys' Furnishing Goods. . MsyO. , ' v s 23-lea tw-w PORTE MOMAIES & CABAS. WE are now receiving an invoice of Ladies and Gent emea's fine Prarl Portmonnaies and Cabas; also, Satchels Bags t Bill books and aegar Cases, at Broadway Variety 3tor No. 4U, , April 21. ti W. H. DiNEALE. PINE, APPLE, CHEESE. JUST received a No. 1 article of ihe above. No. 40. W. H. DaNEALF-.- NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. rphis Great Journal of Crime and Criminals ie A in the I went n Yean and is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains alt the Great Trial. Criminal Case ahd appropriate Editoria't on the same, together with information oil Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. tif Subscriotion. S2, per Annum : SI. for Six Months, to be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write merr names ana me town, county and atate where tney reside plainly,) To R. A. SEYMOUR, Editor tt Proprietor Of the National Police Gaxette, May 2 , New York City. - SUPERIOR COURT OF COLUaiBUS .COUNT YM 5 State of North Carolina, i Superior Court of La Columbus County. , Spring Term, A. O. '57. Ordered bv tbe Cvart-that a Soeciai Term of ihia Court be held for the County of Columbos at tbe Court House IB WhltesVille on the fourth Monday la June next, and that the Clerk of this Court give notice thereof by advertisement or aix wecka in the Wilmington Weekly Journal and Wilmington Weekly Commercial. and bv advertisement ousted up at iBeoeun House door and other Dnbli- places. requiring alt Suiters, Witnesses, and other persons navieg Business an the Ctrtf Uoclcct to attend. From the rein u tea. April 25. , THOMAS L. TAIL, Cl'k. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. N Taeaday. Sth Jaoo, lF57,at 9 e'dock at Ex ebanee Jeener. will be aold. if sot sold ai private sale before. OosUsow a od Lot on Sixth street between Princess Cheanuta Sts bow occuoied bv Thoa. Loriag, Eq., for terms apply to . S. n. w uaJT. Journal and Herald cope one week and aend bill lo Commercial office. April ia - . 8CMOOL BOOKS,; ju vs ' " STANDARD NEW, YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL Gl Is shown by the Records of the Custom House to be the only London Cordial Gin IMPORTED and sold in bottles, all othera are made here in im itation of it. It is a delicious tonic beverage, snd by its peculiar navor (so dinerent from other gin) la universally esteemed by ad who use iu- It is adopted with great aucceea in cases of D vspepsi a, Godt, Rheum atism, Daorsv Ubavku Colic Cholzba, Fsvzb asd Aoua, Stbicturk, Disabcs or the Ubinabt Obsars, Rpilepst, Fkmalb Ibbbgolabitbis die. Dr. Valkjttinb Mott of New York, in a letter to the proprietor, says : Charles' London Cordial Gin, is the purest, best, and most reliable Extract of Juniper 1 hare seen. '- CHARLES' LONDON CORDIALG1N is sold by all Druggists and Grocers in tbe United States and do also ate numerous poisons catted "London Cordial Gin'' to avoid ihem buy only "CHAR- Lts ." tteject any other offered to you aa you vaiue your neaun. rrice one collar lor quarts, liny cents lor pints. - ; EDMUND C. CHARLES. Sole Importer, 40 Broadway, N. Y. f April 2& 18 3m. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO RECTIFERS, LIQUOR MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. DR. FEUTCHTWANGER'3 Flavorings to Produce at a Momenta not ice every desired Liquor. HP he undersigned has lately made great improve- a ments in tnis orancn ot ousinees. rne lavor ings are nut up In packages of 5-10, and 40 Gal lons, and acquirea iut the addition of Pure Spirit, either 1st or 4th proof and Liquors such a Cognac, either dark or pale. Holland ana fcngiand and Keg lish Gin, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, Mononga hela, Bourbon, Irish and Scotch, Whiskey, Apple, reach, cherry and Kaspberry tsrandy, Port and Madeira Wines will be instantly produced. It re quires no skill, but an addition of a good spirit, say 50 gallons to each gallon of the respective Flavoring. The best Cognac oil, green, yellow and white warranted genuine, as low as any other importer in the U. S. , . Essences of every Liquor. Extract of Cognac, I lb. ot which produces ZOU gallons ol Cognac. - Raw Whiskey may by Dr.K.'s are and body pre paraiion he made-smooth with but a trifling ex pense. The price of Flavorings are extremely moderate, ana directious in lull supplied by DR. LEWIS FEUCHTW ANGER Chemist and Importer of Drugs, Essential Oils and Metals, Daguerreotvpe and Photographic Chemicals, No. 143 Maiden Lane. New York.. N. B. Sole Agent for Godfrey'acelebrated Cor- otai Bitters and um. April 18. 18 6m A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOV ERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. TiATKNT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT BRI- X TAIN, DIPLOME de ECOLE de PHAR- MACIK PHARMACIEN de PARIS, and IM PERIAL COLLEGE of MEDICINE, VIENNA Sold wholesale and retail by I)r. II. A. Barrow, Member of ihe Inip'I College of Vienna, and Royal College ot surgeons, London, who may be person, elly consulted at his residence, 157 Prince street. few blocks west of Broadway, N. Y., from HA, M. till 2 P. M., and from 4 till 8 P. 31. (Sundays excepted, uuiess oy appointment.; TrlesemarNo.lt J Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermtorrhcea, ar.d all the distressing consequences arising Irom early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long resi dence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and visor lo thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions ofmanhoedt and whatever may be the cause or dis qualifications for for marriage, they are effectually suOdued. - - , Trlesemftr No. J, " Completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Oonorhtea, both in ita mild and aggravated forms, uieets, otucrures, irritation oi tne Bladder, xmod retention of Urine, Pains of the Loins and Kid neys, and those disorders for which Copaivi and vuoeus nave so iuiij ucen mougai an anuuoie. Triesemur No 3, is the gredt Confine htal Petnedy for Syphilid and Secondarr Symptoms. It also constitutes a cer tain cure 'for Scurvy, ScroiuJa, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all impuritiea from the vital stream, so as altoget her to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the medium of tne pores oi tne sgin and mine-. It is a never failing remedy for that class Of dis orders which English Physicians treat with Mer cury, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. TRieSEMAR No. 1,2, and 3, are prepared in the toim of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smelt, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. -: Sold in tin casea, and divided in separate doses as administer ed by Vslpeau, Lalleman, Roux, RicorrJ, Ac, Ae. Prices S3 each, or four cobcs in one fot t9, which saves S3, sod In S2T cases, whereby there is a sav ing of 9 None are 'genuine toilless the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Office of England, ihe Seals of the bcokt de fharmacie de fans; and tne imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case. Imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the Law. - Special arrangements enable Dr. Biaaowto for ward immediately, on receiving a remittance, the 9 and larger size bases ef Triesetrrar Fake or cabbiaOk, to any part of the world, securely pack ed and properly addressed, thus insuring genuine European preparations add protecting the public from rpurious and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from II A. M. till 2 P..M. and from 4 till 8 in the evening. 157 Princess Street, a few blocks weet of Broadway, New York. n April 28, I85T; ; '' ; IB ly. GREAT AND UNUSUAL INDUCE- ''V-S- MENTS! TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT in first clase eogiavings will be made until further notice on ALL c Ash fubchasbs or i Lookingt-GIaases, Picture fr"ramea, : Engravings, Artiste Materials, c &e. which wrt-t aa sold ikdifbsobjitlv or the - liOCTlOW f at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES, and the privilege of selecting aaid deduction from ao im mense siock and great variety oi . riiri ejobavisos, ' ' J ; GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. . In our. LOOKING-GLASS DEPARTMENT may be had every variety of Piau. Wali and Mab-tlb MlsBoBa.PbBTBAiT and PisnrkcFaaiiKS. Cobbticbs, Basks, dtc, of oar own exclusive man ufacture, from choice and original deseins. not elsewhere to be obtained, and of auoerlor Oualitv Ia our FiNK ART DEPARTMENT will be fband first ciass impressions of all the finest Euro pean Hagravinga, with a renerai assortment of all decirable publications. In our ARTISTS MATERIAL DEPART MENT wiJ be found (of superior oualitv onlvl every reqaisita for tbe Artist, Amateur, or Pupil. The usual discount to the Trade , and Schools. Orders by letter carefully filled and packed with the utmost care. . iin To tbe eeoaoraiet, and all deairoas of obtainine superior quality articles, at moderate prices tbe anove presents unusual advantages. WILLIAMS. 8TEVEHS. WILLIAMS & COW f ' : 343 Broadway, Hew York. , April 14. -t'1:r v :,:;c;.2 -3m. i sgfJflSSES LEGHORN FLATS Just re-.i--L ceived bv Exoreas. a new aaaortment of elegantly trimmed Misaea LEGHORN FLATS - I hey are decidedly the handsomest stya -yet of lerea. Also, new lot ot antrimmed Fuu. . Call and examine at the Hat and Can Emnoriam. 34 Market at. $ . CHAJS. D. M VERS. ; THEOLOGICAL, ; V" "X...! fe ' MEDICAL, . ' . j V Wilmington, 14. c" T ' r BIOGRAPHICAL jj ' ) ., ) MISCELLANEOUS "p5' " 1 books. . ''ZM) 'ibs Aprii 9. M . t - AI. ; vSTATIONEUT, PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, CARDS, PENSISK &e ,&& MUSIC. ARTIST'S MATERIA LS "-- " " V. ' 25 WITNESSES; OR, - - ' THE FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE. IS THE AUTHOR, Who has had 10 yeara experience as a Bank er and Publisher, and Author of A series of Lectures ai the Broadsrajf Tabernacle. wben. for 10 auccesalve nights, over E-SO,W)0 reopleJ Greeted him with rounds of aDDlause. while Cb3 Qr5 S he exhibited the manner in which Counierfeit- era exieuic their Frauds, and the aurest . and shortest means of detecting them, g TSe Bank Note Engravers mil sav that he is the S greatest Judge of Paper Mane living. I-iREATEST DISCOVERY or THE PRE S VJTSENT CENTURY FOSt S DfcTECTI.C CUUHEBFE1T BASI SOTES. Describing every genuine Bill in existence and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in circulation I ! Arranged so admirably that reference is easy, ana UHTbC HON instantaneous. Wo index to examine 1 No pages to hunt up ! g But so simplified and arranged, that the Ver m chant, Bankerand Kupincss Man can see a mt English. French and German. Thus each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. Moat Perfect Bank Note List Published, Also List of All the Private Bankers In America. Complete Summary of the Finahcc or Eubofb A Ambbica will be published in each edition, together, with all tbe Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES OF TALES. !: - From an Old Manuscript found in the East, it furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL, LIFE describing ihe Most Psrplexing Positions in ,V.iK it.. r..A;. r..i.n.- r . u - 5J OS ml Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove (he ' Most Entertaining ever offered to the Public. iT Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at SI a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN 8 DYE, Broker. Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall S t., N.gY April 14. HEALTH OR SICKNESS 1 CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. HO rHE bljcd furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. w tien pure, it securea health to every organ ; when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS operate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing. the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stom ach, tbe liver, the bowels, ihe muscles, the skin, rtre brain, or any other part of tbe system. . USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLi:: HOLLOWAVS PILLS are equally efficacious in complaints common to ihe whole human race, and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. " ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of ihe liver, tha source of infirmity and suffering, and the cauae of nnumeraoie aea ins, yield to these curatives, in all cases, however aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic t they relieve ihe bowels, purify ins the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution at the same lime. . GENERAL' WEAKNESS NISRVOUS COM PLAINTS". Wh en . all s'timhlahts fail, the renOatins? snd bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of tbe victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES, AH irregularities and ailments incident to tha delicate and sensitive organs of ihe sex are remov ed or prevented by a few doses of thesr mild, hut infallible alteratives-. No mother who fega- -frown or her children's health fail to have wclia within her reach. SCIENTIFIC? ENDORSEMENTS. The London "Lancet," the London "Medical Review' and the most eminent of the facnltv ia Great Britain, France and Germany, haveeuloe-iz ed the Pilla and their inventor. lldUxncatft Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases .- Asthma Fever and Ague Low ness of Bowel Com Female Com Spirits plaints plaints. . Headaches Indigestion Infiuenxa Inflammation Inward Weak ness Liver Cbm-.-f ntainta ' Piles Stone and ' Gravel Secondary -t Symptoms Yeneral AfTetN tioaa Worms, of all Coughs Colda Chest Diseaaea Costiveness Dyspepsia Diarrhoea Dropsy Debility kinds ' ooia si tne flanuiaeturee or Professor Hol low at, BU Maiden l.ane, New-York, and 214 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and. ueaiersia aieoicine tnrouenoui the United States and the civilised world, in boxes at 25 cents, 621 cents, ana at eacn. - - - - Car There la a considerable savins bvtakin? the larger sizes. . . : I. B. Llireeilons for the raidanea of salient - ia every disorder are affixed to each box. Ul" unos I None are eenuine unless the word "itotlouiau, Nets York and London." are dis cerns ble as a iraUr-mark in everv leaf of tbe book of directions around each pot or box : the sa me may be plainly seen by holding the Uaf to ihe light. A handsome reward will be eiven to any one ren dering auch information aa may lead to the detec tion of any party or parties cocntett lung tan medicine or vending the same, knowine then . be spurious. , , Dec. II. . 114 . . NEW BOOHS. Palestine in connection with their By Arthur Penrhvn Stantev. M. it. SINAI and History. Canton of Canterbury, with Maps snd Plan. . mernvate uorrespondenee of Daniel w ebatcr. Edited by Fletrher Webster. The History of the Rein of the ErooerorCharlea tbe Fifth by William Robertson, D. I). With an account of ihe Emperor's Life af ter his Abdication, by William H. Prescotu The New Life of Summerfield. By William 31. Wilier. The Green Mountain Boys A Historical Tale of ibe early settlement of Vermont. ; - Rill a from the Fountain of Life ; or. Sermon to Child-en. By Rev. Richard Newton, D. D Rerior of St. Paula Church. Pblladelpeia. Selection for Sabbath Reading, and Brief Mia- ' eelianeous Ersaj s, Moral and Religious. By J.W. Tucker. M. D; Also further supplies of John Hali fax, GehUemm. -History of the Elephant Club. Pri ociples end Practices of Baptists. For rale be Feb. 19.- ; -THE BOOK STORE- - TORREY'S IXTEEEST TABLES., SHOWING, at sight, or by one addition the in terest of any number of dollars from 1 to I0.CK 0 from 1 day to 136 days and from 1 month to 12 aaonlbv Just Published. For sale at - : -.. . .. j MarcfeSa. i ; , , The Book atoraw LL0 WAY'S PILLS.

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