'ife 3 WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE IB, 1857 T. J.ORING, Editor and Phoprietoe. HARY MOORE: A PLC A3 ANT LOVE STORY. chattee 1. All my life long I bad known Mrj Moors). All ray life long I bad loved her. - Our mother were old playmates and first cousins.' Mjr first recollection of myself is of a boy in a red frock and morocco shoe, rocking a cradle in which reposed a sun ny haired, blue-eyed baby not quite a year old. That boy was myself, Harry Cburcb, tliat blue eyed baby was !1ury Moore. Later still, I see myself at the lir.le school house, drawing my little chaise up to the door, that -Mary might rid home. Many a beating' have I rained on such an occa t ion, for other boys besides myself liked her, and she. I fear,' was something or flirt, even, in her pinafores. How elegant ly she came tripping down the steps,' when 1 called her name. How sweetly her blae eyes locked up at me. How gayly rang out hef merry laugh. That fairy laugh I No one but Mary could bring her heart so soon to her lips. "I lingered beneath' the tones of that lauih' from my days of child hood tiil I grew an awkward, blushing youih I followed it through the heated noon of manhood and now, when, the frosts of age are silvering my hair, and ma. nr chilrlren climb mv knee and call me father. I find that the memories of youth are stronsr. and tht everr in irray hars 1 following its music still. When I was fifteen, the first great-aor row of mv life came upon my heart. ! Was sent to school, and was obliged to part wiih Mary. We were not to see each other for three lone years.- This, to me. was like a sentence of death, for Mary was like life itself to me. - But hearts are tough things after all. I left col ege in the flush and vigor of my nineteenth year. I wasno lonret awk ward and embttrrassed. I had grown into a Ull slender sirippling, with a good opin ion of myself, both in general and purlieu Jar. li t tnougnt ot Mary Moore, it was 'to imagine how I would dn&zle and bewil der her with my good looks and wondnful attainments, never thinking that she m ght dazzle and bewilder me still more, I was a coxeotnb. but as youth and good looks have fled, I trust I may be b lived when 1 say that se!f-conceir,hns left me. An advantageous proposal was made to me at the time, and accepting it, 1 gave up all idea of a profession, and 1 prepared to go to the Indies. In my hurried visit hoim' of two days I saw nothing of Mary Moore She was gone to a bourding-school at som distance, and was not expected home until the following May. I uttered one sigh to the memory of my little blue-eyed play mate, and then called myself man a jrain.' . 'In a year,' I thought, as the vehicle whiled away from our door, 'in a year, or three years at most. I .will return, and if Mary is as pretty as she used to be, why, then, perhaps I may marry her.' An thus 1 settled the future of a young lady whom I bad not met in four years. 1 never thought of the possibility of her re fusing me never dreaming that she might not condescend to accept my oner. But now I know that had 'Mary met me then, she might have despised me. Per haps in the scen;cd and affected student she might have found- plenty of sport; but as ior loving me, or lecnng toe sugniest in terest in me, I should have perhaps found I was mistaken. India was my salvation, not merely be cause of my success, but because my labo rious industry contracted the evil in my nature, and made me a better man.. When at the end of thiee years I prepi red to re turn,. I said nothing of the reformation in myself which I knew had taken place. 'They loved mo as I was,' I murmured to myself, 'and Jhey shall find out for them selves whether I am belter worth loving than formerly.' . I packed up many a token from the land of romance and gold, for the friends 1 hoped to meet. Tha gift for Mary Moore I so lected with a beating heart; it was a ring of rough, virgin- gold, with my name and hers engraved on the inside that was all, and yet the sight of that little toy strange ly thrilled me as I placed it upon the tip of my hnger. -. To the sight of others it wasiura plain, small circlet, suggesting thoughts, perhaps, by its elegance, of the, beautiful white hand that was to wear it. - But to me how much was embodied there., A loving stni'e on a beautiful face low words of welcome a future horn", and Mary for its mistress all these delights were bidden within that little ryig of gold. CHAPTER H. Tall, bearded, and sun-bronzed, I have knocked a the door of my father's house. The lights in the parlor windows and the hum of conversation and cheerful laughter showed me that company were assembled there. 1 hoped my sisier Lizzie would come to the door, and that I might greet the family when no stranger eye was Took ing curiously on. But no a servant answered my sum mons They were two merry in the par lor to heed the long absent one when he asked for admittance. A bitter thought like this was pasaKig through my mind, as I heard the sounds from the parlor, and saw the half suppressed smile upon the ser vants face. I hesitated for a moment before 1 made myself known or asked after the family. Ani while I stood silent, a. strange appa rition grew up before me. ' From behind the servant peeped out a small golden head, a, tinny, delicate form followed, and ' a sweet, childish face, with blue eyes, wns lifted up to mine so like those of one who bad t tightened my boyhood, lhat I started back with a sudden feelins- of nain. What is your name, mv little n I asked, while the wondering servant held the door. She lifted up her eyes, (I bad seen that .::ituJi m another in my boyhood, many and many a time,) and answered in a sweet bird-like voice : . . Mary Moore.'. And .Vfcat else,' I asked quickly. Mary Moore Chester.'h'sped the child. My heari sank down like lead. Here was an end to all the bright dreams and hones of my youth and manhood. Fran It Chester, my boyish rival, who had often j tried, and irid in vain, to usurp my place r "'j 1 I trsiJe tie cirl. had rjcccded at lact, suu 1 was bis cbildrhis child and MaryVl I sank, body and soul, beneath this blow And, hiding ray face in my hands, 1 lean ed against the door, wnile jtoy heart" wept tears of blood. The little one gazed at me grieved and amazed, and put up ber pretty lips as if about to cry, while the per' plexed servant stepped to the parlor door and called my sister out. to see who it could be that conducted himself so strange ly. ' v I heard a light step and a pleasant voioe, saying: : Did you wish to see my father, sir. I looked tp. There, stood a pretty, sweet faced maiden of twenty, not much changed from the dear little sister I had loved so well. I looked at her Tor a mo inent, and then, slicing the-tumult of my heart 1 a mighty effort, I opened my arm and said: VV"' I -' Lizzie, don't voo know me.' Harry, Oh, my brother Harry,' she cried, and threw ber arms around my neck. She wept as if ber heart would break. . J could not weep. .iUrew her gently in to the lighted parlor, and ' stood with ber before them all... ' ". There was a rush and a cry of joy, and then my father and mother sprang towards me. and welcomed me home with heartfelt tears. Uh' strange and passing is sum a greeting to the way-worn wanderer. An. I as I held my Wear old mother to my heart and era sped my fatbeis band while Lizzie still clung by me, I felt that all was not yet lost, and though another bad secured lift choicest blessing, many a joy remained for me in this dear sanctuary ot home. - J here were four other inmates of he room who bad risen on my sudden entrance One was the' blue eyed child whom 1 h l already seen, and who now stood behin-l J: rank Ur. eater, clinging to bis hand. IMimr by stood Lizzie Moore, Mary's eldest sister. mid in a distant corner, to wbicti she hml humedly retreated when my name was spoken, slod a tall and slender figure half hidden by the heavy window curtains thai fell to the floor. -' ' 1 . When The first rapturons greeting was over, Liizzi- led tne forward with a -tirnid grace, and rank Chester grasped my band - Welcome liomei my boyV'sat he '.with i loud, eneertul tone I remembered so wen. You have changed so I would never have knowB you.; ? but no matter for that, your heart -is in the right pu.ee, 1 know.' 'lio w can you say ne ts euanged, snul my mother, gently. 'To be sure, he looks older and graver, and morejike a man than when he went away but his eyes ami smile are the same as ever. ' It is the hea vy beard that chages him. He is my boy, Still.' - ., , Aye, mother,-1 answered sadly. I am your boy stLl' : ' . " HfHven help me 1 At that moment I fell like a boy, and it would have been a blessed relief to have wept upon her bosom as I had doae in my rnjancy.' But I kepi down tne beaiint? ot in v Henri and the tre. inor ct my lip, vnd'nnswered quietly, as 1 looked in his full, handsome face. Yes: you have changed, too, Frank; but I ihink for the better.' Ob,y- thank you for the compliment ' he answered with a hearty Jau-jh. My wife tells me I crow handsomer every duy.' His wife ! could I hear that name and keep silence still. And hve you seen my little girl,' he added, lifting the infant in his arms, and kissed her crimsoned cheek. '1 tell you Harry, there is not another such in the world. Don't you think she looks very much as her mother used.' 'Very much, J faltered- - : 'Hello I' cried Frank with a suddenness tnat made me start violently. 1 ha forgotten to introduce you to my I oelieve you an I she used to be nlav myites in youryoung days. Ye-, Harry," and for the sake of old limes, and because you were not here at the wedding, I'll give you leave to kiss her once but mind, old fellow, you are never to repeat the cer emony. Come, hereshe is, and for once, 1 want to see how you will manege those ferjeious mustaches in the operation.' tie pushed Lizzie: laughing and blush ng towards me. A gleam of liirht end hope almost two dazzling to bear. I cried out before I thought. - ' Not Mary.' It must have betrayed my secret to every one in the room. But nothing was said Even Frank, in general, si obtu&e. wan this time silent. 'I kissed the fair cheek of the young wife, and hurried to the si. lent looking figure at the window. Mury Mary Moore," I said in a silent eager tone, "have you no welcome to give to the wanderer' - She turned, and laid her, hand in mine. and murmured, I am glad to see you back, Harry.'. Simple words, and yet how blessed they made me. I would not have yielded un that moment for an Emperor's crown. For there was the happy home eroup. and the dear home firsside, ant there was Sweet Mary Moore. The eyes that I had dreamed of by day and night were falling before i h,- ardent raze of mine, and! the sweet face 1 had, prayed so kmr to see was there before me, I never knew the meaning of happiness till that moment came. Many years have passed since that hap py night, and the hair that was dark and glassy is fast turning gray. Iain grow. ing to be an old man, and can look buck to n long, happy, and 1 hope a well spent life. And yet, sweet as it has been, 1 wt uld not recall a single day, for the love that made my manhocd so bright, shiuea also upon my white hairs. An old man, can this be so. At heart 1 am as young as ever. And Mary, with ber bright bair parted smoothly from a brow that has a slight furrow upon it. and still rhe Mary of my early days. To ine she can never grow old. chanre. The heart thai held her in infncy. and shel tered her in the flush, and beauty of 'o inanhood, can never cast her out tiil life shall cease to warm it Not even then fof love still lives above.. A GEM. It has been eloqnentry said, that if I Chrisiianity was'cofBpeUecT to flee from tlie mansions Ot the great, the academies of philosophers, the halls Of legislators, the throngs of busy men, vre should find her last retreat with women at the fire-1 side. : Her last audrenc would he the children gatheiing round mother's knees I the last sacrifice, the secret prayer, es - cine silence from her Hds. and - ' . t neara, pernap, only at. U16 throne ol OixL had wtfh her away from me. This THE -SPIDKR AND THE TOAD. hsfT&Cftfllffw h mnkii la t r e U t ion "Is Turn ished by a correspondent of the Traveller, as navmg been witnessed, by a person now living, tnough occurring more .vibr forty years ago, about sixteen n.iies from this city: ' k 1 he nnrrator said, that while walking in the field he saw a large fiehl spidrcon sirleren of th m st "venturous species con tending with a common-sized toad. The spider, being very quick in its movement wouM get upon the back of the toad an bite it, when the toad, with its; fore paw would drive off the spider. It would then hop to a nl ntairi, whirb was crowing nen by, and bue it, and then r turn to the spi ner. Alter seeine ilm re pea ten severa limes, ane hoiicin-r th.t ech time the toad was bitten it went to the plantain, trie spec tatar thought he would pull up the plnit lain and watch the result. He titdi, so. Being again bitten, and the plantain not to J be found, the toad soon begnn to swell am i show other indications of being poisoned and died in a' short time! ' If the ulantai-i which grows so abundantly near almost every dwelling in ibis vicinity, was such ivn iuimediie nd effectual remedy to the toad for the bit" of the spider, can we not reasonably infer thnt it would be an effec tut cure for man for the bite of the insect" Potatoes a PemocratiqPrinciple We Uughed 'cousumexlIy,at the narra tion ofa genUeman who attended a meet tug iti ike comity, a lew days since.- The object. was to a ppoiiit delegates to the UuliernatoriaL June Convention; an wmie tne oouirnittee were out , writing resolHiions, a sturdy old farmer rose awl aduresspd the f'hair; , . . 'Mr Piesident, mout I say a word 7 asked he aTber meeting will t proud to hear from vou, Mr. -Subwil." . ''Wi ll, Mr. President, endiiren of ihp time the Committpe'a out, cnuldril you tell us all, how ypu ve bedded your X a There was a great laugh at Subsoil's expense, but his question involved matter of more practical importance than such as often come before political meet iugs. - - - INHUMAN CONDUCT. A cae of wotse than heatlien cruelly is thus reported by the Worcester (Mass.) Transcriptr -'Ati old roantiarned Mark bam, was found by tha roadside in Pal mer, last Monday week; sutferiuir in tensely fiom .the ravages of the snmll lox. ' Tie 1 hurniug sun beat on his Moated arid swollen features; .he was un able to speak and almost iusensible tn his hard condition. It was not till he had been takeu over ihe bills to tbe.hos iiital ul Monsou, and received the r- fieshing charities of lhat institution, that be Was sufficiently restored to tell In mournful story, lie had lived in VYi braham, and as soon as ihu -.murks of nis malignant desease appeared he had been moved by order of the oveiseer'of the poor hvthe limits ol P.ilmer, and hdi by the roadside to perish." ' , , ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTUSIETMARIIT ST.IS THE HAR81TE0US? WILMINGTON, N. C. THE PBOPRIETOI1 of thla well known EUW1htnent would call the atteotlon of the bnatneM eommnnity to hi Inrpe and bwitMiful aaaortinent of Typa and Preaaoa havin Inrt added to hn atnek ona of R. Hoc Oo'a PATENT SINGLE CYLINDER PRINTING MA CHINES, ha la now anabled to do work at a much more reaaonabl rate this formerly, and la tha finest ityle of tne worK. ., - .- ..-....-. - . CARDS Printed from $S to $10 par throeand BOOKS AND 'PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOU RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS. COUPORATIONS.tO BILL-HEADS, 6HOP-BILI3, BILLS OF , LADING, XJSD HEADINGS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. We would call tha attention of Concert Agent. Show men and others, to our -facOittee for doing this kind of work. . ; - . ALL KID OF ' PLAIN AND OUNAMEIJTAL PRINTINO, Done In the neatest manner, and at short notice. Those In want of Printing we trust win find It to their advantage to give us a eall. COMMERCIAL BLANKS. . The attention of Shippers and others la called to our extensive assortment of Commercial Blanks. Amu., the collection le a very floe and handsome tot of Bills of Ex change, tn sheet and books. November 8. ISii. , ... TOPSAIL ACADEMY. I'HF. Trustees of Topoail Academy have the atifactitin f arnniicti.j lu the -abIlo. thai ihey huve secari-d ior the ensuing eamaUc year, tha service ot Mr. W. J. McCsaaaLt, wh aar hrntofore diat-hanrrd the duties of Principal a ihU institution with such marked fidelity and ffi Cierw-y. The routine qf instruction U specially adapted to the pr paruilun of youtit fur a University con isl and fur ihe practical business ol lifo Tit this end. invtrnction of the moat thorough charact r is im paited in the Grammar of the Knglii-h. La'in and (irrek :.ari!ingt-, whilst the h!strinn- and pot is of rhe two loiter, rtqniaite for admUsiun to College re i-arefuUy n-ad and critically anvlyxtd Ma:h attention is lo be slowed on Spelling-, Read ine, Wrlitnff, Arlihm.-tic. Geography, Algebra, and oth erst ieeaentialti s vtand KngJ-h rdocation. The treat object ronctamly krpf in view, ia to give thorough instiurtloo In every branch rduca tionfprotefaeil to be taught, and we appeal to the pa irons of hi I null Mi. o to aay if it has not fully ac complish.d thl purpose. - ' - 7Tie discipline la mild and aay to iIiam wh cunilu.'l ih. mrhet .rpeitv- avhilVf those rernie lions deemed e st-nrial IO ib proper government f youth, removd from the restraints of horn.-, are enforced with firmnese, uit Without harsh n as. . - T5 loemtion of thia School ia at tha termfno o ihe VNiimmatun and Topaait Kotiod Plank ICoad. iw. Ivn miles front vvyn.injion, in the midst of a hlgnly moral nalirrhewsworf. r U two miles from iha S"und, nd ihe air i pnri5d and roolnl hvonghuot he Summer month hv the r-a hreezr. Board ran b had. at cnTenicnt' places In ih-.lahN-rhurtdar Ten D-ltarx per mth The S-ahiire year is divided Into twn Se ions ot Twenty works -aeh Th Kail Seaiin will smmence oar Thursday the 9th day of" July proximo. . - " : -v' ' TERMS J&E AS FOLLOWS PER SESSION. Kor the KnglUh branch Latin and Greek, together with IS 00 the 20 00 One half rmyable ia advance, balance atendol g?in from ,h, u eBtr.Bee BOIl the end of the ron, except in cases of pratrae- ted aickne. For any farther information, ap' p!r2,f-j. M. foy.si sAifa Hill, m : , w rt. mxo, wiimiagi-n, n. u. : : t w- . IN STOKE. 1 qaBcim Lkmons; i NU and wy aic rU in fine order. 4laoafreah article uf UAI-ON.S. . . 4 ? i -t. i For sale at : W. II. DsKAULRS. - Jovroal aad Usrsldeopy. ' , : 1' - 'XJOMMERGIAL" jffPllliflfi OOer60JHF.L nrim white Corn now" iJttJ landing In front of oarwCce; also 200 Bbla. of fresh ground Familv eknpernne Floor f f STOKliET.A OLDHAM. rycflLS. prima ova Scot fa Herring, recelv tv4 per eit-hf. John Tvleri' Kor aale y apriist ADA UK; BlfO e CO. Hh Latest at vie of Ont.' Mmiwr Kat I the t:ONGUK.Ssi IIAT. iusi InirodiH-.d- h ueain. ampe eaae received hw- marntng bm Kxpreea. it the Hat-and Cap Kropoi-lum 3V Mar ei at reel. uuao II. M I KKs May 12. THAVE RF.MOVKD VJ V RESl OKNCR AND X OKKICF Front Sreel. net Nrth f f P. K Uickinaot .Ca i't. the house f-rniMtf oo-tH'it Mr A. i anet. where 1 Can be, jund when. not profKssionally rxtmmed. T ' -;, T Frh-25. ' - , 146 PIANO FORTES, v I UST Rr-ceived and opened, one rfnof Soui my Knrniture Stote. a ki of verv ftiperior h ol Pi anos, ftora evetal Manulat-tbiio; thr- st I hve ever 41-r d in litis place. siz s r .. 6f and JUc lave, rosewood caaea. full round and rqnnre finish full iron fi-i rues, drc, Ac. , A email advance- mn Manu fnctun rs' wholesale price, will be asked, and e nanai guarantee givea. . , . JNO O. LCVR. Wlimlnaton.N.C,, March 12th 1867.. i52-tf rK.NTS STRAW HATS Santa Martha. I.tir- JT on Senrtt and ('anion Braid; Panama, Leg horn. Hiawatha. Cev'on Cnrtereas Ac. A full as -orM.:ni of thre and oth.rr styles at the Haf and cap hmp.irtam, S4 Market a. :. CUAS. P. MY KItS. June 6. ; . TTMBRF.l.t.AS ! UMBRF.lt ASH-BB iwn KJ American a i-d Scotch Gingham and i'k Umhrellns ot every -l and varlei v. Jita onrned at th- llai and Cap F.mpotinm. 34 Mnrk.-i Siret April 14. - CH AS. D, M VERS. WIXES AND LIQUORS. mWF. invtie tne attemfon of our fPl Friend-, and Patrons lo tin- lc- L :Hi-itn t mints and L.ltuur i-ver oticrxi i. IW nrnrket, Bniiinir f Uresci-nt Krndy, Viniase 1810, Pali; and DurV . Otar.1 Pupuy at o.'a Hrsndv, Old I -ognae - . da S. HrnsH Co.'a do. Casliliot. or (!o 's j do. Pore ll tort Wine, Duff. Go'don, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira and M tiM-ai V ines, Malaga Wine. 'Old sienpnernong Wine, Holland Gin. Old Toai Gin extr Wooll's sehiedam oennoppa, XJhcrry Brandy, - Old Prach Brandy, Apple'' Tin. r - " Bourhon Whiskey, Kye do "Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Black hrrry Brandy, . - 1 Si. Ma leira Win.-, PcHVet f.ove Oorrtiat, Aoricd CprdUla. In bottles, - . F.verv varh-iy of bnitleil Winr and f-iquors. ' Clarets of varinitK brands at wlnljile prices - Marchin.j t'oracoa, H.Mfielterii Stomach Bhtcra , " Aromatic do. do Gineer Wine, dre Ac. 11 low prices fi 3ASI1. A theongtnat ry. Ap.HlT. OKO. MVKR'si ratif. vv iiniiuuiun and tldoat.aiiro4 t orn m. pany h i made arrangements fnr fr ardtr l' il eoodH a-onalgneu to tne care -.line iomuany und deatinrd for .ant point on ih- line ol the orth I'arollna Kood. frceof cow minion. If landed n ihe tjomoaut's wha. l. ttirrr wlH. h. no churge fr wharfag o drny!;e; hat these es- penspa win . be lnci'nei II. Mnd -d on fyi v ntli.'i wlia.f. jinrt will be a.tded i the Irelah. on ih. ay-bilt. io be coiiected n delivery by the ftorih i aroilna KnllroMd i .-mpnny. s . N H. To av -id detention ai ilmlnsion. h it efsen l.tl irtat ine ain-'itnt i Ireurhi bv vt sxcU hulk in all ease, be diminetty "luteft, in dolLirs an'l cent-, on eacit bin irf a 'Inir, and it B'-nnn .-t m-.rn thn- ona perron are int-lnded in tbi-a:ii bill f lad in., tit amount of freight lor ench con signee must be separatrlv aialed By order ol laeitottrd i inrectora -8 . L; V tt K H NT, Kit g -f- u p't . Office of Kngfneer . K.etnat rt. ni, V Wilmtni..n. .. ;.. Jan. 28. 1837. 134-t l.'EMiWS BZ.UR. S 1 3 Broadway, (St. riickolas Hotel,) Ncte- York 1 H K Only rslablUbmerH of Ihe Und in Hit Un I i.n, conaisiiug -t tvelre dieiintt department. via: , . - dies' and Misses' RortnrHr-and Head Dresea L.tdl.-a', 'Use', Children's and Infuni's Hosiery M .nfflt.is, Month's and I'almas.' Ladie-' and hlldren'e Underwear. . ' Lm-es and finihroidirles v Paranoia. " Infjnts' wBrdrorw8. Ladies' Morning Kvbe. MirseH and In'anl Fancy Hat.t. Ladi.-a an.t Child ren'a hoef. Boys' Hats. Cap and Oloihinc. " Gentlemen's and Boya' Fut Dishing Goods ways? ---;- -ZJ-imtw-w. W. 1. PITTS, - : .TTO'X'XOTXrjJJijlJrt. STOCK, RKAL ESTATE AiND PRO- WIlJMISOTOX. M. C. Pttnct ualattcniian given lo the pnrchase-and sale of Ileal Estate, SlorJcx, and other Stcurilies bought and sold oh Commission.. Will attend to anlea byAnctton of Real Fatal or ManulTturtng property in any part of ihr Hiity or .le or t. the sale Stock, of M-r chaodipe in Mori s or Furniture in fl.tuui in ihi own '. ... V May 16. , B-if NOTICE rllFSUBSCUIHEKS hereby give notice 'hut their accounts lot j he P-t winter are made out and read) foraeitl.-meni.. Tliev enrnri-l-y rrqucsl all p rsons indettrd t them to eall ahd settle ibeir biila soon a noasi- ble G.dt ,.RK4Df.K N. B LAST CALL All ac-onna dna the late fit m of G. dl C. Bradlev f- C.. nut oa.d ny the 15-h ol June, will be out In the trnnda of an officer for collection. U. A.t;. B May 48. 82-3w. ICE! ICE! !" ICE!! ! TI1F. WILMINGTON CK H U-F. will le opened for the deUverv of Ice every morning :"t nnri-e, closing at Sunset, except on Sunday when it will Boiilioelv clone at 9 A. M. TKItMM t : AS H II W earnesUv dVafred that no neraon will ask any -teviation from this rule aa it win certainly be adhered to. - ICKKTSean h nraeared and TF. POSITS made in advance by- th-a wh deshre to avoid a annovane of making ehang. ll'K for the country mcked and forward aa dl- reeled. I UK furnished to the air k noor free of chuta. when directed by a Physician or itterober of in, . isuiog iouniiitee - A. II. VANBOKKKLFN , Agent. April 7, 1357. - . ia-6anp. KEROSENE OILSfT DISTILLED FROM COAL. (WOT EXPLOSIVE.) (HK difterent gradea ot ther Celebrated oiU, saitHbl.- tot kluchinert ol all kind. Itinnac-. nd Family nee. can he had uf the nndertisn d.al- jHtf th lVholem!Ott Oeh ra and U'Osatvts i the itv f Nrw York, aad f the an'norlsed Local Agent of tha Company in thfs place. - AUSTKNS. G.-neral Agents, Kerosene OH Co., - No SO Beave. Street. N. V Or Local aeerteie a ranted n applieatln aa bov Older should nrclfy the dVneription of lamp or m te.itnery lor which the nil is watea Junefi, 1837. tw34:V FOR RENT. : HOUSE over Ibo Kail Road. near the IVpoC and new Blank road enrner 3d and Braea wick straoia. Possslim given' ronjediately. in qoireof ; . G. e C-BRADLKV. STRAW AND LIGI1T SUMMER II ATS 0P"ry deenrtion for f n and Py wear tare vatietv of new alii my h I -und af 9f stock at tha Hat and CP F-nip-riutf.; 34 ttarxet street . CH11-A. 1 Jttsrtsu " - - , .... , ., . WnOIXSALE & HCTIIL GROCER, ' - ' " tnesLca isr - . 4 LIQUORS H INKS ALE-JOftTttf44 ttm s, urairiir Hr. Krwns vtraci - WH.JlNGTtN. N.C.. Feb 17ih; IP56 . . : I40-ff :? WIXES! WIXES!! VYINE81! !V IT IS TiiULV l 1 1 that -George Slyer' has thf t t h -miaue wines ev. r h t'.r-off. r n thi'-!y ' The noad huiyii irtHlrom those vho hove not used tfiemUp yupvrctde all other brauds I M PKKl Al H A D. . eaae. Ihe "ne plue ultra of R winea from t ' vineyard of Bouche. Ftlaet Drnef-' Cillery superienr, j- ' ' Heidick brand qlsdt pis. Boo'chr- brand t'rowri brand u titar brand Atvot. Brandies ..f the very finest pradea. Pnr Holland Gin, da'ies paid at luntom HoTise. V :. uinptMO, IV; tj. h.-rry. Port and Madt-lra Wines purc.jnd everv pvsril.le vaiiev of vxtne. J nuors. Jo-dials. d . cVk; in. 'ood and glasa- i'uxcalooaa, UonongaheU and Bourbon W his:.ry with al.t choice id Baker hiskty, the rrw I rest article ever .ftl-red hetore in tniamu kei " Call and examine, otthe Original Family Gr csry. Now. II and 13, Front sir el. April 7. r GEO. MVBilS. w NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form mf Passes. containing sanitar) pro visions, approved by- he Commissioners. at. a number of thersintereated In the welfare ot our Colored population.. 1 just issued at the office .. "7 liit'ommervial. : , ,. n-,i -A From . TysON dt CO , Manafartnrers an. Mechanics' F.xehanee, Baltimore, who are author ized to ad aa AGENTS for 't he Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. . .. . . ; THE H()UTIII3RN AKD VYESTEBX JOURNAL OF PROGRESS, , DKVOTF.D TO THIS PROMOTION OP SCIENCE, ART, MANUFACTURES, COM MERGE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, AND DESIGNED FOR THIS DK8K OF Merchants, Planter & the Home of Boat " iicsa Men,. r1 W. TI. MEREDITH fc RICH A RD EDWARDS EoiToaa. Assisted by a laise Humbtr of Distinguished Contri- buiors in rar'ums Stales. ' r Th Journal of Proemasia allied lo no party. It mi.Uioa a plitiaipiinciplea1iheINTIvGitITV D PlC M'KI.ITi OF 1'UK UNION, and the OVKRKKiATV u F T H R-ST ATtiS, according to the r-ondnionBand l.miiationa of the FEUKRAL. CJASTITUT1'N. ' It x eks to energize ih a piincipieo by. iiiereating intercourec between all H'Ciiuiis if tin- Country, and developing there awrtceaof ihe SOUTH abd WET. The o4iih pr.Hlitces the ereat Staplea of this ounriy and cunnm ea vast wniouma of the pio licia a t.d tiMOMfacluies of oar own and oreian lands; h.-nrie, the importance of t?oniHii-rcial tVn trea and Intertiat Itnprov. menls, to k. ep pace with Ma Notth. which ie mikin-j suc-h rapid strides to commercial and political ever. lgnty The Journal ot Piogrees will ir tne OM l F.R ClAL ANI INOU TMlAK .OROASi of (be NtHJTH AND WKriTt devot d lo Kotcation, Cosimj-bci, Fiamo, Tbadk, Intebn il latraovc- m snTa, max or ACTtra ta, a eaic vltdb a oi ai iniko. Inall inero depiifuiicntaitacolaiiinx will be worihv of patronage. ' - To on r family readers, . ve wniiurnisn a page a reeabl.-aoa interesting to me oiaand yiMing;en- sioiing of original and eetect Biographical sketches of di iiniiillied men: the latest and most reliable news of the day front time to time we will furnish .Statistical nod Htsiuiionl account ot the t om- uerci:it iiieK and Towns throughout the i 'ountrt. tOelhcr will! lLLOaTBATKKB PBXPABKO EXPBKSSLT W THItlllll. i- t fjT Ag.-niK wunled for ihis Journal, on which a ii.eriil cotumiesion ia allowed. Those applinu .'orag. ncies, iiium forwaid a rec 'mmendalionftoni one or more Meichai.t-- and the Post Master of ihe town. Nd other apiHeUon noticed. Specimen u in ber -nt to n pari .f ih- country on ajiti'i- ein jii c..uiiiiiiiii. Hiions to o iorwma. a tome lou.nnl Of Primr. 8. Baltimore or t t.ouia. PcatikHBD MofcTHir; ai the Mannl .ciiirers and 'lei hdiiicr' Kxi:h;ing-, pun. Iron Miilldin", Bnh:- more. an-i al ihe . K.ot. ol . tiei-lni.t and ponr th "Siree!, -t. I.ouia. Mo , nn.l a tpplt" dby app-'iat- d tffni! thrmieKoUt the Unti. d Mat. n . . t KltM : wly 91 f r annum 15 epics will be acriMo onb udiiieSK, if in he c n tn . for Sis. 'f3,1P'Bl ViasterSHre MUiliorisei set a s Agi nls nil r&nin f.ir ) heir niniinission 25 per cent. FOR SALE A I1eand Lol. .in Sixth i reel, n- rt!- nf, ami n-jirly ndi.iinina the rail r.md -. ,vey derirable locution, at a v. ryui-Hir.n. The llo'iJ in larse and well planned, hut oofin -hi d has teen iuil i'lto my han't to tne t anvm r jeocy u n ity purcliaser la anicrt March 3 " . P. W. K .V v I Q . fifl MOIIF. MEN WANTED A AGENTS to circiiine r-oid sellinr. VALtMBLK FAMILY' WOKKs. which attract hy their low o rices, interesting com. nt, and super biy colored plarea For circulars, itlipn ticuliiri-. "oply, if you live East, to HENRV HnVVK, No lOi .Niisu iu .St , N. l . If vvcsi, to the same No. 1 1 : Main St , Cincinnati. April 28. - 18 3m. SOAP AND CANDLES. TH K subscribe' leg leave respectfully to call Ihe atteniia ot the trade and familiea to the Soap and handles msnitftictnred in Wilmington, .;., by Mci'Srs. tjosiin d G fiord, saninle o: wMchean he seen at ouroffica, o 3,' Water at. J vhi-re we keep constantly on nana laree suppnoa twforcash. JAS. Cs.MITII it CO. Vpril26. . (8 NEW ARRIVALS OFF ESII GROCERIES. pHK Subscriber ha jart returned from the I North .wit'i 4 nil and well selected stock Ol haice Groceries comprising every variety lhat end to .-ouiiileie an storiinent. consisting in part of I0U .is oHToe, M.reha, Government Java, .'gtiyra. It to ar-d ht liomincoi IOC bbla. Sugars f ll grade; 'hoice Winea. Liqiiorai Champaiarn ihn at celebrated brands. Tear, Goshen Bat r F. M B.-el . in..kel Beef, Beef Tongues, Sal mon. iU-it-kerei, Pork. Herrings, tjndnsn, p resit obsb-r and Shad. Sardines, Sauces, Catsups; Soda. Sngar, Butt. r. Lemon, Cream, Pilot and i Water Cia.-kerw, t'olgatea Family Soapa, Fancy Toil-1 Soaps, Pickle of every variety, EnglUh Pim-appl and G.o-h. n t;heae, Candlea Of a srailes, Bottled Liquors "f every vsrlety. Pore Old Tom Gin. b'chi dam Schnapps, Currants and Cit ron.'lNew Raiona Exneted ) Porter and Ale. Olive Oit. !perm OM, Prunes, tonfectinnary in all varieties. Preerves, Jellvs.Kroma,. "orn tareti Clour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Baskets Z O.OOi tigara, -Tobacco, c, c., are , an low tor can . , r. ...... r- - , UMinttn in l f.nn' Country Merchanta-ate pattlcalarly Invited to call and tiltmine, before port-hosing elsewheee. Oct. 7. costarratexterminator; AN Infallible destroyer of Rata, Mice, Ants. Ground Mice, M.les. c.,4e., 4e. (Not danger on texhe human tamtt-.) Rat do not die in their rrn'ea, bnt con-e out ad de. Put In 2f-. 35c .Se , SI. tt. S3 and SS Boxes. COTTAR'S" BHD BUG KXTKRMINATOR Never known to Isil and used every day -b : h"iand'n iM Yt-k rH elsewhere. - ' Put up in SSc 5tc., 75c. SI; S1.5U, S2 SG and S4 SO B.Hltl-t -COSTA R'S KLECT IC POWDER. For the dertrneiitiow of Hoih. Masqnitoe Files. Fleas, Plant Insects. Vermin on Fowls and Animals. eVc Ac. ' . Pet n In 2Se. and 50c Boxes. Sold vvh-rei.,nd HetaH at -'o-tar's" Prln einat I Hrp-, 383 Broadway. New York, and b ih orinripal logyit and Dealer thnMighnaf th Dnitt iaie. the C-nadas, West Indie; Califor nia and South Amfiiea. , Gp'Ordt-rs mast alwats be arco an panted by ihe o goAds sent em coni.-son ' mall Namn'e Pa-fcae pat anal lb low et wholesale pire for flri orders in new. place. hCard,5h.w Bills. Poolers, Ac. fPaekag expressly pat p for Ship. Sfearn oat. Hotetn. Pahlic lulit ulin die. ' XFatli narttcttlara U Waorf-eeie ftlera scabs of ricr-e die, eV;, will he' promptly mailed on appflcation Add oss . j " COSTAR, NO.J83 Broadway, N. T -.aityll-. -2?as.'- 44 riee JTCTr RtOWE RTfsElliTsr vuuiibai. uaininvjuuuATOK, r- . 4 ;. TO .teir- - . ' . .- . cemptete - article of ift T ' sf ; kind ever beiore ' ' - . - off rM lo the pukile. - li be ik. the leer of 1 wen- "f.atn ttrts rrrf ry , B1 fwt .ne 04 the fui.it) harOi tes ot- tStit - - 5 lions h ve been b e to cumiete wnh f ' lor preservitig. Oieasiag. and oeaauf)lng j the Hair, and he". ni the Imd clui tiem - 1 dandruff 4-c. It ia in-vtiuntble) raahoit.il tee very i ihina-the Hairrciulre. Price 5Uca and at pr bottle Pbg Ion's . r a P A P H I Aft L'O T-t OX, -i Oa, Flobal Bt-ACTtrica. A -i , i great . . . CnietC . Tot In amif y- , . . . in the Mn and . . .:.- -1 :i , t :.i)tilt-xltn, Srtd for . , curing (. h pK-d Hinds, also for rheTeeah L Bih Ka-. , l.iia. Tan, unl-urn, Freckle, I'taipiea, ca tin I'.Hins, die. , A sure :.n.l s.Iet ine lor -h Piles. i wie washing will give inrUui reiiet Aiicr - rhaiingit ia verpsooriiing 10 thei-kin. It keeps he hands soil and while. nd for iiiflu.uiiioi. ol he akin, it will be foundsobe a gteai remtdy. Puce 5U" et nta an4I per -liotile. Phalons - ? ' MAGIC HAIR 1SYE One , . ... of ih . . j ,p ; , eiy best - .: - Natural Dys , inihewo.-.d. Jt lunj; use has pruv-d it j. to bt-beyond Comparison ; . ... and. b. ing a vegetai.l.- prdur tlon.no injury' ran pAsaibly h- dona to lite t-kin It is tr-t-i y u .i.d..and -vou e;.n vbiaina black or Urowtt H hi h will : dey the txi judiies to i U it irin nature itself I Price Si and SI -0 per box Made and m Id by K. PHALN,at.97 Broadwar.ro nerof lev Street, and 617 Broadway, t. Airholes Hotel. N. Y and all Druggists and fane stores throughout the Uni ted c tales. -March 3. - 143.5m t BASKETS. i W E have a large lot ot Batketa of various sizes and styles. For sale by Dec. ia W. H. DaNEALE. OUR MOTTO IS -T0 PLEASE" AT THE . Iliulncjtoi. saddle, tlarneas, and Trunk Maiiul'actvry. i 'HEsubscribei respectiully i nformsthepublic 1 ihalh. hasrecenUyrfc.-eivedad liii.ini to his -t..kol Saddle and Harnes Mountings. &c. , the aiesiatid most Unproved siyie, ana is . onslanl nanufaf'titring.8t his store on market street .every icitcrtpiion ot artlcl'-ln tneanove line. From hi -.xuerit net In the business, he feels confident tha he will beatheto givrentir- dtisfactiontoallwho mavfavoi him wiih a call. He has no won hand and wiliconstatttly.keeoa laueaaaortmen tof Cmxca. fc'jtr anil Snlkev Harness, Ltarfy's SaMUs Bndls WL'v. 4-c.. Gentlemen's Suddles, Whips spurs, cf-c. tenallor whic 1 Jihe bi-si mi THr has ai hich he will warrant to be ofw-ea materials and workmanship. I so a laree asaortmenl of rrmiks. alises. Sarid-le and Camel Bars Satrlielx. l- ant j Trunks, dec , and all other ar tides u sua ll kept in ch eslablishmcnts, oil o which heoffert lowfci TASH,or onshortcredi 1.0 prttuipt enstoniers. - S.Mtdles,Harness.Trunks,Redical Baga, dtc r. mum-10 order. , ? In addition tothe a-bove th subscribe ml way keep on hand a iargesopply ol" String Leather and Has now, and will keoptnrougli the season jinn, assort men tof I'ly Ktrfts. Ailareinvilei! to cnll and.-xamlne my Goads whetherin want or not, as I take pleasure 1 11 sh-w Int-nty assortment to all who may favor me will . e Harnes and Coach Trimmings sold at a fal nr''- r persons hnying to manufacture, , Mso, hip arwholesale. . life olRidin- Vehtttcs bought r. . oh f-m Ions. tOHN J. CO NOT. FY" ' Feb 7. r , UP TIIK AW'ALS OF SOUTHER N 31 E T HOD IS M . "For J, "Ati admir-blt annual." N. O. Advocate. c i-I ;A fM amount of valuable lnf.4-Hiation. S r , i Ttxat Adrariite. 5 ?l 1 "A veyy complete and useful repository ef In- rzzi.or n .1 formation." Quarterly Iteciew cioowjj -Every Methodist In the South shottld pro- rzz- core it." iv. c. Aetvocatt. i"Thcre cm beno sort of doubt aboat the sac C,; cess of this book m-Ime Ctree. jand k I'-Will get snore out of it than the worth of one dollar." iV. O. Advocate. ' Cheap at five time the cost." Home Circle. w liaa not ezpectea 10 ana it so deeply tn. ) " '. tereetlmf.' Texa Advocate. 1 "It most have cost great labor." Southern I - AfeMeoW. Quarterly. I "How can we. after this, do without it f" Larae 12 : mo. neatly 1 Home Circle. .The pla H""Iti The plan and execution of it we hiichly eom- mena." ar. m. wiarrerry. will hare &n enormous circulation. bound and lettered. Horn Circle. Single copies, bv mai', pro cad, SI- To iirewvhers and Uioksellem, ordt-riiijs 1 dozen or more. 30 ner cent, di.ic-.iun4. May lie ordered Irom SU-vcitsn & Owen, Na.drville : W. P Grit Hth, Ntrf.lk, Virginia. ; 3. t? Piatt, WiJntii.gton, N. C; E. 11. Mvera, Charleston, S. C, r If. D McGinnbt, New Orleans, For single cordes and special .agettciea, adlvs the editor. JUAItt.E.S. r VBt.Mf.j May 14. (25tw-) Wihnington, N. C TIIE NORTH CAROLINA UlTUAL i.IFEISWJANECOMP,i, RALMUit, N. C. . I rHE above Coiupati) h:-a been inoperationsincc the t ! April, d4d, under ihe durectioiiof the oliowiiit Oniceia.via : " Dr. Charles K. lonhson, President,. -Wm. Haywood, Vice President John G. V iliiams, Secretary,' vv in. H. Jones. Treasure', Pcrri" Busbee, Attorney, ?J-ttJtMt?n' Medical Bond of U.B-.h'.; CanuUatUn. J. tlersinan. General Agent. I Thia mpany liaa received a charter giving ad tfaruaiies tutbe insured over any other Company. Th5tl Set tion irivea the Husband the privileeetc ir.snr. hisown tile for the sole us of his Wife and Children free from any claiii.r.if the represcnta- jvesol the husband or any of his creditors. Organised on purely mutual principle, the life mr-moerr-xartleipait in tne whole nt the prontr Wcn -art iectared annually frstdes. th applicant 101 ife. wntn the annua I premium ia ovet3n may pjj me half in a Note. - . ll.;latmsl'orinsuranesaginsiihe Company wil id within ninet dayaafier proof of the dead fthe party is furnislted t slaves are insured for on or five ycara. at rates hit h will enable all Slaveholder t eer thf elans ol irooerit vaealnai the uncertainty of life. Slave Innuranct-. nreeenf new and interesting featuri ir. thrhiatoryof 'orth arolins' which wiU pmv- very importaft to theSotuhct Slate. The rssi four month operation (this Company sbowe a vervl arc rmonnt o tnisine ntor-than th Directors exoeeted'iw do the firni year having alreadt issued more than 2fK Pollefee ' Dr. Wt W. Haaarss.Modleal Kxaminer, and Agent. Wilminfton. ti. C AllomnMniealonoithBsinesof theCompany r-hoald be addresser' to ' . f FICHAllD H. BATTLE, See'y. Raleieh. June 8. 1656. ; " WINTER HITS AND CAPS. A POLL AND YtKlFD AS fjl -nmenMt H thdlflerenl Style HILK. FBR ANB V,OlL BATS. CLOTH. PLt'SH AT SILK CtaiED CAPS. llVFAlTTS BATS AND CAPS MISSES BEAVER AKD PELT I rt-AT, BOY AITD TOCTHS SOFT BATS AMD CAP9, CTMBSEL . LAS, CA!ai. BELT, ; 5 - A" hirh we ofler at wholesale or retail, a I the Ten lowest prices, ..... C. 1. St YEKS, 34 Market street, two doors btlow 2cott 4k Ba'd win. -. 92. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. N Tuesday. 9th Jane, IF57,at 9 nfelock at Fx - ' change" ofner4 will be sold, if not sold a nr IV iteaate before' t One'Hwa-e and tot on'- Rf xlh street between Pnnreet at Chents ( vtow occD fed by Thos Lot ing, Kq , for terms sppiy to ' K. tf V F.ST. ie-ums? and Herald copy one week and aend bij' to Commertsl offic. - - Aprii 49L . . - -. - f " V ", ANTIPHLOGISTIC t SALT, A PERFECT SCBSTIJCtRj Km THX LAlfCXT, LZXCHX8 A0STD BU3TXBS. OF the iniriasie valae, the enlightened coram. tty, and not the Dlseoverr, mist be Um Judge, - j-rC; Maat Medicines ofiered for sale ereaccompsn id toy dohb tat eertineate, tlheir chief virt,) tt.d elain. lo be nniveraai remedies, earing all iii'uiM-t barieroueon common sense. As th duc..v.ttrt.i ihis rmtt solemnly protests against having It plecd in the category ot frSadsaBdlm pwitioas, he haeiesvlved that It ah a 11 go forth lo the world like the pare gold dollar, with ao other pafort than ita wa tree-vatae' If ih pablic finu it KcnuiB 1 h.y will receive h-tf sperloaa, 1 hey will rej. el and condemn It. Instesd a pan aeea for all Ills. It has control over eat on III has bat one aim an.l oemplsbe hot one iking, to wil : sdsdobs inrXABiMaToBV isase whatever oeita tiui or iotsaitty whether ia ihe head, throat -het, abdomen, eatremilies, or akin. . ben the diaoovrrer, after a long aeries of htbe rit.ua nd costly ex p. rimenw. becamefnffy eotifir n.d in tiia eoovlctton that the Antipblogis(icali, whi. h he now haa in bappiaest to pre seat to th Ameilcanpub.ie.was a - " ' ' , PKRFKCT SUBJJTITTTbT For Blood-I. ning. Leei-hts and B list era, bis rain-? was ao agitat. d that he could not aieipfor many nighta The cause of hi agitation was the sir.' un? fact' hat the m inner of usupt.ralioa, lk It a f the virut. in v ccination, eoukd i.o be aatiaiacio rily explain, d upon any. known principle. H. m what way, i: so efl -etuaily auhdee inflmmatory UlStaats, and no Uhero, was at firat w holt y inesp.i' cable but, on luriber expeiiinent. tt was p.ev.d that by its pow.-r ovt-r thr veina, arieties and glands, it equalise thejtuid of the body, the wanlof an eqni ii-tium in wlihfa, ia ihe tale, cavee ot In fiamuiaiion. li exeita,like the vaccine matier.an extrat.rttinary iiflurnce ever the circulaiton re- niing in a tradu:.! decline of inflammation aa In dicated by the pulse, which aoon resumes its nat ural atate, as the hear and pain disappear. Such is its potency, thai like the vims just mentioned, it requires' wht merely adheres to the point of a. quill dipped into a solution of it, to affect th en tire system but mud be instantly used 10 pr veel decorri post tion and secure its full virtu. Three quills in acme, and two in chronic disease, every 24 hours, till the heat and fever have subsided and a perfect cure effected, vy hen it takes the place of Leeches. Stimulating Ointments and Blisters In Loral f n flam mat ion,aa Brain Fever, Croup, Tooth ache, Pleuri, etc., ita mode of administration . ia two-fold. Sce directions for dissolving, efc - I"The peculiar excellence of this Salt is that without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effectually cures Infljmmaloiy Diseases (no oth ers) by producing an equilibtium of all the fluids in the body and a consequent uninterrupted circula tion. Thu loltowingdifTerentybrme which the un balanced fluids atsume, and many not here men tioned, that have more or less fever or pain, are aa perfectly mbdurd by the Antiphlogistic Salt, aa fire ia extinguished by water. I Cases where the unbalanced fluid affects the , Head snd Throat to wit: Brain Fever, Headache, f its, inflamed Kyes, Kan and Nose. CaBker(Neu ralgia, Catarrh, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, c. 2 Cases where the unbalanced fluida affect lb Ctiestand Abdomen to wit: Pleurisy, .Asthma, tnflarr.ed Lungs and Lier. Colic, Heartburn, Ooughs, Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gonorrohesa, Venere al, dt-c. . .- 3 Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the Extremities and Skin to wii: Ubeumatiem. Gout, Scrofula, L'k-ern. Chicken and Sms.1. Pox, Salt Rht um, and all Itehing and other c utansous Erup tions, '1 his Salt greatly alleviates the Inflammatory. Pains peculiar to married ladies, (before and at the time of confinement,) and many Female Com plaint; and is very t flicacioU in Fevers, Ague, VVoundb, Nervous and Spinal Affections, and any other forms of (mark this) Inflammatory Discasr, attended with heat or febrile syrnptoiiie. J-Persons who have a tendency of blood tothe Head and Heart, or lead inactive lives, or breathe the impure air of manufactories nnd the poisonous inin.-s of metsls and minerals, or live in unhealthy cl firm tes, are exposed to a peculiar vitiation of tie fluid of the body, which one dose, without interfer ing with ;i t or btttiness, once in three month, wouM invniiably prevent, li Is believed to afioid protection from Infectious Diseases; and, there- ' fore, it is recom mended to Travellers, Sailor and Sol.iier. ir : : JjpTo protect ihe communiiy ' rrorri imposition by c-.untetfeils. lire Proprietor will employ wo Act kt.mii.i has made such arrangements that he can st ml the JU.dicine in any quantity, by Mail or Express; 'o any part of the United Stares or For eign Countries -Its prime coM fo Ihe Discoverer is SI.S0 per drachm pi ice S - ptr .drachm and ia put up tn drachm packages for Acute Disease, iwith dinctiono, tic. ) ai St; 3 drachma do. for chronic Cast s. 65;ird 5 dr.ichns do. for Faaiilies S3 a net profit o 50c on each package. 5jW hiU- nii.ny nostrum makers victimize the good nutured snd pill ridden public by ordering I10111 t-ix 10 a loen boxes or bottle to cure any niabdv, no m iner what, the underaignrd ia happy in h-in; ;.blc I't stale, thst '.he severest form of r ccm lull i.ii.iHttory Disease arc overcome by one. tcutr Packjge, and the most obstinate and lonsr -i.ih.'inc bywne 'hronic Packase - Althoush 30 dayf h:.vr riot elapsed since this New .Medical Agent became p.iriL.liv known to ut" citizens cf Boston anu a ft w n ij.hboring towns, yet such have be- n the results ol i's ttiiil tha'. during ihe p.-et we. k, nee' ly 4Uo packages were sold in this city and or tiers rn-eived by mail and express fur lb Family, .17 "tironi.:. and 3C5 Acute Packages. In one in--tan.-e6 p. rsons clubbed lotrther ai d wtte for 6 Packuses. (of the "Little Gi.tni,! as they railed it.) to be forwarded to one addie.-s thereby aaviiig xp-nse t. theineelv. s and the Proj lictor. v Ul.eite.s from clubs or individuals wim tnon- - ev (It over 10) t-hould be reftsterea ml Ine post ofpee wrn re mailed, as it costs but ic, and will se- . cure thtir safe arrival. The Di cov. rer now humbly submits his Prr- ect ubrtit ute fo- the Lancet, Leeches and B lie-- ters. tothe tribunal of :.n in'eilif ent public, reiser - aiir g that it ilot s jast whnt it claima to do no more, no less: Subdues Infl.iminalory Diseases, (no other,) whatever be its form or locality, by restoring the ,ot balance between thejtuid and sol- uls Kjttnly PacKapt s unrortc , ana Acute j to be had (Iree of expense) tfjf by addressing him t It r ouch Box 'it', Boston, Mass., or al hi of fice. No. 3 winter Sirect. rirCnt out this advertisement for tl e perm al of your neighbtirs and your own future use. ; F. COGGS WELL, Rl. D. Disco vert-T and Proprietor. Boston, May, 1857. - 25tw Forsale at THF. COMMERCIAL OFFICE arid at WALKER ME A RES & CO'S Drug Store DISSOLUTION of COPARTNERSHIP. WE, the undersigned, having dissolved Co partnership by mutual consent, take thia me-hod to inform our erediiors to present tbehr clai.-ps for set dement to either ores; and oar debtors to come and settle by Note or Cash. F. ai INZK11H Ki At E.K, Karpsooro . F. ODENHKIMKR, Goldaboro'. F. MIZERHF.IMER having aseoeiated himaelf with his Brother, A. MINZERHF.1MER, continue the bui-idess at Farpsboio. and hopes by atrict at it ntion and untiring exettions to please, and merit the good will of the community. Ladies and gen ii, men ai ve us call and satisfy yonrselvea that we are willing and able lo sell cheaper than anybody around us. We promiae to remain ever attentive. Yours, -F. dr. A. MINZERHEIMER. June 4. t 34-3tw PORTE 'I0NNAIES Sl CABAS. WE are now rcceivinr an la voice of Ladies and Gent emea's fine Pearl Portmoanaie and Cabas; also, Satchels: Baes t Bill boobs and Segar Case, at Broadway Variety Store, No. 40. April 71. . . H. UlSEALt. ORANGES DRANG ES. 7C Boxes of Sweet Mesina Orange in perfect J Older. Now landing per Schr. John A. Stanly, wholesale arid retail at the Broadway var- eiy Store, No. 40. April IS. 'WH.H.UtHMl.b. GEMN'S OBERON HAT. A New summer strle for young men. Genla ha t x e pleat-ere of calling the attention of young men to an mi'enw labile, inte need specially for their oe. and whieh eembtnesihe flexibility of ht- oft hat, with all the uehtaeaa aod ventiilat-ns prop, rties of 1 be straw. The material ia fc-lt, he finest textutr ; the color a dark fa n or umber t e cown mttderaiety k-w. and th brim which is wideeroaeh to hid the face, without being tow id- to he ek-arant. ha a leaf like tarn on either He which U peeutiarty graceful. .r. 1 he labile i igbter titan a straw hat, ad lho tt give t the tt-aeh as readily aa the nft hat, la so bsie.lb.t stxrHsnars bk toitttr anape soon s the pressnre is r moved. A shower that woald sroil the straw hat doe no damage to th Oberw, ntTin poiol of drability. will compere favorably vt lib any summer styie ever uuw iuia rouav- , y. t if . i' ' ' . ' The Otteron way he termed the eonneeiloc: link -'etoe- the soft aa silk hat combining the mer- i f both, wiihoet tne elects, r elng aOcJesiy el r sat 'r rirB p-poee. Kor arte at ta na and Cap bsnporteaa M Market at, t CxiAo. U. M s sVsvA. . Jusf. '-r- ; : : ... if featB.4iB 11 L a., ft