WILMINGTON. N c. SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1857. T. T.ORING, Editor and Proprietor. FOR CONGRESS: WARREN WINSLOW, OF CUMBERLAND. SHIPPING ARTJCLE3. We have a very liandiome edition of Shipping Ar!:c'ts, with the Law on litem, on excellent pa cr niid cow for salt; nt Tke Commercial OJico. FOUR I'll OF JOLT. The town etithorifcs and Light Infantry Com pany, the German Volunteers, the Rifle Cadets and the Pioneer Cadets hare Bids arrangements to celebrate the approaching 4tb of July. M. Waddsli.. ''H deliver the Oration. Jolics W. WaioHT will read the National Declaration of Independence, and DcBauTa Cltlir, Eaq. the Mecklenburg Declaration. We aoppose the Pre gramme a ill soon be made public. FIRE. The Journal of Thursday ha the following : "The alarm of fire last n!gbt, proceeded from the burning of a Soap and Candle Factory on the Southern verge of the town, and a littlo ee of Second Street. The establishment belonged to Mestrs. Costin & Gaffbrd. The building In which the bnsiness tras carded on, was totally destroy ed, and a dwelling" house near, occupied by the Snpeiintcndcut with bis family was also pretty much ruined. , - "The loss is estimated at about 5,500, of hkb 3.500 is covered by Insurance. "Messrs. Costin & Gadoid rennet-1 us to return tlnir thanks to tho "Howard" aod "Go -a head" fire companies for their exertions 6i the occasion. They rtgret.tbst the lateness of the hour made them unable to offer tbe firemen such refresh meets as they would have wished. " " PR. DEEMS. We learu from the southern papers, that our townsman Rev. Dr. Deems, will deliver addresses at the Western University in Alabama on tbe 7tb of July, and at Emory College, Oxford, Georgia, on the 21st of tbe same month. Our people here know '; bow f rtunate these Institutions have been In ob taining tbe services of Dr. Deems, whoso fine tal ents and high character we are pleased to find are appreciated abroad as well as at borne. HEN LICE. Boil a quantity of Onions in water. When tbe Onions become soft, mash them up, and with the Mater slir in Indian Corn Meal, till sufficiently thick to feed out to tbe bens and chickens when cool. In twenty-four hours after using this food, tho poultry will be clear of tha lice, as will also their roosting places. BROKE JAIL. A yellow fellow named " Maurice Hays " broke out of the Jail of th's county one night in tbe beginning of the week. Ho was in on a charge of stealing baggage from the Railroad depot. Yesterday two gentlemen attempted to capture him in the vicinity of tbe Railroad, somewhere in the neighborhood of Burgaw, we think, when lie resisted and was only taken aften having been shot through Uio lliigti and cut In the shoulder. J Id v. as taken to the Railroad bftspiuil, but sub sequently claimed by the jailor, in whose custody be now is. Journal of yesterday. TAKE NOTICE. Our readers will please take notice and observe the vast advantages that the free States possess over the slave States, in the matter of sobriety, i. eency, order, cleanliness, honesty, chastity, and all sorts of purities and amiable personalities. The following is from the New York Tribune, a paper that cannot be suspected of exaggeration or misrepresentation in the statements below, however the editor nay be disposed to "draw a long low'' in other matters. Read it fellow-citizens and sinners of the South, and liido your faces In shame. Read it, and "then to breakfast with what appetite you may." ' Mr. Grccly of the Tribune snys: "Since the first of April," (we are told,) there have been at least twice sixteen Attempts at mur der, besides violent assaults and rum nolo fights without precedent. Ten thousand hardened and hopeless female outcast swarm the streets at night; two thousand children, under tbe guise of peddlers, from the age of ten to sixteen, penetrate every public building, store and office In the city, to beg, steal, spy for burglars, and on their own account practice those vices which cannot be named in respectable language; five thousand great and small gamblers prey on tbe credulous and the infatuated, standing all day at the doors of their dens in Broadway, as well known in per son and profession as the Mayor himself; ten thousand lazy, drunken, thieving short-boys, swill-boys, killers, roughs, and rowdies of other names, lounge on the rum-cursed corners of tlffe Ktreets, making day disgusting, hideous, and trav el dangerous to all who can bo suspected of hav ing respectability or money ; thousands of emi grant swindlers, mock auctioneers, lottery deal ers, policy backers, pick-pockets, ball thieves, burglars, warf-rats, area sneaks, pimps and vam pyres, practice their knaveries as openly, and with as little fear of punishment, as though they were engaged in the roost virtuous and legitimate or human pursuits,1 KANSAS ELECTION. Tho election for "Delegates to the Bute Con vention to form a Constitution for Kansas, took place on tha 13th nit. Tbe vote is very light, so far as heard from ; it is thought that not more than fifteen hundred rotes have been given in tbe whole territory. We cannot at present form any idea f the political character of the Convention. It Is said the Constitution will be submitted to tbe people, and, if need be, make that part which recognizes slavery in the State, a separate arti cle, to bo voted upon independently. The 8t. Louis Republican says : " If endorsed by tbe peo ple at the polls, no combination can prevent the recognition of Kansas with such a Constitution. If In tbeir wisdom a majority of the people should reject the article recognising slavery, the minori ty, as good citizens, will submit to tbe decree against them. We know that tbe Convention contains many able conservative men, and we bop that tbey will exert such an influence as will give to Kansas a Constitution republican in all its features and such aa tbe country will ap prove." ; V : : r -, lot, the relfAble Correspondent of the Balti more Sun, says: " Gov. Walker has endeavored to Impress upon the pro-slavery party tbe neces sity of submitting the constitution which they may frame in September to those who will be ac tual inhabitants of the territory at that time. The administration ar.prx.yea of this coarse and promise that the inhabitant shall be protected, la tbe exercise of tbeir rights of voting for or against tbe constitution. To the Topeko party the governor addresses good edvlce---uai.ls,to abandou tbeir treasonable purpose of seitlng'np a spurious minority government iq op portion to Jl loal government, and to vote for or against If Y. Correspondence of toeton.n.erelal. Niw.yoar, June 23, 1857. This bat bees a glorious week for suckers and loafers. We have bad a trend series of dramat ic entertainments in the vicinity of the City Hall, and all tbe pomp and circumstance ol weir, with out much of tbe bloodshed which usuaHy follows in the path of Mara. The 8ixth Warderaare po tent with sbillalahs, and quite at home In a show er of brickbats, but bayonets and ballets are less to their taste. Our citizen soldiery bad only to dij.pl-y themselves in the Park on Wednesday aod the troobled waters grew calm. As for tbe de tails of Ibe week's operations, yon have undoubt edly received a plethora through the Hew York papers. During apart of Wednesday balf tbe business men In the lower part of tbe city left i heir stores and gathered aronnd the City Hall, bat after,! hat the crowd was principally como- m-d of tbe peripatetic rum-jog who are always abundant on such occasions. Thin whole affair was the unluckiest tbiog possible for Geo. Walker, though it did provide a ready made crowd for him, on the evening of his advent. If be bad come here last week be would have been lionized, but we can't do everything at once. ; Tho weather is most extraordinarv. It baa been moist and firzl.ng all tbe w&k. and to-day we have a hearty shower. Coal flrps have been comfortable. All this has tended to check busi ness,' and tbe week has been extremely dull, tho' this Is nsual In tbe latter part of Jone. The southwestern trade generally opens about tbe se cond week in July. Pyrotechnics are beginning to sell..- Tbe high price and small supply of fire crackers will probably induce tbe offering of sonte substitute. Nothing can be manufactuied here generally which will compote with tbe wonder fully cheap products of Cbineso industry. Who in1 this country could produce a pack of fire crack ers for two cents 1 Some goods manufactured here expressly fur the Western trade have been sold very low, owing to tbe diminished demand from that quarter during the season. We have keen well made Marseilles caps for spring wear, selling at one York shilling, at retail ! Probably tbe producer got sixpence. Tbe Burdell marriage case progress -s slowly, with some bard swearing on one side or tbe oth er. urns isr tbe complexion or it is decidedly favorable to Mrs. Cunningham, and if this suit re sults in her favor, it. may diminish the popular prejudice sgaint bet which still exists almost as strongly as before her acquittal. People are not yet started for the country, aa tbe weather baa not held out any inducements to such a .course as yet. The number of fashionables prepariog to make tbe tour .of Europe this summer Is unusually large. We are informed that tbe Trustees of Co lumbia College contemplate enlablishing in tbii city, a free university course, with lectures by men of known ability, designed particularly for Ibe benefit of artisans, engineers, etc. When Ibis shall have been completed, New York city will afford inducements to tho student almost as great as those of any German city. We have bad a few murders this week, but lh" public mind baa been too much ex: (ted to notice tbi m. Tbe wea ther Is favorable to self-destruction ; one almanac says ' expect suicides abjut these days." . TROOPS LEAVING THIS CITY FOR UTAH. New Yobk, Juue 24. A force of one hundred and ninety-two recruits left G vernor'a flsland, several days ago, for Utah, via tbe New York and Erie Railroad. Before moving into tbe territory, tbey will remain seme time at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, wbcrtf they will be attached to the sever al regiments destined for Utah. Tbe recrnits real from New York, for this purpose, belong to what is called tbe general service that is, tbey are 11 ab'e to be drafted into tbe Artillery, Infantry, or other class of soldiers. ' ' Two hundred or two hundred and fifty recrnits will leave here for the same field of operations, next Monday. Tbe entire force destiaed for tbe Mormon Territory, will consist of three regiments two of infantry and one of cavalry numbering about 2,500. This army is consiJered soDlclent ly large to keep tbe turbulent people of that re gion in order. The appointment to the command has not yet been made public Jour, of Com. Powers' ''Greek Slave" was sold at auction yes tetdiy, at the Merchant' Exchange, to tbe Cos mopolitan Art Association, of Cincinnati, for 56 000. ' j ' ; .- v The Providence Journal thinks that tb - above is the "beautiful Slave Girl," for whom accord ing to a paragraph copied by most of the Northern papers, as an illustration of tbe horrors of slave- i ry "5 000 were refused in 8t. Louis,M,and who ws to be "sold by auction." No doubt of It. . - ib. . DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION. j A very destruciive fire broke out in this city on yesterday morning, between two snd three o' clock, which consumed slmost so entire block of buildings. The fire originated in the ho: so of S. McManns, on Front Row, between Conrt street ! and the alley, and spresd with great rapidity to tbe sdjoining buildings in the block, which wss composed of seven business bouses, six of which were completely destroyed. r The block wss occupied by J. W. McCrscken & Co., grocers and produce mcrchsnts; Bank of West Tennessee; Goodlet, Nsbors dr. Co., cotton factors snd commission merchants; Commercial Bsnk ; Stewart, King & Co., grocers and commis sion merchants ; S. HcManus, stove and tin wares; Ooro's coffee bouse; Griesoman &. Hofiaian, dry goods and clothing ; and a number of offices. Tbe origin of tbe fire Is unknown. The total loss of property is estimated at about 873,000. s Memphis, Venn. Bulletin, June 19A. :" GENERAL SCOTT AFTER BRIGHAM YOUNG. We learn from Washington that Gen. Scott has been called there by tbe President for consnla tion, and is now edgaged in preparing the details for the movement of the troops to Utah. It is al so stated that the President finds no authority In the constitution that will enable him to interfere with Brigbam Young's matrimonial arrangements, and that in creed and wives tbe Mormon Elder will not be interfered with by tbe army. But all tbe requisite J udges, Marshals and officers neces sary to administer the government, will be sent out with tbe troops, and order snd safety will be secured there for .Gentile as well as .Saint. We have every confidence in Gen. Scott and his ar rangements. . Like that famous progenitor of his, Capt. Scott, he is famous for bringing down bis game. Bilgham Yecng Is undoubtedly aware of the General's reputation, and as soon as he learns that 8cott is after hint, be will call out, "you need not fire, Gneral, I will come down." Ex. THE NEW SCHOOL PRESBYTERIANS AND : . THE SLAVERY QUESTION. Richmond, June 28.' The new school Presby terian Church here endorses the action of its rep resentatives in the Cleveland Assembly on tbe slavery question, ,and appoint delegates to the proposed convention lobe held at Washington on the 22d of August : ' . " h GEN. CASS 0 THE TREATMENT OF 6EA- 'I The English papers publish the following copy of a note addressed by Gen. Cass to Lord Napier, Sn reply to a representation which the latter was instructed by the Earl of Clarendon to address to the United Slates Government relative to the treat ment ofieaaien on board American vessels : T. a WHinUT Vr PTITa, . - ' WatkingUtn, April 28, lS5t. Mr Lobd : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your lordship's note of the 10th in stant, stating that the attention -of her Majesty's Government anel of the British public has oi late been awakened to tbe Irregularities attending the enlistment of seamen on board tbe mercantile ves sels of the United States, and the nature of their treatment when so employed. Your lordship expresses a hope that some rem edial measure may be suggested for these abuses. In reply, I have the honor to state that it Is be lieved tbe laws now in force upon tbe subject of seamen employed on board the merchant vessels of the United SiaUs are quite sufficient for their protection. Tbe execution of tbe e laws in for eign countries for the most part devolves upon Consuls. It is possible that these officers may in some instances, have been delinquent in the discharge of their doty in her Majesty's ports. This Department, however, is not aware Of any such delinquencies ; but, upon being satisfied of their existence, wilt not hesitate to apply the proper remedy. A copy of the United Stales Con sular Regulations is herewith transmitted and your lordship is particularly referred to Utcl6th chapter, entitled "Duties of Consular . Officers in relat'on to Seamen of the. United Slutes. From the great demand for sailors in our ports in proportion to, their supply, and the improvi dence end-credulity which usually- characterize them, they are necessarily exposed to hnpesition to a degree which probably no laws could prevent. It is presumed that seamen required for the Brit ish mercantile marine in her Majesty's own ports are more oMess subject to the same grievance. I should be glad to concur in any measures for the relief of this useful class of persons, but tbe Itwsof this .country, intended to prevent their maltreatment, are as effective, it is believed, as those of any other. Instances may have occurred where offenders have escaped punishment, but this, I am persuaded, should be imputed to de fective proof or other accident, and not either to any inadequacy in the law itself, or to want of im partiality in its administration. - I avail myself, &c, . LEWIS CASS. DEATH IN THE CARS. Tho following affecting incident is retried in a private letter from a gentleman traveling the West: S " We had a peculiar and affecting scene in tbe cars, which cast a deep sadness over the whole day. At Micbigsn city, where we changed cats, we observed tbem moving a sick girl. Tbe par ty consisted of a brother of about twenty years, a sister of about sixteon, and tbe mother. The invalid appeared about twenty-five, very emaci ated, but with those lustrous eyes so common in her disease, consumption, and Which fascinated while it pained us to look at her. Tbe tender ness and devotion of her people wss really beau tiful. After we had gone some fifty miles, while she was reclining on her mother's breast, who was gently and carefully smoothing her hair, she suddenly raised herself and fell back dead. Then followed such a scene of wild snd frantic grief, mingled with tbe noise of the rushing cars, tbe scream of the locomotive, and tbe confusion of tbe passengers, that no power of mine can describe ; and this was continued for fifty miles or more. We old tuch hearts found there was one little spot not quito hardened." THE POPULATION OF CHINA. The accounts of tbe population of tbe Chinese Empire, as given in school geogrsphies and sta tistical hand-books, are usually gathered from tbe census of 1815, the eighteenth year of Kia- King, which gave China a population of 371, C 00,- 000. ; Tbe census of 1852, however, showed a total of 290,000,000 Inhabitants ; so that at pres ent, making all due allowance for civil war and emigration, we may safely set down the popula tion of China at 400,000,000. Many of the pro vincial capitals hive a population ranging from 500,000 to f 1,000,000. ' CHIEF JUSTICE Of KENTUCKY-.:, LocisviLLB June 22. Incomplete-. re prns bv dlcate the ' election of Wheat, American, to fiU tbe vacancy occasioned by the decease of tbe ) Chief JtMliea of KenLsrlrr. hV mill maWftw tb constitution which V'M franwd ia fieptaaxl The friends of BulliW deoU however, also Ir,"' ' 1 bit election ' REBELLION IN JAIL. On Wednesday morning last, (25th inst.) says tbe Wheeling Times, when the turnkey of Wash ington couuty jail entered that well patronized establishment, he was seized from behind by Bill McCreary, a nctorious rascal, who assisted by three other prisoners, named Hamilton, Black and Huff, downed him in a cell, choked and gag ged him, and then taking tbe key,1 made tbeir exit through the front jail. People going to mar ket saw the worthies showing tbeir coat tails to the citizens of tbe town, and made chase. They were all caught after a short run and recommit ted. The turnkey's injuries consisted in a slight compression of the windpipe, and a considerable stretch of tbe open place in bis countenance, in to which was unceremoniously crammed the whole of a filthy old shirt to keep him from giv ing the alarm. , ;y , ; A SUBSTITUTE FOR STEAM. , A professor in Baltimore has invented a motor that the Patriot thinks may prove a substitute for steam. It is produced by a compound of de sul phated bi snlphuret of carbon, coaltar, and vola tile or fixed oil, which, under certain, influence! of best, becomes powerfully expressive and thus gives momentum. The beater where tbe gas or fluid is introduced, ia submerged in - a cistern of heated oil, kept hot by a gentle fire.' In this con dition tbe gas expands, gaining its power, and passing through pipes and valves, acts upon the piston, giving , motion to the engine. Tbe appli ance are simple, easy of comprehension, free from complication and not subject to accident or dis arrangement. Thus steady active force is at all times kept up. ' The cost of this fluid is esti mated a t ten cen ts : per gal loo, and i t is . demon strated that eighteen gallons, by careful attention, will run an. engine of the capacity here noticed, for one veaK ? ' ? fv:::' c " ,f. DESTRUCTION OF MILLS Ac.' ' Louisville, June 23. McKibben's mill, 'n Talledrga county, Alabama, were destroyed by fire during last week. JYT V f r 'i .. There-is a promise of great 'crops, throughout the State ef Arkansas. "xU.i; . St. Louis, June 23. A hailstorm occurred la B achanan county, Missouri, on Saturday ' last, destroying the crops, killing the cattle in , be fields and injuring several toen. One DegW was killed. Tbe hailstones are represented as having been as large as goose eggs.' - : ;. - i Fugit, tbe murderer of Hoops, has been ac quitted. ' -, ; ' ; , , -,jV ; ' COtLISION ON LAKE "SUPERIOR. ' - CfcczzLAMD,' June 23.-i-Tbe - propeller Ontona gon and schooner North Star'came In collisiod'at Point Aux Barques on Saturday night, and the iatUrwith a cargo of n4TludatSlSjC)0Obe- ' ' Correspondence of Ike N. Y. TVsks. -FROM CHINA. The Murderer tf Mr. f Cunningkam Executed Pngrtssefiki Rebels. "--; UwrrsD States 8reiMEa Va Jactnto. -1 Hons Konq, China, Saturday, April 25, 1857. ) Tbe movements of ihn rebels are just now at tracting morn than ordinary attention. Dr. Par ker has recently rcceieed despatches from tbe American Consul at Foo Chow Foo, advising tbe sending, forthwith, of aa armed v vessel, to tbe place to protect and afford a refuge to our citi zens and their property. Tbe rebels are encamp ed within half a mile of the city walls, number ing fotue seventy-five thousand strong. A bat tle was fought recently near the city, resulting in tbe defeat of tbe Imperialists with a loss on tbeir side of twelve handred. Owing to the dis turbances, the remittances from tho tea district had been sent back, and it wss feared that the trade in that article would be greatly injured. The rebels stilt continue to menace Canton; as yet they have not attacked tbe city. There are two parties of them In the district of Cheng, (near Canton,) who are about n tilting I heir forces aod making a joint attack on the city, Uis Excel lency Governor Yen is making sll possible prepar ation for the deft nee of the "fourth city in the world." A large portion of his army hsd been disbanded, owing to tbe inability of tbe Govern ment to pay and prov.de for tbem ' His excellen cy now finds the greatest difficulty in procuring troops, owing to the above named causes, : Fam ine prevails at Canton, and the people bare diffi culty to sustain life. Altogether, affairs are in a most lamentable stste; "onuide barbarians," rebellion and famine are three enemies which are hard to contend with. Throe hundred and fl'ty millions of people are snffeiiug under these curses yet who cries pity 1 Truly guts to going down hill, every body gives him a kick." , Fear of disturbances have made many of the Missionaries resident ther-, quit Ningpo snd take up their residence st Sbanghae. The United States storeahip Celestial, with United States stores, arrived here to-day, being one hood red and twenty-nine days out from New York. Late advices from Shsnghse state that the small pox had broken out on tbe U. S. ship Levant. Thirty-three cases hsd been reported. This ship has been very sickly sinco her arrival in tbe China Seas, and will doubtless be ordered home on ac count of tbe above. 5 ; Since wiiting tbe above, I have news from Foo chow per steamer Formosa, from Shanghae direct, to the effect that tbe Viceroy baa addresed a let ter to Dr. Parker, assuring bim that the murder er of Mr. Cunningham has been strsngled for the offence. Tbe duties which have been kept back by Ibe United States Consnl on that account, were about to be paid up. Everything wss quiet, aod ne further nVbting has been done, :' ' Tbe disposition of the United States East India Squadron ia the same as when I last wrote; the Portsmouth at Singapore, the, Levant at Shsng hse., which place she is to leave upon the com pletion of ber repairs, and return lo Hong Koig. We await documents from the magnates at home, ere we can shape our course. SENATOR BUTLER AND THE NEGRO WO MAN'S PRAYER. The Newberry Rising Sun, gives the following anecdote of tbe late Senator Andrew Pickens But ler, of a C. "During Lis passago from Charleston to Wil mington, on his first trip as Senator to Washing ton, the boat , was oveitakep by a f-toiru, winch rendered her an nnmanegeable wreck. She had been forty-eight hours at sea, and the. captain pronounced her lost. While she was rolling in the trough of the sea, and expected every mo ment to founder, Judge Butler had all called for ward, and desired that each should know one an other, so that if sny reached the , land, he, she or they, might report the fate of the others. An el derly negro woman, (the stewardess, perhaps,) said, "Old master, this is no time for introduc tions ; you had Letter pray." He said, 'I cannot, but pray old lady, if you can.' She instantly knelt down and poured put a fervent prayer to God for deliverance. In a moment after tbe lights of tbe steamer ser.t from Wilmington in search of tbe missing boat were seen, and they were saved. Mrs. Thompson, who heard tbe Judge's narration after his return home, said to him, "Brother Tlckens, that old woman's prayer saved yon." r - OVER THE FALLS. The Holyo&e (Mass.) Mirror, of the 18th, gives the following account of a daring attempt to cross the Connecticut river at that place, and death of tbe navigator : "On Frlcay morning, about 7 o'clock, an Irish man of twenty years of age, who had been but a few days in th s country, attempted to cross the river in a small boat from this plac to South Hadley Falls, in search of work. .Not having any oars at hand, he substituted some stripe of board; little caculatlng tbe force of the current, aa also of the wind, which was blowing strongly at tbe time. When near the opposite shore, be allowed his boat to head down stream, thinking to land at the abutment at the head of the canal ; but before be was aware, his boat was beyond bis control and rapidly Bearing the fatal falls. He was seen to struggle manfully against the current for a while, and heard to scream' loudly for help, but all lo no purpose. , When he knew that he must go over the falls he lay down in bis boat and re signed himself to his fate His boat came out of tbe foaming waters much broken, and floated a wsy down stream, but nothing could be seen or baa since been 'discovered of the body of the man.'! ILLNESS OF GEN. WOOL. . A letter from Troy ssys : You will be surpris ed and' alarmed to learn that Major General Wool lies in a very precarious state at his residence in this city, laboring node' a audden snd severe fit of illness, so seven tbst Lis recovery is a matter of donbt. , Tbe General . daring the past week has been suffering from a ' bad cold, which, on Sunday , Increased and resolf cd Itself into pneu monia, or inflammation of the longs which con tinued until yesterday, when the symptoms took a dangerous turn, and a new slly, bronchitis, set in, stronger than all the Mexicans who were lea gued against the Id veteran at Buena Vista. This complication of diseases has rendered the General very low and feeble, and bis life is rcslly Inverygrvat danger. .General Wool has sn at tending physician, Dr. Thorn, of this - city ? as consulting physicians. Dr. James McNsughton, of Albany, and Dr, Watkina, of Troy. , HOOPS DOOMED. Ladles, prepare for an extreme change in your habits, for a Paris correspondcat of tbe New York Courier" says, "as the reclaimer of 1S00, the substitute for the .fnT blown rose, : we now be hold the belle or 1858 will come Upon 'us in ap palling,' unmitigated deformity, sana crinoline sans basque, sans boslle, saas wad, sans wool, saas cane, sans steel, -sans everything ' r " S-H JEWELRY BOBBERY.. , AuxsNoata. Xi Jano 2i The jewelry store oi1 W. W. Adams was entirely emptied by burglars last Bight, and upwarda of 20,000 in jewelry and plate stolen. No dtw to tb rcoUrs baa, aa jet, beam eUsined. ! GOOD PLAN.- f S : w The keeper of a lager beer saloon up hi Toledo baa bit upon a first rate plan to put an end to bad debt. He posts np over his bar in conspicuous letters something like tbe following : -; , Gobbs owes this bouse 75 cents for beer. & c . ' 2 Nobbs bad better come and settle for tbem beef and sausages. Total 45 cents. Hnbbs, why don V you be sn honest man and pay up for the beers Total 90 cents. Bobbe owes this bouse two dollars." Gone aw ay. Tam Scoundrel. Total $2. THE FARMER'S WIFE THAT WOULD BE. I am a wild and laughing girl, Jnikt turned of sweet sixteen, As full of fun and mischief, . As any you have seen; And when I am a woman groun, No city beau for me ;' If e'er I marry in my life, j A farmer's wife I'll bn. Let other 'iris who love it best Enjoy the gloomy town, -'Mid dusky walls and diity streets To ramble np and down; But flowery fields, and shsdy woods, " And sunny skies, for mr; . . L -If e'er I marry in my life, f 1 A farmer's bride I'll be. " Lire Illostsated is a Frat-ClasPictorlal Weekly Journal, devoted to Entertainment, Im provement, aod Progress, designed to encourage a spirit of Hope, Manliness. Jrelf-P.eliance, and Activity ; to ilinstrate life in sll ita phases. A hieii-toned Pictorial Weekly Paper, which ought to be red by very Family. PublUhed at 2 a tear, SI fin- half a year, snd to c ubof four three mouths, for Ona Dollar. 'Try it. Addn ss. FttWLER AND WELLS, " .808 Broadway; New York " THE PANAMA STAR SAYS: Urn Iu.cstb tkd is one of th" best papers pnblihe 4 in the United Stales. We know of no more instructive and interest ng publication for family reading Young and old. parents snd children, high and low, rich and poor, will find something to suit them in its columns. June 18 ' - 40-w-2'. llolloway's Ointment and PUls Extraordinary Cure of Erysipelas . Mrs. Emma Rowecroft, sged 42, of St. Paul. Minnessota Territory, suffered se verely from periodical attacks of Ervsipelas in the fact, to which she appeared to have a consti tutional pre-diMiiiiou. In July lal sac bad a a ret nrn of' the complaint. iih unusually violent and dangerous symptoms, snd under tbeadviee of a friend from New York, ootaiued a lot of Hol loMsy's Ointment, and applied it according to the direction. Tbe result amazed as wed as deligli trd tin nnfot tnnata anfierer and her family Tlie'influuimatory symptom suicided ; the red ness faded in tho course of a few days to s yellow ish hue, and the cntkle, or scarf skin, ou the parts aff cled, came off in the form of a whitish scurf A second box completed life cure, leaving neither scar nor blemish on Ibe face The. Pills are as rfficaeiona in ml duing internal diease, a the Ointment is in removing sll external disorders. TO THE VOTERS OF NEW HANOVER CO., Trusting that 1 have hitherto discharged tbe duties of the office of Clerk of the Suerior Court of Law to the satisfaction of all concerned. I id r.ouce myself as a candidate for your fuffrares at the election to be held on the 6tb day of August next. JAS. A. WRIGHT. June 20. 41-te TO TOE VOTERS OF NEW HANO VER COUNTY. THE subscriber respectfully announces himself ass candidate for re-election upon the 6' h day of August next, to the Office of Clerk of he Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiona ol said County. Grateful for the confidence and support which his fellow. citizens have heretofore extended to hirr, he trusts that his efforts to merit that confidence will reenre to him a renewal of their suflVages; and in ihe event of hi re election, he can onl pledges rontinuancc of his honist efforts to dis charge faiili'ully snd acceptably the dniies of said ofBce. SAMUKL R. BUKTING. April 3J, 19. IMPORTANT INFORMATION, by which much suffering and misery in families rosy be avoided, sent to married men, and those contemplating marriage. Address, inclosine fonrpo.-txe stamp Dr. L F PRO-BAET, Box 3C03-, New York ' ity. . June 18 40 3iu. Fine beautiful hair jet black or btown ;; Or tresses, curling and golden Is the certnin result witout chance or dout Of the use of LYON'S KATHAIRON. The immense sale of LYON'S KATHAIKON nearly 1.00(1,000 bottles per year-irovcs its ex cellence and universal opnUrity. i t restores the Hair after it has fallen out, invigorates and beau tifies it makes it softfccurly, and glossy cleans es it from all Scurf and Dandruff, and imparts to it a delightful perfume. The Ladies universally pronounce it the finest and most agreeable article ever used. Sold by all dealers, everywhere, for 25 cents per bottle. HEATH, WINKOOP & CO., Proprietors and Perfumers, 63 Liberty St., New York. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. REV. JAMES R. UUHBOROW. Pastor of Berlin Circuit, Baltimore Conference. And all toe principal Merchants at Point of Rocks, Md., have testified to the following ' EXTRAOKUINAKY CUKE. Point or Hocks, Frederick County, Md. ' Da. Swavks. Dear Sir: Believing it a duty I owe to the public, ' and in justice to you. I have thought pioper to make known one of the moot ex traordinary cures, in my own esse, that has ever been truly recorded. Io the month of October Isst I was afflicted with a severe gathering in my breast, which formed a large abces. and also communicated to my Lungs snd very much afflict ed them, and discharged large quantities ofeorrup tion, external and internal. My breath could lso pars through my Lnngssnd not through the cav ity of my breast with apparent ease, attended w ith a violent cough,-day and night, loss of appetite, and extreme debility, so that my physicians thought my case eotirelv hopeless and beyond tbe power of medicine. I remained in this wretched condition for. a Ions; time, until I wss wasted to a mere skeleton, and there seemed to be-no hope for me ( bat Having read ia the public pspers of the many wonderful etires performed bv your COM POUND SVRCP OF WILD CHKay I im mediately sent to Baltimore -for five bottles and commenced its use, and to my great satisfaction and my saxioue family, the abscess or opening in my lungs begsn to heal, and ths coagh subsided snd on using ten bottles I wss restored to perfect health. I believe, that to your valuable medicine, under the blessings of Divine Providence, I am indebted for this great change, and I am happy to say, that 1 am now enjoying as good health as J everhsve. r ' Over five years have elapsed, snd I stilt remain a perfectly hearty man at this date, June 2d, 1856. I have not had a day's sickncea for the last Ig months. Please accept my grateful acknowledg ments. r Tours,! very respectfully, ' . THOJdAS DIXON. The Subscriber is welt scqusin'ed with Thomas Dixon, snd can testify that the he has been afflct-, ed ss above represented. I regfrd his recovery at ' Bioct as a miracle. He is a worthy member ot So ciety. JAMES R. DCRBOROW, " Pastor of Rerlin Circuit, Baltimore Conference f pBERftja oat one reliable preparation ol "Wild JL Cherry," and 'he only one compounded by a tegular Physician that is " DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND. SYRUP OK WILD CHKHRYV" and the universal satisfaction this preparation has given, is fnlly acknowledged in every section oi oar country. 2, For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, ' For Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Hooping Cough,, .. For Ticsling or Irritation in the Fauces; ' For Palp'nation orDiseaseOf the Heart, Dehitity. For Pains in the Side or Breast, Liver Complaint, For Short Breath, or Hoarseness. Asthma, , . For the support ef old age, declining health, and restless nights, this remedy has no equal. . " Prepared only b Dr. tWAYSE SY SON. at their Laboratory 4 N. SEVENTH St., Philadel pbia.Soidby - -WALKER MEASES A CO-, . ,s . . ' Wilmington. N. C. " ' . ' K. J- ASTON. Jaa.1. sUbcviUa.ri.C. vf'atnta, Soachea, Bed-Bags, Insects, c. jjttw Xo April 12V 185Mr. HENRT B. C0STAR.No. 8S8 Broad way -ZXear Sir: Hav ing a great many Rats around nry stable and shop, I thought I would try your Rat Exterminator, and bo right one of your boxes, and my man fixed it ac cording to your directions. ' The next morning he found ovei 150dead rats. ' f have bought others Rst Poison and found them humbugs, and tbiuk it will do more than you say it will in your ad vertisements . I have also tried -it on steamboats, and satisfied tbem that it is tbe greatest thing of the age. Respectfully Yours. ' v J. S. UNDERHILL, No. 435 10th st. Noticc to ali, Concbsed. The demand for "CosUtrs" Remedies for the destruction of the above pest, having occasioned an unlimited correspondence- in regard to prices, etc., the proprie tor has determined to publish the taqie in bis advertisements benaller. "Costar" prefers that every city, town snd village shall be supplied through its own Druggists and Dealt' s, but, in cafes where this is impracticable be will forward small orders by Mail or Express, on receipt of the price", with KUfficient to pre-pay the same. See adveiliitemetit, with retail prices, etc , in auother column. . m Dkar-Sirs: We began selling Perry Davir' Paio Killer with very little eff.rt on our part; sales n-cre small at first, ba: as it became known in our coramnuity, the demand increased very rapidly . far beyond our expectations, and every person that bonebt it would come aft-r mre.and seak in the higbettt terms of it as a valnable remedy for all those dUea your pamphlet upoke of. From these recommendations we were in duced to ii'e it in oar own families and now con tinue its use with treat satisfaction. We have sold more of tbe Pain Killer 4hn we ever have i-incc or before of any other medicine in the same U-ngth of time ; and we do not hesitate to say that it has given better satisfaction to the purcha ser than any other article w (sale ever sold.-' Hnrry of businecs hss prevented on.- seeding cer tificatea.'hiit we hsve in our vicinity .from fifteest hundred to two' ihouxsnd living witnesses who testily to their neighbors, dsy by' day, oftbe vslne of Davis' Pain Killer. Keep a large supply in Ibe West, it isjnat soch a medicine ss tbe iteopie want, and they have already fonnd out that they can core the Fever and Ague for twenty-five cents. Itjwill cure a cold in one hour s severe cough in one eight and has proved to be the heat medictno in use for a deceased atomacb and many other puroie. LnCKW00D &. GRAHAM, 'andiisky Ciiy, Ohio. For sa'e, wholesale and retail by G. R. French, Wilmington, artd by Druggist generally. Health Dspekds dp.m Prac Blooo. Thin and acrid blood cannot wcrete healthy bile, an i therf. fire the fi'rt thing for tboMs who ute dyspeptic should be to commence the purification of their blood. . BIlANDRETH'S PILLS. Not only purify, hot they make the blood richer, and. add those principles upon which its owers to reit dieas d-eiid. WM. IL LIPPITT, Agent, Wilmington, N. C MARINE NEWS. PORT OF WILMINGTON, JUNE 27. Alt K IV ED". 24. ScbT. Amcira, Moore, from Shctds Ferrr, to D. rtgott,- Scbr. Senora Isabel, Cnmber, from Lock wood's Folly, to Willo-rd & CurtlW. Pchr. J terms Buctrenan, Davis, from Lock woods Folly, to Millard & Curtis. Sclir. Ann- Maris, Brown, from Lockwood'a Fol ly, lo Willafd & Curtia. f?chr. W. H. Howard, Brown, from Sloop Point, to Rankin & Mati in. 25 chr Wake, Waioiigbt, from New York, to Georgo Harriss. 25 Brig B. R. Enton, dlkey, from Baltimore,' to O O. Parsley & Co.: itb tndze. to T. C Worlh. Brig Maria T Wilder. Cunningham, from Bos ton, to J II Chadbourn & Co.: ' Sclir. Araruintx, Wbite, from Baltimore, to Rus sell Sl Urn. 26 U. S. M. Steamer Fpray, Trice, ftom'Smitb ville, by A. H. YanBokk-len. CLEARED 24 Brig L. P. Snow, A: wood, f.ir Torto Ric, by J. & D Mcltav&Coj with lumber aud shiu-gh- - - ; r 25. Febr. Sesora Isabel, Cumber, for Shallottev by D. Pig-nt. C S. M. Steamer Spray, Price, for Sniilbvil'e, by A. II VanBokkelen Sch r.-Tanner. Horton, for New York, by Geo. Ilariiss; With naval stores. BriS. G. Bass, Winehvster, for Baltimore, by Wm M. llarria-; wllli Innluef. 2(5. Steamer Elack River, Bdrber, for Fayette ville, by D. A Lamont. HeUr. Lizzie ftu-ot-r;, Bennett for Ba!tmbre, by Knsell d Bro ; with inmlier. &.C. Brig; Capt. Tom Piern, fr Philadelphia, by Ge. Harris ; ttl lumber. Ac. Scbr. Moses Edd-. Wilson for Boston, by Ad a ma. Bro. & Co.; with roush rice and naval stores. WILMINGTON - SAYJNGS BANK isne 22nd, 187. NOTICE ii hereby given that the first Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Institu tion will take place at iheir Basking Room en Mondav, the 6'h July proximo. at 10 o'clock A. M at which time an election will be had for effi cers to serve the ensutng year. W.A. WALKER, Caeh'r.i Jone 26 44-2t. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. T TH F. subscriber having, at the last Term of the County Court of Brunswick County, qualified is Executor of the Will of the late Miles Potter, notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to his estate to make immediate payment and to those having claims sgsinst the same to present them within the time prescrtbed;by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. K. W. POTTER, Executor. Jone 26. tw44tf HERRINGS. , 1 I BARRELS Prime Herrings just received X KJ per Brig At. I . ilder, and for sale by WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT Jun 25. ADAMS, BRO. dt CO. FOURTH OF JULT- The anniversary of America Independence iafest approaching, we offer to the public at whwlevale and retail, a large lot of Canton Crackers, snd slso, a well se lected lot of fireworks, at the Broadway Variety --store No. 40, Msrktt Street. June26ih. WM. H. DiMALR. . JU T P ECF.IVED, a large lot of freh Orangee Lemons, and Apples at Wholesale and Retail, No. 4.0 Market Street. June 25 WM. H. DsNEA DE. r MEN AND BOYS SUMMER IIATS. pO reduce snmmer stock we are offering eor L assortment of snmmer goods, eoBfisijng of all the new sttlcs of Panama, Leghorn, Senett, and Canton braids, Cevlon, Congress, and Pslm-leaf hats, at the very lowest figsres.uj.;, , , Wholesale bujers, will find this a sore opportu nity, to assort their stacks with the most saleable style ot goods, at less than New York prices. f : i r- -'. CHASj D. MYKUS.. ' : Hat'Snd Cap Hmpo'inm, 34 Market stecet. . June 25 1857, No 4a. - - ; t ' SPIRIT BAR R ELS. : f J PRIME quality second hand spirit bar rel, jest received f om Boston, and fer sale by .ADAMS, BRO dr. CO. Jone 25 1857 No 45. , ; s 125 PiSHIONiBLE DRY GOODS. : U3-CHEAPES I IN NEW YORK.G ; LORD & TAYLOR'S : I Parties visiting the city daring the sum roer are i..iiMt ... .. n. . n a .t. .rf.n.it. ar:rl hii'h tv at tractive etocic of Dry Goods of ever Oeserlp iion. INCLUDING, IN GREAT VARIETY Dresa Siiks, T tiaen. "Lacee, -'J ' I SMwIn, , - i Dooiostics, - Kmbrotderis Msntillas. ' ' . Hoaiery. , . Triinmints, Dress Goods, - Ribbons, Ac, 4c, f-e AtSO CARPETINGS, CURTAIN MA TER I A LS, WINDO VV SHADES, ' " GILT CORNICES, FIXTURES, ? clc., &c, &c . 3 ' , ', .SS. 237. 359 aa 2S4 Graad Street, and 47 stnd 49 Catharine atwet, IScw York- . . 1 1 JawZ3. 42 tdw-ew 1 a 14 a 13, a 15 -a 16 a 17 a 14 a 14 a 12 BACroaIb.,ifci: , Hams. N. Sides, ...... . . . . - Shoulders, Hog ttonod,.-.'.' Lmri,U. C, bWe...... : kegs,.. Hams, Westert,. ... . - Sides, Weatern,. Shoulders. Wumn.. . .. Pork. Northern per bbl.. Mess,.- 26 C O Prime.-... OO 00 oorn. per busheL. .. Meal, ........ Prss.black eye per butheL Cow. PraW bis,. ......... ....... Rlee.per lb.. Clean, Rough, per bushel,.... ........ Butter, per lo-.. Klqn'r per bbl F syetteville super , Kin.... Jrow, Baltimore,- Canal, Coffee, per lb-, St. Domingo, KM. I.aguyrs, Cuba. v Mo-ho,- . Java, . Sugar, per lb . New Orleans,.. Porto tlico,..-... St. Croix, . Loaf..-...- Molas.es, per gallon, N. Orleans. Porto Kico, ". Cuba. Hay, per 100 lbs.. Eastern. N, C... Liquors, per gal.. Peach Brandy,-. Apple.. - . RyeWtH.key,- - Uectified.-.......... . .... .... N. E. Rum, Wines, per gal., Madeirs, Port, Mslaga, Glue, per lb., American.-.- - - Cotton per lb.,-..---....-; Ys rn , per I b.,- .................. . 4-8 Sheeting, per yard, 3-4 ' Oman orgs, Feathers, per lb--. Candies, per lb., N. C. Tallow, Nort hern.-..-... Adamantine...""-.. -- Sperm. Lime per bbl.,.......- Turpentine, per bbl. ol 280 Iba. Virgin Dip,. Yellow Dip,--- -. Hard, ... Tar, .- Pitch, Rosin by Tale. .v Ne. 1..... No. 2. ....-. No. 3.-. Spirits Turpentine, per gallon.. Varnish,.... Pine Oil, Kosin Oil, Sperm Oil, .........i.....;..,.;.-; Linseed Oil -...t .. Nata Foot Oil, lron perlb., American best refined English sssorted,-'" Swced,.. Srrear, American, Cut Kails,-. Wrought Nails, ' Steel, per lb., German, Blistered, .....-.- Best Cast. Best quality Mill Saws, 6feet,... Hollo ware. "" . - " .v. Lumber per M. fet. Steam SawedlS 00 00 00 17 00 00 a 00 a 00 00 1 05 a 1 10 a 00 1 00 a 1 12 90 a lit 1 00 a a a 00 2 o 25 8 60 7 BO . -00 Of -00 00 ''. 11 1 .. 131 .. 00 . 00 .. 16 - . HI .. Hi . 00 - 00 .- 00 .. 61 .. 1 30 .. 90 .. eo .. 60 .. 65 -- 38 45 -. 1 00 .. I 00 .. 40 12 I3 .. 20 9 61 . 40 17 .. 16 .. 2S, .. 40 .. 1 35 1 75 1 35 1 40 6 00 1 75 00 25 S 0 00 30 0 V0 " 0 fO 6 50 00 oe CO 00 10 12 I4J 00 00 17 12 II ' 12 iy 00 00 1 oe 90 65 J 00 40 50 4 00 4 00 00 I5 21 7 10 457 00 00 30 45 1 40 3 75 2 75 0 00 0 00 OD 00 00 1 25 93 1 50 4 a o , a 61 a 0 a' 5 a Iff 6 20 5 00 1 65 37 00 CO m 0 00 1 0(3 0 0Q 6 0 0 0 51 12, 16 16 River L.tlinber, Flooring, Wide Boards,.' v-'-- Scantling.-.--- Ti m her. S h i ppi ng,-' Prime Mi1i,-v. ......... Coininoh,-. Inferior. ......v.... . Staves, per 1,000, W.O. bbl. Roligh lres.en ... ... ... . v.. . . , R. O. Ijnd ., rogK.-'- - - Dressed, Shingles, per 1000, Common, ' Com rsct, ..... ....... Blark's la'r'oe,- " -........ Salt per bushel, Tnrk'a Island, Liverpool Sek,-........ Soap per lb.-, Pale,-'-"- Brown, . . Tallow per lb'., . .'. ...... Bbl. Heading fJcrM ,-Ash, Cljeeae. Chickeris, live. do dead,- Tiirtieye",' H ", - do dead . Eggs, per dosjn,- i 50 -- i IS 00 10 00 s 0 00 6 50 a 7 CO 4 25 a 0 00 0 00 a 0 00 6 00 a I 50 4 00 a 5 50 2 50 s 3 50' none ...16 00 a 18 00 none FREIGHTS : TO NEW YORK. , . Turjientine and Tar, perLM. Roxin per bid.. Spirits Titri'entine, per bol, ?lonr. per bbl.,. dice, per 100 lbs. gross, Cotton, per bale. Cot tori goods and ysrns, ppr foci Flaxseed er cask . Pea Nuts, per bushel", biiinlxT per M.. TOPIIlLAUELPiTIA. Naval Stores, ier bbl.. Spirits Tnrpentine, Yam and Sheeting, ppr foot. Pes Nnts, per bushel, Lumber, ixt M., TO BOSTON. Roxin. jwr bbl., Tnrpentine. per bbl.. Rpvrits-Tnrjientino, per bbi Ltmler. per M., Pt-a Nuts, per bushel. Rough Rice, per bnnhel. Cotton per bale - -. - $r . 1 2S a B 0b .- 4 10 a 5 50 . 6 00 a B0 a .00 67 i a 1 10 0 a 71' 61 a 0 " il - 9 00 a 12 00 12 a 13 25 a 40 00 a .00r 75 a 1 00' 00 a 00 19 a 20; 0i DKCK. BKOKli 00 45 35 40 00 60' 371 40. 00 15' 1 00 1 50 00 6- 00 CO 00 8 6 00 900' oif nrcK; eanlttf 35 40 60 . 00 ft 00 6 5 00 7 00 OS PRCS. U.1SM 40 45 65 70 , 8 00 9 00 10 ,00 10 " 121 2 0O COMMERCIAL. i REMARKS ON MARKET. Tcbpentine. Wednesday 833 bbls."Tnrpentino were disposed of at S3.60 for Virgin, S2.75 for Yellow Dip, and $1.75 for new and 1.37 for old Hard. Thursday 45 bbls sold at same prices snd 800 do. at $3.50 for Virgin, $2 75 for Yellow Dip, and $1.87 J for hard per 280 lbs. Yesterday 3(7 do. at latter prices. 4 Bfirits: Ssles onTh'nrsday and Friday of 960 bbls. Spirits Turpentine at 38 cents per gallon, v Rosi! 400 bbls. So. 1 Rosin changed hands " on Tbarsdsy at $1.45 a $1.62J for medium sized bbls. I 600 bbls. do. at $4-50 a $6 per bbL, accor ding to quality. 4 . - 1 Tam.. A. Sale of a small lot Tar was mde on Thursday at $1.35 per bbL ' - r Cotton 36 bales Cotton sold on Thu red By at 14 cents per pound, for low to good middling. , Coaa. Sales on Thursday of 400 hoshels forn, at 90 cenU per bushel. " NEW YORK MARKET. ' , For 3 days preceding. Juue 24. The Shipping and Commercial List reporls.- ; J r ' ;-' 5-'v: '' ;;- , : Cotton -Tbe business for' tbe three ; dsys has areo very moderate. Tho sales bsvo averaged a boot 1000 bales daily, and tho market closes booyamlv. We qoote- 12 a 15. : Fl'nr Sales 4500 bbla 8ontbem. closfn?a $7.20 a $7.60 for low to good mixed brands, 7,65 t a t9 for common to good fancy and extra, and S9.25 a 10 for favorite to choice day , Cvrn Sales 127.000 boviM-to, dosing at 84 a 85 ? cents for sound Western miied, sad 88 a 38 tor " Southern, ss iu qnality. " , , , . Naal Stores Too sales are 500 bbls. Georgia and Washington Crd Tnrprttiae, fiort 10 ar rive; at 3,874 a 4 per SJ80 ls ; 1&75 Spirits Terpen- ; liae. 41 a45 cents. casba the spot, sod 43 a 43), to ; an ire, with retail lots at 45 a 46; 2500 Common Boon afloat, 195 per 310 lb., delivered by Vessel; and 610 No. i snd Pabr, 6 m 7.24 per 280 lb. t Rice Is firm witb-a fair drrnand, and 00 me dii:ro grad-s prices have advanced Il c-nla per 10O Jb; with safes of 500 cs at 4.50 a 6,25, cash. , Baltimore; market. bbl. Howard street at 7.12 to $7 25. Ko wheat n nrkH. Corn u doll ; wane a wj jiwi , t .:: SALISBURY W. C. MARKET.:' -1 Jano 24. FIur, 61 7; Applr. dried,' TS; Apphe green, SO lOO; peaches pealed. $2; Peoches BOpealod 100; Bacon; 121 a. 14 f-Bees-4 was. 221; IWf. 5a 7; Batter, 18 a 20; Catt. tfs 12; Cornl,00i Meat, In 10; Feathers, 3j3i Lard, 14 a 15; Pvtaloea, Sweat, lih&i '

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