J" as WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BACON, per lb.. Hams, N. C Side, Shoulders, Hog Round, Lard, W.C., bbls., kegs, llama, Western Sides, Western, Shoulders. Western. 16 14 m 15 16 17 14 14 00 00 17 00 00 12 26 00 00 00 90 I 10 1 VO 00 Pork, Northern per bbl., Mess, Prime, Corn, per bushel, ....... Meal 00 00 92 - 00 1 12 00 Peas.black eye per buahel, Low, Pa Nufs, Rice, per lb.. Clean,- Rough, per bushel,. Butter, per lt. 90 1 10 1 25 6 0 00 00 00 29 30 0 W) o no Flour per bbl, Fayetteville super., 6 26 r me, 5 75 Cross, 7 60 Baltimore, -00 0 Canal, 00 00 6 60 00 oc 00 00 Coffee, per lb , Si. Domingo, Rio,- Laguyra, - 10 11 a 121 131 00 00 16 Hi n m 1)0 00 00 51 S5 90 80 60 65 38 45 00 00 40 12 13 20 9 6 9 40 17 16 28 40 35 luba, Mocho,-. Java, Sugar.perlb., New Orleans, Porto Rico, St. Croix,--.- I.oaf Molases, per gallon, N. Orleans.. Porto Rico,.. Cuba,-. Hay, per lOOlbs., Eastern, N. C... Liquors, per gal., Peach Brandy,.. Apple. RyeWhUkey, Reclined, N. K. Rum, Wines, per gal., Madeira,.... ... . . 1 Port, Malaga, Glue, per lb., American. Cotton per lb., Yarn, per lb., .-. 4-8 Sheeting, per yard, 3-4 Oznaburgs, Feathers, per lb., Candles, per lb., N. C. Tallow,. - Northern,- Adamantine. ..... ........ Sperm. Lime per bbl., 1 Turpentine, per bbl. of 280 lbs. Virgin Dip, Yellow Dip, Hard, 1 Tar, . 1 Pilch, Rosin bv Talc. uu 00 17 12 II 12 16 uo 00 0C 90 65 00 40 50 00 00 00 134 lit 10 457 00 00 30 45 40 75. 05 55 35 40 00 00 No. 1..... No. 2. No. 3. Spirits Turpentine, per gallon.. Varnish, 6 25 1 75 65 41 00 00 00 25 95 60 4 41 6 H 0 8 00 PineOil,-.. Rosin Oil,. Sperm Oil, 00 00 00 Linseed Oil.. Nests Foot Oil, Iron per lb., American best refined Knglish assorted, 00 00 5 0 0 0 a weed,. .. Shear, America n, Cut Nails, 51 121 wrought Mails,-. Steel, per lb., German,-........... 10 Blistered, 6 Best Cast, 20 Best quality Mill Saws, 6 feet,...- 5 00 Hollo ware,- Lumber per M. feet, Steam Sawedl3 00 Rier Lumber, Flooring, ......... 10 00 16 16 5 60 19 00 0 00 Wide Boards, 6 sU 4 25 0 00 6 00 4 00 2 50 7 0 0 7 CO 00 00 50 rcanjling, Timher. Shipping,-'. Prime Mill, Common, Inferior,'- Staves, per 1,000, W.O. bbl. Rough Dressed, ... R. O. hhd., rough, Dressed, . Shinsles, per 1000, Common, Comiaci, Black's large, -Salt per bushel, Turk's Island, .... Liverpool Sack,... Soup per lb.. Pale, Brown, ....... ..... 6 3 50 50 none 16 00 a 13 On none 2- 1 35 4 CO 6 00 50 871 0 61 II 9 00 12 25 00 75 00' 19 a ( a ! a a a 1 a (Hi 50 00 CO 71 . 0 Tallow per lb., Bbl. Heading per M t'hecse. Chickens, live...... do dead,- Turkeys, live, do dead-.--E;gs, per doen,- 12 12 00 Ash,- 13 40 : oo 1 oo 00 20 FREIGHTS; TO NEW YORK. Turentinc and Tar, per bbl. Ronin jier bbl.. Spirits Turpentine, per bbl, loiir, t bbl., vlice. per 100 lbs. gross, Tot'trm, per bale, Dot ton goods aud yarns, per ftft Flaxseed, per cask, Pea Nuts, per bushel, Lrtmber. per M.. TO PHILADELPHIA. Naval Stores, per bbl.. Spirits Turpentine, Yarn and Sheeting, por foot, Pea Nuts, per bushel, Lumber, per Mi, TO BOSTON, Rnlu, per bbl., Tnrpentine. per bbl.. Spirits Turpentino, per but, Lnmbcr, per M., Pea Nuts, per bosliel, Rongh Rice, per bushel. ' Cotton per bale OS OKCft.' I'NDEK 00 45 35 40 00 60 87 40 00 15 100 1 60 OO 6 00 60 CO 8 6 00 . . 9 00 Oft DECK. UfJOEtt 35 40 GO oo a 00 6 00 1 00 tin hr.ck. unbkr 40 45 65 70 8 00 9 00 10 00 10 12 2 00 COMMERCIAL. REMARKS ON MARKET. Tdrpt!.vtimb. Since our last Turpentine has advanced 10 cents. 560 bbls. sold on Saturday at S3 65 for Virgin, and $2 85 for Yellow Dip, per 280 lbs ; yesterday 900 bble. at 83 76 for Virgin, S3 05 for Yellow Dip, and $1 65 for Hard, per 280 Iba. Qemiwa Cklna b7:mm .s 1DA Ltl- T r IT , ' , TT r Tnrpentine at 42 cents per gallon, and 100 do. at 41 cents; on Saturday 420 bbls. sold at the latter Cgure. Cotton. -On Friday 10 bales Cotton changed hands at 13 a 134 cents per lb. for ordinary to middling. NEW YORK MARKET. .For 3 days preceding. July 11. The Shipping and Commercial List reports. Cotton Tbe ssles not exceeding S000 bales, in small lota, lne stock la lgbt botn bereandat all the shipping ports. We quote: 12) a 16. Flonr Bales 8000 bbls , Southern, closing at S7 a 57,40 for common to medium mixed and straight brands, f 7,60 a 89 2 for low to good fancy and extra, and 89,25 a 810 for favorite and cbolco do. v . Corn The sales reach 109.000 bufchels, closing at Cd a 54 cents lor sound western mixed, and o a iuu lor soumcrn, as to quality. ivavat stores me sales since Toesday are 2900 bbls. Spirits Turpentine, (here and to ar rive 1, at 46 a 47 cents, cash, to arrive, and 47 a 48, on the spot, (mostly 48), including some at 48, 80 a 60 days, adding interest, and large loU in shipping order at 4 j a 49, cash; 2400 Com mon Bosio, 8195 a 81.97) per 310 lb., mostly delivered by vessel; 2000 Strained and No. 2, 82 a 82 50 per 310 lb., in yard and delivered ; 2900 No. 1, White, and Ettra Pale, 83 a 86 and 86,- ou a s7,Zo per 280 lb., mostly within the latter 'an-e; sod 200 Washington Tar, 81,931. In or- ocr in yard. - , , -, .. 'Ric-With -Increasing receipts tbe market, 60 a 85,25, cash. - BALTIMORE MARKET. July 11th. Flonr Is higher: sales of atreet at 87.25. No wheat is offer d stud "lite corn 86 a 88c. Howard Yellow FOREIGN MARKET. - ytls AngU-lSajo. . LivKBjpooc, Jujy 1st. Cotton closed firm and qniei, without any 'quotable change in prices; sales for three day a' 19.000 bales speculators taking 2 000 and exporters'? 000. .Breaditnffit were dull. Flour closed qoiel; F catcru Caoal 80 Gd a 31t. 6d aoitherd, 81. a " . - .. : - Sis' 6d ; Ohio, 84s 6d. f Wheat "closed qolet and unchanged; red. 8s6d9s fid white. 9s 6d a 10a. Cora closed very dull, and quotation were nominal ; yenowana mixea.sos a 88s 6d ; white, 89a a 40s. The wealber bad been favorable for tbe crops. fro visions were oniet and renerllv unchanged Lard was buoyant, and all qualities bad slightly advanced. - ' .- V - - Sugar was unlet. Rice closed bnoyantand all dualities had aliebtly advanced. Rosin was bea- vv. .... Londow. JUring quotes sngsr auu at a aeenne of tkl a Is. Tea in a large speculative loqntrr. Consols were lower at 921 on account. Tbe money market was active at previous rates. CAPE FEAR HOTEL, ; SMITHVILLB, N. O, WILLIAM WILLSOKrBOPRiBTOR. THE SUBSCRIBER informs tbe public, that he has fitted up his Hotel, at Smithville, N. C. and Is prepared to receive company, and to furn ish his customers with every thing calculated to promote their comfort and convenience. SMITHVILLE la located on a promontory, on the West side of the mouth of Cape Fear Riv er. Tbe Hotel is In ihe southern part and fronts the Ocean in a biffh and healthy position. The inmates will have the advantage of enjoying the refreshing sea-breeze during the beat of summer. and find the place designated a WATERING PLACE Of the first character. Those who are fond of I the amusement of Fishing will find convenient places for that purposo, and fish of varioua kinds, and excellent quality, in greatest plenty. in addition to the resources oi tne surrounding country, the Hotel will be supplied with the best that can be furnished by the Wilmington Market FISH. OYSTERS. CLAMS, and other shel fifh, being close at band, will be always supplied fresh, and served up to suit ihe taste of bia cus I tomers. - - . 161 Cool, airr rooms will be alwavs furnished with clean furniture to which, as well as to all other departments of the Hotel, the strictest attention 7 win be paid, under tne immediate supervision . ol the Proprietor. : OUT Single Month, - - - S43 le 615 12 to 15 2 Per Week, - - - Per Day, - - - - -Families for the Season, per month. 30 to 35 Children nnder 10 yeara of age and Servants half price. vvibLUW niLLSiin, proprietor. Smithville, June 12, 1857. 38-tdtw3t Positively Selling Out, TO CLOSE BUSINESS, the large and well se lected stock of superior Ready-Made Clothing, FOR GENTS AND BOYS' WEAR. French Toke.Seam Shirts, plain and fancy Mar seilles vest bhlrts, the best make. Marin Ganze, Silk and Lisle Thread; Under Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. A va-- . riety of Fancy and Plain Linen . and Cambric Pocket HANDKERCHIEFS,. Stocks, Cravats and Ties, .Collars, -Half Hose. Trunks, Bonnet Boxes. Valises, Carpet Bags, Boots and Shoes, also our large , itsro Staple Dry Goods, 41 Bonnets, Mantillas, Shawls, Ribbons. Laees. dtc. A great variety of House Furnishing Goods too tedious to mention. All the above named Goods will be sold out at low figures. Having made arranst ments (o enter into differ ent business, we arc obliged to close out our itock of Goods as soon as possible. Countrv merchants would do well -to avail themselves of this good opportunity. JV. a. luebalanre of the stock will be removed on the 1st of August into the adjoining Stores on marsci aua p ront stteets. KAHNWEILEtt & BROTHER, Juno 30. et , Im.tw45&2m.w45 PARHAM'S SPRINGS. CLEAVELAND C0UNTV. No. Ca. ; TH E 8oberriber has nurchasrd a beautiful location threft mi es am a half N. W. ofShelbv.N. C where- is one of the BEST WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS ever discovered, and which he has fit tod up withevcrv view to com. ! fort and conveniense.. On a prominent point near by he has nearly completed a large and commodi ous UOrtL, which will be kept eaual to anv North or South, affording Health. Pleasure, or Recreation. The Establishment will be orten to Visitors by the 10th OF JULV next s in the mean lime the "Shelby Hotel'' will afford accomoda tion and conveyance to the SPRING. There are several Springs, all impregnated with mine rals, highly superor for drinking and bathing. Being in neighborhood' to several others, "Pak ham's Spbinos" affords opportunitias as a centre which others csnnot command. Q Terms will be moderate. IV. PARI! AM. Shelby, Ckrveland Co. N. C. 46-52. w. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES ! REMOVAL AND OrEITLirO aitnoukcement! To all who ssw or um sswiso MACptsas. The superb new Marble buiMing of I. M. Blnper It Co. . So". 4S9 Bsoadwat. coassn or Obajto SrstST, . : Will be opened for inspection and the transaction oi business, on Thursdar. Julv 2d. 1857. Cit zens and strangers visiting the City, are respectfully in vited to call and examine the Establishment, nd seethe various styles of the Singer Sewing Ma- cnine in operation. i.m. eiwtiEKiSt Uo., . 453 Broadway,- New York Jul 7. 47-1 in ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. New York, June 29th, 1657. ThepTfWhi are resppct full v informed that the price of Board at this Hotel ha not been advanced, bui is as ii nas oeen. neretorore me bo per diem. TREAD WELL, WHITCOMB A CO. July 7. ' . 5 .. 47 lm. nUR BlackCassfmere Dress flat, is pronounced KJ the "Gem" of the season. Jnst reCefed the sUlncase at the Hat and Can ErrtDorinrn. 34 Mar. etkst. - CHA'S. D. MVEBtt June 0 . . . , lire are constantly receiving choice delicacies r tbe table. We hav now nn h.,i.h.ii V V for the table. . .i iu- , 7 . ii m u.iinvu i &,u. ft oiBCEEni in nunw ii.ti and whole barrels-t Dutch Herrlnr r.nirtri.i'' but; Tongues ; Smoked Beef 5 Underwood's, Crasse i una shwsii ricaiesana sauces, Preserves. Ac. rui Baiu 11 1110 vriginai urocery. UEUKGE MYERS, June 13. if38tw ' No. 1 1 dt 13 Front st. TiRESS HATS of the latest styles combining U elegance with durability, just opened at the Hat and Cap Emporium. April za. CHAS. D. MYERS. HERRINGS. 1 (C BARRELS Prime Herrings, just received 1 VJJ per Brig M.T. Wilder, and for sale b June 25 ADAMS, BRO. & CO. FOR RENT. A HOUSE over the Rail Road, near the Depot, new plank foad corner 3d end Bruns wick streets. Possession given quire of O. dtC, m mediately, ln BRADLEY. 119 tf. uec -is. MEN AND BOYS SUMMER HITS. TO reduce summer stock we are offering our assortment of summer roods, consisting of all the new atvlea of Panama. Levhorn. S Canton braids, CeyloaL, Congress, and Palm-leaf hats, at the very lowest figures. Wholesale buyers, will find this a aure opportu nlty, to aasort their stocks with the moat aalaabla style of goods, at leas than New York prieea. j - ; f ! " K CHAS. D. MYERS. . Hat and Cap Emporium, $4 Market steeet. ' June 25 1B57, No-45. - j ".;-rt.?-'NOTICE. r" THE subscriber would give notice that all ac counts will be ready for presentation on the V I RST OF JULY, and those that would save a eear will please Come forward and settle. jun?a. ..... ui!.uuMa 01 1 fe;tu). empty barrels; nfT PRIME ouallty second hsnd Spirit Bar. JJJ rfl inat rfioA ... K-tor Wikk. Par sale by ADAMS'. BRO. 4 CO. June, 30th. 1857. : NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. GENLYS OEESQN HAT. A New summer style for young men.' Genin baa the pleasure of calling the attentionof foung men to an entire newabrle.tnrtntml. ruxlaliv for tbelr use, and which combines the flexibility v the soft bat. withsll the lightness and ventillatms properties of tbe straw. - The material is felt, of the finest texture t the color a dark fa n or umber t -be crown moderately low, and the brim which is wide enough to tilde the race, without being too wide to be elegant, ; has a leaf like turn oa either side which lspeculiarly graceful. The fabric s lighter than a straw hat, and tho' It gives to the touch as readily as the soft hat, is so elastic that It springs back to its true shape as soon as the pressure Is removed. A shower 'that would spoil the straw hat does no damage to the Oberon, and in point of durability, wl;l compare favorably with any summer style ever lot rod uced in this country.- ... - The Oberon may be termed the connecting link between the roll and silk hat combining ihe mer its of both, without the defects, ' eing sufficiently elegant for drefs purposes. For sale at the Hat and Cap Emporium 34 Market st. CHAS. D. MYERS. June 6. . - A NEAV AND IMPORTANT DISC0F- EBT IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. PATENT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT BRI TAIN, D1PLO.ME de ECOLE derPHAR MACIK PH ARM ACIEN de PARIS, and IM PERIAL COLLEGEof MEDICINE, V1ENNA Sold wholesale and retaiiby Ir. II. A.Barrow, Member of the Imp'l College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be person, ally consulted at bia residence, 157 Prince street, few blocks west of Broadway, N. Y, fiom 11 A. M. till 2 P. M., and from 4 till 8 P. M. (Sundays eacepted, unless by appointment.) Triesemar No. I", Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermiorrhoeo, ard all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long resi dence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now In the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood and whatever may be the cause or die -qualifications for for marriage, they are effectually subdued. .... Triesemar No. 2, Completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorhiea, both in lis mild and aggravated lorms, Gleets, Stiiciures, Irritation of tne Bladder, Non retention of Urine, Pains of the Loins and Kid neys, and those disorders for. which Copaivi and Cubebs have ao long been thought an antidote. Triesemar No. 3, Is the great Continental Remedy for Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. It also constitutes a cer tain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all impurities from the vital stream, so as altoget her to eradicate the vires of disease, and expel it by Insensible perspiration through tire medium of the pores of the skin and urine. It is a never failing remedy for that class of dis orders which English Physicians treat with Mer cury, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Saraaparilla in tbe world cannot remove. TRIESEMAR No. 1, 2, and 3, are prepared in ihefoim of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in separate doses asadminister ed by Valpeau, Lalleman, Roux, Ricord, &c, die. Prices S3 each, or four cases in one foi 9, which saves S3, and In $27 cases, whereby there is a sav ing of 39. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Office of England, the Seals of the Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case, imitations are liable to the severest penalties of the Law. Special arrangements enable Dr. B a show to for ward Immediately, on receiving a remittance, the 9 and larger size cases of Triesemar Face or cabbiagk, to any part of the world, securely pack ed and properly addressed, thus insuring genuine European preparations and protecting the public irom spunous and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M. and fiom 4 till 8 in the evening. 157 Princess Street, n few blocks west of Broadway. April 28, 1857. 18 ly. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO rectifers, liquor merchants AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. DR. FEUTCIITWANOER'S flavorings to lrodure at a Momenta Not Ice every desired Ijttmor.- The Undersigned has lately made great Improve ments In this branch of business. The Flavor ings an put up In packages of 5. 10; and 40 Oal- lons, arid acquires dnt the addition of Pure Spirit, eiiner isi ornn prootana Liquors sucn a (Josrnac either dark or pal, Holland and England and Kng lish Gin, Jamaica and St. Croix Hum, Mononea hela, Bourbon, Irish stfd Seotch, Whiskey, Applo. rescn, tnerry and itaspoerry urandf, fortune Madeira Wines will be instint ly produced, It re quires no skill, but an addition of a good spirit, say 50 gallon to each gallon of the respective Flavoring. Tbe best Cognac oil," green, yellow and white warranted genuine, as low as any other importer in tne u. a. , . ' Essences of every Liquor. Extract of Cognac, 1 lb. of which produces 200 gallons of Copnac. Raw Whiskey may by Dr.F.'s age and Body pre- frfiuiiuii ui iiiuuc siiiuoia wiiu pui a inning ex pense. The priceof Flavorings are extremely moderate, ana airecuous in iuu suppnea Dy DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGfER. Ciciinsl and Importer of Drugs, Essential Oils and Meials, Uaguerrentype and I'lwtngmpluc Chemicals, No. 113 Maiden Lane. New York.. N. B. Sole Agent for Godfrey's celebrated Cor- aiat timers and um. April 18. :T 13 6m CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GlNj Ta shown by the Records of the Custom House to X be the only London Cordial Um IMPORTED and sold in bottles, all others are made here in im itation of it. . It is a delicious tonic beverage, and by It's peculiar uavur so ainereni itum viuereinj 11 universally esteemed bv all who use iu It is adopted with great success in eases of DvsFCPsia.GoOT.RnavM- ATISST, UaOPSTliBAVKL, (JOLIO, UHOLBBA, Ketbh and Astra, AraiCTUsa, LiisASBs or thb U bin art OBOAKS, KpILBPST, FBMALB latsOCtABITBlS dlC. Dr. Valbstinb Mott of New York, in a letter to tne proprietor, says: Charles' London Cordial (tin, is' the purest, best, ana man reliable n,xiraci of jumper i nave teen. CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN is sold by all Druggists and Grocers In the United Stales, and so also aie numerous poisons catted "London Cordial Gin" to avoid them buy only "CHAR- ir.o .' Reject any otner ottered to you as you value your health," Price one dollar for quarts, fifty cents for pints.- ... , . E0MUN17 C. CHARLES. Sole Importer, 40 Broadway, N. Y. April 29. 18 3m. THE BEST and largest assortment of Men's and Boys Straw Goods' in the State, embra cing ail rite new Varreite?,'iocl udirig the Congress, Ceylon, Maracabo, Santa. Martha, Curacoe, HiaJ watha, Young America, Uncle Sam, Ac dtc. at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 94 Market street. -May 23. m CHAS. D. M YERS. THE ANNALSO'F SOUTHERN METII0&ISxf. For "AO admirable aonuaLn AT. O. Advocate. "A vast amount of valuable Infonmation. Texam Advocate. "A very complete and useful repoitory of in : formation." Quarterly tteviewt "Every Methodist In the South should pro - eure tt." If. C. Advocate. 31856 "There can be no sort of doubt about the suc cess of this book." Utrmc Circle. Will get more out of it than the worth of ? - one dollar." JV. O. Advocate. 'Cheap at five timet the coat." Home Circle. We bad not expected to find It ao deeply In teracting." Tesat Advocate. 'It must have coet great labor." Soutkem ' MetkadUt Quarterly. How can we, after this, do without it f" and 1856w Large 13 - mo. "The plan and ezeeotion of It we highly con . mono." o- ja. iuartcrlu. arB wUl-hTean-nonneaS elrcalatlon. ' " : Home Circle bound aad lettered. Single copies, hf map-, prepaid. 3?" To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 doaetr or more, su per cent, cuacount. ' - may - be , ordered from Stevenson & Owen, Nashville ; W. P. Grif fith, Norfolk, Virginia. ; J. W. Piatt, Wilmington, N. C; K H. Myers, Charleston, S. C, or H. D. McGiunis, New Orleans. tJT" For single copies and special agencies, address the editor. ,. . CHARLES. F. DEEMS. - May U. ; (25tw) Wilmington, N. C TAX LIST. : THE subscriber hay 10s been appointed at the last larm of tbe Countv Court of New Hano ver county, to receive Tax Liata la the Town of Wilmington, will be found at the Court Hajuse from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M-, during the last tventy WOrkine daVS Of JalI hainr lh lim nrMirihJ by law, for giving in. such lists. - Wv-1' . - - VV.,f. J. r AIVIV. NEV YORK ADVERTISEMENTS.. 4 KEROSENE ! OILS, i DISTILLED FROM COAL. (hot explosive.) J TfaEdirTeront gTsdes of these Celebra'fed oils, -L suitable for Machinerv sf ail kinds. Binnacle and Family use, can be hid of the undersigned, al so of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in tbe City of New York, and ef the authorized L.ocal Agent ofthe Company in this place. - AUSTENS,. - General Agents, Kerosene Oil Co., No 60 Beave, Street, N. Y. JT Local agencies granted on application aa boVe. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which tbe oil is watcd. JuneS, 1857. . , tw34:!y GREAT AND UNUSUAL INDUCE MENTS i '-. - TWENTY-FIVE PER C-NT. DISCOUNT in first class engrsvings will be made until further notice on , ALL CASH fOBCHASBS Of ' Iookiiig-Ola e. Picture Frame, Engravings,' Ar lit Material, &e., &c WHICH WILL BS SOLO iJrbEFXNDXNTLY Of THE DE- necrtoit at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES, and the privilege of selecting said deduction from an im mense Stock and great variety of FIRM ElfSBAVINSS, GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. In our LOOKING-GLASS DEPARTMENT may be had every variety of Pier. Wall and Mantle Mibbobs.Pobtrait and Picture Fa ames, Cobiiices, Bases, dtcn of our own exclusive man ufacture, from choice and original desgins, not elsewhere to be obtained, and of superior quality In our FINK ART DEPARTMENT will be found first class impressions of all the finest Euro pean Engravings, with-a general assortment of all desirable publications. In our ARTISTS MATERIAL DEPART MENT, will be, found (of superior quality only) every requisite for the Artist, Amateur; or Pupil. 'l ne usual discount to the t rade and Schools. Orders-fry letter carefally filled and -packed -with the utmost care. . , To the economist, and all desirous of obtaining superior quality ar tic lee. at moderate prices, the shove presents unusual advflntagea. WILLIAMS, STEVENSi WILLIAMS & CO., 353 Broadway, New York. April 14.. 12 -3m. IPhalon's CtlbMlCAIi llAlR IN VIGORATOR. The most Complete article or the kind ever before ofierett 10 the public. It has stood the test of twen- ty years in this country, and not t one of the many hundreds of imiia- tiona have been able to compete with it for preserving, dressing, ana beautifying the Hair, and keeoinc the head clear from dandruff f-c. It is inestimable; in short, It is every thing the Hair requires. Price 50 cs.andSt pr bottle Phalon'a PAPHIAN LOTION, Oa, Flobal Bcautifieb. A great Cosmetic for beautify in the Skin and Complexion, and for .curing Chapped Hands, also for the Teeth & Breath, Face, Lips, Tan, Sntfbirrn, Freckles, Pimples, Scalds Btfrns dec. A sure and safe cure for the Piles, one washing will give instant relief. After ehavinelt is vern soo thine to the skin. It keens the hands soft and white, and for inflammation of the skin, it will be found to be a great remedy.- l'ricc 50 cents and SI per bottle. Phalon'a MAGIC HAIR DVB; One of the very best Natural Dye in the world. Its long use has proved it to be beyond comparison i and, being a vegetable produc tion injury can possibly be done to the skin. It is ensily applied, and voo can obtain a black or brown which will defy the beM judges to tell itfr m nature itself Price St and 91 60 per box. Made and sold by E. riiALun,!!!;)! ii rona way, corner 01 uey street, and 617 Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y. and all Druggista and fancv eteras throughout ih eTJoi ted States. . . March 3. 14f5mi 'COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR. AN Infallible destroyer of Rats, Mice, Ants, Ground Mice, Moles, dec., dec., f-c. (Not danger ous to the human family.) Rats do not die in their holes, buf. come out and die. -Put up in 20c, 35c, 65c, 1, S2, S3 and $5 Boxes. " COSTA RS" BED BUG EXTERMINATOR. Never known to fail and used every dav bv thousands in New York snd elsewhere. Put up in 25c, 50c, 75c, SI, tl.50, 2.50an'dSI.C0 . BoUes. . t . " COSTA R'S. ELECTRIC POWDER. For the destruction of Moths, Mueqiiltoes, Files, Fleas,"Phtnt Insects, Vermin on Fowls and Animars, &c. die. , Put up in 2oc. and 50c Boxes.. Sold Whelesale and Retail at "Costar's" Prin cipal Depof; 388 Broadway, New York, and by the principal Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, the Canadas, West Indies, Califor nia and South America. Orders must always be accompanied by the casn. , No goods sent on commission. . bmall Sample Packasresout uoat the low est wholesale prfces for first orders fri new places, with Cards, Show Bills.. Posters. &c. ("Packages expressly put up for Ships, Steam- Doata, noteis, f ubiic lustltutlons. etc. rrf ull particurara to Wholesale Dealera scales of orlces. dee., arc., wfll be nromDllv mailed on appiicairon. Aad esw . .. , . - ".uustar," No. 383 Broadway, N.y, lay 19. , 27-2m 2,500 VALUABL MORE MEN - WANTED AS AGENTS to circulate raDid sellinr. VALUABLE FAMILY WORKS, which attract by their low prices, interesting contents, and super bly colored places. For circulars', with particulars. appiy, it you ne Kast, to HEfttY HUWK, pro. 102 Nassau St., N. Y If West, to the same. No. 11. Mstn it., Cmcronativ April 23C- I83m. RECEIVER BY EtPRE. C6NGRESS; -Ceylon t' .. Oberon Ventilated," and Fillmore' Hats, at the HAT & CAP EMPORIUM. May2f. 28 atJiiY tat. . HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. ALL ACCOUNTS made previous to this date, are now due and made out for settlement, oar- ties indebted will pleas talre notice. . . . - ;JiiAS. W.MYERS, July 2nd. BV - i 34 Market Street. GREAT INDUCEUENTS. FIJE SUPERIOR READY-MADE EaHnweilef & Brother WILL, from thia day, sell off their entire stock of Fine dothm? aud FernisMnir Ooodn. for Cash, at such prices aa will astonish tbe buyer in order to reduce oar enure stock, aa we have made arrangemoata to enter into a different busi ness. :. We nave on hand good Assortment oi BUSINESS SUITS. Cloth, Dreaa and FrecJC Coata Law Pt-Ieea. at red aeed prices; Alpaca aad Marseilles Costs, at anpreeedeetly low prieea: one thousand Vests, all kinds, at low figure. Gentlemen going n n, oath. East or West, would do well toealLoa Kahaweiler and Brother's Merchant Tailoring Establishment, where "yon can find tbe finest, beat and cheapest fit. out to be foond in the city. ; 55. , r-.t . N. B. The balance of our Stock en hand will be removed oa the IsfAngaet into- the adjoining oiorcs on marsei ana e rout oirsets,. wnere we will sell until all la sold). Jflae 30, 1957, - (njw4SA2ai.w4S ... .m IAR-FAMID AID POPULAR Maryland XotCeries FOR JULY, 1857. K FRANCE CO, Managers. ALL PRiZaSCHEMRJ ! GRAND CONSOLIDATED LiOTTEKT OF MaEVLAND, . - ' " Classic : To be drawn Saturday, July 25th, ' ' la Baltimotkj MarytancL Drawingt conddtled under tkr. superintendence of ihe State Lottery Commissioner. All Prize scheme. &Each and EVERY TICKET In this Lottery WILL BR A PRIZE, for all those tickets withont a drawn number, are each entitled to FIVE dollars gross! M t 78 Numbers 12 DrawH Ballots, 1 Prize of 62.620 62,620 2 12.600 25,000 2 10.000 - 20.000 2 8 0C0 16.000 2 . 6.000 12 000 6 6.000 25 000 10 2.600 26.000 196 . 400 78.400 68 200 , 13 200 66 100 6X00 66 90 6.940 66 e;o . S.0 4.092 . 4d 163.630 26.740 20 514 8(4 45.760 0 . 228.800 76 076 pfiies," AMOUNTING TO Sl.202.000. Wholes $20 5 Halves S10 ; Quar. S5 ; Eighths 82.E0 Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, cost S256 60 do. do. .26 Halves. 129 25 do. do. 26 Quarters," 64 12 do. do. 26 Eighths, 1 32 06 HAVAMPLAiY. Grand Consolidated Lottery .ef Maryland. Extra Class 7. To be drawn in Baltimore, Md.t Friday, July 31st, 1857. SPLENDID Capital Prizes. SCHEME. Approx. Prizes. 1 prize of .... . 1 prize of . . . 1 prize of . . . . . 1 prise of . . j . . . t?2.660 . 10.000 . 6.000 , 4.000 J 4.000 3.000 I 3.000 2.500 ? a.500 J 2 QOfJ -1.750 . 1.500 . I.V50 . 750 . 600 . 400 . 300 . . 4 of S100 . 4 of 300 . 4 of ; . S of . . 80 . . fcof . . 6 of . . 8 of . .8 of , . 8 of .80 of . 80 of 160 of 412 of 230 200 150 I prize ot 1 prize of . . 1 prize of . . 1 prize of . . 1 prize of . 2 prices of. . - 2 prizes of. , 2, prizes of.:-, 2 prizes of. 20 prizes of. . 20 prizes of . 40 prizes of . 103 prizes of . 100 90 80 70 60 50 4G 30 2J 1.000 prizes amounting to . . . . . S1S3.6C0 . Wholo. Tickets $10 ; Halves Si ; Quarters $2.50. o "Please address all orders for Tickets in the above Magnilicent Schemes, to T. H. HUBBARD & Co.. No. 39 Fayette Street, or Bos No. 40, Baltimore, Maryland. AFFLICTED HEAD .' ! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. Estahliiihed Iwnntv.ttvn w . d anA k Tm SINK ELI N, corner of Third and Union streets," fniiaaeipnia, fa; TWENTT-TWO YEARS' r.apcnence naa reiraerer ut.K.imoi snk- cessful practitioner fo the cure of all diseases ol a private nature ; manhood's debt." ty; aa an im pediment to marriage; nervoua and sexual in firmities, diseases "f the skin, and those arising itum loun 01 mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. - There is an evil habit sometimes inrfnlorrl In h boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to mannooa ana wnicnn not reformed in one rime, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, but gives rise to tt aeries of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice sre aware of the consequences, until they find the rtervons system shattered, feel strange and nnarcouqiaote sensations, ana vague lears in the mind. (See pages, 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K's book on "Self Preservation."; . Theurfortuffate tbirs affected bceomea feeble, is unable to labor with accustorned vigor, or to ap ply mamma tostuay: nis step is tardy and weak; ne 1a oun, irresolute, ana engages even in his sports with less energy than usual., - 1 . , If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, and enter matrimony, hia marriage ib uDiruiuui, ana nis sense lens mm mat tma is caused by hia early follies.' Theteare considera tion 1 which should awaken tin attention of all who are similarly suuauu. , . REMEMBER1. He who place's hfrnsef under Dr. ifinkclin treatment, may religiously confide in his' honor as a gentleman,' and rely upon the assurance, that tne secrets ot ur.a.'i patterns win never be die closed. , , - . - , " ' Voung ma'n le. fto rafde rriddesty deter you from making yoiir Case known to. one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend you. . Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. corner of Third end Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can have (by stating their case explicitly," to gether with all their symptoms, per letter, enclos ing a remittance) D r. K.'s medicine, appropriated accoraingiy. , Forwarded to anv rVaft of the UnitVjl 5?i.Vr mH packed secure from damage or cariosity, by Mail or bxpress. . READ YOUTH AND MANHOOD I A Vigorous Life or a Premature Death, Kinkelin - on sseir-rretervalion isnjy 25 Vents. Letters containing that value in stamps, will eusure a copy, per return 01 man. GRATIS I GRATIS 11 GRATIS fir A Free GI FT To All. .. MISERY" RELIEVED. "Nature's Guide," a n?w and popular Work, full of valuable advice and impressive warning, alike' calculated .to' preterit years of misery, and Btre thousands of. lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to any Post Office la the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage fttampa. . June 19. 'i. l-ly-w&t A SPLENDID article of Drab Beaver Hats for summer dress wear, fine and handsome, at the Hat and Cap Emporium. May 19. v CHAS. D. MVERS. JUST RECEIVED Bt 6. R FRENCH, AFRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nxw Dbkss. To be sure that on get the genuine Med cine.inquire for the New Dress with two fine en graved sieel labels on each bottle. April 19. ' ' IS-tf. WINTER HATS AND CAPS. rym A FULL AND VARIED AS- " """ (T sortmentof ail the different styles j f si! sof Dress and Business Hata andS . 1 Cape now open, compriting ILK, TVB. AND WOOL' HATS, CLOTH, PLTSH AKL SILK GLAZED CAPS, IXFAISTS HATS AND r CATS, MISSES BEAVER. AND FELT FI.AT3, BOT8 ASD TOCTHS SOFT HATS-AND CAPS, UMBREL LAS, CANES, BELTS, fcC, sc.- fcc. ; Which we offer at wholesale or retail, st the very lowest prices, CR HTERS, . 34 Market street, two doors below Scott & Bald win's. . .92 ; NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form ef Passes, containing sanitary pro vIsloBa.apprevedbe thb ContmiasioBjere.an a number of others interested in tbe welfare of our colored population. a just issued st the office ot PORTE H0NNAIES & CABAS. I , WE are now receiving.au invoice of Ladies snd Geatiemea'a See Pearl Port moBBaies and Cabas; also, Satehelsi Bats i Bill' book ad Segar Cases, at Broadway Variety Store, No. 44. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES V THE E20ST BRILLIANT SCHEME ETER DRAWN, CAPITAL PRIZE - Pickets only io ! ' Owing to the great favor with which our Sin gle N amber Lotteries have been received by the publie, and the large demand for Tickets, the Managers, S. Swabx &. Co-, will have a draw ing eaeh Saturday throughout. the year. The fol lowing Scheme will be drawn in each of their Lot teries for July, 1857. v class 43,- ' : To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, is public, on SATURDAY, JULY 4tb. 1857. CLASS 44. To be drawn in tbe City of Atlanta, Georgia, in pnblic, on . SATURDAY, JULY J lib, 1857. CLASS 4f. To be drawn id the City of Atlanta, Georgia, ih . pnblic, on ? SATURDAY, JULY lgth, 1857. , tlASS 46 ': To be driwh Ih the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in - ptiblic, rth i SATURDAY, JULY 25th, 1857. ON THB PLAN OFSINGLE NUMBERS. THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND , THIRTF PRIZES I NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY MNE TICK ETS! MAGNIFICENT" SCHEME ! 5 " TO BS DRAWS' -I'--" EACH SATURDAY IN JULY f i Prise of 860,000 20,000 10,000 5.000 6,000 1 1 1 1.000. 1,000 1,000 500 300 100 50 7 45 Prizes of 100 " " 2,500 2.500 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of S200 appro'to S60,000 prize are 800 4 175 20,000 700 4 8 8 12 23 100 80 50 30 25 20 are 10,000 6,000 2,500 1,000 500 400 640 400 360 700 3000 60,000 3.330 prizes amountinfir to 9204 000 Whole Tickets, a it) Halves; 85- Quarters, 9Zt f L.A Of THIS LUITEKl. The Numbers fron 1 to 30,000, corresponding witn inose n umDcrs on tbe t icKets printed on separate slips .of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 262 Prizes, simt'arly printed and en circled are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, snd at the !ame time a Prise is drawn from the other wheel The Number and Prise drawn out are opened and exhibited to' the audienCc, and registered by the Commissioners' ; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES- The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 17 Prizes will be entitled to the 68 Approximation Prizes. For example : if Ticket No. 11250 draws the 460,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 1 1243, 11, 49, II,- 251. 1 1.252. will each be entitled to 4225. If Tick et No 660 draws the 420,000 Prize, thore Tickets numbered 543, 649, 651, 552, will each be entitled to 420C and so on according to the above scheme, The 3.000 Prizes of 420 will be determined by the laat figure of tbe Number that draws tbe 460,000 prize. Kor example, if the number drawing tne 460,000 Prize eada with No. 1, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to 420. If the Number erfds .with No. 2. then all the Tickets where the Ncmber ends in 2 will be entitled to 420. and so on to 0. " Certificates qf Paxkages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : Cerrificateof Package of 10 W hole Tickets. 430 10 Half - 40 " ; 10 Quarter " 20 w , " . 10 Kighih " 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFIC ATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tic kets ordered, oo rece.pt ot which they will be lor- wsraea oy nrst mail. Purchasers can nave tickets ending le an v fia-OTe thet ma designate. ' Tbe L4t f Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to Durchasersimmediatelv after the drawing. 1 Purchasers will please write their signatures piain. ana give tneir Postumce, uounty and state. tjtt' Remember that every Prize is drawn, and payaDie in tun without deduction, Ty A 11 V rites of 4000. and udder paid immedi ately after the drawing other prices 1 the usual time ot tnirty days. . . All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN & CO., t - . , . " Atlanta. Oa, tSf" A list of the numbers (hat are drawn fro n the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after, every drawine, in the following -papers New Orleans JJdla.,BlQbie Hegis!er .Ubarieston Standard,! a all ville Gazette, Atlanta JnieUurtncer, New York Weekly Day Book and Savannah Morning Herts. Richmond Dispatch, and New York Dispatch. June Z5 IS57. FOR SALE. A House and Lot, on SiJfh street, north of, and nearly adjoining the rail road a very desirable location, at a very moderate price.. . , . . i. : t he uonsa is large and wen manned, but unnn- shed has been put into my hands to meet onjemer- gency a haaty purchaser is wanted. March 3. r. w. KAWiNiixu. : REMOVAL; ; I HAVE REMOVED MY RESIDENCE ANJ OFFICE to Front Street, next North of P. K. Dickinson. Ei ir., to the house formerly occupied by Mr. A. A. Wanet, where I can bei jund when not professionally ' etgaged.' ' ' WM. tS. r ttfc.b.MAiN, ol.U. Feb. 23. . ; - . 146. PINE. APPLfc CfiEfiSEJ. I JUST received a No. 1 article of the above. No. 40. . W. H. DaNEALE. ORANGES ORANGES. 75 Boxes' of Sweet Mesina Orangea in perfect order. Now landing per Schr. John A. Stanly, wholesale and retail at the Broadway Var ety Store, No. 40. April 18. ; WM. H:DtNEALE. STRAW AND LIGHT SUMMER HATS OF every description for Men and Boy's wear, a large vaiiety of new. style m T be found among our s toe It at tbe Hat and Cap Emporium; s marKet streer CPIiS. D. MYERS. . 27. May 19. THELa1est style of Gent.'s Summer Hsts is the CONGRESS HAT. itrsf introduced bv Genin. Sample Case received this morning bX Express, at the Hat and Cue Emporium. 34 Mar ket street, - - CHAS. D. MVERS. way is..,-, . , .. LEMONS AND ORANGES. - A LARGE lot, in prime order, jost received at the Broadway Variety Store, No. 40 Market atreeu WM. H. DaNEALE. June 16. ; e - 39 PREPARATORV Goods, we offer to going North for Fal our Entire assortment oi ueata. Youths and Cbildrcns Straw Goods at thf very unrest casn prwes. : Hat and Cap Emporium Julv 7. 34 Market street. HAY, .to. - ; fifi BLES HAY; - ' UVJ 25,000 Lathe: 6 Fir ma Bs'ter. Jut re ceived per Brig Triumph, and for sale by juiv i. - a ufls, utuj, a. utr. TAILORINCF BSTA BL ISHMENT. THE SUBSCRIBER would most respectfully Inform the citizens' of Wilroineten. and the surrounding country, that he has opened a TAI LUKimu ESTABLISHMENT in tbe DeRosset BuMdmg; corner of Market aaef Second streets. opposfte the Carolina Hotel. Bm would be nleas- ed to have a call from all wiehing any thing done N. B.-CteahinandRerjaTriB? of Gentlemen's Clothing steady (tone, at t-hort notice and oa mod erate terms. , T.JAMES. July 7. 4Mb ROYJL HiVMA LOTTERY, The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery eondnctt-d by the Spanish Government, un der the supervision of the Captain General of Cu' ba, will take place at Havana en .. TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1857, SORTEO NUMERO 34 ORDINARIO. CArrriL prize $100,000 ! i ! pnzeof 31l)0,CC0 I 4 prizes of 32,00 it .50,000 : 1 1.000 (C. .i it E0.000 52 ' " 50O 10,000 - fi,000 143 " 400 20 Apr'xm's, 8,S0O 4 uppf.yilinctirtns to the 9100,000 of 600 each ; 4 of 400 to 50,000.s 4 of SlOO to 430,000; 4 of 4403 :o J 10,000 1 4 of 400 to 45.OC0. - Whole Tickets, 420,- Halves, IB; tiaarters5.00. Prizes Cashed ct sight at 6 percent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken ai par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon aa the re sult become known. . Communications addremea to.uuxx iiuuui GUEZ,(eare of City Post, Charleston, C.) un til the 7th of July will be attended to June 28. . 25 WITNESSES ; OR, THE FORGER CONVICTED. JOHNS. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, Who has had 10 years experience as a Bank er and Publisher, and A othor of I3t &3 ff A series of Lectures at the Broad-may Tabernacle. . . rt i . . . l . rf - wneo, lor iu ipccwiire nigrum, over y Greeted him with rounds of applause, while S he exhibited the manner in which Countetfeit 2 ers execute their Frauds, and the surest ' - and shortest means of detecting them. The Bank Note Engravers all saw Hat he is Ihe . 52 greatest Judge of Paper Mtmev living. 5 -GREATEST DISCOVERY of THE PRE-" S VJSKNT CENTURY FOR - - 2 DETECTING COUSTEBFfilT BISK SOTES Describing every genuine Bill in existence and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit . in circulation If Arranged so admirably that reference is cafy, and DKTECTION instantaneous. Na index to examine ! No pages to hunt up ! But so simplified and arranged, that the Mer chant, Bankerand ueintss Man can see all at a Glance, C3 English, French and German. Thus each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published, Also List of All the Private Bankers In America. 4. Complete Summary of the FiAnci or Ecbopu & Amebica will be published in each edition, together, with all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES OF TALES. From an Old Manuscript found in the East, it furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL MPE describing the Most P-rplexing Positions in 'which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and. will profe the Most Entertaining, everoflered to the Public. jT Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at 41 a year. All letters mnet be addressed to JOHN . DYE, Broker, . Publisher, and Proprietdr, 70 Wall St., N. Y April 14. as O CORN AND FLO til. QQrnBUSHELS prime white Corn now OdwU landing in front of our office; also 200 Bbls. oi fresh ground Family dc Superfine Flour. STOKLEY & OLDHAM. GENTS STRAW HATS. Santa Martha, Lut on. Senett and Canton Braid; Panama, Lee- horn, Hiawatha, Ceylon, Congress dec. A full as sortment of these snd other styles at the Hat and Cap Emporium, Si Alafket st. t j , 5 CHAS. D. MYERS. J unco: . ' , . ' ' : A MEDICAL REVOLUTION I THE WORLD UNANIMOUS! no LL0 WAY'S OINTMENT. THE -GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT ! The. virus of disease often mates its wav to the internal or sans throusb the Dorcs of trie skin. Thia penetfatfrrs Ofntrrtent. meltinc under the hand as It is rubbed in, is absorded through the same channels, and, reaching the seat of infiam mafion, promptly and invariablv subdnesit. wheth er located io the kidneys, the liVef tire lungs, or any other important organ. . It penetrates Ihe sar- v c to the interior, through the countless tubes f comtnonicate with the ekiri as summer rain passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cool and regenerating influence. SKIN DISEASES AND GLANDULAR SWELL INGS. , " ." ... -EVerv species of exterior irritation is enfebtvre- daced by the anti-inflammatory action of this Oint ment. .Angry fcacrTiovs. such as SaltRhcbx. Ebvsipelas. Tarrca. RiKowooax. Sctfi Hcid. Nbttlb Raib, Scabi.es (or Itch) f-c.,die out, to return no more, under Its application. Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves Its in fallibiltv in diseases of the skin the muscles, the joints and the glands. " ULvCKb, BUKfcS, AMJ TUMORS. , The effect of this unrivaled external remed v niton Scrofula. and other virulent ulcers and sores, is al most miraculous. It first discharges the poison which- produces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures which its healing properties after ward complete are safe es well ss permanent. " nuuaua, UKUistss.-BtiKiiis, asd SCALDS. In cases of the fracture of the bone. Injuries caused by steam explosions, Bbuisks, Bubks, Scalds. Rhscmatiem. Surrxzss or thb Joists. and contraction of the sinews, it isemploved and warmly recommended bvtbefacnl y. This marvel ous remedy has been introduced by its inventor in person into sii tne leading Hospitals ot fcnrope, and no private household should be without ft. The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed their approval ofHollowaf'a Ointment, as the most re liable dressing for sabre cuts, and gun-shot wounds. It H ahro used bf the aorgeona of the Allied Navies. Both Ointment and Pills should be used in the fol' taxing cases i Bunions, Bhcamatism, Burns. Ringworm. Sore Throats, Sore of all kinds, Sprains, . Stiff Joints, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum, ChUblains, Scalds, Fistula. Skih Diseases.' Gout, . : . Swelled Glands, Ulcers. Lumbago, . Sore Legs, . Venereal Sores, Mercurial Ernp-Sore Breasts, . Woundsofali tloua, Sort Heads,' kinds. Pilea, . j. J :: , ' Sold a"t iheManufitcf oriea of Professor Hol lo w at, KO, Maiden Lsne, New York, and 244 Strand, London, by ail respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Satea and the civilized worldn pots, at 23 eta it, 2 ets.. anaaieaca. J- There is a considerable saving by taking the rarrer sizes. : , -r ' N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. p.tu riua i none are gennine unless tne words Holhtcay. Sew York and London." are diseernable asm vater-mark in every leaf of the book oi direction around each pot or box; tbe same maybe plainly seen by holding 0i ten," to t Sght. A Band some reward will be given m lny eoe rendering such, infermatiea as may lead Dsrt he detection of aav psrtv or nariies counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, know ing thea o b spurious. ., , , f Ueeember 6, 1666. v irt .112 Iy. - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. THE tubscrlber havin?. at the last Term ef the Coumv Court of Brunswlrk Coantv. quaUfied as Executor of the Will of the late Miles Potter, notice is hereby given to all person in debted le bis estate to make immediate Barmen end to those having claims against sbe rasne to present tnera witrtio ihe time prescribe oy taw, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. , t". w. run lilt, r.xeeror. June 26. - rwj

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