, i : & ' t V m . j - 1 f N I ,1 1 1 1 ';f V 1 i ( ! J i Li . wetsa'i VOLUME XII NUMBER 54- WILMINGTONi N: C:; THURSDAY MORNING, JULY, 23, 1857. 'i'. WHOLE NUMBER U53 1 - ,-''- '1 - - .. V, J . .- - - - . I w - I ' .' , " - - I-VCJKLV C0:J'IERCIAL ...J every Tusda, Thvbcdat and at ti pr annum, payabla inalloaaea t kavao.ee. ; ' - . .y -T TilOS. LOIUNa EoifoaandPaoaiToa Corner front aud Market Streeta,; ' WlLMliraTOK. fc. c. o, .v. . RATES Ol ADrEnTlSI!HG., $400 : 00 8 60 qr. llaaeriioa tv 60 1 aqr. 2 montha. 2 3 " 75 I 3 ii 1 1 1 00 I I 6 1 month. 2 60 II 12 12 60 Ten line, or leta make a aquarel If an adver- n - -""al exceeda ten Unea, the pilce will bo In rri"i".,&i.. - .r. n.v.Ki... .hin,. f i- risjertion. en tho r ast liberal torma. - - ? . .. - t'o ttinsfor of contract! for yearly adrertlains t wi ' 1 i permittel. Should circu.nataocea render ia buins, or an aaaapectad removal necebrf , a ch-;3 -acaordin to tho aMlsh? lerma will be at die option of the contractor, Jtor the time he haa advertiaed. " The DrWi.eze of Annual Advertlaors is at r!c,l fimited to their own immediate busineaai and uuani advertiaementa for the benefit of other peraona, as well aa all advertiaementa notlmmediatelf con nected with their own busineaa,and allexceaaof advertisement in length or otherwise beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the naual ratea. No Advertiaementa ia included in the contract ' for the aale or rent of houaea or landa in town or country, or for the aale or hire of negroes, wheth er the property ia owned by the advartlaer or by other peraona. Theae are excluded by the term "immediate butineti." All advertisement! Inserted In the tri-weekly Commercial, are entitled to one ieaertlon in the M'eekbj free of charge. - " JOB, CARD AND FANCY PRINTING. EXECUTED I IT SUPERIOR STYLE. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL.. Naw Yosr Messrs. Dollhcb & Pottii. I!ostn CHAaLis Smith, No. 6, Central Wharf, j S Philadelphia B. K. (JOHIW. s Baltimore Wm. H.PaAaaand Vx. TMoaraon. MISCELLANY, THE ZIURDER OF HISS MCCREA. The murder of Jaue, McCrea . has been a theme which eloquence and sen sibility havealike contributed to digni fy, and which has' kindled in many a breast the emotions of a responsive sympathy. Gen. Gates's descrintion. in his letter to Bursovne altboiieh more ornate than forcible and abounding more in bad taste than simnhcitv or Dathos. was suited to the feelings of the moment, and product'! a lively impression in every part oH America; and the glow ing language of Burke, in one of his most celebrated speeches in the British Parliament, made the story of Jane McCrea familiar to world. the European I I This yourig lady was the daughter of! a clerevman .who dipd.in New IprcAv 1 hr.fnrP thP R-vnlnfM.: .fW h.r fnl, J ' ' ' " I""" SV AtsVASA- er'sdt ath she sought a home in the house of her Lrother: a respectable cen- tleman residing on the western bank of a w Hudson's River, about four miles below Fort Edward. , Here she formed an in timacy with a young man named Da vid Jones, to whom it was understood she was engaged to be married. When the war broke out, Jones took the side ot the royalists, went to Canada, receiv ed a commission, and was a captain or Lieutenant among the provincials in Durgoyne's army. . , Fort Edward-was situated ou the eastern margin of Hudson's River with in a few yards of the water, and sur- rounaea oya piam 01 considerable ex tent, which was cleared of wood and I cultivated. On the road leading to the north, and near the foot of the hill about one third of a mile from the fort, stood a house occupied by Mrs.-McNeil, a wid ow lady and an acquaintance of Miss T.IcCrea, with whom she was staying as a visitor at the time the American ar my was in that neighborhood. The side of the hill was covered with a growui 01 ousnes, and on its top, a quartefofa mile from the house, stood I a large pine tree, near the root of which gushed out a perennial spring of water, A guard of one hundred men had been left at the fort and a picket under Lieut, Van Vechten was stationed in the woods a little beyond the pine tree; y - Early one morning this picket guard was ai.acked by a party of Indians, rushing through the woods from ; differ ent points at the -same moment, and rendinpr the air with hideous veils. Lieut. Van Vechten and five other were killcd and scalped, and four were woun ded. Samuel guard,' whose Staindish, one 6f the post was near the pine tree, discharged his musket at the first Indian he saw, and ran down the hill towards tne lort: but he had no sooner reached -.: 0 Lai plain, than three Indians I pursued him, cut off his re- I r:.l wcunded him in the foot. 'One , of . thena rpranj 1 poa him, threw him to the ground, piuioned Iiis arms, and then pushed him violently forward up the hill. ' He naturally made as much haste - - 1 as he could, apd a short time they came 10 tns spring, where several Indians! were assembled. , ' . Here Standish was left to himself, at a little distance, from the spring and pine tree, expecting every moment ' to tliare the fate of his comrades whose c-zl;s were conspiciously displayed. A fe w nanutes only had elapsed, when he c iv a rn.a!l party of the ' Indians as crnJ:: -t!.3 I I!!, anl with them Mrs. . -. :.t.J and . .s 1 on foot IT -T vr them bc-th, hi'. ' " ojten been at The party had r Indians,- when e citation among Az:t gestures, - J 11 a furious r-ilyjcmsd ihs cHi: ' r-rceivcd much h:zh words and . - . i..?y cr: "1 zni teat o: -: c:r l7i t r one of the i chiefs "apparently iii a-parox- ypia oi rage, snot miss Mcttfea in the bieast , She instantly fell and expired. Her hair was long and flowing . . The eame chief grasped it in his hand, seiz ed his knife.'aud took off J the scalD in such a manner as to include nearly the whole of the hairi then smineinj? from the ground, he tossed it in the" facer of a young warrior, who stood near him i watching the operation, brandished it in I "le ana Uttered a yell Of savage ex- I UltatlOll. When "this ;was " done the ki ceased: andras'the fort had al- J ready been alarmed, the Indians hur ried away as quickly as possible to Gen. Frasers encamDment on- the road trt rort Anne takinff with them Mrs. Mc - The bodies of th slain wr fin I a no, ... i Lv,?Xrf CTnic ZTV ...,w.,-- ..i.ifJua-j hopn lr nwH nftholr .1ni(,;nn body df Miss McCrea was wounded in nine places, either by a scalping knife or a tomahawk. A messenger was des paicnea to convey me amicting intelli- j . ? o gence to her brother, who arrived soon afterwards, took charge of his sister's remains and had them interred on the east side ot the river about ' three miles below the fort. The body of Lieuten ant Van Vechten was barried at the same time and on the same spot. ' . ' History has preserved the facts bv which we can at this day, ascertain the reason, wny mis Mcorea should re main as she did in so exposed and un protected a situation, She had been re minded of her danger by the people at the fort. , Tradition relates, however, and with seeming truth, that through some, medium of communication she had promised her. lover, probably by his advice, to remain in this place, un til the approach of the British troops should afford her an opportunity, to join him in company with her hostess and friend. It is said, that, when they saw the Indians coming to the house, they were ai.nrst ingntenea, and attempted to escape! but, as the Indians had made signs of pacific intention,; and one of mem neia up a letter -intimating 'that it was to tie opened, tneir lea. s were calm- d and the letter was read. It was irom Jones, and contained a .request tnat tney would put themselves under the charge of the Indians whom he ad se,lt tor the purpose, an : who would guard them m safety - to the British camp. Unfortunately two separate par- ties oflndians, or at least two chiefs actlllff UldeDendentlv of each Other, had united hi this enternrise. r.nmhinintr tvitK ' " ' I 9 " I it an attack on the picket " guard. It is incredible that Jones should have known this part of the arrangement, or he would have foreseen the danger it ! threatened. Whetr the prize was in their hands, the - two' chiefs quarreled about the mode of dividing the reward they were to receive; and according to j me Indian rule ot settling disputes 111 the case of captives, one.of them in a wild fit of passion killed the victim and secured tlie scalp INor is it the least shocking . feature of the transactions, that the savage seemed not aware of the nature of his mission. V Uninformed as to the motive of his employer for ob taining the person of the lady, or not comprehending it, he regarded her in the light ot a prisoner, and supposed the scalp would be acceptable Let it be imagined what were the feelings of tne anxious lover,' waiting with joyful anticipation the arrival of his . intended bride, when this appalling proof of her death was presented to him,' The ii nocenf had suffered by.the hand of cru elty and violence, which he had uncon sciously armed : his most fondly cher ? a. a ished hopes were blasted, , and a sting was planted in nis soul, which time and forgetfulness never could eradicate.- His spirit wasf scathed and his heart broken. . He lived but a few years, a prey to his sad recollections, and "sunk into the grave under the burden of his grief, y' --.,:K-.ry 1 The remembrance of this melancholv tale is still cherished with a lively sym pathy by the people who dwell near the scene of its principal Incidents. The inhabitants of the village of Fort Ed- w,rl hV romnZvA tK . " -" .-u..v. iu itwiuuj of Miss "McCrea from their obscure rest ing place, and deposited them in the public burial-ground. . The ceremony was solemn and impressive. A proces sion of young; men and maidens follow- ed the relics, and wept in silence when the earth was again closed over them, sensibility and of respect for the dead. 1 ne lime iouniam still pours out its clear waters near the brow of the hill, mi 1 . 1 t . .am' -v. I and me venerable pine is vet stand ne - in its ancient majesty, broken at the ton I and Shorn Of its branches bv the winds by the winds and storms of halt a centnry, but rever- ea as .marking the spot where youth and innocence were sacrificed in the tragical death of Jane JtfcCrea. ' - , .FATAL R A ILROAD ACCIDENT. ' , Baitimoee, July 20.- An accident oc curred at Burns' bridg-eT on the s Northern Central railway on , Friday "morning last, which resulted in the instant death of t wo men. . It appears that a man named Burns, who bad been employed on the road for number of years, with another, were on the track with a band-car, and had entered the bridge before they were aware of "the ap-1- proacn ot any train, not knowing that an extra train had been placed on the road.-r-They made no effort to get cl the car iq escspe, but tried to work it to the openin v limn. ins locomotive ranuponi them, and Burns' bead 'was entirely sever ed from h 13 bodjr whL"h w&s ulsur horribly mangled.; The body of the other was very triiieh "mutilated. ' 'it is said tbat the train which preceded the fatal 'one carried a red flag to give notice that another was com' trig. The bodies were buned on the hne of road, by the agent of the company. ' Baltimore Syn. OUTRAGEOUS CONDUCT. - . About half past"-three o'clock oa Satur day afternoon, a party of young memo thw number of forty or fifty stopped at the house of Mr.-James Hogan, on v President street, 4iear x.asiern.avenue,sJKl caiied tor liquor; They were promptly serred; and witnout I ottering payment for wbat they had, asked r,or. wawnwere aiso girca tnera. Tpwrrceu an assjtBK en tB yropejero! t I uuubc, uu .ccim uicw revuiTera . aria threatened to shoot him. The glasses and irnmra wpra hrnten nl1.uh.n th.s hrf . . . - "V . "V destroyed as much as they, pleased, they leit and separated, one portion : going to wards Pratt street, and the other towards Fell's Point.: Some of them wore hih crowned glazed caps, and were, generally very young men. Such outrages are dis graceful and some measure should be adopt-. ed lor incur suppression. - , Id, The Buffalo Advertiser complains' that that city is flooded with Spanish quarter dollars. I be brokers who bought tnem Up in March at 20 or 22 cents, have since paid them out at 25 ; and an 'American quarter j is a rarity In the South there are rive hundred and nny one rice piantauons, wmcn yield an annual revenue of fours millions of dol lars. ... W. L.. PITTS, STOCK, REAL ESTATE AND PRO DUCE BROKERS, . WILMINGTON N. C. Punctual attention given to the purchase and aale of j Keal testate, blocks, and other - Securities bought and sold on Commission. Will attend to galea by" Auction of Keal Ratate of Manufacturing property in any part of the County or si tale or to the aale of Stocks, of Mer chandise in S torts or Furniture in Houses in this town. ' . . v .May ?g. . ..; 6-tf GREAT INDUCEMENTS. FINE SUPERIOR READY-MADE Kahnweilr & Brother 17 ILL. from this day, sell off their entire stock V ot FinaClo.hlng and KurnihlngOooda, for tlin. at auch D rices aa ill iManiih ilia ka ru in order to reduce ouf ehllro mock, we have made arrangemsnta to enter mio a different buel- nesa. We nave on hand a good Assortment of BUSINESS SUITS, cioui, uresaana itock coats iow l'rices. at reduced prices 1 Alpaca and Marseilles Coats. at anprecedently lov pilce j ode thousand Vesta, all kinds, at low naures. GcnHemen going North, Sou ih. Eaat or West, would do well to call no Xnnnweiier and brother a Merchant Tailoring Establishment, where you caa ' una the finest, best and cneapeSt rjL.itit to be found in tne city. -. N. 0. The balance of ouf Stock on handwill be removod on the 1st August into the adjoining Mores on Market and Front streets, where we will sell until all ia soldi June 30, 1857; , lm.iw4SA3m.w45 FOR SALE. A House and Lot. on Sixth street, north of, and nearly adjoining the rail road .very desirable location, at a very moderate price, ., . . . .-. . -- - The llonsa is large Snd well planned, but unfin- ahed has been put into my hands to meet anjerner- gency ahuaty purchaser is wanted. March 3. P, W. FANNING. REMOVAL I HA OF HAVR REMOVEt MV RESIDENCE AND KICK to Front Street, next North of P.K. Dickinson. Es r.,to the house formerly occupied by Mr. A. A. vvanet, where 1 can be l jund when not professionally exeaged. , . Wftl. K. FREEMAN, M. D. Feb. 25. - 146. PINE, APPLE, CHEESE JUST received a No. 1 article of the abate NO. 40. W, H. DiNEALE. t ' . ' ' ORANGES ORANGES. 75 Boxes of Sweet Meslna Oranses in perfect order. - Now landinir Der Schr. John A. Sunly, wholesale and retail at the Broadway Var- April 18. tVM. ft. DaNEALE. STRAW AND LIGHT SUMBIER HATS OP every description for Men and Boy's a large vaiiety of new style mav be : k every description for Men and Boy's wear. a targe vaiiety of new style mav be found ".,.n ." ,OCK " lne "-".nd ap-Km port urn t maraet street ..- uHJSj Vt JUT tills. May 19. . , 27. ryHK Latest style of Grnl.'s Sommcr HtU ia a. the CONGRESS 11 AT, Juat introduced b Gentn. Sample case, received ihla morning bX Express, at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 31 Mar bci wrcei. UMAS-t. At IxStlS. - May 12. - . , . - . LEMONS AND ORANGES. A The roadwaV v. n'. t raet . m ' . ' 7 W1I, II. DsNEALE. June l6. . - 33 - HIV Jtr cnfl B4.LF.S hay t " W Z5'" Lath; 6 Firkina Buter. Just ret kxi iru uer orig Anumpn. and tor sale oy Julv 7. A AMS, BRO. dt CO; TAILORING : ESTABIISHMENT. rplIE SUBSCRIBER would moat respectfully A inform the citizens of Wilmington, and the surroandieg country, that be has opened a TAI LORING ESTABLISHMENT in-ihn Di&atM U Building, roroer of Marker and Second streets. opposite me Carolina noiei. - He would be pleas ed to have a call from all wishing any thing done iB his lino. :.- - - ' v.; N- B. Cleaniasr and Renalrinsr ot Gentlenwn'a Clothing-neatly done, at short notice and oar mod- , vraieierina. . 1 J A Mb.9. July 7. ' ' - 47-lrn-p. JUST RECEIVED RYC.R. FRENCZT. A FRESH supply of PERRY DAVIS' YEGE 1 TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire Nsw faces. J o se sure that you get the geasine Med cine.inquire for the New Dress with two (me en gfraved sretlabels on-each bottle, 'v-. April ly. J3-lf. - 1 GEORGE MYERS, ?' WnOLESHE m EETAJL GR9CES Kep constantly 5H Untf, tftnea, Tea, Itfir rravtaum; n ooa ana n uum rvar, ftultA WiLiMINGTOBr, N.C i Not. 13, 1655. CflAS. D. SIYRS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market $t. ' Panama, leohorm, and ta.h i.ei mmt wicl roa, BILK, AKD MOLEaXIM HATS. ' ' j Cloth, Ptbsa, Av Sum Glazed Cats, by Sm casj or doaen. At New York .WhoioaalesPrieto, march 12. - l63' ADAJIS, BROTHER & CO., : - COMMISSION.MBRCHATJTS; WILlflNGTON, N. C i- . : GROC&RS i ; - -AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Liberal Caah advances made on Klour. Cotton and ravai Htores consigned to tnenu -Aug. to. ty. W. G. MILLIGAN,. it irtm ii if vrrn nrrrr nbn v North" Wf e SfaEET, Wikminotor; No. Ca4 AfonuiMnlix Toombt, Head and Foot Stones, ani nil kinds of MarbU Work furnished to . order on reasonaM terms. -June 6. , 36-ly-c AS. C. MITB. . MILES C08TIK JAS. O. SMITH fc CO., I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET , WILMINQTON, N. C. April 28. 18-1 v , . GEORGE R. FRENCIIt, . ,.; MANUFAOTCREa AND - - WHOLESALE 4- RETAIL DtiALEit IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATIIER AND - - BriUK f liNIJliX Ga NO. 11. M A R K ST STRElBt.; WILMINGTON, N CI Match o. HENRY NUTT. FACTOR km FOVAEDl.K A(EHT, Will give hi pertonal attention to bu$wes entrust ed to hit cart. . j Sept. 8. 1858. 78-ty-e. GEO. W DAVIS; COMMISSION ME RfJn AN T, SOUTH WATER STREET, . Wlt.MlNUTUJM, fl.C. "Jan. 22. 132. , DOLLNfcR. fOttiH. Jr; $, CAMERbEN DOLLNER, POTTER L CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . NI3W YORK. , Apr! 130, 18S5. . 20-ly. HENRY BURIinmER U WHoLKALa& SbtAil TOBACCO, 'SNUFF AND CIGAR S TO SIGN OK THE INDIAN fcHtEF" MARKET STREET - . ne drtor above Water Wllmltifteti, Ni C. Tf. B. AU Order $ filed with despatch. Oct. 28th. l36a ' 93-tdiiv-e. ' APPLES! APPLES !! A FINE lot of nicely and for caie by flavored Apples. 16 Store W. H. DeNRALE. June 1L WILMINGTON & WEL. R. R4 C0 HO! OrriCB orrtii EKotsaea &. SesaiitTkitbaiiT, - ill 1 1 ! 1.1 r , . r . m f niimmgion, ii.v. niarcii i, iod. J "HE rAS&liniUKK. TKAJHS WILL, UN' X TIL further rJotjce, ruh over this road as ftl OW8 t - --- -- '1-- -- . GOING NORTH.- DAILY. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 6 A.M.: arrivea at Qoldsboro'at 9.53- leaves in 5 minute -and arrives at Weldoa a 1 1.30 P. R. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Ifeaves Wllnting- ton aK 30 P. M.: arrivea at Goldaboro' at 3.S0. to supper 20 minutes; arrives at Weldon SI l.UU " GOING SOUTH; DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon ui It M . arrivea at Goldsboro1 3.20 P.M. leaves InSmin- ntea; arrjtes at Wilmington at 7i30 P. M. to sup iMiuti r kaprgss leaves weldon at f.M.t arrives at Goldaboro' at 1.10 A. M. leaves fa 10 minutMi airivea at Wilmington at 5.40 A. M. The Night Express Train connecta ith the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Goldaboro'.'- . ... : -k. '! ' Through Tickets North sold in Wilmington: to Baltimore 512; to Philadelphia S14; to new Yorjt 1S 6C;to Washington, D.C., I1. j 1 lff 11CKAT8 Wttl. HOT BB S OI.0 TO A MEoaqis fastenstert aire voiiKed that an extra chare i ot wentv-wee cent Ul be required of thote una do ' j . . - c -' notpurcliase ticket at etalUms. ' Freight by passenger trains double rate. Lo cal fare, with tickets, abottt 3 cetrta per milei if paid in tne care. : - : ; ' KKKIQHT' RAINS. Two th rough schedule trains between Wilmington and Weldon, each week i leaving alternately on. Mondays and Thursdays and arriving on Tuesdays and Fri days. Foorachedufe trains per weeic tflf Goldabo ro'; leaving W.jliniflton on Tuesdays, Wednes days.' Fridays and Saturdavssnd Goldsboro' on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thar days and Saturdays. making with tlie " through" traine dail rreight train both way a between Wilmington and Goldaboro'; ene Irregular train for way freight. All dues on freight, up or down, parable at Gen eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on receipt or delivery, exclusive of that on the North Caro lina Railroad, vfhich may be pre-paid or not at the Option of the consigner. ' - , S. . KttSMONT. ' April 21. Chief Eng. & Superintendent. WINES ! WINES ! WINES ! ! ! IT IS TRULY SAID that George Myers haa the best Champagne wines ever before offered n thia eity. They need bat a trial Tram, tlu xho have not used them to supercede ail otherhranda. IMPERIAL BRAIN U. a eases, the "ne olna ultra" of air wine from t vineyard of Botche. Fila et Dronet v t - ; Sillery soperieof, - . -- - Heidsics brand qts db pts. .. - Boucbe brand -tji Crown brand. - -" - - ' i r Star brand ' . Also. Braodiea of the very finest mAn:: Pnn Holland Gin, duties paid at Pastom House, Wil mington. N.C Sherry," Port sa4 Madeira rVines. Bare, and every pesaibhyvariety ot. Wines, Li quore. Coidials, Ac, Ac. in wood acl glass. Tacakoa,- Monongahela and Bonrbon Waisltey, witll lot of choice nid Baker Whiskev, the choi cest article ever onerea oetore in thia market- Call and examine, at the Original Family Gro cery, no. 1 1 and 13, Front street. ' - ' 77 April 7. - GEO. MYERS. . BASSETS. -- . ,.. - ... .-. A V navss large lot ol Baskets f various sixes and styles. For ss!e by - , - - Dec. 13. V,II,DKEALE. FOREIGN GOLt) AND SILVBarCOIN . .im. TBsia Valbs- At TBSMIBT, , -- . -J- GOLD COINS. ! . Austria Claadrople ducat .4... . .'.$9 12 0 ' ' Ducat -a. 2 27 5 ; .SovereFgd (lor Lombard 6 85 0 Baden Five. Gulden 2 4Q Bavarian Ducat 2 270 Belgiam--Twenty-franc piece...... 3 S3 2 Twenty-five franc piece. . . . 4 72 0 Bohvia Doubloon ... . i.15 1 BrazilPiece oi 6400 reis.; ; S .".. 8 72 0 Britain Sovereign. 4 84 5 BrUoawusk Ten-rhaJeriij ..i.7 89 0 Central Amerrcao,-..',"i-r'ii.f .,14 -96 0 t Ecaudo J 67 0 s Gold Dollar r. . t , 83 5 Chm Dowfetoott f before 1835); i AS 57 0 - DVibloorr(183o and since).-.. i. -..15 660 Denmark Uouble Fred t 10 Thaler 7 83 0 iScuador liaJUUqblO(3)L. -.i .... 499 France a wwety rane. . , ..'i . 3 S5 0 Greece rwemy drachms........ 3.-450 Har.over--Ten Thaler, George IV; 1 84 0 TenTTjaler WiHiamiV and Ernest, 7 89 0 Hindo8ian-M6fitw, Easf Indisi'Co.-f 7 10 0 Meciaeoburg--Teala!er i-ivA 7 8S 0 f M exico Doubloon, average.. . i ' . 15 53 0 iMetoeriancis isucai., i. . 2 20 5 a en guiwersv. . . . . (iw' . . 4 00 7 New Granada DouWooo, 21 'carat. standard. :..U.;.VC;;.'.15 Doubloon, 21 carat standard. ioclu- ding tlie silver.. . . . . ..15 71 0 .Doubloon. 9 lOths staudard 15 31 Doublooo. 9-l0ihs standard, tnclu-. . ding the silver i.i..:w.w... 15 38 0 Persia 'Vomaun.'. ; . . . . . 2 23 0 Peru- Doubloon, Lima, to 1833..-:. 15 55 0 Doubloon, Cuzteo, to 1833.. 15 62 0 Doubloon, Cuzdo, lb 1837. ....tS, 15 530 fortugai Hall joe (lull weight).,, i 8 65 0 vrOWD ......... ...i.iVi.-. . n....i .5 810 Prussia- -Double Frederick - 8 000 Rome Ten scucli.. :.. 10 37 0 3 96 7 3 84 5 tiuwia x1 iva ruuuics. ............. Sardinia Twenty If ret x . . ia. . . Saxony Ten lhalets. . ... . i. v - lJuCat . w .......,, i -. . i . -. . Spain Pistole (qr. doubloon)!,... Turkey Hundred piastres. ..... Tusca ny Sequin . . . . .. ........ . , . United StatesBasle f before June. 7 94 0 I 260 3 90 0 4 37 4 2 30 0 lJi; ii,ii.ii..Vi.ii.il0 620 i ve dollar piece oi C. Bechter; ay- r erage... 4 S5 0 Uollar ol the same, average.. a. . 96 0 Five dollar p'e ofA.BechUer $4 93 a 5 000 Dollar of the eatne..;V.V....i.. 93 0 Oregon ExchahoCo Five dollars. 4 82 0 IM. u. & IN. ban b rancuco Five dols ........$4 83 a 4 95 0 Miners' Bank, ban , Francisco Ten i dollars . Moffatl & Co., ......i..i..,.9 06 a 9 920 ' 9 78 a 9 93 0 ' Sixteen dollar- ingols, about...... ii..;;i;il5 75 0 RATES OF POSTAHK. Letters com nosed of one nr mnr nIroi. of paper, but not exceeding hall" sin ounce in -wtugiit. eeni any aiatance not eiceedunj 300C iiiiicb, o cents j over uuu miles, 10 cents. uouoie rate il exceeding balf an Ounce ;r 1: . iitum, 11 cccuuijr an ounce t ana an on charginff an additional rate for tional half ounce, or fraction ol lialfari ounce. Ansoiate-pre-puymetir beinfr redoiyed on II letters to places within the tTnlie.l Smia e. 1 -r. a . . . j iiuiu auu oner April 1st, looo. ' From and after January let. 1856. all let ters Dei ween Maeeu in ih TT,. i..,i must De pre-paid, either by postage stamps orstamped envelopes. :-c Abetters dropped in th& hoal nfRr.n. far rf. iifery in tlie Same place, 1 cent each, f Letters advertised are charged I cent each, Resides regular postage. Drop letters are tot ndveriiscd. circulars, 1 cent for 3 ounces of less to apy part ol tlie United Slates, to consist bi but one piefce ofpaper-pre payrneot.option- ai t Day ly newspapers weirrbinj? threfe otmri or less, 4o i-a cents per quarter, when sent irom tne ortice of publication to actual and Donahde subscribejrs any where in the Uni ted btate.8. . rransient newspapers sentany- wnere wnniii the United . Slates. I cent for tnree ounces or less. . w hcu me nriicie to De mailed ia a nmi. lar, pamphlet, or newspaper, it should be so .uxiupnu in ue u()en hi one enu-?-onier- wise. It Will be Charged as a letter: f BRITISH POSTAGE ARRANflEMEXTS Letters posted or charged in the United oiatea win be rated at a half ounce 10 the single letter jover a halTand oCt exceeding an ounce, asa double letter ; over an ounce ana noi exceeding an ounce and a hall' as a iivuic iciicrj auu so on. eacn natt nnnr.p or irnctional excess coaesututing a rate. Aoe single rates to be charged on each letter posted in the United Stales addressed to any place in Great Britain or .Ireland ia di cents; the double rate 43 ; and so on o jj : 1 paid postage on letters from? to ariv nlare in Ureal Britain or Ireland may be pre-paid, j n ine whole amount Is tendered at the office . . j. J in the U. B. where mailed, at the option o the sender. . , i -j NETspirtaa may be mailed at any office in the United States Jo any place in the v oiled Kingdom "on the pre-payment of 2 cents, and may on receipt from any place in ureal iJrttRin or Ireland, be delivered at any office in the. United States, on payfaentof2 cents, rtote.- Hacn Uovernment istocbarse 3 cents on each newspaper. These are to be sent in bands or covers, open at the sides or ends, and to contain no manuscript what ever, . , ;, - :: " . Persons mailing , tellers to foreign coun tries, with which the United States have not entered into postal Arrangements, are rerain ded that it is necessary for them to pre-pay the pi oper postage, or the tetter? Cannot be tor warded. NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. This Oreat Journal of Crime and Criminals Is , in the Twelfth Year, and la widelv rirMimM throaahout the cooniry. It contains all the tt inais. Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same, together with information on Criminal matters, not to m found to any other newspaper. 1S7 oswerunwa, f, pet ASBsatf il.for Six Months, to be remitted bv Snlir;K.r lwhn should write Heir names and the town, county t: ..l.A, O&l BULK, . V . Editor. Proprietor of the -.' j . ,. Natioaal Police Gazeite,' M2 New Yark City. n IX STORE. QA Boxes LEMONS, In fine order Also a fresh v- v-r . ana very nice article of RAlsONS. For aale at W. H Jorr al and Herald cofy . ' DaNEALES. T)Y EXPRESS this tnorninfflTlack Dress Cas i 1 ufuireis iivs, ugeraa ana ttetetva styie-i j horn At the Hat - and Car. Emporium, 34 M Iketlst. - - ' - CH4S. n.. UVFRS JLaimere uats, u&eron and tCeletva style - Ig. lar- 1 fcetVst. CIIAS. D. ilYEIlS. ' Jans 13. BALTIMORE LOCK KCSPITiL. I)R. JOHNSTON: rpHK founder of ibia Celebrated. lastitaiioB t ir nc ibvh curtain, opeeqy and only eflectu al remedy in the world lor - ' - isHVItUT DISEASES. " . - Gleetstrietorss, Seminal Weaknesa,Pains m the Loias, Constitutional Debilitri -1 Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections o t Biuiic;,, 1 aiiiiiauunoi ins mcart, lysnenais Nervosa- irriiabi.Ity, Disease of tbe Head- "Threat Nose or Skin ; those aeriouaand melancholy disor-deraarisinsfrom-the destructive hahits ni v.. .v. which destroy both body and mindi TW. J and solitary practices mora itil mthpir .1..: mo Hiufi ui uio ojrena to ne manners of uijssoB, ougnung ineir most Driuiant Dope or an .Especially. who have become ih victtmn f ssi:r' 'IrFfce.that dreadful and destructive hahli B,biw annually sweeps to aa no timely grave thousands of iuc morn exaued tajens and brilliant intellect, who night otherwise have rnrrn 1;. leoing-Senates with tie thunders of eloquence, or - , . i- nil r? ? 7 j .r .., VI t uung iwen, comempiatlnp marriage, being awareof Phvaical Wn.bn. n.r gantc.leblUty, Peformide, Ao.,shourd irnmedi- ..01; wiu. Ar. j., ana De restored to berfo-t h.allh .- .... . - " ifewho places himself nnderthe curcnf n, Ink. ton may religiously confide in hie honor aa a cen tleman, and confidently rely upon hisskii! asa phy sician. H -; ,.J. :!- :' - , , ,-- . 4" ' " Da. Johnston la the onlv rvirnUrito r.... Dk..l.l.. J ' ' -"""'rU i..,oiv.uufemBinjf 10 cure rnvate Uoeiplainta. Hia remedies and treatment are entirely anknown to all others.. Prepared from a life spent in- fhr Great Hospitals of Europe and the Firetln tT trTr'i England, France, the Bfcckley 01 r iuvivcAicuDive practice than atat v rt ho -l . -.1 wonderful cures and most important Surgical Od erauena 1 a sufficient sntrinicc ti ih. .m:...j -a m w viuw v ureiLian jd inn worm Mia Tho vh viUh to be pedity and effectually r till ed, tlwuld shun the numerous trifiir.ir imrtlL. ..VT nnv rirln ih.ir k..lil. 1 - JT . ,r. A UUKK WARRANTED OH IV n Oil t or.r No Mercitry or Nauseous Drugs User1' OFFICE. TCo. t. SOUTH. rRpnrDiir left hand side going from Baltimnr sfrt doors from the corner. "Fail not to niiB, 1.1. name ahd number, for Igboranr trifling Imnorlere attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnatoni luik DR. JOHNSTON. Metaberofthe Rdyal College of Snrnn. r -.j.. fh ti ,. 7c ne" ine meat eminent Coilegea ol r j r - - ... .b -,"vuuii. life hasbeen spent In the Hamta!. nr r.nn d..- an wigu uiatcs. inu ins crrrm ipr nr 7 ' , bm erected sonic of the raost astonishing cures that weree ver known. many irouoiea with ringing in the ears and bead when asleep, great nervousness, beinir sudden sounds, and bashfuihess. with freeuent ......uu .uunumru wiiHuerangcment - mind, irere cured immediately.' . ... A fJJuli.TA.lJS DISEASE. -When the miss-ulded and fmnrnto,. i pleasure? nnda he haa Imbibed the seeds of hi m . . '-' VVtrHIB- .VI uixanc, ,i too oiten nannna tnjii n .1 m. ed sente of shame, or dread of discovery, deters ...... ...... ayyiyiuLi 10 mose wno, irom education and retpectabiiitv. can alone hpfrionrf l.im ji ing tilithe conatitutional symptoms of this' horrid disease make their appearance, such aa ulcerated sore uroat. diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of efpht. deofns. on the chin bones and arras, blotches on the head, face and extremities. Droereefiintr with frirhf..i ' pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the boneiof the nose fail in. and -th vi.itn, r.i..-- awfa disease 1 becomes a horrid object of commi seradon, till death puts a period to his dreadful auf fermgs, by sending him to - that bourne from whence no traveller returna.' To each therefore Dr. Johnston Dledcea himself in inviolable seere and; from his exrebsive prac ticetn the first Hospitals of Europe and America hecan confidently recommend m saf ohrf cure to the unfortunate victim of thla horrid di case." It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful complaint, owing to the un -ekilfulneas ol ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that deadly polsoh.mercnry, ruin the constitu tion, and either Send the tinf.iftnn. nn. untimely grave, or else tna e the residue of life mie erable . -- . . .- . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who hvinit.0j selves by private and improper indulgences. r These are some of the sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habita of youth, via: weakneeadf the Back and Limbs, Pains in the rii. 01ni, L.oas of M oscular Pow irritability Derangement af 'the Digestive Kunc r Kit rinai nn ni mo uAn rv 1 . iivhb, viouciHi uvuimyt , tion.dtc. - : . : , MentaUv The fearful effects on 'ih m?nt Br. much 10 be dreaded 1 Loss of Uemnn Onnrn.u. of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli tude, Timidity, tc. are some of the evila nrn Thousand of peraona of allages, can nowjudee whatia the cause of their deeli ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale end emacia ted, have a singular aDDearanee nhnnt ,h. cough and syhiptomsof consumprion. . - . JJll. .JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RP-rtlC-. - D FOR ORGANIC WEAKN"SS. i By this ereat and imnariint mii,b..irhi. ..1 theoriransaresDeedilv nirmH r.,i Thousands of the moat Nervous and Debilitated Individuals who had lest all hope, have been imme. diately relieved. All Impediments ta MARRIAGE Physical or MentalDisKjueliflcationS, Nervous Ir ritability Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. - Young men who have injured themselves Ki certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt,' even when asleep, and if not cured. rpnHn mrH, imoossible.and destroys botLjihd andborahouM . m jejuni; man, tne. none or nis country, and the darling r hi, n.nf. ,j snatched from all prospects sod enjoyments of life, oy mio vuucjucDces oi aeviatmg irojn the path 01 nature, ana inaujsing in a certain, eeefet habit. aucn persons, oetore contemplating MARRIAGE. - . . Should reject that a sound mind and4odv ar the most necessary requisites :o promote connubial nappineeB. Aoaro. witnout the. h Hmrnnv through life become a weary pilgrimage, the pros pect hourly darkens to the view: th ntinri kMitriM shadowed with despair and filled with the melan choly reflection thetthe happiness of another be comes blighted with ou rown. .. OFFiCE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST., s Biittaoit, Bla. AH Surgical Operatlena t'et rormed. N. Let no false delicacy nreveftt voJ but apply immediately either personally or b letter. sun uiseasee speedily cured, TO STRANGERS. The mantf thousands cured a I this inslirtif Infi with. In the lat ten years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical Operations perfotmed by Dr. J, wit nessed by tbe Reporters of the saoers. and man other person. notices of which haveappearedagain ana again oeiore tne paouc, Decides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, ir a auuivicui guarantee to tne anneied." " v . - TAKE NOTICE. It is with the ereatestKloetanaa Chit. Tir J ill varn peraaiUhis card to appear before the tobiie, dsemine U anprofeutoBal for a physician to adveiiuie, bat bdIsm lie did so, the afflicted, especially strangers could not tail to fall Into the bsnda of th many Impa tie ; , n anlearne Immtcn, with. tanotBera.Mii Wk. . . . m,UiJ Qanekahops, warming Umm Jarge eKSe. eopyifts; Ir. JOBaSToa'aadverrisementaor dvertiaisa' thensMTMaa p hyiciai).ilUWrt shall nw-briii teUowa, too lazy to w ork at their oHjrinxl trade, with ceanse tno jdrw beyond th brute, who, for tbejrarpoae of Knticin and DeoeiT. lnr. erry on five or ix office, under mm jnmaj different False aaaat, so fhmt t)w mmu.tii e. . ... . , . mi m one, is snre te tumble headkmy 10 to the otner. Igaotaa Qnaeka with enonson lying certifiestrs of great mad Jr toiuahirigesyea from persons not to be foaad, who k yon taking hu-se bottle, of T.icotr Wate and othe paekazea of filthy and vorthleui mwdi. emnrAtteiw P repared to taapeae a poa the m fortunate and yunwpe tng. Triflinsr month after month, or aa lens aa tbe nalb at nt can be obtained, aauL in oespair, Wt yam with. mined health, to tph over y onr fralihig diaappoi o tment . At ia tots raoure tut Udaeee xrr.tt. w mreniw. i n Ataa cu evmm Tarn To those Bnaeopaiat'd vita Bis reputation, lis deem It naeesaary te say tbat his erodes tials or diplomas aliravo haiw ha M offlee. - " HO LETTERS REtEIVETJ ITXI.S3 POST-PA TB aad eontainlic a Pump to Iks hkhI lor the rrply. ler- sanewnuna' mnnM state .see ana sen 1'''"1 11 .verUaertient "escnbicg sjmpujms. . il-ly-e. , ' . . SILVER 'COINS, Auflrkt Rlx Dollar,.,. . .... . Florin ... . s . i , - Twenty kreaikcre.-. .... ...'.tO S7 . . - 4S 0 Lira I lor Lombardy J Baden Crown t ., Gulden or florin 16Ui 1.07 30 5 ' I C6 a;, . & . . . Ba va Ma-rr Crown t; . , , Jt . lonn B-395 Sii kfeoi&ri.;,;..,,.;.;..,.- 30 BelgiumFive Irancs.s ..i....i.,V. . 93 O"' ;i';Ttro and a hair irancsj. ,,,.. 46 o francs..;., . 37 (t B xrVr?T SlaJ e V : f t- 00 Hatfdollar, debased 1 830.. i 37 5 Q,narter dollar, debased, I830'Vi' 1$ Brozil Twelve hnndred reiii-; 89 2 Eight bondiTdreievi..,ii.-.viO eg Fourhunttred. 53 ;. BremenThirty six grote.-w.. 35 - - ilhDg,.,,. Brunswick Thaler. -' . .' ; v ' rroa CeBtral AmencaIoIft, ujacer. say 9? 0 Chili -Hi-iflnr : r ' - f - , i, r Chili Dollar. I 01 Q uwnttH....,,, Eiffbt dollar or real. . . - 224 112 52 if f 1 M7 -17 0 . 18"7-."- 98 O Denmark Rigebankihaler: Specie lhtderTr.t:.i,- .. y Thirty-two sldlling,, v. Ecuador Quarter dollarv.;.. c-gypt 1 weoty plasties Fraiice Five francs.. 'Franc. ........... D3S 18 a 39 5 16 5 26 2 092 68 25 7 Frankfort-Florin H i: Greece Draclim..vii K'i Guiana, British -Guilder. HanoVer--Thalfer, fiue eiiver;v.V. J ' Thaler, 750 finei , J Haytt Dollar,, or 100 centimes 14. e6se--a8sei-Tiialerit-, 67 5 - One-sutin .: tnaferi'-. C r : :v it i "esse uametadt Florin or Golden Hind est a n Ropee r.", v.. ; . . .. Mexrco Dollar. averagct,;tji Naples- Scudo , . & Netherlands! Three guilders. . .ii - Guilder ........ .v.c; . Twenty five centei ..-i;-.I ' Two and a' half ?uitder. . . . . 39 5 :44 7 i coo 1 40 i 20 b 40 O .08 2 New Granada DoNar.usuafwercbi i V20 ;", nguier ami oeoasedv.JSSyj ISorwaj Rigsdaier. .14.1 1 ZS 0 -Persia Sahib koran; . ; '..21 5 Peru Dollar, Diroa mint: 'j. 1 Q0 6 -: gooiU .u.:. iv, 1 00 8 iHair dollar, A rcqaipa debased i. , .. 36 0 Hail dollar, paseo..v- '149 5 -PolandZloty 1 1 2 PortogarCrozado i...f...iIv'55,2 i Crown of 1000 reww . .i i . i . . . . i . . 1 12 O '& Half Crowni:i..i...t...i..Vi. 6 0 Prussia--T ha ler, average . i - 0 f One-ixth, average. , , ,:it Double thaler, or 3 1-2 gulden,.;. 1 39 0 Rome Scudo :u. : . , .. . 1 CO y Tesloh. three eclido.i Z.tr'i1: 30 0 Russia. Rouble t ...iil.s ,'v - .-75 n Ten Zlolyi...... 1 135 : OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION. The following rates of postage on letters have been agreed upon between ihtsgovernW ment and the German States, -Preesia, Kc V Bemen, 10 eenis ; jOldenborg 13; Alfona, Austrian Empire, (inciadlng Hungary, Gas Hcia, Lombardy afitf Venice) Bavaria,1 Brnns-. wiv, nsiuBurf, anoverr Mecfelenbonr" Schwerine and Straelitz, Kinrrdoln f PmsT siaf Kingdom of Saxony, and Saxe Allen- : burg, 15; all other German ' States. : rili v: and towns, 22; Switzerland aud tbe Nether- r' lands, no ; Uenmark and Scbleswig. 27 ; Po land and Russia 295. Constantinople, Greece ' and Stveden 33; Norway. 37 pre-payment optintsal. , . ' : - ..-,.. r Alexandria; Corfu. Island ol Malta, Wal-' lochia 30 cfents : Italv. f exeunt nnner n'nn i-C 33; -pre-payment required. rs. v -A- iewsnapers aad Circulars. 2 eenfa r-nel. . to be prepaid. ,.5... -w::.- -' 1 Mails to The Pacific For a. single let- ler, not exceeding balfan ounce in weighty fi om New York to Cfiacres. 20 Panama. 20 postage io be prepaid. Poe tage to Callilorriia and Oreffou fthev tein i ; U. . pdssessions) need boi be pre-paid. HAVANA MAtes.r-Alne'la established lie V tween Charleston and JIavana. ih-ieata ers touching at Savannah and. KVv VL " ihe postage of which is from the port cf de; 5 partore l Havana JO cenls oh a single let- 4 ter. not exceeding haif an otinee is ..weight, with an additional 10 cents for: each ndiii - lionaf half ounce, or fractional excess of ball" I an ounce to be jre-paid. Postnge on each ' newspaper tar Havana; Scents,- also to beK prepaid as on Jetters, ; . On Ie t ters to British Norlh America. 10 v ce1s.'i not oVfer-SGOO "miles : if ovm- that distance; 15 cents a -ingle - rate pre paid or -not, at the option ol the of the sender-.. v V RATES 'OP POSTAGE W" ' To thtEust Indies, Jatxu Borneo, Lajrhan oumairatne Moluccas and. the 'Philiit 1 t jiine Islauds, . " l - - VVe are authorized to elate that arrn'JxrA : ments having bren made bv Great Britain tor coueenngirr India- Uie British and the &w foreiVn poBiage-on -letters between the Cni ' ted Kingdom and fhEael Indies, 'wb-uer' 3 transmitted via Southampion or via Mar seilles, in the British mail. liereaAcr fie Uui ted Stales postage only shonltt be p epaid 111 this country n letters for the ,East Indies it be itanshiiifed by either oftbea bo ve rontee. ' viz.-re cents, tce skigfe rate when th Ali ".t (antic conveyance j by Brjn'fib pre Let. and twenty -one cenls when by 'Uailel States packet.. .V--:;-r--''i-,,-: ' Owing to a reduction of twelve eenuinjbc ' British postage beyond England, wbtclrtoott place on tbe 1st of February instant the sin- gle rates of letter poflcge be" ween the Uni i ted States and Java. Borneo. Labnam, So- matra, the Moluccas, and the Philippine. Is- E" lands, will bereatter be as tollowt t " - To JaV8,.via Soefbamptonf -33 inslead of 45 cents the kali on nee; and via Marsei'lfea c 53 instead of 75 ccnu ,ihe half oonee ere payment reqnirexLjf ' . - - - , ":-: To Borneo. Lnbnan. Sumatra tbe Moloe- caa. and the Philippine Maude .the rate wil, be 41 instead of53 eenis rlen sent via South:. ampton, Bnd 61 instead of 3 cents lie quar- ler ounce, or 71 instead of 83 cents ihe fiat; r oonceft belt . sen t by closed ! mail via ' Mar- -seHe prepayment, also -required I ': "The tales above mentioned as chargeable :C oa tetters for ihe Jsfand of Java will v-rovids " for their eonveyance ly. Briikb packet fas . r lar as Sirgapnre. bnt thev will afterwarda hm subjecr: toa Keiherland rte of postage es V accoont of the coDvevarce from Sino-acora ' 10 Java. , -.; -lBv the Prnsiari ; Closed Mail the rates ' " these coon trie s remain- tracl angetf., r MEN'S ANdIbOYS Cass and Covcrn. jeatre i eetvedat r - . C.D.SirE&8. S Mareh 2. i 'm. ; .zf; i EHITISa LEGIICRN EATS, "TJErV style, wide brims, for Gent's wear. pf tho. Emporionlj;. CHAS.1. JIYI-K.S . ::y is. - ' , .. 27. .