WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BACON, per lb.; Hams. N C. 16 14 W IS 17 14 14 Bide. (shoulders, Hog Round, Lard.iJ. C,bbls.,.. kegs,.. Hams, Western,- Sides, Western,. ShnyMon trVparnrn. 00 00 17 00 00 00 12 Pork, Northern per obi., Mess,... 26 00 Prims. 00 00 00 00 Corn, per bushel, ....... I IS 00 1 20 1 40 00 1,25 6 0 00 30 8 50 8 0C 0 00 Meal, Peas, black eye per bushel,- Cow. Pea Nats, llice.perlb.. Clean,. ...... Hough, per bushel, Butter, pw lt ' 'Flour per bbl., Fayetlevitlc super.. 1 10 1 30 90 10 00 a 00 28 00 7 60 00 r ine, roes, Baltimore, 0 00 o no Canal, Coffee, per lb , St. Domingo, Rio Laguyra, Cuba,- ................... Mocho,."-- Java, Sugar, perlb., New Orleans, Porto Klco,- m St. Croix, Leaf ..... Molasses, per gallon, N. Orleans. I'orto Rico, Cuba, Hay, per 100 lbs.. Eastern, N. C. Liquors, per gal., Peach Brandy,.. Apple. Rye Whl.ltey, .... Rectified, N. K. Rum,- Wines, per gal., Madeira," Port, Malaga,. .... Glue, per lb., American. ... Cotton per lb., " Yarn, per lb., 4-8 Sheeting, per yard, 3-4 Oznaburga, ...... Feathers, perlb.,-.. Candles, per lb., N. C. Tallow,. Northern,- Adamantine. Sperm. Lime per bbl., Turpentine, per bbl. of 280 lbs.' - Vireln Dip,-..- Yellow Dip, DO 00 a 00 03 10 12 a 12 131 a Hi 00 a 00 00 00 16 17 111. 12. II a 12 Hi ft "I 00 ft 161 00 ft 00f 00 a 00 51 a 55 96 I 10 90 ft 1 OC 80 90 60 a 65 65 a f 00 38 a 40 45 60 1 00 4 00 1 00 a 4 00 40 a 00 It 16 14 ft. 20 21 9 a 6 a 7 9 ft 10 40 457 17 ft 00 15 ft 00 28 a 30 40 s 43 1 35 a 1 40 a 3 73 a 3 00 1 55 a 0 00 1 60 a 0 00 1 40 a 5 SO a 0 00 I 60 ft 1 70 . 1 23 a 1 30 a 42 CO a 00 00 a 00 00 a 00 1 23 , 0 0(f 95 ft I 00 1 50 a 0 001 4 a 5 4J a 0 6 a 0 61 a 0 0 a 51 e 121 10 a 16 6 a 16 20 5 00 ft 5 50 a 41 13 00 a 15 00 10 00 a 0 00 6 50 a 7 CO 4 26 a 0 00 0 00 a 0 00 6 00 7 60 4 00 6 50 2 SO a 3 50 Hard,- Tar, Pitch, Rosin by Tale No. 1...... No. 2. ..... No. 3 - Spirits Turpentine, per gallon. Vornteh, Pine Oil, Rosin Oil,-. Sperm Oil, Lin seed Oil. ...;........;..' Neate Foot Oil, Iron per lb., American best refined English assorted, Sweed, . '.'..'.'.. Shear, . A merican,- n . ... CutNells, Wrought Nails, Steel, per lb., GerntorT, Hlistered, liestCast, Meat quality Mill Saws, 6feet,.-.'- Ilollowarc, Lumber per M. feet, Sfeani "Sawed River Lumber, Flooring, Wide Boards,- .,......... Scantling, ....4......... Timher, Shipping,- Prime Mill,." ... Common,.... ' Inferior, 1 1 Staves, per 1,000, W.O. bbl. Rough llrei-srd, none 19 00 a 18 00 none ' K. O. hhd., rough, Drcwed, i ..... ,i : i 12 1 5 00 6 50 Shingles, per 1 000, Common,. 1 5 4 00 6 00 50 871 0 61 II 9 00 12 . 25 00 75 00 13 lyontruct, ............. Rlaok'e large,. .. Snlt per bushel, Turk's Island,.. Liverpool Sack, Soap perlb.-, Pale,- Hrown, . .' :.tt Tiillow per lb.,- Bbl. Heading per M.,- Ash, Cheese. Chickens, live do dead,-" Turkey, live,...-.-..-.-. do' dead---' .-.......' !?)?". Pr' doe'en, ' ' 00 1 10 71 0 -12 12 00 13 40 (0 1 00 00 20 COM n E R C I A L. RE.fillK.T !tf3 GARRETS, t TearEKTitii. 6ii Saturday 106 bbls. Turpen tine were disposed of at $3.79 for YiTffirr, and S?.9j for tellow Dip ; yesterday 870 do. sold at 3.7$ for Vrrgrtry and $3- for Yellow Dip, ptsr 280 lbs. ' i SPiniTS'. 400 bbls. Eiitrits TnVner-tine rfold on Hturday at 42' cunts, lOtf do., town distilled, at 43 cents ; yesterday 217 bbls. wnt off at 42 cents and 120 do. at 42J cents per gallon. Rosin. Friday tW bbl. Cdtrittun Ros chang ed hands at fx. 20 for medium sire bbls.: 300 do. No. 2, $1.40, and 720 Ne: tat! S3, $4 50 and $5.50 per bbl., according: fo quality. Saturday 800 bbls, Common, medium bbls., sold at $1.25; yesterday 7o0 do: at $1.25 fcr modiutn, and $h80 tot large bbls; Tar. A small sale of Tar was made on Satur day at $l:.45 put bbl. ; yesterday 70 do. af 81. 60. Bacon. Sales Of 4,600 lbs. N. C. on Friday at 17 cents per lb., hog rotlndj t.000 Ids. yesterday at same price. Salt. 2,000 sack Liverpool ground sold on Saturday at 07 1 cents per aack, coastwise recei ved ; 500 sacks sold yesterday at 921 cents per aack, 90 days. , - Whiat. Friday 200 bushel Wheat told at $1.45 for red, and $1.65 per bushel for white. Flol a. Yesterday ft small sale Of Stale brands -was made at $8.26 per bbl. for superfine. Coaif. Some 19,000 bushels Corn bare been received, 2,825 of which came to a dealer, the bal ance remains on market. NEW YORK MARKET. For 8 days preceding. August 8. The 8bipping and Commercial List reports. Cotton S000 balea will problsbly cover the entire transactions or me three days. We quote: 13 a 161. Flour Sales 3200 bbls. Boutbern. at 7,45 a 7, 76 for common to good mixed straight brands, 7,80 a 9,25 for low to fair extra, and 9,70 ft 9,76 for favorite aod choice do. Corn Tbe sales are 76.000 bnsbels, closing at 87 ft 89 cents for Western mixed, and 89 a 105 for Southern the latter price for choice White. Naval Stores Tbe sales are 2000 bbls. Wilmlog ton Turpentine at 3,75 ft 4 per 280 lb.; 6000 Spir it Turpentine, (about 8000 to arrive,) 4 to 48 cents to arrive, and 47k ft 49, cash, ou the spot, including some at 471 ft 481, 80 ft 60 days adding interest, and retail lota 49 60 cash: 900 Wash ington Common Rosin, 1,821 Per bbl ; 3000 Wil mington do., mostly to arrive, 1.90 1,95 per 810 lb., delivered ; 150 No. 2, 2 a 2,25 per 810 lb., in yard ; 1000 Pale, 0 ft 7 per 280 lb.; and 1000 Wilmington Tbift Tar, 2 per bbl., in order, ia yard. Rice Is firm, some bolder being Indisposed to sell at current rates. Sales 600 tea. at 6,25 a 6,75, cash. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. A ng. 7-Sales of Cotton !o-day.350 bales. Mid dling at 14 15. Balea of the wt-ek 4,100. Re ceipts fbr same time 4,400. Decrease in receipts were, 249 720 -, and-at all porta, 684 200 bales. Mour and Wheat are dnlL No cbaore Id other articles. TARB0R0 MARKET. August 7. Turpentine, dip, 2,25 to 2,40, Scrape 40 to 45 cents per 100 lbs. Tar, 1,00 to 1,10 Corn. 4 to 4.60 per bbU Cotton, 11 1 to 12c." Ba con, 16 to 18c. Lard, 14 to 16c BALTIMORE MARKET. Ang. 8. Flour is active : sales of City Mills at 6,75 s Howard street 7,6a Wheal is dnll and 6 cts. lower: white 1.40 a 160; red 1,40 ft 1,61. Corn white 91 a 92c,- yellow 84. ' RKM0FAL. I HAVE REMOVED MY RESIDENCE AND OFFICE to Front Street, next North of P.K. Dicklnson.Eftqrto the house formerly -occupied by Mr. A. A.-W a net, where 1 can bei jund when not professionally ex eased. --- - - -. . ' WM. E. FREEMAN, M.D. Feb. 25. '? 146. WINES AND LIQUORS. mWE invite the attention f our fT Friends and Patrons to th hgst J L selection of Wines and Liquors ever ofi'eretl 4u this market, consisting of Crescent Brandy,, Vintage 1810, Pale and DafV Otard, Dupuy 6V Co.'s Brandy, OI Cognac . do. S. Uraieon A Co.'s do. Castillon dt Co.'a do. " Pure old Port Wine, Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira and Muscat Wines, Malaga Wine, ' - . Old Scuppernong Vyine, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin exu" . Woolf's Schiedsm oennapps, . Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, " Apple do. ' " Bourbon Whiskey, -" Rye do - Irish and Scotch Whiskey, . Blackberry Brandy, - Sic. Madeira Wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, . Every variety of bottled Wines and Liquors, Clarets of various branda at wholesale prices Maraschino Curacoa, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, Aromatic do. . do v Ginger Wine, &.C. Ac. At low prices for CASH. At theoriglnal JtJia ry. April 17. GEO. MYER'S. SITUATION WANTED. FOR a lad nearly 12 years of age, of good mor al character and correct deportment, who can read and write and is somewhat acquainted with figures. He would be pleased to obtain a situation as errand boy, or in any occupation in which he could be ubeful. He would require but small com pensation; his object being to render some tri fling assistance to his mother, who is in indigent circumstances. Apply at The Commercial Office. July 11. . . - 49 FOR RENT. THE following Houses for Rent for 12 months, from the 1st of October next : One House on 4ih Street, North of Prin cess street. One House on Market street, extended. Three Houses on Dock street, between 6ih snd 7ih streets. One House on the East side of Old Boundary street between Market and Dock streets. One House on the corner of Dock and Old Boundary streets. One House on Market street between 8th and 9th streets. Apply to MILES COST1N. July 2J. 57-tf FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! I FOR THE TRADE OR PRIVATE USE. FOSTER & LEE, Furniture Manufacturers, 35 Bowery, JVew "York. TERMS CASH.-Osi PRICE OSLY, HERETOFORE we have manufactured and sold exclusively at Wholesale. We are now prepared to offer a well assorted slock at Retail, at a saving of from twenty to thirty per cent, to the consumer. We have now for sale Mahogany Chairs, spring seats, upholstered in hair cloth, from S2 25 to 6 00 each. Mahogany Sofas, spring seats, upholstered in hair cloth, from 13 to 26 dollars each. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, spring rests, up holstered in hair-clolih, from 5 to 12 dollars , each. Mahogany Easy Chairs, on castors or rockers, upholstered in hair-cloth, from 11 to 18 dol lars each. Mahogany Tete a-Tete, upholatercd in hair cloth, from 15 to 35 dollars each. Mahogany Tete-a-tete Sofas, upholstered in hair cloth, from 25 to 45 dolars each. Marble and Mahogany Top Tables, In great varierv of styles, qualities nnd prict s. Bureaus, ball Marble and Wood Top, with or without Glasses, and wash stands to mat-h. Also, Wardrobes Bedsteads,' Sideboard", Hall Stands, Botik Cases, Lounges, Ktegcres Corner stand and Book shelves. m cc Ed O CO w at Us is a at OFFICE URSITURE, IK8K8, TABLES AKTD All the above goods in black walnut or oak nt the same prices. , FARLOR SUITS, In Rosewood upholstered in French Brocatelle, Satin Damask, Satin and Plush. Thesamoin Black Walnut, the frames of of which are stained in varnishing, makinz a beautiful imitation, and upholstered in the same goods, make a showy appearance at a much lower price. in our establishment can be fdt-.nd a great variety oi Fancy Chairs, in Rosewood, Ma hogany and Black Walnut Turkish Smoking Chairs. Reclining Chairs, Hall Chairs, Vol taire Chairs, Cane Chairs, a nd a Iso the cele brated SPRING BED, known as Tucker's patent. This article we would oarticularlv re 55 Ot W at commend, it having been fully tested, and found upon trial to be the best springr bottom eVer invented. Conclusion. Parties who are not able to personally select the goods they may want, can depend upon having their orders filled with as much care. and their inte'est studied, as though they were present; and to such we also offer our services for the selection of any Household goods they may want, ana as we snouid purchase from First Hands, a saving will thereby be made which the customer wodld hsjve the benefit of. July 28, 1857. wdttvyiy'r NOTICE. VMltJ e Wllminntn. .n4 WM . L? J I t . ' rJ ... HI... .u.utbuicilll IVI lUIWUIUIDg all goods consigned to the care of the Company, aim uesuueu lor any ,pojni on ine line OI tne North Carolina Road, free of commissiont'. it isnaea on ine uompany-s wnart, tnere wul be no charge for wharfage or d ravage : but thewHex- penses will be incurred If landed on any other wnan, ana win oe ftaaea to tne rreight on the way-bill, tobe collected on delivery, by the North Carolina Railroad Company. N. B. To avoid detention at Wilmington, It Is essential that tha amnnnt r,f ri.ki k.- shall, in all ease, be distinctly stated, la dollars and cents, on each bill of lading, and if goods for more than one person are included in the same oiii oi waing. me amount ot freight tor each con signee must be separately stated. 17 . .1 e i. n A r r r . mj uiubi vi ma Dvaiu Ul Lllicciors. - Office of Engineer 4b Superintendent, ' ' uiKw wi engineer , ouperin'.enaen Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 28, 1657. ) 1 J4-te BASKETS. E have a large lot ot Baskets ef varioua sizes I.. i i w Dec, 18. W . H. DcNEALE. . EMPTY BARRELS. Oflfl PRIME quality second hand Spirit -'vV Barrels just received. For sale by July! ADAMS. BRO. & CO. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 0 PRIME quality second hand spirit bar kiCJ rels, just received from Boston, and for sale by " ADAMS, BRO A CO. ' June 25 1857 No 45. . " THE CONGRESS MAT." A NOTHER ease received this morning Call jl. at ine r.mportum, ae siarxet street. May ZI. CHAS. D. MYERS. umbrellas; AT REDUCED PRICES. A large assortment of every size, color and quality, at tbe Empo rium, 34 Market street. July 11th. CHAS. D. MYERS. NOTICE. DURING my absence North, Mr. E. H. G.ant is authorized to collect and receipt for all ac counts dua me. CHAS. D., MYERS, HstandCap Emporium, 34 Market street. July 30. 67. NEGRO PASSES. A NEW form mt Passes, contslniny anlur ypro- - -vu-.ftppiuTfju uy ine iwihuiiwwuis.siii ft number Of olhiralnrsratr1 In tht wAtfara At DUf eolored popuUUoat is just issued ike office o TEE f AR-FiMHJ IID POPULAR Marylxthd liotteries FOR AUGUST 1857. '. li. FRANCE fc CO., Managers. T-iJrt TTiTiT TVTT lolxe G- r a nd Consolidated v ,- ' ; Lottery op Martland, . : Class Kx : r, : To be drawn Saturday, August 29lh, , In Baltimore, Maryland: ; . - - "! Drawings conducted under tlie superintendent of the State Lottery Commissioner. ' .'. SCHEME. , 78 Numbers 14 Drawn Ballots. ? ,1 Prize of 962.513 $62,518 2 lt.500 25,000 ; 2 8 OtO ; 16.000 2 6.000 12 000 2 5.00O 10 000 6 " 4 000 20.000 5 3.000 ; 15.000 6 2X00 10.000 10' 1.800 19.000 10 1.600 16.000 10 1.250 ? 12.600 10 I. COO . 10.000 100 . 600 C0.000 200 - 400 8(.000 64 150 9 600 64 100 6.400 64 - 80 6.120 64 60 3.840 5.563 40 222.720 28.224 20 664.480 34.412 prises, AMOUNTING TO 1.179.178. Wholes i.0; Halves 10 ; Quar. S5 ; Eighths $2.50 Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes,-cost 232 00 do. do. 26 Halves, " 141 00 do. do. 26 Quarters, " 70 50 do. do. . 26 Eighths, " 35 25 IIAYAM PLAN. Grand Consolidated Lottery flf Maryland. Extra Class 8. To be drawn in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, Aug. 29, 1857. SPLENDID SCHEME. . Capital Prizes. Approx. Prizes. 1 prize of $32,500 4 of $500 1 prize of ' 10.290 4 of 450 1 prize ot 6.000 4 of 250 1 prize of 2.200 1 priZ9 of 2.200 f 1 prize of 2.200 2(7 of 100 1 prize of 2.200 t 1 prize of 2.200 J 5 prizes of f.500 20 of 90 5 prises of 1.250 20 of P0 10 prizes of I .COO 40 of 60 20 prizes of 600 80 of 50 20 prizes of 500 80 of- 40 132 prizes of 400 528 of 20 f.000 priies aiuountingrfo $138,700 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $3 ; Quarters $2.50. . - o . 57P!ease address all ordera for Tickets in the above Magnificent Schemes, to T. H. HUBBARD fc Co.s No. 39 Fayette Street, or Box No. 40, . Baltimore, Maryland; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Land for Sale. 50 LOTS IN TLWI0NSVILLE, &c. THE Subscriber ofT. rs for sale Tracts of Land in Darlington, Williamsburg, Marion, Sumpter and Clarendon Districts, in lotj to suit purchasers These lands are adapted to various pursuits. They comprise good Turpentine tracts, (all round trees,) as well as good Cotton and Corn lands ; there are also, at different places, fine Mill seats. These lands lie on, and contiguous to, the Wil mington and Manchester Rsil Road, the Nonh- Kastern Kail Koaa, andl.yncli's ureeK, a naviga ble stream, and so-ne portions of them are in a high state ot cultivation and have been improved, con taining good residences, out buildings, 4c. He also will sell, on advantageous terms, a large number ot desirable building lots in the flourishing village of Timmonsville ; among others, thcie is one with a fine and commodious Hotel upon it ; another with a Steam Mill in complete order; an other with a Store House well stocked with Goods suited for the country trsde. Terms will be made easy. For further informa tion address J. M. TIMMONS, Timmonsville, S. C. July 18,1857. 3m:t4w52 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, THE SUBSCRIBER would most respectfully inform the citizen" of Wilmington, and the surrounding country, that he has opened a TAI LORING ESTABLISHMENT in the DeRosset Building, corner of Market and Second streets, opposite the Carolina Hotel, . He would be pleas ed to have a call from all wishing any thing done in his line. N. B. Cleaning and Repairing of Gentlemen's Clothing neatly done, at thon notice; aod on mod erate terms. T. JAMES. July 7. 47-lm-p. JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH, A FRESH supply of PER RV DAVIDS' VEGE TABLE. PAN. KILLER, in entire New Dasss. To be sure that you get the genuine Md clne.inqulrefor the New Dresa with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. April 19. 15-lf. CROSKEY fc CO.'S LINE OF STEAMERS. NEW TOXKLONDO & BREMEN the Magnificent British steamships QUKEBT of the BOUT II, CapUin Beat, 2221 tons burthen. INDIANA, . Capt. Baker, 2364 da AEOO . Cast. Benaon. 231S do. JASON V.U...i--. .-' CaptdJritton, 2667" do. . Owned by the EUROPEAN AND AM KKIUAIM STEAM COMPANY" ot LONDON Airn UTHAM PTON.are anoointed to sail from NEW ORK oh everjralternate WEDNESDAY, for LONDON and BREMEN, touching at South AMrroii to land passengers and mails fbr England and France. They will remain one day at Lon don, and then proceed fo Bremen'. Returning, they will leave BREMEN fot NEW YORK on every alternate SATURDAY, stopping only at Southampton. These steamships are o the first class, and have superior accommodations for passen gets. They will take limited number of third-class or ateevage paeBengeis. . A Surgeon attached to each ahip. The nres of freight to London will be but little higher than those of sailing ships. RATES OF PASSAGE. FMrst Cabin, $30; Second Cabin, $50 ; Steerage, The steamship QUEEN OF THE SOUTH will ssil from NEW YORK,on WEDNESDAY, 22d JULY.andbesucceeeded by the INDIANA ON 6th August, and ARGO 19th August. For freight or passage apply to C. H. SAND, 11 South William st. Jniy7. . , 47-lm. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES! REMOVAL AKD OFKjrLNO AVKOTIXCEM EJ4 T. To all who iiw or use sswias machiscs. The superb new Marbte tmildins of , . I. M. Singer Oo. No-tiS Bsoad wat, eoaasa or QaAro Stuit, ' New York. Will be opened for inspection and the transaction of business, on Thursday, July 2d, 1857. Citizens, and strangers visiting the City, are respectfully in vited to call and examine the Establishment, and see the varioua styles of the Singer Sewing Ma chine in operation. I. M. SINGER dt. Co., 453 Broadway, New York. " July 7. 47-1 m. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. New York, June 29th. 1657. The public arc respectfully informed that the price of Board at this Hotel has not been advanced, but is as it has been heretofore $2 50 per diem. TREAD WELL, WHITCOMB A CO. - J'y 7- . ; 47 lm. or SO NEW YORK ADVERTISEilENTS. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOV ERY in THE SCIENCE Of MEDICINE. PATENT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT BRI TAIN, DIPLOME de ECOLJS do PHAR MACIE PHARMACIES de PARIS, and IM PERIAL COLLEGE of MEDICINE, Y1ENNA Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. II. A. Barrow. Member of the Imp'l College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be person, ally consulted at his residence, 187 Prince street, few blocks west of Broadway, N. Y., from 11 A, M. till 2 P. M., and from 4 till 8 P, M. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointment.) - Trlesrmir No. 1, Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermtorrhosa, and all the distressing consequences arising from eaf If abuse, indiscriminate excesses, ortoo long resi dence in hot climates-... It haa restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor tb thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood; and whatever may be the cause or dis qualifications for for marriage, they tire effectually subdued.' - . , - . ' - Trlesemar No. fti . . Completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorheea, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Gleets, Stiictures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non retention of Urine, Pains of tho Loins and Kid neys, and th'ose disorders fot which Copaivi and Cubebs hate so long been thought an antidote. . ' Trieaemair Mo. 3, ; is the great Continental Remedy for Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. It also constitutes a cer tain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling In its course all impurities from the vital stream, so as altoget her to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the medium ot the pores of the skin and urine. , It is a never failing remedy for that class of dis orders which English Physicians treat with Mer cury, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilia in the world cannot remove. TR1ESEMAR No. 1, 2, and 3, are prepared in the foi m of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried In the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in separate doses asadminister ed by Yalpean, Lalleman, Rout, Uicord, &C.', &c. Prices $3 each, or four cases in one for $9, wbieh saves $3, and in $27 cases, whereby there Is a sav ins of 9. , ... None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Office of Erfgland, the Seala of the Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris, and tho Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed npoh each wrapper, and around each case.; : invitations are liable to the severest penalties of the Law. Special arrangements enable Dr. Babbow to for ward immediately, on receiving a remittance, the $9 and .larger size cases of Triescmar Fbeb or cABHiAfeE, to any part of the world, securely pack ed ahd properly addressed, thus Insuring genuine European preparations and protecting the public from spurious and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M. and from 4 till 8 in the evening. 157 Princess Street, i few blocks west of Broadway, New York. April 28, 1857. 18 ly. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO RECTIFERS, LIQUOR MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. DR. FEUTCHTWANGER'S Flavorings to Produce at a Moments Not ice every desired Liquor. The undersigned has lately .made great improve ments in this branch of business... The Flavor ings are put up In packages of 5- 10, and 40 Gal lons, and acquires but the addition of Pure Spirit, either 1st or 4 th' proof and Liauorssuch a Coenac. either dark or pale, Holland and England and Eng lish Gin, Jamaica ahd St. Crofx Rum, Mononga hela, Bourbon, Irish and Scotch, Whiskey, Apple, reacn, tnerrv and jtaspoerry Brandy, fort and Madeira Wines will be instantly produced. It re quires no skill, but an addition of a good spirit. say 50 gallons to each gallon of the respective Flavoring. The. best Cognac oil, green, yellow and white warranted genuine, as low as any other importer in the U. S. Essences of every Litjuor. Extract of Cognac, i id. ot wnicn produces zuu gallons ol Cognac. Raw Whiskey may by Dr.F.'s age and body pre- pa ration no rnaae sraootn witn nut a trrrnng ex- The price of Flavorings are extremely moderate, ana airectious in tun supplied ny DR. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGER. Chemist and Importer of Dmgt, Essential Oils and aielals, Uaguerreolvpt ana 1' luting rayhic Chemicals, No. 113 Maiden Lane. New York.. N. B. Solo Agent for Godfrey'scelebrated Cor- aiai isitiers ana urn. April 18. - 18 6m. CHAS. D. MYERS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM Market St. ." Wilmington, N. C. PANAMA, LEGHORN, AND PALM LKAF HATS, WOOL FOR. MILK. AMD MOI.F.SKIV HITS. Cloth, Plubh, and Silk Glazed Cjtpj, by tne cas or dozen. At rsew j orK wnoicsaie Frires. march 12. . 163. WINES f WINES ! ! WINES ! ! ! TT IS TRULY SAID that George Myers has X the best Champagne wines ever before offered n this city. They need bu t a trial from those who hate not -used them to tupercrde all other brands. IMPERIAL BRAND, n cases, the "ne plus ultra" of all wines from t vfneyard of Douche, us et unmet , Sillery superieur, HeidsicK brand qtsdt ptsV Bouche brand " . Crown brand , ) " . Star brand i " - Also, Brandies of the very finest grades. Pure Holland Gin, duties paid at Pastom House, Wil mington, N. C. Sherry, Port an4 Madeira Wines, pure, and every possible variety of Wines, Li quors. Coidials, &c, &c. in wood ac glass. Tuscaloosa, MonOngahela and Bourbon Whiskey, with a lot of choice Old Baker Whisker, the choi cest article ever offered before in this market. Call and examine, at the Original Family Gro cery, Noa. 11 and 13, Front street. . . . April 7. GEO. Mf ERS.' ANOTHER case of Gent's Fashionable Black Ca8imere Hats, the leading hat of tho Sea son. Full assortment of sizes at the Hat and Cap Emporium CHA"S.' D. MYERS.. July 21V . 63 WILMINGTON & WEL. R. R. CO Ofpioc opthb Essiniib'& Sitpbbintendbni', Wilmington. N. C. March 1. 1857.- THE PASSENGER. TRAINS., WILL, UN- m. a a,li luriiiei nouce, ran over una roaa as ioi OWS i , GfOING NOllfH, DAILY. . .. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wihninton at 6 A.M.J arrives at Goldaboro' at 9.55--leave In 5 minute ana arrives at weiaon at l.su f . n. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilming ton trt 4 30 P. M.; arrives at, GoJdboTp at 8.50, to supper 29 minutes i arrives at Weldoo at 1. 00 GTOlNG SOUTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 12 M.j arrives at Goldaboro' 3.20 P..M. leaves in 5 min utes; arrives at Wilmington at 7.33 P. M. to sup per. " - ;" , . NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 9 P.M.; L arrives at Golds boro' at l.io a. M. iives in 10 minutest at rives at Wiimington at S.40 A. M. 17The Nisht Rxoress Train connects with t the North-Carolina Railroad, botsTways, at Golds- boro'. . , . , " Throueh'Tickets' North sold In Wilmington: to Baltimore 12; to Philadelphia 14; to New York S15 60;to Washington, D.C.,11. TlCKKT8 WILL HOT SB SOLD TO A BE6KO 1H raasoir. Pasiengert are notified that em extra charge of wentv-fo cent will be required of those who do not purchaee ticket at elation. Kreignt oy passenger trains aonoie rate. Lo cal faro, wltn tickets, about 3 cents per mile: If paid in the car. . FREIGHT TRAINS- Two through schedule train between .Wilmington and Weldon, each week; -leaving alternately on Mondays and Thursdays and arriving On Tuesdays and Fri day. Fourschedats trains per weeklo Goldsbo ro'; leaving Wilmington on Tuesdays, Wednes days, Fridays, and Saturdays and Goldsboro" on Mondays. Wednesdays, mar: aaysandjSaturdavs, making with tne "through", trains a dailf freight train both way a between Wilmington and Goldsboro! ene irregular train for way freight. All dues on IreHrnt. up oraown, para bleat Uen- eral Freight Office in Wilmington, on receipt or delivery, exclusive of that on the North Caro lina Railroad, which may b pre-paid or not at the option-of the consigner. - S. I. KKKHUHT. AprH2f Cb3ef Er- & SaperiBtendent. - TUBE'S ISLAND SALT. 4nnn BUSHELS. For sal by ,JUJ J. C. SMITH CO. S7: July ml. V .. SWAN & C O.'S LQX TER1ES - THE MOST; BRILLIANT SCBBM B E VERB HA WN. CAPITAL PRIZE - . TICKETS ONLY 8lO! Owing to the great favor with which our Sin gle Number Lotteries have been received by the public, and the large demand for Tickets, hc Managers, S. Swabk oj; Co., will have a draw ing each Saturday throughout the year. The fol io wins Scheme will be drawn in each oT their Lot teries for A agust, 1A57. -:-v " -.4;. CLASS -41, To be drawn In the City of Atlsnta, Georgia, ia . public, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1857.. . ..U... ' CliASS 48.' :'c m ' T6Te drawn Sn the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 8tb, 1857. CLASS 49. ' To be drawn in tbe City of Atlanta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1857. , CLASS so, ; To be drawn In tbe City pf Atlanta, Georgia, in ' , public, on ., SATURDAY, AUGUST "22(1, 1857. CLASSS S 1, .. Tobe drawn in the City of Atlanta Georgia, In rublic. on . SATURDAY, AUGUST 23th, !S57, f- ON THE PLiA?f OF SINGLE NUMBERS. THREE THOUSAND THBfiE HUNDRED AND FOBTT-FIVB PRIZES ! NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EYERT MNE TICK ETSI MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! TO BE DRAWJf EACH SATURDAY IN AUGUST ! 1 Prize of I a I it 1 i n CI H f( f 11. 860,000 20,000 5,000 . 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 000 2,t00 11 11 (I 2,000 2,'00 2,000 500 300 125 75 ft 1 45 Prizes of ioo 'v " 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of S200 appro'to S60.000 prize are 600 4 " 175 " 20,000 " 700 4 " 115 " 6,000 ; " 460 32 50 " 2,000 1,600 36 . 40 " ".. 6t)0 1.410 3000 " 20 are - -.. " 60,000 3,345 prTres amounting to , ., . $204,000 Whole Tickets, 10 Halves; S3-Quarters, S2L PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers frow 1 to 30,000, corresponding with thotte Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed is one Wheel. The first 265 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed tn another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers,' and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners ; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PR12ES- The two preceding and the two. succeeding Numbers to (hoee drawing the first 20 Prizes will be entitled to the 80 Approximation Prizes. For example: if Ticket No. 11250 draws the 860,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248,11,249, 11, 251, 11,252, will each be entitled to $225. If Tick et No 550 draws the 820,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 548, 549, 551, 552, will. each be entitled to $200 and so on according to the above scheme. The 3,000 Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $60,000 Prize. For example, if the Number drawing the $60,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2.. then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificate of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : . Certificate of Package ot 10 W hole Tickets, $30 ' " 10 Half " 40 . " 10 Quarter " 20 ; 10 Eighth " 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR. CERTIFIC ATES.' Enclose the money to our address for the Tic kets ordered, on receipt of which they will be lor warded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure fhey may designate. - The List of Drawn N umbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasersiro mediately after the drawing. fpT Purchasera will please write their signatures plairLand give their Post Office, County andSiate. 13? Remember that every Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. . . A 11 Prizes of $1000, and under paid immedi ately after the drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. ' All communications strictfy confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN & CO., - . .. . Altanla, Ga. A list of the numbers that are drawn froti the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawinsr, in ihefoliowing papers : New Orleans, Lfuta. MODiie tfg'trer,i;narie8ion sianaara,ivasi- vine Uazellt, Atlanta Intelligencer, Iew vork Weekly Day Book and Savannah Morning Nevr. Richmond Dispatch, and New York Dispatch and : August 25, 1S57. "COMMERCIAL" .mil pinni; ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTH SIDE MAM1T ST. IS THE HAREM" HOUSE WILMINGTON, N. O. - . . . . . j ' , THK PROPRIETOR of this well known Establishment would call the attention of the btiaines eummnntty to his lanr and beautiful assortment of Type and Preaaes bavtnr Inst added to hi stock one of VL. TIos Sc. Co'g PATENT SINGLE CTL1NDER PR1KTINO ItA CHINK.S. he is now enabled to do work t a ranch more reasonable rate than formerly, and iu the finest style of tne wors. - ' ' : carejs. ; rrlnted from t3 to $10 per thousand. , BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS FOR ItAltROABS, STEAMBOATS, CQRPORATIOXS.&c BILL-HEADS, SlIOP-BILLa, BltLS OF LADLNG, AND nEADIXCfS,' tC, tC, JU3. POSTERS AID PROGfRAMMES. We would call fhe attention of Cotteert AzsnU. Show men and others, to our facilities for doing this kind of work. ALL K3DS or . PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, Done fn the neatest manner; and at short notice. Thoee tn want of. Printing we trust will find It to their advantage to give us a call. M COMMERCIAL BLANKS. The attention of Sbippsrs and others ia called to our extensive assortment of Commercial Blanks. Anu,i t he eolleetion is a vorv fine and handsome lot of Bills of x- change, in sheets and books. KovemDer a, iooa. neV Arrivals ' OF FRESH GROCERIES. , THE Subscriber haa just returned from the North with a full and well selected stock ef choiee Groceries, comprising every variety that tends to complete an assortment: consisting in fart of 100 bags Coffee, Mocha, Government Java, .agnyra, Rio and StDdmingo ; 10C bbls. Sugars of all grades; Choice Wines, Liquors; Champaign of the most celebrated brands, Teas, Goshen But ter, tr. M. Beet.smoKad Beef, Beef Tongues, Sal mon, Mackerel, Pork, Herrings, Codfish, Fresh Lobster and bhsd, Sardines, Sauces, Catsups; Soda, Sugar, Butter, Lemon, Cream, Pilot and Water Crackers, Colgate Familv Soana. Fancv Toilet Soaps, Pickles of every variety,' English nneappie ana uoenen uheese, UsndWs ot all fnrdee, Botuea Liquors of every varietr. Pure Old cm Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, Currants and Cit- rotvi.(New Raiaons Exnected.i Porter and Ale. Olive Oil, Sperm Oil, Prunes, Confectionary in all Fa varieties, Preserves, Jell vs,Broma, Corn Starch, Clour, Chocolate, Ladies Fancy Baskets. 200,000 atigmrs, Tobacco, Ac, dec, Ac , all low for cash It . -vs GEORGE MYERS' . Country Merchants are particularly intited to call and examine, before purchosing ersewheee. .Oct. 7. - ; v 4 4- NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. i. i TXERd SENE f OILS, -. DISTILLED FROM COAL. (NOT EXPLOSIVE.) i THE different grades of these Celebrated oils, suitable for Machinery of aO kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned.al soof the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Drugiets tn the City of New York; and of tbe suthoriled Local Agent of the Company in this place. -.'- AUSTENS, General Agents, KTerosene Ofl?e., ; Nu. 60 Beaver Street, N. Y. Loeal agencies granted on application as bove. Oiders should specify the description of lamp ormachinery for which the oBte wated. June 5, 1SS7. ? tw34:ly' FJSIHO.YiBLE DRY GOODS. 53 CHEAPEST IN NEW YORK.43 LORD & TAYLOR'S ' - Parties visiting the city during the Summer are invited to examine our extensive and highly at tractive stock of Dry Goods of every description. INCLUDING IN GREAT VARIETY. Dress Silks, Linens,- Laces, , Shawls, Domestics, ' Embroideria MantillaS, Hosier. Trimmings, Dress Goods; - - Ribbons, dtc, Ac, f-e ALSO CARPET1NGS, CURTAIN MA- TERIALS, WINDOW SHADES, , GILT CORNICES, FIXTURES, &.c, &c, &c. - ; - 4 2"5, 2a7, 359 and 261 Grand Street, and 47 and 49 Catharine street, New York. June 22, 42-td w-6w OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE ( Wilmington saddle, Harness, and. Trunk Manufactory. HHE subscriber respectlully in format hep ublic -L that he has recently received additions to hia stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac; ihe latest and most improved style, and is coristanly manufacturing, athisstore on marketstreetvery description of articlein the above line. From hia experience in the bu&Ihcsa, h'efcelsconfidentthat hewill beab'leto giveentiresatisfactiontoallwho maytavorhim with a call- lie has now on hand and willconstamly keen a larieassortmen tof - ' Coach, Gi and Suite Harness, Lady's Saddles Bridles, Whips, f.t Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips spurs, Arc. , , 1 all of which he will warrant to be of" II the best materials and workmanship. J " He b also a large assortment o( r Truuks, YallsGs, Saddle and Carpet Bars. satchels, Fancy Trunks. &C. and all other ar ticles usually kept in ch establishments, all of wnicn ne oners low icr i. Aon,or onsnortcredil to prompt customers. Saddled, Harness,Trunks,Redical Ba'gs, &t t made to order. . Inaddition tothe above the subscribe ral ways keeps on hand a largesiipply of String Feather and has now, and will keep through the season a good assortmen tot ny aciis. ,. Allareinvitedto call and examine my Goods whetherin want or not, as I take pleasure in shew ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a oall. .... Harnessand Coach Trimmings sold a't a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whirs at wholesale. AUkii of Riding Vehicles bought v.- old on com n. ions. JOHN J.' CONOLEY . Feb. 7, o 138 THE ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM. For Hi i"An admirable annual." .AT O: Advocate. i-l I "A vast amount of valuable information o Texas Advocate. ff I i "A very complete and uieful repository of in- PltOIIR. "Every Methodist in the South should pro cure it." N. C. Advocate. to 2i "There can be no sort of doubt about the nc- cess of this book." Home Circle. Win get more out of it than the -worth of one dollar." Jv. O. Advocale. "'Cheap at five limes the cost." Home Circle. we naa not expected to una it so deeply in jus. C - 1856T- .... tereatinij." Texas Advocate. It must have coet great labor." Southern jaetnoaist quarterly. iArge 12 t Home Circle. mo. i "ine man ana execution or it webiiru v com. neatly mend." & M. Quarterlu. bound and ax?"Il will bare an enormous circulation.. lettered. 1 1 Heme Circle . Single copies; by mail, prepaid, SI.- To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 dozen or more, 3U per cent, atscount. Way be ordered from Stevenson & Owen, Nashville ; W. P. Grif fith, Norfolk, Virginia. ; J. W, Piatt, Wilmington, Nft;.: a. u. Myers, c;nariestonv.a. v., or .a. v. McGiunis, New Orleans. For single copies and special agencies, aaaress the editor, - CHARLES. F. DEEMS, May 14. (25tw ) yilmington, N. C AFFLICTED READ ! f PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL. HOUSE. X Established twenty-two years ago bv Dr. KIIYKKLIN, corner of Tmrd and Union streets. f nuaaeion!ari'a. . , -,- . - TWKNTV-TWO YEARS' . . Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most su ceseful practitioner in the cure of ail diseases ot a private nature manhood's debi."ty, as an im pediment to marriage; nervous and sexual in firmities, diseases "f the skin, and those arising irom aouse ca mercury. i , ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. r There is an eyil habit sometimes indulged in bv boys',- in solitude, often-growing, up with them to manhood ; and which, if not reformed iri due time, UUtVUIJf.UCgClS BCItUUB UUDIOVICB IU liSl riMlOni- ai Happiness,- nut gives rise o a series of pro- iraciea, insiaious, ana aevastaung anections. ewaf those. who give way fo this .pernicious practice are a ware of the consequences, until they find the nervons system shattered, feel stranae and nnarcbuntable sensations, and vague fears in the mma. iaee pages, it, za, zn, or Ur. Jta book on " aeu Preservation."; - . , Ihe unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable q labor w4ih accustomed vigor, or to ap ply his mind to study : his step is tardy and weak; he is dolL irresolute, and engages even in his Lsports with less energy than usual.. I i . , r ' if . ' . . ii ne emancipate iu:nseii oeiore ine practice naa done its worst, ahd enter matrimony, his marriage is uniruiuui, ana nis sense tens mm mat mis is caused by his early follies. - These are considera. Hons which should awaken the attention of all who are ttmuarly ruuaiea. . , . .s j - s . REMEMBER. ' He who places himself under Br,. Einkelin'a treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, anc rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K.'s patients will, never be die- ciosea. -i . . . . Young man let no false modesty df6r you from making your case known to one. who. from L education and respectability, can certainly be friend you. Dr. Klnkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N- W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. - PATIENTS. AT A DISTANQE Can have (by stating their, case explicitly, to geihet with all their symptoms, per letter, enclos ing a remittance Dr. K.'s medicine," appropriated accordingly. " . Forwarded to any part of the United States, and packed aecute from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Express. . READVOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigofou. Life or a Prematxtre Death, Kinkelin em Self-Preservation Only 25 Cents. Letters containing that value in stamps, will eusure a copy, per return ot mail. , GRATIS I GRATIS 1 1 GRATIS ! ! , A Free Gl FT To AO. " " MISERY RELIEVED. ? "Nature's Guide," new and popular Work, fall of valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculated to prevent years of misery, and save thousand ot lives, fs diatribe ted without charge, and forwarded, by mail, prepaid to any Post Office in the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. - Aug. 1. 5B ly-w&t ; N. . UNITERSITY MAGAZINE. This Magazine- will be issued -about the ICth init- in charge of the new Editors who have been selected from the Clasa of 1357 '5R. Ita matter will consist of articles from the bust wri ters of the University roth in prose and poetry. Its editorial will be .filled ap with a variety of Pieces, original and selected and nothing will be omitted- that will mate It an interesting aod readable periodical. The liberal patronage of an enlightened public is respectfully solicited. It will be printed by Ms. ias. Henderson of 'the Chapel Hill Gazette, who will use every effort to ret no neat and respectable magazine. Terms 2,00 per anngrn in advanee. ' v THE EDITORS. Chayil Hill, N. C. Aug. 1 . MIL HAVANA LOTTERY; ThsnnTinTillnirT drawino-of the Rovai Havana Lottefv ntnAui-itd bv tbe Snanisb Government. un der the supervision of the Captaim General of C ha, will take place at Havana on ' "-- - TUESDAY AUG. 18, 1857. SORTEO NUMEHO 85 ORDINARIC7. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 ! ! ! I 1 pfizeof $100,000 4 prizes of $2,00 1 kc nnn 5 " - l.OCO so.boo 10,OfJd 6,000 1 1 1 a u 52 " ; 500 143 4i 400 20 Apr'xm's. 800 - 4 approximations to the 100,000 of S600 each t 4 of 400 to S50.00QI A of S400 to 30,000 ; 4 of 400:o10,000; 4 of 400 to6,0C0. W hole Tickets, 20; Halves, 10 Quarters 15.00. Prizes cashed at sight at 5 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken nt par, A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the re sult becomes known. Communication addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post. Charleston C.) un til the 13th of August will be attended to. June 28. . ' ir . 25. v WITNESSES; 6r, THE FORGER COMICTED. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, Who has had 10 years experience in Bank er and Publisher, and Author of A series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when, for 10 apecesaive nights, over' 1-50,000 PeoplegJ . , Greeted him whh rounds of applause, while he exhibited the Manner in which Counterfeit ers execute their Frauds, and. the surest and shortest means of fletectingclhem. mS as Ed Ed o 5g The Banknote Engravers all say that he is lie S ' greatest Judge of Paper Alonev living; Z KEATEST DISCOVERY of THE PRE S vJTSENT CENTURY POX 2 DETECTING C0BSTERFE1T BASK NOTES- rn Describing every genuine Bill in existence and S v Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit r? in circulation f I Arranged so sSmirahly that reference is easy, w r and DETECTION instantaneous. ffo index to examine ! Ntt pages to hunt lip But so simplified and arraneed. that the Mer chant, Bankerand Business Man can tee all at . --., ' n Glance,'' ; Ex -J US at 5 ! Ehgliah, French and German... Thus each may read the same in hia own ' Native Tongne. Most Perfect Banknote List Published, . , . .. Jilso LlBtof : . All the Private Bankers in America. Complete Snramary 6f the Fisakci or Edbops & Ambbica will be published in each edition, together, with all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES . . , OF TALES. From an Old Manuscript found In the East, It furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIRWTAT. I.IFR ' at -S3 describing. the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have . been so often found.' These -Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the Public . . -i r . f Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters mnst be addressed to - . JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall St- N. Y April 14. . . , , -9 -J O 63 ; CORN AND FLOUR; . QQinBtJSHELS p'rifrle white Corn now OOuV landing i a front of our olficef also 200 Bbls. oifresh ground Family. fe Superfine Flour. STOKLEV & OLDHAM. GENTS STRAW HATS. Santa Martha, Lut on, Senett and Canton Braid; Panama, Leg horn, Hiawatha, Ceylon, Congress dec- A .full as sortment of these and other styles at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 74 Market st. .: CHAS. D. MYERS, JuheC' - f EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. at4he last Terns ot riiHE subscriber having M. the County Court of Brunswick County. qualified as Executor of the Will i)l the fate Miles Potter," notice is hereby given, to all persons in debted to his estate to make -immediate payment and to thoe having claims, against the same to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be .pleaded in bar of a recovery. - F. W, POTTER, Executor. June 26. t44tf health or Sickness1? HO rH E blm d furnishes the mtfterlal oteiety bone, muscle, gl-nd and fibre In tbe human frame . When pure ft secur.es beajth o every organ ; when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS . operate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of. disease, and thus radically curing the malady,' whether located in the nerves, the stom ach,' tbe liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. USED THROUGHOUT THE WtfRLn: IIOLLOWAY'S. PILLS are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, and In disorders pecaliar to certain climates and localities. , ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and tne eaese of innumerable deaths, yield to these c era tires, ia all cases, h6wevey aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonie j they relieve the bowels, purifying the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution at tbe same time. . t-iCll CtlAU tYtAMXtsa-KYUVS CUA . PLAINTC, . When all stimulants fail,' the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shakinr nerves and enfeebled muscles of lbs victim of general debility. f -" . r - . DELICATE FEMALES. ATI irregularities and ailments incident to tha delicate end sensitive organs of the ses: are remov ed or prevented by a few aoe of thesr mild, bet infallible alteratives. Tio m6iher who regSLdshev own or her children's health , fail to bars them within her reach. i SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London 'Lancet," the London "Medical Review," and 4he most eminent of the faeeltw in Great Britain, France and Germany, hae eulogiz ed the Pills and their inventor. RoUwbaift Pills are the test remedy Inovn in the teorld for the foUoirine diseases i Asthma "Fever and AeueLowness of Bowel Com Female Com- Spirits plaints plaints. Headaches , Indigestion lafloenza Piles Stone snd - Gravel Secondary Symptoms Yen era! A See tions Worms, of all Concha Colds Chest Diseases Costiveness Inflammation Inward Weak- Liver Com Dyspepsia Olarmeea Dropsy Debility plaints Kinds Sold at the Manufactures of Professor Hol low a v, fcW Maiden L.aae, New-Votk, end 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throevhoat the United Statm and the civilised world,-in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and SI eacbv jf' - There is a cohsld'erable saving by taking inc larger fizes. ' N. B. Directions for ths guidance of patients in"j oitoiuct arc amxea on CSCB DOX. tCAtTTION I None are enniae nnleas- the words "JloUovay, Ate York md Lmuton," are discernable as a watcr-metrk in every leaf of the book ot direction around each pot r box; the same may be nlainlv bv hbiir Htm Leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be eiven to any one rendering such information as may lead to tne detection or any party er parties counter, felting the medicines or vending the fame, know, ingthem to be spurious. iiiowirs PILLS. wee. it. - lie