fci SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES NEW AND BRILLIANT SCHEME! CAPITAL PIlIZLE ' " The following Scheme will be drawn by S. SwamcVCo. Managersoi' the Fort Gaines Acade my Lottery, in each iif llvir Lotteries for Sep tember, 1857, t AUGSSTA, Georgia, which city they have removad their Principal Office. CLASS 52, To bo drawn In the City of Angu.it Georgia, In jitiblic, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1857. To bo drawn In tho City of Augusta Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1857. clams s i. To bo drawn hi the City of Augusta, Georgia, In public, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1857. CLAMM 5, To be drawn in thctlly of A nsla, Georgia, In i pnlilic, on SA'l L'llDAY, SEP'l'EMHEK 26, 1S57 ON 'I'll H I'l.AN oi'I:i.E XUHHKKS, FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE PRIZES 1 NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICK ETS! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME 1 TO BE rIlAVN EACH SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER 1 Prize of Sfin.000 10 " " POO 1 " 30,0(i0 10 " " 70 1 " 10,0)0 10 " " 600 i " 7.r( o n " 4 510 I " 5 Ut0 10 Prises or 4(10 1 " " 2,5u0 1U " " 30) 1 ' 1 500 170 ." 150 Nf ' " 1 00 J 210 luO io " " uoo ; APPUOX1MATION PRICES. 4 prize of $400 appro'to i'i.otHi prize are $I,G00 4 300 30,000 J, H0 200 1 125 100- 1 75 50 20 are 10,000 7.B0O &,0(0 2. WO 1;500 - HIMJ 500 40fl 300 200 100,000 BOOO 5 405 prizes amount td $320,000 Whole Tickets. 10 llnlvce; $5- Quni iera, $.'.. PLAN OK Til l LOTTERY. The Nuitilwn frovi 1 to 5(1,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate Mips of paper, ore! encircled with small tin lubes and placed in one V lul l. The first 467 Prizes, sihil'orly prinkd and, en circled, are placed in another wheel. Tho w heels are then revolved, and a number is drnwn from llie wheel of Numbers, nnd at the Mime time a Prize is drawn from the oilier wheel. 1'- Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhih.ted lo Ihc audience, and registered by the iJoinmis.-iuntrs the Prize bilng placed against tho X mill er drawn. Thij operation Is repeated until all thn Prizes are drawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES- The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to thofri drawing tho first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 23 Approximation Prizes. For example! if Ticket No. 11250 draws the $f0,P(;0 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11249; 11,249, 11. 251. 11,252, Will eiich he entitled to 6400. Jf Tick et No 650 draws the 830,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 543, 519, 551, 552, will each be entitled to $ IOC nnd so on according to the above schemo. The 3,0u0 Prizes of $20 will be determined by Hie ljt figure oi the Number ihnl draw the $60,1:00 Prize. Kor example, If iho Number drawinsr the iGO.UO;) Prize er.ds with No. 1, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in I, will be entitled 1)520. II the Number ends with No. 2. then all iho Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. I'erlificntes of Packagct will be sold at the fol low! n 2 rales, which is the risk: Certificate of Pucktigeol 10 W hole Tickets, $90 " " 10 I I .i 1 1 " 40 ' ' 10 (iuarter " 20 " 10 Klein h " 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFIC ! ATKS. Enclose (lie money to our nddress for the Tic lets ordered, on rece pi of which they will be for warded by rirt niiiil. Purchasers can huvo tickets tndinginpny figure they in.iy designate. The Lli-t o lira wn X uinbersund Prizes will be rent to piirchiscrsiinniediaiely afler the drawing. 5"j" Purchairs w ill pleue w ite tin it signatures !ain. and give their Post Oilioe, County ami Sluln. l IJememher that every PriJle la drawn, and puvihlr in full wifhout deduction. V II Prizes of $1000, arid under,-paid fmmeU iiicly iif er the drawing -oilier prizes ul the usual lime of thirty days. AH communication strlctl confidential. Addrevs Ordeis for Tickets or Certificates to a. SWAN & CO., ! , A ugvuta, Oa. J" Persons ifNiiiir.g near Montgomery, Ala or Atl.in u, Ga con h ive their older filled, and urn- lime, bv add ret i tig S. SVau i Co., uteitlier 61' those cities. fm A list of ihr numbers Ufa? sre drawn fro n fho wheel, with tie arnnnnl of the prize ti. at each .nn is entitled to. will be pullibed after evry iliawi-ni', in the foli" in2 p'tfers : .N'pw Orb ans I Kit a. M o' flu Iter iVVr,(Jhr'esiin SnndarJ,l usli ville (iixrl'e, Ailintii IiiJdlineuccr. . .s ew York Weekly tnj Honk nnd Mavumiah jloj riinf News. tticltmpnd lHjtfmtch, and New Y'ork Di'patch and Pauldintr (Mit.) Ciurion. I Sepum'bcr 10 1657. ITRMTFRE! FURNITURE!! FOlt TIIK TH AOKoft PHTVAT E Cli FOSTER & LEE, iFurniture Manufacturers, S5 lioicery, Nao York. TERM 3 CASH. ONE PP.ICS ONLY. HERETOFORE we have manoficturf d and sold exclusively at Wholesale. We ure now prepared lo oiler a well assorted stock at Ketatl, at a saving of front twenty to thirty per cent, to the consumer. " . ,j Wo hutc now for sale Mahogany Chairs, spilns seats, tipholsfered in hair cloth, from $2 26 to &S00 each. Mnhot'ar.y tSofas, spriosr seats, upholstered In hair cloth, from 13 to 2H dollars each. Mahogany Hocking Chairs, spring feats, up bolstered to huir-clohh, from 6 to 12 dollars each. i Mahogany Easy Chairs, on castors or rockers, upholstered in huir-cloih, from 11 to 19 dol lars each. Mahogany Tele a-Tete, upholstered In hair cloth, from 15 to 35 dollars each. Mahojiany Tete-a-tete Sofus. upholstered In hair cloth, from 25 to 4S dolnraeuch. Marble and Mahogany Top Tubles, In great varierv of styles, qualities nnd prices. Bureaus, hull AKirble and Wood Top, with or without Ol.ipses, nnd wash stands to mat' h. Also, Wardrobes Bedsteads, Sidsboards, Hall ManJ, Book Cases, Lounges, Etegcres, Corner sianrl and Book shelves. ca u Us tad OI'KICJE iUUXITUHK. 1KS ICS, TABLES AND ClIAIKd. . ' " (he above goods in black walnut or oak t ;:iu same prices. PARLOR SUITS, i Rosewood upholstered in French BrocalellJy Satin Uamnk, Kntin and Plush. The anno in Black Walnut, the frames ol of which ure stained In varnishing, making a beautiful imitation, nd upholstered In the same goods, make a showy appearance at a much lower price. . i In our cntablithmenf can bn fonnd a great variety oi Fancy Chairs,' In Rosewood, Ma hogany and Bluck Walnut Turkish Smoking Chairs. Reclining Chnirs, Hall Chairs, Vol taire Chaira, Cane Chairs, and also the cele brated .SPKINO HF.I), known as Tucker'a patent. This article we would particularly re commend, it havinz been fully tested, and found upotlrial to be the best spring bottom evet invented. Conclusion. . Parties who are not able to personally select the goods they may want, can depend upon having their orders filled with aa much care, and their inte-csl studied, aa though they were present) and to such we also ufFer our services for the selection of any Household goods they may want, and aa we should purchase from First Hands, a saving will thereby bmade which the customer would have the benefit of. July 28, 1867. , w&twly'r . C4 fa u u -a U TURK'S ISLAND SALT. 4nnfl BUSHELS. For sale by ,JliU J, C. SMITH & CO. July 30, 57. new York Advertisements. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOV ERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE." PATKNT. OFFICE SEAL OK OllRAT BRI TAIN. D1PLOMB de ECOLK do PHAR MACIE PHAltMACIEN do PARIS, and IM PERIAL COLLEGE of MEDICINE, VIENNA Sold wholesale and retail by Ir. II, A. Barrow, Member of the Imp'l College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who may be person, illy consulted at his residence, 157 Prince street, few block west of Broadway, N. Y., from II A, M. till 2 P. M., and from 4 till 8 P. M. (Sundays escepted, unless by appointment.) Tries mar No. S, Is a remedy for Relaxation, SpermiorthoFa. rir.d all the distressing consequences arising Irom early abuse, indisci iminatc' excesses, or too longresi dence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now In the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood ; and whatever may be the eaueor dis qualifications for for marriage, they are effectually subdued. Trlfsemar No. 2, . Complt tely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorhrea, both in its mild and aggravated !orms, Gleets, Stilclnres, Irritation of me Bladder, Non retention of Urine, Pains of the f.oins and Kid neys, and ihofe disorders fot which Copaivi and Cubebs Lave so long been thought an antidote. Trlesemar No. 3. ihe great Continental Pemedy for Syphilis and Sccondarv Symptoms. It also constitutes a cer tain care for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all impurities from the vital stream, so as altoget her to eradicate the. virus oi disease, and exjjel it by insensible perspiration through the medium of ihe porea of the skin and mine; It is a never failing remedy for that class of dis orders which English Physicians treat wih Mer curv, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsoparilla in the world cannot remove. , , TllleS KM A li No. 1, 2, and 3, are prepared in ihe foi m of a lozenge, devoid of tasteor sineil, and can be curried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided In sepdrate doses as'administer ed by Valpenu, Lalleinan, Roux, Ricord, &c. Ac. Prices S3 each, or four cases in one foi $9, which saves S3, and in $27 cases, wheieby there is a sav ins: of 9, None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Office of England, the eals of ihe Eeoln de Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College Of Vienna, ure affixed upon each wrapper, and around cueh case. Imitations are liable to the severest pennlties of the Law. Special arrangements enable Dr. Bahhow to for ward immediately, on receiving a remittance, the $9 and larger size cases of Triesemar Km or carbiags, to any part of the world, securely pack ed and properly addressed; thus insuring genuine European preparations and protecting the public from t pur'.ous and pernicious imitations. Attendance and Consultation from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M. and from 4 till 8 in the evening. 157 Prince?a Street, n lew blocks west of Broadway, New Y'ork. April 23, 1857. IS ly. Maryland Lotteries FOR SEPTEMBER, 1857. It. F RANCH &, CCT., M a nage rs. 33HIXillXAUT Soliomo! Grand Consolidated Lottery op Maryland, Class L, To be drwn Saturday, September, 26th, In Baltimore, ISlarylnnd. Drawings conducted under the svpcrintcnd'Ttce of the State Lottery Commissioner. SCHEME. 73 Nutnbe 14 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of $G2.e00 - $G2,900 2 IS.Ot.O 30,000 2 in 0i 0 20 Ot'O t e.ooo ' J6 tioo 2 6.C0O 12 000 5 5 000 25.000 5 3.700 13.510 5 2 5 0 12 5 0 b 1.800 9 000 10 1 730 17.50a 10 l.BftO 15.(00 20 1.000 20.0K 295 . 400 118.000 p? VI 10 25 COO 12S 100 12HOJ 40 222.720 ifl.224 2 J . 664 4S0 31 412 prizes, AMOUNTING TO SI '-02.0f 0. Wholes SiO: Halves $10; Quar. $5; Eighth $2 50 Certificate ol Package of 2t W holes, cost i'l'i 00 do. - do. 26 Halves, " 141 tO do. do. - 20 Quiirtcrs," 70 50 do. do. 16 Eighth?, " 35 25 HAVANA PLAN, OF SINGLE NUMBERS Now Become so Popular. 3 Grand Consolidated Lottery (if Maryland. rJlra Class 9. To be dra wn in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, Sept. 26, 1Sj7. .;i . ! SPLENDID SCHEME. Cnpilal Prizes I prize of , 1 piizo 1 prize of . 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 pri2e of '. 1 prize of . Approx. Prints. 81 000 4 of $400 II 760 4 of .300 6.000 . 8 Of 200 4 , 4 Mi0 " 4.000 16 of 150 f 4.ot o ; ' 4.000 f 3 BOO 1 3600 16. of 100 3 5'0) - 3,510 . 2,500 16 of 80 1 .200' lS of 60 2.000' 20 of 60 300 700 of 40 j ' 1 prizes of I prizes of 1 prizes of 1 prizes of 4 prizes of . s 4 prizes of 5 prizes ot 175 nzes of 1 000 prizes amounting lo . . . . . $193,900 Wholo Tickets 10? Halves $5 Quar'ers $2 50. o ' CPlease address all orders for Tickets in the above' Magnificent Schemes, to T. H. HUBBARD & Co,, No. 39 Favcfte Streetor Box No. 40, Baltimore, Mary land.' ' ; REMARK3 ON MARKETS. II IG 11 LY IMPORTANT TO RECTIFERS, LIQUOR MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. - DR. FEUTCIITWANGER'3 Flavorings to Produce at a Momcuts Not ice every desired lilqttor. The undersigned has lately made great improve ments in this branch of business. The Flavor' ings aro put up in packages of 5 10, and 40 Gal lons, and acquires tut the addition of Pure Spirit, either 1st or 4th proof and Liquors such a Cognac, either dark oi pale, Holland and England and Eng lish Gin, Jamaica and St. Croix Kum, Mon'onga hela, Bourbon, lrieh and Scotch, Whiskey, Apple, Peach, Cherry and Raspberry 'Brandy, Port and Madeira W ines will be instantly produced. It re quires no skill, but an addition of a good spirit, say 50 gallons to each gallon of (he respective Flavoring. 'i , , The best Cognac il, green, yellow and white warranted genuine, aa low aa ay other importer in the U.S. Essences of every Liqnor. Extract o( Cognac, 1 lb. of which produces 200 gallons of Coenae. ' Raw Whiskey may by Dr.FVa age and body pre paration he made smooth with but a trifling ex pense. The price of Flavorings are extremely moderate, and directions in full supplied by Olt LEWIS- FKUCHTYVANOER. Chemist and Importer of Drugs, Essential OUs and Metals, Daguerreotype and Photographic Chemicals, No. 1 13 Maiden Lane. New York.. N. B. Sole Agent for Oodfrey'scelebrated Cor dial Bitters and Gin. April 18. 18 6m.. EMPIRE CABS, GIGS & CARRIAGES. JUST at hand, per Schr. Ben, a new and splen did assortment of the above articles for Chil dren, at the Broadway-Variety Store, No. 40 Market street. WM. H. Da.NEALE. Aug. IS. 81, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OF. Sale. 50 LOTS IN TIMM0NSTILLE, &e. THE Subscriber off rs for sale Tracts of Land in Darlington, VViHiamsburg, Marion, Sampler and Clarendon Districts, in ict to auit purchasers These lands are adapted to various pmsuits They comprise good Turpentine tracts, (all round trees,) as well as good Cotton and Corn lands ; there are also, at different places, fine Mill seats. These lands lie on, and contiguous to, the Wil mington end Manchester Rail Road, the North Eastern Rail Road, and Lynch's Creek, a naviga ble stream and gone portions of them are in a high stale ot cultivation, and have been improved, con taining: good residences, out buildings, -tc. He also will sell, on advantageous terms, a large number of desirable buiKlin? lots in the flourishing village of Timmonsville ; among others, theie is one with a fine and commodious Hotel npon it another with a Steam Mill in complete order; an other with a Store House well stoci'ed with Goods eoind for the country trade. Terms will be ulade easy. For further irlforina tion address J. M. TIMMO.VS, Timmonsville, S. C. July 13. 1667. 3m:tAw52 SUNDIUES! " inn nf"!"! LATHS, excellent quality ; 1 VW, tUJ 200 Barrels Noa Scotia herrings 60H.igg Phosphate of Lime; , 300 Prime Spirits Barrels ; 6 half barrels Pickled Sh3d for family use ; : 200 bags Chilian Guano ; 10 barrels SnufT. For sale bv - ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Augast ISth. . FOR SALE OR RENT. THE HOUSE AND LOT recently occu pied b the subscriber, lroniinr on Third street, between Red Cross and N . Btiun- dary. Also ONE VACANT LOT, corner of Third and North Boundary, and several vacant lots North of the Rail road. For terms apply in my anence to O. L. Fiilyaw. D. Mc.MlLL.AN.; August liih. lstOp. PEilFECTION OF MEfJlIANISM. AMERICAN IMPROVEMENTS IN WAME TIIE BEST TIME KEErEB AT TUB COST. By the aLXTgreat improvements in Machinery and manynew and alioaetHer original inventions, we are nlw able to off r the public a PERFECT WATCH at a small price. Our.rniehines arc so true and so delicate, and our system of manufac ture so csmplete, that every watch must be an ex act counterpart. The movements are new, simple and beaujjtul in plan and construction, and have been pronounced by thefbltst judges to be inult less in principle and quality. Each one is engra ved "Ar?LToir. TiAcv & Co., Waltharh, Mass. and is ace panied by a certificate of genuine ness and PERPETUAL WARRANTY. We ask no man to buy these Watches merely be cause they are of American manufacture. . Wc ask only '.hat this fact t-h.tll not be permitted to nrejudtce or exclude them from consideration. We claim thit Watches equal in quality and merit cannot be obteincd so cheap in Europe i and we ask our countrymen to give them s trial under onr warranty. Orders or inquiries may be addressed to us directly, or to any of the undermentioned firms, who ore aeents for the sale of our Watches. Mesarj COOPER A FELLOWS, No. II, Mai den Lane. N. V. ' FELLOWS 4 CO., No. 17, Maiden Lane, N. Y. PL ATT & BROTHER, No. 20, Maiden Lane, N. Y. GARY', HOWARD A SANGER, Cham bers st , N. Y ' HILDEBURN & BROTHER, Phila delphia. .. . " PRAT T.f- REATH. Philadelphia. ' PALMER & BACH ELDERS, Boston. BIGELOW BHOS.& KENNARD, UL'llllK CO., Cincinnati, and Messrs. ROB BINS & APPLETOV, No. 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y' who are ageots for the trans action of oar general business, as well as fur the sale of our gooda. A PPL ETON, TRACY A CO. Successors to the Boston Watch Company. Boston Watch Factory, Walthaui, Maes., July, iyr7. September. 1. 69-3m-t-&w. HERRING. 1 QH EXTRA No. 1 Herring, in fine packa A 4- V ges, just landed and for sale by At!g 2-'. ADAMS, SRO. & CO. Iand 'Warrants! WHEELER "& EVERETT, New York City; W ill pat for Boiinty Land Warrants'of siif denom inations, two percent, above market pi ices, until October 16th, we having a large amount to deliver at that time. Stnd them along. The following are the latest Quotations : 1C5 acres . . . . . 94 120 . . . . . . 90 P0 ' . 94 40 " , " i . 1 20 Parties sending Warrants by mail, will be paid the imrne as though they were personally present. Draft (emitted by return mail. Address WHEELER & EVERETT, Brokers, New Y'ork City. Now. York, Auffust 15, 1857. tw69 YOUNG AMERICA TARGET PISTOL Manufacturing Company, This Pistol is intended as theforcrunnerof the or dinary pistol, nncf isTJepined for young men and boys who wish to erfjoy tfis exciting sport offirim? at a target, at the most triflin" expense, and with out any danger of accident. The cheapest ordina ry pistol is three or four times the price of this be sides being dangerous in the hands of boys.' This l ift: 1 is loaded with iho common Fire Cracker, which forms a complete cartridge, and will cairy a ball ten or fifteen paces with' the same pre6ision as the ordinary pistol, but not with sufficient force to Co sny serious damage. As Afiieriva is a shooting nation, the Young Americans must and will learn the art hf which' our independence was secured. Hence this Target Pistol is exactly in time, and must meet with universsl sale among our youth. .of the South and West. It operation is perfectly sim ple, and il is not liable to get out of order. A .foil description will aeconipapy. every case of pistols The pistols are put up at tho factory in cases of 50 esch. ready to sfend bf express to any part of the United States or Canada. .. Retail price, 25 cents; by the case, $7.50. or 15 cents each. ' . . . - FRENCH, HALL & CO., New Haven, Cfe, August 27th, 1857. 67tw YVII.MINOTOX & VEIJX)X XL R. COMPANY, ) Orrrca Cmsr Ehgtxbcb akd grrsBiSTsxDssr. Wilmington, N. C, Augast 8th, 1857. NOTICE. THERE are two Cotton Gins, and a Cotton Carder in the Company's Warehouse, that have been there unclaimed -for more than two years." . "'"-.j If they are not called for, charges paid, and re moved within 20 davs. they will be sold at auct ion for the benefit of the Company. " ' " S. L. FREMONT, i Eng. and Sopt. Aug. 11. , 60-t . GIFTS ! GIFTS! ! GIFTS"! ! ! A PRIZE TO EVERY PTJRCHASER,- at the Quaker City Publishing Houae of Doane Rnli son, Philadelphia. By boying a bonk for 1, or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth from 25 cents to $100, consisting of fine gold Jewelry, Watches, Ac. All ordeis by mail will be ororaily filled, and the prize or pri sea will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of the day, and will be sold at the usual retail prices, many of ihant for lea. Persona wishing any particular book can order at once, and it will be forwarded with a glfr. A cat alogue giving fail Information, with a Hat of book and gifts- wiR be sent post paid, by addressing - . , , . DUANE RULlSOf. r No. 33 S. Ttird street, Phila. iS'Agents wanted". ' August 29th, 1857. SStwJm LOWKST NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED FROM COAL. (NOT EXPLOSIVE.) S3V!in9 S3 H33!8 8&lKSStfS, THE different grades ot these Celebrated oils, suitable for Machinery of sll kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, al so of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and, Drtugists io the City of New York, and of the authorized Local Agent of the Company io this place. AUSTENS, General Agents, Kerosene Oil Co., No. 60 Beave. Street, N. Y. ZjT Local agencies granted on application aa bove. Orders should specify the description of 'amp or machinery for which the oil is wated. J one S. 1857. tw34:ly' OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE" AT THE Wilmington saddle, Harness, and Trunk 9 - Manufactory. TH E subscriber respectlully i n forms t h ep ublie thai he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, &c., the latest and most improved style, and is consianly manufacturing. at hisstore on market street ,evcrV description of artlclein the above line; from hie experiencein the business, he feelaconndent that hewill beab'le to giveentiresatisfactiontoaliwho mayfavorhim with a call. Hehasriowon hand and willconstahlly keen a iaraeassortmen tof Coach, Gig and Sul&ey Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bridles. Wkips, qc. Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips Spurs, arc allof which he will warrant to be offcw the best materials and workmanship. He has also a larsre assortment of Trunks, Vnllses. Snddle and. Carpet Rags, Satchels, l'anry Trunks, Ac, and all other ar ticles usually kept in sch establishments, ail of which lie otters low ret L AH,or onahorlcredil to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness , Trunks, Redica 1 Bags, &c Ac. , made to order. Inaddition tothe above the subscribe ra!way3 kecDson hand a larsesnnDlv of String Leftther and has now, and will k'-3p through the season a good assortniro tor I' ly IVfctts. Allareinvited to call a nd examine my Goods whethcrin wantornot. asl tukeoleasureinshw- ingmy assortmtnt to all who may favor me with a call. , Ilarnes S and Coabh Trimmings .sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Also, Whirs at wholesale. AllUi. of Riding Vehicles bought r.. old on eomn. ions. JOHN J. CONOLEY" . Feb. 7. 5 138 THE ANNALS OF v SOUTHERN" METHODISM An admirahte annuai." O. Advocate. A taut amount of valuable informatioa. Texas Advocate. A very complete and ueeful repository of tormntion." lluarterlif Heeiem. Every Methodist in the Boutb should pro E3C- 251 cure It." IS. u. Advocate. "There can be do sort of doubt about the suc cess of this book." Home Circle. Sand1 l Mj "Will get more out of tt than the worth of one dollar." AT. O. Advocate. 1 Cheap at five lime the cost." Home Circle. S a: 1856-? "We had not expected to find It so deeply in teresting." Tela Advocate. "It must have cost great labor." Southern Metnodtgt &iarteriy. jiin. cnii wc, aner mis, ao wiinoui 11 f" Home Cit-cle. Tjtrge 12 mo. nentlv "The plan and execution of It we highly com-njend."--. M. Quarterly. bound and lettered. . , win aave an enormous circulation. 1 1 Home Circle Single copies, bv mail, prepaid, fil. fif To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 dozen or more, oQper cent, discount. May be ordered from Stevenson & Ovven; Nashville i W. P. Grif fith, Norfolk, Virgluia. ; J. W. Piatt, Wilmington, N. O.; ii. ti. Myers, Charleston, 8. C, or H. D. McGiunis, New Orleans, ggp For single copies ana special agencies, aanress the editor, CHARLES. F. DEEMS, May 14. (25tw ) Wilmington, N. C AFFLICTED READ 11 PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE Established twenty-two years ago bv Dr KINKELIN, corner of Third and Union streets. riiilddelphta, 1'a. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has render&Y Dr. K. ri fnoat m. cessful praciiiioh'er in the cure of all diseases oi a private nature ; manhood's debi. ty, as an im pediment to marriage ;. nervous . and. sexual in firmitles, diseases --f the skin, and those arising irom aouse oi mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. . There is an evil habit sometimes indulced In h boys, in solitude, often growing up with them lo manhood : and which, if not reformed in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, but gives rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervons system shattered, feel strange and nnarcountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. (See pages, 27, 28,29, of Dr. K'a book on " Self Preservation.") The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to ap ply his mind to study : his step is la"rdy and weak; he is dull, irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less'energy than usual. If he emancipate h'lmself before the practice has done its worst, aftd enter m'atrirnony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tetls him that this is caused by his early follies.. These arc considera tions which should awaken Vie attention of all who are similarly siluatett. RE5IEMBER. He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, am', rely upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K.'s patients will, never be dis closed. Y'oung man let no false modesty deter you from making your case known to one, who, from education and respectability, can certainly be friend vou. : Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the. last twenty years at the N..VV. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A P1STANCE., Can have (by stating their case explicitly, to gether with all their evrrTptorn's. per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated aceordinglv. " , , , Forwarded to any part of the United Stales, and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mai) or Express. . . . . - . BEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous or a Priradlurt Death , Kinkelin on Sef-Preservation Only 25 Cents. Letters containipg that value in stamps, will ensure a copy, .per return Ol mail. - '. . - GRATIS! GRATIS 1! GRATIS ! Tf . ! A Ffee Gl FT To Ail. MISERY RELIEVED. . "Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, full of valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculated to prevent years of misery, and save thousands- of fives,' Is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid, to any Post Office fn the United Stales, on receiving an order enclosing two postage Stamps. . Aug-.L S3 Ir-w&t N . . UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ".Thia MagWine wfil be', issued .about the :0th inst., fn eharge : of the hew Editors who have been selected, from the Class of 1857 '58. Its matter will consist of articles from the b'efr wri ters of the University oth in prose and poetry Its editorial will be filled np with a variety of pieces, original and selected and nothing will be omitted that will niste it an interesting end readable periodical. The liberal patronage of an enHghtened pablie Is respectfully solicited. It will be printed by Mr. Jas. Henderson of the Chapel Hill Gazette, who will use every effort to get up a neat and respectable magazine. . Terms $2,00 per annum in advance. THE EDITORS. Chapel Hill, N. C. Aug. 1. TO RfiNT. THE Three story brick duelling house on Mar ket atreet recently occupied by A. V. W. Hewlett as a boarding house, and above the Drug Store of Messrs. Walker Means & Co- The hooe is l irge and comfortable. - Apply to John A. Taylor, Esq., in my absence. Possession given the 1st day of October.-' - ; ; . ' , , : . . JOHN . BELLAMY. .VilmlnglOB, N. C., Aug. 27, 1857. S3tw ' Journal cop tilt forbid. CBAS. D. MYERS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market St t r . . ; - i : WrLnnvefdir, N.'G. PANiVx, f.Goroajt, and- t'axm ttir mm, wool cb. snK. and MoiEafn- a-ATs. . Cloth, Plush, akd Silk Gt-AXxo Caps, by to ease or doxen. At Ntew York Whole safe Prices, march 12. 153: GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!! The greatest offer in Gold Pens, Gold Pencils, Gold Chains, and Gold Watches ever , made. - Read ike following : worth from five to one hundred dollars positively given to any person who can spars one day in a week, or one hour irt a day, getting up cluba of subscribers In his own and adjoining neighbor hoods, for the best and most popular family news paper now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital required of agents. An entire new plan is proposed, by which any person can succeed in ma king jt a paying business, who will undertake the agency. A private circular, for the inspection of agents only, witi. full lists of premiums, will be sent to any one wno aesires it, on receipt of a stamp to pay rfetbrn postage, Some agents have earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. Every family should read at least one Newspa per from New Y'ork city. Without interfering with their Local papers, which, of cc-tlrse, cannot, and should not, be dispensed with. But New York be ing the great Commerciaiand and business centre of this con tl net; no farmer, mechanic, professional man, or merchant, is properly prepared for the emergencies of his calling unless be is in commu nication with New York city by means of one of its first cla-s newspaper mediums. Such a medi um is our "LEDGER," neutral in politics, but giving all the facts, items of news, and thrilling in cidents worth knowing throughout the xiiintry. A Valuable Gift. Each new subscriber will receive with the first No. of his or her paper one of the new and beauti lul glass pointed indelible Pencils, just imported from Europe, and for which we have obtained the excltiMveagency for this country. This is the most ingenious and useful little improvement of the pres ent age, and is ihe only pencil ever made that will write wiih ink, making it both a pen and pencil of the finest quality at the same time. It will last for years, and for practical use is worth more than any gold pen in the market. For list of premiums ahd full particulars address, HALL f. WEST, Publishers, N. Y. City. Thesis, Pencils supplied to the trade at a profit able uiseoum. August 27ih, 1857; tw67 CROSKEY fc CO.'S LINE OF STEAMERS, BETWEEN NEW YORK, LONDON & BREMEN THE MAGNIFICENT BRITISH STEAMSHIPS QUEEN of the SOUTH, Captain Beal, 2221 tons burthen. INDIANA,.. Capt. Baker, 2304 do; ARGO Capt. Benson, 2315 do. JASON Capt. Britton, 266T ' do- Owned by ihe EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY op LONDON Asd SOU I HAMPTON, are appointed to sail from NEW Y ORK on every alternate WEDNESDAY, for LONDON and BREMEN, touching at SotrrH ampto to land passengers and mails for England and France. They will remain one dHy at Lon don, and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, they will leave BREMEN fot NEW Y'ORK on every altetnale SATURDAY, stopping only at Southampton. These steamships afe of the first ciaes, and have superior accommoda lions for passengers. They will take a limited number of third-class or steerage paesengtus. A Surgeon attached to each ship. The rires of freight to London will be but little higher than those of sailing ships. RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin, $30; Second Cabin, $50 J Steerage The steamship INDIANA will sail from NEW YORK, on WEDNESQAY, 30th of September,' ana oe eucceeenea oy me Aituu, uctoner 14 in ana j.isuiv, uct. zgth. For freight or passage ripply to C. H. SAND, 11 South William st. Juiy 7. 47-lm. REMOVAL; T HAVE REMOVED MY RESIDENCE AND A OFFICE to Front Street, next North of P. K. Dickinson qr., to the house fornie-ly occupied by Mr. A. A- Wanet, where I can beuund when not professionally exzaged. VVM. E. FREEMAN, M.D. Feb. 25. 146. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.' fTHE subscriber having, at the last Term ot JL trte.Co&nty Court of Brunswick County, qualified as Executor of the Will. Of the late Miles Potter, notice .is hereby given Jo all. persons in debted to his estate to make immediate payment and to those having claims against the same to present them within the time prescribed by law, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery F. W. POTTER, Executor. June 26 tw44tf HEALTH OR SICKNESS!. choose: ebtween tiiem; 0 W A Y rHE bin d furnishes the material of every hone, rtjitscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. vvhen pure, it secures health to every organ ; when corrupt,, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLOW A Y'S, PILLS operate directly upon the eletnents of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whetner located in the nerves, the stom ach, the liver, the bowels', the niuscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD! nOLLOWAY'S PILLS are etfually efficacious in complaints Common to the whole human race, and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source ottnfirmity arid suffering, and the cause of Innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, h.we,yer' aggravated, actinic an a mild purgatfve, alterative and tonic; they relieve the bowels, purifying the ffoids. and invigorate the system and the constitution at thesaine time. GENERAL WEAKNESS" NERVOUS COM PLAINTS. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties of theae .Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muse'es of the victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES. . All irregularities and ailments incident to the delicate and sensitive organs of the sex are remov ed or prevented by a few dof es of thesr mild, bat infallible alteratives. - No frioiher who regads her own , or her children's health fail to' have them within her reach,, . SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London "Laneef." the London "Medical Review," and the most eminent of the faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, haveeulogix. ed the Pills Sr.3 their Inventor. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in Hie ttorld for the following diseases : Asthma Bowel Com plaints Coughs Colds Chest Diseases Costiveness Dyspepsia Diarrhota s Dropsy Fever and Ague Lo'wnes's of Female Co m- Spirits plainta. Headaches Indigestion' Influenza Inflammation Inward Weak ness Liver Cora- Piles . Stone and Gravel Secondary . . Symptoms Veneral Aifee tlons Worms', of all Debility plaints kinds Sold at the Manafactarea of Professor Hol- iovat, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 214 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the Civilized world.in boxes at 25 cents, 624 t cents, and $1 each. 13" There I a co'nstderaole savfng by taking the larrger eiaea.' ' N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients In every disorder are affixed oft each box. ... QfCAtTTION I None are genuine unless the words "HoUoaay, tfew York mUtd lsondan" are discerns ble as a jcater-wtark in (Very leaf of the book of drreetions around each pot r box -f the same msry bit pbtf nly eeri' by holding ike leaf to the Bghi. At .handsome revrard will be given to any one rendering sach iaKrmation aa anay lead to thedeteefion or any party ot parties counter feiting; tms mKiieiOes or vending'th'e same, know ng them to be sparioua. Dec. fl. 114 U 6 L L 0 iV A Y ' S PILLS ANTIPHLOGISTIC SALT, A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE " son the lakcet. Leeches and busters OF the intrinsic value, the enlightened commu nity, and not the Discoverer, most be the Judge, Many Medicines offered for sale are accompan ied by doubtful certificates, (their chief virtue,) and claim to Be universal remedies, caring all maladies a burlesque on common sense. As the discoverer of thia Salt solemnly protests against having it placed in the category of frauds and im positions, he has resolved that it shall go forth to the world like the pure gold dollar, with bo other passport tnan its own true value. Jf the public find it genuine they-will receive it if spurious, they will reject and condemn It. Instead a pan acea for all ilia, it has control over out one ill has but one aim and accomplishes but one thing, to wit: subdobs inplammatobt DiSBASx whatever beits form orlocality-hetherin the head, throat chest; abdomen, extremities, or skin. A hen the discoverer, after a long aeries of labo rious and costly exptfrimen's, became fully confir med in his conviction that the Antiphlogistic Sail, which he now has the happiness to present to the American public, was a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE For Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his mini was so agitated that he cou!3 not sleep for many nights The cause of his agitation was the stri king fact that the manner of its operation, like that of the virus in v.- ccination, could no' be satisfacto rily explained upon any known principle. How, iniehat ieay, it so effectually subdues inflammatory diseases, and no othero, was at first wholly inexpli cable but, on further expei iment, it was proved that by its power over the veins, arteries and glands, it equalizes thejluids of thebody, the wantof an equilibrium in which, is the sole cause ol in flammatibn. ' It exeits, like the vaccine mat er,an extraordinary influence over the circulation re sulting in a gradual decline of inflammation as in dicated by the pulse, which soon resumes its nat ural state, as the heat and pain disappear. Such is its potency, that like the vims just mentioned, it requires what merely . adheres to the point of a quill dipped into a solution of it, to affect the en tire syStem but must beihslanlly used to prevent Odecom position and secure its full virtoe. Three IVquills io acute, and two in chronic disease, every Hj4- hours, till the heat and fever have subsided a nit a perfect cure effected.- vnen it takes the place oi Leeches. Stimulating Ointments and Blisters in Locallnflammation,as Brain Fever, Croup, Tooth ache Pleurisy, Ac, its mode of. administration , is two-fold. lScedirectiohsfordissslriTig,etc.) pjfThe peculiar excellence of this Salt is that without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effectually cures Inflammatoiy Diseases (no oth ers) by producing an equilibrium of all the fluids in the body and a consequent uninterrupted circula tion. The lollowingdifferentorwis which the un balanced fluids assume, and many not here men tioned, that have more or less fever or pain, are as perfectly subdued by the Antiphlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by water. .. . .1 Cases where the unbalanced fluid nffectsthe Head ahd Throat lowit: Brain Feer, Headache, Fits, Inflamed Eyes, Kara and Nose. Canker, Neu ralgia, Catarrh, Erysipelas Bronchitis; fce. 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the Chest and Abdomen to wit: Pleurisy, Asthma, Inflamed Lungs and Liter. Colic, Heartburn. Coughs, Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gonorroheea. Venere al.&c. 3-Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the Extremities and Skin to wii: Rheumatism, Gout, Scrofula, Ulcers. Chicken and Smsli Pox, Salt Rheum, ahd all Itehihg and other Cutanaous Erup tions, This Salt greatly alleviates the Inflammatory Pains peculiar to married ladies, (before and at the time of confinement,) and many Female Com plaints; and is very efficacious in Fevers, Ague, Wounds, Nervoh sand Spinal Affections, and any other forms of (mark this) Irflammalo'ry- Disease, attended with heat or febrile symptoms. JJ-Persons who Have a tendency of blood to the Head and Heart, or lead inactive lives; or breathe the impure air of manufactories ahd the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live in unhealthy climates, are exposed to a peculiar tiliation of ihe fluids of the body, w"hieh' one dose, without interfer ing with diet or business, once in three months. would invariably prevent. It is believed to afloid protection from Infectious Diseases; and, there fore, it is - recommended to Travellers, Sailors and Soldiers. .- .... r- i. . fj"To protect the community from imposition by counterfeits, the Proprietor will employ-no Agint, and has made such arrangements that he can send the Medicine in any quantity, by Mail or Express,'. to any part of the United States or For eign Countries.,, Jts pri me .cost fo the Disc overe is $1.50 per drachm price $2 per drachm and is put up in drachm packages for Acute Disease, (with direction?, Ac. ) at $2 i 3 drachms do. for Chronic Cases, $5; and 5 drachms do. for Families $3 a net profit ot 50c on each package. , l-While many nostrum makers victimize the good natured and pill ridden public by ordering from six to a dozen boxes or bottles to cure any malady, no matter what, the undersigned is happy in being able to state, that the severest forms of recent Inflammatory Disease are overcome by one Acute Package, ahd the most obstinate and long standing by one Chronic Packaere. Although SO days have not elapsed since this New Medical Agent became partially known to th citizens of Boston a no a. few neighboring towns, yet. such have been the results pf its trial that during the past week, nearly 400 packages were sold in. this city and or ders received by mail and express for 163 Family, 347 Chronic, and 335 Acute Packages. In one in stance6 persons clubbed together and wrote for 6 Packages, (of Jhe "Little GiantJ' as they called it,) to be forwarded to one adSress thereby saving expense to themselves and the Proprietor.' 3T" Letters from clubs or individuals with mon ey (if over, $10) should be registered at the post office where mailed, as it costs but 6c, and will se cure their safe arrival. The .Discoverer now humbly submits his Per fect Substitute fo the Lancet,. Leeches and Blis ters, to the tribunal of an intelligent public, reiter ating that it does just what it claims to do no more,, no less f Subdues Inflammatory Diseases, (no others,) whatever ,be its form or,. locality, by restoring the lost balance between thejluids and sol ids. Family Packages, Chronic $N, and Acute $2; to be had (free of expense) only by addressing him through Box 327, Boston, Mass., or at his of fice, No. 2 V7iner Street. , ? . 53rCut out this advertisement for the peru:al of your neighbors and your own future use. F. COGGS WE LL, M. D. . . - Discoverer and Proprietor. Boston, May, 1S57. 25lw -.For sale at TH K COMMERCIAL OFFICE and at WALKER MEARES & CO'S Drugstore TI1E NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C0MP' 1, RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company he s been in operations! net the lsiof April, i843, under thedirectiouof the ol wing Officers, vis : Dr. Uharies c..Jonn9on,f resident. Win. D. Haywood, Vice President, John G. Williams, Secretary, '? Wm.H. Jones, Treasure, PcrrinBusbee, Attorney ,' Dr. Charles K.Johnson, , . : Or Wm.H.McKee, ( Medical Board of Dr. R.K. Hsywooif, " c- . J. Hersman. General Agent. - Thia Company has received a charter giving ad vantages totheinsured overany other Company . Th'ei' Section gives the Husband the privilege tc insure nisown life for the sole use of his Wife and Children free from any elaintbot Ihe represent a- '.ives of the husband or any ot. his creditors. -Organized on purely mutual principles, the life memberssarticipatein theirideof the profits which areieclared annually. Besides, the applicant foi Ife.wnen the annual premium is ovei$30may paj one half in a Note. Allclaim8forinsuraBceagaInstthe Company wii cpaid withinoinety daysafterproof of the death i the party isfurnished- . Slaves are insured forons or five years, at rates which will enxble all Slaveholders to secure thi class of properity against the nncertahaty f life, t ' Slave insurance presents a new and interestin feature in the history of North Carolina. which wiS prove very important to the Southern States. Theiast four months operation of this Company shows veryl argea mount of business more t han the Directors expected to do The first vear having already issued more than 200 Policies! Pr. Wat., W. HAsatss.Medtcal Examiner, and Agent. Wilmington, N.C. AtlConrmdnica'lonsonbusincstof theCompany should be addreesit to . " . RICHARD H. BATTLE, SeCy. Raleigh. Jane 8. 1856. , ... - . FOR KENT. J MTHE rollowiri Houses for Re nt for 12 months, from the 1st of October next : i One House on 4th Street, North of Prin ce street.,..; . : - : One House' on Market street, extended. ' Three Houses on Dock street, between 6th and 7 th streets. , One Hotfse on the East side oT Old Boa nJary street between Market and Dock.streets - - Ohe.Hduss on the" corner of Dock and Old Boundary streets. One Hoase on Market street between 8th nnd hh streets. ApfH id MILES COST1N. 5 Jn4y30. 67-tfj From J. TY'SON ti CO , Manufaciurers and Mechanics' Kxchanse, Baltimore, who are author ized to act aa AGENTS for The Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY"ILLUSY RATED. TBR - SOUTHERN AND W ESTER Jf JOURNAL OF PROGRESS, DETOTBD TO THE PROMOTlOSt OF SCIENCE, ART, MANUFACTURES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TfeAUE, AND DESIGNED FOB THE DESK iP Merchants, Planters & the Homes of Ilusl uess Hen, tv.ti.MEBi:DiTn t b.ichard Edwards edivobs Assisted til a targe number tf Distinguished CVtri buUtrs in rarious Staffs. The Journalof Progress is allied to no party. It mair.tnins as pdlltitaJ principles, the INTEGRITY 4ND PROSPERITY OF THE UNION, and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES, according to the conditions and limitations Of the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. it stks to energize these principles by increasing intercourse between all sections nf the Country, and developing there sources of the SOUTH at.d WEST. The South produces the great Staples of the Country and consumes vast amounts of the pro ducts and minufactures of our own and foreign lands; hence, the importance of Commercial Cen tres and Internal Improvements, to keep pace Willi he North, which is making such rapid Strides to commercial and political sovereignty.- The Journal of Progress will be ihe COMMER CIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH AND WEST devoted io Education Commerce, Finanoe, Tbadjc, Ihtebmal 1mFbotb MEMTS, MANUrACTCBES, AGBICCLTUaESnd MlKINO. In all these departments its columns will be worthy of patronaget To our family readers. We wHI furnish a pag agreeable and interesting to the old and young;con . sisting of original and Select Biographical sketches of ditinsnished men; the latest and most reliable news of the day from time to time we will furnish a Statistical and Historical accotmt of the Com mercial Cities and Towns throughout the Country, together with III csTBAtio.ss sbbpabeo expbesslt FOR THIS JOUBSAL. Or Agents wanted for this Journal, on which a liberal commission is allowed. Those applying for agencies, must forward a recommendation from one or more Merchants and the Post Master of the town. No other application noticed. Specimen numbers sent to any part of the country on appli es lion. All communications to be forwarded tothe Journal of Progress, Baltimore or St. Louis. Published Mosthit, at the Manufacturers and Mechanics' Exchange, Sun Iron Building, Balti morejnd at the N. E. Cor. of Chestnut and Four th Strife I s, St. Louis, Mo.,nnd supplied by appoint ed A gents throughout the United States. ' TERMS -Only 2 per annum, 15 copies will be sent to onb address, if in the contitryJor $15. HjT Post Masters are authorised to act as Agents, and retain for their commission 25 per cent. Feb. 19. , WINES AND LIQUORS. WE Invite the attention of oi ur p5 Friends ahd Patrons to the be selection of Wines and Liquors ever oflered 10 this market, consisting ot Crescent Brandy, Vintage 1810, Pale ahd Dark, Otard, Dupuy &. Co.'s Brandy, Old Cognac . do. S. Bra'soo & Co.'s dt. Castillon flfe Co.'s do. Pure old Port Win, Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira ahd Muscat Wines, Malaga W"ine, . Old Scuppernohg Wine, Holland Gin. Old Tom Gin extr Wooll's Schiedam oennapps; Cherry Brandy; Old Peach Brandy, ' Apple do. " Bourbon Wniskey, " Rye do Irish and Scotch Whiskey; Blackberry Brandy, Sic. Madeira wine, Perfect Love Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles. Every variety of bottled Wine and Liquors; Clarets of various brands at whoIe4.il e prices' Maraschino; Cracoa Hosteller's Stomach Biilcra, Aromatic do. do . Ginger Wine, dtc. &c. Al low prices fot 3ASH. Attheoriginallrjjsry. April 17. . . GEO. MVF.R'S. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOIl SALE. THAT VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT on Fifth street, next fo H. B. Filers. ifiL fronting on Fifth street. The House Is rhree sories high ; 12 Rooms, 1 Bathing Room, 1 Pantry, and 6 Ward Rooms in said housa 1 Wa ttr Tank, and water conveyed in all the bed-rooms; Gas in every room. Thefcouteis finished in the best manner, with a good Well and Cistern of Water in the yard, with a pump to convey it in" the house. . , , , , , ALSO. That valuable new HOUSE AND LOT fronting on Front ' st"ft, next to Si T- Morris's residence, two-ftories high, containing six rooms, Kitchen snd .other out-houses ; good. Well of Wa ter in the yard. Lot 66 feet front, 154 feet back. And the LOT On the corner of Frst and Church sts. Lot C6 by 154 feet, with a fine two-story Store-house snd Stables : And one HOUSE AND LOT fronting oh Church street, 8Ty 132 feet; known as the Beatty House. It contains. 7 rooms, with. Pantries and Closets, with a two-story Kitch en and .Store-room. ALSO, The LOT on the corner of 'Church ahd Surry streets; lot 8 by 132 feet. The whole contains two full lots On Front, Church and Surry Streets. The above property will be sold- cheap, and on liberal terms. If not disposed of by the fiiteenth of this month, it will be sold at Exchange Corner, at auction. ALSO, One likely NEGRO WOMAN AND CHILD. . , Applv to H, B. E1LKRS. . Sept. 8. " . 72-tf.- FOR PHILADELPHIA MERCHANT'S J.ISE.. . Schr. NEW REPUBLIC, Captain Baker, will have despatch as above.. For freight or passage, apply to , . Aug. 13. . G. W. ti VIS. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 200 EMPTY Spirit Barrels. For sale hy Ang 22. ADAM.S, BRO. &. CO. LIVERPOOL MARKET. Sf lhe Arabia. EN'S AND BOYS Caps and Covers. just re ceived at CD. MYERS. M March 2. BASKETS. W 7E have a large lot ot Baskets of various sizes and styles: or sale by .. . Dec. 13. r w. H. DrNEALE. SITUATION WANTED, FOR a lad nearly 12 years of age, ef good mor al character and cor reel. dport ir.cn, tl c can read and write and is' sen ew hat srqo.-irwd wiih figures. He would t e pleased to obtain a ti'Dalicn a erranS boy, or in any orriir stion in b;h he could be ubtCul. He wt cld require I ut imalltm pensatieh; his oiject trlng lo render feme rrf fiiog arsisianceto his mother, who is in irt?iert circumstances. Apply at 1 he Con meicial Of et, July 11. . 49 . LIVERPOOL SACK SALT. 1 ,CC Satis I ie. ert.ool Salt, in noravA for ssh? ty ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Angnrt31. C ALUM SALT. Cycr BAGS 2 fcefhets each Blight Gunny 3.3U Bass. Forsaley ADAMS, BRO. & CO. September P, lf7. ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! THE WILMINGTON ICE HCUSE will In opened1 for the delivery of lee every morning at Sanrife. closing at S-'cnret, except cn Enndaya when it will peiticefy rlor e si 9 A. M. - .TERMS CASH it if. esrielly cVtirrd that ro person will sk any c'cia(icn ftem tl.is tute as it will certaiplv be Sobered to. - "ICKETScan be r 'cored end DFTCS1TS made in advance by those who desire io avoid the annoyance ef making chaoge. ICE for the eooctiy packed and forward as di rected. . ICE furnished 16 the si. k poor free of charge when directed by a Physician or member ef the Visitieg Committee . A. H- VANBOKKELEN, Agent. Aprn 7, 1857. 10-6rep. RECEIVING AT TEE FMP0RIIM o tfR F.LL STYLES DRESS HATS, OF ALL COLORS and sizes. Nov 34 Market Street. Sept. 8. CHAS. D. M YEK8,

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