CHAULE3T0N MARKET. Sept. 11 Cotton Pales of Ibe week 1 000 bale market depressed. Wheat hand ecliued, sales a'. l',10 a 1.25 per busbel. Flonr has declined, f; ; NEW 0RLKAHS MARKET. 8ept. 10 Cotton Sales to-day 800 bales at 351 15f cents for good middling. Receipts 1,450 balea. Mixed Corn quoted at 65c. Other mar keta unchanged. '' THE GOUMSK PRIZE. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY" GOLDEN PRIZE One of the largest and best literary papert cf the day. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. And a Gift will be presented to each subscriber Immediately on receipt oi me iuwuijiuuh mu Each snbscriber will bo entitled to a gift worth from SI to &"" in uoia. from TO GIjTJI3S 9 Pnnl.I for I vpxr. . . ... .S.OIt in " . ... .15.00 R E A D RE AD RE A D RE AD LISTS OF GIFTS GIFTS GIFT 1 nackaee containing. . . 500 in Gald 10 Gold Patent Lever English Huntinz Cased Watches. ty5 each, u 15 25 100 Gold Watches 60 6C 35 300 100 r -a;,-,, ic u;iunr Hunfinor Canned Watches 25 200 ... in . .. on vvirpnpi - . iu iu &u eaa or, A rSnnrH find Pnh ' Chains . - . . 10 to 30 ' BO00 Gold Lockets . . 2 to 10 Gold Rings Ear Dropsy-Broaches Breast Pina Studa-Cuff Pins Sleeve Buttons, Ac, dr.c. . 1 to 15 each lmmediataly on receipt of the subscription mon ey, the subscriber's name will be entered opon our subscription book, oppositea number, and the gift corresponding with that number wilt be for warded. to his or her address by mail or express. AdresaECiET & CGMPANY, Publishes, 40 and 59 Moffat's Buildings. Ntw Yobk. Specimen Ctfpict sent fret. Sept. 15. ' 75-3t. "Leav er felt soft hits." HANDSOMEST STYLE OF SOFT HAT YET bfferfe"; high, mcdinm and low-crowned, to suit aU taste s,- SplenHed assortment of Ml the new styles HATS and CAPS, now open et the Emporium, 31 Market street. . ' Sept. 14. CHAS. D. MYERS. MOLASSES. SALT, &C. "f OHhds. heavy body Sari nam molasses sweet; 1J 450 Socks. of Salt i . 50 Grindstones different sizes. Just re ceived per Barqno Cuba. and for sa'e by August 25th. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co WARM WEATHER. WE hove just received 50 gallons of that de lightful RASPBERRY SYRUP. Evcryfnm ily should have some of (his very superior article. For sale by the quart or paJIon. Also 100 dozen Iluir dc Son's J ug Ale. For sale by - . . GEORGE MYERS, Jure 13. if38twr . No. 11 & 13 Fron-st. CORN AND FLOUR Qtr""BtSHELS prime white Corn now OOt v landing in front of our office; also 200 Bbla.ol fresh ground Family & Superfine Flour STOKLEY Jk OLDHAM. tO-PARTNERSniP, TnE UNDERSIGNED having, on the 20th day of August, 1957, formed a partnership, for the purpose of carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, in the town of Wilmington, and having taken the stand forrrerly occupied by Messrs Jokes fe Gaioneb, respectfully inform he public that they will endeavor to keep on hand a stock ol Boots and Shoes of every dc scrip tion,and will sell the same on as reasonable terms as possible. One of the firm is now North. forMhe purpose of selecting an entire new stock lor the Fall and winter trade. , They respectfully solicit a share of the patron Bge of the town and surrounding country. ASA J. MURRAY, . ROBT. W. B. BLANEY. September 1. 1667. 69-tf. GONE NORTH. THE Store of Stein & Neuhofffllarnet House) will be ck'Sed nnrtl Mr. NcWhofF'a return from the north about 20lh of September. . STERN d NEUHOFF. August 25, 1S57. . 67 if FOR RENT. For Twelve Months from 1st October, the office at present pecupied by ihe subscri bcr. G. W. DAVIS. Sept. 8, 1E27. tw73tf EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. PRIME quality second hand Empty Spir &JJ it Barrels, just received per schr. Adele, Sdforsaleby ADAMS, BRO. t CO. Aug.J 1. CO REMOVAL. SIMON B. KAHNWEILEI will remove bis Dry Goods and Millinery Stock and Bust ncs from his present stand to the CO KNER STORE NEXT DOOR, on the 1st August, where he wil soon op.n tn entirely ntvf stock MILLINERit and DRY GOODS. Aujust 6th, 1357. G0-2m FOR REfNT - UiSt I offer for Rent, for 12 months from 1st lit October next, my bonse and lot on Ibe Llfi. corner of Mulberry and 4th street, con taining 13 rooms. There is a good kitchen and wood bouse on the premises. It is situated in a pleasant and agreeable neighborhood. T. LOlilNGr. Sept. 8. 72-tf. RECEIVED Tn5Tl0lING BYEXPRESS, A Casoof our Fall btyle of Black Casimere Hats at t he HAT AND CAP MPOIUM, No 31 Market Street. . Sept. 8. CHAS. D. M YE U S. CARD WE BEG LEAVE TO TENDER TO THE CIT IZENS of Wilmington, onr most sincere thanks for their services daring the late fire, in saving a large quantity of onr goods from destruction. Our absence at tbe time of the fire, will we trust, be a sufficient apology for deity in this expres sion of our appreciation of the efforts of oar fellow-citizens in onr behalf. J. & H. SAMSON. Sept. 12,:iS57. , 71-31. GENTS STRAW HATS Santa Martha, Lut on Senett and Canton Braid; Panama, Leg horn, Hiawatha, Ceylon. Congress dec. A full as tori'n ni of these and other styles at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st. CHAS. D. MYERS. J ii n eG. - - . JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENlSi, AFRESH supply of PEHRY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire New Dbess. To be sure that you get the genuine Mcd cine. inquire for the New Dress with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. April U. 15-tf. SEAMLESS BAGS. 1 rrri Two bushels SEAMLESS BAGS. -I WWW For sale by ADAMS, BRO.& Co. NEGRO PASSES. ANEW form ef Passes.containing sanitary pro visions, approved by the Commissioners. and a number of otherslnterested tn the welfare of our colored population, i just issued at the office of li t Co mmircial. TO RENT. THE Three story brick dwelling house on Mar ket street recently occupied by A. V. W. Hewlett ss a boarding house, and above the Drug Store of Messrs. Walker Mesrs fc Co. The hense is Urge and comfortable. Apply to John A. Taylor, Esq., in my absence. Possession given the -1st day of October. - ; '-. ' ' - JO I N D. BELLAMY. , Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 27, 1857. 63tw Journal copy till forbid. s Medical College: of Wrcriiih ut SESSION 185T-J8. THE nest annual course of lectures will com mence on the 1st of October 1S57, at the College building, corner of Marshall and College streets, Richmond, and terminate on the 1st of March, 1853. Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, . By Charles Bell Gibson, M.-D. Theory and Practice of Medicine; - By David H. Tucker; M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy $ . By Martin P. Scott, M. D. Materia Medica and Thcrapeutrics ; By B. R. WcllforJ, M. D. Anatomy ; s . . By Arthur E. Potieolss, M. D. ' Institutes of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence ; By Levin S. Joynos, M. D. Obstetrics and diseases of women, and children ; By James H.. Conway, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy; MARION HOWARD. M. D The study of Practical Anatomy may be prose cuted with liio most ample facilities and at a very trifling expense. Clinical lectures are regularly given at the Col lege Infirmary. This Infirmary, under thn same roof with the College, Is at all times well filled with Medica and Surgical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for Clinical instruction. - Many Surgical Operations are performed in th presence of the class, and the studems being daily admitted to the wards, enjoy under the guidance of the Pufetsors, unusual opportunities for bc coming familiar not only with the symptoms and diagnosis' of disease,, but with, its daily progress and treatment. .,.. Amount of fees for lectures, . . ' $105 00 Matriculation fee, . . . .- . 5 00 Practical Anntornv. ... . . 10 00 Graduating fee, . '. ' . . . 2. 00 The price of Board, including Fuel. Liah' and servants' attendance, varies IroM S3 to $5 per week. The Catalogues, containing In iler informa tion concerning the institution, will be forwarded la those who apply for it, or specific enquiries will be answered by letter. ... L. S. JOYNES, M. P. Dean of tht arultif. Jaly 11, 1357. wbi43 " MARRIED. : FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL ix Octave Rosewood (Piano make) MELODEON suitable for Parlorur Church. Apply al tide Carolina Hotel. . Sept. 12. 712tp. SCHOOL BOOKS. Parents and Tea-liej-s,Take Notlce. ifgir7l THE subscriber ha on hand, and is siO'daily receiving addiliuns thereto, one g. jVi-.-iV- of the largest and mM extensive stutiks ot School and M ieellaneuus Koi'ps in the Stale, whica ue oliera ior sale upon the trios i rcii.s-. onablc terms. t-onnauna in part, oi s until' s. Emerson's. Olmstead. Bullion's. Andrew's. An- thon's, Parker's, McGuffice's Co'iihtot k's, Phelps Parity's (Uoodrich ) ilfi"el s, lawn s .MiUihel s and Olney's Series. "Coniprisinij Kngiish tnd Latin Grummaia, Knslili and Latin Readers, and classics gc.neraliy, ttiyethfr with Geographies, Philosophies, Astronomies, Hi lories, spelling Books, Pehners, A naiizers. Ant lime; ics. .Diction aries, Oaiechims and Question HiiolisiJ Aic. ic. Also a large assortment ot Jvtaiiunerv. A liberal deduction made to I eachcrs and Mer chants purchasing by the Quantity. u. ti. riiitt' r.. Sept. 12. . 7i if FALL STOCK NOW KEADY. TljEItCHAM'S AND PLANTKItS are res 1TA pecifully solicited lo examine ihe mos! con- plete assortment of ilats. Cups and L'mbrs.lus ever before opened in the Stale. We have in store Zo) dozen W ool hnts, com prising all Ihe grades from the lowest to the Str eet Chashmareits. 200 dozen sjit Felt and half stiff . Castiarere hats, of a H colors, styles nnd qualities.. . : 300 dozen Cloth, ; Mohair, 6ilk nnd co'ton Plush, Petersham, Silk and cotton' TSJazcd Cujis of nil the dilFerent varieties, ' incltiditiif some of the neatest styles of Dress. Evening and Buinns3 Caps yet introduced. AUo ilk, Beaver, and Klack Dress Cajaimiio of the raofl hatd"me styles, to:rether with ah eleganl nfserintent of In fanls and Childrens Hats and Missca Flats and Rlopmers. ' Ladies Beaver and Fi-lt riding h its. New style Umbrell ts, fine and eontmon Canes Ac., &c. Ladies Fur Setts and Gentle mens' Kiir Collars furnished to order. A cail is solicited from all. CHAS. I). MYER-S. Hal and Cap Empoiium, 31 Market St. Sep. 12. WILMINGTON L WEL. R. R. CO. Office or tub Engineer and Supkbintekdmt' ) TTilnriuglou, iiept. 4, lSo7. J ON and after September 15ih, the Passenger Trains will be run as follows: First Train, Day Express, w ill kavc VVil mington at 5 30 o'eloctt, A. M., and arrive at Wei don 1 30 P. M. . s Third Tiais Sight Express will leave Wil mington at 4 o'clock, I'. M , and arrive at IVcldon at 12 night. Second train. Day Eiprt will leave Weldon at 11 45 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Wilmir gion at 7 50 P 51. Focbth Train. Xighl Express wiil leave Weldon at 9 o'clock P. M. and arrive at Wilming ton at 6' o'clock A.M. The Day Express will be the "Accommodation Train'' and will, on signal, slop at all regular stations, and at Goshen,. Milton, Everetteviil, W'hitaker's snd Ruggles', in going both ways; and at Duplin RoadLtesburg, S outhWashington and Rocky Point going '6ulft. The ISient Express, will only nfop nt'lhe regu lar stations, and in going North will on signal, stop at Rocky Point, Asheton nrd Duplin Road, f Freight will be taken by the Night Express for paints South of Warsaw only, Goldaboio' excep ted, going North. All other freight b the Pas senger Trains will only be taken by the Day Ex press. . " Way travelers ore reqjiested to have their bag-i gasre distinctly marked for the station where they wish to stop, and put in charge of the Agent, who will deliver it to the Conductor 'he passengers uning all possible expedition in getting into- the Coaches. The schedule time is so short, ihe great est dispatch in leaving each station is necessary in ortfer to accommodate the wav travel. . 3. L. FREMONT, " Eng. dc.Sup't. Sep 8. TZ If. ROYAL ;:HAVMA: jiTORT, The nextordinary drawing ot the Roynl Havana Lottery conducted by the Spanili un der the supervision of the. Captain General of Cu ba, wilftuke place at Havana on FRIDAY, SEP, 25, 1857. SORTEO JMUMEHO ES7 ORDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE4100,000 ! ! ! 1 prize of $100,000 4 prizes'of 82,00 1 )0.000 5 1.000 30.000 10,000 5.000 52 143 500 400 8,S00 -20 Apr'jtm's. 4 approximations to the 100,000 of 500 each; 4 of $400 to 830,000 s 4 of $ KM! to 30,000 ; 4 of S40D:olfl,tK,0 4 of 400 t5.0C0. Whole Tickets, $20 s Halves, ilO; Quarters $5.00. Prizes cashed at sight at 5 percent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded as eoonss :he-re-sult becomes known. Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post Charlrsion.S C.) un til the 25th of September will be attended to. Sep. 8. ., . , . . .. ... . BASKETS. W E have a large lot ot Baskets ef various sizes and styles, fr or sate ov Dec. 13. VV. H. DeNEALE. "SITUATION WANTED. FOR a lad nearly 12 years of age, f good mcr al character and correct deportment, who can read and write and is somewhat acquainted -.with fig a res. He would be pleased to obtain a situation as errand boy, or in any occupation in whih he could be useful. He would require but small com pensation t his object being lo render some tri fling assistance to his mother, w ho is in indiernt circumstances. Apply at "JTie Commercial Oftic. July 11. - ; n ' 49 , 5 V.: A & (V:i 1 U UT T R R i E , NEW AND BUItLLlNT CAPITAL IIIIZE The following Krhrme be drawn by S.- Swan fc Co. Managers :' th Vi t Ojiim-j. 4 cade my l.otiery, in tch t ih-ir ries b -en-temfer, 1557, at Al'GSiTA. (irorc a. to which citiVhey have rem ved U-tr Piincipal OCicc. m CIA 62. To be drawn in the City of A ujusta Georgia, in SATURDAY", S PTE M C E R 5, 1S57. CLASS 51 To bo drawn in the City of Augnsta Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1S37. tf.ASS si. To be drawD iu tbe City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on ... SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10- 1857. CLASS. u5. To be drawn in the City of Angsta, Georgia, in nliiie, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1857 0TIIK1'I,AV OPS1NG1.R XUMHIillS. FIVE THOUSAND FOUR liUNUUED AND NINETY-FIVE FKIZKS f . NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY MNE TJCX- .. . ETS( MAGNIFICENT SCIIEM E ! TO HE I)i:.iV,-X EA.CII S AT UR DA Y'lS SEPTET CE R I Prireof 460,000 10 " " PO i 1 .. 30.0itf 0 " 7 0 j u lO.OHO 10 000 t ' 7 E( 0 ' V ' . 5 U I " " 5 ;0 10 Prizes of " 4)0 1 " " 2.5UI 10 ' " 30' 1 ' 1 500 170 " " loii 10 ' 1,' f 'Z0 100 10 " " t;0i ; APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prize f$40U appro'to Gn.0f".' pi izr arc SI, C00 4 " 20'J " Ut.i00 " I,-? 0 2(0 10,1-00 12j H-0 ' 73 ' 5) 20 are 7,-":ii0 5.0 i i,rvi) 4 c 3"(i 100,'. 5 4:5 prizi? amnuntlua to i-i'M V'-A- VViioiv Tick if. iiU- tlftlvtssi S Qtt.utisia, -s Pl.AA ,CF VII iu i.UI'l EKV". The Nnaibers iroyi 4 to 50,Cl'it, cvrrcspondii g vuh those Diuuijfrs on the 'I i ki is piiu'ed mi M-parat: clips of paper, or -etrcirclcJ wiib small tin lubes and iilae d in our. Wluti. 'ihe ths-t 40 i'i izs. stmi urly ptinttd and t-ti-circled, are placed in amiicr wln-t ! The wheels are then r valved. rind a numher i' drawn from ilm wlieei of .unioerx, ami at ih jame time u Plize is drawn frum ihti vthcr wlu-fl. The Number and Priz.r drawn out are opened and exhibited to ihe ;uidiirc, and regisuTt-d by the f Jotnmissiuncrs ; the Prize -placed aiin.'-l llio Nunilier drawn. Thi-opeMtion ta repeated until all the Prizes are drawn uut... APPROXIMATION ;. PRICES.. The two preceding and lUa tw.i titieccriiir Numbers to tho.-e c'rawin;; ill-1 fuft 7 Prize v ii. be entitled to the 23 Approximation Pi:c F"t example f If -Ticket N.. 1125-1 rfnr, the if'.t. Prize, ilme Tickets niiiiiiieri (I i l .'-P, I t'V 1 1, 251. 11.25'i, witl ui'h re entitle. I i s ! o. It T, U et No 65t (trnws the SJii,it;i) Ptito. ilti.'c;i'iciici numbered 543, 510, 551, '55 J, wpl eneh be rnH'.lf I lo J0i; and soun iiecnrtlfnsr to the above sJ-henn-. The3,0uu Prisca of S'iO will be !eirmln-d bv-tn-t last figure of the, Niirobf r that draws- the fiiO Prize. Vat example, if tii? Nimtbc-r di'a-tni ihs i)0,f)00 Prize with TVo. 1, then nil thu Tic kets w here the nambor ends iu I, wilt be entitled to fc"0. If the rVum'.ii.r nida ilii Au. '-. tiien ai', ihe Tiekcls jvhere I'utnl et tnds in 2 v.iti be entitled to &.0, iin.i so on Iu 0. Certificate of l'a..,g!,s will bo o!d at the fol lowing rat. s, WMch jathe lis:; : Ceriificuttof I'iieKagc ot 10 "A bote Tii ktts, S.) - " - ' , 10 Hail " i i " 10 Qu irter " 2 t ' - " fi KiuU'h " 10 IX OitDERKtC TICKETS OR C1;RT1I'IC- Avr.. Enclose the money to our n i hers for the 'fie kc ls ordered, on ot which ilvy wifi be i o warded by first mail. Ptirehn.trs v. n litvo lit-Uets tndiiigin any figure tift-y may les-jennii-.' The Lift of lrwn Nti'mbei md I'mw vi!l b.i sent tef ptirchutiFlm'iicdijt.ely after the druwin. fj" Pnrcha-rs will p!ensevri;c thfit sijinitre-s plain, and give their P'osM Ofiic.", Counly and Stat-. - KetnetiTber that every Prir.c is drawn, LnJ pavble in full withopi deduction. 3All Prizes of ST000, and under, paid immedi ately after thedrnwiri other prizes at the u.-.ual time of thirty days,. All communication strictly confidential. Address Ordois for Tickets or '-nii",c.'ites to tf. SWAN & CO., Augusta, On. J;" Persons rt-siding near Monivoiut-rr, Aia . or Atlau'a, Ga.. can lyvo llieir otdt-rs iilk-il, and save time, by addressing S. b'wan & Cov at either of those cities. A lit of the numbers thn! are drawn fro n the wheel, v.ith the amount of the prize tt at tceh one is entitled to, will be piibiirtlted fier every drawln?, In the following papers : Nicw Oiliir.s Ditla. Mobile feeWer. Charleston Slundard, arU viile Gazela, Ailnnta InteUienrcr, ivnv York U tekly Day Book and 'S.tvannah Morning Setes. Richmond I Hpn !', and New Yolk Dispatch an f Paulding (5JUs.) Clarion. ; September 10 157. Fl.RXrniHE!-FURNrnRfi!! FOB Tnii TP.ADE OH PIflVATE VX. POSTER l LEI, Furniture Manuractiirers3 35 JJiiccri. DTcw York. HERETO FOrvE we. have manuPtcMirf-d 'and soid exclusivity at Wlioi.. talo. e urt now piepared lo olier a well noiu J r:io-:k ut Retail, at a saving if f'om iwemy to ihirly per to tbe consumer. Vn have now for sale Ma-ho"anv ChnKS, Fpiirar teats, upholster;d in hltir doth, from 92 to S6 GO each. Mrihojnry 5ofj-s, Kprint' seats, ttpholsfered in h;iir cimh. front 13 to 2H do!I.! a each. sa. SJIiihoenny lockim2 Chai'fli ppi mg ifafr, t.p holBterc.l in hair-clolih, from i lo 12 liollais j Mi-!t. ' jMah-'fiaay Easy Chnir, on'cus'ors or rocke; . . upholstered in hair-c-ioililrimi II ic uoi- liirs each. . Mjhoj-any Te'e a-Tete,- upholstered in !i lir- cioih. sioin 13 to 3" dtillms t ceh. 3Iahoi!any Tt le-a-tefp fc-oftts. i jjlu!ftred in hair etolh. from 2 to 4S dolar? eaeh. Miirtiie and Mahogany-Top Tables, In great ' vaiierv of srvb s. mi a K lies tnd ritics. iBurenne, hnh Marbie and Wood Top, with or without t ims.-s, and Wash stunda lo mat''". Also, Ward -obes- Hedsie.ids, Siduboard-, Hall. Stands. Bo.ik Cases, Lounsrcp, Eti'cfes t'orner siand and l!oik s!ev s. OFFICE i L ICS1TI.11K. IESKa, TABLES AND . CI I. VI U.S. All the above gjo.U in b;ack walnut or oak at the saiae pi ices. PARLOR SUITS, In Rosewood upholstered in French, siatin Oamask, fa tin nud i'iu.h. Thee.inj2in Blaek alr.nt, the frame o of which are stained in varnisdiinsr, ttiakin i ucattiiful imitation, and upholstered in ihe same goods, make a showy apiicsra-Bce at a much lower price. In our establishment can be fo.nd a great variety oi Fancy Chairs, in Kosewood. Ma hoenny and Black Walnut Turkish Smoking Chairs. Recbninjr Chsirs, Hall Chairs.-Voltaire Chairs, Cane Chairs, and a!sj the ctie- jbrated f-PRING BED, known as Tucker's ipatent. Tina article we would particularly re jcommend, it Jiavintj been iuiiy teste-d, ami lounci unon in n to De the neat epnng Dottoin ever invented. I Conclusion. Parties who are not able to personally select the goods they may want, can depend upon having their orders filled witli ns much care. lnd their inte-est studied, as though they were present; ana to sneh we also otter our serv'."?s for the selection of any Household giods they may want, and a we should parehasa from First Hands, a saving will thereby be mode which the customer Would have the benefit of. July 28, 1857. . . . w&twly'r O TURK'S ISLAND SALT. 4,000 July 3a BUSHELS. For sale by , C. SMITH & -CO. 67. v" A EY AND I jTroSITAXT iJIStOl - " 'tl!Y 1 H 1 HE hClES CE OF HDICIXE. PATENT OFFICE SEAL. OF Git EAT. B3I DIPLOME de ECOLE Aj PHA t MAC1E PH VityAClKN Hie PAKISjand 1JI PKUlAf.cnLLlXJEof MEDICINE, VlEX.N V Sild !iuloilnJ'and rc tallbv Ir. il. A. It.!) M)l . Men.bdf oftbelmp! College Of Viennn, and Royal College of Surgeons, London, who utty be person. : lily consulted at his residence, laj i'iineo street, frw blocfcs n-tri of Broadway, N. V, from 1 1 A, M. till P. SI., and from 4 till 8 P. il. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointtnent.) TrieseBiar I, Is a remedy for Relaxation," Sfpo'rmrori'hODa. and all liie distressinw consequelices arising trom enriy abiibf, itidiceriirtinate exeesses, or too lonaresi in hot climates. It lists restored bodily and sexual s'rength end vigor to thousands who are now in the enjoynv-nl of healih and the Innctions of tnanhootl ; and whatever may bo tht; cuure or dis qnulificationB for for iiiarriagfi, iliey arc efileiualiy subdued. Trlfscmar Xo. 2, Comi.IfUly and entirel-- eradicates all traces of-- fiojioi bfe.-tj both in its mild and aggravated lorms, Giet-t, Stticinres, Irritation of ttte Madder. Nhn reierukm of Urine, P.dns of the Loins and Kid neys, a,ld those; disorders for which Copaivi and Cubcbs have so long been thoul-ht an antidote. Ti IcseniarNo. 3, is the grcatContine ntal l;medy f-r Syphi'is and siecoi.Uitrv :SJvfiip.oin..: It also conrtiiutes a cer tain cure for ficurvv, Sero:a!ii, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removin ; end e.vpfliing in its coerce all impurliies from t!ie vita! stream. oO aahoijcl Hsr to eradicate the virus o'Uist :ise, asid expel it by .insonoiulu perspiration thrtiuviis. thedium oi lh )otes of the skin and mine.- v It is a n -ver Oiiiin;; ictnedy for that c!as of rlis ord! rs which Ennlii l'hysieiiins treat with Mer cury, to tli' inevitable destruction of. tbe patient's cm&f :iution, and vh:ch aU the iSai sapariilu iu the wot , ca nnoi reinova. - Ti IKS KM A tt ,Ko. 1, 2, and 3, arc prepared in he foi iu of a loz-nre, devoid of taste or smell, and c;tn be carried in lite waistcoat pocket Noid in tin caws, and divided tn separate does assrdniira-ter-d by Vii'pean, Lali' nian, floux, Ukoid, fc. &r. Prices each," or four i-ases in one foi $9, which caves f3, and in Si7 casus,-wheicby tUcre is a tav it p uii-'J . . . j - ; .. None aft ienuitte iin!i-? :he Pnzravinjrs tsf the of Ihe Patent Offiie of En'and. thnVt;- !. of Joe E-ole de phui miifie fie Pari, and the 1m -eiiai Cobetri; of Vienna, are i.(Tii:j u and around each case. Intilaliom i Urs2 Uit'.iIC to Hit sf -Vti m p. rialtie of the L i w. .S t iai iirrunt'cmcuM cnaLle Dr. Baaanw t for wpt'.i in:.';!-di itely, on r ceivin j a't,' the -9 nnd larger !. cis's ef Trie' --'inai Fbes of carriage, loony p:n of t'u wo:lJ,tctr::ly pack ed and proporty d, -tbi s iriMsrinrt t'ivru:'i. Ei f.ios 'ii preparai:-;.s nnd pi-oteetinfr i'.tc pu'jlie fim fpnr'otiH an-.? p ti Km !i ii.:;--n-. Alle iilan. r and t'ouuii ;-tlin l'r m il A. ?1. Ii:t '2 P. I'll- end f.coi l i i'i 8 in tiiu cvi-.-in. VI f'.ilnce-s .-s.iret.-t, - i-cw b..eks west of Broadway, 'New York. . ;Api ;l 2J,- 1637. i - X ijL t i ' II. FliANCi: &. COV MmiaeiTs. Grand Coacoliclated Lottery ot Makvlj,-h, Class 2j. To be !r.t',vn ?.5)tnf.l:iy. ?eptembc r, in iiaiitnioiT, Hiii'f.'iund. i Ii Stale Is- .:ry Co.h ar 11 10 . u . i o i : Drawi ;'i'.'.T.:m 15 ti 0 1- 0. il v.- '..i ti.i t.f 'l f.Ol'J S.TI'O i 5 ' . J-pi-0 , 1.70 1 rs ii'ii Ui 0 10.1 -:0 2il UalL Prize of .5 : ri SO i.ri ij lli ij ! I'i t i X I ) ! 2") ( I'.i I 1-3 0 j 0.UU.I 17.5i.) 1 1 S .1 0' J 10. I'I " 20 '.'.'" 12S r- ; 2SI224 31 412 prizes, AMOl Whol-.?- 5 '0; r!a!vw-S10; Ccrtilicalo oi i'ar kaju oi do. !o. 'JO.Ortl li 8.1,00 uj.i 12 W'.t 222.721 5b 4 4j .Ti va TO Si.'-O.'.l.-' 0. ft liar. ; E is in lis -'- Pfl :U U !-, cost &2r2 til HaUe.-;, " lil ill 20 nu.-irtcrs, " 7li Sit do. 6f. do. do. 26 ;-;i"hth,. 3a 2. HAY AM PLAE, , OF SINGLE NUMBERS . Now Become so Popiijr. CbnsaUdated Lottery flf Slarylacd. " Extra Class 9. To bo drawn in Baliirmire, Md., Saturday, Sept.: ' lii7. SPLENDID SCHEME. CnpH.d ly I pri.-- of 1 pi iv of 1 pi xe .f 1 piic tf r 1 priz;' of 1 (irize of 1 prize of 1 prize, of 1 !i:ies of I pi 'zes of 1 pr;.i;s of I (irivs ir 4 prizes of . 4 prices of 6 prizn ot 173 1 rU - ; -f . A "prnr. Pi'irrl. 4 of $-;( 4 of :,-: 8 ol 20! S3) 000 11 7-J'i A i.O'.n 4.1 j 4.0d 4.0t 0 j i t U J 3 .. 1 1 3 a'M( C ii ) S.h 0 V ." . ,"l K2t;0 2 .( 3j0 ia of iza 16 100 !- lo ,,f Ol' of 40 l.tOD pr'zes ar.i jtin.i Whole Tickets 10 ; nr to . Halves . . . 13.000 (luar'crs 2.59. 'e!?e ;d,!r"-? all ord ai'r.ifii'foi! Meiien: es. rs for -Tickets to iii 'V. li UtJiijjARD t Co.. No. 30 Kavc-ttc Street, or iiJ iiiui-re, Mai HIGilLY IMPORTANT TO RECTIITJS-S, LIOUO!: MCilCHANTS AM) WHOLESALE C5HOCEK3. D!i. F li D T'C 1IT t A NG E t3 ' t'lavoi"ii:jrs to I'roducc st n 3:oinciit3 Xot- ' fcc tfveryd'fflpcii tJnor. fphc nntlersigWH i;is if'tciy madi greet improve-l- metals in 1 bis branch o ro?ine.. Tbe Emvor Snjs atJ ppt up in ps-knge.-of 5 10, a n J ;0 f ioi!t. and neatiircs. i ut ih adJiiion of Pnr Si-iiit. 1 11 11 i'i 1 :.t fir 4 ih prooi uno l.u;-'or ii lo u ' .'iriiac. either dark or pai., Ii"ii-t-d- i-d l-.n-.-lard at.u Leu ah Ciirr. Janiaieii smi. M. .i-oi I. ton. af oi.oRua- lit ia. l.ouroii. 1 1 1 ll irl 5i.'lcn, Vvliii-K'-v. Ai-i.le. leh, V I'.'.'ch, I :hf rrv ai o i .1: i.aJeim H ir.o'wiH ie 1:: quires 1:0 s-;tiii, .but an 8-1 v 5 "--i!:ijris to ca-u oi. 1 - V I .1: -v, . ..rt aoi--t-'fT'-V in.f.' 1. if T-' an litioii ot u sl"jd J - cf .K. it.- ), ui I' 1 a vo r p n 1? . 1 i' he t, Co rn c i l1, j: (.ti , vt! a md wh w irr n td t, nubile, u. j : Lr 1 1 o,ur in the L . . ITiueni-es of every Lifi'inr. Exir- ?t ofCoanac. I lb. of w a:ch pioduv;'. 4 t'j;!on.-s ,i Copna.-. - Raw WMfi.ur i'i t hv ur.K.'a nrMsnd l""1v nre parauoane mida snwoia u but a ex pense. . . ' The pi-ice of FIsvdrinss are extremely moderate', and ciieclious in full snpj iird by -' Dtt LKWls'FKCiJHTlVitXORR. Caemisl-trvitIiHpnrhr of Dun. Hisoiind Out art M ttts Di'c: i rrr'ft"p tn I I' 1 1 , vmpur t pL So. 1 13 'Jaidtii I..- c'; ew Vftil... N. B. Sole A-jent tor Go hrt y's ct libra ted Cor dial Hitters uuu Cm. - Apiil 18. 18 Cm. CHAS. I. MYERS,--. f HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 3t Market St. WlL tSOTON, xi. C. tAXAMA, I.EGnnRV, 'aSO PAf.M LEAP EATS, WOCL ; v, r rCR.l SII.K. : AUO MlH.KSIttN - nTS. . Cloth, Pixbu, and Glazfo Caps, by the cas-or dozen. AtXtw Voiit Wholesale Prices, march 12. ".-. . 153. A -J iff m . - . i u. ----- if - j-"-r --'.. Jfc-W -- OTP L.4 us LOTS LV 7VA 3I0XSVILLC. . ! Til R S.ii'-c: .' er o.i is lor i rai ts Oi is na in f- unTkr a'td 1 ! fhirlinrrton, Wil'i t'iart-fdon Dia'ri jih? juii', Station, e-uuQSr a ts, m - fo-to S'tif rt'jrch.isr TheHi iands are ad ipied ta v;iriooi-f3rsiais 'ifeey comprise good Tiirpentine'trcci.tiH rvur.d trt-es.V trt well nis snad t 'ouon 3r d C'An l.uids ; there are also, at different places. 'fine x ill stats. These -lands lie on, and coili ianona t, the Wii- minaton end ManhoitT t' o,-uL tiio Nor; h- E.&iern fl-tsl Rond, and Lynch's Creek, a nrtvlw.i bid stream and fo-iic t orii ins oi.them ,ue in a hf-h stale ol cultivation and have i-en itnpfoeJ, con taiiiing good rtL'.-nccs, out ti.iii iin,', vc. He alx will so'!, on ndvntag-tm lerms. a 1 ?re number of desirable tuik:inu I .'t- in tire flour: shi-.'s. vi;iuge of Tiriiinonaviile ; onmnv others, iheie is one wiih'n fine an i cit'Hiio iioud Hoiei up. in it another with a Ste -rn MP! i'i com;,L-!e ord-.-r; nn olher with a Store House Well stoeled with Goads si;it d IVr the count ry rade. ? Tci im win be made easy. fVr further iuforma tion address J. m Tnnrovs, i liumonsviiie, S. C. July 13. 1?57. 100,C ! L L ITiiS, exoell nt fj'inUty ; 200 Barrels Nova Seoua horiinrr; 50 ii-i23 ?ii ).-fil,ii e of 30 Pirtt,' .Soj, its Lihjc 5 h.ill Utrrel Picktoi .-ha frfim !y use ; ". n;ig Milan la tijitjo ; Id Laiics SnuiK A I) A . Aupast I3th. B lOi'IIES. CO. L Oil' S lijJ lll THE HOIHE AND LOT r-vontly n-cu-Iii;d bht' Mfjseri "r. ironiSnsf on i'iiii j . i;.ri.Li, be iu ecu Lici J aii i'i . Boan- ) VE V. ' i . ; ! :r v ANT I OT, c-rior. f TVni an 1 Vui-:ir.t .loti a ri v D. .".ic'.i X..rt!l . ! a-.i'tife ' if.L X.; UlOp. r . - J- o. r.n-i I'H.lh'ECi ION 0? ME0iTNI-?M. iii.i j tile 1 7 i.'l TVr7r A TIIK HKtfV Tlil V. 1 :K;ri:r. AT COST tmt'ovorenm in- ''f .-lehi.ip Ir :hj. ihi-r !-, :;ioil inv li'i m :i' r ihe public a PE;B KKt. ?'s' - (!ir in ;.i.hi, ar- : Itid ult'r k". f !-:. i of :r..i!,:.f. t i v. r watch .!!fl hi- an c ,:l -v. ;u -.-,,!; ;i (1 .. ,v. im;. Bv the aid offrea! ami l.a:y n--v and ri e,. ,,re ri v a de to i lo, AT-'!! a! i -:i trrie af d il'-lktu'. Hire, o ei i i; :.e. t;: .: I e i n i . 1 1 1 : part, 'i ,: ar.J ' C-i ::' :! in r' -t: !,;,. .ii iriot' f-ced I y ;lte le-s in. pri'ivtrd-- a'i.1 q-: ! vti "ArnkMi. Vnin--an.! : ' t'V 'i 'in. t; : Eue.i o.-o . n ;i;t',.. tifli-iito 1 1 .-.tenuine PERPETUAL WAiUlANTY. V e us , nosu.n l !'!.' tlie-e ''-. atcln-.- tii'-nly ea-! ! 'I'.'-v' -ir- i' A ri -ri-trr ii.-.-. Vie a-:'; i."ii ,' 'liit this !ae? no't hi pe i : :i d to i li: i t-or ! -lull- i.. m- iro'ii n; :i ; a. ion im ih st i i i h. . . qtiai ia : "a ii! v aiid in- r I h;- . ;-t t in :'! ' i J t 1 e n in 1 r- t.: ; . : ; ciMinlr-. r-1-!! to g i ve ! !o lo s iri f tip-lrr i 1. ' t'ut.-r or ir tjr iit s mnv l--1 f!.lrv. ii-ci- iv, r i.- "-.v .il' t ie i;n,-'e:-Vni ' i v. .in . n to c-i i'.n i. Messrs COOt'ESl . d- 't I. a n r ' i',. . '.'. r n, e, N Y i'i. ATT (,')'.vm, ' i CO Nj. .17, tOTIl F.n, Nr. 20: :;; a s , a'gel. i r.::ne. . Y. ,('.;- Y. Tt''-'. .'. v iiu.dr:ji:i.;'' Ct BUOTin:!;, i ii ei r, .V f i- ,. aim., l;!...K..-h-a. !i.: :, ', I';:! iiu.'iii.i 1-1: ii-i n ! UK; Kf . 1 VV HiiOS.i IC K i :' o D , ' " ECllii: .-i CO Cinvin.'iati. and Messrs, UrifS'llXS & ,.rri.ETO.V, No., 1 rlinden f.ane, N; Y v':ri 'nm ff-'etj!- f r the tr 3ns anion of onr Sfner-.l bUryiOi-3, as wtJl us for ihu sa! ef oar i-0.i. " Al'lT ETfN. THACV & CO. S'lK-rrr s.i.-s f 'be !Jotor V 1t.h Company. Huston v atch Factory, Vtauham, Ma.-s., July, l'c i 1 . acr. 1. 60-: .iu -u w. ! f? ar-7.-Si wiieel:;m & eyeeett, Sew Vork Citj-, Wiil pjv for Bounty Land'sof a'l denom-inaiinir-., two eer c nt. above maskr t p ices, until October loth, we ha vim; a It'gii um'U..t to deliver at that time. Send thmn along. The following are tii latent quota-' ions : lP"i acrc3 . 12'J ' f) ' . 4) " . . P4 f:t El . 1 2) j Pnrti.'ss erm'in j Warrants bv mail, will be naid tU .ame a thoMli Ihc-y w'ere pefsonaily preatnl. kj refill ;;cd L retufii mail. Addrc. WlIKKLElt dr EVF.'tKTT, BrA: ert, Kew York City, k, Aiisunt 15. lf-57. iwii . YC it U1,! fi1' 'Pflf.'!1 lif -!. :tiiln.hV.i it .1 .i ii I 1 Inv il f r -C l ; J i c m. i XliW AVEX UT This Pistol is iiifend-'d as iheforefcnner 01 iho or- j diit.iry pistol, tiitii i d'-s-tgntd for. your.g men ami j toys y.-;io v. uii to enjoy toe exciting sport of firing 1 a 3 t-trc.'f. nt the tim-' tr!f!:n,-'r t-xpenc, a;d wish- j ut.any danger of o-'iden-. : Th' cleapeet nrdlmt- J ry pm-ji ia litre- or time s the price of lhi lt- : ii : . .'r d jr.r"i'-U'' ii ill-.' l...r..Ls i-f bovs. Tliis 1 1 i$t i ! l-i -sd"vi-h -h c.::Mi;inTi!''ri:-.'-.-r, j wuicti bail tea a ft: utrid'S.' a;d '! ih !he samo' precisi -n nt not v.-Lta .-l.iii -ii 111 rt. Ah A m rU a i - a !oic; t" t.h -orin; .-til lerrm ' lifd. iriie, t n.l Cil,'li of r" o n !? v i-c: ioi:s d.i r riati 111, the Vol Americ to'i.-i and v tr i.-s,!-;!i ue-- w .? -s-. Pi.-H-i i-i;-! ir. i nit !'v : i.;.i !. ; t!.'-- 'i'.-r-'J. -,l meet wiib ' He mn 111; v -s-,i - 1 -.ia iHif -thc-tmih and '.V.:t.- iiypnr;uion 1--1- rie tU-riry (iiiu if. ; A-lliii Cfti-'eS of a ." part of 1I1 j l.phs, an J il U n-Ji u..-l-.-! d s-erip.ioo ivili :e- . ;.,. i The .it.tii--HK pat o;. . i e re-.iiy tn send hv tO gCl OUt ol -H any . y cafe -!.- ij iicturv in t-xi e3 10 an United t ' ti r 1 ur;.it it. t ii ptice, ;;o. or 1: V CO., aven, Ct 1 7tv N V, .. Ir57. ."'-, cents each. KaENCII. HALL . At li jt'T.lJ! 27ib, !f7. TTI I.M I TO K - r.f.-i:"iX 11, .v. C. ;. v.. t o'i , At-'l!!t 1 On-tt-s C-M.Eir ?:: VViinintt . ..... , i J-: - it I n a (' .til I- 1 1 : -1 t 1 i tlnr, a ji.'u f. V mul jou itr tV.! r fr. I 1 n 1 1 1 t, L el ' o tv '1 1- rt V L 1- En 2. i 1 (.. 1 1 A 1. I T 1 t t I ;i in-ni,-! 1 t r i-i-Hi 1 a r tlZK TO I, itrtrity Ptj'. . V. Y VI Si-hin? H it the OT v -ar.e itu.l S f..r SI, or tU a pri&e, - Fon, 1 hiiaaci run. i:y euvtn a co iiiord, )uii ate at once prreiittd w worih from cents tj iuj, ccnsitin. oi nu ffoid I'Wt ir. VVL't-iv's, & p. AH cfj.'is Ly r.i 'SI wiil becromtiy titled, and the prlz pr:r -s wl. a.'kipnj l. e bo S. Unriiit c" jiii ah ot t. 1ik-i f n ar b-.o? d of ,isr t',j iii 1 i -o 1 wt the u uai retail pfces. mrnv ot ilrohi for i'cisons wi.-shiii-' any pameitlar book can order at uuce, and n will hn i-jr warded with a tit. A cat ab srae tivini ft;'! la orii? .lii.n. wim '4 l:t of bookr and Ci:is; wal its sent post paid, bv- a Jiir.'-in - DUANE aULI.SOV. . No. SJiS, Ttirdstreet. PhHa- 5j"A"-eht wantrd. 4osDst 2Dth, K57. - ' tT!iw3m HEWING. iC EXT3.A io. I Herring in fine raUa rfV.Ecs, just landed and for sale by 'Aog.22: AbAMS, ilO. & CO. Ai.Li PISTIEliEO FUOM COAT (-HOT EXPLOSIVE.) Yntr .t:tr'.- r .. r, !i. (.-i;i i- fcuiiable tor Machinery of nil kind, Bicnacie ; nrvd Family 4ise, can be lrd of the nd;rsign- d, al- ! po oi the Vvhoie.i,iKi Oil LHslers and - Orn-sists in tb -iiy ef iSiw York, an-J if the authurized Local i A-cnt of the Company in this place. AUSTENS. 1 General Agents, Kerosene OiHo., N"o.fiO Beavsi Street, N.Y. ?jf Local ageniies granted on apptieation ss bove. Osders tfi'Oild specifv the description of 'amp or mseuint-ry for which the oil is wated.'i J;.nea, 1c"j7. tw34:ly OUR 31 OTTO IS ' TO PLE1SE" AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and TruaL Manufactory. THE subscriber respect! ully informsthepablic J- liiu i he recently received additions to hi? stock of Saddle and Harness Mournings, Ac, the latest and most improved style, andis eonstanly in;.-aufaetuTir.j,u I hi? store on market street Je very description of ar-tlclein theabove line. From hie experience in the business, he feels conC.'.en 1 1 hat he wil J be al?le to ai ve en tiro satisfaction ' o a 1 1 who inaj favorhim with acail. He has now on hand and wiW;onstaiili)' kcciia lameassortmen lof V'-orh, f?j a:u: Sitter Il'irue.., iMdtf't Si lrlrs, Bnihs,nii?s,if'C., Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips :-t"aIlof which he will warrant to be ofjs jihu best material and workmanship. : fr i He ha? aiso a large assortment of Ti itiiks, A alies. Saddle and Carpet Hags, :-"atchels,i aicy Trunks, &c.,and all other ar ticles usually kept in ch establishments, all of which he-oirers iiw fcr C ASH, or onshortcredit lo prompt customers. Saddles, Harness ,Trunks,'Hedica I Bajs, dec &c;. made t-o order. In addition tothe above the suhssriberilways keepson hand alarge supply of Strius leather and h;is now, and will ke-;plhrouh the season a scoe as&ortiner tot l'!y Kelts. ? "AM aremvifft! to cail' and examine my Goods whethrrin wnni or not, ns I takeiileasurcinshaw insmf assortment toaii who may favor me with a eaii. . - i Harness andCoach Trimmings sold at a fair prie. to persons huyineto manufacture. A l.0 , V hips a i v, holesale. Mini . of Uiding Vehic h?3 boush t r. old om-i. ion,,. JOHN J.-COXCLKY. Feb. 7, 5 133 TIB ANNALS OF ' 30UT!Ii:nX METHODISM. Fori i"An ailmir'iltle annum." A". O. A-icornte. j"-V. tci.' a.uouut of valuable Infortunium. . 7V.r.v. AtlcoraJe. 'A very coipjJrle aeel lasefta rejMMitorj erf in ' "fimnation."' iiu:t!cr!y tlreimt. j -'Every llE3hoUist tn the Smith tthotiM pro cure it.'" A. V. Aiituca'e. , "There can be no sort of doubt, ah'mt the sue-ces-s of tiiin lxKik." Home Circle. 1 "Will get nit re ont of it than the v.,rl!i of j one dollar." A", it. A-irva:?. ' f"in,ri at f:r thnnt the ci-t. ''Hunt- Virdt, !"W had uot expected to ilml it co dc-eplr la-U-ri.rt!riK." Texas AJ&kuSc. : "It-must have cost great laH0r." Kwtlu-rn I AIr!Jtotlit Qyu:rteriy. I '-now. ca.n. .we, After this, do without- !t V i ' I fcm CiretK. , -The plan ana execution of it tv-e "njhly cujii i mend." 5'. M. Qirnrf'-rly. ,5"''It will have au euorotous circulMtitm' i- -.'(' C.Vce -i nwitly I it-it. T. .1. ' S:. nr-V copies, hit me.'i', jnr i aid, 1. Tj- To I preachers and booksellers, orderins 1 tlozon or imiru, .Tt per cent, raseoirnt. May be ordored ; tViHii Sl-'vctismi & Owen, NashviiUr; W. 1. Glif- m, .i-id:t, viri,!ia. ; J . . Piatt, Ujlralngton, C E. It. Tvt'rn, Ch: I'-sfei, s. ,-., or II. D. f"! .5" FtTr single copies .Giuui". New tlilenris. at.'U Jji'.aat ayeucie.s, aa,Ires tli editor CilAllLKS. F. DEEMS, May-14. (2"tw ) WilmitigJou, N. C AFFLICTED READ ! ! DIM i- A D K I. Pill A MEDICAL HOUSE, i Established lwer:ty-lwo years ago bv Dr. Kl. K i.i.l , corner ol" Third and' Uuion streets, l'bi!ade IpUU, Pa - 'i'iVI-NTT-TWO YEARS Ex;icrence baa rendered Dr. K. a most sins cesluf practitioner in the cure of all diseases oi i piivata nature j manhood'a dcbtf'ty, as an im pj'di'iient toiiarriae; nervous- and sexual in Itrmtties, diseases - f tlic kin,and iho:je airtsiog fi 0111 abuse of mercury. TAKE I'.MlTtCULAR IV OTIC E. 5 There i an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often-erpwina up with them to manhood ; and which, if not reformed in due lime, n ! on! v .begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, but sives rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and dovastatin? affections. . I'cw of thosn who fiive way to this pernicious praetice are a w are of he consequences, until they find the ncrvou syfilem shattered, feel strange nno nnai countable .sensations, and "ague fears in the mind. ( ee pag. s. 27, 28, 29, of Dr. K's book on " Self Preservation.") L Theunf 'r'unaie Ihus .-tflectcd becomas feeble, is tinnbie 10 labor witii accnstomeii visor, or Iu ap- j ply his mind to study : his step is lardy and weak; i .he ii dull, irref-ohne, and encajres even.ia his t sports with iess cnerey i!nn usual. ! I f he emancipate himself before the practice has j done its worst, cm! enter matrimony, his marriage i i? unfrniiful, and hit sense tells him that this is caused l y his earl v " follies 'lit esc are contidcra- Hons irhicti should ara:en the attention of all telto , arc similarly situated. . is UKalEalBEIt. ( i : i He who places himself under , Dr. Kintelin's ! treatment, may reliuiiMisly confide in bis honor ; a" n I'entlrmnn, aiii rely upon file assurance, that ti e secrets of Dr. iv.'s patients will never be die ; cl - e.l. i . ;.,',. ! Younir man let no false modesty deter you I from mokirg your case known to one, who, from ; education and respectability, can certainly be ; fi ienj vou. . .;. Dr. Kinkelin's residence has beca for ihe las: .twenty years al the N. W. corner of Third and Union i reels, Philadelphia, Ta. . PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. t Can have i'sy staling their case explicitfv. 1o-eeiiic-r with aii iheir symptoms, per letter, enclos i'.iq; a remittance) Dr. iv.:s medicine, appropriated according!'. F w ;rd d to any par! of the United States", and at.---.ed secure f. c ia jjiaajju or cunoiity, by Alail or Express. U EA P VO U TH A N D M ANITOOO t A Vimrous Life or a Prema'tire Death, Kirtkelin " o;i &."- I'rt "erratio-.r Only 25 Ce ls. L I.eilers eontaini'ng tbttt value in siamps, will euaare cpi', per rct-rn ot mail. , GRATIS 1 GRATl I! GRATIS?!! A t-'ree G KT To All. MI -sF.UY iti.LIKVK-O. "Nature's fSitide," a" new end popular Work, fell of valuable advice end impressive-wandns. !!.il;e c il-. ui sl-'d to prevent years of misery and -!ic l:,ou?r-J.i of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwardid by- miTi, prepaid to any I'o-;t tJiBce it the Unii'd States, on receiving an o-rder enciosinjf two pastage stamps. 4 Ai. 1. 53 CilOSKBY & CO. S OF STEAJH2RS, V. E T YV K ! ; N t.OiDOS DRE'JEX s IH-: M iCMKIi'KN I" r- irKES of the .-7UI.TH. Capt N:r.i.x..v Cart. i::: f ft' t. 4 N - I- v, i ITI-'M srnM.--iiiP .!n H-d. ?-?27 toDd l4rthen. H-it. r. i vl , tio. . FVlioT). 2it:r -. tio. , 1 u- w 1 - T do. el. SOITAN AND .-- . - r . O .V n til-'il s n AM SHIPPING i:t)lll'A.i p I.U.VDDN an-b fO. . are ai-Mnte I to sal)4frout r r It"-, a HiES-DAV, and ft ii E 'A EN, toiM.'hjiijrat Socth- nb 1 tin .11 I' ri ?: f ir LO.VOOX a -fv m i.r.-' i.-a.'"cnseM aati ttiatis lor fctij; mnd ar.d Frnn 'r. TUe wtii rmiaitrtit. day c! Lon don, and thn, proceed to Bremen. ilciurnioz, t .t-v will leave BKEMEN for NEW .YOU K en ev'ry a!tmarfe SATUKUAT, stapling .xi': tf '4 sft..ihampMri. The-e s-Rtship? am ol trip tiiai cla.-s, arivi nive snperior accofmodajiB - r ,i .(. r Th v Mill ti'iC u J.iii.'.. J nsmber ui ii 1 ' r steer;- passenejs. A fcargeon jtl ( J u aeh -h.o The nres or" ire!;;ht to Eon-Ian i i be but little h;g;itr than those of sluing ships. RATE'S ObPASSAOK. P'rsi Ciibia, 4:0: Sec3nd Cabiny S5d ? Sltreraga The sfearnhtp IDIAVA wi:f sail 'rom NEW YOltK, on WEDNESDAY. 3 nn of September, and he surceeeded bv the AKGO, October 14 ih and JASON. Oct. 2?llV. ; . For freiKht nr passae apply to - I C. H. SANP, Ii South William . j Jaiy 7. - 47-1 m. A 31 m C L R E V 0 LUTI0N TIIE WORLD UNANIMOUS f -' .c; n o l h o w s 1s o i a t h e x t. THE GREAT COUNTe'r IRRITANT! The vims of disease eften makes its wsy to the internal organs through the pons of the tkin. Thi4 pcneiralintr Ointment, melting under the hard ss it is rubbed In, is absorded Ihroegh the same channels, and. Teaching the sent of inflam mation, pron.plty and invariably subduesit, wheth er located in the kidneys, the liver the lungs, or any other important oraan. It penerrares ihe snr- e to the interior, through tho countless lutes communicate with the skin as summer rain passcslnto the fevered earth, diffusing its coo and reffencratins inflnence. ; SKIN DISEASES AND GLANDULAR SWELL- IAGS. Every species of exterior irritation is qnicklyrc duccd by the anti-inflummatory action ot this Oint ment. Anjrry . Ebcptioxs, sac? as Salt K ncrs, KaveiPELAs, Tktter, Eisswoosm, Scald Head, Kettle Hash, I-caeles (or Itch) f-c, die ot:t, to return no more, nnCcr its application. Hospital expei iencein all parts of the world proves Its In failibilty in diseases of the skin, the muscles, the jouu-nrid the elands. - trtCEfft, SORtS, AND-TUSI0R3. Theetibet of this unrivaled external remedy opon Scrofula-and other virulent ulcers and sores, is al most miraculous. It first discharges the poison which produces suppuration and proud flebh, and rhos the cures which its healing; properties alter ward Complete are safe as well as permsnent. WOUNDS, ERUISE3, BURNS, AND SCALDS. In casas of the fracture of lh bones, injuries caused by steam explosions, BaeieEe, Bckss, Scalds, Uheumatifm, 8tjftisss op the JctTs, and contraction of I he sine ws, it i s employed atid warmly recommended by thcfucul y. This ruarvei-. ous rsmody has been introduced by its inventor in person into all the leading H ospituU' of Europe, and rro private household nhould be without it. -UNDENIABLE TESTIMONY. The Medical StafT of the French and English Armies in the Crimea have iffici5illy signed their approval of iiolloway's Ointment, as the most re liable dressing for sabre cuts, and gun-shot wounds. It is also used by the surgeons ofthe Allied Navies. Both Oinlaent and Pi'ls should te used in the fcl- ; ' lowing cases : - 1 Bunions, Uheumaiism, -' Sore Throats, '. Burns, . kin;worm, .Soreof all kinds, Chapped Hands, fealt iiheuni, cprains, Chilblains, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Ht-tula, Gout, Skin Diseases, Tetter, Swelled Glands, Ulcers, -; Luinia!jr, ?ore Iejs, Venereal cores,- Mercurial Efup- Sore Breasts, - Vvousdscfali lious, . Pis, Sore Heads, - kinds. , Sold at the ?danufactories of Professor Hot-tow-AV, fO Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Drujrgifru and Dealers in Medicine throughout the.United States and the civilized pots, at 25 cents, ti2J cts., and M cacli. ; g:r" There is a considerable sa'ingby taking the jaiter sizes. . . ; N. 15. Direciions for the guidance of patients In every disorder are affixed to each pol. 5"j-C AlfTIOV ! Noneare gennine unless. the words "'jfjjruy, Aeur York and London" are discernable asa water-mark in every leaf ofthe hook ot directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly see A by huldirg the leaf to ihe lilit. A handsome reward wHl be given to lny one rendering such information, ss may lead ngt he defection of anyparty or parties counter feitin!T the medicine's or vending'the same, know ingr them lobe spurious. - OecemhRr 6. lS5i. 112 ly. PROSPECTUS : v OF THE X- C. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. At the recent meeting of the N. C. Educational Association, in vvarrenton, tho undersigned were appointed a committee to make the necessary ar rangements for publishing a monthly journal, with the above title, Havinifmade arrangements foris-ning the first No. in September neit, they calf, witfr confidence uponTTe achtrs and School Officers, to send sub scriptions immediately, that ihey may be enabled to go off with die work. They reel assured that, if 1 hose, who have the educational interests of our State at heart, will exert themselves, (he numbit of subscribers, requisite to insure complete suc cess, can bo secured within one week after the pubiicalhyn of this prospectus. The Journal is lo be devoted entirely to the in terests of Education, will be published under the auspicfts of the Slate Educational Association. ll will be the organ of the Association and of all afSiliaied or subordinate Associations in the State. It wiil labor to promote the great cause of Educa tion in all its grades, as one cause ; and to foster a general sympathy between teachers and- officers of Common School, Acadamies, and Colleges, as -co-laborers in that one great cause. It will strive to advance the interests of the Common School System of the State, as underlying all other inter ests, and sustaining on its vast pranpe 'base, oar great educatinal strocture.and will lurnish a chan nel of communication between the General Super intendent of Common St lrof and those who feel an interest in their welfare. - Tae Journal will be edited by a Eoaid of Editors, Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools, and a number of tho leading Teachers of the State,aod one local Editor, who will receive all eommunica liops and superintend the publication. All communications should be addressed to the Editor of the Journal of EdT&atum, Green' bero A'. V. . . ' C. H. WILEY, C. C. COLE. O. W. BROOKS. W. W. H OLDEN, '. - WJi. KOBINSON, " Couimitles. TERMS: The Journal will b published monthly, in mag azine form, in handsome style, and wilP contain 48 pages at the following rales : One Copy, one year, . . i . . -' . 62 00 frix Uopies, ' (to ojte address) . 10 0 Subscriptions required invariably in advance, aed recclj ts sent in the first No. Terms of Advertising : j 1 vcas. 6 months. 3 mostus. I mo. One page", $73 640 $22 Si Half ' r 4) 22 II 5 One-foyrih, 22 ,22 7 , 3 16 lines, 12 7 4 2 Advertfemen's by the year payable quartctly. Ail others monthly Teacherr sending S30 for 25 subscribers wirtl be cniiiied to advt-niscnicnts of their Schools, of IS lines, for on year. There are at all times a number of Schools of all gra-des, needing teachers, and of teachers who wanttiuations ; and it i not at aii uncommon fof parties thus situated 10 adtrertise their desires and wtnts in papers not express!y-4evoted to the cause of Education, II all such, by general consent, would beep standing notices is the Journal, it would be an ay matter for teachers to find out all vacant siiuatl.insjind for Committees and Trus tees 10 learn the address of all teachers wanting p'eccs. , It U, therefore, the desire of the ( onduclors ef thi- Journal to publish a Directory of ibis kind, and t ali who wid farni-h stsniing rotices of m. ir vtiiu very iiberkl dedaciions wiil be made from the uual advertising rates. AugQ'rtrS- tw6a N. (?. UNIVERSITY 3IAGAZIXE. This )Ia:ra2ine wiil be iss-ied about the ICth inl., inctwrge -f the n-w Editors wh- have been selected from the C!as of 1357 58. Its matter wid oiasil of articles from the best wri ters of th University th ia prose and poetry. I ts editriai will be filled up with variety of pieces, and selected and nothing wiH bs o iitiei that will mass it sa interesting and r3a-!iaejferijdicI. The liberal patronage of an enitghieSed pib'ie i respecifully solicited, ft will b? ariated by Mr. Jas. IIen4ersn nf the Chapel HHI Gixeite, who will use every cflort to t upi heit and respectable magazine. Terms 2,0J per aoauni in advance. THE EDITORS. Chapel Hill, N. C. Aag. 1. - - - EjIPIRE CABS, GIGS i carriages. JUST at nun J. per Schr. Ben, a new and splen did assortment of ihe above ailtcles for Chil dren, si tha Croadwar Variety Store, No. 40 Market street. M. 11. Aug. 13- : DaNEALE.