EXTORT9 FOB ONE WEEK ESDIXCr 14th IKST. Lumber, 4M.000 feet; Turpentine, 8,Ml Ms.; Spirit. Turpentine, 3.2M do.; ftnln. o.; TrJ7do ; ijlu 23 do.; Llnior, 12 do.; Wt, 18.878 bushels; OrOund lea.. 34 Jo.; Shin!., 1,'X; SJl?eUnFv tttS" ton. 14 do.; Driwl f rutt, bag".; Wax, 1 W; Dry Hldea, 35; Mdie.. 14 boiec FOREIGN MARKET, iy iA Baltic Liverpool, Sept. 2. Cotton. Sales for the last tlitco days have been '28,000 bales, of which speculators took 4.000 and exporters 1,4000. The market generally is unchanged, but firm at previous quotaCJiis. Brea lstuira. The weather has been favorable for the crops, and breadstuffs are dull Jn codsc qnonce, ptevious quotasior.s are bare!y maln t lined: 1 Richardson, Bponce & Co , qnote flour dull, closing with quotations barely maintoined. Wheat quiet, with a decl ne of Id a2d., and corn dull with a decline of Is. The quotations trre W cstern Can al 31s; Ohio 32s a32.i.6d. Wheat red 6s 7d.a8s .d,; white 0.9d. Corn mixed and yellow 35s 6d. 3Gs. White is nominal at 42sa44s. Provisions are quiet. Lard is dull. Ric hardson Brothers quote cora as having decli ned lsn2s. Bigland, Athya & Co, quote wheat as flrra flour teadv. and corn declined Is. Beef " quiet, pork dull, und I aeon heavy. Rosin is dull. Spirits of tuiprntine heavy ana quotations tiareiy maintain ed. Kn 'r and coffee are represented by some of the ciret.iars as dull and quiet, but the latest dispatch by telegraph from London quotes sugar as dull at a decline of Gdals. CofJue closing buoyant and tcaliiru. llio was heavy, and all qualities have slightly declined. Holders demand an advance, which had not been acceded to. Bark. Holders are pressing on the market a.t 12sal2ad, Philadelphia is wanted at HaCdalos. Tallew closed quiet but sterdy. Consols closed at OOlaOOJ for money and ac count. " The London money market was active but un changed THE GGLDEH PRIZE. THE ?EV YORK WEEKLY GOLDE&i PRIZE. One of the largest and best literary papcrt of the day. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS I'Ell YEAli. And a Gift will be presented t' each subscriber immediately on receipt of the rnbbcripMon mon ey Fach snbscriber will he cntitita to a gi worm 3 Copfes for I year. . - . - .K-0ff 10 . . . . .15.00 READ READ RE A D READ THE ; l.iSTSf Ob' GIFTS GIFTS GIFTS. 1 packnee containing. 10 Gold Patent Li ver Fnglieh Hunting Cased Watches. 16 " " tt , 5C0 in Gald .'.00 75 - 60 5C 35 I 5 tarh, 25 100 ?.no 100 lit HI 500 " Hold vv atenes t.ndies Silver Huntina Cased Watches VYatrhl h . . 10 U 20 " Gold Veil and Guard and Fob fhnlna . - . . 10 to 30 5000 5 ld Lockets . . 2 to 10 " (Sold Itln"--Kiir Drop? P.ronches Knnr-t Pin StudsCulT I'ina Sleeve Buttons, c, &c. . 1 to 15 each lnimedi ijily on receipt of iho subscription nioti ey, the subscriber's name will be enteied upon our m'jseiiption book, opposite a number, and th vii'i corn spending with timl number will be for warded to his or her address by mail or express. Add?sidBF.CKKT & COMPANY. Pcblisheus, ,40 and 59 Moll'ui's Buildings. New Yobk. 7i en Cupics sent free. 15. "3'3t- i-t.pl "ukayek felt soft hats." HAMISOMKST STYLE UK SOFT HAT YET olferci'; lush, niedintii and liw-eiowned, to suit n'l t.isii". Spleni'ed UBSorlincrrt of all the new style IIATs and CAPrf, now open at the Emporium, 31 M n rkct si reet. &e(,t. 14. CHAS. D. MYE1S. MOLASSES. SALT, 1 f Illnis. hen vy hoJy !S urinirifTnulaeses sweet; 1 KJ 4!i0 !Saek of .Suit ; 5J (Irindstones diflc rent sizes. Jus cei ived per Bairmc Cuba. and for sa'o by luyiibt 23th. ADAMS, BROTHER & WARM WEATHER. WE hnvejurt received 50 trnl'ons of that de li;;htlul ItAsptiF.llUY SVKUP. F.veryfuni ilv kIihiiIiI have some of this very superior article. For sale by the quart or pallon. Also 100 dozen Muir & Son's Ju5 Ale. For sale by CJEt'RUK MYERS, Jui c 13. iHStwl No. II & 13 Fron-st. C0IIN ANFFLOiJIfT " 8TIU7SIIEf.S prime whitf Corn now 99fJ landing in front of our office ; alw 200 Bblv ol fresh jround Family & Superfine Flour STOXI.KV & OLDHAM. CO-PAKTiNEKSIIIP. HE UNDERSIGNED having, on the 50th I day of-Aupunl, H57, formed a partnership, for the piirpofie ol carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUS1 N F.WS, in the town of Wilminjiion, nnd haviri( laken the sisnd forrrcrly occupied by Messrs Jokes tit (Jarpviu, respectfully inform the public that they will endeavor to keep on hand a stock of Boots and Shoes of every descrip tton, and wiil sell the same on as reasonable terms as 'possiMn. -v One of the firm is now North. forMhe purpose of selectinc an enure new stock for the Full and winter tradn. ' Thev r spcctfully solicit a share of the patron age of the town and surrounding country. ASA J. MURRAY, UOBT. W. B. BLANEV. September 1. lPOT. 69-tf. GONE NORTIL THE S'torc of Stern & NcuhofT (llarnet House) will be closed until Mr. Newhoff's return from the north abour 20ih of September. STERN d NEUHOFP. August 25, 1P57. 67if FOP RENT. cii For Twelve Monihs from lt October, the ber. ' G. W. DAVIS. Sept. 9, 1827. tw73tf E3IPTY SPIRIT BARRELS O PI" J' E quality second hand Empty Spir )U it Barrels, just received per schr. Adele, ADAMS, BRO. & CO. Aug. 11. 60 REMOVAL. QI M ). B. KAI1NWEILEI will remove his Dry Goods and Millinery Stock and Bits! nc from his present stand to the CORNER STORE NEXT DOOR, on the 1st August, where he wit soon op :n an entiicly new stock MILLINERit and DRV GOODS. - Aurust6ih, 1837. G0-2m FOR RENT. I offer for Rent, for 12 months from 1st 1 1 r. October nexr, my nonso ana ioc on ine ILLB. corner of Mulberry and 4th street, con tainlng 13 rooms. There Is a frood kitchen and wood house on ihe premises. It is situated in a pleasant and agreeable neighborhood. T. LOB I NO Sept. 8. i - 72 tf. JUST RECEIVED BYG.R.FRENCn. AFRESH supply of PER RY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER, in entire N.w Dscss. To be sure that yon get the genuine Mod cine. Inquire for the New Dress with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. ' uiur Ap'il U. 15-tf. SEAMLESS BAGS. 1 OOPfc Two bushel SEAMLESS BAGS. 1UUU For sale by ADAMS, BRO. fc Co. RECEIVING AT TDE EMPORIUM. nUlt FALL STYLES DRESS HATS OF WALL COLORS and sizes. No. 34 Market Strrsi. Sept. 8. -i CHAS. D. MYERS, Medical College of Virginia. SESSION 1857-58. Tnext annual course of lectures will com mence on the 1st of October, 1S37, at the College building, corner of Marshall and College streets, Richmond, and terminate on the 1st of March, 1833. . . Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, By Charles Bell Gibson, M. D. Theory and Practice l Medicine ; By David II. Tucker, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy By Martin P. Scott, M. D.' Materia Medica and Thcrapeutrics; By B. It. Wcllford, M. D. Acatomy 5 By Arthur E. Petieolas, M. D. Institutes of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence; By Levin S. Joynes, M. D. Obstetrics and diseases of women and children j By James H. Conway, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy; MARION HOWARD, M. D The study of Practical Anatomy may be prose cuted with the most ample facilities and a I a very trifling expense.. . Clinical lectures are regularly given at the Col lege Infirmary.- This Infirmary, under the same roof with the College, Is at all times well filled with Medical and Surgical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for Clinical instruction. . Many Surgical Operations are performed in ths presence of the class, and the students being daily admitted to the wards, enjoy under the guidance of the Profet-sore, unusual opportunities for be coming familiar not only with the symptoms and diagnosis of disease, but with its daily progress and treatment. " Amount of fees for lectures, ... . . 1C5 0i Malriculaiion fee, ... . ' 6 00 Practical Anatomy, . . .' . . ' 10 00 Graduating fee, . . .... 2 00 The price of Board, including Fuel. Light and servants' . attendance,- varies Irom $3 to 5 per week. The Catalogues, containing fuller informa tion concerning the Institution, will be forwarded t those who apply for it, or specific enquiries will be anawered by letter. L. S. JOYNES, M. P. Deanofthe 'ar.ulttj. Jsly II, 1357. . W&U9 ? : : 1 - FOR SALE. :. BEAUTIFUL Six Octave Rosewood (Piano makt) MELODEON suitable lor Puilor or A Church. Apply at the Carolina Hotel.. Sep. I2V " . ' 74-2tp. ' SCHOOL BOORS. Parnits- and Teachers Take Xtitlcc. 7.T jT7f Til K subscriber ha.-c on hand, and is illLU iy Aaiw recelvit 2 additions ihereio; one of the largest and most extensive stocks ol School and Miscellaneous Books in the State, which heotlers for sale upon the most reas onable terms. Conoisiing in part, of Smith's. Emerson's, Olmstead, Bullion's, Andrew's, An lh m'8, Psrker'a, iMcGufliee's. Comstork's, Phelps' Parley's (Goodrich's Ansel's, Town's M itchel's and Olncy'a Series. Comprising Etigiish and Latin Grammars, English, and Latin Readers, and classics- fttneraliy, together with -Geographies, Philosophies, Astronomies, Histories, Spelling Books, Definers. Analizt-rs, Aichmetics, Diction aries, Catechiina and Quesilon Books, Ac. &c. Also a large assortment of StatiunerVi A lib; riil deduction made to Teachers and Mer chants purchasing by the quantity. ; L. H. PIERCE. Sept.b. ' , 74 If "ALLCTbcilNOiv READY. ERC'HANTS AND PLANTERS aro rcs ivfl. prct fully solicited to examine the mos' cotit plete'nssortment of Hats, Caps and Umbre.las ever before opened in the State. We have in store 250 dozen Wool hats, com prising all the grades from the lowest to the fin est Cha.-hm.'irei is. 200dozen sJlt Fe't and half stiU Cassimcre hats, of a II colors, styles and qualities. 30U dozen Cloth, Mohair, Silk and cotton Plush, Petcridiam, Silk and cotton Glazed Caps of all the different vari ties, including some oi the neatest styles of Dress, Fiveningand Busine (iips vet Inirodnced. AIm) Silk, Beaver, und Blck Dress Casimere of the most handsome (tt)les, together with ah elegant assortment of In fants und Childrcns Hats and Misses F'lula and Bloomers. Ladies Beaver and Felt riding hats. 'New style Umbrellas, fineand common Canes Ac, &c. Ladies Fur Setts'and Gentle mens' Fur Collars furnished to order. A call is solicited from all. CHAS. D- MYERS. Hat and Cap Emporium, 31-JlIatif.ci St. Sep. 12. ROVAL HAVAXA LOTTERY. The nestordinary drawing ofth'e Roysl Havana Lottery conducted by ihe Spantrh Government, un der the (hi ier vision of the Captain Genctal of Cu ba, will take place at Havana on FRIDAY, SEP. 25, 1857. SORTED NUMERO 67 ORDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE $100,000 M! 1 prize of 100.000 I 4 prizes of 2,00 r.n nnn u 1.000 .30.000 10,000 5,000 R-7 r. 143 400 20 Apr'xm's. 8,800 4400 :o 1 0,0(0 1 4 of 400 to5.0C0. Whole Tickets, 20 ; HalvcS,10j ftuartcre5.00. Prizes cuhcd at richtat 5 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded as soon as '.he re sult becomes knowrt. 'Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of City Post. Charleston. C.) un til Iho 25ih of September will be attended to Sep. 8. ... BASKETS. T7F; have a large lot ot Baskets of various sizes V and styles. For sale by Dec. 13. VV. H. DkNEALE. SITUATION WANTED. IJ'OR a lad nearly 12 years of age, of good mor al character and correct deportment, who can read and write and is somewhat arrjutintc d with ficures. He would b.e pleased to obtain a situation as errand boy, or in any occupation in whit h he could be uirefui. He would require hut small com pensation ; his object being to render pome I ri fling assistance to his mother, who is in indigent circumstances. Apply at ITli Cot ma c'wl Office. July 11. 49 OFFICE fi. CAROLINA It. ROAD GO. Salisbury, Sept. ia, l-ol. NOTICE is herety gifen that the following Stock, subscribed for in this Company, will be sold for cash on the 1st day of October next, at the Court ilouse, in the town of Salisbury, un less the amount due on said subscriptions shall be paid before the time of sale. "No. of: Ne.of share 4 ' shares E. D. Austin, now in name of Olh? Gil lespie, ' "15 Samuel N. RIack, 10 Dabney Cosbey, ' 79 Michael Davis, 3 O. DuPie, 1 M. M. Gladson, . i Jas Grlswald, trans ferred to John Ken Richard Ligon, 'I 1 Wm. McCauleyr 1 CM vers, 1 Patrick McGowan, 1 J. K. Parker, 1 J. B. Russell, I J. W. Scott',' 1 W. S. Simpson", 2 S. H. Turrentlne, 1 J. C. Turrentlne, 25 S. A D. Teller, 3 J. A. Worth, W. Ward, I Hartdt Policy, 5 neda , 145 Seaton Gale, 2 O. M. D. Huchlngs, 2 L. K. Heart t, J I John M. Lone, I CYRUS P . MEN DEN HALT.,. . Treasnrer. 73-3tw Sept. 10. ICE I ICE! ! ICEH! THE WILMINGTON ICE HCUSE will bo opened for the delivery of Ice every morning at Sunrise, closing at Sunset, except on Sundays when it ill positively close at 9 A. M. TERMS CASH it is earnestly desired that no person will ask any deviation from this -rule as it will certainly be adhered to. . "ICKKTScan be procured and DEPOSITS made in advance by those who desire to avoid the annoyance of making change. ICE for the country packed and forward aa di rected. ........... ICE furnished to the sick poor free of charge when directed by a Physician or member of the Visiting Committee. . A. IT. VANBOICKELEN, Agent, pill 7, 1967. 10-6mp. 1 " 1 " I 1 u 4 appro rrai 553 EiS SWA N & CO.'S LOTTERIES NEW AND BRILLIANT SCHEME! CAPITAL PRIZE : The following fcheme will be drawn by S. Swast 3c Co. Managers of the Fort Gaines Acade my Lottery, In eseh of their otteries for Sep tember, 1857, at AUGS-STA, Georgia, to which city they have removed their Principal Office. CLASS 52. . ' To be drawn in the City of August Georgia, iu public, on SATURDA Y, S E PTEM BER , 5, 1 857. ' CIiASS53. . To be drawn in the City of Augusta Georgia, ' in public, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1857. '.'; , CLASS 54. ' To be drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1857. ' CLASS 55. : To be drawn in the City of Angsla, Georgia, in public, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1857 ON THE PLAN OFSISGLK NUMBERS. FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY-PIVE PRIZES f NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICK- ET8I ' : MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! - TO BK DRAWN . , EAPtf SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER 1 Prize of $60,000 1 10 " " PO-i 1 ' 30,000 .10 . 70 1 " r 10000 10 " " 600 1 '.' " . 7.500 ltl . fii-o .1 " 6.000 " 10 Prizes of 400 . I , - u, j 2,600 10 " " 3CW 1 1 500 170 . : . : 150 JO ' " 1,(00 .210 100 l'J " " 900 J APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of $400 uppro'to S6O.00O piizeare S1.C00 4 -" 300 " , 30,f-00 " 1,N0 4 200 " 10,000 ' - 800 4 . 125 " j . 7,600 500 4 . ' 100 " 5,0i0 A 0 4 ' " 75 " 2,500 ' 300 4 5 ' 50 1,500 u 200 5C0Q " 20 are - - - 100.000 5 405 prizes aniount;n2td 8320,000 Whole Tickets, I0 Unlves,- 85- Quarters, PLAN OK THK LOTTKRY, The Numbers froMt I to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets prin'ed on separate slips of paper, are encircled w ith small tin tubes and placed in one WhecT. The first -167 Piizcs, siml'arly printed and en circled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from thd wheel of Numbers,' snd at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the f'ommisfiioners ; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. Tins operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn ont. APPROXIMATION PKIZES- The two preceding and - the two succeeding Numbers to thoie drawing tike fir! 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 23 Approximation Prizes. For examples if Ticket No. 11250 drawn the fit',0i;0 Prize, those Tickets numbered I 1-4?, 1 1,249, U. 251, 11,252, will each he entitled to t-ioi), i i Tick et No 650 draws the 910,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 549. 549, 6rl, 552, will each be entitled to SJ0C snd so on according to the above scheme. The 3,000 Prizes of J20 will be determined by the last figure ol the Number that draws tJreJGQCOO Prize. For example, if the Number drawing 'the G0,000 Prize etds with No. 1, then all the Tic kets where the number ends in I, will he entitled to S20. If the Number ends with No. 2. then all the Tickets where the Number ends, in 2 will be entitled tu S20, and so on to 0. Certificates f I'aikaget will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package ol 10 Whole Tickets, 30 " 10 Hlf " 40 " " lOUuarter " 20 " " 10 F.ighih " 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIF1C ATKS. Enclose the money to our address for the Tie ktts ordered, on rpce.pt ol which they will be for warJed by first mail. Purchasers can hvo tickets tnding in any fienre they may desienate. The Liet of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchagerf immediately after the drawing. P urchaiyrs will plesne write their signatures ' plain, and give their PostOffice, County and State. Kemember thntcvery Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. "O-AII Prized of SlOCa, anefnnder, paid immedi ately afier the drawing other prizes at the uuul time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address Ordci s for Tickets or Certificates to H. SWAN 4 CO., Ausvtta, tVa. persons residing near Montgotnerv, Ala. or Atlanta, Ga., can have their oiders Sllcd.snd save time, br ad dress ins S. Swan & Co., at either r?f those cities. A list of the numbers lha? are drawn fron the wheel, with the amount of the prize tt at each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following papers j New Orl. ans Dila. Mobile ier .Charleston Standard,? ash ville Gazette, Atlanta intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book and Savannah Morning Nevtg. Richmond Dispatch, and New York Dispatch and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. September 10 1857. FURNITURE ! FURMTURE!! FOR THK'TRADE OR TR IVATK TJSE. FOSTER & LEE. m S3 Furniture Manufacturer so JJowery, Jew i ork. T1RM8JASH. -DHi PRICE CEY. HERETOFORE we have manufactured and sold exclusively at Wholesale. We are now prepared to oiler a well assorted stock at Retail, at a saving of from'tweniy to thirty per cent, to the consumer. ' -: Wo have now for sale Mahogany Chairs, spring seats, upholstered in hair cloth, from S2 25 to S6 00 each Mahogacy Sofas, spring seats, upholstered in hair cloth, from 13 to 26 dollars each. , Mahogany Rocking Chairs, spring rests, tip hoUlered in hair-clolih, from 5 to 12 dollars each. Mahogany Easy Chairs, on castors or roefcers, upholstered in hair-cloth, from 11 to 18 dol lars each. " -- -T Mahogany Tele-a-Tete, upholstered In hair cloth, from 15 to 35 dollars each. Mahogany Tete-a-tete Sofas, upholstered in hair cloth, from 25 to 45 dolars each. Marble and Mahogany Top Tables, In great Tartery or styles, qualities and prices Bareaus, hall Marble and Wood Top, with or without Glasses, and wash stands to mat"h. Also,, Ward.-obes Bedsteads, Sideboard?, Hall Stands, Book Cases, Lounges, Etegcres, Corner stands and Book shelves. OjFICK iUUXITURK, PESKS, TABLES AXB CHAIRS. -All the above goods in black walnut or oak nt the same prices. PARLOR SUITS, In Rosewood upholstered in French Brocatclle, Satin Oamask, Satin and Pluh. The Bimo in Black Walnut, the frames ol of which We stained in varntshinrr, making a beau'ifdl imitation, and upholstered in the same goods, -make a' showy appearance at a. much lower price. . j In our establishment can be found a great variety of Fancy Chairs, in Rosewood, Ma hogany and Black Walnut Turkish Smoking Chairs. Recl ning Chairs, Hall Chairs, Vol taire Chairs, Cane Chairs, and also the cele brated SPRING BED, known aa Tucker's pateht. This article We would particularly re commend, it having been fully tested, and found upon trial to be the best spring bottom ever invented. Conclusion. Parties who are not able totieraonallv select te goods trtey may-Hvant, can depend upon having their orders filled with as much care, and their interest studied, aa though they were present! and to snch we also offer oar eerVJeee for the selection of any Household goods they may want, and as we should purchase from First Hands, a-saving will thereby ber made which the customer would have the benefit of. July 28, 1P57. wdctwly'r 55 OA 55 -a - TURK'S ISLAND SALT 4 nnn BUSHELS. For sale by ,UvU J. C. SMITH A CO. July 30. , 67. NEW YORK! ADVERTISEMENTS. A NEW, AND IMPORTANT DISCO V- ERV IV TI1E SCIENCE OP MEDICINE. PATKNT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT BRI TAIN. D1PLOME de ECOLK de PHAR MAC1K PHARMACIEN de PARIS, and IM PERIAL. COLLEGE of MEDICINE, V1ENNA Sold wholesale and retail by Dr. II. A. Barrow, Member of the lmp'1 College of Vienna, and Royal Cpllege of Sereeons, London,' who may be person, ally consulted at his- residence, 157 Prince street." few-blocks west of Broadway, N. V., from 11 A, M. till 2 P. M., and from 4 till 8 P. M. (Sundays excepted, unless by appointment.) Trleeemar No. 1, Is a remedy for Relaxation, Spermtorrhcea, and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or loo long resi dence in hut climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigor to thousands who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood ; and whatever may be the cauoe or dis qualifications for for marriage, they are effectually subdued. TriesemrKo.2, Completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorhsea, both in its mild and aggravated iorms, Gleets, Stiictures, Irritation of tne Bladder, Non retention of Urine, Pains of the Loins and Kid neys, aid those disorders for which Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been thought an antidote. Trlesemar No. 3, " is the greatContinental Pemedy for Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. It also constitutes a cer tiiin cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Eruption', removing and expelling in. its course all impurities from the vital stream, so as altoget her to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it by insensible perspiration through the medium ot the pores of the skin and urine. tJtisa. never failing remedy for that class of dis orders which English Physicians treat with Mer cury, to the Inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which ail the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. THIKS KM All No. 1,2, and 3, are prepared in ihefotm of a lozenge- devoid of taste or smell, snd can he carried In the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, and divided in separate doses asadminister ed by Valpeau, Lalleman, Roux, Ricord, Sc.. die. Prices S3 each, or four cases in one fot 9, which saves S3, and in 27 cases, wheieby there Is a sav ing of 59 None are sfehoine unless the Engraviftgs of the Seal of the Patent Office of England, t he Seals of the Kcolo de Pharmacie de Paris, and the imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case. 1 1mitations are Hable to the severest pen.iltiesof the Law. Special arrangements enable Dr. Babrow to for ward immediatelyon receiving st remittance, the 9 and larger size cases of Triesernar Factor CABsiAOB, to any part of the world, securely pack ed and properly addressed, thus insuring genuine European- preparations and protecting the public from spur'ousand pernicious imitations. Atiendanee and Consultation from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M. and from 4 till 8 in the evening. 157 Prineeps Street, few blocks west of Broadway, New York. April 28, 1857. ; IB ly TEStjAR-TAMIU AID POPULAR Maryland IiOtteries FOR SEPTEMBER, 1857. . R. FRANCE tfc CO., Managers. DrtIT sT sT TVTT Scliomol Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland, Class L, To be drawn Saturday, September, 2Gth, i liallunore, Maryland. Draftings conduced under the superintendence tf the Sllte Lpttrry Commissioner. SCHEME. 73 Numbers 14 Drawn Eallofs. G2,900 . 30,000 20. IK" to 16 000 12 000 25.000 18.510 12 5-0 9.000 U7.500 15.000 20.0(10 118.000 25 C00 12 N00 222.720 6G14S0 n , a : k unilVTT Mfl T(l Ski 202 0f.0 O- -14 L' 1 1& ' . " . ' " - WholcsS'0: Halvesl0; ftusr. $5; Eighths 2.50 ... . r r. , f .1. VA I. 1 ... f 00 fi( tjertincare oi racaage oi i " uui-r, tuoi nc 1 1 -1 i 11 r ,n 141 00 70 50 35 25 aO. oo. u naivc!, do. do. 26 Quarters," do: do. 26 Eighths, " 11AVAM PLAN, OF SINGLE NUMBERS Now Become so Popular. Gra;id Consolidafed Lottery 8f Maryland. Extra Class 9. Tobedrawri in Baltimore.TVId., Saturday, Sept. 26, 1857. SPLENDID SCHEME. Capital Prizes. Approx. Prizes. 1 prize of $33 000 4 of $400 1 nrize of 11.760 4 of 300 1 prize ot 6.000 . 8 of 200 1 piize of 4 0001 1 prize of 4 000 I prize of 4,000 16 of 160 1 prize of 4.000 j 1 prize of 4.000 j 1 prizes of 3 500 1 1 prizes of 3.500 V W of 100 1 prizes of 3 5f0 1 prizes of 3,5f 0 4 prizes of 2,500 16 of 60 4 prlresof 1.200 - - 16 of 60 5 prizes ot 2,000 20 of 60 173 prizes of 300 700 of . 40 1.000 prizes amounting to . .. . . $199,900 Whole Ticket, $10 Halves $5 ; air'en $2.60. o ""Please address ait orders for Tickets in the above 51 a'L'hifi cent Schemes, to " ' T. II. HUBITARD fc Co.. No. 39 Fsette Street, or Box No. 40, - --; Baltimore, Maryland. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO RECTIFERS, LIQUOR MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. Dtt. FEUTCUTWANOER'3 Flavorlnjrs to Pr-odace at a Mements Not Ice every desired. Liquor. .. t The nnderSigned has lately made gTest improve ments in this branch of business: The Flavor, ings in put up In packages of &. 10, and 40 Gal lons, and acquires 1 ut the addition of Pure Spirit, eiiher 1st or 4ih proof and Liquors such a Cognac, either dark or pale, Hollandand England snd Eng lish Gin, Jamaica and St. Croix Bum, Mononga hela, Hoarbon, Irish, and Scotch, Whiskey, Apple, rVach, Cherr? and Raspberry Brandy, Port and Madeira Wines will be instantly produced. It re quires no skilT, brft an addition of a good spirit, n.iy 50 gallons to each- gallon of the respective Fl vorins. , The be st Cognac oil, green, yellow and white warranted genuine, as tow as any other importer In the U. S. . - Essences of every Liquor. Extract of Cognac, 1 lb. of which produce 200 gallons of tJognae. Raw Whiskey may by Dr F.'s ge and body pre paration he made smoothwith, but a trifling ex pense. The prieeof Flavorings are extremely moderate, and directions in fall supplied-by , . DR. LEWIS FEUCHTW ANGER. Chemist and Importer of Drugs, Essential Oils and Metals,- D'aguerreptvpe and Photographic Chemicals, No. 143 Maiden Laae, New York.. N. B. Sole Agent for Godfrey's celebrated Cor dial Bitters and Gxn. - ; j April 18i V ' ' -" " 18 6m. . CflAS. D. MVERS,- - HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market St. tA ' ' Wu.m iHOTOjr'rT: C. PANiMA, leghoSm, aD nCM teir bits, wool " FOR. SILK. AttO MOI.KSKft HT. ' - - CtoTM, Pm7bb, axo Silk.Glaxso Cats, by the cast or dozen. AtNewYoik Wholesale Prices. march 12. ... : , ... ,r . V53 1 Prize of $62,900 2 ' lS.tHK) 2 10 01.0 2 6.000 2 6.000 5 5.000 5 3.700 5 2 5' 0 5 1 800 10 1.70 1 (1 1 .5i)0 20 1-000 295 4f0 123 200 123 100 5.503 40 28.224 . 20 . WHOLESALEANB! RETAIL. Jjimd for Sale 50 LOTS IN TIMMONStlLLE, &c. TffE Sabseriber offers for sale Tracts of Land in Darlington, Williamsbunr, Marion, Sumptsr and Clarendon Districts, in lot; to suit purchasers These lands are adapted to various pursuits They comprise good Turpentine tracts, (all round trees,) as well as pood Cotton and Corn lands ; there are also, at different places, fine Mill seats. These lands lie on, and contiguous to, the Wil mington end Manchester Rail Koad, the Nonh Eu stern Rail Road, and Lynch's Creek, a naviga ble stream, and so ne portions of them are in a high state of cultivation, and have been improved, con taining good residences, out buildings, 4c. . He also will sell, on advantageous terms, a large number of desirable building lots in the flourishing village of Timmonsville ; among others, tneie is one with a fine and commodious Hotel upon it another with a Steam Mill in complete order; an other with a Store House well stocked with Goods suited for the country trade. Terms will be made easy.-" For further Informa tion address . J. M. TIMMOXS, - ' Timmonsville, S. C. July 18. 1857. 3m:tAw52 SUNDRIES. 1 CT finn LATHS, excellent quality ; 1UU,UUW 200 Barrels Nova Scotia herring; 60 Bgs Phosphate of Lime ; - 300 Prime Spirits Barrels ; 6 halt barrels Pickied Shad for family use ; 200 bags Chilian Guano ; 10 barrels Snuff. For sale by ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Augast 15 th. FOR SALE OR RENT. THE HOUSE AND LOT recently occu pied bv tire subscriber, fronting on Third street, between Red Cross and N. Boun dary. Also ONE VACANT LOT, corner of Third and North BdundarWand several vacant lots North of the Rail road.. For terms apply in my absence to O.L. Fiilyaw. D. McMILLAN.; August liih. IstOp. PE'-IFECTION OF MEClfANISM. AMERICAN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BKST TIME KEEFER AT THE LOWEST COST. Py the aid of great improvements In Machinery and many new and altogether original inventions, we are now able to offer the public a PERFECT WATCH at a small price. Ourmachines arc so trne and so delicate, and our system of manufac ture so complete, that every watch must be an ex act counterpart. The movements are new, simple and beautiful in plan and construction, end have been pronounced by thesblest judges to be fault less in principle and quality. Each one is engra ved "ArPLSTOW, Tsacv & Co., Waltham, Mass.' and is accompanied by a certificate of genuine ness and . . PERPETUAL WARRANTY. We ask no man to buy these Watches merely be cause they are of American manufacture. Wc ask only that this fact shall not be permitted to orejudice of exclude them from consideration. We clitra that Watches equal in quality and merit cannot be obteined so cheap in Europe ; and we ask otlr countrymen to give them s trial under onr warranty. Orders or inquiries may be addressed to us directly, or to any of the undermentioned firms, who are agents for the sale of our Watches. Messrs COOPER &' FELLOWS, No. 11, Mai den Lane. N. V. " FELLOWS & CO., No. 17, Maiden Lane, N. Y. PL ATT & BROTHER, No. 20, Maiden Lane, N. Y. . " CARY, HOWARD & SANGER, Cham bers st., N. Y H1LOEBURN & BROTHER, Phila delphia. , " PRATT u RF.ATH, Philadelphia. " PALMER & BACH ELDERS, Boetnn. ' BIG FLOW BHOS. A KENNARD, h DUHME S CO., Cincinnati, and Messrs. ROBB-INS & APPLETQN, No. 15 Malden Lane. N. Y.. who are agents for the trans action of onr general business, aa well as for the sale of our gooda. APPLETON, TRACY & CO. Successors to the Boston Watch Company. Boston Watch Factory, Waltham, Mass., July, 1857. September. 1. 69-3m -t-Aw. Land lfflarrants ! WHEELER & EVERETT, New York City," Will pat for Bounty Laml Warrants of all denom inations, two per cent, above market prices,, until October 16th, we having a large amaout to deliver -i . ... , rr-1 c li . at that timet oena irrem- aiong. x ne tuuuwing are the latest quotations : 165 acres 94 120 0 F0 94 40 1 20 Parties sendinz Warrants by mail, will be paid the same as though they were personally present. Draft remitted by retnrn mail. Address WlfEELKH dt EVERETT, , Brokers, New York City. New York, August 15, liibl. twp-j YOUNG AMERICA TARGET PISTOL Manufacturing Company, NEW HAVEN," O T. ThisPistol is'inter.ded as theforerunnerof the or dinary pistol, arid Is designed for young men and boys who wish to enjoy the exciting sport of firing at target, at the most triffinsr expense, and with out any danger of accident. The cheapest ordina ry pistol Is three or four timet the price of this be sides btin" dangerous in the hands of boys'. This Distol is loaded with the common Fire Cracker, which forms a complete cartridge, and will cairy a ball ten or fifteen paces with the same precision as the ordinary pistol, but not wnn sumclent torce to (o any serious damage. As America is a shooting nation, the Young Americans must and will learn the art by which our Independence wis secured. Hene this Target Pistol is exactly in time, and must meet with universal sale among our youth of the South snd West. Its operation is perfectly sim ple, and it is not liable to get. out of order. A full description will accompany every case of pistols The pistols are put up athe factory in cases of 50 esch. ready to send by express to any part of the United States or Canada. . . Retail piice, 25 ceDtS; by the cake, $7.50. or 15 cents each. '. FRENCH, HALL A CO.. - NewHaven.Cl. August 27th, 1357.; ; 67iw "SVJXMINGTOX & WELDOS It- R. COMPASY, Orncx Catsv'EsGLScsa As ScpsaisTssDXST. S Wilmington, N. C, August 8lh, 1857. : 1U A ltEi , TITERS are two Cotton Gins', and a Cotton Carder in the Company's Warehouse, that have been there unclaimed for more than two years. If they are not called for, charges paid, and re moved within 2d" days, they will be sold at auct ion for the benefitof the Company. S. L. FREMONT, Eng. andSnpt. Ang. It. 60-6t GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASE, at the Quaker City Pablishing House of Duane Rnli soti, Philadelphia. By baying a book for SI, or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth from 25 cents to 9109, consisting of fine gold Jewelry, Watchea, 4c. All ordeis by mail .will be promtly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the moat popular books of the day, and will be sold at the usual retail prices, many of them for less. Persona wishing any particular book can order at once, and it will be forwarded with a gift. A'eat alogue' giving full information, with a list Cf books and gifts, will be sent post paid, by addressing DCANE RULISON. No. 33 S. Third street, Phil. . J5"Agent wanted. Aususi29th,13Sr. t 63iw3m HERRING. -I 'OH EXTRA No. 1 Herring, in fine packa XJlXJ ges, iasl landed and for sale by Aug.22. ADAMS, V&Q. & CO. . NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. KEROSENE OILST WSTTLtED FROM COAL. (SOt EXPLOSIVE.) " THE different grades ot these Celebrated oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, al so of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and of the authorized Local Agent of the Ctfmpsny in this place. "" . AUSTENS; General Agents; Kerosene Oil Co., No. 60 Beaver Street, N. Y. Jj- Local agencies granted on application as bove. Orders should specify the description of tamp or machinery for which the oil is wated. , -JuneS, 1857. ... . tw34:ly OUR MOTTO IS 'T0 PLEASE" AT THE Wllminsoii Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectlully informs t hep ublie that he has recently received additions in his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountines.dbc. the latest and-most improved style; andis constanly manufacturing, at hisstore on marcel street .every descrintion of articlein the above line. From hi. experience in the business, hefeelsconfjdeit that hewill bearleto glveentiresatlsfacllon to al Iwho mayfavor tiim with a call, ilenasnowon hand and willconstantly keec a la rite assort men tof Coach, Gig and Sultey Harness, lady's Saddles, Bridles, nmps, f-c, trcntumen s saddles, Whxpt Spurs. dc. fetallof which he will warrant to be o ft (J the best materials snd workmanship i He has also si larce assortment oi Trunks, Valises, Saddle asid Carpet Bas. Satchels, Kaiicr Trunks, dtc.and all other ar ticles usually kept in ch establishments, all of wmcu ueoaerciow iar u fton, or on snortcredit to prompt customers. baddies, Harness.Trunka.Redical Bazs. dke tc., made to order. Inaddition tothe above the snbscrfberalways keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather and haa now, and will keepthrough the season a good assort men tot fry Jc-tts. Allaremvlted to call and examine my uoorfs whetherin wantornot, asl takeoleasureinshew- Ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a can. flarnesr and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buyingto manufacture. Also, v nips ai wholesale. Alikli of Riding Vehicles bought ti old on com ik ions. JOHN J . CONOLKV . Feb. 7. 6 138 THE ANNALS OF SOUTHERN METHODISM. For (-3 j"An admirable annual." N. O. Advocate. I "A vast amount of valuable information. Texas Advocate. i "A very complete and useful repository of in I formation." Quarterly Ittcicv. j "Every Hethudist in the Sonth ghonld pro I . eure ."N. C. Advocate. Sis5s "There cair be no sort of doubt about the sue oens of this book." Home Circle. "Will get more out of it than the worth of one dollar." JV. O. Advocate. "Cheap at five times the cost." Home Circle. "Wo had not expected to find U so deeply In teresting." Texas Advocate. "It must have cost great labor." Southern Methodist Quarterly. "How can we, after this, do without it !" Home Circle. 'The plan snd execution of It we highly corn- mend." S. M. Quarterly. ,Bjy"It will have an enormous circulation. I Home Circle m c - 1856- Large 12 mo. ne&tlv bound and lettered. Single copies,' bv mail, prepaid, fl. To preachers and booksellers, ordering 1 dozen or more, 30 per cent, discount. May be ordered from Stevenson & Owen, Nashville W. P. Grif fith, Norfolk, Virginia. ; J. W. Piatt, Wilmington, N. C.; E- H. Myers, Charleston, S. C, or II. D. McGiunis, New Orleans. 5?" For singfe copies and special agencies, address fhe editor, CHARLES. F. DEEMS, May II. (25tw) Wilmington, N. C AFFLICTED READ ! ! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. Established twenty-two years ago by Dr. KINKF.L1N, corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. ..... .. TWENTYrTWO YEARS' . . . :, Experience has rendered Dr. K. b most suc cessful practitioner in the cure of all diseases oi a private nature j manhood's debi."ty, asttn im pediment to marriage; nervous and. sexual in firmities, diseases "f the skin, and those arising from abuse of mercury. : , TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood ; and which, if not reformed iq due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimoni al happiness, .but gives rise to a series of pro tracted, insidious, and devastating affections, t , Few of those who give way (0 this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervons system shattered, feedstrangeand unaccountable sensations, and vague fears in the mind. (See pages, 27, 23, 29, of Dr. K's book on " Self Preservation.") The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to sp ply his.mind to study: his Btep is tardy and weak; he is dull, irresolute, and engages even in his sports with less energy than ueual. . .- If he emttneipute himself before tire practice has done itgwqrst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this is caused by his early follies. These arc considera tions which should avtaken the attention of alt vho are similarly situated. . REMEMBER. . ; He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment, may religiously confide in his. honor as a gentlemsn, and rely upon the assursp.ee, that the secrets of Dr. K,'s patients will, never be dis closed. . . . . .. .. " , , . . Young man let no false modesty deter you from making yourcase known to one, who. from education and respectability, can certainly be friend you. .. . , Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty years at the N..W. corner of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. . Can have (by stating their case explicitly, to gether with all their symptoms, per letter, enclos ing a remittance) Dr. K.'s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States, and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or Express. BEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD ! A rigorous Life or a Premature Death, Kinkelin on Self-Presereation Only 25 Cents. Letters containing that value in stamps, will ensure a Copy, per return ol mail. GRATIS ! GRATIS I! GRATIS!!! A' fret GIFT Tb All. MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work, fall of valuable advice and impressive warning, alike calculated to prevent years of misery, and save thousands of lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail; prepaid to any Post Office in the United States, on receiving an order enclosing two postage stamps. Aug. -F. 58 ly-wctt CROSKEY ifc CO.'S LINE OF STEAMERS; BE TUfEtN NEW YORK, LONDON & BREMEN THE MAGNIFICENT BRITISH STEAMSHIPS QUEEJf of the SOUTH, Captain Beal, 2221 ton burthen, INDIANA, Capt. Baker, 2364 4a. s AEGO - Capt. Benoon, 231 an. t JASON JapU liritton, JOSl . 1 Owned by the EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN STEAM SHIPPING COMPANY or LONDON asd SOUTHAMPTON, aro appointed to sail from NEW 1 ORK on every alternate WEDNESDAY, for LONDON and BREMEN, touching at So cm-, amptojc to land passengers and mails for England and France. -They will remain one day at Lon don, and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, they will leave BREMEN for NEW YORK on every alternate SATURDAY, stopping only at Southampton. These s'eamshlps are ot the first class, and have superior secommoda lions for pasengcrsJ They will take a limited number of third-elas or steerage paeseageuA Surgeon stitched to each shin. The rares of treigtu o London will be but little higher, thanthose of sailing ships. RATES QF PASSAGE. First Cabin, 30 ; Second Cabin, S50 ; Seerage $30. The steamship INDIANA wilf sailrrosB NEW YORK, on WEDNESDAY, aith of September, and be sdeceeeded by the ARGO, October 14th and JASON, Oct. 28th. i For freight or passaze apply to ' C. H. SAND, 11 South Wniimm au JaiyT. v 47-lm. heal th or SICKNESS 1 Cn 009E EBTiYEE THEM; At - -w'T HOLL O WAYS PILLS 'piIE bl m d furnishesthe material of every bone, m. muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ when corrupt,' it necessarily produces disease HOLLOWAY'S PILLS operate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease, snd thus radically curing the malady, whether located In the nerves, the stom ach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. UED THROUGHOUT T HE WORLD! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are equallT efficaciona in" complaints common to the whole human race, and in disorders peculiar to certain climaies and localities. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, however aggravated, .acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic; they relieve the bowels, purifying the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution at the ama.f line, r GENERAL WEAKNESS NERVOUS COM LAINTC. - When ail slimulants fall,, the renoatfng and bracing properties of these Pills giv4 firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES. All irregularities and ailments incident to the delicate and sensitive organs of the sex are remov ed or prevented by a few doses of tbesr mild, but infallible alteratives. JVo mother who regSLds her own or her children's health fan to have them within her reach. . SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. , The London . 'Lancet," the London "Medicil Review," and the most eminent of the faculty In Great Britain, France and Germany,' have eulogiz ed the Pills and their inventor. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases :- Asthma Fever and Ague Lowness of Bowel Com- FemaleCom- Spirits plaints . plaints. . ' . Piles Coughs Headaches " Stone and ' CoJda . Indigestion Gravel Chest Diseases Influenza Secondary Costiveness Inflammation ..Symptoms Dyspepsia Inward Weak- Veneral Affcc Diarrhoea ness . lions Dropsy Liver Com- Worms, of all Debility plaints kinds Sold at the Manufactures of Professor Hoi, iowat, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 214 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United State and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62) cents, end SI each." There, is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes.'- ... N. B. Directions for the guidance of. patients in every disorder are affixed oA each box. CAUTION S None are genuine unless the words "HolUrwayrNcw York arid London," are discernable as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions .around each pot ,r box; the same may be plainFy eeh by hiding xfic leaf to the light. A. handsorte reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of anv narl ornartioa rnnntpr. feiting the medicines or vending the same, know ng them to be spurious. .Dec. 11. 114 TO RENT. THE Three story brick dwelling house on Mar ket street recently occupied by A. V. W. Hewlett as a boarding house, and above the Drug Store of Messrs. Walker Mears dr. Co- The hoirsa la large and comfortable. Apply to John A. Taylor, Etq., in my absence. Possession given the 1st day of October.' - JOHN D.BELLAMY. A'ilmington, N. C, Aug. 27, 1857. 63tw Journal copy till forbid. . WINES AND LIQUORS. LSI WE invite the" attention of our J L Friends and Patrons. ta the best , selection of Wines and Liquors ever oflereil .id this market, consisting of Crescent Brandy, Vintage 18101 Pale and Dark, Otard, Diipuy &. Co.'a Brandy,' Old Cognac do. S. Braison Sl Co.'s do. Castillod dt Co.fs do. Pure old Port Wine, . Duff, Gordon, Pale, Sherry, old Madeira' and Muscat Wines, aislaa Wine, Old Scuppernong Wine, Holland Gin. . , Old Tom Gin extr Woolf's Schiedam ocnnappaT Cherry Bandy, , utd 1'eacn lira nay, " Apple do. t , ' " Bourbon W hiskey, " Rye do. Irish and Scotch Whiskey,-' Blackberry Brandy, Sic. Madeira Wine,' . Perfect Love-Cordral",': ? ' Assorted Cofdials,ln, bottles, ., . . Every variety of bottled Wines and f-iq-jprs. Clarets of various brands at wholesale prices. Maraschino; Curacos, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, Aromatic do. v do . . Ginger Wine, &e. etc. Al lew prices fot SASH. At theoriginal Jtjca ff. April 17. GEO. MYER'S. M EN'S AND BOYS Caps and Covers, just re ceived at U. U.MYEKS. March 2. ExIIPTY SPIRIT RARRELS. 200 EMPTY Spirit Barrels. FtJfssle by Ang-22". ADaaS, B"KU. ot. CO. ALUM SALT. CyKf BAGS 2 bushela each Bright Gunny ZiOJ Bags. For sab by ADAMS, BRO. & CO. September 8, 1E57. RECEIVED THIS MORNING. , BYE3fP RESS, A Caee of our Fall style of Black Casimere Hats at the HAT AND1 CAP .EMPOIUM, No 34 Market Street. Sept. 8. CHAS. D. MYERiS. GENTS" STRAW HATS. Santa Martha, Lut on. Seneit and Canton Braid Panama, Leg horn, Hiawatha, Ceylon, Congress ace. A full as sortment of these and other styles at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market st. V CHAS, D. MYERS". JnneS.' - ; N. C. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Thia Magazine will be Issued abon? the ICth inst., in charge of the new Editors who have been selected from the Claa of 135? S8i Its matter will consist of articles) from the best wri ters of the University roth la proae nd poetry. Its editorial will be filled nr with a variety of pieces, originii and selected and nothing will be omitted that wilt maae.it aa interesting and readable periodical. The liberal patronage of an enlightened public is reepecuuiiy soucuea. it will" be printed by Mr Jaw. ffenderson of the Chapel HHI Qazetta, who wiil se every eflort to get op a neat and reapecubie magazine. Terms 2.0u per annum' in advance. ' - THE EDITORS. Chapel H!1,N. C. Aag. 1. , EMPIRE CABS, GIGS & CARRIAGES. JUST a bond, per Schr. Ben, a new and spie did assortment of the above articles ibr Chil dren, at the Broadway Variety Store, No. 40 Market street. WM. H. DnNEALE. Aug. 13. REMOVAL. THAVE REMOVED MY RESIDENCE AND X OFFICE to Front Street, neat North, cf P. K. Dickinson e qr to the bouse formerly occupied by Mr. A. A. Wanet, where f can bet -ad when BOt prol.lon.11, edaEEM AJi D. Peb.29. !

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