. : ,-. - . --& i v- tt.jkaf - v --ftp- Ik: 7i - WILMlNGTONi N.-C.i THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 241857. VOLUME XII---NUMBER 19. WHOLE NUMBER; 1'480 - 111 1 TUE TRl-WEEK Lift Is published every T.MMf,'T" ' jj Satubda at SS pt a anew, payable In in advance. ! . ' 'm flY TklOS. LORINO Kntto and PsoraiBToa Corner Frout ut Harkt Strtett, WILMISaTOW. w. c. BITES OP ADVERTISING. I tar. 1 insertion $0 BO i 1 sqr. 2 month, 4 00 1 ' 2 . " 78 I I " 3 v " - w 1 ' 3 , " . 10011" u uu I I month-, ' 50 i: "12 5V 00 U v Unea or le6 make a aqu?re. tlsfiment exceeds ten lines, the pice wi.be in proportion, ' " . .. Al! aJvertisements arc payable at the timeo. t"heir Insertion. ' . N uf9fdr f canuacts ror yeany aaverusinicy in k ..mittxi ttaoald eirea.iistsnces render . kasiness. r aa uaecpecixi rennwil ."....... irktrM aeor4iz to tke aublUhed terms will be at U uii ef tfce eeotraCtur, Mr tietiateaefcasadrerUaed- rk. .Um af Aaaual Aivertfaera Is strculv inrite4 to (krifa immediate baataeaaj and all mdvertisemeats tor the beneni oi oif -arsons, as weU aa all advertisenieau tisameaiately con cct4 with tfcei wav aaistaeaa, a4 atlexccaaof adertiaemeatai1ettti or otherwise beyod the Hmlti eaf tf4, will be charfcd at the oaual rates. No Advartisements taaveiM ia4fce so tract far the sale or rent of hae or tanas ia town or coantry. r for the sale arhlre of gres. wDetlt f the roaertyis wmM y the advertiser or by vther ersas. These are ta4e4 by the term "immediaU i-." . All aivertisMaieata i sorted in the trt-weekVy rrammsreiat. are eatitled to one saertion lathe WceUg free of charge. " -JOB, CARD AND FANCY FRITTING, JIECPTED 1H SCfERiOa SWIE. AGE1TS FOR THE COMMEHCUL. . Niw Yobk Meaers. D(UM&Pora. Boston CMAatssSmrrM, No., Central Wharf. PhUodtlvkU S. E. Conans. Haltimor Wm. H. Pkakb ind ff. Tsoarsosi T7 M fSCELL A N Y.TV" THE TRAVELLING WOONTEBANK. A travellino oontebank, in the reign of King George I., bavtng collected an audience, addressed them in the fol lowing words: "Being, originally a na tive of this place, I have for a k)r lime been considering . in what ' manner! can best show my regard fory brother towns men: and after maturely weighing the subject, I am come to a resolution of mak ing a present of fiv afaiilings to evry in habitant of the parish ; it wtU, I own,' be a heavy expense, and 1 hope no one will at tempt to profit from my liberality who is not really and truly a parishioner." The multitude pressed .forward with open eyes! as well as mouths, casting earnest looks on a green velvet bag of ample dimensions, which hung on the arm of this generous man. "I know "you are not so s.rdid." continued the orator, "and so mercenary as to value my bounty merely because it would put a few shillings into your pock els ; the pleasure I see sparkling into your eyes cannot be produced at the thought of dirty pelf, which to-day is in your hands, and to-morrow may be in the gripefcof a miser, a highwayman, or a pawnbroker. 1 perceive what it is that delights you the iliscovering in on-?, whoixTj'ou considered as a stranger, the wurmesl and most disin terested friend you ever had in your lives. Money, my good people, loo often " tenTpts the young and the indiscreet tolndulge in liqjor raid other excesses, to the destruc tion of their health and understanding. In ordr, therefore, to prefent what I meant for a benefit being converted, into art iiiju--ry, I freely present to every brother towns man dipping his hand into the green -.el-vet bugj this inestimable packet, which contains a box of pills, a paper of powders, and a plaster which, has not its fellow in Europe f r violent 5 bruises and green wounds, whether by knife, sword, orpis tol If applied on the. patient's .going to bed, I pledge my reputation that the bal if there is one, shall be extracted, and the ' flesh be as sound as the palm cf my band ..before morning. But for those who dis like the pain and smart of such things as p'asters and ointment, and Who are not . f nd of trouble, let me recommend th pow- der ; it acts, ladies and gentlemen, by sym pathy, and was the joint invention of three of the greatest medical, men that ever liv ed , Galen, Hippocrates, and Paracelsus. If you have a few gains only of this pow der in your possession, you may, without fear, rush into the thickest of the battle, and defy broad-sword, pike, or bayonet. All I say is, get wounded, get crippled, get mangled and backed like a crimped cod ; the longer, the deeper, he more numerous . the cuts are, the better shall I be pleased, the more decisive is the proof it will afford of the meiits of my invaluable powder. Give yourself no sort of uneasiness, only wrap the part affected in a clean white ' handkerchief, then gel to bed and to sleep as soon as you can ; in the meantime, let the weaoon which did the injury be rub bed nine times with a small qnantity of the' powder, end take my word forH you may follow your usual occupations the next day Of the pills 1 need say nothing; they hare long pronounced their own pa rryric, and there are full directions , seal ed up with them : but as you live rather out of the way of the great world, it is but , Tair to tell you that they procure husbands for single women, and children for those - who are married ; they are great sweete ners of the blood, and --wonderful improv ers of the complexion. The selling price of these matchless lemediea (said the doe tor) has been six shillings rom. time im memorial ; but as I am resolved to stand to my word, and as I do not practice pby sic for the love of dirty lucre, if you "will Hhrow up your handkerchiefs, with the .small sura of one shilling tied in each,, j merely to pay traveling charges and serv ants' waes, I freely make you a present , of the rest cf the money, according to my original promise. Besides medicines, which no master of a family, nor indeed any one who values his life and limbs, ought to be without, the favourite of fortune will be entitled to a superb and elegant piece of massy plate." this attractive article was . immediately brought forward and display ed.' " ' - - r -A small number of the crowd, who were eo absurl as to doubt any thine the doctor r i -iJj teanirj to smell a rat, marched tcff la ailente, bUJ. the mas wai not foraged of materials Capable of reelstiug so complica ted an attack, oil.. lbif feelings and under standings ; the preserii cf a ctawn to each mail, at first so coonentlj. hd dissipated all feaxoi imposition ; for'10.1 could one Mrho acted so much hlte a gen tleman be supposed to want to take them in ! His ostentatious palaver had,; diffused rosinf and his jaRip; for the' paplive infatu . . f, . ".. - . , . - i. . ation onbeing 'cheated is not . wunoui us pleasures; and the superb iece of plate glittering in tljcir ejes ,nd daazling tb.oar reason, completed the conquest ol wie im postor mv in his address. fi."i a shower of shillinga Miterrupied W pjej w easing mswoiritr rawnwitruyi iubii silver, n emptying the. green velvet, oag of ttto' aix:sh?T1inertacket9 ; While his -f sistants dintlH ihe anxieties, and a Way ed the impatience ot" U people, by music and tumbling. Handkechiefm from .all quar ters dropped round ibe cuoning knave; in habitants of Breutford;of Kensington, Chelsea, Turham or an.oiher green were permitted to contribute tl;tr shillings, without, any ill-natured questio' being, asked - concerning the place of theiT 'evi dence. The business of the day conced ed with geoeraf satisfaction, as those who did not eet the rich pcias. possessed that which was -nearly equal in value; and'tho! artist owned at an inn, in ue evening, Qver a duck and green peas, that the nett profit of his afternoon was five and-twenty guin eas. , . .1 TRIBUTE OP RESPECT, i At a meeting of the membefl ol the Rockinghaal Bar,at the Aygast Court, 1857, for the pttrpose of paying a pro per respect o the memory of the late Hon. Thomas Settle, R. A. Gorrel, Etw., was called to. the chair and John H. Dillard appointed Secretary. After an eiplatialioii of the object of the meeting by the chairman, the follqwing resolu tions were offered, responded to, and a dopted : " " . - Resolved, That we, the members ol the RocJcinehariJ Bar, have heard with profoutid regiet and sorrow ofthedeath of the Hon. Thomas Settle: and, whilst yre bow -with hambie fiubmlssion lothe disnenxationsof an overrulinit and all wise Providence, we can not but-deplore tire loss, whichas individuals and as. a protessior we live sustained ia his re moval, Reselved, That whilst we lament the death of oaf departed brolher, it af fordff us untnmgled pleasnre to review his long life of useful labor and la.iMic trust, and to reflect that as'a member of Ihe'bar in the practice of his profession, as a reprcsentative-ijf his native coinity in the Stale legislature, Ss a represen tative of his di&Uict ifi the Conres of the JJnhed StatKas a indgu adminis-J termg-the law on the Superior vpiiri. bench, as chairman of ilmeonlyPdis pensiug juctice in bts old ag6 in hisjiia tive walks of life, he has acquitted him self with distinguished abiiiijr, fidelity and pm it y, to.hesatis(actk:i of his countrymen, and acceptably, as we humbly believe, to. his God arid Judges J dusiry, integrity and public servkxy he has ajtibrded us an example worthy of our imitation ; and whkh challenges our unanimous approbatiott; Resolved, That we sincerely syhjpa thize with the family ol'tbe deceasjd, and claim the privilege of mingling our tears with theirs in tins bereavement which we have in commpn sustained. , . Resolved, That we will wear the fc- sual badge of niourrtiiig for the spate of thirty days, in token ot our respect to the memory of our deceased Irfend and brother. " 'Resolved, That aedpy ofthesl reso lutions, signed fcy the chairfnah a.nd sec retary of this meeting, be transmiteo to the widow of the deceased and thaCa copy , be sent to the editors of the Stand ard, Register, Patriot and Flag, . and Sentinel with a request that they insert the same in their respective papers. R. A. GORREL, ChaimCn. Johit HvDillarp, Secfj. GEN. JACKSON. Some time in 1838 or 39 a gentle man in Tennessee became involved and wanted money, he had property and owed debts. His property was not' a vailable just then, and off he posted to Boston, backed by the names of several of the best men in Tennessee. . Aloney was tight, tmd Boston bankers looked closely at the names. - Very good,' said they, 'but, but do you know General Jackson V Certainly,' V "'Could yott get his indorsement?' Yes,, but he is not worth one-tenth ai much as either -of these men whose names I offer you.' jafcv ' 'No matter ; General Jackson has aW waysjrotected himself and.1 hi paper, and we'll let you have the money "upon the strength of his pa me.' - In a few days the paper With tiisdpig natnre arrived. The motneut these Boston bankers saw the tall Aand loi J of Andrew Jacksonour" I ennesseean says he could haveraised a "handred thousand dollars upon the signatnre without the slightest difficulty. So a:uch Jor an established character for honesty. However mn may have differed vith Andrew'Jackson' holiticaK ly, ik) man could deny him the merirof f oeme an honest man. 36. 1J ,MAs I approve of Bpyouth says Cowleyf "who has something of the old roan in hjm, SO 1 am 'not tha lass pleased with, an old man who has something of the youth, lie J w uu iviiuwa iuiq uwr 4icnio n UUUT. : .1 I , .. put can never oe oia ut mna. ' , , . c ""; : :, ; MAHDRIS,THE SPANIS H SMUGGLER. . Dr.- Smollett mentions, ia his Travels .through the Continent oi Europe, that be heard a great deal, on the Pyrennean fron tiers of France, respecting a noted 6mug- 51 er, or rather robber-captain, named -Mao rtn, who bad lately beetvtakjeo. and exe CQx. Jt hi "crime"5 Valencia, in Spain, was the u'Ne prace ef Mamlnn, and also 1 ib soot -wriieraM had suffered. Jji pass . iL ' -4lr Smnllitl aaar thai mg tnrougn tne cujj gibbet on which the jmugJej died, and made st ine rnquiries, respecting jS03- . Wrivor nr rnnrl nrtnr nf lh lrAtfflTfr. to whQ these i no uiries we're addressed, wns a daf"k 1 swarthv fellow -namecr- Joseph. "Al trie mention ot madrin's name," says me- uav erier "the tearstarted in Joseph's eye ; Jie- diecfwrsed a deep sigh, or rathei1 groan and toli me h was bis dear friend. i was a liule'itartleff at this .declaration ; how ever, I concealed my thoughts.' and began to ask Questions about the character and exploit of a malt who had inade such ndisa tn ihe world. - He told me Mandrin waaa native of rValetwria, of mean extrkclion; that he had served as a soldier in the army, and after wards acted as tax-gather : that at length be turned smuggler, and, by bis superior qualities raised himself lo the command of a formidable gafig; consisting of Jive hun dred persons, well armed 'with carabines a"d pistols,' He bad vfiftj horse for his troopers, and three hundred mules'for the carriage ot his mercnanaize. mis neaa quarters ere in Savoy, but he made incur sions into iJnuphineand aet the milhary at defiance, rfe" mainiained several bloody skirmishes with tfacse troopers, as well as with other regular Jetachments, and in all those . actions signaJitfM - hitnself -by his courage and conduct," Coming up atone time with fiftv of the solders, who were in quettof him, he told them very' calmly he had occasion for 4heir horses ana accoutre, meats, and desired them to dismount. At that instant 'his fans: appeared, and the troopers complied with hie request, without making the least opposition, josepn saia he Was as generous as he was brave-, nnd never .molested travellers, nor did the least f injury -to the poor, but, on the contrary, re lieved pern very often, Me ustsa to oonge the ireatleinen in' the countrv to take bis inerchaodiefditobacca,hrandy,end mus lins,ath own price, tnd in the same man rter he law-open towos under cootr.oution.. When be had no taefchandtze he borrow ed money of them .upon the credit of what he-should bring when he was better provi ded. H was at last betrayed by a wo- man ui iha f?nlnnl of a Preach rearimenta. who went u-h a detachoKWt in the nig ta to the plac where he lav in wSavoy, and surprised htm ia a wood house while his peoplewere absent in different paTts f the country. -For this intrusion, the court of Frtfnce, made an apology to "the king of Sardinia, tn whose terntones he was taken. Man ir. benig-conveted to Valencia, his native )1hc, was for some tint-pernaitied to go abroad, utidefra atrbng guard, with eharns wpoti his legfcj and nire M convers ed freely with all sortofpeople, flattering himself wftb the hopes of a pardon, in which howevcryhe was disappointed. Aw ordei came ffom touti io bhng hitri to his Trial, when h was found ffuilty, andor,dernned To be broke oo the wheel.. Joseph said he drank a bottb of wirie lth hiin the rughi before his execuliofiHe bore his fate with great resolution, observing, that if the latter which be had written to the king had been delivered, he certainly shoaldbavd obtain ed his meiesTy's paidpn. He executioner was one ofs his own gang, who was par doned, on cohdihoirof performing this office. You know thai criminals broke upon the f wheel "are first strangled, ui less the sen tence imports that ihey. are to be broKe alive. As Ma.-.drin fia l not been guilty of cruelty in the course of his delinquencies, he was indulged with this favour, bprak- in? to the executioner- whom he hud for merly .commanded, 'Joseph safd b.e'thou 1 shall nbt touch me till 1 am quite dead.- Our driver bad ho sooner pronounced these words, than I was struck with a suspicion that he himself was the exectftio&er of his friend Mandrin. On that siispfcidn; I cfaimed, 'Ah 1 ah I Joser h V The .fellow blushed tip to the eyes, and said, 'Yes, he bore iho same name as I."- I did not think proper to prosecute the inquiry, but did not much relish the nature o Joseph's connex ions; 1 be truth is, be had vary much the looks of a ruffian, though, I must own, bis behaviour. was very obliging and submis site. '. "- ' d Though it is probable, from the source of Dr, Smollett's Information, that this nc count is correct, it is stated in Sir .Walter Scott's Diart.-that Mandrin was broke alive .upon the wheel. Sir -Walter, Speaking of the little concern which any .occurrence gave .him after-having experienced.the fifstJ great blow in bis mislortunes, says, i re member hea'ring. thek" Mandrin testified some horfos when he found himself bound alive upon the wheel, and saw the execu tioner approach with a bar of iron to break; Ma.iimos. .alter ine second ana mini diow, he felP a iaughing, and- beirfg' asked the reason by his confessor, said be laughed at his own folly, which had anticipated in creased agony at every blow, when U was obvious that the first must have jarred ami confounded the system of the nerves so much, as to render the succeeding blows of little consequence." . ?V CUEIOUS ACCOUNT OF AN gLEPHNI. The following curious account of ah ele phant is related in the amusing' Melnootrs of John Shipp," a lieutenant ir theSJUi regiment of fbot; : ' T e.-- Jn ihe year 1804, when we' were in pur? suit of Hoolkah, there was in bur en cam p ment a very large .-elephant, used or the purposa of carrying tents forsoms of s the European corps. It-was the seaecniio which they become most unmanageable, and his legs were consequently Joaded with hrfge ph'aius, and he was constanly wateb' cd by . his keepers. Byjjay he :was pretty passive.irate-wben be saw One of bis spe- eies, wtiephe roared and became -. violent, and during 4 hose movemeuu of jisovera- i ame Liureuzj ii was aansareus tui uu jceep- i , . t . : . -ii . r t - t I ers to epproach him or tff irritate his fcvly - 3 - a . " aa; -.,'...-; .4, " ings by any epithets that might be repug nant to him. Un the contrary every en deariog expression was used to soothe and appease him, which, with- promises of sweetmeats, sometimes succeeded with the most turbulent to gain them to obedience, when coercive measures-would have rous ed them fo the most desperate acts c vio lence. By night, their extreme cunning told them that their keepers were not so "watchful or vigilant. The elephant here alrndcdlo, one dark night broke from his chains,' andean wild through the encamp rnentsd. riving rr.en, women, and children, camera, ' horses, cows, and indeed, every thing that couW rnove, before htm, and rearing and tumpeting with bis trunk, which is' with elephants a sure sign of dis pleasure and that their usual docility, b deserted them. Of course no reasonable be. iogs disputed the road be chose to take; those that did, soon found themselves floor ed. To record the mischief done by this in furiated animal, in his nocturnal ramble, would filt a greater space than I can afford for such matter. Suffice it to say, that, in its flight, followed by swordsmen and spear men, shouting and screaming, he pulled down tents, upset every thing that imped ed his progress, wounded and injured many, and ultimately killed his keeper by a blow from his trunk. He was speared in some twenty places, which only infuriated him the more, and he struck away with bis trunk at every thing before him. His roar ing was terrific, and he frequently struck (he ground in indication of his rage. - The instant he- had struck his keeper, anH found be did not rise, he suddenly stop peji, See:r.ed concerned; looked at him with the eye ' of pity, and siood fivetted to the spot. He paused for some seconds, then ran towards the place from whence he had broken loose, and went quietly to his pic- -quet, in front of which lay an infant about two years old, the daughter or ine Keeper, whom he" had killed.The elephant seized the child round the waist, as gently as its mother would, lifted it from the ground, and fondled H for some timeevery beholder trembling for its safety, and expecting eve ry momen t it would share trie fate of its tin fortunate father; but the sagacious animal having luf rted the child round three times qtfietly laid t down again, and drew some clothing over it that had lallen on. Alter this ii stood over the child with its eyes I n if nhdlfl Hirt nftt spa th- rwmiten- . . 1 , . , , -r I seen it in my life. He then submitted to be re-chained by some other keepers, stood motionless and ((ejected, and seemed sensi ble that he had done a wron? he-could not rep ir. His dejection became more and more visible as ne stood ana gazea upon the fatherless babe, who, from constant familiarites with -this elephant, seemed un- intimi lated, and played with its trunk. From this rnofnent the animal Became pas sive and quiet, and always seemed most de jjigbted when the little orphan was within its sight. "Often have I gone with others of the camp to see' him fondling-, his little adopted r but there was! visible alternation trt his health after his keeper's death, and he fellaway ahalJied at Cawnpore six months afterwards.. People well acritfaint-. ed wiih the histbry of the elephant, and who knew the story? said - his death was caused by frctiffig for his favourite keeper. AKOT H BR WIFE MURDEREb The Boston Bee has somelurther par-J ticulars oi tne rautaer oi flirs. jewis oy her husband; fbt-ftifidelity which ap peals to; be creating much .excitement in the vk-inify.tThe anpeajanpe of Mrs. . i i r - ar w v 1 Lewis is thus sketched: 'She os a singularly beautiful young woman, as fa as mere charms are concerned possessing a clear brilliant corrfplexion of the blond order, with clear blue eves and natural ringlets all about her head. She- was tall of figure aiid beautiHfy proportioned while ir? life, but ui dealh exhibits but a man eled,anddisfisurcd spectacle. Of her morals the community hereabouts speak in vefydisparaglng terms, and ay that ex-Jshe comes of a verv bad slock, her mo- hherarid grandmother having all their ite- etven rise to much scandal; it is said of the deceased that, in her early youth a rich gentleman of tlfis neigh borhood wished to adopfher and make her his heir, bnt her vicious cbndoct caused-him to rrr)udiateler., A.notherjaccpunt says r "In personal appearance Lewis i one who would nefer l taken for a -murderer. He hasdark hair, blne ieyesj ralher a clear complfexionandah ex pression indicative of strong confidence in others but veryjiule energy of mind or resoiutidn ind determination of pur pose. His parents,- it is saidbear a bad reputation, his moihfefRaiing beeri di Torced from one huSbandj and sbbse quentTy married a negrgt The Inother of the murdered woman Mrs. Green, is a person whose characfefTs notorious, and her house lias been the resort of a bandotied. people of both; sex. .Her daughter,' the deceased, has been in th habit of spending much of her time at her mother's where she associated with the visitors in iheir;debancheries. Be fore marriage her reputation i was ,iiof veryeood. and this was known by Lew is at the time but he states that he nev er believed any of the stories reported against tier." . - j - The examination of Lewis was com menced on Tuesday, in Sheldonville. befora Justice Crowell, The deceased .was also' buried the same day." - , A tnrespondent ot thetiostori Jtfsreud fhebtrsiness of shooting wives ..ap pears lo be in favor .here at this time, and is having an epidemical run. Xast erntn a - wotthlassdrtinkenr feUow narVierl..ltj3bs''6atoupn in .heNri cioity of t?w iTagedy,iattetnptfd, to ndhimself of fcis- wile py shooting. her with agtu The-atom was cr, jzy drunk at the time, and the cries of ihe menaced women attracted the attention of the neighbors, who wentto the house and disarmed the wretch before he could accomplish; his murderous pnr pose. Had it not been for the timely interposition of the neighbors, the town would have been disgraced and horri fied by anpthef wife-murderer," . . "TOE SOUTHERN CITIZEN." A Ntw PoOtital, Commercial and Literary Journal. - . - -JOHN MITCHELL fc WILLIAM G. SWAN, , " BDITOBS AMD fBOFBlSTOas. THE Title of this Jonjnal, with the names of its Editors, may be nearly enough to indi cate Its aiiwa. One of those Editors Being an American eiiizen by birth i the other intending to become such b . adoption; there is no Question affecting the des tinies of Americans, on which-they will hi Id iberaaetves de'jarred from openly express an opinion. - 'i ne one a ctoutharner by birth the other by preference, ihey cannot .be of those who know "No South, No North." They well know both; aad in the straggle which theSotwh Is now called npon to make for her own rights and honor, Ihey mean to stand with the South. A thorouehly Democratic and States-Rights Journal, "The Southern Citizen" will neverihe leaa decline to be called "Partisan ;'' unless the Constitution of the United States is to be called a partisan document. : It will uphold. the Federal Union, provided the sovereignity of the confederated States be respect ed : if not, not. ' Holding that the Institution of Negro Slavery is a aound, just, wholesome Institution ? and there fore, that the question of re-opening the African Slave Trade, is a question of expediency alone, the conductors of "The Southern Citiaen" willjin view o the fate action of the Southern Commer, cial Convention, at KnoxviHe, apply themselves to search out and bring to light, oil accessible in formation bearing upon that important sublet on the whole industrial condition and necessities of the South on the actual atate of the negro ra ces of Africa, and on the policy and action of Eu ropean Powers in reference to the Slave Trade. Residing at Knoxville ; and choosing this ppint ss the place from whence their Journal is to em anate, the conductors of "The Southern Citizen" will be guided ia the matter of State Politics, by the general principles above indicated. It will belong to no clique of office seekers. 1 n short, it will auppoit he candidates for all officers, who will support the equal rights of the Sovereign States, North and South- the equal rights of the Sovereign Citizens, wherever they may have been born, wherever they may worship or not worship. . On Agricultural ind Commercial affairs on-the progress of Internal Improvements, and especially of our Southern .Railroads, there wiH be an ample and carefully compiled weekly report.- Literary articles and Reviews, will form a main feature Of 'JThe Southern Citizen." Intellectual grandeur, wherever it appears in the world, shall meet prompt andlealous recognition. We do not need to shut Out lizht arid stifle inquiry t but, in '"ts aeparunent as well ss in rollllcs, we snau laKe leave-to examine and judge-from our own view; not importing our opinions from England, still less at second hand from New rfngland. To the utmost of oar power, we. shall aid tho movement which at length stirs the South to vindicate her own Intel lectual and moral existence, to revolve round her own centre of thonght, and to appeal to a standard ot taste and of ethics high above ihe consideration of political or commercial rivalry. .,'-4, K?peciaJ care will be taken to furnish a, wec7.jTf disrest of all the news of the wofld, at home and abroad. ' Conducting their new Journal in this Spirit, and constantly endeavoring to make good these un dertakings, it is presumed fhat 'The 'Southern I Citi2en" will meet with itye eopport which it may uupci v o, a ' . The first number of 'The Southern Citizen" will appear between the first and fifteenth of October. It wHI be published oh the Wednesday of each wet k. Terms: TWO DOLLARS per annum. New Types, Press, and Materials pf all sorts, are beinz procured for this Journal: -and as its T publication wjll certainly be continued, subscribers will be required in all cases, to reniu tne- amount of their subscriptions in advance otherwise the paper will not be forwarded. l lie Termf of advertising wi.l conrdrm to tne usual rates in Tennessee, Commtmicationa to be addressed to . : Mersrs. MITCHKL & SWAN, Knoville.Tenn. August 29th. 1657. - t93 HOUSTON'S PATENT SKID SCALES. TMIESE Scales, for which the inventor has ob J tainedLetrtrs Patent from the United States Government, are intended to supersede thepresent rnmhrnna and ohieciionnble apoaraius ueea ior weishin? cylindrical packages, such as barrels, tierces, f-c, contalninR articles usually sold by weight. aAIao for wehjhing bales of cotton, hay, or other similar packages. The advantage claimed for fliem over the ardinary .Scales .In. ti?e, jre that no hoisting is rcqutred. as the article fo be weighed i immediately suspended, by its own gravity,, and wlihmfi strain, on reachinsr a civen point beneath the Scale-bearni thus saving a large amount of time and labor,, and preventing injury oy neoKs, or nthrriM ta tho frailest package. The patentee will be pleased to exhibit his invention at the store of Mr. S. W. vvest, ana receive oroere ior sucn si zes and quantifies as may be desired. . GEO. HOUSTON, Patentee. Jaly 27. ..-,. 67-tf Kvorn J. TVS ON & CO.JHanufaclurera and Mechanics' Exchance, Baltimore, who are autbor ized to act as AGENTS for Tht Commercial. m r BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. TUB, SOUTHERN AND-WESTERX JOURNAL OF PROGRESS, DEVOTED TO THE PROMOTION OP SCIENCE,, ART, MANBFACTTJRES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, AND DESIONeiJ FOR THE DESK OF Merchants, Planters do the llomes of Busi ness Men, W.H. MEREDITH fc RICHARD EDWARDS Kditobs Assisted bv a htrgvnvMber of Distinguished Contri- tmurrs tn- various ssuuem. , . j The Journal of Prfteresa is aUiea to fto party. "It maii.taiDS as political principles, the IiNTEGKITV AND PROSPERITY OFTHE UNION, and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES, according to Ihe conditions ami limitations of the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. It sreka to energize these principles by increasing intercourtS between all sections of the "Country, and developing there source, of the SOUTH and WEST. The South produces the great -Staples jof the Coontry and consumes Vast amonma Of the pro ducts and mmufactuTes of oar own ana) foreign lands r hence, the importance of CommerciaJ Cen. tres and Interna) Improvements,' to keep pace with ka M.,rth' which "ia rd'akirr? sAch'ra nid strides to commercial aad pofltical soverMgBty. The Journal ot frogress wtll be the uo aiaiKKA CIAL. AND INDUSTRIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH AND WEST devoted to Kdpcatiojt COBIBHBCB, FlNABIOB, TbADR, ITBKAL lsiPaOT MIHTa, UANDrACTDlIt, AGllCCLTEItUHl Ml$l& In all these departments Us columns will be worthy of patronaee. To our family readers. We wHI furnish a Daa agreeable and interesting to theoidand young;Coa sitting of original snd select Biographical sketches of distinguished men; Ihe la tee and most reliable aewi of the day froic time lotime we will furoish aiSfatistaeal and Hiatorfoal aceount of th Com mercial Cities and Towns throughout the Coantry, together with Illctatiosb pbspabko upaaacLV f OH TSU JOOMAl., '- - " . J - OT-Agentr wanted tor tola JoutbbI, on which a liberal eoaunlssioir ta allowed Those a dd trine forasraciea. moat forward a recomrnendation from l oneer roatcMefeflaow na.tasrott Matteref toe town. No other applies tioii noticed. . Specimen aamhers seat to any pan of the coumrv on appli-. eatioiib -A II eemmwnicaiioaa to he fofwardedrto the Journal of Procreaa, Bahjojore or S u .Louis. " rcmnta Mobtblt, at the Maaafaeturers and Mechanics Exchange. San Iron Birildinar. f Balti more, and at the N. E. Cor. of Chestnut and Four th Streets, Sf. Lnuia, Mo-,aod supplied by appoint, ed AgemstBfoaghoat the United States. It. a. MS : Only S2 Mf annum, 15 copieawtH bemt ro onb addresa, if in the conn r v. tor 815. jar roat Msstersare aathorised toast as Agents, r I 1 1 fiit T i hi i I i t i r r- .-t. ' george Biters, .WHOLESALE A3D RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Hinei, Teas, Liquors rrwuMtii, Wood, ana Wulow Ware, r mil, Confeetionaricsf'C. South Promtslrtel, WILMIJiGTON, N. C. " Nov. IS, 1855. 109 - ADAMS, BROTIIER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J HIb.VllHUTU.N, n. U. July 28 58 STOKLEY fc OLDHAM, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON. W. C. Liberal Cash advances made on Klour, Cofton, sua iiavai oiorea consigned to them. Aug.ifi. 65 ly. AS. C. SMITH. MlI.ES COST1N. JAS. C. SMITH fc CO,, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. 15-lr . OOLLNER. G.POTTtB. JT. J. CAMERDt'tt D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMiSSlON MERCHANTS, N E W Y O R K . April 30, 1855; 20-ly. , GEO. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 22. - ,. . 132. ' HENRY BURRHIMER WHOLESALE & RETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. SIGX OP THE INDIAN CHIEF' MARKET STREET ne door above Water Wilmington, fi. C. N. BAll Orders filled roilh despatch. Oct. 26th. 1955 93-tw-c. L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, - .. AND DEALER IN LfQUORS, iriNES ALE. PORTERc. No. 3, Granite How, Front Street, ; - - WILJnNQTON.N.C. Feb. 17th, IP5B. 140-tf. s UMBRELLAS, i AT REDUCKD PRICES. A large assortment of every size, color and quality, at the Empo rium, 34 Market street. , . July Ilth. CHAS. D.MyERS. W. -Ii. XITTS, ATJCTIOKTJJiJIt STOCK f REAL ESTATE AND PR0- DUCE BROKERS, WILMINCTOV, C. Punctual attention given to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Stocks, and other Securities bought and sold on Commission. ! Will attend to sties by Auction of Real Estate or Manutocttiring property in any part of the County of State or to the sale of Stocks, of Mer chandise in Stores or Furniture in Houses in this town. May 16. B-tf C INDIES! FftESH arrivals per Express this mornin?, a targe and varied assortment of that delicious Candy at the Broadway Variety Store, No 40 Marketst. WM.II. DkNKALE. July 30. " NOTICE. THE Wilmlufton and Weldon Railroad Com pany have made arrangements for forwarding all goods consigned to the cafe of the Company, and destined for any point on the fine of the North-Carolina Road,reeo"conmtioni. If landed on the Company's wharf, there will be no charge for -wharfage or d ravage; but these ex pensesa will be Incurred if landad on any Other wharf, and: will be added to the freight on the way-bill, tote collected on delivery, by the North Carolina Railroad Company. " . " N. B. To avoid detention at Wilmington, it is essetnial ibat tho amount of freight by vessels shall, in tall cases, be distinctly stated, in dollars and cents, on each bill of lading, and if goods for more than one person are included in the same bill of lading, the amount of freight for each con signee must be separately stated. By order of the Board of Directors. . S. L. FREMONT, Eng. d Sup't. Office of Engineer & Superintendent, J Wilmington, N: C. Jan. 231357. J 134-te NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals Is in ihe Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the eountry. It contains ail tho Great Trials.. Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same, together with information on Criminal Matters," aot to be found to any other newspaper. Subscription, 52, per Annum ; SI, for Six Months, to be remitted by - Subscribers, (who should write their nam and the town, county and atate where Jhey reside plainly. , To R. A. SEYMOUR, Editor & Proprietor of the . National Police Gazette, " - May 2' j New York City. "COMMERCIAL'-' ESTABLISHMENT, SOUTH SIM MAEI1T ST. Q TH HAS! IT fittfS! WIIaLIINGTOIT, N. C. THE PROPRIETOR of this well known aXaMiaantent would call the attention of thetraaineas community to his laree and lxmitifal aasortrant of Type aod Presses bavtnr 1nt Ttd t hi -wtock one of R. Hob Sc. Cos 1'ATEST SISOIE OYT.ISDEB PKIJTTIXO MA CHINKH. he is now enabled to do work at a much -mote reasonable rate than formerly, and irthe finest style of . o. cards: . v . ; Printed from $3 to V per thonsand , - - f BOOS.S AND PAMPHLETS, ' RECEIPTS FOR " T RAIIOADSTEAMBOATB,CORPORATIOKS, BIIX-HEAi8, BHOPiBIIXe. BILta OF v LADLKO, A-ND BEADISjSS, i 1 POSTERS AND" raOGR Alltl5: Ve would oail Lbe attention of Cooeert Areata. Show ' men and others to our . facilities for . dans; this kind at WOrk. .- .. ' ; . r - - '- --- -ijK. ' . .. "fPLAnv A3fTi OitKAMXNTAL PEXNTIXOV Pone in the nsarwit raaaner, and at abort notico. - r . Those ia ut f friatiag wo truat wltt find it to tlMU advaoMaje to-giro aaw:.53t..:,. - gw'i COMMERCIAL BLANKS. f Th attention f BhTtraers nd othew is enlled to emi eztesslvo saaortsneat or Oommeraal Lilanka. Armvi tbe ewBeeUoa Is a very adsbikI handsome iot of Bills of x ohanjreQAbeeUandbooka. ,. ; ' " t J ' EMPTlSPIRIT.BARRELS. 5 i CXKCi PRIMEoaliry second hand Empty rr iJJ it BarretOj-jTm teeeived per achr. lde..; ana tor sale Lr o JOBPulIfli BALTIMORE- LOCK HOSPITAL. DR.- JOHNSTON, THE founder of this Celebrated Insthotion rf- , fers the most certain, Speedy and onljf efiectu al remedy in the world lor . SECRET DISEASE'S Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pains In the Latins, Constitutional Debilityf fmpotency, ' Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Alitctiona ot the Kidjaeys, Palpitation of the Heart, Oysnepsis, Nervosa Jrrilabi ity, Disease of the HefieVThroai NoseorSkin ; those seriovaand melaiicl.tjy dlsor dersarisingfrom the destructive habits oL. Venih. which destroy both body and mind. These, secret and solitary practices more fatal fo their victims than the song of the Syrefas to the mariners cf Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or an- " ticipations, rendering marriage. etc.. impoesible. y YOUAGMEN. Especially, who have become the lctiM of SolUa- ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit hi. h annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brillian t intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis. idling oenaiea wnn tne inundersof eloquence, or waked to ecstafty the living lyre, mat call with full confidence. t . ' MAItRlAQE. ' Married persons, or Young Men, contcmplatlar marriage, being: awareof Phvsical Wpstro.. rir. ganic Debility, Deformities, 6zc, should immedi ately consult Dr J., and be restored tOverfect health. - -'' He who places himself undertfie ston may religiously confide in his honor ss a cen tleman,and confidently rely upon kisskili ata nhv. sician. u Da. Johkrvo is the only Tegularly Edncru-d Physician advertising to cure Privale Complaints. His remedies and treatment are cnttrelv ain... to all others. Prepared from a life spent in the GreatHospitals of Europe and the f irst In ibis Country, viz : England, France, the Blockley ot Philadelphia, dc. and a more extensive miMii.. Utan any other physician i the world. His many wonderful cures and most imnertant Surpiral fi. erations is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.--Those who rcisi ta l4 mpecaity and ' efeetuaUy relUv cd. should shunlhe numerous trifling importer, wit 9 only ruin their health, and apply to him. a uuKh vv AKK AN TED OK NO CHARGE. No Mercury or NanoHs Drvzs Used. OFFICE. No. 7. SOUTH PRPncRier at, left hand side, going from Baltimore etteet, a few doors from the comer. Fail not to obstttc hia name, and number, for ignorant triflingimpbrfets, attracted bf -the reputation of Dr. Jchoaton, link- DRi JOHNSTOM? Member of the Roval College graduate from one of the most eminent CoJJees cf the United States. and the trreater nt A-i,n, iife has been spent in the Hospitals of London? par- i uijouirpu.o.uiiu uiotuncre, nas euectcd sortie of the most astonishing cures that wereever known. Many troubled with ringing in the eara and head v nenasieep, great nerveusnsss, being slarrned st sudden sounds, and bashfuinesa. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes wltbdcrangen.cnt of mind, were cured immediately. . "." A CERTAIN DISEASE:. ' When the misguided, and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed Ihe seeds of Jiis painful disease, it tob often happens that aniil-titu- ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, Otters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. delay ing tilUhe contuitutional symptoms of thi heiiid disease make their appearance, such as nlceraK d sore throat. diseased nose, noc'tural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of efghl, aeafneFg, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the htad, face and extremities, progressing with frightful ra pidity, till al last the palate of the mouth or tbe bones of tho nose fall in. and the victim of . tins awful disease becomes a horrid object of eommir seration, till death puts a pctiod lo his dreadful suf ferings, by sending him t "that bourne from whence no traveller returns. ' To such therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve, ihe most inviolable secresy; and, from his extensive prac tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and America, hecan confidently recommend a safe snd opecy " cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid'di-' ease. It is a melancholy fact, that, thousands fall victims to this dreadful complaintvwtng to the un- -skilfulness of ignorant pretenders, who, by the ose of tliat deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitu- -tion, and either Bead the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of lift mis erable. .. . , Ap. . v TAKE PARTICULAR K(fTfcE. Dr. J. addresses all those who haveinjured them selves by private and Improper indulgences., -These are some of ihe Bad and mclanctoly ef fects, produced by early habits of youth, vis : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Paine In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Less of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous irritability Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, Genera) Debility, Symptoms of Consume. tion,di.c. . . . - Mentally. The fearful viiecfs on the mind are much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love-of Soli tude. Timidity, &c. are some of tbeevils produced. Thousands of persons of adages, can now judge what is theeause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emscia ted.have a singular appearance about the eyes cough and symptoms of consumption.. ' DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING RE3IE- DY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important remedy weakness ot the organs are speedily cured and foil vigor restored. Thousands of the most Nexyoos snd Debilitated individuals who had lost all bone, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE Physical or MentalDisquaUficationaf NerTonsrlr itabilitv Tremblings and Weakness, or eihaustion of the most fearfuf'iind, speedily cured by Dr Johnston. . ' Young men who have" injured themsefves by a certain practice indulged la when alone a habit ' frequently learned from evfl compnnioce, or st school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cuwd, . render marriage im possibles nd destroysjbotl nund and bodv .should apply immediately.' ; . r , What a pity that. a vountr man. the bono of hi s. " 1 country, and the darling of his parents, shocld b J snaicnea irom an prospects and enjoyments of -tifa, . by the consrqnenceaf deviating from (lie rath of,4 nature, and indulging in certain secret habit. ; " Such persons, before coniehinfatfr.g ' - - s-- MJ RRIA GE, -"V Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary reqnisittrs. to promote connutiaj happiness. Indeed, without these, tber joumey - ' through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the pros- ' 'pcrhotrrry darkens to the view; the mind beceoies shadowed with despair and filW with the' nielan- Jcholy reflection that Ihe happineescfenothci be emc nitniiieo wnn on rown. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDEBICat-jfeT. " - BAtTiwoae, M. AH Snrgle al .Operations Performed, is . . N. B- - Let no fxise delicacy, pre rent year. nut apply immediatery either personally or b letter. Skin IMs;a'!ta'pedliV' Cnred. i- - , TO STRANGERS ' t Themany thousinds cured at thisinstituiiofi'wItA fn the lat ten years, and the numeroua Jmpor- tant S argica I Opera rions performed by D.'i.rwi . nessed by the Reporters of the papers', arid man " other persons. notices of whiehhave arpearedagsiat-V and atrain before the public, besides hi' rtandina?:. v -as a gentleman of cbaracterand respoBsHviity, tr . m sufficient guarantee lo the aUcted. , - f, TAKENOTICE. :. .i: r Ii is with the ereateet relaetanee thai pr. .TOHJVSTOJ1 . nsTmlU his rsrd to sppssr before t)ie ynlB-. deeBwrs: It onproftsun) for a pbystetun to advertise, bvt tuslsss ho did so, tneafflietr. eretlly strarjrerB. jxmld not tail tw falliBto tbe hodof the njanv tmpiiiietit aad oslearseti Impostersi wits Innaiopmble fabs Krs ss son siwf Qaarki-hops, s s-ai uilng these 1 rue etttea, eOTyina ITi . JOHia-ros'ii xttT(lrmor advert!sinf;.tBeasetvSs ss s patelasajmterateslrailow-brsifisd felkiws. tsoissy to . wor ? at the! r oriltm! trade, with searae tnn Ideas heywd the brute, who. for tbe put-pees of Entieiv and T'een liw. carry oo Cveer six offlees. under asajy ailfkrwt Falsa jKames, so fhat -th afflicted PtiaJt'ir nisaitns two, is wttttnabtebes)esirintfbotoer. Iinwrar S Qnaekswrta enonmovs lytsc; eerttfl sates of rreat and .. tonmbirisr eure from peroT not to be vbrod, who keej. ywa taklns htrre bottles of T.icoarc "Watsb and otlu aultKMrif tliliTtiulsoilDrM rMnjwnwi'. CBBBiwly p repered talmpos opoo s s n fort snste end aBSTe tntf, Trtntom mscth after mrmth. er ss loss as thjrslt- . est fee ean ho ebtslned, andL ta despatr, leaTea ye whhu rniBed health, to Mb ew yonr raiBitf dtairpoiiaa. " . It Is this, msilrs ta tsdssss Dr. J. to adTertts so nSAiosveAscras vo. Ta a.esewaqiBed with hia retmtatJan. bs-eeB It ssesssary to mt tat hi credsn ttaJs or 1 atwsve hwlt ' -e-.'- . - , snd eoatatafis' Stsovpta pm-i iear ths rejJT. rvr. amis wriiitur shssJd se A s aud Bead that pnrttnn of adrertiosmsnt dsertbBs; ajanptoaa. si Jan. a. w. -"- pe .-, -t -f i - 4' 4 ft .

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