y v "':j" the CflmmcraaLCv VVI LJ1 INGTONVN. ti. SATURDAY, OGTOBER '10. 1S57, 7 '- , FAKMERS' base.' . T . Bills of the Farmers' Banker Elizabeth City, N. Trill be take a: at par,' la pajmeaM"or u debts due thia eb biabllabment, already contracted, till further notice - NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The Carrier of tbe THirCiwwww of subscribers on the "borth side of" Market street, was sick on Thursday and is still unableji attend to bis duties. They are-dellvered! by one not ful- 1 acquainted with the rontc, and our. patjrcns J who are neglected will bilge us by. aenatnjj tor their papers till the regular Carrier is able to dV- - liver them. - il' .,4 - - - - - , . .. . MESTIZO 'itf; PHILADELPHIA. i . ' . A meeting Vof the Democracy of, Philadelphia has been hci, and' protests made against 'legali zing tbe suspension. "of payments. They-thipk tbe existing laws should operate, and recommend ed such forbearance towards the , Banks ia this I regard, as the good sense of their creditors iriay suggest. - - . . ... ' PRESSURE BUT NO PANIC. ' -Cf coarse this community, suffers "heavily tbe burden of tho present pressure.1 . But there la no panic here, such as wo hear of in other' places, that we know of, nor are wewo'efacy occa sion for it. : '. TIIE MAID OF SOLEURE. On our last page is a very interesting story un der the above titlo about as good as any on re cord. . '- ' . ""- GEORGIA ELECTION". ' The returns of the election beld in Georgia on Monday last, show a 'majority for Bbojvn, 4eui cratic candidate for Governor, of 10,000, tr moie. Six democrats to two Americans are elected to Cot.gress, being a democratic gain of one member. FORGER ARRESTED. -On the arrival of the Wilmington and Manches ter Cars on Wednesday afternoon, officer Webb arrested a man named W. YV Shkrison charged with forgery In Charleston lie w.is taken back the same night by officer Hicks of that city. . DEATH OF THE HON LOUIS McLAJCE. The Baltimore Suit of Thursday,- announces the death of tho above-named distinguished citizen, as having taken place on the preceding day, at bis residence, in that city, is. the seventy-second year of his age. He was the son of Allen Mc Lane, a distinguished officer tn the revolutionary war, and was born in tho village of Symrna. Kcnt county, Delaware, on the 28th' of May, 1784. - The history of this great and good man is well known -to the country. He was a chief actor ir all the great political events of thejast 50 years, aud ranked -hih among the statesmen of Amer ica. SUFFERING ON THE OCEAN. Tho three persons, already rcpci ted as having been picked up at sea, by the Bremen barqno Laura, and who arrived at New York on Monday last, have given a vivid description of tbe last distressing scenes attending the loss of tbe Cen tral America. Their names aie John Tice, sec ond Engineer; Alexander Grant, fireman ; aud G. W. Dawson, a colored passenger. These men, af ter 7 of their number bad fallen from the part of wreck on which they were saved, drifted nearly six hundred miles. Dawson was the tenth and ta ken up after the steamer and sunk. It is said that tho condition of Messrs. Tice and Grant is almost beyond description. They are nothing but skin and bor.e, and are covered with bruises re ceived ou the water. Mr. Tice had one of bis feet bandaged, and it was with the utmost diffi culty that he could walk. He had on a pea-j;ick-ct and glaze cap, wbiclvhad been furnished him by some of the sailors ef the barque Laura. Mr. Tice's feet and legs are said to be covered with boils and blisters. His face also is badly bruised, and Mr. Grant in in a most deplorable state.. The accounts they give are similar to the suf ferings described of others, and their wretched appearance amply verifies the truth of their nar rative. The life of ; Mr. Grant has been singular ly disastrous. He says: "This is the fourth time that I have been shipwrecked. The -first time was when I was about sixteen years of af,e, on the brig Atlas, of. Windssor, bound to Fait River with a load of coal. She foundered at sea, about one hundred miles from Boston. I was then ta ken from the wreck before she went down by the Amazon, of Holland, and taken to New Bruns wick. The second time was on board of Hie steamship Arctic, when I was in the water fifty two hours. I was then picked up by the Cam bri. The third time was on the Crescent City, and the fourth and last time on the Central Amer ica." - . SHIP CANAL ACROSS THE ISTHMUS OF DAR1EN. Com. PiuLDrso, who was charged with the du ty of making further investigations relative to a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Darien, has reported to tho Secretary of the Navy favorably to tho project. The Canal is to be cut ou the route between Aspinwall aud Panama. lie says in the Report: The isthmus itself seems to pre sent no serious obstacle to science for the con struction of a canaL The whole extent from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean is made op of swamps, bills, and plains, and tbe highest point of land where the railroad passes is no more than' two hundred and eighty-six feet above tbe level of the sea. On the whole route most, if not all, the hills through which the canal would pass would bo required for embankments over the plains aud swamps, and I can perceive no insuperable obsta cle to piercing the highest part, so as convenient ly to make the waters of tbe Cbagres. aud Obispo and Rio Grande available for the wants of a ca nal." The following paper, relating to the proposed work, drawn up by Col. Totten is appended to Com. Paulding's report : Dimension avf other data of Ike proposed ship canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Length from shore to sh re, 'ioff miles. Length from five fathoms water in Navy bay, ou the Atlantic, to three fathoms water in Pana ma bay, on the Pacific, 4S miles. The prmrn of water to be 150 feet wide at tbe bottom; 270 feet wide at surface, and 81 feet deep Tho locks to be 400 feet in clear length ff chamber, and 90 feet in clear width. . The summit level will be 150 feet above mean tide of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. - The summit cut will be about 4 miles long. Tbe deepest cutt'.ng ou this level will be 1S5 feet, and the averaae depth or the cut will be 49 feet. Tbe rirer Cbagres yields an ample supply of water for the eanal at all seasons of tbe year.' The summit level will U supplied by a feeder about 24 miles Jong, which will tap the river Cha grvs about 21 miles above tbe town of Cruoes, where the level of tbe river is about 185 feet a bove tide, and about 85 feet above the summit level. . . The cost of this canal, including the requisite barber improvements at each end, will not exceed SfcO.OOO.OOO. G.' M TOTTEN. Asrt.NWAix, Sept. 14, 1857. .ff -"e '-' PESNSYLVANflL'LEGIsiATUIlB. . The message ot 'Oar. UOLtcci, -was laid before tbe Legislature oft PelmsyUama. ontjuesday last. i at the open fn of the Se.cTaI session. He-0n- aiders the suspension ot specie pay menu ny toe Banks, as a motterof Necessity, tnongh niuch to be tepfored. 'He gives A 6oing,descrptiondf tbe disastrous state of things in every department of indflstry,in consequence of thpreaej)? em barrasHment, .and -apeak ieeiit)gly .of tbe thou sands of -workmen who are out of employment, lie distinctly recommends that tbe banks bq fe; leased from the penalties and forfeitures incurred by suspension ; for '4o force the banks into a tool early liquidation wo"uld compel them to require immediate payment from their debtore, anfl would- entail upon -Uw community the miseries of w.id spread bankrupjey and rmn wbile, the her 1 ' - 1 1. ........... C thia nnuafhru uanu, an uureissouitvip iiicuaiwi ui Vnuu..... staieof'suspensiotf wottlif greally increase tlK I evils of an Irredeemable piper brreacy." Several sanitary jjueasm es ?are tecommended, afleciing the, Jvbtors to the Banks and the credit of the State. ..P . Several .bills forlie reliei" of the Banks asren iL' ' . : 'introduced. ' , AN. Op? ENEMY ONf lfE MARCH. The.neWsrom Central America, by the '-Stat nfth: IFcs,'ls.Vinelanckoly Jin;orf The chol i... Am rin, 5 1. O ii a tenia! and ' Sal YadoT; 'will. f.-iTi Till fiTa!itv-'aiidafuis tbb more illustrious of iis victims is tbe American Miniter..Hoo. W. F V'enable, Iba wife of ihmt PrtiWevl of Gauttuiahu and Sr. Sawa.lartin. E-PresideBt of 3au Salvador.' St-veral eminent I'bysicianhave likewise been carried off. .; i ., c: v -,' T '-i -' ' Tbe intelligence of Mr. Venable' deatjti will bo received wita proftund" regret by the wide circle of his relatives anf friend Irt tho United States. His death took place on the 22dblt., shortly after hi arrival at the scat of governmen'. .The cholera, it wHI be observed by pur last ad vices from Europe, is likewise making dreadful havoc, not only at Himbury and Stockholm but other places in Northern Eiirme. v ' GOING , TO MERCUAND1ZE1XG . Uuder tb above head is tbe folIonHu? from the tiAvgv.sta Kerning OispifcA .which though soint-what severe, ernWdies ranch taith. Let any of our old inhabitant' run over Vn names of lhr.t; who wTthin i'oi ty qrOfty years, have b. en atfeckc 1 with the mania of desiring twlivw without labor, as stOe-fe'e;ing is erronepiHly snpposvd to bf, and see if twenty in a hundrtfd have suceeede 1. Havu half so many done so 1 But to the extract : It is astonishing what a charm Ihere is in tape C'lico, coddidr. and the like. Every bov in Ihe laud is turning rarupaul ta get into a toro. A:iS mechanic!, toi, no sooner-make a tew Lnndrvd dollars. tbrtrtJiey conceive a horror for tUi im- laliWr and take to shop-keeping; ttiei. 1ng.':-jAud what a business they niaiWkOtly tey cni a nouse, uy a uirm tii nisar, onejot. couee, a an oi mcii-rvi aui a bolisef bornespQil. thatJS merchandising. . NorTbieis a cati'se f r tlii mania for b'cpm iiisa int'rciiairKIJis something, Uke this: Tlie-im-chanic has learned U fnvl liita-stdf iuforior to a couhter-hopjier. Society does not so dictate bfit. h forces society, by bi own difli lenoe to avoid him. The woiikui of the day are all lalkiDj; of faucy m-io, and tus wlvo of oaj half of our cij Chanics envy the position of Mr YiaDSTlCit, and actually fuel mean became their hu-tband lus a trade "a stout arm, plain, warm heart. So om by one our mechanics are h aving their shop and taking to 7 by y stores. Aud the young men ar; thronging every place of business except tht de signated shop. Office U a charmed word, an. I of Sees and stores are fast impoverishing th conu try by their nnprecedente 1 iucrease. Give ns mechanics. There is room for them everywhere. Men who begin a tra ie determined to live bv it. Not ono of your sappy fellows who ii ashamed of the implements of bis profession. It augurs ill of a man to aee ' him. weary of his augurs ; and hu usually becomis a bore to btin-ielr.aad to J ho world. Our stores and offices are' full. W want manufactures. Georgia,, wants mo o produceis and less id!f, prou i, lazy consumer. Cannot something practical bu lon to ch ke out this mawkish love of pilishn tt cultivation bnt of tinsel humhuagury. which.di-plays itseif in a dread of dirt, a scorn of work, aa 1 a pulsion for professsional life 1 !-,. J Our cotemporary sh.u'd have j ted that me chanics are not the only person amenable to the clurge of this folly. O ir Farmers also hve an itching for the same. Just think of it To send a boy from the country, in which place be can learn and kno bow the things of this Wcrld are. made up and tako him avay from watchini the beautiful creations of Nature, in the forests aud the fields, and in the various productions, aninia1 and vegitable, that surround the husbandman, and put him in confinement that debars him from the exercise of healthful muscnla'r power and the wide range of intellect,, for which .the works of nature afford so ample a field. What, ashamed of being a mechanic! AshamoJ of being a farmer 1 Ou! fie.' - ' .-.,. '-ARRIVAL 'OF THE NIAGARA! THREE DAYS LATER ' FROM EUROPE. .''Halifax, Oct. 7. The steSm r Niagara arrive I here thia rooming at 6 o'clock from Liverpool, with dates to Saturday, the 29ub t., , . : . , ' 7- EllOt AND.;.,,-;.' The fourth of October w& appointed ti ba ob served as a day of" humiliation and prayer on ac count of the India troubles. ; . " a raaMca. -i - ' The Patrie says that the only object of the in terview of the Einperors of France, Rimia and Austria ia the promotioa of amity bet w.-eu France end Russit.' r . Inundations in the south of France have caus ed immense damage and loss of lilo. Tbu viut age has been most adundunt. . . SPAIN. - The conference for tbe settlement, by media tion, of tho Mexica i question will 'bo h'dd in Londoa. - - . . i - RUSSIA. . j - - A Are at St. Petersburg bad burnt 170 -vessels. The Csar has approved a project for the partial abolition of serfdom. A proclama tion will bo Issued on bis return, inviting the owners to- arrange for tho liberation of .their serfs. INDIA . There is is nothing later from India, bat tbe arrival of the Government dispatches was mo mentarily "expected. Numerous fugitives fr.oiu the mutinous districts of India hrl arrived at Southampton They give frightful .accounts of the conditio i of Calcutta anl the upper provin ces of India. ,; ,r ? ' A detachment of French troops from China had arrived at Calcutta ta protect French inter cstsat Chandernagore. CHINA. ''.-. ' J ''""'. Adviees frdm China say that the American cor vette Levant, in ordr to aveuge tlie pillaging of an Amerlciu ship by a gang7f pirates, bad burn ed a village on the Island of Formosa, where tbe pirates rest-led. -' j' " ' ' It was rumored that L ird Elgia would soot b appointed Governor-General of India. ' s ' Russia U fortifying the Straights of Ysni.iale. THE STEAM RIGATE SARANAC. Puit.ADBt.PHiA, Oct. 7. The United States steam frigate Saranac under command of Capt Kelly, will sail froul tho. naVj. yard -J to-morrow for the Meiiterranean. Her offieors and crew, ait tol J, number 611 men. The Saranac hss'underane considerable altcratTbcs and repairs. ' j)lemeii!Kof cWI it merfchaniUw i V. Correspondence of Hie Commercial. -,.,L v?"ew Yor,ct. tT,lB&7 By tbe riches which taka to themselves wings and Jly frwaythereacller could have kjtended to de signate doUi logout. rail ruad stocjt PPer mo , ney j ht certainly would not have applied that sprightly metaphor to; merchandize, If hbad be he!d it to" Hstiretent coinlitiow, beavy as lead and irnmovea-fly flxtf in warehouses., But the times are clanged., Byerare not-wanted I wholwale Ulealers trtml le when they sean old eustomei eeter'tmj ibe door, fear leg tfiat be will want a. bill of gooils.' Nebdy wants to sejl ; fSjr any kind Of siock. i fafajCl io j l rvtxJb six-niouth a pape.Tbejiui multiplies itself, meu's fea,s do them moreXbiirt thaff the actnalvdlffleTiIilas. So-day, a'great-Bot.tun, SH"w Fork-and pfiiiatltd K ol4foVasb.ke rwfiff foati I'belead of i O - phia house is re port e8 as suspended, and the most iJargg Imp.ting Iwmse f long s(aflding has beeu emved " to a Lunatic , Asj luqi 1 The auxiet lea fand'excliemenu'cf the last few weeks have pro ved toe much for a brain which had .done a gooil deal of bard thinkingt itr its day. Everylwdy is trying to sell for cash, but the heaviest saeriUces 4o not indace heavy purchasers. The man-milliners' are f tiling ejcten.slvely.owing to the Uiuiin isSed consumption of fortydoWar booneta. Ha!f Of the present troubles may be safely laid to tile dimii khed consuniptiou of the nine month cre dit system which, has prevailed so extensively duriugMbe last season especially'in th dry goods traded Svx'moutbf' is long enough for-all par'ies When all this is to endlltf venonly knows. The most desirouS'aod laS'ing'effect of tbe revolution ill be tfie throwing out of employment of vast numbers of artisans in large towns and ci'le who most either bes, starve or emigrate. The agii cnltural districts alone possess the elem-nis of continual prosperity, and wo predict a favorable eflectof these diiasten io increasing the number of producers of those sCt tibns. The tendency has hitherto been to Ihj accumulation of labor in towns and cities; now it most bo diffused through the country. We have had loo many artisans and trades,, we want iuo:e gio.veis of grain and rais eis of cattle - ' The Banks stand firm as yet, and our city mon ey is bandied with undiminished' confidence-. The retail trade'of the city is. very poor-indeed, . aiid the effect of the troubles seems 10 be felt by every kind of, business ezeopt tbe d-iily newspa pera ami the theatres. ? Men must know whaf is going on, and they need relaxation more tisau ev er iu such times as these. The Opera is still in flood tide, and Thalberg receives his friends in troops. The Institute Fair is rather slim this year. There is ery little of novelty iu it, with the exception of tho ' Calliope," er musical loco motive, which grinds out shrill harmony from morning to night. Some of the leading daguer reptypists exhibit Mfe siae photographs, which are truly wonderful proofs of the triumph of Amer ican enterprise and skill in this branch of art. The Horticultural Shows are numerous, but ex hibit nothiug more u'Uieeable than eighteen rich pumpkins which no Connecticut farmer would think of " bragging on." The arrest .for burulary of a dry goods mer chant w ho had occupied a " position " in Fifth Avenue 8ciety, has created a sensation among the denizens of that locality. He was known as a promiueut "Broadway swell," w.lo made a great show on a mysteriously small capital, but passed current iu the first circle until be was'detccted in fishing silks out of his neighbor's windows and selling them at half price through the Philadel phia auction rooms. This isa speplmen of sim ilar developments which might bb and way yet .be made. '. "ls" The only exeTleujent at present is onthe main question, " How re we to et our bread al but ter 1" The general opinion is that that desirable compound is likely to be scarce and wanted by many mouths before the winter is over. Twe wec-ka more will show. If the failures are not heavy during that tiin, the sky wilt bi'ighten con siderably. . . , i From the Fredericksburg Herald. CONDITION 0E THE VIRGINIA BANKS. , Although little or no excitement prevails in the minds of the Virginia public in reference to the solvency of tho several banking institutions in the State, th.ere is, nevertheless, a good deal of fil ing abroad and much interest excited as to which are not redeeming their issues in specie. To meet this general demand we have compiled the fol ldwing list, which, wo belive, includes all the banks in the State, and classified them according to the information in our possesion : Old Banks paying specie. Charlottesville, Far men' Bank 6f Virginia; Danville Farmers' Bank and Ba.,k of Virgiuia ; Farmville, Farmers' Bank; Fredericksburg, Farmers' Bank of Virginia and Bank of Virginia, Lynchburg, Farmers' Bank, Exchange Bank, of Virgiuia; Norfolk, : Exchange Bank of Virginia, Farmers' Bank, and Bank of Virgiuia jTetersburg., Exchange Bank, Farmerst Bank, and Dank of Virginia; Portsmouth, Bank of Virginia ; Richmond, Farmers' Batik, Bank of Virginia, aud Exchange Bank. Iidependant Banks paying specie. Fairmount, FairmountBank ; Scottsvillc, Bank of Scottsville; Lex'ngtoa, Bank of Rockbridge ; Lynchburg, Mer chants' Bauk. . Old Banks suspended. Alexandria, Exchange Bank of Virginia and Farmers' Bank of Virginia; Charlestown, Bank of the Valley ; Christiansburg, Bank of the Valley ; Leesburg, Bank of the Val ley ; Moorefleld, Bank of the Valley ; Morgan town, Merchants' anfMurchanU' Baak ; TarkerSj burg, Northwestern Bank of Virginia; Poln Pleasant, Merchants and Mecanics' Bank ; Roin ney, Bank of Valley ; Staunton, Bank of Valley ; Wellsburg, Northwestern Bank ; Wheeling, Mer chants' and Mechanics' Bank and Northwestern Bank ; Winchester, Bauk of Valley and Farmers' Bank..' ' - Independent Banks suspended. Alexandria, Bank of the Old Dominion; Charlottesville, Bank of Monticelle; Fiedericksbnrg, Bank of'ICom mcrce ; Howardsville, Bank of Ho wards ville ; Har risonburg Bank of Rockingham ; Martinsburg Bank of Berkeley; Staunton, Central Bank ; Wheeling, Mannfactires "and Farnie-s' Bnk and Bauk of Wheeling; Winchester, Bank of Win chester. " m Old Banks not heard fau. Abingslon,- Ex change Bank; Blacksbnrg, Farmers Bank; Buch anan, Bank of Virginia ; Charlestown, Bank of Virginia; Clarkesville, Exchange Bank; Jeflersoti ville, Norweitern 'Bank"; Lew Isiiurg, Farmers' Bank ; Salomjl Exchange Bank ; Unioiv Bank of Virginia ; Wytbeville, Farmers' Bank ; Weston, Exchange Bank. :r ; l . Independent Banks not heard from. Flncastle, Farmers Bauk ; Jef&rsonville, Trans-Alleghany Bank ; Pearisbnrg, Bank of the Old Dominion. Tbe Kanawha Bank, at Maiden, in Kauawa co., was paying at last accounts. ... There are rumors bat the Exchange Bank, at Weston, and the Fairmount Bank, at Faimioont, have susjjended, but the rumors arc so vague that we preferred a. diiTeretclas&ificatiou The Trans-Alleghany Bank "has gone out of cir culation, and probably should betiismissedXrom tbe list a!tojether."" v The Kanawha Jiauk, at 5M'ildenbasaot been heard from stneethgeneraj suspension. Tb banks cfassifled as HboC heard from"jwere specie-paying Institutions jvben lasfi hpard fro It is fair to presume1 tbiU solnie of. them, indeed probably a majority are sill fit that class. THE SUBMXulKn ELSaitAPiI XJliLE. " L Stfbioiied t a city of abetter recervad on Saturday by te Se$Tctary of, fie tiljtjj; from. jCaptam HtDsoN. in command of tbu United Stat'.-s s tea - In t Niagara i0.jiitKiiSvTBit Stkam fbKjats NiAoaa-' Keyhom Dock yard, Plymouth, -Trmg 'SeyZnber 173 857" jSiR: I have the honor to repdrljibai the Niaga ra was hauled iulo tbe Keybam basin' y3iter43' a:ternoon; .pre.parat ry to Ian tiug the telegfphie catde, with the massive appendages -of laacb-pe ry, steaui-eugiue and boiler, which has sp long,' so uselessly and faiull. as it proved, occupied her quarter-deck. ' Tlie company have fefinitely decided not to lay out tti- cable ibis autumn, but to defer it un tit neay sntumor. 1 h(ireith enclo.'e, a eopy-ot their flicial letter ou that subject, received on the Hill instant; aUo, "a resolution of thank io the'Conimafafiog aud other officers ol the teJ- graphic squadron, with a co,j)' of uiy letter to yip Con) ; -any ot the 15th ii.s' itit, 'irgiug them to tfJt pi dite Ihe work'. of iaudiog, which will occupy some thirty-five days of more, uulevs they wo I k. ui-ht and day in coiling it ou shore. .... Should the company desire to . lo ife i. Iher prese- t con.ii iou ihe fijuureir aliHClivd or Uvw. u, in Ihe Niagara for coidng thy caoie, the beauw, &c , much of which would be d.-st t oyed l'i break ing up or removiug, 1 shall Oumply .with their wi-hes, unless othijj'wis ; dire.-'ted Uy jou, and re turn with the ship to New Yo:k, as sue will then .land uiih lb tiilnress prepared for another and 'more successful elTn t, vr ready i t removal ot home, in the event of b.-r being oideicd r re quired for other. service. The crw an 1 : offi' rs are in excellent health, but leadji'fg jut pow rather a monotonous life, l am lerpC'I'ulfy, ou oh't serv't, , ; ".M L tJUDSON, Captain. .:Hun. I. Toucev, Secrelary ofalte Navy. P. J; I liave ju.t beep iuiortuvd.by the Admi ral eupei inteiKiuui, sir James 11. . 1'iumridge, Mitt He ltal reveiv. l a telerapTiic despatch from the .iduii'aity uot to imve anjypf ihe cable laud ed lint,! lui -tui'i oldeis. I can only copj-:cture, as the Cvtnpiny have aluiiiatit tune io uia"iuf.mtnro another cable that it uiay have been di.-p std of to the Red Sea or Ea st 1ml ia Company, foraying out to India Among the coriespOiMiei'CC ejicioMd by Capt. Hudson, aud aiitidud to iu the ajjovu Iclt T, is an uuswur to two litters rece.ived - by him f,om Sir. George Sarrad Secretary of- tiio -iamio Tele graj.n uotnpany Capt.' Hudson iiifui'iued lie Secretary hat he was iu houi iy e.peotat ion of special instructions in regtd io his movemeii s from the bono.' a ;le Seci'efry of tho Navy, and ttiat ihe presumptiou was thai he Mould - be or dered tv r-. t in u Kiitiiedintely to th'e'United States In older that he ui ght be prepared lo do so with ihe leat-po.-tibie delay, it was necessary that iht machinery should be removed iioiu the q .aiter Uj.ck,-; uuJ. the table landed us soon as pinc-iea-le. In ci'iiciusion, he hopeil tiiftf the uecesa; diieciious for the auuoiu i hmcut oflLis miiu bu giteu uiiu as iiule delay as po.-aibie. Subjoined is a cfy of a letter a bo enclosed by Capt. lludou : Atlantic T.i.EaKAPii Cumpisv, Xo. 2.2 Old Uivad street, Lvwlu; Sept. .12, .18-57. Deaa St a: I beg i jaiiiu oii tb other si-ie a extracfrft oiii t Be mi nutbs ot iiho board? da t yd tbe, 10th instant, ia whieli the ' directors wtsh to , express their best ami wariue.si thinks Tor lii'i ver; valuable services anil cheerful aud ready a--sintance you Imivu ever rendered to ihe great en tetptise iu Wrliieh tliCy have becu etigoged 1 am, dear sir, j onis, faith 'ol y, U. S AUK Alt D, Secretary. Capt. Buu-oji, U.S. N. U. S. a. F. Niagara. Duroufort." ICzlracL from l.'ic Muiules vj I'roctedings of Uie lioarduf D'.rtxUxs of the Atlantic 'lUgiuph Com pany, doled S pUmln.r 111 1807. II solve That tlm best and warm-st I lia.uk of this board ! tendereil to t'uplaio 11 mi.ioi,, V. S.N ., Captain Su.nilJb'; S.-N.. C pi .in W.iiurigtit. It. .N , Master Commander. Noudail, K. N., ami file oijSieis Uinlei th.jtr lespeClive coiuui ) nils . lor tin ir very valuable service and umneitig zeal aud for their ever-ready and tlu.'crful aMstiitice in the advaiiC'iiivllt il tlii- great eute-i pi ie" I he -iiL-cesslul BccomrlllUlelt of which, under cir cumstances ol great personal inconvenience -Ittej have all had most deeply at heart, alt lough. Iro n circumstances over which tho.' bad no power to exercise either Mwer or control, a temporary tjbecii h is been sustained to hs completton; G. fcAURAD, Secretary. . . - .-it- GEN. MAM-CELL. The friends of this gentlemau, recently rcpor te i iiane, have had bioi conveyeil to tho. Lcxing ton (Ky.) Lunstie Assyluia. Tiio Louisvibe Courier f Tuesday'says : - 1 " " ' "He pas-ed through this city' on Fu'day list,- in charge of friends, on his way lo the Lunavic As ylum at Le.xington' While iu tho Frankfort cars he arose and iu the most eloquent and putliutie terms appealed to tbe galiaut Kentiiekinn.-., ameng whom he was, to prelect him from'the re Ceb.ntless enemies he iuiagino I weie pursuing him. He became so excited aud violent that his friends were forced to confine him. HANDSOME PREiEN f FROM , PKESIDEN T . BUCHANAN.' ' - . . The Noi folk Day Bjnk says : A magniQoeut gold pocket Chronouie-tur and chain, bas 1 cen totwaidbd to Samuel T. Saayei,Eq.,;;olicior tol' this port, by James Buchanan. Piesident of the United itie5, to.be presented to that Bubo veteran of ola Ocean, Capt. A.' J.'huson. of the Noraegiau barque Ellen, who so gallantly went to the rescue of lav passu gets of tbe Central America. This magnificent watch and a chain is said to be one cf the best the world cU "piodnce, and coming as a present from such a source as the President ot the United STates. must make an lo dclibSe impression upon ihe minds of luiuie gen erations of the heroic behavior of 'Captain John sun on that pet ilous .occasion. Il is supposed that its cu,t couio not have been Kss than 5'35'J. We faiu the ceremony bf preseutatiou will take place ai tbe Mei chants' and iieci.anics' Ex change in this city. FAILURE OF AN IMMENSE E5TABLI3U- Wasbuxp ro.-', Oct. a F.& zV Dxige, of George town, tbo -heaviest importers ami iOiKe'teuie merchants in i!ie di-tr ict, have failed, aud m ide an assignment. "The failure has been cansed by the suspension ,of.lers. Clark, Do Ige & Co., avid Abbott, Dodg A. Co. of Xi York. : - DOCB1FUL BANKS- " ' Naw Yo'aa Oc. 6.Tbe bill of the Le. Bank. Mas.t Merchantrfe. .Charter Oak. aud Exchange, at Hartford, Conii , aud tU ; Baulc, .of Jfalertown" New York State, aru throtvu out by the Baaks bero to day. i . , x. BTTN ON CONNECTICUT BANKS. :v - Habtfobd, Conn.j Oct 7. There vaS ' a beavy run on the. banks here to day, particularly tlie Stat Bank. Alt demands, however, werw roait ly met, and the excitement subsided. ... a X REM ARlf ABLE J"ACT. A abort time ago, a gentlereaa f tlii i'lace- baving"occasion to go into the office of a Dentist who Is otf a visit to the North, he was followed by by a'littW dog, which he atejdeatl shut up. A--botita week ago, some boys'tetag nar the office, heard the dog making a noise, and got the key and released him from his prison, be bavingje-, miue(lur3vwksto a Say, InX perfect Iyligbt room, ictfhout .one particle a ajiytkiag to eat or drink (fHe wis ntari perisnodO death ; but is now, remarkable to tell, doing very well. '. - V."- - v - ' ' . , A ONSUMATE. SCOUNDREL.; . - ' : A short time since, a luau , weut lowu 'ou the train from thia place. , to JS jciety Hitl, wber he stopped, pretending to be verv' bad off with the consumption. e wasaitd.041 an I altepdeto by the hospitable citfzefs of theVilla go iu the very "best manner, for about a weok, when be bor rowed a horse audiuggy to take a ridejijmt not returaing, gentlemen sui ted in'searc'ltu ..He was traced u-p toniear this place, when ho took a by path leading" to Marion Court Iloase, ' We hope j tie may yit b'i 'delected, and receiv;o that pujaish-. fient!uett'aach faseali('y.&P-' tf IMPORTANT; NOTICE. : . Onoif thtarongcst"Cauki the State, or;iu Phe UuitedBtateHMy.a.the4Iikmniiid i.i'", is "the MerchancsBauk of Lynchburg, and therfe Is. no g'Xxl reason why its, issue .should not. be as those of any other Bank in the 3,tate, whiclj, like; itself, has not suspended specie payments. Messrs Harvey & Armstead, pn 1 pearl . aireet,. Richmond are the. agents of the Merchants' Bank, will, we understand, give bankable fuuls for its fsaae. M0.NEY METERS IN RICHMOND. J Tbe Dispatch has the best authority fjraying that the notes falling due at the Banks, have beon.as punctually met thus far in th:s month, as during tho same period in otberyears. There is certainly a greater scarcity ef money, than for some years; but the mo-rchants aw using extra diligence iu providing the . menus of meeting their obligations and preserving their, credit. . sYesler day was a luu.h easier aud quieter day. than Sat urday. The Banks were as pl.icid xsiiiougb there was 110 pressure. Looking on the streets wo find no sign of that panic aud rough sailing which e.lscvt ljre prevails." ;, From the Caariislon CnUrter. ' ECCLESIASTICAL EXCLUlVEKESy. The .lie WKpspcrs cular .and' religious in a oiuin inttt et have Lct-u ; articulai iy careful in (riving" publicity and iirulatiou to several in videtns ci'iiuccled v i h the late session o.! the Biiti.sh Wesleyau Conference iu Liveryool. Among other matters, the relations between the Metho dist bodies and associations ou r be iuo sidesof the Alltintie have been rev..-el and iiuptovcd or at least have received mflkieiit attentions, and the r p i'sentntivesof Eugli-h Methodi.-u, Sitting in a iou Ihat has beeu built up out of Southern !a boraud while surrounded with aft the; results, proilnrts aud developments' of that labor and c conomy, havo sticcombtTl so far to the- cant of 'he which is dying obt elsewhere, as to c tn mit needlessly auU nantouly a gross and pitiful insult. ' . - 1 ' . Ihe oatute and details of th tracsnction re lerrtd to" w 111 be understood from the fodowirg letter, which we reprint as an -act of justice to a citizen and "native of Charleston, and in tcier lo preejnt tbe efcailaliatioa as far a possiide before th se .who have beu , iufineoci d'by Ihe-origiual Wiry.'- " ' TUK WESLUViN CONFK1IEKCE AND THE M. K. CHtRCH, j . . SOUTH. . . Mr. Eu'it-r: I see by ihe Ad ocate apd Journ al and other papers, that publicity has been offi cial y givfcu u the action of the late Wcsley'an Coiiierem e, by hicli I was refused admittance to ii:neNS llieir procet-dinjiS 1 hiuk itid.elo lujseif and the church of hi h I am a niitii.-ter, lh.it public 'mention sIiouhJ uovv be made of the ciicuiuslauces attending -the applicatiou," aud which resulted in. rij-ctioii of it. t ... Two Weeks of the scs.-don fiad passed, and 1 had steadily refused t lie renewted solicitations .f btleielit ineiulieis ef tho Lou'etenCe to allow lln iii to hsU for me aduii-si'iti to the priva-e se-.-siotis of their body. I feb perusd. d that their lei-lings 01 persfitial kindiieHs to me K-d rhein to mijiitlge tue pmbalWo olS, ial ac ion ofihe Con I'eittr.e shotihi suclj a j'pucatiyii -be made. 1 It was not until intimations 'ere given me that 1 lid injustice to the Cin'erence in supposing that 1 Mouid be refused aduiiitance, aud-tios initil a" ineuioer of the Confeience uaib-d in per 0:1 upon 'be l'i i-sidfnt and icceived assurance th-. Ihere would be noil llieiilty thrown in the way of my oi.Um uga ticket vf diut.ioii. that" abis pr s Mug .remie.-t 1 xavjs liiin my oidiuatiou; parch tneuts for lh President to eiaiuine,- In consent ing 10 ttie appiii-atiO'r 1 thtiught that the presi dent bad p-tter to issue tickets of admUstbu to lioui lie should judge., Worthy of such favor , and ft It 1 Aid 1 dieailliat tuy name, or the noble ot the Uliiuch 1 bolil most dijtr, woutd be band ted ai out in open Couferucp;.aDd subjf eted to lot :n il in nit b,a regular voU; of that body, Upon ttte'(.rotevdiiig' bvibg Wa-f k : o ti to nie tyn:y 'cxcerieftl- fr-eti is,'whose ui d re'a'iy "nnu -t ilieU. a t lia li.ul ie n duni, 1 ins sted'-tiraiV'" the niaitet; liitd been give' i.M Hup"IUinct: Which f bad ndt'pretiousfy iiiiiklpateii, they would at leas1! sjnre nio any pub iciueiilIon of lio'occbr rencu in u p. 11 ts of their pnieet-aings. was -'-btiied ever and ugaat that tbo whole occarrence aS pahiluf iy ail patties, and thai, publicity should Hot IA) given to it Tt' retui. however, Altai the- Wesley 111 body,. closely beset by fanat xi.-ui withyut fpuiid il, is occurrence too precious a morsel an-.tfliin it forth to 'be English public as proof of their orthodoxy on . the question ol slavery. - -'.-.'- . ' k;'- '' Hejo'tiiig. s I do, in being bought worthy of any connexion With the Methodist Epi-cojiat Cuuich, S uth regarding it,' as" I do,' "par ex celh nee," the Missiouaty Chttrcbf tbe. world end wfni a heart that awc!U it h emotions of profouudest gratitude and lore when contempla ting ti-e wonderful work it is accomplishing, it would have beeu base, in mo-rohintarily to have .sul-jecled it to any intended humiliation w hatev er. ' A a lorer of Methodism everv where, ami is one who has received many undese'ved tokeim of regard .liom Virions mi inbers of ttie Weslejan Ci nt'etcuce, it would have been pnkind leaving oud taste and good se.ise out of, tbe question lo I, ve forced them to an official action which ihcy have declared they felt was a painfnt iiece ii.. , FRANCiS ASBUUY MOOD- Houlhern Chrishtian Advocate 1 - ' - ' -A SYTLI.OGISM! PROPOSITION 1st. - Every Lady and Gentleman desire a beautiful head of Hair. PKOPOSiriON 2d. 4 '"' - The of LYON'S K ATI! AIB0N will, without fail, pi dnre such an one. THEIIEFORE : . ' Ktrcry-L-dy and G-nrlmn witl. of ennrw im , irxMiiatelr cinttience nning LTON'- KATHAl KON. All pronounce th- KATI1AIRON lo .-to th- finest and mot agreeable preparation for ihe Hair ever made. , Its immense sale neatly 1 .000 000 bottles per ye-ar attests it universal popularity. Sold " everywhere for 25 Pentu -r bolilo. HEATH. WYNKOOP & CO., -'' Proja-ietora and Perf'umerat ' 63 LiBKaTT-ST.New-York. Jpyii . ; . . .. .. HMotray's PUls prediic a nnt sorpristngebarge in cases "of getieral debility " The brokwi down invalid, whose flaceid tnncl"!i and relaxed ner vvas system bave scarcely snfSeient - vitality to sustain bis emaciated form i an -re:t toition is soon ren orated and braced by tbe invigorating effect of Ibis priceless rfmAj. and bia bole frante is re-animat ed and filled with ene-iv. . Hia spirits resmua their buoyancy, and he feels a new man.'' Srf -h is the experience of tbonsands.. Lon gevity iWpend'Tta eteaf iwasare nt tbe regn- lar ejlilijpctitn of the rgaaa , of jdijrtior and rxcretion, ami npon these organs Hollo wayaPiIIa opci ate irrcsistably. -"--' PHILLIPS & JENNINGS JOBBERS IN F0REIG,wD03IESTIC BOUfJHT EXCLUSiVEW AT' .U-e.S'H'a Nos: -aa.4 3 Bauk'Stretf bdoXo MatkeL BETWCEat fSECON'D AND THIIID-ST3, . f .:' t, . -I""' r -ff , wi- PHXLADELPHIA, Penna. August 4. . " - , -&3in-p rich man Many uppese Perry Davis to be very wealthy from tru'uense sales of the Pain Kit ler-bit hi bciirt'olciiC.eqUMls fta incomr. He - ncqiiiringa repufaifoii ' m&f& !valaWe tbau !fi.L- yfi- !,' ROOIT AGENTS ! l'f'i OLOUtr vfX VTFI) ! To Cif ul Uen api w Sellino. t'siwsfaesiKst'v 't'ouur yMlX,, QitJf,!S& wWiJlirajPt; r-i tm ir '' prices! 'fntheviirig, c litems, Und I rgi nd KrupeWlv ilo-ed plai-s. 'Mferee foW .Yp.a rUtnee ol ivearly twei.t vvears, as AiiMioa an(t-tnif; libt r. 113? an Agept, alike afHie-Bi-i.mid :iiili, cf gtyes ine'nnea. iiffp.-f riifvaaHiri' I'vKn.W igex(eily tw Ja'iike. jiooks tttut U tell fnt. arid ufiiy when s."rt .hour to arranst. piy tiusi-nes-f so' that irtdnstnons'.A gents cannot fd.il tie.-' cess. Jl f n'n A'entu 4nlv are alliiivei ' my nooks, and e.i;h has ihe exclusive right to id :is'8!gne l field For circujara wHli fullest partic ulars, if yott ilve RasH I?1IV ff't'-VE; No 'i2 Nas?!iu. istreer, iew V orkf if y u live Acrtj she" ale) No. Hi Main Street, Cincinnati. O ; c!)lfmber 8. 3mos'-iw IMPORTANT INFUK.MATiON by Chich mmh siiff-rino and Oiisery in familivs'iuav J "jtoiiteil. sent ti uiarxicd menj and those? conrempfaifi marriage. .Address inelosptafmi; iMeiani Dr. L F. PHOiJ AI!T Bus 30 :J . New Voik, .it- " itiU? " " ' ' W3m. ' "" ' TllE HAIU! Tllli' II AIR Vi 'i. What Lady or Gent'emam would t- ;lepi. A ,. a t.eanliful head of Hiir wi u bv in n. r.t I.Y ON'S KATUAIRfr-N snv-h ! t.ncan . VaVulv i . had 1 Too-m ien value ha uuut -t- .piaeed on a fine heao! f Il.ii nut iilv ;is an nfl,,i ntiien: ti, the person, nd" no person i. Wi ll dr St-.l it;i out well arranged Hair - biit also, aa iti'tfirbtlelt connected witlt I he general heah h t( th-' Ijody for this connect ion is much closer than iieneial ly sufW.osed. The KATM A IRON " "preserves arid beautifies the' H iir. making It s..ft. curly, and gUgsyand .by its cb-ausing and invigorating pro perties, give a tonTand elasticity , to the who'e svstru. rold everytvhere for 25 couts per bot tle. . -. " --' - - ' ., HEATH WYNK0P& CO., Proi ieturs and Pel fini!TS. ' 6- Cibkrtt:t., New-York. APCOTII E R It HM A R K ABLE CURE COMPOUND SYRUP OF i Ki;V. 4 . ,11 IIS It. Dty'KJtOROW. 5 Pastor cf Berlin Circuit, Baltimore Conference. A nd all t he principal iHercha its at Point of Hocks' .m ' A rd. hire testified t' tne foltoieins -il'iMNToF Kocks. Fr dt rnrk County. Jld. Dr. Swuvxe.-Dear hir Hrlit-ving u a duly I owe, to -the public, . nnd in justice lo you. I have thought pioper 10.n1.1ke known one of the raost ex tiuordinnry cuies, in my own ea. that has ever hi cn truly recorded. Iatbe month of October last lwas fifflicted with a severi? g.-itheiing' in niy brenbi, uhieli lonnel a -targe' abscess, and also communicated to fiiy. Luns and very much afflict ed lhem,and uisHiargecl iaje. quantities ofenfrup tioiij external arid InternahMy brent h could atec pass through -my Lungs tand nut through the cav " Uy of my breast with apparent ease, attended with a violent cawgh. dy antf n.sht, '"loss.Af ap(retite, and r jtrem !. dehility, sq that tny physicians thought my cne entiieli bop l-siand beyond the power of vncduine 1 rtiiiaine.i i-i this wretefied i-ondition for a Ions: time, until I was w,istd.toa mere skeleton, and there wteineit to be no hope for me; hut bavins read in the public papers of th i many wuiuIci ImI cures perfoi ined bv our COM -roiJiNt)' Vsy I'VP fit"' VMLD (H KltltV, 1 itm mediately 'sent to Baltinxrre for five bottles anil eoiiuntni ed its .use. and to niy.Lrre.ai satitaction and 111 y anxious family, the afis-cegs or opening in tnv rtrmri heyan to henl, and the cough subsided and on usiu: ten b 'tih 3 I was restored to perfect health. I believe, that to your valuub e medicine, under the blessings of Divine Providence, I am indebted for this great change, and I am happy to say, that 1 am now enjoying as good heaiili us I evri have. . . Over five yeirs have flap-pil, and 1 still remain a perfectly hearty man at thiidate, J une 2d, t&56. I have not had a l;iy'.- siek'ness for ihe last la months, men ts. Please acceiit inv ara'ehil n kftnwleifg- 1 wurs.'-very resi ciiiiny. ; , . . . . ..r. 11.. THO JAS Tlie ul'scrihpY i neqiiin't d with Th.n:a- Dixon, and v.in lesiitr that th fie b:c t-em iifQut ed as .iliove represented. I rrg jrri his reinivery ui moil as a mrracle. He" is a worthy m mber i So cieiy. ;J,I.IHS llUilBl)ltO, , Pastor of !5e;lin ')ireuii. Baltiiuore Confetence, I'HFIRK is out oiiercliiihli prrpa ration of "Wild ;herrt-,''and he only ni- coiivponnde'd bv a iraular I'livsieian that it ."DR, SVYAYNR's qo M PO US U SVKUP OK Wl f. D V 1 1 K f K Y4' nod ihe universal s.-i!tfncnn fhis prr-parntion has giyen, is fuliy ucknowJt d ei-d' in every section of ,oiir country."", ii --For the cure of roueh?, Col Cohsnmtnfon For Bronchtlis,-Nire Thro it. Mepins l.'ough. KoTTicKling or Ifrit.nion ir, the Kiincts, -For Palpiiti"n j Disease ofnie Heart, Debility. , 3 For Pains irrthe Sidcor f&easlj Liver Corapfain'i, Forj?hort Breaih, or Huarsenes. Asthma, ? , For fhe support of o.'dVaHe. declFnini' health, and restless nights, ibis temcdy lias no cqnal." " 1 " ; ; Prepaid olv by Ur., -WAY.VK 4. S'V,!,i rhcir Laeoraiory 4" Tt. sl'Vf'.NTH St , Philadel phia. Sold by W .4 1 l 1 1 JH H E ( : , ' - "A iittiiiia-ivB' V ". v ' K. ,s'iiv, . : Jan: .: - ';-'- A-b-r!le. N ri I1EI 1 In this town last evening, after a' lingering ill ness: Mrst K1.12 8 PutwNife of Wm. ,Nl Tedcn Esq.. aed i'Z vtars. ' . She was an estimable lady, iu every sense of the word ; gentle and "rcttiing in ' her manners, kiud and affectionate to her l.u-band aad children. She shed around her path the . suniight of ber presence, making all happy aud contented in the now desolate home, from which the hand of inex orable Death h-"8 removed ber. lior isln-T pres ence missed alone by the-Huiali circle of ber fami ly. The poor to whom she was always generous and sympathising,' and "ber numerous acquaintan ces and friepds, equally "monrntheir-loss. She died tbe d&ath pf tbe upright, calruly and quietly passing with sleep from life into Hie death of tbe just. Truly, in her case; the my' "'m J 'Hand of tbe reaper takes tbe ear that are boary. "While the voice of the weeper wails manbood its glory." , t . ., . - A : . : The friends aud acquaintances of tbe family, are reqnestetl t Jttteiidstblfuwral.this rooming, ai 10 o'cloek, from3 the residence of. her husband, thence to OakdateCemetary. " 1 ' i -" In this town on tbe. afternoon of , the 8th inst., of Typhoid Pneumonia, Mr, MaaTiN Buack a tied 3-3 years. ,. .. . , '. ' , '. s, 4 Mr. Black was a native of Mbore county, but bad rosided - for tlie. laat 12 or 15 years in New Harfover. He was a generaas, nobic-lieated man, highly esteemed by all w bw knew him. He leaves behind an afTectionate'and loving wife, as wn as a nnmeroaa circle of frfendst and rebttivea to mourn their irreparabl j loss. ; - -: ; . Com. FAtL- ani Winter styles of Miwes Children's and Infant goods' now ready. Embracing a'l the nviiiln of Beaver and Fella Flats.; In fanuH'. and Caps, C&AS p. MYERS, U (iUXXY L0TI1. . 1 - -m R a t.T?S Till keavv HnnliT fluk . 1 if i . ' 1 a tFor aale bjf , . , G. WjUAYIS ... ' , 53.' Oct. 7. ' " STAVES ixhnd o. HUD STAVF.St equal o WViortolk inspection, or safe av G. W DAVIS. 53 Oct. 7. CHERRY MAllINT NEWS. - .f. TORT 0F.WILMINQT0S, OCTOBER 10. ia. .d 1 .. - -ARRITED. v "orTownsend, front New Yo k, tq T.CW.H-th. . ..Scbr. PalesUne, Gibbs, frn Hy8e county, to J. R. Bloasom. . ., 0. 0. P.rsb-y & Co. " 'aT' fjchrI G tlbr l from Newport, E. I., to J. & X, L .iMhava-jafc Co. ; , , ,. lit ' T ' fScbr. May Baker, froua Mew York," to J. II. Flajim-r. - r-uaiitnfe,rprlseTnnnis;Tr6 ville, t-master. - ? .-Schr. Medora.Irelaad, from Ualtiaiore.Ho ltussell & Dre. " Barque Eventide Patridge, from LiveroolJo I ft J.JL. Hathaway &Co. , BiHA.C'riniea, - tit in son, from Boston, lo J.H. CliafilHjurti A Co.-. : f 1 6 0. S. MSu amer Spray; Pjico, from-Smith-Jil to A. 11. VanC kkeleO. ' , Hri DeliuoOt Lock, Reed, frem Searsport Me., to Kidder A .Murtiu. ' ' . 'CLEARED.- 7 Steamer Flora McDonald, Hurt, for Fayctte viHe. by T. C. &. U. G: Worth -8 V. S. M. Stcamer'SpTay, ice, for.Sm.lh-i !e bp A ii.tVaabokkelen. . J)-.. ScJir. "ilatchles-, .Vfmiili. "Tor Jactisoi.v"!Ic, Fia" in'lllasl. by j! i. liie-iSc Co. " 5 .? (W tJi' K.VlN. 'HJKVifj 1 ii hAli i HI uiS, i. OF lift- ttw4ayiyitU'i on ai-. iwtl. it it vpcvr iu sttt! iiiiine tf itic ewlt jipti,o,i' fi f w-' f5,-.i.latXCttA'ii jHVrW . '?; s- ' And il is boiitni to) jasuee to paa-. r eia.in get ting ttoerr-nrt.kUsT tbt rrpriLioT pnigiig enmw.lt to aaiUi'y ii who iLayiiuybf-atiiM mjitU eaiiea.jH uay- ic -...--:f .- -T- -"' . HPassenger:will nd rueala jready;fk shi rAVi of every-trains with good Porters to ausiyj i tfn-ii rand fchecK iheir ib.igaitge loany K(4,w!ctajUt may desire loibue it cuecked. . v.-.,, 'tfceHoiee,,is wwhin twenty stepof,. the. Ticket Ulbee, where pa.-Mhgei can oLuaMiiiwi.t .Tickets without any noun.c, , ana -e m gutnl time r .gelling tlitir liner or upp.r, there is tui.siil erabJe jaggagi-a.i change..'f), ; ,.;1,i ..r , 1'aSiillae.s MiU r.ui-e .bLul ui.i. fl U;at itxj; ia a botHie ib ff oni tit jni;g,.rt-i, r. jjjbe wilier n use to iveep oft' opp- siti m, lt t U taiijd Mie Ntw, VVeid-j Motel, Out geiiUMiicu 4t!ii i.lioe p iii iy stnie f nr.' five ur six yt-Ja a to uy. ti-. wlejgti, inj bus been oct.upted .'tteff tiiiitf.jt, ).crsoii.a ittrririg i h;l tiufe ,-indi.S-.1 iif w l'f -lyfietcA at'pr'r eni. ;f hisOl.UWtioos'Jdl tet lias ieea'.'e.pvn for iv.if in.,niiij ; a-ic liaj net a ". wi hui ..oca airtci-.'unit it is tio-A fueri-nsig fai: 'fir ,opi,hr i. I'uf, ie pas.'cngers Ipid , Kiai m.i&i smlbfrij and nr arways ready on the yc!i tvhen Uie trains :imvefi om any p -iot. There are rea bitis printed by the other house with no name attaeticJ to litem, evidently designed to . injure Jiie , and iny honac, hut j4-cannot succeed, mttwithtandiog the Pro pn'etf.r and bis nien at -ihe".care .particular in, informins passengers thar tiie bouse to the right is the best, but pafr-cngets find that the hont-ecn the hi ft is not only the bc.t, but that its table is more abuadantly supplied withifhe bestt and that the Jailers are more polite and attentive to the wants of those who favor it with their presence. Please heer in mind that my honseis the newly opened KXOHANGK HOTEL, on ihe hill, twen ty steps from the Ticket Office. .- V . B. B. SEAR5, Preptietor, Or'ober 6, 1657. . tf. " MRS. FORD " rpARFS this method of informing her friends' i. and the public that she win re-open her House fur Boarders on the 1st of Ocmoer. The House is being repaired and newly furnished, which will render it jhe most comfortable Boarding House in WllrniDg'On her 'able will be supplied with the best the market affords. Good and efficient ser vants will be in attendance, and every exertion made to render Iter guests comfortable, the soli cits -n share of your patronage. ; j. . . Some of the best rooms reserved for tran sient cwnpany. , wn-f, 2m JUST liECEIYEDj .. rp I1H DAY per Express a few prime Orangrs. I At the BmadwayVaritiy- Store, No. 40 Mar ket st, VY. H. Ub.XEALK. . October 2. - , - , Medical College of Virginia. v SESSION 1857-58. T. next annual course of lectures will corn mence on ihe 1st of October, 157, at the CoIlceTiuiluing, corner ol" Marshall and College streets. Richmond, and March, 1853. terminate on ihe 1st, of Surliery and Surgical Anatomy, " ' - - I5y Charlt s Bell Gibson, M. D. Theory and Practice of Mvliinc . . , Uy David H. Tu-kcr, M. D. Cbcniisuy and Pharmacy s - ' - ' ' "" "I . - . By Martin P. Scott, M L). . Materia Medica and Therapeutrica ; -. j ;, ; . ' By B.U.AVeilford. M. tt.' Ar.atomrv - . -" -' - : :. " .. . ' - ' , By Arthur E Pelicolas, M. D. . Insiitutes of Medicine and Mevlical J urisprn rfchre -; ".,- ,if ' fly Levin-& Jbyne, M. Obstetrics and diseases of women and i hildrenj, By James H. Con ay, MI D. Demonstrator of Anntom r : - r ' - M. U.JO.V HOWAKP.Mi B "!l hes ii'y f Pr.ic ien! AnaKm.y may be..prose- iii.d wiMi the wrist ample faeilitiea and at a very, ttilbng expense. ' ' "-. ' "- : :ttt Clinical lectureare tetrularly.giveo at, ih? Co-n'-g-j Infirmary, This Infirmary, under iho sarrfe yTf wiih rheCoI!.se, is at aU-times weM filled with Medical and Surgical :ae ond iurniaiits pectilW t.irili'ies for Clinical indirection. ; , '. : JWanv -Surgical Ojerat!-.' are r- rfo'mcd in tha rip irnr ot the clatwi aud i i4 f fctb hrs beiti g tlaiiy adioiucd to" the ward--, enjoy nnd.r the guidance of the Proff ers,4 unnsoal t firior itirr lof b coming famiiiar nl only, with the syi"MO.s and diagnosis of diseaae, but with ita daily. jjrorc and treatment . - . .",,, K 4 mount of fei-s for lectures, .- . . i5 00 Matriculation fee, . . . . ' ; rs Practical Anatoms. . . ... n GMtinif . S. --2-W The pri.-e of Board, inctudinfT Peel. I.i 'bt st d servafl-s' aUendanee, varies 'r- m t3 to So per week: The Catalogue, con'ainins fi.'b r iftf -fn-lion anretnin he tii.itawf. wif b.;; orwarawt tiiuix wiioapolv f r il, yt a ifi.f ''? i'';.3 "s 'ie ; ris er-d letter " " . . . VJaiy", ist'..' V.. ' V ;--;4. r hs:5ioval. OIHON B. XAU.WS.iLKt -'w4il nrrwvH" ZZptf.Qo-dm and.MUikrf-ry '0.tfk aJ Bii" from his i.roMat atantf i"a" the COICNFa S'!T1 fc4"tits l-Mt : UI" v i. vr rnu,n an ih 1st Ameati. hrw ft -will si.nop an entirely newateck MliJLl.k.lia and t)KV GOOH-s. . ' . .. Angnst6tn, 1S57. . 60-2m OUR BLACK CASSIMERE HAT. A NOTHER Case of this mobt fashionable style H 4T, just received and opened at the Ha and Cap Emporium, 34 Market atreet sept 2'j bliAo. P.MI bao. FRESH CANDIES. f JUST RECEIVED, this day by Express, anoth er lot of those delicious Candies, at the Broad way Variety Store. No. 40 Market street; . cpt. 12. VY. H. DaXEALE. ROISTON'S PATENT SKID SCALES. 1tHF.SE St akta, for which tbe inventor bas eb tainedLetttre Patent from the Ppited Statea Government, are intended toiopers&ie the present cembrou and objectionable appa rates naed for weighin? cylindrical packages, such as barrels, tierce, f-c, eontalnine amclea ncuatiy acid by weigtu. Also for weighing bales of cotton, hay, or other similar packages. Tbe advantage claimed fur them vei the ordinary Scales in use," are that no hoisting ia rrqotred. aa the aiticle to be weighed i. immediately ruxpendai. by it a owa gravity, and without strain, on reaching a given point beneath the Scale br3m thus waving- a large amount of time and labor, and preventing injury by hooka, or therwie, to tbe frailest package. The patentee will pleased to exhibit his Invention at the store cf Mr. SM. vYest,aad receive rde for such si xes and qmuttitiesap mny be rfesired. - . - - - GEO, HOUSTON, Patentee. July 27.1 67 tf EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. ltf EMPTY Spirit Barrels. For sale by . 5:UU An 22- ADAMS, BitO.A CO GEXTS STRAVV HATS. Santa Martha, Lut on. Senett and Canton Braid ; Panama, Leg horn, Hiawatha, Ceylm, Congress Ac. A fult aa tortmeiu of these and ether styles at the Ht and Cap Emporium, 31 Martct st. CUAS. D. M TER Si Junc5.