,1 i.i ..ill ii i. 111 iia ii v rw m -m iiii m turn III T III III III V 4 WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1 9. 1857. WHOLE NUMBER 151 VOLUME XII NUMfiEK 1 15, n MISCELLANY. DREADFUL OCCURRENCB-A WOMAN DOBNT TO DEATH. Savannah, Dec. 13 About h1f-rat 12 on the night of Friday last, a mounted pa lice an J. R. Thompson ni passing up Harrison street, he tf ouj U he smelt rags 6r clothing burninj. His attention uus tlrnwn to the r sidence of Mr. Patrick Price, by the groans of some person i.i dis tress. After considerable knocking, he gnineJ admittanceand thereon the t round floor, a horrible scene pre-ented itself to his view. r r Mrs. Pi ice, aged about 55 wfe or I. Price, ly on the ground a bUckened and fearfully burnt moss, with her clothes all ourning and the flames in th att Cf com n unicnting to the furniture ami the inflam mable siuff around her. Mr. Thompson called to his aid Mounted Policeman Bragg nml some of ihe foot douce. I hey imme-. diaiely extinguished the fftrrie and tore the burning clothing from the unfortunat ? woman, whose burnt body presenteJ a fear ful spectacle. They procured some oil to pour over her and sent' for,' mo UJjd.nnd fe male assistance. Mrs." P. however, was too badly injured to recover; she asked for religious consolation and, after severe bodi ly suff-.ing, breathed her last aboui nine o'clock yvstcrday morning. - t It seems that the deceased had been no ring nenr a tabic; that a portion of her diess took fire from a ligoted candle and spread so rapidly ns to render her powerless. Her husband ws in bd up stairs nn i knew nothing of the accident till waked up by policeman Thompson, whose fortunate ad vent ai d watchfulness prevented the whole house Irom being burnt. Coroner Eden held an inquest on the bo ly yesterday; a Verdict cf accidental death was rendered. Georgian. DESTITUTION I.N NEW YORK. Those who do not visit our police sta tions nt night know but little of the vast a mount of suffering now existing; in the city. At every one of the twenty two police sta tions may be found nighily from twenty to forty wretches who are profoundly thank ful for the privilege of bei ig allowello sleep on a bench or o the stone fl or of the lodgers' cells. They are freqtentij crowded so much that there U not room for them to lie down at full length; and, when the ptners are thus filled to their utmost capacity, the homeless creatures m iy te ffrt n it any night crying when refused shelter, and thus forced to sleep in the open tiir. Many of thrm would starve but for the I aves iven nighily n nearly1 eve'ry station house to those in extreme ned The persons thus stiff-ring are not usually drunken vagabonds, but r, in hUtrlrcds of cases, mechanics w'lic' woul.'l work ,( at any kind of labor for a tn-re subsistence. - ' Ne Ydfg- .W DOCTOR, HE H'A'S DOS' FT-IT. A physician tells t c fo!ioviiig story, not without some regret on his part for the a ! vice given : 'A har l-working wom an had u drunken husband. Ho, when partly ftotn-r, wou'd get iht blues and ctflc'avor to destroy himself by t.iking laudanum lwiee did the wife uncertain that h'J had swallowed ihe dcsiructivte drug, and twice did .the doctor restore him. Upon lhe"6ec ohd restoration, the doctor addressed him as follows : VoU good Tjr'-nortnrrg-scoun drcl.ypu'don'l want to lfilf y3ursell, you merely want to anroy your if you want tb'kill yourself, w cut your, throat ami put r:tt enc ter r Vell, n way went the merely want to anroy your wife anal me. ' ' 'l -II If U .. I ...... wily nun id to the mat- doctor, and thocrght no more of his patient until, s.irre tw'o 'weeks alter, he was usrfrrfed from a spund r.aji by the t:hfc1i'ng of his night-bell. He put his hcail oul of the window and inquired 'Wh.it's the matter V -Doctor, he has done it,' was :hc reply - 'Done what?' Johh'has'takcn your adVice.' 'What ad vice V 'Why, you told him to cut his throat, and he has done jt, and he is un common dead' tl isUjme'.'' " imagine the doctor's feelings.1 Hhas since ceased giv ing such cutting' ail Itfi. . - THE PLUNDER OF DELHI: .A private letter frttm Delhi, dated Sept 37, says: "For a description of '.ho riches of Delhi my pen is Inadequate.' Cashmere shawls, inlaid with gold, bodtes covered with gold lace, slcirts of dresses, Watc'h s, bars of gold, beds of silk and down; such as ho riobleman's house in England could produce', you would see the Silks carrying out of Delhi the first day, at if they were almost nothing. A sha,wl which in Eng land, would fetch 100, they were selling fof four rupees, and, you may depend, our fellows wre not behind them It is supposed the Rifles would go to Eng. land with upwards of 81,000 each, though General Wilson has issued an order that the priz-s shall be all put together and di vided. Most of our men are worth up Wards of 10J rupees. : 'A A FRIGHTENED HOOSIER. Officer Pat Planner! jr, of Philadcl f)hiaf is fond of a good joite -he never ftiissei an opportunity.' A few days since, he was sifting on Walnut street tvharf,-wh. n-a Iong lank Hoosier, a, deck hand on one of the steamers run ning to Savannah, passed hiu, holding hi one hand a section of bread, and in (he other a huge bologna sausage. At almost every step he would sattisfy the Cravitrs of his appetite with a bite from each of aforesaid articles. Pit, no soon er saw him than lie determined upon a joke. - As the Hoosier passed Pat, a rat ran across the sidewalk, at which lie wick edly made a kick. -- - Leave that rat alone ? yelled Pat, as if angry. , - Leave it alone t replied the Hoosier. looking at Pat, wkh his mouth full of bologna 'what do you want a feller to leave that alone fur V Because it belongs to me, and I will net have it abused.' Belongs to you ! What on airth do yoof want to do witli ratsT . 'Make bologna sausages with them, sir, and right nice ones they make, too,' The Hoosier waited to hear no more, but throwing his lologna as far as the strength of his arm wo?.Id send if, witn an 'Ah-sooh ! pcht chfa !' he hastened to the nearest grocery for a three cent dram, to (as he expressed it) 'take the darned ratty taste out.' MELANCHOLY 0EATH. ChekAw.S. C. Dec. 15. On last Wednesday, the 9th ins!., Mr. Daniel Camphel, of this district, while aiding in the erection of his Mill house, l'ellfiom the frame work, and so injured his spine that lie died on Saturday night. Mr. C; mphell occupied ah' en viable position in the esteem and respect of his fellow eitizens, and fhe District can ill bear the loss of such a man. He was literally the "poor mans friend," and much suf- feriiMr was prevented bT hisr liberal iry- i i : i a : r 1 ue teayes a large auu auecnuu.ic iam ily to mourn their loss. - A GREAT SCAMP. N. S. Stimson, who is now in Ag s ta jail, charged with firing his own house in Windsor,' wVarfe; tbld confess as to a whole catalogue o( crimes that he set fire to his own house in this city that he set fire in which a woman and two chilJren were burned, a few years' since," near Deacon Mitchell's that he led the mob in burning the Church, and that lie was ringleader of the corner stone mdb on the site or ,tnj Catholic Chttrcli.' Thil he' is'a great scamp atld deserves to look through the grates. the remainder of his life we t'o not doubt, but we incline to the opinion that tle fellew i trying to work up an inf:nml repnta i n, ,v.iich will make him hero of the Claude Duval school, and embalm his. name in 'ycl ow Cov ers.' Bath Organ. TEHRIF1C OkS EXPLOSION At PiifLADEL l'HIA. ... About 4 o'clock p. m Wednesday week, there was i terrible explosion in -the Easi avenue of the Arcade, resutirig 'ja consi derable injury to two person, named Joseph Kicks and Joseph DcTvell. It appears that Mr. Kicks Lad runted a small store, and was, With DoweO, about opening it to receive his stock; he ignited n mutch fur the purpose of iihting the gas,' when suddenly Uley were Lfowh Into the avenue Mr. Kicks Wijs burned about the face and hands, and otherwise' injured. Mr. Dow ell had his left nrin broken by coming in contact with he door. The explosion was caused by the gs escaping from n con nection hole Iti the m iht pipe, and accumu lating in the ro m. PROSPECTUS "'"' ' i r thc N. C. WliN llr OK EDUCATION. -Ai the recent ineciinij of ihn N. U. KJucuiianal Aaiici iii-n, in Warrenion, the undertine-l were nin)inied a coimiiiiice 10 make lire necetary rjnyerni-n's fox publishing a monthly j arnal,' ilh ihe above title ,. . I hiving rnaJd arriipgtai' iiif foi If ni nw ihf first No in Suleiiiber iliey.rajl, with confi.lenee iip-.n 'IVai-htrs and ttl'"lt - flicer?, i send snb wripiion immi-tlijlely, ihnl iliev iiiy. be enabled to go on with the wWk. l'li: jr -,feui.a?nrel that, if llioic, who (rave the cJucaiicqjl interetla ol our State at heart, wift exert ihemaetves, the numb.-r of subscriber, nqiiisiic to injure omipU'te sac- es, enn bu vecured witbin. cno week after the liublicoiiun of this prospectus. , . ., ,. The Journal is to be (f.-vuiniretiLjroly tlo thc in tereMtsof Kduction, - 111 bS published under ihe auspices of'thlS SiisTfe fCdacatinal Aasociaiion. It will beiKk tffijan of the Asuociation and of all afli'linierf or subordinate A-ifoci.nirtns In the State, tt will labor to promote the great cause of I'duca lion in all Its gracfen, as orie cause; and to footer a general synipa hy between KMcners and offipera of Com (Hon Sehgoh, Aeadamies, and Colleges, at eo-laborers in that one great cause. Il will strive to advance Hte interests of the Comrtion School System of the tattf, ti4 undorlyina nil oiher inter est, arfd , 1fit;i:ninfj on ita vavl cruni'e bae. our great cdiicmional -uuciure ond will lurniah a chan nel of communication between the General Super intenJenl of Comaion Sch'toN and those who feel on interest in their welfare. Tae Journal will be edited by a Board of Editors, composed of O. If. Wiley", Su'perintendqnl of-Goihiton Schooli", and a number oft ho leadins TeachersjOf the State, and one local Kditor, who will receive all communica tions and superintend the publication. Alt communications .should he addressed to the Kdti'ok of Ae Journal' of Education, Green bero.W.C. , m v . C. n. WILEY, C. C. COLK. G. W. BROOKS. . W. W. HOLDEN, t: R0DXNSON, ' Committee. TERMS: The Joarnal will be published monthly, in mag azine form, in handsooje styleLand will contain 48 pages af the following rated : One copy -one year,.. . . . ,. . 4. $2 00 Six Copies," " (to oms address) . 10 10 Subscriptions required invariably in advance, and recelj ts sent in the first No. Terfiti ctf. A'dvprlwbig 1 VEAB. 6 MONfHS. 3 .MONTHS. 1 NO. S3 6 3 One page,' 75 S40 922 Half " 40 One-fourth, ;2t. 22 2 12 7, 16 lines, - iz 4 2 Advertisements by1 the year payable quartetly aii otners inontniy - Tcacherr sending $50 for 25 subscribers will be entitled to advertisements of their Schools, of 16 lines, for on year. There are at all times a number of Schools rl all grades, needing teachers, and of teachers who want situations ; ai.d it is not at all uncommon for parties thus situated loadvrtise their desires and wants in papers not expressly devoted to thecau?e of Kdueation, II all such.-by general consent, would kenp standing notice in Ihe Joarniil.lt would be an easy matter for teachers to find out all vacant situation .and for Committees and Trus tees lo learn the address of all leaefcers wanting places. : It Is, therefore, the desire of the conductors of the Journal to publish a Directory of this kind, and tn all who will furnish si an line- notices of ttielr wants very liberal deductions will be mad from the usual advertising ratea. August p. ' ' - - . ' -.- - lw6fi ' NOTICE. OWINGftothefaceof oor beiny compelled to pay Cdtr for our enpplies, we will hereafter present bills monthly. We Would ask settlements for bills Dart due, and an obsrrvsnee of h shove nntice GKORGfE MYfiRS. Oct. 2. '- 92- onrrt t. o. hhd. staves1; efuai tc J JKJ W.Sf orfotk faspectior. . For sale by j 4 G. VV. tfAVIS . - Ocl.f. ;" r - m: "-- -. 58 P0RR AND BEEF. T -I C BARRI.LSof Polk and Beef juaj received. LO A No 1 ariicle.at the family grocery No. , & 2Kront Street. , Dec.-8,'. ... i' v. t ? . .v- 110 JUST PTJJ3Ij1SUKI! prjDNEY & RDSSELL RECORDS OF Ulfc RtVOLDTIONABI ; ' CONTAINING THE OFFICIAL MILITARY AND FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF ALL THE OFFICERS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY, .From 175 to lTbs, pontainl-ie the most Interest :ing military, historical, and 'financial Informa tion during that period. A so, the organization of all the Regiments, showing the names, rank, date of commission, time of enlistment, and ser vice of the officers and privates ol each. Also, the general and brigade otders of GENERALS WASHINGTON. Lr!& GREENE, WEEDON, AND-OTHERS, In 1776, 77, and "73, showing the last trials at Valley Korge, breaking up tha encampment, or dir of march through Philadelphia, and the plan of at'ack on the British, at Moomouih Also, on account of the capture of Fort VVashiogton, and the horrors of trie risoos and prison ships of the British, in New York, with a LIST OP AMBRICaW 0FFICBUS iMi8lS0NEl, The time of trlir cafrtarK rtleasejkJ.)Asufae: " iaVoair at i V . - SOCIETY Of THE CINCINNATI. In New-Yeik, Pennsylvania, fnd Maryland. . 1st of he ihem5eis' names. Jhc i ,he half paa. eomaaatation ahd'laol trctf - of the Continentas uopgres. A complete itsc 9 ail ine OFFICERS WHO BKUVBKTd THE ESD OF THE And acculrei the rlsht to hatvur for life, com mutation, and lanaT. .Proceedings of 34th Con gress, and United States Court Of Olaim. rela tive to a restoration of the hklf.pay acts ol the old Congress, fur the beneflubr the H.EIRS OF OFFICERS OsVTHE REVOLUTION; Virginia half-iuiy and land laws; the reasons which led to ihd passage ft the Act of Jul 5, .1832. by Congress; the .names of the Virginia loffluerj who received land, with an! merest ing ; .ceount of the military Innd districts of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, lh locations of war rants, surveys, etc. REV0LUI0XARY PENSIO LAWS OF THE UNITED' STATES l tv " ' As they now exit, with commentaries thereon. Notes on the se. vices of various classes of revo lutionary officers, with an extensive list show ing the time they died, dtc, Ac. T-e. One large 12mo. Vol., of 6C0 Psges.-.friw, SI 50. ' The wor b'"i.,incnd2l, .1 5 a book of reference "to the historian and scholar, as well a furnishing a thorough gude to persons rlniniinsr title to land or pensions, from the s. rvices of ihdr fore father daring the Revolntlonary War. The volume contains the names of over 50,tK 0 officers and tcivates nf the Revolutionary Army, and "honld bk la ihe handanf all the descendants of )th bravs men who tough, under the banner of '7i. that the noble action or tnmr ameestors may not ecane retniniscenes f Ihe.r descendant. (Wlvi mast Retain thTs motk aa mement of their brave dceifj and natknt sufloriaga. ., , illy earned the salerOf r 1 iif PKIl MONTH can he easi 3liWUbrciint ii Agv-nt for the above Book, and other hitchry , . popular vviii -ot ftnncra merit, pttixisncd py us. i 4 "Agens wanted' W every city.nowsj .and village in the Vaioa. For Catalogues sndpaflic ulari, address ,..$ PUDAKV 4' RlPSSKLL.Pubslier, ?Juun strertl, JNew Vork . Koq 5. . , v i-7-4t INDIANOOT-'PILLS.f OR. J.ORSK, th? inventor of. IrfORSK-i? IN DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the greater pan of his lite is traveling, having visited tturope, Asia, and Africa as well as Nortu America has xpent three yeais among the Indians of our Wes tern country it was in this way that thc Indian Hoot Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was Ihe first man to f stnblish ihe fact that all dieearc arUe from I MPURITY OK. THE BLOOD that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital nuid. When the rarions pasfages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the different functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick corrupted and diseased; thus caus ing all pains sickntsa and distress of every name; rur strength is exhausted, our health we are de prived of, and it nature is not assistva to tftrowuig off the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked aod cease to act and Mius our light of lifo twill forever be blown out. How important, then hat we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how' pleasant to us that we have it In our power to put a medicine in your reach, n miely, Morse's Indian Root Pills, manu factured from Dlants and rots whlih grow around tihe mountalWoUSclifTaln Tiature's garden, for the health ah3 recovery of iicasid man. One of ihe roots Irom which these Pills are made is a Sudo rific, w liich opens the pore? of the skin, and as sists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corruption within. The second in a plant which is sn Expectorant, that opens and ttnclogs the passage to the lung,(nnJ tjiiis, in a sopthing man fner, pirformslts duty'by throwing ofj phlegm, and other humors from the Uins, by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and dou ble strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, iheydraw large amounts of impurity ,f roni the blood, which is then thrown ou boitntuily by the urinary or, water passage, ana w'lich Coutd not 'have been discharued in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other proper ties of ths Pi II 3 whili engaged in purifying the blood; the courser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, nre thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities by the bow els. " . - . ; From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills nor only enter the stomsch,, bin become united with the blood, for they' find Way to ie very part, and completely, rotrfjat and cJeanre the system irom an impurity, ana ine lite or tne body, which i the blood, becomes perfectly heal thy ; consequemlyall sickness 'and pan is driven from the system, fir they cannot remain when the body becomes se pure and clear. , The reason why people are so distressed when ;sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass, to the afflicted parts .and which, wilf.open. tjie natural paasage.a for the disease to te easi out; nence a; jarae.qnanuiy 01 food and other rrjatter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with, the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fer mentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted msttcr through every vein and artery, Hntillifajs taken frnl the body by disease. . Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves "victory upon victory, by restoring millions ot thc sick ro blooming health an, J happi ness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it ware, within a step of the si lent arave, now stand reader testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had il not been for thia great and wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Boot Pilla. After one or two do ses had been taken, they were astonished, and ab solutely surprised, fa witnessing their Charming effects. Not only do -they give imwredfate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguUh but they at or.ee go to work -at the foun dation of the disease, which is the blood. There fore, it Will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills,1 tttat they will so cleanse and purify, that disease thai deadly enemy will take ita flisht, and the ffuW of yotfth and beaa'y will a gain return", ard the f)ropcc of a long slid happy life will cherish arid brigltien yoaf daya. Cie-fiO. Beware of a c6onrrfelt sfgned A A.Moore. AifgenaiAe have the narirc of A. J Whitb & Co, on each box. Also the nAtrr o A.J. H'kiteipCo .Ail others are annrious 4 A. J. WHITE & CO.j Bote Proprietor, t 50 Leonard Street, New York. ; Dr. Morse's Indian - Root Pills' are sold by al dealers in Medicines. . - .. ' A cents wanted in every town. Village and ham let in the land. Parties" desiring-the agency wU address as above for terma. . w Price 25 cents per box, five boxes will be sent on receipt Off I, postage paid. 1 THiiL. Nov. 23. ... . ; ... 106-1y. . Ofali disease, the great first cause, t Springs from negject of Nature's laws. smm not When a CURE is guarantee IN ALL STAGES OF SECR E'T D I SEA SK S, Self-Abuse. Servant DM'Uy, Strictures, Gleet - Gracel. Di betes: Diseases of the Kidneys an Bladder, Mcrqurial tikf-umatitm, ScofiUa Pains in lAe Bones and Ankles,' Diseases of tk Dungs, Throaty ffose and Eyes, tJUtrs upon the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy , Epiliplic ; Fits, St. Vitas's Dance, and all. Disease ansi- tng from a derangement of the Scxuat Organs. Such ar Nervous TrembJinp, Loss of Memoryrf Loss of Power. Qreneral Weakness, Dimness of VUfon, wjth peculiar spote sppearing before the eyes, loss of Sight. Wakefulness, Dyspepsia. Liver Disease. Eruptisna Sporj the fcevraiB in the back and head, Female irregularities, and all ImnroMr diwhirei fmo Knlh mvmij ' ft rrtatiprn ljwt .freai m man mwaii mtttal&mB&B&SJrlhnr I OB' staattHig o obstinsie the case rcrvery ta eriaio, ana m .smmi tet ttixs tain wrm aenrur eSn be enecrttf bf ssjf other treatment even after the disease hss baffled the skill of emi nent physician and resisted all their means of core. The medicines are ptoaant without odor, causing no sickness, and free frora mercury or balsam. During twenty years otjjriciice, 1 have rescued from the jaws of Ueaso, many tnoassnds, who, la the last stages of the above mentioned disease had been given op to die by their phyri. elans, which" warrants me in promising to the aiBcled. who may place themselves under my care a perfect sad most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to heahhas ;they are the first causa of Consumption jEcrofula and many other d'serscsr-aB2 sitotfld be a terror to the human family, as a permanent cure is scarcely ever etlecied, a majority or the cases ratting into, ft be hands of iiiuo.npetent pemona, who not noly ail to cure tne diseasea but ruin the constitution iilng the system with mercury, whjqh with the disease, hastens thc su Meter into rapid consump tion. . Bat sHJtltd the' disease and the treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is entatiea upon th cnaren, who are bian with feeble constiialions, and the enrrent of life corrupted bv a virus which betrays itself in, Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Rfuptions and other af factioas'of the'skin, Kyes, Throat and Lungs, en tailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consigning (hem to an early grave. SKI.F ABlSK Is another formidable enemy to health, foBffttjiihg else In the dread catalogue of nun an 'diseases causes so destructive a drain up on the e'ystern, drawing its thousands of victims through few rears, of safierinsr down to an un timely gCve. Jt destroys the .Nervous System. rapidly wastes away tho energies or lire, causes mnul derangement, , prevents the proper devtlop nient ol the system, disqualitiea tor nurriaga, so ciety, bosineas, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the snfibrer wrecked lnf body and irlnd, predisposed to cowsantption and a train of evils i more lo be dreade j fullest confidence dreaded: tnaa.deatn luetr. .witn tne I esaore' ta , unfortunate vic- I tims of Self-Abuse that' a.pertnanent . c cma eteeted and WIrhtb I i ! .j... t and s pee ay abaadoomeat r I uinuni piwicn hit psWBH l practices, my oatiats ' can be restored robust, vlgoroas health. -1 ; - f '.- The afflicted are cautioned against the one of Patent Medicines, for there are so many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that million have their constitutions rained by the vi e compound of quack doctors or tha eqrisjly , poJSonoita nos tra ins vended aa "Patent.. Medicine." I' have carefully analyzed many 4jt the ao-caHeuT Patent Medicines and find that nearly all.oflem. contain Corrosive Sttblimata. which Jtme of vhe atroos- ert refpaTalfonil of mercury, and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the disease, disables the system for life.. . ., , . Three fourthiiof tb ji.tfent tvpstrcTfifi. now in u eac, pat up by unprincipled and inorat persons who do not understand even the alphabet .of the materia uicdica, and are rqually as .destitute of any krowledgeof the human system, having one object only in view, and that to make money re gardless ot conscqsence". , Irregularities arid all diseases of males and fe males treated or principles cslsbll.hed,,by , twenty years.ofVractjjce, aa.d sanctioned by thousands of thc moet remrkohle cures. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United Slates or Canadas, by patients communicating their symp toms by letter Business correspondence striclU confidential. All tetters asking advice must con tain a postage stamp. . .... .ADDRtJSS j; stnvjmHviLLE m. d., BOX No. 63. j Office No. 1131 Filbert St, old No. 109 . BKLOW TWELFTH. Oct. 24. 9i-ly. THE GREAT FEMALE PILL. DR. J. P. CREAGER is the General Agent, wholesale and retail, for Dr. "Whcating's" celebrated Kema'e Pills. These Pills are trulv valuable for Ladies, Jar they v it I restore, the Monthly Courses where thev moo stop from any cause whatever. They t ever ha$e'f, failed In any case where the direciloni.arannd the box (i.iniain ing the P.lls have been strictly followed; indeed there has no case of failure ever comu to our knowledge. Being purely vegetable they are per fectly safe. MaileJ to ordor, postpaid, upon re ceipt of one dollar by J. P.,,.Creagcr, Baltimore City. Md. fA liberal discount to Draggists. Dec 8. 1 10 3m, WHY LABOR 80 HARD WHEN , WASHING?5 iHAVK a cemicaf process for cleaning cloth ing, by the use af which the clothes. ca.u be washed very clean without baling-, and with very little rubbing. . By jfhi fuetKod much hard labor can be saved, the icaihing is done in half the time, and the clothes are very white and clean, and-last much longer, for they are not worn out bf nibbing, as by the old way of washing by ma chines, ate. The articles dsed cost bat little, and are easy to obtain. 1 mail the receipt to orJer. postage paid, .upon receipt of 50 Cents three cent postage stamps good as money. Address Dr. J. P, Creager, Baltimore city, Md. Dee. 8. 110-3m. HONEY, THE BEST OP HONEY. I HAVE a valuable receipt for making Honey, which I will send to any person upon receipt of 50 cents.. We make and use It in our family's'' half the coat, and consider it aa good aa the best article of genuine bee nfsde honejr, "from which it cannot beiold." Any . person who will makt and sell It can clear from two to three dollars a day, it only require 4 articlea to nrake it, and they can be hadatany store bV SO cents. Every family may have this delighHful laicrry, for any lady can make it in 15 minutiS a' an time. 3 cents postage a'anrps aa good Rs money. A ddress Dr. J. P'. Creager, Baltimore' city, Hd. Dec. 8. " lfg.4m SfR. CREiGER, BALTMO'ttr?, Mo., is tlrt sofe Agent' for' Dr, Winders' celeVa'sed Matrvnorflal "Series,' 3 Books NoI.-'A Bobfror Toung Men defin ed to prepare them fof Female Society, No. 2, Krrore In Courtahip t" o. 3, "Reproductive Control." Either ot which will be mailed to or- cer. postpaid, upon receipt of lo cema. . Dec. a- fl0-3n GOOD NEWS FOR LADIES ! NV Lady wfro wiU send' heir address to, Mrs. Ar. Creager, BaHimre Cltr, ui.it 7 post, age Stamps included, will receive by re'torn mail somethiof of ImnoTtance to. her. "WOMAN KNOW THYSELF awd bv HAPPY" 7 Dec. 8. ,. -U0-3m ; JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH, AFRESH sapply of PER RY DAVIS! VEGB TABLE PAIN-atlLLER, in enUre Niw Dasea. To be sure that yon get the genuine Mcd cine.lnqoirs for the Nw Dres wil b two fine en graved stedl labels on each borne. . ' .April I. . f HENRY NUTT, factor m vnvmm, .gent. Willgire hit personal attention to business entrust ea to hit care. Sept. 185G. 75-ly-c. GEQRGE MYERS, , WMLESHK AND RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand, Iftne. '1'eas, lAqiterro rrooutont, M ooO. and. v alow Ware, Fru.it, Corfectionarie, tf-e. South Front street, WILMINGTON, N. V. Nov. IS, 1855 . 109 L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE L RETAIL GROCER, i!ID DULItR IN DQUOnS. WDXES ALE, PORTER, d-c. So.a,Gratilte How, front Street, WILMINGTON, N.C Feb. I7th, lf5. I40-tf. GEO. m. D AV IS, com mi s s i Krn erc mm TrJuTH WATER STREET, Jan. 22. 132. W. O.MlLUaAN, UARBLK MANUFACTURER, Nosth Watesv St'kkkt, WtKMiiraroM, No. Ca. Monuments, Thumbs, fifed end Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble Work furnished I0 order on reasonable terms. June S. 3R-I v-e ;T HENRY JURiyfflfER t -VNOtSMi'LaVSTAIL tobaCcct, ztnuff and cigar SljORR. 1 SlfiV OKTlllJ HfDfAN CHIEF'' MARKET STREET , ue, door above Water WIImtf.Ktrin, Sf.'C. m S. Bl All Orders fitted teith despatch. Oct. 26ih. 1355 93-tdt.w-e. GEOllGK R. rU'ENCH, MANUFACTURER AND U'JIOLESALti KETA1L DEALER IN' BOOTS, SnOES, LEATHER, AND SHUE JUIMLHINUS, NO. U- M ARK B.T STREET, WIIjMINGTON, W. C March 6. CHAS. D. MYERS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market St. Wti;iti8Toi, N. c. rsNSaU, I.EGISO, AND PALM IJUf aTS, WOOL rOB, SILK. AND MOtJSSKIIV BATS. Cloth, Plcsh, Attn Silk Glasco Cars, by tne . m. avr . v w m tart- s i nt eas or dosen. Attvew 1 ora 11 nessaa ie rm-es. march 12. , . 'r:....... ADAMS, Bk0THl5R & CO , c o m M rs iqWE Re hants, wiLfNQtos, ; C. July 29. r: 58 AS. C 8MITIU ' X Mjg.leS COSTIS. ni ' n-siirriirV eft WO W.'I . avav .- -r v .j COMRSfoMlSRCHANTS,. Kd. 2, SOOTH WATER STREET, April 26". 13-1 v , DOLLNEH. G.'POTttR. Jr. J. CAMEIIDEN D0LLNER. POTTEIC & CO. C MER CHAN TS, N H W YORK. April30,1855. 20-ly. THE NORTH CAROLINA ' MUTUAL LIFE LNSURWE C0MI"k, .. RALEiGli, N. C. 1M1K above Companyh.-8 been innpurationsincc . thc Istof April, t848, under thedirectionof the ol win g Officers, vii : Dr. Charles K,.lonlisori,Prcpigen.t. VViii . r. Hay,bptt Vice llresidcnt John G. Williams, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasure. Pcrrin Uuubce, Attorney, Dr. Charles K. Johnson, ) .. , Dr.Wm.H.BlcKce, i Medical Boox-dof Dr.a.B.Haywboa', ,. cu'" J. Herswjsin, General Agpnl. , . , I This Company has received a chapter giving ad vantages tothetnsured overany otherCotnpiiny. The f Section gives the Husband the privilege tc insurenisown life for the soleuse of his Wife and Children free from any claims if the representa tivesof thehusband orany of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles,, the life mcmbersparticipaicin the irioeof the proflfs which aredcclared annually Resides, the applicant fot ifo. wnen rhe annua I premium is overt 30 may pj j one half in Note. . VH Allcla!msf0rinsuraficeagaIn8Hhe Cnmpnnywil cpaid within ninety days after proof of the death clthe party isfurnished. Slaves sre insured forone or five years, at rates arhkh will enable all iSfjtvehotJers to secure thl class of properily against the unrertaintyof life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in thehistoryof North Cnrolinff.which wiU prove very i to port a n t t o t h ft Srrsf hern Slates . Thelast four iitpr.rbs opera tioi pftfris Company shown veryl argeamounl of btioi'ncss more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. Wsw. W. H-vrbisb, Medical ExatnTner, and Agent. WilratajrYbJi, K. Q. . Alinommunics'lons oribUsTncs tof thcCompany should be addressed to , . - RICHARD H. BATTLE, Sec'y. Raleigh. Ja'ae 8. 1S57. . ItESfotAL. .... I HAVE RjCMOrKfjTMV RESIDENCE AND OKFICE to Krorit Street, next North rf P. K Dickinson JT., to the hoase fbrme'iy ocenpied by Mr. A. A. Wanet, .where, 1 car b'e i jund when not profssionally eiea'eed. . . . . WM. E. FREEMAN, M.D. Feb. 25. US JOB PRIIIISG ESTABLISHMENT, . SOUTH SjUJAHriT Sf II TH! HAMS fiOUSB ' WILMlNGTfJN, If . C. , HIE PROPKIKTORof tliic wpU known Kta1,lighment won Id eall the attention of the bosinesa community to his large and beaatiful .assortment of Type and Presses hsvinc iost added to hi stock one of & Ha. . Co's PATE??T .8IKGLK CTL1XDKR PRIST1 JTO STA CK INKS, he 1 doW enabled to do work at a much mors reasonable raid than formerly, arid In tha finest style ot tha work. CARDS. rrirYf ed from $3 to $10 w thonmnd BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, ; RECEIPTS FOR RAILROADS. STEAMBOATS. eBIHBATIOS8,tc BiJLL-HBATa, SHOP-BILLS. BILLS OK LAD1XG, AKD HEAWSGS, POSTERS AND7 PROGRAM SI ES. We would call tli attention of Concert Agent, gbow men snd others, to oar facilities for doing this kind of work. ---."" -.. .: ,. " '' - ,, .. all aan-s or ' ' ' PLATS' ANT OKNAaLENTAL PErSTIirtS, : pne in Ui Bealest manner, aod at abort notice. , Tbose in want of Priming we traat will find it to their ad t antasTi to rrr Sr nan - COMMERCIAL. BLANKS. . Tbe attention of Shipper and others is called ta oar cxtnstTg asaoi tuxait of CnonnereM Blanks. AoMMaTtka .eollectkMi ia a very fin aod handsome lot of Btlla eJEx- change, in sheets and boots. Wo-CTnber ZjiSi.- sit . - s -;' COMMEML" rpHE partnerships heretofore existing this day A. place under the nrmsof STERN A BROTHER and STERN & NEWII0FF are ditxilved by rriutnal consent. M. NEWHOFF will continue to 'do business al theold stand, as successor of o'tEik Si Bbo , and attend to the winding Up of the business affairs of mentioned turns. All having claims again&t the above nrms,ortne partners thereof individually will please present them t M. N ewhoff for set tlement pr vious lo I5th of November next ; al! those indebted to them will pleare come forward and pay up, or else their claims have to pass into officers hands for collection. L. STERN. J. STERN. -MrNWHOFF. Wilmington,' N. C, Sept.3, 1S37. 63-tf. THE OLD WELD0N HOTEL, T S NOW OPEN ON TH E SOUTH EASTSIDE I OF the Railroad as yon get in on any Road. It is open in the n ine of the newly opened. EXCHANGE HOTEL. And it ia bound to do justice to passengers in set ting tlieir meals the Proprietor pit J" ing hi in sell to s.tiUfy all who may favor him with a call, or no pay '- I Passengers will find meala ready on the arrival of every train. wLhzood Cm&rsw a (tend to them moLcrieck their basage' to-ahy point which they may oeetrv io nave it checked. The H-nise is within twenty steps of the Ticket Office, where passengers can obtain their, Tickets, without any trouble, and be in good time after; getting their dinner r supper, ss there is consid erable baggage to change. Passengers will please bear in mind that there is a house tn front of rriine, rented by the other, house to keep off" opposition, wtfich is called the New Weldon Hold, but gentlemen and ladies will pleare recollect that his house has been built on ly Bume f ur. five or six vears Id mv knowlouee. and has been occupied by thtree different persons during that lime, and has a new Proprictorat pres ent. This Old Weldoa Hotel has been -open for two months, and has not had a crowd but once since, hut it is now increasing fast in popular fa vor, s p-issengers find that the meals suit them and are always ready on th,e table when, the trains arrive from 'any point. There are red bills printed by the other house with no name attached to them, vidently designed to injure me and my house. but it cannot succeed, notwithstanding the Pro prietor and his men at the cars are particular in informing passengers that the house to. the right i1 the best, but passengers find that . the house on "the hill is not only the best, but that its table is more abundantly supplied witn tne pest, and that the waiters are more polite snd attentive to the wants of those who favor it with their presence. Please bear in mirvd that my honse is the newly opened EXCHANGE HOTEL on the hill, twen ty steps from the Ticket Office. o o ci.- too ....... d. o. OEiauu, i iujuieiur October 8, 1857. 68-tf. OUR MOTTO IS 4 10 PLEASE", AT THE ? Wilmington saddle, Harness, and Trunk Mantifaetorv. TH E subscriber respectfully I n form e t h ep ublic that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle a,fyi Harness Mountings, die. the latestand most improved style, andis constanly manufacturing, at h,i8tore on market street. every description of artlcltin ihe above line. From his experience in the business, he feelsconfident t ha newiu beableto givecntlresatistactiontoallwhc maytavor mm witn a can. nenasnowon hand and willconstantly keen a larxeassortmen lof Coach, Gis and SiMey Harness, Lady's Sadrllrs BruUcs.lhips,fc. (fetnltcTien. s Saddles, Wkipt Spurs, d"-c. feallof which he will warrant lo be of XJthe best materials and workmanship, jt S Be has also a large assortment of f rruiiks, alines. Saddle and Carnet itn -c Satchels, l' ancy Trnnks, A t.; and all other ar ticles usuallkcpt in ?ch establishments, all o which heoiierlowfer CASH, or onshortcredit oprompt customers. '' , r Saddles, Ilarness.Trunks.Redical bairs. At- 4c. niadc to order. - Inaddition tothe above the mibscriberulwa v kerns on hand a larire siipDly of Sirlwit reathr and has now, and wll k oji through the season a gooit assort nirn tot i' iy fvctts. Allaretnvited to call and examine my Goods whetherin wantornot.asl takeolensureinshww- ingmy assortrfien't toall who' may favortne with a call. Harnesrand Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture Also .Whips at wholfc'soJe. AlfiiiUo' Riding Vehicles botttrht and sold on eommissions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Feb. 7, 1857. 811 YOUNG AMERICA TARGET PISTOL Manufacturing Company. new haven;, ot. ThisiPistpl is intended as iheforerunnerof the or dinary jaistol, and js drpignrd for young 'men and boys who wish toertjay theteciting sport of firing at ii target, at the most Iriflinsr expense, and with out any danger of accident. The cheapest ordina ry pistol is thrc.i or four times the price of ihis. bt sides bting d-tnsrois in. the hands of boys. This pift.il is loaded with tho -Common Fire Cracker, which forms a complete cartritige. and will cairy a ball ten or filteen paces with th-: same precision as theordin iry piatol, but not with sufficient force to t'o any serious damage. As Ameriva if j shooting nation, the Young Americans must and will le.irn the art by whWi ouf , indnpendenct! wis secured Hence this Target Pi.nol is exactly in time, and must meet with universal sale among our youth o ihe South snd West. Its operation is perfectly sim ple, and it is not liable to get out of order. A full description will accompany every ca?6 of pistols The pistols. ire put up at. thc factory in cases of 50 each, ready lo send by .express to any part of the United States or Canada. t Retail pi ice, 25cems; by Ih'e case, 47.50. or 15 cents each. - FRENCH, HXLL & CO.. New Haven, Cl. August 27th, 1S57. 67c w NOTICE. fMIHE Wilmington and WeTdon Kail road Com M. pany have made arrangements for forwarding .til soodrf consigned to the care of the Company, and destined (or any point on the line ot itic North Carolina Road, free o f tomihUiioni. If landed on the Company's wharf, there will be no charge for wharfage or arayase; btft these ex penses wfll be incurred ff landed on sny other wharf, and will be added to the freight on the ay-bill, to be collected on delivery, by the North Carolfoa Railroad Company. N. B. -Td' avoid detention at Wilniinfton.it is essential that the amount of freight by vessels shall, ta all cae, be distinctly stated, in dollars and cent?, on each bill of lading, and if goods for more than one person sre included in the same bill of lading, the amount of freight for each con signee must be separately stated. By order or the Board ot Directors. S. L. FREMONT, Eng. dr Supt. Office of Engineer dt Superintendent, ) Wilmington. N-C. Jan. 23. 1857. ; GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! ! A PRIZK TO ETERV PTJRCHASR. at the" Quaker City Publishing House of Duane Rali son, Philadelphix. By buying a book for SI, or more, you are at once present! a witn a prize, worth from 25 cents to $103. consisting of fine gold Jewelry, Watchea, die. All orders by mail will be oromtly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of the day, and will be sold at the usual retail prices, many of thejnf for less. Persons wishing any particular book can order at once, and it will be forwarded with a sift. A cat alogue givin? fall information, with a list of books snd gifts, will be seal post paid, by addressing - P.tJANK RULISON. : T- No". 39 S. Third street, Phila. 53rAgent wanted. August 29th', IS57. - 3- SOT3m LlDIESV RETREAT. M1 RS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSICIAT. 163 Thompson, near Bleecker street. Nf York, sn'tends females daring their eonrTaenteat, and treani all diseases pecafiar to her sex. .She has commodious rooms for the aecomtaodalion of her patrons, and a patent apparatus to assist na ture. A female pill, a sate aad sure remedy for all obstructions, sent by mail with full directions on receipt of tt. tihe has also a sare remedy for pyles, and a, valuable invigorating Cordial. -Nov. W. . kOMy-w. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. JUL JOHNSTON, 'pUKfounder of this Celebrated Institution rf Lfersthe most certain, Speedy and onlj tfltt tit ai reojedy in the world lor SECRET DISEASES. s Gleets, Strictures, Seminal eakntt .Pains in the Loins, Constitutional 'Debility, Jnipotincy Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Afli ttionv o the Kidneys. Palpitation ol the Heart, D)i"-et tia itrvous Jrritabiity, Disrate l (he Hcs.d,1 hroa Nosl or Skin ; those serious und nielatulioiy dnor drrsarifing from the destructive habits of Youth which destroy both body ar.d mind. These secre and solitary practices . more fatal to their viiim than thc aong- bf ihe Syreits to the niarimts 6 Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant not tt or an ticipations, rendering marriage, dec., imporsibla YOL'AGMJ-JX. . Especially, who have become Ihe victims of Soli-a -ry Tice, that dreadful snd destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thonsands o f young men of the most exalted talents and briin,n. intellect, wh.rtigh of4ierwiat have entranced lis- icmop penaics witn tne inunocrsoi eioqurnrc or waked toecstaey theHvlnglyresy call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married peron, or Voung Men, contemplatlr.p marriage, beins awarrof Phvsiral Weakn.v n. ganic Debility, Deforniiiies, dcc.shoald imn.edi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect -health. He who places himself underthecareornr.tnt-. ston may religiously confide in his honor as a irn tleman.and confidently rely upon hisskill asa chv sician. . J . Da. Johnston is the only regularly Ediictrd Physician advtrtiting tocuie Privjne t oniplaint. His remedies and treatment are entirelv 2 ' tnall others. Prepand Irom a life mm i ,ur Great Hospitals of Europe and thc Kire, in Country, viz : England, France, the Ulockk v oi Philadelphia, tf-c, and a more exu nsive practice than any other physician in the world. His manv wonderlul cure&and most important Surgii al Cp erationa is a sufficient guarantee to the ttiiitted - -Toae who with to be aveeoilv and ctTa-tvalh, ed. should shun the numerous trifiirg imposfers hH only rain their health, ant) apply to him. ' A tvUltrt. w A lilt A iM ifc 1 Oil AO CHARGE No Merciu y or Nansrovg Di vsrm ," OFFICE No. 7, SOUTH FREDEHltK. St. left hand sida going from KaliJii oifr nmi t. a f. do.irs from the comer- .Fail r.o to err, iv hit name and namber, for ignorant triflir g importet P attracted by the reputation of Dr. Jchnstcn, luik nn. jotikstok. Memberofthe Royal Colleee of Surgeon, r graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of i r i i -",-" Mic enaier part ol whose ...I .. . . q w.A k a sudden sounds, and bashfuina-ss. iih r. S blushing,attended sometimes withderangta enl r mind, werecurcd immediately. A UlullTAIN, DISEASE. When the missuided and irnnnW.., -r pleasure finds he has imbibrd Ihe sttds of .litf painful disease, it too oftrn hannf-na that m ed sense of shame, or dread f discovery, dtters ............. vtr'"jn o uiose who. irom education and respertabiiit.y.can alone hpfri.nri i i... j. i-- tng till the constitutional ymptomof thi hoirifl disease make their appearance sui h is nlreraK d sore thrpat.dtseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of fiehl. deafness, nodes on the shin bonesand snns. blotches on the hi ad face and extremities, progressing with frighiitjlra -' .in a i.wl ue paiaie of tne mouth or Ike bonef of the nose fall In: and ih r.i. i ue iias uci uBueni in ine ti on pi (a Is ol London Par is, Philadelphia. and elsewhere, has effected 'son e of the moatastonithingcuresthat wcreeverknown uuuiricu nun linfin; in inn n awfuldisease becomes a horrid objtel of commir seraunn ,ttll death putsajieritfd lo his dreadful suf, ferings, by sertdlne htm- vothar 1 mtWlro TnT whence no traveller returns." To such thr..rr- Dr. Johnston pledges himself to nrcs-rvk ihn inviolable setresr; and. from his extensive nraA. ticetn the hrst Hospitals of Europe and America heeajifconfidrntly rccomnifii. safe snd ,,rd cure to the unfortnnn'c vieiiih c4 fija? horrid dis ease. It is a melancholy fac. tnat ihn,,...j. r. , . victims to this dreadful complaint, owing lotht i,n- -skilfulnrrs or ignorant prett hdeis, who. by tie t re of that deadly poison. mercury, ruin theconrlitu tton, and either send Ihe unfortunate f aflf-rr r to an untimely grave.or else make the residue ol lift n.is. erable. TAKE PARTICULAR A0TICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who ha Vf iniiirjiit 1..M selves by private and improper indulgences. nii-sc.itwimot me 8ad anf nielancLoly ef -feels, produced by early habits of yr-uth vtz Weakness of ibe Back and Limbs, Pains Jnthe - nu.iimun.ui igm, loss r Muscular riw -er. Palpitation vt the Heart. Drsronw. .. . irritability Derangement of tl e Digestive fat c- iioni. uciicrat leonity, Syrwpionia ofConsonr tton.&'C. ' " AT.nl..lln Tl,.f,...l,.i.(r..... . -t . . much to be dreaded; Loss ol Alefuory. Cfnfui.n of Ideas, Depression' of. Spirits. Kvii Foreb.-riii Aversion of Society, Melt Diftiust, I.ov,- ufi'lil .... .....,M,,iin un m( mira arc tu je.Timidity.dcc. utc.are some ot tie viis f. rod nr. d. i persons of allagcs, can nr.w judte -e of iftfcJr tfccUniftg health. I i- 1 housauas of i what is the c3u. tnif their vfgor. becoming w-i.k, rale ar.d . n. ted, have a singular appearacce about the evis cough and eytiiptofnsof consuniption. DR. JOHNSTON'S IN VIGOK ATING RFBI F D V FOR OKGA'XiC W KAKNFSS ' Bytlns greai and inporfant rcncdy nct.ki.crE oi the organs a re speedily cured and full vigtr r stoi il Thouyatidsi of ihe rnpSi, Acrvous ai.d Debilitand -individuals who had iosl all hope. Web , n imme diately relieved. All impedimt ni to Hi Al.UlACK Physical r Mental Dqualifimtions. Ntrvot.f Ir tiabilnv Tremblings snd Weakness, or exhaustion Johwt6n6 tcatIU1 kind 'Pedily ruud by Dr Young men wio have Injured thcmstlvcs br a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frrquenily l.jarned from evil cofi ni.r.ifre. or at school, the eflefcts . .f which are nl4.-l.1Iy fell, even when aslcfp, aha if not cured. rn.lt n..,,!,.. tmporsiblcand destroys botl mind sndfcody.stould iiiiiiicuiairiji What a pit v that a voung man. the bono nff i country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from aii prospects and enjoyment of life, by theconsoqnenccs of deviating from the path ; nature, and indulging in a certain secre t l:aW t. Such persons, before coniempla;jns? Should reflect that a sound mind a.nd borfr are tl.e most necessary reqoisites :o promote connuUa 1 happiness. Indeed, without thu ;..,.... through life becomes a weary pilgrimages thr pros pect hourly darkens to the view,- the mind fcecer a shadowed with despair and fillrf ;h . 1.- . choly reflection that the happiness of another be comes blishted with on rown. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK-ST., .1, 0 . . ! BatTfatoss, r. All 5nrj?Ical Operations Peiloimrd. N B- Let no false delieaev nr.v... v-n apply immediately either personally or b kttcr. TO STRANGERS. The iatbelact ten years, snd the numerous in par tant Surgical Operations perfoitrwd by Dr. J.. wit nessed by ihe Reporters of the papers, ard man other persons. notices of which have arpcsiri'agaiB and again before tbe public, besides his Maitdin uarestltiBassf character and responsibility, ir uuicicsi BTnaranier'io tne amirted. TAKE NOTICE. W l' ilhtheiwu rJoetaitetriat JV. Jlfl jrarrOJS , fall into the houof the inny in, pn dent and ttnVomj Iroposter, witn i nimmmWc al Ka and eon Wne Uaaeksnons. mrniiw thmkn. 4; 1 Jokxbto s Ivrrfi-rT-nt or adTertisinc thn:srn VBVBiaiarn.initeratc.bailowJnaiiwdMhnra. toafcuy- to wor i at thety original trade. With smrer tn iV -yoi 4 wvmt. wDo.Tortneparcseef Entirias- sad Decciv U. "O7 five "T !x "t&c. voder as a srj oiflrM t Fatae 5.m. o that th afflfet ptis 1 it fmmtna on, im sare to t arable hadkBsr ito IhalnrT. Iirrrrt TiTT ""."wnwna rring eertieatea of arreat -tontabtiearMfronfpfTaoMBotto iw fmirvd. -mhr, Vrrjt yoa takiac lanre bottler Ieeaics Wim and otfc.r paekaees of nltby and wovfhtesa eompoands. ennr.ir.gty prepared to impoaeapoii thswnfortBBatrsn nnjrt -Ina:- Trillins; month after month, or as lowr as the somII est fee east be obtained uut im -...f. u... vna arfta . rained health, ta tAgh oyer jroax aalang diaap4i n meat. w inn nwniui iB.1oee SJr. y . to Mwn. m araavowaeta evan mi. - Ta theae'aTiaeajaaliited wtth lit repatation. he deema tt nwmiry toaay that bis eredrc tial" or dtr-tOMi alwara rare fit rt nWee. . KO L1TTIB8 RECETVXO UNLESS POSTTalD ml eowtainl; r Ptemp to be us 4 tor tba replr.- fer mm writing aheartd state go and tend that cWtieat o advertisemeBt wa,irbiiM sywptisuisT r-t-Id' Jan. sf. use r,