WHOLE NUMBER 1519 VOLUME XII- NUMBER; ! 18 WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29. 1857. yaw.,- MISCELLANY. HOW TH E SCHOOL-MASTER MAR RIED A FORTUNE. BT MAJOR JOSEPH JONES. I'.'a about ten years ago tense the inci dent what I'm gwino to tell tuk place. It caused a great sensation in Pineviiee at tbe .me, and had the effect to make fellers monstrous careful how thejr runaway with ether people's darters without ther consent ever sense. Mr. Ebenzer Doolittie was the bomina blest man after rich puis that ever was. He had'nt been keepin school in Pi.ieville mor'n six months, before he had found out ever gal in the settlement whose father had twenty niggers, and had courted all of them in a .ay's ri le. He was rather old to be populnt with the gals, and somehow they dirinl like his was, and the way they jl id bluff him off was enough to discourage 'any body but a Yankee schoolmaster who wanted to get married , and had'nt many years of grace left. Bui it didn't ?rem to male? no sort of difference to him. Ha un dertook em by the job He wts bound to hare a rich wife out of some of em, and if he failed in one case, it only made him more persevenn in the next. His motter was 'never say die !' Betty Darling, as they need to call her old Mr. D'tHing's darter, what used to lire out on the Runs was about I e torn downest mischief of a gal in all Georgia. uetty was rich and handsome an1 smart, and had more admirers than she could shake a stick at, but she was sicn a tor mentin little coquet thai the boys were afraid to court her in down right earnest. When Doolittie foui d her out he went rit at her, like a house on hre one was jest the gal for him, and be was termined to havv her at th risk of his life. Well be laid scigo to old Darling, house day and nite, and when he couldn't leave hiB school to go and see her, he rit letters to her that was enough to throw any other gal but lie try into a fit of highstencks to read em. Jest as everybody expected af ter encournging him jest enough to make o. feller believe he had the thing ded, she kicked him flat. But shaw, he was rer fectly used to that, and he was too much of a nlosopher to be discouraged by sich a rebuff, when toe game was wo.th pur sum. He didn t lose a minims tune, but jest brushed up and wint rite at t.er agin, tve rybody was perfectly surprised to see him gwine back to old Mr. Darling's after the way ho was treated by Betty ; but they was a good deal more surprised and the boys were terribly alarmed in ibout a month el the headway he seemed to make in his eul . HII ht once, Betty's conduct see -el to change towards htm, and though hei father and mother was terribly opposed to the match, anybody could see mat she was beginnin to (ike the srhool master very well. . Things went on in this way for a while till bitnrby ol 1 Darlinir bHn to get unea ey about it, and told Mr. Doolittie one day thnt he musn t come to his house no more end if he ketcht him sr n.iin any more love letters and kiss verses to his daughter by his niggor gnls, he'd make one of his boys give him a alhrett cowrndtn. But Mr. Doolittie didn't care for that neither. He could see Btty when she comeashopin in the stores in town, and there was mo'n one way to git letters to her. What did be care for old Dar?inst His darter was hed and hurt in love with him, and was jest the gal o runaway with him too, if she was opposed by her parent: and as for the properly, he was certain to git that when he married the gal, Betty. One Saturday, when th-r was no school Mr. Doolit l went to old Squire Rogers, and told him he must be reddy to marry a couple that nite at exactly ten o'cloh. 'Mum,' see he, you mustn't say a word to nobody, Squire ;Th- licence i all ready and the party wants to be very private. Squire Rogers whs one of the most ac commodatin old fellers i the world on sicn occasions. Mrs. Rogers whs a monstrous cranky, cross old lady, and nothing done the old Squire so much good as to .marry other people, if. didn t mke no odds who they was. Besides Mr. Doolittie was an injured man and a great scholar in bis opinion, and belonged to his church. Mr. Doolittie had arranged the whole business in first rate order. Belly was to meet him at tho end of her father's lane disguised in a ridin dress uorrowed for the occasion, wfren he was to take her in a close one horse barouche and 'fly with her cn the wings of love,' as he sed he would to the Squiro's office, war they was to be united in the bonds of wedlock before any body in the village know'd any thing a bout it. He bad n.ade arrangements at the hotel for a room which he seed fixed up himself for the auspicious occasion, and Le had rit a letter to a friend of bis down in Augusty to be tbar next week to take charge of bis school as bethought it might be necessary for him to keep out of lb way of old Darling for a few weeks, till the old feller cou'd ha e time to come to. All day Mr. Doolittie was buslin about as if he wasn't certun which eends he stood on while the snnsbineof his heart beamed from his tallet colored face in a way to let evejy body know something extraordina ry whs g wine fo happen. Jest after dark he mout have been seen drivin out by i.imselfina barouche lovtrd old Darlin's. Eveiy body (peeled some thing, and all hands was ot the lookout. It was plain to see Squire Rogers import ance was swelled up c nsnlerable with something, but nobody couldn't get a word out of him. Mr. Doolittie didn't spare the lash after be got out of i tie of town, and with strain ing eys and palpitating heart, he soon rache d the place appointed to meet the object of bis consuming affections.. Was he thar 7 No I Yes f Is it I Yen thar she is the dear ei enter The skirt of her nankeen ridin dress, what sets clost to her angelic form, fluttering in the breeze. She stands linvdly crouch in in the corner cf ibe fence holdiu her vale clost over her lovely fac ; trimblm every jint for fear she ' " . -S i .. ' ' ' " . mout be discovered and tore awuy from the arms of her devoted Ebenezer 1 'Dearest angel' sez he, in a low kind of voice. ' Oh, Ebenezer I and she kind of feT in bis arms. ' 'Compose yourself, my Jove.' 'Oh, if father , Don't fear, dearest, creatur. My arm shall protect you agin tr.e world.' And then be was jest guin.c id pull .iwny h t vale or kiss. her ' 'Oh,' sez : shey'did'nt I hear somebody comin V 'hh. 'sBZ he looknm round, L-t um in 7 . . , - my deur,' - And with that he helped her iriiolhe b roush. and contented himself with i nrin tin a burin kiss that almost singed the kid glove on her dear little baud, as he closed the door. Then jumpui on the froi.t sei.t, be drove as fast , as he co.l to town, r-n couraging her all the way, and swearut to her how he WouM luve and make net una py.. and telli :e hr now ther f ur.er and mothei would forgive her ami think jest us m th of htr as ever. :Pore gul f she was so. terribly agitated thai she couldn't flu not hut but sob und er which made Mr. Dooiutle love her more and sware harder. When they got to the Squire's effice, and the boya- that was on the watch seed him help her eut of the barouche, everybody knowed her at once, in spile of her disguise and sich another excitetnent was never seed in Pmeville. Sum of the fellers was half out their .eases, and il was necessary to hurry the ceremony over as quick as possible for fear of ben interrupted by the r w that was evidently bruin. 'Be quick, Squire,' ses Doolittie, hanlin out ti e license, and shnkm like he had an agar, for Miss Darniig is very much agita lated. The Squire hardly waited to wip his spectacles, and did'ni take time to enjoy himself in redin the ceieinony slow, and puttin the dirni-siuii quiver in his voice, like he always did. J he noise was gettin loui er out of doors, and somebody was knockin to eil in. KJh I' sea Betty, leanin on Mr. Doolit le's arm for support. 'Go on.' ses Doolittie pressin her' to his side, his eyes on the Squire, and Lis face as white as a sheet. 'Oten the i:oor. Roarers,' ses a hoarse voice outside. But the Squire did'nt hear nothin til he pronounced the words of the ceremony, anJ Ebenezer Doolittie and Jlizabesh Darling were pronounced man and wife. Jest then the door opened, tn rushed old Mr. Darling, and Bill and Sain Darling f (lowed by a hole pile uf fellers. The bride screamed aid fell -into the rms of triumphant Doolittie. ' l ake hold of her V ses old Darliug, flou r ishing his cane over his head. ' i ake hold of the huzzy !' 'Stand off I'' ses Doolittie, throwin him self in real stage attitude, and supportiu his faintin bride on one arm. Suind off, old man I she is my lawful wife, and 1 proc aim the protection of the law. 'Knock hitn down 1 take hold of him ! ses It alf a- doeen ; and Bt I Darlii.g grab bed the bridegroom by the neck, while Squire Rogers jumped up on the table and Uollered out 'I command the peacr ! I command the peace in the name of the Stita of Gorgit!' 'She's my wife f my lawful wife!" shout ed Dooiutle. 'I call upjn the Iw !' Just then llvt: bride got over her fainilna fit and raised her drooping head ibe veil fell off, aud oh I ci lei fate I Mr Ebenezer Doolittie stood pi-trified with horror, hold ing in his arms, not Miss Be'ty, but Miss Betty's wattin umid, one of the blackest niggers fn Georgia, who at the interesting crisis, rolled her eyes u on him lixe two pealed onions, and throwing heir arms u round his neck exclaimed 'Die is my dear husband whHt .Miss Boti ly g'd me her own self! Sich a shout as did fuller 'Go to the devil, you bUck ses Doolittie, tryin to pull away from her. 'Stick to him, Silla,' says the fellers, -hVs yours accordin to law.' . . OIp Squire Kogers looked like he'd mr ned his last couple, poor old man, and hadn't a word to say for himself. The boys and the young Darlings liked to laughed themselves to death, while old Darling who was mad as a hor et, was to hnve Doolittie arrested for nigger stealin riht off. Pour Drolitle He mad out, at last, fo " it looe from his wifh, and find the bnck uor. He haint never b-en heard of ir i ii.evi'H from that dy to this. - LUCK A German in Albany Utcly ume inio possession of '24,000, the bequest of his wife, who ran away to . California . wuh another man some year ago. made money infamously, but repented on her death bed, arid made atonement by leaving.her money to the . injured husband. .Meanwhile the German married a second wife and has neveral children, who will have the benefit of the fortune so oddily come by. LONDON SHObi BLACKS. The shoe blacks of London are forried into a regular brigade, under suitable su- pei vision. I he third ann lal report, just published, states that the earaings of forty boys for the past year have amounted to 2,880 Of this sum 1,815 was paid fir their maintenance, and Ibe balance is plac ed to the r credit in ibe saving bank. YOU.NG AMERICA A I d obont 1 1 y.-ars, ws "dropped .ff" The train at PImer. one day last week, the conductor ih'nkinf he would find his' way to i he StaJ.e Almshouse,ibut Ybone America had no idea of accepting such charity, and declared his intent.'on of work ing hi way West,', penniless thousn. hr was. The Dhilosonbv of the precocious lad secured h ra comfortable quarters for the night, and s the n-xt day be ' went on ; one of his sayings, was thai in ti e room1 of a supper, he had buckled bis belt a lit. tie tighter, and should let it out and fill up wneo oe got sometoin to eau A LiBb AL L. N ULOB 1 ASU tMPLOVEK. A correspondent of the Hartf.rd (Conn.) Times states that Colonel Colt, who on the first of October reduced the rent nf his tenants within his improvements on the South Meadows,- 5 per Cent to the con tractors, and 20 per cent to all the labor ers in his employ, again on the eve of win ter sei.t a thmiksgivinz present Of a barrel of flour o t rie and all the tenttnts irt his villajre. He ha in his employ six hund red :.ien. of which 276 are men with fami lies. ":'Z " : SERI')U? COiLtStf'-ff DS TIlK N ASflVILLE AND CHATTANOOGA HAlLBOAD. Bv tlie ' -iiiifiM'tiitiata collision of two lraiiisoti this road last Monday night fortnight, the two engines t2a kin and Hoton, were much injured and two big sage- cars completely wrecked. The' following persons were wounded i John Rynian, lfg broken j Jack Nat, engin eer, ankle broken! C. VV Washburn, engineer, leg broken ; J. Skinner; bag "aye master, arm broken. Another Accident. - The Nashville Gazette of W ednesday, says : Information was recelvexl here last night of another distressing accident on the Chattanooga Railroad. The tele graph states that the train ran off ' the track yesterday about the same plac that the collision occured on the day previons, by which one man was kille1, and a woman so badly injured that death is expected to ensue immediately. Ir addition to the abovej we learn from a dispatch received last night, that another man had his leg broken; NOTICE. rsiHK Wilmington ad Aeldon Kailroad I 'om JL pany have made arrangements for forwarding all voods eonaigned to the care of the Company, and destined lor any . point on the line ot the North Carolina Koad, ree of hanmisrion. If landed on the Company's wharf, there will be no charge for wharfage or drayage but these ex penses will be incurred if landad on any other wharf, and will be added to the freight on the ty-bill, to be cd!)6cied oh delivery, by the North Carolina Kailroad Oorilpany. N. B. To avoid detention at Wilmington, it la eemlal thai the amount of freight by vessels xhall. in all catet, be distinctly staled, in dollars ami eenlr. on each bill of lading, and if goods for more tfvv one pcrrt aire Ineluded ia the same bill of lading, Ihs amount of freight for each con signee must bs Separately staled. By order of the Board of Directors. S. L. KRE WONT, Eng f- npt,. Office of Engineer Snperinfendent, I Wllmlngion. N. C. Jan. 23. 1857. j NOTICE. OWING to the face of our Beirijf compelled to pay Coat for our supplies, we will hereafter preienl bilU monthly. We wnuld ask settlements for bills pari due, and an observance of the above nonce. GEORGE MVBUS. Oct. 24. 92- . OUR MOTTO IS T0 PLEASE" AT THE tVilinlUKton Saddle, Harness, and TruuL Mauufaetory. X' H K s ubscriber respectlatly i n forms t h ep ublic that hi-hits recently received addition it hi stock oi Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac. the latest and most improved style, and is vonstanly manufacturing, a this store on market street .every description of articlein the above line. Prom hit experiincf in the business, he feels confident t ha hrwill bt-able to giveentirt aatlsfsctlontoallwhc tnayfavor him with a call. Hahasnowon hand and wilksonstantly keen a laraeaasortmen tof Coar., (7? anif Sultry Harness, Lady's SaMUs, BnMrt H'hipx fre.. Gentlemen's Saddles, Whipi Spurs. allot which he will warrant to be offer ' tdtlie best materials and workmanship. "He has' also. a large assortment of -rruuks, alii.es, Haddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels. l iM-y Trunks, dec, and s II other ar ticleik usually kept in cb establishments,!! o w'tich Iteoflerflowfei 7 ASH, or onshgrtcredif to roinpt customers. S id.ileeiHarrtes.Trunks,Itedical Hags, dee Ac. ritiJp to order. i.n addition tot he above, the subscriber.il way It. i pob hand a large supply of String Leather and has how, and will ke?pthrongh the season a 1:00,1 assortment of Fly Bivtts. . Allaremvited to c.ill and examine my Good hctwriti waptor notasl takepteasureinshxw. tag my assortthem to all who may favor me with rail. Harnessand f'oach Trimmings sold at a fair nrc to persons buying to manufacture. Also .Whirs at wholesale. !l ;lil I iiiii Vehicles bought nd sold -oro nislort JOHiN J. CONOLEY. ' .(. nr gi - ..rilE NORTH CAROLINA 1H TUAL MFL INSURANCE CO.UP'V , HALEIOU, N. U. UK above Company he a been inoperationsinct i the isiol April, 843, under the directlbr.of th ol : winy UBicerS, vis 1 Dr. Charles K,Jonhson,Presiiehtr Wb.J. Haywood, Vice President John G. Williams, Secretary, 1, in. H. Jones. Treasure. Perrin Itusbee, Attorney , - r; Dr. Charles E. Johnson, j . , Dr.Wai.H.McKee. i Medieai Domtt tf Dr. It.B.Hsywood, " S ' Cont" J.llersmatt, GenSrSl Agent." This inpany has received a charter giving ad nntages toihe insured over any other Company. 1'lief Section gives the Husband the trivilevti insiir nisown afeforthe sole use of his Wife and Children f'rte from any claihistf the represents. tivesoi tnenusnanaoraqy 01 his creditors. Orgsntsed on purely thUlUul arinclDlee. the Ufa mcmbnrssarticlpstein the rrhoitof the profits which arrioclared annually Pesides. the abblicabi tot ife. wnen the annna I premium is oVerS30 may pat iine in 1, vie . . : llclaimsfor insurance againstihe Company wll tpaid within ninety daysafterproof of the death !ths party iafurnished. Slavea are insured foroae or five rears, at ntn which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi class oitf openly again st the uncertainty of life. Slavr insarance oresent(.a new and Internatln : leatnrr in the history of North Caroline.which wiU prove very important to the Southern States,- I nelast roar months o Deration -fihis Comnanv fhowsa vervl argeamount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having in-iuriineg mure Kiiao xw r OllCies ur. wh. w. habbiss. Medical Examiner, and Agrnt: Wilmington. N.C. n ''ommanrea'Ionsonbasiaessof theConiDaar Hould bsaddrrssrd to - " . ' RICHARD H. BATTLE, See'y. Raleigh.Jone8.I867.r ; , , JUST IN STOREl 7 A PPLKf 20 barrels, Urge sad fine. tV OK.ANGKS A large lot, sweet and in good rdrr - . ,, LI MRS -In any quantity to salt pirchasers. RtlSINs 5 boxes, new erop. . .CAN DIE A choice assortment from the bet manufactories. . Kor snle as wanted by ' - W. H. DsNEALE, V, Nov 28 No. 40 Market street. . RE.1I0FIL f MA VK REMOVED Mf RESIDENCE AND I OFFICE to Front Street, next North of P. K Dickiasoa qr.. to the house tarmHr oeenuied Mr A. A. Wanei, where I can hei va ad when nt professionally exeaeed.- , . , Wfll.- Ex F&KEtt APT, V. D. Feb, 25 .. -- . . ' 1 46. qHE partnerships heretofore existing this day A plaee Onder the finnsof -' STERN &, BROTHER and STERN & NEWHOFF are dissolved by mutual consent. M. NEWHOFF will continue to do business at the old stand, as successor f Stesst 4k Brno., and attend to the winding up of the business affairs of mentioned firms. All having claims against the above firms, or the partners thereof individually will please present them to M. Nawaorr for set tlement pr vious to 15th of November next ; a I! those indebted 10 them will plesse come forward and pay up, or else their claims have to pass into officers hands for collection. ... L. STERN. J. STERN. M..NEWHOFF. Wilmington, ft. C, Sept. 3, 1837. 83-lf. - TRE OLD WELD0N HOTEL IS NOW OPEN ON THE SOUTH EAST SIDE OP the Railroad as you get in on any Road. It is open in the name of the newly opened. EXCHANGE HOTEL. And it is bound to do justice to passengers In get ting their meals the Proprietor pledging himself to satisfy all who may favor him with a call, or 00 tsy . r . . Passengers will find meals ready on the arrival of every train, with good Porters to attend to them and check their baggage to any point which they may desire to have it checked. . The House Is within twenty steps of the Ticket Office, where passengers can obtain their Tickets without sny trouble, jind be ia good time after getting their dinner or supper, as : there Is consid erable baggage to change. Passengers wilt please bear in mind that there is a house in front of mine, rented by the other house to keep off opposition, which is called the New Weldon Hotel, but gentlemen and ladies wil please! recollect that 'his huuse has Been built an ly some four, five or six years to my knowledge, and has been occupied by three different persons during that time, and has a new Proprietorat pres ent. This Old Weldoa Hotel has been open for two months, and has not had a crowd but once since, but it is now incessing fast in populsr fa vor, as passengers find that the msals suit them .and are always ready on the table when the trains arrive from any point. There are red bills printed by the other house with no name attached 10 them, evidently designed to injurs me and my house, but it cannot succeed, notwithstanding the Pro prietor and his men at the cars are particular in informing passengers that the house 10 the right is the best, but parsengers find that the house on the hill is not only the best, but that Its table is more abundantly supplied with the best, and that the waiters sre more polite snd attentive to the wantaof those who favor it with their presence. Please bear in mind thnt my honse is the newly opened EXCHAXGE HOTEL on the hill, twen ty steps front the Ticket Office. , B, B. 5BA&9,- Proprietor. October 8, 1857. 68-tf. "drTaiorse's INDIAN ROOT PILLS. DR. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN DIAN ROOT PILLS, haa spent the greater pan of his life is traveling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa as well as North America has spent three years among the Indians of our Wes tern country it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all dieeasca arise from IMPURITY OP THE BLOOD that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not-set in perfect hsrmony with the different functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick corrupted and diseased; thus caus ing all pains Sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhausted, our hesith we are de prived of, and If nature is not assisted in throwing off the st.ignont Rumors, the blood will become choked and cease to ubt and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. How important, then that we should keep tHe various pdssdges of the body free and open. And bow pledsant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach, namely, Mr?e's Indian Root Pills, manu factured from plants snd roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs in Nature's garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. Oaeef the roots from which these Pitl se made is a ' Sudo rific, which opens the pores of the skin, and as sists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corruption within. The second Is a plant which is sn Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, snd tnus, in d ioolhihg man nrr, performs its duty by throwing off phlegm, snd other humors trom the lungs, by copious spitting. Thr third is a Diuretic, which gives ease end dou ble strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountllully by the urinary er water passage, snd which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other proper ties of ths Pills whili engsged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, sre thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities by the bow els. - From the above, It is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomsch, btt become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rout out and cleanre the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blood, becomes perfectly heal thy; conseqiienilyal! sickness "and pain is driven from the system, far they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts and which will open the natural passages for the disease to be east out; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter Is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fer mentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, nntil life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves Victory upon victory, by restoring millions ot the sick 10 blooming health ami happi ness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames Jiave been scorched by the burning elements of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it Ware, within a step of the si lent graves now stand reader to testify that they would have been numbered with the deed, had it not been for this great arid wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two do ses had been, taken, they were astonished, and ab solutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give Immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish but they at once gd to work at the foun dation of 1 he disease, which is the blood. There fore, it Will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse snd purify, that disease that deadly enemy will take its flisht, and the flush of youth and beauty will a gain return, and the prospee of a long and happy life will cherish sad brighten youi days. . C actios. Beware of a counterfeit signed 4 A. Moor. All genuine hivo the name of A.J Whits dt Co, on each box Also the signature A.J. HTiitetf- Co All others are spnrioas A. J. WHITE dt CO., SoU Proprietors, SO Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by al dealers in Medicines. ' Agents wanted ia every town, village and ham let In the land. Parties desiring the agency wil address ss above for terms. Price 25 cents per box, five botes will be sent on receipt of St, tkcs paidi ; Nov. 23. . "r'-'" ' 106-ty : GIFTS ! GIFTS ! ! GIFTS !! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASES, at the Quaker City Publishing House of Dusne Ruli son, Philadelphia. By buying a book for SI, or more, you ara at once presented with a prize, worth from 25 eeavts to S100. Consisting of fins gold Jewelry, Wstehes, dtc. All ordets by mail will be oromily filled, aad the prixe or prises will accompany the books. Oar list contain all of the most popular books of the day. and ; will be sold at the asaal retail prices, many of them for less Persons wishing sny particular book can order al once, and it will be forwarded with a gift. A cat alogue giving fail information, with a list of books and girts, will be sent post paid, bv sddressinr - - . DUANB RDLISOM. - . No. 33 S. Third strtet, Phila. IjpAgent wanted. - - Aogost 29th, 1857. ' - ' 63tw3m ' ' CANDIES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of delfctotrs Can xl dies, aad other articles too numerous to men tion. Dm. 34. WU. II. DaNEALS. " " Of all disease, the great first cause Springs from neglect of Nat a re's laws. SUFFER" NOT ! -When a CURE is guaranteed - - US ALL STAGES OF SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleet Gravel, Di betes. Diseases of the Kidneys an Bladder, Mercurial RAeumatism, Scrofula ; Pains in the Bones and Ankles f Diseases of th Langs, Throat j Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body or Ldmbs, Cancers, Dropsy, EpUiplic fits, St. Vilas's Dance, and all Diseases arisi- i tng from a derangement of the Sexual Organs. Such ar Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memory Loss of Power. General Weakness, Dimoessof Vision, with peculiar spots appearing beforj the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspepsia. Liver Disea-Ms. Eruptisns upon the face, Pain in the back and head, Female irregularities snd all improper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease originated, how ever long standing or obstinate the case recovery is certain; and in a shorter time than a perma nent cure caa be effected by any other treatment even after the disease has baffled the skill of emi nent physician and resisted all their, means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness, and free from mercury or balsam. During twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of Death, many thousands, who, In the last stages of the above mentioned disease had been given np to die by their phyi ciana, which warrants me ia pritmising to the afBcted. who may place themselves under my care a perfect and most speedy core. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of consumption, 6'croftila and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family, aa a permanent care is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the cases falling into, fthe hands of imcoiiipetent persons, who not noly ail toeure the diseases but ruin the constitution, filing the system with mercury, which with the disease, hastens the sufferer into rapid consump tion. Bnt should the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, tho disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, snd the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other af foctiona" of the akin, Eyes, Throat and Lungs, en tailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy te health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of nun an diseases causes so destructive a drain up on the system drawing its thousands of victims through few years uf suffering down to an un timely grave. It destroys the Nervous System, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper develop ment ot the system, disqualifies for marriage, so ciety, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and rrind. predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate vic tims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure, can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices, my patients can be restored robust, vigorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there sre so many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, thst millions have their constitutions ruined by the vi e compounds of quack doctors or the equally poisonous nos trums vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully analysed many ot the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strong est preparations of mercury, and a deadly poison, which instesd of curing the disease, disables tho system for life. . . Three fourths of the patent nostrums now in u e are put np by unprincipled and ignorat persons who do not understand even the alphabet .of the materia medica, and are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, having one object only In view, and that to make money re gardless ot consequence. - Irregularities and all diseases Of males and fe males treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, By patients communicating their symp toms by letter Business correspondence strictly confidential. All letters asking advice must con tain a postago stamp. ADDRESS J. summerVillh m. u., BOX No. 63. Office No. 1131 Filbert St. old No. 109 BKI.OW TWBI.FTBV Oct. 24. 92-ly. TilE GREAT FEMALE PILL. DR. J. P. CREAGER is the General Agent, wholessle and retail, for Dr. "W healing's" celebrated Fema'e Pills. These Pills sre truly valuable for Ladies, Jar they -will restore the Monthly Courses where they may stop from any cause whatever. They 1 never have failed in any case where the directions around the box contain ing the P. lis have been strictly followed ; indeed there has no case of failure ever coma to our knowledge. Being purely vegetable they are per fectly safe. Mallei to ord or. postpaid, upon re ceipt of one dollar by J. P. Creager, Baltimore City. Did, jA liberal discount to uruggist Dee. 8. .. 1 10 3m,. WHY LABOR SO HARD WREN WASHING? JHAYE a chemical process for cleaning cloth ing, bv the use f which the clothes csu be washed very clean without boiling-, and with very little rubbing.. By this method much hard labor can be saved , the washing is doit in half the time, add the clothes are very wane ana ctcan, and last much longer, for they are not worn out by rubbing as by the old way of washing by rot chines, SVC. The articles Used cost bill little, and are easy to obtain.. I mail the receipt to OrJer. postage paid, upon receipt of 50 cents; three cent postage stamps good as money. Address Dr. J. P. Creager, Baltimore city, Md. Dee. 8. - U0-3m. xI6NEY,THE BEST OF HONEY. I HAVE a valuable receipt for mating -Honey, which I will send to any peraon upon receipt of 50 Cents. We make and use It in our family at half trie east, and consider It as good as the best article of genuine bee made honey, 'from which it cannot bedl-J-H Any person! who w.illmakt. and sell ft Can clear front two to three dollars a dsy, it only require 4 articles to make it, and they can be had at sny store for SO cents. Every family may have this delightful laxury for aay lady can make it in IS minates a' any time. 3 cents postage stamps ss good aa money. Address Df. 3 P. Creager, Baltimore city, Hd. i ' Dec. 8., . r,s . 'I . .... iHMra - - T ' -a DR. CREAGER, BALTIMORE, Md.. Is the sole Agent for Dr. Winders celebrated Matrimonial "Series," 3 Books; No. 1, A Book for Young Men design ed to prepare them fof Female Society," No. 2, 'Errors in Courtship j .o. 3, "Reprc-lnCllve Control.' Either ot which will be mailed to or eer, postpaid, pon receipt of 28 cents. DacSV c ; llO-Sm ; GOOD NEWS FOR LADIES! A NY Lady who will send her address to Mrs. -K Creager, "Baltlmre City, Md. with 3 post, sge S tamps included, will receive by return mail something of importance to her. -WOMAN KNOW THYSELF Ann is HAPPY" Dee. 8. . - U0-3m JUST RECEIVED BY G. R. FRENCH, AFRESH supply nf PER RY DAVIS' VEGE TABLE PAIN KILLER ia entire Nsw Dana. To bo rftire (hat you gel the genuine Med cine, inquire for the New Dress with two fine en graved steel labels on each bottle. . Aoril Ifc . . , UjJ HENRY NUTT, FACTOR ASD FOKWlEDIXti AG EST, ' Will give his personal attention to business entrust " ed to his) ears. v Sept. O 1856. ' 75-ly-c GEORGE MYERS, WOOLESALL ISO RETAIL GROCER ; Keeps constantly cn hand, Wines, Teas, Liquors Provisions, H ood and Willow Ware, Fruit, ConfectionorUt,cf-c. South Prontsireet, WILHINGTUN, N.C. Nov. IS, 1855. 109- . L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES. ALE, PORTER, cf-c. No. 3, Granite Row, iront Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 17th, 1P56. 140-tf . GEO. W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOUTH WArKK STKEET. WILMINGTON, N.C. Jan. 22. 132. W. G. MILLIGAN, ' MARBLE MANUFACTURER, North Water Street, WittMiatiTON, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds oj Marble Wort Jumished to - - order on reasonable terms. ' June E. 36-ly-c HENRY BURRHIMER J WHOLBSALB & RETAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF ANJ) CIGAR S T O R K. ' SIGV OF THE INDIAN CHIEF MARKET STREET ne door above Water Wilmington, N. C. N. B. All Orders filled with despatch. Oct. 26th. 1955- 93-tdrw-c. GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE cf- RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND NO. 11. MARKET STREET, : WILMINGTON, W.C. Match 6. CIIAS. D. MYERS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market St. WimiftOTOir, N. C. PANAMA, I.EGHOBN, AND PALM LEAP HATS, WOOL FOB. SILK, AND MOLESKIN HATS. f!LOTH. Plush, and Sil Glazed Caps, by tne cas or dozen. At New York Wholesale Prices. march 12. j . J?i ADAMS, BROTHER & CO., C O MM ISSION M ER C H ANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 2& 58 as. c. smith. jhiles costin. JAS. C. SMITH fc CO., i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 26. 18-ly a. dollner. g.potter. jr. J. CamerBen D0LLNER, POTTER & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - NEW YOUK. April30, 1855. 20-ly- EAR AND EYE. Das. LEBRUN dt DUFTON, OCULISTS AND 4URISTS. DR. LE BRUN offers to those suffering ftom daafness, his in fallible aural remedies, which have been successful in nearly three thousand scaes of confirmed deafness! Thees remedies have been pronounced by Drs. Khramer, of Ber lin, and Ueleau of Paris, and Curtis Pilcher of London, as the most wonderful ever applied for disease of the internal and middle ear; They compiiso differ, nt courses for the various diseases that affect the external and jniddle ear. If the disease is ccn fined to the ex'ernal ear, their ef fects are apparent on the 6th or sixth day. Dr. La 8 run warrants a curs in every case, when the ear is perfect in its formation. He has eighteen certificates from those who have been deaffrom infancy, whose hearing is now completely restor ed, and they are now en i bled to team the lan guage! Over twenty-seven hundred cases of dcariness have been tec ess ally treated by him. Certificates to that effect ntay be seen on appli cation. 'r r I n ail cases of deafness arising fro nt injla nmatien thickening, or even perforation of the "mcmbrana lympanl" usually called the drumt inflamation of th mucus membraAe of the 'tympanum and eusta chian tube, with aenimulation of nxtlcus nervous affections, pollypus gtoicths, f-e.. or when the dis ease can be traced tor the effects of scarlet- typhus billioas or intermitting feVef, COIds, the use of quinine and mercurial medicines, (gathering in the eyes of cqlldhood, etc., the sense can in nearly every instance, be restored. - Where the want of secretion Is apparent, the "auditory ca nal " being dry and scaly ; when the deafness is accompanied with noise in the ear, like rustling of leaves, chirping of insects; falling of wster ringing of bells, pulsations, discharging of mat ter, when in a stooping position, a sensation 1 felt as if a tush of blood to the head had taken places when the hearing seems less scute in dull cloudy weather, or when cold has been taken, thecottse yursued by Dr. Le Brun is considered infallible. Dr.Duflon the only practitioner In the United States, who practices the new, painless, and suc cessful method in treating sll the diseases to j which the e e is subject.-' Where every other; means have fai ed to afford relief, he asks from 1 such a fair and impartial trial. Patients, by sen ding s few particulars of their case, can have i remedies sent to any pan. - . - Ttrrtiiosj. We the undersigned, practitioners j of medicine in the city of New Y ork, having had ! occasion to witness the practice of Drs. LeBrun dt Dufton, ia diseases of thenar and eye. laying aside ail professional jealousy and prejudice, free ly admit that the coursa pursued by them ia treat- j ing diseases of hese delicate orzana, iroan the unparo lied success which has attended, it, 1st well woithy the attention of our professional brethren throughout the United States. Their system o treating diseases of the middle aad internal ear, by the use of "medicated vapors," particularly ia chronic and complicated eases forms a new era in the practice of aaral sorgsry, and fillsup a voi which has long been felt by the generous practi i'oner. In diseases of the eye, they seldnm re quire to' resort to an operation. As skillful aurists aad ccalists.-and enthusiastically devoted ( ihrir profession, we cordially recommend them to such as may require their aid. Signed. - Alexander K. Kott, M. D4 Geo. S. Green, M. D., Horace Winslow, M. D., C. Dclpan. Allsrone B. Francia, M. D,TV Van Boren, M. D Bed Bedford Doretnus, IrL D. t . Naw Youu, August T, 1841. Students wishing to pertect themselves In this branch of medical science, will find aa opportuni ty by joiniar the class, a: the Ear and Kye In firmaries of Dr. Delacy Le Bran. Union Place Clioiqnes, every Tuesday and Friday afternoons, from I till 3 o'clock daring Medical College terms. -- TVrtju. Five dollars. Consultation ' free. Ten dollars to be paid when : the haa ring is re stored to its original acnteness. Address. Drs, 3. DELACY LEBRUN DUFTON, Union PlaeeyNew York City. . ., m. . s , N. B. A treatise upon As nature rnnd treatment of dsafn 1 and diss of the ear, with the treat ment.? Pu deaf and dumb, i Price 91 fktf Money Utters aaost be registered br the Postmaster. Registered let let f are only at oar risk; please bear this in mind - .Q Corre soon dents must ENCLOS K - POSTAGE for ret ara answers, tho near.' postage laws requiring prepay ment of letters. - - ; . - . -. Stm. 11, , . ; 102-Cav - Baltimore Luck hospital. DK, JOHNSTON THE founder of this Celebrated Institution of fers the moat enrta.rj- SnAv and ulir tfT.wi- al remedy in the word for Gleets Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Psins lot I . . . . I , Ill- . the f r 1 n 1 r. .ii:. . W - . ., .. ......... """'-Jl .nif.wiv.vj , eskness of the Back and Kimbs, Affection! -of the. Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsia Nervous Jrriubi ity, Disesse of the Head, Ihroa Nose or Skin those serioussnd mrlsuchoiy disor dersarising from the destructive habits of foath ' which destroy both body and aoind. Those ster and solitary practices more fatal to their vieiim I than the song of the Syrens to the msrlnrrs o Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant borer or an ticipatlons, rendering marriage.ccc.. iropossibla. YOUNG AWN. I Especially, who have become the victims of Soli a; ' ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands o f . young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced Ha. tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with fttllT confidence. -MARRIAGE. " . . -Married persons, or Young Men, contetnplatlns" marriage, being awareof Physical Weakness. Ot -tranic DebiUtr, Deformities. &e..shoM i,.Jt!:, ateiy consult Dr. J., aad be restored to perfeci health. ; , . . r , , He ho places himself underfheearcof Dr.Jor n ston may religiously confide -in bis honor as a sen- ucm.u.ina connaenuy rsiysupon bisskill ssa bhv. sician. - 3 Da. Johwstoh Is the only regulsrly Educrted Physician advertising to care Pritsie Complaints. His remedies snd treatment are entirely unknown ' toall others. Prepared from a life spent in the Great HnaTvttalaof RnTAiu inii tk. m.s . . Countryviz: England, Franoe, the Block Irk ol Philadelphia, f-c, and a more extensive practice than any other physician In thewodd. His man v - - -oorgiraj Op erations is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted ' -hnat. r.hn ,nih in h . I jt'. j I ill t r. . f"""? " 'V cmtauy reliev ed, should shun tht numerous trifling importers, ho vijij i .lla iicaiii,, anu aunir to mm. A flTUV IV1DU ulrl?n m... - - - No Mercury or Nausentt Drugs Used left hand side irnlntr fmm P . I ; . p, R ...... oiicci, slew doors from the corner. Fail not to name andiumber, for ignorant trifling importers attracted by the reputation ef Dr. Johnston, loi k DR. JOHNSTON. " Membirnf th If n feat fnll... rnu v j - -s-""jsn.i-onaon graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and tho greater part of whose life has beenspeDi in the Hospitals of London Par. , C1C) uss enected some of the most astonishing curesthat wereeverknowm .. ....... ...,s.c m imcin lea bead -- ' 7 , . ..,, UGJU anrmea st sudden sounds, and bashfuiness. with - frequent Diusning.attenaea someurnes with derangement o f mind, were cured immediately. " When the misguided ahd Improdetit votary of Dleaaure finds he haa imKlk.d k. -.-i .. r i j . -.w.u .ub nia 01 mil. painful disease, it too often happens that aniJl-tiui-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery deters him. from applying to those who, trom education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disesse make their appearance such as ulcerstrd sorethrnar.diseased nose, noc'tursl paina in the .cu inii iiiiiuo, ui'uutM vi sigai, aeatnss, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in. and the victim of this awful disesse becbrnes a horrid object of com mis sc rat ion, till death puts a period to his dreadful auf ferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." fo such therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrery; and, from his extensive prac tice ia the first Hospitals of Europe and America he can confidently rceommcctf safe and speed v cure to the unfortunate vie tin. m this horrid dis ease. It is a melancholy fact,, tnat thousands fall victims to thisdreadful complaint, owing totheun skilfulness of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use -of that deadly poison. mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of Jife mis erable . . - . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, Dr. J.addresscsall those who haVelnjured them. ' selves by private and Improper indulgences. These are some of the aad and inelanetoly ef fects, produced by esrir habits of youth, vis: Weaknessof the Back and Limbs, Paini in the Hesd. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Sluschlsr Pow! er Palpitation Of the Hear., Drepepsy. Nerroa. irritability Dersngement of the DigesfiVe Fwn" Uoncic?ner, Dcbi,it'' Symptom, of Consent Menta'lly. The fearful effect, on the mind, are ' much to be dreaded j Loss of Memory, Confusio n of Ideas, Depression of Spirlis.Evlt Foreboding. A version of Society, Self Distrust, Le of Foil. tude.Timidity dtc.-are some of the evils produced what is the cause of their declining health Los. ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about xhe eves cough and symptoms of consumption DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING HEME- O Y FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. "E l By this great and important remedy weiknefs ' the organs are speedily ciiredsnd full vigor restowd. Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had loat ailAope, have ber-fe imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGE itabihtv Tremblings snd Weakness, or exhsustion JohnMon0"' 'rfnI kid P'y -"red by Dr Young men who have Injured themselves bVu ceruin practice indblged in when alone-a habit acbool, the fleets of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders manias impossiblend destroys boa mind stdbody.shonJd apply ini media tely. j - ' . What a pity that a yonng man, the hope 01 hVs country, add the darling of his parents, shoald be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment a of life, by tnecoasr-qaencesof deviating from tue Mth o . r - - cTii ceipnaninni. r a f ....E,uu iiHiuisingin a certain secret habit. Such per8ons,before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind aad body are the " most necessarv riniilara n 1 . . hsppine-s. Indeed, without these, the journey through life become a weary pilgrimages the pro. l j I VLiit V . " "rw' loemina acccn-ea shadowed With despair and filW wijh the tuelt j- -A:iirX::Z" Z LI" WeM of another be w ' . . . "z sv- witii irij r own. ... OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICat-ST.. . . .. Btnsfoaa, Mb. . All Surglral Operations Peifoimed. ... . . . ucniiacy prtvenr ynn, oat apply immediately either personally or b letter. . - -'ww-n K7pvc-aiT H rtTUo - TO STRANGERS. TlcmaajrtJWsadeirreaTarthislBsiitBtionwitl in the last fn a-sara .K- 1 tant Surgical Operations perfoimd by Dr J,. wit nessed by the Reporters of the paprra, srd roaa other persons, notices of which have spprsrt dagaln . ts nuDiie. Besides his stsnaias' aa a ejentleman of character and reronit i!jty . ir a aufficlent gnarsntM te the afPlcrrd. TAKE NOTICE. s f It la with the erratect rehu-ntt,. rw 3imtrrrvnt permHahta eardr to aopesr before the fmbne. drnvdne t i r; .? nld eapceiaDy straneera eoatd sea tail to fail IntO th hana nf K- 1 a . . . , .L 7 " " . 1 in ti uiiwi, mm BDaaraea Qaaekaeepa, awarmfna the larae cttiea. rvpjir Dr. J oaSTO'i adveniaelnenta or sswrtiatsa ttWawclvea aa pnyatetana. Illiterate abaJlow-braiaed feUnvs. to lazy to Vt11! I1 1 ft -a-tln fnr It.a 111 t T- ir 1 iZT-ZL. tnr.eairry ea dveorafx ofBera. mdtrn ttff-mt Falaa Karoea. ao that the afflicted Bul l a raea irr - . . ." nafiiai imo IBs enssr. ipotwi Quaefca with eonrrecoa rytns: ecrtlfleatca of arrest Bt -toniahint-earra frmn persona aot to bo fmiDd. wVokarj. iiit farce txxtfea of I.icoaics Wins and "lfcr paekaeeaer tilthy mud wortaleaai eonpeni. eamuiKs;' p rvpajreo a impose Bprm tne anfortnnar and anaiwfwrf . I nW- TTintna mMl. .a-. . l 1 Auik..Mtl ra ana aaecrve tost Imfaea 1T. te ssmnax vmm ntJxesaeaeesBS v. Ta Umb aiiaeaaatatra w1t ala . .m. mm nam, . a.aarj ww . tials er d1rlotKaa atwuva franc- la 1ta rffir. NO T.FTTER3 RECKIVKP lTr f.ETPS IW Wtl. Jand eontalnTi r ttraamteto aard for At nr'. I ar anna writtne afcanld stata Sgm and Bead lbat Tv-t;jB a adTertiarment Awribtsf srajptoma ,. . - I 'ti ff-o Jan. 9. KST. . . : eat fee ean to obtained, and. la despair, Iraves yoa -a Mb . rnmed Itaanb. to sta rrT yoar raJDnf Hmnpaimrr..