IINITKli STATKS OF AMKiilCA. . . . ,r-. t- XJuirvt Uourt oj unuei KAatesfortneyu trict of Cape Fear. in the District oj North Uarolina. ITrHEREASallhel i filed HEREAS . libel was filed In the District in the District V V Conn of the United Statca, It.-., VI M. lmsivii;.. I Cane Fear, in the District of orth Carolina. naih 2ddi of December. 1857. by William C Norton, again! the dchooner Charles Hmlth, her tackle. aDDarei and furniture, alleging Tn sub stance. That the aatd vessel on or atom the 22d dav of .Septem!er. 156,- being in the p t of Aymesbury, .Mass., and ta need uf various articles of tackle, aonarel. r. veins and Other necessaries to render her seaworthy, snd competent tr. her then intended voyage. The said libcllant did, at the request of Abranmn I! T. Simpson, then and now master or ruimnander of the said schooner Charles Smith, contract for and furnish for tho aid schooner various articles of tackle, apparel. provisions and other necessaries aino-inilna in air - . Ml - S .CI f I .AwA KH1 to tha sum or inreemousana oi .ju.iuiru .-u Forty-Four Dollars and Thirty-Nine Cens, as will more fully appear oy reference lo tne dim nied with said libel. . . And it Is alleged further that the aaid schooner -ould not have proceeded on her then intended voyage without the supplies aforesaid, which were furnished on the credit of the aaid vessel, as veil mm nf the owners and master thereof. It la furth er alleged that payment of the said bill has been raneatedlv reauested by the said libel Ian t of the Huid Abraham H. T. Simpson, master ss aforesaid, nd of tha owners of said schooner, some of whom reside in the District ef . North Carolina, and some elsewhere. But that payment has been heretofore refused, snd is still refused j and mat said scnoo neris now within the jurisdiction of the Court aforesaid. Kor all which reasons the libeliant prays pro mi ao-slnst the said schooner Charles Smith, her t.rlrle aDoarel and furniture for tha amount due th lihellant in the Dremises. with costs, and that ihn aaid schooner, her tackle. aDDarei and furni re mar bo condemned and sold to pay aaid amount, with interest, costs, charges and expen - - 'j ow, tnersi'ire, in pursuant. v ure m... ., under the seal of the said Court tome directed and do'iversd. I do hereby give public notice to all tmrioni claiming tha said schooner, her tackle annarel and furniture, or in any manner inter ied iheroln. that thev be and appear before the said Court, to be held in and for the District of North Carolina, at Wilmington, on the first Mon Ti,"" ".I" maBe day after the fourth Monday in April, 1859 and there to interpose their claims and to allegation in that behalf. Dated tho 4th day of December, 1957. WESLEY JONES. U. S. Marshall. Fy JNO. J. CONOLEY, D. M. Eli W. Hall, Proctor fur Libellant. December 8, 857. 110-lm. PATRONIZE HOME IMPORTATION. r l R ASfcTKTS Chamoapne. iust received d DLreettfromlBonche fils and dronrt's Vineyard at Mareuil sue ay, warranted pure. At the family. grocery of GEORGE MYKK S. Dec. 8. HO CUEESE. 50 BOXES, prime article. Just received and for sale lowby GEORGE MYEHS. Dec.S. 110 BUTTER. .f KEGSnrimeGofchen Butter. Jnst received iv at thsUrixinal Family Grocery, No. II and o. 1 1 an Dec. 8. 13 Front strret. SALMON AND MACKEREL. A FEW Barrel of each for sMe low for cash Dv. 8. GEO. MYERS. EMPTY BARRELS. onn PRIME spirit, barrels, just OvILreeeived per Brlr Albert Adam For sale by ADAMS, BKO. A CO. Dec. 103. FIGS, PRUNES, &C. OR 'he Holidays. Just received st Dec. 8. GEO. MYERS'. RF.SS HATS ofsll the fsshionsble style. and makes at the Emporium, 34 Market st. Dec 8. C H A o, tJ. MYKRS. SARDINES. 1 rfr BOXES Sardines, wholes, halfs dt J. J fJ quarters for sale low by Dec. 8. GEO. MYERS. A RARE OPPORTUNITY! Goods At Cost For Cash ! t Ai MACLEAN & CO. "ITTILL COMMENCE, on the 28th instant, ta V V sell their entire stock of goods at cost fur cash. Their stock is generally known to the public to be the lairs. t tn tne State, amounting to not less than 980,000. and consisting in part of a very ex tensive assortment of BLACK and colored SILKS, BOMBBZINESt a great variety of La dies' DRESS GOODS, a larse stock ofLADIKS' CLOAKS, plainand printed DELAINES, French and Enplish MKP.INO.A LP ACCAS, CLOTHS, CASSlMKKKSf and Vts.il INU. Scvenf -fivt packages of NEGRO GOODS; Twf nty-uve bales of Gray and v bite BLAN KETS 34. 7-H, 4-t. 6-4. 10-4 ni 12-4 BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS : snd SI no Tery description of DOMK8TIO GOODS; FLOOR OIL C LOTUS, from f to 24 feet wide: VELVET. BRUSSELS, THREEPLY, SUPERFINK, FINK and COMMON CAUI'KTINOri, HVOS, DRUGGETS, fcc, This stock of goods is extensively known throughout the State, and Is believed to comprise the best assortment in this place, and consists ol new and fresh goods, most of it having been laid In this Fall, and ths greater portion purcliaacd ior cash, at the lowest prices. The ssle will continue from day to day until the entire stojk is disposed of thus offering unequalled Inducements for those desirous of purchasing. 3r After the 26th instant, no gooda will be charged on their books. VII amounts under ftlOO wilt b.) for cash on delivery for sums over I00, notes nego i .bio an payable at Bank will be tak en if desired. &THE HARDWARE Branch of the busin. ess will be continued as heretofore. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 27, 1857 93-tf. GUE AT iOAIlG AIIJ ST IUUENSE SACRIFICE ! ! 'i-ttftUBSLKiBKKS tiavine made arranire- X menta to eaterinto a different business on the 1st day of January, I85B. offer for sale their entire stock of SUPERIOR READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS AT COST FOR CASH. This stock consists of CLOAKS, SHA WLS, SILKS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DeLAlNS, ALPACAS, INFANTS' WALK ING S UTS, R O BBS De CHA FI BRES, LINENS, SHEETINGS, FLANNELS,BLANKE TS,KER- SEYS, LINSEYS. CLOTHS, CASIMERES, VESTINS. Gents FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS1 AND YOUTHS1 CLOTHING; BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, IU UDIJi.cS, VAMlSaS, Off: ; , This stock having been purchased for CASH darng the paste la New York tad Philadelphia we will sell for w peresnt leaa than any other nousa aeiiing at cost. , The above stock will be of fered from day today until all eld. Persona wan ting bargain, will do well to give us a call before porchasingelaewhere. - ' - KAHNWEILER& BRO. , Wilmington, N. C Oct. 29th. 1857 91 3m N. B.-All sums under 100 Cos t all over 100, nut negotiable at Bank. 7" Please remember that It la one door from the Corner S'ore. - SHA3ILESS BAGS. 1 nr0Tw, Dnhels :EA MLF.SS RAOS. lUUVj Foraleby ADAMS, BRO. A Co. TAILORING raTABUSllMENT. rP H E subscriber baa removed his Tailoring Kb I tablUhment from the corner ef Market and Second streets, to Wilkinaoa'a building, three doors above his lata location. Ha will attend to tha business in all its branches, and work will be executed with neatneaa and des patch. Cutting will be attended to promptly. Cleaning Gentlemen's apparel and repairing will also be attended to. I refer, in regard to my qualifications, to Mr. Tsomai H. Ho war. TITUS R. AMES. . Call. . ., g7jtn - FALL STOCK -Mm IIERCHAATS AND PLANTi- K -are re- ifimlnp t h n.'tr Colli-. - 1 xM. ,,ecifully solicited to examine j plete assortment of Ham. Cape and Umbrelua ivZilZ" ilZZZZ. o7, m- :r 'r. .,.7 Ih fin. st Cheshinaretta. ZOOd-zen s .lt Kelt nd half fruit CasM-nere hats, of a II colors, styles snd qualities ; ' 30U docen,, Co'h, iMoliatr, Silk and cotton Plush. Petersham, MJk and .-otton Gl.ized Caps of all the different varieties, including some of tha neatest stvles ol Dress. Evening and HuMrie Caps , yet imrodneed. ; Alro iU, jt-avei. and Hl.icW Drrss - Cas-imcro of ihe mur hnndsnme stvles, together with ah elegan" a-si.rt.ncnt of In . fantaand ' hlldreii flats and M Klnts and Mloomers. Ladies Beaver and Kelt ridirsr hit. New style Unibr. ll .o. tine and common C.me dtc, ttjr. Ladies Ftir .Snrs and (Jentli mrni Pm CollarsTurnishtd to otdt-r. A at I is .l ii;d fn II. OfM.i MYEIIS ' Hat and Cap Enipluni, 34 Mark, t S. Sep. 12. BASKKT. WK have a large lot ol Baskets of various eises and styles. Korcaivbv Dec. 18. VV. H. OsNKAI.F. GOLD PENS UK-POINTED.; Gold Pens at Wholesale and Ketail with or without Cases. Old Gold Pens Ite-pointett- En close the Pen and fifty cents in ash or Postage Stamps, and leiorn mail still brine the Pen as f ood as new. A superior style of Quill Spring 'en, which Is much in use. All varieties of Long Ni Pens made lo order and kept constant y on hand Tha price of Pens, without Canes, varies from .( to 3fi0. The undersigned havins been etignite-1 in the manufacture of Gold I'rris for svveial yen is, hope, by strict attention to business, to guin a ehure of public pu'. --mage. All ordtrs attended to witii promptness. Address. " KELLOGG COOPER; ' Bastable Arcade. Syracuse, N Y N. B. A liberal discount to the Trade. Dec. 1. i 6 m. SALT AFLOAT. Qnnn UU.siIEL4.ALUM salt. cargo OUvJUoi-' BBIG Clarence, just arrived from Turk's Island. For sale in lots, by G.iW. DAVIS. From J. TYSON A CO . Manttfacturers and Mechanics' Exchange, Baltimore, who sre author ized to act aa AGEN TS for I Tie Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. TH K MOUTH ERN AMD VVESTICRX " JOURNAL OF PROGRESS. DEVOTED TO THB PROMOTION OP SCIENCE, ART, MANUFACTURES, COM MERCE, AGRICULTURE AND TRADE, 4ND DESIGNED rOR TUK DK8K OF Merchants, Planters & the Humes of Busi ness Men, W. n. MEREDITH tt RICHARD EDWARDS Ebitoss Assisted o a tttrge HUitiber of Distinguished Contri butors in varum Stales. The Journal of Progress is allied to n party. It maii.tains its politknl principles, the I NTKGU IT V .U PKOS 'KKHV IIK TH K U.MO.N. and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES, aceordina to the cOndiionand limitations ol'lhe FEDERAL COiSTITUTlN. ' It . eks to nrnize .thse principles by increasing intercourse beiwi en all sections of the Country, and developing there sources of the OUTll at.d VVEsT. The ouih proditcee the great staples of the Country snd consunr.es vast uni'umt of the pro- luets and m ihufacttiies of our imn and toman land: hnce.the importance of oniMM rciu I On- tres and internal tmpr.v iiienti", tn k' ep pace will the North, which Is tn.ikin j sued rapid strides lb commercial and political . vit. ignty The Journal ol ProgreBn Will lie ttir f 'Oil MER- CIAI. ANU INDL'-tKlAI, (liitr 4 bf the SOUTH AND WKST devoid to KrSticATiov COSIMKBCK. Fl.tANOB, TbADK, IWTEks L ImBOVB- mints, M AsorACTvaas, AeBicvLTDBBNn i AliNinrj. I n a II these depart incntsi is clurn v. ill be wonhv of patronage. To our family readers. e will furnish a piig aroeabii and intereating tihe..iiHiHl yminsicun siiitinz of'riiiinal snd select iioer:iuliicHl sketches of dt'-iinuiithed men; the lutes' i ard most reliable news of ilieday frorc time lo time we w ill furnish a Statistical "nd Historical aecount ol the 'om- merciat ities und Towns throughout th 'ountrv. togetherwith Illcstbations pbbfAbcA expbkssly pob TSIS lOONlfAU r Air-mis wanted fori hi Journal, on which a liberal commission is- tilloued. Those applying foraa. nt;les, must forward ree nino nd.iliwn fi oin one or more Merchmit- and the Post Maxierof he town. No other application not t-ed . Snecimen numbers sent to any part of thevouniry .in appli cation Allcommiinit'stinnsto br forwarded to the Journal of Proerrss. Biiliirmire o- t Louis. PcSLtSHBD Mosthit. ai the Maniil.irtiirers and Mechanics' Exchange, on Iron ttulldintr. Ralii more, and at the N. E. Cor. of ?hetnut and Four. Ih Streets, St. Louis, Mo., and s'ipplied by appoint, ed Agentxlhrooghout the United st;itr -' TERMi: Only 91 per annum 15 conies will be sent to onb adfress, if In tl.e en trt . for $15. Tr Poet Masters.ire auihori8eii t.) act is Agents. and retain for their eouiniisnion 23 per ceht; Feb. 19. STEDMAVS SALES! MA1ZINE Is fo 8b Thk title Or a to bb published monthly in thb TOWN OF SALEM. N C. A MEMBER OF TllK WORTH CAROLI5TA BAR. I N offering to the public my Maemine, I claim A. for the Editorial Chair no superiority over that aepartment ol other like Peiiodtcals; but 1 do claim tor tne talent of north (Jarolina, and the South generally, that will be brought to ita support. Southern patronage. And I alo, as a Southern man, and the Editor of a Southern Magasin6.cUim at the hands o( thu Sruihern country, and espe cially of North Carolina, mat aid and support th t win nere, at nome, estab isn. upon a nrm basis, a fountain of Literature, and exclusively a Home Literary Magasine. Many are the Magazines now published in the Northern States that are flooding the whole South ern country There is not, (it is probable,) a coun ty tn any Sovnern State thai is not visited bv Hrper," Uruham." Peterson." or " Godey while herein North Carolina and ihu South where genius unsurpassed and unequalled reigns, the lit erary talent that is brou hi into exereise is dedi cated to the support or Norttiern Maguxincs, while Southern enterprise, taste and talent bow in hum ble submission to such suicidal policy of Southern contributors. Why. 1 ask. cannot tea North Carolina, the South send greeting to ur .southern clime a Magazine, acceptable fur the many qualities thut adurn the pages of ths mfi chas'e, eiegunt ana polite Periodicals! It is tru-t thai the JSouth hu her Magnzines; but few in nnmber are they, and nnknown. compared to the publications of the North, which every mall brings to our h hiea, fill ed with the lesnlt of hired labor, and teeming with unpardonable aedition. Then I appeal to North Carolina nni other Soui hern Stairs tn aid me in oiv emerprise. and in promoting a literary lan'e am-ngt itioe upon whom, st a Southern man. I hav aims - My 'Magiaine will he of the UMial si.e . and no thing wi:te admiited to i prg.r nut such arti cle aa will mt th ior..val ( the mom fati- dit. -li.t h. ltai-"ra-d .. ih ENGRA VINGS AND PL A TES of the most elegant ti-sturi' rqAlina in beuiy and style any exe- u'ed at th ' rfti My price of Bu'cripiin i. n'tREE DOLr LiARS per year. whtT-h U required ta be paid in a lvanee, as tlie.expne l a. ier ed lne-l il lishing Mich a ( nllicai.-n will ot mimi ol a cred It svsiem. " ' ifT Tht flrmt Number will be iitf tt Jnnrarv 8i-8 A t. - IM- DM . pt. 1. I3S7. Editor and proprietor N B My 4 Ulr'1- ui.tii th-Aoveoti er i i l be Pitsbrojgh, ' C aer ih I tim.- it ' e -Salem. N C. sept 29 WINTER;. .HAT WD CAPS A FUt L Nf V 1IE AS. a rl,M.m e .,11 ri' -j-fT,i a:i-tt- "' r.-xa and .-Hminea H'tt. and Cat now iijien. rotmrii-insi i ; : - li.K. Wit AND WftH HATS. VIXiTH. Pt-fStH aN 81LK til.AKKtl CATS. 1XFANTK HATH AND CAM MISSES fiKAVElt- AVD FECT -FI.AT3, BOT AND yot THS SOFT ! HAT8 AND CAIM. HMBiiEL : ; . .'.' Las, canes, belt. :.-'-? , fcc., lie. kr .;, W hicb we oftir at whoktaai r etiV.a t he ve.4 lowest prices. ' - i i . n vL'uk 34 Market street, two do.iia b.iuw -..t , a r. a. wial i , ., . SO. eMt WfooEeGmMe. CANDY made of the; Refined Crashed Sugars sold at a reduced ptice. ' : r : , Jam now maniifiici uring Candy of tha very heat material of augitr, and warranted to stand any cli mate and no HDMBVO, for the unprecedented low price oi SIX'!' UTTJJ PER HUNDRED WEIGHT1! Togriher with a full assortment o. Fbcits, Cow PBCTieSABT,&rM Viz : ,. ;i j APPLES, always on hand in season -ORANGEY, do. do. do. POTA TOES, and OSIOSS; HEETS TURNIPS, and CABBAGE ; DM Elf FRUITS CRAHERltlE and CITRON s CVRKA.S TS RAISINS, whole, half and qmrter boxes; Jelli ol all Kinds; Preserves of atl description , together with P.cklea, C rind led Fruits ar.d Syrups of all kinds; Fire f Truckers Torpi-does. Fireworks of all kinds, ioeludine Ro tii. m ''an-des, Sky Rockets, Snappers, Flying Pieeona, dtc. Tceethtr -with the above. I have on- hand a full assortment of Cigura, including 10,000 Londrrs of inv own imp irt iiion, warranted hesid.a eevera brands of inferior quality losuitcustomes. Chew inn Tobacco of all brands added to my slock, com purine the Gold Leaf, Cavendish, Sweet Honey Orinoco, dtc. Catsups of all kinds ; Crackers sweet, soda, butter, water, milk and Tea.ol all brands and qualities; SarJines; whole ha H and quarter boxes Lobsters; in cans, and jars. Anchovies; in jars and Kegt. Peppers; spikes, .Sauces, apers and Olives 'undies; Wax, Spe m, adamantine & Tallow Winest Kn.-cat, .sherry, and Caret Cordials t Creame de Rose amour, Mint, Nou gat Parfait Amur L'ame, etc. French A Imported andies Crystalizi d Cordial Drops. Froiia d dried preserves. " J: lly drops, Bonbons, Cherries, Figa oVc. With a variety of ariiclea too nunierous to mention. 1 assure all who may call on me that 1 wilt give them satisfaction in ail respects, snd In the meantime 1 will thank my friends and custo- mers for ihefr psst patronage and by the same at tentlon as heretofore 1 solicit ana desire a con tinuance of the same. F. M AGOSTINf, No. 22 opposite the Market. Dec. 3. 108 if. Encourage Southern. Enterprise THE TIMES: A S0UTH8RH LITERARY ABD IAMILY And the only one Published in the South rPHK TIMES has more than tixty regular con X libmorj, embracing many of tho beat writers in the Union. . Its leading mutier is mostly or isinal and procured at graal expense consisting of Original Pi ovelcl ies. History, b!o?innliy, iici encr. Agriculture, Education, Poetry, Foreign and Domestic rtewe and the .Markets. The third volume enlarged and grcatlv improv ea, printed hue white paper and uri new copperla-ed type, will commence lhe first wTefc InJAiMJARZ. IS5i Now is Ill's be t time to ubscribej commence with the new oear. Id the first nltmhers tits new volume will cominenca two mOst intensely interesting &RIZE STORIES, and it will be impusible 'O supply back numbers after s few weeks. To the friend of Southern Literature in all the Southern Staged, we appeal for support. The TIMES is the only l.iterir Paper published for the tUlh, and it shall be as good aa the best published in the North. Yon want a good fami ly paper, then try the limes one year. Pu lihed weekly st $1 per year in advance. Specimen tttplea 8 nt gratis. Address OGBUUN, COLE ALKRIGHT, Greensboro', N. C. To SotmiKi! EpiTOHs The above Is a short I'roi-p'-ctiiH lor the new volumn of the Times To sneceed In giving the eople of the S titb a Home Literary aj-r. demariil that Wrt i-hflnld adver tise extensively and niuke our nude taking known To pay for lhi we are ml able, and to follow the example of the Northern Press rni promise to J jrv . is contrfv to tle rstnilien idea of an hon est man. We, therefore, hve to mi (teat as a f'.irtr, in the uam of your Iov for Southern en terpiite Hint yon will give the above a place in iur paier sii'I if on d -era the Times wirthy, wi- nil) bx much obliged for an editorial notice We r laborinjr v-ry had m make the Timn eqn-il to the deinnntls of the south and every dol lar .ve actual OlBoe eX-iise is If slowed O(on ih eontenis. Our list of cunti ilm ors is Very larse und rontxios srt n f ili- best Writers fn th country Nortli or rtiilh . The-e cost its s-vsrsl liuielred do liars every year. We hope yon will exctt-e otir familiar address. We are speaking to brethren. Many nf yon have known c s for soma time snd can testify to the zeal with which we have ehdea vored to prosech' oor hnderiaklng. and such as have no acq'i. intance can secure an exchange if desired. ' Nov. 8. 96 EMPTY BARRELS. -?fin PRIME SPIRIT BARRELS, jnst re 'ceived, and i'oraal by Dec. 17. AOAMS. BRO. t CO GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!! The greatest offer in Gold Pens, Gold Pencils Gold Chains, and Gold Watches ever made. Head the following : Saras 2r:r;3r z3.a acssszTirsa worth from five to one hundred dollars, positively given to any peraon who can spare one day in a week, or one hour in a day, getting up clubs of subscribers in his own and adjoining neighbor hoods, for the best and moat popular family newa paper now published. No expense, no outlay, no capital required nf agents An entire new plan is inupuBcu, uv wiiivn nay person can suceeed in ma king it a paying business, who wiJI undertake th agency. A private circular, ior the inspection of icmuui, wii.. luiiiifeiaoi premiums, will be aent to any one who desires it, on receipt of a atami, to pay return postage, orne agents hare earned a nunareo aouar gold waicB In one week. Every family should read at Icaat one Newspa per from New York city, without interfering with their Local papers, which, of course, cannot, and should not. be dispensed with. But New York be ing the great Commercial and and business centre of this con ti net, no farmer, mechanic, professional man, or merchant, is properl .- prepared for the emergencies of ids calling unless he is in commu nication with new Vorg city by means of one of lis nisi cut a newspaper mediums. Such a medi am la our "LEDGER.'' n -utral in politics, but giving all the facia, items o news, and thrilling In cidents worth knowing throughout the -uuntry. A Valuable Gift. Each new sab-tcriber will receive with the firat No. of hUor her paper one of the new and beauti ul glass pointed indelible Pencils, just imported from Europe, and lor which we have obtained the exclusiveagencyfonhiseountry. This Is the most ing. nious ami useful little imp'ovementof ihe pree ert age, and -a the only pencil ever made th .l will u lite with Ink, making it both pea and pencil of the finest quality at the same time. It wiilist for years, and for practical use in wor'h more than any old pen in the market. .-. Fot list of premiums and lull particularsaddress. HAI L d WEST, 7:- ., PbIM,ers, N. Y.Cl.y. hcov i cutin suppucu to me trade at a profit- uble di ount Auguvt 27th, tw67 NOTICE. HE PUBLIC AUK HKKKBY NOTIFIED 1 That at the FallTenn. 1857. of New Hanover -perlort-.ur of Law and Equity.it waa order ed that a p- cia Teun .if said Curt be held on h :-si Monday Uf January next, and that aaid ."Special T"ni sitould ron'inar- two weeks. Paul, a and "io.nws po the Stale Docket are not ruq aired r urtend i e.-te, J A S. A W R 1 G HT, C S. C. "v (9. . 103 tc. ' JI ST KECEIVCDr 111 DAY per Express a few nrime Oranvea. At the Bnadwav Vari tv .-si ore No tn Mn. ke!.mi . , V W.H. DbNEALE. " KMPrV SPIRIT BARRELS. I p,Iu5 stn.t kDd SPIllir BAR wU ' RELst For aale bv. SWAN & COS LOTTERIES'. A'EW JM C1SILL1A.NT SCHEME! mi'-ii - n ' . .v . CAPITAL PRIZE Ufa foMMltt The following Scheme will be drawn by S Swax d Co . Managers of the Fort Gaines Acad emy lottery, in each of their Lo n cries for De-I eember, 18B7, at AUGUSTA, Georgia, to which I city they have removed their Principal Office. CLASS 65, To be drawn la the City of Aogosta, Georgia, In I . pnbiic, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1857. CLASS 66, J To be dran in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in ! public on SATURDAY, DECEMBER ,12th, 1857. CLASS 67, To be drano in tho City -if Aognsta, Georgia, in pnbiic on SATURT AY, DECEMBER 19857. CLASS 68, To be drawn in the City of August a, Georgia In public, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1867, , , - ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS riVB THOUSSANU FOUR HUNDRED PRIZES! NEARLY ONE PiUZE TO EVER? NINE TICK . . :: ets. . . M1GNIFHMT SCHEME? TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN DECEMBER! Prize of 60,000 I Prle of 2,000 30,000 1 1 -10,000 l 60 Prisea of 6,000 I00 " 5,0i0 100 " " . 3,000 1100 " ' 1,500 1,000 150 125 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes of 300 appro'to 960,000 prize are tl,2.X 4 250 200 30.0 0 10,000 1,000 BOO " 600 " 500 " 400 300 200 100.000 150 125 100 " 76 ' 60 " 20 are 6 000 5.0T0 3,000 2,000 1,500 5,000 o,4UU frizes amounting to ' 320 000 Whole 'tickets 10; Halves 5 ; Quarters 2t, PLAN OF THE LOTTERV. The Numbers from I to 50.000. corresnnndlhv with those Numbers on the Tickets urinted on separate slips of paper, are encircled With small tin tunes and placed in one Wheel. The first 368 Prizes, simiilarlv minted and en. circled, are placed in another wheel. I he wheels are then revolved, and a number la drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at tha same time a Prize is era wn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prizs being placed against the Number drawn.- This operation ia repeated uuui an Mie r rises are arawn out. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two ureceedlng and the two succeeding Number a to those drawing the firat 8 Prizea will be entitled t. the 32 Approximation Prizes. For example; 11 lick et No 1 1250 draws the S60.0U0 Prize, those Tickets numbered 1 1243, 11249. 1 1251 11252, with each be entitled to a 300. If Ticket No. 550 draws the 330.000 Priae. those Tickets nnmbered &48 549, 551. 652, will each be entitled to 9iou, and soon according to the above scheme. I he 6X00 Prizea of t 'O will be determined hv he last figure of the Number that drawa the S60 - l"00 Prize. For example, if the Number drawing he 460,000 Prize ends with No. I. then all the tickets, where the number ends in I, will be en tiled toSiO. If the Number ends with No.2.tten all lh! Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be milled to and SO on to 0. Certificates of Packages will he tutA i it, fol. lowing rates, which is the tivk ; Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 iu ii an . 4ti 10 Quarter " 20 10 Eighth " 10 It u tl IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIPI. CATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tielr. eta ordered, on receipt of which they will be for warded by first mail. Purchasers can have tick ets ending in any figure thev mav designate The List nf Drawn Numbers and Prteeswlll l. aemto purchasers immediately after the drawing. u ruicinKrewni piease write tneir signatures plain, and give their Post Offieel Cmmtv and 3r Remember that rr Prlr I. (nn ..j pavab e in full without deduction. . 3" All prize of 1,000 and under, paid immedi. tely after the drawing other nrizea at th iianal time of thirty daya. Ait communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN. & CO., Augusta, Georgia., J loiMllllimuiniriwir J.I MlimimffrV. a 19 n Aiianuc, via., can nave their orders filled, and aave tm"i hy addressing S. S wan A Co., at either of tr A list Of the numbers that am drawn tm the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one Is entitled to, will be nnhlineed after avvr rawing, in the following nanera - A -,,. in t n.n ConetitutionaUat. New OrLymm n,t f.ju. h.-L. Ur, Charleston Standard, NwthtiMe Gazelle, Atlanta i 5 . " rrmaiiy isuy oook, oavan- York Dispatch and Paulding Mite.) Clarion. WORTHY OF NOTICE. T?TIHE LARGPEST ASSORTMENT OF HATS and CAP ta h r.wt t ,. i... , . .. . ...,..,u,,,m in pun um, si market at. Nov. 14. CHAS. D.MYERS. FINE DRESS HATS. MOLESKIN, BEAVER, CASSI31ERE AND Soft Felt of the latest styles and finest finish. Just opened at the Hat and Cap Empnriara, 31 Market Street. CHAS. D. MYERS, f.ov. 14th. SPECIE. lOO SPECIE, FOR SALE BY S1.UUU Nov. 14. O.W.DAVIS. WINES! WINES!! WINES!!! TT IS TRULY SAID that George Myers haa - "e ocst Champagne wines ever before offered n thia city They need but a trial from thoee kKo " -f " u9at tnemto sapercrde all other brands. uii-fciiiAL BRAND, u cases, the "ne pies ultra" of all winea from t vineyard of Bouche, r us ei urouei Sillery superleur, " HeidsicK brand qtadt pia. Bouche brand " " Crown brand -; ( ' Star brand - ' Also, Rrsndies of the very finest grades. Pure Holland Gin, duties paid at Castom House. Wil mington, N. C. Sherry, Port any Madeira Wines, pure, ana every possi me variety or Winea, Li quora. Coidiale, c.. Ac. in wood ac glass. Tuscaloosa. Monongahela and Bourbon WhiaJrv. witha lot of choice old Baker Whiskey, the choi ces! article ever onerea neiore in tnts market. Call and examine, at the Original Family Gro eery, Noa. 11 and 13, Front street. April?. GEO. MYERS. EMPTY BARRELS. 90I SPIRIT BARRELS, jnst received per O'-V Schr. Ingomar, and for aale by Nor 12. - ADAMS, BRO. 4 CO. EMPTY BARREL'S 1 A Q SUPERIOR SECOND HAND SPIRIT I V Barrela. For sale by Dee. 3. O. W. DAVIS. . , ESI Pi Y BARRELS. Ofl PRIK Spirit Barrels, jnat received per VIV brig Albert Adatne. For aale by . Dee. 3. ADAMS, BRO. A CO. - ' FINE CANES. WK H AVE jaal opened a targe and elegant t rietv nfrimi Walkina Can . n.;c i partof Gmta Percha, handsomely mounted with fv."ll?fr' ,"d rieh! ex"" heads. Orange ood. Ebony, Rosewood and aeijeted Hiekorys mounted ia various arylea. Calf and examine onr .wtnifai the Hat. and Cap Emporiam. 34 Mark st. HHAS r uvcdd Oct. I. ' ' . ROYAL illJPJNi LOTTERY. The neztordlnary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery eortdactrd by the Spanish Government, ud der tho supervision of the Captain General of Caw oa, wintase place at Havana on SATURDAY, JAN. 9TH, 1858 SOETEO NU31EK.O 92 ORDINARIO. CAPITAL PRIZE 100 00n If! 1 prize of 9100,000 4 prizes of $2,00 I " 50,000 1 " i ; 30.000 I 5 " 1.000 52 " 500 10,000 5,000 143 400 tl 20 Apr'xm's. 8,800 4 approximations to the ? 100.000 of 600 eacht 4 of S400 to S50.000 ; 4 of $400 to $30,000: 4 ol 8403 to 1 0,000, 4 of 400 to5.0C0. Whole Tickets, 20; tlaIres,S10; Qitarters5.00, Prizes casned at sight at 6 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte taken at par. A drawing' will be farwarded aa soon aa '.he re sult becomes known Communications addressed lo DON RCDRI- GUEZ. (care of City Post, Charleston, C.) un til the 9th of January will be attended to H ep. a. INHALATION IN CONSUMPTION. BltONCaiTIS. Larvgitls. and other diseases of the onest ana inroar, successfully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapor, and Powders, by I "UDUIr11 vuiieijiuiivnai ticniiiiruif as prac deed at the Stnvvesant Medical Institute, New York City. . The unprecedented sarcees which has attended this method of .resting diseases of the Luncs and Throat, hs induced ua :o depart from our jsual course, and avail ourselves of the columns of the fress, in order to brine it to the Knowledge of such as mav be laboring under, or predisposed to such affections. The dawn of a brighter day has arriv ed for the consumptive; the doctrine of taeincura- bitity of Consumption having at length passed a- way. We have indubitable proois in our posses sion, that Consnmotion, in all ita stages, can be cured ! in the first by tubercular absorptions; in tne second, by trauformatioa of tubercular into chalky and calecreous concretions ; in the third, by cicatrices or scars, xnowweaaea 10 mc opinions of the past may assert, that even now Consump tion ia incurable ; such are behind the age. To all ini8 great truth must oeappareot, viz: that the medicine inhaled in the form of vapor or powder. directly into Lungs, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach, where the disease does not exist. The advantage ot inhalation in Consumption and throat diseases is, that medicines in the form of vapor are applied directly to-the Lungs, where the disease exists; the stomach is thus left free lo aid in restoring by administering; to it neaitny iiie-givingtood. t here is no case so hopeless that Inhalation will not reach I The means, too, are brought within the reach of all. the manner of administering the Vapors being so sim ple that the invalid ia never required to leave home, where the hand of friendship and affection tend so much to sid the physician's efforts. The inhaling method is soothing, safe and spee dy, and consists in the administration of medicines in such a manner that they are conveyed into the Lunga into the form of Vapor, and produce their action at the aeat of the disease. Ita practical suc cess ia destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medical world, and establish the entire curability of Consumption. I earnestly appeal to the common sense of all af flicted with Lung diseases, to embrace at once the dvantagca of Inhalation; and no longer bddIv medicine to the unoffending stomach. I claim for Inhalation a place among the priceless gifts that nature and art hath given ns, that "our daya may be long in the land," and as the only Ark of re fuge forthe Consumptive, a method not only ra tional, but simple, safe and efficacious. ucn of the protession that have adopted. In halation have found it efficacious in the highest de gree, arresting the progress of the disease, and working wonders in many desperate cases. lo verity a aignal triumph of our art over this fell destroyer of our species. iMoTf. Physicians wishing to make themselves acquainted with thia practice, are Informed that our time being valuuble, we can only reply as to in gredients used, to sucn tetters as contain a fee. The lee in - ail cases or Pulmonary Alluctions ill be S10 on receipt of which the necessary medicinea and instruments will be forwarded. Applicants will state age. aex, .married or single. how lone atlecled. If any Hereditary disease ex ists in the family, and symptoms generally. Let tne name, town ana state De plainly written. Postage for return answers must be enclored. - Letters when regiatered-by the Post Master will be at our risk. All letters must be addressed to WALLACE MEATOUN, M. D. S M. Institute, New York City. Oct. 31. 95 6m, FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! FOB THB TRADE OR PRIVATE USE. FOSTER & LEE, Furniture Manufacturers, 35 Bowery, New York. ' 7 TSRM3 CASH. QBE PRICB PEL HERETOFORE we have manufactured and sold exclusively at Wholesale. We are now prepared to offer a well assorted atock Ed at Retail, at a saving of from twenty to thirty per cent, to tne consumer. We have now for aale Mahogany Chairs, spring seats, upholstered in hair cloth, from 92 26 to 96 00 each. Mahogany Sofas, spring sests, upholstered in hair cloth, from 13 to 26 dollars each. Mahogany Rocking-Chairs, spring seats, up- noistered in nair-clolth, from 6 to 11 dollars each. Mahogany Easy Chairs, on castors or rockers, upnolstered In hair-cloth, from 1 1 to 18 dol lars each. is Mahogany 'fete a-Tete, upholstered tn hair cloth, from IS to 35 dollars each. Mahogany Tete-a-tete Sofas, upholstered in nair ciotn, from a to 45 dolars each. Marble and Mahogany Top Tables, In great Ess varierv of stvles. dualities and nricea. Bureaus, hall Marble and Wood Top, with or pa without u lasses, and wash-stands to mst-h se: Also. Wardrobes Bedsteads. Sideboards. nan stands, hook Cases, Loungea, Etegerea Corner stands and Book shelves. OFFICE FURNITURE. DESKS, TABLES AND UUAUU. AH the above gooda in black walnut or oak 63 at the same prices. I'JLKL.OR SUITS, I n Rosewood upholstered in French Brocatelle, aatm Da ma sit, satin ana Plush. The same in Black Walnut, the frames of of which are stained in varnishing, making a beautiful imitation, and npholsiered in the aame gooda, make a showy appearance at a much lower price. In our establishment can be fo'.nd a great variety of Fancy Chairs, in Rosewood. Ma Ca- Eaf Ed hogany and Black Walnut Turkish Smoking Pk.l.. t I 1 V-3 ff X 1 1 . . uui..iuiiuiug wiiairv, nan lemurs, Vol taire Chairs, Cane Chaffs, and also the cele brated SPRING BED. known aa Tucker1. patent. 1 his article we would particularly re commend, it having been fully tested, and found upon trial to be the beat spring bottom ever iuicuivii. Conclusion-. Parties Who are not able to narsonallv aWt tnegooas tney may warn, can denend nnnn navina; ineir timers nuea wrtn aa much care, and their inte-est studied, aa though they were Ed O present; and to such we also offer onr services far tne selection of any Household goods thev may want, and aa we should purchase front Firs Hands, a saving; will thereby be made wnicn iu cuaiooier wouia nave toe benefft of. July 29, 1857. wdrtwlyr WILSON'S HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. mnD -..i. .-:u-- 1. . on hand every deseriptloa of t 12 SAUULKS, BRIDLES, HAR.glMVW NESS, WHIPS and TRUNKS. all kinds of Leatb er and Oil Coaeb Trimmings, Carpet Baga, BUs, Valises. Infallible condition powders for diseased horses and cattle. The targes aaaortmeat and best atock of Goods In the -State j sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest New York price, and on aecomaiodMiag terras to prompt ea atom era. Harness and 1 ranka made to or del, an4 repaired. JAM ES W ILSON. ; Oct IT. BS-Iyc. Market at, aearthe wharf, i EMPIRE CABS, GIGS & CARRIAGES J USTM band, per Schr. Ban, n new and splen did assortment of the above artielea for Chil dren, at the Ek-oavWay Variety Store, No. 40 UsrkM-sree. , WM. H. Da.NEALE. A.f,I3L . - SI ALUR SALT. 4.000 SSSS,ALB SALT'iB SELLING OFF. OUR ENTIRE stock of Hats, Caps, Canes. Mm breUas, Fare, Riding Hats, Children's Fancy Ilata and Caps, Misses Flats, Belts, &c&c,ai the Hat and Cap Emporiom, 34 Market sr. Nov. 17. . - , CA AS. D. MYERS. t HOUSTON'S PATENT SKID SCALES. qpHESE Scales, for which the Inventor has ob--L tained Letters Parent from the United States Government, are intended to supersede the present cumbrous and objectionable apparatus used for weighing cylindrical packages, such as battels, tierees, f-c, containing articles vaaaBy sold by weight. Also for weighing bales of cotton, hsy. or other similar packages. The advantage claimed for them over the ordinary Sealea in ase. arethat no twuftar is required, as the article to be weighed 1 immediately suspended , by its own gravity, and without strain, on reaching a given point beneath the Scale beam ihua saving a larire amount of time and labor, and preventing injury by hooks, or otherwise, to tha frailest package. ' t The patentee will be pleased to exhibit hu invention at the store of Mr. S. M. West, and receive orders for such si zes and quantities as may be desired. GEO, HOUSTON. Patentee. July 27. 67-tf C ONSUMP riON AND ALL DISEASES ofthe LUNGS and THROAT CAN BE CURED BY INHALATION. Which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs, through the air passages, and coming in di- iki wwuott wilu ue uisease, neutralizes ine tu bercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy e pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies tne oiooa, imparts renewed vltjluv to the nervona system giving that tone and energy so indispenea Die ror tne restoration ot health. To be able to state connaenny mat consumption is curable bv nhalation, ia to me a source of unalluved nl.r. It is aa much under the contol of medical treatment asanyotner tormiacDie disease: ninetv m,t nf every iinnarea cases can De curea In the firtt sta ges, ana nny per cent in tne second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent, ior me L.ungs are so cut upbvthedis ease as to un detunes to medical akill however, in the last stages. Inhalaiinn afTn.A. traordinary relief to the suflerin? attending ihi. fearful scourge, which annually destroya ninety- and a correct calculation shows that of the present population ofthe earth, eighty millions are destin ed 10 nn ine ioucumpme s grave. .1 ruiy me quiver oi aeatn nas no arrow so fatal s consumption, m ail ages It has been ih rri.t enemy of lite for it spares neither age nor sex. but sweeps off alike the brave, the heaniir.,1 ,k. gracelaland the gifted. By the help of that' Su preme Being irorn wnom comet h every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflcted a permanent-ana speedy cure in Consumption. The nrst cause 01 tuoercies is trom impure blood, and the immediate eflect produced bv their dfinniii in the lungs is to prevent the tree admission of air into tne air ecus, wnicn causes a weakened vital! ry inrougn me enure system. Then Buret, t, 1. more rational to expect greater good from medicin es entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the stomach t the pa- .. . : 1 1 l . i .. c a . l , . .... iicm mm aiaj Him i ue lungs iree and the brea thing easy, aner inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala- ivui a iucui icnieuy, neveriueie8s it acts consti tutionally, and with more; power and certainty than rcmed'3 Iminlstered by the stomach. To prove tne poweriui and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, para- i;tiug iiiiciiuib ncrvuus system so that a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gaa will destroy life at a r a Uf hshnse Tne inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system wnen lainung or apparently dead. The order of many oi ine meaicines is perceptible in the akin lew minutes alter being inhaled, and may be im mediately detected in the blood. A convincing pjoofof the constitutional effects of inhalation, is mc wei nisi BicaucBs in always produced by breath ing foul air is this not positive evidence that pro per remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should produce the happiest result I During eighteen years practice iiiuwy inuunnuuB, E-uueiing irom diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care.and I have effected manyremarkable cure., even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages which fully satis es me that consumption isno lon ger iaiai oisea?e. my treatment of comsuujp-.ion is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, Ac, enables me to distinguish; readily, the various forma of disease lhat simulate consumption, snd apply the proper . c, imam ten even in a single case This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contrac tu tresis, io enlarge tne chest, purify the blood impart to its renewed vitaliiy, giving energy and VI, .7 v lilt. -.,. c S.J9ICIII. , : . i. r. t i , Lien, men wiui mil airections sent to anv nart ." '-' uu ianiam py patients com manicating ineir symptoms by letter." But the cure would ba more certain if the patient should py me a visit, which would give an opportunity to casii'iiio mo iuukb anu cnaoie me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again .v.., .oniLK luiice muni contain a postage stamp. I 6 ATDRES G. W. OR AH AM, M. D J BOX Ho. 63. V Office, 1131 Filbert Street, old No. 109 BELOW TWELFTH. a-a, - Oct. 24. 9My. WILMINQ ON & WELDOK RAILROAD XO UPP1CR OF TUB BKO. AND StJPeBINTENnKNT I Wilmington, N. C, Sov. 12. 1857. I a nr. rAoobitiublt TKAIXSI WILL, Until luruier nonce, run over tnts rosd as folio w a -. GOING NORTH, DAILY. 1 OAV EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilmington .1 v.vv n. ai.. (sunaays eicepted); arrives at Goldsboro at 92 leaves in 5 minutes ; and ar rives ai weiaon ai i.mi f. W , NIGHT EXPRESS TttAlN leaves Wilmlngt 10a at a, f. ttl t arrives at Uordsboro at 7.53, Zo fpi ; TOomM , strives at vveidon at 12, GOING SOUTH, DAILY. DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon at i m. . M- tannoaya excepted)! arrives at GoldtberoT 3.31 f. m. leaves in it minutes . arrives at ton at 7.45 P. M .. to snnoer. Wilming- NIGHT EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 9 00 P. M.; arrives stColdsbaro' at 12.46 A. M -leaves in 1V2i2S.,uLrH,res " Wilmington at 5,30 A, M. uCThe Night Express Train conneeta with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds ouru , Through Tickets North sold fn Wilmington : to Baltimrre I2: to Philadelphia its. 7 York 150 t to Washington, D. C, SI 1. tTica:T wttt not aa bold to a bzqko in j riason. Passengers are notified that an ezlra charge of twenty-five cents Kill be required of those vka do not purchase Octets at stations. Freight by paaaenger trains double rates. Lo cal fare, with tickets, about 3 cents dim- mile t If paid in the ears- FREI -SHT TRAIXS.-TW0 throagh schedule trains between. Wilmington and WeMon, each week, leaving alternately on Mondays and Thurs days, and arriving on Tuesdays and Fridays; four schedule trains per week ta Goidsbore,' leaving Wilmington onTaeeiays, Wednesdays. Fridays and Sdtnrdaya, and Go Id bo ro on Mondays, Wed nesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, making with the "through" trains, a dailv freiohr train ways b ween Wilmington and Gotdaboro.a one irrega tar train, lor way freight. v All dues om fretghf, no or- down-, oayable at Geueral Freight Office in Wilmlr.ri .. or delivery, exclusive of that on the North Caro liaa Railroad, which may be prepaid or not, at tha option trf the consignor. . , , , Sf.. FREMONT, r Chief Eng. and Snoeatendent. No.-, 12 10Q W. L. PITTS & CO- STOCR, REAL ESTATE AND PR0- HUCE BROKERS, , . s WIt.Mfr2-rftar. yi r: 4 Pnact nal attention given to the purchase and aale of Rtml Estate, Stock, mnd other . Seatrilie bought and told an Commission '. Will attend to sales by A net ion of Real Estate or Manufacturing proDertv in anv nan nf iha Csaaty or State or to the aale of Stoeka nf u.r. chandiae in Stores or Fnroit t In Honses in this (UWBJ. HEALTH OR SICKNESS 1 CD008B EBT1TEE5 THEM. rHE bl m A furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, glsnd and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it sec a res health to every organ when corrupt, it necessarily producea disease. HOLLOVVAY'S PILLS operate directly tinoa the elements of the Stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease, and thus radically earing lb malady, whether located in the nervaa. iha alom. ach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part ofthe svstem. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORL-t ' HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are eouallv efBcaelona f n (.nulnlli nfla J..-.. mnnm. a a U . I. 1 - a. - I "--.' v &v i ne w iiuiv iiti iiiH n race, and in disorders peculiar to certain climates and localities. - - . ALARMING DISORDERS. .. . Dyspepsia, and derangement of iha liver it. sonree olinfirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield le these curative, In ai easea, however aggravated, aeilna- aa a nu purgative, alterative and tonics "hey relieve the hnVn - niivirut n rm fka M .. U t r - v. k aiio iiuju9. una inrinrii in GENERAL WEAKNESS NERVOUS Cdy. Wii en all stimulants fail, the renojifr, .. bracing properties of these Pills rive firm... me snaatng nerves and cnleebled muscles of tht victim of general debility. a DELICATE FEMALES. ill I I .9.1 S l . - , delicate and sensitive organs of the aex are t.n.ov- f r!,VJ,ei,efted .by " ,e.w d0,e of ibe-rmlld. but infallible alteratives. No nToiher who reiraLH. hat- ' b uui iiivo iiiu uiiinrnia inrnirnT w own or her children's health fail i.- .1 within her reach. ,"eH, SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London "Lancet.' the Londnn -m.:..i i?Di.. .1 .j .1 , : ... ...n , . , iiU ,i,c must eminent 01 th r,.ii GJeV B- ia' Pr?n?ef nd Germany, haveeulogix, ed the Pills and tueir inventor. 8 Hollowayrs Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: Asthma Fever and Ague Lownessof Bowel Com- Female Com- opints Piles Stone and plainta olainta. Cougha Headaches Colde Indigestion Gravel wnest LMseases influenza Secondary Symptoms Vencrai Affcc tions Worms, of all Costiveness Inflammation Inward Weak ness Liver Com Dyspepsia uiarrhma Dropsy Debility plaints kinds Soin a'theiManufactureS0' Professor H lowat, 8U Maide L.ane, New-York, and 244 II respectable Drnggists and hroughout the United State rid, in boxea at 25 cents, 62 nslderable saving by taking Strand, London, t Dealers in Medirii and the civilized cents, and 1 earb There is a the larger sizes. N. B. Directio . for tha ntt.. In every disorder sr. affixed on each TboV" "en" CSCAUTIONI None sr. e-!-T the worda "Hollov,. V, V,fr iVS. - discernable as a voter-mark In t-.rr.ul book of directions around eh nn. , k l.lvL the hgM. A handsome reward will h .t. any one rendering such information ir nf.. v..a . to the detection of anv nariv niT,.,i, felting the medicines or vending the same know tng them to be spurious. .. "w Dee. 11. ' ; FOR RENT. , For Twelve Months from 1st October, the . nnmn uf ti m. a. . . 1 . - wvvucu oy tne aubecrl ber. . G. W. DAVfS. tv.73tf Sept. 9,1627. AFFLICTED I ! TWENTY-TWO VP-inc. Experience haa rendered Iir. IT . .... ....., 1 o uuie (ii a mivuniit a private nature : manhnnd'a itaKiM.- - pediment to marriage; nervous and 'sexual in firmities, diseases f the akin ..j ,k irom aouse 01 mercury. T- ' r . - , -. uivBEiruinv ma ti. t. tr A KTICULAR NOTICE. V . There ia an evil habit sometimes indulged in boys, in solitude, often grow inv -.i.iT.Ka. .r manhood t and which, if not reformed tn due time -not only begets serious nKat.u. .i .' al happiness, but gives rise to 1 series of rol nrae.T-? ih8e who,e,re 'T hia pernirfona practice are aware ofthe consequences, nntilthey end the nervons system shattered, feeUtrangeaDd aoarcountable sensations, and vagaefearain tho' mind. (See pages. 27. 28.29. of f)r r. . 'SelfPreaerVatioii.") ' """" 1 nc untortanate tuna affected becomes feeble ia. nable to labor witf- accustomed vi.nr nr f .. i ply his mind tostus,: his step is tardy and weakr he ia dull, Irresolute, and engages even in hie sports with less enerpy than usual. ' If he emancipate himself before the practice haa done itsworst, at I enter matrimony, hie marrisge is unfruitful, and hfa sense tells hint that thia lav caused by his ear. folJiea nuri .Wa-i- tions which ahoula amoks th attention of all cI,Sh aro similarly mUvss ted. - , KKa KM BER. He who nlaeea hlmaelf nn treatment, may religiously confide in hi. i, as a gentleman, an.: rely upon tbeaasnraaee.ibat the secrets of Dr. K.'e patients will . w ji. closed. ...... ' Voung man let ao false mod ear. a., ... from making yonr ease known to eae, who. frcmi education no4 yeaeectabUitT. Mii .rt.t-i- L friend yoa. -A -: . :i . 7 Dr. Kinkelin's residence haa been for the lest J weply years at the N. W. corner of Third and. Union streets, Philadelphia. Pa. . PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. Can bate (by stating their case emliefal. telher wi,h all their symptom., per letter, enetos-w f Dt-K.'a naedielne, apntopriated' accuTuingr.. Forwarded te. any part of the United States and packed seenre from damage ereariaaio u.ij. or Express. HEAD YOUTH AND MANHOOD f' A rigorous Life era Prematitr n,n r.-fc.r.- on Self-Preservation Onln 25 t'.li. letters containing that valne in stamna. will ebsare a copy, per return of mail. Uft .nai UttA! UKATIS'f! A Free GI FT To All. - 1 MISERY RELIEVED: Nature's Guide." a new and mi.1.. full of valuable advice and impressive watain. alike calculated to nrevent veara r ni. ZZT save thousands of Uvea, Is distributed withont charge, and forwarded by mall, prepaid to any Post Office tn the United States, on receiving ai order tneioataj two peatagt stamps. TH V AV V I t! -i rr SOUTHERN METHOD I S JI v For h5!"A orfMiVe aBnoal." iv. O. AOtormf. 5. 1 rl-A vast amount of xmtmaUe Information. i Texas jiawoemte t?i iA very esmptete and WW renoaitoe. r - El85Si L formation." Caartrrf, Rt-miem gSi00! "Every Methodiatla the South .hoaW pro rT -i it ft mr arm . j . t4 t - M1Ma. auH - . -a a . eaa T thia book"j!iraaM Cirrii "Win yet toon out of It tamx, tbs worth o$Z ODa k.llw-. JV. ft Adrmemt-T "Choap mfme Anus th cost." Bmsm CMb. "We bad jot expected to find It so deeply . C3 - ,-r a.' "BnM have cost rreat labor." &mAm - 1856r- 'How wstwtt4owitbosi.t htf LargelS ,-The plan and execntion of it ws birhlv nun. naatlv B-'g. AT Qmrferlp.f bonod MAiayaiWiasswi ert-.).tln. Single copses, Ow mail, rrevaU. 1 l.eTa prencbers and booksellers, ordering 1 dozen ne more, SO per eeoL diseoanC May be orriem) from Stevenson & Owen, Nashville ; W. p. Orif Ilth, Norfolk, Virgin!.; JL W. PUtt, Wilmington If. C; E. H. Myers, Charleston, 8. C, or H. D lleGinnis, New Orleans. For single copies and fpetrioigeaeies, address the editor, CHAJ4LXS. . DEXM8. - May 14. (25w ) . Wflmlngtna, ff. ' - nERBIXG. - pri EXTRA No. 1 Herring, tn inn paring HOLLO WAY'S P ILLS PIL,r ??LPHIA MEDICAL IIOUJSE. A Established twenty-two years ago bi bt a w rL nm lanoea sna ror saw er aVng.32.