i WHOLE NUMBER 1 532 WILMINGTON, N. C..' TllUKSDAYs MORNING, .JANUARY 28. 185& VOLUME XIINUM BEll 131. laBK.'-i---... WWWIWWWM m ' 1 1 1 . 1 . - . . . . . . . . . T-.t.., t - - --.--. - v' - ANTIPHLOGISTIC SALT A PEItFECT SOBSTITUTK fOn THK CAN OKI", LKKCHKS AND BUSTSRt UK thi iairioi vaiiM, Hlntif hccocd cumuitr . nity, ladBui tbo liieertr, imuI be ttu Judge, - , Many Medicine ouercd ioraie areaccompao ied by dwubilul cer'ilicale, (iheir chkl tlrmrj nd claim to be aiaUeraat rruiedira, caring ai naladic burtrqu-oii comnum n. At ih nucoytrcr of ilila Malt aulemnty rMckta again hiving ii placed in iho category vl traudaandiiu l'tiiun, he haa reaoired that It shall go forth tu 1 ho world like the pure gold dollar, with no other .imparl than iia own true value. Jf the public tind it rrnuine ihev will receive ll if apurioua, ihey will reject and condemn It. Inauad a pan acea for all Ilia, Ii haa control over oat one III haa but one aim and acrompllahea but one thine, to wit r(viii)M mrLAMMATOBT niAB whatever be in fornor locality whether in the bead, throat cheat, abdomen, eitremitlce, or akin. v hen the discoverer, after a long aeriea of labc rlua aad coatly exprimen'a, became fully confir med in hi conviction that the AntiphlogUiieStii, which he now has the happlneva to present tu the American public. w a PKKFKCT SUBSTITUTE I'o r Blood-lrtiinjr, Leeches and' Uliaiera, hie mis'? vaa so agitated that he coold not alerp for man nighia The cause of hi agitation was the stri king fact thol the manner el iia operation, like that of the virus In v ccination, could no be satisfacto rily explained upon any known principle. How, in what way, it so eiTeelually subdues InAiinuiatory diseases, and no oihtro, was at first wholly inrxpli. cable but, on further expriiment, it was pioted that by lis power over the veins, arierira and glanda, if tqualiict theJLutdi of thtbody, the H'anlol an equilibrium In which. Is the sole taut ot in flammation. It exeita, like ihe vaccine mat er.aa extraordinary Influence over the circulation re sulting in a gradual decline of inflammation aa in dicated by the pHtse, which soon resumes its nat ural elate, aa the heat and pain disappear. Sucr la its poiener, thatliketha viiusjust mentioned It requires what merely adheres to the point of 1 nuill dipped Into a solution of it, to effect thetn tire system but must b inttantly unci loprrveit decomposition end secure Its full virtttr. Th ret quills in acute, and two in chronic dlst ase, evert U4 hoar, till the heat and fever have subsided af a perfect cure effected. When it takes the placeot Leeches, Stimulating Olnttmnis and Blisters is Local I nil imuiallon.ae Brain Fever, Croup Tooth ache Pleurisy, e., iia mode of administration it two-fld (Set dirocliontjvr diM!tingttle.) fJT7The periiliar excellence of this Sntl is that vHihoei the uaele1oSa of blood and strength, it effectually cures luflammaioi y Divearea (no oth er) by producing an eqoilibiiutD ot all Ihe flu Ms in the body and a conneqiipiit uninterrupted c trrula lion. Th lollowlngdiiTerentbrms which ihe un balance d fluids arrume, and many not here men tiom-d, that lis ve more or less fcVer or pain, are aa perfectly subdued by the Antiphlogistic Salt, aa fire la extinguished by water. 1 Cases where the unbalanced fluid arT'Cls the lead and Throat to wil: Brain iPeVer, Headache, Fits, Inflamed F.yes, litirt and Nos. Canker, Neu ralgia, Catarrh, Erysipelas Bronchitis. c. 'I Csses where the dntmlarrced flulils affect the Chest and Abdomen -to wilt Pleuilsy, Asthma, Inflamed Lunga and Liter, Colic, Heartburn '.'ougha, Dyspepsia, Oravet, Cunurrohosa, Venere. I.Ac. 3 Cases where Ihe Unbalanced fluids affeet the Rxtrcmltir and Skin lo m ilt Uheumalirm, Gout, rtrrofula, Uhers. Chickth and Sml Pox, ciall X he 11 in, and all Itching arid uthcr utahuoua Krup tions. 1 his Salt greatly al.leVlatek the Inflammatory Pains peculiar to married ladies, (before and ai the time of confinement,) and many Female Com plaint) andiavery efficacious In Severs, Ague. Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections, and any other forms of (mark this) Inflammatory Discos, attended with heat or febrile symptoms. QrPersna who have a tendency of blood to the lie id and Heart or lead Inactive lives, or breathe nic impure air of manufactories and ihe poisonous liimesof metals and minerals. or live in unhealthy rlimate, are exposed to a prctillat filiation ain fluid of Iht body, which one doee. wittiout into ef Infr with diet or biuimss, one in th t month, would invnri.')bly prevtnl. Ii is belitvi d to aSoid protection from Infectious Diseases and, there foie, it Is ret'Onihiehded to Travellers, Sailor and JSollier yT hwiec the rrmninnlij- from ImpoMtlnn by eoftrtfi. tho i h'tiii.t6i will n,pi.. ya Aer.itti ant has made such arrangeiuriits that he can send the Midicine in any quantity, by Mail or Kxpr4; to any part of Ihe United Stairs or For elijn Countries. lis prime con fo the Discover- is SI.50 per drachm price ft per drachm and ia put up in drachm pickup for Acme Disease, twlih diiiction, ic. i draehms do. for t'hronic Csses, 95; and 5 drachms do. for Families $3 -a net profit ol 50c on each package. iryVVhile man j nostrum makers victimize the good natnred end pill ridden public by ordering Irom six to a doxen boxes or bottles to cure any tnnlidy.no matter what, the undcrsigntdis happy In being able to stale, that the severest forms of recent Inflammatory Disear-e are overcome by en Acme Package, and the moat obstinate and long landing by on 'Jhronlc Package. Although 30 days have not elapsed sIHCc this Ntw Medical Agent became partially known to Iho citizens of Boston anu a few neighboring towns, yet such have been ihe resnlisdf Its trial that during ihe pst week, nearly 400 pflcknecs were sold in this riiy and or ders received by mall and express for 16 Family 347 Chronic, and 385 Acute Packages. In one in stsnee6 persons clubbed together and wrote for 6 Packages, (of ihe "Little Giant," as they called it,) to be forwarded to one addree thereby saving expense lo themselves and ihe Proprietor. , 7 Letters from clubs or Individuals with mon ey (it over tlO) should be reglttertd at the post office where mailed, as it costs but Sc., and will se cure their safe- arrival. . ! ; . The Di-coverer now humbly submits hit Per fect Substitute fo the Lancet, Leech a and Blis ters, to the tribunal of sh Intelligent public, reiter ating thst it does just what it claims 10 do no more, no less: Subduea Inflammatory Diseases, (no others,) whatever belts form or locality, fry rettorin-r th lottbalane bttwetn Ut Maid. and ol- iil. Family Package 48. Chronie '. and Acuta -'l to be had (free of expenae) only by addressing mm tnrouen uox n:t tioston, mass., or at bis of fiee. No. 3 Winter Street. JrCut out this advertisement for the perutal of your neighbors and your own future use. F. COOG8 WELL, M. O. Discoverer and Proprietor. Boston, Msy, I8S7. . 25lw 'For sale at THK COMMERCIAL OFFICE YCUNG ASICRIC1 TARGET PISTOL Uannfactnxinnr Company, NJ5W HAVEN, dr. This Piatol ia intended aa tbefoterunner of the or dinary pistol, and Is di-sianrd for ruunz men and boys who wish to enjoy the exciting sport of firing at a targnt, at the most trifling expense, and with out any danger of accident. The cheapest ordlna ry pitol Is throe or four times the price of ihis be side btlng dangerous in ihe h inds of boys. This rletol Is loaded with ihe common Fhe Cracker. which forma a complete cartridge, and will catry a ball ten er fifteen pace with'lhe ssme precision a the ordinary pistol, but not with sufficient force to ' sny serious damage. Aa Ameriea is a shooting nation, the Young American most and will learn the art by which our Independence w t secured Hence this Target Pisiol 1 exactly in time, and must meet with universal sale among our youth o the South and West.' Itsoperaiion la perfectly sim ple, and it is not liable to get out of order. A full description will accomoanv ever v case of nistols The pistols are nut do at the faetorv In cases of 60 eseh. rendy to send by express to any part of the .hbp w vvnaas, ' i - Ketnll price, 25 eemai by the ease, 17.50. or It cents eaclt. . , FRENCH, HALL sV CO., Pew Haven, C August 27th, IS57. A- 67 1 w r;:i:::aL pclicb cazgtte. This Crest Journal of Crime and Criminal I in the Twelfth V ear, and Is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Ursa Trials. Criminal '$ , Sod appropriate Fdinrials an the same, toseihcr with information oa Crimina llstiers. not to be found in any other newspaper I r Subscription. f2, perAnnumt tl, for Ki r-ioins, to be remitted by sobscriber (wU. stmuld wrl e itietr names and the town, county ana state wnere ihey resi.le plainly,) To ll. A. SKVMOUR, , F.dimr A Proprietor of th " . ' " National P..ljc Osietts, i M 1 ' ' New York City. EAU AND EYE. Daa. LF.BRUN dt DI'FTON, OoULISTS AND .UlllsTS. DR. LE BRUN offers to those suffering; ftom deafness, his infaUibl aural remedies, which have been auceessful In nearly three thousand scaes of confirmed deafness! Thesa remedies have been pronounced by Dra. Khtamer. of Ber lin, and Delean of Paris, and Curtis Piw-her of London, as tho most wonderful ever applied for disease of the internal and middle ear. They . ompjise differ m couraes for the arious diseases that affiot the external and middle ear. It the disease Is confined to the external ear, their ef fects are appaient 00 the fith or sixth dny . Dr. Lo Brun teorntns o cur in. evrry ease, when ihe ear ia perfect inita formation. He haa eighteen certificate from those who have been deaffrom infancy, whose hearing ia now comph-tely restor ed, and ihey are now enabled to Ifim th lan guage ! Over-twenty-seven hundred cases of dcalness have been s iccess uily treated by him. Certificaica to that effect may bo seen on appli cation. . In ail cases of deafness arising froninjta '.motion thicktnirr. or even per 'oration of Ihe "mcmbrana ty tjmni, Osoally called the drum injtamalion of th m uru membrant of I hi 'tympanum and ula ckian tub, villi accumulation of mucin ; ncjrcmt afficlian pollypu growth; f.or when the rtia ease can be traced to the effect of aeariet typhus billious or loiermiuiog fever, cslds, the use of quinine and mercurial medicines, gathering in the eyes of childhood, Ac. , the sense can in nearly every in. lance, be restored. Where Jhe want of secretion Is apparent, ihe . 'auditory ca nal " being dry and acaly ; when the deafnes 1 accompanied with noise in the eat, like rustling of leaves, chirping of insects; falling ol water ringing of bells, pulsations, discharging of mat ter, when in a stooping -position, a sensation i felt s If s rush of blood to th head had taken placet when the hearing seems less acute in dull cloudy weather, or when eotd has been taken, ihecouse yursued by Dr. Lo Brun is considered infaUibl. Dr. Uolton the only practitioner in th united State, who practices the new-, painlwa, and suc cessful method ii treating all th diseases to which-ihe e is su'jecl. Where every other means l ave fai ed to afford relief, he asks from such a fiir and Impartial trial, Patients, by sen ding a fo v pariiculira o. their ease, csn have remedii.-s a-ni to any port. TTif'Kr. We the undersigned, practitioners in medicine in the city ol New York, hiving had occasion tu witness ihe practice of Drs. LeBrun dr. Dufton, in diseases of lhearand eye. luting aside all professional jealousy and prejudice, free ty admit that ihe coursa pursued by thorn in treat ing disease of these delicate organs, from Ihe unpnraUed tsuccts which has attended it, ia wcl weiihy the attention of oar professional brethren throughout the United States. Th ir system o treating diseases of th middle and internal ear. by the uae of "med rnted vapors,", partlclarlr in chronie and complicated eases, forms a new era in the practice of aflral snrgary, and fi'U up a voic which has long been felt bv the generous practi tioner. In diseuee of 'he eye, they eldnm re quire to resort 10 an operation. As skillful aurisis and oculisti, and enthusiastically devoted 10 their profession, we cordially recommend them to such as may require their aid. - Signed. Alexander bf. Molt, M. D , Geo. S. Green, M. D , Horace Winsiow, M l , C. D.-lpan. Allstone B Francis, M. D,TV Van Buren, M. D .Bid Bedford Dorcnius, M. I'. - New Voskf. August 7. 194 V Stodrnts wish! nr to perfect tttemx.-lves in this braich of medicl Kcienee, wil find an opportuni- y by joining the class, at the Kar and K.ye In firmaries of Dr. Delney Lo Brun. Union Place Clinityttct, every Tuc-dav nhd Friday afiemoon-, from 1 till 3 .'clock diirlug Medical College terms. Trm. Five dolars. Consu'tatin free. Ten dollars to be 'paid when the haarihg H re stored to it original ncotcncssi Address. Drs, J. DEI.AUY 2KBUUN DUFTOM, Union Place. New York City. ; N. B A treutis upon the naturt anrf Irtatmen of deafness and disease of th ear, teith the treat mtnt qf th deaf and dumb. Price 91 fT.Uoncy letter must be registered bv the Postm-'ster. Registered leitcn are only at our risk t please bear this in mind Correspon dents muH ENCLOSF. POSTAGK for returo answers, the new postage laws requiring prepay ment of letter. Nov, 17. 104 6m: " RATES OF POSTAGE To the Etui lutlie, Jaca. Borneo. Labnan Sumatra, the Moluccas, and the PhUio- pine Itlanru, . , 1 s ; ;vjf We are nuiliorizej lo thle lliai. arrand;e menu luivitiir h- 11 tiitiilf hv Greut Britain lor collecting; 111 India tiie British and 01 he forejifjtl potiagn on letter belween the Uni ted Kingdom and the fcnst Indies, tvbelhct transmitted via Sou'linmnlon or via Mar cillea, in ilie Driiuli mail.Jierrarier the Uni ted State pottage only should he p-rpaid in th country on leitf re lor the bast Indies Is bf trmisniilt d by either of Ihe uboe routes vzi Jive cent ine single rale when the At lantic conveyrt nee is by Brituli pr cket, and twenty-one cent when by United Stair itnckei. Utvins to n reduction ol twelve cciil mlhc British pOMtage beyond Enijlandy which look rlaCoonlhe 1st ol February instant, the sin gle rate of letter po'tKtfe be ween the Ui i- led state mid Java. .Borneo. Liibnani, Su malra. the Moioecaa, and the Fhilinpino la an'H. win iiereatter ne us toiiou : To Java, via Southampton. '33 instead o( 45 cent the hall ounCet and via Marseilles 53 instead of 73 ecu ( ihe half ounce: pre- pnyneni requtrea. . a ' " ... .v iiumcu, unifiiailfUUlllHlin, IIIC AiUlUC' cas. and the Plu'lippine Island ihe rale wil r ti Ti. c 1 . 1 . , be 41 instead ol o3 cent when sent via Sooth ampton. and I instead of 73 cent the qtiar ter ounce, or 71 instead ol 83 cents ihe half ounce, when , sent by closed., mail via Mar etlle; prepayment also required. I ne ate atove mentioned at charjreahle on letter lor Ihe Island ol ata wi'l r6vfde for their conveyance bv British narket laf aa Swtittpnte. bttf they will alferward be subject to a Netherland rate of postare oa aceoant ol the conveyance Irorff Singapore 10 Java. - - ' . - By Ihe Prussian Closed Mall the fates these Countries remain unci, an ted. -j - , BRITISH POSTAGfe ARRAGEMENTS Lettcrs posted or cliurped in the United Stale will le rated rat ii half ounce to the ingle letter f over rt huff and nfjrt exeeediog an ounce, nan dorjble letter ; over an ounce and not exceeding an ounce and A half, a a treble letter ; nnd so on, each hair ounce or tract tonal excess coastutuiincr a, rate. .. The anuria raten to be chnrired on -each teller ponied in the United Slate addressed to any place in Great Britain or Ireland is 24 cent; the double rale 48 i and 00 in. . Suid postage on letters tfoin or to any nlaee in Great Britain or Ireland may be pre-paid, If I hvtv hole amount ia tendered at the office in the U. S. where mailed, at (he option o me sender. ? ' rizyearirtHft may be mailed nt any office to Ihe United Slate lo any place in the niled Kingdom on the pre-paymenf of 2 rent, ad may on receipt Irnm itny plaer in Great Britain or Ireland, be delivered at any office in the Untied State, nit ? payment of 2 rente. Wote. -Iach Lrovernraeut is to charge 2 eent on earn newspaper. 1 nese are tr be aent in hunda or rover, open at lite side or end, and to contain ,10 manuscript what ever. ..' - i-- :.- . 1 -. -y. fersona mrtilmir letter 10 loretirn roun- Irtea, with wlvicli ihe United Slate have not entered Into postal arraaffemenf. arc rem in ded that It is nwewnry for Ihem ft pre-pay ihe pinper postage, or the leller can no I be lot waedeil. . ... v - cutter: : tf KKOS prl me Goshen Better ' Jrisi received l 9 at th Original Family Grocery, No.il I and 14 rroni air. ei.. uec. o. t'ltosPEcrus 1." or THt : :'. -. i. N- C. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. At the recent mectltig of trie It, C, F.ducaiionai Association; in Wanrebton, Hie undersigned were pointed a committee to make th aeueasary nr ngememi for publishing a monthly j-rarri a I, he above title, . - Having made arrangements for Is' ni ng th first No. in September next, they, call, with confidence upon Teacher ind School Officers. losendsnb scriptlons immedl itely, that they may be enabled to go on with ths work. They reel assured that, if those, who have the educational interests ol our sitateat heart, will e.tert themselves, ihe number of" subscribers, requisite to iniure complete suc cess, can be secured wilhin one week after the publication of this prospectus. - The Journal Is 10 be devoted entirely lo the In tcrestsof Kdueaiion, will be published under the auspices of the State FIucational Association. It will be the organ of the Association and of all affiliated or subordinate Associations in the State. It will labor to promote the great eiuse of Kduca tion In all its grade, a on cause; and to foster a gcneial sympa-hy between teachers and officers of Common School. Acadamles, and Colleges, as eo-laborers in lhat one great cauoe. It will strive to advance the interests ot the Common School System of the State, a underlying all other inter ests, and sustaining on Its vast granite base, our great educational structure and will furnish a chnnT nel of conimtiniciition between the General Super intendent of Com.non S hool and those who feel an interest in their welfare. Tse Journal will be edi'ed by a Boatd of Kditors, composed of C. II Wiley, Superintendent ot Common School, and a number of tho leading Teachirs of Ihe State, and 9ne local Kditor, who will receive all eommtinica 'ions and superintend the publication. Alt communications should be addressed te the Kditor tjf the Journal of Education, Greens bero, N.C. . c. n. WILEY, C. C. COLB. '; O. W. BROOKS. W. W. 1IOLDE.V, W.M. ROBINSON, Committee : TERMS: The Journal will be published monthly. in mag-. azine form, in handon,e style, and will contain 49 pages at the following rales t , One copy, one year, . . . .'. . . 92 00 fix Copies." (to owe address) - , 10 10 Su'iscriptions required invariably In advance, and recei, te aent In ihe nrst no. Terms af Advertising : 1 VIAI. 6 MOItTH. 3 MONTHS. I BfO. One page, 75 40 til S Hair " 4U Tl ll o One-fourth, 22 Zl 7 . 3 10 lines, VI " 7 i Advertiemenis by the year payable quarletly. All others monthly ' Teacherr a nding t'i0 for 25 subscribers will be entitled to adveriscmrnt of their Schools, of 16 lines, for ont year. There' are at all times a number of School of all gradea, needing teachers, and of teachers who want situations ; and it 1 not at an uncommon tor parties thus situated to advertise their deaires and w.nts in papers not expressly devoted to the cause of Kducition, II all auch. by general consent, uld keep stsnding notices in the Journal, 11 would be an cas v matter for teaehera to find out all vacant siiuailon,and lor Committees and Trus tee to learn the address of all teactrs wanting places. ' . It H. therefore, tnenetireni tne ennajtctorso ihe Journal to publish a Directory of thift kind. and lo all who will furni-h standing rotices ol their wants very liberal deductions will be made from iheusuiil advertising rates. August -9 , twoo JUST PUBLISHED, ST TUDNEV &. RUSSELL RECIIRDX OP 1 HE RIKlLCTIDMRT WAR CONTAINING THE OFFICIAL MtLITAR V AND FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENCE DF ALL THE OFFICERS OF TIIE UKVOUirtONARV ARMY. From 1775 to It s5, containing the most interest ing military, historical, and financial Informa tion durins; that rx-rijd. A so. the organisation of all the Regimenls, showing Ihe names, rank, date of commission, lithe of enlistment, and ser vice of the ,fficer and privates ol each. Also, the general and brigade orders of GENERALS WASHINGTON, LEE GREENE, WEEDON, AND-OTH ERS, In 1776, '77, and '79, showing the Id St trials at Valley Forge, breaking op thn encampment, or- d-:r of march through Philadelphia, and the plan of attack on the British, at Moamooih Also, on sctotinl of the capture nf Fort Washiugion, nd ine horror ol ihe-prisons and prison ship of the British, in New York, with a - LIST OF AMERICAN fjFFICEKS IMPRISONED. Tue time of -tnetr cptare, release, etc. An ac count of the SOClETT fJF THE CINCINNATI, In New-Yoik, Pehnsylvania, and MsryUnd, 1st of the memSeis' names dec t the half pa commutation, and land acta of the Continents Uonarres. A complete list or an ine OFFICERS WHO SERVED TC THE ESD OF THE -'- WAR. --. And acquired the right to half-par for life, com mutation, and land. Preceding of 34th Con gress, and United States Court Of Olaims, rela tive t- a restoration of the half, par acta of the old Congress, for the benefit of the - HEIRS OF OFFICERS OF THE REVOLUTION Virginia hau-pay and land law: the reason which led to ihe passage of the Act of Jul 5, 1832. br Congress; the names of the Vircinia officers who received land, with animeresl i ne account of the military land districts of Ohio Kentucky, and Tennessee, the location of war rants, survey; ete. ... RET0LU10NARY PENSION LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES A thev now exist, with commentaries thereon Note on the services of various classes of revo- mionarv officer. With an extenvv list show ing the tlrrie they died, 4c dte d c. ' One largo 12m. Vol.. of 6C0 Pages.-Price. SI 50. The work Is intended as a book of reference to the historian and scholar; a welts'!, furnishing a thorough guide to persons -rlaimtnx title to land or pensions from the f vices of their fore fa 1 hens during the Revolutionary .War. The volume contains the names of Over 60.000 officers and privates, of the Revolutionary Army, and should be In the Rand of all the descendants of the brave men who fodghv tinder the banner ot '76. lhat the noble acti.ma of their ancestors mav not escape rerrtiniseertce of the.r descendants. who must retain this work w a memenu of their Jbrave deeds and arient snfTerings. - Cl AH rBIl MONTH en be easily earned 1 KJKJ by aclinic as Aaent for the sate of the above Book, aftd other highly popular works 01 siannra merit. poiisied by us. . ' jJ Agents warned in everv ciiv. town and village in the Union. For Catalogues and partic ulars, aoaress PUDNKV 4 RUSSKLL.Pnbllshera, Z'" "9 John strejel, New Vork. Noq g. ' 'A- : 17-41 - WAXTED. GOVRRNF.SS N A PRIVATF. FAMILY. 31 Mile- from Town, on ihe Wilmington & Weldun Railroad, lo Duplin Co. An t-.pifcopa liaa preferred. Apply at iho Con ni ins Kootti o - W-li. PI ITS CO. No. 12, ISS7. , , , . 100-tt. ' KEnOSEITE OILS, DISTILLED WROM COAL. (WOT EXPLOSIVE.) astarw ewusv w 4ka,uviaUiJ8 rasutf TH F different gradea ol these Celebrated oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinda. Binnacle and Family use. can be had of ihe nndersigrncd. al so of the Wholesale Oil Dealer and Draggist In th t.ltv nr New York, and f th am honied Local Agent ofthe Company ia this place. ' - - ... AUSTENS, : Grneral A rents. Kerosene Oil Co No KO Beave. Street. N. V. 1 Local agencien eranted on apptieation aa above . Ura era sboukl 'specify the drscrtptioo of am or maehiaerr lor which ihe oil is wated. ; Ofali disease, the great first cause " 1 Striogs from neglect of Nature's laws. SUEFErT NOT! ' When a CURE ia guaranteed 1 IN ALL STAGES OF , SECRET DISEASES, Self Abu.se, Nzreiut D bdity, Strictures,' Oleet Gravel, Di betes, Diietlses 0 the Kidneys BJ&diler, Mercurial KAcumcUism, 8' ofu.la Pains in th Bones and. Ankles, Diseases af tk " LMngt, Throat, Nose and Byes, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy SpiUptic Fits, St. VUas's Dance And dU Diie&ses arisi ing from a derangement of the Sexual Organs. Such ar Nervous Trembling, Los of Memory if Loss of Power. General Weakness, Dimness of Vision, with peculiar spot appearing befort the eyea, Loss of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspepsia. Liver Disease, Eruptisna upon the f-ice, Pain In the back and head, Female Irregularities and ail improper discharge frm both sexes. s It matter not from what cause the disease originated, how ever long standing or obstinate the ease recovery is certain; and in a shorter time than a perma aent cure can be effected by any other treatment evea alt r the disease haa Baffled ihe skill of emi nent physician and reaisied all their means of enre, -The mi dicinca are ple-jsam witaoat oaor, eauaiag no sickness, and free from merenry or balsam. During twenty years ol practice, 1 nave rescued from the jaws of Death, many thousands, who. In the last stages of the above mentioned disease had been given a p to die by their physi clans, which warrants me la promising to the afflcted. who may place themselves aader my care a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the tfreatest enemies to health, aa they are the first cause of consumption, Scrofula and many o'her disesses, and should be a terror to the human family, aa a permanent cure Is scarcely" ever effected, a majority of the cases falling into, ft he hands of incompetent persons, who not noly ail to cure tne disease but ruin tne constitution fiilng the system with mercury, which with the disease, hastens the suHerer into rapid consump tion. Bat should the disease and ihe treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is entuiled upon the children, who are burn with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a vim which betray itself in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcer, Kruplions and other af- faciiona ol the skin, Kyes, Throat and Lungs, en tailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. SF.I.F ABUsK is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing elao in the dread catalogue of nun an diseases causes so destructive a drain up on the aystem drawing It thousands of victim tnrougn a lew years 01 sunortng aown to an un timely grove. It destroy the Nervous System, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper develop ment otthe system, diitqualittes lor marriage, so ciety, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and rrlnd. predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death Itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate vic tims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy enre, ean be effected, and with the abandonment f ruinoua practices, my pattrots can be rcstorea robust, vigorous health. 'I he afflicted are cautioned against the ase of Patent Medicines, further are so many ingenious snares in the e dumns of the public print lo catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that millions have 1 heir constitutions rained by the vi e compounds of quack dixctors or the, equally' poisonous nos trums vended as "ratent medicines.". 1 nave carefully analyzed many ot the so-enlled Patent Medicines and find that nearly all ol the-o contain Corrosive iSublimate. which is one of the strong est preparations of merenry, and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the disease, d:sauics tne sys'em for lile. Three loan ns of tn patent nostrum! now in u e are put np by unprincipled and isnorat persons whodo not understand even the alphabet of the materia medics, and are equally aa destitute of any kr owlcdjreof the human system, having one object only In view, and that to make money re- 1 . r i Jrrcgnlaritiee and all disesses of males and fe male treated on principle established by twenty vears of practice, and sanctioned by thousands 01 the most remarkable cures. Medicines with full directions aent to any part of the United Stales or Canndas, by patienta communicating their symp toms by letter Kustnrss correspondence strictly confidential. - All letters asking advice must con tain a postage stsmp. - ADDRESS J. SUMMER VILLT3 M. J3., iiOX No. 63. Office No. 1131 Filbert St. old No. 109 - BKI.OW TWM.FTH. ' Oct. 24. 92 ly. TH E GfeiAT FEMALE PILL. TR. J. P, CREAGER Is the General Agent, XJ wholesale and retail, for Dr. "WHeatlng'" celebrated Fema'e Pills. These Pills are truly valuable for Ladies, Jar they . will restore the Jfonthiy Course where Ihey may stop from any , ciukc whatever. They never have failed in any case where the directions around the box contain ing the P. lis have been strictly followed; indeed there has no case of failure ever, coma to our knowledge. Reins; purely vegetable they are per fectly sale. Mallei to ordor, postpaid, upon re ceipt of one dollar by i - P. Creamer, Baltimore City. Aid. && A liberal discount to Uriisrfu. r ilU dm. WHY LABOR SO HARD WHEN WASHING? JHAVK a chemical process for cleaning cloth ing;, by the ase ef which the clothes eaa be washed very clean without boiling, dad wiih very little rubbiag. By this method much hard tabor can oe : savti , ifl wasimir to eon n naif tne time, and the clothes are very white and clean. and last much longer, for they are not worn oat. by rubbing as by the old way ot wasuin? oy mi- chine, die The articles used cost bat li'tle, and sre easy to obtain. I mail the receipt to order. postage paid, upon receipt ot e'J cents; tnree cent postage statrfp's good as money.. Address Dr. J. P. Ureagef, Baltimore city, aia. j . , .. . Dee. 8. IlO-3m. HONEY, THE BEST Of HONEY. T HAVE a valuable receiri fdr making Honey, A which I will sond to any person upon receipt of 50 cents. We make and ase It in our family a half the cost, and consider it aa good as the best article of genuine bee made honey, "front which it cannot be oil ' Any person who will frisk t and sell it can clear frotri two to iHree dollars a day, it nn'y reqiire 4 articles to niake it. and ihey can be had ataoy store tor au cents. Kvery family may have taU delightful laaaryr for any lady can msk it ia 15 minati a' sny time. 3 cents post-i ge ssmps as goad as money.- A ddress Dr. J p, Ureager, Haitunore cnyj flu. Dec 8. . , II0-4ra DR. CREAGER, BALTIMOttK, Md., is tlte sole Agent Tof Dr. Winders' celebrated M ttrl medial "Series,'? 3 Book No I. A Rdok for Young Men design ed to prenard them for Female Society. No. 2, - Errors ia t'onrtship o 3. 'rteprodactive Control. . Either ol which, will bo mailed to or cer. postpaid, upon receipt of 23 cents. - , Dec. 8. .... , . - . ito-jm- GOOD NEWS FOR LADIES! N V L.adf wh will send her address to Mrs. Crtwt. Bahimre City, Mi. wtth 3 post. 1 ago Stamps tncladed, will receive ay retara mail somethktg af isttwrnsw her. -"WOMAN KNOWTHVSKLF aa as HAPPY" Dec. P. w ,r,i-:., , UQ-3m . - : w removal, a.;; I HAVE REMOVED MY RESIDENCE AND OFFICE ta Front Street, nest North ef P.JC, Dickiasaav - qrto the haasa rorsa-1y eceaied by Mr. A. A. Waael, wher I can beand when not professionally rxsrsged.-- ... ,, -v ,. t WJI. K. raEEM AN, M. . , FW ?S , - . i rtfc.i v . r u US.. r -.- Vf . . , i v jr '.-'Via, i HENRY NUTT, F1CT0R AND POSWlEBlilU AC EST, Will give hi perianal attention to bin entrust d to nt cor. Sept. 0 1856. 75-ly-e. GEORGE MYERS,. WHOLESALE 4KB BET11L GBUCE& Keeps constantly en hand, Wines. 7 "so, Liquors Provisions, H'ooa and Willow Wart, Fruit, Confeclionarte,drc. South Front strtet, vVII.,MlNGTOMi N. O. Nov. 13, I860. 109. ; L. N. BARLOW, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, . irto teat:;a 1 LIQUORS, WINES. Atiti. POnTEtt.. f-c. No. 3, Granite ICow, front Street, WILMINGTON, N-C. Feb. 17th, 1P66. 140-tf. GEO. W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERC HA NT, SOOTH WATER STREET, v WILMINGTON, N.C. Jan. 22. 132. W. G. MILLIGAN, MARBLE MANUFACTURER, NonTH WaTlta flTSKRT, . WMIJGTO!, No. Ca. Monuments, Toombs, Head and Foot Stones, and all kinds of Marble worK jumisnca so ' order on reasonable terms. Jane S. 36-ly-e HENRY BURKDIMER WaOLKBALB A BCTAIL TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR S T O R F.. , SIGST OF THE I3IIAN CIIIEaT" MARKET STREET ne door above Water Wilmington, N. C. - V. B. All Orders filled wiUt despatch. Oct. 26th. 135S 33-torw-c. GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER AND : WHOLESALE d RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND . . v w-a sr as. a v T Ct . NO. II. MARKET 8TREET, WILMINGTON, N.C. March 6. CHAS. D. MYERS, HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM 34 Market St. - WlLMINOTOIf, N.C. Panama, LKaaoaw, and palm lkap hats, wool. rOa. MLK. AMD MOLESKIN HAT. Clotb, PtVsit, awo Silk Glased Cas, by tne ...ordosen. AtNewVork Wholesale Prieea. n 1 rch 12. ls3-; . adamsTbrother & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jaly 28. 53 AS. C. SMITH. MII.BS COSTIK. J AS. C. S MITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N.C. April 26. 131 1. 1 H. DOLLNER. O. POTT KB. Jr. J. CAMGHDEN DOLLNER, F0TTEH & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEWVORK. April 30, 1855. 20-ly. OUR MOTTO IS UT0 PLEASE" AT THK Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk r Manufactory. THE subscriber respectlully in format hepublic thst he has recently received addition to Ins stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, &e. the lateatand most improved style, andis constanly manufacturing,athi8store on market streets very description of articicin theaboveline. From hit ssperiencr in the business, hefccls confident tha hewill beable to giveentiresatisfactiuntoal Iwhc ma) favor him with a call, iienasnowon hand and wiltcoaataittly kcesa larxesssortmen lof Coach, Chs and Sulkey Harness, Lady's Saddles. Bndlcs. Whtps, 4'C Ocntlemen's Sa,'ldles, Whipi Spurs, oj-c. Mdf Whfch he will warrant lo be of he best materials and workmanship. He Has also a larare assortment of . Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Rass. Satchels, Vancy Triinka, dtc, and all other ar ticles Usually kept in seh establishments, alio which heofiert lowfer CASH.ot onshortcredii to irompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Redical Bags, die Ac., made to order. - : Inaddition tothe above the subscribe raj ways keeps on hand a larcresnpply of String leather and has now, and will kepthrongh the sedaon a goodaasortniehtof t'l Nfctts; . Allareidvitcd to call and examine my Goodo whethcrin want or not, aal take pleasu rein shxw Inginy assortment to ail who may favor me with a call. ... j i HarnessandCosch Trimmings sold at a fai price 10 pftrs"6ns buying to manufacture. Also .Whir at wholesale. , Ml kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on eommisslons. JOHN J. CONOLKV. Feb. 7. 18.7. . ,- -.- 811 1 TIIE NCff It CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COHP'l , KAA.CIUU, . V. ; , 'PHE aboveCoinpany hrs been in opera tlunti net Xthetstof April,: 843, tfflderthedirectlonof the ol wing Olficera, vis : ; . Dr. Charles K. I onhsoft, President, Whi. 3. Hay WdOdi Vice President r John O. W illiams, Secretary, Wm. H.Jones, Treasure. Pertin Uusbee Attorney, -. Dr.Ohartes K. Johnson, ),,-, . . . D r-Win . H , M cKce , I At'al P," "f Dr.llB.Haywud, Conoultalten. jrHersnlan, General Agent. - This Company has received a charter giving ad vantages tot he insured over any other Company. That' Section Eives the Husband th nriviU.f. finaarealsowB life for the solesse of his Wife and Children fret irom any claimant ihe representa tives of the husband orarjvof his creditors. Organized on purely mutual prineiph-s, the life membersaarticipateia thesraofsof theproiltswhick areaeciareo anauauy restoes. th-? applicant foi Ife.wnen the annua I premium ia over $30 way pa) QBSlHilinf livic. . .. . . T.r . . ; j . Allelaimaforinaeraneeagainstthe Cnmpanywil cpaid wilhinninef y dayaafterproof of the death otthe party isfaraUhed , . - i-ivw Slaveaare iasared forona or five years, at rate arhich will enable alt Slaveholder to secure ihi class ofroperltysgaiasrihe onrertainty of life. : Siavr insurance presents a new and interesting featarein the history ol North Caroline.which wiU prove vervimoortant to the Sou the States. - The last four months operatioB f this Company snows a verylargeamoantoi naslneaa more than the Director expected to do the first year having slreadvissoed more than 200 Policies. ? Ot. W: W. Hsaarss.Msdical F.xaminer. and Agnnt.Wiiminston, N.C. - ' A llCornmanics'loBSonhDsinesrof theCompanr shoaIdbeaddr!kdio - . . RICHARD H. BATTLE, See'y. . Ralejgh. Jane 8. 18S7. ; ; . w FIEDRESS niTS. MlLKSstLV. BEAVER, CASIMERE AND Soft Felt of the latest styles and finest finish. 7nsrpened at the Hat and Cap Kmimrlnni, 31 . Market Street. . - CUAS. D, S VERS Nov.l4th- ' . . - - . ' BALTIMORE LCCR HOSPITAL. DK, JOHNSTON THE founder of this Celebrated Institotion of fers the most certa.u, Speedy ahd only effectu al lemedy in the word for .. , . SEDRET DISEASES. 1 Gleets Strictures, Seminal Weekaess. Pains ia the Leiris; Cdnatitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness of the Back and Kidbs, Afftctiont of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dysneosia Nervous irritabi ity. Disease of the Head.Throa Nose or Skin ;thute serious and melanchoiy disor dcrsarisinc from the destructive habita of 1'outh which destroy both body and mind. Those secre and solitary practices more fatal to their victim than the song of the Syrens to the marini rs o Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or an tieipatioQS, rendering marriage, dec., impossible YOUNG MI2N. Especially , who have become 1 be victims of Solita ry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ol young-men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates with the thunders of eloauence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with fall confidence. 3 .- . MARRIAGE. J Married persons, or Voung Men, con tempra tiny marriage, being awareof Physical Weakness, Or ganic Debility, Deformities. &c, should immedi ately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect healtn. " ; .. He who places himself underthecarcof Dr. John ston may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon hisskill asaphy sician. s Da. Johnston is the only regularly Eductrd Physician advertising to cure.Private Complaints. His remedies and treatment are entirely unknown toall others. Prepared from a life spent in tht Great Hospitals of Europe end the First in this Country, viz j England, France, - the block ley ol Philadelphia, tf-c, and a more extensive practice than any other physician in the world. His many wonderful cures and most important Stiraioat Od- erations is a sufficient guarantee to ihe afflicted.- - Tnose who wish, to be speedily and effectualv reliev ed, should shun the nutnertnxt triflivr imposlert.vtho only ruin their health, and apply to him. - A CUttK WAlt.lf.AN I KD, Oil NO CHARGE. AV Mercury or TiaHseotia Deve Used. OFFICE. Tio. 7. SOUTH FREDERICK St- left hand side going front Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe his name and number, for ignorant trifling importers. attracted by.the reputation of Dr: Johnston, iaik near. DR. JOHNSTON. I Member of the Royal College of Surceons London graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, snd the greater cart of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Par is, f nilaacipnia. ana eisewnere, nas enected some of the most astonishing cures that wereeverkhowm Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervouensss, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfumess. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A UJG1LTA1N JJlSJUASli:. ; j When the niisguldcd and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the sifeds of ihls painful disease, it too often happens that aniii-tim-ed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who. Irom education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delay ing till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such aa ulcerated sore throat. diseased nose, noctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful ra pidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or Ihe bonesof the nose fall in. and the victim of this awfuldisease becomes a horrid object of commit scration, till death puts a period to his dreadful snf ferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller rei urns." To each therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself lo u reserve the most inviolable secreM't and. from his extensive prac tice In the first Hospitals ef Europe ahd America, he can confidently rceommesd safe and speedy cure to the unfortunate vietin. o, this horrid dis ease. It is a melancholy fac. mat thousands fall victims to tliis drcsdful complaint, owing totheua- skHluinrES 01 ignorant pretenders, who, by the nse of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitu tion, and either send the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of life mi erabte. TAKB PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J.addresscsallthose who haveinjured them- selves oy private and improper Indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy ef fects, produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, Pains In the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Pow er, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyapepty. Nervous irritability Derangement of the Digestive Func tions, general ueouity, symptoms ofConsomp. tion.&c. . f .Mentally The fearful t fleets on the mind sre much to be dreaded ; Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings. Aversion of Society, Sell Distrust, Love of Soli tude. Timidity ,tc. are some of the evils orodurrd Tfiousands of persons of allagee,can now judge what is thecause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have a singular appearance about the eyes cough and symptoms of consumption. - - ' DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REME DY" FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great snd important remedy weakness o the organs are speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thoitsandsof the most Nervous and Debilitated individuals who had lost all hope, have been imme diately relieved. All impediments to MARRIAGK Physical or MentalDisqualiflcaridhs, Nervous Ir itabilitv Tremblings and Weakness, or exhaustion of the- most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dn Johnston. Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit trequentiy tenrneo irom evil companions, or ar school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible.and destroys botL mind and body.should applv immediately. , ( What a pity that a young man, the hop of his country, and th: darling of his parents, should be snatched front all prospects and enjoyments of life. oy inconsequences 01 aeviating- Irom the path ol nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplating MARRIAGE. Should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites '.o promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life become a weary pilgrimage: the pros pect hourly darkens tothe view; the mind becofef shadowed with despair and filled with the melt, j choly reflection that the happiness of another be eomes biiehted wiih nnrown. '-- . OFFICE NO. 1 SOUTH FRF.DERICK-ST-, RAiTiHOae, Mb. Ail Surgical Operations Performed. N. B- Let no false delicacy prt vent you, but apply immediately either personally or b letter. Skin Disease Speedily Cured. . TO STRANGERS, i t Th many thousjnds cured at thisinstitaiion will in the la tt ten years, and the numerous impor tant Snrgieal Operations perfotmrd bj Dr. J..wjt nessed byt he Reporters of the psper. ard anan other persoas. notices of which have arpeatt r'agaln and again before the public, besides his standing as a rent !e in an of chsraeterand responsftt!ity, if a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. TAKE NOTICE. 1 It fs with the err&test reInctaneetTuttTr. JttlllTBTOS permits hisraHr touppesr beor the poMte. deemiBC I onpTOfeMonl to, a phraieian to sdrcrtiee. but ankrss ! did so. the afflicted swpeciaTly atranaera wrald not fail to rail Into the hands ef th manv impatient and onlestrnre: I ra posters, with tnnamermble FsJar Kssm and eon Bines' Ooaekshorw. vamrinf these lartr cities, eopyinsi Irr. JoajiSTOs'siulTerilBementsor adTcrtisfne- tteinseixeass p njrsics.n.i inisrmte sna.llrw-rtBel felloms. tootaxy l wor ' ineir onainai trans, wit it searee too ideas kvom tb brnte. who. forth pnrpo ef KntiriHa and Deeorv Inc. carry on flvaor six mtBoes. nnderas jus, j difre.-t False Names, so that the afflicted Bust 1 i eseaa in on, is snreJo tambte headhma" rnto the ol aer. Tgwit ' Qoaeks with isnrnwu lytsg errttfieatcs of crest and as- tonishinaenrea from pea sons not t be foawd, who keep yoa takiae; large bottles nt I-icosics With and etktr ; packaces of filthy sua worthsm ram pounds, ennnin S reps red to Impose apon tne aufort nnxle ano aBsBspee Mr. Trf Sina; month sfler month, trr as long IhermsH i t too can be obtained, and. in despair, leaves you with- ratned tnaJta. to si sh over vnr railin? rlisarmmeTit. jttstBis mauve tnatintnees irr.j. to sdvenise. no suown en eras roe. To tan aaaceiaaintecl wita repntastoa. n deems tt tietesisry te- asy tkat shs crcoca I tial" or diplomas always bang in his rfHe. ' Mil l,IClTEKa KEUEIVJCU UMJi nB'Tam ; and eontairCig a Btsmptobe um4. for tha reply. Ter I sons wrrUns; ahoald stata gm and send that jorts a4TertierBTit dauntuax syrnptuois Hilt . i. o is-- , . 1 THE partnerships heretofote existing this day plnce nnder the flrnis of . - - - STERN & BROTHER and fcTERN dcKEWHOFF are disscdved bv mutual consent. , . M. NEVA HOFF will eontinae to do baincss st the old stand, as successor of Stbbm A Bao . und .. attend to fhe winding up of tha baslnea affairs .f mentioned fiims. All having claims rgainst ihe above firms, or the partners thereof Individually will please present ibera to M. Nawaorr for set- " tlement previous lo 15th ef November next ; at! ' those indebted 10 them will please come Jorward . and pay ap, or else their claims hate 10 pats into officers hands for collection. : - " I. 8TERN. J. STERN. . MKEWHOFF Wilmington, t. C Sept. 3, 1S37. . 3-lf. . THE OLD AVELD0N HOTEL IJfNOW OPEN ON THESOUTHEAiiT SIDE -OF the Railroad as.yoa get in bb any Road. It . ia open in the name of the newly opened. EXCHANGE HOTEL. . - And it is bound to do justice to passengera. ia get' . ting their meals the Proprietor phdgirg himself , to satisfy all who may favor him with a call, or no pay - v - , ' - ' .. .. . -. . Passengers will find men Is ready en the orrivsl ( of every train, with good Porters to attend to liw-m and check their baggage to any point which they - may desire to have it checked. , . . . . . ,v The House is within twenty steps bf the Ticket . Office, where passergers csn obtain their Tickets without. Bny trouble, and be in good time after getting their dinner or sapper, as .there is cunid-,. erable baggage to change. . Passengers will pleate besr In mind that there " is a house in front of mine, rented by ihe other .? house to keep off opposition, w hich is railed the New Weldon Hotel, but gentlemen snd ladies wil please! recollect thai this house hss been built oa ' ly some P ur, Eire or six years to rny fc aowleoe, and has been occupied by three different persons daring that time, snd bas a new Proprietors! pres-: ent. This Old Weldoa Hotel haa been open for -two months, and bas not had a crowd but once since, but it is now incressing fast in popularfo vor, is pagsenyfTS find that the msala soittbem and are alwaya ready On ihe table when the trains arrive from any point.. There are red bills printed by the other house with no name attached io ihem, -evidently designed to injur me and my hnase, bnt it cannot succeed, notwithstanding the Pro- prietor and his men at ihe cars are particular in informing passengers that the bouse to the right -is the best, but parsengera find that -the-house en . the hill is not only the- best, bet that its table is more abundantly supplied with the beat, and that the waiters arc more polite snd attentive to tha wants of those who favor it wiih iheir presence,. Please beer. lh mhd that my honsels the ntwly opened EXCHANGE HOTEL on the hill, iwen-1 ty steps from tbcTicket Office. - B. B. SEA 85; Proprietor. October fi, 1857.J ' E8-tL ' I3R; AlbRSE'S - INDIAN bR00T PILLS. DR. MORSE, t he inventor of MORSE'? IN D1AN ROOT PILLS, has spent the greater part if his life is .traveling, having visited Euroje, " Asia, end Africa as well as North America has spent three yeais among the Indian of i nrWrs tern country ii was in this wsy thst 'the Indian Root Pills were first disrovi rd. Vt, Morro wa the first msn to estsblish Ihe fact that all diffan-sr arise from 1MPUR1TT" OF- THE BLOOD that our strength, health and life drr-ibCtd upon this vital nuia. - . When the various psssage bcebme cloeged. sr d do not act in perfect harmony wi:h the difii rrnt functions 01 ihe body, tne bk'i-d Jores Its action, becomes thkk corrupted and .diseased j thus cant ing all pains sickntss snd distress of tvery nemi ; our strength is exhaueud, our health we arc d -. prived of, and if nature is not assisted in throw lag off ihe Stagnant homors, The blood wi'l hire sue choked and cease to tct-and. (has our .light of Hie vi ill forever be blown out. How important, lh n that we fheuld letp the various passages of the bod free and open. . And how pksssut to ns lhat we have it in our power to pnt a medicine in your reach, n-rnety, Morte Indian Knot I'ills, matin fnctnredfrom plants and roots which gre w arourd the mountainouacliflsin Nattiie's garden, for the healih and recovery bf diseased man. One of the roots from which three Pills are rrcde is a tvdw rific, which or ds the pore of ihe skin, and . sUts Nature in throwing 1 ut lbe first r part of the ' corruption within. The second is a plant whi h Is n Expectorant, thst opens aid oneloga tl.a ' passage to the Ibngs. and thus, in a aooihins- n . ner, performs iia duly by throwing ofTphlrgm, ted other hemors fmm the lanes, by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, whirb j.ivee ease and dou ble strength to the kidneys; thos rncoHiscd. ihtydraw large, atnnnnia of impurity ftom the blood, which i then thrown ont bi'trntimlly by tho urinary or water psssge. sad w'lith e-ld net have I ten dircharecd inanj other way. Tbe A unh is a Catharitr. and accompani. he oil rr pn-pt r th s of thePids vhUa engsgtd ia psiifjing the blood; the coarser port it lea of in puxiir hkh cannot pass by the other ontlets, are thus tsktnup . and ennvayed off in gtiat quantities by the bow els. ... v(J. - 5 , ; - . . : ; - From the above, It is snown that Dr. Mots, Indisn Root Pill rot only enter the ar. mark I mi bt come united with ihe blood, for thy find way M every part, and completely rout ont and vUanro the system from all Impurity, and the life rf the body, wl.ieh is the blood, becomes M-rfectly heal thy ; conseqnentlyall ricknrtslrnd pa'n driven from the systi m, far they cannot reii:cin a hep the body becomes so pure and clear. ' The teasun w hy people are so dlttressed vbin sick, and hy so many die, is because ihey do not get a medicine which wiU pass to theafBieud part : and which will open the oalnral passages for the disease 10 be cast cut; henre, a large quantity ef food and other matter is lodged, snd the stomach snd intestine are literally oveifhwirg with lie corrupted msss; thus urdergoing t!ifgrr able fer mentation, ronstar.tlv inixirs? wiih ihe htnwl which throws the corro,.f, d msiter throurh every vein and artery, nmii life is tska Irrm the Ixrly -by disrsse. Dr. Morse's PILLS have addtd to thmiselvea victory upon vie-torv,. by rcsioHnc millions ot the sick to t looming health and harri ncs. Yes, thousands who have beanrseked or tormented wiih sickness, pain and st ielsh, and whose feeble frames have bern score I. d by the burning eh meats of ragirg ffcytr, and who have ' been brought, as it ware, wilhin a step of ihe i lent grave, now stand reader tn testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this greet and wondrrfal mrelrine. Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two do ts s had been taken, they were astorishcef. snd sb solutely surprised. In wlmessing their charmler effects. Not only do they give Immediate ease and sirer gth, and lake away a! 1 sickness, pain and angnUh hat they at or.ee go to work at the fova-. d a lion of the disease, which la 1 be MmJ tv fore, it ill be shown, espeeislly by those bo as theae Pills, that they win so cirsnte and phriiv that dnuase that desdiy em my wiH take it a Rjht, and the flush of yoath and beauty wiU . fiin ;eiorn, and the prosp, c of a long and happy fe will che rish and brighten ytrai days. - -1 Cctiow- Pes. sre of . a counterfeit, signed .4 A. Moort.A Q genuine have ihe name of A.J "'J C on tB bo- Also ihe otgnofur m A. J. While 4 Co AH ethers are sparions. . A. J.WHITE dr. CO., Sole Proprietor, " tx t . L0""! Street, New York. Dr. Morse' Indian Root Pill are sold by al dealers in Medie-inea. Agent wanted in e very town, villsge and ham let In the land. Partita desiring the aeacv wit address as above for terms. ... - . Price 25 nnts per box, firehose will he rent on receipt of 1, tage paid. -Nov. 23. ..... . . I06-y, NOTICE. THE WilmiagioB and fVeldoa Kari road ( ora nany have made arrangement for forwardir g all goods consigned to the care ef the Cewpsoy, . and destined lor any point ea ihe tine ol tie North Carolina Kod, free feermmisriim: j If landed oa the Company's what f, there wDl ha ! . a charge tor wnariag ar dravsge t bat these ra. pe-ae will be incarred if la aded oa any other wharf, and 'will be added to the frelgB' om fh ay-fcHL, to he collected oa delivery t by ihe Not to, Carolina Railroad Company. N. B- To avoid detention al tVilntiarton.lt ia essential that tha amoaar wf frewght bv vessela hall, ut U coses, be disiiaclly stated, la aVilaia row 1 ana cents, oa eaen ant 04 UMtlng, and Jl gi-ods lag bis mors) thaw one aervoa are Included ia theaarte bill of ladiag. the tsisist of freight (or each cosv. slgaee mese be separately siatad. , . ... I By order of the Foard of Directors. S. L. FREMONT. Eos 4f For Office of Engineer e. Xgpot is'erd at- , . Wilmlagton, HL 3- a, ly&t. J c .