crCML NOTICE ATT TUTSTNTRSS. TvEMRVING THAI' A Cah busine. can 6c 13 made beneneiaflo both buyer and etler, we have this daT adopted it in aar Retail trade, and he? leave to announce that our book a-e closed from this date. " Jtrm delermtmitin not to Anart from tbla rule, and we hope oar friend and natrons will noi request It. We are aware of tho Tiffiruliies to be encountered in carrying out thi annoancement, but know we can prove to onr patrons it benefit to mem by selling goods at lower prices than heretofore. CHAS. D. MYERS, Jan. 16. Hal Cap Emporium EJIPTt. BARRELS. 300 -De. PRIMP! spirit ibarrelsY JUST received per Brig Albert Adama For sale ADAMS, BRO. CO. 109. FIGS, PRUNES, &C. 1RC .T jB,t "S& MYERS'. A.RARE OPPORTUNITY! Goods At Cost For Cash I ! Ai MACLEAN & CO.: ; -n-irtr.r. COMMENCE, on the 26ih instant, to V sell their entire stock of rood at cost for Their flock i generally known to the public, to be the lairest in the state, amounting to not i than $SO,wO0,'and consisting In partol a very ex tensive assortment of BLACK and colored at i r3 nnVRH7.INKS: rreat variety, of La dies' DRESS GOODS,- a large stock of LADIES' CLOAKS, plain and printed OKLAmhOv.rrencn and Enslish MERINOS.ALPACCAS, CLOTHS, rA s. I i E II K. and VESTINGS. Seventr-fivc package of NEGRO GOODS; Twenty-five bales ot uray ana " nne duah . A 7-S. 4-4. H. 10-4 and 1M TIKE ACHED AND feROV3T SHIRTINGS AKD eHEfiTJSG8 ; and alsn r drip of DOMESTIC, BOODS ; FUWR OlTCLOTris. from J to 24 feet.--aider VEI.VKT. BRUPSEL8. THRKKPLY, eOPjTlNE d COMMON OAKrKTISai RUGS, DRDOGET8, fce., ' - ' AT f This stock of goods Is extensively Known throughout the Stale, and is believed comprise the best assortment in this piece, and conMsi ot new aad iresh goods, mest of it having been laid in this Fall,nd the greater portion purchased lor cash, at the Uwcsl prises,, - The sale will continue from day to day until the entire stook is disposed of thus offering unequalled inducements for those desirous of purchasing. I-1 After the 26. h instant, no goods will be charted on their busks. Ml amounts under $100 will bs far cssh en delivery for sum over I00. notes nego l.kle an payable at Bank will be tak en if desired. . , CTrfli IJAnniVARR Braich of thebusin ennill t reniiaura aa ntreiomn. Wirmfa'gien; N.C.Oct. 17, 1857 93-tf. r NOTICE. : rnrnrnca rjpHE Wilmingionand Weldon Railroad Tom -U. pany hare made arrangements for forwarding ait goods consigned to the care t'f the Company, end destined lor any point on the line of the North Carolina Road, freeof commissions. If landed on the Company' wharf, there will be rt charge for wharfage or drayage: but these ex penses will be incurred If Undid on any other wharf, and will be added to the freight on th way-bill, 10 be collected on delivery, by the North Carolina Railroad Company. N. B. To avoid deteniiog at is essential that the amount of freight by vessels shall, in off cat, be distinctly stated, in dollar 4nd cent', on each bill of lading, and if goods for more tfiv.,one person are inrlitded in the same b of tadinf, the amount of freight for each con. sigtiee must be separately stated.' By order of the Board of Directors. " S. L. KREfMp.fT, Kng 4- Supt Umee ot engineer aunerw'cnni m, 1 W'ilmJncton. N. " Jan. 28, 1 837. pRNESS ESTABLISHMENT. 'flR subseriber keeps constantly I. en .hand every descripuim of F A D D I . CS, C R 1 DL'ps.j-fA Ri IVE-SS, W.HIPS andTRMS.all kinds ol Lraih .,r and Oil, Coach Triirusjinss, Carpet Rags, Bits, alisrs. ' IolaUinle condition powders for diseased h'.np smd catiJe The lamest assort mm t and est st.wk uf Gooils in the &'tste ; sold wholrssir r retail, at the lowenl Ne,rk Vt'c.'.d- and on 1 i-corumodating terms to prompt msi. iniev. Harness and Trank mJriller, anrl repaired. , J.tMKS WILSON, Oct 17, 89 -I yc. 5 M rket tM near the wharf. WK WISH IT Dl-STIXCTLV UNDER STOOP. h nr bnk are ,cl-ed against a I Accountsand v, would, nttvt Tnppert'MHy urge tip n ur frirnd- necessity of inimrdi- tely settling theii Bills dn n. ! v. CHAS. I). MYERS,., Feb. 2. . 34 Market creel. fA3HESS BAGS. -I rCf iTH hnshe JSEA-lr.KSS I U KJKJ Feral by. ADAMS, BRO. RAPiS. dt Co. COMMISSION BUSINESS m liAI.KIGH N. c, , . BY J.' R, WHJTAKER . SaIi-s made ade to '.lie liosi advantage, and prompt 1' c-turtis. REFER ENCES :j , , - - - y DCW.ET, . KIMBtO. OMES, r., a. rRERMV, Jan. 14, 1858. , CUIRU1 J esse BBO,Wr. , n . 18m. IAMILT J0UR8AL-I0R 11 mm. tfttfi SPHIIT OF TII5L A6iB,' A LARGE 28 COLUMN "W'EEKXT . Is now in it njoh.ycx. -The,, Proprietor ha icently out wjtn new type entire, so that It I one of the handsomest sheets ia the country. li,is a Literary, Family Paper especially Sadap. td for ths Hem Circle, and has for it high raia- ron the ennobling work to instruct, to pjevate. oeauuiy ana re nne. it it at or riva thovsahd viscsisess, bears evidence of the appreisjion In v hich it is held, by the reading ponusLrimiy. . It als contain the-New of the day, 'ths Market. od Literary, ,Tmperanee.ahd. other reading. Taasis Single enpies $1,50 a year. To clubs oft and upwards SI each. To Advertisers. ; . Th Urge ctreolatlonyoCtho. Spirit of the Age, make Its raliima am fif Ihtt bat . Advert isincr me iums in the Stste. It circulates extensively In - very. portion to.Notyi Carolina, and in the bor tcring counties of Virginia and DisirictVof South 'areiina, and therefore, commeqas Itself to the areiina, and tneretore, comn Advertising communities f I U'ifminjort,rrd Cbsrleston, ' rjg ;!e custsm of, (eade,r retersr utg, pioriolk , atr(fing mart de ars- -and also to the idrtilng public generally ;, .r, Address A.M. GORMAN, . Raleigh, -jC. Wxes Jtiir MAJORS. WE iitvite the attention of ou :0 Friends and Patron to the bes ii.ecutta of Winn and L,iq iLia mirltel. conaiatinr of . tioa of Wine and Liquor ever offered tjrescent Brandy, Vinisge J&IO, Pale and Dark. Qtsrd.'Dupuy Sl Co.'a Brandy, (1 Itlnin'w' . .: . 4n S. UraMOo A. Ca -do. Casiiilon Co.V;r do. Pure old Port Wine, '-.'i,r- .k, :j Duir, Gordon, Pale, Shorrjr, old Madeira and Mscat Win, . " 91slagaWlne, - J1 ; . . Old ttcuppernoag Wine, -Holland Gia. Old Tom Gin exit" ' Woolf's Sehledsm oennapps. Cherry Brandy, Old Peach Brandy, " . Apple do. Boufbon Whiskey, " lty do ! v. - Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy,, , f.Ia.loir Wine, , Ferfect Lnve Cordial, Assorted Cordials, in bottles, i F.vsry variety of bottled Wines and Liquors, Clarets of various brand alwholssal price Maraschinos Curscoa, . v . - ' Hostelers Stomach Bluer. . Aromrtia do. . do ' ';. Glner Wlaevdec; V. Al . low price for CASH. Allheoriginillrj-jry. - April 17. GEO. MVER'S, : STAVES. Z Oftonn n. o. hhd. staves eqti ic j Kj i-.orlolk Inspection. For sale Ky - Oct. 7. - Sd FALL STOCK NOW READY. 7"tERCHANTS AND PLANTERS ar resit-it pectfully solicited to examine the most com plete assortment of Hal, Caps and Umbre.las ever before opened in the Stat. : ; : , We have in store 2S0 dosen Wool -fcatsj em prising all the grades from the lowest to the fin est Chashmaretts. - ' ' 200duxen SJft Felt and half stiff" Cassimere hats, of a U colors, aijries end qualities. . 300 dozen- Cloth, Mohair, Si)k and cotton Plush, Petersham, Silk and cotton, Glazed Caps of all the different vsrl ties, iocludinir om of the nest est styles of Dressy Evening and Business Csp yet inirolnced. Also Silk Beaver.- and Black Dress Capunpte of the most baodome styles, together .with ah elegaat asAortment of In fantsand hildre,nsJla(a and; Misses Flats and Bloomers. Ladies Beaver and.Fet riding h-its. New style Umbreiiasj vfina, d common Caner &c,,.rc. Lajdies Setts and Gentlemen' Fut Collars furnished to order A'call i solicited from alL H- l CHAS. D.HtMS. . , Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market St. Sep; If. ; ...h,,. (;.(.J,ASRETS.' . . . ATJH hae a large lot ot Baskets of various sizes v and style. For ale Dy -Dee. 13. W. H. DaNEALE. GOLD RE-POINTED. loI4Pena at Wholesale and Retail with or without Cases. Old Gold Pens Re-pointed. En close the Pen and fifty cents in rash or, Postaee Stamps. an3. return rnail wII, brln the Pen as good as new. A superior stale of Q.uill Spring Pen, which ia mnch in tise., Alk arietlesior, Ni Pens made to order and kept constantly on hand. . ,. s " : f i The price of Pens, without Cases, varies from S'.OO to $3.50. I ! . i i- .The undersigned having..ieen engaged in the manufacture of Gold Penafor several years, hope. by trit attention to business, to gain a share of public put onage. .,.. . i, ... ,:,.'- All orders attended to with promptness. ; ; Address. ' KELLOGG COOPER, Bastable Arcade, ......j.. I. . iSyracnse.N Y. N. R. -A libera! discount to the Trade. ... Dec. I. 6 -m. SALT AFLOAT. , OnnA BUSHELpALUI SALT, CARGO OUUUOK BRGr Clarence, just arrived from Turk's Island. Enr an 1m in lots, bv G. W. DAVIS. THE XEtf STORE, OPPOSITE TUE MASONIC HALL. CANDIES & CONFECTIONARIES WHO LESALE AJSTE RETAIL. FRANCIS A. PIZZINI respectfully inform the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounding country, that he has opened a NEW STORE OK ' CONFECTIONARIES, TOYS, FANCY ARTI . CLES, Slc. OPPOSITE THE MASOXIC IIAL.I Emm mv evoeriencc In the buriness, I Pel eon- fiHcni thst'I will be able to eive entire satisfaction to all whofmay favor me with a call. - I shall always keep a good assortment of FRUITO, both Iresh and dried; CANDIES, Frrneh nnd of my own m.nuf.iciure: TOYS, and FANCY GOODS. I hereby invite all to give me a can ana toon ai my assortment, whether they purchase or not, as I take pleasure in showing my goods to those who call upon me.. ' , 1 a-liall also ket p constnnlly on hand CAfMUr ot MV OWN MANTFACTliRK. made of the bat refined tugarj at the low price of - . PER HUNDRED WEIGHT, CASII Retailers and rountrv pfople would do well to eive me a call befor purchasing clfewlw-re. I snail also be pr porta tor itirniMiing riiimr.j SUPPKUSTtdre., in superb enl-. Jellies, Blanc Mante, and Charlotte Rushes made to i-rrtcr - Remember and call at . ' RNCIS A. PAZZINI'S, No. 4'. oi'pJSi,te M,.stnic Hall, Dec. 13. vVlLMIGION, N. C. THE BLISS OF MARRIAGE. 'i IK WAY TO f tt'fe a'LA'R, M VTRIMOS AfA'DE EASY, OR, HOW TO WLV A LVILKI 500.000 COPIES AL-TtE AD i rsSUliU. 1 Y..1 cf 200 Taiies 8iuo..-. Price Sr. , Printed on the Jinest p4pe.r i'nd JllMstrtedin the first style oj art, i tceniteix eauion yaatf. IT ti-ultri how.ti make Ladies or uenticmcn win as many of I he op- u;itc eX s their Inert tiiay desire i and tne plan is so simple, yet so captivating, that ail may be married, irrespective of age, appearance or posi tion s and it can be arranged with such ease and delif-ncy. that detection is impossible. ... - It Kives a rcuurjy Ur( linn qiiiieqi;iqyw . ; It gives you instruction lor beautifying th per son. - -. r.j. -Tiajt i ' Hew tj have a han,jl ime face arjd hand. How to remove, tajl a"ad ifrekles,.;.Vj,.1 ' A Lecture on Love, or Private advice to M r- ried Ladies and Gentlemen - - A Complete Code of Gallantry and r. liquet e, with Loe Letters in abundance. This iadecidedlv the most fascinating, Interest ing, and really useful and practical work on Court ship, Matrimony, and the Duties and Delights of Married Life that has ever teen issuca tn American press. The artificiil social system which in an many instances Prevents a nniooof hearts, and sacrifices to conentionalim the hap piness snd eveij the Uvea of thousand of the voung and, hopeful of both wrxe is thoroughly analysed and espoae'd Everyone who contemplate ntar riage nd wishes for aninfallfble guide in the e hction of a partner' for Jife, should purchass this great test book -of c-nritipiarfeycfty. . , , All that is necessary (or yon to do is to; write a letter, in as fwv, words as possi ble, inclofcin g ON K DOLLAK,'and write the name, with the Post Of fice. County and State. and dinect. to ' ' PROF.' ROiVtMJUT, Publisher and Author, ,'-200 Broadway, New York City. : ;, R. M. DEWlTr, 62 Naiwm St., Y.. is Wholesale Agents. - "0 "f ,Dec. 24, i - ' 117-ly WINTER HATS AND CAPS. A FULL. AND VARIED AS- iPLsimruentj! nil five diffrertt sjyies ;"iof Dress and .Ruaiass Hats and, Cap now oreri, campling . . , . , . ., . ILKVjIR AND WOOIj 1JATS, CLOTH, FLCSH ANC SILK GLAZED CAPS, INFANTS, MATS AND CAPS, MISSES BEAVER ANJ FELT FI.AT3, B0Y1 AND TOUTR8 SOFT ; HATS AND CAI, tlBREL- ' - " LAS, ?ANES, BELTS, ' ':, ' ,. kC., fcC.kC. ,t ',;.u.: Which we.pifer at wholesale or retail, st the very lowest prices, ,. - C IX MYERS, 34 Market street, two doors below Scott dt- Bald win's. 1 ,,v. r:. :;z-::- dANDIES . , f A LARGE ASORT,M,ENT of delicious Can dies, and other articletoo-numerous to men Jion. Dec.24. Wit. H. DaNEALE. LADIES' RfefREAV. MRS. BYRNES, FEMALE PHYSICIAN, I68,Tltomrssofl, near Bleecker, street. New .York, attends females during . their confinement, and treats all disease peculiar tohcr sx- She 'lias commotfiioii room .tor tho ecommndation of hec patren.tsnd a patent apparatus to assist na ture. Aft-male pilJ, aio and sure -remedy f.r nllobstructionssem by rnail- with (oil directions on receipt of 2. ahe ha also sure- remedy for nylrs, and a valuable Invigoiaiing cordial. Nov.. - , 102-Iy-w. BOARD AND ROOMS. , GENTLEMEN WISHING ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, em ho aceomaao dated by appllting t Mas. FORD'S, Corner of Front and lM-k atreeta. . - Dee. 31, 1337. lj l9-3m. CnEESE. sXr BOXES, prima article. ' Just received and UU for sals low by . - Dec. 6. ; - .V GEORGS MYERS. . 110 EUTTLX , p. r .KEGS prime Gofrben B inter. Jest received H I i th Original rmlt" Grocery, No. 1 1 and 2 l$FrAttret.- Pec8.- STEDJIAN'S SALEJI MAGAZINE., - .11 TOIKTBR TITLE OP A ..-..'. 'OsTE!BaS"2r IPISSIIDIDIICA'L, . TO BE PPBt.lBHED MONTH I. T IN TH TOWN;OPJ SALEM; N. C, A M-KMBEK OF THK NORTH-CAROLINA BAR. I N oftTering -to the public my Magazine,-! claim J- for the. Editorial Chair no superiority over that department of other like Periodicals; but 1 do claim for the talent of North Carolina, and the South generally, that will be brought to its support, Southern patronage. And I also, a a Southern man, and the Editor of a Southern Magazine,elaim at the hands of the Southern country, and espe cially of North Carolina, that sidqnd svppott that w rW here, ai home, establish, upon a-firmjbasia, a fountain of Literature, and exclusively a Home Literary Magazine. - , , t,. : Many are the Magazines now published in -the Northern States that are flooding the whole South ern country. There Is not, (it is probable,) a coun ty in any Sorthern State thai Is not vied led by Harper," "Graham," " Peterson;? oc Gpdey while herein North Carolina.and the South where genius unsurpassed anJ,nnequalled reigns, the lit erary talent that is .brought into exercise is. dedi cated to the support of Northern Wasazinets, while Southern eiterptise,itasta and :alejebow in hajm ble submission to such suicidal policy of Southern contributors.' .f ' . 1 5 ' . Why, 1 ask. cannot tee -North Carolina, the South send greeting to tar Southern clime a Magazine, acceptable for the many qualities that adorn the pages of the most chaste, elegant and polke Periodicals 1 It is true that the South has her Magtiinest but few in number are they, and unknown ,oompated,. to the. publication of the North, which averysmail brings toiour h'mes, fill ed with the tesnlttof hired labor, and teeming with unpardonable sedition. .., ' Then I appeal to. North. .Caro4lna;.ani .other Southern States to aid me in my enterprise, and in promoting a literary taste amongst those Upon whom, as a Southern man, I have aims. V My Magazine will be of the usual size j and no thing will be admitted to its page but such arti cles ss will meet the approval of the most fasti dious. It shall be Illustrated. with EH&RAXWGS AND PLATES of the nwst,, elegant texture, equaling in beauty and style any executed at the North. My ptipe or subscription 4a THRKE DOLr LARS per year, which is required to be paid in advance, aa the expanse to he incur ed in .estab lishing such a publication will rot admit of a cred it system. ;. ' ' ' " --t- StWTTie first Number will be uinusd Ut Janvarif ISL8. , , ;A. J. STKDMAN.- Sept 1, 1957J .ir Editor nnd Proprietor. ,N..,B. My Ad.dresa.nmii the If t, November will be Pittsborough.'N.C after that time it will be Salem. N. C. sept 29 Encourage Southern' Enterprise THE TI.E' it A SOflTHSRH LITERARY ABD Afflttt And ifie onijr one Published in the South f rnHK TIMES. has more .than ity rcgular con JL tibu'oJrrtbracirkg many. of the. best writer in the Union. Its reading matter Is mostly or iginal and procured at eraat expense consisting of Original Novelettes, History, Biogiaphy, Sci ence, Agricultare, Education, Poetry, Foreign and Domestic New and the Msrkets. - t .h The third volusne enlarged,, and ercStly improv ed, printed on fine white, -paper ana wn new conper-faced type, will commence the; first week in JANUARY, 1853 Now is tlv best time to subscribes commence with the new oear. ,Jm the first numbers th new volume will commence two most intensely interesting PRIZE STORIES . and it will be impossible :o supply back numbers nfirr a few weeks. ; To i he friend of Sonthern Literature in all the Snuthcrn States, we appeal for support. The TIMES is the only. Literary Paper published for t Ik; South, and It snail oe aa goo a a tne neat published in the North. You want a g wd fami ly paper, then try the Times one year. Putilikhed weekly at tl per year in advance. Specimen copies sent gratis. Address OGBURN, COLE &. ALBRIGHT, Greensboro', N. C. To Socthkbv Editors The above Is a short PrnMvctns lr the new volume of the Times To succeed in giving tliepfople of the South a Home Literry fiaptT, demands that we should adver tise tensive!- and maknour nndeitskine known. To nav for this we are n-t able, and to follow the example of t ho Northern Press and promise to pyy, is contrary , to the boot lien Mea of an hon est man. We. tjicn-fore, h-ve to rt qucat as a favor,, ip tbo ;iatno of ytuir love for Southern en ternri'tti, thai yon will give the above a place in your paper, and if you dferu tbo Times worthy, we will bo much obligpu tor, aq. editorial notice Weare Uboriue.vrrv-liad to make tb Timet eqnal to the dcnipnds of .the, south and every dol lar above aclnl,08ic expense is te8towea upon the con tents,. Onr list of contribn'nr is very large and contains somciuf the best writers in the country. North, or Sotth. Thewe cost us sevsral hundred dollars, every yese. We hope yon will'r ;faniili'sr address. We are speaking to brethren Maiiy of yon bave known os for some time and can testify to the zeal with which we have endea vored to proaecnt e our undertaking, and attch as have no acqnr intanco can secure an exchange if desired. i( Nov. s. ; - 06 EPTV BARRELS QAO PRIME SPIRIT BARRELS, just re OUl ceived, and forssl by Dec. 17. ADAMS, BRO. & CO GOLD I GOLD !! tOLD ! ! ! The greatest offer in Gobi, Pens,, Gold Pencil Gold Chains, and Gold Watches ever made. Read the following : worth from five to one hundred dollars. posi:ively given to any person who can spare one day in a week, or one hour in a day,' getting up club of subscribers in his own and adjoining neighbor hoods, for the best and most popular family news paper now published. . No expense. ;no outlay..-no capital required of agents. An entire, new plan is roposeq, by which oy person can succeed inma ing k paying business, who. will undertake the agency. , A private circular, (or the inspection- of agents only, wU. tuHUtuoI premiums, will be sent to any one who desires it, on receipt of a stamp to pay return postage,': some agents nave earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. -Every family should read at least one Newspa per from New York city, without interfering with their Local papers, which, of course, cannot and should not, be dispensed with. But New; York be ing the great Cotniuejclalandatrtf tVasiness Centre kf this continet, oe, farmer, mechanic, professional jman, or merchant, is properly prepared fojr.the emergencies of his calling nnless he ia in commu nication with New.York city. by, mean of one, of its nrst cia s newspaper rrrediumi. ,pucti a medi urn is our nLEDGER,' neutral Jrt poliyic8r .bet giving,.ali tho facts, items4f news, snaVthrillingr in tcidents' worth knowing throukhout the Country. . AlTtauable Gift. Each new sabucriber will receive with the first No. of his or her psperonfeioX. th0 new and beaut 1 ;ul glass pointed iadsliblis Pencils,' jtiatf imported from Eoropc, and for which weihave obtained the iexclusitve agency for this country. Thisisthcmust ;ing..-nipiisand useful little imp'ovementof the pres ent sge, and is the only pencil ever made that will write with ink, making it both a pen and pencil of the finest quality at the same time. It will last for years, and for practical use is worth more than any gold pen in the market. - . ! . For list of premiums and lull particularsaddresa, - HALL dVWESir. .-. pBbUsher,N-Y.City x These Pencils suppTii to the trade at a profit able discount. - . , August 27th, 1657. - - - tw67 JUST IN STORE : APPLES 20 barrels, large and fine. " ORANGES A large lot, sweet and In food order s , - '; - . . . 3 . LIME-rln avjy qaantity to suttf irchaser. 1. RAISlNS-srboxev new crop. J . . CAN OIK A4 choice assortment from the best momifaerorlcs.- ;. , - - . -. : " For sate as wanted hv - ' ..." ' -' .;: . . - w or n.vifit.K - ' Nov. 28. ' ' " No. 40 Market street.- - NOTICE.. . .. THE SUBSCRIBER. will be m the Commis sioners' Hallxfrem 2 to S-o clock, P M. for the purpose of reCettinjr Tax nd Badga s or dered and published by the Board of Commission ers for the year 1853. Tf-wilt also receive la the absence of the "Mayor" theTaaUsi for the year 1357. And requests . all persona who hav not given in to do so fsmedlately as they will be placed on the delinqnrat List. : t v - -1 ' - ' ' JNO. COWAN, T. C. Ua, 16. 126-tf, swan &.co:s lotteries; AUTHORIZED BY TUE STATE OF GEORGIA f'OR fJEiN DOLLARS f! -The following Scheme will he drawn by S Swax4 Qo , Managers of the S party Academy Lot tery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries for Fcbrswnr,- 1868, at AUGUSTA,, Georgia, In public, under the superintendence of Commission, crs. . . i , .... t u. CLASS V. To be drawn in the .Qjtyf Augusta, Georgia, in SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1858. I ..';,, CLASS 2,, To be drawn i J the City of Augusta, Georgia, in . ., public on t . . i . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY i Stb'; 1853. i..-,i,.CfA8?8,,.,.,. To be drawn in the Ciiy if Acgtista, Georgia, in . - .. .public ,ea : v SATURr AY, FEfiUARY 20th, 1858. i, JLASS4, To be drawn in the City of Augusta, G'orgia, irr . public, on " SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, i858, ON THE PLAN OP SINGLE NUMBERS, FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE PRIZES ! - NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO j VERY NINE TICK- . EX3 : - JIllfcNIFIEEKi SCHEME! TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY. Prize of $70,000 4 Prize o J 4 4 Prizes of 4 63 " 900 800 700 600 30,000 " . 10,000 6,000 " I 4J000 i 5JQ0 300 120 105 3,000 I 50 " ' 1,500 100 " ' 1,000 f 230 . . " APPROXIMATION PRIZES. i. 4 prizes of $400 appro'to $70,000 prize are $1,600 4 300 200 30.0:0 - 1,200 10,000 5.000 4.OC0 3)00 1,500 125 " 100 100 " 50 20 are it. u ' 600 400 " 300 " ' 200 100.000 5,000 i t 5.433 Prizes. amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10 ; Halves $5; Quarters $2f. f ' jPLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers front t to 50,000, corresponding : with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate si lp of paper, are encircled with small tin tube ami pla'ced in one Wheel. '. The first 457 Prizes, ' simillariy printed and en . circled, re placed In-anotherimheeK ' The wheel are tllfen Tsvolved)' and number is drawn from the wheel or Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawei out are opened and exhibiud-toithe audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against ihe Number drawn. , This opexation is repeated until all 'lw Prizes are drawn o.L , - . . IaAPPBOXI SLAT ION PP.IZES.' . . 1 The .-two prcdihg -and tiie -two succeeding Number to those drawing the .first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes.? For example; If Ticket No. 11250 draws the 70,CHK Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, U2M9.4 1251 11252. with each be emitted lo $400. If Ticket No. 850 draws the $30,000' Prize, those Tickets numbered 548, 549, 551, 652, wilt- each be entitled to $.60, and so on according to the above scheme. , The 6.C0O Prizes of $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $70, 000 Prize. Forexsmple, if the Number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. I, then ail the Tickets, where the number ends in I, will be rn tilled to $i0. If the Number ends with No. 2. fieri all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages-will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the tivk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 " " 10 Half 40 " ' 10 Quarter - 20 ?;' 10 Kighih M 10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFI- "i CATES. Enclose the money to our address for the Tick ets ordered, on receipt of which they will be for warded by first ma Ik Purchasers can have tick ets ending in any figure they may designate i ne ot Lirawn i umbers snd Prizes will te sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. 3- Purchasers will please writs their signatures plain, ad give their Post Office, County and States. , ,i I3T Remenjber.tihal every Prize is drawn and parab'a, in full without deduction. 5" All priaeof $1,000 and under, paid immedl. ately after, the drawing other prizes at the usoal time of thirty days, ... All conrntunicatioBS strictly confidential. Addresa Orders for TiqketaoxCertificates to, S. SVVAN.& 0.t Augusta, Georgia. ' Cr Persons residing near Montr ornery, 4,1a.,' or Atlantic, Ga.. can have the'rorders filled, And save time, by addreasing S. Swan Co., at either of inose cities. .i -i i ' rt- . t A- list pf the mttnber that are drawn from the wheel, with the amoftnt ol the prize that each one la entitled to, will be publiserd after every a rawing, m me loiiowing papers :jaerusla ttreo.) Conatitutionaliit. .Veie Orlmn Dell. AfahiU hrtrim. ter, Charleston Standard, Satkvilla GaxttU, Atlanta f.f.!!.'- Ik? tr i . r. m . i'iwnKn-.ji tarn n eeniy uayuooK, savan nah Moraine Netrs, Richmond Ditpalch, Nne York DUpatck and Paulding IMUt.X Clarion. ; Fsb. 2b, 1858. . . WINES! WINES!! Wjps I TTIS TRULY SAID' that George Myers hs m. tn oesr unanapagne wines ever bstore onered n this city." They nod bnt a trial from those who have not used -them to supercede ail other brands.- Imperial brand, csethc t-ne.pius ultra- oi an wines irorn l : vineyard oi lit Filset fronef . . Niljery sriperietir, ' I ': HeidstcK brand qt A pts. Bouche brand " Crown brrnd ' " Sur brand ' " - ' Also, Brandies of the very finest (trades. Holland Gin. duties naid at Pustom-Hoase, Pure Wil- mington, N. C. Sherry, ;port,nj4 Madeira, Wine, pure, and etenw poastMe variety of Wines, LI auor. Cotdials, dtc;, SLc. in wood acl glass. TuscaloosaMorrongahela an if Bourbon Whiskey, with a lot of choice Did Baker Whiskey the-choicest article ever offered 'before inUthiB market. Call and eramfrrte, at the Origlrral Family Gro cery, Nos. 11 and 13, Front street. ' April 7. . . GF.O. MYERS. I EMPll' BARREL'S , 1 A( SUPERIOR SECOND HAND SPIRIT J Barrels. For sale by Dec. 3. - G- W. DAVIS. EMPTY BARRELS! Qfn PRJME Spirit.JSarrel,-jus received per JJJ erig Albert A aame t f r-saie. tiy Dee. 3. ADAMS, BRO. $? CdA I : N. ci UNIFERSITY II AG A Z IN E. -This Magazine wilt be issued about the ' 1 0th in it., in charge of the new Editor w'bo have been selected' from the C1aa of 1857 '58. Its matter w ill consist .of articles'' from the best wrU 4r ofijthe UoiverBity oth la prose and poetry Its editorial -will be filled up with a variety of piece, orixioil andi selected and nothinr will e omiued that srU! mate ft an interesting and readable periodical, 'irtte liberal patronageol an enlightened public la respectfully soifeifredV ft rill be printed by Mr. Ja. lienderaon of the Chanel Hill Gazette, wkswi!! ai& everr effort to j?et ap a neat aad respectab'c magazine. Terms 22,00 per annum in advance.-"" " - - r . ,r., ... . .- -.. THE EDITORS. Chapel Hill, N. C. Aug. I. -- - . " JlST RECEIVED. CYG.sR. F.RENCII. A : FRR&H supply f PERRY DAVISVEGEr IV.TA8I.K PAIN KILLER, in entire Kw Daas. - -To be sure thai yon get the genuine Md-icirte-ioqaire for the New Dres-rwlih:wo fiae rra red steol iabela on each bottl. Aprti 19. IS - ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery conducted by the Spanish Government, Bin der the supervision of the Captain General of Cu ba, will take place at Havana n t ; -j- '-; .:- THURSDAY! FEB. 13, 1858. ; SORTEO NUMEROE94 ORDINARIO. - CAPITAL PRIZE $l6o,6bb 111, 1 prize of 8100,000 1 50,000 4 prizes oi 9'2,U0 5 1.000 52 " 500 143 .,- -400 20 Apr'.xm. 8800 1 1 1: it 30,000 10,000 5,000 4 approximation to the S 100,000 of.$690 each; 4 of $400 to $50,000 ; 4 of $400 to $30,000 ; 4 oi $400:o$l0,0t0; 4 of 400 to$6,0C0i1. ?-?i- Whole Ticket, $20 ; Halvcs,ie i Quartera$5.00. Prizes cashed st sight at 5 per cent discount. Bills on the Bank of Gharlote taken at-pat. 1 . . A drawing will be forwarded as soon as 'he re sult becomes known: . . t is ti 4 Communications addressed to DON RODRI GUEZ, (care of Cty Bot; Charleston, al C.) un til the IPth of February will be attended to Feb. 1. ... INBiCUfioS vINi tONStlja PtfON, BRONjCHITIS. Larvgitis. -and-other disease of the Chest and Throat, successfully treated by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapers and Powders, by absorption and. constitutional treatment, as 'prac ticedat the Stuvveaant Medical Institute, New York. Citjr - The unprecedented success which has attended this method of .resting diseases of the Lungs and Throat, h"s induced us to depart from ourj aBual coutso, and avail ourselves of the columnsjof the Press, in order to bring it to thejtnowlcdge of such asmay be laboring under, or predisposed" to such affections. The dawn of a brighter day fcas arriv ed for the consumptive ; the doctrine of the incura bility of Consumption having at length' passed a wsy. We have indubitable proofs in jjur posses sion, that Consnmption, its - ail its stages,' caa- be cured! In the first by tubercular absorptions; in the second by trauformatiou of tubercular into chalky and ealeereous cencretbMSs; in the third, by clcatrices-or scars.- Those wedded to ho opinions of the past msy assert, that area now Consump tion is incurable j.auehar behind the age.' To all , this great truth most tfce apparent, viz : than the medicine inhalrtd in the form of vapor or .powder, ! directly into Lungs, must be more effectual than i thaMa ken into tfle -stomach, where the disease , doesoot eist. ilhe odwinuge ol inhalation in Consumption and throatdisvasseis, thit medicines . in the form of vapor are bpplied i directly to the Lungs, where thetiisease exists; the stomach is thus left free to aid in.restrinit by administering to it healthy lifergivingfood. There is no case so hopeless that Inhalation will not reach 1 The means, too, ate brought within the reach of all, the - manner coadministering the Vapors being so sim ple that the; invalid ii never required to leave home, ' where the ha fid ol :riendship and affection tend so much to-aid the physician's efforts. The inhaling method is soothing, safe, and spee dy, and consists in the administration of medicines ; ia'sach a 'manner that they are conveyed into the Lungs inM the form of Vapor, and prod ate their actional the seat of the disease. . Its practical suc cess is destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medical world, arid establish the entire curability of Consumption. I ' ! I earnestly appeal to t he-corn to on sense of al! af flicted with Lung diseases, to embrace at once, the dvanlagcs of Inhahttidrf ; and no longer apply medicine to thawnoffending stomach. 1 claim for Inhalation a plncefcmong the priceless gifts that nature and art ha' h given us, thaf'our days may belong rathe landman as thfe onlyArk f re fuge forth Consumptive. method 'not only ra tional, bat simple, safe and efficacious. Such of the profession that have adopted. In halation have found it efficacious in the highest de gree, arresting tile progress of the disease, and working wonders itrtrsany desperate casfes. In verity a 'signal' triumph of our art over this fell destroyer of out Heeieat !' ' M Note. Physicians wishing to make themselves acquainted with this practice, are informed that our time being valuable, we can only reply as to in gredients used, to such letters as contain a fee. The fee in ..-all ca-ses of Pulmonary j?frct!bns will be $10 on receipt of which tho 'ricces3ry medicines -and'instrumonis will be "forwarded. Applicants will etatoage. sex rriirr'ed or single, how-long affected,' if.ny "herrditnry diarasj ex ists in the familytand itymptoms generally. Let the name, town ahd Sttite be plainly written. Postage for-ret a rrr answers mitst "be eTlClocd,', Letters when-registered by the Post Master will be at our risk. v -u. '. ' . AN lettirS'muil'bo'addrcsscdito?'' WALLACE 'MEATOlfN. 'M. ni ' , , S. M. Institute, New York fVity. Oct. 31. - 95 6m. . 'THE SOUTHERN CITIZ'N." A New Poliliral, Commercial and Literary Juurna JOHN MITCHELL dTwiLLIAM G. SWAN, :. KDiroaa ako raoratzToas. rp E Title of this Jotunal, with the names o I JL it Editors, may be nearly enough to indi cate ita aims.- One of those Editors being an American citizen by birth ; the other intending to become such b adoption; there is no question affecting the des tinee of Americans, on which they will hi Id themselves debarred from openly express an opinion. ' . . ' The one a Southerner by birth the other by preference, they cannot be of those who know "No South, No North." They well know both; and in the struggle which the South is now called upon to make for her own rights and honor, they menn to stand with the South. A thoroughly Democratic and , States-Rights Journal, ''The Southern Citizen" will neverthe less decline to be called "Psrtizan;' unless the Constitution of the United States is to be called a psrtizan document. It wilt uphold the Federal Union, provided the sovereignity of the confederated States be respect ed : if not, not. - - Holding that the Institution of Negro Slavery is a sound, just, wholesome Institution ; and there fore, that the question of re-opening the African Slave Trade, is a question of expediency alone, the conductors of "The Southern Citizen" will in view o the Iste action of the Southern Commer, cial Convention, at Knoxville, apply themselves to search out and bring to light, ail accessible in formation bearing upon that important subject on the whole ind'tat rial condition and necessities of th South on the actual state of 'the negro ra ces ot A fries, and on the policy and action of En ropean Powers in reference to the Slave Trade. Residing at Knoxville ; and choosing this poin as the place from, whence their Jonrnal is to em ana te. the conductors of "The Southern" Otrizen" will be guided in the matter f "Stale Politics, by the genera ' principles above Indicated., -it will be long" to no clique of office-seekers. fp short, it will suppoit' the candidates for alt officers,- who will support the equal rights of the Sovereign Mates, North and South the equal rights of the Sovereign Citizens, wberewerthey may haVa i-een born, wherever they may worship' or ftt worship. On Agricultural nd Commercial affairs on ihe progress of Internal Improvements, ahd especially of our Southern Railroads, there will be an ample and carefully .compiled weekly report. Literary articles and Reviews, will ffm a main fcatur ef "The- SouihenrCiiiree."'-' f otellevtna graadrur, .wherever it sppesTs in the world, shal meet prompt and: zealous rtcognition. We dono need to shut out li?ht and aiiffe inquiry f but, in thW department as well pa in Politics, we shall tak leave te eiamine-and judge irom our on view 1 not importiiigeuRnpiniotta from England, still lea nt second hand from New rCngland. To th e utinos of our powerj we shall aid ilia moVehment which at length stisa the SoBthto-iViadicate her own intel lect usl acd tnnral existence, to revolve around her own c en tie of thought, and to appeal to a standard ot taste and of ethic high above the consideration of political orcommercialrivalry. ; -, t Especial catretwilf-be tatwn to fiirnih a weckrv -dieesi of all the news of the world at home and abroad. - -i- ' - f.t h ' ' ; - , Conductor Hieir newJoarnal in this snirit. and constantly endeavoring Jo snarkcLgood these un dertakings. It is presumed itiaf"! he Southern CitbwoJ will meet with the support which it may deserve. - . e ; - ' -' - :-: . - . i The first'number of "The Southern Citizen'1 will appear between the first and fifteenth of October. It will be published on the Wednesday of each we.k. Terms : TWO DOLLARS er annsrm. New Types, Press, and Materinbrtof all sorts, are being- procured lor this Journal; and- as its publtcationwill certainly be continued, subscribers will be required in all cases,' to remit the - amount .of their rabaeription ia advance; otherwise the paper will not be forwarded.- - ! -;. TheTerme b advertising will conform to th usual rates- Tennessee.' - - Communcation- to be addressed to - -, . Merara. MITCH EL ek SWAN, - , Knoxville, Tenn. Aarust vsa. ibSJ." - - t ALUM SALT. f t 4 000 BCSBS-ALDM SALT, in atom, and ' for sale by KM. L. PITTS ,C. Nov. 14. lOiHf. SELLING, OFF. OUR ENTIRE stock of Hats, Caps, Canes. Urn breliam Furs, Hiding Hal, Children' Fancy Ha t and Cans. Misses Flats. Belt. 4 c Ac, at the Hat and Cap Ktnporium, 34 Market st. -, , Nov. 17. CAAS. D. MYERS.; nduCTolmi THESE Scales: for which the inventor has ob- J taisted Letters Patent from the United States Government, are intended to supersede the present cumbrous and objectionable apparatus used for weighing: cylindrical packages, such at barrel, tierces. J-c containing articles usually sold by weight. Also for weighing bales of motion, hsy, or otheT similar packages. lheadvanCase claimed for them over the ordinary Scale inii!e, Te that no hoisting is required, as the at tide tu be weighed is immediately suspended, by it Own gravity, and without strain, em reaching a siveh point beneath the Scale beam thus ikavsne a ftartre amount of time and labor, and preventing injury by hooks, or otherwise, to the frailest package. -The patentee will be pleaded to exhibit hi invention al the store cf Mr. S. Mi. west, and receive orders for such si zes and quantities as may be desired. 1 ' GEO, HOUSTON, Patentee. July 27. 67-tf CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISEASES of the LUNG 3 and THROAT CAN" BE , ii(y : ' CURED BY INHALATION. '. Which conveys the remedies te th cavities in the lungs, through the air passages, nd coming in di rect contact with thtf disease, 'neutralizes the tu bercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy! e peetorauon heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality lo the nervous system giving that lone and energy so indispensa ble for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently. that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is tome a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is ns much underthecontol of medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hnndred cases can be curea in the first sta ges, and fifty per cent in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent, tot the Lungs are so cut up by the dis ease as to - hid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, Inhalation - affords ex traordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety, five thousand persons in the United states alooe ; and a1 correct calculation f hows that of the present population1 ofthe earth, eighty millions are destin ed to'fill the Cousumpiive'8 grave. , Truly-the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life.' for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps ofRallke the brave, the beautiful, the gracelu) and the gifted. iBf the help of that Su preme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gift,'! am enabled fo offer to the a tile led a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. : The first cause of tubercles Is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by iheir deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission of air into the sir cells, which causes a weakened vitali" ty through the entire system. Then surely it Is more rational to expccl greater good front-medicines entering the cavities of tile lungs than from those administered through the stomach ; the pa tient will always find the lungs free and the brea thing easy, after inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala tion is a local remedy, nevertheless it nets consti tutionally,' and with- mere' power and "certainty than remedfer' Iministered by the stomach. To prove the powerful Snd direct Influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in s few minutes, para lyzing th a en tise nervous system' so that a limb may fbc amputated' without the 'slightest pain; inhaling ihe ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours.' - i. ' ' ' - The inhalation of ammonia will rouse (he system when faihting or apparently dead. The 'order of many of the medicines is perceptible: in the skin a few uitnules after being inhaled, and may be im mediately detected in the blood.,- A convincing proof of the conslittiiionaf effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced-by breath ing foul air isthis'not positive evidence thai pro per.remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously ttdmiriistercd through tlie lungs should produce the Happiest result T During 'eighteen years practice many thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care. and I have effected many (remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stsges which fullv satis es mc that consumptTotTisno lon ger a fatal disease." Myireat merit of cotrtsanipiion is oiiglnal, and founded on long ex per ienceand a thorough invest!":) lion ' My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c, enables me to distinguish; readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, tately being mistaken even jne single casd: This tamHl.irity,'iircennect'ion with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contrac ted chests, to enlarge l he chest, purity the blood, impart tb its renewed vitality, giving energy and lone to the entire system". ' ' - Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United states and Canadas by patients com municating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would ba more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. All letters asking advice must contain a postage stamp. ' ADDRE-S " 4 G. W. GRAHAM, M. D.j :. BOX No. 63. Office, 1131 Filbert Street, old No. 100. . BELOW TWEI.FTa. Oct. 24. 92-ly. WILMIXG ON & WELDON RAILROAD CO. Office of the Ens. nd Supcrintenrnt, f - Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 12, 1857. J THE PASSENGER TRAINS WILL, until further notice, run over this road as follows : -GOING NORTH, DAILY. PAY EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 6.00 A. SI.. tShndays ' excepted) '; arrivea at Goldsboro at 9.53 leaves in 5 minute', and : ar rives st Weldon at 1.30 P. M ' - . ' ; NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN.ieave Wilmfngt ton at 4, P. M ; arrives at Goldsboro' at-. 7.53, -o supper 20 minutes ; strives at Weldon at 12. A. M.' S :. " GOING JOUTH, DAI LY. f - - DAY EXPRESS leaves Weldon at 11.45 M. (Sundays excepted); arrives at Goldtboro 3.31 P. M. leaves in 5 minutes', arrives at Wilming ton at 7.45 P. M., , to supper. " -. ' NIGHT EXPR-KSS leaves Weldon at 9 00 P. M.; arrives at Goldsbaro' at 12.46 A. M cleaves in 10 minutes; arrives at Wilmington at 6,30 A.M. "The Night. Express Train 'connects -with the North Carolina Railroad, both ways, at Golds boro'. ' . - .'.- .:-. I- r::, . w s i . Throngh Tickets North sold fn Wilmington ; to Ra!iim-re $12; to Philadelphia $14; to New York $15,50 ? to Washington, D. C, $1 1." mrTickETS witi. scot as otn to a stoao i . .-...r J -',., . -,rt i Passengers are notified Ikat en tztra charge of tents icill be required of tnose icko do not purchase tickets at stations. - r . Freight by'passenger trains doubUrales. ' Lo- ,cai fare, with tickets, about 3 cents per mile; if paid in the cars. " s- - - FREIfrTVnAINS.-Two through schedule Itrains. between Wilmineton and "WcldOn. each hweck, leaving alternately. on Mondays and Thurs- ,aaya, and arriving on 'i ueanay and Fridays ; tour KncoDis iraina per-irecit is uoiasuoro,' leavinc Wilmington om Tues lavV, Wcdnesdsys. Friday and Sdturday, and Goldsboro' on Mondays, Wed nesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, rnakinz with the through' train, a daily frefsh train both ways between Wilmington and Goldsboro,; one rreguiar train, tor way irt-ignt. - j Alldseson freirht. os or down, navahl at General Freight Office in Wilmineton, on receipt or delivevy. eiclBstve ef that on the 'North Caro ;lina Railroad, which -may be prepaid oy not. at the option vt tne consignor. - . v ' . - S.:I. FREMONT,1: t - " - . ChirfEns.and Superintendent, t Nov, 12 . ; 100. E -;Vfcr u pitts & jsl. u tj-i'xoruTrEjis . STOCK,' REAL ESTATE AND PRO DUCE BROKERS, '- - .;. wlMiwnTti!r. w. n Panel nsl attention gi vn4o the purchase and sale of Real .sltet jbt&is, and other Securitin - borgjj and sold on Covtmisswn. Will attend resales by Auction of Real -Estate tor MatscTaeiufrng property in any part ef the CeunlM o Stale ort the aref,Stocto:'oP Mrr. in Stores r Furnitars in Houses in this fowji.! 4 .'.-,. .'.--.. i 4 ,tct 3. ; Si-tf C ; -, : DR. MORSE'S. INDIAN ROOT PILLS.. DR. HORSE. the inventor ef MORSE' IN DIAN .ROOT, PILLS, ha a Spent the greater part i.fhislile is -traveling,' having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa a well a a Kurta Aaterfca ha spent three years among the Indiana of ear Wrs' tern country ft was in this wiy that the Indian Kot Pi lis were first discovered.' Dr. Motse was the first man' to establish the fmct that all dieVr arise from IM PU R IT Y OF - TH E BLOODtht our strength, health and life depended vpvu tLi vital fluid. ' - When the va rid ns 'pa stages become Clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the ditl'en nl functions of the body, the blood lose hi letlcn, becomes thick corrspr-d-and'di-eas d; tt.ur rank ing all pains sickm ss ar.d distiess cf i very rtnu.v t our strength is eihaOstf'd,' ourheahfc e are . prived of,'and if nature is not assiatcd fn thro fag off" the stagnant humor, 'the blood will Iucowid choked and ceae to tct and t hus our light of life will forever be blown' Cut. . How important, thn that we should keep the' various passage 'of the bod 7 fte and open. 'And how plessant to us that we have it in our power to put a n.cdicine in you reach, namely, Worse's Indian , Hoot Pills, manu factured from plant end roots which grow aroirhd the niouhtainous cliffs in Nature's garden, for the health arid recbVery of iiseawd man.' One ofthe roots irom whkh ihese Pills are made is a Sudo rific, which opens the pores of i he skin, snd as sists Nature id throwing out the finer parte ef- rhe corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expeclornrjt, That 'opens and nrirlog the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a aoothirg nth. ner, performs it duly by throwing offphlrpm, Bd other humors Irom the lungs, by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease ahd don ble strength tofthe kidneys; thua encouraged," they draw large Jamonnts of impuriry- f rom the blood, -whirl) i IhenThrcrwn out beuniilujly by Aba urinary or water passage, and wMch c'uld 'not have bcten rffscharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompani. the other proper ties of ths Pills whiis entagrd in purifying the Kl n Aft 1 th .nnrr' nf.vtl..L. f I i . . t.,t. , ni. r- v, , .i ji.ji ii , K tH cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and convayed off in great quantities by the bow. elS. ' -: ; t ' 1 : -.;. ,:-.-., - From the above, , it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill not onl enter the rftdriiot'h, l i-t become united with the blood, forfhey find Way to every part, and completely ,Tout ont and clesnre the system from all irilptirlfy, and the life of the body, which is the blOOo, becomes perfectly' heal- -"H"e""yaii iicsnessipnd pa'n is-driven from the system; far they cannot remain when the body becomes so ptir and clear. ' - ' -The reason why people are so distressed w hrn sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts and which win open the natural passages for the disease" to be cast out; hence, a large quantity' of' food and other matter is lodged, mj the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing w-fih' the corrupted mass; thu undergoing disagreeable fer mentation, -constantly K'lxing with the blood, which throws. the corrupted matter throtrtrh evelV vein tfnd artery, nniilUfu is taken frrhn the br dr by disease. Dr. Morse's' PILL'S have addtd to th. mselves victory upon vfctory, by restoring millions of the sick to blooming health and happi ness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sicknesa, pain and ai.sulsh, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the miming elements of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it ware, within a step of the' at k"it anrve, now stand reader to testify lhar thev would have' been numbertti with- the HmM? hirJ . - . . .. koiiiiiv inmrisj.. m ...i. r . lo- 1 , ' 1 -"""'log mcir cnarming effects. Not only do they give 'immedfate' ease and Strerg'th, and take away all sickness, pain snd anguish but they at once go to work; at the foun-' daiion of the disease, which is the blood.' There fore, it will be shown, especially by those' who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify that disease that desdlv - mm Vtn .. ,:i fli-hr, and the 'flush of youth and bcauJy1 will a' vVn Mruu1' 1d th? P? of long and happy life wiircherish and brighten yout days. - . . Cjtunn'i.-.Ri.iiiir 'if ; .' tH.i..r-i. i.i.. i' g , . y r' iwiiMicucn tignra A A. Moore. Ailcenune h ih -n, . Whitb & Co. on each box. Also tli ' . A. J. White it- Co All Others tr aniirl.... A.J. WHITE dfc CO., Suit ProprlelZs i ' , T 60 Leonard Street.'NeW Tork.- Ur. Morse's Indian Rikii Pill. L dealers irt Medicines. "'- FT I , "f " Aeents wanted in evtrv ink n ilii.'uii lI .:.'" '"Z ""'" "es.-oeatnng tne agency wil address as above for terms. .-1 . - - i l'nce i;5 rcritsrier box.' five boxss will Jbe rent on receipt oi 51, postage paid. . - . . , - in.t w - v j I J VJ 1 . V- . r' u r a 1 A tw KCAL- HOUSE BstaWished -tWenty-lWo- yars agb' by Dr yVHf,""?' Third .qd Unipa street; iladciphia. Pa. - ' KI Ph , TWKNTY-TVVO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. IC. a h,A.t .... J cesslul -practiiioner In the cure of 'ail diseases of a private narure i manhood's dhf"t k. i... pediment to marriaee: nervona . finnUies, diseases -f the skin, and those ariW from abuse of mercury. ' :. V 6 i AUK PA RylCUL'AR NOTICE." ' There is an evil habit somelhnes indulged in b boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood: sail which If nAt nrAim.ji: not only begeta serious obataclca to hratrlmoni alhappraess, but triVes rise lo'a rerioi'.r.rn. tracled, insidious, and devastating sfieciions. -i-ew oi inose wno give way to tuts pernirloua ' Drsctlee ar iwir.Arihii.iin.M-H... find the nervous system shattered, feelttrangeaifd nnar countable sensations, a-nd vagueWaerrin the " mind. (Se page; 27, 28, 29, of Dr. ' -ook on " Self Preservation.") 1 '.- - -, 1 he unrortenatethns-sffected becomes feeble Is unable to labor wltf accustomed vigor, ortosp. ply his mind tosttrny! his step is tardy and weakx he is dullt-. trresolute,- and engkges evrn in his sports with lees energy-than usual.? If heemancipatehimself before he practice has done Its wri, at I enter matrljnony, hi marrisg is unfruitful, -and his sense tells him that this is caused by his esrly follies -r-Thesss sn rmrtJ.-r- . lions uhici should avoken Hie attention all srae" are similarly siiui ted. - IlEMEMBER. He who places - himserf under Dr. Klnkelin's ireatment, may Te'.ijouily confide in hi bonoit a a gentlemn',famr rely' ttpon the assursoce. ihat the secrets of Dr. Ks patients will never be dis closed. ' - ' .? ' '- , -. Young man let ne false modesty deter yotn from making your-easa Inown to one, who, frcm' education1 and respectability, can certainly be friend yciu.f :r . ; , :. - . '. Dr. Kirikelln's residence has been for the lest twenty year at the T; W. corner of Third and Union streets, PRiladerphia, Pa. ' , PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE. ' - S - Cn Bare (by mating' heir ease explicit rv. to gether wt'h all their iymptoms.- pee letter; ' enClds ing a remittance) Dr. R.'a medicine, appropriaied accordinglv: f .- "t ' ' ' ' r orwMaea to any pert ot tne UntteStafes, and packed secure from damage or curiosity, by Mail or K4pes-' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' HEAD Y0UTH AND-MANHOOD! A Vigorous Lift of -a Premature Death, Kink elin Letters containing- tht vaftte la iiamoi. iUl i.jmra a rBV. eerrpinm ot mn GRATJ! GRATIS 1! GRATIS iil ' A Free Gl FT To AIL, , ' MISERY RELIEVED1. ' "Nature' Guide." a new and i. w.. fall of valuable advice and iinnrr..i.. alike calculated to prevent yearf of misery, ave thousands of lives,, is distributed witboat -harge,and forwarded by rnalC bretaid toiaov Post Office in the United StafenJnn rV.t.i .1 order enclosing two postage stamps. - " " ::- ly-wt - SOUTHERN METHOD I R 11 . For ti i"-A admirbr aennal.''- ft; O. Adnrate ' -rA m( aaoeoatt of tmhtiUs InforaiaUon'. crj t HL . -" . . ... ! . Terms Advent 3 p.H J twtj emmprere ana vwlul revositerv ef ! f-rw ... ' " " "-r .c- A4ylma . " -yr -n www boobi ue sua 2nd set mere eat of it than tt. .mi,. t"11. "i': .'. , -' 5 ton-" AT. O. AMr."- lSofjn0 t rr lbor.-n Large 12 " neatly ; j T .iwufci r 1-Tb.pbu, m .xeUof wielrcS: bound mad aSaTXt wniav enormoa ethtaMloaT' letterwi Single copies bt nun. t-memezJ, l r-- T .. preachers snd booksellers, ordering 7 dozen vr rrjore, SO per eenty dMconnk. - May i nlrrrd frora Stevenson dc Own,.Kehville; W, p. Grif fith, Norfolk; Virgin!. ; J. W. Piatt,, a. ; mjctm. LUAtiesUMJ, . or H. 1 McGlsnis, New Orleans, fr For aiugle copie ana sptett agencies, artdresa the -editor. , I.. : . -. CHAREES-. FuDEEM.n. IT 14. (35tw Wilmington, If, . -v-v SARDINES." : . il BOXES, whole, half d v-' quarters fcr sab; low by " - noioeen tor tins great and wonderuhlnedicihe. Morse's Indian Root "Pills. After one or two do St s had been taken. lhiV were ntoni!iir .va .w GEO. MYERS.

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