.s '-.t- las'" O 1SH w I Volume xiit--numbei i 39. WILMINGTON, N. C. T U ESD AY sM6RNING, JEBRTJA R Y 16.1 858! : WHOLE NUMBER lJ-it In un M r ft MISCELLANY. THE HONEST WIDOW. BY MART IN DOYLE. Tlic Irish character has afforded sub- j'.ct for many masterly and graphic sketches; yet jii the delineation, the real is so olten blended with the , caricature impersonation, that the lush man is at t Joss to recognise his own features in the jiortraiture. The' following is a tale of facts, which recently occurred iti hum- me me, anu irrm which ine reauer may rlertTe; a lesson of disinterested gene-; rosily. 1 he noble and ujrighr conduct 01 me wiqow, wno uisaameU to aug inclil llrr ihiliolilpr'ic iiu ntna fa-tllio. ;.. - ittrfr c t the fit other and sistrrs nf hr nrrc posed son-in law, is worthy of imitation in any station. The' reality, of the -:i 1.. . f bKvicu in a j iusniuiy compensate tor us " a a, ucncienccs m construction, anu the want of character and ii.cirl."i.f In the sonlhern pait of the county Crf mm a a ' . wexioru, there is a small waler-mill at the junction of two streams, which take their rise in the so-called mountain of Forth, (though its elevation is of the uiosi umunuiive cnaracier,j and al ter running hi their narrow channels through a flat tiact of country for some miles, tall into an arm of the sea. An dy Furlong, the owner of this mill, had a snug farm in connexion with. it. and had passed there, in the two fold char acter of miller and farmer, nearly half a century, witn an ummpeacliable char acter for niObilV. Itv tllrt lltircinu(i t J - J - . lVtf, Andy was especially beloved, for though a miner, ne never ground them, m sea eons of scarcity arid distress, as rogues 1:1 grain so otten uo .net oor and needy; lie never exacted moie for tho lahor of his wheel in the season of wanfchan in the days of plenty: and as one trnnd turn dcacrves kiiulltei, every one who waiucu a mrn oi me mm wheel came to hun; he had pleut. of grist. a no y, nowever, was noi very snc cessfull in saving he was too gcxnJ a ftlluio tor that; he gave the best dinners m , i (ill tV-k V P t k a.ttl.K b. . i I . .a . t I uiiu mciiucu a gooti deal in the im provement of his farm; hisJuudo,d be- uiQ a ju&i mail, unu n iHiu.st it a regu lar and solvent tenant, lie tflssiiig his land at the exjration of ins icrm, anu icitconuucnt Hint his fam inily would reap the benefit 'pf his out- imo ctkijt tiic cisr, no iiad a besetting sm'ai.d hd no desire to call tijvu Father Alathew to remove if he iiKeu me uoniMiiy oi some of his jovial neighbors fur better than, any of th ie totalleis, and in consequeiice became in ijlcnt and of a full habit. This cniisti Kitioual incitin:!, ferhap.o, 1 w;i. tho cause oi hi dis ikj u. the tXictilu n of his will; or he might have thought-. as many a wiser and belter-informed n.an has that tigi.ing a will wok a eritliin lorerumier .of death. A las f the older we grow the greater is i ur attac hrnct.t to lite. The disinclination to make a ktimal teMament was the more to tm de- j ioied, as Andy had a wfe and four i hildren. lie had nfipn w.Nrx.i intentions to his neighbors as to thedi- - : . : f . rr ... jbimuii oi insauairF, winch were, that his wife should have the mill and farm miring her lite, and after her demise his cioesi ooy, ixichoias, fbohld have them no uo ouier incumbrance than the iiav irLAIll r r Al'la. ..... I . - . . J ...i j -uuiius io ins rrother and each of his sinters. , fVhal sou was u smart, intelligent lad, very keen, llnifiy, clever as a miller, and therefore a great favorite with his fath er, who deferred very much to his juda- iti,ui. vn oimuay on their return ironi mass, as they both walked home together,- and got into chat about the farm and some improvements in the ma chinery of the mill which Andy had de- igneu lomaKe, Anay, turning sudden ly to his fon, said,1 'But maybe, Nick. I'd never live to see them finished there's no knowing when one's to die -and I have never spoken to vou vpt on ihi.. that's near my heart; somehow or other. I 1 a . . 9 men, i never nitea making my will, but 1 think that vonr f.ttinr. ...:n J - t . J - -. . -. w ouii W in UU justice to bi mother wiiliout leing tied by parchment. 1 told Father Dcvereux wnai i wisiivjo nave done, and every one of the neighbors khow my inten- nuns: win you promise to act tin to them' '1 will, father; sure I love my mother. anu j nines, anu me gins.' i V ! I .) .1 I . . . .. . Hi, wn, niai enongn said the other; Mhe honest thing for ever ! I al ways thought well on you, and I'll i.ot Ifcrrin to think other wise' jomo months elapsed after this hriel conversation, when one evening Andy was Mumg over nis lumuier, and, in the midst of some foolish fcrgument wiih a iiciglibor about the produce of a field of oais, laying down the law with tipsy wisdom, he seized his half fill tumbler, nnu rpiui:cri:ig and stanmieiuii?, drain ed Us contents at bne cnlhli n'h Kiri rushed into Ins face, shedding a purple liuo over his entire fcouiitenauce, the pto- nuueucyes roueu in agony, and he fell uown in a ni or apoplexy, l pass over ihK subsequent scenes of sorrow as brief. ly as possible. A tidy was earned to his i u, wnence nc never rose; he lingered fpeechlcss for lwerity-four liour?, aird .m o ui.u, was waked wiih the usual disgLMing accompaniments of whiskey luuavco smoKinff and wa buried. . 1 f .it . r When Mis. Furlong had snfBcicutJy vv-wi,vu io lane ine active duty that devolved upon her, sie fcccame the nom- : I . r . . . .. .. uiai u j i stress oi me place; Diu INichoias was so active and vigilant, that every thing, in reality was done as he wished. At first hfa conduct was excellent sub missive to hi brother and 'itrf hlu - - - - - viviviij 17 determination to fiflfil his father's wish es was sincere. But gradually the de mon ' -of selfrmlerest torL- nosovwri rl him, and the consciousness that he was him oceasionallv imnori. ous in his directions to his family) but at first only s when his mother's back was turned. Ills filial respect for hei, and the knowledge that a third of the property, if any altercation took place be tween theiT j and she chose to enforce her claim, made him phedienL indeed, the idea of not ncliii? as fntfior en joined, probably did not enter in his r 1 1 1 1 ii i iiir a rniivinarniiia m i rtt t- bility of it at lengt h occurred to him but for a moment at first gradually it became ' more familiarized to h? rnn. templation, and less revolting to his con- : vr i -. i j nv-n-utr; . i enru passeu on, anu uurillg their progress Nicholas had impressed his mother with such an opinion of his llinn.lfpmpiif. that PVPrv fhiinr nrnriuul. D 1 i J & t "x-vj ed under his direction; his first encroach ments Were nletbyi concession, and bv degrees she became reconciled to- his control, as his conduct was so artful that she had nothing tangible to complain of. iui mis siaie oi iniugs aid not con tinue. Mrs. Furlon&r was selXp.rl with n 0 - ...... ma adv. which ,, ranidlv rati if ftnl j v - - - - aw B V M course, hardly allowing her an fnterval of cessation from pain, and reason to converse with Nicholas about her other r.hildreil- What rIM nnj tiiw ih cuK jcrt, however, was brief and emphatic. 'JVly child,' said she, 'I am going to leave you. 'Maybe not. mother: perhaps vou'll mend a train ' a. ! 'No I feel it here . nlncinc hpr K.md upon her throbbing heart; 'death iscom- 1117. and 1 am ooio? In him. wIiA nrna a t a- 5 ...... ...w m.un . loving husband to mo and. a kind father to you; but N ick, dear , Well. mntlior I'm utiejsy about James and the little girls; you'll make my mind quiet if you'll Ctt a dreddrawn. as vou nromised and jelti t :e filtytioiiud a-iiece upou them. uo, my goixi ooy; ami you .i nave my blessm :; but sure vou'll have that wheth er or nut.' ; : r -, . 4 W h v. ' mother ' renlied Nielr: ' nftnr j , T - - , j v- somo hesitation, 'sure my father never bound me, and why should yot doubt me 1 Beside, a bundled and fifty kuikI is a large sum oi money, and now could I put so much together V '( 4I ll ought we made more than that by the mill since he died, feebly and slowly a rticulated the dying ..woman. So we did. rnotl.fi r l.nf iIiph 1 na i1 j ' - 1 . ....... ,.v. ; heavy charges Tor my fathers , berriu' j and tnemmories, and the new stones and wheel for the mill cost a sight of rrioney; and then if you die now, the ost ot that will fill upon me loo.' 'It's true, my poor Ijoy; but then Nick dear, Miie you wouldn't have the heart to leave tho oilier children without their share - I hey won't press lor the mo ney iust sivu thern the bit of wi-itin? tor it do, aiid God bless you." j Why, mother, don't be-disquieting yourself don't misdoubt ftu'.tlitr kfiull have their share, but I don't like to put my hand to a paper. I'm mv father's son in that.' i - - Mrs. Furlonc was too much exhaus ted to sav more, and shi died in tlm ... hope that her other child reii-. would H A I. l.l t .1 jnsuy ueaii wuu py meir eldest broih- Cl . At that lime Nielinl.t' tvne cinicrn and r. solved that the adjuiatiott of both his parents should not be in vain. But good impulses are evanescent where no solid principle exists to make them du rable. After a few mouths, fraternal affection was overpowered in the heart of this young man by the basest selfish ness, and the gradations in his man ner, irom Kinouess to austeriiv. wr rn- id. . "J" v After the fi change of deportment in ; his brother. w wno a ntgnsptritcd lad re monstrated, and asked for his portion of me .iouy, wim ine design of leaving his brother's roof. Nieh . - - "mo ni mm disposed to evade ih ni.; i. .i.. an angry discus-ion then took "place.--James indignantly asserted bis right to fifty pounds, and accused Nicholas of ."e lorsworn to Doth his parents. His complaint mi?ht h aA twxn p " j VV'MV.11- edm the words of Orlando in the open, nig scene of 'As you like it ;' Bt I, his brother, gain n thing under him but growth, for the which his animals on his dunghills are as much bound to him as I. Beside -this nothing that he so plentifully eives me ih tnmii.inr that nature gave me his countenance oems to take from tne-he lets me feed with his hind, and bars me the placeof a brother. : -; ; r ,. The ' dinnte was Ton iirt ' nfnmi. and ended bv Nicholax refusin-jr (A crtr James any thing, and James swearing that it there was law or lustra m In land he would have it Mo inimulitA - - - . a. a a. a J t c W ly went for advice to Father Devereux. who told him lie was in his brother's power, and; recommetiUejd j bim not to break with him entirely,. 'but to return. With difficulty hti riersuaded the irrifa- ted and iustlv' iricens&f- resume his galling servitude; H ; - ilSCOIltenu Ulsnnmn. ahd 'inliantM- ness, were the results of these family di. visions: ; the house, from ! f ia vino fwpn the most cheerful. (Vas now the most uncomfortabler constraint was annarpm f -f in every thing; a sullen silenci was pres- .1 l. . . . '.I ' L- .L .' .' .T crvcu uciweeu ine qromers, proving- by contrast, ine beauty otlhe inspired se- it isfor brethren to dwell together in uni ty.' - . ai liters went on m tnu state for some ' ime At letTrlli ."NJi hnl;i9 heiran iiiiilia.ni himself a gocxJ deal in the eveiiiog never " : : ... i l . ujtMiuumiig wiieie ne weni. ins uDaence, however, wai rather a relief to the other inmates, and tfiej baidl thought of inqui ring into the cuuse tf iu ; .': .? 'A' One morning at break fast, he dispelled for a mistress. her Was roinif'ttf' ret mar- ritfil to 1arv'- .AinrnHtf"! . . I'hia intsllio-knoA was conveyed so abruptly and ungracious- ,j, iiifi ruc yy"f o"" Vu" lean t iu wluli lueifju other. had; to. recently rilled, 1 . . L. - . . unTiuwcre t ; iuern, ana wimoui a wra htty Jeft the room to consult ' with Jame?, wuu, Aiiuwiujj uiai . eouieuung .uectstve musibc done, went instuntlr to his it tend ed si:er.in law, whom,' with, her mother. ne louinl in tneir 4ittle parlor. He gave them a full .-and-feeling-statement of his brother's ci nduct; asked Mary to consider whether a bail brother would make a good huebuna; implor- d them both to use their influence over Nicholas to a good purpose, ani to maRe htm pcovids tor his orphan sisters. For himself, he said, it was not much roatter; he coul l Mist' He urged all his arguments , as forcibly as he could Marjr etdjr interrupting bin u hen he said any thing very harsh of. Nicholas rut, bagging of them u consider thern, de parted. V - 1 Every thing at : ibis time had been ar ranged between Nicholas and Mrs Mur phy respecting the marriage. Mary liked the younjf man so well, that she bad no objection to take up her r' quarters in the II I .. : . I - J . .11 . . ' : i ui ii iiuviao in ine aouoie capnClIJr.. OI wue and mistress; but she was a good hearted girl, and hud no notion of the unhappiness that existed there, nor of Nick's diehones- " :,:.::::.: When James had gone away, hr moth er looked bard at her, ns if t nxtous to as certain her thoughts on the subject; and, perceiving ihxlJbo poor girl . looked dinap- iminlft tonA nahnrnerl nf hr tnu.r'u i.An.ln.i - - w. " . V..I.UV., suid, -It's true enough, child, Nick Fur long isn't the honest boy 1 thought him." Mary put her ap on to her face, and wiped her eyes. IIis father wns' honest, and his mullier via hnnpst n,t 1K10 urhnl trarl of thern was always h6r:et ; but Nicholas isn't doing the right thing to Jainet and ti e girl-." - "But, mother,", sail Mury, catcbiog at a straw, "il.ere are two sides loa Mory; rnny be old Andy Furlong never left it; upon Nick to do as Jaixipa say, nd that if he wasn't taken so shert and so rouirh about it by Jumes, he'd do i: of his own free will."'.,."....:;.: .-. VV'bist, whist, chill; all the country knows that Andy' Furlong left the three younger children fifty pounds a-piece; and why not? and more shame to the son that would deny Lis father's words. V1I well, I never knew Nick was a lawyer before. What difference does the stamp and the squeezing of wax make la an hon ret man? Shame, shame upon him!' Mary had a great mind to cry, . but re frained. Vhal will we do, mother?' suit she at last. ' " He must pay the one hundred and fifty puuiM'i iv aiucs anu llie IWO giris, or tie never darkens my door again,' said Mrs Murphy; 'and then we'll consider about rilhur m'.llo f . vksia auu.kt.so. Both mo-her and daughter then became silent. Occupied wiih trHr respective thoughts upon tho .subject, they refrained from any further allusio t to it; but the el der woman looked ns if she felt honest in dignation, and her daugh'er appeared heart stricken. When Nicholas made bis an pearance .next day, Mrs. Murphy hardly addressed him, and Mary did not receive him with hrr usual frankness and unres trained familiarity. The young man look ed aghast, for be had no notijn what had passed; but Mrs. Murphy very soon ex plained the cause of b' r displeasure. Nicholas admitted bis obligation in eouUv iu i Turiuo iur ins am t. dui cni tri him self under the letter of law for the violation of it. Ha seemed at least to think that he was not bound to pay quite so much as the sum which bis father had stipulated for the yoanger children, declaring that if he did, Mary and he would not have enoutrh - l . :- m o ' "cgui me wuu.--.. jrs. Alurpby assured him, wiih great energy of manner, that un less be fulfilled hi father's will -though it was but a verbal one he should never have Mary with her consent! , , f i And sbe nobly kept her word and deter mination; to every suggestion of a conpro mise she turned a denf r l .h ,i.i be laid to her child's door that she or any one of hers was richer to tbe injury of the .aiuicncM, especially wnen the children f her old nei bbor, Andy Furlong, were in question. Andy would have been th first to have gollheir" rights for her child ren, if jhey wer wronged and he to the fore.- No selfish consideration, weighed a moment with h'r; and'so much was she disutisfled with . Nick for hesitating a mo ment on comphrtoce with her injumction to "do the honest thinfr." that he AUmYmA him very, unceremonio-wly, -and in great apprehension )Mx be Was not lo be the husband of ..Mary. ;: ;' Tbataffetioaate girl, however; did hot intend-willingly to breuK 3ef engagement with him, an l took an opportunity of ug gpsung as bis properly was not altogeth er n ready rrioney. that ber own hundred peuiids should beindd over lo a. trustre for Nicks sisters, on ihir rnmtn Af a or obtaining husband to ? his liking," and that James should be paid hUsbare,down on the naii': at once, by Nicholas birriself. A fftil C f It Bn tm - . - - ' " """ ,,,,n"gca; james got nis mone y, and took small t, irm n.l to bimseir,and hi sisters went to live with & I.nsteiiilofbeiftg in a state of Animosity and feuds, r the two families are now on very htppy tcruis bygones are bygones with them.Nisk.is'how' a very fair char acter and the sisters.in.law xrR MnnrinlU' - . i a I in p h ri trt nrv.- nnfhr. nnt r-rA grateful to the hoicest wtnotf. who ejected w iuu6M Harmony rn.na oappiness. ' .MWHEoflfX-lT .., . . r A PERFECT srjBSTITDTE FOK TUK LAJfCKT,' LKUHE9 AND BLtSTEB UK the ininqaii: Taiiie, ibe en lightened etiuinii mly, cat not I lie tieoertr. luast be tin 4ndj, -fsns-ii -: Many Medicines offered for sale areaeeompan- ied hv cftlllhtfsil frll finntou lih.!. .kt..l u: . 1 -j " Y ii s. ( i iniu TIJIUC.j and claiHi- o be untrersal reinedics, curing aft tiiaiuuiL-B ourtervueoDcommim seare; Am tbe ti iicnvprpr of t i i siuii uiIjuhrI. . . .. : . having It placed In ihe category el fraud andim- tho world like llm naic irnkl Anllm pat port than its own true value. If the public eennine toey win receive it ir spurious, theV Will r vie ft mmi miiHhiii 1. I... I ... I - ' . ,.r. - - ----------- .Mifw u pan acea for all ilia, jt has Coftifol over out one ill lia -.vuu.uu idu ccompiiinei DUI one thins, to Wll I InlDR.. lBrilll.l.A... a- . a , - aijisi wnmerer belts farm orlocaiiiy wheiaerin the head, til roat chest, abdomen, extreiniiira, ir skin. - uen me aiscoverer, alter n long serie of labo rious and costly experiments; became fully con fir med in his conviction that ihe AntiphlogialicSall, which he now has the happine.-s io present lo the American public, was a - . .i,.. , ' PKKFECT SUBSTITUTE ; ; ""'g! "a.V.V- ., M Ilia Ull.tCIB. HIS 111 I alT Wa SO SfitatMl that ha nulrl linl .I..... I... n nig lu a The cause of his agitation was the strl- bin? fact I hat iK. m.n.n. nr i : i. . . i. . . -7 - "ti'.i vi iL.iMjciauun, line iiibi Ol J he virus in im.la..Lni-. .v..u . i r - - w.a..vuluiuu. ito-ui aatiaiaciv rny explained upon any known principle. How. diseases. And na nlhr-t aa fl-m U,KII .. 1 t: cable but, on further ejrpeiiment, it was pioved Inst nv 1 1 sa . . r i j ivwcr uver ne veins, irieriei and K lands, tt ehwHi th4utm r ih h4.. t.. - I t L wwmm-m w ttH.WUV I ll WW Will OI an equilibrium in which, is ihe sole au$e ol in- Haminkllnn ' It a - I ! I. - . I f . , cCi ib, iiKe me vaccine mat er.aa extraordinary influence over the circulation re ruludg in a eradual decline of inflammation as In dicated by the pulse, which soon reauuie iis nat oral elate, as ihe heal and pain disappear. Suet ia its potency, that like the viius just mentioned it reauireit what niir.i. .Hi..... . . i. n i . - quill dipped IHto a Solution of it, so affect the en tire svatem bnt aiihi K. .'n.n ......t .A . - - - -- .. y nnu IVUII-VCI1 decomuoaiiion and secure its full virtue.- Thret uiu.ia acme, ana iwo in ciironic disease, even Hit lio ll rm till f Ii a I. . A I i . , . -- ---- i anu icici nave auoaiaeu inr a pcrfeci cure effecierf. vv hen it rakes the placeoi ueecrie, stiroulaiing.Olntmcnis and Blistersia Local Inflainmntlnn Rmi. e'.... i- . 1 . Llfcl, VjlWUI), I UU1II aebe Pleonay, 4c, its mode of adminisiration i tWL"- "t' direction f or dimlving.tte.) C"The peculiar excellence of thia Snli is that Without the tiaplfaa Inaa nf hlr,nA .1. .-. eflectualiv CUrna Inflummsfm u I .! c.. , . 7 . .---..- j vii-c.m imu inn era) by producing an equilibrium of all ihe fluids in It). hnriHariil m a-anaB a. .a. . - . . .. ". i, i .i t uuinicrrupieu circula- lion,i; Xhe lollowingdiflerentyonw whleh the un balanced fluids assume, and many not here -mentioned. I hn t ham mnmnr lna . . perfectly aubducd by the. Antiphlogiatic Sail, aa tiro i ivtinmlali4 Wu . i aaeawnere the unbalanced fluid afTcds the Hand and I hrnni tn wli . i.i it . .. ... avi,.,j, r c.cr, nciiaacne, Fita. Innarncd Rim !'-. ..J . , ' i . l . " . " runner, ieu- ralgia, Catarrh, Erysipelas, Bronchhia, Ac. 2. Cases where lhtiiinl..l,.j .r.. . . . ,7 , ...... a. aaa-a-M IIUIU. ailCCI HIC ClMsst and Abdomen -to wit: Pleurisy. Asthma. Inflated Xunjfs and Lir, Colic, Heartburn Coughs, Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gunorrohosa, Venera. 3 Cases where tlietinb&I.inced fluid afieet Ihe Kxlremitlrs and Skin to wil: Mheumaiim, Gout, .Scrofula, ,U Item. Chicken and Sni&h Pox, Salt Ilhcuni.andalJ Iiciiin and other uianeousUrup lions, 1 his Salt greatly ' alieriaies (he Inflammatory P9ln. h..ni.r in ... I I i I . s- . . " ibuicf, iw:re ana ai ine Utile of connneniMir nr. A ... .. i-- i - . --1 .lit j . v biu.ll, , vviii- plaint; and is very efficacious in Fevers, Ague, Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affeciions, and any other forms of (mark ihix) Inf.ammao,y Disease, attended wiih heat or febrile symptom. C3rPns who h i ve a tendency of blood to the Head and Hearr, or lead inactive live, or breathe the impure air of manufactories and the poisonous luraesof metals and minerals, or live in unhealthy climates are exposed to a peculiar t ilia I ion of the , .... y . UIUM e quae, wiiaout laterier ing with diet or business, once in three month, woul.l invariably prevent. Ir isbelicvid to affoid .(U.H inieciuiu Ulseasess and, there fore it is recommended u Travellers, Sailor and Soldier. O-To protect the community from imposliion by counterfeit, ihe Proprietor will employ ko Aglnt, and has inade such arrangements that he can send the Medicine in any quantity, by Mail or Expre-s to any pari of the United Stales or For eign Countries. Ii m-tA .. .i. -. . , n . . " r "" -vc- iv iuc Aiscovere isSIO per drachm-price 2 per drachm-nnd is put tip in drachm packages for Acute Dieae ,y. , a, a ararnms do. for Chronic Caaea, So; and 5 drachiisdo. for Families 9 net proBt ol 50c on each package. . - iSrWhile many nostrum makera victimize the good naiured and pill ridden public by ordering from rtx lo a doxen boxes or bottles lo cure snv malady, no matter what, the undersigned is happy in beinit able to stale, that 'he severest forms of recent Inflammatory Disease are overcome by on Acute Package, and the most obstin&ieand lone -landing by one Ohronic Package. Althouah d day have not elapsed since this New Medica I Agent became partially know n to lli citizens of Bosion anu s few neighboring towns, yet such ha Ve been nr4UOoD k8ir,,,, lh,t r!ng ,he paBt weik- , - , rrz i miff I'll y nna or ders received by mail and exprcfSTor 16S Famtlv Ml Chronic.and 385 Acute Packages. In Vne In StanceO beraonaelukhntl inn.ik... a . r - uCflf (f ,h :Lile Giant," a, they called ii.) to be forwarded to one addres thereby savine expense to themselves and the ProfHetor WrhVVi'nliP Cb! or i.'V'duala with inon ey (il over 10) shouW be registered at ihe post office where mailed, ss it costs but 5c, and iJJ se cure their safe arrival. - . ' r 'rt!".Pl -corere1- no humbly submits his Per- Icet subatitut fi- I i . .. - --- ------- Lccues ana bus- Hfh ,C rjbBD-' Wf an,D,e'gt public, reiter aiing thai It does jnst what it claims to do no more, no least Subdues Inn1 immatory Diseases (no others,) whatever be iia form or localitv, by restoring the lost balance betiteen. the fluid and tot- .n !k "i! -'i Pck,K 8. Chronic and Acute i i ' 1 Jf :Pen) only by addressing Mm through Box 32, Boston, Mass.or at his of- I3-Cut out this advertisement for the perutal ef your neighbors and your own future use,, . F. COGGSWELL, M. D. , ' , . Draeoverer and Proprietor. " Boton, May, 1857.- 25 1 w a'roreaieai tmk CUMfllKRCIAL OFFICE Kit Hi dIM.aiie', the great first caoeo Bprings from negltct of Kature's laws. SUFFEE NOT HENRY NUTT, lltrrflK lid Pnawmnmc icrit . Hill git hi pertnmal altenlin to business entrust Sept. 1955. 7S"ty-c. When CURE is guerameed IN ALL STAGES OF GEORGE MYERS, TfBix.Rxit.K isn RVTin. r.Rn-rn I " VUWU.IHU HIIV U I ill II t SVW UB SEC RE TDIS EAS ES y af, m. tvo., ivuor. .: . r -i. -j t- . . M-rovtsutn; n nt and WiUow Ware, frwU 1 &wjeziumarics.u-c. ooum r ronimirssi. .. IVI I .1 1 V 'Til V T4I t' - t Nov 18,1855. - " : ' 109 aeit-Ane, N;r9nus Obdily, Strictures, Gleet Gravel, Di betet. Diseases of the Kides an Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of Ik i-stinngsf Tkromt, JVote and Byet 4 Ulcers upon ,. the Body or tdntbs, Cancer st Drops, Epiliptic - r iia !, ana au Mtseases arm ing rem a derangement oJ Uu Sexual Organs t Such ar Nervous Trembling, Loss of Memorvrf r.oss of Power. General Weaknes, Dimness of vision, witn pe uliar spots appearing be fur j ihe eyes, l.osa uf sight, . Wakefuiness, Dyspepsia. "r 'sce, r.rupiisns upon the lice. Pain in b back and head, Female irregularities and alt IIMOJ-OtMir Mhw -MM laa.k. . I . - . . 1 iuih wm un ji au(g not Iroin what cane the disease originated, how- .i mug .inqumg or oostinate tne case recovery is certain; and in a shorter lime than a per ma -nent cure can be effected by any other treatment even aft r the disease has baffled the skill of emi nent, pnyncian ana resisted all their means of cure, ihe medicines are pleasant without odor, nosicitness, ana iree iroin mercury or balsam.- Durin; twenty years of practice, I have w-wucu irum ine jaws oi uea.n, many thousands, who, tn the last stages of the above mentioned disease had been given up to die bv their nhv.i eUns, which warrants me in promising to the afflcted. who may place themselves under my earc - anu mum speeay cure, secret diseases "" grcaiest enemies to he-ilth, as they are ne nrsi cause ot consumption, r .Scrofula and .any omer aiseescs, and should be a terror 10 the human family, as a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of ihe cases fallinir ini.i rthe hands of imco-npetent persons, who not noly ail toeure tne diseases but ruin the constitution filing : the system wiih mercury, which wiih the l SaA: .atA n a a aa k a ""i iihoiciib .hu auiierer into rapia consump- Bnt should tbe disease and rhe treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, ihe disease is entailed upon the children. wh or. born with feeble constitutions, and ine current of me corruptee oy a virus which betrays itself in oci-oima, leuer, ulcers, Krupiions and other af. factions of the akin. Kves.Thrn.n mH r.nnn. tailing upon them brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. SRI. IP A HITs K i. r... ",j.ui . , -,....ct nuuuuic cnemv 10 health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of ...... ... uikiki causes so Destructive a drain up on the system drawing its thousands of victims tnrougn lew years of suffering down to an un timely grave, ll destroys the Nervous System. t-..j wasies away ine energies or life, eauses in.. 1111 uerangcmenl, prevents ihe proper develop men: ol the system, disqualifies tor marrla.e. so elety, buine?, and all earthly, happiness, and leayea the sufferer wrecked in body and rrlnd preatsposea to consumption and a train of evils m-.rc iu m orraaea man death itself. With the fu Hi si confidence I assure the unfortunate vic tims or dii-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure, can be effected, and with the abandonment l ruinous practices, my paiirnts can be rcntorcj roousi, vigorous Health. . 1 ne aniicted are cautioned against the use of raieni lueutcines, lor tlierearo so many ingenious snares in the CuUirans ofthc public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers, that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vi,e compounds of quack doctors or the equally poisonous nos trums vended as "Patent Medicines." I have careiuny onaivica many ot the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them coiit.iin Corrosive Sablimte, whtch is one ol ihe sirone ea P rpor lions of mercury, and a deadly poison, which instead of curing tiio disease, disables the a in ivi inc. ... u e are put up by: unprincipled and i.jnorat rcrsons who do not understand even the alphabet of Hie manna medica, and are equally as destitute of any fcrowledge of the human system, having one ' "7 'lew, nni mat 10 maue money re gardless ol consequence.". f: irrcgulantiea and ail diseases of males and fe male treated on principles established bv twentv year 01 practice, and sanctioned by thousands of u c 111.1.1 lemarxaoie cures, medicines with full direct lion sent to any pan of the United States or K-noon communicating their symp toms by letter Kusiivss correspondence strictly rnn fi Amn 1 1 -1 Allln., i.t . 1 ................ ni. .nicia.smnj aavico must con t. iuaiuga BlHllip. ADDRESS O. SUMMERVILLE M. X umce io. 1131 Filbert St. old No. 109 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DK. JOHNSTON THK fiiumW of ifil. rVl.kr.i.J ... 1 r . '--- Jiitinnifufc vi- . JL lra in. nt M : A . i . . - , . al tamedy in the word for c r r r T."r T-i cr s c t- r Gleets Stricture-.Seminal IVn bn... t,.,r' (- lha Leias. Consiitaiionai Dcbllnv imi ni.t, . Weak n aa uL ihe Back and Kimha arii,-. f.f the alixlnsys, Palouationol the Hmrt. li ti i,i as Irritabi.ify, Diseaae of tl.e Hrto.T hi.m 1.. iv, RARi.nvr WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, LIQUORS, WINGS JiLK, PORTER. . iv o. a, i, ramie now, Krout Street. - wtr.M I MfiTlils; im c. Feb. 17th. t?56. - ltn.if. PtRO w n avt ica iiu at! I J i.i V ,V -UeM COM MISSION" ME R C RANT, OUUIH WAI Ji.lC STKJiKr, iVILMi.VOTOV S C. W. U. M1LLIGAN. s MARBLE MANUFACTURER. NniTtl WtTPB KfDfm WiiruiweviA. 9Jm. fm Monuments Toovibs, Head and Foot Stones, and tf .--J. . j" a- it- r . . , . iu.tk.iaui oj Aiiaioie n otk jumimca to order on TrinnriJjU lmnt 7 June 5.: , . : - 35-lv-e HENRY BURRniMER afunf -P a f v A mf a TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORK. ' Sinv ok xn n ivniiy fiiinii MARKKT STR EET , nc dor above Water Wilmington. IvV C. N. It. All Orders Ulleil irVA J, ir.nl r Oct. 26; h. 135i ' - j 93-teY.w-e. GEORGE R. FRENCH, MANUFACTURER AND j : i' . WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND NO. 11. M A RKET STREET, March 6. . , CH AS. D. MYERS. HAT AND . CAP EMPORIUM f 34 Market Si. . . -' WllMISOTO.I, N. C. PAVJMA', I.EOnORV, IND PALM LKAP HATS, W0CL - crTD nil IF i u n .ta-it ctrm nana. . a- a. a . I . . I. - j...a a... .... I. 1 . n, i Cloth. Plvsr. A!tD Silk Glascd Caps, bv tne east nr ilnztan A I IVhiv Vnrlr VhnI..alA Ori... mirch 12. 152, ADAMS. BROTHER & CO.. C OM MISSION MERCH AN TS, IT ILAliOiurUiN. N. C. July 23. i59 AS. C. Oct. 24. BKI.OW TWKI.PTH. 92 ly. YOUNG AMERICA TARGET PISTOL iuanntactniing Companv: NEW HAVEN, dr. ThlsPlstol is intended as thefererunnerof the or dinary pistol, and is designed for young men and lilvi irhn u-IbK fr..ninn 1 1. - . at a target, at the most inflin expense, and with out any danger of accident. The cheapest ordina ry pistol is i area or four times tbe price of this be- aiAm Hat I BMaw ri an rin aa 4 a tk. L . a J 1 a . it5wue nc tuv nanus oi OOVS. I 1110 piftol is loaded with ihe common Phe Cracker which formaa complete cartridge, and r ill cairv i Ka 11 0-k - r ilaa M rM.aaB aa.Ia k k. . . iT - kvco wuu mo eaine precision as THE GREAT FEMALE PILL. I 1 k . ' HKKAQKK the General Agent, wiiwicBuie ana reiau, lor ur. "Whealinu's" ceieoraiea tcmtx'e I'nia. These Pills are irulv Taioaoie lor wales, .or tAey vUl restore the wnty courses vitere lluy may. stop from any cause whatever. They never have failed in any case where the directions around ihe box contain r.g me rjis nave ecen strictly followed ; Indeed tncre haa no case or faiinm Xf-' Eej.,!5.p.ttre,'reSe,,,le e per- .......ci urour, postpaid, upon re- P.,0fcf,re.r UlAl. P- Creamer 'Baltimore "'.. uuerai aiscoint to Llrusisu. 110 3m, WHY LABOR SO HARD WHEN WASHING?' f HAVK a chemical process for cleaning clotli isy,the use af which" the clothes can bs washed very clean without boiling, and with verr 1 1 1 1 T at .nklai.. ll w 1. 1 . -.t. 1 . . a . . . "7 iiiia mciiiua niucn nara labor csn be asvid , the washing is dons in half the uu itio ciuines are very wntte and clean and last much longer,, for they are not worn oat' oy running asoy tne old way or Washing by mv chines, die. The articles used cost but little and are easy 10 ooialn. I mail the receipt to orJer. i"""!' Pau. Pn receipt oi MI cental three cent posiage siamps gooa as money.. Address , Ur. J. i-. vrener, oaiiimorectty, fllJ. i JJCC.B, ;; f-,- -.(...; no.3m. HONEY, TnC BEST OF HONEY. I v : VV 1 U?M.,J teeeiP for ""kins Honey, X which I Will semi In ana , . , - . k-" ijtii it-ceipi of 50 cents. We make and use tr la our family ir nair the cost, and consider it as sod as the besi article of genuine bee m-He honey, -from which . j u . , 7 peraon wno will maki and sell it can clear from two to three cellars a ii nT require, i arilclea lo make It anJ hey can be had aiany store for 60 cents. Kverv family may have this delightful luaury, for anv lady can make it in 13 ini antes a any time 3 cents posl-ige stamps as good aa money. A ddreaa Dr J P. Creager, Baltimore city, aid. ' "are . Dec,,a : .4- y,. v.-.- i f, - - -, 1 10-4ni the ordmiry pistol, but not with snffieiont ... . aay serious damage. rAs Ameriea i shoot! of It run t Ft A VahHit A marinas.. a . , (a n.ltl.ln thl. V fill l-l IT A Hl.rtan. a . 1 a., a -- -i - - - --o .uuoi ana wih learn ihe art by which our Jndnjiendence w-,e secured Heno thia Target Pistol ja exactly in lime, and must meet with universil sale among our youth a the Sooth and West, lis operation Is ci rfectly sim ple, and fa i not fcJble to get out of order. A full description will accompany every case of pistols The pistols are put tip at the factory in cases of 50 each, eady to send by express io any part of ths United Statea or Canada. : r r , Ketail price, 25 cents; by the case, 7.Sa or ! cents each. -t , , , : V ,F&ENCU, tlACL A CO.,: August 27th, issT, : - Wew : DR. CREAGER, . TiT,.MORE Md-U ,he le A?enl far Dr JL Windrs'eeiehrared M itrimOniji "Series." 3 Book-s iWlrA Book for Yvnm9 Me. er ed to prepare them for. Female &eiely. No-' 2. EfTors in Courtship; o 3. ,iteornrfnoii.. Cmrol." Eitherol whit will be mtued to o eer. postpaid, upon receipt of 25 cent. v . Dee. 8. li0-3,n :M good ams for ladies f A f V.Ldr whrt i.MiJ he address to Mrs -TVK. Creager. Bahinare City, Md. with 3 post. sseStamiMinefn.lMi a;il : i something of importance In her.-. -i - ... . "WOMAN K.VfliVTUVpr w . t. --- - - - -- p ..ts . ... aa a.- l"r- P. l'0-3m 1 SPARS! SPARS' I SPA R 7? feel long, 1 8 inches 1 0 feel I " 69 " 20 , - I " -72 ' . $ .::, .. jf . ? " 67 ' 21 frosa kaitt . a- U 1 71 J0 v " "' 1 70 , 20 - : u Jan.tl.. : ADAMS, BKO. 3. 4 CO. ' SUNDRIES. - - SO Poo1?" PLANTING POTATOES - - .. 0J 100 do EaUna- ,..:- ,0 fim Herrings for family ues v 60 half da. Oceaa tads"' - - ! -H3 Doxe eiraareka tiuap, ; . 23 bbU. American Glue; - - SO nrlna )!.. R..L. :.. I J t , ' I . , , VUll W.I icw, i.i. Mtiueili F Ol saW-by - ADAMS. BKfl m SMITH. ' 'Mtr.CS COSTtJ JAS. C. SMITH it CO.. COM HUSSION M r r IU T.. No. 2, SOUTH WATER STREET. - i WILAILNQTON. N. C. ; April 26. ; i 18-lr OOLLNCR. O. POTT BR. Jr. J. CAMERDP.N DOLLNER. POTTER & CO COJPIISSION MERCHANTS, .1 Kit I UIIU. Apr!130, 18S5. . 20-Iy. ouu siinvro is to pi.ricdi - " .tiliiuu AT THE v iimingioii saddle. Harness, and Trunk MannraAi'ni-t' THE subgcnberrespecUuIIyfnformgtahcpubli latest and most iranrnveH atvln . J ; ? : -r -1 ivi.KuajllB manufacturing, at hisstorepnmarket street .ererv description of articlein theabovcline. Krorahis h-wiii kI.1.1 ? " "?, connden it ha " V " " S'Tecnureaaiisiaetlontoalltrhc miffflVArklni. ih . ..II Ll - "i I111L Ti" ... "; -i. uas now on ha.H ana wiiiconstallllv Ireen tt nrK...A.i . - Coach, Gi" and Snltey Harness, Ladn's Saddles Bridles, Whips, Gentled, Saddles, Wkipi ail of which he will warrant to be ofi II i he beat materials and workmanship. 13 lie has alan - 1.hm . r LI Tr.7..t.. a i f"" --""""" or . . : . - oauuic ana darnel iti -hTA i 7 7 ',n "cn eUbiislimente,aUo which heofleri lowfer PASH.n, .h-..i"r... to iromm n.tnm. : 'cicoii . saaies, Harness .Trunks, Redlca 1 bacs c OtC.. made In nrH.t ' ac Inadilition Intlm ihni'.th..,.l...ji kern. An h.ntf l.i...nnli. .r ili.i . . 'J' Snd haa now. anil tvilll'..niii...u.i. . t ooH,n,;.r.rr VV V.V: lue season a a uuu a a a. .. i, . -.jr r. 1. 1 IS a ill iiRinriimin in n.t I . .. . " tsaa.i.iiic inr uoadl whether in want or nnt.nl inL....i . i . - 1 --."- victt.i VI II8QVW- Ing my assortmetal to all who may favor me with HarnessandCoach Trimint... u . . . . tuiu ii a i a l v a i ifl "'"e'" man uiactura. a I art W Kin. . , ... 1. .i. 1 . n III Llfil. r n;j;.. ir li'-i . - - " 'i! I cmcies DOnirllf anif a. on eoiw-Tiissions. JOHM i niuoi IPK V 10; w.iuup. I TH E XORTir tr nnr ... ; . MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C0AIPi I,iEi7eACWMPo,?3,,1!',been "Pcratiowincc X the Uipl April., 843, iiDderthediiL,.Si.rr ,i aj. VP s aV Dr. Charles K.Jonhson Wm. 3. liaywood. Vice President I John . J illiams, Secretary. W m.H. Jones, Treasure-. . Perrin Busbee, Allornev. ' - - mr aB VIUlUfl Dr. Wm.H.MeKee. 5 Attl:t Boa-d0r ur. iv -1 . liaywood, y "tuiuutcn J.IIersman. nnu,i - This Company haareceivsd a charier shflnmad Thef-" Section eivtl. HL.-3TIrTR" istrwn life for. .TJin". v7:.v -I CiUldren from ... cl,r. lie La",5"rE,t., i,Jrf?K,r LrW5 relaT-.r ,e,r;;riie:.,.,l Orpnwed on pnrely pHiieipIcs, the life nii!iibersa9rti-ln-.il v. i . y "eilie 7t.a,Va .IX:'u. "J'TT-'01. AP'ofiuwhick .7 J ' -raiaes. in- applicant foi lfo. wnen Ikrinimtinr.: . '11 " '.l one half In a Note. iu may pj A'Ji'i'f .for'.n'"ae againsi the Company. i "imm wjneiy uaysatleroroaf r K. j . c:,the party isfnrm.l.cd. ,eTproof of e deaih 8re insnred forone or five years at i4ta jvhl.-h u-lll -.11 c-i u-.-. tun, 11 ralei , 7 vieioioer8 to see a re ihi class of rroneritaaia...k - :5.,n J, , -6....i iu. vat-cjisinffVAl lie. -Iave Insurance nr..i. . . n'.V-" 'l.k,W,wr" W"h CaroJinVwhicrwU IWICfeiTI-nilnMnill.iV.D.i 11 w - Tt.I-iTe " '"Meownrneri. Slates. show. J . JerV month' Of f i hi. Company n?lrJA,"aroo,,1" ?f -me-moreih.i . . -"-"'. w ne Dm year havinir atrPadviasaaB mnm tha.ono n-u . 3 Having A.wTJIi5l"!-??aSto---'." Nervaea 1 rriLnbi llv xmosc orOkia ;taoa aeriousaniiinelai.tn(.i rfjror aersarii-inf i rum im drurun . k.Kii. v ... Vhlch dMIrAV holhlioHa tiuln.)..! '-i-- - " - - - j- I.1.UU. . "y m wcrre andaoliurysraciicec more fatal'to their virifoi then Ihii rn.ir.rr r. t . . a . 1 , , - .'jii. iv ine raiuir.r o Ulrsa... taliirhflnfli thl. larlllt . . ticipations, rendering m.-irrlapv;; d c.', Imporsibi - c : YVUHUAIKN. . EsDCt-tAllv.ir hn l i liMiini. t h.. al-ii . r t - -. 1... w i ---- - . w i.tnnirvi tOOLi17 ry fie, that dreadful and destructive habit vihirh i ---! tu an uutimriT iuc inunnncr f vounp- men of iK. mn.f a.iwj t.i . i -t ... intellect, who might other wis., have entranced Ha- t.ntnn K.n.la. M.S.S. .La- . I t . - mi mc laiinocnoi eloquence, o r waked to ecstacj thelivirglyre.mBj call 1U full confidence. . ' MAntixar.. - Married nirmu nr V.n.. u.. . . , .. marriett:ing,;Vreof P"l"i: Weakness, Or ganic Uebihty Deformities, cce-.shoi.ld imirdi- atelyeonsaIt Dr. J., and be testorcd to ..-riv. . health. ; . . . a . . , -; ; f who nlaeea fiintilf nn.til.. - .--. T Ion nu rvKirtnii.lt. ..c . : i . tleman.and confidenilv ritr hi i n, . sician. - ... s.rny- Da.JoHssTOirls the or.ly rejularlr Ediicitrd Phvsician advertising lon.. n.T . . . . . " . - 1 . w . maiti. omnia mis. His remedies and treatment are .niirely unknown Gr'JifHo'li.U irm 'ift-'P-M iriTir (JT fatal I nOSDlIafn IM b. tl nirva sima a k t - r Philadelphia, tT-c, anda more extensive ntariie than any other physician in the world. Hi, v wondirl.il rurr. anil i..i..i l . . r . " .. uiiviigni ouryiral u- crstions is a sufficient fnaran.ee lo the affliciedJ - Tlutss who irlsh In h, , . . ,. lleo ed should shun the numerous trying impost !r ha only riiinlheir health, and aunlv 10 l.f.o ' " A CURE WARRANTED 111 Kn r"t,ar AT Mr . -a. ..ay MllflBUf o Mercury or u.taem, !.... -. OPPIRE. .Vo. T 50IT-rtr rBrn..r':" ion honj .ins : a . i .u e iiiiiiore Tfrti t. tiliw doors from the corner. Fail not 10 ofMrvi l,!, name and nmitlu-r fn,l.i.,... ..ii- . . ' attracted by the reputation ol Dr. Jt hnl?on! lV.'u' UCJf. - - " ""I'Vi Vil. , Member of th I fir,.-r.- . - ifehasbeenspenlintheHoSpaVisoM is, Philad. lphia.and elsewhere, h..reflec7e7'sU e" of the most astonishing cunathoi wueverknown ny.rouoieowun ringing in l he ears and head suddrn sounds- anH h..kr ' - "'Sfmcd f blushing.attended sometimes tiitt Jcranir. en".'"' mind, werecured Immediately, ll".ro"ln'e,, V' A CERTAIN DISEASE. - - W hen the misguided and imprudci.l votary Vf pleasure finds he haa imbib.d ihe steda of painful disease, it too often happens that anH...i ? ed sense of shame, or dresd of discovery. dYte" . him from ann wini in ihn.. . aiicia . ; ,: n. irora education and respectability. can alone brfrlendin, wJiI . . ing un me consiiiutional yniptoms of this honLl disease make their appearance -tu. I, tt l, sore throai.diased nose, nociurai pain. i ,1 on the shin tones and arms, bloithcs on the held fuce and evtremiilsa r.i-orr...i ..i. i . . ueta, Pidity, ,H, a, la., h.'L7r bones of the nose fall in. and the victim or . i awfuldisease bocomp. hi,nl i Jr ! tl,ia of ?ecrrrtn,bi,",eatHh, po,r-a p'riod r: d?D';nerf- lerintrs. DV ItPnH nn li m . i . u,u,B"i whence no traveller returns.- "To tttch Yhlf, V ; Dr. Johnston nl..H... hi .r. Bcn '"crcore l-Tr snd, fr, hir; ? uce m me nrsi riosn tols of Eurcie in,) V. hecsn confidcniir rwom" P.e.JL"d cure to the unfortunate vieiin. .7... S fFcf case It is a melancholy fact, mat ihonVai-V Vt victims io this dreadful compiaJnt U if f"" skilfitlness of Ijroorant preienders ho'hi " of thai deadly poison. "Urcury, rii,;;:' m. anil . th.r.-.jii. . '.' ne conslltti- . r,. ,,U ,,lc liiuuriunate surtrrr untimely irave.or else m.-.l.ho:J.. ro n erable. 7" . "v. UTC 1 J,u D!'- TAKE PARTICULAR KOTinr D r J. tddrpMnt all tKn. l . . selves by private and impr;;e7iTi;,e,r,Je"r.Cd the' These are aitmat r .k. - j fec,s! produced by Var hbiTs o.r. wcaknefS of the Back and Limbs Ia Y'JZL Heiil Jiiitin... of M;l.i t .. . . Jo In er.PalDita.ioo or.hf cu r Pow- IrritabHity Vcl,Yiir? Mentally. The fearful effects on ihc n,ird mnrh In U it.l..l . f r ..- 't r of fde.s.Depre.sIonTsplVil'Yr?'." a aorai.tn r ... i.-' t . , ' oreli.-rii nt. tUde.Trmidity,ite.:8re some of"leeVr TTieuw-rfs'of person, of a 1 fa gee, ran cowi'ud ' what is ihe cause of their decJiinc heal.h Jr ine their vieor. becoming "?lne".'n ted, have a .ingul.r appearance she" ih."'"!' : t 111 Illill f ITIVn ar.. DV KOR ORGANIC AyiuKsrls Bvthis irreat and lmn "r'?- lllirn;.r.nir:VJ"J5,?.'e,'1e'M individua!. whi I bad ToV, , ,h"e fc.1eb . diaielyreHeved. A 1 1 1 m ne( i n r e nT in &i i ; VI T rnysicaior iientalDimiualificaiion. , ' . r itabilitvTrembUnD..riv.!?,'?n' rreii, lf. Otinor mpn hn Kit., c: certain practice induged in hei i frceuemlv lenr.w-H r a,f,- habit school, the eflecs itf "ZhuV . , or " when asleep, snd if not cor.d ft"' !Vcn imposrtblejind dtMf applv immediaielv. M db!dr.Uo.ld What a pity that a roun. mn .k. t. " . 1 . eountrv. ant th. ,7 V,"' ""PC oi Ms snahedfrom .n.j&Wll?; ".'f ""l 'iaU? from . .k1? S" ,no.u,?'aS oertaiu secret hV.u 11 oucn pentons, oetorecontemDUttBa - . MA KH TA rsi." - - Should redeet thai . sound mfnil , j fcoJ - . mosl neeessarv rpnni.ii,.. .. are happiness. Indeed. tho'., ffc7 T.rrBW,,al ihr-h life beeomeaa w, r'll .t T shadowed wh despair anJ filVd wf(r. 7T cholyrefleeiion th.tihe happTneT, J - kikT kl eomeshliohtd with mi.A-L " ,.1 -KClIir OFFICE A'O. J SOUTH FREDERICK-' T. ll Sarrir.l ?"?. . B- I.e. an fila. au . TO STRA'r:yc'- V m. M a -- Jb4 TJUinir Mmie-fMs . . .--. m the lan ten rears. id ihd r... . 1 1 if FIVE DRE5N HT Tlroi.KSirf v Rciruri n (v.utan ivi s-n cC,v.v: . . .-.ki Ainu o; - "".-''K omj-nrinm. si ,m. r r: - 'r"r- andicilKjur..ik. . . . ' ' r ' .! a. . -"eniman of s sufficient earant-e f n the arm-red "UI-"? - - I a . 'ft ih, , Tt ia aritlt tV , . Irtt. hi eirtVti i'Ttf'T fB into tk handTofLhi aifTZ-. "I" f,U 1 , r--""iKrtaili.tiar. i.kn i m wn. who. ror t: pntoav ot Kni;riitir MI I .. Vi . ni"iwtf-t-tM l rll . irb. iUtlillC211IT-Jir .-""i-fi-ed will. k" " aiJ .-n.;aa Pt-i.!.1- mmt Y..r .k. L w om wnrinr sh-aiit tat em mmrl mn4c ikal . ' ' 1 11 . varinat. i in aaatrnbiaf J.r,l-B " " Un IT Viii. ' 0 ly.