r. ...... ,, v "1 I.I.IKV1.NU Tit A I' A Cash usine co ba I Jm,W hnnrncial to both buyer and seller, we ! ivn t!,l day adopted it in our Retail trade, oni b-9lMv la announce (hat oar book enclosed f a. 11 this dale. Ill our firm. dcUrmintUim rot d. jlrl front thia rale, and we hope our friend nd . irons will not rqt U. We are aware of the difficulties te be encoemered la carrying oui li.ii announcement, but know we cent prove to our natrons It bcncni 10 mem by selling food a at Jowsr prices than heretofore. chas. n. MVKrts, Jan. 18. Hal A. Cap Emporium. .EMPTY CARRELS. 300, PRIME. SPIRIT IBARREI.V JUST received ner Url Albert Ado ma ror aaie by ADAMS, BRO. at CO. n.e. ' -103. FIKS, PRUNES, &C.' " 170R the Holidays, Jttst received si GEO. MYERS' JL Dec. 8. NOTICE. ii ir 1129. miHK Wilmington and Weldon Kail road Com U. panf have made arrangement for forwarding I it I g nmi consigned to the care tf the Company, and destined for any point en the line of the Nrth Carolina lond. rrtofcomMU'.Hi. . If landed on the Company'e wharf, iherb will be mi char e lor wnsriag or oTayazr i nut ineso ex- pon.es will be incurred If landed on any other Wharf, and will be added to the freight on Iha ay-bill, in be eoMectrd on delivery, by the North Carolina Kailroad fjompany. N.H. 'I'o avoid daieniion at Witmineton. It ia raaeniial that the amount v( freight by vVeeelrl ahall, fit all cam, be dialineily alated, In dollare and ernl. on each bill of iartlnr, and if enorie lor j ner than one pcraon are included in the aanie I bill of lading, the amouoi of freight for each con. alfuee ntHat neteparaieiy aiated , By ordr of the Board of Oireclore. OHca ef Knglneer SMpeiin'rndrc Wilminf ion, N. " Ian. 28. ISST. WILSON ' S HARNESS ESTABLISIL1IENT. THK auharrlher keepa constantly IMS I on hand evrrv oV-ripiio of SADDLES, BRIDLES, II AR NKSS, WHIPS andTRUAK.allktndaol Lratlt. rf and Oil Coach Trlmminie, Carpel Baga, Bit. Valtac. lelallthle cndition powdrra for diseaard horara and Cattle The largest aaanrimrni and l-cst stuck ef OonU in the 6'iaie j Sold Wholesale tr retail, at the lowest Ne 1 ork pric. and on HrcAmmodatinr. farms to prompt eiialomera. Harness arid 'I'runke maJ t order, and repaired. JAMES WILSON, Oct 17, 89 -lye. S M.rkef at., near the wharf. 1I7K WISH IT DtSTl.NCTLV UNDER- V STOOD, thai etlr bnoka are cloed againai all Account and we would ml respectfully i rge upn oar friends lite neeeasitjr of immedi ately aeltllng ttiell Billa one us. . CUAS. D. MVPRS, Feb. 2. 31 Market aireet.' SEAMLESS BAGS. I tr'Vf-Twao bushele SKtMLKSS BAHS. I UUU Ferale by ADAMS, BRO. A. Co. COMMISSION BUSINESS . NI ac-rXliNrxaxxvxji , AGrrxuv, IN RAI.KIQ1I, N. t3, BY J. R. WHITAKER. Sale mitde to the best advantage, and roir.t I tfiuma. . RRFEM EnCESi ' iMBao 'n!tea, r. a. ritRr.Mia, t'UjiRirs Drtrr.r, ir.eae nnowy. 125 3m. Jan. 14, Wd8, TAMIL! JOURNAL FOR THS SOUTH. THE SrlRIT OF" THE AGE, KALEIC.ll, N. C A larck 23 Ciite.. wtfriKLr rArrtt, fa new in its ninth year: The Proprietor has Mcently fitted II out wltn new type emlfe, so that I' la ami, af iK. la. nl ,,. I .K...,. In th. ...t.nir. Ji I frll.rarvi. ttamilv P'lir -.nf..l: llw .dun. - led far the llnma Circle, and hae for ! high mis on the snnohling work in Instrut-t. in rlrvalel We.unfy and refino Its lint of ft vt thoosakk eeaacaiacaa, hears evidence of the ppr. clniin In which it la held by the reading community ll alse contains th News of ihe day, the' Markcla. gotd Literary, Tern sera nee and other rrailinz. '. Taaafs -!llnl copies l,50aye.r. To club. f I and upward. l snfli. To A JvrifhciW ... The large circulation of the .Spirit of the Age, make I's coltfma one of the best Advertising mn- Hams in iHa tai. Ii elrcul.te. e.Kcnsivcly in cry pofiin rrf .Vnnh Csro-lln-i, and In the bor dering cuifl lesnl Tlrcinlti nrnt Disirit is of Somli l 'arolins, rind therefore c-otinnds lij-elf lo ihe AJ.ertising t'omrrruiii Ins f 1'elcrst nig, Norlolk V Pminfton, arid Charleston, a trading marls de- Irlng the ctfstetn rtfiis readers and also lo the tdv.rtlslnf per'jlic generally. Adar' A.M. GORMAN, ' : Raleigh, 'JijC WL1ES AND LIQUORS. I J Wfi invite fhe alienilon of out . . Friends and Patrons in ihe best t rictiion of Wines a fid Liquors cter offered in mis market, consisting of Crsacent Brandy, Vintage 1910, Pale and Dark ttarn, uiipuy a to.i Branny, Old Cognac , do. S. Krai son tt Co. 'a do. Casllll.tr, A Co.'s do. Pore old Port Wine, Vttn. Osr0i3lt, Palo, ehtfty, dJ Madeira anJ Mffrrst W !, Ma-laga write. ' fyfd scuprffVng wic. Wollsnd Gm. Old To:n Gin ertr Woolf a Schiedam oennas. Cherry Brandy, Old Peach1 Brandy, " Apple An. " Bonrbcw tThiekey, "Rye do Irish anJ Scotch Whiakey, niiTioriiy diiiiu, Sle. MadetfS Wine. Perfect te CerrdUt, Assorted Cefdlnla. in bOTfle-a, F.very varrery or boined wines snd r.ffimrs. Clarela of various brantTe at wholesale prices in arascnino -uuracoa. . , riosieller-s Stomach fifi'lers. Aromalle do. do , Glner Wine, dre". dre.- Ai - low ' prices foi Cash, ai iheoriginaf i.v.-ry. April 17. GEO. MYRRr8. STATES nnn re- - H!rD- staves, siusi m v.Tf-rrroir irmreiion For sale by , Ot. W. D-AtlS. et.f. ' eg : T rraiiti feociATfiST"- A Uerfttotent ittfiulihrr, ftabttihtd' if fpititd an , domarricm tha rttUf of Ae aide mMd & itaatdj flirted v rimW TO all per sflHcfed with Sexuil Diseases such aa HoermstoYrK.. Seminal W.itaa. i mpotenee. Gonorrhr-ftrf feet, Syphilis, vice of unanism.or Peii-Aooe. ate . tpe the iiovami A8sociAi-7oyr, view of ihe awful destruction of btrman life. reused by ae.titualdiseasee,and the deceptions prac tised upon tne uniorinnaie victims ot sucn diseases iy Unacks, several yeira ago directed hir Con aulting burgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, lo open a Dispensary for ihe treatment of this class ofdlses.es, in all their forms, and to give fiMlcol Advitt Gratia, lo(all who apply by teller, with a description of l heir condition, (age, occupa tion, habits of ure. Ae.) and In esse of extreme poverty, to I-'urmiah JoHelnaa Free of Charge ll I. needles to add thai the Association commands the highest Mo Ilc4l.sk I II of th aare. and will fur nish 1 tin most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of ihe pa at, feel as sured that ilu-lr labors In this aphare of benevolent I eiiort, have been of grt-at benefit 10 the afflicted ' especijl'y to lb jsuung, and ihey have reanlved 10 devote themseive, with renewed seal, to thievery Important bul much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weaknea, the Vice 01 Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse. nnd oih- 1 er IMseasea of th sextant organ, by the Consult. ' ing Kur2oon, whiuii w I b Sent by an4U,(lat a seal ed I letter envelope. f roe oi charge, or scipl of JW t-lampe for p, ata g. , Addresa, tor Report or treatment. Dt. Gos II. CaLM'teir, Consult las Surgeon. Howardi Asso ciation, No 2, SowjK Ninth street, PWIadhlphla, Venn. By tr jf of the Directors. - EZ-ftA l. HEAUTWKLPwiaW., GF.O. VA4.lClHLD,tfWary. Jan. 9. l2Mu. 4 ."upr f "'. FALL "STOCK K0 7 READY. T? "f ERCH ANTS AND PLANTERS are tea- i-V-aA pccifully Solicited lo examine the moat eonf plet assortment of Hats, Cape and Umbre.laa ever before opened in the State. - - " We have in more 250 dote Wool hate. cra prising all Ilia grade front the lowest to the fin- eel CJia.hnviretie. 200dusen s lt Felt and hair stiff Caa'aimere hala, of a It Colors, at ylea and qualities. 30U dozen Cloth,, Mohair, Silk and cotton Plush. Petersham: Silk end- cotton Glazed Cane of all the dirf.irenl varit tics, including some of the neieei el vie a of Dree. Evening and Bu airier Caps yet Inirodnccd. Alto 8 ilk. Beaver, "add RUck Dress Csssitner at the snoat handanm styles, inert titer with ah elegarit dssftrtrncrtt of In fantsand t P-ildrens llata and Miaaea Finis and Bloomer. Ladies Beaver and Feb riding hats. Newstyre Umbrella, tine and common Cane Ac, Vc, Ladiee Fur Seitl and Gehtltmcns' Fui Collara furnished to Order. A call le solMted front 11. , , CHAS. . MYERS. Hal ahd Cap Emporium, 34 Market St. 8ep. 12. flASRKtS. T7K have a large lot ot Baskets of various alzea ii and styles. or sale by Dev. 18. W. H. DcNEAT.R. GOLD IEXS RE-POINTED. Gold Pene at Vholcste and Itetail-wlin or without CHact. pidGuld P'ena Ra Join (ml. En close the Peri irid fifty cents M -ash or Poitage Stamps and let urn mail will brinr the Pen ae ffood aa ncW. A superior sty lis of Qnlll Spring Pen, w hich ia nioch in use. All varieties or Long M Pens mude lo order end kepi constantly on hand.-'- : ,-:-.;:-- ! The price of Pen, without Cases, variet from .00lo3,50. The underaisned haViftB been engaged in the manufacture oiOold I'rna for acvcral Vearr, hope. liy strl"l attention 10 business, lo gain a share of public put -notice. - f All ordtrs attended to wun promptness. ' - - Address, KELLOGG A COOPER. Bastahle Arcade. Syracuse, N Y. N. R A libera! discount to the Trade. Dec. 1. . . 6-m. SALT AFLOAT. 3rfr BUSHEI.S ALUM SALT, CARGO 3V IKjyJ OP BRIO Clarence, iiisl nrrived ! from Turk's Island. For eahj Injdla. by THE NEW STORE, OPPOSITE TUG MASONIC HILL. CANDIES & CONFECTIONARIES vrs s r -ar - r -ar ' . xt'tv V--.rT T T" . . . ' nRAXCIS A. PIZZIN1 respectfully inform the JL citizens of Wilniingion and the surrounding country, that he hna opened a . ' HEW STORE OP C0SFECTI0NARIE8, TOYS; FANCl AuTt- CLE?, Ac. '. ' OPPOSITE THE MASONIC HAIiI Kroui mv eperience in ihc bufincsa, 1 f-rl con fident that I will be able to eive entire satisfaction lo all w ho may lavor me who a can. l enmiaiwaya keep a good assortment of FRUITS, both fresh anri'drledi CANDIES. French and of my own marur.ciurri TOY'S, and FANCY GOOD-. I hereby invite ull l give me a can ana kh ai my assort menr, h IirI her IMey purnaac or not. as 1 lake pleasure in showing my goods to those who mil iiiuin in. . I hull also km n constantly on hand CANDY of MY OWN MmNTFACTIUIK. node of the beat refined augar, at the low prue of SCI" 3333 PO" DOTiTiA PER HUNDRED WEIGHT, CASH. Retailers and rounlrv nroid wnuld do well to vivo me cull beforu liurchasinir clee-h,re. " 1 siall also be pn puna loriurntHiing riuir,i SlJrlKK. &c. in suiiert, altb-. . . - ... ... nrpTtu Jellies, iilanc Mabe, and Charlotte Ruasea made lo order XJf" Uonteinbcr and call at FKANCIS A. PAZZINI'S, No. 42, opp-tsite H.:aonic IIallr Dec. 10, WIlMlXaiON, N. C. Tilt! llfilM OF1 SlAItRf AQtJ. THE WAY TO THK ALT A it, -MVTRIMONV. MADE EASTTj OR, II 0 W TO WIN A LO V ER ! SOO.OOO COPIES ADHEADY IS5UED, 1 Vol r f 2 )0 Tages Zlmo. Price 81. ' Printed 'ke finest paper md IllnsiraUd in the first style vj art. ,TvtuUidiii0n reatry, -. iTifchs how In make Ladies or Gentlemen win the devoted allt-ciions of many of Hie op poritu six a their hrart t.iy desire 1 ahd the plan is so simple, yet so captivating, that all may be married, irrespective of age, appearance or posi tion and ii t an be arranged with such ease and delicacy, ihul detection Is impossible. It ;ta it remedy lor ttnrtqtiiied love. i( giVcs you instructions lor beautifying th per son, r v . - If ow Ij have a hands-me face and handa. How to remove tan and freckles.. " A Lecture on Love, or Private advice 10 M r rird Ladic and G-CrNlcnien A Ctiinpleio Unde of Gallantry andEtiquete, with Loe Letteta irTMibundance. Thia is decidedly IheSntist fascinating. Interest ing, and really ufottul and)jir.ictieal work on Court ship, MatrlmrrurHl th Duties and Delights of Married IpTeihaVjiasXeVcr been iasued from the Americanpresa. 'rV artificiil aocial system wliich in aonnjfJnst3nccs prevents a union of hearts, and aacrificTa to contrnrionalji-m the hap piness and even lite lives of thousands of ihe voung snd hopeful of both sexes 1 thoroughly analysed and exposed. Every one who contemplates mar riage and wishes for an infallible' guide in the ae-h-ction of a partner for life, should purchase this great text book of C'jnnibial felicity. All 1 hat is necessa 1 y r yon to do ra 10 write a le'ter. in as few words possible, frjfcloting ONE DOLLAR, and write the name, with the Post Of fice. County snd State, and direct lo . PROF RONDOUT, Publiher,and Auirrof, 200 Broadway. New York (?. K. M.DKWIT-r, IW Nas4a4 Sf., N. Yis iiore.-iM3 Agenrs. -;.... Dec. 2. - " ' 117-Iy WINTER HATS AND CAPS. X FlJLly AND VARFtfD AS. Ijl so rf intern of l?the dlrTbre'rri "iylc "of Dress and Hnsiness Hala and, Cap now open, compriting . - t I LIC, ttR AND WOOL FIATS, CLOTH,' PLCSH AKL 8ILK GLAEft trTS, WFAWTS HATS A"ND CATS, M'r'sSEi fAVtR AND TSti tl.ATS, BOY" AND YOUTHS Ox1 HATBAND CAPS, VhTTSWStr- ' Vt!, CANES, welt9 ' JSC. atC. C." - Which w offer at wholesaie or reftrtl,n ' ( ft ery lowest prices, Vt I in.t, 34 Market aireci.fWo door bi kJW Ueott'dt. Bald win's. ' .:' ' . " - . 92 CANDIES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of delic'ous Can dies,and other article too numerous to men Dec. 21. WM. 11. Dz.NF.ALE. lion LADIES' RETREAT. TIT RS. BYm N h.S, FEMALE PHYSICIAN. It A 168 Thompson, near Bleeeker aireet. New York, attend females ddting ihelr confinement. and treats all diseases peculiar to her sex1. She has cemmodioos rooms for Ihe accommodallon of her pairsns, and a patent apparatus to assist ns- tare. A female rill, a sale - and ante remedy for all ohs tract ions, sent by mail with fall directions on reselpf of tt - 'he has also a sure remedy fur i pylcs, and a valuable lovlgotaiing cordial. Nov. . . iui-iy-w. , mii t BOARD AND ROOMS. GENTLEMEN WISHI.VO ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, e.n be aecomaao- daiad br anplh ins ' ai Ma. FORD'S, Comer of Front and Hot-k streets. eet. : . . Dee. 31, 1857. U9-3m. CHEESE fXr sOXES.prlmoarlele. Jn roeelve and I.JVJ for sa low b.y QEORQG MYERS. Dee. 8. 110- XUTTER. .( KEGSpasaatMi Batter.' Met received 'i r at iheOrlglnil Family Orocery.'No. 1 1 and UFwnxauriti. uec. v. 1 f STEDMAN'S SALLM "JAGAZINE. ia to Be th titlb or a - T. TO BB riBI.ISIIKD MllVTHlt IN THK Vn m l i:ni ltlfck v . . .-mTT. ... ..... TOWN OF SALEM. N: XN offering lo I he pltBllc fny Magazine, I el a for the Editorial Chair no auDerioritr over tl im that depart mem or other HKe i'erlodicals; bul 1 do claim for the talcat of North Carolina, and the South generally, that ttill be brought is ita aup'port, aouinern paionagef And t alao, aan Sooinern mnh, and the Editor of a Southern Magaxine.claim ai me nancia oi ine sjuin-rn country, and espe cially of North Carolina, that aid and support that will here; at nemo, eeub ish. npon a firm basis, fountain of Literature, and exclusively a Home Litcrarv Magazine. C ,; -; Many a're the Magazines now publlitifed in the Northern States that srefl jodinjj the whole South ern country There ia nor, fit is probable.) a coon ly in any 8 or t hern iatethat ia not visited by Harper;" 'Orahartt;1" PelerslH,', hr.4iGodey while herein North Carolina aria thetitlh where eenlus tinSurfoaared and bncqualltd reigns, the In erarv talent that ia brou -ht into exercise ia dedi eated lo the support of Northern Magaeinea,while .Southern enterprise, taste arid :alent bow in hum ble submission id saCh sillclddl policy of Soul titrn contributors.. t , . , : ; ' , Why, 1 ask cannot tfe-rfortli Carolina, ihe South send greeting to Wr Sdiithern clime a Magaxinc, acceptable for the many ijualitiea that adorn the pagea of the rriost Chaste, elegant and nnliia PertoHlbnUl It ia Iriin thnt the South ha her MagRSinesi but few in number are they, and unknown, compared to the publication of, the North, which every mail brinaa lo our hmes. fill ed wiiri trie resnlt of hired labor, and teeming with untiardHndblc Sedition. . Then I anneal to North Carolina ini other Southern Stales to aid me In my enterprise, tlnd n promoting a literary taste amongst ihoi-c upon whom, as a -Sdttinern ntan, I nave eatnta. Mv Mnc.izine will be f IHfe Usual sizes and no thing wl f Be admitted to lis pages but such arti cles a will rrfefi Hie ttpp'roval of the moat fasti- dioos, it aliau.no. iiitisirated wun BN&RA V1NGS AND PLA TES f the moat elegant iniitire. eounling in beaut v and atvlej ttltr exacUieit at the North. - My price of subscription is TflREE DOL LARS per Vcar, which W fetiulred to be paid in a t vance, as the expense lo be incur cd In estao liahing such a publication will iiol admit of a cred it v stem. . -. , 'Or lit Ifrat Number itiU b imailetl tat Janvarif 18i8. A.J, KT.KDMAN, Sent. I. 1357, ' Editor and Proprietor. N B. Mv Addfess until the 1st November will be nttsooroogn, n . u.aiter ini time n win oe Salem. N . Ci , . ept 29 Encourage : Southern Enterprise THE TIMES: A SQUTHSRH LITIRAIM AM FAMILY AnJ the only one PublisbeJ in the South ! THKTIMBi has more than tlxty regular con- X fibn'ofj, eitlbraeing many of tho best writer in the Union. Its reading matter ;s mnsny or- iflnal and prodnred at gra.it expense consisting of Original ISOvelrttes, lIIlory, l5io?,sphy, Sci ence, Agriculture, I'-dticaiion, Poetry, Foreign and Domestic incw s and tne ftlarkcis. The third volume enlarged and groailv improv ed, printed on fine while pnper and with new copper-fared type, will commence the first week in JANUARY-. 135-1 NwiS iho be-t lime 10 subscribe j commence with the new oenr. In the first numbers the new volume will cofHiiicnca two most intensely jntercaiing PRIZB STORIES, and ii will be impossible '0 supply back numbers after a few wreka. To the friend of Southern Literature in all the Southern States, we appeal for support. The TIMES is the only Literary Paper published for the J-'outh, and It shall be as good aa the best pbblished in the North. Yon want a g.od fami ly paper, 1 hen try the Times one year.. Published weekly at i per year in advance. Specimen copies nt gr.iii. Address .nnilU ltr C .9. At Ultttltll, Grcenaboro, N". C. To SouTmtai Editoms.- The above is a short Prnsix-cliis lor Ihe new volume of Ihe Times To succeed in giving llieiKmple of theS-nth a Home Litvrrv iarmr. dematnla-lliat wo xhnuld adrer- tife extensively and rtiakvrotir uiidc taking known. To par forth! we are ntt able, arid lo follow the example of the Northern Pntia and promise to ITy, I contrary to the Souilieri Uca of an hon est man. We, tht-rtTore, lure lo rvqtieat as a favor, in tliv name of yonr love for Southern en- lerprffe. (hat fon will give Ibe above a place in your paper, art. I if yoit dVem tho -Timet worthy, we will bo much obliged for an editorial notice We are Ubotlng very had lo make tho Time eqnal to the demands of the south and every dol lar above actual Office eJpvnse is bestowed npon he content. Our list of contribrftors Is terr large and contains tfo'me of the best tvriterS fft the country. North or SmttW. . Tffeocffst rf scvsrsl h mill red dollar every year. We linfio yon will rxenseoor familiar address. . YVu are.icakin to brethren. ' .'-'' ,j' ' : Many of ynn have known o for some time an! can t-tily to llie zeal niin wtucli weliave cn-lfa- vored lo prosecute our undertaking. and such as ha v-f n.i acn'i: intaticc can secure an excuanga if I tlestretl. Nov. 3. . 00 EMPTY BARRELS, OfVY PRIME SPIRIT BARRELS, ja-t re- 'ceived. and lorsal Dy Dee. 17. ADAMS, BRO. & CO GOLD ! GOLD!.' GOLD!!! The greatest offer ia Gold Pens, Gold Pencils irold CAaint, and Gold WcUches ever made. Read the fallowing : worth from five to one hundred dollars positively given to any person wno ran spare one day in a week, or one hour in a day, gelling op clubs of subscribers in his own and adjoining neighbor hoods, for Ihe best and most popular family news paper now published. Noexpense.no outlay, no capital required of agents. An entire new plan Is proposed, by wnien any person can succeed in mv kins it a naviag business, who will underlain ih agency." A private circularfor flte inspection of agent only, wit,, ftrtllftts of premium's, wlfibe sent to any one who desires it, on receipt of a stamp to pay return postage, oome agents nave earned a hundred dollar gold watch in one week. f.very family should read ar lea's! one rfewsm. per from New York city1. vfilKcrut infer fifing" with meir uwai papers, wricn. ot course, cannot, and snouta not, oe dispensed wttn. Hut iVew Vork be ing the groat Commercial and and bui.innu&ntr of this con ti net, no? f irtrrer, Rretrranlc, professtonal man. or merermnt. i. DTonterlv nreiared for ih - r.4- i.tL ' ' ..J- ' cincigciKicui tin caning aniesa ne is up commB- nication wiirrrvew York city by metfrTs oTohe of lis nrst eia sneWKparr rrrMTtfrrrs. Sucfr" a ffledi umiffovr L-F.f7GER." neutraf in Dofftica. hut giving all the facts, items fit news, and thrilling in- uueoi worm xno ing mropgnout ine rvuntry. A Valubld Gift, : Eacfr nr srrbscriber will receive 'wftrT tile first No. of his or her patter one of irrb nets' afrd beanti nl glass pointed indelible Pencils iast imnnrtd froift EuToffc, and" for wMch we hsve obtained the exclusiveagerteyrofihiscouTjTry. This is the must ng-nioua artd uselul little tinp'ovementof the Pre ent are, and is tho only pencil ever made that will wtite with ink, making it both a pen and pencil of tne nnesi quality at tno same lime. It will last for years, and for practical use is wonh more than any I -l a gum pen in ibc uiarKei. For list or premiums and loll parlieulnrsaJdress, HALL 4' WEST, . r Publishers, N. Y. City. These Pencils supplied to the trade at nmfii. oid oisrouni, c j; - r Agusf 27Ttr, 1857.- tw67 JUST IN STORE i ' A PPLKS 20 barrel, iarsoi and fina. . . ii OK.ANGES A large let. sweet arrdin good eroer. - - , LIMEf?--in any cjbaniiiy to suit pfr'chasers. j KAisimnu boxTs, new crop. CANIIE -A cholbo aksonment Rom the best manufactories. . : For sale aa wanted by M w. h. ntsr.Ktv., Nov. 28. ' 1 No. 40 Martet stresi. NOTICE. THK SUBSCRIBER will be! the CorrrrnI- sinners' Hall from 2 to 5 o'clock. P. M. for I the porpose of receiving Tax and Badges s or- erorTePyeIVwT. 1 anaenee oi tne 'M ay or" the Tax cist for int year 1357. And requests nil psrstins-wft have not given in to do so immediately aa the will be placed on iha delinquent List. . . JU. UUtlAfl, t. u. ;as. 10. 128-tf. SWAM C0:S LOTTERIES AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA i li 0 ' -Jff dp Jfo. f) A FOR TEN DOLLARS I ! v The following Scksme jll nfe drawn by S- Swai d Co .Managers of the Span? Academe Lottery, in each of their Single Number Lotteries 1 for F bruarv I85R. at AUGUSTA. ut.h in I puMic, u rider Ihe superintendence of Commission ers. , 1 - . CiAssi, To be drawn in the City of Angnsta, Georgia, In ' ' ' " public, on - SATURDAT, FEBRUARY 6ih, i858 ' CLASS 2, : To be drawn j tbe City of Angnsta, Georgfit, in DfibliSHM SATURDAYj FEBRUARY ioih, i853. CLASS 3, To be dfKwti In tbe City f Angdsta, Oebrgla, in " - tiUblitS rB SATtiRr AY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1838. . , CLASS 4, To be drawn in tho City of AiJgnsta, 0'orgla, in - public, on - : . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1858, ON THE PLAN OF 81NQLH flttMDBRS. FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE TRIZES! NEARLY ONE PoIZETO . VERT NINE TICK ETS. SCHEME ? TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY. Prixe of 70,000 Prize o ' . o U Prixea of 900 600 700 600 500 300 120 105 30,W0 " -J 0,000 " 5.000 " 4,01-0 50 " 3,000 1 50 1,500 100 " .' " . 1,000 I 230 , . APPROXIMATION PRIZES, 4 prizes of400 appro,to70,000iriae are $1,600 300 30 0 0 1,200 too 125 ' 100 100 . " 6 20 ar 10,000 f.000 4.0TO 3,000 . 1,500 800 600 400 300 200 100,000 5,455 Prizes amounting to ' $320,-000 Whole Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters' i2(. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY' The Numbers from 1 to 50.0C0. cdrreSDdrtdlnrr wun mow ottmottn on tne tiCKris printed on separate ellps of paper, art. entltclea with small tin, tubes and placed Irt ope Tfheel. incnrniat rnits; aimiuariy minted ind hi. circled. fe biacrd in atioifier wheel: 1 ne wncela are then revolved, and a nuoiher ia drawn from tbe wheel of Numbers, and at the same lime a Prize i drawn from the other wheel. 1 ne IN umber and Prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and registered bv the uoinrnisgibnersf ihe Priaa being placed against he AUrfibtf frar. This b"reriibn it fe'nea'ted unin an tne rrizes are drawn out. . f APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two urecerlintr and tha turn ii-c-rt !n i ititioers to tnose arawingtne nrst I frizes will be entitled to the ZH Approximation Prizes.. For example; If Ticket No 11250 drsws the $70,000 i-rir.e, tnosa -j icaets numbered 11248. IlZfV. 11251 11252, with each be entitled In $400. If Ticket No. 5",0 draws the $30,000 Prize, those Tickets umbered b43, 549, 551, 552, will each be enii ird to .ou, and so en according to the above scheme, I ne 6.10U Prizes ot SlU will be determined bv tne last ngure oi tne number that draws tne $7U. 000 Prize. Forexample, if the Number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all Ihe Tickets, where ihe number ends in I. will be en titled io$0. If the Number ends with No.2, t'tcn an tne ticket where tbe Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and ao on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the foi lowing rates, which is the risk : - Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets. $60 - - 1U ilall ' " " 10 Quarter . 20 " 10 Eighth " .10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFI CATES, , Enclose the money to our ddresi fof the Tick ets ordered, on receipt oT which they will be for waroea oy nrst mail.., Purchasers can Maye tick ets ending fft any flgnre ihev mar designate TIMS List of Draftrf Nrffrfbers and Pria'ee Will le aroi ropurcnaaeratmmedinlclf aftefiffc drawing jpr PurcKrfstrJ will ilt-at; wtite their slernafore piam, ana give Hitif l'ost Office. GVunty and oiaies. " - ... J3T Ksmember thai every Prize Is drawn and pa ya o e in I oil wit hour deduction. O" All prize of $1,000 and under, paid itnmcdi. ately after the drawing other prizes at the usual mite oi ttiirty nays. All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to S SYfAti. dt, CO., AugdSlHi GeorgieL, CfP'rsbrfs reeidfrfg near Blonff ornery, Afa or Atlantic, Gi., can ha ve their ordera filled, anil save lime, by addressing S. Swan & C., at either of uiun ciiiro. a- . it.. r .1.'. . . J . Miw oumoer mat are drawn from the wneel, with the amount oi the prize that each ' enintcu to, win ne puhliset d aftrr everv drawing, in the following papers t Amrusla (Geo fnimlAiiiHimni: ml V... 1 n.T, a I:,- i, . ' ter, Charleston Standard, SaihtUle Gatitie, Atlanta mwai..iw Mvrn t ectciy Lfatf tfook, SMtati nak Morning Neva, Rirhmmd Dispatch, As'tc" 10m itspaicnana rauraing IMisa.) Clarion. Fab. 26, 1868. WfNES ! itlNES ! ! WINES ! ! ! TT IS TRULY SAID . that George Myers, his . tne neat unampagne wmea ever before offered n this cilV. Thev need but a trial fhtt thnt. hare net tiled them- tonsercrde all other brands. iJirr.tt.iAL. diiaimj a cases, the "ne plus oftr" of all vvirfea fforrf i ineyafd at Rouche. r its ci Lti'ori filler stTpctituf, Heitfuick brand q'liA pis. Boocn bi'nn, y ' Crown brartd ' " Star brand , . AlsYi. Rranrftea of lire verv (Tnpai arraAna P... UoUUtta 121b. duties paid at Cuatortf Hoiiss. Wil. . . . - . J . . - - - ' mingfiotl', N. C. Sherry Poft afl,4Madefra Wines, pure.' ana evrrv possible varretv or wiifr. I I Aiint f!niiTtata A AVj. 1 n mtnriA t Mia. a Tustfdfo'crsal Monongahla and' Bo'afbcfn W hiskey, with fl (aft of choice Ofd Baiter WhfskeV. tho choi- cest article ever ottered beiore in this market. y Call and earrtirrc, afthe Original Family Gro- .... - . . . L . . eery, no., tuna ii, rroni trcei.. April 7. GEO. HYRRS. EMPTY BARREL'S 1 A O SUPERIOR SECOND HAND SPIRIT Barrels. For sate by Dec. 3". G. W.-DAVIS. EMPTY BARRELS. OAfi PRLHKSplrii Barrels, jusf received per )JJ brig Albert Adams. For sale by Dec 3. ADAMS, BRO. CO. N. C. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ThI Magazine will be leaned about the "fib. intn ia charge f the new Editor mbo have been selected from the C!aa of 1R",7 '5R Ita matter wt If cMierat of articles, from ihe best wri ter of irre University ,'oth m prose and poeirv Ita editorial, wilt be filled" ro witli a Variety of Places,-origin ii and selected anv aofirTns will be omitted that will mage it air irftereatlng and readabfe'pferadicUii. JTb liberal pa'trcWg-q of an ealigbAenedr ptrblltel respectfiftry oficited. It will be ptinted by Mr. Jas. HendViYOTf of "ihe Chape) HMi Gazette, ko' rr!t ase every effort to get up a neat atfcf respectable rrAgazlrrti. Terms $2,00 pelf ater-umln advaniJe. . .. ,. ,- , - XUK EDITORS. Chapel Itillstf. AsVgl I. fy JUST ItECEltElV BT G. Bf. FRENCn. A ,;; FKESFTnppy of PER RY DAVIS' VEGE 1L TAoLK PAIN KILLER, ia airtl Nni Libbm. To be an re rtht fm gel ihe gen nine Md l.HBa,iB..irei.l tac mew urea wiintwo bnen- graved label on sacn, bottle. . Apt H 19. is ROYAL - MUM LOTTERY r The seat ordinary drawing of the Royal HaVana Lottery conducted bv the S Danish GrlVernlnhff fln. der the supervision of tfttf Captain General of C il ba, will take place at Havana on - - ,-; THURSDAY; FEB. IS, 1858. HSCD D 0 Q3. SORf EO ItUMfiRO 94 fjRbiNARiO. ? CAPITAL PRIZE $160,000 f!! 1 prize of 9 100,000 4 pri&estr$2;bb 1 50,000 5 ";: , -1.000 I 1 t 30.000 10,000 5.000 52 " 500 149 ' 400 .t t - 20 Apr'xtn's. 8,800 4appfr)xitnatIOns to trie SlOO.OOOof 9600 each 4 of $400 1 950,0001 4f$t00 to 30,000; 4 vi 40:o 10,0t0; 4 of 400 fox5.0C0. Whole Tickets, 920 i H aires, 10; QaarteraSa.OO. frlzfes casncd stsighiai 5 percent discount. Bills on the Bank of Charlotte laker) at Dilr. A drawing Will be forwarded aa sttdh as he re salt becorribs known. - t Comttldnications addressed to DON RCDRI GUEZ, (care of City Post, Charleston, S C.) un ui tne fin ot veoruarj wnio.e attenaea to Feb: U INHALATION IN CONSUMPTION; BRONCHITIS. Larvgitis. and other disrates of the f.lieSt tftld THrrtiiti sllrrssflillfc ifemprf k th. inhalation oi ieai eaten vaodrs and Powders, bv absorption a no consuiaiionai treatment. prac ticeo at me oturresiint, medical institute. Vnrk City. ' - The unprtbedehtra stiefJess Which hasarterlded this mcinod of .feaiihg diseases f the LuncS and Thl-oat, H"t induced Us :o depart from our ,.sonl course, and avail dflrsferveaof tH cdlurtinsjof the Press, in order to bring it to the knowledge of auch as may be laboring under, or predisposed to such affections. The dawn of a briah'er dat has arriv ed for iHt consumptive , the doetrlne dfiheincura- biiity of Consumption having at length passed a. way. We nave indubitable prdofsln Our posses sldn, that Uonsnnlptidn, In all.it stages, ban be cured 1 in the first cy tubercular ahaorpliohsi in the second, by tranf .rrnailon df tribetbcllar into chalky and culecreobs ctincretiotis : lit trie third, bv cicatrices or scafs; ThBe wedded td tHc opinions .-... . . . 1 lj . Ii. yi vi me mi imr iNcn, iuai ocn imiw tonsump- Hon Is incurable ; sue hare behind tno age. To all this great truth must be apparent, tiz t that the medicine Irrhitled in tne idrm of VdrJbr or mw.tr tirectly into Ltlnfs, must be feldfe rffcCtiial than that taken into tljo Stomach, where the disease doesnotexist. The advantage of inhalation, in Consumption arid tfifdntdiseaSeS ia, th'nt rrJcdlcines in the lorm of vapor are applied directly to the Lung", where the disease exists; the stomich is thus left free to aid in restoring by administeiing to it neanny me-givingiooa. l nere is no caae so hopeless that Inhalation will not reach I The means, loo, are brought wiittm the reach of all, ihe r 1 : . i . u - . . manner ui autuiniso'riii me .apors being so sim ple lhat the invalid U never required lo leave home, where the hind of .riendship and affection tend s much to aid the physician' efforts, s ;TheinhaJicg method is soothing, safe and spee dy, and consists in the administration of medicines in such a manner that thby are conveyed into the Lung a into the form of Vipdrjarld pfddrJce iheir action at the aeatof the disease. Its praclicalsuc cesa is destined lo revolutionize ihe opinions of the medical world, and establish the entire cofabiilt of Consumption . . .,: 1 earnestly nn'ren1! to the cb'mrnon sense of all af flicted wiR Lnhg diseases, to embrace ai once the dvantagrs of inhalation; and no longer apply Iiedicine to the unoffending stomach. 1 claim for nhalation a place among the priceless gifts that nature and art ha'h given us, that "our days may be long in the land.'' ahd as trie only Ark of re fuge forth Consumptive. methoS not - only ra lional. but slmfile, sdl'e arid eiScacious. Such of the profession that have adopted. In halation hae found ii efficacious in the highest de gree, arresting the progresf of the disease, and work in? wonder., irt m any - desperate cases. Jn verily a signtfi trltfirfph" of our art over this fell destroyer of onr species. - s : - -Not. Physicians wiehins to nmV ilmla acqu'ilnled witlY thi practice, arc lrffrfrmcd that our time being valuable, we can tirfly rfepft an to In gredients yscdj to sncn letters as contain a fee. The fee lit all cases of P.iiIiH nary Ainetlons will be $10 oh receipt of Whft'H ill necessarv medicines and instruments will be forwarded. Applicants will plate age. sex, mtrr ed or single, how long aflecied, if any hereditary disease ci. lata in the family, and symplohis generally. Lei the name, town and Slate be fihtlnly . written. Postage tor return answers tniist bj hclord Letters when registered by the Post Master will be at our ;isk. . :, . All letters mat be addressed to WALLACE MEATOUN. M. D. S. M. Institute, New York Cjty. Oct. 31. 95 6m. 'THE SOUTHERN CITIZIN.1' A JVfio Politico. Commercial and Literary Journa JOHN MITCHELL df WILLIAM G. SWAN, T xv j me oi mis Joujn.il, with the names oi iu Kditors, may be nearly enbogh to Indi cate Its aim. - One of those Editors being an ArfVtfriean riiM.. by bfrih f tffe other IrttendinJ to become rat-lib adoption! there is no rfnestion afVeilng tfie des- nocca ot American, on wnicn. iney vfill ht Id tnemseives oe:arrea trom Men r ciorMi opinion.- ' - - . " . ihe one a Southerner by birth the other by I'lticiciitc, .ney cannot dc oi tnose who know "No South, No Nonh Thev well aou in i lie strung ic n llieil llie DOUin IS BOW Called i i Li.k.i....: . . upon to ma.e lor iter own righls and honor, they mean to stand wilh th South.. - , . A tnorotichlv Uemocratie and . .Qt.-n..rri.i... Journal, "Ttfe Sonthern Ciliiert" Vfll neverthe less decline to b: called- "Parii..mj unless the constitution oi tne united states la to be called a nartizan document. it will uphold the Federal Union, provided the sovereignity oi tne confederated Slates be respect if aKAS am.. CUi 11 IIUIl IIUV . " Holfins that the Iflsti.ftdon of Neiro Stavm ;. a sound, ju-t, wholesome Institution : and thcre- tre, that the question of re-opening the African Slave Trade, i a question of expediency alone, the condaciors of "The Southern Citizen" will in. view oi the late action of the Southern fi.m.. cial Contention, at Knoxvllle, apply themselves to searcH oflt and bring to light, all accessible In formation bearing upon lhat important subject .v. aa, S V4 . S a. L aIa f t ' f a on 1 1 ik nuic mu'isi tiai conai'ion and neceasities ot irre soninon tne actual state of the negro ra ces of Africa, and on the policy and action of Eu ropean Powers in reference ip the iSisve Trade. Residing at Knoxville; and choosing this poin ss the place from whence ttfeir Journal i to m anate. the conductor fff "The Southern Citizen win oe guided in inc matter oi Mate Politics, by the eerier!1 nrinciolea above indicated, it win belong to no clique of office seekers. In short, ii will support Ihe candidates for ail officers tin win support inc equal rig n is ot tne Sovereign tateS, North and Sonth- the eq;ual rights of the Sovereign Citizens, wherever they may have been oorn, wnerever mey may worship or not worship. vn Agricultural r nu commercial analrs nmh. progress of Internal Improvement, p,nd especially of our Southern Railroads, tfiefe win bean ample anJ ... r. . IT : I . J . 1 . . mm v.iciuu7rctuiiira wcektf repori. Literary articles and Revfewa. will frm main r . r .m.L t . 3 iraiBroi"iD oouinern tjiiiaen." intellectna grandeur, wherever it sppear in Ihe world, shal meet prompt and sealon recognition. We do no need l shut oaf lizhl nd tlfle Ind'ninr bat. an thks denartmdnt as well as in Polities, mm h.M . leave to examfne aftd fudge IrofSf our o n view I not inrnertlng onr nniruona from KnataniT .ti'l lo.. at aecona nana irom new England; to in t ntmos of our power, w shall aid tho rrrovehmentwhich at length stirs the Sonth16 vfi .iiraie hr r.tA n,i. (ectuaiaod moral xfsience, lo revolve around her own rerrtte or tnouehi.-'aiui in iniuil i...i..j..i ot las'te arid oetmcs hfcli above the consideration ot poiiiTcator comrrferclarrivafry. n.pecii wi.i .V iff k .,. .? r "v , t .t)f atgesi .k.a.J w' u lue ""T" ,nc w"rw l dfT,er-een Wnmington and goldsboro.; one Condncting their nSw Journal In thfe sVirit. and eonaiantiy endeavoring, to makejrood these un dertakings, it is presurned that ' The .Southern Cltrien will meet with the enrnort wlifoh ii n,.v deserve.'5" ..?. .., The fifSi rruraber of 'Th Sftnth'ern cnizen''m-i1i ' appear between the first and flfieen'ih n October. It will be peb.ishrd on the Wednesday of each wprl. Terms i TWO DOLLARS per annum. - New Tver. Press, and" Material nt all a..t are bjelnj' procured (or, this Jonrna1,;: sad aa ita publrcalfon will certainly be continiied.stibseribcrs will be required in'all cases, to remit t b amount - or their subscriptions ia advance; otherwise the paper will not be forwarded. . . r " . The Terms of advertising will' conform to lb asnal rates Tennessee..!:.' Comandncatidn -t be addressed to Messrs. MITCHEL dt SWAN. KnoxviQe. Tenn. Angnst 2Pt?i. IP57. ' tmtZ , . ALUM SALT. A EUSHS. ALUM S-AI.T,I aroro, and -x.uvu tor sa' sy WM. L. PITTS Cf. . Ml-tf. Nov. 14. 14. SELLING OFF. OtJR ENTIRE stock of Hats, Caps. Canes, Cm brelias; Furs, ltioing H.is, Children's Fancy tia is ana can. Misses f lat, Helta, c,. dt c , the Hat and Cip Emporium, 34 Market st . Nov. 17; . CAAS. D. MYERS HOUSTON PATENT SKID SCALES IHESR Scales, for which the inventor ha ob- X talrted Letter Patent from the United State Government, are intended td supersede llie present cumbrous and dhj.'Ctl.jriable apparatus used for weiirhihff cylindrical tiackares. such as battels tierce; J"-c-, conuining articles asoally sold by weight. . Also for weighin bales of coilon, bay, or vinci Similar package. The advantage claimed tor tbem ovei tbe ordinary Scale in Ue, are that vokoietaurU rr qui red. a llie arlible to be weighed i immediately eutpended. by its own gravity, and wiihodt strain, on reaching a given point beneath the Scale beamihos saving a large amount of time and labor, ahd preventing iHJUry by hdoks, or othef wise, to trie frailest ndctage. The patentee will be pleased f exhibit His invention at the tor of Mr. 8. M. W est, and receive ordar to such si zes and qaadiitltl as may be desired. , . . . GEOj HOUSTON, Patentee. July z7. . 67-tf GDNBtJMPTlC)! J AND ALL ..-, I ; DISEASES of the LUNGS And THROAT CAN BU CURED BY INHALATION. Which conveys the remedies tfj the cavities in the lungs, through the air passages, and coming in di rect contact wun tns disease; neutralizes the tu bercular matter, allays tile cough, causes a free and easy e pecloration, heUIs the ltincs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system giving t Hit tone and energy so indispensa ble tor tne restoration or neaitn. To be able lo Slate confidently that Consumption is cnrable by inhalation, ii 1 6 trie a source of unalloyed pleasure. it is as mucn unocr tne coniol of medical treatment a a any other lorfnldcble disease; ninety out of every nnrtarea eases can be carea In the first sta ges, and fifty per cent in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible 10 save rflore than five per cent, loi the Lungs are so cllt dp bt the dis ease asm bid definrice to medical Skill. Kvm however; irt the last slaves. Inhalation1 aiTHrda . Iraordinary relief lo ihesuifcrin? attending this fearful rbouige, Which annually destroys ninety five ttidusaftd persons in the United states alone: and a correct calculation shows that of the present population olthecarih, eighty milIons are destin ed to fill the Cqushmpthe's grave. 1 ruiy tne ouivcfoi death hits no arrow so fatal as Consrtmpiion.- Iu allageait has been ihe great enemy of lite, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps olTallke the brave, the beantilul th gracelul and the gifted. By the help of that Su preme Being . from v. horn cometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to ihe afiicted a permanent and peedy cure in C nstimpiion. The first cause of tubercles Is from impure blood, and he immediate etlect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission of air nto ihe air cells, which causes a weakened vitali ty through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to cxpr-ct greater good from rtedicin- cs entering tho cavities of the lungs (hah from those administered through the stomach ; the pa tient will always find the lungs free and ihe brea- j iningeasj, alter innanng rSrried es. Thus, Inhala- ion ia a local remcuy, nevertheless it acta consli ationally, and with more power and certainty han remed.'e iminUtered bv the stomach. ; To prove ihe powerful nod direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform iahaled u iil en'irtly destroy schsibiliiy in a few minutes, para lyzing ths entire riervoos sysiefn , so tbai a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; Inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. Thq inhalation of ammonia will ro'uSe. Ihe syStem Wncn fftintin or annarontl. At.n.1 Tt.. n i r - . ' ....j u l u . . . 111. vilicr OI manv or ine meoreine ta iMrni m. t. i. ,. few minutes nlier being jnhalcd.ana may be im mediately detected in trie blood. A convincing pr&rjfor the constitutional eIcc:s of inh iiatipn i he fact. iha t sick riess is dltv-n Vs nrnriiid h. hr, th ing foul air is this not nositiv evidn- ih.i nm. per rcm&d.'es, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should produce the happiest result 1 During eighteen years practice mafty thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and ihro'at, H5e been under mvearo Wnd I ave effected many ircmarktlble rhra. ip1 r,n- Ihe siiflerershad been pronounced in the last stages which fully stftises rhe fhi't consurfiption isnalSn ger a fatal disease. My tfedifhent ofcomsniun ion s original, and founded on lonirnnr-ii'i'an. and a thorough investigation; My perfect arquaintance -mi me n.nuie i luuercies, ate, enables nte to distinguish; readily, ilte various forms of disease ibat simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, raiely being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic . discoveries, enables me u relieve tne lungs irom meellccis of contrac ted cnesi", to enlarge ine chesl, purify the blood, impart t us renewed vitality, giving energy and ivi". . ' ll.VfcU.IIC HJSICIH. I1.JI-: : . l -... .. . .. w.euiriiira wun tun oirecnons sent In anv nart of the Unted states and Canada by patients com municating tneir symptoms by letter. - Rut the core would ho more certain if ih n,;nt .h...u py me a visit, which would give an opportunity rn examine the lungs apd enable rhe to nreserib-with much greater certainty, and then the cure could oe enecteo vtitnout my seeing the patient again ah letters asking aavicc lunst contain siafnrf. . , a postage - APDRE'8 j g. w. GHAHAjxr, sr. i).; BOX No. 53. Utiicc, 1131 filbert Street, old No. 109 . ' BBf.OWTWKI.PTH. Oct, 24. 92-ly. WILMIXQ ON & WELD0N RAILROAD CO. OrncE op the - ' Wilriiington, N. C, Nov. 12, 1857. lnr.r4!isiiftUK i T IA XS WH.I. urincr notice, run over tnis road as follows i . utJinu ftiiitTH, DAI Lr . UAi KXPltKSS T.11AIN leaves Wilmin.i.. C on tt a . Ii,. -j. - , . iii.vounaays. excepted; ; arrives at uuiuoortr it 3.DJ-leaves in 5 minutest and rive at Weldon at 1.30 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leave WiUin.. ton at 4, P. M j arrives at Goldsboro' at 7 M supper 20 minutes ; strives ai Weldon at 12, 30ING SOUTH, DAILY. , . : I DAY Express icavt W.idon at ti as . tsunoays excepted!; arrives at Goidtboro' 3.31 f, M. leaves in S minntes. arrives fit Wilminir. ton ai h. si., to supper. . , . . NIGHT EXPRESS leave Weldon at fin 1 ai.; arrives at uoldsbaro' at I2.4S A. M -leaves in iu minmesj arrives at. Wilmington at 5,30 A. M I .tr J tie Nlsbt Exrrea. Train, ronnrt. i,k the North Carolina Railroad, botfl wava at rSoid. ooro'. - ' - uiutisti t.it. eis ivorin void in rvitminvtnn m Kamuvre 1Z; to. Philadelphia $!4 : to New Vork $15.50 ; to Washington. D. C. $11. ; "TlCKZTS IU SOT BS IULD TO A StGKO I Passengers dre notified thel an t&tra char re of ! ..c.ijyitr hui oc recvirea oj loose TciUf ao 4 J? . . -,, . . I r . r . . p n rename ticjicis a.1 stations. , Freight bv passenger trains doubt rates. Lo cal fare, wltn tickets, about 3 cents tier mile : if , paid in ifce cars. . , , FRE1 S HT TRAINS. Two through schedule -. ii wiwr-i. n iiininsii'D ana, iveiQOil. cn week, leaving alternately on Honda vs and Thra- days, and arriving on Tuesdays and Fridays; four seneouie trains per wceK to uoidsboro, leaving Wilmington on Tues'avs. Wednesdays. Fridava and Sdlurdays, snd Gofcfsboro' on Monday. Wed- I rr-l . ' . : a . . .. nt-aoay, i nuraoays ano oatur.iays, malting, with ihe -through" trains, a daily frei-h. ulin hoth irregular train, ror way ireignt.- t Ail due on freight, up or down', rravable aii Geuera.l Freight Office in Wilmington, on reeemi or delivery, exclnsjve of tbaf on tbe North Caro lina Railroad, which may be prepaid or not, at the option vf the consignor. : S.U. FREMONT. , . T Chief Eng and Superintendent. Nov, It v. ioo. W. I... PITTS & CO' STOCK, REAL ESTATE AND PRO DUCE BROKERS, Puactnal a t trntion gives) to lb purehaoe arid sale of ReeU judaic, Shocks, and aker Securities bought and sold s Ccmmvaim. E.SOi AHH SOPEBINTENnKJiT. 1 ? .-Will attend to sales by Auction df Rear Estate r Manufacturing property ia any part cr the Onnty or Stale or to the safe Of SrjcV,of Mer chandise In Stores or yernltare in Honses in this town. Oct 13. jj.tf Uj-jaajaaaaBs ;"-r , DR. MORSES - INDIAN ROOT PILLS. PR. VOflSE. i lie inventor of MORSEc? IN DIAN ROOT PILLS, Has spent the greater pt I of bis life is travelllbif, laing vi.Jud Euro e, Asia,-and Africa as will as Ni-rt"i Aaiertr ha spent three yeaia among the t diana of t or nr.' tern tonntry ii was in this w-yihat llie Indian Root Pill wers first discovert d Dr. Morse ws Ihe l'rst man to establish ihe fact that ail dirratt arise from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD tin I our strength, health and life drpithid I l et. ILi vital fiuM- ' ". " ,. . ? "IV hen ibe rarl-ns passsgea become elof ed, p 1 do not bet In perfect harmony with tbe difien-tl functions of the body, the brood lose it action, becomes tbkk corrupted and di-ras d; rt.u r, In all pains sii-km ss ahd distress oft vci m Nt our slrcngih Isexhahstid, cur health riit rr prived Of, and if nature is not assisted in ihrov. ifig off the stagnant numors, the blood wl'l bticlnr choked and rease lo act and thus our tip hi of lite will forever be blown How imporianl, th. n ibat we shon.'d keep ibe; various passage of the bod free and Open. Ahd how-pk-asant to nathai we have it In ohr power to Jini a medicine in yea J reach. nnhily, Morse's Indian Hoot Pills, maau fae lured from plaou and roots which rcw arourd the mountsinobs cliffs in Nature's gsrden, for tie health and recovferj of d'eafed man. One of ibe roots Irom which ihece Piila are made is a t udo rific, which opens the rore of ihe skin, and as sists Nature in throwing oat the finer pattrnf ihe corrupitbnfS ithin. The second is a plant which Is sn Expectorant, that bpens snd nbclogs ihe passage to the lungs, and thus. In a soothing insn ner. performs iis duly bvthrowlr.v oirnhb-an, other hi; mors Ifnm the lungs, by coploss spitting. Th third is a Diuretic, which ,. and du. ble strength to ibe kidnevs, thna .ki.Bi..;j ihrydraw large amounts of imparity front the blood, which is then thrown oht bnnti.ullv by tbe urinary or water passage, and w'lit h rroId rti.t have been dischargtd inanj oil. er way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and ccbfnpani,-s like oil r pre prr ticsof ths Piii whJl.j ebcagtd in pUtiTsing ib blood; the coarser particles of in .nrii ,hiri. cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus tsktn up and convarcd tffin crtat ooafititia h th. v. els. " ' From rlie above, it ia nniri that n. ttr.....i. Indian Root Pills bbt only cfiter ihfc siomach; ltt become united with the blood, forth, v Snd i..i. every parr, and completely roof out and rb ansa the system from alt imnnriiv-and rh lift. r.i, body, which is .the blood, becomes perfectly he!--thy J consenuentlvall sieknrta rnd n.i. ,..i.ii. from the system, far ihe cannot remain when iLe body beeomes so purfe end tit if. -. . . -The reason why nebnW nr. u Pi. A It..!' sick, and why so fnafiy die. is ixcniirt- it,-- d.. n... .- 5 j t L " wnlcn win pass to tfteafOicttd pans nnd which will ones th nn,....l r . disene jo befcasj oblj henre, a large, quantity nf food and other matter is lodged, and the slomaeh and intestines are literally overfk wirg with ihe corrupted marei thus undergoing disagrecahje fer mentation, constantly mixing with ihe blood, which throws the corn, .ted tnttr ihrn...k i. vein and artery, nnti! life is takrn freni tbe b. dv bydiscaee. Dr. Morse's PILLS have addid ro th, mselves Tictory upon vk-iory , by resinring millions of ihc sick to l.laomine,hcalfh aha hart.,. nesa. Yes, ihoussnds v. ho have been racked or tormented with sickness, pnin and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched, by the burning elements of raninir ft.v.r L been brought, as it ware, wiihin a step of the si- i T. 1 ' . - - ,ana reaocr to testiry that tbcv would have been numberrd with .i.-j wj notbeen for this great ahd wonderful medicir): --... . ...,.,. ., rl,, , Aiier one or two di. naa ocen laKcn. ihey were anonishedr srd ab solutely surprised, in u-ltna.in .ks. effecu: No, only do they ' giVe immcdlaiiTa.r anl,YrK Ke'.land ,ate ,W" !i-ickness, pain ahd anguish but they at or.ee go lo work . t the ouB danon of the disease, which, lahe blood. Thrrfe- f&Pm" bVI,0r-n' f ?P"'yy. those ho Lie hese Pills, that they will so clean- ,f.d pu.ify that disease-thai deadly rnrmy will lak" lis flisht, and the flush of yofjlh and Tbeaii.rii1 ll gain return, and tiieprospccwif a long and hsprr life wilLcheriah ahd brighten you days PVT A All ,o5-7few"r.f 9-onnierfeli signed A A. Moore .Atlgcnnfne. have ihe name of A f V"1;1 , on each box; Also the aikmbh- A. J. HhtUO-Co. All other. r-.,,-. Sole PronlHntt . r: r ', ; B.- Leo,,"d Street .New York. ; Dr. Morse's I nH inn Itr.,, Ttltl. -i.. iL-i-j dealers in Medicines. " Agent wanted In tKti-i. i?t,-: . ." let in thfe zr n? "i tlrilrcoa a,. a a agency wil willfce sent 106 ly; . Prih& 2. rrnft ir w- 1 1- . j. - uww f JUf ICflUB. on receipc of SI, poiaae paid. AFFLICTED READ I P V.l H.1 WCAL HOUSE. vavji,ai iviciiifiwrj VCtri Atrn k t . . TWENTt-TWO tEiRS' ' Experience has, rendtjre Dr. K. a most cessiul practliioner In the cure of all 3iscascs of nedirn!!'. n"vrV "Tanhovd'- debi.ty, a. p im. . pediment to msmage; nervous and sexual in firmnies, diseases f ihe .bin .k from abuse of mercury. ' " -"" - -takk PAUT1CCL.AR NOTICE There is an evil habit sometimes indulced in by .a0ay"nJ80,hd0. fierow'ne OP with ibem to manhood ; and which, if not reformed i. h-., . , nol only, begefs seflous obstafclcs lo mairiinonl iracled, insidious, and devastating affection. tew of those who Cive wav la thia pracvice are aware ohlioeonseenencei nntii. L- . ue unionunaie inns auectcdbeeomesreeble is unable to labor wlij- accustomed visor, or to In. ply bis mind to stun, t his step is lardy and weak he is dull, irresolute, and engages evn in hi snorts with less energy than usual. If he emancipate hirriself before ihevactice has done lia worat, ai I enter mat rimony, hi mrrige' s unfrbhfui, and hi sense tells bini thai ibis i caused by his fearly foiliek ,. These are jonsidtm. TO. ' f ' I . . rvr- . a liona it Rich Uch. shotda awdkznlha attention jf all it ho ilarly eittit. ted. .. v a I are eimL K.KAI KAI BER. -He. who place himself nhder Dr. Itfnfcetin's Ireatment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, an.', rely opon ihe assurance that ' the secrets of Dr. K 's Datienta will n... j:. closed. - . Young rndn lei no also niodesly fefer rob from making your ease known to ou h,. rij. . education and respeeiSbllitT. ran r.n.ini. r.. friend von. .. ' Dr. KinKeha's residence has been Yor ii Ira - - twenty years at t?fe N..W. corner of Third1 and - Union streets. PhUjfdeJphi., Pa. . . . ,l A I JhDi 1 a al ,A DISTANCE. Can have (by Stating their ease ernliiil. geiherwih ali their symptom-, per letter, eneloe. j ing a remiitahte) Or. K.'a medicine, appropriated according!-.'. . . i - . . Korwnrd. dtoanv part of thefjnif-rf . m packed ectire from damage or curiosity-, by Mali or ESpress. , , . . - , HEAD YOUTH AND MiNHnnn r - A Yigoroua. Life or a. Premature Death fc;'mlr, li on Self- Preeerralion Qnty 25 Vents. -Letters containing iha: value ia stsmcs. wilk ei.sure a copy, re return el. mail. GU ITIS! GRATIS I! GICATIS,t A free GIFT To All. , ' ; .. ' ' . MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature Guide." a, new and nn.fca ve . full of valuable advice and imnri-iv war..:.. . alike calculated to- prevent vear of ml..rw save thousands of live, i dhttribaied without' eharge, and forwarded by mail, prepaid to aar -Post Office in the United Siatra an . - order enclosing two postage etamp. ' &3 ly-wdrt : . THP. AW T "T SOUTHERN ME THO D IS oTl i ; iA. reuf amount -ttnkJ ' ' . -3 ' 'A very eampfefe ww! wv' repoaitory of ia loraanea ttlwrtcrty hfrUw J . very Atetttodist la Ut 9uth shooUl B V!lL v ,'?' VArKta Ml of this hook." Home Circle i"WiB g4 bwic f ff if than tha worth i iwn xm vm oi wn oi auqw aron. In... 'nd t - naa oriflar m. r mj rr -t . ' ' - - irae. . 1 -We d not expected s M It derpry in- : trtot.',-ra.ilrfrialtj 185f2 -How ran we Aai wtt 'hZftur?' ma. tprliep'aoidexeewtlonof ftwehbly CXrct. com- bonnd and, t-CT"!! vJla aV ajf Borsaoas etrrnlatinn letteied. ll - - -. se Orris Sinsrie eojuts, tw mat-, vrerdid. 1. t&- T preaooers nd booksellers, ordering 1 rinn n nr. mote; 80 per cent. discoJiTT. KIj 1 ordered from Stevenson Sc. Owen. Nashville; W. P Gtir. flth, Norfollt, Yke Ar. j . VT. TUlt, WilsBintfirw, H. V.; E. H. Mjct, Cbarlenlnn. S- C, nrH. I MeGtani. New Orieitr. . T7T For singbj couir and magcbSca, aWdrrss the editor, - . ' . CHARLES. T. DEEMS. LMay Vk. ';. 25tw i Wilmington, V. SARDINES. 'tCCt( BOXES Sardines, v. bolt. alfa ' " jk 'Kj q ita it era Cur sale low by & f. M .1 I I aoancrca, iceisirangeand nnar countable sensations, and vague fears in iln "Self Preservation.") ,. i i. 3. GEO. MYERS.