iThs Roanoke Beacon. Published K very Frirify by 'J.11R JfoANOJS VVJJI-'UiNV poMTKlS?. W. PlETCUFli AtUBOX, Lo,cal Ediuy. THOMAS IIDSGV, fiuaines Manajjef. Adytirtlwinenrji Itemed at low rate. The editor will not be responsible fyr ho vws JOT corrwpoidenti. , All article for publctirm tnmttfre accompanies by the full imnwtof fi writer. OrretiiKtf'dtJtir wo rvjuetd .ot to fiteon bat one ntdti of t he paper. All cominumcaiioiii must be MHt in by Thursday morning or ihey will hoc appear. AtldrvM Mil dominituicfitioas t9 THE I40ANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. We appeal to every ijader of Th? TCohqx licArO.' to id 119 in making U an acceptable and irofltable medium of new to or cltinenc. Let Vlywoiiih people and the public fcoow what la jioing on hi Plymouth. He port to ,e ail iteu of e Uif nr rival and departure of friend, uclal event", deaths, ituriou ilinew, (tc,ident, new buUdina, new cnterpriw and improvercet of .whatever character, chuuce in inline. juiced anything and everything iht would be of biterettt lo our people. JFRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1889. - Dr. Eugene Grtsskim's euccessor vyill be fleeted September 11th. Tjl Democratic convention at Richmond, Va., nominated Capt Phil. McKenney for Governor, I. Iloge Tyler for Lieutenant Governor, aud R. Taylor Sco for Ato cey jQeneral. General Mahoke was nominated at the Republican convention at Norfolk on Fri day last, for Governor of yirginia. -His nomination is a relief to the' DemopratijC party, as his only (strength lias ju bja 1 money. Auoko the candidates named for tlf e o$ce pf Superintendent of the Insane Asylum to succeed Dr. Urssopa, are as follows; , Dr. Long, of Oraham; Dr. Inghea, of 1 Dr. Hines, of ttaleigh; Dr. Foote, of War Vcnton, Dr, Wood, 6Y Scotland Keck, .nd Dr. Roberts, of Durham . . No doubt many others will follow, but ! who the lucky one will be is yet to be Renown. ' . The survivors of the fchujitown flood fQ raising a complaint against Governor frith mismanagement of the funds entrusted to Jdm. They claim that he baa n.pc prop erty . distributed the noney so liberally raised by the pubki. ' The Governor is also charged with hav ing discharged the laborers to such an jexteat that the Board of Health is powerless and fears that the stoppage of wrk will soon follow. A special session of the Legislature is askd to 6treightea the ' WniLE in session the last IgNJature passed au act reqairiug all parsou i who are now practicing qr who shall hereafter practice medicine, to appear before the Clerk of tha Superior Gonrt of their county, pefore January nest, and show a license given by the Board of Medical Examiners or a diploma from a regular medicU college issued prior to March 7, 1885. The Clerk is required to register the name and resi dence of said party and the date of registrar i tion. This is an act to prevent incompetent men, who know nothing of diseases and but Iitt)e of medicine, from humbugging the people. This law should be curried , put to tbe point for oftirnes life has tq bo entrusted to the care of the physician and he, of all men, should be a man of knqwl. . pdge and professional skill. If a physician has not received hie &) ploma or has not been grauted a liceube by the Board of Medical Examiners he is not fit to be called upon ij time of illness, and A?r people bhould guard against ny maa claiming to be a physician who cannot , produce the required licence or Sheepskin. DR- GRISSOM RESIGNS At a meeting of the Board of Directors pf the North Carolina Insane Asylum on ' August 2'Jd, thf resignation of Dr. Eugene Grissom was tendered as follows : TO THE BOARQ OF DIRECTORS OF TUB N. O. ; TN8ANK ASYLUM: Gentlemen : Under the circumstances, J feel it my duty to tender my resignation pf the office of Superintendent of the North Carolina Inline ! Asylum. Owing to the inability and cqnsequence absence frofa .' daty of the assistant pnysiuinn. my imme diate departure would leave the institution without any medical care, aud being nn- wuung to prejudice m tue agree he interests of the awylum, it is agreettble to me, if it is tnp wisn oi tbe board, to re ;nam until my successor is appointed, and installed, to whom it will afford me Treat pleasure to give full inlormution respectinir every detail of uiattageinent, and in regard to fevery case in tne asylum, and to aid him in every way to pntpr upon tbe successful discharge or nis unties. ' Yfy rerpectfally. : , . Euoene GtJfSSOlI. THE CROp OUTLOQK. ProgrjfBivo nrfner, ' Latent rurus est jm&te tbe American wheat crop of 1889 at TiQO.OOO (NKJ ? bushels in excess of last year, i'his will Jcayo not lead tUatt 150,000(0fl0 bushels of vhpat for pxpoifc: ;. Last year ' tb prport3 of wheat flour amounted to Igl.OOO.IMXV buKbels, notwithstanding tfte iiUstacles to tl;e export tnule that were ereattfl by 8peculal.ive . mirations in tuO tJJneago viieat pit." In tjn pieut favowble ; conditions the eprn fjrop of this yes? prom Sa to ue etiormnus IjftHt vear's yield of liidiau corn was etima ied to bo Hourly .Cii),l)0(),0ip bushels, and it i irlible tiut it will bt excuedinl con hiderubly by the croji of this yc!ir. Lant year's experts of Indian corn and ecru iiieitl emouuted to bnt little more than 85, 'uOOOW!) bushels. Hut in corineipiencs of . the f iiurt ropjof wlieat and Other cereals ifl ltu ;a and Awitn the exports or lodiau f;crn j.?L-iiiio to be greatly slimuluted in rd':r to "vyply tho poor of Jurops wivh "GET THERE.'-' Tlie Key. fcNitu V. Jous giyes, tbe fol lowing views wpou the ptrau VGetTUero"; Tluue Is no sti'ouger phrai p )i lips in our language " X,han we find embodied in tbPHo jronls get there.". Tey are ex. lreasiv aud fto;;cib(l, and tliey belong j.Mculiaf ly to ujnetenth eentury. . To the age when Q jien to the rsh of com merce, the roar of the engine and the click V' the telegraph. This is an age of move meut of intense, persistent movement, and I know no subject which should be m ire ting t,0 ns s this phrase, '-'get there," I ruujbt Hpend the'hour telling you how to get there socially. But when a man gets there socially he hasn't gotten very far. I believe the dude is the highest develop ment of getting there socially. T)Q you know what a dude is ? He is jugt little pimple on the surf see of society; and jyhen you squeeze it, it is a dudine. So there is not much gained by getting therD socially. Or I miglij, spend the hour discussing how to get thefe tinancwlly; but they who will be rich fall into divers temptations, and pieroe themselves through with many sor rows. Selfishness is the meanest thing' the devil ever invented, aud hell ijtselfia only selfish neo uu fire. I have ofttt wondered why sonjw men don't go to hell from nat ural AOiunustion. Ho hena luaq get's there financially ho hasu't gotten very far. Asain, we might spend iUe hour discuss ing how to get there politically. "But I have observed that when n njau gets to be utterly useless in the world we scud him to Congress. I have more respect for any clafa Qf uw3u ihm for the politician. I can pray for all eorts of meu, bt when I get down to pray for the politician J! can't pray as high as I can spit to save my Jlife. We have a better way to get there than any of those. Aud, in onicr to get there in the right way, we must suppose (hree things : first, a man who waats to go so.uie piaa-j next, a w.ty; next, the place,. First, we want a JfA.. I have heard some peop: get up iu church, aud sing, -0 to bo nothing, nothing !' What do you wantbj) be nothing for? How can God rown nothing 't How can nothing play on 9 harp ? Faucy old Brother Nothing going tQ heayan, aud qld Sister Notliing going along with Lini. And when ttiey get to heaven people y,Ti'.l wulk over them because they can't see nothing. I believe in humau nature. God nj-lde human nature, and whatever God mdia is good. It is not human nature, but per. verted humau nature that we are at vr with. It is worth a trip to the end of the world to gee one true, noble, royal raau . I sat dowu by a 3f an one day, and the longer I talked with him the bigger he got and the smaller I got. And 1 had to get away urety quick to have anythiug to get away with. . yy e waut men. And. alter w h$ye got ,4 man, the next thing we want is a yay. There is a great deal in the way. , yoang man, if you choose the way of tbe saloon and the gatnbliag bell, you are going to destruction just as surely as those iron rails lead to Kanss City. And when a young man chooses tbe way of honor and uprightness I Bay, young mini, you are going to be an honor to your father and mother, and a blessing to your oqnatry aud your God. If j'ou wuofc b be uupody, (he way is open, and you vau get the?e. Manhood, manhood in the way. Then the first thing I would enthnce mto a man would be life. If there is anything in this world I like, it is life. I like a live Ghristiau, a live merchant, a live lawyer, a uyeto'n. there is one thing l'ye got agiuut Missouri. There are only qhe or two live puce j in all the btate. You need life. It tates life to make things cq. We preochprs need life. We are heactyug the prosesBion- You can tell a live preacher by the subject he discusses. I beard an otd preacher get up and preach an hour and a half about infant baptism - mistaking perspiration for inspiration. All the babies iu town were fast asleep, and half the old folks goiug to heaven, Auother old fellqw preached ou baptism, crying "water, water," and half of his people going where they qan't gpt a drop. We waut a live preacher, yno prpaphes a gospel of truth, a gospel of power. Talk about your dignified preach ers. If a man has anythiug else, he don't 1 .1 " ' . Tl t t I.-. it. . . ueeu umuiij xur., 11 ne iiiiHU'i guii any thing else, it will take a good deal of dig nity to run him. ' Ihe next thiug I would give to a man is courage. No m" pan get fhere without courage, preachers need more courage. 1 he preacher who is a raid of anything that wears hats ain't fit to be a preacher of the gospel. We all need courage. Stand for tbe truth, ana if you Qie in tne jail, ate game and go bqme to Uod to be crowned. It sometimes takes courage to keep from being an infidel. I'd rather )e the lowest down criminal in tbe State penitentiary than to be an opeu avowed infidel. What is. Christianity doing V It is building alms bouses, helping the poor, raising (he fallen. What is infidelity doing ? Fighting Chris tianity. Aud, as I said, I'd rather be the meanest prisoner than au avowed iutidel . We need the grit of a Daniei of the three Hebrew children, who d&red to do right in defiance of kings. I'be next Bpirit I wonjd enthuse into a man is patience. It is wonderful how far patience will go in tnis world. Be patient in your business in your home life. Years ago, "vyben I thought my wife was on her death bed. I nettled the matter then and there tlit before I would speak another unkind word to her I'd lay down and let mv head be sawed off with a dull case knife. I Relieve a man ought to loe his wife as much after he is married to ncr as oefore. And ho ought to tell her every day or two that she is the dearest, dariingest, sweetest woman in the world. Some meu will have to lie to do so. but do it anyhow. The nest thing is kindness. Brotherly kiDdneos. That is a word from home. I Wish e could all be brothprs. Some peo ple think that the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ is joining tbe church and being baptised- Tliut ain't religion Tell the fellow wbq thinks that that it was something ha ate which affected him. Kiuduwssisihe vwv luuid . if ornivfh in Christian fraco. 'ihe life of Jesus Christ may be summed up in a few words: Ue went about doing good. And this is the kind of religion we . rut : - a 1 - . a 9 il,.L.fon. itv. If you take all the prpminent men the world has known, yq l will find that they have spejjt their livpg doing good tq all men. :And we couciuae tuai to get inere in the beet serosa is to attain trqe royal manhnqd aud womauuooo. oiinstian au vacate. l?OT QENRAI, CqNSID EREQ. The late .Tiulj;e DavU said this, and it is wortlj reproducing: ' Each year the locnl paper gives from 5i()0 to $.-.,KX in fra Hn for the benefit of tbe community in which it is located. Nn other agency cm or will do this. The editr, in proportion to his means, does more fqr his . xX thaa &ny qthsr ten IT??:" NEWS ITEMS' ..lltavy.slonus we report eI on the -'A. roller process Hour mill will bebuii at WuyueKVl,le ' ', .v': .' Age cannot expect to bo ' honored if it tiles to , aot like gilded youth. , . , Jt is abiitod that 15.000 negroes have left the Sta,te Eiutce last VovemVer. Alute voman eloped wit a negro man frotn Charlotte last week. Ex. The Edenton Agi-icnltdral Rnd FiRh Fair is to be held Oct. pf !0 aud S. A Baltimore company will establish ft crockery factory at Wilmington. There are now 4(5 convicts employed in the shoe factory in the penitentiary.' Judge Wright, of CincinnatJ, has & cat tle ranch in Cherokee county i this State. There is a movement to bond the city of uuariotte iy,UOt) lor street improvement. Mr. C. C. Winslow has bepa elected Mayor of WInfall, N. (J., to Bijeceed Mr. A. S. Jordan. We lcwi that a new opera house to 750 people has been contracted or at uicaory, a. v. The Salem panning fa,cory put up oyer cans of peaches one day last week. Winston itepubliuan. The electric liht plant Js an apcomplished fact for Elizabeth City. The light will be turned on in auoyt w days. The ifurfreesboro Fair will pa hId on November 5th, 9th, 7th and 8th. llon.-Z. ). Yance will deliver an address. Parties in Macon county while hunting bees discovered a iUle-suakes' den and killed ti rattle-euakes and 7 pilots, A Raleigh negro who vent to Mississip pi last spring has jasjt walked back, lie says graveyard.-! are as large out there as cotton fields re here. One of the successful race horses this summer is cabled "Defaulter. M Je ruus well, and is named after a financier uow sojourning in Canada.JEx. The chances of being killed while crawl ing under a .circus tent are one in 2113,4(17. but a Cleveland boy has just drawn the unlucky nnnjber. Buffalo Jfixpress. It is easy enough 0 find plenty of men who think the worjd owes thern a living, but hard to find a chap who is willing to own up that he has gejlpcied the dpbt iu full. One who is anxious to succeed, asks : 41 What is always a safe rule to go by ? " That's a tough question. However, we rise to the emej-gpucy. If you cprne to a saloou on your way to success it is always a safe rule to go by. Philadelphia J?naa. The E. City Economist says ; There was a large shipment of tubs from Oodftey's jeuar violas, iu inis town, 10 new urieaus last wek. This is eaid to be the first shipment of tubs from any town in North Carolina out of the (State. Scort one for Betsy. A great many people flunk: editors are always wiiliug to g$t scmeihing to "fill up" the paper. This is a lnistahe. Every editor knows that it is easy , enough to fill up the paper, the troub.e being to find something with which to fill up the editors aud their families. Ex. The Southern Tobacco Journal says that every tobacco factory iu North Carolina and Virginia is working from a quarter to a third more tobacco this year than last year, and the three years preyious, and that tbe shipments are larger tuan for five years past. This a indeed oq4 uewa. Two druggists nere shoved np in Mor. gantou the Qtbr day for violating the local option law. Que was fined $100 and cost and other indictments held over him as a guarantee of good Ijeuavior iu the future. Tne other was imprisoned iu the county juT threp months and fined $r00. Argo naut. The Upwton Enterprise 6a ys : The farm ers are making hay while the sen shines, in the literal se,use of the word. For since the sun came out eyery cjoyer field has been covered with big cocks of Jay, and the barn lofts are filliug up wjth thi best qf stoclf. foqd and land fertilizer. The plows are alco steadily running getting the laud ready tqr another prop ot wheat. Lanier's Canning Factory is being run to its lull capacity, every day 400 dozen cans of berries, Iruits and vegetables are being put up. Mr. Lanier saw himself on seyeral oppasions compel'ed to turn his whole wood-working establishment into one vast wooden box factory to keep his canning factory supplied with cases for cuuned goods. North Carolina Herald. Red rain fell recently in the province of Lubin, Russian Poland. The shower lasted for about ten minutes. The peas ants who mistook the red liquid for blood becan)e pauic-si cken and crowded the churchps, where they were quieted by the priests, geyera bottles of the red rain werp Kent to phemists and xnicroscopists in Warsaw fo examination, For several days after the shower all the surface water in Lubm was ot a dark pink color. h,x, MAN AND WIFE. Qrcenvie Reflector, B,y observing as cjosely as possible the following "lefs" the number of homes "tip let" will be mtenally decroasod : Let each allow the other to know some thing, Let each consult the other's feelings. Let each realize fee fact that they are one. Let the husband frequent his home, not the club. Let his having "to sec a man" wait till next day. Let his latch key gather to itself rust from misuse. Let him speak tq his yife, not yej 'say" at her. Let him be as courtoqus af(ec marriage as before. Ijethiui confide in hfg wife; their inter ests are equal. ket hiiu assist her in beautifying the home. Let hirn appreciate her as his partner. her not worry hint with petty - trou. bles. ' ' Let hpr not narrate Mrs. Hext Door's CQSSiD. Let her not fi et because Mrs. Neighbor has a sealskin . Jet hpr make home more pleasant than the club-' Let lier dress as tastefully for him as for strangers. Let her sympathize with him in business cflres. ' ' Let her home mean love and rsst, not noise and etrile. Let ber meet him with a kiss, not PERRY lAIIIFACTUEIIG COIPMY, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN . Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shingle Mills. Edgcrs and Lath Mills, Pulleys, Shafting, Belting &c. Orders lor Castings and Macliin0 work of all kinds Solicited. Send for catalogue and prico list. G34 G37 &; 641 Qeen St. 3NORFOL1K, Va. rJjHE NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. TlIE DIRECT SHORT LINE BETWEEN PLY MOUTH, Edbntpu and Eastekn North CahoLina akp Norfolk, akd ia roiNxs kortu. Mail and Express leaves Norfolk daily (except Sunday) at 10;2() A. M., arrives at Edenton 1:45 P. M-, making close connec tion with all passenger lines to and from Baitimoro, New York aud Philadelphia and the north. Connect at Edenton with the Company's Steamer Plymouth for Jttoanoke River, Jamesville & Washington K. It. Aibamarle & Raleigh It. R. Str. Bertie for Windsor andUashie River, alsn) with the Str. Ml. E. Roberts Tnesday, Thursday aud Saturday for all landings on Chowan River as high as Winton and Mouday and Wednesday for Columbia and landings on the Scijpper uong River. Tnrough tickets on sale on Str. Plynvouth, and baggage checked to stntions ou the Norfolk Southern R. R. and landhtt'S on River routes, and to Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. Norfolk freight and passenger stations at Norfolk & Western R. It. depot. Freight received daily until PM. (except Sunday) aud forwarded promptly. O EASTERN CAROLINA DISrATClI FAST FREIGHT LIKE. Regular line of Freight Steamers ply between Elizabeth City and New Berne and Washington, N. C. connecting with the Atlantic i& North Carolina Railroad. Daily all rail service between Elizibeth City, Edentou and New York, Philadel phia and Ralttmore and Norfolk. Through ears without breaking bulk, low rates and quicker tiine than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch as follows: From Norfolk, via Norfolk tou thorn Railroad. From Baltimqro, 'via P. W & B. R. R. President St. station, From Philadelphia, by Penn. It. R. JJock St. Station. From New York, by Penn, R. R. Pier 27 Noth Biver. For further information apply to Levi Blount, Agent, Plymouth, or to the General Oftice of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company Nprfolk. II. C. HUDGINS, Geu'l.Fr'fc. &Pass. Ag't. M. K. KING, Gen'l. Manager. augl6'-ly. Geo." 2. Stevenson DEALER IN Patent Roller Process Meal, Hay, Corn, Brand, Hominy &c. In fact anything kept in a first-ctass FEED STORE. Also on hand a fine stock of faucy and Jieavy Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Can goods, &c., fcc. At rocfc bottom prices. CHveinea call. Cor. Water and Jefferson Streets, Plymouth, N. C. Mills at Snowden, U. C- S. K. EVEEETT, DEALER IN Dry goods, Boots and Shoes and (irocerie?. Hardware anil Orockery a Si)eciaJty. Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of County Produce- B. F. Owens' old stand, corner Water and Adams street, v . Plymouth, N. C. Dealer in Orocci ies & Confectioneries. and wholesale and retail dealer in Foreign and Domestic -Fruits. Manufacturer of aud Wholesale and Iielail Dealer In BJUCK. No. 141 Water Strhtet, Pi.TMotrT.1, N, 0. m tie fDLD RELIABLE!' Carriage Factory, II, FE At Proprietor, Plymouth, C vs- U 1 p MAAUFACXltrilEn OF Buggies. PJiaelons, lload-carts, arm-carts, wagons &c.f at prices lower than ever. Men with tho cash oan get a bargain. I defy competition and will not bo undersold, Repairing of all kinds done. Give ine a call, o-hea-t, cjierxtvgj- sale OF Alii STOB1EE GOODS, At Both of iiy Stores Up and Pown Town. As have a large stork ef Clothing left, and the season is almost over,. I am detep, miued to sacrifice at least' half of my large stook before tho Summer is gone at astonish ing low prices to make room for Fall and Winter goods. Hero are some qf iny pricps ; .Mens 4 button cutaway suits worth $25 00 for $15 00. Mens Very fine black all wool diagonal Biiits from $ W to $1000, Black Alapaca Coat worth 2 00 for $1 00. Mohair and fancy coat and vest worth $3 50 for $2 00. Seersucker coat aud vest worfh $1 00 to $2 00 for 75 cts Fancy, t-triped pants worth 50 for $1 25. ' Mens wool serge guita in four different colors worth $10.00 for $6 50. .. Big lot of finebt silk scarfs, elegantly lined worth 73 and 60 ctslor 25 ola, .. , . Be on hand early and get some of these unrepeatable bar gins by O. WEWMANN, Edenton. IV. O, Hilitary 7 Academy- EsTAELISaED IS 1875. One nf the cbeajwst and bent equiped Schools in the South, where boys and young moU are prepured for bucinees, or for college-. Supplied with chemical and philosophical appar atus for eclentiflc Illustration. Chart, Globes aud Ma4c Lantern to Illustrate Geography.Physiology, .Nutjiral aiatory and Asirour omy. Compaq. Level and Transit for field work In Land Surveying and Civi' Kngineeri ng. Uandsonie nickel-plated vitlra and accoutrements furuislied by the StatB. . Full Corp -of experienced Graduates of tho highest Innutritions, as Instructors. Special attention paid to the liUSlNHSS COURSE consisting of PENMANSHIP. BuUK KEEPING, OoMMk itCI AL AIUTLUUSTIC and PitACTlO AL MATUBMATlcS. Seventy-Bix C'ailets frop five States n attendanpe durine; Hie last ie.sion. 'l'hunxt session will begin on Wednesday 11th of September, ami clow; in June 1890, for 8 page Catalogue address Joseph Ring, A. M., lVk SUFFOLK, VA. NEW ENTERPRISE The undersigned respectfully an nounces to the citizens of Plymouth and Washington county that haying purchased the entire Outfit .of the late Stewart Ward they are now prepared to fill all orders in the C Undertaking Business, with neatness, cheapness and ' dispatch. .a j-mm . i . nn- . JPe A full supply tf Metallic and Wooden Caskets always on hand. Give us a trial' . . Marriner. &. Truitt, Ward's Old fitand Washington Street.. I ' -i H t-J I V fW till I h4 ll I t ' Li I. r 1-1 I IT T L Will open the first Monday (2d day) of Septomber 1889.. The desigp of this school will bo to prepare students for College or any pursuit of business life. Sufficient measure will be adopted to en, force discipline. Methods of instruction are thorough, practical and fully abreast of the times, Special attention given primary CLASSES TUITION M O D E) It A T E . -a Latin, German and French will be taught, -r-Board can be secured at low rates, For further information address ,C. W. T01IS, Ph. B. Principal. . .. Plymouth, N. C, WESLEYN FEMALE COUEGE, MURFEDESBOKO, C, This Old and "Well-Knows School will open on WEDNESDAY, SEPT., J8th 1880, It offers many advantages j A thorough course under teachers of ABDUTY and experience, a large and well , arranged building with : rooms for 80 boarders, a large and beautiful Chapel, high-pitched and well ventilated rooms, lecture and practice rooms, all heated by steam, afford, ing all needed comforts for boarders. K-TERMS VtUY MODERATE. Correspondence Solicited. . E. E. PARIIAM, a1 Mm Pres't, VINE HILL MALE ACADEMY SCOTLAND NECK; Halifax County N. C, Fall session opens August 12, '89. Prepares boys for Business, College ' or the Active duties of life. Course of Instruction thorough and cornprchensive, iiicludipy; the science? and the classics. Coit of Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights &c, From $52,."0 to $.'7,00 per session of five months. Community strictly moral. VY. C. Allen, Principal. Write for Catalogue.