J t V. "Y Tho , Roanofc Beacon. jPLYMOUTlT. N. 0. Entered In the Post Officii at riymouth N, C to scv.viu wises iiinuur. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1889, STATE .COVEllKVEST. Governor, Daniel-G. Fowle. of Wake. Lieutenant-Governor, Thos.M. Uolt, of Aiiraance. Secretary, of State, Wni. L. Saunders,.of 'wane. . Treasurer, Donald W. Bain, of Wake. Auditor. Geo. W. Banderlin, of Wayne, superintendent or I'uDuc instruction, tSidrey M. Finder, of Catawba. , Attorney General, Theo. F, Davidson, of ; .uuncomue, . j COTOTT OOVKKNMENJP. Sheriff, John B. Cheason. Deputy Sheriir, J. II. Truett. Treasurer, laoais Ilornthal. Superior Court Cierk, Thos. J. Marine? Register of Deeds, J. P, Hilliard. Com mlasi oners, II. J. Starr. A. M. John- jston, Levi Bloqat, pempsy Spruill and VV. It. Uhesson. Board of Education, T. 8. A mislead, tianvl. jqonaton And .J nuns liowen. Superintendent of Publio Instruction, sev. .Luther j&uoime. OITT. Mayor and Clerk, E. R Latha,ci. Treasurer, W. H. Hampton. Police. J. F, Ay ere. - -Couneilmen. J. W. Piercy, James Daven. (port, Joha Willoughby, J. H. Smith, John -Wiggins and Joseph Mitchell. CHUBCH SERVICES. . Methodist Rev. 0 . W. Robinson .pastor, Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday rncht at 8. Sunday school at iia..m i F. Norman, superintendent. Young Men's Prayer meeting every Monday night at a Baptist Rev. R. IJ. Collier, paetor, .Services ever 2nd Sunday at 11 a.- m :-fcnd 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. .Cfpt. James Swift, superintendent. . Episcopal-r-RoT. Luther Eborne, rector. Services every 2nd Suuday; at 7.30 p. m.. and every 3rd Suuday at 11 ft. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at lu a. ui., u. l. agan, superintendent. CJ.TY MARKET- REPORTED BY H. J. PUNCH .& CO., fcnlejs In Meat, Qreen and Heavy Grpcerioe. Pro Iuol', CVvntcctioiicries ana Patmit Aliciucs. Buy ers of Corn and other Pioflucts. .Corn, per Bus., Meal, " w C. R. Bides per Uincon iJholders Bacon Breakfast Strips lianas S. C., Lard refined (CO eta, 75 8 9 11 H 10 Lard Country 12 Flour, ner baixol. from f 3.5G to 50.00 V. 1; Molasses, per gai.. Black strop " " Syrup " ", granulated Sue;ar, per lb Light brown " " Butter- ' " " " Green Coffee , " " Roasted Coffee " Eggs per doz.. Tobacco, per lb Miot " " Jinn Pnwda1 " " a: 20 35 11 0 2a & 30 2D & 22 25 12 23 to 1.00 W to 8 25 to 75 Coal Qjl Whito.Sof ety ISO, per gal, li n v lied U.. per gal., 13 Apple Vinegar 30 8 75 18 fSultanno, (Prunes, per fi .Pickles. Cucumbers, per 100, . Bee's Wax, per lb Tallc-sf, " " '. Hides, green, ' " " 6 n 8 lQito 25 - 40 GO 80 ' best flint, " ' (Candy ' " Bait, fine, per Bus., " T I-' " " jsiown " " COURTS. "VfRsT JVJiffilKU piSTItlCT. jSjmiNO Judge Boykin. ,' . Fai Judge Brown. BeauforU-Feb. 18lh. May 27th, 25th. Currituck Mateh 4th, Sept. 2d. Camden-March 11th, Sept. 0th. Pasqnotank March 18th, June 18th. Sept. 16th, - ' perqnimans--March 25th, Sept. 23. Chowan -Aprjl 1st. Sept. 30h. Gates April ,8th, Oct. 7th. Hertford April 15th, June 17tb, Oct. 14th. . ; Washington -April 22d, Oct. 21st. 'lyreU April 29th, Oct. 28th. Dare May Sth, Nov. 4th. Hyde May 13th, Nov, 11th. Famlico-May 20th, Nov. 18th. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE ! ' v OP " DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FURNITURE BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, &C, to make room for an immense new stock to arrivfl rom. the Northi Call and Oriat Bargains tor Cash ' . . SA11 kludb of Summer Qoodu sold at Cost. S. ADLEK, " Pltmodtii, N. C. herrod & Newberry's old stand. P. O. HKINKLEY & CO. -"Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, CHOICE BRANDS OF CIGARS. ft. Full Line of Superior Canned . Goods always on Land. for sale by wholesale or retail. PLYMOUTH, N, C, ;beacok:lasiie& " Cows ! cows 1 ! cows ! ! 1 " .' 1 ' Sweet potatoes in market , . . The Railroad will soon be here - Fall-like weather on Monday Inst. , .The train will be running in 30 days Oh,! for street lamps these dark nights . If you wish to succeed in your business, advertise The weather has been stormy for the past week. ; Miss Neva Johnston is the guest . of the Masses Hilliard. - . - - v Dr B F Hallsey, of Lee's Mills, ' gave us a. call yesterday , . The instruments for the Band are ex pected every day ' , Don't say you want a paper in the town and then not support it A str&Bgor said last Sunday that - this must be a goodc&ttle range. Mibs Addie Ralph spent a few days with friends in the country last week. Read the court notice of the A. & R. R. R. Co., yd Susan Williams, et als. Miss Mary Phelps, of Scnppernong, is Jiheuest of Ma s. J, E. Davenport. Mr C W Toms arrived yesterday and will open jbe High School Monday Mrs, Mary Davenport, oX Tyrrell county, spent a few days in XI) e city this week Miss Hope Hunger is on a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. B. Hunter, at Enneld. Mrs. John Nurny, who has been visiting friends in Chowan county, has returned. Mr. L. H. Ilornthal and family are ex pected to return from Nag's Head, Sunday. We received a pleasant call from Mr. G. D. Swain, of Skinnersville, on Wednesiay. Mrs S A Blount and Miss Ella Midgelt spent last Sunday with mends at James. ville G. II. Harrison says he can beat the beater in prices for shoes and ladies dress goods, Mr J. H. Smith represents the largest Clothing bouse in America. Suits from $G to $85 We return thanks to Mrs Fannie Nor man for a nice waiter of pears sent us on yeBteraay, Dr. J, M. McCarty will please accept our kindest thanks for a banket of line peaches tuiu week. A pair of horses, belonging to Mr. W. C Marriner, ran away on Tteaday last. No damage was done. In another colucau will be found Mr, F. R. Johnston's experience on cotton need meal s a fertilizer. Mr James Sparkman engineer on the R & L R R, after an absence of a few days, returned yesterday Mr. R H Cobb has been having lots of fun this week driving young horses, at which he is an expert There was no services at either of the ,V Lurches on Sunday last, owing to the abbeu.ee of the pastors. Miss Verona Ayere, of Washington, N. C, is the gnest of her uncle, Mr. W. C. Ayers, on Third street. The Str.. Plymouth has been bringing to our town during the last week, the largest freights for some time. G. H. Harrison has just received his fall stock of new goods. Call and examine before buying elsewhere, Mr. Johnson Cahoon. of Columbia, was in the city a few days this weeii $s the gae&t of Mr. J. P. Cooper. . We are indebted to Mr. T. S. Armistead for the report of Taxable Property which will be found in this ibfcue. nr. t 1 1 a.:ii l.on t,. ii. . past we,ek in Bertie county as the guest of his brotker. Mr. W. SDruill. -r. -.-- - Messrs. D. P., and J. T. Mizell, and W. L. Davis, of Windsor, were tha guests of Mr. J. E. Hughes, this week. If you want Cementing, Plastering, White. washing or anv kind of Brick wok done, call on W. H. Pettiford. Miss Ida M. Cheaaon, of Mackey's Ferry, spent the past week in the city as the guet .of Mrs. M. i. Norman and others. Our sporting young men will soon learn that it is against the law for them to drive fast in town. It only costs about $ 6.50. If any castings are broken send them to Nurney & Jackson. They will make the pattern and fill the order at reduced rates. TT What's the matter with some of our Doctors applying for the Suporintendency of the Insane Asylum to succeed Dr. Gris. som? Xnrnev Jk .Tanksnn. flontriotoM. hnva made out the bill for lumber to erect a new and beautiful piazza around the Latham House. Mrs. Cottie Karllee, who has been spend. ing some time with her sister, Mrs. E. R. Latham, left for her home at Lewiston, on Wednesday, On several occasions thi3 week the train from Washington failed to connect with the steamer at Jamesville, hence no mail from that way. - -. Mrs, W. L. Davis, of Windsor, who has been spending some time with Mrs, J, E. Hughes, on 3d street, returned to her home on Tuesday. Miss Nellie Chesson. of Lee's Mill?, spent the past week at "Roseneith," the guest of Mrs. A- M. Johnston, She is now with friends in this city. If you want a good fit and a pretty suit of clothes, don't fall to call on R. Schultz & Co., before purchasing elsewhere. Suits at your own prioea. . One of our young friends after stopping his paper still reads it. He need not bor. row it, as he does, if he will call at the office we will give him a copy freo. Jinst before taking a snooze, iio and buy a pair of ehoen From G. II, Harrison ' wull filled store, And you'll go tnerc to buy some more. Whether it is Mr. Owens good looks or winning ways that causes every !ody to hire their horses from him we don't know. It is both, with fine horses added, wo ex. pect. . - - I will hire my horses from B- F. Owens this trip or bust" the firm, said a drum mer the other day. On being asked whyf be. replied : "I always sail more goods and motrn L.itfur tfmrt vviMi fl r.air frt "Mr The Plymouth IIi'h School will open in this town on Monday next, wHh Mr. O, W. Toms sn4 Priiioipal. VVe'bope Our people will take an interest in this ' school '. and sapport it . . . -.. ' . ' ' ' If you wish any kind of .machinery over hauled call on Beasley & Bo wen at this p'aco. They are traveling through the county repairing engines and doing other machinery repairing, j .. Yon see a fellow riding through fair Plymouth U dros't up. line, With jnst about a yArd or two of Coat-tail streaming oat behind. Ycu'il say he's got a stepping horne. When before tho Mayor he's fined five and cost. Our mercliarits will ' soon leave for the northern markets '. to purchase , their fall stocks. ,Oc their return our readers will be posted, .as to who to' buy from, as the ones who sells cheapest will let it be known by advertising in the BeaCos The Saptist Sunday school of Windsor made an excursion on the Str. Bertie to Plymouth Tuesday la9t. But for the rainy weather they would have had quite a nice time. Come again, friends, when we have good weather. Our people will always give you a hearty welcome. M-r- C. T. Harden, of Windsor, the genial and obliging proprietor of the beautiful Str. JJertie, was in the city on Tuesday. We acknowledge with pleasure a call from him. Come aain. He informs ns that the Bertie is doing good work, under the management of Capt. I. Pipkins. Our people have no.occasion to leave the banks of the Roanoke to seek health in summer. They may stay in Plymouth and let the rippla of the glittering waters of old Roanoke sound in- their ears in per fect Rafety. Our climate is flue &nd the health of our people is generally good. Messrs. Nurney & Jackson, Undertakers, are now located in their new building on Washington street. They are also pre paired to cfb any kind of cabinet repairing. These men are Weil known and deserves a liberal share of the patronage. See ad in this issue. Mr. J. F. Ayers U their agent, and will take your Orders. In a former issue, we offered a reward of $5 00 to the man who wouid attend to his own business. A farmor called and elaimed the prize, but on boing quentioned, it was found that while at his neighbors, trying to borrow the Beacon, the cattle broke in his field and ate his corn. He lost the prize. It is every man's business to take his county paper, and keep good fenees. Next. In a letter recoived by Mayor E. R. La. thara, from Mr. J. E. Moore of Williamston, says; '"The iron will be at Gardner's Creek by next Monday night. There will ba some delay there, but it is hoped that it will reach Jame-iville by the last of the week (that is. next week) and will then push on fur Plymouth. II is hoped that the train can run regularly to Plymouth by the first of October." Miss Kittie Johnston one of our . most accomplished young ladies, who has charge of the Mackey's Ferry Academy, was at home this wank, owing to illness. We ar phased to note that Miss Kittie is making quite a success in the training of young minds. She reports 71 scholars on roll. We congratulate the good people of Mackey's Ferry upon having secured such a competent teacher. The fuueral cervices of Thomas Jones, (fiolored,) who died Juno 25th, at the res. idence of his son. I. W. Jones, in . this town, took place at .ho colored Methodist church on Sunday August 25ta, Rev. H. H. 1 Whodbee, of Edentoo, officiating, from the S4tli chapter and 41th verse of Matthew "'Be ye also ready, for in an hour ye thiDknottho 3onofM.n couoetk." The decease i was aged 72 years, and was one of the most highly respected colored citizens of this place. If the curtain of darkness could have been raised a few nights ago a fine scene would have been revealed. A man fell nvn.r a p.ow on the side-walk. In tfettinc out of the way he ran against a post, ouce used Lor s. street lamp, at wmcn point ne At.nnned and swore. at tho Dost for not having a lamp ou it, aud at the cow for being in the way. lie ana better 6tart out mtth n riHfilinn t.n tha nrtnnlo tn knert th " r A r r oows up, and to tho Couneilmen to give us street lamps. Hotel Arrivals- The following named persons were regis tered at the Latham tioute during the past week: J D Patterfeeld. J A Cahoon, T G Stilly. J A Owens, J B Shipp, Y L Spruill, J W Montague, J G Bikes, A S Browue, Samuel Hodgert, J L R Patterson, B F HalUey. A Steam Fire Engine Needed. Our town needs and should have a Steam Fire Engine. While the hand engine we now have is of great use to the town, yet, its capacity is not sufficient as only one stream can be run, while at the same time it takes 20 men to do the work. A steam engine can be feought for $1,500, which will throw 300 gallons of water per minute. Our town is increasing lu its population and the demand for a better Fire Depart ment is fast approaching. Let our citizens be awake to their interests before it is too hue. AN EXPERIMENT. I have used cotton seed meal for cotton this year and last year on a small scale and find it lar superior to anything I've ever used or seen used. I have cotton now with 75 bushels cotton seed to the acre and right along side, cotton growing with 500 lbs cotton seed meal per acre; the cotton seed meal exceeds the raw cotton seed. I also have experimented with acid phos. phate and kainite and pocomote and pacific gaano. ine ootion seea meat in same proportion of cost par acre is twice as good as either, and I can now show tho results to be true, on two lotw of grouna I also ufced cotton seed meal 50 lbs on 3 rows 125 yards, and right along side 4 loads of stable manure in b rows and left a row between each plot uncultivated, or cultivated with nothing in it. and the results were for cot ton seed meal 70 lbs seed cotton, lor stawe manure 70 lbs seed cotton, showing equal- ly, I also used cotton seed meal witn kainite and acid phosphate mixed, and the meal mixed with same makes a bigger dif ference than when the kanaitc and pho. phate are only mixed together, or they are usfid alono. T have mado the exp&rinieut on throe ploU of land, tho kainet in one plot was excooded by the phosphate consid erably and in tho others the kaiuet exceeded the phosphate, tnowing tne aenciency oi potash more in soma land than in other, and the deficiency in phosphorio acid in some more than other, but, in all cases nitrogen or aiuuonia more necessary than either as shown by the experiment of cotton ). Mayor's. Court- ' Mr. K. B. Latham wa3 arraigned before the Mayor on Tuesday for tast driving on the steeets. . Fined $-' 00 and cost. . Mr. Eugene Marriner .was taken before the Mayor on Tuesday and fined $,"..00 and cost for driving through town at an unlaw ful rate. . .. Joe Freeman, colored, - was arrested on Saturday last fcyJPolice Ayers, and taken before the Mayor charged with profanity on the streets. He - was ' convicted and fined $5.09 and cost. , Cownty Tajcafeles. Tho following is a true statement of the taxable property of Washington county j . Acres of land lCS.CnG, Value $494,304. Value Town Lots, . Plymouth 107.845: . ". Creswell 8.840. , $116,685. No. of Horses 747 Value " 4 Males 480 Value Cattle 3.281 " Hogs 6.100 ' " Money on hand, Solvent Credits, Shares in Corporations, All other property, Real & Personal prop'y white " Col, Eail Road property, General State tax, ' County tax. Special - School tax from Whites, .. Colored, Pension tax. $38,410. 2G.864. 17.893. 6,405. 28.518, 53.279. ,425. 120,150. 846 811. C5.998, 35.718. 2257.02. 3L33 98. 8717.87. 2273.20- 879 86. 394.32. Graod total, $11,055.75. Communicated . Mr. Editoii : I was pleased to see in the last issue of the Beacon your good feeling for our Alliance. We are always glad to make fnends, even witn Chose whom we cannot idrait in our order. It seems that we have enemies, from our recent treat ment in regard to holding our meetiegs in the !ort House. Our order means to do all the good it can to the whole people and no harm to any one. We did not deserve the treatment received. In this county we have ten sub. Alliances which in all numbers about four hundred. I thiuk that should give u? some right to use tfce property of the comity. Very respectfully, L. I, Fas a Precident Roanoke Alliance, Plymouth, N. C, LONG RIDGE LETTER Lono RiDfiK. N. C, Aug., 24, '89. Editor Roanoke Betook : The news at this place is very scarce, your correspondent is in need of an assis. tant to wield that mighty Weapon, the pen one possessing well developed powers of imagination preferred. Run has ceased and . tho few pleasant days have made the crops look mucn better. Right much excitement has been caused by mad doars recently. We are glad to say that the health of Mr. Joe Harrison is somewhat improved. Miss Rilda Kelly s visiting friends aad relatives at this place. Mrs. Langly Kelly the oldest lady of this place is seriously ill, we sincerely wish f or her a speedy recovery, Mrs. E. Rankins, ot Bnowden, N. C, was the guest of Mrs. W . 1. Morris last week. Our genial young friend and former teacher, Mr. F. L. Morris, is teaching the free school in district No. li near here, we wisn him much success in his task of 'teaching the young idea how to shoot." We hear that the Lumber Railroad will be in our midst in a few weeks and our country, the dense forests of which have never been disturbed by the 'lumberman's ax, when robed of its immense number of giant pines the forest will present quite a changed appearence. Tho Beacon comes each week bringing news of friends and kindred dear and is ever welcome as the bright sunshine, the sweet flowers or the smiling face of a friend to the well wisher of both editor and paper. Wild Rose. Never Swear- 8outhern Planter, 1. It is mean. A boy of high moral standing would almost as soon steal a sheep as swear. 2. It is vulgar altogether too low for a decent boy. 3. It is cowardly implying a fear of not being-believed or obeyed. 4. It is ungentlemanly. a gentleman, according to Webster is a genteel man well-bred, refined. Such a one will no more swear than go into the street to throw mud with a claim, ney-sweep. t One night I met a testy friend Whoe best girl I hud kissed ; Before I could wy act defend He bit me with bis t-sr The blow was given with such a vhu That fairly made on etugger I f tar ted to get back at him US wtii'ipiug out a t He quickly struck it from my hand, Aud up againat the bar I flew head first and teemed to land Amonj ten thousand After this fearful knockabout I raised a pierung yell. Which I am mire was quite without A Western J I fled, but failed to get away . My friend saw, with a laugh. In the police court oewu uext day I filled a 1 TOLEN from my shop on the night of S3 the fire; One Alphabet, 4 in. English concave style; 1 do. 6 in. Clarendon style; 1 do. 8 in. Keystone style; 1 do. 10 in. un finished block; 1 do. 12 in. finished block and one set stencils from 0 to 9. Ail persons are forbid buying or usiog the same uuder penalty of law. Iam General agent for the State of North Caro lina, and get my protection under Patent Right Laws, the above letters being paten tea and I am manufacturer's agent for the same in North Carolina, Respectfuilv, JAMES A, KEEfcAtf. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT WASH. INGTOM CO. Albemarle & Raleigh R. R. Co., ) Vd Susan Williams and ottwrs. j , To SuAan Williams, Alex Grimes and wife Seeiey, Green Grist and wife Sarah, Saunders lirimage, Delia A. Brimag-i, Frod Brimage, Jeuuia Wood, lake notice, that on Monday, Oct. 14th,' 183'J, appiicutioa will be mado before tho undersigned to have a right-of-way for plaintiff, railroad, eon. tlemmid across your laud, known as the William Williams laud, lu accordance with the Statute in such case made and provided and when and where you we required to appear and answer tha pctitiou filed inanid cause, or the plaintiff will be entitled to tho relief prayed for. THOrf. J. MARRINER, Cl'k. Sup' r. Court. ii- Eiigmo nud boiler,' One .10 saw Gin, Feeder and Condenser, been la nse about five years. One close condenser only used about ten days. " One steam power cotton press. Reason for sellinft. no use for same. Address L. C. MARRINER, ug.9-tf. Mackvy's Furry. N. C, i . , . j, Iob Sale As I wish to leave Plymouth. - I offer . for sale my brick business and stock of merchandise, A good investment for anyone wishing a good business. Terms reasonable, aug23-tf. J. T. PETTIFORD, - Sheriff 's Notice. Ttv vlrfno nt on vff.ntinn ifum&d bv tho clerk of the 8uperior Court of Washington oonnty, bearing teste cipnng xcrm, xoov or said Court and returnable to Fall Term, . . a nr tl 18&.OI paid uourt, in favor oi vy. u. TTamnton and ftcauist j! IL Oavlord. I will sell at Publio Auction for Cash at the Court House Door in Plymouth on Monday tne Bpnnnd rkv of SantAmber 1889. the follow ing property, to-wit : A tract of land in said county, adjourning tne lanas or, w. ftavlnrrl .T H. flnwriincr and others ' oon taining forty acres more or less and known as the Dr. John (jay lord nomes teaa. lime of sale 12 o'clock M. JOHN B, CHESSON, Sherilf Washington County. NOTICE. Owing to ill health I have taken in my Coach business Mr, C. W. Holliday as fore man and business manager, giving him the power to contract and collect for me. Mr. Holliday is a first-class workman and will be found a square man in all business pur. suits, he is formerly of Tyrrell county and has had several years experience in the carriage business. We intend keeping a full line of ouggies, latest and finest style side bars open and top. road.carts, carts. cart. wheels &c. I desire the patronage of my mends and the pa one generally and gurrantee value receive and satisfactioa in every particular. Respectfully, H. PEAL. OTICE OP INCORPORATION: THE CRESWELL ACADEMY. Notice ig hereby given that A. G. Walker, Alfred Alexander, William IX. Hardusda, Jamej L, lias soli, Johnson W, Spruill, Julius L. Howell, W. J. Mur cer, 1). SpraiU, J. L. Hansel 1 and Muthla Owens have 11 leu articles of agreement under their hands and aeuld before me as clerk of the Superior court of Washington county for the purpose of being Incorporated under the name and style f Tho Creswell Academy, and letters of incorporation have been Usued to them by that name under my jaand and official geal . The objects and business of said corporation shall be to prcmote and advance tho cauee of ed ucation, by organizing, establishing and maintain ing iu or near the town of Creswell. Wat-hington county, a preporitory and high school for bot a sexes ot the white race. The location of ftgid school and the business of corporation shall be conducted in or near the town of Crewell, Washington county, North Carolina. The length of its corporate existence to be thirty yea's. The subscribers to the capital stock are A. G. Watker, Alfred Alexander, William II. Hardi son, James L. Ha-iKcll, Johnson W. SprviU, ' Julius L. Howell, W. Mercer, 1). Spruill, J. L. Hassell and Matliks Owens. The capital stock shall bo not less then two or more than five thousand dollar; the shares taken in said stock shall bo fifty dollars each, no rtock holder to be personally liable for auy of the debts or contracts of tho corporation, TZtifl 23rd, day July, 1883. T. J. MARRINER, Clerk Superior Court. DR. S. E. MURRAY, DENTIST- PLYMOUTH, N. O. O. L. PETTIGREW, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Practices in all the States and Federal Courts. Office, Water Street, PLYMOUTH, N. C. Benj. Nubset W. J. Jacksoii. prney & Jackson, A Reliable and well-known firm are now engaged in the UNDERTAKING business at their new building on Washington St. All fcindB of OABINET renalrinsr done. send in your old furniture and nave it made new at &mau cost. We are prepaired to fill all orders for COFFINS at short notice. 2$3Also Contractors and Builders of long experience We guarrantee all work at prioes as low as the lowest. PNU 1 MENTAL AGL Repr2?cnting the well-known Marble Work of P- W. BATES, Worwalk, Conn. MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES Anv one wishincr to mark the last resting place of deceased relatives or friends by erecang a monument to tueir memory, win An well to call on the undersien. who will furnish estimates and designs upon applica tion. 25fAlso Agent for Fire Insurance. Only best uompanies represented. H. H. Brown. Office, Davenport & Piercy's Store, riyxnouin, i. j. -SUBSCRIBE TO- The RDannke BEacon1 "The People's Paper" PU DLLS II ED Every Friday -J TO This Offlc Pi We do Everything ia the Printing iine. IF YOU WANT Letter Heads, Koto Heads, ; Bill Heads, Envelopes, Circulars, Programmes, Card5. Or Posters of any . discre tion, Send us your , order. Our Prices Reasonable, OUR WOUK IRST-CLAO. Come and sco samples be. foro you send your worlc elsewhere. All Wirk Executed ffitli Nutacss id t- A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASKr- Our Motto Is, L Satisfaction and Promptness, WBBnSMMMMBMHKHaaa t ,. , ' ; We Respectfully Ask a Share of Your Patronage. ' , ' , We also do everything ia the line of Padding, , Don't forget ua but eend in a tjrial , order at once , lieiuembcr we furnisli every acoi weal and stock manure. F. li. Johnston. thing you WANTV, I